THE NEW AGE, POETLAND, OREGON - V ' IS 47 y f fe.r ri Portland Nnu Arj Established 1S98 A. D. Griffin, Mtnugcr 1 Office, Room 817, Commonwealth Building reach uiuotlater than Thdrsday morning of Mch week. Subscription prlco, one rear, parable in ad Vance, i.uo. i PORTLAND LOCALS a t Sayl Who is Ralph Galloway going to marry 7 Mrs. Lena Hubanks Is on the sick list this week. Some more royalty in our midst, now. Wo havo tho queen of Bpadcs. Ho! . The Wlllamctto Club, one of tho finest on tho coast, will give a grand ball on Thanksgiving, Nov. 29, 1900. Wo still find our young girls looking for notoriety. It seems as though they had enough. What Is their idea? Mr. William Sumnors, who has been superintendent of tho supervision of tho mop at tho Hotel Wilson, lost his Job. Why? Mt. Den Chandlor Is now out' of tho hospltnl and doing well. Wo extend our sympathy to Mr. Chandler and hopo for him a speedy recovery. . Tho hotol boys are going to give a grand ball on Friday evening In honor of Miss Wilson from California nd tho ladles of Portland. Wo wish them success. t Mr. John D. Henderson (Ding) Is about to start his colored minstrel troupo to Alblna to play a 15 months' engagement. Good luck, Dlngl That's not far to walk. Mrs. J. M., Grcon, wlfo of J. M. Green, secretary of tho Wlllamctto Club, returned homo last wcok after nn oxtenslvo business trip to tho East. She reported a find trip. Miss Maud feels very Indignant over tho publication of "her namo In con nection with the letter written for tho Advocato nnd wishes her friends to know that soli had nothing to do with it. Mr. Oscar Evorhart, ono of Port land's most cnorgetlc young men, has accepted a position, with Meier & Frank's department soro as tlmokcop er. Stay with It Oscar but bo suro nnd mnko tlmo. When Jack was asked what ho had to say In regard to his marrlngo ho Bald: "I havo beon n bad man In my dnys, Bob, but I intend to bo n good ono from now on. I lovo this woman nnd Intend to do nil I can." Ho then loft "honoring": "Hcavo It high and rip It for I am coming this way." It being so hard for colored peoplo to rent houses In Portland, wo sym pathize with tho many families that aro orced to movo In tho district bounded by Lovojoy nnd Hoyt, and 12th nnd 9th. Now Is tho tlmo for our peoplo In Portland to becomo Inde pendent and buy their own homes. It will cost you very little 'moro than paying rent nnd Is for your own good. Tho wlso ones havo already started. Bo tho next one. Wo aro sorry that tUo slumB of tho earth make Portlund their homes, for they nro moklng things very bad for our raco hero. Thoy aro either steal ing or doing eomo disreputable tricks. No wondor colored persons cannot walk down a street without being sneered nt, or snubbed by somo whlto people, wo hopo thoso who nro noro nnd thoso who como from clsowhcro will como with character and try to upbuild their raco. Cupid has sprung a now leak. Mr. James Smith (Jack of Spades), and Miss Mary Mitchell wero united In marriago last Wednesday evening by Rev. Jackson. It was ono of tho most brilliant of the elabornto social func tions of the season. They wero mnr- Tied at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Tur ner. The house was most artistically decorated with autumn leaves aud beautiful flowers. The chandellfrs wore covered with red silk shades and Rtnllar. Hvlntr thn nnrlor a mo8. chnrmlng effect. Mr. Oeorgo Turner acted as best man. Tho muslo was furnished by some of Portland's fa mous talent, viz.: -Mr. .Oscar Evorhart, Mr. Georco Turner. Mr. Hyler nnd Mr. Chas, Watson. Thoso invited danced nnd sang until a late hour, when re freshments wero served. After every ono had given a warm toast to tho nowJy wedded couple thoy all ad journed to their homes, wishing tho couple success through life. NOTICE TO COLORED TAXPAYER8. All colored taxpayers of Oregon are hereby requested to meet at Dethel A. M. E. church Tuesday night, October 23d, at 8:30 p. m. to form an organiza tion for mutual interest. O. L. JOELL. President Protem, "DR. IRA MORRISON, Sec Protem. i mmmmm J TAC0MA NOTES. w asstwssfltw Meredith sells good butter, 1106 Commercial street, Tacoma, Wash. Free one car ticket with each $1.00 purchase of teas, coffees, canned or package goods. Miss Georgia Wilson Is on the sick list. Tho trip around the world last Frl-, day, was a success. Don't fonret the masonerade ball , the 31st of this month Mr. Lester Hartsfleld, of Seattle, was In our city Sunday. Mrs. Paul Ury entertained Sunday Mrs. Vanderhost, Mrs. Simon and Mrs. St. John. - There was a social given by thn Ladles' Aid Society last Tuesday. It -was a success. Miss Daisy LaVhorn visited Mrs.- Jones and family a few days last week at Seattle. She returned homo Sun- day night. The Household of Ruth Is going to give, a concert at Temple's hall the 19th of thlB month. Everybody is invited to come. Th.MfITiin, hinh . t fh Tho taffy pulling which was nt the t lhhJ SSSallTwn nn n nnnTng on account of the rain. Miss Laura Cristma, Lenora Whltte. Mr. Michel and Mr. Monro wero out on an automobile tour last Sunday, at tending tho fair at Puyallup. Mrs. Estclla Gibson who has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. Grlflln of Pott land, Oregon, returned homo last Monday. She reports having had a nice time. Mr. and Mrs. Goldsburg and daugh- tor, Miss Martha Goldsburg, entertain ed at dinner last Sunday tho follow ing! Miss Myrtle Hall, Dela Tanna, Lu cllo Anderson and Miss Jones. The aft ernoon was Bpent very pleasantly. Mr. J. J. Smart, who has beon a resident of UiIb city, died last week at St. Joseph hospital of typhoid fovcr. Ho was 51 years of ago. Ho leaves a son, William, to mourn for him. Tho funeral was held at Hoske'B undertak ing parlors last Wednesday. Tho Hon will remain in our city i"or a few wocks to look after his father's busi ness. . tt OTMMMi OUR CHICAGO LETTER Be Chicago, 111., Oct. 14th, 1906. Mr. Samuel Lewis of Now York, Ib In tho city on n visit. Mr. John W. Henderson of Detroit, Mich., Is In tho city on a vIbU. A largo niynber of delegates left for Richmond, Vn., last Sunday to at tend tho B. M. C. Odd Fellows. Mrs. Spcnce, a colored woman of 2716 Dearborn street, shot nnd killed a colored man on last Saturday. Mra. W. W. Taylor and daughter, tho wlfo and daughter of tho editor of tho Utah Plalndcnlor, aro In tho ctly oh a visit. ' Mrs. Rachnol Sponco, of 3510 Dcnr born street, fell off a strcot car und wnB seriously Injured last week, but Is recovering. r Tho Idenl Printing Company which is composed of colored men on Stnto strcot, near 25th Is doing a largo bus iness. Mr. Mann Is tho manager of tho company. It is tho general opinion that Jus- tlco R. R. Covorly of tho First ward will bo elected by a largo majority ns ono of tho Judges on the Municipal court ticket. It Is roportcd that tho labor peoplo In Chicago will voto and work ngnlnst tho flection of Oscar DoPrlcst who Is a candldnto for ono of tho Cook coun ty commissioners. Rev. J. F. Thomns, pastor of Ebon ozer Baptist church, delivered nn ex cellent nddrcss boforo tho lltorary or cnnlzntlop of that church on last Sunday afternoon. Keystone band will furnish tho mu slo for tho grand entortnlnmcnt ns given by Queen of Shcbah Chapter nt Graham hall, Wednesday evening, Oct. 16th, at 5728 State strcot. Many Negro preachers from tho South seem to find special satisfaction nnd consolation in telling us that tho Atlanta massacre will bo repeated In Chicago. Well tho sooner such preach ers go back to Georgia, tho bettor. Morning Light Court of Daughter.) of Sphinx of tho City of Chicago, turn ed out last wcok to an entertainment nnd mndo a splendid appearance. Sov oral addresses were mndo on that oc casion, ono by Grnnd Master John O. Jones. Mrs. Amelia Johnson, MrB. J. H. Johnson, Mr. S. H. Prnthor nnd Mr. A. W, Ford. Thoro Is much dissatisfaction now existing in tho United Brothors of Friendship rolntlvo to the last election, that was held by tho National Grand Lodgo at Covington, Ky. A committee has been, appointed and It Is very like ly that another National Grand Lodge or united Brothern of Friendship nnd Sisters of Mysterious Tens will bo or- ganlted. i . SPOKANE INTERSTATE FAIR lBnnnini t, w. a .Special to Tho New Ago. Spokano'a 13th annual Interstate fair 'ended Saturday evening, Oct. 6th In a blnzo of glory. Th grounds wero open to tho public freo of cliarKo after B p. m. and Immcnso crowds brought to a closo tho most successful fair over hold In Spokano county. ' Tho attendance throughout the two weeks from opening to close has far exceeded tho attendance In past yoars. Ono hundred nnd twelve thousand paid admissions were registered and over 135,000 waa paid In prizes and purses. Both races nnd exhibits wero of a high order and no pains wore spared to give tho peoplo who came from all over tho stato and British Columbia a first class fair. The fruit and mining exhibits wero especially flno and wero nn eye opener for eastern visitors. Tako It all In nil Spokane may well bo proud of her 190G interstate fair. F. S. EDITOR LACK8 COMPREHENSION. Th Mis.. ra T.U Tk O..KII ' .. . , . , ,. cation for Derogatory Statements, Reading Inst week's Advocato I saw In reply to tho letter about the word kindergarten nn editorial. Wo had .no Idea that the editor of tbo paper wrote tho hotel notes or wo would I never have started the controversy. i Wo started this controversy as wo I annnnactil with ihA i.lltnr nt iht TTntpl I Notes, but when the editor of tbo paper takes It up, we could not be expected to measure pens with that honorable trentleman. As you all know his crltl clsms spare no one from Dr. Short of the white Methodist church to tho Afro-American Methodist ministers . and from our emmlnent colored law ver. McCantU Stewart, to the hum-1 j blest bootblack. Naturally all to compete with him would be useless, i This was only a friendly controversy, but when he starts slinging mud wo i will havo to draw out as we arc too well educated for that. Ho probably misunderstood what we wero discuss- ing. We w'ere not discussing man- ners and deportment because all col- ored people from the greatest to the loweat can always Improve their man- nors ant deportment. Wo wero dls- cussing the word "kindergarten" and f u ,. b BDDucd to the young adles of he race?' We all know that the young women of today will be the -mothers of tho race tomorrow and no mm mn rinn nimvn thoir wnmm. All wo ask for ia rcsnect for the sako of ttin nn Wa rinvn tinw ttitiwn flnWfl - the gauntlet nnd aro ready for Tcply from anyone along scholarly lines. YourB truly, ETHEL AND EDITH GRAY. WA3 CAUGHT IN T.HE ACT. Nick Brown Evidently Insane, Arrest ed on 8erlou8 Charge. Mr. W. W. Wheeler, 'tho popular lipiwl wnllnr nf tho PnrMnnd. whn re- sides with his family at 289 Clackamas street, a very select neighborhood of tho East side, wob brought Into un cnvlnblo notoriety last week by tho publication of the facts of tho arrest of ono, Nick Brown, who nstdo from being nn employe of Hotel Pnrtlnnd was also a roomer at tho Wheeler home. Tho story referred to Is as fol lows: About a week ago there began to bo talk In tho neighborhood, especially among tho women, that a colored man was frequently oxposlng himself from a bedroom window In the houso nt 289 ClackamaB Btreet. It Is said that young girls returning from bcJiooI wero shocked at certain sights thoy wero suddenly called to witness. Thoy be gan telling their mothers nnd tho mothers In turn watched and found thnt tho children wero telllnff tho truth. Finally P. M. Sullivan "who lives with his family at 284 Wheeler street In plain view of the window In question, took It upon himself to end tho disgraceful exhibition. Ho caught Patrolman Endlcott and together they watched tho window until something hnppencd. Tho policeman, followed by Sullivan, went nt onco to tho mnrked . houso and without ringing any bell, waucou nurncuiy up siairB anu into tho room to which tho window be longed. Thcro thoy found Brown a smnll sized colored man, nbout 30 years of ago, In undress nttlro, stand I n M nllAHMI lllf AHA S It M aaf I M ! AI fTMlrt ui.?n urnm nr :;:;., nnd nttcmntod to Jumn out of tho win- dow, but was grabbed by Endlcott, who cnmmnnilPit him tn ilrnna himself. Hn vnn niton in flin nnllrn ntnllnn nnd placed tn n cell. Drown hnd little de fense tn tho police court tho next morning, for ho hnd been cnught In Ills disgraceful act. Judgo Cameron snld thnt ho had novcr heard of a moro dlsguBtlng ciibo and bound tho mnn over to tho grnnd Jury. Jost Dros. Saloon, 340 Williams avo nuo, flno wines, liquors and cigars. Family trado a specialty. Always aak tor the taneus OreaeraJ Arthur elgar. EbergOunst Cigar 9., general agents. Portland, Or. U N. Nccs, boot and shocmnker. Flno repairing a specialty, dlvo lilm. a call when you ncod nnythlng In this lino, 3221& Williams av., Portland, Oregon. Tho Onk Cnfo. Choicest lino of wines, liquors and cigars. P. W. Pick, proprietor. Oregon Phone Pacific 2118, cornor Fourth and Oak streets, Portland, Oro. Vulcan Coal Company, wholosalo and retail dealers In houso, steam and blacksmith coal. Foundry and smelter coke. Puget Sound steam coal In car lots, $3.50 per ton and up. Wo hnndjo all tho best grados of domcstlo nrid foreign house coals. Phono Mnln 277C, OlTlco 329 Durnsldo St., Portland, O-o-gon. THK PIONIIR PAINT COMPANY. The pio neer paint es Ubllsh ment of Portland li that of F. B. Beach t Company, of 111 First St, the oldest md most re liable house of its kind In the Northweet, It carries an Immense stock of the beet things In paints and building materials, together with an unusual list of specialties. Those who need anything la these Knee can cer tainly proit by going to F. B. Beach k Company. Resaember the number, 115 First street "THE MILWAUKEE" "The Ploneor Limited" St. Paul to Chicago. "Overland Limited" Omaha to Chi cago. "Southwest Limited" Kansas City t Chicago. No trains In the service on any railroad In the world equals In equip ment that of the Chicago. Milwaukee and 8t. Paul Railway. They own and operate their own sleeping and dining cars and give their patrons an excellence of service not obtainable elsewhere. Berths on t.nlM .Iaaa.h 1 l.fl 1 v"c." UillRer, UIBIier "U lwlder ttlnn ln Blmjjar carB on nny other lino. Thoy protect their trains bX be Dlock., Byetota. Connections 1Jna?Te with all transcontinental lines In Union depots. H. 8. ROWE, General Agent, 134 Third t., Portland. Until January I, I907, THE NEW AGE will be ffiS,ony V Pw year. A444 J. Wallgrccn, dealer In staple and jtoncy groceries, 634 Thurmnn street Telephone Pacific 911. A good place to get your soft or stiff hats renovated la 249 Alder Btreet. between Second and Third. . Th0 Anheuser. Henry M. Williams, Proprietor, 234 Morrison street, corner Second Portland, Ore. Telephone Main 2517. c- Anderson, staple and fancy gro- c?"es, Twenty-first and Thurman nfvnniH iiii.n n rT iaaMHM oi'iuioi ruuuu nuuu ui. iicsu , ron8tc- coffc specialty. Ryan & John, dcnlors In cholco gro ceries, meat, fish and poultry, phono Main 522, 61 North Park strcot, cor ner Davis. Royal Market, Bair & Worth propri etors, fresh and cured meats, fish, poultry and game. 439 Union nvenuo north, cornor Tillamook 17. Phono East ' Norlh ,,.. . . Mttrke, A. Wur, tenborger, proprietor, cholco poultry, fresh and salt meats, phono Main 1395, 230 North Sixteenth street, Portland, Ore. C. A. Rhoads, the only place on the Coast repairing rubber goods. Wntor bags, syringes, atomizers, rubber goods aud extra parts for sale. Wring ers nnd carpot sweepers repaired and for sale. Established 15 years ngo In San FranclHco. 423 Morrison stroet, Portland. Phono' Pacific 1882. THE ILLINOIfl CENTRAL maintains unexcelled service from the west to the east and south. Making cloee connections with trains of all .transcontinental lines, passengers are given tbelr cholco of routes to Chicago, Louisville, Memphis and Now Orleans, and through these poinfi to the far east. Prospective travelers desiring infor mation as to the lowest rates and best routes are invited to correspondence with the following representatives: B. II. Trumbull, Commeiclal Agent, 142 Third St., Portland, Or. J. 0. Llndsey, Trav. Paieenper Agent, 142 Third St., Portland, Or. Pant B. Thompson, Passenger Agtnt, Col man Building, Seattle, Wash. notice to creditors. I Ui County Court of the. Stnto of Oregon for Multnomnn County I In tho Matter of tho Lstato Of Snnv P. Tumor, dCCCnBOd Notlco Ib hereby given that thu und crslgncd has boon appointed by tho County Court of tho County of Mult nomah, Stato of Oregon, tho adminis trator of tho estate of Samuel P. Turner, deceased, and that ho has duly qualified as such administrator. All persons having claims against sni cstnto or said deceased aro hereby notified to present tho snmo to mo at tho offlco of A. II. -Tanner, Room COO, Commercial Dlock, Portland, Oregon', attorney for snld cstnto, or to mo per sonally, duly verified as required by Inw, within bIx months from tho dnto of tho first publication of this notlco to-wlt: September 22, 190G. JAMES N. BESSEM.EN, Amtnlstrator of tho ostato of Samuol P, Turner, deceased. Last publication Octobor 20, 100G. C. S. NELSON Pcslerln Staple and Fancy Groceries and Provisions 154 N. Fourteenth St., Cor. Irving W. It. WIlUmx Al Cleveland FASHION STABLES Hacks, Livery, Boarding Twentieth and Washington Sts. West End Exposition Bide. I'hono MhIii V PORTLAND, OREGON w -r THE SCANDINAVIAN Commercial Banking Savings Department Capital 15,000,000 Surplus $350,000 Total Available Assets 17,500,000 A. CIIILBERG, President GEO. II. TAIU1KLL, Manager A. V. HAYDKN, Cashier Tacoma Office No. 055 Cornmorco St., N. F Cor. South 11th St, The Old Reliable DALLES DIAMOND FLOUR Has never failed to nleaso. It has al ways been the Btaiulardjor family uso R. H. Guthrie Portland Representative 212 AMtftM Mf. rttH pteiflc 22$i COAT, M. E. BECKER 375 s OUR WORK IS BUT ONE 5RADC-TME BEST W mak a ifxcliltr of Uundeilor Lac CurUlu CRESCENT LAUNDRY CO. 349 Morrison IStrcet. We supply the lHitchcr trade with nice, clean anrons. Why buv your niiroim nnd then nav to y buy your nprons nnd then pay to laundered when wo will sutinlv have them laundered when wo will supply them (or just what It costs you now to havo thora laundered. Our wagon will call. ARTHUR UAVY rurnlshtr and ttatter "HB MAKES SHIRKS" 480 Washington St., Opposlto Uclllg's Theater PORTLAND, OREGON H. R. LYNES Dealer In STAPLE AND -FANCY GROCERIES Notions and Fruit. Free Delivery. IS4 Russell Street I'hono East MIO PORTLAND, OREGON Crane Bottle. Co. Whotctato Dealers lu BOTTLES Carry tho largest ptock of Bottles on the l'ltclllc Coast. Mall Order ship roents given prompt attention- Office, 14th and Couch Sts. , PORTLAND, OREGON H. HBNDBRSON Real Estate I08M Jersey Street, ST. JOHNS, OREGON I havo choice HiihIiicis nnd Residence Tracts In all parts of tho city. Correspondence solicited from non resident owners of property or those coking investments hero. Frank L. Smith Meat Co. 228 Alder St., between 1st and 2d Sts ' "FIGHTING THE BEEF TRUST" Wo nro Portland's only independent slaughterers and jobbers. Tho only ones not controlled by tho trust. Tho only ones who do not uso preserva tives nnd adulterations, Rolled Roast Bcof 10c Lean Roast Mutton 8c Mutton for boiling Co Mutton for stow Cc Loin Mutton Chops .12MiO Shoulder Mutton Chopa 10o Lenn Ronst Veal 10a Breast Veal Roast ' 10a Voal Stow '. . 8c Veal Chops 12c Hamburg Steak 10a Pork Sausago , 10c fTannrort uausago i iua Bolognn Sausago 8c Breakfast Bacon 17 Wc Puro Lard 12c Flno Shoulder Steak , 8a Round Stenk 1....IO0 Best Pot Roast 80 Flno Boiling Beef Cc Bent Bcof Stow Cc Plato cuts Boef Co Brisket Bcof Cc Corn Bcof Cc It Is up to tho tnxpayore of Port land. Aro you going to allow tho beef tniBt to contlnuo robbing you of thou sands of dollars annually through tho moat supplied to tho Port of Portland. AMERICAN BANK Ask Your Grocer for M0 Bv Trig tj-i ini. Vt'WWWMWW AW- The Original Diamond Brand PALAIS ROYAL Millinery SUIT & LADIES' FURNISHINGS TTaVlLtIT PLMmi M M"D av ;". We carry a Complete Stock of Medium and High Class Goods, all very moderately priced. The best and most careful attention wtN be shown to our patrons. Give us a caa and be convinced that our Goads and Prices arc as we state. Washington Street ELDERBRAU GROTTO KUICKBON A I1EIIG, t'rops. ' Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars 5-5 Sixth Street main uro PORTLAND, ORE. WESTERN SODA WORKS JUCIIKMICII fi CltAMEIt, Props. Manufacturers of Carbonated Dover njres, Svrii)?, Kxtrnet-, Mineral Watera and Chain pngno Cldor. S'olo distrib utors of HrdnUllc Mineral Water. Phono Pacific 1703. Office and Factory, 204 Mill Street PORTLAND, OREGON Electric Flatiron On rccoiptof Coupon wo will deliver nn Electric Flatiron to any address, frco of charge, for 110 days' trial. You are under no obligation to pur clinso tho Iron wo want you tosco what it will do in tho saving of Lnbor, Tlmo nnd Kxpcnec. All equipment delivered with each Iron, which may. bo attached to any Electric Lump sockot. Fill in and mail Coupon to us AT OKOK. ... . ..., CUT OUT COUPON I'nrllnrtil OoihthI Klrrtrln Cotntmny, Firnl nnd Airier Ht., 1'ortliitxl, ()roK", (Ictitleinvn: You nmy ilollvor to mo ono KU-t'trlc rintlriiii, which 1 nitrco to try, nrnl II iiliKnllfii('tiirv In return to you wllhln :x iIiivn from (Into nf delivery. If f do not ro. turn It nt thnt tlmo you nmy chnraomimo t to my nccoiint nt fl.uu. It Ih umlorntixxl thnt 110 rhnruo will Imi mmlo for thu Iron If t 1 ruiurn 11 wiimii mi unya. NAME IU't. N.A. AMltK88. Portland General Electric Co. Telephone MAIN 6680 FIRST AND ALDER STREETS The SAVINGS BANK of the Title Guarantee & Trust Company PAYS 4 Per Cent Yearly Interest On Savings Accounts Interest Compounded Semi-Annually We Also Pay 4 Per Gent Interest on Certiticates of Deposit And 3 Per Cent on Dally Balances of Check Accounts Save a Dollar Today and It Will Work for You Tomorrow A Ilnnk Account is thu flrnt step to ward imppliiotiH, prosperity ami comfort Uunklng Hours, 0 a. in. to -1 p. in.; Putimluyn, U a. in. to 1 j. in.; Saturday uvt'iilngM, 6. p. in, to 8 p. hi. DIUKCTOKS - Win. M, Lndd, J. Thorhiirn Horn, T, T. Iliirkhurt, Frank .'. iiuiiuii, wuuru 11. Hill. OPFICKIIH-J. Thnrliiini Hohh, Yn Idcnt; (iuorj;e II. Hill, Vice l'leslduiit; T. T. llurkhart, Treasurer; John E, Altcliiwjii, Kicretary, 240 Washington Street Corner Second PORTLAND OREGON w-y " .. -rw