1 t'C-1 Tim XEW AGE, rOKTLAXD, OREGON , r' r ? i ! lHJ TOPICS OF THE TIMES ib imi-u 8 Jf Kf Sf Kfi if Kfi Kf if K Kfi Kf Kf if Kfi if if Kf Some )ooila ilNplny I lie bet of tnstn liy cutting out originality from their IWUKTHIltloll. I Mnny women linve n wny about thwn Hint Ih cnlenluted to drive seiiHltle men to drink. Mk Siiko will not nlil rich heKgnrg. "To lilm that bath iball be given" bIio does not Uile literally. Governor Miikooii Ih going to nbolUh dueling lu Cuba. lie must bo afraid that Moniulxiily will get hurt. Possibly Mr. Hughes woaro that beard In fulllllnient of a nihil vow Hindu at some c-ntller period of hl cu rwr. Peary linwi't found tho polo, but he Iiiih iteiitrated futther north than any other navigator, giving America tho record. In view of tho genernl advance In wiiget tho walking th'legnte la liuIn iilng to tlilnl; It Ih tliuo for lilin to Htrlliu for an InereiiHe. HwIhh hotel are about to bar Itus hIiiiih, tin; proprlelorH Inning 110 dcHlro to wo their furniture and crockery iiitiHHcd up by a homli e.xpluHlou. When one reailH of thu actions of Count Moid do CiiHtellanu It hocum a pity that Mr. Jay (Jould never taught her diuighterH bow to use a rolling pin. According to Anthony Comstock, Adam "hid behind thu skirts of Cvo." It will be recalled that on that memor nlile occasion Kvu wore her nillc-greon suit. There are likely any number of pa triotic Amerleaii citizens who feel tli.it 1111 opportunity to kick Count Itotil du CaHtellaue Hhotitd bo added to thu man Hold blessings of this country. (inventor Miikooii Is discharging government olllclnlH In order to cut down Cuba's expenses Ctilians will regard such a proceeding iih a ioor way to try to save the country. A mini lu I'ltlHliurg, Alans., killed Ids wife and himself bec.iuse she spilled 11 cup of tea at the supper table. There's nothing like thoioughiiom. Ho never will bo bothered lu that way iignlii. All thu old clerks employed by Rim Hell Sago li!ie had their salaries dou bled by Mrs. Sage. This must put them lu tho cnihnrriiKMlng mnHIoii of trying to mourn Cnchi Russell's deatli mid look pleased at the saiuu time. Harper's Weekly publishes a htory to tho effect that lu tho rendlng-roiiin of ouu of tho most exclusive clubs of Itostou there Is a nlgn Hint says: "Only low rniiverniitluu permitted here." lu view of tho fact that It Is an exclusive club, perhaps the Joke Is on those peo ple who think Itostou doesn't know how to s.iy what she means. Certain Chlueco who led the boycott oh American goods lu Canton last your, and weie punished by Imprisonment, were released the other day. A crowd of enthusiastic Chinese gathered and applauded tho men, and a magistrate ltae a luncheon In their honor. Indeed, the boycott lenders were treated very much aH the leaders of the autl-Chlneso iiKltatlou used to be treated lu thu laud-lot das of Sail Francisco, Many Americans are astonished be hiiisc Ihey see nrnt discontent In thu Inldht of unprecedented prosperity, ahey can not understand the unrest of many cltkeiis, untlo horn and natural bed alike, when the times aro better than uer before. It Is nothing strniiKC Human ambition feeds on success. Thu farther from actual want men and women net the more they desire. Com fort Is conservative, but It Is not an opiate. If It were the world would tnguiite when It was best able to un dertake and carry out great enter prises. Thero Is never enough prosper ity to go around, lu the luisiitant sense of appoxlmato equality. One of the Philadelphia pnerj has plven considerable spaco to correspond dice upon the problem of domestic economy and the cost of III lug. Writ ers wlniMt resources wiry widely have Hlen their experience and offered their advice. One woman wIiomi husband gives her llo thousand dollars a year for her family of four Is unable to get along comfortably on that sum. Shu wants a sample bill of fare for a week, and also Information as to where sho can "net a hat for less than llfteen dol. lars." Another woman with a family of three has Ice than lle hundred dol lars a j ear, jet she says they "have the best of everything and plenty of It." She iloes her own washing, Iron I Dk'. cookliiK, drcssiuaklm; and lucndlui:, lias a garden and keeps hens, One of these women ounht to study domestic science. The other might easily net a cliaiuv to teach It. "While this Is an ae of Intellectual. Ity and brains and all that sort of stuff," said a jouiii: business man yes terday, ".MMi've no Idea of the absolute lack of knowledge of little (IiIuks that most of us lime. Per Instance, yester day I was lu conversation with a friend stud, although wo were talking upon 2 some absolutely Irrolov.tAt subject, I was startled b; suddenly having lilm ask me: 'What Is the capital of I'lor liln?' 'rallahass-ee, 1 answered, and bo thereupon hegan to ask me the naiiieH of capitals of State alter State. 1 an swered correctly thirty or more until we came to a distant State. Think as I would 1 could not remember the capi tal of Hint State. When be saw be had me cornered my friend told me of thu theory he had that cjily one man out of etery ten had mole than a superficial knowledge or thee little things. Ac cording to lilm I was thu eighth man ho had tackled and not one of them could tell without n break the capitals of all the States In thu L'nloii." Holding up railroad trains has be coniu so common that It attracts no more attention than the killing of a few people on a trolley car, but thu exploit of a lone haudlt In holding up a train near Glasgow, Mo., Is a llttlo more Interesting. In thla case a single robber, masked and with a pistol In each hand, compelled a sleeping car conductor, a porter and a llaginan to go before lilm and wake up all thu pas sengers lu a sleeper, and as fast as ho came to them deniandeil and received their money. He then left thu train and there was thu usual fruitless effort to follow and arrest him. He got only a small amount because thu door of the other sleeper was locked. This Is tint climax of what has always been an astonishing thing, which Is the ab ject and unnecessary cowardlco dis played by both train hands and trav elers on such occasions. 'Hint women will scream and that nine out of ten men will cower and tremble Is to bu expected. Tho wonder Is Hint with 100 men on a train never Is ouu found of sulllclent nerve and daring to put a train robber out of business. This Is lemarkablu because It Is something that could be easily done. It would not be neeoMsnry to face the bandit and begin a duel with lilm. Any man with a pistol ami a moderate share of nerve could conceal himself lu some dark nook lu the train and blow tho bandit's brains out as he passed, without ever being seen. The facilities for such strategy on n railroad train are In numerable. The way most men reason about It Is: "This man will certainly shoot mo If I give him any provocation. My life Is worth more to me ami my family than my money. It would even be cheaper to glw up my money than to receive n serious wound. It Is thu business of the railroad company to protect mo and I am not going to do Its police work at the risk of my life.'" Xo one will blame a man for reasoning lu Ibis way, but the wonder Is that there Is not occasionally some plucky Individual who will risk his life to kill a villain and protect a tralnful of pas sengers. This Is wonderful because every newspaper contains an account of some feat of heroic daring lu other walks of life, lu the last year hun dreds of people have risked their lives to save others from drowning or from burning to death. Rieu women rush Into lnmiliig buildings to save a pet dog or parrot. Mr. Carnegie has estab lished a mill to turn out medals, di plomas and pensions for heroes and the applicants are Innumerable. When will It happen that a Carnegie medal was glieu to a man who rushed at a railroad haudlt with pistols lu his hand and choked lilm to death lu the presence of the passengers? It may be that not many men 011 a railroad train have pistols with them, but If that Ih h they ought to carry theni when they tako long railroad Journeys lu this country. Color Troiilili of Whlllli'r. It Ih well known that tho poet Whit tier was color blind and uiiahle to dls tliiKulsli red from green. He mice bought for ninisclf a necktie which hu mijiifflhcd to he of a modest and milt aide olive tint and wore It once, lie inner wore It iik'aln, for his friends noon made him aware that It offended iiKnliiHt the traditional ipdctucss of coNtuiiio enjoined alike hy the hahlts of the rrlendH and hy IiIh own taste. The tie was of iluiiiliiK scarlet. On another occasion, when he found a little Klrl lu dlstiesH on account of a new K"wn, made oor from her elder sister's, which was not hccouiliii; to her colorliit; and complexion, he tried to console her. "I wouldn't mind what a rude boy says about It, Mary," he said kindly. "Thee looks ury well Indeed lu It, like an mead, Mary, drcscd all lit KriHMi." I'nfortunately, Mary was not dres-ed In iireen. She was red-haired, and her drt-hs was red. That was the trouble. A I'liit'L)- t'nllct'imiii. Policeman Jacob i'hitii, of West Chester, IM.. who has the reputation of Mm; afraid of no dot;, attacked a iloK which was apparently mail, draf ted It from a porch and shot It. The JK 's ,l10 lHHvh of w- u- '''i" ami had chewed the leg off a twklna chair when the policeman arrived. U did not hesitate, but Kf.isped the ani mal by the tall, threw It over a fence mid then shot It In an nlley. TIik Kulure Fire, 'Do you really telloe," asked the unnerupulou8 IniHlnesa man that 'hon esty Is the heat poHO'V" I hellee," n'illed the Itev. Mr. Ooodley, "that It I the very best eter nal tire Insurance iwlley'Phlhulel phla Pret-s. These are the real facta nbont th btandlng of the noblest work of Hod man. He lx Hrxt known as the sou ot this mother; then the Inn-baud of hl wife, and ends by being known us thi father of hU children. MMESTOWN, N. D. i The Seiler Co. OSCAR J. SEILER. Attorney-atUw Preiidcnt Paid Up Capital and Surplus $35,000 Collections Investments Real Estate Jamestown, North Dakota KING & GILMORE Toli'jiluinu t'NION IOCS Real Estate Dealers Everything in the Best Properties Jersey Street ST. JOHNS, OREGON THE BITUUTHIC PAVEMENT BEST BY EVERY TEST For Streets, Driveways and Crosswalks. WARREN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 716 Orcgonian Building, Portland, Oregon O. C. HCINTZ, MnnnKcr. PACIEIC IRON WORKS. STRUCTURAL. STEEL, AIND IRON Steel Bridges, Upset Rods and Bolts, Cast Iron Colti ms and all Architectural Iron. Sidewalk Doors and Lights. All Kinds of Castings. EAST END BURNSIDE STREET BRIDGE, PORTLAND, OR SPOKANE First National Bank of Rock Springs IIOl'K HfUINOS, WYOMING CAPITAL and SURPLUS, $100,000 HVUKV ATTIJNTION CIIVI3N TO IIUMNUSS I2NTKUSTUD TO US The Model Dry Goods Store of the Model Western City VISIT SPOKANE. When you do, visit THE CRESCENT, its model store, and one of the most interesting show places in what Elbert Hubbard has called the model city of America. Visitors will find here a Bureau of Information where reliable Information of all kinds regarding the city may be obtained. Alio free Parcel Check Rooms, Public Telephones and comfortable waiting rooms with lava tories for women. Spokane Agents for North Star Blankets, the kind used on all Pullman coaches. CHICAGO Isj THE EAST ' When purchasing ticket to Chicago and the East, see that it reads via the Chicago & North-Western Railway. Choice of routes via Omaha Minneapolis. It is the route of The Overland Limited and the direct line to Chicago fast daily Chicago trains make connection with all transcontinental trains at at. ram and Minneapolis. The H est of All agents For further Information rply to It, V, HCIDSM, OM'l C. H.-W ., tit TIim roatkANo, orc. NWjM H. HENDERSON Real Estate IO8H1 Jersey Street, ST. JOHNS, OREGON I have choice llusincasnnd Residence Tracts In all parts of the city. Corr Hpondonce solicited from non resident owners of property or thoso f coking in vestments heie. ABBETT All Kinds of Galvanized Iron and Tin Work a Specialty ALL WORK GUARANTEED NOT TO LEAK Agent for Quaker Mfg. Go.'s Sleel Furnaces 149 Union Ave. North Shop Phono Kant 0177 Residence Phone Kast 1S0S Phone Cast 57 Watson Drug Co. Wholesale and Retail The most complete stock of Drue and Patent Medicines to be found in the Inland Empire. Prices guaranteed as low as the lowest. Our Prescription Department merits your confidence. 421 Riverside Ave. Marito Block mrUE SpnKANfc (GDOTe? JIUHL or via St. Paul and from the Coast. Four Everything. sell tickets via this line. SI., HY It All, ANIIWATHIt. SEE Nature's Wondrous Handiwork THROUGH UTAH AND COLORADO Cosllc Gate, Cenon of the Grand Clack Canon, Marshall and Ten nessee Passes, ond the World famous ROYAL GORGE. For Hlustratc'l and dct-criptivo pamph lets wiitu to V. C. McBRIDE, acncral Agent l.'l Third ttrcot PORTLAND. OREGON Columbia River Scenery REGULATOR LINE TIim excursion steamer " DAII.KY GATZKIl I " makes ruund trips to CAS CA PH LOCKh every Sun lay, leaving I'OUTLANI) nt 0 n. in., returning at riven 0 p. in. Dully Hcrvico between Portland and Thu Palio, except Sunday, leaving Portland at 7 n. 111. , arriving about & p. 111 , carrying ireight and piiPHcng'Tri. Splcud d accomiuudntioiiH tor outfits nnd livestock. Pock foot of Alder street Portland; footot Court htieat, The Dalles. Tole phono Main Oil. Portland. A t un THROUGH PARLOR CARS lll.TUKKS Portland, Astoria a Seaside ).( uvea t'MON nitroT Arrives. lor Mnm-r. KhIii ler, (.'Intnl. nil It' Vtottorl.Clllloii, Dally twi a. in. Dolly. ll:lu a. m ,.n.in, ii niVK' Inn, I'liiri'l, liuitr Imrt t'ltrl mid sea fldf. AHorln A Pcalior r.xiif l tally. 7:00p.m. AMiirln hxiirvts 0:Op.m. i'nil). CA. MT.W.UtT. J. C. MAYO, Comui'l AKt..'-'H Alitor ft O, K. i J. A. Tvluihuaa Mnln tKM. OF On Your Trip to the East TRY NORTH COAST LIMITED PULLMAN STANDARD SLEEPING CARS (Kl.tL'UUO U(ill'lb) PULLMAN TOURIST SLEEPING CARS (KLfct'llUO Uulllft) DINING CAR-DAY AND NIGHT (KLfcUllCIC UGitlb) OBSERVATION CAR (LLKUTIUU LlUUTs) ELECTRIC FANS BARBER SHOP BATH NUMEROUS OTHER COMFORTS THREE Daily Transcontinental Trains TO THE EAST The Ticket Office at Portland is at 255 Morrison St., Corner Third A. D. CHARLTON Assistant General Passenger Agent PORTLAND, OREGON ah 11Y It A It, AMI WATKIt Ask the Agent for T I O K E T S VIA THE COMFORTABLE WAY To Spokane, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Dulutlt, Ch'cngo, St. Ljuls and All Points Cast and South TWO OVERLAND TRAINS DAILY Th 0P.ILNTAL LIMITED Tht FAST MAIL VU ScatJc or SpoWtn Splendid Sorvlco Up-to-dato Kqulpmcnt Courtee ih Kinployes Dayllgllt trip bcium the CiMcado and ltocky Mountains. Tor Tickets, rates, folden and full Infor mation call 011 or address H. DICKSON, C. P. t& T. A. i:2 Third Street, I'UKTLANI) S.O. YliRKES, a. a. P. A. SL'ATILU. WASH. A Pleasant Way to Travel The above is the usual verdict of tho traveler using thu Missouri I'acllc Hall way between thu l'aeilli! Coast and tln Hast, and wo believe that tho service and accommodations given merit thin statement. From Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo there aro two through traiiiH daily to Kansas City and Ht. LouIh, carrying I'ullman'H lat ent Htandanl electric lighted bleeping earn, chair cam and up-to-dato dining carw. Tho name excellent eervico la operated from Kansaa City nnd St. I.ouIh to Muiuphit), Llttlo Hock anil Hot Springs. If you aro going KiiHt or South write for ratea and full informa tion. V. C. SIcIIHIDE, Gen. Agt 1LM Third St., Portland, Or. f THE LIBRARY ria A X x lwj.1 -iL'ianj