TIIE NEW AGE, PORTLAND, OHEGON i-?i iv i, R. C. WALWORTH Staple and Fancy Groceries Phone CAST 3 107. 136 Russell St. PORTLAND, OR. Pioneer Soda Works (ll'XDIX IIHOH. A- t'(t. Mntinfnctilti'r nf SODA WATER, EXTRACTS, SYRUPS, ETC. I I'm-tiir)', lift Wilier Street , Tcli-photic, MhIii ti'A t . A.vit om:noN' STAR BREWERY NORTHERN BREWERY CO. I Dicwnj and Bottlers ot ud rmn JrXXjMT jrJjLtLJ 9fifsX rOXTLAND OFFICE; Corner East Third and Durnslde Streets iV :- V ,uwlvnAu!.MKk jxjxmjmufr A Western Cracker Made for Western People Ahk your Grocer for Western Crackers and Cakes Tuku no other kind If you want thu boMt THE TOKE POINT OYSTER CO. 29 Second St., Portland, Or. Toluplmnu MAIN . Sola Growers of the Celebrated Toke PointOysters An I'liKtorn )ynle r TriUKpUiiliMl Hint Kruwii mi ciiir l'(ln t TOKI3LANI), WASHINGTON "fNIUIl'Al.f.ll IN I'l.AVOIl AMI llthHll.NIIhS" Cannery at South llcud, Wash. WVIiolcwilc IViiIith lii All VtiriiitlcM of Nat t v o OvMcr. I SX THE SCANDINAVIAN AMERICAN BANK Commercial Banking Savings Department tUipilal f5,(M:.tMM SurpliiH f.lfiO.tHIO Totul AmiIIiiIiIo Ah-cIh $7,500,000 A. t'llll.lli U(i. I'riH.ilont (ilK). II. TAUIIKIL Muiiiiiter A V. IIAYDK.V, OiHlilor Tiieoinn OHlcn No. if.r Commerce St., N. K. Cor Smith 11th St. DAVID II. IIKP'IIKIt. HllNi:V CI.AIIK. 1'fKl.H'lll. I K.lilor. Union National Bank Incorporated 1890 CAPITAL $100,000 Pays Interest on Time Deposits THE OLD BANK CORNER Grand Fork, NORTH DAKOTA The Old Reliable DALLES DIAMOND FLOUR aim never f.tllel to ih'iint It Iiih ill w tyn hoon thu ftaiiiliml for liunily uo R. M. Guthrie Portland Representative pfiont pacific 225t 212 IMittoa Bids HENRY WEIIMHARD'S BREWERY Manufacturers and Bottlers of the Well Known Brands of Lager Beer " EXPORT " " KAISERBLUME " "COLUMBIA" IN KEGS AND BOTTLES Trade and Families Supplied Brewery and Office BURNSIDE & 1 3th STS. I LODELL'S PLACE I A i: I.UDl'.M,. Prniirlulor Fjnc Wincs, Liquors and Cigars WEINMAHU 'SJitLK uVN,!ru!'sMiii-iii''iith hi. PORTLAND, OR t. M l'AltlttHll KltANK K VTKIN1 No(nr) IMiblle . Niilnry I'nltlle OH WATKINH Parrish, Watkins & Go, KitnMlnlicil 18T2 Real Estate Insurance, Rental and Loan Agents 250 Alder St., Portland, Oregon Rometsch Exchange JOHN ROMETSCH, Prop. Fine Wincs, Liquors and Cigars Telephone Main 1200 253 Morrison St., Portland, Ore. "The Judge Demands the Best" LA TOCO Key West, Clear EL PATERNO Ten-Cent Leader SIGHT DRAFT King of Five-Cent Cigars W. S. Conrad (vAl""y,.,i",,lM Distributor - ' STCAMtN TELEGRAPH TASUST ON TIIC KIVCK 'llioiiiib nit'itiniioiii imikitiK ii rniiiiil trip DAILY l'.xc'i Huinliiy liclwccn Portland and Astoria Ami Wiiy Points !,fw I'cirllrtinl 7MAM Arihc Anuria I;I'M U-a A.lorlii. !: I' M Atrlu I'oriliuul dim I' M mi:.ix hi:kvi:i a i.a caiiti: Pnrlliiml liimllntr, Alilrr St. Dock. Attorld ItiiiilliiK, Ctillmilrr Dock. C. II. SCOJT. Aiscnl. Phunr Muln SG3 Ask Your Grocer for tlrxrtt j M'FD BV & THE OROUt -I f,TM0ALU5.OHI.r The Original Diamond Brand & bvbbb 2flHHBBBBBBBBl hUEWEEKLY iHiapRIAN 1003 Sun Woro liny, Cul., dUcovorcJ nnil nnmeil liy Hulinn.l.ui Vizcaino. 1001 Trial of Sir Walter ltolelgh for Iron ion. JGIJ." Tlionini I'arr, known as "Old Purr," and n:ld to ho 1.72 years old, dicf. near Shrewsbury, Kncland. 'V Uattle of SlicrKTmiilr. .17--1 .lack Slieiipard, fatnotii English lilcl waynian, vxecutrd. 17D.1 Trench defeated 1'runlntiH at hat- li'o of Siirhruck. 1S0L' KlrHt melodrama produced at Covent fl.irden theater: called "Tho Tale of Mystery." ISOti Dlitcovory of Pike's Pnk, Colo. 1S.TS Knil of rebellion In Cinnda. 1S10 Tamplco, Mexico, miTL'inlered to Coinmodoro Connor of the American n.ivy. .. .American force under (len. Worth took Hxteisloii ft Saltlllo, Mexico. 1S0I IT. S. frlgato San JaHnto arrived at I-'ortretH Monroe vlth McHrH. Mm son nnd Slhlell, the Ccnfederato eommlKslonerH to Kurope. ISO I (len. Sherman left Atlanta and Iipkuii hlx march to ilic nra. ISO." Slavery ahollthed In the United Statex. l.Sli!! Formal openlnc of tho Suez canal. :71 lllock and n half A liulldlnRM In Chattanooga tlestroycd ry Incendiary fire. IS7;i-"Ito" Tweed convl.-ted of dc fraudhiK the city Irenu.-y of New York. 1SS0 Expedition went to relief of Capt. lloycott near ll.illliirnht', Itoland: 1SS7 r.ondnn'H "Itloody Sund.ty." 1SS1I Openlnc of Catholic nnlvernlty of America, at Washlnc'., I). C... Ilriulllnii monnrchy ovc-lhrowu and republic CHtahllshed. IS'.IO Capt. O'Shea tllvorrcl from U wife, who had dexerted h'ni for Par- nell. ISO.'l Trainmen of Leutsh Valley rail road went on strike, IS!) I Many liven loit by iM.rthquako In niilhern Italy and Sicily. 1SD7 Creat fire in CrlppL'jrnto ipiarter of London; $l().(H)0.()!ii) property lni . ...Prexldent McKlulcy Niuueil the treaty adopted by 17nfveiK.il l'ott.il Concress. IS!)S V. S. notllled Spain that (V.n nuixt he evacuated hy Jan. 1.... Court of Camatlon or hied Dreyfus to prepare bin defense. ISO'.) Puerto Cahello, Vener.iela, nurren dered to (Sen. CiiHtro. IHOrt-Pnrli exposition eosl: rO.O0O.OiKI admNxloux... .Culled State cruUer Ytwemltii wrerkeil at Cliuitii hv tv ptioou... .Women srau'ed pormU hIiiii to practice law in Krnnci'. 1001 -Liberals capturrd Colon, Colombia. P.MKJ Attempted nxalnaMou nf Kin; Leopold of llelxlum.... .Aw of CbrlHtophor Columhun dei.otlteil In nun-oleum In Seville cathedral. r.HKS-- Ilou' of Itepreitentatlves pam' the Cuban hill Sfeet railway utrike In Chicago. 1001 OiTinniiy and the 1'nlled State hlguetl arbitration treat)'. l!K)."-Car remitted ?Kl,O00.(K)O tiuei due from pcmuiiti. KiUniiii'k I'm I nro fit)'. Comilderable iIIhcussIoh Iuh been arous ed by a hIsiioiI prophecy of '1 110111114 A. lMlon, detalllni; what our largo eltiei will bo liko HHI jeari 1hmh. He .J4 they will bo freo from niiioko nnd Mtonni, and that the chimney will bo a thing of the pant, while tho waxto of coal and oth er fuel" will he Mopped through tho uxu of electricity, generated dlretc from tho fuel without tho aid of engine, holler or d)immn. In factoriex each machine will lmo its Individual motor. Houses will w heated electrically, and most of tha cities' noUex will wnse. SkyxcraHr wdl W universal in tho business hoc Hon, and the streets will bo bridged uer at dif ferent heights to facilitate tumult from one side to tho other. Ho es'hnates that buildings will then average th'rty toriM in height, and tho greater number will be constructed of concrete nnd steel. Sueh buildings, lie says, will stand a thousand j ears or longer. His new Lattery will make electricity portablo for utroet o hides or airships. (iorU- .Vim It In (iriiueti. Press dispatclies from Milan, Italy, tell of tho publication of Maxim fiorky'i "lmprowdoux of tho United S'ates." Tho llrst part Is devoted to tho "City of tho Yellow Demon," meaning, of route, tho money god, nnd referring to the city of New York. Throughout the olumo tho Russian author vents his ulsl'ke of peo ple and things American. A Tom 11 nt l'ln TIioiisiiiiiI llnyn, Tlio trustees of the Winona (1ml.) as konibly nnnonmv that tliey have author lied Judge William Urown of tho Salt laiko Juvenile court to organize a town to he populated by 5,000 Ik.vs, policed by lwy and govorneil by boy and for boys' pleasure and protit, as an attraction for next year's assembly. Tho boy will live In tents, nnd In connection with the m'home will be a school for oilicers of tho Y. M. O. A., Sunday kc'.iools, publio chools, juvcullo Jud.'cs and settlement worker. a , i Li.;. ! rasSHnHi i XvV ll! m -W V'l'lJi ELDERBRAU GROTTO KltlCKSON I1KUO, Props. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars I 54 Sixth Street main lire PORTLAND, ORE. WESTERN SODA WORKS Jl C ItKMICtI .t CIIAMlUt, Props. At .tiiifiirtiiriTH nf ('nrl oimttMl Hovnr- npi'K 'Vrnji", KxtrncU, Mineral WatoM ami t lmmpagiio Cltlur. Sol dUtrlb uttmof Scthuillu Mineral Water. I'lionu l'aeillu 170I1. Office and Factory,-204 Mill Street PORTLWD, OREGON Make Salesmen Of Your Windows After Dark A store tnny shut its doors nt Hitii."i't, hut if its show WllllloWH aro Klvctriu J.liilitcd nnd attrac tlii'lv drepHcd they are dolnt: as t'llcctivo follcitliitf for thu next day's biiHlnucH uh 11 corpn of fa ca pinde. t'i-tn-(1iitu stores nowadays con sider window lljthtinjj 11 niCH-lty, whether they remain open alter dark or not. Competition forces in ilcrn tuetliods. Ih your store "SHUT UP" ufter ntnixot in tho old style or In the new? There is no known illtttninant which will light a shop window as cU'ectivcly, linnd-omuly and Mitisfactorlly as Klectrlo Liglit. I'ahrlcs are shown in tlieir truu colors and every little detail is brought out In title proportion to its sun omul 11 . If jour window Is not Electric ally 'lighted vou itro throwing aw'av ciiaiiccs for increasing your hiiHincss only measured by tho number of people that pats your htoro aftur dark. IIiihciI on our new cento of lie duceil Hates lor current on Muter Ihikih, ICIectrle Light Is not an ex liense It is an ECONOMY. For information caJI MAIN 6G88 PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY HDCT AWfl il nFD CTDFFTC v ) The SAVINGS BANK of the Title Guarantee & Trust Company PAYS 4 Per Cent Yearly Interest On Savings Accounts Interest Compounded Semi-Annually Wi Also Pay 4 Per Cent Interest on Certificates of Deposit And 3 Per Cent on Daily Balances of Check Accounts Sane a Dollar Today and It WHI Work for You Tomorrow A Bank Account Is tho llrst step to ward happiness, prosperity and comfort Hanking Hours, 0 a. in. to 4 p. in.; Saturdays, 0 u. in, to 1 p. m. ; Saturday evenings, C. p. in. to 8 p. in. PIKKCTOKS Win, M. Ladd, J. Tliorlmrn Kofb, T. T. Unrkhart, Frank M. Warren, George H. Hill. OFFICKHS J. Thorburn Ross, Pres ident; George 11. Hill, Vice President; T. T. Hurkhart, Treasurer; John E. Aitchtfcon, Secretary. 240 Washington Street Corner Second PORTLAND OREGON 1 ST. PAUL MINN. vt 4 : Alfred J. Krank (Biiccewor to HCIINKIX it KKANK.) DHALCKS IN ALL KINDS OP BARBERS' FURNITURE AND SUPPLIES FINE CUTLERY KAZOK WOKK A SPECIALTY. HI B. Sixth St., Opp. Kyan Hotel. St. Paul, Minnesota Aguilas and Seal of Minnesota Cigars ARE SOLD ON ALL TRAINS Kubles & Stock Co. MAKERS ST. PAUL - MINNESOTA EL FIRMA and DUKE OF PARMA CIGARS You Will Like Them HART & MURPHY, Makers ST. PAUL Kutnli.Uhut mi lncorurntvillIKK) GRIGGS, COOPER & CO. Manufacturers, Importers and Wholesale Grocero 242-264 East Third Street ' ST. PAUL MINN. Z AM All A RICDniCI1 ; vmtum HLUKiJii ; ;.: "THE ONLY WAY" Have your BaRKatrc checked from hotel and Reairlonroa nvw any railroad to any place in United States by Omaha Transfer Co. Office 208 So. 14th St. When Coming into'Omaha cive your checks to our uniformed agents on trains or at depot and new cans to an parts owelty. ! MINNEAPOLIS MINN. : NORTH STAR WOOLEN MILL CO. Manufacturer ot Blankets, Flannels and Blanketings Minneapolis, Minn A. lUCKlUllt. O. A. IlACKDAIIL A. Backdahl & Co. DRUQUISTM. Opposite Milwaukee Iepot. I'sencrlptloni are fully compounded. 313 Washington ave nue South. Mliin(tpollM, AllnnuHOtu Wmmr CYGNUS $3.50 SHOE Manufactured by North Star Shoe Co. MINNEAPOLIS MINNESOTA MINNEAPOLIS OMNIBUS AND CARRIAGE LINE MATTISON & FOYE, Proprietor. 237 Hennepin Ave. Nicollet House Block MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA LIVINGSTON UNION MEAT MARKET, A. O.HASELER, Prop. CHOICKST FRESH AND IT MEATS Gniiio rih! 1'lnh In Beaton. Livingston, ----- Montana. F. B. TOLHURST Taxidermist for the Tourist OPPOSITE DEPOT, Livingston, Montana. GEO. W. HUSTED Prescription, Drugs, Patent Medicines, Ci gars, Toilet Articles, Finest Soda Fountain on the N. P. Railway. Opposite the Depot Tliln cnnl i tuition you to ft trip thnniKh tho Nntlotinl Turk, iiruvlillliK )ou imlrjiiuu "THE SOLO" Ami enn innke aittlfnclor' nrrntiKomeiitii with thu trsnKirtntlon cuiiipnnlct, Tho only firit-clmi plnce of the kind in LIvIngiton. Dottle Good a specialty FRANK BLISS, Proprietor 117 W. Park St. LIVINGSTON, Mont. nii.ui iirnnini ; UIVIAnl IEDKA3IA J ; receive cheapest and best service COUNCIL BLUFFS j 5 S. T. McATEE Fancy Groceries, Bakery Goods and Meats j Supplies for Dining: and Private Cars Given Special Attention o j 230 32 Main St. 229-31 Pearl St. Telephone 191 Council Bluffs Iowa For Medicinal Purposes Wo rciiimmi'iul utir Black Buffalo Pure Rye Whiskey Unexcelled in Quality and Excellence The Pederson Mercantile Co. Wlmle.alo l.liunr Iiiixirtvr ami WliuU'.ale Lliitor Kculem Moorehcad, Minnesota NorthM'torn ArimiIii Anlii)Uor-lluch Ilrew. ItiK AkiocUtlim' Celebrati'il "lludui'Uer" Hrer SKELLY & UTTLEHALES Dealers in Groceries. Flour, Feed, Hay, Grain, Coal, Wood and Build ing Materials rOI-K)3 Fourteenth St. North Phone Pacific 611 Corner Flanders Portland, Oregon "W ' -W