'HcCtJHWflWW5WC1ll " v: U'6,f7- Portland 5m Ag? ,? VOL. XI. PORTLAND, OREGON, SATURDAY, LAY 12, 190G. NO. 3. ' ". i THE' FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF KALISPELL KALISPELL, MONTANA D. K. PEKLKU, Prcs., K. J. I.KnEHT, V. I'rci., It. E. WEJ1STEH, Cnsh., V. D. LAWSON, A. Cnsh. Trnnsncta nRcnotnl onnkliig butlncM. Drnfti lued, avnttablc In nil cities of tho United States and Europe, Hung Kong nud .Manila. Collections made an fuvorablo terms. NEWS OF THE WEEK LADD & TILTON, Bankers Portland, Oregon Established In IBM. Transact a General Hanking Iltlstncss. Interest allowed on Umo do posits. Collections made at all points on favorable terms. Letters o( Credit Issued available In Kuropo and the Eastern Htatcs. Mght Exchatigo and Telegraphic Transfers sold on Now York, Washington, Chicago, Ht Iouls, Denver. Omaha, San Francisco and various tolnts In Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana and llrltlsh Columbia. Exchatigo sold on London, l'arls, Uerlln, Frankfort and Hong Kong. UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND, OREGON. J. C. AINBWORTH, ITusldont. V. II. AYEll, Vlce-i'rcildcnt. It. W. BCllMEEIl, Cashier A, M. WIllUItT, Assistant Cashier. Transacts a general banking business. Drafts Issued, avallablo In all cttlos of the United States and Eurojxi, Hong Kong and Manila. Collections mado on favorable terms. NORTHWEST CORNER THIRD AND OAK STREETS. In a Condensed Form for Our Busy Readers. PARLIAMENT MEETS. HAPPENINGS OF TWO CONTINENTS Rosumo of the Less Important bbt Not Less Interesting Events of the Past Week. .FIRST NATIONAL BANK of NorthYaklma, Wash. Capital and Surplua' $130,000 OO UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY W. M.I.AM) l'rcsldont C1IA8. CAIU'ENTEK Vtco l'rrsldont W. L. BTE1MVEO, Cashier A. 11. (JUNE Assistant Cashier FIRST NATIONAL BANK W alia Walla, Washington. (First National Hank In tho Hlnto.) Transacts a General Banking Business. CAl'lTAI, IIOU.OOJ. BUItl'LUS 100,W. IJ5VI ANKENV, 1'rcsldcnt. A. II. l'.EYNOI.DS. Vice l'rcsldont. A. It. IIUKFOHI), Cashier JOHN D. IIYAN. I'res. D.J. HENNEStiEY, Ylco l'res. JOHN 0. MOKONY, Cashlor E. J. JIOWMAN, Asst. Cashier. MAHK HKINNKIl, Asst. Cashier. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF GREAT PALLS, MONTANA Capital, $200,000. UNITCD STATES DEPOSITARY Deposits $1,200,000 APBOCIATK 1IANKH: Daly 1'alik ,1 Trust Co., Iltllto; Daly Ilnnk & Trust Co,, Anaconda THE NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE TAOOMA, WASH. UNITED STA TES DEPOSITARY Capital $300,000 Surplua $200,000 SAVINGS DEPARTMENT OFFICKItB Cluster Thnrno, President: Arthur Albortsou, Ylco 1'rctldent and Cashlor; Frederick A. Itlio Aislstaut Cashier; Helton A. Young, Assistant Cashier. JNO. C. AINBWOIITH. I'roi. JNO. B. llAKElt, Vlro I'res. 1'. O. KAUFK.MAN, Sd Ylco l'ron. A, U. l'JtlCIIAItl), Cashier. F. 1'. HASKEI.I,, Jlt Assistant Cashier. THE FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY BANK General Dunking CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $390,000 Safe Deposit Vault SAVINGS DEPARTMENT! Interest at tho Itate of 3 ior cent cr Annum, Credited Boml-Annuully TACOMA. WA8HINQTON' ALFItEI) COUI.IDOK, I'tes. A. F. McCl.AINK Ylco l'res AAltON KUIIN, Ylco l'res. CIIAS. K. HCUIUKlt, Cashlor. I). C. WOODWAHD, Asst. Cashier. THE COLFAX NATIONAL BANK of Oolf ax Wash. Capital, $120,000.00 Transacts n general banking business. Spocinl facilities (or handling Eustorn Washington and Idaho itcniH. W. F. KKTTKNH.VCII, l'res. J. ALEXANDElt. Ylco l'res. oEO. II. KF.BTKIt, tasl.lor LEWISTON NATIONAL BANK Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, $215,000.00 Capital recently Increased from ',0,000 to 1100,000 Surplus Increased from tWXW to 1 03,000 WltK(TOUK-Jn. AleJtan.lor, O. V. Iluuuell. J. II. Morris, Oraro K". I'falllln. It. C. Hunch, O. II. Koster, W. F. Kotttnbach, O. K. (Juorusoy, Win, A. Ubort, Juo. W, (livens, A. Froldourich, Twcnly-two Years a National Bank. Oldest Bank In Lcwiston, Idaho. Send Your Washington, Idaho and Montana Business to the OLX NATIONAL. BA1NK Spokane Washington THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK "'W'0 Moorclicucl, Minnesota JOHN I.AM I!, President DAVID ASKKOAAltD, Ylco 1'rosldeul I.KW A. lll'.NTOON, CnXilur AHTHUIt II. C08TAIN, Astt, Cashlor IntorUMt Pntcl on Tlmo DupoHltu FIRST NATIONAL BANK of East Grand Forks, Minn. Tho first steamer ot the Benson has left Buattlo lor Nonio. , Tho withdrawal of troops from San Frnncleco has begun. Tho first step of tho Russian lower houso will bo to demnnd amnesty. Tho Stnto department has forwarded $200,000 to Japan for ubo by tho starv ing people. Senator Ankeny wantB the govern ment to tiso nil homo material for the Panama canal. Great Britain will ndvocato disarma ment at tho coming sessions of The Haguo couforonco. Tho United States will not allow n revolution in Panama. Conditions thoru are now boidcrlng a revolt. Dowle and Vollvn nro said to havo rcnciivd nil agreement for n joint ninu- agomont of tho aflairs of Zlon City. Governor Pardeo says Santa Rosa suffored more proportionately than San Francisco and that conditions thero now ure heartrending. M Gorky, tho Russian author, do clareB the douma a farco and says the Russian people know tlioy must have a revolution in ordor to be freo. Shouts reports progress on tho Pan amu Cntiii!. Import ntntistics show that tho Chi uoso boycott is waning. Hopubllcnn Sonators havo ngrood to support n limited court roviow of rntcs. Anthracito miners havo formally no copted nn ngroomont with tho operat or s. Thoro is talk of Tuft for President, witlt Roosovolt as his Socrotarv of State. Roosovolt lias asked Congress for nn otlior $500,000 for roliof work lu Cal ifornia. Klnborate. nicnstircs havo boon tnkon to protoct tho Cznr ut tlio oponlng of parliament. Measures havo been tnkon to protect San Francisco nroporty from foroclos- Elect or Russian People Assemble In Open Sosslon. St. Petersburg, May 11. Without a flinglo hitch and with only n minor in cident to mar tho memorable day, tho Russian parliament was inaugurated yesterday. The emperor's message in reality was lees n throno rpeech than a grcoting, and required only three min utes for its delivery. Umiwror Nicho las read slowly. Tho admirable and even cordlat tone of tho sovereign in ro nowing his pledges and Peking tho co operation of parliament for tho regen eration of tho country was only nega tively satisfactory. Courtiers and spectators other than members of tho national parliament led tho cheering, but the members were ominously silent. What rankled most wan tho failuro of the emperor to men tion amnesty, nnd later, when the members assembled in the Taurido pal ace, away from tho spoil of tho throno room, many of them woro with dlfll- culty restrained from precipitating matters by offering resolutions on tho subject. The Constitutional Democra tic leaders, however, who dominated everything, wero anxious not to weaken tho reply which tho lower houso will prepare to tho speech from tho throne, in which issues with tho crown will bo joined, and succeeded in staving off premature action. By tho Irony of fate, Ivan Potrttnko vitcli, whoso first mention of tho word constitution 12 years ao waH dismissed by Emperor Nicholas II ns "a foolish d wiiii," today stood In tho front rank uf tho members of tho representative chamber, while Kmperor Nicholas put His olllclal seal upon tho Kussian par liament. GIVES MANY BRIBES. AFTER STANDARD OIL Witness to Give Details of Bjlb ery ot Railroad Men. MAY TRY MANAGER FOR PERJURY Testified Boforo Interntato Commorco Commission That Money Was Not Boing Used to Bribo Railroads. LOOT RELIEF CABS. Farm IMinn Negotiated. Firo ami Cyclone Insurnnod Written. General Hanking Uusidoss. Capital, 30,0O0 K. AltNEfeON, I'rei. O. It. JACOIII Ccihler A Por Cunt IntoroMt RnlU on Tlmo DupohKh Docs a FIRST NATIONAL BANK B ISM ARK, NORTH DAKOTA E.tabH.h.d In 1070. Capital, $100,000. Inlmremt Paid an Tlmo DapaaNa C. H.I.ITTI.K. I'rotliti-iii. V. D. KKNDIUCK, Vlco rrectont. H. M. l'YK, I'aibler. J. U IIKI.I.. Aat. Cashier. GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. THE JAMES RIVER NATIONAL BANK Of JAMESTOWN, NORTH DAKOTA. The Oldest and Largest Banking House in Central North Dakota Collections made on all points in North Dakota. Foreign and domestic exchange bouh and sold. Telegraph transfers to all parts of America. THE FIRST INATIOINAL, BAINK OF DUL.UTM, MINNESOTA. CAPITAL. 0HOO.OOO 8URPUUS 7311,000 U. S. Government Depositary. OEOItQK I'ALMKH F.UMEYKItS OKO. I.. CI.EAVKIt W U IIIIKNIIOI.TH l'relilei)t Cathlor At. Caihler At. t'aahler La Grande National Bank lAoSSSc Capital and Surplus, $120,000 DIllKfTOItS: J. M, Iierry, A. II. Conley, l J. Holtnei. r. M. 1 rklt, F. U Meyen, Geo. h Cleavur. flen. I'almer. DAVID II. IIEKCHi:it, SIDNEY CiaitK, rnsMont. caabler. Union National Bank Incorporated 1890 CAPITAL $100,000 Pays Interest on Time Deposits THE OLD BANK CORNER Grand Forks, . ' NORTH DAKOTA Mtaaaaaaat .kkkkkkkkkkkkm ja i jkfWt ' tw .BsWsWam JJintMmaamas....W. ri fi1' JisklksLLLBiHGkLLLLLLLLLLH tiro of iiiort,'iio, 8nn Trancisco nutliorltlea nro driving nlilo-liodied men from the lircnd linen with tho iden ot compelling thorn to work for u living. Tttrko.v hnH flolr.cd moro Kgyptlnn ter ritory nnd declnres bIio will ilght Orent Britain. Tho latter country in sendinc wnrNhips nnd soldiers to light tho Sul- tnn. Vollvn ha8 orcanlzcd n strlko ncainat Dowio in Kion. Tho nnthrncito minors and onorntors hnvo flnnlly ngrood. Jlritnln nnd Turkoy each stand firm and prejinro to fight. Iliissinn domocrnts propono to glvo nu iiinci to mo peasants. Freo rostnurnntH aro proposed to food tho destituto of San Francisco, Tho president will co-opornto with tho sevoral states in Standard Oil nroxa. ctition. Lcndinc nrcliitccts ostimato tlmt tlm rebuilding .of San Francisco will tako but ono year. Heavy frosts in "Wisconsin, Iowa nnd Nebraska havo groatly damugod gar dons nnd early fruit. A Newport Nows, Va., man klllod his wlfo because it was hor wish. Sho had boon released from an insano asylum but a short Umo and was again losing hor mind. Franz E. Crofflold, chiof of tho Holy Rollers. hnH been shot nml killn,i Seattlo by doorgo Mitcholl, brothor of two of tho women tho solf-Htylod "Joshua" led astray two years ago, when oxcitomont ovor tho now rollnion was high at Corvallis. Tropoff nnd tho now rulo tho czar. Innor Workings of Standnrd Oil Mado Public by Formor Employo. Olilcsgo, May 11. Corruption of rnilroad employee nnd ngonts of inde pendent oil compinleR, diahonon meth ods of procuring Inud lenaca, tbu giving of short moasure, tho selling of three different kinds of oil out of the same tank and misrepresentations as to tho quality of oil sold, wero charged ngninrt tho Btamlardl Oil company at todny'h hearing boforo the Intcrethto Commorqe commiBsion. Ineidentnlly, it was clmrgod that tho Frisco road gives a rate of 2 cents a hundred pounds to the Standard Oil company when it charges competitors of that corporation 10 timcB ns much for tho snmo haul. Tho inquiry wan held under nn order of congress nnd this eecsion held hero today vns nlnng the same lines up that hold noino timo ngo in Kansas Oitv, TMu principal witnesses todHv wero K. M. Williolt, of fpringflold, Mo., form erly for ten years agent of the Standard Oil company at Tnpekn. but now nu in dependent operator; If. 0. Derail, of Fremont, 0.; E. P. Itiploy, president of the Atchison, Topokn nnd Santa Fo road, nnd M. Mnxon, n formor ngont of the Standard Oil in Illinois. PUT OVER HEAD OF HART. Chicago, May 10 Tho government lias n rod In picklo for tho Stnndnrd Oil Compnny, when tho investigation into rebates nnd other methods is tak en up hero tomorrow by tho interstate eoinmcrco commission. It was learnod tonight that n wittiosa lmd been secured who is in n position to toll, giving nil nocessary data, dates, amounts, etc., of how tho Standard Oil Company ongngod In wholesnlo bribery of railroad em ployes In ordor to crush out tho Inde pendents. Tills man wns employed by Mnnnger Mnyer, of Knnsas City, who has chargo of tho tremendous distribut ing Ktntions in Knnsas nud Missouri. It in said ho was entrusted with tho work of buying up information from railroad oiuployos, who told of orders re colvod by Independents, of tholr pinna for shipments in ndvnnco. nnd various other details, so thnt tho Standnrd Com pany wns in n position nt nny momont to tako such Btop us woro nocossary to crush or hopelessly crlpplo its small ad versary. Tho nntno of this highly Importnnt witness Is closely guarded, but it is said his testimony will cronto a trcmondouH sensation nnd bring boforo tho federal grand jury n largo numbor of wostorn rnilroad men who havo boon in tho secrot employ of tho Stnndnrd. Mr. Mayer, it is also intimatod. is 01)011 to lirosoctltion for norlurv. im ).n sworo boforo tho interstate commorco commission, whon it sat nt Kansnn City, vum. i,u luiu iiuvct gtvon nny ot nis agents monoy to bo usod In bribing rnil road or otlior uion. Tho tostlmony will show, it is said, that tho rnilroad spies wero on tho secret Stnndnrd Oil pay roll nt from $10 to $30 n month, depend ing UPOII how much lllformiltlnn tlmv could give. Toughs Break Opou on Bocks and Tako Much of Goutonts. Onklnud, Cal., May 0. A now nnd horetoioro unsuspected loopholo for wholesnlo grafting of supplies intondod for relief work wns this morning dis closed by Colonel Mnus, of the Quarter master's Dopartmout, who has boon su perintending tho distribution of food stuffs. Soinowlioro botweon people who load cars of BtufT at outsldo points nnd dispatch them to San Francisco nml tlm nutnorltiea who should recolvo them. wholosalo looting has boon dono. Colonel Mnus stntcB thnt ho linn ro. ceived bills of lading for cars of Btuff which ho has found on opening to bo entirely empty. Thin information hns been laid boforo both tho civil and mil itary authorities, and nn offort will bo muilo to looato tho lootors nud confls onto their ill-gotten goods. Thoru is no thought in tho minds of tho authorities now thnt tho thofta havo been by resportslblo parties, but Blmply by hoiiio of tho many gangs of tougliH which havo tholr hendquartors on tho water front. It is bollovod that theso lieonlo havo broken into tho earn on tho docks while in transit across tho bay. A thorough search of tholr camps will bo made, and it is oxpoctod n gront amount of Btolott property will bo un covered. Ooiiornl Grcolv fools that tlin food situation is rapidly becoming hotter. The kitchen system will bo given n trial, nud Major Foblgex is superin tending tho establishment of flvo lioud- quarters in various parts of tho city, wuoro cooKoti toon will no distributed, rather than tho customary bread nnd canned Bluff. Tho net is grndually being drawn tighter to decreaso tho number of free eaters. All aptiilcauts for rations uro now challenged and tho enscs of nil suspicious ehnracters thoroughly invert tlgated. Men miming wages nro re fused freo supplies nnd free monl tick ets, THREE MORE ARRESTED. dowager empress Turkey is riishine trnnnn in Slnnl fight Groat Britain. Ohio is protmrini? to mmr !, mn,i. ard Oil from that state. Advocates of intornntlnnnl nrl.tf.n. tion opposo a larger navy. Attorney-Conoral Moody is at work on Standnrd Oil indictmonts. Anthracito coal miners will avoid a strike by accepting tho old waco scale. b Smallpox has broken out in Zlon City, and tho Dowle party calls it Di vine punishment. Twenty-one students at nn Indiana college have been suspended for haz ing ono of tho professors. Losses by tho San Francisco have caused the bankruptcy of Traders' Insurance Company of cage ' China Appoints New Officials to Man ago Customs Service. Pekln, May 11. An Imperial edict which may rnditally nffoct the ntntua Sir Robert Hart, director genornl of the Chinese customs nnd the customs estab lishment, was published today, as fol lows: "Tieli Liang, president of the board of revunuo, la liorohy appointed super intendent of customs affairs. Tnng Shao, Junior vice president of the For eign board, is appointed neporiate min ister of Customs rffairj. All Chinese and foreigners employed in the various customs are placed under their control." Both theso offices aro new creations in the customs service, Hitherto tho customs have been nominally under tho direction of the ForeJun board, but practically Sir Robert Hart 1ms exer eiced absolute control. Tho diplomats hero are unwilling to comment on the edict until its inten tions and full force aro nrpaiont. If It means a stop toward active ChineFo management of tho customs, the foreign government are expected to resist it. London Companies' Instructions. Loudon. May 11. At a meetlm? to- day of maiiBgerB of Insurance companies hero involved in the San Francifco dis aster, it was voted to telegraph the fol lowing instructions to tho rompanel' representatives at Kan Francifco: "Wn desire a committee to net with Ameri can companies in adjusting losses in strict conformity with each company's separate policy conditions, acting on legal and expert advice, referring homo disputed cases which involve import ant principles and doubtful to legal ability." Will Make Jefferson Statue. Washington, May 11. Secretary firn "OOt announced tolav that Augustus the St- Gaudens had been secured as eculp-Chi- tor for the proposed Thomas Jefferson I monument to bo erected in Washington. I Iirussolu. SOLD SECRETS TO AMERICA. Two Qprmans Sontcncod for Treason to Empire. Loipnle, Oornmny, Mny 10 Boforo tho imperial supremo court hero today Otto Soiiftonlobon, nn ex-clerk in ono of tho government dopnrlmoiits In Ber lin, nud Konrnd, u mechanic, woro found guilty of treason in soiling to represen tatives of tho American legation nt UriissolK n submarino mine with an choring npparatus and drawings belong ing to them, Tho lirlsonors woro nlso ehari?nd wit It soiling similar drawings to Russia, and with having constructed u mitto in Hm. seis, wiiicli was bought from them through u French Intermediary. Sitnftoiiloben wan Hontoncod to four mo nuiiriiu to tltrco years nt penal servitude nnd flvo yoars' lom of civil rights and to police supervision. Aucko, u commercial traveler, wiih acquitted. GREAT DAMAGE TO STEAMERS. Columbia Needs $100,000 of Repairs, Puobla $1G,000. San Francisco, May lO.Considomblo damago was dono by tho cnrtliquako to ossein on tlio ways or in course of con- Htruction nt tho Union Iron Works. Besides thu freighters Moxlcau and Columbia, boing built for tho Hawaiian. American Steamship Company, which wero dnmagod nbout $15,000 each, tho Columbia, which has boon long on tho Portland run, and tho City of l'uoblu, a Seattlo boat, woro damaged. .''I'0 damago to tho Columbia will bo 100,000. Tho boat Is now submerged, having Hunk with tho dock on which it rested. Tho City of I'uobla was less seriously damaged: $lfi,000 will cover her Josses. Anothor Bag Among Onhkosh Lumber men for Fraud in Oregon. Oshkosh, Wis., May . Throo moro Wisconsin lumbermen havo been Bcrved with warrants charglntr them with com plicity in Oregon timbor-lnml frnuds, the wnrrants bolnir issued on indict monts formulated bv u Fedornl urand .ltiry sitting in Portland during April. Tho last men to bo served woro Joseph Black, John 0. Black nnd August An doriton, nil of Shnwno. Klght Wiscon sin men uro now under arrest as tho result of Federal capiases issued nt Portland. The Shnwno men woro ex pecting tho indictments, nnd accepted service through their nttornoy, M. .T. Wnllrlch, who furnished ball for tholr apnoaraneo with tho OhIiIcohIi mon bu- foro Federal Court Commltjsiouor Mo- Donald In thlH city Frldny. In tho indictment it Is clmrgod that tho Blacks and Anderson conspired with Sumner A. IV.'kor, of Ashland, Or., to omnia lauii iy means oi jiroviug up on false stntemeiitH of alleged Hcttlorri in the Lakeview district, nnd that theso lauds wero obtained for tho OhIi1ohi Land & Lumber Comimuy. of which thu Oshkosh dofemluiits wero meniburs. STEVEDORES QO ON STRIICE. Works for Philippines. Washington, May 10 Secretary Taft by a iierf)iml canvass of tlm Rnnntn in. day endeavored to revive sentiment in invor ot J'IiIIIjipiiio tariff logislutlon at tho prosont Hussion of congruss. Ho mado argiimonti in favor of u reduction of HclteduloH on sugar, tobacco nnd rice to .10 por cent of tho Dingioy ratos. Tho moasuro left sleeping in tho donate Phil ippine committoo providos for a reduc tion on thewo articles to i.'5 jior cent of oxisting schedules. Ho wns willing to go further and to eliminate the oronn. sitlon for eveutuul free trado with the riiillppliies. Paid Full Wagos, Thoy Rofuso to Sottlo for Thoir Meals". j Oakland, Cal., May 1. A situation hiiinoroiiH and kci'Ioiis nt once was cre ated today by n group of some f50 stove lores who wero at work on thu Folsom street dock liiilonillrii; Gnvorninent relief Hiipplies. Whllo other men nro donat ing their NervireH nud Hitcrilieing tholr husluoHsen to aid in tho relief work, theso sons of toll havo been receiving fi bright half dollar for oacli hour of work they havo done. Now, when the Government ofllclals nsk these men lo pay 10 cents for tlio three ineali they eat each day on tho transport Ciook, the laborers aro In censed and withdraw their services. In a word, tho htovedores have goon paid tho samo wages as they recolvod before tho fire, ho any tho Government olllclnls. and they strike when nskod to pay for tneir iiieais n moro miction or what It would cost them at other pIucch. ino wnrK or unloading in as a conso qiteuru at a standstill, but if the strik ers do not return, men from tho refugee cainpi will im impressed Jnto sorvlco. LESSONS OP THE DISASTER. Discredited in Washington. Washington, May 10. At the war do- partment it was stated today that noth ing was known of tho roportod surrep titious purchase at Brussels of plana for a sulJinarino nil no. Attontlon was nlso called to tho fact that thoro is no mill tary attache to the Amorican legation at Merita of Stool and Worthlossnoss of Granito, Says Motcnlf. Washington. May 0 Rocretarv Mot. calf returned to Washington today from Han Francisco, In discussing the situ ation today with n repretentatlvo of tho AsHoclnted i'ross, Mr. Metcalf Bald the destruction of Han Francisco nml other California cities nud towns fur nished tlio best object losson to nrehi. tects and buiJderH in this country nud in tho world. It wiw proven conclu sively, ho said, that steel structures had best withstood tho shock and firo, and that granito, under intonso heat, wan practically worthless. Another point which impressed him considerably was the fact that tho sit uation disclosed n Jess proportion of poor porsons in San Francisco than gen erally had been supposed. It was found that thoro was on deposit on tho day of tho calamity in savings hunks over $105,000,000, or nn nvorngo of $0.'100 por capita for overy citizen of tho city. Vosuvius Breaks Out Again. Naples. Mav 0 Vniuivliiu iy ..ni showing considorabio activity. Today n donso column of smoko is arising from tho crater nnd spreading liko an urn brolla, accompanied Vy loud detona tions and oloctrical dlschnnro wi,ini. are especially noticonblo from 'itesinn. I ho main crntor is discharging sand and cinders. Br&1WJWttfiWt)riaiiwsri(iiirsT n nn i v nuJt Yf-wmhflttttmaiaqj '"5i'TS5rtK.j(l(sW'aE3tfA-tera-saf -" ' '- -r cyaaBaaTHiiMPBWfirfwj-'.... . ,,,rir . . .-,... r...riir. it. j.- wJI m n if