THE TXTSW AGS, PORTLAND, OREGON" 1' 1 THE WEEKLY LEADING HOTELS LEADING HOTELS LEADING HOTELS J THE ESMOND HOTEL OSCAIl ANDKUSON Manager Itatei: European Man We, 76c, t.0O, $1.50, t.'.OO per day Fruo Hut to and from all Train Front and Morrison Strcota P011TMNI) onEOON DULUTH MINN. HENRY FOLZ mSTORIAH jJmLfsi '"IP""' C"-"J-w LvlBBBBBBtdBBEI. aMasLssalllBalBBalBBaBjecBalBB m. m. mf a v 1 vCLj-s ' ' - eflaalaaffiLu8llMH 'Ml t jtBHeaaaaViTaTiJSiRiffjfR -.' 'iiiiniijjjjU- spTaaarVTaWBnfXSrta ipm-r . m u".nt bUbbT bssk assUaaVRfAt JimmmaWNlmmmaSFfmmrw'L wITWMaMrv'l T laaaaaaa ama$9fssKaUsWMlHsM J9mmmWWvL t issssssaal I Iraiif ImJ i ''"'t hi 'II - -''Bkmm nAaSBaSfBUBWaSiaM fj "" uBMPlWVL&mmmW ssfllRsssssfJsWWBWflawaBlaaVa: ulli i.'ilal JMlWaaawAaT . Z?TrmrkrMPl9rffKAm- BBSBaaaaaaanBBHSuaf3SfK , vaSTi 1ma HM v. HEE 9h Mil IB SS! PSBPy B ! IHflli BftliliiESIiHHBHM 110TEL cor $1,000,000. The Portland H. O. BOWCHM, Mmnmmmr. American Plan, S3 Par Day and Urn ward. HEADQUARTERS FOR TOURISTS AMD OOMMEROIAl TRAVELERS. Portland, Oregon Telephone 9C-B I 0. IlolWl The Grand Pacific Hotel C11AH. A. BCIIHAOK, Proprietor. Handsomely Appointed and First Class in Every Particular. Corner Railroad St. and Hlgglns Ave. MISSOULA, MONT. The Kenyon Don Porter Salt Lake City's NEW HOTEL Salt Lake City Utah The Grandon The wily First-Class American Plan Ho tel in Helena. Rates from $3 to $5 BOLLINGER HOTEL European Plan Lewiston Idaho Best Hotel in Northern Idaho The Northwest EDW. G. PATTEUBON. Prop. C1IAS. II. HATTlNGKlt, Mgr. Steam Heat in Every Room Private and Public Baths Electric Light RATES $2 PER DAY AND UP Bismarck, N. D. HOTEL PEDICORD T. J. PEDICORD, Proprietor Rates 50c, 75c, $1, SI. 50 RaosM with Private Bath Bath Aaterlcaa and turoacan Private Telephones in Room first-Class GriM in Connection 209-219 Riverside Ave., SPOKANE, WASH. POBTLAND. RICHARDS HOTEL AND RESTAURANT I'hone Exchange 25 360.362 Alder St. Cor. Park PORTLAND, ORE. Beat furnished house in Southern Oregon New Depot Hotel A. II. FRAOIIT, Proprietor. All Trains stop 30 Minutes For Meals. ASHLAND, OREGON The New Bannock Hotel NOHMAN & AHMBTltONO, Props. Headquarters For Commercial Men American Plan. Rooms with Bath, Hot and Cold Running Water and Telephone in Each Room. RATES $2.00 to HOO PER DAY Pocatttllo Idaho The Spalding Leading Hotel of the LAKE SUPERIOR REGION Enlarged and Improved American Plan, 2.r0 nnd Up Kuropean Plan (1.00 nnd Up Finest Cafe in Northwest DULUTH, MINN HOTEL WHITMAN UNDKK NEW MANAGEMENT A Home for the Traveling Men Strictly first Class. American Plan Electric lighted. Steam heated. Good Snmplo Rooms in Connection. J. C. BROWN, Manager. COLPAX. WASHINGTON H2Jtmfma H D iTTef iaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV VaBaaRaWftHEEkS SBTeaaah, . v""fj "'UiC aaaaaaaaaaaaaanBi aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaL. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaW laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasah. ffBhaejaaax Lending grocory nnd mar ket. Wo servo the- traveling public nt rensonnblo prices. 114 nnd 110 West Superior street. DULUTH, MINN. f GREAT FALLS : ? Cloths Mnn, Womnn, I3oy in Modern Up-to-Dnto Fashionable Clotliing at Popular Prices. Visit Often the Popular Priced Store for Men and Women. Great Falls, - - - Montana. E. A.IIKICHRU President. W. K. BKNOilUHOII. Vlco rrenldcnt. 11. W. UllUNWALDT, Bee. Sl Treas THE AMERICAN BREWING & MALTING COMPANY Brewers nnd Bottlers of extra quality lager beer. "American Family" bottled beer a specialty. Ofllco: 100 Coutral Avonuo. P. O. Box'80. dreat Falls, - - - Montana. fit lIUAHUAUVtKMSIWi ! Tnoi. Wyth, Pro Lyman Fargo, Vlco Pro The Blyth & Fargo Co. T'oratcllo, Idaho General Merchandise BTOUEB AT Evanston, Wyo. Pocatcllo, Idaho BANK0FNAMPA,Ltd. CAPITAL STOCK $50,000.00 Established 1699. Pewey Palace Hotel Bld'g. FRED G. MOCK, Preildent T. ). CONUOV, VIce-I'rtiulent C. II. 1IICKEY, Cashier FRANK JENKIKSON, Aa't Cashier NAMPA, IDAHO J, A. Murray, I'rctlJcnt, 1). W. StaaJrod. Vice Prtsldaat Wat. A. Ahthcs, Cashier I, N. Aathta, Asst.CashUr THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK V of Pocatwllo, Idaho. POCATELLO, - IDAHO TUTTLE MERCANTILE GO., LTD. Wholesale Grocers GOODWIN MININO CANDLES Judson Powder, Fuse and Caps AGENTS KOR THE CELEBRATED OLYMPIA BEER Nampa, Idaho D. W. Church Earle C. Whit C. C. Cbllaon CHURCH & WHITE CO. Real Estate And Insurance Poccttelfo Idaho 1741 Plot perfected for tho Coup D'Ktat of Elizabeth of Russia. 17CC Mnssacre by Indians of Moravian missionaries nt Guadenhuetton, Pa. 1774 Itobert, Lord Cllve, hero of Plas sey, committed suicide. 1854 Thomas Pym Cope, who establish ed first line of packets between Philadelphia nnd Liverpool, died. 1801 Federals bombarded Confederate fortifications nt Pensncola....U. S. ship Kantcc captured privateer Royal Yacht off Galveston. fSGO First national encampment of tho O. A. It. assembled at Indlnnapdlls. 1807 Allen, Larkin nnd O'Brien, tho "Manchester martyrs, hanged.... JefTerson Davis returned to Rich niond, Va. 1800 Henry Ward Heecher chosen prcsl dent of National Woman Suffrago Association. 1871 Grand Duke Alexis of Russia for mally received by President Grant ....Steamboat City of London burn. ed near Norwich, Conn.; 17 lives lost. 1872 Mrs. Fnlr prevented by mob from lecturing In San Francisco. 1880 Fire lu Lynn, Mass., destroyed $l, 000,000 In property.... Centennial celebration of the ratification of tho Constitution of the United States by North Carolina begun nt Fayctto- vllle. 1800 Charles Francis Adams resinned presidency of Union Pacific railway. 1801 Revolution caused resignation of President Fonscca of Brazil. 1802 Tho Amalgamated Association do clarcd tho Homestead strike nt nn end.... International monetary con fcreuco met In Brussels. 1803 U. S. Supremo Court decided the great lakes to bo high sens. 1804 Mnssacra of tho Chinese by the Japanese troops nt Port Arthur. 1808 Mnndinl Blanco resigned tho office of captain general of Cuba. .. .Brit ish officials nt Manila celebrated ( American -Thanksgiving.... Hawaii an commission held Its first meeting In Washington... Commercial bodies in Spain urged speedy conclusion of pence with United Slates. 1800 German Emperor arrived nt Wind sor Castle on visit to England.... Lord Methuen routed Boers near Grns Pan.... Vlco President Hobart 'died nt Paterson, X. J.... British defeated Boers In bloody battle of Modder river. 1000 Fifty lives lost In n hurrlcano In Tennessee.... President Kruger land ed nt Marseilles nnd given enthu siastic reception. 1001 Harvard defented Ynlo nt football by n scoro of 22 to 0. 1002 Labor riots In Havana.... Eng land and Germany united to press their claims upon Venezuela.,.. Frederick A. Krupp, great German gunmakcr, died. 1003 Ynlo defeated Harvard nt football by a scoro of It) to 0. 1001 Kuropntkln appointed to command the Russian nrmy In the East..,. President Roosevelt visited St. Louis world's fair. 1005 Mutiny of soldiers nnd sailors at Sebastopol, NAMES OF TOWN8 ON STAMPS, i:ch of 0,000 Presidential lot oMces to Have (Mvu Huypljr- Postage stnmps of the Issue of 1007 put on sale at the 0,000 presidential postoffices will bear on their faco the name of the Stnte and city lu which the liostofiice Is situated. The chief reason for this Innovation Is said nt tho Post- office Department to be tho belief that it will help to do away with the big post- office robberies nnd make It much easier to traco criminals. The postoBlce robbery In Chicago a few j jcars ago Is n good example of tho ease, with which stolen postage stamps can be disposed of, for no trace of tho perpetra tor was ever discovered, although near ly a hundred thousand dollars' worth of stamps were stolen, and these mostly of small denominations. Another reason for the change Is to enable the Postoflico Department to de termine the amount of business dono by the different postoffices and prevent pud ding through stamps sold nt some offices to ret'dents who do business In adjoining cities. The JewNh Hume Colony, A movement has Just taken shape among some Intellectual Hebrews of New York City to create a colony of Inexpen. dive homes on Long Island for 1,083 fumllles. A largo tract of land has been laid out as a model suburban village, with space for a market place, city hall and temple of worship. WlUoo'a Ilodr Disinterred. The body of James Wlhfjn, a signer of the Declaration of Indeiendence nnd one of the framers of the federal consti tution, after lying for 108 years In a cemetery at Edenton, N. C has been placed opposite those of bis wife in tho giaveyard of Old Christ church, Phila delphia. A wreath on (ho coffin was sent by President Roosevelt. Among tho speak ers In connection with the ceremony were Messrs. Andrew Carnegie, Dr. S. Weir Mitchell, Alton B. Parker uud Attorney General. Moody. C. 0. PICK TRANSFER & STORAGE COMPANY. Safes, Pianos. Furniture moved, stored or packed for shipping. Com modious brick warehouse, with separate iron rooms, Front and Clay. Express and Baggage hauled. Office Phone, 596; Stable. Black fanuriahted bu George J.Schaefer mm .eaaaaaaaaaaaauBaaJBaaapr T .eaaaaaaalaVerT saiBBprvAKTT- i.a saaaaav im Ev&r& 'sik. JiaraaMiWw.auF - aaaaaaF y fif s i Aftcrtflri j jfwmll . ,f $, i aaaaaay.yQ mmT 1. Jwjtwt!' y a i ir.v - -na T ti aaaajaaaj t(w my ' . fA $r flrKSv ' """ yj aaaaaaaai JM mF IlkAA v q j tm IlTrl'L t' w ,- -(am. BBBBBBBBbj iaajaaraB7MTiaavSS7 -' , aVaav aav Laaaaaaaaaaw iieaaaar ItbV i 'krw fw aaaav STRANGERS! TOURISTS! HOMESEEKERS! Go there, where, when the tlilo Is out, "the taMo Is set," and where the wealth ol riches has not yet tievn touched, OREGON'S COAST CITY Lots In Behacfcr's Addition, "CKNTItAI.,'' IOO and upwnrdi. GEO. J. SCHAEFER, Owner and Real Estate Agent 317 Chamber of Commerce " PORTLAND, OREGON COME TO GOD'S COUNTRY AND LOCATE Sure Crops Increasing Population Values Climbing If you want money, if you want to buy property for investment, if you have property you dciire to dispose of, if you want a home or a farm, see J. WHYTE EVANS BROKER Telephone MAIN 4006 Albers Bros. CEREAL Manufacturers of High Grade Coroais Wholesale Dealers in Grain, Hay, Flour and Feed Our Loading Brnnds in Packages Vlolmt Omtm Vlotmt Wheat Vtolml Fmmri Hurley Violet Ptmrtm ol Wimrt Vlolmt Buckwheat Columbia Omtm Columbia Wheat Lucky Omlm Croam Oatm All Flrmt'Olamm OmmlormHaHtllo Our Drantlm ol Qoomfa 1972 PORTLAND, OREGON 7 Chamber of Commerce Building PORTLAND Miling Co. MILLERS v IH t n 1 ft MMfMafMUU, mn-vnmnwt,i -y "iUi1JWW"1:'.m"""