THE NEW" AGE, PORTLAITO, OREGON Wll WlWIiWWIWtlWIiWWI IWlWMWlWiWWHwJ i i topics or THE TIMES WfSfjfSftftfiSf tf&jfiWSfStiH The Ilusslnn Rovcrnment Ih willing to let tho tropic linvo elections, providing they vote for tlio government. Tlio price of gnHollnu tins go no up again, and owners are almost beginning to wish that their automobiles ato liny. A famous physician Is experimenting with the effects of music on cats. Pay ing them back In their own coin, so to IHMlk. Tho man who Is paying 20 cents n gallon for gasollno Isn't ablo to figure out wherein JlO-ccnt denatured alcohol HI help much. Tho Oovornor of Cuba will rccclvo n alary of $25,000 a year. It should bo remembered, however, that he will havo to live In Cuba. Tho man who seeks divorce becnu'o his wlfo doesn't talk enough will bo oomldercd a fit subject for an Inqulr ado do lunatlco. A man always' finds It hard to con ceal his satisfaction when ho picks up another man's hat and finds that It Is too small for lilin. It In mirprlslng to read that n now revolt Is threatened In Uussln. Many liad supposed that a continuous revolt was good enough for the Itusslans. In reniiHylvanlu. there Is a man who declares that IiIh wlfo hasn't spoken to him for seven years. Homo ieoplo will be uuahlo to understand why ho Is mak ing a fuss about It. teacher of her childhood, whose theory of llfo was reduced to a simple princi ple: "Learn to read well, young la dles to onuuclato distinctly, to modu lato tho voice pleasingly, to Interpret the words of tho author with sympa thy and understanding; learn to read well, and alL other virtues will follow." It Is possible that the acquirement of all tho virtues seems a slightly tuoro complicated matter than It did to tho old gcntleuinn of seventy years ago. Nevertheless, the advice Is not to bo laughed uway, If only becauso It recalls tho days when reading aloud was count ed one of tho moat deslrublo of the fluo arts of life. This Is no rellectlon upon tho art of reading ns taught In these latter days; tho question Is not of tho actual process, but of tho placo that reading aloud used to hold In family life. Many a gray-haired man or wom an who novcr heard of "round tables," and never discovered that authors had early or lato styles, yet knows his Scott or Thackeray or Hhakespearo as few young people of to-day ever know them. In part, this Is duo to the fact that the field of reading now covered by young people la much larger than It was half a century ago. A deeper causo lies In the decline of tho habit of reading aloud. Wo 'havo no tlmo now to read aloud, we say. Perhaps not; yet be fore wo decide, might It not be well to consider whether any other recreation offors more permanent pleasure or greater enrichment to tho life, nooks read aloud winter evenings about tho fire, with tho wholo family sharing tho Interest nnd tho discussion, will hold a warmth of color which tlmo will not dim. Uetween their pages will Ho countless happy memories a trensuro whoso valuo will decpon through all the years to como. JAMESTOWN,-N. D. ."I i If James J, Hill wero younger ho might havo Iidjh) of some day being In n position to buy tho earth and sell It again at a profit of -10 or 00 per cent when tho population doubles. Sir Oliver Lodge tells us that tho nun will bo cold In 20,000,000 years, uml what Is turning our hair gray with worry Is tho fact that tho coal supply will last only half that time. Honor U being paid to tho memory of Madoc, tho Welsh prince, who Is aid to have discovered America In 1270. Christopher Columbus, however, does not recall hearing anything about It at tho time. Bmokeni who havo been fearing that the disturbance In Cuba might cur tail tho output of genuine Havana, cl ears will bo lutoroHtcd to hear that tho Connecticut tobacco crop Is unusually large. Italians havo erected In Now York City a monument to Verdi, tho grand old man of Italian uiuhIc. This Is tho third memorial which tho Italians have presented to New York. Tho others lire the monuments to Columbus nnd Garibaldi. A hoodlum Is a boy whoso mother nnd father "havo no tlmo to fuss" about him. They "guess ho Is big enough ami smart enough to tnko care of hluitelf." If a neighbor complains of his mean acts the parents think that neighbor too low down to live, Tho hoodlum begins his course by ruunliifr wild In the street; ho ends It on the gallows. Hut, as a general thing, his parents deserve hanging hotter than ho does. Marquis I to nnd Field Marshals Yniutigutii and Oyanm havo beeu cro ated princes by the Japanese Emperor In recognition of their services In tho war with Russia, nnd Vlco Admiral Togo has been made n marquis for tho nine reason. All that we can do In America to reward our military heroes Is to advance them In rank, nnd even then tho promotion of successful offi cers over the heads of men who havo teen longer In tho service U fiercely criticised. In recent years, as nil readers of the papers know, It has becomo too com mon among a certain class of people to have the marriage ceremony per formed undor strange nnd unusual con ditions, ns on platforms at county fairs, on tho top of n smokestack, etc. The cheap notoriety that attaches to this sort of mnrrlage destroys the sanc tity that should pertain to tho cere mony and gives tho unthinking occa sion to regard It ns n joko rather than a serious transaction. There Is alto gether too much trilling with the mar riage tie already without turning tho ceremony Into a monkey show. There Isn't much question that most of us would get along better If a little more attention were given to mAstlca tlon, If wo ato less meat Indeed, less of everything; but there are so many other 'offenses against good pliyslology more serious In their results and al moat equally prevalent that the layman 4iiay be excused for skepticism as to the necessity for political economists deserting their own field to push the cause of tho chewera, A man who con sistently chews each mouthful of cus tard forty-seven times through life may bnve a chance of living to be a 100 a (ruction of a point better than tho man who bolts batter cakes whole, but toe latter during his shorter earthly so journ, having his attention less closely fixed on his stomach, may actually do more good In the world than the hu man hashing machine. Among tho cherished memories of a sertalu chanulug old lady Is that of a Whllo certain elderly gentlemen of athlotlc proclivities wero disporting n tho links of a New York golf club In competitive endeavor to reduco records, n Chicago doctor of theology was In veighing vigorously ngalnst tho humor ous Dr. Osier, whoso merry Jest nt tho exiHMiso of 00 bobs up occasionally to plague tho supersensitive. Tho theolo gian pointed out that Moses did not be gin to preach until ho was 60 years u ago, and from this undisputed assertion ho drow tho conclusion that there Is no ago limit until a man's vigor has gone. If any argument wero permissible It might bo contended that much of tho great work of Moses was performed whllo ho wns yet young young not merely from tho ancient but the pres ent wny of looking at years. Hut no lody now takes seriously tho limita tions prescribed by Dr. Osier except possibly n few over-wrought gentlemen who nro, unhappily, dovold qf tho sav ing grace of humor. To calm the foci lugs of theko sensitive few wo may speak not only of tho preaching Moses hut of tho elderly golfers who went forth to battle amid "wintry blasts and tlurrlos of snow." It Is recorded that of this goodly array of competitive an cients and honornbles not cuio was un der &0, while most of them had pnssod tho Osier ago of usefulness, and several of them wero over 80. A merry young fellow of 78 carried off ono of the prises, and a stripling of, two and sev enty figured proudly In tho running. And In order to accomplish the task presented It wns required of theso hus ky athlotCH to cover ground to tho ex tent of seven miles, n mere bit of at tendant exercise which they consldor.xl hardly worth mentioning. In all likeli hood Moses thought nothing of walk ing seven miles a day, oven after ho be gan preaching, for ho was a pedestrian of large experience and was In excel lent training. Hut tho conjunction' of tho patriarch and tho conteinporn-y golfers, for Illustrative purposes, Is fe licitous chlelly ns showing that In all ages of the world's history decrepitude, physical and mental, Is usually not so much a matter of years as of tempera inont and modo of llfo. Tho octogenar ian on tho golf links and In the pulpit Is constantly with us to remind us .f tho humor of Dr. Oslor'a quips aud fan cies. Daanaud (or Mor Pars, Samuel Leon, who represents largo fur Interests and has charge of sup plying tho trade, reports greatest de mand for fur In tho history of tho country, "In the last three years tho demand for fur In the United States has In creased more than 200 per cent The demand Is bo largo that It cannot bo mot at all, aud tlte result has been to Increase enormously tho price of skins. "A large amount of tho furs of tho United States are being imported from Russia, which shows a great change, as formerly we relied In this country to a great degree on tho furs of our own continent. The seals havo been slaughtered In recent years In largo numbers, and although thero seems to Imi no sign of nn early extinction of the animals, tho skins are not bo common as formerly. More and more tho trudo Is looking to the countries of northern Europe for their fluo skins. Sau Fran cisco Chronicle. : The Seiler Co. OSCAR J. SEILER, Attorney-at-Law President Paid Up Capital and Surplus $35,000 Collections Investments Real Estate Jamestown, North Dakota KING & GILMORE Telephone UNION 40C8 Real Estate Dealers Everything in the Best properties Jersey Street ST. JOHNS, OREGON H. HENDERSON Real Estate I0S Jersey Street, ST. JOHNS, OREGON BY RAIL ANDWATJCK. SEE Nature's Wondrous Handiwork BY KAIL AND WATM I have choice Business nnd Residence Tracts in nil partB of tho city. Corr epondenco' solicited from non resident ownors of property or those looking Investments here. ABBETT All Kinds of Galvanized Iron and Tin Work a Specialty ALL WORK GUARANTEED NOT TO LEAK Agent for Quaker Mfg, Co.'s Stiel Furnaces 440 Union Avo. North Shop Phono Enst 6177 Residence Phono Enst 1808 KssT Ask the Agent for- I O K B T VIA, THROUGH UTAH AND COLORADO Cnsttc Gnte, Canon of the Grand Black Canon, Marshall and Ten nessee Passes, and the World Famous ROYAL GORGE. ' For illustrator) nnd ilcrcriptivo pamph lets wiite to W. C. McBRIDE, General Agent 134 Third Street PORTLAND. OREQON THE BITULITHIC PAVEMENT BEST BY EVERY TEST For Streets, Driveways and Crosswalks. WARREN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 716 Oregonian Building, Portland, Oregon 4& i cTjtt O. C. HCINTZ, Manager. Phone Cast 57 PACIfIC IRON WORKS. STRUCTURAL, STEEL, AIND IROIN Steel Bridges, Upset Rods and Bolts, Cast Iron Colums and all Architectural Iron. Sidewalk Doors and Lights. All Kinds of Castings. EAST END BURNSIDE STREET BRIDGE, PORTLAND, OR Columbia River Scenery REGULATOR LINE TIim excursion steamer "BAILEY GATZEK I " makes round trips to CAS CADE LOCKK every Sun.lny, leaving PORTLAND nt 0 n. m., returning ar rives 0 p. m. Dally eorvlco botween Portland nnd Tho Duller, except Sunday, leaving Portland nt 7 n. in., nrrivlng nbout 5 p. m.. carrying Iroight nnd pnpsengers. Splendid iiccommodutlonH lor outfits and livestock. Dock foot of Abler street Portland; foot ol Court troot, Tho Dulles. Tele phone Main 014. Portland. THE COMFORTABLE WAY To Spokane, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth. Chtoien. St. Louis and All Points Cast and Souths TWO OVERLAND TRAINS DAILY The ORIENTAL LIMITED Tin FAST MAO. VU ScitUt m Spot" Splendid Sorvlco TJp-to-dnto Equipment Courteous Employes Daylight trip ncross tlio Cascade and Rocky Mountains. For Tickets, rates, folders and full infor mation call on or address H. DICKSON. C. F. & T. Ai I2Z Third Street,' PORTLAND S. a. YI5RKES, A. O. P. A- BATTLH. WASH. A rrrr"""f Watson Drug Co. OrUKAINt 1 Wholatala and Retail ! t i The mott complete tlock of Drues and , .... ,-,,,. Patent Medicine to be found in the InUnd First National Bank of Rook Springs Empire, price. guaranteed u nw u the HOOK Hl'KINas, WYOMINO lowest. Our Prescription Department merlli your confidence. CAPITAL ID! SUhTLUS, UUD.OOO DVURV ATTENOjVBN TO UUSINBSS 421 RlvCnldSj Avt). Marito Block Ti Sill Passenger Trains Dolly WITH THROUGH PARLOR CARS vrrwiM Portland. Astoria s Seaside Learet Pally 7:00 p, m. ONION DBI-OT Arrive. for Maygtri, IUIii ler.CUiakanlo "rurort, Clifton, Anuria, narren. ton, Flare), Uoitr. Iiartl'arkaiidSoa- AKorlA A Penihore hxpr Dully, AotorU Kznreti Dally. "Dally. 11:10 a, m. 1:40 p. m. a.. aaaaVBBSSar. TnwiB ' (3PHgp Spokane II (JREATEST .JIUHL The Model Dry Goods Store -of the Model Western City VISIT SPOKANE. When you do, visit THE CRESCENT, its model store, and one of the most interesting show places in what Elbert Hubbard has called the model city of America. VUitera will find hero a Bureau of laforniatloa vrhera raUabla Information of all kmae regarding the city may ba obtained. Alto free Parcel Check Rooma, Public Telephone and comfortable waiting rooma with lava terie for women. CA.BTKWAIIT, J. C. MAYO, Comta'l Agt., 2H Alder St O. , & 1'. A. Telephone Main 008. A Pleasant Way to Travel The above is tho usual verdict of the traveler using the Missouri Pacflc Hall way between the Pacific Coast and the Kast, and we boliovo that the service) and accommodations (riven merit this statement. 'From Denver, Colorado Springs and Puoblo thero are two through trains daily to Kansas City and Bt. Louis, carrying Pullman's lat est standard electric lighted sleeping cars, chair cars and up-to-date dininar cars. The samo excollcnt service is operated from Kansas City and St. Louis to Memphis, Llttlo Rock and Hot Springs. If you aro going East or" South wrlto for rates and full informa tion. W. O. McBKIDE, Gen. Agt., 124 Third St., Portlond, Or. OF all Spokane Agents for North Star Blankets, the kind used on Pullman coaches. Dn Nature' Poor Taat. An Eugllshuiau -who 1ms been visit ing lu tho suburbs recently Is hyper critical, to aay tho leaat 'Ever sluce he has been vlslttug this gentleman he has been mtdlug fault with everything. The other evening they wero on the host's beautiful lawn. "This would be charming, Mr, Itlank, If It were not for the color of tbo graas,M "Why, what la tho matter with the graasT" Inquired tho sdrprlacd host "Too green, too green," slghetl tho English man; "It spoils tho color effect.'- Bos ton ltecord. To aay a man lacks tact is a polite way of saylug lie la liupolltu, CHICAGO rvi THE EAST When purchasing ticket to Chicago and the East, see that it reads via the Chicago & North-Western Railway. Choice of routes via Omaha or via St. Paul and Minneapolis. It is the route of The Overland Limited and the direct line to Chicacro from the Coast. Four a . -. - a e last daily Unicago trains mate connection with all transcontinental trains at at. raui and Minneapolis. The Best of Everything. All ogenta sell tickets via this line. For furUur lafenaetlon apply to On Your Trip to the East 1 TRY THE rCJn ClgV NORTH COAST LIMITED a. v. Motets. 9ft e. a mm a.. IMTMrtfai. reaTtAMS), KWJ PULLMAN STANDARD SLEEPING CARS PULLMAN TOURIST SLEEPING CARS DINING CAR-DAY AND NIGHT (KUCCllUO U0UT8) OBSERVATION CAR (KLKCTMIO LIQHTb) ELECTRIC FANS BARBER SHOP BATH LIBRARY NUMEROUS OTHER COMFORTS & THREE Daily Transcontinental Trains TO THE EAST Tke Ticket Office at Portland is at 255 Morris. St. ConMrTkird A. D. CHARLTON Assistant General PuMngcr Agaot PORTLAND. OREGON A V tjifrrti &&.. ' , '&. Vj,