TITO SEW AGE, POHTiLAinj, CVRHGON THE FAMOUS AND FAVORITE IS THE r I 1 & ; i' r i "NORTH COAST LIMITED" NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY Pullman First Class Sleeping Cars Dining Car and Day Coaches Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars An Elegant Observation Car Its beautiful observation car is a revelation. Electric lighted, electric fans, library, barber shop, bath. All mod ern conveniences. Its Pullman standard and tourist sleeping cars are ex ceptionally attractive, with roomy berths and individual electric lights in standard sleeping car. The train from end to end is pleasing, com fortable and beautiful a train which makes friends and keeps them. W W V - - a o a a ji Call or write for our "North Coast Limited" Booklet. Read the make-up of a first-class modern train. It can be had for the asking. Send six cents for "Won derland 1906." Will be glad to mail it to you, and you will appreciate it. The book has an object to educate and in form the public about the Northwest. Help it perform its mission. Yellowstone National Park JUNE 10 TO SEPTEMBER 15, 1907 Plan Your Summer's Vacation Now--Take in the Park, the Wonderland of the World SEE AMERICA FIRST 3 DAILY TRANSCONTINENTAL TRAINS 3 Through Northern Pacific-Burlington service to Denver, Lincoln, Omaha, St. Joseph, Kansas City, St. Louis Information Gladly Furnished on Application to any Agent of the Company or to r f l ' w " "" w v A. M. CLELAND Genl. Pass. Agt. Fourth and Broadway, ST. PAUL, MINN. A. D. CHARLTON Asst. Genl. Pass. Agt. 255 Morrison St., Cor. 3d PORTLAND, OP. m& &c& m iJ