,' THE NEW AGE, POETLAND, OREGON I wiwiwiwiwiiwiwiwi wtwiwiwiWiWiWi i TOPICS OF I THE TIMES ! tiifcl'ifc'iU'itflitfuynfitri MiltllUMIUiMIUIMi nwvpppppp pppppvv v If n mnn docmi't ntnount to anything himself, ho boasts of lilo nuccntors. It will certainly be Count Uont's own fault If the wolf Beta any chanco to cratch at Ills door. tor Intermittently writes tragedies of a revolting nature across Uio pago of rural life. Of course the Kaiser lias a "thank Icbs Job," but ho receives a fulr salary for his services In lieu of thanks. It inny bo better to bo happy than to bo rich, but no iwor mnn ever de rived any satisfaction from that thought. It Is really very old-fashioned for Opiwrtunlty to knock at anybody's door when there Is tho electric bell tight handy. If the truth were known It Is proba ta that a sensible woman like Helen Gould never did feel llko a slster-ln-Uw to Count Hon). Dr. Alfoiifo l'ennn has JiiRt been elected president of llni7.ll. Let un hopo ho may be worth 100 cents on tho dollar (o that country. Count Honl's creditors will probably find It dllllcult to agree with thoRo poo p!o who refuxo to admit that there Is any caiiRo for k!RIiiiIsiii In this world. Having Informed us how he spells "enough," Mr. Carnegie might still fur ther satlRfy our thirst for knowlodgo by telling us whether millionaires ever got it A pound of (julnluo now costs only as much as an ounce did twenty yours ugo. Wo must therefore admit that the coftt of living has In some sections been greatly reduced. Cradles that can bo rocked by elec tricity aro In the market, it Is reported. Htlll, tho vlno baby boy who hopes to some day bo President may Insist that he bo rocked by hand. Astronomers assert that Mars Is Rgalu trying to signal us. If It Is n distress slgual the astronomers should llnd some way of Informing Mars that wo aro having troubles of our own. Statisticians have found that If tho wealth of the United States wcro con verted Into SI bills they would form a string to tho moon und back thirty times. Isn't It wonderful und inter esting to be n statistician? Andrew Onrncglo says when lw writes "enough," ho spells It o-n-u-fl Iucldcutnly It may bo remarked that there was a long time In Mr. Carne gie's money-making career that ho scorned to have had no use for tho word at all. News conies from London to tho ef fect that a brier pipe famine Is threat mod. Htlll, thero Is no immediate cause for alarm. Owing to tho bumper corn crop which wo have had tho output of tho Mhwotirl meerschaum factories promises to bo very large. Wooden clothing Is now to bo tnado of spun pulp. Waistcoats of this ma terial, said to bo us durable lis leather, nro already on tho market, and may bo followed by whole suits of tho best spruce, Mild cheap, and warranted to wear for years. "Spruce up" may thus tuiiulru a new and inoro exact mean ing. Consider the lieu. She boasts not; neither Is she luxy, and every year she contribute about 1500,000,000 toward tho agricultural output of tho nation. Him Is more prolltable, Hoveral times over, than all tho gold mines. Wo havo mudu known to the world our apples, our liops, struwbcrrlcs, cherries and prunes, to say nothing of wheat, corn and Hour all tho result of culture. A first-class article of food Is self-nd-vertlslng. I-ct's turn to and cultivate tho hen. Tho Marlborough case Is an inter esting one as showing tho Increased cost of luxuries in recent years. In the old days, when uu American million aire purchased a llttlo toy llko n for eign title for his daughter the Initial expenditure, her hand and dower, closed tho deal. To-day a tltlo Is llko a good many other commodities cam eras, for Instnnco tho original cost of which Is a mere bagatelle to tho ex penditures that havo to bo made to keep the toy In commission. Thero Is ono good result to be expected out of theso cases. They should certainly lead tho fathers of weaXliy daughters to take greater euro In choosing tholr ti tled bousln-law, Mural tragedies recur with rhythmic frequency and mostly they are charac terized by tho jiecullar atrocity and uu naturalness which betray tho morbid luoodluchs of tho perpetrator. In tho loneliness and Isolation of the farm tho crime has been brooded upon, fan cied wrongs taking abnormal shape, and Introspection feeding upon n social Instinct perverted by disuse, Thero Is no forgetting self where tho lives of fellow creatures aro not complexly In terwoven, Tho farm has Its own psy chology. Tho eoiuiH'tisutlons aro many. the vigor, tho health, tho poetry of na ture and tho Inspiration that lies In as sociation with tho soil; farm llfo with tho ono factor of monotony eliminated U iuuu's Ideul. Hut this duiuulug fuc- A happy woman likes a rainy day. Rain or snow seems to shut her In tnoro securely with her happiness. What Em erson calls "the tumultuous privacy of storm" gives her solo possession of her self and what Is hers. Sho may tako time to gloat over her treasures, wheth er of household goods, of art, of knowl edge or of love and to persuado her self that they aro really hers. From her mind, as from bureau, cloRot and library, sho may lay out her belongings, study their value, and rcplaco them In n new and more charming order. Hut tho unhappy woman can hardly bear a snow-storm or tho melancholy voice of rain and wind. Diversion Is her nar cotic for tho restlessness that dogs her steps. Tho hopo that "somebody will drop In" buoys her up when tho sun shines. When she knows tho hope to Ikj vain, hungry care, which waits for her even at tho gates of sleep, thrusts Its lean hands and ashen faco beforo her eyes. Tho rainy day which Is all too short for tho pleasant "odd Jobs" of her happy slstor drags with leaden feet for the sad heart. If sadness Is tho result of disappointed egotism, tho sharp sting of tho storm may drlvo Its victim to dispel It by n clearer self knowledge. Hut If It Is n pain born of loss and tho selfish sin of others, of high ambition thwarted and noblo en deavor como to naught then tho wo man's soul must nnn Itself against tho Rtorm of nature, as against that storm which has raged within her life. Tho rainy day which shuts tho door to friends and Incidents must open It for good deeds. A generous letter written to a neglected friend, a favorlto dish pre pared for tho children's dinner, the stir prlso of a call on a sick neighbor, tho steady uplift of n bravo volco and a cheerful face thoso aro tho aids by which tho woman with dull pain In her heart may hldo It through tho storm, and out of darkness make for others a llghtN which shall Irradlato her own sky beforo the sunset. if JAMESTOWN, N. D. : $ The Seller Co. OSCAR J. SEILER. Attorney-at-Lw President Paid Up Capital and Surplus $35,000 Collections Investments Real Estate Jamestown, North Dakota H. HENDERSON Real Estate I08l; Jersey Street, ST. JOHNS, OREGON KING & GILMORE Telephone UNION 4008 Real Estate Dealers Everything in the Best Properties Jersey Street ST. JOHNS, OREGON I have choice Business and Residcnco Tracts In all parts of tho city. Correspondence solicited from non resident owners of property or thoso reeking Investments here. ABBETT All Kinds of Galvanized Iron and Tin Work -a Specialty ALL WORK GUARANTEED NOT TO LEAK Agent for Quaker Mfg. Co.'s Steel Furnaces 440 Union Avo. North Shop Phono East 0177 lteshlcuco Phono Kast 1803 BY RAIL AMD WATCH. SEE Nature's Wondrous Handiwork nr BAIL AMD WATKIl THROUGH UTAH AND COLORADO Costlc Gate, Canon of the Grand Black Canon, Marshall and Ten nessee Passes, end the World Famous ROYAL GORGE. For illustrate! and depcriptlvo pamph lets write to W. C. McBRIDE, aeneral Agent 124 Third Etrtet PORTLAND. OREQON Attention has recently boon called, by two ImiKirtant events, to tho enormous material resources of tho United States In coal and Iron, and to tho question as to how long thoso resources will con tlnuo to exist In such form as to bo of tho widest benefit to tho general public. All tho oro lauds owned by the Great Northern railway In tho Lako Superior region havo been leased to tho United States Steel Corporation. Tho amount of Iron oro which these lands contain tins been estimated at 700,000,000 tons. Tho purchase of this ore for that Is In reality tho effect of tho lease places tho steel corporation lu control of con siderably more than half of tho known nvallablo supply of Iron oro hi tho United States. As the price to bo paid for iho (I rent Northern oro Is, by tho terms of tho contract, to Increaso an nually for a long term of years, tho outlook for lower-priced Iron Is regard ed as unfavorable, oven when allow ance Is made for futuro Improvements lu methods of manufacture. It must not bo forgotten, however, Mint thero aro still In tho Pittsburg nnd lllrmlng ham districts enormous supplies of oro still almost untouched; and nearly ev ery year discloses new Holds In other regions. If tho Iron oro contract per mits, and almost Invites, a rapid ex haustion of tho supply, tho expected action of tho government will retard tho exhaustion of the coal supply, Sec retary Hitchcock urges tho withdrawal from entry of Mm government coal lauds, lu order to forestall tho possi bility of monopoly In ono of tho prime necessaries of life. Ordinary govern ment laud can bo obtained for u dollar and n quarter an acre, but tho price for government coal lands Is now twen ty dollars an aero If tho land Is within llftccu miles of a railroad, and ten dol lars when beyond that limit. Hut al ready so mnny fraudulent entries havo been made, nnd so much valuable laud has passed Into tho hands of Individ uals for a small fraction of Its value, that the best public opinion demauds more businesslike methods. A Dualling I'roapcct. A poor Mexican laborer who chanced upon pay ore returned after his fortu nate find to tho doorway of his miser able hovel, nnd sat down to enjoy at leisure tho prospect of riches. At first, ho contlded afterward to his old em ployer, his thoughts were hardly thoughts nt all ; they were a vague, de licious, golden vision In which dotalls were Ignored. After a time, however, It occurred to him that ho might as well mako up his mind definitely what ho would do with his money when ho got It. Ho could doeld upon but ono thing, but with that ho was quite contented. Screens In tluvt region wVre unknown and Insects troublesome; but ho had heard of n remedy." Ilovould apply It freely where It was most needed. "When I get my money," ho told himself proudly, "I will go to tho store and spend It. I will spend generous ly, I shall havo no need to bo mean. I will buy lly-papor good sticky fly. paper, Sheets and sheets of It will I buy. Then I will return to mo houso nnd paper tho walls with It, and I shall bo no more troubled with tiles. "Ah, saints I but It Is Indeed a noblo thlug to bo tho owner of a gold-minor THE BITUUTHIC PAVEMENT BEST BY EVERY TEST For Streets, Driveways and Crosswalks. WARREN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 716 Oregonian Building, Portland, Oregon O. C. MCINTZ, Manager. Phone Cast 57 PACIFIC IRON WORKS. STRUCTURAL, STEEL, AIND IROIN Steel Bridges, Upset Rods and Bolts, Cast Iron Colums and all Architectural Iron. Sidewalk Doors and Lights. All Kinds of Castings. EAST END BURNSIDE STREET BRIDGE, PORTLAND, OR t SPOKANE : ? First National Bank of Rook Springs UOCK B1'HIN08, WYOMI.VO CAPITAL and SURPLUS, $100,000 BVEKV ATTENTION QIVEN TO IIUSINBSS I3NTKUST12D TO US J Watson Drug Co. Wholesale and Retail The most complete stock of Drues and Patent Medicines to be found In the Inland Empire. Prices guaranteed as !owas the lowest. Our Prescription Department merits your confidence. 421 Riverside Ave. Mariso Block SgT ITMES 5P0KANB The Model Dry Goods Store of the Model Western City VISIT SPOKANE. When you do, vuit THE CRESCENT, its model store, and one of the most interesting show places in what Elbert Hubbard has called the model city of America. Visitor will find here a Bureau of Information where reliable Information of all kinds regarding the citjr may be obtained. Also free Parcel Check Rooms, Public Telephones and comfortable waiting rooms with lava tories for women. Spokane Agents for North Star Blankets, the kind used on all Pullman coaches. Htvvct Korifctfulueaa, Mnuil You llko Dick better tbau you do Jnck. Ethel How do you know? Muutl You let Jack teach you to swim In two lesions, whllo you didn't learn from Dick lu less tbau teu. . llostou Transcript. i CHICAGO AIVJ CD THE EAST When purchasing ticket to Chicago and the East, see that it reads via the Chicago & North-Western Railway. Choice of routes via Omaha or via St. Paul and Minneapolis. It is the route of The Overland Limited and the direct line to Chicago from the Coast. Four last daily Cuicaeo trains make connection wiiu uu iruusL'onuneuitu uuiuo at ui. x aui and Minneapolis. The 'Best of Everything. All agents sell tickets via this line. For furUwr Information sppl to Columbia River Scenery 6S& R X nT!ATTT AlViTi KEUULiilUK Ask the Agent for T I O K S3 T VIA. THE COMFORTABLE WAY To Spokane, St. Paul, Mlnneopolis, Duluth, Chicago, St. Louis and All Points East and South TWO OVERLAND TRAINS DAILY 1U ORIENTAL LIMITED lit FAST MAIL. VU Stittls or Spokta l. LINE Tho excursion stoamcr "BAILEY GATZKK I " makes round trips to CAS OADKLOCKH every Sunday, leaving PORTLAND nt 0 a. m., returning ar rives 0 p. m. Dally sorvlco between Portland and Tho ballos, excopt Sunday, leaving Portland nt 7 n. in., arriving about & p. m.. carrying freight and passengers. Splendid accommodations lor outfits and livestock. Dock foot of Alder street Portland; foot of Court r-troot, Tho Dalles. Tola phono Main DM. Portland. AWUCOWIi WITH THROUGH PARLOR CARS SSTWBSN Portland, Astoria Seaside lTes union ncroT Arrirss. rnr Msrgsrs, JUIn. ritlly Irr, cuts k an to Dally, :Wa.m. McMrort, Clifton, lino a. m. Aitorls, Worreii. . lun, Klnrol, (lor. liart l'ark anil thi lite. AMorl A PfMliorv hzprrts Dullr. 7:00 p. 1)1. AMorlft Kxpreii 9:40 p.m. Halty. y C. A.BTKWAUT. 3. C. MAYO, Comm'l AKt.. 2" Alitor "I U. r. A i'. A. Telophono Main 90S. Splendid Sorvlco Up-to-dsto Equipment Courteous Kmploycs Daylight trip across tho Cascado and. Rocky Mountains. For Tickets, rates, folders nnd full Infor mation rail on or address H. DICKSON, C. P. dfc T. A.. 122 Third Street, PORTLAND S. a. YI2RKES, A. a. P. A- , SUATTLU, WASH. A Pleasant Way to Travel Ths above is tho usual verdict of th traveler using tho Missouri Pacflo Rail way between the Paclflo Coast and the Kast, and we believe that the service and accommodations given merit this statement, from Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo there aro two through trains daily to Kansas City, and tit. Louis, carrying Pullman's lat est standard electric lighted sleeping cars, chair cars and up-to-date dining: cars. The same excellent sorvlco la operated from Kansas City and St. Louis to Momphis, Llttlo Rock and: Hot Springs. If you are going Kast or South writo for rates and full informa tion. W. O. McBRIDE, Gen. Agt., 124 Third St., Portland, Or- Bf . V. HCIDSB. SWa'l . h MTMrll.. roaitAM, eai. NW5M On Your Trip to the East m TRY THE NORTH COAST LIMITED PULLMAN STANDARD SLEEPING CARS (KUCCTHIU LiailTB) PULLMAN TOURIST SLEEPING CARS (KLKCTKIU UUUTU) DINING CAR-DAY AND NIGHT (ELtCIUlO UOUTH) OBSERVATION CAR (KLECTUIO UQI1T&) ELECTRIC FANS BARBER SHOP BATH LIBRARY NUMEROUS OTHER COMFORTS THREE Daily Transcontinental! Trains TO THE EAST The Ticket Office at Portland U at 255 Morruoa St, Corner Third A. D. CHARLTON Assistant General Passenger Agent' PORTLAND, OREGON & f& x acafirt-w. -ev