n..t' THE TSTEW AGE, PORTLAND, OREGON t I I TACOMA 1 rAAAAAAAA a A a a a a a a a a a a a A a : TACOMA ! THE A1N1NBX MAUT1N ANQEL, l'rop. House of Fine Liquors Phone Main 446. Cor. Eleventh and Pacific Avenue PASTEURIZED DAIRY COMPANY, Inc. Pastourlicd Milk, Cream) Duttor, Errs, Cottage Chcoso, Chccso, Sutter Milk. QUALITY ICE CItEAM Milk A por cent guaranteed Phono East 63C2 800 Ilusscll Btrcot POHTLAND, OltEOON THCWEEKLY YEQEIN BROS. SAVIINQS BANK UILLINCIS, MONTANA Branch Banks at Butt, Anaconda and Gardiner Trananot n Oenernl Banking Bunlnesm Pav Interest on Snvintra AccnunU mid Titno fWtlilcntna nf nnnnalt w mllE PACIFIC MQUOK AND WINK HOUBK. N. REUTEIl, Proprietor. The bcit of Wine a, Liquors and Cigars. Family Trade a Specialty. Tel. Rod 1731. 1HXI raclflc Ave. 1606 Commerce Bt, Tacoma, Washington i . Btnrt Savings Accounts with n deposit of ono dollar or nioro. Phou Pacific 23 Work Done OaShwtrTolk The Never Regret Cleaning and Pressing Parlor Cleaning, Pressing, Dyeing and Repairing. Steam and French l)ry Cleaning a Specialty, Hulls Pressed While You Walt. 132 N. Sixth Street, PORTLAND, ORtGON SWIFT & COMPANY So. Omaha, Nebraska i " PREMIUM HAMS, BACON And All Fresh Cuts for Hotels M' ONTV'B TllIltST BTORB HISTORIAN PM Berlin Ilulldlng. 113 South 11th St. Telephone, Main 191. TACOMA, WASHINGTON THE ABBEY K. J. MOONEY. Proprietor Telephone Jame 2121 Wines, Liquors, & Cigars Room In Connection TACOMA WASHINGTON Ivory Wood Fibre Plaster Ivory Cement Plaster F. T. CROWE & co. 1105 A Street TACOMA, WASHINGTON .STYLES RIGHT PRICES RIGHT Menzies & Stevens Latest Styles In iHATS, MEN'S FURNISHINGS AND CLOTHING SPECIALTIES 913 Pacific Avenue iProvldent Bid. TACOMA, WASH. Kentucky Liquor Co. Incorporator, l'luno Main 113. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Wines, Liquors and Cigars -1130 Pacific Avenue 1131 Commerce Street Tacoma, Washington Tuget Sound Electric Railway Literurban Lcavo Tftcotna 0:00, 7:10, 8:10, 0:15 .U1., no HtopH) 10:10, li :10 a in, 12:10, 1:10, 2:10, .'1:10,4:15 (Ltd., no Htops), .0:10, 0;10, 7:10, 8:10. 0:10, 11:15 pm. Lcnvo Senttlo fii.'tO, 8:00, 0:00 (Ltd., .no stops). 10:00, 11 :00 a m, 12 in, 1 :00, 2:00, 3:00, 4:00 (Ltd., no stops). 5:00, 0:00, 7 ;00, 8:00, 0:0!), 10:00, 11:15 p in. TUYALLUP DIVI8ION Ixnvo PuynlluiH-5 :30, 7 :00, 8 :00, 0 :00, ll:00n in, 1:00, 2:00, 3:00, 4:00, 5:00, 0:16, 7:15,8:15, 0:15 pm. LcuvotHli nnd Cnininurca Sts. 5:40, 7:00,8:00,10:00,12:00 am, 1:00, 2:00, .3:00,4:00, 6:00, 0:16, 7:15, 8:16, 11:15 pin. (5:30 a m omitted Sundays) Tacoma Trunk Factory A good Trunk Is always' a good bargain. You can't judtfo from inoro appearances. Wo sell Trunks that not only look well but wear well. Suit Cases and Hags of all sizes, styles and prices ltepairingdono. Phono Hud 27,72 31 C Street TACOMA, WASH JsuWV3l fi$S!(Aw9!mjif if hwmk 4 R. MANNINa, Prea. A. T. HOSMER, Secy' L,. R. MAlNlNIlNa & CO., Inc. Real Estate Loans and Investments. City and Farm Property. Timber and . Coal Lands. First-Class Mortgages and Investment Securities. EQUITABLE BUIUDINQ ' TAC( MA, WASH. A Delightful BREAKFAST Dish WH E AT-ME ARTS Makes a delightful breakfast dish: with fruit added, a lowly deerrt. Requires Utile time to cook. A light ez jxdh for fuel. Is guaranteed absolutely pure and costs less tit in any other cereal Bold by all grocers, Hve pound package, 2S cent. . the ma seum tmm mills co., tacoma, wash. the Mcdonald cigar go. Belli tho lllghcit Grades of ...CIGARS... Manufactured by tho boat factories of Now York and Tampa. Alio a compluto Hue of Imported Cigars, Cigarettes and Smokers' Articles Tel. Main 765. 956 Pacific Avenue THE DAMFINO 1'. T. McOLOIN, Proprietor Telephone Main 1M ESTABLISHED BEFORE THE WAR Imported and Domestic Wines, Liquors and Cigars 15W Jefferson Aveuuo, Corner Paclflo TACOMA WASHINGTON The Best is None Too Good for You. Get It at The Trail Saloon & Cafe RUSSELL ORMSBY, Proprietor 113 S. 12th St., Tacoma, Wash. LL.R0BERSOT. Pits. and Thai. C. II. R0BERS0W. c'r. EAT T. B. C. BREAD Made by TACOMA BAKING COMPANY Wholesale Manufacturers of 11 re ad, Cakes, Etc. Wd alio mnko a specialty of UUOU 1IUKAD. Tel. James Ml. 943 Tacoma Ave., Tacom, Waih. Phono Main 748 Paving Plant, 15th and Dock The Barber Asphalt Paving Go. ASPHALT For Roofing, Street Paving and Reser voir Lining CONTRACTORS Street Paving, Driveways, Floors and Sidewalks 203-4-5 Providence Bldg. TACOMA WASH. We make a (Specialty of FI1NB POULTRY Prlrale Csr Trade 8ollcltod Commercial Market HARRY HASH. Prop. Retail Dealer in Fresh and Salt, Meats 1114 C Street Telephone Main 292 TACOMA J, n. TKKNKS, Pre, and Mgr. Tel. 41 Tacoma Carriage and Baggage Transfer Company OFFICE 101 TENTH ST. Carriages in. Btfgigi WagMS it All Hours Print! Aiiilinci Ptrfict li Eviry Ditall FIRST CLASS UVERY Hand your Checks for Ilaggage to our Mes. enter, who will west you on all Incoming trains. TACOMA, WASH ) Until January 1, 1907, THE NEW AGE will be only $1 per year. T Michigan Company H. CHAW, Proprietor Phone East 2806 154 Grand Avenue Ericson Undertaking Co. Incorporated Funeral Directors and Embalmcrs LADY ASSISTANT Phono Main 6133 400-411 Alder Street POHTLAND OltEQON THE BUREAU SALOON FJtANK HOFFMAN, Proprietor Choicest Imported and Domcstto Wines, Liquors and Cigars - Telcphono Main 6S06 Southeast Corner First and Morrison POHTLAND OIIEOON A. H. Willett & Co. Wholcsalo and Retail OROCBRS Special Prices to Restaurants Prompt Delivery Phone East 283 128 Grand Avenue 8. Washington, Prop. L. Wilkinson, Manager The Alpha Fine Wines, Liquors & Cigars NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS Headquarters for Railroad and All Pro fetmlonnl People Phone Pnclllc 151 101 N. Park St., PORTLAND, OREGON A. H. Griswold Successor to QRIbWOLD & PHEOLKY TAILOR No Branch fltor 131 Sixth St. PORTLAND, OREGON OUR BRAND Horse Collars Farmers, Teamsters and Horsemen, Ionic to vour Interest, When In need of Horse Collars, buy the best the SHARKEY COLLAR It has stood the lest of wear and tear and climate for twenty years. Ask your df alt r for them and Insist on baring the "Shar- pTsharkey & SON Portland, Oregon ' Si 0 "ttl-.MI.Pj. fl &AJD. Op33 QtYMPIC. !, A Flour Whose Best Endorsement Is tksj Fact tkat tke Number of People Who Use It Multiplies Every Year FlouI? 1022 Surrender of Manhclm to Tilly. 1040 Long Parliament began. 1700 Foundation Btono laid for Black frlnrs brldgo across tho Illvcr Thames. 1700 La Sallo arrived at mouth of the Miami. 1795 French Directory choson. 1800 French occupied Hesso.... Battle of Strclitz. 1812 French defeated Russians near Wlastma. 181'4V Americans abandoned nnd do stroyed Fort Krle. 1837 Constitution of Hanover abrogat el by royal ordinance. 18J54 Ilnttlo of Inkcrman. 1850 Visit of Victor Kmmanucl of Italy to Queen Victoria. 1801 Tho Confederate schooner Bermu da, ran tho blockade at Savnnnah... Oon. McClellan succeeded Gen. Scott as coiumnndcr of armies of tho Unit ed States. 1802 Gen. Ilurnsldo succeeded Gen. Mc Clellan In command of army of tho Potomac. 1804 Confcdernto ram Albemarlo do Htrojed by Lieut, dishing.... Ncvnda admitted to tho Union. 1807 Gen. Shcrmnn nnnounccd tho In dian war at an end. 1871 Eleven women nnd children killed In panic In negro church In Louis ville. 1872 Monument to Sir Walter Scott un veiled In Central Park, Now York. 1880 Presidential proclamation declar ing North nnd South Dakota States of tho Union. 1800 Grand hotel, San Francisco, de stroyed by (Ire.... Tho first Japanese parliament opened. 1501 Maverick National Hank, Boston, failed. . . . President Foueeca pro claimed himself dictator of Ilraxll. 1802 Celebrations In honor of Luther at Wittenberg. 1804 Nicholas II. proclaimed Emperor of Russia.... Tho new "scrum cure" for diphtheria announced by Dr. Rous of Paris. 1805 Two earthquake shocks felt In many of the Wcstoru States, 1808 American peace commissioner demanded wholo of Philippines from Spain.... American nnvol rescrva tion established at Honolulu.... Russia mobilized n strong iwval fleet at Port Arthur. 1000 Cuban constitutional convcn'.'on opened at Havana. 1002 British cablo completed around the world.... Fifteen killed nnd seventy Injured by explosion of election fire works In MadUou Square, New York. 1003 New Irish land act went Into op eration Panama proclaimed Its Independence. 1001 Liberals victorious In Canadian elections Humtlan warships left Vigo, Spain, for tho Kast....Kvn Booth appointed commander of the Salvation Army in tho United States. 1005 Flvo thousand Jews reported killed In Odessa during tho riots. fltataa of Churches In Germany. The official order book of church mem bership in Germany, Issued by Pastor Schneider of Ktberfeld, as translated and reviewed by tho Literary Digest, shows that the number of conversions from tho Roman Catholic church to tho Protestant Is considerably greater than I hone who have gone from the Protestant ranks into the Roman faith. According to this au thority, 75,078 members of the Catlmlla church In Germany became Protestants between 1800 and 1804, while only 1,054 went from Protestantism to Catholicism. The order book draws attention to the fact that not only in the empire as n whole, but in each and every State tho Protestants hare been making the greater gains. Relatively these nro much greater In France than elsewhere. Vaccination for flerm niaeaaea. Sir Almeroth E. Wright, the noted Lon don physician, who Is credited with the discovery of the opsonic Index, which Indicate the power of the hlood to de stroy diseased germs, Is now visiting in thin country, nnd recently delivered an address at the I'hlladelphln Cnllego of Physicians. He said ho hnd reached tho conclusion, after much experimentation, that bacteriological Inoculation Is tho best means to fight any disease that owes Its Inception to germs, not excepting even tuberculosis. The general plan of treat ment is the same with that as Ith other , uiseases. Alter me opsonic i(,i on me patient's blood the vaccine Is Introduced into the body until the blood Is stilll- jelently strengthened to throw oil Its Im purities. Morssa's 925,000 Hlble. The .famous Illuminated parchment Bible, produced by the CI tiny monks In France over 200 years ago, has Just been received by Ita purchaser, J. I'. Morgan of New York, who was required to pay a duty of 14,000, Its value being appraised at $25,000. Morgan's brokers protested against the duty, saying that the book should be admitted free, becauw It is printed matter more than twenty jears old. The Iilble Is about 20x24 inches and 8 inches thick, tbe cover being of stamped Icathe MAIL ORDERS Til hid and Columbia Thonk Main 13 BONNY & WATSON CO ( BUCCKMOn TO ) BONNY & STEWART FVNRRAL DWICTOIIS AND KMIULMSRS Lady Assistant Al- Ca-Utfp UTich ways In Attendance. CaillW Wasn. flAT HOOPi'lnOH 0RAW-LU0& MISSOULA MONT j II. K. CHANKY, A. A. llOWAItl), Proprietor, Mnnsgur. Florence Steam Laundry THE GOOD ONE Established 1S9). Telephone US Work Done On Short Notice 112.114 West rront St. MISSOULA, MONTANA THE GRIND PACIFIC SiLOOH AIImmouIu, Montunu. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Draught Beer, Fine, 5c. Bottled Beer, 25c. a Quart. All trains Stop 15 Minutes. Opp. N. P. Depot. .m. sk bbBH si iaT BFMssW MM FREIGHT RATESj miM HOUSEHOLD GOODS H J TO a mom PIH sssssHsatl&nSsl'KlsssHkaUsisssIB mBBBIIhBbiIHIiIIIbssssw MISSOULA MERCANTILE CO. MISSOULA, MONTANA i rHIS modern establishment with its immense and varied stocks merits the patronage of all. Whether it be something to wear, to eat, to furnish your house, or any thing else, you can get it here. We want every reader of The New Age within our territory to join the mighty rank of pleased and prosper ous customers already dealing with us, REMEMBER OUR MOTTO -" We Sell Everything and Everything the Very Best." PROMPT ATTENTION SEATTLE WASH I When in Seattle visit HA1NSOIN & CO'S Billiard Parlors The Finest in the Northwest 621-23 First Avenue SEATTLE WASHINGTON WATER TANKS Fir Spruom and Omdar Lumber BoxShookm Cmdmr Shlnglmm Grays Harbor Commercial Go Smmttl; Wmmh. Just a Word About Rolls I.ltllo Itolls ainl big Hulls; plitlii llolls and fancy l(o)U; Hulls lor liriak(at Kolls for lunch; Hulls for siipptr nllRiiotlKorlsof Itolls iirnw lo pucfuit iiriiK)rllons at tlio reliable lakury most ieoplu In MUsoul know about TEVIS & CRAWSHAW GROCERS AND BAKERS Hay, Grain, Flour, Fruits, Vegetables Confectionery, Etc., Etc. 131 Higgina Ave. Miuoula, Montana Ml m i r i - " - -H -a11