ifw(fiprtlfFnr i-ftrv-srilr -pw vryj)vnr7Mjipjw ? vTtfp1iffft"! W n kJ " itl&g 0 '"$' ' w V' -f " T4w T 'W'tirnrr- $fp T;iTOr-jw tw nt; THE NEW AGE, FORTIiANTJ, OREGON tfti&i&iSiiSSiiBiiTiiTi AAAAAAiRi i TOPICS OF 1 TUC T..C I 111. MIVIL.3 a I Tlio safe hnnk Is tlio hnnk whoso president hns no vaulting ambitions. It costs $!!12 to save n hoiiI. Tills, of course, Is ilsldu from the robnto for backsliding. In Hnssln tlio oillccs will have to seek the men ho Ions us tlio olllcern havu to doilfc-o tho bombs. Soiuo ninrrlcd women nre fo weak they oven allow their husbands to keen part of their salaries. If President 1'alma has laid by enough to carry him over to tho next Chautauqua season ho Is all right Hanto Domingo Is perfectly willing to dlsduirgu her present Indebtedness If she can borrow tho money to do It with. Cnleb Towers Is nboiit to bo tried again lit Kentucky. Caleb may truth fully say that ho lluds this life full of trials. Prophet Kmlth of Utah has been pinched for having llvo wives. Hero It pinches tho average man's exchequer to have one. So far as wo have been able to oh nerve, ilesplto so-called reform, football hair Is still worn In tho lumo violent stylo us formerly. A woman probably never appreciates tier husband more than when ho comes home and announce that his salary has been Increased, At tho rule they aro sending bankers to nrleon there will only be n few left for Casslo Chadwlck to do business with when she gets out. Physicians generally, wo are told, oppose any change In tho signing of "phthisis." Tlio extra letters aro need ed to represent Its complications. cltlzensM;. Tho new law. which went Into effect In tho autumn, provides that nil Immigrants shall bo registered at tho port of entry, and that a certificate shall be given to each person. Not less than two years prior to his admission to citizenship tho applicant for natur alization must appear In n United States District or Circuit Court, or In n Territorial or State court having a seal, a clerk and Jurisdiction In actions at law and equity, and in that court ho must renounce all foreign nllcglance, and must swear that ho Is nt least 18 years old and intends to become a citi zen. Not less than two, nor more than seven, years later ho may (Ho In court a petition for naturalization, setting forth his qualifications for citizenship, veri fied by nt least two persons who have lived In tho United States for llvo years. At the expiration of ninety days tho ctltloucr must upricnr In court in person, and submit to an examination with his witnesses. Tho clerk In tho mentitlmo has posted In n public place a notice of tho application, with tlio mini's name ntid tho date of his peti tion. After tho hearing, If tho man hns proved his ability to read, and If ho has satisfied tho Judge of his Identity and of his residence In the country for seven years, and of his abhorrence of all anarchistic doctrines, the dual pa pers aro issued, and he becomes a citi zen. It will be mmjh thntitho process takes time, mid that the public knows for ninety days of the Intention of any nllen to npply for citizenship. Tho gravest scandals under tlio old law arose from the habit of naturalization without previous notice to tlio public. Applicants have been taken Into court by tlio score, nnd turned Into citizens ns fast as their names could bo taken and tho oath administered. V I JAMtblUWIN, IN. V.1 The Seiler Co. OSCAR J. SEILER, Attorney-at-Law President Paid Up Capital and Surplus $35,000 Collections Investments Real Estate Jamestown, North Dakota H. HENDERSON Real Estate 108 Jersey Street, ST. JOHNS, OREGON tlY KAIt, AN1 WATEIt. Mr. Rockefeller warns inen not to bu slaves to their business. Still, not every man can uiiiko his business do Ids nlavlug for him as successfully as Mr. Jtockefeller does. The Rockefeller family has held a reunion, during which tho memories of u number of Rockefellers, who never knew what n pipe lino looked like, wero upproprlalcly cherished. Some of the cement work around Pennsylvania' new capltol Is already beginning to crumble, Tho graft kill ers of Pennsylvania have made n seri ous mintage f they have laid uway their weapons. Tho girls employed In n porcelain factory In New Jersey went out on strike tho other day because the man tiger ordered that they must no longer alug at their work. They had been In tho habit of amusing themselves by Hinging popular bongs, hjmns and Sun day school music, but they may do that no more. Rather than keep silent they stopped work. It cannot bu tlrit tho manager was married, else ho would linvo known what result to expect from uueli an order. Japanese scholars aro urging upon the people tho Importance of abandon ing tho old Chliicxo Hjstein of sign writing, or Ideographs, and the adop tion of tho Roman alphabet for spell ing Japanese words. They support a paper devoted to tho propaganda, nnd report that the people aro beginning to npprovu It. Inasmuch ns Kngllsli Is taught In tho primary schools In Ja pan, tho coming generation will know tho alphabet anyway, whether tlioy uso It In their own language or not A young callego graduato has been learning something about "practical" polities. Ho attempted to wrest tlio control of a Now York assembly dis trict from Tammany. When tho cam paign was over ho found that tho men whom ho had trusted toeooperato with him had taken his money nnd hired out to tho other side. They took his bal lots, but did not vote them. The "de tective" whom ho hired to watch his rival turned out to bo a lieutenant of that rival, and some of his professed followers stole his watch, chain and diamond senrf-pln. Dr. Samuel J. Harrows, tho well known writer on social questions, con tributes to Charities, tho weekly Jour nal of philanthropy and reform, an ex cellent account of tlio recent confereiico of tho National Prison Association, which met nt Albany and was briefly mentioned In tho New York press. Vital topics wero discussed at the congress, which, by tho way, Is declared to have been tho most profitable and successful In tho history of tho movement for prison reform In North America. Tho attendance reached -lOO, and every dele gate was a practical student of the problems under discussion. Wardens, prison chaplains, physicians in charge of convicts, Boclnl workers who regu larly visit penitentiaries and Jails mado up tho bulk of tho delegations from tho States, territories anil Canadian prov inces. It was the consensus of ojilnlon that tho Jail system was tho weak spot in tho whole scheme of penal adminis tration. Tho buildings ami the feeding of tho prisoners have shown much Im provement, hut otherwLso there hits been no advance In fifty years. Tho confereiico agreed upon tho need of a uniform system of prison discipline and Jail administration. At tho next meet lug of tho association h report Is to bo presented thoroughly covering tho sub ject. Ouo of tho most Important of tlio topics was the enforced Idleness of con victs and prisoners. Ouo expert de clared tho prisoner's greatest need to bo tlio habit of Industry, nnd to con demn him to Idleness was to Injure not only him but society as well. An ex tremely nnd varied exhibition of goods manufactunsl by convicts was a fea ture of the conference, nnd It served as an object Uwon In tho utility and good elTects of prison labor Judiciously regu lated. Tho parole system, tuberculosis In prisons, the attitude of wardens to ward reform suggestions and experi ments, classification and education of convicts, Juvenile criminals and so on wero on the program of tho conference ns subjects of study nnd debate. In sovernl directions advance was record ed, but Micro Is ovhkmtly plenty of room for further Improvement, and tho association Is stimulating tltought and doing good work along rational and sci entific lines. KING & GILMORE Telephone UNION 4008 Real Estate Dealers Everything in the Best Properties Jersey Street ST. JOHNS; OREGON I have choice BuhIiicis and Rcsldenco Tracts in nil partB of tho city. Cnrr spondenco solicited from non resident owners of property or thoso coking investments litre. ABBETT All Kinds of Galvanized Iron and Tin Work a Specialty ALL WORK GUARANTEED NOT TO LEAK Agent for Quaker Mfg. Co.'s Steel Furnaces 149 Union Ave. North Shop Phono Kast 0177 Residence Phono Ivnst 1803 SEE Nature's Wondrous Handiwork n KAIf. AND WATKll VjSJiJyfgWvjT Ask the Agent for I C, K B T VIA THROUGH UTAH AND COLORADO Ccslle Gate, Canon of the Grand Block Canon, Marshall and Ten ncsscc Passes, and the World Famous ROYAL GORGE. For illustrated and tlcccrlptlvo pamph lets write to V. C. McBRIDE, aenernl Agent 124 Third Street PORTLAND, OREdON THE COM FORT ABLE WAY To Spokane, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, Chicago, St. Louis and All Points Lust and South THE BITULITHIC PAVEMENT BEST BY EVERY TEST For Streets, Driveways and Crosswalks. WARREN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 716 Oregonian Building, Portland, Oregon O. C. HEINTZ, Manager. Phone East 57 PACIFIC IRON WORKS. STRUCTURAL, STEEL, AISD IROIN Steel Bridges, Upset Rods nnd Bolts, Cast Iron Colums and all Architectural Iron. Sidewalk Doors and Lights. All Kinds of Castings. EAST END BURNSIDE STREET BRIDGE, PORTLAND, OR Columbia River Scenery REGULATOR LINE Tlio excursion steamer ' BAILEY GATZKKI" makes round trips to CAS CADE LOCK.S every Stinduy, leaving PORTLAND at 0 a. m., returning ar rives 0 p. m. Dftllv sorvico between Portland nnd Tlio Dalles, except Sunday, leaving Portland nt 7 n. in., arriving about 6 p. m.. carrying freight and pafsengcrs, Splendid accommodations (or outfits and livestock. Dock foot of Alder street Portland; foot of Court rtroot, Tho Dalles. Tele phone Main Oil. Portland. TWO OVERLAND TRAINS DAILY Th ORIENTAL LIMITED Ttx FAST MAIL VI SotU of SpoUn Splendid Servico Up-to-date Equipment Courteous Employes Daylight trip ncrosi the Cnacado and Itocky Mountains. For Tickets, rates, folders and full Infor mation call on or address H. DICKSON, C. P. db T. A. 122 Third Street, PORTLAND S. a. YERKIHS, A. a. F A. SHATTLO. WASH. A SPOKANE ! .1 First Nitioul Bilk if Rock Springs KOC'K HI'KINOB, WYOMIKQ CAPITAL lid SURPLUS, 1110,000 EVERY ATTENTION OIVBN TO BUSINESS ENTRUSTED TO US Watson Drug Co. Wholesale and Retail The most complete dock of Drues and Patent Medicines to be found in the Inland Empire. Prices guaranteed as low as the lowest. Our Prescription Department merits your confidence. Ill WITH THROUGH PARLOR CARS sitwiin Portland, istorias Seaside LcftTCI ruiir s;voa.u. 7:00 p. m. union psi-ot For MsYKtri, IUIii. Ifr.OUtiksnle ftrorl,:iirtnn, Anuria, Wtrren. ton. Flare), dear. hart l'arkaiitl Set Ilc. AitorU A DfMhoro Alprtll lUlljr. Anuria Eipreu l)lly. Arrires. rutlr. HlU a. ra. t:M p. m. 421 Riverside Ave. Marlso Block Tho head of nmiiuuracturlnRconcorn keeps his eyes open to prevent waste. There must bo no extravagance In la bor, in time, In fuel, In machinery. Ho looks for the minimum of cost and tho maximum of profit. It Is a matter of business and ho manages It nloiiKiitrlct ly business principles. How many farmers imuiagu their farms along business principles? Too few huro uUnits, And yet farming Is as much tho farmer's business as mauufactai' lug is the buKliicbg of tho other. If tho manufacturer trusted to luck, al lowed Ills machinery to lie out of doors nnd rust, worked only when ho felt like It and permitted his employes to work only when they felt like It, failed to keep books nnd figured everything on A dollarsaiubauits basis, bo would soon llud himself a bankrupt. The farmers should avoid such mistakes, too. Hereafter tho process of making American citizens will proceed In mi orderly maimer, and a certltlcato of naturalisation will Indicate more- fully than eer More that Its holder Is en--titled to all the rights aud privilege of The Lb of Old As. This Is ono of tho blttcrst things wo mothers have to bear when wo get old. Wo hnvo learned thon that wo can't help our children to lend their liven ono bit better. There Is not one single stono wo can clear from before their feet bo our old fingers ever so willing. With yearning hearts wo seo them making tho mistakes wo could tench them to avoid If only they would listen. Wo boo them going through one experi ence after another, stumbling here, again hurting themselves ngnlnst the snmo corner you hurt yourself so long ago, repeating all tho world-worn mis tnkes, whllo wo elders wntch anxiously and may not even cry out "Tnko enre." Our sons repent tho follies of their fathers; our daughters make over ngnln nil tho mistakes of their mothers. It Is very bard to sit In sllenco when you wo them doing all tho things that you did nnd then so painfully learned bet ter,. We feel that wo could so easily point to tho fair open road If our chil dren would let us, but wo areas uso less to them iih guide-posts to tho blind. Wo must wntch our children lose them selves In the tnnglo whose miseries we know o well nnd see them at last nfrer long years of wandering And their way back lwnio hoart soro nnd worn nnd nil the time wo can't help thinking It all needn't hnvo been. That to us older mothers Is tlio heartrending part of lt.Harpcr'a Dnxnnr. The Har4-WorklMsr Mciultar, "Say, doesn't our Congressman anything but draw his salary?" "Oh, yes." "What?" "Ho sienda It." Cleveland Loader. do Moat children are disgusted because tbttlr fathers do not succeed better. The Model Dry Goods Store of the Model Western City VISIT SPOKANE. When you do, visit THE CRESCENT, its model store, and one of the most interesting show places in what Elbert Hubbard has called the model city of America. Visiters will find hare a Bureau of Information where reliable information of all kinds regarding the city may be obtained. Also free Parcel Check Rooms, Public Telephones and comfortable waiting rooms with lava tories for women. ill Spokane Agents for North Star Blankets, the kind used on Pullman coaches. CHICAGO Arvi THE EAST When purchasing ticket to Chicago and the East, see that it reads via the Chicago & North-Western Railway. Choice of routes via Omaha or via St. Paul and Minneapolis. It is the route of The Overland Limited and the direct line to Chicago from the Coast. Four last daily Chicago trains make connection with all transcontinental trains at bt. faul and Minneapolis. The Best of Everything. SHI All agents sell tickets via this line. Illil Forfurth:rwlormtlon rpiy to a. v, Hciesa, sh'i e. a n.-w ., tSSTlr4SI., roATUUM, as. fjflPS U'-VliM C. A. BTKWART, J. O. MAYO, Coinm'l Aft., 2M Alder flt O. K. 41. A. Telephone Main tot. li'fjlisltfr A Pleasant Way to Travel Tho nbovo la tho usual verdict of the traveler using tlio Miasouri Pncflc Kali way between the Pacific Coast and the Kast, nnd wo boliovo that tho service nnd accommodations glvon merit this Htntumunt. From Denver, Colorado Spring and Pueblo thoro are two through trains daily 'to Kansas City nnd St. Louis, carrying Pullman's 1st est standard electric lighted sleeping enrs, chair cars and up-to-date dining: earn. The same excellent service is operated from Kansas City and St. Louis to Memphis, Little Rock aml Hot Springs. It you are going East or South write for rates and full informa tion. W. 0. McBRIDE, Gen. Agt., 124 Third St., Portland, Or. i W On Your Trip to the East TRY THE NORTH COAST LIMITED PULLMAN STANDARD SLEEPING CARS (KUCUTKIO UCIliTU) PULLMAN TOURIST SLEEPING CARS DINING CAR-DAY AND NIGHT (EUJCTKIO UaitTtJ) OBSERVATION CAR (KUfCTHlU UOHT8) ELECTRIC FANS . :. Vv BARBERSHOP ,.. BATH LIBRARY NUMEROUS OTHER COMFORTS f t Eft THREE Daily Transcontinental Trains TO THE EAST The Ticket Offica at Portland is at 255 Morr St. Comer Third A. D. CHARLTON Assistant General Passenger Agent PORTLAND, OREGON ? si f ,'S r i.. totitftt