'l TTIE NEW AGE, PORTIiAND, OliEGON r ?i ? i 'K y t , f i gfartlmtb Nmu Aij a. o. cmii'mrV. iMfiimuuf Ollliv, Itnom :117, ('ntillnimiM'illtli IIiiIMIiik business as far as possible Into the played In doing so. Hill roads. I Consider how Hnrrlman has treated Oregon for many years. While drain- USEFUL HOLIDAY GIFTS Officer W. T. Tcovln ono of the old guard of the Portland Ing this Btnto of millions of profits, ho who was severely Injured by falling In rintrrc.lntthopo.tniiico at 1'ortlaml, Oregon, has stubbornly refused to build needed to an excavation on the night of Octo MteouJ.ciM.in.ttM. Mow romlg op tQ Imi(rove o)(1 onc8 nfl bcr 3oth last, while pursuing n burg SUHSCKIPTION. One Year, payable In advance , .$2.00 fffifc3?&& long as his rickety old trains could lar- ls "P and about, but not sufficient crawl along the tracks. He has In- ' recovered to resumo his regula- Jured the state to the extent of mil-.llutIcB' lions of .lolliirH bv noirWInir to tiro- Officer Tcovln In one of the most vldo cars and locomotives when noimlap members of the police depart It Is a Happy Christmas Thought Put ..once force Eec(rica conveniences for the Household Offer a New and Inviting Field for the Dispenser of Christmas Presents. JXxXfiX merit. flc to San Francisco nnd even to Paget Sound In order to keep It away from Portland, nnd for years refused to put) SxiJS txi'i'&i vitiXS&sx&iXaisfsJi?) EDITORIAL x9K?tt'SS) A FAKE STRIKE. j The so-called strlko of street cari men promlues at tho present time to bo even more of a lizzie thnn It was last summer. Tho curiosity of It ,8 word, ho has been a robber and a dead that It seems to be a strike of some" t"1(,,ny ,0 im" H,,Uo n,m ,mr,lcl" In.... r.f I I, I.. ll 1.11., Illll l.ll I, llll. I self-constltuted labor ""'' Ul ",,B t,lJ ' """" " ' Ing hero and making n fight against Harrlinan In the hitter's own alleged needed, hns bankrupted many people, ;KIlt n"'1 ! '"""V blends wish him a ninl thrown thoiisniuln out of ctnnlov-.Bl,tc" rccoer IFe has habitually diverted traf- Mr. Manning having declared ho doesn't wnnt the democrat! nation for mayor. Mayor Some Individuality in Your Gifts. Tho selecting of useful and annro- on nny steamers hero to take caro of tho city's growing commerce. In n probably get It again if ho wants It ared that prlnto Christmas gifts Is always a try-1 warmth comfortablo to dress by. r atlc notnl- ,n,?i m tlmt "ocoiiicb more coniplet t may bo moved to any part of i f lwlth 'lie recurrence of the Holiday r 00m ,or from ono room to another, Lano can season. Tho universal uso of Elec- readily ns a footstool. Where tho Luminous Radiator Is used, all of the benefits of an open fire, with none of Its drawbacks or in conveniences, are Immediately avail able by tho turning of a switch, n does away with nil danger of fire or of Injury to floors nnd rugs by flying sparks, and all annoyances from smok ing chimneys and the handling of fuel and ashes. If preferred, the radiator may bo Installed permanently In th" flreplnce. Its finish bright copper re flector nnd oxidized copper frame harmonizes with any surroundings In homo or office. The Luminous Radiator Is worth Its cost many times over, ns a conven ience and a safeguard to health, If any members of tho family arc "caught In the rain." It serves to dry damp shoes or Bklrts. In the bedroom, '- o if , u .- on chilly mornings, It furnishes (jfOCery Meat Market wnrmtn comrormuio io dress oy, ami A. CORRIGAN Barton, Or., Clackamas River Best Fishing and Hunting Grounds in the Northwest SANDSTROM BAKERY No. 776 WHI'ams Avenue Fresh Bread and Cakes Daily . PIES AND CANNED GOODS TEtEPHONE EAST 9S. T. J. COFER & SONS the as more or less lenders on tho street car men's tic-, count, they for tho most nnrt not striking nor wishing to strike. They , tc'rrl,or' lms nentted nnd will bene were going along attending to their , business nnd were for tho nioHt part OUR CHICAGO LETTER fit this stnto and city to tho extent of tens of millions of dollars. Under, such clrcumstnnces why should not tho people of Oregon nnd especially of Portland patronize the Hill roads to tho exclusion of tho Har rlinan lines whenever posslblo to do ho? This would bo a proper return and deserved treatment In both direc tions. Wo have curried tho policy of feeding fat our worst enemy too far alrcndy. iricny opens io tne iiernlexet ills-1 tt, n,n .int.mnm iia tv..inni mmm, ni'tiEnr of trl ft n n now ntwl wnlpnmn ., . ...i.. i. . but being elected ngaln, with a good ueld wherein may bo found a multl- grent boon strong republican candidate against !j!i'l"f novo1' """"Pensive and useful i - ,.,. ., , . """KB. I S(!x3!)f)3 linn, io uui nu mo, ouiuu ui mo iiuiii- M'liuni. wiinuiii numim are mo nrrntu win nnt tu. nni.iii.inain f- i.i... Electrical Appliances that may be used to ndvantugo In every home and the republicans will probably try whim the Elocttic current has been to show that this Is a republican town 1'1l!!,,tl,,,?UV These little devices cost little, but they ndd much to comfort - I nnd convenience nnd their desirability The councllmen who refused to r ns Christians gifts Is unquestionable. noiil Hint. Fourth str.-et nillmn.i fmti. I For the woman who ontertnliiH, noth- IIIH l-illl UU IllUIV UUCUJILlllJH'i 735 Wil'lams Avenue Phone Woodlawn 149- R. L. CATE. satisfied; or If they had any griev ances they were quite capable of get ting together nnd giving them expres sion nnd making them known to their employers, who hnvo alwnyB met them half way at least In nay request they had to make; hut n few professional agitators and mischief makers thought It was (lino to stir up some trouble Homownorc, somenow, nnd so "or dered" a streetcar men's strike, with out tho streetcar men's knowledge or consent. Tho tyrunny of employers Hcnrcely over went to hiicIi an extreme as this tyranny of labor lenders who work only with their mouths In trying to compel several hundred men to quit their Jobs who don't want to do no nnd have no good reason for doing so. It may bo tlint tho streetcar men ought to liavo more pay; It may be that they should not bo phologrnphcd, for this offends tho sensibilities of Home of them and might bo iihoiI to injure them; It may bo that they should, bo recognized ns a union, but If no and they choose unitedly to make those demands very likely tho com pany would accede to them or would muko concessions nnd arbltrato; but tho company's officers are quite right In refusing to have anything to do with labor ugltatorH entirely outside tho ranks of tho carmen, and who have no business meddling with their nffnlrs. If tho carmen would unitedly strike and hang together, they could no doubt tie up the loads to a great extent, and might force concession to their demands, nnd iih long an they did no violence, public sympathy would bo with them; but for a few of these professional agitators, whoso principal work Is working tho work Inguieii, to try to force the streetcar men Into a strike which most of them are unwilling to go Into and many of them knew nothing about, Is both an absurd and a wicked piece of business. Such u pietended or fake strike doea not desorvo ft sympathetic strike on the part of any other class of work men, and tho federated trades will get .... ciiiiu . iwh ) ....n...h iu 80ntor R j. Miller, representing abortive movement. Tho working' , nm, Mnr)n c0lnleg Jontl( a men's worst enemies are these fellows ono ,,,, w,10 oponly ,,ecInrcB who labor only to make mischief, and ()at ,,0 WI ml mH10rt ourno for to coa, push or drive honest work- ..,, Rlntl Rm,,,. Ro,in,M1. Mn. can oo mora nceotmili i ns n clilso mny find It difficult to bo elected C'lirlstmns gift than an electric ehnf' again, If they should wish to be. The J"K;dlsh. A woman never ajipears to better advantngo in masculine eyes wishes of the people are pretty plain than when bent over a chafing-dish, on that proposition, nnd they will elect ' !:, on W'tVfo i4l vv.il iv wiiiwuife-iiioii O iiiu ivtni; v.i - men to do their will. If Multnomnh members cannot get together and ngreo on some ono for cither president of the senate or speaker of tho house, outside members cannot bo blamed for thinking Hint Multnomah doesn't caro about cither of these offices. red thing, elegant In shape, durable in construction, beautifully finished In silver or nickel, ns you prefer. Equally dealrablo as a gift to the Chicago, III., Dec. 13th. 1900. Mr. Isaiah Hill of 3C3.1 Dearborn St. died Inst week". Mr. Hill wiib a barber by trade and resided In Chicago for ninny years. Col. and Mrs. John It. Marshall glvo their twentieth anniversary on tho 21st of December ut their spnclous resi dence on Calumet ave. Tho literary organization at the Ehcnozcr IJnptlst church Is becoming quite Interesting nnd populnr. It Is largely attended Sundny afternoons. There nre two republican organlzn- MILLER, BUCK & CO. GROCERS Phono Woodlawn 406 Williams Ave. & Fargo LOUIS SCHUMACHER FURRIER Kurs Itcmmlclnl Into l.atcBt Style. Hot s, S o es, Ties, for les than at any other plnee. 185 Madison Street. It Is believed on nil hands that Sec retary of State-elect Ft mile W. Hcnson will make a most excellent official In that position nnd will fully Justify the people's selection of him Inst spiing. Everybody who knows liim speaKs well of him. Tho state Is fortunate In having re elected so excellent nnd useful nn of ficer tiB Attorney General Crawford. The people know that tho duties of that office will he well attended to for the next four years. Real Estate and Financial Broker. Mr. It. j. Cate who opened up the beautiful Hawthorne Park, one of tho most select resident additions of Port laud, enjoys tho honor of being the first to predict the future greatness of Portlnnd. Mr. Cnto has been actively engaged In tho real estate business In this city for tunny years, and during nil of this time hns preached tho gos pel of "Greater Portland." Within tho pnBt two or three yenrs tunny others hnvo taken up the cry of Portland's future greatness, hut to Mr. Cnto belongs the credit of starting the ball to tolling, nnd It has been through his persistent advertising that much of tho movement and activity now on is unquestionably due. Mr. It. I,. Cate occupies offices at 22i Stark street, an, I is tho general ngent al"co ll tlooHii't nppcnr that Jon for tho beautiful Hawthorne Park, n """ "oiirno is a ropuuiican, u woui.t : jg section replete with advanttiKes as n have been better to keep Oearln In tho w",n"n,)V,() J,,,l,cf.,,V.n" lH l"? '' ecT e, ?"H '" i1"0 "" . Zm,n pm".' hi moil repieio uu auauiahs us n. icn Kettle. For "afternoon tea" noth-'ilie regular organization In the Third residence section and peopled by Port. H,mn, ,nnn t0 BC"'1 lJo' ' replnce ing better enn bo Imagined. Electric ' wnrcl Ih headed by Congressman Mnr- li I tu . , curreni qiiicioy supplies tne neceasary nn u. .Madden, rue seceuets ami uoii- hent without the uso of alcohol, ers of tho republicans of the Third iiiuiuiii h ur naiiif. i nu kcuio lilur uu nuni ih iii'iiucii ui oviiuiur I'iiiuinuu. Most peoplo can afford to celebrate Christmas this year rather better than tisunl and there Is promise of an even better and grenter yenr for Oregon mid all the Paclllc Northwest In 1907. (1. J. KnliiiT It. Itorliull ERDNRlt & HOCHULI Chicago Market Ih'iilerit In Krcnh unit Curo'l MchIk. All Kind, of HAingf4. ,1M Thin! Htrovi, nvnr Ynmlilll. I'liimo Mala -IIH. l'ortlniiil, Ort'Kiiu. D. C. BURNS THE OROCBR TI2L.RPHON13 Olf 210 Third St., Portland, Oregon. The Electric Flat-Iron JOHN E. MALLEY DKAt.CIt IN Staple & Fancy Groceries Teas and Coffees a Specialty 492 Washington, Near (5th Phone Main 2167 'V& llfcbSEGOM "M ST WEEKS GRANITE CO: For First Class Work and LOWEST PRICES in Portland ,M Cor. Fourth and Columbia Streets m One Olotk South of City Malt land's llrst families, Mr. Gate Is a general realty broker, buying, selling, nnd exchanging ptop ertles, utteiidlng to rentals and the un derwriting of Insurance In the most reliable companies. Mr. Gate's IiiihI nesrt representa every facility that wide lluauclal connection, broad exper ience nnd a perfect knowledge of prop erty values can give, nnd his reputa tion ns a competent ninuager Is at tested by the genernl appreciation of his honorable methods exhibited In every transaction. Secretory of State Dunbar and Sec retary of State Moore can well afford to retire. They won't hnvo to work any more unless they wnnt to. NOT FOR BOURNE. lletter thtow I'rank linker's old pile of Junk out anil make him cart It nut of sight. The memory of It will not be so easily gotten rid of. They any thero wl "House Dill No. 104 u good many substitute Just as good. be no more be over-estlmuted. It Is nlwnys ready and thero Is no fear of dlsngreenblo re sults ns with n water bag that may knk. With n dnmp cloth, tho pad mny bo used In plnco of poultice. For tho matron In whose homo there at Salem, but ' n" Infant, a valued gift would bo , ,. ,. . , nno jsiecirie isursory .miik warmer. bOllOVO thero Will 1)0 a.wiinn ilm hnliv cries, something Is tho matter. The baby's milk Is wanted. In lean thnn threo minutes It can hev tt.ni-mml wIMi 1ia l?lnitrln 'Vnrsnrv What's going to hnppen? Not n Mk Wnrnior by the turn of a switch. chink hns been run In for playing Thero ls nothing to compnro with this , , , . . . . . . method. Complete with "Hygeln" domlnooa In aomo little bnck hole for,1.11PainD. iinm Pm.,i n,i hltr for con- er SKX .mrposr ' " ' ZVTrX e.a7e0t.e;tHr.enn.Iel S!J Z 11 " -no" am' AoWwt mn i i "ui , rnniiL It . !..?Ji L L.. .?. I" ' Profession In Chicago. On threo Z LrL n, i.L uL?LC T. .ViSRv1 ,r four occasions ho has been honored temperature, lightness and lloxlblllty. ... nol,tni Assoclntlon with nosl- am'.'n iftiltlf A, elmnH? "'" ll""" "' S"!! nis''offico Is nnd In thohonio h value can hard y , . i,nli11,1n i.1,ii.n.lu.. inn nmi., . "" - -- '" ni -- " sovoral days. The legtslaturo will not meet till nectlng to any lamp socket A useful present to nny woman, young or old, is nn Kloctrlc Curling liigmeu Into u strike that will do them far more harm than good. HARRIMAN AND HILL ROADS. In any ler wisely declined to load himself down with T'lten's "Statement No. 1." mid so Is fieo to go Into tho legislature and perform his constitutional duty by Iron Heater, which does away wltn three weeks from next Monday. Time, nil danger, dirt, odor, fire and annoy , , . . , , . . , nnce, nttfiulant upon tho uso of Irons to do a lot of studying et. ,,cnte1 , (ll0 onunnry mnnner. Tho r main fenture, tho most Important ono, Hero's a merry Christmas to every la that tho electric heater does awny wltn (no danger or uro. render and friend of tho New Ago nnd helping to elect n United States tho rest of tho people too. railroad legislation enacted Senator, none having been elected yet, at Salem this winter of course thero and his dut to the people by voting for some tit man nnd truo republican Lenbo has caused more trouble than nil the good ho could do In a thousand enn be no discrimination between rail loads; all will have to be treated for that' high office. Senntor Miller , ycnrs wou,', ,my for' alike, and this Is abstractly right. The. kuowH, ns other u publican senators law cannot burden one road and favor and representatives do, that Mr. another, but tho people of Oregon In ltourne Is not the cholco of their con- the conduct of their can make a Nearly all republicans In the leglsla turo nnd n democratic governor. Cur ious stnto, Oregon private affairs stltueuts, that they would consider It distinction, where they an Injury and dlsgrnco to the state to have access to two lines, If they choose elect him, nnd so ho will vote ns hi to do ko, and there nro abundant ren- cousclenco dictates and according to shape. Of all electrical appliances, howover, tho ono that Is most likely to earn tho grcnteful thanks of tho recipient Is the Klectric Flnt Iron. It Is ready for uso In a few moments nnd may bo used continuously without chnnglng tho Mr Julius V. Taylor, editor of tho Ilroad Ax was tho leading nnd nctlvo colored man In opposition to Pitchfork Tillman speaking In Chicago. It Is duo to the efforts mndo through Mr. Taylor nnd his friends that Mayor Dunne of Chicago refused to preside at tho meeting where. Senntor Tillman spoke. A bogus -Iodgo of colored Elks hns been lntely started In Chicago under tho authority of Mr. Howard, of Ken tucky. In u short time, for tho bene fit of tho public, tho commencement nnd History of this self-constituted or ganization will bo written up and given to tho public. Tho bogus lodgo Hint has been started Is called Chicago lodgo. It was gotten up by n man here by tho uiiino of Wilson, n very Illiter ate and Ignorant negro. Great scandal In Chicago among tho Four Hundred population (colored). It Is reported that Dr. Ilames tho col ored dentist who wns recently married has separated from his wife. Also that Dr. Lewis and his chnrmlng wlfo nro no longer living together. What Is tho matter with tho Chicago profes sion? Dr. Anderson Is seen nulto of- rtDlinC CTATIAMFDV IMPORTED & DOMESTIC PERFUMES Prescriptions, Family ItccIpeH Phono youronlois L'ast S100. W. C. CHURCH, Pharmacist 677 Williams Ave., Cor. Forgo- NATIONAL WINE CO. Pure Wine & Liquors WE.SELL DIRECT. TO THE FAMILIES Fifth and Stark Streets Phone Main 6499 PORTLAND, ORE. E. B. COLWELL Wliok'.ale anil retail GROCER PI10NK MAIN -lOU 281, 283 and 285 Third St.. CORNER JCrrCRSON PORTLAND, OREGON Iron. Tho ndvnntoges of Klectric Irons u w" .Mra. iiincKweu who nns just over thosohented by any other method, been divorced from her husband, nnd nro so grent that comparison Is out of thero Is much gossip in relntlon thero- Stato Printer Dunlwny will know just how to do tho business up in flue sons why they Bhould do so. Most of principle, nnd not to carry Into effect the people of Oregon outsldo of Port-.the schenio which Mr. llourno en land nro yet at tho mercy of ono road glneered last spiing at so much ex ec system, that under the control of pense. Harrlmau, but tho shippers nnd busl- Thero nro some members who would ness men of Portland already hnvo In like to follow Senntor Miller's example many cases n choice of two routes, nnd but feel bound or fenr that some other the oppor gi it would certainly bcivo Harrlinan nnd cumstanccB a great majority of their tho nuestlon. Klectric dovlees that make appro priate gifts for men Include tho Klec tric Clgnr Lighter, which Is just the thing for a den. Klectric Reading ae' Posk Lamps, Sealing Wax Heaters nnd Klectric Shaving Mugs. necessities to. Much complaint has been mado by the peoplo In Chicago about somo of tho colored men who have lately gone Into the undertaker's business. Somo of them nre regulnr fakes and wholly unfit and Incompetent to bo engaged In that business, and they hnvo done the reinilnr legitimate, and experienced un- Among these Among tho household thnt mnko n most deslrnblo Holiday , '! !? Sc (IIH.rcol.lor.' -hlS Is Multnomah county go".,,g to get The process of Percolation p !.,. I.. . - ..II.. .. a lUUVUIIIKlMil miltiuiioiiinui ...mi ......... . , . , .,.. . turner, ,v" '" "' '"""""""' ' "" desired strength. By tho Klectric pro- 'cess tho entire strength of tho coffee Looks llko Haines for president of Is extracted nnd tho finest llnvor Is obtnlucd. Rupert's Pharmacy PHONE MAIN 6421 Kverytliin,' New, Fresh anil Up-To-Dnte. Wo solicit your trado. Piuity pro-eminent. Pure I)rus an important matter. Prescriptions precisely prepared. We never sub Etltrto. Perfumes of tho liMieht cl aracter. Wo want your confidence tho aounte. rrton Si. about' tho undertaking business as a o"p"CBuTrilr'lI'Grory Portland, Or.. Chinaman would know about tho duties of tho president of tho United I' amies, this man King a few years mny cases n choice of two routes, and but feel bound or fenr that some other T. n, p, . The Electric Radiator, io Hill lino will afford still better people consider them bound to voto wines, llquora !ndlga liportunltlea In tho future nnd to n for llourno becnuso they subscribed to Proprietor, Oregon Phone Pacific ),oat on chilly dnys. when It wc renter number of Oregon people, nnd "Statement No. 1," but under tho c.r- "0"" """ "K ffoV 'SrmR 'oo? would certainly bcivo Harrlinan nnd cumstanceB a great majority of their I 'nnd Is greatly superior to the . . I Trtrtlti MnfL-a frtfVii C OO rpKI..l ,, am3 tlinf nrA rtrtlitnr? 1 Tho Luminous Radiator la especial temnornry ould " I for the1 Alblna Club (George Ross), cholco rooms, wines, liquors nnd cigars, 134 Russell ninl Is croatlv sunerlor to tho oil or street, Portland, Ore. Phono East HOTEL EATON l'OHTI.ANn, OltKGON I au'o was a piano player In saloons. Tho sooner tho colored people get rid of. all such people as that, so far as their1 our,rrapco wuiTe""' the w ofr , Tourists' Commercial Men's- HEADQUARTERS 1...-II.. .!. l... rt . .... . . -i .!.. . II II.. ..-.! i3SR lil BVHtoni lust rluht If tho neonlo of rnnatltiinnt. wnul.l nnt nnlv iinnlnn ' M" ""L w -uw. "'. -- . m gna biu-b umi r- uiiiiiminy iiii u.. ' ' street, reiepiione .Mntn ISU3, Monte sucn occasions, insieau or inirouuc-j Portland and of Oregon ns far as pos- them for breaking away from the rash Crlsto Java and Mocha Coffee always Ing dnngor of flro and vitiating thM Everett Market, (E. L. Peck, Prop.), nltili imtranlzeil that svstem lust as nuroemonl tint would nnnlmul nml Pleasca- I' '0l want a good, rich nlr. tho Luminous Radiator throws out Plmlco teatR and Poultrv. 413 Everett Bioie piiinniiziii uiiu H)iem jusi as ngreemetH, uui wouiu apptnuu anu ,ii,.i,i iyn iai0. .. m. . i,v ot.,,.,1.-. i-n.iintinn rmm n annrra simoi M,n rih nn.iinn.i rr ... ..Ilk..... VU.J. IIIOID; 11,1 bit""!. .MU'ia IV.V MJ ......vi ......, ..w... .. Hw...v W..V.V, WW,.... AVM.U, A V.V.UUU, V..W. STRICTLY flRST.ClASS Hot and Cold Wcte-. Private Baths. Phone in Each Room. AH Outside Rooms.. little. as posslblo and throw nil their honor them for tho moral courage dls- Crlsto Java and Mocha. that Is clean and safe. Phone Main 1540, Cor. West Park and Morrison Streets . - ) ,v