TOE NEW AGE, PORTLAND, OREGON" P. A. TAYLOR Staple and Fancy Groceries Fruits, Confection, C'lKnrn, Tobaccos anil FAn ey Coffees, Tens anil Spites at t.ouest I'rleco 447 Union Ac. l'rco Dullxory I'lione Kast 440 Tr -'s V.v 3S f? ?35 &&& P"'w'fr i?3 ;4i n""' fl M MWl; JkJw AUGUST STORZ licnlcr In Stitnlu i nil I'nnuy CJi-oeut-loM Vi'koUUUm, I'rnIIs ami l)nlr I'roiluco I'lione Last Vis 4(,1 XVIIIInms Ave. I'OUTI.AXI), OltKOON C. S. NELSON Denier In Staple and Fancy Groceries and Provisions 154 N, Fourteenth St., Cor. Irving John'M IVIecit iVInMcet J It. MKItdllXH, I'rop. Trcsh Meats, Ucci, Pork, Mutton, Bacon ii n d Hams Cornell Ilecf ami I'lelclnl I'ork aHpeelalty I'Iiiiiip Main ViM 41j N. Sixth Htreet I'Oltll.ANI), OltKOON W. It. Williams AK'lexelunil FASHION STABLES Hacks, Livery, Boarding Twentieth and Washington Sta. West End Exposition Bide. 1'lninu Main l.'i PORTLAND, OREGON The Union Meat Co. All lilnltiK Cars ami First Class Hotels ami Jiuatnuniiits liny tliu UNION MCAT COMPANY'S rRCMI AND CUHCO MEATS Tlio Host III tlio Market l'alronlro Homo tic lutry. I'OKTLAND. OREGON HALL PHARMACY CO. Telephone East 873 Union Avenue and Tillamook Slrcct PORTLAND OREGON ROBERT A. PRESTON PRESCRIPTION DRUaOIST Cor. VM anil lliurinnn Hts. J'hono Main K.IO I'OKll.ANI), ORIJtlON SCHWIND & BAUER Shoe Repairing Machine ami Kami. Only (Inoihcnr Maehlno In Our 'ty, Hlioes maile to tinier. Mimes Calleil for anil DelUereil, Teleplioliu rnellleiVit. SOTJ Ynlilhlll Htiect I'OltTI.ANIl. OltWION The Portland Hat Works Manufacturers of FINE SOFT AND STIFF HATS Hats llli'd, Clcaneil anil llloekeil. Our spo rlalty. t'liiiauias Clcaiii'il ami llleacheil. VI'iU Abler Hi , Im-i Keiiiinl ami llilnl Jliaiich VU WiishlUKtiillM. I'orllrtnil, Or. OUH WOIIK IS Itur ONE GltADE HIE I1EST W roaki a srtclilty of hunJolnr. Lice Curlaliu CRESCENT LAUNDRY CO. 31') Morrison Slrcrt. We hii I't'ty (lie llulcher trmle I III nice, elenu iiiriius XX h liuj oiir apron anil then uiy to Iihwi them laumlcrcil when u will supply lliem for Just hat It costs ou iiiih tn Imxu llieiu hiiimleieil. Our mhkoii will call. JI. J. (Iimlner I'lione, Main VM M. (iartliiur GARDNER BROS. Miiniiliictiirers of tlio Silk Tie Cigars UNION MADE 209,' L; Madison Slrcct PORTLAND, OREGON ARTHUR L.AVY furnlihcr and Hatter "HIS MAKISM SIIIMT8" 4M XViuhliigtou tit., Opposite llelllu's Theater PORTLAND, OREGON RAINIER MARKET C Hl,l M Proprietor Dealer In Fresh, Cured and Smoked Meats, Hams, Bacon, Lard, Sausages, Etc, Also Fish and Clams, l'AMH.Y Tit MM: A M'UI.Xi.'I Cor. rVenteenth anil nix ler M I'lione Mutn luC! I'urlUml, Ork'on Frank L. Smith Meat Co. SI'S Altlor St., between l8t tuitl 2d Sts ''FIGHTING THE BEEF TRUST" Wo nro Portland's only Imtopomtont nlniiKlttcriTH mid Jobbers. Tito only ones not controlled by tlio trust. The only out'H who do not uso preserva tives ami adulterations. Hulled Ilonst Hoof 10c l.oau KotiBt Mutton So Mutton for hotline 6c Mutton for mow Co Loin Mutton Chop l&o Shoulder Mutton Chops 10a I.OIUI ItlKlHt Vottl lOo Hronst Vinl Roast 10a Vonl Stow 8o Will Chops 12Ma Hamburg Steak 10o l'ork Sausage lOo Frankfort Sausage 10a llolocuu Sausage ..,. So liroakftiHt Uncoil 17VjO Pure I.nrit 12o Kino Shouhlor Steak So Itouutl Steak 10o Hefct Pot Roast So Flint Rolling lleot rc lit st Hoof Stow , fie Plato cutB Heef Co Hrlskot Hoof Co Corn Hoot Co It Is up to tlio taxpayers of Port Intnl. Aro you going to nllow tho hoof trust to ountlnuo lobbing you of thou. Hands of tlolliirs niinonlly through tho moat nunulled to tho Port of Portland. GEO.IHOCKENYOS Dealer In Staple and Fancy Groceries Clears and Tobaccos, Fruits and Confectionery PROMPT DELIVERY 95 Ruflocll St. Phone East 4899 NEW ALBINA CAFE PATTERSON fclMcDOUGALL. Prop. Fine "Wines & Liquors Tho Old Corner Cor. Russell Av. &. Alblna St. Phone Eaat 4386 Portland, Ore. FINK & LEWIS liialcr in Staple and Fancy Groceries DRESSED POULTHY.IETC SiTmImIssIppI Avenue PORTLAND, OltE. l'hnlie raclllo'J-JtN., J. REITZELE T'A ILOR Hotel Scott Bidu Portland, Ore. I'lione lloml 577 THE OLD HOME r i' mi:i:iin', Prop. Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars ( or. Sexenleeiith anil N'orthrup Sts Portland, Oregon GEO. W. HOCHSTEDLER Dealer III Staple and Fancy Groceries, Fruits, Produce IMOAHS AND TOHACl'O Phone East 374 460-462 E. Burnslde St. PICTURES FRAMED rUKMTUKE REPAIRED PHONE EAST J54 RES. PHONE EAST 2312 H. C. SCHR0EDER The Alblna HOUSE FURNISHER HOUSES FURNISHED COMPLETE CASH OR INSTALLMENTS UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING 244, 246, 248 Russell St., PORTLAND THE AVENUE CLUB AND Tho Avonuo Oyster Houso I' I' I1AI.I.. Prop I'resh llxsler open ilall). I'luts quarts Kill Inns. Delherul an) place The llrst ol Whirs, Liquors unit Clitiirs 'I he Ik's of Meats, I'Mi. 0) stern ami (lame. Open Day und Might Mil Williams Awnno Ml Williams .Ueiiiio 1'houe Kiist I'llltTI.XMl OKCdOS' I'llOSi: MAIN lb'i.1 Martin-Marks Coffee Co. HIGH GRADE COFFEES TEAS, ETC. Tho excellence of Monto Crihto Java mill Moulin Colloo hUuiiIh in luli lavur. 252 Third Street PORTLAND, OREGON Crane Bottle Co. Wholesale Dealers In BOTTLES Carry tho lurg t)t Mock of Ilotthti on tho Padllo Const. .Mail Oulor bhlp lnoiitd given prompt attontloii Office, 14th and Couch Sts. PORTLAND, OREGON Portland Fluff Rug Go. Transforming of Worn Brussels and Ingrain Carpets Into Rugs Prompt Attention and Good Service Guaranteed Phone 3052 790 Washington St., Portland, Oregon Furniture i Quality We sell Quality goods Fur niture that is made from Natural Wood, that will give satisfaction under hard wear. The saire will hold good of our carpets and stoves. That's the kind we sell. COVELL FURNITURE GO. 184-186 FIRST AU the Credit You Want ISBBBBBB' 'SBBBT AvWl The youiiK ninn In tlio new fnll ox-" rout lit a clpirotto and tnillcil his trmi- kt.i carefully up another inch. ' l ll toll you If you'll proynlso not to kIxo It nxvny," he said. "I xvas up to call on a Klrl. Honest, slip's u penco'nnd It loil.s to mo as If I xvhh as solid as tho granite hills. I xvlsli I could seo her." "I've seen 'oni before," said lil.s friend In the plain flannel waistcoat. "Not like her, yo.u haven't. If yoiiV' seen 'oni that's nH far as they ever cot. Hut, honest, I feel leary about It. Sho-'s too pood." "So?" said his friend. "Vou bet your life, Say, she's got iiiojioy." "Dltl she shoxv It to you?" "Tliat'M all right. You mny not be lieve It, but slie'H got money to burn. You ought to too tlio swell home she's got." "Wore the folks o.ut of town?" "A xv, come off I Nnxx', tho folki xxoreii't out of toxvn. They xvere right it home and they're her oxvn folks, llcr brother Introduced mo, too. He behyigx to three clubs and lie's got mi mitoiiM litle of his own, besides what the old man Iiiih got, and Helen she's got otic e.f the little electric wagons to go ciilllii1,' In, ami all that or her mother Inn. 1 don't knoxv who oxvns It, hut, nnyxvay, she could have one If nho xvanted ,t. There wan an uncle tf hers died ntitl left her $.-iO,000, That's In her own inline." Tho young man In tho plaid wnlst coat looked Interested. "Hoxv illd you say you got finpinliitcd?" ho asked. "Through her brother," replied the young man lit the now fall ovoinnt. "Lctiiplo took mo out to Clovertoii to play golf and 1 met him at the club house ami ho took l.omplo ami mo lnuk with Ii I in to toxvn In Ills maoliliie and S HIS ONE EXPERIENCE. When Mr. (lago was urged by an at tractive young woman to buy a et of encyclopedias on the Instalment plan, ho turned round In IiIh chair ami cur- voyod her with u benevolent but llrm expression. "No, nia'atn," ho said, decidedly, "none of these 'continued In ourjnext' honks for met "1 onco boarded at a place whero thev xxoro taking a set of encyclopedias Just that way. I was keeping company xxlth the young woman who afterward married the man xvho xvas iiIm Keeping company with her ami mo. Sho said one night, when wo were all three sitting out under the stars, and wishing olio of ni xxasnt tiioro, that she'd give a gooil ileal to knew about Jupiter how far off 'twas and everything. She said she'd once known a young man who had possessed all Mich knowledge, hut Ho mm passeu away. "Somehow I gathered from lier tone that If he hadn't imsmmI away, lie until.! have boon with her then Instead of us. And I remembered that tlio very last number of that encyclopedia xvas 'J to I..' "So after the other man had said that ho was Vorry the drug business tn.iL- mi so much time ho couldn't study the stars,' I said that If she could Just wait till I sllpiied ncroi tlio street and got my overcoat, for I felt a llttlo chilly, I oould tell her n few facts about Jupiter that I'd hapjionwl to pick up. "Then I lit out neross the street and Into the room where that encyclopedia win kent. and otH'ited the 'J to L. If you'll believe me but of course you know what I foiitui Jupiter, see mul ctary System I' "When I cot back, she and the drug clerk were starting for a Mroll, and she Kiild. 'As I notice you luixen't found your overcoat, xxo won't urge you to go, Hut I shall be gimi to near about Jupiter some other evening.' "Ho evidently told her niiiio facts about tlio drug buMnevs that made up for what he didn't know about stars; they xvoro engaged liibldo of a week. As for tJO. I bought a Mlandy Compen dium of Information,' In 0110 volume, ntul It'll do me, as pxo never married. I'll bid you good-tiiornlng, ma'am." Youth's Companion. HINTS TO NERVOUS WOMEN. Chnnite f Scene, Sleep Mini Heal Ba eutliil In Iteenterv. There aro many thing's a neuras thenic woman can do xxhU-h will miti gate tho severity of her x mptoius, ami IK'ihtips, If the disease is slight, nho may recover without tho intervention of her physician, sjijs a doctor In Hur, per's Hazanr. In the llrt place, tho original trouble, worry or anxiety which was responsible for her nervous break-down, must lie done away with, or, If this Is Imjiosslble, sho must school horholf not to care, or else re move herself to new scenes and sur roundings where her mind xvlll not bo harassed. I'eaco of mind do more to restore shattered nerves than almost anything else. Tho next thing Is to make tho bodily health as good as It can he made under tho existing circumstances ami xvo htopped nt tho house on tho way to the South Side. Well, I met tho girl then and I've seen her six times slncj. ' "Honest?" "Honest. And pay, If I'm not strong there I'm badly fooled." "They let you call?" "They'ro deatl struck on having tuo call ; tho old man and all. Asked me to dinner." "Honest?" "Honest. I'm going, too, as boo.ii as I get sonio clothes made." "What kind of n looking girl Is she?" "Just simply n peach." "Honest?" "Honest. Can you beat It? She' smart, toc well educated." "Axx, you can't mnko mo hcllevo all that." "I'll hot you. I'll bet you'd say sho was If you could hoar her talk, Sho knows n darned sight more than I do." "That isn't saying much." "Well, that's all right. Hut I'll hot you don't often run across any girl that's smarter than she Is. When I xvas up there last night tlio old lady came In and tnlked to, mo (pilte a xvlillo before Helen emtio doxvn mid she lec tured mo about smoking cigarettes as If I'd been one of the family, t told hrr I didn't like Vin myself, hut I smoked one onco In n while Jut to bo sociable. And she told mo Hint Helen was going t a theater party that evening, but slio had a headache and dccliU'd not to go. Itttt sho cmiiio doxvn to rce me, all tho same, and I started to go two or three times mid she wouldn't lot me." "Say, Jlniinle, what would you do If I called you u liar?" "I'd hit yo.u In tho eye," said tho young man In tho uexv fall overcoat. "Then I xvon't do It," said his friend. "Hut you've got an axvfttl strong Iniuitl nation." Chicago Dally News, Mirrotindlngs. Sleep and rest aro ab solutely essential to recovery, ntitl tho sufferer should do all sho can to se cure both. Narcotics, to produce sleep, aro not to ho thought of. They do not cure anything, and their continual use can only bo productive of harm, Trail uullllzo the mind, banish by force of xvlll unpleasant thoughts, mid sleep alone rather than with some ono else whoso restlessness or deep breathing, to say nothing of snoring, might xvell banish sleep front tho oyoH of Mor pheus himself. Sometimes a xvarm foot-bath before bod, or eating n slice of bread and butter, or drinking a glass of milk xvlll bring sleqi to the tlretl eyes. If, hoxxex'er, menus are liiathspiate It Is better to consult a physician. Normal steep, mid plenty of It. must bo secured before recovery becomes possible. A NEW TRICK FOR "CUT-UPS." Tliu AviirlcloiiN Wiiiniiii In IIiiiiiiiI to lie "Solil" hy It. Two xvell-dros.ed xvomeii got on n Prospect avoiiiie car In the "thirty hun dreds block" ono afternoon last week. As they went to sit down one of them noticed in the seat a beautiful plush Jewel Ikix as largo as her hand. It hint n winning npponrnucc. Sho picked It up surreptitiously, glanced about her to boo If any ono had seen her ami care fully concealed It beneath the etlgo of her wrap. Sho sat tliero several min utes before her curiosity got tho bettor of her. Sho must seo what that beauti ful Jewel box contained. Mnybo It xvas a diamond brooch. It looked rich enough In Itself to hold many thou sands of dollars In gems. Mnybo It xvas empty. No. Soino ono had drop Icd It there ond no ono would bo car rying around mi empty Jewel case. Would It bo right to keep It? Should she not Immediately give It to tho con ductor? Hut no one had seen her pick It up, not even her companion. Sho felt sure of that. No ono elso had sc.'it it tliero or ho would linvo picked It up. It was quite a battle. At least sho could knoxv If It were empty or not or what It contained. Sho opened tho front of her wrap Just a little. Tho car xvas not eroxvded. No ono saw her. Sho hud seen Just such boxes bo fore. It certainly must belong to somo very rich person who would not bo greatly damaged if sho nover got It back. That llttlo push button that stuck out In front must bo the xvny to open It. She would take one peep, any xvay. That could lo no harm. Sho pushed tho button. There xvas n reiort like that of a small caliber pistol. Tho woman screamed and threw tho thing on tho tloor. Hoth women Jumped. Txvo rudo men Milud them laughed and ono of them picked up tho Jewel case. It xvns n trick case, tho lntest "soil." They had put It on tho seat on purjxjse to hax-o fun. Tho enso Is so arranged that when loaded with a cap like those used In toy pistols and then closed the cap xvlll be exploded when tho box tiles opou. Kansas City Star. Ner-IIUtory, Ilnnnlbal xvas crossing tho Alps for tho second time. "Aim!" ho muttered. 'Tho double cross," This Is the origin of tho ex pression. Judge. Tho average reiwrter's Idea of hoax--en la a place where there Is uo such thlug as a dull day. NTMUMtm ITiwnnWsssssssssssssssTrTssssVn I sssaVg,llsHC7 nW98VBMlHsssi?lsssssssvs ,tsk(, t ,' - && .VfJt'f.' VI . -s- C. 0. PICK TRANSFER & STORAGE COMPANY. Safes, Pianos. Furniture moved, stored or packed for shipping. Com modious brick warehouse, with separate iron rooms, Front and Clay. Express and Baggage hauled. Office Phone, 596; Stable. Black 1972 PORTLAND, OREGON Cnnuriahted bu George J.Schaeferiwb STRANGERS! TOURISTS! HOMESEEKERSL Go there, where, when the thlo Is nut, "the tnlile Is sot," ivml where tho xu'iilth of rlrhcs bus not )i't Ix'i'ii tiiiiclivil. OREGON'S COAST CITY I.U III Kcluiefer's .Xilillllmi, "CKNTItAI.," IIIH) nail npwnnls. GEO. J. SCHAEFER, Owner and Real Estate Agent 317 Chamber of Commerce PORTLAND, OREGON' COME TO GODS COUNTRY AND LOCATE Sure Crops Increasing Population Values Climbing If you want money, if you want to buy property for investment, if you have property you desire to dispose of, if you want a home or a farm, see J. WHYTE EVANS BROKER Telephone MAIN 4006 Albers Bros. Milling Co. CEREAL MILLERS Manufacturers of High Grado Coreaim Wholesale Dealers in Grain, Hmy, Flour and Fmmd Our Leading Hrands in Package Volmt Omlm Mmt Whmat Vialmt Fmmrl Barmy Mt ftmrlm Wtimat Vlotmt Buekwhmmt OolummlmOatm Columktm Whmmt LuekyOatm OammOmtm AU Flrmt'Olamm DamlmrmHamtUm Our BemnilB Qmrntto IS liiKi -vi c? w. IssThrTiM m 3.J.' - -rtC" 2W. &&". t'h 7 Chamber of Commerce Building. PORTLAND - A ' V vfpm,