).-c-. -awn.iwww-wi.wil'itwi'' mumwhwn ...... THE iffEW AGE, PORTLAND, OREGON '.C R. C WALWORTH Staple and Fancy Groceries Phone EAST.3407. 136 RmseH St. PORTLAND, OR. Pioneer Soda Works (JUNDKl, llltOH. t CO. Mamifncturur of SODA WATER, EXTRACTS, SYRUPS, ETC. Factory, 416 Wntcr Mrcct Telephone Main VtA oitrr. AND OllKQCW STAR BREWERY NORTHERN BREWERY CO. Brewers and Bottlers of HOP GOLD PORTLAND OFFICE: Corner East Third and Burnslde Streets 9 WKMxi.vnMR.MMck AtmTmsmufr A Western Cracker Made for Western People Afk your Grocer for Western Crackers and Cakes Tnko no other kind If you wiuit tlio bi'Ht THETQKEPO1HT0YSTERGO. 29 Second St., Portland, Or. Tuluptiono MAIN 69.1 Sola Growers of the Cslebratid Toke PointOysters An Kftntoru Oyster Transplanted uiil iirmvii on our beds nt TOKGLAND, WASHINGTON "UNKQIrAI.KD IN I'l.AVOIl AND KUI'.HIINKHS" Cannery at South Bend, Wash. Wlmlifmlo DciiliTH ill Alt Vnriutica of Nutivo (Jytttt'rH. F.Vsk Vkv S?ZSl &? i. -!-i-v THE SCANDINAVIAN AMERICAN BANK Commercial Banking Savings Department Capital $5,000,000 KurnliiH $360,000 Total Avnilablo AbsMm $7,500,000 A. Cllll-UKHG, 1'nnUloiit GKO. II. TAHHKLL, MnnuKor A. V. IIAYDKN, Cnsliior Tiioomu Olllro No. UftS Coiumorco St.. N. K. Cor. South lltli St. DAVID II. IIKKCIir.lt, HlllNl'.V (H.AHK, I'rxllont. C'Mhlor. Union National Bank Incorporated 1890 CAPITAL $100,000 Pays Interest on Time Deposits THE OLD DANK CORNER Grand Fork, NORTH DAKOTA The Old Reliable DALLES DIAMOND FLOUR Hat novor fullort to imViiho. It lmn al Wiya boon tliu titauiltiril for lumlly uho R. M. Guthrie Portland Representative It! aktaitH Ml fnoM ptciflc 22st HENRY WEINHARD'S BREWERY Manufacturers and Bottlers of the Well Known Brands of Lager Beer " EXPORT " "KAISERBLUME" "COLUMBIA" IN KEGS AND BOTTLES Trade and Families Supplied Brewery and Office BURNSIDE & 1 3th STS. LODELL'S PLACE A. E. LODKUi, Proprietor Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars weinhard's;beer Telephone Pacific VM 411 North Nineteenth St. PORTLAND, OR. I,. M. rAItUIHH FltANK K. WATKIN8 Notary 1'nbllo Notary I'ubllc U. E. WAIKl.ta Parrish, Watkins & Go. Kstnbllslicd 1873 Real Estate Insurance, Rental and Loan Agents 250 Alder St., Portland, Oregon Rometsch Exchange JOHN ROMETSCH, Prop. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars Telephone Main 1200 253 Morrison St., Portland, Ore. "The Judge Demands the Best" LA TOCO Kty West Cigar EL PATERNO Ten-Cent Leader SIGHT DRAFT King of Five-Cent Clear W. S. Conrad MlntiofipoIlM St. liiul Distributor STCAMCR TELEGRAPH TASTCST ON IMC HIVCH The only Mcambont making n round trip DAILY Kxrcpt Sunday between Portland and Astoria Anil Way Point !cavu rorllauit 7:00 A M Arrive Astoria Is.'io 1' M Uiavo Astoria 2;: 1' M Arrlvu Portland U:(W V M MKAUS BKIIVKI) A I.A CAUTi: Portland Landing, Aider SI. Dock. Aitorla landing, Calltndcr Dock. C. II. SCOTT, Agent. Phone Main SCS Ask Your Grocer for m-. wm Attt r. i tm i v vbi kv .- spt'VlV' MD B 4H in t i &Kour,u ,,.4! & :,THt DALltiOM .V l.mrs & The Original Diamond Brand l. 1 L flPtdnsrBaaaaaaaaaaaaavHasWaBMr Hjaj.M . jPjaaaaaMsaaaaaaaBI laZ''I9BaaaaaaaaaaH .4 Howell Did thnt fellow who wnnt cd you to Invest linve n sure thing. i3 ho clnlmcd? 1'owcli Vesj I wna It. Judge. Friend If you love Mlf8 Gotror, old liiun, why don't you ninrry her? Dncho lor Doctor Ilcnvensl limn, she la olio of my best patients 1 Judge. Kfllo Hut, papa, how do you know that It wna a stork that brought us tho new baby? Tnpa llecause, my dear, I Just Haw his bill I Woman's Homo Companion. It would bo easier to bo content with little If nolKKly had any more. Life. Visitor What nro you doing here, my iHor man? Convict Time, mum. Dnltlmore American. "Ignorance of tho Inw," said tho Judge, "excuses no one." "That being tho case,' rejoined tho prisoner, "It's n wonder the Jury didn't find my lawyer guilty." Chicago Dally News. "Our Imitation Is really considerably better than the real thing." "You don't sayt Then hadn't wo better login cautioning the public to bewnro of tho genuine?" LotilHrlllo Courier-Journal. She Wero you over In a street car accident? He Yes. Tho car was com pletely wrecked, but tho passengers wero packed so tight that only tho out side lnycrs wero Injured. Chicago News. "Let mo see," said she, "whnt Is It j on call these men who run automo biles?" "I'nrdon me," replied tho gal lant ninn. "I'm too much of n gentle man to tell you what I call them." Philadelphia Ixnlger. "Hlowboy Is about discouraged. He's been waiting ten years for n promotion and hasn't got It yet." "That's tho trouble. If he'd worked moro and waited less he'd have had It long ago." Detroit Free Press. "What n wonderful vocabuliyy tho now minister has," said Mrs. Oldcastle. "Yes," replied her hostess, "It's almost as big as Joslah's Undo William's wn, only his turned Into a goitre, at last." Chicago ItoconMIorald. "I wonder," said tho man who wns given to thought at times, "I wonder what Is meant by tho 'embarrassment of riches'?" "Tho oor relation, very likely," replied tho man who was one. Philadelphia I'ubllc Ledger. Dashaway I want you to meet Miss HopiKir. Stunning girl. Just back from Kurope. Cloverton Her llrut visit? "Yes." "Well, old ninn, If It's tho same to you, I'll wait until she's gotten through telling about H." Life. "Walt a minute till I get my clotlua off!" camo a shrill voice from tho back end of tho cable car. All the strap holders turned their heads nH one man. It was a smnll boy striving to drag off tho hamper containing Ids mo titer's washing. Judge. Mother (who lias Iwen asked to sug gest a game for a rainy afternoon) Why don't you pretend you nro mo? And George can bo daddy. Then you might play at housekeeping. Daughter Hut, mother, wo'vo quarreled onco already ! Punch. "That's nil right, nls," answered Tommy. "I could soo that you wero only playing telephone. IIo was ring ing you uiv oh, you needn't hide your left 'hand behind you but ho had Ida lips entirely too closo to tho receiver." Chicago Tribune. "Can't you find nny work nt nil?" naked tho kind lady of Frayed Frank lin. "Plenty, mum. Hut everybody wants references from me last em ployer." "Can't you get them?" "No, mum. He's been dead 23 years.' Milwaukee Sentinel. "You don't reallzo that there aro other considerations In life than money," said tho censorious friend. "Yes, I do," answered Senator Sor ghum. "Hut whenever I want any thing done I can't got tho other fellow to realize it." Washington Star. "Oh, lady, I do lovo peach cake," hinted tho hungry hobo as ho reted his greasy sleeve on the gatepost. "Well," replied tho housewife with tho rolling pin, "suppose I should m.iko you some peach cake. Would you do nny work?" "Would I, mum? Why, I would do do Imrdcat work I over did In my life." "And what would you do?" "Why, I'd climb dat tree and get enough peaches for do cake." Chi cago Dally News. A Mcxlcuii IMitlmitlirtiiilM. Pedro Alvarado, of the State of Chi huahua, Mexico, the owner of very protltnble mining properties, proposes to distribute $10,000,000 among tho Mexican poor, IIo has aIo offered to pay off tho Mexican government debt. This offer lias leen declined on the part of tho government In the fear that It was not altogether inspired by a patri otic desire to relievo the Mexican tax payers. Alvarado seems to bo pushing ahead of Andrew Carnegie In the practical application of his own philosophy by taking good care that he will not dlo rich. Ho could hardly lmvo hit upon a scheme of moro widespread Ivnetl ivnco than tho payment of the public debt of his country. This project ought to bo brought to tho attention of Mrs. Uussell Sage, who booms to Iks tindlng groat dllllculty In w dlspoMug of her vast fortune ns to do tho greatest tuuouut of good. Philadelphia Hecord. ELDERBRAU GROTTO KIUCKBON & UEIta, Props. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars 54 Sixth Street MAIN 4103 PORTLAND, ORE. WESTERN SODA WORKS JUCIIEMICH A CltAMKK, Props. Manufacturers of Carbonated Bever ages, Syrups, Jixtracts, Mineral Waters and Cliatnpngno Cider. Solo distrib utors of Scilasillo Mineral Wntcr. Phono Tactile 1703. Office and Factory, 204 Mill Strctt PORTLAND, OREGON Make Salesmen Of Your Windows After Dark A atoro may shut its doors nt RUiiBct, but if its show. windows nro Electric Lighted nnd attrac tively dressed tlioy nro doing ns clicctivo soliciting for tho next day's business as u corps of ealos people. Up-to-dato stores nowadays con sider window lighting n necessity, whether they remain open after dark or not. Competition forces modern methods. Is your storo "SHUT UP" after sunset in tho old stylo or in tho now? There is no known illuminant which will light n shop window as cfTcctivcly, hnmboinoly and Hitisfactorily ns Electric Light. Fabrics nro shown in their truo colors nnd every littio detail is brought out In truo proportion to itssuriouudn . If your window Is not Electric ally lighted von nro throwing away cliances for increasing your business only measured by tho number of peoplo that pass your store aftor dark. llascd on our now scale of Ho duced Hates for current on Motor basis, Electric Light Is not an ex penseit is an ECONOMY. For Information call MAIN 6688 PORTLAND ' GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY FIRST AND ALDER STREETS The SAVINGS BANK of the Title Guarantee & Trust Company PAYS 4 Per Cent Yearly Interest On Savings Accounts Interest Compounded Semi-Annually Wi Also Pay 4 Per Cent Interest on Certificates of Deposit And 3 Per Cent on Daily Balances of Check Accounts Save a Dollar Today and It WHI Work for You Tomorrow A Bank Account is th first etep to ward happiness, prosperity and comfort Banking Hours, 0 a. m. to 4 p. m. ; Saturdays, 0 a. in. to 1 p. m.; Saturday evenings, 6. p. m. to 8 p. m. DIRECTORS Win. SI. Ladd, J. Thorburn Ross, T. T. Burkhart, Frank M. Warren, Georgo II. Hill. OFFICERS J. Thorbnrn Ross, rrea identj Georgo II. Hill, Vice President; T. T. Burkhart, Treasurer; John E. Altchieon, Secretary. 240 Washington Street Corner Secoad PORTLAND OREGON ST. PAUL MINN. ! ' Alfred J. Krank (Bucceator to BCHKKMj & KllANK.) DEALERS IN ALL. KINDS OP BARBERS' FURNITURE AND SUPPLIES FINE CUTLERY RAZOR WORK A SPECIALTY. 142 B. Sixth St., Opp. Ryan Hotel. St. Paul, Minnesota Aguilas and Seal of Minnesota Cigars ARE SOLD ON ALL TRAINS Kubles At Stock Co. MAKERS ST. PAUL - - MINNESOTA EL FIRM and . DUKE OF PARMA - CIGARS You WiH Like Them HART & MURPHY, Makers ST. PAUL Kitdblllhcd I83J lncorK)rtcd 1009 GRIGGS, COOPER & GO. Manufacturers, Importers and Wholesale Grocero 242-264 East Third Street ST. PAUL MINN. : ,..... . : : umuiA ncbkmka : ! "THE ONLY WAY" Have your Baggage checked from hotel and Residences over any railroad to any place in United States by Omaha Transfer Co. Office 208 So. 14th St. When Coming intoOmaha give your checks to our uniformed agents on trains or at depot and receive cheapest and best service New cabs to all parts ofjeity. : : iniumcaruLiJ mimm. : NORTH STAR WOOLEN MILL CO. Manufacturers of Blankets, Flannels and Blanketings Minneapolis, Minn A, Hack da nt. 0. A. liACKDAUL A. Backdahl & Co. DRUQQIST8. Opposite Milwaukee Depot, Peorlptloiu are (ully compounded. 313 Washington ave uuetioutb. Allnnenpollsi, Allnnetsotu Wmmr CYGNUS $3.50 SHOE Manufactured by North Star Shoe Co, MINNEAPOLIS MINNESOTA MINNEAPOLIS OMNIBUS AND CARRIAGE LINE MATTISON & FOYE, Proprietor. 237 Hennepin Ave. Nicollet House Block MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA $ LIVINGSTON I UNION MEAT MARKET. A. O.HASELER, Pro. CHOICEST FRESH AND SALT MEATS Game nJ Plih In Beaton. Livingston, ----- Montana. F. B. TOLHURST Taxidermist for the Tourist OPPOSITE DEPOT, Livingston, Montana. GEO.W.HUSTED Prescriptions, Drugs, Patent Medicines, Ci gars, Toilet Articles, Finest Soda Fountain on the N. P. Railway. Opposite the Depot Thl curd riitltlcs yon to n trip through the Nntlonnl l'ark, providing you itroiili "THE SOLO" And can mnko latlnfactory arranKOtnonti with tho transportation coinpanlci. The only fintclit place of the Jdnd in Livingston. Bottle Goods a specialty FRANK BUSS, Proprietor 117 W. Park St. LIVINGSTON, Mont. : OMAHA NEBRASKA ? i r . COUNCIL BLUFFS J S. T. McATEE Fancy Groceries, Bakery Goods and Meats . Supplies for Dining and Private Cars Given Special Attention J J 230 32 Main St. 229-31 Porl St. Tekphoue 19J Council Bluffs Iowa For Medicinal Purposes Wo recommend our Black Buffalo Pure Rye Whiskey Unexcelled in Quality and Excellence The Pederson Mercantile Co. Wholesale I.lquor Importers ami Wlioli.alo Liquor Dealers Moorehead, Minnesota Northwestern Agents Aiilieiikerlluiieh Drew Ing Attoclatlon's Celebrated "lluilwel.er" Iktr SKELLY & LITTLEHALES Dealers In Groceries. Flour. Feed. Hay, Grain, Coal, Wood and Build ing Materials mm Fourteenth St Nerth rhoae Pacific (II Corscr FUricn PertUnd, OrtgM .--- --y-' ; -zy""VT .,,v