THE NEW AGE, PORTLAND, OREGON y TACOMA $$ mllR PACIFIC MQUOIl AND WINK H0U8K. N. KKUTEK, Proprietor. Tta bet of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Family Trade Bpeclalty. Tel. Ited 1731. 1IWI raclftc Are. 1W5 Commerce HU Tacoma, Washington m ONTY'B THIKBT BTOItB Berlin Building. 113 South 11th Bt. Telephone, Main 1W. TACOMA, WA8HINQTON THE ABBEY F. J. MOONKY. Proprietor Telephone James 2121 Wines, Liquors & Cigars Kooms In Connection TACOMA WASHINGTON Ivory Wood Fibre Plaster Ivory Cement Plaster F. T. CROWE & GO. 1 105 A Street TACOMA, WASHIN8T0N STYLES RIGHT PRICES RIGHT Menzies & Stevens Latest Styles in HATS, MEN'S FURNISHINGS AND CLOTHING SPECIALTIES 913 Pacific Avenue Provident Bid. TACOMA, WASH. Kentucky Liquor Co. Incorporated. I'luno Main 113. WHOLESALE I)EAI.EK IN Wines, Liquors and Cigars 1130 Pacific Avenue 1131 Commerce Street Tacoma, Washington Puget Sound Electric Railway Interurban Lcavo Tnromn (1:00,7:10, 8:10, 0:15 (LtL, no stops) 10:10. 11:10 am, 12:10, 1:10,2:10,3:10,4:15 (Ltd., no Htops), 5:10, 0:10, 7:10, 8:10, 0:10, 11:15 p in. Leavo Stuittlo UsIM), 8:00, 0:00 (Ltd., no HtonH). 10:00, 11 :00 n m, 12 in, 1 ;00, 2:00, 3:00,4:00 (Ltd., no stopa). 5:00, O;00, 7;00, 8:00, 0:09, 10:00, 11:15 p w. rUYALLUP DIVI8ION Leave Fuynllup 5 :30, 7 :00, 8 :00, 0 :00, 11:00 nut, 1:00, 2:00, 3:00, 4:00, 5:00, 6:16, 7:16, 8:15, 0:16 pin. LcnvotHli nnd Coinmorco Htfl. 5:40, 7 :00, 8 :00, 10 :00, 12 :00 n in, 1 :00, 2 :00, -3:00,4:00,5:00,0:15, 7:15, 8:15, 11:16 p m. (5:30 n in omitted Sundays) Tacoma Trunk Factory A good Trunk Is always n good bargain. You can't judgo from moro appearances. Wo sell Trunks that not only look well but wear well. Suit Cages nnd Dags of all sixes, styles and prices Repairing done. Phono Kcil2772 031 O Street TACOMA, WASH (jfU( I'HMGjHs t-,. R. MANNING, Press. A. T. HOSMBR, Hoay' L,. R. IV1AIN1NIINCI & CO., Inc. Real Estate Loans and Investment. City and Farm Property. Timber and Coal Land. First-Class Mortgages and Investment Securities. EQUITABLE BUIUDINQ TAC MA, WASH. A Delightful BREAKFAST Dish WHEATHEARTfi Makes a delightful breakfast dish: with fruit added, a lorely desert. Itequlres little time to cook. A light ex. jnse (or fuel. Is guaranteed absolutely pure and cost less thin any other cereal Bold by all grocers. Jive pound package, 13 cents. THE PU6ET SOUND FLOURING MILLS CO., TACOMA, WASH. : TACOMA j THE A1N1NEX MAHT1N ANdBL, Prop. House of Fine Liquors Phone Main 446. Cor. Eleventh and Pacific Avenue the Mcdonald cigar go. Bolls the Highest Grades of ...CIGARS... Manufactured by tho host factories of New York and Tampa. Also complete line of Imported Cigars, Cigarettes and Smokers' Articles Tel. Main 765. 056 Pacific Avenue THE DAMFINO P. T. McOLOIN, Proprietor Telephone Main 1M ESTABLISHED BEFORE THE WAR Imported and Domestic Wines, Liquors and Cigars 1602 Joflorson Avonue, Cornor raclfloN TACOMA WASHINGTON The Beit is None Too Good for You. Get It at The Trail Saloon & Cafe RUSSELL ORMSBY, Proprietor 113 S. 12th St., Tacoma, Wash. L. L. R0DERS0N. Fro. nJ This. C II. R0BER50N, Ssc'r. EAT T. B. C. BREAD Made by TACOMA BAKING COMPANY Wliolmnlo Manufacturers of llrcad, Cakes, Kir. Wo alio mako n specialty of UUOli llltKAl). Tol. James all. 943 Tacoma Ave, Tacoma, Wash. Phono Main 718 Paving Plant, ISth and Dock The Barber Asphalt Paving Go. ASPHALT For Roofing, Street Paving and Reser voir Lining CONTRACTORS Street Paving, Driveways, Floors and Sidewalk 203-4-5 Providence BIdg. TACOMA WASH. We make a Ppcclaltr of PINE POULTRY Private Car Trade Solicited Commercial Market MARRY HASH. Prop. - Retail Dealer in Fresh and Salt Meats 1114 C Street Telephone Main 292 TACOMA J, O. TK11NKU, I'res. and Mgr. Tel. 43 Tacoma Carriage and Baggage Transfer Company OFFICE 101 TENTH ST. Carriages and Baggage Wagons at All Hours Private Ambulance Perfect la Every Detail FIRST CLASS UVERY Hand your Checks for Uaggage to our Mes sengers, who will ineet you on all Incoming trains. TACOMA, WASH Until January 1, 1907, THE NEW AGE will be only $1 per year. PASTEURIZED DAIRY COMPANY, Inc. Pasteurized Milk, Cream ; flutter, Eggs, Cottage Chceio, Cliccsc, llutter Milk. QUALITY ICE CHEAM Milk 4 per cent guaranteed Phono East 63G2 000 Itussolt Street PORTLAND, OREOON Pbom Psdfk 23( Work Does On Sfcott rToUes The Never Regret Cleaning and Pressing Parlor Cleaning, Prosing, Dyeing and Repairing. Btcam and Trench Dry Cleaning a Specialty. Uults Pressed VVhilo You Walt. 132 N. Sixth Street, PORTLAND. ORtGON Michigan TT1 Company II. CHAW, Proprietor Phone East 2800 154 Grand Avenue Ericson Undertaking Co. Incorporated Funeral Directors and Embalmers LADY ASSISTANT Phono Main C133 PORTLAND 409-111 Alder Street OIlEdON THE BUREAU SALOON FRANK HOFFMAN, Proprietor Choicest Imported and Domcstlo Wines, Liquors and Cigars- Telephone Main MC. Poutheail Corner First and Morrison PORTLAND ORF.QON A. H. Willett & Co. Wholcsalo and Retail OROCBRS Special Prices to Restaurant Prompt Delivery Phone East 283 128 Grand Avenue 8, Washington, Prop. L. Wilkinson, Manager The Alpha Fine Wines, Liquors & Clears NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS Headquarter" for Itnilrond and All Pro lenslonul People. Phone Pacific 161 101 N. Park St., PORTLAND, OREGON A. H. Griswold Successor to GR1SWOLD A P1IEOLEY TAILOR No Drnnoh Store 131 Sixth St. PORTLAND, OREGON OUR BRAND Horse Collars Farmers, Teamsters and Horsemen, look to your Interest, When In need of Horse Collars, buy the best the SHARKEY COLLAR It has stood the test of wear and tear and climate for twenty jears. Ask your dealer for them atullnslston havlug the "8har- P. SHARKEY & SON Portland, Oregon 3lX0 "ttl-.ft.fl.Pj. fl 3KifcC tiOH OLYMPIC. A Flour Whose Best Endorsement Ii the Fact that the Number of People Who Utelt Multiplies Every Year VL. i7 TRUMPET CALLS. Barn's Horn Sounds st Warning Nate to the Unredeemed. RELIGION U ambition bnthnd In contrition. They who scorn trifles never find a truth. Ho grows worse who grows no bet tor. Many hands make llirht work when tho boss is away. Tho dutiful are permanently beauti ful. Humility Is always In fashion In heaven. Faith docs not prove Itself by fool ishness. Religion la reed, with beginning of Christ to make It creed. An ounce of pleasure within Is worth pounds of false paint without. Some people thluk they provo their true blood by their black looks. Tho man who 1b lost wilt not criticise the gnlt of tho ono who finds him. People who tell all they know nover tell anything worth knowing at all. Sour grnjws often Intoxlcato men with a sense of their own Importance. Those who havo least patlcnco at home uro tho promoters of pcaco abroad. 8URPRISE8 THE POET QRAY. Success of (ho "Klemr" Overpower I n IT to (lie KnmouH Author. Priced originally at 12 cent", a mod est pamphlet of a few leaves was sold recently In London for the record price of $500. It was n copy of tho llrst edi tion of tho "Elegy Written In a Coun try Churchynrd." Whether llyron on thnt morning when he invoke and found himself fa mous was astonished Is not on record, but thnt Thomas Gray was utterly be wildered by tho success which attended tho publication of his "Klegy" Is us certainly truo ub that the fact Is gen erally forgotten. Published In tlio shapo of a slim pamphlet, It ran through four editions In two mouths nnd six other editions speedily follow ed. Kre tho poem was ten years old It had been renrluted In several collec tions of verso In numerous magazines and twice translated into Lnuii. All this amazed tho author beyond measure, and when tho Scottish poet Dcattle Bought his permission to pro pare an edition for tho northern king limn Int lii trlvln? Ills eminent wnrned his admirer of tho risk tho publisher would take, for a lxnuon booic seller had "glutted tho town" with two edi tions of 1,500 and 750 copies. Boattlo nnd tho Scottish publlBlier went tnoir way, however, and tho edition sold bo quickly that Gray was embarrassed by nn offer of a present or books in re compense for his consent. "I cannot figure to myself," ho wrote, "how It can bo worth his whllo to offer such a present." Ho nover accepted any cash payment for his iocms. Ho held It was boneotl his dlirnltr as a uentlemnn to barter hit wrlttngs for money, nnd of course tin publishers wero glad to oblige him bj rosneetlni; such a convenient scruple. To ono of thoso publishers, Dodsloy, this meant n comfortable proiit oi $5,000 from tho "Klegy" nlono. - Ornv's modest onlnlon of tho "Klegy" was not affectation ; It was the consist- nt result of his sensitive, reclusive mi- turp. As n matter of fact ho was not even responsible for tho publication of tho nocm. KlKht years elapsed between Its Inception nnd Its completion and yet ever, that protracted travail did not create n Just conception of Its merits on tho author's part. When tho last verso was written ho sent a copy to Ho race Wnlpolo with tho remark that ho had "put nn end" to "a thing" of which his correspondent had long ago seen tho beginning, adding: "Von will, I hopeT look uion It In tho light of n thing with nn end to it, n merit thnt most of my writings havo wanted nnd ure like to want." Needles Formality "Aro you a witness In this case?" "Go 'long, Jedge you know I Is." "Did yo,u see tho prisoner steal the hog?" ".My, my, Jedge don't you know I see him'" "Well, what time was It?" "Jedge, you knows ez well ez I does, dat hit wuz watermllllon tlmol" "Hut what tlmo was It by tho clock?" "Lawd he'p you, Jedge! how could dey bo a clock 1n do inlddlo er a water lnllilnn natch, half a mile film a house what never had n clock In It senco do day do fust shingle win nailed on? How some er you whlto folks ever gits ter bo Jedge Is mo' dan I kin under stan' J" Atlanta Constitution. French Arllllerr the Heat. After an elaborate review of tho work of tho French artillery during tho re cent maneuvers, tho military corre spondent of tho London Times reaches the conclusion: Everything taken to gether, there enn bo no doubt thnt the French field artillery Is tho best In tho world, nnd that It is so thoroughly irepared for war by tho practical scl- enco of Its officers, the skill of Its men nnd the excellence of Its material that it must long retain the position of pro eminence to which It Is Justly entitled. Men who think they know It nil get a lot more satisfaction on of llfo than those who actually know all that It Is necessary for them to know. )t i jW YEQEN BROS. SAVI1NC1S BAINK BILLIINCiS. MONTANA Branch Banks at Butte, Anaconda and Oardlncr Transnot a Oenernl Banking Uunlnenn Pay intorcst on Savings Accounts and Timo Cortlllcates of Deposit. We start Savings Accounts with a doposit of ono dollar or moro. SWIFT V COMPANY PREMIUM HAMS, BACON And All Fresh Cuts for Hotels MAIL ORDERS TinnD and Columbia 'Piioni Main 13 BONNY & WATSON CO ( succxuflons to ) BONNY & STEWART rUNKrUt, DIHKCTOHS AND KMBALMKni Lady Assistant AN C,Uf "UT-.t, ways In Attendance. dCaiue, WaSIl. ruT hoopv ihon drawluo& rrrrrnri miwin i a miini i i II. K. CIIANKY, A. A. IIOWAItl), Proprietor. Manager. Florence Steam Laundry THE GOOD ONE Katntllshed JfcW. Telopbone US Work Done On Short Notice 112-114 West rront St. MISSOULA, MONTANA THE GRAHD PACIFIC S1L00H Mlaoulut Montana. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Draught Beer, Fine, 5c. Bottled Beer, 25c. a Quart. All trains Stop 15 Minutes. Opp. N. P. Depot. HESEBSBBsisssHssi a flBA bf srVs. Cy low x5 mum " vilA HOUSEHOLD GOODS Hfl 1 rm AMD FHOM B r THE EAST ill lUfJsk WHITE US Jfy Smmktlm, Wamh. tm sssssssssssW V vttfH CfCTTJj prvMsjBsslaBssBssB saijLBHiiBTiBOgBHrrSsgCeSBflMalllV MISSOULA MERCANTILE CO. MISSOULA, MONTANA THIS modern establishment with its immense and varied stocks merits the patronage of all. Whether it be something to wear, to eat to furnish your house, or any thing else, you can get it here. We want every reader of The New Age within our territory to join the mighty ranki of pleased and prosper ous customers already dealing with us. REMEMBER OUR MOTTO -"We Sell Everything and Everything the Very Best." So. Omaha, Nebraska PROMPT ATTENTION If"""""""' I SEATTLE WASH I When In Seattle visit HAINSOIN & CO'S Billiard Parlors The Finest in the Northwest 621-23 First Avenue SEATTLE WASHINGTON WATER TANKS Fir Spruom mnd Omdmr Lumkmr BoxShookm Cmdmr Shlngtmm Grays Harbor Commercial Co SmmW; Wmmh. Just a Word About Rolls Mttle llolls anil Mir Hulls: i.lnlli Hulls and fancy Holla; llolls lor tireakfaot; llolls fur lunch; llolls for slipper all gooil sorts of Holla grow to ieifect proportions at tlio reliable IJakery must people In MUsuula knowatout TEVIS & CRAWSHAW GROCERS AND BAKERS Hay, Grain, Flour, Fruits, Vegetable Confectionery, Etc., Etc. 131 Higgini Ave. Missoula, Montana SxJPnk sflsflsflBsT r ''j. f