Portland new age. (Portland, Or.) 1905-1907, July 21, 1906, Image 8

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    ' ixT" Vyr""""'' Vffl'Wi?:fc
THE NEW Xge, pobtland, ohegion'
Mu Hair is
Feed your hair; nourish it;
give it something to live on.
Then it will stop falling, and
will grow long and heavy.
Ayer's Hair Vigor is the only
hair-food you can buy. For
60 years It has been doing
just what we claim it will do.
It will not disappoint you.
" Mr heir med In be very short. Pnt after
tilliift Ajer'i lUIr Vigor ihort time It began
to grow, nd now It It fourteen Inches long.
This seemn a splendid remit to me after being
almot without any hlr." MM.J.ll. Firaa,
Colorado Springs, Colo.
Md by J. O. Ayr Co., IowII, Mill.
Aim nanumoiurvri i
Central rnclflo to I'lcrce the Sierra
Netd Mountain.
"Tlio boring of wlmt will bo tho long
eat tunnel in tho United Stntes, nnJ
one of tlio loiiKOHt In tho world, has
very recently boon determined upon by
'tho Central I'nclflc Itullrond Company,"
anys J, Mnyuo linltlinore In tho Technl-
-cal World Magazine.
' "Chief Engineer Wllllnm Hood has
finished plans nntl reports for the pro
1 poHed gigantic six-tulle holo to bo bored
'through tho HIerrn Nevada Mountains
In Cnllforuln, a short distance west of
tho town of Tnickee, Ariz.
The object of this great tunnel In to
cut down tho present mountain climb
of 7,017 feet by fully 2,000 feet, nnd
tluiH eliminate ninny of thn present
curves mid much of tho era do. Chief
Knglneer Hood's reports contain sumo
(noillllcatloiiH of his llrst Merlon of Hiir
voys, iniulo Homo yearn ngo, and theso
will doiibtlcNi bo approved by Presi
dent lliirrlinan; and worlc, It Is expect
d, will very nook bo commenced on thin
great tunnel.
"It In estimated that tho tunnel will
cost not lens than $10,000,000 and that
among other things It will cheapen tho
annual expenses of operating trains
over tlm mountain division by fully
$100,000. Ilelng over 30,000 feet In
length, tho tunnel will bo ono of tho
longctit In tho world and certainly tho
longest In tho United Htates. Tho long
est now In exlstenco on this continent
Is the 10,000-fdot boro In tho Cascndo
rnngo In Washington, oa tut Qroat
Northorn Unllroad."
Kneouraajlnrr lllaa.
.'The Young Man (ardent, but bashful)
Mis Ilojie, I ahnll try to show you
that I am not r as big a tool a I
seem. You mustn't Judge me oy appear
Tin Young Woman Certainly not, Mr.
WrlfhUort. You don't maks your ap
pearances her often enough for that.
Preteettor of Amorfean Bird.
Tho movement for the protection of
birds In America has long since as
sinned formidable proportions, says
American Homes and Gardens. Much
of the credit for the work accomplish
ed la due to the Audubon soclotles,
which exist In thirty-five States, and
which for a number of years have car
rled on an active work for the conserv
ing of bird life. The results accom
plished are considerable. A "model
law" drawn up by the American Orni
thologists' union Is now In forco In
thirty States and the District of Co
lumbla. The Lacey law excludes from
Interstate comruerco all birds killed II
legally In any State, and makes tlioso
legitimately killed subject to tho law
of the State In which they aro bought
Laws prohibiting the aato of game
out of season, even when killed In sea
son, look toward tho samo end of con
sorvlng bird life. Public attention has
been aroused oil tho subject, and even
tho manufacturer of air rifles no long
er calls attention to tho fact that they
will kill small gamo within short dis
tances. Absoluto protection has not
yot been given the birds everywhere,
but a great and Important work has
been well begun and U being carrlod
Clear aa Thick Ink.
On tho South Side Is a Chinaman
who has not been In Chicago long
enough to master the English language,
save that ho has grasped tho meaning
of a few words. Tho other day ho
went Into, tho storo of a tradesman, but
was unable to make any. ono In the
store understand what ho wanted.
To tho clerk ho kept saying "tllng,
tllng." After nil had given up In des
pair and when John wns about to make
Ills departure, the proprietor happened
to mako his appearance At onco
"tllng" to him was string and ho pro
cured a section of rope tho slzo of a
John looked at It for a moment, tool
It In his yellow fingers and then said
"young tllng." Then tho morchnnt
wont to n cabinet, pulled out a drawer
and camo back with n spool of thread.
Tho Mongolian's fnco wan at onco
wreathed with smiles. Ho handed over
his nickel nnd went about his business
with tho nlr of n man who had accom
plished u great undertaking. Chicago
fori line' 'Wheel.
"See that old chap?" remarked the
clubinnn, pointing out tho window to an
old peddler, who carrlod n baxVtt of shoo
Inccs. "Well, he camo to this country
from ItiiMla ten years ago. He borrowed
some money to purcliaie a banket and be
can to peddlo shoe laces. How much do
you think he's worth to-dsy? Just make
a guest."
Several large sums wire mentioned ex
pectantly. "Wrong," said tlm clubman. "He lin't
worth a ,cent and he still owes for the
basket." -ruck.
Had Trie It.
"You ought to try taking a long walk
on an empty stomach."
"Why, doctor, I did the other day, af
ter the races were over, and felt all the
worse for It."
Send postal for
"'Book of
Presents "
for KC
right a-
way. it's
purer and
more efficient
than any Dak-
, ing Powder that
costs three times
as much.
you know
the secret of
the Wave
Circle ?
iDon't delay ,
25 oz. for 25c. mJLiS
All grocers
JaquesJifc. Co,
Every reader of this paper can get a package of "20-Mule-Team"
Borax and a bar of "20-Mule-Team" Borax Soap,
with a Beautiful Souvenir Picture 7x14 inches in 10 colors;
Absolutely Free.
Kor n llmltr-d time only, on receipt of 10 cents In stamp or r-llver (to pay postage
and packing) with your iiumo and address and your dealer's name, wo will send you a
full U package of that universally lined Household Nece-slty, "20-MUI.K-TKAM"
IK) It AX j also a bar L'O-MUI.K-TKAM' 1IOKAX SOAP, frfj and li elude u beautiful
ouvrutr picture 7x14 In 10 color.', called the "OLD DHIVKH'S HKVKHIK," with a3J
page booklet giving 1000 valuable uses for Moras in tho Home, Kami, 0 anion and
Oalry; Horns, in the Laundry, Nursery, Hick ltoom mid Kitchen; Preservative uses of
lloriu, and hints ou "How to llavu a Clear Complexion" and artlcl a on the "Hair and
WK1TK NOW I enclose a dime with your name and address and dealer's name,
end reeelv bv return mull this free olt'or and souvenir Address, l'uclllo Coast Horux
Co., UiiUutid, (.'ulUoiulu,
Ml- W. A. WWC I
Pulling Teeth J:0.0!
nothing llt modem dentistry ku accum
pltitied U greater thr.it eilraellug teeth
without pain We bare II years' eiperl
enre In doing this. Wt can honestly tr.tir.ct
r. sort tooth without hurting you. Dr.
Uturdevent, specialist ea taUdrea'a teeth
aad regulating,
ratlin alWIoi. Tfctra eaa WeaUlra
lA-attetr. M. aaaaareleeUL
Preaenca of 91,000,000 Worth
Cannae Cosa to Domlalon.
Our neighbors will soon bare return
ed to them tho small change that has
drifted out of tbclr circulation and has
for years been tossing about In ours,
says the Toronto Mall and Empire.
The nickels, tho dimes, the 25-ceut
pieces, the DO-cent pieces and the dollar
pieces that bear, If not exactly the
Imago and superscription, at nil events
tho emblem of Undo Bam will vanish
from the pockets and tbo tills to and
from which they used to pass In this
country ou equal terms with our own
silver coin. Under an nrfangement
mndo by the tlnance department with
the banks tho latter are arresting all
tho American silver coins that come
Into their hands. At the beginning of
tho present month tho plan for the ex
clusion of this alien money camo Into
operation. All of the American pieces
that roach tho banks will bo sorted
niul shipped to New York, whore they
will bo received at tbo agency of tho
Hank of Montreal. It Is not because
they will bo specially benefited by the
rlddnnco that tho banks aro helping the
coin out. Though tho amount of tills
American 'metallic money In Canada'lsl
cstlmntcd at 1,000,000, It does not com
pcto to any appreciable extent with
bank currency, which Is all In the form
of notes of no lower denomination
than SO.
It U truo If wo glvo facility to the
circulation of American coin 'we Invito
American paper money. Doubtless there
would bo lens of the Inttcr here If tho
silver of our neighbors were always
refused In Canada.
It Is dbmlulon government money,
however, not bank money, that lr dis
placed by American sliver passing In
Canada. And with tho dominion gov
ernment tho loss Is no mere Interest
charge. Tho government loses tho dif
ference between tho coin valuo and tho
bullion value. Tho metal In n 00-ccut
ploco costs thn goverumont about 29
cents. Tho piece of bullion for which
It pays out 'M cents Is stamped Into
coin, which Is accepted by tho creditors,
Mtppllers or employes of tho govern
ment as payment for CO cents' worth
of service, material or credit If the
(1,000,000 of American silver had not
been In tho country $1,000,000 of Cana
dian silver would linvo been required,
Tu provide this money tho government
would have had to spend about S450,
0C0, but as It would linvo got $1,000,000
for It there would linvo been n profit of
$550,000. This should not bo forcgoim
becnuso of Indulgence townrd our neigh
bors or because wo 'aro too careless to
look after our own interests. Uy keep
ing Its mouey hero wo were really con
tributing tnoro than $500,000 to the
revenue of the United Htates.
&?rat9-arW3l MV
Chi '.' $wJte2SE&m
Raqalrameata to Bo Mot r Asaorl
oan to Kalaor'a Letad.
American shippers of goods destined
for transportation over the railroads of
Gormauy will save expenditure of.mon
ey, anuoyanco and possible lots of fit
turo business by exercising great care
In tho preparation of the shipping docu
ments covering tho goods, stating with
exactltudo the net and gross wolghts
In kilos, nnd If tho contents nro Intlain
mnblo or other wtso dangerous In char
acter tholr exact nnturo should bo sten
cilled on tho case or packago, as well
as stated In tho frolght bill, says tho
Now York Tribune.
Heavy Hues aro Imposed for Infrlugo
uiout of tho regulations governing
freight upon tho German roads, as em
bodied In tho frolght tariff of April 1,
1000. Tho shippers Is responsible for
tho correctness and coinpletencwi of tho
statements found In freight bills nnd
Incurs all tho consequences arising from
Inexact or lusutllclout declaration. '
If, at tho shipper's request, tho
freight bills aro filled out by railroad
employes, tho responsibility of tho ship
per Is lu no wise lessened. If, In car
load shipments, tho weight quoted In
the freight bill shows no greater devia
tion than 2 per cent from that ascer
tained from tho railway scales, tho for
mer Is considered, correct. In cases of
an Incorrect declaration of the contents
of n shipment, or of n too low declara
tion of tho weight of n carload, or of
tho overloading of ft car beyond Its pre
scribed capacity, by the shipper or his
igeut, In addition to being obliged to
pay the posslblo freight difference and
compensation for tho dnmngo produced,
flues may be Imposed and madn payablo
to the companies concerned lu tlio
trausportntlon of the goods, tho
amouuta of which vary from $2.S3 a
kilo (2.20 pounds) to various minor
If fines are not paid by the shipper or
his agent within a specified period, tho
goods may bo sold at ppbllc salo, and
tho proceeds dorlved applied to the pay
ment of tho fine. Should they not equal
this amount, the shipper will still be
held accountable for the difference.
Dainty 1-lttle Aatao Women,
The feminine direct dedceudants ot
tbo famous Aztecs are tiny creatures,
cMpiUltely formed and refined lu fea
ture. They carry tho head with the
upbearing grow of tho full-blooded In
dian; their skliu aro not red, but n
i 'ear, smooth copper color that shines
like gold In tho sun; their hair is
coarse, nnd black as ebony, ami they
are decorated with bright feathers and
gay ornaments. These women makt
tl.o uuwt wonderful pottery that comer
'o us from Mexico, for they have kei
the old Astee forms and decoration.
t. their art, and they also weave won
derful baskets and do exquisite em
broidery. New York News.
lr the parents of a girl want her to
marry u certain young man all they
have to do Is pretend that they havo no
earthly use for him.
While the damp, cold, changing weather of
Winter intensifies the pains and other disagreeable
symptoms of Rheumatism, it is by no means a
winter disease exclusively. Through the long
months of Summer its wandering pains and twitch
ing nerves are felt by those in whose blood the uric
acid, which produces the disease, has accumulated.
Rheumatism is a disease that involves the en
tire system. Its primary cause results from the
ran u re or ine enminarivc organs, uit: avivtr, jtviu
ncys and Bowels, to carry out of the system the
urea, or natural refuse matter. This coming in
contact with the different acids of the body forms,
uric acid which is taken up and absorbed by the"
blood. This acid causes fermentation of the blood,
making it sour and unfit for properly nourishing LR8t8nmmerIhad aB8W6 attttoltof Inflammik.
the body, and as tills Vital Stream goes to every tory Rheumatism In the knees, from which I was
nook and corner of the body, the poison is distrib- Me to leave my room for several months. I
. , .. . m, " r , was treated by two dootors and also tried diner-
Uted to all parts. The ncrvOUS System weakens ent kinds of liniments and medlolnes which
from lack of rich, pure blood, the skin becomes fe- "d to relieve m. from pain .for awhile bat
. . ii r -1 - ' 1 ii a the same time I was not any nearer getting well.
VCriSll and swollen, the Stomach and digestion are one day while reading a paper I saw an adver-
aiTcctcd.'tlie appetite fails -and a general diseased tisemont of s. s. s. for Rheumatism, i decided
.' .!. . i. lO KIVO X a irim. Wlliuu a um a. uuuoi jmw . unu
aaoi rt afl-ai-a. tf aa a a a. 4 a a.I MnMeilS ." . .
Not oiilyis Rheumatism the most painful of
all diseases) with its swollen,-. stiff joints, throbbing
muscles and stinging nerves, -but it is a formidable
and dangerous trouble. If the uric acid is allowed
to remain in the, blood, and thediscase becomes chronic, chalky deposits form at the joints,
and they are rendered immovable and stiff, and the patient left a helpless cripple for life.
Every day the poison remains in the system the. disease gets a firmer hold. The best time
to get rid of Rheumatism is in warm weather ; because then the blood takes on new life and
the skin is more active and can better assist in the elimination of the poisons. With the
proper remedy to force the acid out of the blood, and at the same time build up and
strcugtcu the Liver. Kidneys, Bowels and other organs of the body, Rheumatism can be per
manently cured. External applications relieve the. pain and temporarily reduce the inflam
mation, and for this reason are desirable, but they cannot have any effect on the disease.
The blood is poisoned and the blood must be treated "before a cure can be effected.
S. S. S., a remedy made from roots, herbs and barks., is the best trcatmciitfor Rheuma
tism. It goes into the blood and attacks the disease at its head, and by neutralizing the acid
and driving it out, and building up the sour blood so it can supply nourishment and strength
to every part of the body, if cures Rheumatism, permanently. S. S. S. is the only safe cure
for the disease; being purely vegetable, it will not injure the system in the least, as do
those medicines which contain Potash or some other mineral ingredient. S. S. S. toucsup
" every part of the body by its fine tonic properties.
While cleansing the blood of all poisons it builds up the
appetite and digestion, soothes the excited nerves, re
duces all inflammation, relieves pain and completely
cures Rheumatism in every form Muscular, Inflamma
tory, Articular or Sciatic. If ynti are worried with the
nagging pains of Rheumatism, do not wait for it to be
come cnronic, due Degin cue use or o. o. o. ana purge
the blood of every particle of the poison. Write for our book on Rheumatism, and ask our
physicians for any advice you wish. We make no charge for cither.
taken three bottles I folt a great doal better, and
I oontlnued to take It regularly until I was en
tirely oured. I now foel better than I have for.
010 82nd Street, Newport Mews, Va.
SSBb" .TSsbbbbV 'SSarBa'
Cottoaaead Oil Vaad Inifead of taa
Ordinary Ingredient.
"When Prof. 8tlllman of Stevens In
stitute gave a dinner to two friends,
at which most of tho viands were made
artificially by chemical moans," writes
Lawrence Perry In tho Technical World
magazine, "ho had small Idea ot the
furoro his efforts would produce. Hut
he has recolvcd hundreds of letters
asking how different dishes wcro pro
ducedso ninny that ho has not had
time to answer many of them.
"Th3 chemical prbcensei which ho
employed wero somo of them simple
and somo qulto complicated. To mako
vanilla Ico cream by artificial means,
for Instance, tho alchemist took somo
trlplo rellned cottonseed oil and placed
It In a centrifugal mnchlno which re
volved at a velocity of 3.O0O revolutions
a minute. A beautiful emulsion was
thereby produced, which was then froz
en, chemically, of course, The flavor
was obtained by tlio nddltlon of vanil
lin, glucln and nltrobonzol. Tlioy say
that Ice cream composed as nbovo Is
old In many Southern States where
cottonseed oil Is more plentiful and
consequently cheaper than milk or
cream. It Is far from harmful, tastes
good and does not melt as quickly as
the genuine Ice."
Mother will And Mr. Wlrulow'r, Boo thin a
Byrup the bait remedy to uie for their children
during the teething rjrlo4-
Couldn't Hear It.
Prospective Investor The earthquake,
ot course, has dliturbtd property valuei
out here a great deal.
Baa Franclscau -Well, sir, to tell the
truth, our real estate fluctuated like the
mischief while the quake was on. Chi
cago Tribune.
Vitality Sapped by Years of Suffering
With Kidney Trouble.
Capt. J. W. Hogun, former post
master of Indianola, now living at Aus
tin,-Texas, writes:
"I was afillcted lot
years with pains
across the loiui and
in the bipa and
shoulders. I had
headache also and
neuralgia. My right
eye, from pain, was
of little use to me
(or years. The con
stant flow of urine
kept my syttem depleted, causing nerv
ous chills and night sweats. Alter try.
tag seven different kinds ot climate and
Biiag all kinds ot medicine, I bad the
good fertBB to hear ot Doan'a Kidney
Pills. This remedy has cured me. I
aaa aa wall today as I was twenty years
ago, aad say eyesight is perfect."
ttelel ay an dealers, ou emu a box.
rUrMUrB 0., Buffalo, N. Y.
Ratort Courteous.
"Aw taptaln", yJu used to be a whal
er, didn't you?"
"Would you mind telling me aw
what kind of bait you used In catching a
"Dudes, when we could get 'em, yount
feller."--Chlcntjo Tribune
riTO fit- Vltin' Duire nnd all Nerrour, I)Uei
lllu permanently rurd by Dr. Kline's Orrai
Nt rve Ilreiortr. Henit Air I'llKK (atrial bnltl urn
lrtetlte.Dr.IUlI.Kllu ,Ut,ut Arcliril.,riilla.,f.
IMvorco Inert-iielnir,
Divorces seems to bo growing more
prevalent every succeeding year. In
180.1 thoro wero -01! divorces In New
l'ork City. In 1001 there wcro 813.
Tho samo lucrcnso Is truo of Chi
cngo, whero In 1805 thero wero 1,1-15
divorces, and In 1001 there wero 2,U50.
lu Philadelphia In 1001 Oil divorces
iro on record, against at) I In 1605. In
lloston thero wero -HD cai.es of divorce
lu 1S05,' and 512 In 1001.
Nearly alt the larger cities show a
corresponding Inereaso of divorces
Stats or Ohio, Citt or tolsdo, i ..
I.ucas County, I '
Frank J. Ciisnky makes oath that he It
senior partner of the tlrmot K J. chine v A
iouciiKuur.iueiiin toe uuyoi Toledo, uoun
fllPIJ I am prepared to purchaie Flrt
lilAfl feeoml MorlKKi' or Kqulilct In I
First or
i In Con
tiv clear, of Ileal Ka
late. Alan mako Koani.
II. C. NOBlt, 31.' Commercial lllk, Portland, Or.
HOWAHD R. nCftTOK.-Auayer and Ctiemlit,
lAadvlll. Colorado. Hpwiuien prlttei Oold.
Htl ver, 1-ad, II I Hold, Hllvvr,7Vt Oold, Wo Zlno or
Comwr.fl. Cynnliletr.n. stalling envelop- and
mil prlre Hit -nt ou application. Control and Unv
IMrewiirkaullcllnl. llefurviicel Carbonate Ke
luuel Dank.
GASOLENE ENGINES s to . horaa-
power fully warranted, 1123. All (tret and
t).eiatlnueit prlcei. Write for catalog.
Portland. Oregon.
Young MEN, Old MEN, Middli.Aged MEN
Fond for free pamphlet in nlain cover.
Tells aliout tin appliance that insures
liuppinees, health and success in life.
Free send today.
ty and Etaleaforeiald. and that laid firm will p O Box 25 Portland Ore
pay the mm ot ONK ItU.NOUKl) IHlf.l.AHS tot , r'"' D0- L?" 'Jr!
each and evtry case ot Catahrii that cannot bo
cuica vr toe uie oi halls uataiikh curk.
t v , ritA.NKJ. C11KNEY.
Sworn to before me and tuUcrlted In my
pretence, thli Oth day of Dereintier, A. !.. l&otf.
,,. A. W. OI.KAHON.
irui Notary luullc
Aprrovra r orf it urterve ana ltawrp.ul nrtlplur
urveym, imiury)U. ilmhrrrd ot pralr.e landi
appn.vnt United Htutu Military llouuly Land
varrantt Keceninrd Ho'dlrrs' Additional bcrlpi
Ilall'i Catarrh Cure li taken Internally, and
acta directly on the blood and raucous surface!
ui iub jiioiu. oenu lor lemmoniais, tree,
. , , F" J-UKNKY & CO., ToWo, 0.
Bold by PruUU. lie. ' '
Uall'a Faulty l'llli are the best,
necldedly Improred,
Mr. Bnagoby (rummaging In closet)
Maria, this Is a new hat, Isn't It? Why
don't you wear It? It looks better than
anything you have worn this seaion.
Mrs, Snagiby That's my old hat. It
blew off my head the other day and was
run over by a street car, and I think
you are just as mean as you can ba I"
Chicago Tribune.
all kluds of Land bcrtp nought and ao'd.
The t'ortlaud, 1'orlland, Or.
Portland Trade Directory
Names and Addresses In Portland af Reeve
tentative Business firms.
UAOIO LANTKIINS-Wel.lfr Co.. lorlland.
Lowel prtcts on Lanterns and Blldri
UOIltiUa pr all kind, for sale at Try rtMooabl.
Friers. Inqutre r trout, bu '
CllKAM SEPAnATOIlS-We luarantn the U.S.
beparator to be tbe pesu Write lor tree calaJot
IUi.IwooJ Co, r inu aad Oak. viio.
UhS-BCWTII NOHuffum A PeDdlttoo. sola
attots Altrrd lleiijamln Co.'s correct clotoea
Lvt rrthlu lu men's furuUhlnr.. ilorrleon and
BUtb ureeis. Uppoalle postomce. er"WB na
yoOLTUY lOOD-lf you weal your htra to laT
f?.0To"urL,iuVife' ? g?
. orttaao, urrjeoa-
L A cue Mills Co,
"rftS. K A N8 pidret pl.ao house o"r7
UUben-Kamak., Co;' ISS&CogSSJ.
.AN.T5.DM,n n1 Women to Icara Barber trade
laeUibl weeksj iTaduates earn irim SU tiMA
weekly; espert foe.nicieieiaioet rr!i. uJ
TIIK DAISY KI.V KILI.KII destroys all the
ni?s ana arrorae
home-In dlnlni
room, sleeping
room and all
1laces where
lira are trouble
some. Clean,
neat and will
not soil or la
lure anything.
Trv them BUM
and yu v, III never be without them. Knot kept by
I Dekalb ave., Jlrooklyn, N. Y.
Dr. C. 6ee Wo
This wonderful Chi
nese Doctor U called
Sreat because he cures
people without opera
tion tbat are given up
to die. lie cures with
those wonderful Clil
nut herbs roots, buds
barks and vegetables
thai are entirely uu
I. huh a to medical eol-
encelutblsoonutry. Througb the ue ut tbnar
harmless reiuedles tlili famous doctor knows
thaacilau of over MO different remedies which
besuccesrullyuesln dlSereat diseases. Ue
guaranteeaiocurecatarrh. asthma, lung, throat,
rheumatism, nervousness, stomacli, liter; k d
neys, net has hundreds ot testimonial.
I barges moderate. Call and see him. 1'aUcnts
out of the city write for blaukr and circulars,
163W rirat St, S. r. Car. Marrtaaa
Mention paper. POtTlANO. OKCON.
P. N. U.
aatsa as-ar.