Portland new age. (Portland, Or.) 1905-1907, October 27, 1906, Image 5

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Bitabllahed 1890 A. D. drtmn, Manager
Offlco, Room 817, Commonwealth Building
To liuure publication (ill local newi mutt
reach ui not later than Thursday morning ol
wen vnii
Bubtcrlptlon price, one year, payable In ad
Vance, 12.00.
Mr. Holman arrived from Chicago
Couch street, Main 3518. Ho will lis
ten to you.
Say I If you want work, call at 300
Couch street.
Takp me down. I'll see Capt. Mooro
Hot hot $10,001
Mra. Alex C. Rao, of Denver, was a
visitor last wock.
Is tho marriage off that has been
rumored around?
Mr. Clark Roebuck Is now located
at Itodgers1 barber shop.
Well, Cliff you are Just In time to
follow your predecessors.
Mr. D. P. Gregory loft for Chicago.
Ho will bo gone a few weeks.
Mr. Erwln Lewis Is back from his
trip around tho United BtatCB.
Mr. Peter Leo Is improving very
much and will soon bo ablo to rcsumo
his work.
Tho strong boys from Chicago, Mr.
Wilson and Uttlo Dud were hero.
Enough said.
Thoro Is talk of a colored football
team for Portland. Well girls! Mud
will bo their names.
Mr. Sherman Dlackwell of Chicago
Is on his way to Portland to visit his
aunt, Madamo Lcjuno.
Mrs. HubankB Is up and around en
Joying good health. Sho expects to
Icavo soon for a trip to Europe.
Chlttllonslt Corn broad! !!! That's
what Mdmo. Lljuno will servo ovory
Saturday night beginning Oct. 27.
Take tho Now Ago for tho good llvo
news. Remember wo run In tho Inter
est of no click. Wo treat all alike.
If you want to tell somo ono all you
know and don't sco nnyono around to
listen to you, call on R. St. Clair, 300
Portland had tho honor of having
ono of tho greatest colored quartets In
Seattle, at tho Pantagos theater last
wock. Dlngl
Old Cliff Miller, past prosldont of
tho Dig- Four was a visitor hero for
a fow weeks. Ho cleaned up for a
minute. Nothing unusual.
The Piano business in Portland
and the Northwest has been revolu
tionized within the past few months
by the energetic and progressive
efforts of the new Piano house of
the Reed -French Company. This
well known and old established
house has been doing business in
the large cities of the East for many
years, but only recently did they
fully' appreciate the value of the
Northwest as a field worthy to be
exploited. Now they are here and
the people are getting the benefit
of being able to purchase Pianos at
manufacturers' cost. You can buy
a handsome instrument for $190 on
terms so easy that you would never
feel it
HHmmMmMimiMMmmmmmstKee?mm:.-''.. '"'IT-TV" " w,m-. - - t-r
I wonder why It. O. don't go to tho
theater anymore. I see Utile Eugeno
docs not miss a show and what's
more he don't leave alone.
A Kindergarten Poem.
A Thanksgiving ball,
In tho middle of fall
At Foresters' hall;
Thafs all.
Mr. Geo. Shivers and wlfo passed
through Portland last week on their
annual tour. Mr. Shivers was on his
way to Los Angeles, where he will
spend tho winter.
Havo you heard of any preachdrs
trying to help Charles Palmer, tho
colored boy, who Is awaiting a sentence-
for larceny, out of Jail. Yes,
tw6 whlto brethren.
The explosion was not so hard after
all Only one head waiter, ono cap
tain and bIx assistants havo arrived so
far. Geo; but that stovo Is getting
mighty hot. Whce 71 : ; ?
A Lady's Idea of Portland
Portland Is so awful slow. Here It
Is very near Hallowe'en and thero
Is nothing doing. I ain certainly sick
of thesa peoplo hero. Right you arc.
Mr. Perry Thompson, one of Port
land's leading caterers, has given up
his placo of business on Flanders
street and will vanish from our midst
In tho noar future. Footsteps, that
Is not all.
Mr. Fred Taylor, ono of Portland's
star athletes, who has been playing
football with Hill's Military Academy,
was out for threo nights last week to
get Into condition for tho next game
at Hlllsboro, sciiwood.
Local Reporter.
Llttlo Oscar Is going to leave. Not
long though. Ho will mako his first
trip on the steamer Alliance as head
mixologist. Well Oscar tho water Is
deep and cold and well, you know you
can't walk to Portland If they put
you off.
Say, aro you nn Elk? Well, Mr. J.
M. Carson, traveling deputy, is horo to
organize tho I. D. P. order of Elks In
Portland. All persons of roputablo
character, wanting to Join, Inqulro at
Park and Flanders Btrcot, Mr. Sam
Washington, exalted ruler.
Members and friends of tho ZIon A.
M. E. church aro glad to havo Rov.
Jackson back hero for another term.
Ho has dono moro for this church
financially, socially nnd religiously,
than any other pastor It over had. Ho
Is only lacking a fow dollars on a
thirteen hundred dollar mortgago that
has hung on to tho church for nn odd
number of years. If somo of tho
momborn were ns truo to their church
and worked hnlf as hard as ho docs
for Its Interests, it would bo on a bet
ter footing today. Wo wish Rov. Jack
son nil tho success In tho world and
hopo ho will havo moro assistance
from eomo of his members this terra.
Alblna Club (Gcorgo Ross), cholco
wines, liquors and cigars, 134 Russell
street, Portland, Oro. Phono East
Try tho Pacific Laundry Co. for
good work and prompt service Main
offlco First and Arthur streets, Port
land, Ore. Telephone C40.
II JtfT1 4 fulfil I V 2r fc m Sw t 'i . ' iXf m4 m i mm i , , - , , l-J1 " Jr A a fcn g 3li e "51 jT 2 2fiL gjBr eBfaiiSr
Largest Dealers in High-Grade Pianos on Pacific Coast
Probably no man, unless we except
James J. Hill, has done so much in
tho past year to benefit Portland, or Is
likely to do so much for years to come,
and that with no loud blare of trum
pets of series of pulling wrltcups, as
J. Whyto Evans. Ho camo hero about
a year ago to remain and to carry on
his great projects, though ho had been
here before, nnd with keen perception
had looked over tho ground, noted not
only tho peculiarly advantageous sit
uation of tho city, but examined tha
physical and commercial features
Satisfying himself that there was a
rich field for tho employment of talent
and capital, Mr. Evans began acquir
ing certain franchlso privileges and
other property.
As everybody knows ono of them
was tho building of an lmmcnso elec
tric railway system, entering at Port
land and reaching .out to the south
ward, connecting tho thriving towns
of Hlllsboro and 'Forest Grove. This
project though initiated by Mr. Evans
has Blnco passed to others, as Mr.
Evans' associates In tho entornriso
wcro California capitalists and tho lira
at San Francisco mado It Impossible
for them to secure tho necessary funds
to carry out their plans, yet tho great
work thus begun will contlnuo to a
successful conclusion under tho man
agement and direction of others.
Another undertaking of Mr. Evans
was tho purchase of tho Chamber of
Commerce Building at a cost of somo
$700,000. This property was recently
sold by Mr. Evans to W. D. Haffus, of
Seattle at a handsome profit to Mr.
Mr. Evans Is a kcon, faralghtcd bus
iness man, whose faith in Portland's
futuro Is unlimited. Ho Is an agree
ablo companion, with a big heart, as
well as a big brain and big purse, and
It waB a good thing for Portland when
ho "struck tho town." This city has
long needed men of such entornriso
and talent as Mr. Evans.
Tho following conversation was
overheard on Washington street ono
day last woek: '
"Hollo, Klddol Aro you ready?
Courso you'ro goin'?"
"Going? Going whoro?"
"Is it poBslblo I must now stop gob
ting ready to tell you of tho big Af
fair, whon Its so closo that It's almbst
tlmo to begin to dress? Whoro'vo you
been for tho last decado? Surely you'vo
heard tho breezes nblowln' latoly,
haven't you- Honest to goodness;
somo folks need "
"Horo! horo! What's coming off
anyhow? I .may bo a hanky-pnnk nnd
a snoozor but don't lot's waste any
moro tlmo if it's so closo. Don't let's
What ?"
"Snoozor? Snoozor. did you Bay?
Well, I should guess yes. As n slcopor
you muBt bo In tho Rln Vnn Winkle.
class, only you nln't lucky If you havo
not heard of tho Grand Prize Masquer
ade Ball to bo put on at Forester'
Hall on November 2nd. Why you'ro
tho first person that I'vo met yot that
wasnH almost ready. Everybody's go
ing, Mr. Will Rooso Is president of
tho club that is giving tho zlz and C.-A.
Fair Is -vlco president. J. Rooso and
C. E. Hubbard are on tho commlttoo
that Is to bco that ovorythlnsr runo
Htnooth and wo'ro all going to bo thoro !
this tlmo; no klddln'."
"Weill With that bunch at tho head
of things I guess I can tako chances
on wnstlug that evening awny from
my own steam rndlntor-sldc nnd it
will certainly bo mo for tho dizzy duds
and the nlals phiz on that P. X. for
sure. Look for .mo. What's tho ad
mission?" "Only fifty cents."
"Alright. I'll grnb mo a bunch of
glrlarincs nnd uso my own Judge
ment." "What you goln' to wear?"
"8h! can't toll."
"Alright klddo! So long. Don't for
got the placo and date Foresters' Hall
and Nov. 2. Dy-byot"
"So long, Mary."
Assistant Grand Organized T. J. Wll
sorl Is doing a great work In tho way
of organizing Elks lodges In Iowa. Ho
has organized a number at Buxton
with GG members, with the following
officers: Geo. E. Callaway, exalted
rulor; I. H. Hutchison, esteemed lead
ing knight; Ed. Green, esteemed loyal
knight; Dr. O. L. Taylor, esteemed lec
turing knight; C. U. Belles, csqulro;
r. uninos, chaplain: Dr. J. H. Will-
InmB, secretary: B. F. Coonor. treao-
urer; Wm. Jackson, organizer; W. J.
Waters, inner gunrd: Wm. Bnlloy.
tiler; D. Thomas, J. Jenkins, R. Stone,
Portland now has a Colored Taxpay
ers' League 116 colored residents of
tho city having mct'Iast night and
formed such nn organization. Tho
meeting was held at tho Bethel A. M.
E. church. Tenth nnd Everett streets.
O. W. Kenny was elected president; T.
B. Han, vlco presldont; J. A. Mom
man, 8ecTetary nnd Rov. W. J. Tollivor,
Organizer John R. Carson of tho
Elks Is In tho city and will institute n
lodgo of that order during his stay.
Mr. Cnrson Is well known In this city
and has a largo clrclo of friends and
that he will bo nblo to set un a flno
lodgo hero is boyond doubt Wo wish
htm success as tho order Is ono of tb
best ns well as most popular Institu
tions extant.
The opportunity of Indulging In tho
qiinlnt customs and mystic tricks ap
propriate to Hallowe'en will bo afford
ed at tho A. M. E. ZIon church on
Wednesday evening, October 31st,
when thoso who dcslro may havo a
gllmpso Into tho realms of tho un
known. Various charms will bo test
ed and nn Interesting program carried
out under tho supervision pf an effi
cient commlttoo An old fashioned
spelling bee, tho good luck enke, a
spelling crab, applo bobbing, etc., also
a world ronownod fortuno toller will
bo In nttendanco to reveal to ono and
all tho weal or woe In storo for thorn.
Tho aid of tho roost renowned scien
tist has boon solicited to dotormlno
tho vnluo of a baby and tho commlttoo
announce that a hamlsomo prlzo will
bo awarded to tho person who will
demonstrate to tho audlonco tho worth
of one. Do not fall to hear this.
The Interstate Commerce commlmlon
hai learned more about rebatri and
monopoly In the wheat trade at Ita
KanMi City elttlng.
Chicago, III., Oct. 15th, 1900.
Mrs. T. Clark Is on tho sick list.
Mr. Albert Morgan returned last
week from Springfield, III.
Rev. A. J. Cary Is making a com
pleto failure In this city as a minister
Keystone Lodge No. 10 A. F. & A.
Masons gave a trolly banquet last
Mr. William Powel was held to tho
Criminal Court on the chargo of con
fidence gamo last week.
Morning Light Court of Daughters
of Sphinx gavo n trolly party last
week at Hammond, Ind.
Within tho last two weeks 10 col
ored persons have shot and killed each
othor in tho city of Chicago.
Georgo Williams, a colored man of
Vlcksburg, Miss., shot and killed Mrs.
Nichols, nnd then killed himself.
Mr. Thos. Mann was elected vlco
president of tho Lincoln Colony nnd
Land Association, last Thursday.
Mrs. Llnny Williams of 95 Thirty
fifth street, Is doing a great work In
the Order of tho Sisters of Mysterious
Mr. Gcorgo H. Jackson, of Cincin
nati, Ohio, has purchased a homo In
Chicago, and will romaln hero in tho
Mr. Pedro T. Tlnsley, director of tho
Choral Study class of Chicago, has
purchased a beautiful homo on Lex
ington avenuo, Chicago.
Mr. George Davis, of Rockford, III.,
and Mr. H. P. Hunter, of Omaha,
Neb., and Mr. Samuel Dover of Oak
land, Cat., arc In tho city.
Officer Thorno of tho Twenty-second
street police station, on Inst Monday
brutally beat up a peaceful citizen of
Chicago. The matter will bo taken
beforo tho trial board.
Mr. Luclan Ronfroo of 4947 Stato St.,
Is now tho most disliked colored man
In Chicago, excepting ono John C.
Bucknor and ono, Rov. William Gray.
Mr. Felix Barbor. editor of tho Volco
of tho Nogro, formerly of Atlanta, Ga
located pormanontiy in uiucngo, nnu
this Great Magazine will bo Issued reg
ularly in tho futuro, tho samo as In
tho paBt.
Mrs. S. Hopkins, tho supremo grand
matron has Issued a call for tho next
session of tho Supromo Grand Chap
ter of tho Order of Eastern Stnr of
tho United States and Cnnnda to moot
at Buffalo, N. Y., July 11th, 1007.
Mrs. Lena Hnrrls, the Supromo
Grand Recorder of tho Supromo Grand
Court of Daughters of Sphinx has com
pleted tho minutes of tho last session.
Mrs. Harris Is to bo congratulated
nnd highly commonded for tho excel
lent manner in which tho .minutes aro
gotton up.
It Is tho Intention of a largo number
of colored persons In this city to go
to tho noxt general conforenco of tho
A. M. E. church at Norfolk, va., in
1008, and do all In their power to
dofcat tho election of Rov. E. A.
Lampton, now tho financial secretary
Mumiiimnii .
of tho A. M. E. church nt Washington,
D. C.
Tho Compact Grand Lodge of Negro
Masons that Is managed by ono R. 13.
Mooro had a very disorderly and roudy
tlmo at their session nt Bloomlngtori,
III., last week. The wholo affair was
a disgraceful ono. It is now reported
that they have agreed to dlsngreo, nnd
that there has been a split In tho Com
pact Grand Lodge, which Is under
their rule nnd control. Tho sooner that
notorious basd and clique of Impostors
are swept out of cxlstnnce the bettor
It will be.
Sovernl prominent colored men In
Chlcngo, last week organized a busi
ness enterprise which Is known ns tho
Lincoln Colony nnd Land Association.
Mr. James A. Scott was elected presi
dent; "Mr. H. Mnnn, vlco president, and
Mr. John C. Jones, secretary. This
company is now making arrangements
to select nnd purchnso n largo amount
of lnnd In tho stato of Arizona and
lower California and organlzo a colony
of colored people in thoso sections of
that country.
Mr. Oscar DePrlost, who Is a candi
date for county commissioner wilt bo
defeated by over 10,000 votes. This In
tho Individual when he was elected
two years ago, who tried to get rov
oral colored mon out of their positions.
Tho first person who ho tried to get
out wns Mr. T. D. McFnrlnnd, who wna
tho stato factory Inspector; then ho
tried to get Miss Mary Washington.
who Is clerk of tho Recorder's ofilco
out of a position. All that ho has
dono has been for tho purposo of help
ing somo of his relatives. Ho in
known on tho board as a know-nothing..
Mr j. S. J. Gray of Chicago, who was
latoly expelled from several secret
societies for misappropriation of
monoy is now trying to mislead and
fool somo of tho colored women In tho
state of Illinois who belong to tha
Baptist church by trying to collect
money for tho purpose, ns sho claims
to build a homo for tho worn out Bap
tist ministers. If tho peoplo had to
wait to got a homo that would bo
orcctcd fur Worn-out BnptlBt Minis
ters of monoy collected by Mtb.
S. J. Grny, thoy will havo to wait
until Judgement Day. It Is to bo
hoped that tho people. In tho stato of
Illinois nnd clsowhcro will not bo mis
led In this matter by Mrs. S. J. Gray,
who has been expelled from various
Orders for misappropriation of monoy.
It is tlmo for tho peoplo to get their
eyes open nnd put a stop to all such
nefarious work as that.
Two boys have lost their Uvea In the
South pakota billiard.
Ex-Senator Burton, o! Kansas, Is
aetvlng hie jail isntence.
China la faat getting together an
army of well-drilled and well-aimed
NegroM threaten a riot in Philadel
phia against Dlxon'a production of
"The Olanaman."
One firm haa the monopoly of ship
ping grain over the Milwaukee road
from Kanaae City.
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