THE STEW AGE, PORTLAND, OREGON A rp. .. . .v. , .. . : BtLssalBlBBlef I ftSmi A rft I g!8 8. JKMJiifc Zto?$ JJifoj Fail In almost a room that the heat from the other stoves or furnace falls to Ml reach. It the "weather" side, connection. It mnv be a ter in wlmt nnrt of the hallway it can soon be made snug and coxy with a PERFECTION Oil Heater (Ennlnncd with Smokeless Device) Unlike ordinary oil heaters the Perfection gives satisfaction always. First and foremost it is absolutely safe you cannot turn the wick too high or too low. Gives intense heat without smoke orstncu uecause cquippcu wuu buiukcic3uch.v. Can be easily carried from room to room. As easy to operate ns a lamp. Ornamental as well as useful. Made In two finishes nickel and japan. Brass oil fount beautifully embossed. Holds 4 quarts of oil and burns 9 hours. Thcre'srcalMtisfacUon in a livery heater warranted. If not at nearest agency for descriptive circular. T - -. T makes the home bright. ne MfATl I jAXXWS Is the safest and best lnmp jCVGtyC - fc for ,n.t0und householJ ko use. Olves a clear, steady light. Kitted with latest Improred burner. Made of brass throughout and nickel plated. Krery lamp warranted. Suitable for library, dining room, parlor or bedroom. If not at your dealer's write to nearest agency, STANDARD OIL COMPANY Contlnunu ratifies. "We must hnvo n leader," said a member of tho mob. "Wlint for?" "So thnt wo can have a revolution." "And tlicn?" "We'll put lilm In authority." "And then?" "Another lender, of course, nnd nn jthcr revolution." Wnshlimton Star. Haware of Ointments tor Catarrh that Contain Mercury as mercury will surely dontroy Itio eonio of mull and. complstoly doratigtf tho whulu sys tem wnun vntoring It tnroiigii the mucous surfaces, eucn armies si. ouiu ncror uo uicu cx.t'pton priiacrlptluus from roputablo phv- nuaui,KS inouamagj incy wuiuuia icn 1010. to U.e good you can tiossluly tlerivolrora tr.ein. Halt's Catarrh Cure, manufactured Ly V. J. 1 heuoy A Co., Toledo, U., contains no mercury, and la taken Internally, acting directly upon tho blood and mucous surfaces of tho svslcm. lit buying Hall's Catarrh Cum bo suro you got tho gi'uulne. it is taken iutornally, and mado lu Toledo, Ohio, by F.J. Cheney k Co. loitl Bioulals Ireo. Hold by Druggists, price 75c. per boltls. llaU'aFainliyJUIts are tho best. Trouble Abend. "I sco that Vienna sausages must bo canned In Vluuuu and French riurdlnea In France." "Vert, but there's going to bo troublo when they Insist thnt Turkish cigar cttes must bo inado lu Turkey," -Clove-laud l'lalu Dealer. TRYINQ EXPERIENCE. Spent Over SIOO In a Vain Search for Health, Mlia Frances Gardner, of 300 Jatkson Boulevard, Chicago, Ilia., wrlUie: "GentUmen: I heartily endorao Doan'a Kidney rills, aa I have found by personal experience that they are an Ideal kidney lemedy. I Buffered with com plications of kid any complaint fni nearly five yesre, apent over $100 on useless remedies, wnile five boxes of Doan'a Kidney Pills cured me in a few abort weeks. I am now enjoying the best of health, have a fine appetite, the beat of digestion, and restful dleep, all due to your aplendid pills." Sold by all dealera. 60 centa a box. FoBter-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. SKIN DISEASES HUMORS IX THE BLOOD When the blood la pure, fresh nnd healthy, the skin will be soft, smooth and free from blemishes, but when some acid humor takes root in the circu lation its presence is manifested by a skin eruption or disease. These humors get into the blood, generally because of an inactive or sluggish condition of the membere of the body whose duty it i3 to collect and carry off the waste and refuse matter of the system. This unhealthy matter is left to sour and ferment and soon the circulation becomes charged with the acid poison. The blood begins to throw off the humors and acids through the pores and glands of the skin, producing Eczema, Acne, Tetter, Psoriasis, Salt Rheum nnd skin eruptions of various kinds. Eczema appears, usually with a slight redness of the skin followed by pustules from which there flows a sticky fluid that dries and fonns a crust, nnd the itching is intense. It is generally on the back, breast, face, arms and legs, though other parts of the body may be affected. In Tetter the skin dries, cracks and bleeds; the ncid in the blood dries up the natural oils of the skin, which nre intended to keep it soft and pliant, causing a dry, hard, leathery appearance. Acne makes X suffered with Eozema for forty yoars and could find nothing- to euro na until I tried 8. 8. 8. I auffered latonsoly with tho itching-and burning: pustules would form from which there flowed a atiekymud;crusta would coma on the lakin wi iert aa raw aa a piece and Ivy of beef. X Buffered oa-ony la tho ,,' - -- ,. , vn , agony afflict long- years I was afflicted, but wnen x ueea a, a. m. x louna a per fect cure. There haa never bean any return cf tfSJAKfl. Btoekaan, ITob. SSSe PURELY VEGETABE IVmtlArSSRSKAZa sometimes causing baldness. Poison Oak tecause they do not reach the blood. S. S. S. goes down into the circulation and forces out every particle of foreign matter and restores the blood to its normal, pure condition, thereby permanently curing every form of skin affection, Book on Skin Diseases and any medical advice desired sent free to all who write, S. S. S. is for sale at all first class drug stores. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA, 0W Stoves to Do everv houre there ia may be a room on or one having no heat cold hallway. No mat house whether room or A rcriecuon un iicmcr. your dealer's write our I HI Otrn Mannfnetur). Sir William Unlley "played tnis off," as ho expressed It, at n dinner at which tho late Cardinal Vnughan sat near to him. "Where did you get thnt bit of hlHtory from?" the cardinal asked. "I didn't get It from anywhere." Sir Will iam answered. "I make history aa I go 011." MnnclioMer Guardian. Worth Knowing. That Allcock's Planters nre tho highest result ofiiii'dlciil'cleticc mid iklll nnd In in grudinuti and ni"thol hnvo never been equ aled. That 1 hey are the origual and genuine porous plasters upon whose rcputat.on Imi tators tiade. That thuv nevr fall to twrform their rem edial work nuirkly and t ifvctunlly. That for Weak liack, Ithcuuiatfsm, Coldi Lung Troublo, (Strains and all Local 1 aim they are invaluable. ' That when you buy Allcock's riaston you obtain the best plasters made. You Ilnvn Mrrn Them. First Flat Dweller Those peoplo over there aro alwiiyu kitting on th meals. Second Ditto Then why don't they move? First Flat Dweller They're tho kind that would rather kick than cut- De troit Freo l'ress. CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of Qf!kffi&&&X Ja as h Do Splilrra I.Ike Mualef It has often been said that spiders are fond of music, but a French Inves tigator, 51. Lccalllou, now asserts that this Is not trim. Uo says that their musical senso must bo attributed mere ly to greed or to hunger. When a lly Is .caught In a spider's web It buzzes, and tho spider Immediately niu'kes for tho place from which tho buzzing comes. M. Lccalllou, by experimenting with n violin, bomo Hies, a piano, vio loncello and a cornet, found that only those musical sounds which resemble the buzzing of the tiles attracted the spiders. Tho comet, for Instance, In variably frightened It, and bo did the piano. feverish condition and giving it a its appearance on the lace in the lonn of pimples and black Heads, while Psoriasis comes in scaly patches on differ ent parts of the body One of the worst forms of skin trouble is Salt Rheum; its favorite point of attack is the scalp, . .-i . . . are also disagreeaole types ot skin r,l..,ri.,ii. ,,. disease. The humor producing the trouble lies dormant in the blood through the Winter to break out and torment the sufferer with the return of Spring. The best treatment for all skin diseases is S. S. S. It neutralizes the acids and removes the humors so that the skin instead of being irritated and .diseased, is nourished by a supply of fresh, healthy blood. External applications of salves, washes, lotions, etc., while they; soothe the itching caused by 6kin affections, can never cure the trouble CHRISTMAS GAMES. Itow to Aniline the Children Darlnst ilic llollilnyH. IIUIHTMAS day Kanies for the chil dren aro as news snry as a plum pud ding, and the fol lowing will please vT wv tlicni nm' nre wc' VB li &? co'"o to m a n ; f&.'. tb t-Town-upi, nays tli cl y the Clilcico Tribune: Snnta Clous l'nck. All form In lino and march to a lively strain on tho piano to the next room, wlioro a tablo IMW holds the contents of Santa Claus' pack. They look at every object on the tablo nnd then march hack. The company now divides hi half, one-half leaving the room, the table and its contents having been covered. Tlioie remaining choose some object which they remember seeing; tho plnuo begins to piny agnln and the others return. The leader gives to the returning party n word which rhymes with the ob ject chosen. Thai, If It was a hall, he might mention the word "hall." The re turning party now proceed to guess what object has been chosen, and they express their gnom by acting In pantomime. They do not nil suggest the object In the same way, hut each according to his Individual fancy, hut they must all agree upon the object they will guesi. If wrong they go out for another trial and so on until giiesed, when the other half of the com pany goes out, and they remain and select the object for tho others to guess. Hiding the Mistletoe. All form In line, single file, and march about the room or several rooms until the music Ktops. They then proceed to hunt the mistletoe, which the lender carried In his hand nnd con ceded somewhere during the march. The Under must effect return to the starting point without being touched by the leader. Santa Clans' Sleigh. Six girls nre hnr nessed to a little sleigh or sled, and tho white ribbon reins nre held by a seventh. The sled Is filled with small pnrccls In colored pnpers containing Chrlstmns ' crackers or nny trllles ns favors. The party goes round tho room Severn! times, dis pensing the favors to the young men, who proceed to select partners and dunce until a signal from the lender calls all to march around the room and hnck to their places. Snowball. A lnrge white ball of tissue paper Is suspended well out of the way of hrlc-ii-hrnt. The young girls take turns nt shooting at this Imll with a stnnll rub ber ball. When hit with stilllclent force It breaks and out falls a shower of smnll er white halls, perhaps popcorn halls, which are gathered and presented ns fav ors for the next march or dance. As thero should be only about half as many hnlls as there are couples dnnclng, this will cause a scramble among the smnll hoys who gather them up and who, for fair dealing, should ho kept behind a cer tain line until tho hall receives tho shot that bursts It. NEW YEAR'S AGAIN. Tints for HmnlvliiMT (11 Do the Ileat You I'iiii. New Year's Is upon us again. T.eHls tnko up the Hue of mnrch nnd mnko tho best progress we can through another year. Humanity does not shape an edify ing course. D.iy after day, year after year, It blunders along, as any day's his tory s'K'lt out In tho newspaper will at test. To blunder along seems to 1h about the best the. best of us can do, either at Individuals or as a nation. It is not Ideal, but It will answer. If so be wo can keep pointed In tho right direction and proceed In a sagacious spirit, shnrlng the road with tho rest of the folks nnd not less compaHslounte of their deviation than of our own. Tho greatest goals that men hnve reached they have reached by being stronger than their mistakes, ho it was wlh Lincoln; so with Washington. The great difference between wayfarers, be sides tho disparity In loeomotlvo power, Is thnt some manage to hold to tho right di rection and to maintain lu spite of blun ders tho essential spirit. Thnt sort Invn rlahly get somewhere whero It Is worth while to arrive. For tho others, speed Is nothing If thtf direction Is not right. And to carry nloug a great lond ot baggage Is far less advantageous thnn It might he If our job was a permanent job, and If every man of us was not under contrct to drop every shred he has and run when ever his hour strikes. Harper's Weekly. ChrUtmiiN Advice fur n Mlllloniilre. Although handicapped by your drum stnnces, It Is not Impossible for you to extract some comfort irom uurisunns Ono of the host rules Is not to nllow your self to think about your condition. You would gladly swap plnces and stomach with some poor devil who has to earn his ovn living, but do not dwell upon tin. Instead, ancertaln the nddress of some misguided philanthropist who Is In the habit of giving n Chrlstmns dinner to a lot of rngnmulllns. (Jet him to take yuii to the place and view the moving specta cle. He will bo glad to have you tee It, and it will be u fcourco of coiulileralilo amusement to you. Then, after you hno been driven home, you can estimate the cost per pinto and the number fed, and easily ascertain how much you havo saved by not doing the samo thing. This will cast a gentle glow over the remainder of your holiday nnd help you to enjoy what otherwise might be a cheerless Christina. Life. Let Her I'nas. The mistletoe nlmvo the door i;xp"tuiit swnins were viewing. A muld piusi'd through, lint she was moro Thau thirty. Noluln' lining! I'hlladelphla Press, Nothing; Ventured, Notkluur Gained, Papa Santa Claus may think you're greedy If you hang up both your stock ings and may not leave you anything. Ilertlt Huh! He won't know they'ra both mlns; he'd think I'm twins. 100 Doses $1 Tmo only of Hood's Sarsaparilla, tho ono great blood purifier nnd general tonic. This rcmarknblo tncdicino has effected many radical and permanent cures that arc tho wonder of tho world. It eradicates all humors from pimples to scrofula. 100 Doses $1 In usual liquid form or In chocolated tablets known as Sarsntabs. 100 doses $1. SneiriJcnr frfi-mln, Grace (during storm) I'm awfully afraid of lightning. Lola I don't see why you should bo. Grace Why not? Loin Hecnuse there has to bo some thing attractive even for lightning. Vnln Hrirret. "Hut, Hcrtle," said his mother, "you asked for two cakes and 1 gave them to you. Aren't you satisfied?" "So, I ain't," growled Itertle. "You ,wns so easy I'm klekln' moself 'cause I didn't ask for four." 1'hlhulelphlii Ledger. M -i mm ST.V1 w m 6W &Vd fei rf VI ' , 'a sVJKi w .sv?. V' tm vA IA V.V' AV l' v Wiifffi Vr.MKV. -!': M l',S m ,rr.fcl WMJti. Sffi m SH't!Vi'"w)r m v' WA i:VJ' d I1" .'.'' ! 'S? 4x$t& m wS w ,y'; i!sS5 W smmti &r&858m "s . IV .""-r ttroMjCLZ. w PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Color more goods brighter and faster colors than any other dy. Ona 10c packaia colors silk, wool ami cot I on equally well aasl Is, Euaranteed 10 give perfect results. Ask dealer, orwc will send pott paid at 10c package. Write for free booklet how to dye. leach and mU colors. MONKOC DRUG CO.. Unionvlllc. Missouri. (larg? All the best breed ing and Individuality. Young slock on hand hi nil lluit-s. Corri-n-piliileiii'U solicited. hstl(Hi'tloii Kiisrsu ti-c-il. Aililri'sn O. L. KCYT Prrryddle, Oregon EN6USH BERKSHIRES RUBBER STAMPS Best in America Wc make them We do not take orders and iM! our Rublxtr htsmjn, tksli, tu. We manufacture our OVfn goods. Our eiiuljuntni is Hit) newt-it ami best money csu buy. Wrlto tods fur our "Jtubber btamu Catalogue." THE IRWIN-HODSON CO., Portland. Oregon Of tho children unending German chooli Vj ier cent tutter. CITC U. Vitus' Danrn and all Nervous Dts-SM rllO Prmnenlly cum! hr Dr. KIIub's Ureal Servl Kesiorer. hand fur K1IKK IJtrUI buttU and treatise. Dr. JL JLKIInr, UL.V31 ArcUHt., I'Mla.,!'. In Ireland tbero are 'J 11.000 widows, aa compared with only 83,000 widower. Mothers will nnd Mrs. Window's toothing By rup the beat remedy to use (or their cblldroa during tfao teetulug irlod. It la officially reported that the crowing ot cotton In West Africa baa beeu very successful. Tne rule of the Czar extend orer twtce as much contiguous territory as any other power In the world. IF YOU WANT WHAT YOU WANT WHEN YOU WANT IT ALWAYS KEEP A BOTTLE OF ST. JACOBS OIL IN THE HOUSE AND YOU Wlli, HAYE A QUICK. SAFE AND SURE REMEDY FOR PAIN WHERE YOU CAN OET AT IT WHEN NEEDED. PRICE 23c AND Me Fifteenth Century Manners, Tho antiquary took down n stnnll, fat volume, vclltim-bouud, with n brass clasp. "This Is n 'Hook of Manners,'" ho said. "It was printed lu 1470. Here nre it few extracts." And ho rend: "Do not gnaw n bone, like a dog, nor stick the marrow out of n bone. "In peeling a pear, begin nt the stalk; but with an apple, begin at the top. "Do not wlpo the hnndn on the clothes, nor Buck them, but use the cloth. "When you drink, lift the cup In both hands; you must not drink with 0110 hand like a wagoner when he Is greasing his cart wheels. "Wipe your noso nnd mouth when you hnvo drunk, and do not cough Into the cup. "Do not eat nn apple all alone, but cut It In two and glvo n neighbor u piece. "Do not use your own knife to cut your meat If tho host lias set a knife of his own at your place. "Do not spread butter on bread with your thumb." The Laxative Known There are two classes ot remedies: those of known' qua! ity nnd which arc permanently beneficial in effect, acting gently, in harmony with nature, when nature needs assist ance; and another class, composed of preparations of unknown, uncertain and inferior character, acting tempo rnrlly, but injuriously, as a result of forcing the nutural functions unnecessarily. One of the most exceptional of the remedies of known quality and excellence is the ever pleasant Syrup of Fins, manufactured bv the California Fig Syrup Co., which represents the active principles of plants, known to act most beneficially, in n pleasant syrup, in which the wholesome Californinn blue figs nre used to con tribute their rich, yet delicate, fruity flavor. It is the remedy of all remedies to sweeten nnd refresh and cleanse the system gently and naturally, and to assist one In overcoming consti pation and the many ills resulting therefrom. Its active princi ples and quality are known to physicians generally, and the remedy has therefore met with their approval, as well as with the favor of many millions of well informed persons who know of their own personal knowledne and from actual experience that it Is a most excellent laxative It will cure nil manner of ills, but recommend it for what it really represents, a laxative remedy of known oualltv and excellence. containing nothing of an objectionable or injurious character. There are two classes of purchasers: those who are informed to the quality of what they buy nnd the reasons for the excellence of articles of exceptional merit, and who do not lack courage to go elsewhere when a dealer offers an imitation of nny well known article; but, unfortunately, there are some people who do not know, and who allow themselves to be Imposed upon. Thev ennnotexnect its beneficial effects if they do not get the genuine remedy. To the credit of the druggists of the United States be It said that nearly all of them value their reputation for professional integrity and the good will of their customers too highly to offer imitations or tne Genuine Syrup of m manufactured bv the California to buy the genuine article and to get its beneficial effects, one has only to note, when purchasing, the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co. plainly printed on the front of every package. Price, 50c per bottle. One size only. Important to Timber Owners Wo are purchasing agents (or larito timber bmers (mm all purls ol tlio country. Tlicu men are Invotliig In Oregon ami Washington timber Und, It will pay sun to irllu u Immediately, giving legal descriptions and net prices un your timber lands lu the.ti suit-. Address Timber Department, Northwestern Guarantee & Trust Go. lumber bchiati Bids, Second Floor S. E. Cor. 2nd ind Stark Sti., PORTLAND, OREGON VatiaaTaMoaaKaBTaMBTa 0 MISTAKE OILED CLOTHING will give you com pteie protection and long service You can't afford to buy any other Every garment guaranteed The best dealera sell It MAKEN MS 1 mi ,11 w ' 1 'PR h ' .v iv I VlsA Isflr For that Dandruff There is one thing that will cure It Ayer's Hair Vigor. It is a regular scalp-medicine. It quickly destroys the germs which cause this disease. The unhealthy scalp becomes healthy. The dandruff disap pears, had to disappear. A healthy scalp means a great deal to you healthy hair, no dan d ruff, no pimp!cs,no eruptions. The host kind of a testimonial "Boia for ovor slty yoars." A Mads bfJ.O. Ayxr Co , Lowsll, Msi Alto msnunoiurtr or SIRSIPAKILU. TILLS. CI1CBBV PECTOBAL. yers Qjjau remedy We do not claim thnt Fit? Svrun Co.. nnd In ordir C GASOLENE ENGINES . ,0 nor lower lully warranted, Ma. All slsot auk tt) les at lowest prices. Wrlto lor catalog. RCICRSON MACHINERY COMPANY t'orllaml, Oregon. L'.'aUrM Tl wuu A BIG MONEY Tor you In NEVADA 0c0gpa.n,d MINES A Kcw Hundred C. A. STOCKTON, Broker nightly Inve.Ud Means lllclie, Wrlto Today, . 22H lumber tschassg PORTLAND, ORtGOrl UO PLATES r RENT A I rn tie pusiccs ISL.11 1 flL. VV. C CEKIIC.S P. N. U. No. SI -06 VI Jltr.U writing- to uiltortUnrs iu I lllltllllftll IIMS MIl.r. v B.BBT SSSSSSW.Ln IILV e4 Wo removo your tail teetli and lno'-cis oft old roots absolutely without ialu, tun.l atlon and Csllmales Tree. Work tho llest. I'm " tliulxiuesl. bollUgoli! LYown.tli JlrMro oi. II.W ir tooth; Gold and Kiiamel Filling, U and up; Ileat ItutiU'r Dates, I7.W r set; goill set. 15. I'ulnkus KMractloii, bOc. Iliird and (.oucli Mrccls, rortund, uregor ra.j iiiri