TIIE NEW AGE, PORTLAND, OREGON TACOMA rnm: facific i.iqrou and wink iiouhk. N. lli:UTi:il, Proprietor! 'J tic best of lues, Lienors nmt Cigar.. Family Trade a Hpeclalty. Tel. Ili-d 17.11. IVrt pacific Ave 1Mb OiliililiTfo Ht. lacmna, Washington M O.STY'B THIRST bTOIti: 1'crlln IliillctliiK. lls&uitli lltli Ht. telephone, Main l'.)t. TACOMA. WASHINGTON THE ABBEY K.J. MOONKY. I'mprlctor Telephone James 2121 Wines, Liquors & Cigars kooms In Connection TACOA1A WASHINGTON Ivory Wood Fibre Plaster Ivory Cement Plaster F. T. CROWE & CO, 1 05 A Street TACOMA, WASHINGTON STYLES RIGHT PRICES RIGHT Menzies & Stevens Lnte.it Styles in NATS, MEN'S FURNISHINGS AND CLOTHING SPECIALTIES 913 Pacific Avenue ivovidcnt Bidu. TACOMA, WASH. Kentucky Liquor Co. Iiirorponituil. I'ln nu Miiln li:i, WIIOLF.HALF. DFAI.F.RH IN Wines, Liquors and Cigars 1130 Pacific Avenue 1 J 3 1 Commerce Street Tucomn, Washington Puget Sound Electric Railway Interurban l.'iiviiTif(imi-ll:0:i, 7:10, 8:10, HtlB l.til., nohto)H) 10:10. 11:10 a in, I'.'MO, 3:10, 2:10, U:I0, l:lfi (l.til., no Mop.nj, r:IO, 11:10, 7:10, H:I0. 0:10, 11:15 in. b'ltvi'.Si-nttli. :!!0, H:(Hl, 11:00 (Ltd., iniHtiiiiH). I0:IM), II :00 a in, 1'.' in, 1 :(H), y-.OO, :i:00, -1:00 (Ltd., no htoits). fulX), (t.(M), 7;(H), H:00, 0 :()',, 10:00, It :l,r p m. PUYAI.LUP DIVISION Unvol'nvnllitp 5. :tt), 7:00,8 :IH),:00, SI :M)u in, I:IM), a:0;), 11:00, 1:00, o:00, ltlft, 7:15, 8:15. Ihlop hi. Leave Hlh and (7)iiniiHrro StH. 5:10, 7:00, 8:00, 10:00, li.':00a in, 1:00, '':00. :i:0l),l:00, 5:00, 0:15, 7:15, 8:15, 11:15 IP '" (5:110 a in omitted SundayH) Tacoma Trunk Factory A pun! 'I riink Ik always a piod ll.ll.lill. Ynll e.lll't jlldlSO Hum ineio nppeai.uues. Wo cell TrMiiLtt that not only look ull lint wear well. Suit I'ahoaaiid Jibe, of nlltdex, styles and piiees Itoputrhigduiw. Phono HtuC'Tru tr.ll ('Sheet TU'OM. WAHl ... U. MANNING. Pl'OH. A. 'I'. IIOH.M13K, Soc.v L,. R. MAINNIlNa & CO., Inc. Real Estate Loans and Investments. City and Farm Property. Timber ani Coal Lands. First.Class Mortgages and Investment Securities. B2QUIVABI-.I2 BUIUDINQ TAC .MA, WASH. A Delightful BREAKFAST Dish WHRAT-HEARTS MaVes ailolUliliulliroaklAst ttlnti; nU1i fruit H.UM, a lov ly ilo' rt Itviiulrv lUll- time to cook. A IIei tx yut lor liu'l. U nmrmiU'iil Hlxolutvly puro Mint iou lets thsn any utlior corvl t-olit ly all srocors. rlvo pttumt inu'k.nv.0, a cvut., THE PUGET SOUND FLOURING MILLS GO,, TACOMA, WASH, I ALUIYIA : u THE AININBX MAIIT1N ANGKI,, I'rop. House of Fine Liquors Phone Main MG. Cor. Eleventh and Pacific Avenue the Mcdonald cigar co. K-ll the HlKhcrt tirades of ...CIGARS... MiitiufncltirLMl l) thu best factor!- of Ken Yolk nnil 'J tint in Ainu h complete Una of Imported ClKars, Cigarettes and Smokers' Articles Tel. Main 765. 956 Pacific Avenue THE DAMFINO i'.T, McOl.OIN, Proprietor Telcphonu Mnlti lot I'STAIIUSIIKI) lll'FOKU Till! WAR Imported and Domestic Wines, Liquors nnd Cigars ivrj Jclluriiiiti Avdiitiu, Corner I'nclllc TACOA1A WASHINGTON The Best is None Too Good for You. Get It at The Trail Saloon & Cafe RUSSELL ORMSDY, Proprietor 113 S. 12th St., Tacoma, Wash. L. L. R0BEKS0V. I'fM. arul Trui. C. II. R0BERS0N. Src'y. EAT T. B. C. BREAD TACOMA BAKING COMPANY Wholesale Miinufiictiirir of llrcad, ('liken, F.li- We iiImi inaki' it Hpeclaltj of HOOK IIIIKAD 'Id. James Wl 913 Ticoma Ave., Tacoma, Wash. Fhotiu Main 711 Paving I'lnnt, Mill ami Dock The Barber Asphalt Paving Go. ASPHALT For Roofing, Street Paving and Reser voir Lining CONTRACTORS Street Paving, Driveway, Floors and Sidewalks 203-4-5 Providence Bldg. TACOMA WASH. Vn make h rpcelalM of PIN 12 POULTRY I'llvnto Car Trmlo solicited Commercial Market MARRY HASH, Prop. Retail Dealer in Fresh and Salt Meats 1114 C Street Telephone Main 292 J, II. TF.RNFtt, Pre, nmt Mgr. TACOMA lcl.lt Tacoma Carriage and Baggage Transfer Company OFFICE JOJ TENTH ST. Carriages and Baggage Wagons at All Hours Private Ambulance Perfect In Every Detail FIRST CLASS LIVERY Hand your check, for liagtiago to our Me senKcr', who will incut yon un nil Incoming tialus. TACOA1A, WASH Until January 1, 1907, THE NEW AGE will be only $1 per year. RAM'8 HORN BLASTS. Wnrnltiir Note CnllliiK tho Wicked to Itriieiiliince. $ L IVINO Is tho only Ufl V I if I nil tti 1 11 , i.'iiCF J u' ' " "" Tf to live. ff . The fool nacrl- flees his wisdom to ills wit. Wfindurlng nev er flnds any ter inliuiH but woe. Knitting t li o wind often reaps the whirlwind. The torch of truth iniiHt bo fed by the heart. Only Iti ministry Is the secret of man hood. Winds of lluttcry waft no one to tho skit's. All things must depend on tho things within. If yo.ur goodness Is goody-goody, It Is no good. The Impact ojt your life will depend on Its uplift. ion cannot save souls unless sow yourself. you Many n llttlo obedience has led' to a Inrgu blessing. If you really love your Lord you will never be lonely. You do not rise In tho world by giv ing ye.urpolf airs. Tho uphill road nhvays icjolts steeper until you are on It. It Is your motive that gives moral vnltiu to your money. Praying for calm Is not tho best wny to prepare for storm. It takes more than a melting mood to xoftcn a hard heart. No great work was ever done with- o.ut thu shedding of blood. It's easy to shut your eyes and talk of it world where there Is no Ood. lotus becomes Christ and Lord only us lie becomes central In all our living. Tho brightness o.f your crown does not depend on tho darkness of your frown. Kvcryday goodness In living In tho best commentary on tho law and tho UuHpel. HI3 TWIN GIRLS. IIimv Two Horlnh Nnmcii Wt-re Cor nipt,,! Into I'Vmliilnr. When, after tho successive advent of four daughters, twin sous were born to Professor Shawo of Canity Academy, he was a proud father Indeed. Tho two sturdy babies received tho names of Diirlu.s and Itlchard, which tho profes bor explained to his friends were good mimes, historic names and family names all at once, and had besides tho advantage of suggesting good nick names or none a thing always worth considering In the naming of boys. If Itlchard should become Dick, why, Dick was us satisfactory as Itlchard; and Darius probably would retain Its classic entirety, but if It did not, what could it become but Dare? Db'k and Dare could there be more manly, at tractive, pIcturcMpio nicknames for n pair of lino boys? AIiih for tho gooil professor's hopes I It Is as lmK).sslble to calculate what nickname Ids mates will bestow on a small boy as where lightning will strike. Itlchard did not become Dick nor Da rius Dare. A big Iniy at school prompt ly discovered that Richard Shawo mig gostod 'Rickshaw, which at lrtt beciuno Jinrickshaw, which In turn was cut down to Jinny and remained there. Kitially une.M'cted was the fate of Darius. Theiowas In the boys' class a gill much larger und older than he, named Maria, whoso stupidity kept her with the llttlo ones. Darius and .Maria are names easily cunfiitvd when quick ly epoken, and tho two were constantly answering tho teacher In each other's stead. So perhaps It was merely nat ural that they should presently bo known as lllg Maria and Little Maria. "I.lttTo Maria" and "Jinny" the pro fessor'H Iniys remained through pri mary, grammar and high school, and well Into their college days. They ac cepted their feminine cognomens cheer fully enough; but It was long beforo thi'lr father became reconciled to tho Inquiry from teasing friends: "Well, professor, ami how are your twin girls to-day?" Youth's Compan ion, .11,' II til I lillllltMf loll. "Your honor," saltl tho arrested eiunilTour. "1 tried to warn the man, but thu horn would not work." "Then, why did you not slacken speed rather than run him down?" A light bccmcd to dawu upm tho prisoner. "lice!" he said, "that's one on urn. I never thought of that." Philadelphia Ledger. Wo Want o Kmiii, Tim, An Inquirer nsks the Now York Sun: "What lias become of tho comets? Souio twenty-live years ago there were whop pers on exhibit, or, nt any rate, they seemed Immense to my youthful eve. Aro they out of fashion? Are moro expected to put In un appearance at some future tliuo? 1 should like to show a good specimen to my children." Viictprotril Settlement, "Did tho old man settle anything on his daughter and her husband wtton they married?" "Yes, Indeed, ho did; ho settled him- self." llaltlmoro Amerlcau. How policemen are, abused I And did you ever know a policeman who wasn't a petty good fellow and anx PASTEURIZED DAIRY COMPANY, Inc. PiMtctirltcri Milk, Cream; lluttcr, Kkki, tottago Cheese, Clu-esu, lluttcr Milk. QUALITY ICK CIIKAM Milk 4 per cent guaranteed l'hono Fust RW2 , 300 IUiMCll Sltect PORTLAND, ORF.GON rtoi. fidfic litt Work Done On Short Notice The Never Regret Cleaning and Pressing Parlor fintiliiK, Proline, Dyeing ntni;ili'mlrltiK. Kti hid mid French Dry (.'leaning n Specialty, Bur I're.-fed While You Wnlt. I J2 N. SUth Street, PORTLAND, OREGON Michigan ' " Company It. CHAW, Proprietor Phone East 2806 154 Grand Avenue Ericson Undertaking Co. Incorporated Funeral Directors and Embalmcrs LADY ASSISTANT Phono Main C133 PORTLAND ' 409-111 Alder Street ORF.flON THE BUREAU SALOON J'ltANK HOFFMAN, Proprietor Choicest Imported and Domestic Wines, Liquors and Cigars Telephone Main 650(5 Houtheaet Corner 1'ltst and Morrlunn PORTLAND ORF.OON A. H. Willctt & Co. Wholcxalo and Retail GROCERS Special Prices to Restaurants Prompt Delivery Phone East 283 128 Grand Avenue 8. WsidiliiKtmi. Frop, L. Wllklimon, Manager The Alpha Fine Wines, Liquors & Cigars NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS Headquarters fur Itailroad nnd All Pro fessional People. Iliono Pnt'lllc 101 101 N. Park St., POUTLAND, OltKOON A. H. Griswold hiiim.oriotiKIMYOl.D A PilF.UI.KY TAILOR No Ilrnncli Store 131 Sixth St. I OIITLANI), OltKGON OUR BRAND Horse Collars Farmers, TfHiiu'frs a'ld llor.emen, Ionic to our luterrM. When Its need ul llorso Collars, buy the bent the SHARKEY COLLAR It has Mood the let of uear and lour and rliiiixlv for iwent) tear. Asti our drsl r for them and Inalst un harliiK tne "Shar- pTsharkey & SON Portland, Oregon ( ' MUd i ..flO.P.. 0i IUVUA fSi, HIM . "LYMPIC. 5 ?xv A Flour Whose Best Endorsement It the Fact that the Number of People Who Use It Multiplies Every Year YEOEN BROS. BIL.UINOS. MONTANA Brnncli Bunks at Butte, Anaconda and CJurdlnor Ten iiMii ct a aunurul BunkltiU UuhIiichh Pay interest on Savings Accounts and Time Corttllcates of Deposit. Wo start Savings Accounts with a deposit of one dollar or more. SWIFT & COMPANY PREMIUM HAMS, BACON And All Fresh Cuts for Hotels MAIL ORDERS Tinnu and Columbia 'Piionk Mala 13 BONNY & WATSON CO ( Sl't'CKWOIUI TO ) BONNY & STEWART IC.NKRAL DIIIKLTOlin AMI KMIULMKllS Lady Assistant Al- Ciff Wicti ways In Attendance. JClUCf W ASU 'HOOPS MISSOULA MONT II. K. CIIANKY, Fruprletor. A. A. HOWARD, MaiiHKor. Florence Steam Laundry THE GOOD ONE Fstnlillihcd IMfi. Tclophono 11.1 Work Done On Short Notice 112.114 West Front St. MISSOULA, MONTANA THE GRAND PACIFIC SILOON Altataoulu, Montttntt. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Draught Beer, Fine, 5c. Bottled Beer, 25c. a Quart. All trains Stop 15 Minutes. Opp. N. P. Depot. IBIIPP' IRON 0RAW-LU0S S ammmmmmmmmaamaamma .eaweeWW If m amLammw. Mjf FREIGHT RATES HOUSEHOLD GOODS HH J AK FROM B WRITE US JfJ L Seat to, Wash. LmW f- yr .ill rf f YamEmamm-til ikamW& riu wSSmKLaw': MISSOULA MERCANTILE CO. MISSOULA, MONTANA t THIS modern establishment with its immense and varied stocks merits the patronage of all. Whether it be something to wear, to eat, to furnish your house, or any thing else, you can get it here. We waxit every reader of The New Age within our territory to 'join the mighty ranks of pleased and prosper ous customers already dealing with us. REMEMBER OUR MOTTO -"We Sell Everything and Everything the Very Best." SAVI1NQS BA1NK So. Omaha, Nebraska PROMPT ATTENTION : miaiill: wami : SEATTLE WASH When in Seattle visit HAINSOIN & CO'S Billiard Parlors The Finest in the Northwest 621-23 First Avenue SEATTLE WASHINGTON WATER TANKS Fir Spruoo and Cottar Lumbar BoxShook Cedar Shingle Grays Harbor Commercial Co Seattle Wamh. Just a Word About Rolls Llttlo Rolls and ulir Rolls: ulalli Polls and fauey Roll.; Rolls for brcaktanl; Rolls for lunch: Rolls for upifr all kooiI sorts of Rolls trow to ported proxirttous at tno reliable akury most people lu Ml.nouU know about TEV1S & CRAWSHAW GROCERS AND BAKERS Hay, Grain, Flour, Fruits, Vegetable Confectionery, Etc., Etc 131 Higgins Ave. Missoula, Montana naaawwwwwns ''; meammmmmmaawammzj "J m Jr ious to do his duty? Wo uorer did. rflMSfflVW Mrllrw"' "