Portland new age. (Portland, Or.) 1905-1907, December 29, 1906, Image 4

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    1A. : Jac JirJ2W3McC. ss;e?wci
"Purilmtii Nw Age
A. D. aUIIFIN, Mimiuur
Ofllrc, lloom .117, Commonwealth lliillilltifc
Kntrreil nttlie jotomcet Portland, Oreion.
e iccoud-clut matter.
Tho Btato of Oregon and the city part a problem for the south, It Is also have tho services of tho Inferior was could bo agreed upon. As he expected, fairs, tho moro It appears, that he has
of Portland havo gono forward during ono for tho north. Tho north Is re- tho social doctrine of medievalism, tho price rose, and greatly Increased put his foot In It. When M. A. Moody
tho past year faster and farther than sponsible for emancipation; It cannot To deny tho negro tho strongest and his wealth, but It Is as free from taint Is called on to tell his side of tho
In nny provlous year, and start out oscapo responsibility for tho const- highest Influences Is to enslave him to ns that of any rich man. story, the public will know about what
with very bright prospects for tho year nuonccs. Tho negroes number somo a life of moral weakness nnd degreda-1 Mr. R. U McCormlck, tho manager happened.
Just opening up. Oregon as a whole nl"o million people, one-ninth of tho tlon. And tho God who made, him of tho Woyerhaousor Interests In tho
Is In fact Just fairly bursting her shell whole. Tho welfare of so groat a pro- will not overlook such unrighteous Pacific Northwest, comes. In for a
and beginning to expand Into a new portion of our pcoplo must bo of con. conduct."
On. Ve.r, p.y.ble In .dvnee 2.qo nm, nrger ,fe nnd . scqucnco to an. Tho ncgr0 problom ,
'.greater results this year than lost, a national, not solely a southern prob
and so on for every succeeding year to lom Tno notion has manifested In.
, eomo for a considerable period. forest In aliens; how much
i&weAiixii&ii) A good deal of railroad building will snouiu n in us own citizens
Enough senators may possibly stand
jsharo of tho muckrake criticism, out ngalnst Bourno's election to pro-
though not a thing Is really alleged vcnt a maJrlty ln tut boi,y- This,
ngalnst him. Mr. McCormlck Is ono wou,d bo a far moro dcslrablo nnd
of tho best nnd "whitest" as well as crdItnblo notion thnn tho ono ho en-
w..,Vwa. ,
moro Jonathan Bourno as soon as tho result ono of tho blBg08t mon Physically and fi'"corc ycnr "so.
of his lavish expenditure of money Intellectually In tho Pacific Northwest, moro , muckrakera
What becamo of would-bo Benator,
editorial 1 r T; ,v"ic" " ",o -"'" mcr ,nl, c,n,r,r;r mu :von8 M' ""m - - - ;: HTZTzsrs:
-.M....,,J .lovoloplns a ,,inB ,utc, and wllh "1U that thoro will bo a movement , Nobod . WwcrtaciBor company, bmlnc ha. "' T.. . . .T ...? . , .
Tho "raco riots" down south are a
good deal like tho battles In tho Phil
.nnrn in,,i n...i .,. .... ..-. nlthnr In iim .ilronMnn nf ro,i..in. .i. . "" "-- , greater tuo sympauiy wnu mm ami
I " M """ """ ""' ------ "" mm. uiougn no lias lately been hoard utv:" " B"u,' 1UBlor m uovoioping mo ., . ... , . . ..
Icy In tho past Oregon would havo negroes to a permanent condition of of ln Wflahlnirton. n. n nm1 , Industrial lifo of Tncoma and other ' PP B '"
. . ..... . . - .i i., iL. . . ... " ' w, -"" urecon.
Tho street car company is becoming "ucn OVO'J'C" nrocii more than it Is. , ,..,,.., u,uKHu10 u.e muio, witnout tliat ,10 was , MaaBttcllUBottB for n portions of this region. Ho was the
Altogether too Indifferent to tho pco-1 Tho Improvement of tho Columbia, citizenship, or a movement In tho dl- whIl0( but durlng tho 8Ummcr( R s republican nomlnco for mayor of Tn
Dlo's needs nnd IntercHts nn,i inn rir. rlvt!1 will go on, not as rapidly as cctlon of recognizing him as a citizen BM,innBP,i i, wno ,..,.. ,.'., coma at tho last oleollnn. nn,i ,n.,i,i
"i-. , " ....o im'i;"'b buii uiiuL'r - goou uuai iikc mo names in mo rini
Jess of human life. Indeed, It has wns ' n-'ls loslred but tho full onso of ho term. One or tho rotcctlon oftho DrtBh flagfWlllch havo been elected except for tho lm- ,pP,noBi Whcn tho shooting is over
uccn so for a long tlmo, but Instead """"" l"y coiiniry ,- -..-..,,,, Is a favorlto emblem of his, of course, Pertlnont and malaclous lntcrforenco'ncar,y al, the dead ones aro colored,
of becoming moro accommodating and from 0,n 'ckward; and ns It ilo.,"' described Is already In full swing. nt Unuff gnrIng0 ft DrltlBlf Columbln. of B Ir- """'ninn and his attorneys,
careful, ns was hoped, Is becoming velops and as moro railroads aro built .Negroes aro deprived of citizenship Now thoro wng no ,ntr,nBc ,mrm ,' who, according to report, opened up It was not Millionaire Hartjo, tho
worso every .month, and tho wonder Is nmI ,,ccaino Interested In Oregon's "d ostracised in tho south, and in tlml( but H,I0llJdn.t n nm wJ0 excct. a largo "sack" on tho ovo of tho clec- greater criminal by far, but Hose his. '
thnt tho people do not get together in commerce tho larger will bo tho appro f ninny cases aro actually made serfs. t.(, , bo clcctcd to ,ho Unlc(1 slntog tlon and secured all tho purchaseablo negro tool nnd victim, who was sent
n great muss meeting nnd demand l"-'"1'' that can bo obtained; so whllo in tho north they tiro ns a mlo ... ,,. boon mv. Bmnn .. votes for Wright. 'to tho t.onltontlarv for hIx vears.
better service and less recklessness. ,l"nt ' ft I0W ynrfl wo "iny expect lo,i nunuueu to iraues iinions-nn.l t(jn ,a Orogon nffa,r8 dur n Lnrg0 Umbcr ,Bni, hol(llng8 nrc nn
Ono reason for poor Borvlco Is thnt 80 Ul Columbia river opened up at soioiy nccauso or tliolr color. In fact ltmthB7 As Tho DaIoB 0,)tmlBt abaoluto necessity. Single quarter-
tho platform men aro not paid living l" moHU1 nnrt nl)OVo Tll nlIe", nnd o economic opportunity or tno no- 8ayfl. Iscctlon clnims In tho hands of liull- 'f 'o Is held responsible for tho prls-
wnges. Tho Now Ago last week crltl- B"nio const harbors improved. Trolley Gos Is better in tho south than in( ..Comnion BCns0( not to sny or)llnnry 'vldtials would bo worthless to them oners ho ought to havo control of them
clued tho efforts of somo Irresponsible ,muH ""' w, "''nmciio vanoy win."'" "i- "'" ' '" ih pant- decency and gratitude, would havo or anybody else. Dig timber owners nnd authority over them.
labor leaders to force tho men Into a nm ho bllllt nml Pt Into operation In culnr this movement to reduce tho no- constrained Dourno (If ho had pos- and lumbor companies can and do
strike without their knowlcdgo or con- ,no ncnr fuluro' nn(l '" r parts of S to actual serfdom Is rapidly gain- bchcu any or tnoso dualities) to go bulI(, nnd 0,)orato b , ,
Sheriff Stevens Is entitled to a klckr
sent, but If tho men would unite and 0rc8. nlso, nnd they will nld greatly
liang togethor In a dumnnd for a much ,n hrlnglng in settlers nnd stimulating
larger Incrcnso than they nsk, nnd General development.
I O rccon Is beclnnlni? nn novnr licfnrr.
would tlo up every car until they got1
lng volume.
nrniiml nvnr tlln otnln. nftnr linvlntr ....
lliniHnM.I,4 h ku.k.1 i . aa
eelved such a voto, and mnde himself l"u"""uu Ul ppo Bu wages, mi ,
Tho prctcnBO that Bourno Is an antl
corporatlon, nntlmonopoly man Is as-
This movement Is Justified by the Bcquilntcd wlth "ZnMVMr hnndreds of ships and trains with lum.m'g tho fo ot g"a8tly Jko'
piuiwHuii iuu in otI.. vquauijr nnu Wnnts In congress. bor for export, and clear up tho land
amalgamation, but Mr. Gladden says: "Whllo Bourno was playing golf and 'for subsequent settlors, without m.oi.
it, tho public would npprovo and ap- lo ,)0 ,l Krcnt 'nilt stato nnd a groat "During moro thnn 40 yenrs of work Idling away four months In voluptuous mcn nB Weyorhaouscr and McCormlck
Plnud them In doing ho. nnwlock state, as well as a great among negroes In the south, ono so- ' J abo. Twenty flvo U"8 rlon wo1(1 " a Beml-wllderness
Thoro is no regularity about cars Mw tto. It has far moro timber cloty with which I havo been closely dfforont ,nootngBB( conVcntlonB'nm, for tho next hundred years. It would
nnd no dependenco on them, nnd ihnn n"y othor fltnto In tho Union, ( connected has brought mnny hundreds fnr8 In dlrfcront ,mrtB of tho Btft(o to bo n good dcnl boUor ofr f ,t ,,,, n
every day pcoplo who dopend on a enough to keep hundreds of mills run. of white women into soclnl relation promolo tho dovolopmcnt nnd various Jot of McCormlcks associated with
i iIm am ,..... ... . t.ll it . 'iltli tiAHKAnat Mint t.noii lltrn.t t.nl.n lltfntAaU rf4n tirnfn HMinHn ..'
car coming along on Hchedulo time, in "" '"' "' yur proviuniB im.j" --b'u"i "' 'k "- " " -""" "u,u,buc1i big business companies as that
two, throo or llvo minutes, havo to can G1'1 carB to carry off tliolr pro- under tlio aamo roor, eaten at tho samo l""-u "' '""' "hii"" lunyuhuuhb,
wait ten, fifteen or twenty minutes, , Tho number of Its products In table, assoclatd as social equals, au.l ' ni'haZn oPorln
liurlinpH In tho rain or cold enst wlnd,,1"0 ftld vnrlod, and they enn and, thoro has been no tendency whatever four op flvo dolognto mcotlngs to do
uud mnybo juIbs a train or n. business will bo Increased In volumo and valuo to miscegenation; no mnrrlnges have velop and promoto tho interests of
appointment or bo Into at their work, niatiy fold . occurrod, nor hns thero over been a tho Wlllamotto vnlloy. Fairs nnd
Portlnnd has grown much moro In cnBo of attempted rape or felonous rr- 0,ncr ""o mcotlngs nt Klamnth Falls.
1900 than over before, and that reclsault among tho tens of tho thou- "lS?
Willi Ull ..V VVIWUUKO, 111 IMU ".IHUO,
And mnny cars, .every tlmo thoy Htop,
mnko a grinding, grating, earspllttlng,
headed by Mr. Woycrhaouser.
Tho New Ago docs not bcllovo ln
nbuBo or Inconsldernto censuro of tho
prcsldont for 'his notion In dishonor-
iiorvo racking nolso, mid aro run thus ortl' nccordlng to tho present outlook, Bands of negroes who havo boon In- H(X)d n,VCPi Co08 Uny( ABtorni i?orcBi ab'y discharging tho colored troops nt
tiny after dny and week nfter week win no Denton this yenr. It Is going to jinnies or tlicso inBtittiuonB. Ho Hint Qrovo, McMlnnvlllo, Albnny, Kugcno, urownsvlllo, nnd ennnot think thnt ho
with no apparent effort to fix thorn n lj0 " I'll.' city, as tho Now Ago hns said this professed fear on tho part of Salem and Portland, nnd not ono of did so bocnuso thoy woro colored In
Hpeclos of sorvlco that would iIIhkiihI r tho past ten yenrs, and It Is getting southerners Is Inrgoly imaginary or tll0f,o nieotlngB did Jonathan llourno atcnil of whlto troops; yet Bomo of
tho resldentH of Sknmokawa or Senp- ll "Ir swinging movo on now. Port- feigned. VnUon attended nearly nil' of theso Ul0 Bronte8t 8,atc"ncn nnd lawyers of
Hut worHo thnn this, there Ih no pro-
This district needs a Btrong, active
able, pushing mnn as representative-
ln congress, nnd it has Ellis,
Hcrmnnn doesn't havo to spend any
of his $100 a month clork hlro for thnt
Lot us hope tho governor's messngo
wlll not bo as long ns tho president's.
If Dourno's term wcro to bo ns brier
ns Mulkcy's will be, ho might bo borne.
It Is nearly tlmo for tho city political
pot to begin to bubblo a llttlo.
Two weeks yot to dicker on presid
ing onlccrs.
Tho water wagon Is loaded again.
Albina Club (Gcorgo lions), cholco
wines, liquors nnd clgnrs, 134 RubbcII
street, Portland, Oro. Phono East
Evorott Market, (E. L. Peck, Prop.),
Cholco Meats and Poultry, 413 Everott
Streot, corner Tenth, Portland, Oro.
Phono Mnln 1540.
Ryan & John, dealers In cholco gro
I. . . .... for onifo- nml lm linn novor vol nt. I yn jonn, aeniors in cnoico grc
conl beds of tho Nehnlomfnlao pretonso; thoy nro lynchi'd for ,or "lc" " " " "UH uvur y" nny other capacity than slaves or chat- corloa, meat, flsh and poultry, phono
....'. i . .i tompted to address n public mooting In A , , ' Main G22 CI North Park street cor.
of Morrow county nnd othor nny erlino nnd sometlmcB for none, m my Uckot( nm, noyop wf0to tels aro hated and looked upon ns out Jor DavlB.
L. N. Neos, boot nnd shocmnkcr.
FIno ropnlrlng a specialty. Olvo him
n call when you need anything ln
this lino, 322 Vi Williams ay., Portland
Dyeing nnd cleaning of nil kinds or
Indies' and gents' clothing, crepe:
shawls, silk, velvet nnd lnco dyod
equal to now; lnco curtnlns and.'
Innd nnd Seattlo aro pretty nearly of Negroes do commit crimes, but to ,.10otlncB toolt . nctlvo nnrt In them tll country, among thorn Sonntor For
n kIzo and In somo respects tho Sound no such cxtont nB tho public Is led lo und addressed nil of them. a,or r Ohio and Senator Ilaynor of
toctlon for human life. Tho law ve- metropolis has tho ndvnntage, but If suppose in 1UU2, out or 241 lyncii-i "Hut tins Is not nil. uororo tno wnryinnd, bollovo ho oxecoded his nu
nulroH llfo-protcctliig fendors, but tho Portland dovolopn moro of tho "Senttlo Ings only 57 victims wero accused of Juno olectlon was hold, llourno wns thorlty ns ox-ofllcto commnndor-ln-fenders
In use aro of no service what- BPlrlt" It ran keep In tho lend, bo- tho crlmo of nsBnult on whlto women. JjJJJJJjJ,.. UirSl 1 1 fSSreirtcoMW tf i 0l" ,c,r ""'' t,,nt tho mcn wcr0 l,,B'
over; they nro neither iiHoful nor or- cauao " " b ntuch lnrgor aroa of nnd in n largo proportion of theso nml novcr fihowcd ,, ftt a single meet' , cnnrsc1 on 'nBuniclent evidence nnd
iiiuiientnl. Every fow ilnyn Homo por- rich, productive country Immediately cases tho accusation was not proven. ngi u0 coid not bo dragged out by .for Insufficient reasons.
non Ih run down uud killed or badly tributary to It. iThls proves that tho plea that negroes tho heels to nttond n meeting of tho It wns to bo expected thnt ovldonco
Injured, either through somo degreo' Not onb' Portland but Oregon bndly nro lynched only for this crime Ih a pnrty on whoso ticket ho was running jn that locality, whoro colored men In
of carelessness or negligence, or In "ccda tho
pnrl because tho cars aro not provided vnlloy nml of
with fonderH that will perforin the Plnces to bo opened up so ns to supply from sheer, unadulterated race hatred. ft communication to any public Journal of their placo, would bo manufactured
proper work of such app.uincoH. manufacturing plants nnd ships with And theso lynchlngs nro tho cnuso of discussing nny public question." ngnlnst thorn, nnd It ought to havo
Tho latest Instniico is tho killing of cheap fuol; and Portland, If It Is going much of tho crime, for such methods I Whnt sort of a record Is that for a been recolved with a great deal of
Mih. Lnvler nnd tho serious Injury of to get nnd remain In tho nscendoucy nro brutalizing to tho whole populn- man to como boforo tho legislature on caution. But oven If tho facts alleged
her husband. Tho poor woman wiih commercially must get out nnd hustlo tlon. Tho real purposo of theso lynch- nnd ask to bo sont to tho Benato? Who against tho hnlf dozon or bo colored
run over uud Instantly crushed to '" now fields of commoreo, not In dls- Ings Is to humlllnto, torrorlzo nnd cnn bollovo In his slncoro interost Insoldlors bo truo, nnd ovon supposing
death, when n sultublo fonder would ,a,,t 'a"ds so much as nlong tho Pad- crush tho manhood of tho negro, so Oregon needs and Oregon nffnlrs after thoy had no great provocation, ns Is
linvo thrown her from tho track nnd H Coast In Alnsku, over on Clrays that ho will Biibmlt again to slavery. thus Idling away nil theso months? moro than probablo, why should sov-
only bruised her. How long will tho I Inrbor, on Coos Hay, and In California It la not likely that this movement ( Tho Dnllos paper Intorprots Bourno's oral hundred mon bo punished nrbl-1 banketi8 c,fancd by ,ft,.n(w jlrocC88:.
... .. .... - -...I 0..ll. ...! n n. OMnnnn.l tnr. nnnaoa .n.. o..l....lt . .I..I... 1 l M.... I II.. . ...... .... I WOlimlnB RamiOntS (lyCU In 48 IlOUrS'.
peipio purmii. mis species or mnn- u oumu nmnmi, uuuu cuhhhvuu n..i..v.. iui i'Mnv. ....w nuutiut. jimciiviiy mm uubuiil-v num. iiiiuu mm wiuioui ovon a military , All worn dono nt very mouorato prices,
MliiiH-iiinp tn i-n nn? a t.xw vm-v imnvw Is tho llfo blood of a seanort town, to disfranchisement, but not to tho ionnthnn Bourno dnro not show hoarlnc hpcnnn ihnv wn,.i.i f .i. IIU iNorin iniru street.
Juilgmonts for damngea might result nnd Portlnnd needs to mnko vigorous extinction of Intellectual nnd economic himself to tho peoplo ho wnntB to rep- wi,nt tnoy woro n88Umed to imvft or
In somo reform. movomontB to oxtond nnd enlnrgo Its 'opportunity. Mr. Schurz said; r0"Jl0l nd'TotS' i"k P o" BblHty ibecau8 ,hoy U not know? Tho proa
Bocauso It bus possession of tho commoreo. Hnrrlmnn nnd his dead "To keep a raco In slavery thnt had i J"?.!"?"' Idont refers to two or threo precedents
utreets, gained for nothing, tho olllcera nnd nllvo man Schworln cnn bo do- ( been In that condition many gonera- hH wnnt of political character. If ho 'or Buch action, ono by General Grant
of tho company seem to think thoy ponded upon for no help or cncour-Ions lo ono thing, comparatively enay; ji,nd attended theso public meetings as and ono by General Leo, but what thoy
havo n right to run earn or not as thoy ngomont. Thoy booih to work ngalnst ( but to reduco that raco to slavery or Sonator Fulton did tho pcoplo would dld Wtt8 dono ,n tlmo of Wftr ftnd when
jilenso, at any tlmo they ploaso nnd Tortlnnd wator trnfllc In every way, something llko It after It has been have "J'8 JJJJJ, ft comn,an(lor waa excusable for oxo
to run over everybody who hnppona thoy can. Schworln can novor find any freo for half a century, nnd increased Jop0nndn8eonne8bowObadiy thoy had been cl8,ne despotic authority,
to got In their way. JvcbsoIb to run from nnd to Portland, from four to nlno millions, Is qutto ..raUed.. wltn Bourno's bought-up Wo nro Inclined to bellevo that a
They ought to bo miulo to pay thoir although vessols In plonty cnn bo ob-nnothor thing nobody knows how dlf- praises in hired nowspapers and Iong fow of tho soldlors woro guilty and
employes decent, living wagos, bo that tlod y anybody olso for any other Jflcult and dangerous." ' Green dope sheets. Tho moro Jonathan ought to bo punl8hod but W(J nppr(J
they could aecuro good, careful men, port. So Portland men must depend Mr. Gladden, then discusses segrega ?ou,rn0 J ,nV,e""gS2 !h mSIi! nS heml lhat a sreat deal of tho testl-
and to provide every up-to-dato dovlco on themselves and mako comblnntloiiB tlon placing tho negroes together In on,y wnony unflt and undeserving a mny against them was mado up by
for tho protection of llfo nnd limb, somowhoro nnd somohow so as to so- threo or four southern states but ho Beat in tho sonato, but ho Is wholly peoplo who wanted to get rid of them,
Surely enough peoplo havo boon killed cu"0 vessels for tho ocean going bust- Bcoms to havo but llttlo faith In such unworthy tho confldonco of tho peoplo and that tho crlmo of a few should
mid mnngled to Justify tho people In oas that Is nlready largo but that a scheme, "It Is Idiotic," ho says, or tho republican party; and It would not navo be(m arbUrnry vl8ted upon
making a "roar." , would bo many times as largo In a ,0 ,,k of Sporting tho negroes to PjJJ Ztlf atlZoZ tho whol "", many of whom
this is ft suujoci Hint will uiulouut. "w 1B 11 11. a j.iu4.uw, ,.iidiii BOmo ottier country. Tnoy nro hero trea80n to tho intorest of tho s,tnto, to wero Bouiiors of many years' oxpor-
Dealer In
Notions and Fruit Free Delivery.
154 Russell Street
Iiruueuu iu uv 11HU11.-0V ui
and horo thoy must stay." But such doct Bourno to tho senate."
oilly eomo boforo tho loglslnturo and nd cared for.
Multnomnh'H representatives will bo Oregon Is a splondld Btato and Port- segregation aB ho speaks of Is no less
particularly Interested in seeing that Innd Is ft Hno city, nnd tho Now Ago chimerical.
11 Bpocdy remedy Is found. being now quite an old resldont hero' Uut ,ho othop UJOVOmont of whch
rejoices In tholr prosperity, their pro- M Sc,m g -0 g n,80 , niolon
I gross mm their brlgnt prospects.
Staple & Fancy Groceries
Choice Teas,Coffees & Spices
Dry Goods and Notions
ienco and with unblemished records.
In fact, colored soldiers havo usually i32. 4M.3. Ualon AvcBBt North
made a superior record, both In war llUmookSt. , Phone East 66O
Somo magarlno aiuckrakor has pub- nnd ,n Peac0' a fact that ought not to
llshed a long attack on Frederick , bo forEotten'
Another year has ended nnd n new horo'B a happy, prosperous and pro- Mn n tj0 fu emSQ Q( U)0 tcrnj nnfl
that of recognizing tho negro ns a clt- .Woyorhaousor, tho big timber owner,
In Indianapolis a drug clerk shot
ono begun. The record of 1900 Ih nil Bressivo Now enr to everybody.
made up and has become material for
history, and 1907 has just begun Its
career, tho particulars and details of
which nobody knows
tinnuRn lm linn boucht ui) a creat deal
It will gradually grow either with or .. ..,.- ,., , rr nn, ana K",e(, n colored n,an' w"hout any
Ol lliuuvi iiii " vvv,. .-. ., ,!, ., ,, .
without a raco war.
i , . . .4 i . VAtuo wHitiever, ami toiepiioned for
'unsupported Innuondoea it does not u",
' . . , tno body to bo carted away as If It
i nivnonr that Mr. Weyerhaeuser has ob- . . . ' I
A southoru president of a Southern appear that Mr. Weyerhaeuser has ob- . ' I
In Tho American Magazine Rev. University says: "Thoro is but one talnml any .of tho lands fraudulently,' .. " UV ' BC01re .man in
..,.,.. , . , . . "'B n piaco or business had done
lng to do with a human being, and or on nnv other terms than anybody AL
endod ln Btato nnd nation has boon a tlon of tho racos as nosslblv tho onlv .. i., . i.. i.i. i..... . o..,. . . . i,4 luo samo lo a WIUt0 nian, tho chances
- -w w v 19 U tlM ( VtlUllV-V
big ono In many ways-ln tho volumo solution of "Tho Negro Crisis." Fol- Carollna coUego professor says: "The und cash could havo obtained them.'"" . ,, b,ack n,nn wou,d hav0
or prouuets, in property, in develop- lowing Is a brief epitome of his nr- negro raco must somehow bo built Into Ho made a good deal of money legltl- " -w i,,, ,I0 n
,nent, nnd along many linos of prog- tlolos Kmanclpatlon left tho country this national fabric and organically In- ffiately; ho looked far ahead and saw aP"ear that the white
ress, though It has been also a year the legacy of caring for tho negro corporate,! with tho national llfo and that good timber lauds would lncrea30 I rn V ., " ""' "
of moro than tho usual number of dlro raco.- Tho welfare of tho negroes be- character," And another professor of greatly In value; and as opportunity ' "!" f ? f ?? lU aUS0 man
disasters and great calamities, tho camo tho concern of the nation, whose tho same college says; "For a superior offered bo Invested In them, buying S ' broublcso'ue
earthquake and lire at Snn Francisco duty It was, In their condition, to pro- race to noM down an ,nferor onfl thom from nilro&to, other companies, The moro Mr M p
being the greatt of these. tect them. Though this is in large loro,y (hnt the superior race may ud. individuals, for whatever prlco Dalles writes about his land offl e af
H.irfcriry, FJnesrFlivor,