THE OTSW AGE, POBTLAND, OREGON . pnrilatti. Jforo Ab Established 1190 A, 0. Qrlflln, Manager Office, Itoom 317) Commonwealth Building ubllcatlon Ml local new must To lnnura n reach ut not later than Thursday morning of cacn wook, Bubicrlptlon prlco, ono year, payablo In ad Vance, i.00. PORTLAND LOCALS I lllimilMIMIIMIIIIIIII COLOU1-.D ELKS ILLEGAL Tho cammlttco thnt woro appointed ,fJJ7.?hBiddna-S.Staple and Fancy Groceries legal status of the order of'Elks among tho colored people In tho United States reported laBt week that thoy had thor oughly Investigated tho matter and that thoy nnd that tho order of Elks In tho United Statea among tho col ored pcoplo havo no authority nnd power whatover. 'That It Is nothing moro or less than a Belf-constltuted body, and tho colored lodges of Elks that havo been organized. In different pnrto of tho United States nro self constituted bodies. Tho commlttco that mado tho Investigation Is corn posed of prominent colored mon of Chlcngo, and thoy wnntcd to got nt tho truth of tho mattor. It Is stated upon good authority that some stops will bo taken very soon by sumo col ored mon to sccuro tho proper author ity from tho whlto order of Elks In Cannda to offer and rcgulato and In Btltuto tho order of Elks nmong col ored men In tho United States. Don't forget tho Now Year's ball De cember 31st. Wishing all a Merry Christmas and n ITnnnir XT V n jj iiun ti y. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Davis nro In our city visiting her mother. Miss Ella Slcdgo cntcrtnlned a fow friends Christmas morning. M1s,ni Dlancho Kuckor entertained a fow guests Chrlstmns night. Tho MIbscb Ruth and Clifford Free man spent Christmas day in Seattle. Miss Winslow entertained Miss Myr tlo Hall and Miss Wortha at luncheon Christmas day. , Miss Mary Marshall entertained Master Edgar and Miss Lottlo IRill Chrlstmns aftornoon. Miss Myrtlo Hall cntcrtnlned Chrlst mns afternoon Mr. nnd Mrs. Gibson, Jr. and Miss Martha Goldsburg at din ner. Mr. nnd Mrs. Qcorgo Wilson cntcr tnlned Christmas night Mr. and Mrs. Gibson, Jr., Mr. Monro, Mr. John Hail nnd Miss Myrtlo HaJI. Mr. nnd Mrs. N. B. Simon enter tained Christmas morning tho follow ing: Mrs. Estella Gibson. Miss Myrtlo and Lottlo Holland and Miss Lawhorn. Christmas ovo wns duly eolobrated nt A. M. E. church. Tho exercises consists of songs and recitations by tho Sundny school, Tho church was fixed up with n flro plnco through, wnicu uanta uiaus onicrcu. Alter mo ontortnlnmcnt prcsonts woro distri buted nnd Ico cream wns sorved. Tho Rov. and Mrs. Freeman and daughtor wore well thought of. OUR CHICAGO LETTER 1 Chicago, 111., Dec. 17th, 1900. Dr. Bert Anderson nnd Mrs. Vjolotto Illnckwoll woro qulotly married last wook. Mr. A. W. Ford, govornment ment inspector of tho stock yards has beon promoted, It is roported that tho Bothcsda Bnp tlst church has purchasod a beautiful lot and aro soon to build a now church. Mrs. William Gibson of 3645 Dear born and Mr. Orango Allen two old respected citizens of Chicago, aro dead, Tho Fellowship club will ontortaln with a danco on Christmas night. This club is composed of tho prominent pro fessional, mon In tho city. Mr. George C. Brown of Buffalo, N. Y is in the city on a visit, rtov. Jor dan Chavls pastor of tho Harmon Bap tist church has purchased a beautiful homo at 3532 Forest avonuo. Mr. E. A. Harper of C613 Sangamon Btrcot. a prominent mason of Chicago was elected worshipful master of.Koys stono iodgo last Thursday. Koystono Lodgo No. 10 Is a progressive lodge and is under tho Jurisdiction of tho St. John's Grand Ixdgo of A. F. & A. MasonB of Illinois. Thero is grcnt complaint mado In Chicago about ono Rov. E. J. Fisher, D. D., LU D., formerly of Georgia, who was not man enough to stand with tho other self-respecting colored men. women and children anu proiesi against Pitchfork Tillman coming to Chicago and degrading our race with his talk of lynching. There is an effort being mado on the part of the colored peoplo of Chi cago to havo Englno Company No, 21 of tho Clty.Flro Department composed entirely of colored firemen. This com pany Is among the oldest companies In Chicago, and many colored men have been .members of tho same for a number of years, but now thoy want tho company to be entirely composed of colored men and a colored captain. The Oak Cafo. Choicest line of wines, liquors and cigars. P. W. Pick, proprietor. Oregon Phone Pacific 2118. corner Fourth and Oak streets, Portland, Ore. Martin Marks Coffee Co., 252 Third Street, Telephone Main 1893, Monte Cristo Java and Mocha Coffee always pleases. If you want a good, rich drinking coffee. Insist on getting Monto CriBto Java and Mocha, jjjj?' 1 GEO. HOCKENYOS Dealer In Staple and Fancy Groceries Clfiri and Tobaccos, FralU and Confcdlontty PROMPT DELIVERY 95 " St- Phone East 4899 NEW ALB4NA CAFE PATTERSON fc McDOUGALL, Pio;. Fine "Wines & Liquors The Old Corner Cor. Russell Av. & Alblna St. Phone East 4380 Portland, Ore. FINK & LEWIS Dealers In DRESSED POULTRY, ETC. Phone East 382 SI 4 Mississippi Avenue PORTLAND, ORE. Phono Pacino 2200. J. REITZELE TAILOR 330 Burnalde St. Hotel Scott Blder Portland, Oro. Phono Hood 077 THE OLD HOME F. P.MIIKHAN, Prop. Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars Cor. Seventeenth mill Nortlirup 8t". Portland, Oregon Gf 0. W. HOCHSTEDLER Dealer In Staple and Fancy Groceries, Fruits, Produce CIGARS AND TOBACCO Phone East 374 460-462 E. Burntlde St. PICTURES FRAMED FURNITURE REPAIRED PHONE EAST 354 RES. PHONE EAST 2312 H. C. SCHR0EDER The Albiru house" furnisher HOUSES FURNISHED COMPLETE CASH OR INSTALLMENTS UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING 244, 246, 248 Russell St., PORTLAND THE AVENUE CLUB A.N' I) The Avenue Oyster House 1M'. HALL, Prop. Fresh Oysters open dully. Ions. Delivered any pliuo. Pinto, quarts, gal The Best of Wines, Liquors and Cigars Tho best o( Menti, FUh, Oysters and Came. Open Day and Night CC3 Wllllaiiu Avenue. Ml William Avenue Phono Kant 4C19 POItTLANI) OHF.OON PHONE MAIN 1H-J3 Martin-Marks Coffee Co. HIGH GRADE COFFEES TEAS, ETC. Tlio excellence of Monto Cristo Java and Mocha ColIVo stands in high fuvor. 252 Third Street PORTLAND, OREGON Crane Bottle Co. Wholesale Dealers lit BOTTLES Curry tho largest btock of Bottles on tho Tucillc Coast. Mail Order ship ments given prompt attention- Office, 14th and Couch Sts. PORTLAND, OREGON Portland Fluff Rug Go. Transforming of Worn Brussels and Ingrain Carpets Into Rugs Prompt Attention and Good Sendee Guaranteed Phone 3052 790 Washington St., Portland, Oregon Furniture f Quality We sell Quality goods Fur niture that is made from Natural Wood, that will give satisfaction under hard wear. The same will hold good of our carpets and stoves. That's the kind we a11 cij COVELL FURNITURE CO. 1H-1II nssr All the Credit You Want A. CORRIGAN Barton, Or., Clackamas River Best Fishing and Hunting Grounds in the Northwest SANDSTROM BAKERY No. 776 Williams Avenue Fresh Bread and Cakes Daily PIES AND CANNED GOODS TELEPHONE EAST 95 T. J. COPER & SONS Grocery & Meat Market 735 Williams Avenue Phone Woodlawn 149 MILLER, BUCK & CO. GROCERS Phone Woodlawn 406 Williams Ave. & Fargo LOUIS SCHUMACHER FURRIER Furs Remodeled into Latest Style. lions , i oles, Ties, for lets than nt any other place. 185 Madison Street a.J. Enlncr . It. Hocliull ERDNER & HOCHULI Chicago Market Denier In Fresh nnd Cured Ment. All Klndi of HmunKei). 1H7 Third Htroet, nenr Yamhill. Phoiiu Mnln 41.1. Portland, Oivkmi. D. C. BURNS THE C.ROCER TELEPHONE OIG 210 Third St., Portland, Oregon. JOHN'E. MALLEY DKALF.ll IN Staple & Fancy Groceries Teas and Coffees a Specialty 492 Washington, Near 15th Phone Main 2167 PORTLAND, OREGON WEEKS GRANITE CO. For First Class Work and LOWEST PRICES in Portland Cor. Fourth and Columbia Streets One Ulocfc South of City HoH DRUGS, STATIONERY IMPORTED & DOMESTIC PERFUMES Prescriptions, rninlly RoclpoH. Phono your orders East 5101). W. C. CHURCH, Pharmacist 677 Williams Ave., Cor. Forgo NATIONAL WINE CO. Pure Wine & Liquors WE SELL DIRECT TO THE FAMILIES Fifth and Stark Streets Phone Main 6499 PORTLAND, ORE. E. B. COL'WELL Wholesale and retail GROCER PHONK MAIN 403 281, 283 and 285 Third St. CORNER JtrrCRSON PORTLAND, OREGON Rupert's Pharmacy PHONE MAIN 6421 verytiiing New, Frt'Hh ami Uji-To-Dato. Wo nolu'it your trmlo. Purity prO'Otninont. Puro Drtii an important matter. I'n'HcrlptioiiH precisely prepared. Wo novor buIi , Btltuto. Perfumes of the lilnlit'Ht cltaracter. Wo want your coiiildenco 460 Jefferson St. Corner Thirteenth St. Psis-tfnnrl Or1 Opp. ttullivanC Grocery r OTliana, JF. HOTEL EATON 1'OItTLAND, OltEGO.V Tourists' & Commercial Men's HEADQUARTERS STRICTLY FIRST CLASS Hot and Cold Water. Private Baths. Phone in Each Room. AM Outside Rooms. Cor. West Park and Morrison Streets P. A. TAYLOR Staple and Fancy Groceries Frulti, Confections, Cigars, Tobaccos and Fan cy Coffees, Teas and Spices at Lowest Trices 447 Union Avo. Frco Delivery Phono East 410 AUGUST STORZ Dealer In CHaplu unci Pnnoy Oroooi lea Vegetables, Fruits anil Dairy Produce Phono East 603 4C9 Williams Ave. POIITI.AND, OIIKQON C S. NELSON Denier In Staple and Fancy Groceries and Provisions 154 N. Fourteenth St., Cor. Irving John'a Mont Market J. II.MKItOF.N8, Prop. Fresh Meats, Beef, Pork, Mutton, Bacon and Hams Corned llecf nnd Pickled Pork a Specialty Phono Mnln UWI 3 N. Sixth Street POItTLANI), OltKOON W. It. William Al Cleveland FASHION STABLES Hacks, Livery, Boarding Twentieth and Washington Sts. "West End Exposition Bide. Phono Mnln 43 PORTLAND, OREGON The Union Meat Co. All MiittiR Cam nnd First CIhsi Hotels and licstauratits Luy the UNION MEAT COMPANY'S rHtSH AND CURED MEATS Tho Pcit In tho Markot. Patronise Homo In. Iu,,ry PORTLAND. OREGON HALL PHARMACY CO. Telephone East 873 Union Avenue and Tillamook Street PORTLAND OREGON ROBERT A. PRESTON PRESCRIPTION DRUOaiST Cor. 23d and Thurman Hit. Phono Main 1810 POKTLAND, ORBdON SCHWIND & BAUER Shoe Repairing Machine and llnud. Only (loodycar Machlna In Our City. Mines mado to Order. shoes Called (or and Delivered. Telephone Pacific ?. ICO Yamhill Street I'OltTLANP. OllKOOX The Portland Hat Works Manufacturers nt FINE SOFT AND STIFF HATS Hats Did, Cleaned and Worked. Our spe cialty: Panainus Cleaned and lllcachcd. 31'JU Aider St., bet. Hoeond and Third, llrauch: lit Washington Bt. Port ortland, Or. OUR WORK IS BUT ONC GRADE -TMCUtST Wc mast a spcUltr of UunJctlnt Lu Corttlai .CRESCENT LAUNDRY CO. 349 Morrison Street. Wo supply tho llittehcr trade ulth nleo.rlenn aprons. Why buy )imr aproiu mid then fay to havo them laundered when no will supply them for Just what It routs ou now to lmo them laundered. Our ungou will call. M. J, dardncr. Phono Main l&oo M. dardnci GARDNER BROS. Maiiufaeturora of tho Silk Tie Cigars UNION MADE 209 Madison Street PORTLAND, OREGON ARTHUR LAW Furnisher and Hatter , "HE MAKES SHIRTS" 480 Washington Bt., Opposlto Ilclllg's Tbcatoi PORTLAND, OREGON RAINIER MARKET C. ULUM, Proprietor Dealer In Fresh, Cured and Smoked Meats, Haas, Bacon, Lard, Sausages, Etc, Also Fish and Clams, FAMILY TJtADK A fil'KCIAI1 Cor. Pecntecnth and Pavicr fits. l'hono Main lOSi Portland, Oregon Frank L. Smith Meat Co. 228 Alder St., between 1st and 2d Sts "FIGHTING THE BEEF TRUST" Wo aro Portland's only Independent slaughterers and Jobbem, Tho only oneB not controlled by tho trust. The only ones who do not uso preserva tives and adulterations, Rolled Roast Heef 10c Lean Roast Mutton 8c Mutton for boiling Cc Mutton for stow Cc Loin Mutton Chops 12,&c Shoulder Mutton Chops 10a Lean Roast Veal 10o Iireast Veal Roast 10c Veal Stow 8c Veal Chops 12a Hamburg Steak 10o Pork Sausago 10c Frankfort Sausago 10o Dologna Sausago 8c Dreakfast Bacon 17c Pure Lard 12o Fino Shoulder Steak 8o Round Steak 10o Host Pot Roast 8o Pino Rolling Reef Re Ilrst Bcof Stow Cc Plato cuts Reef Co Ilrlekct Reef Cc Corn Root Cc It is up to tho taxpayers of Port land. Aro you going to allow tho hoof trust to contlnuo lobbing you of thou sands of dollars ftnn"iMv through tho meat supplied to the Port of I'ortiauu. CArrT Phone:Maln23l8 "r CON HILCERS 381 N. 17th St. IPortland, Oregon For l'liic Wines nnd Liquors, cnll nt THE WEST O. lltlltltlM, Prop. Finelwines, Liquors and Cigars Phone Pnelllr 1WW 835 N. Fourteenth St. POItTLANI), OKK. OLSEN BROTHERS GROCERS Free delivery Phone East 653 417 Union Ave. North Portland, Ore Lewis & Clark Cigar Co, " CIGAR MANUFACTURERS Ask for tho Celebrated Lewis & Clark Cigar 2j4c Sacajawea $ 10c UNION MADE SZT Plume Pacific 2M3WI PORTLAND DRIFTED SNOW J.TTVS8EM Hit FLOUR The Purest! TacomalWarehouse TACOMA, JuuiplliK Jack Manhattan Mining Co, Mray iiok .Mimimuiin .iiiiiiuk hi IiiiIIhu Camp Manhattan Mltilim Co. As-You-I. Ike-It Mnuhatlan IIuIiik rurnaco creeK foutn C.!A. STOCKTON, Broker Nevada Goldand Copper Mines Phone Main 6144 228 Lumber Exchange Weekly Market Utter or DallMarkct Quotations Fnrul.lied on Application Kri'u of Charge portland;heights PL fAND COUNCIL CREST PARK Wo have placed a limited numler of the best lots on the market at very rcatonable rricer. Avail yourielf of the opportunity of securing some of this magnificent property before prices advance. Mere than $200,000 worth of Portland Heights and Count il Crest Property has'beenleold by'us'within the past thirty days. XXT is,;3. D.E. KEASEY & CO. ExcIusiveDealers inPortland Heights Prcperty Office Opposite Observatory. PHONEZMAIN 2159 Branch Office on the Crest rwrvw LOOK Before? inverting" in Farms, Acreage,for any class t? of Real Estate, calland examine our list. &- - WE MAKE LOANS ON L ttf Portland Realty and Trust Company 106 Second Street Portland. "t TV PORTLAND COFFEE & SPICE GO. Importers and Manufacturers Tea, Coffee. Spices, Extracts and Baking Powder 24 ann 26 Front Street PORTLAND, OREGON Courtney Music Co. Band Instruments Stringed Instruments . Phonographs Cheap for cash or easy payments i Latest Popular Songs And Music 25c., Five for $1, Postpaid 10-Cent Sheet Music - Postpaid. Standard Classical and Popular Sheet Music, 10c 88 NORTH THIRD ST. '' Portland, Oregon of Pure Foods i and Sperry Mills U. S. A. Lou Dillon (loldflcd Mlnlim Co. KiiuIk'm Neat l'nlrvlew .Mliilnu Co. Kalrvlcw Hailstone Mining Co. Co. Hlher i'lilc Kxtcnslon Mining Co. j-.xummoii topper Co. ro:tand, Oregon ' . . APPROVED SECURITIES ? ttf Oregon 4 4 S,4.A 1 11 M 01 M til ( "' -l wrnriiwttMwi.Miiiiinty NlslTiSjMilsf mil I fcgg "'"Kirttti.,,JJ"aitet3LS WnfewismisjH y&tm -1 24uarr&tm