THE NEW AGE, PORTLAND, OREGON Pflrilatth New Aij Established t A. 1). flrlllln, Mnnngcr Our stock Is complete. Give ub a trial. Geo. Hockcnyos. Ofllce, Itooin 317, Coiuimniucnltli llullriltig To Itmuro putjllcntlon nil lncnl new intuit rench us not Inter than Ttiumdiiy morning u( each week. Hubsrrlptlon price, ono yciir, imynblo Iti ml Vanco, J.uu. Christmas candles to suit tho most fnstltllous. Geo. Hockcnyos. JoHt Dros. Saloon, 340 Williams ave nue, fine wines, liquors and cigars. Family trado a specialty. PORTLAND LOCALS ' A good place to get your soft or Btlff hats renovated Is 249 V Alder Btrcot. between Second and Third. i)?xSM)JcSx Mr. 11. Summers 1b slightly Indis posed. Mrs. G. Travcrs Is Buffering with nn accuto attack of asthma. M. J. GUI Co., wholesale- and retnll meat dealers, G12 Mississippi avenue, Portland, Oregon. Phono East G05. H. R. LYNES Dealer In STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES Notions and Fruit. Free Delivery. 154 Russell Street MioncKaitficio PORTLAND, OREGON Mrs, M. Kceblc Is still confined to the house from a severe cold. Strictly fresh eggs nlways In stock at EastcB Grocery, 43C Union avc. i MIbs Orn Rhoatles will spend tho holidays with her sister In Seattle, WUSIl. J. Wallgrecn, dealer In Btnple and fancy groceries, G34 Thurman street, Tolephono Pacific 911. Always aak (or tha famous General Arthur cigar. Esbcrg-Ounst Cigar C., general agents, Portland, Or. I Tho AnhciiBcr. Henry M. Williams, proprietor, 234 Morrison street, corner Second, Portland, Ore. Tolephono Main 2517. No- iii-iui-inui-r our ury uuuuh iiiiii ix"' i .. i n.i fn rn. tlon ncpattmont.-EastcB Grocery, 43G corIMf nm, Thirmnn streets. 'Pnono Hooa 07. resn roasted coffeo a specialty. Union ave. The employes of tho Portland hotel will glvo a ball on tho 2Gth Inst, nt tho armory. Hoyal Market, Balr & Worth proprl- 'etors, fresh and cured ments, fish, You always get tho best goods at poultry and game. 439 Union nvenuo reasonable prices nt Bastes' Grocery, north, cornor Tillamook. 430. Union avc. 1G7. J. A. EASTES Staple & Fancy Groqeries Choice Teas, Coffees & Spices Dry Goods and Notions ALL THE LEADING BRANDS OF FLOUR GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY 432, 434, 436, Union Avenue North Corner of Tillamook St. Phono East 660 O SPICES, o COFFEE,TEA BAKING POWDER, FLAVORING EXTRACTS AbioMcPurirv. Firtesr Flavor. Creator Strength, toworvabkf ricei CLOSSET ft DEYER5 PORTLAND, OREGON. Phono Knst . You will nlways find tho choicest' North lGth Street Market. A. Wur- fruit nnd vegetables nt EaBtcs' Gro- tonbergcr, proprietor, cholco poultry, eery, 430 Union avc. Mrs. W. I-. 1). Pltimmor left Inst wcok for St. Paul where she expects to make her future home. fresh nnd salt meats, phono Main 1395, 230 North Sixteenth Btrcot, Portland, Ore. Meredith sells good butter, 1106 Commercial street, Taconin, Wash. JhTrM19 rU r ,?,!,v8 S nT Frco-ono car ticket with each $1.00 r:.J- .M.,9n"i"',.,,0'n,i,y r,n.V(I or purchase of tens. coffccB. canned or M gnnlzer of tho I. II. P. O. B. of W. Mrs. Dora Newman hns been con fined to tho house for tho pnst week with a threatened attack of pneumonia. purchase of tens, coffees, canned packngo goods. John Schnld. dealer In hardware, tin ware, Bhoot Iron work, guttering, u.wmHtw Mti.1 rnfiflttn rintiMt'nl (nlititflf. 'a specialty. 140 KubbcII street. Mrs. C. Smith Is temporarily cn-j gaged nt tho IJakor thcatro In tho' Try tho Pnclllc Laundry Co. for steotl of Mrs. Ida Winters who Is In- R00( Work and prompt sorvlce. Main disposed. loHlco Klrst and Arthur strectH, Port- , , land, Ore. Telephone GI0. nir. nmi nirs, j;. waiters oi uou. . , JJluff, Cnl., left on tho 23rd liiBt. to , . . , . ,, , . , K.......I ,.... .i,...u i.. un t..un ,.... ..v. Red Front Shoo Store, J. 1'. Jolm mm! In Iw, In Pnrll.inil nliniit .Tun. 1st. BOtl. . Proprietor. FIllO (IrOHH Hlioesj 1Q07 i worklngmen'B and loggers' hiiocb PACIFIC EXPORT LUMBER COMPANY OREGON PINE (Douglas Fir) For Export from OREGON, PUGET SOUND, and BRITISH COLUMBIA LUMBER AND TIMBER Correspondence Solicited 216 Chamber of Commerce PORTLAND, OREGON SOl'THAItl), A. II. O. It It Killllon, CAIE Phone Main 2318 CON HILGERS 381 N. 17th St. Portland, Oregon Vnr Kluc Wliici nmi Miior, enll nt THE WEST O. IIUItHIH, l'nip. Pine wines, Liquors and Cigars riionu l'nclllr Until S.U X.rmirli'i'iitli HI. 1'OltTt.AN'l), OIIK. OLSEN BROTHERS GROCERS Free delivery Phone Entt 653 417 Union Ave. North Portland, Ore Lewis & Clark Cigar Co. CIGAR MANUFACTURERS Ask for the Celebrated Lewis & Clark Cigar I24c Sacajawea 10c UNION MADE Phone Pacific 2263 PORTLAND PORTLAND COFFEE & SPICE GO. I nijui rt em ntiil Mnnufnrturer Tea, Coffee, Spices, Extracts and Baking Powder 24 ami 26 Front Street PORTLAND, OREGON Courtney Music Co. Band Instruments Stringed Instruments Phonographs Cheap for cashor easy payments Latest Popular Songs And Music 25c, Five for $1, Postpaid 10-Cent Sheet Music Postpaid. Standard Classical and Popular Sheet Music, 10c 88 NORTH THIRD ST. Portland, Oregon CnMu Aililrci."! "lllttTI.AUIC l'OltTI.AN'D." Cmli". I.IKIIKIt'H.niKl A.I. ' w m www' nt Mossru. R. Holly nnd Loo HodgoiH have acquired nn Intorcnt In tho pop ular restaurant well known nn tho Club Cnfo nntt itBHiuno mnungoment of tho snmu In ti fuw ilnya. Mrs. A. I'nlmcr of Park nntl Everett stroot met with n painful accident by running n mill In one of her feet nnd whllo no HcrlotiH rraulta are antici pated, alio Ib at present qttlto 111. In our next Issue wo will nollco moro fully tho benefit tcmlorcd to Mlaa Pearl Miller at tho Zloti A. M. K church on tho 20th Inst $3.00. S3.G0. S4.00 and $5.00 per pair. Repairing neatly done. SB North Sixth Btrcot, between Everett nnd Flanders, noxt door to tho Union Houho, Port land, Oregon. Phono Main 40C2. C. A. nhoadB, the only plnco on the CoiiBt repairing rubber goods. Water bngs, ayrlnges, atomizers, rubber goods and extra parts for biiIo. Wring orH ami carpot Bweepcrs repaired and for Bale. Established 15 years ago In San Krnnclsco. 423 Morrison Btrett, Portland. Phono Pacific 1882. Vulcnn Conl Company, wholesnle fiH wull nB nnd retail dealers In house, steam nnd tho Opossum dinner for the benefit of blacksmith conl. Foundry and Binelter Hov. Geo. E. Jackson on tho 22nd. Icoko. Pugct Sound stenm conl In car lots, $3.50 prr ton and up. wo nnntiie ... Lti II. . t.nn& nHinInn r9 ilntnniltln mill Nn w in nm in' tint no nmrnt "'I i" ' B"" " .iw.i.o.. ...... weather and tho luconvoulcnco cnttsed by tho Btrcot car strike tho Odd Fel lows' hall, Second nnd Ynmhtll wns o 'orlnltlv filled with tho memberB of tho order nntl their friends, It being tho occasion of tho 22ud nuulvcisnry of Now North West I.odgo No. 2554 O. U. O. of O. F. Tho program opened with a chorus by tho order followed by prnyor by II. Ijiuronce, N. O. Iteu bon Crnwford then favored tho nudl onco with ono of his celebrated vocnl aolos. Ho whb followed by C. A. Itlt tcr who gnvo a rostimo of the history of New Northwest Lodge. E. I). Gnu nedy followed with an address on tho order In general. Iloth of these nil drosses wero full of Information nnd woro well received. The memborB of tho Household of Until No. 844 then rondered n chorus. Thoy woro follow- ed by Robt. Hill. P. N. F.. with ti humorous recitation. N. F. I. read a parody entitled "Tho Ib hero to slay." Ir. Morrlman, E. S then favored the. audience with ono of his excellent solos with Miss Pearl Miller ns accompanist. Miss Sttslo Crnwford a member of tho H. of R. gnvo a select rending following which the Mnstor of Ceremonies W. P. P. lFnll welcomed our guests nnd an nounced thnt tho program would closo with a chortiB by tho mombrrs of tho Lodgo nnd Household of until, foreign hotiBo conls. Phono Mnln 2770, Ofllco 329 Uurnsldo St., Portland, Oro gon. THE PIONEEH PAINT COMPANY. The p i o ncor paint es tablish m o n t of Portlnnd It thnt of F. E. Tlonch & Company, of 135 First St., tho oldest and most ro llablo houBo of Its kind In the Northwest. It carries an Immense itock of the best things In paints nnd building materials, together with nn unuBunf list of specialties. Those who eo then I need anything In those lines can cen Nogro talnly profit by going to F. E. Donch it Company. lie-member tne numoer, 135 First street. UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND, OREGON United States Depository Northwest Cor. Third and Oak Sts. Transacts a General Banking Business. Drafts is sued available in all cities of the United States and Europe, Hongkong and Manila. Collections made on favorable terms. President J. C. AINSWORTM Vice President R. LCA BARNES Cashier R. W. SCHMEER Assistant Cashier A. M. WRIGHT Assistant Cashier W.A.HOLT DRIFTED SNOW FLOUR n The Purestof Pure Foods" Tacoma Warehouse and Sperry Mills TACOMA, U. S. A. $ 1 NO MORE SENSIBLE CHRISTMAS PRESENT 5 which tho members would Uko to meet socially nil present. As soon ns tho pro"rnm wns flnlshfd tho entertain mrnt commltteo busied thomselves nnd soon all present woro disposing of tho bnn-Mful repnst thnt hnd been pro vldfd. Tho tlmo sped swiftly nnd it wns midnight ero tho compnny con cluded that It was tlmo to wend their wav homeward and look forward to another of tho nlways enjoyablo en tertnlnp'nnts plvm by tho members of tho G. U. O. of O. F. A Handsome and Interesting Book. Tho authentic history of tho Doug lass monument; biographical facts and incidents In tho life of Frederick Done las; his death at Washington, funernl nt PnnlinstPr N. Y.. llV John W. Thompson, Treasurer National Afro- Chicago. THE ILLINOI8 CENTRAL maintains unexcelled service from the west to the east and south. Making close connections with trains of all transcontinental lines, paexeneers nro nfter given their choice of routes to Chicago, Louifville, Memphis and New Orleans, and through these points to the far east. Proactive travelers drplrlng Infor mation as to the lowest rates anil best routes are invited to correspondence with the following representatives: O. II. Trumbull, Commeiclal Agent, H2 Third Rt., Portland, Or. J. O. Lindsey, Trav. Paeeenger Agent, 142 Third Bt., Portland, Or. Paul H. Thompson, PaBnger Agnt Col man Building, Seattle, Wash & Than a Nice i Comfortable Rocker or Arm S CHAIR $. 50 Cents a H Week Will Buy It Wc show a very lurgc ussbrtment of all gr.idrsond finishes Golden Onk, Weathered Ouk, Mahogany, Bird's Eye M.ijitc Etc., Etc. The pKccs arc close. The terms easy. We. ran give you u very nlte Cobbler seat Arm Rocker for $2.75. JiimplDK JtK'k Mnnlinttnn Mining I'd. btrny I k Mnithntlnti MIiiIhk Co. lliillnn t.'miii .Miiiilinttnn Mltdnit Co. Lou Dillon floMfli'il Mlnliiir f'o. KhkIc'n Nft I'Hlrvli'w Mlnln Co. rillrvll'U' IIiiIIhIiiIH. MIiiIiiip (ii An-Von I.Uu-lt .Mniilintlnii Mhiliii: Co, Hllvor I'lck Kxloimlon M inliiir Co. 1 iirnitcu Cri-i'k Houili Kxtoimloli Coikt Co. C. A. STOCKTON, Broker Nevada Gold and Copper Mines Phono Main 6144 228 Lumber Exchango Weekly Mntkel U'ller or Pally Market quotation I'lirnlnlieil on Apllentloii I'no of I'linruo Portland, Oregon w rrirri i furniturecompany g VVVLLL 184-186 First St. ALL THE CREDIT YOU WANT ?i PORTLAND HEIGHTS AND COUNCIL CREST PARK We have placed a limited number of the best lots on the market at very reasonable prices. Avail yourself of the opportunity of securing some of this magnificent property before prices advance. More than $200,000 worth of Portland Heights and Council Crest Property has been sold by us within the past thirty days. D. E. KEASEY & CO. Exclusive Dealers in Portland Heights Property Office Opposite Observatory. PHONE MAIN 2159 Branch Office on the Crest "THE MILWAUKEE" "The Pioneer Limited" at. Paul to Amnrlenn Council: 22 HUEes. Will be Bent to any address. Price 11.25. P. O. Dox 493, Rochester, N. . "Overland Limited" Omaha to Chi cago. "Southwest Limited" Kansas City t Chicago, No trains In tho service on any aBvMMttA8a3 I .cuaHBaRlatgKMaM i ,i0aaaar , aHalaaaaHaaS":Vlu'fllaaB? aMIHaaaaBlaW6llr3HlPlaatl:m.'r. M x TaaaWaaiar 11 aaaKaaMal aaaaaaBataWaMMailiMiln ?f aaaaaaflBnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVlB 'aaaaaaaW aaaaatataaaaaKw . Ki 'HRViiiH Laaaaaal ' aaaWM LaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVh "JKiWibMmUTmMM I bbbbbbbbbbbbH bbbbbbbbbK1 I - bTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbI bTbTbI n rTTTM;- tmtjmm tm 'bTbTbT- I :MBHHlBr:aSME'ff IHWbW'iWT'W-V PLi "1 1 1 BWUSPP! ' amAtgKK'' ' THE LOOK Before investing in Farms, Acreage, or any class of Real Estate, call and examine our list. 1 Dvnn Tnhn. dealers In cholco gro-. cerles. meat, fish and POry, phono ra,lroa(, )n th0 world equals ,n equIp Main ozz, oi worm x-o. ..., v- . mont that of the ner Davis. L. N. Nees, boot and shoemaker. Fine repairing a specialty. Give him n null wnrn vou ut'uu auj.uiub Chicago, Milwaukee and Railway. They own and operato their sleeping and dining cars and St. Paul own Blvo this line, 322V& Williams av., Portland, their patrons an excellence of service Oregon. mot ontoinanio eisewnere. ifpnns on their sleepers are longer, higher and Dyeing and cleaning of all kinds of wider than In similar cars on any ladles' and gents' clothing, crepo other line. They protect their trains Bhawls, silk, velvet and laco dyed by tho Block system. Connections equal to new; lace curtains and made with all transcontinental lines bankets cleaned by a now process; Jn Union depots, mourning garments dyed In 48 hours. H g R0WE General Agent, AH work done at very moderate prices. " Portland 104 North Third street. 134 Th,rd 8t" P0' Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co 49 Third Street bTbMbMT Thi Mli if if I r Phone Main 769 H Bar Fixtures, Billiard & Pool Tables Sold on Easy Terms Portland, Oregon Send for Catalogue WE MAKE LOANS ON APPROVED SECURITIES Portland Realty and Trust Company 106 Second Street Portland, Oregon - -a g& iMgklpit 3