Portland new age. (Portland, Or.) 1905-1907, September 01, 1906, Image 2

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Topics of
l imes
Men who don't wluli to bo fotind out
are careful not to bu found In.
glon In which railroad construction t?
going on In that In which Livingstone
labored and In which lie died In 1873.
At that time the Idea that the next
generation would see tho locomotive In
tlio heart of Africa would have been
regarded as the dream of a madman.
An Italian steamer uses licorice root
for fuel. Hbo ought to be renamed the
"Young America."
It would bo n godsend to the pI'le
of Ccn trnl America If our canal strip
included the entire Intimitis.
The price of stnrch U said to have
l)eon doubled recently. Here Is a case
whero the consumer gets It In the neck.
"Itussln," sajs a paper, "has no na
tional game." It wins that bomb
throwing does not come under the head
f Sport.
Kngland Is discussing tho closing of
doors against the anarchist. The doors
of tho gaol, perhaps, with the anar
chist Inside.
It would be more or less Interesting
to know what a mosquito lives on when
lie lin't sucking the blood of some
liuman being.
Russian bonds sro lower now than
they have been nt nny time since 1877.
It Is n wonder that there li any sale
for them at any price.
Hojestrensky has resigned from the
Itusslan navy. At least, he has resign
d from the spot where the nnvy would
Ixt If Itussln had one.
Hpeiiklng of "writs of prohibition,"
iiren't they the Kind the W. ('. T. V.
lias been trying to mtvo on the country
for, lu, tln'se many years?
A Judge has decided that a woman
iiimsI not tell her age on the witness
kImiiiI. Tills will be sadly disappoint
ing to the women who are not subpoe
naed. If King I'opold lmil not been ml led
to a throne he might have won the dis
tinction of being known as the John I).
Rockefeller of Kurope. Fate Ir.is a way
of playing scurvy tricks on some of us.
A Texas man says he has visited
New York twice and been robls'd there
Just that many times, lie might lmu
anted himself time and trouble by for
warding the money lu a registered
Castro, president of Venezuela, Is
known as "the little Napoleon of South
America." We would feel nervous If
we were In his place. Koiuehow the
little NiihiIcoiis never seem to end In
blaze of glory.
The courts have decided that II. II.
Rogers must give up 2,n0O,(KX) which
ho pocketed while ho was acting as
trustee of a gas company. If he would
build n fence a round hlmsulf and
charge for the privilege of seeing liliu
give It up he could confidently count
on u largo uttciidance.
The plan of naming battleships after
fitatcs and of having them built lu
different parts of the country may help
d destroy sectionalism, If nuy still
lingers. For example, the new battle
hip (Jeoigla, the fastest In the navy,
was built In the old I'lne Tree State;
mid Maine, because of the pride ol
craftsmanship, will watch the perform
lime of the new ship with as much In
terest as the State whose iinino It
President Custro of Venezuela has an
original way of doing things. He left
the capital In tho spring, and an
nounced that he had retired from the
presidency for a while. Tho vice pres
ident, one of his partisans, performed
Home of the functions of the pre!
dency. In the middle of June Castro
let It ho known that he would resume,
his oineo on July 6th. It would be
dlfllcult to Imuglno the American Presi
dent taking n vacation and leaving tho
Vleo President to exercise his Hiwers,
even If tho Constitution permitted such
h surrender of duties.
At a time when charges of grnft are
made on every hnnd, when wrongdoing
has come to be expected from every
olllceholder, when Individuals long
trusted nnd honored have been shown
to be made of the commonest sort of
elny, It Is easy to become pessimistic
and to see only evil In the path of the
republic. The desjwiidrnt are apt to be
carried nway by the storm, and even
saner folk, warned of some Impending
curse by a prophet of III, are swept
from their moorings. At such n time
It Is refreshing and hope-Inspiring to
hear a clear voice telling of the good
of life and calling to the down-hearted
to cheer up nnd seo the bright side of
things, a notable Instance of such op
timism was President AngelPs bacca
laureate address at Ann Arbor, In
which he said that tho present reaction
of Indignation against the public In
iquities which have been exposed has
carried the great mass of the people to
a moral height which they seldom have
attained. Tho thoroughness with which
mismanagement has been Investigated,
the determination which has been man
ifested to eradlcato evils, the Insistent
demand for stricter laws of regula
tion, tho dethronement of bosses who
hnvo held power for years, the scorn
and contempt accorded to public men,
long honored, who hnvo been detected
lu unsavory business dealings nil
show the moral soundness of the ma
jority of the people of tho country. "A
more snnc nnd wholesomo stnto of pub
lic feeling has never Iwcn seen," nro
.Mr. Angell's words. This suggestion
opened the way for an apjienl for en
rollment of college graduates among
those who are determined that right
and honor shall prevail. On the one
hand there Is the temptation to get
rich quickly by dubious means, per
haps, thus adding to the army of cor
ruptloulsts and destroyers of society.
On the other hnnd, there Is the chance
for an honorable career among the
solf-rcspectlng and respected members
of a community, lu n striking sentence
President Angell asserts: "The lawyer
of fair ability, of Industry, nnd of
character Is suro to be rcogulzed lu due
time; the physician of Intelligence, of
fidelity to his patients, of pleasing nil
dress, nnd of good morals Is certain
to ho lu demand and to bind to him
tho families he serves by tho dearest
ties; the editor who loves veracity
more than sensationalism, nnd purity
lu his columns more than tho Ill-gotten
gains of salacious nrivcrtli-cmcnts, Is
assured of lullucnco lu n decent com
munity; the innii on whom political
olllco Is thrust by his fellow citizens
because of his Intellectual nnd moral
worth dwells In an ntiuosphero quite
above tho vulgar and nauseous tempta
tions that captivate tho professional of
llccscckcr, and when ho finishes his
career leaves nn honored name behind
him." These things nro true, and no
opportunity ever presented Itself to the
aspiring more encouraging than that
which Is afforded right now, when tho
IM-ople, tired of exposures nnd frauds,
weary of grafters and corruptlonlsts,
and themselves nt heart nil right, look
for tlio honest nnd Intelligent servant
who will be right nnd do right. It tins
often been proved lu the world's his
tory that nn era of seeming wholesale
corruption wns really, for the great
uinss of citizens, nil ngo of virtue.
Brunch Banks at Butte, Anaconda and Qardlner
TrntiHiict n aonci'iil HiinklnK UuhIhuhn
Pay Interest on Savings Accounts and Timo CortidoateB of Deposit. Wo
start Savings Accounts with n (lupoit of one, dollar or more.
O. E. HEINTZ, Manager.
Phone East 57
Steel Bridges, Upsel Rods and Bolls," Cast 'Iron
Colums and all Architectural Iron. Sidewalk Doors
and Lights. All Kinds of Castings.
Watson Drug Co.
Wholesale and Retail
The most complete stock of Drue and
Patent Medicine! to be found in the Inland
Empire. Prices guaranteed as low at the
lowest. Our Prescription Department
merits your confidence
421Riversid Ave.
Marion Block
First National Bank of Rook Springs
CAPITAL and SURPLUS, $100,000
Real Estate and Fire Insurance
Choice Farm Lands, Stock Ranches" Small Tracts and City Property for
Sale; Also Breeder of Reglslerea A. J. C. C. Jersey Cattle and Regis
tered Poland China Hogo. Phone Main 2275-
Room 8, Hamilton Block PORTLAND, OREGON
SWIFT & COMPANY So. Omaha, Nebraska
And All Fresh Cuts for Hotels
Wines, Llquora and Cigars
First-Class Furnished Ilooms from
12.50 to ij.uu per week
S. W. Cor. Fifth to Bursitis Su. PORTLAND, OR
For Streets, Driveways and Crosswalks.
716 Oregonian Building, Portland, Oregon
The Model Dry Goods Store
of the Model Western City
its model store, and one of the most interesting show places in
what Elbert Hubbard has called the model city of America.
Visitors will find here a Bureau of Information where
reliable information of all kinds regarding the city may
be obtained. Also free Parcel Check Rooms, Public
Telephones and comfortable waiting rooms with lava
tories for women.
Spokane Agents for North Star Blankets, the kind used on
Pullman coaches.
rvi c
When purchasing ticket to Chicago and
the East, see that it reads via the Chicago
& NorthWcstern Railway. Choice of
routes via Omaha or via St. Paul and
It is the route of The Overland Limited and the
direct line to Chicago from the Coast, r our
fast daily Chicago trains make connection
Willi an iransconunenuu uuiua ui ol. jtuui
and Minneapolis.
The Best of Everything.
All agents sell tickets via this line.
For further Information apply to
R. V. HOLOIlt, C.n'l M O. M..W
US Third St.,
SL - . - - -nurJ - -, -fffr
W am
Summer Outings
It Is said that some of the club
women of New York complain of the
way In which tho imrks of that city
are llttereil up by parties of children.
No doubt such complaints have been
made, for there are finicky women ev
erywhere, but we doubt If the whole
burden of the attempt to block the
childish fun should be laid nt the door
of the clubwomen, who are often the
objects of unjust criticism. Wo should
rather suspect that tho Wen originated
with those denatured women, whether
members of club or not, who sport
dogs Instead of children,
Tho great ndvnnee which tins been
Hindu toward n realisation of Cecil
Ithodes daring conception of the Cnpe
to Cairo rnllrond Is Impressively dls
pelled by tho recent nnuouiKvuieut tlmt
tho rnll hend had reached llrokeit hill,
lu British Central Africa. Tho length
of Africa from north to south along
the lino of the rami Is nUnit 4.000
miles. The portion of the road now
in nctunl operation Ih ti.Oltl miles long,
but tho dlstntico remaining to bo cov-
ered Is oven less than these figured J
eem to Indicate, for railroad construc
tion Is going on southwardly from
Kgypt, and when the line from South
Africa penetrates tho Soudan It will
make connections forming a continuous
rnll route across the continent. It Is
not many years since Africa was
known m tho dark continent. The re-
rinita Aireiil Not Aali-rp.
A certain woman vIk wished to tinve
name fun nt the oxjenso of nn agent
who had oftentimes Hollcltcd her tu In
nil re herself nnd family asked him on
one ocvjutlon If he would Insure the cat.
Tho agent, to the astonishment and no
small amusement of some friends,
promptly offered to do so, provided Hho
paid the first premium down. Tho worn
nn, still thinking to Iwax him, ex
pressed her willingness to do so, nnd
placed a rihllllng on tho tnble, Tho
ngeut quickly produced a proposal, filled
It In and obtained her signature while
thor-o present were on the tlptoo of ex
pectancy as to what was to follow.
p.'ow, madam, with your permission,
mny I soo the cntV
"Cert a I nly," she replied, at tho saino
time pointing to n ghuw enso which con
tained the stuffed rcmalus of the poor
defunct cat,
A chorus of derisive laughter burst
from all present, but to their dismay
the ngeut turned, bowed politely, at the
Mine time picking up the shilling, and
exclaimed :
"When the cat dies, randnni, kindly
call at our office nnd claim the Insur
ance money." Ixmdon Telegraph.
MtliiK of Uilrtmn,
In n hunter's camp different roeu
Itcgim to unfold their yarns. Among
others a Keutucklnn said ho once shot
a buck lu such a wn'y that tho bullet,
after hitting the right enr, passed
through the heel of tho right hind foot.
Jeering and laughter greeted tho story.
"Ilrown," called tho Keutucklnn to
his companion, "tell these fellows If
what I say Is not as true as gospel l"
"Why, yes," replied the other, "I saw
It myself. You see, gentlemen, when
he pulled the trigger of his ride, the
buck was Just scratching his head with
his hoof."
Then he whispered to his friend :
"Thatwas a narrow escape. Another
time don't lie so far apart." -New
York Times.
"That fellow," wtld a Mlssourlnn In
si caking about a neighbor whom he
does not like, "would get up at night
and burn his own clothes to niak a
light to steal com from a blind sow."
Yellowstone Perk
The Finest Place in America for a vacation of a week, a month or the season.
Special Excursion Rates East in
Tickets will permit of Stopovers, affording
tional expense.
August and September during
opportunity to visit the Park at a
Park season.
slight addi-
St. Paul, Duluth,
and the East.
Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis,
St Joseph and the East.
Livingston and Gardnor Gateway
Is the Government Official Entrance
Send Six Cents for Wonderland, 1906. Full Particulars on application at
Or by Letter to
A, Dm CHARLTON, Ammt. GenL Passenger Agt.
if H