rtmximv&mmii'm.'!irtjivnimwmwimmtij,inimm.m THE NEW AGE, PORTLAND, OREGON TSi y Nr ' S Portland Sfaw &t XiUbltihed 1196 A. D. Otlffln, Manager Office, 43f Second St., cor. Aid, Room land 3, 1'ortUnd, Ortgon. To tmure publication all local newi muit reach not later then Thursday morning ot eta week. abMrlptlon price, one year, payable in ad Yanee, l .u. t)9vvan EDITORIAL MB trn am Memiitl mil Judgo Watson Is always a loynl Republican; nothing small about him. Apparently Mr. Edward Holman Is "fornlnst" Mr. J. P. Flnley fur cor- onon It will tnko '15 votes on joint ballot to elect a United States Bcnator; can any one get that many? Couldn't Portland got Harry Dra per, of Spokane, and his dogs for ser vice on the police force? Douglas county cannot complain: It will havo two state officers secreta ry of stato and attorney-general. Hardly anybody seems to know whether any Democrats besides Word nro runnlng'or not, or If so who they are. It Is suggested that Senator Pulton's followers will support Mr Bourno eagerly, bo na to havo him out of Ful ton's way In 1908. Tho Now Ago thought Mr. Whltnoy deserved rcnomlnatlon, but Mr. Dun nlwoy will no, doubt innko a first class stato printer. Mr, Ilourne'4 picture still remains In tho country papers; thoso of sev eral other more ,or less good-looking men havo disappeared. If ; tho legislature, should get Into a tanglo and get out of It by electing Mr. H. W. Scott senator, tho stato would havo, reason to rojolco. It Is a great pity that tho dead mur deror Smith did not fall from that wire when ho was escaping from tho city jail and smash his carens beforo 'ho killed three good men. Judgo. Ellis Is not tho very best sort of material for representative in con gress, but ho Is n clean man, hns had threo terms' experience, will nrouso no nntagonlsm, and will of courso bo elected by a largo majority. Tho Itopubllcan platform, ns pre sented by tho commlttco appointed to propnro It, Is concise, yet comprehen sive, plain and patriotic. Whllp vot ers generally consider tho candidates rnthor than tho platform, this partic ular party announcement of principles and purposes Is worthy tho careful perusal ot overy ono interested In tho political wollbelng of tho state. About tho only serious contest In tho county of Multnomah Is that be tween tho opposing' candidates for sheriff, But Mr. Word's Traveling Men's Protectivo association will probably discover that thero Is a good deal moro to "protoct" this timo than thero was In tho former campaign. Our Democratic brethren havo some what drifted apart on that question since last they met for tho battle royal with ballots loyal. Tho reception nccorded Hon. W. C. Hawley, of Marion county, tho Re publican nominee for congress in tho First district, 'suggests the extraordi nary popularity of tho candidate for that honorable and onerous position. Mr. Hawley Is a man of unusual abll- TT , Ity and attractive personality. Ho is thoroughly familiar with tho needs of Oregon, lie has studied them for years, because ho Is profoundly in- occurre) between union nnd non-union terested in tho welfare of tho state. miners at tho Paint Creek mine of the ,'Borwind White Coal Company, near Ho Is a tireless worker, a student and j lo8ilj0 al)0ut midnight last night. nn orator of no mean ability. Ho will Tho union men were aiiaKeu oy a moo ., of foreigners nnd a number of shots makn an Ideal renresentatlvo of tno.. ,,! anVn Pflnoelr. a fnrnlcmpr. mako an Ideal representatlv people In. the national congress SHERIFF'S SALE. In pursuance of a Judgment ren- dered in the Circuit Court ot the State of Oregon, for Multnomah coun- '' "" l",, "'"InVhA a MeS cant I la A vAnnv a onrnnrAtlon. WAS 4 MU SmVW4 MWa. vaa -- niainfw .nj Tt.no a ifnnrn.wflsdc.1 .., I w. --., , rendant,' In favor of the said plaintiff, and against tho said dofendunt for tho sum of 186.10, with interest there on at tho rato of 10 per cent per an num from tho 13th day of February, 100G, and a further sum of $25 as at torney's fees, and tho costs .and dis bursements of said action taxed at $16.05, and by virtue of an tococutlon Issued out of the abovo entitled court on said Judgment on the 2Gth day of March, 1900, I lovled on tho follow ing described real property in Mult nomah county, Oregon, to-wit: Eight and one-half acres out of tho herein after described fifteen acres, to-wit: Beginning nt a point twenty chains north of tho quarter soction corner, between Soctlons twenty-ono and twonty-elght, In Township 1 south, rango 2 east of tho Wlllametto 'Merid ian, thenco north to tho county road, and to a point 1 chain and 60 links from whero a continuation of said lino would strlko Johnson creek; thonco south CG minutes and 30 seconds east along tho county road 9 chains and 16 links to a point; thenco south to a point 20 chains from tho lino botwoon Sections 21 nnd 28; thenco west to tho placo of beginning, savo and except a strip containing flvo acres off tho south sldo'of Bald land and deeded to Abraham FrankhouBer to O. Whit lock, Fobruary 21, 1891, and recorded In Book 164 at page 306, Record of Deeds for Mulnomnh county, Oregon. Alt of tho said land being a part ot tho Wm. Johnson Donation Land Claim for Multnomah county, Oregon; also lots 1 and 2 in block 1 in Hun ter's Addition to tho City of Portland, Multnomah county, Oregon. And by virtuo ot said execution, I will offer for salo.'and will sell, all of the de fondant's Interest In tho abovo de scribed property, as tho law dirocts, at tho court houso door In tho said county ot Multnomah, and tho city of Portland, on tho 6th day of Juno, 190G, at tho hour of 10 o'clock of said day, to Batlsfy said Judgment, attor ney's fees, costs and court costs. T. M. WORD, Sheriff of Multnomah County. First publication May 5, 190G. Lnst publication. Juno 2, 190G. Vfi S. HUFFORD Attorney for Plaintiff. Always ask for the famous General Arthur cigar. Esborg-Gunut Cigar Co., general agents, Portland, Or. THE PIONEER PAINT COMPANY. Tho pio neer paint es tablish mo-n t of Portland if that ot F. E. Doaoh & Company, of 136 First' St., the oldest and most re liable house of Its kind In the Northwest. It carries an immense stock of the best things in paints and, building materials, together with an unusual list of specialties. Those who need anything In these lines can cer tainly profit by coins to F. E. Beach ft Company. Remember the number, 1IB First street "THE MILWAUKEE" "Tho Pioneer Ltmltod" St. Paul to Chicago. "Overland Limited" Omaha to Chi cago. "Southwest Limited" Kansas City to Chicago. No trains in tho scrvlco on any railroad in tho world equals in equip ment that of tho Chicago, Milwaukee and 8t. Paul Railway. They own and oporato their own sleeping and dining cars and give their patrons an excellence of scrvlco not obtainable olsowhero. norths on their slcopcrs nro longer, higher and wider than In similar cars on any othor lino. Thoy protect their trains by tho Block systom. Connections mado with all transcontinental lines In Union depots. H. 8. ROWE, General Agent, 134 Third 8t., Portland. Democrats Have Majority. St. Petersburg, May 1. Tho constitu tional democrats hnvo n clear working majority of sevon, 178 members of par- llntiiAnr iinlwi rrJti i tn Hint tntirt v Im ft fnr jmvB i)e0ii elected. This, however, by no means roproKonts tno strongm or. ' lm ) iii Kin nil nnnnaltlnn rt i)in nnutrrii lIIU v.wtvt ui'iiuumun u. w fwvvee inont, ns fifteen members hnvo boon elected by tho social democrats and thirty-sovon nro classified ns progres sives. Besides, tho opposition la expect ed to draw strength from forty-olght membors who nro classified ns Indepen dents, nnd from seventeen whoso politi cal opinions are unknown. Vatican Holds the Principal. Porno, May 1. The plan devised by tho Vatican for tho division of the $7,000,000 paid by the United States for tho friar lands in the Philippines has been approved by the Dominicans, and substantially agreed to by tho other re ligious orders. The Vatican will retain tho principal, unci a portion oi tuo in tnmirt will hn rriven finnunllv to the rt will puMippino dioceses and tho romainder o the religious oruora u , iiiana. ,, bo divided by them according to tho agreement. Clash of Coal Miners. Johnstown, Pa., May 1. A conflict wero fired. Stevo Pepoclc, a foreigner, was fatallv wounded, and three other Lwere injured, but not seriously. I nt u n I u n m yw. J , " cuHotaU.n4 UNION MCAT COMPANY'S rnr.sn and cured meats The Beit In the Market. Patronlte Homa In- nr. Portland, orccon THE OLD-TIME 8UQAR CAMP. In the Good Old I)nr When Rrerr thlntr Waa Done br Hand. Most everybody knows about the modern method of maple sugar lu.iklng, writes E. A. Bushne.ll in tho Cincinnati Post Tho story I would tell dcnli with tho good old days when every thing was dono by hand. The season begins about March 1 and lasts from four to six weeks. When I tended camp, In the old days, a big black kettlo was Bwung to the "hanging pole" out In the open. The sap was brought from the trees to the kettle In palls hung ono on each end of tho "sap yoko" resting on the neck and shoulders of a man. During a "big run" It was kept filled nnd boiling all day and night Id fiplto of smarting eyes from tho wood smoke and scorch ing heat tho flro must bo tended every few minutes nnd the scum, pieces of bark, dead leaves, cinders and twigs skimmed from tho surfaco of the boil ing sap. I can seo tho blue smoke curling from tho tops of tho brown leafless trees In tho old camp, nnd smell tho Bwcct odor of tho steam from boiling' Bap through tho open door of tho sugar house. The air Is frosty and Invigorating. Down in tho hollows on the north side of the hill, llttlo patches of cold whlto snow nro hiding beneath matted dead leaves, behind trco trunks rind old moss-covered Jogs. Ice clings to tho banks of tho slug gish brook, nnd I hear the trill of wood m THE OU) HUGAn CAMP. blrdH, and the monotonous throbbing of n partridge's wings up whero tho hem locks stand thick nnd gloomy. Ou the southern b1oihh tho first warm breath of spring hns melted tho snow. It stands in clear crystal pools whero the grass is green, and reflects back the sky and tall trees aa you look down In It The sweet cold, sparkling aap from tho maple tree on tho hillside tinkles drop by drop Into tho buckets, and red breasted robins call to their mates among tho branches. A frightened woodchuck scurries Into his hole at tho sound of merry song and laughter,- and barking of dogs from the camp In tho valley. A flock of hungry "cawing" crows "imp" Inslly over n frozen and honeycombed whoat field on tholr way to tho rookery In tho old mysterious tnmnrack swamp. Tho ale grows chilly as tho sun goes dowu nnd dark shndows creep through tho woods. Tho llttlo barnllko-looktng sugar house, which to the superstitious was a rendezvous for ghosts through out tho cold, hlonk winter, now re sounds with cheery voices, nnd la aglow with light nnd welcome. Thoro Is n "big run" on nnd tho ten ders aro "boiling down" all night And supper Is ready, and such a supper I Smoked hnm, eggs cooked In boiling sap. potatoes roaHtcd in ashes, nnd cof feo sweetened with puro mnple syrup. I'uathuiuuua Honors on Sutcldea. When tho Jupnuese protectorate over Korea was declared recently many Koreans grumbled nnd somo even went the length of committing suicide la order to mark their displeasure Ac cording to tho Korea Dally News, the emperor hns conferred posthumous honors upon several ot theso suicides. Ono of tho misguided men, who poi soned himpclf with opium, was a minor ofllclal of the educational department but the emperor raised him to tho rank of vlco minister of education, nnd nn ofllclal of that department was dis patched by tho emperor to Inscrlbo tho title upon his coftln. Another man, a prlvnto in tho army, who committed sulcldo at the same time and for the snme reasons, has also had posthumous promotion conferred upon him. Their Poller. "And so you live in Skaneatalesf he asks of the fair young thing who la visiting his cousin. "Yes, sir," sho replies, pleasantly enough. "How do you pronounce tho name of that town, anyway?" "We don't pronounce It We permit strangers to havo their own way about It" New Orleans Picayune, Doty Plrat, Her Ladyship (who Is giving a ser j ants' ball, to butler) We shall begin with a square dance, ami I shall want you, Wllklns, to be my partner. Wllklns Certainly, in'lady; and af terwnrds I presoom wo may dance with 'oom we like? Punch. 1'eamat Plck-Me-Un, When you come In tired from a shopping trip, try a glass of milk, hot or cold, thickened with chopped p. nut. Perhaps the reason short calls are fashlonablo Is that tho caller who stays less than fifteen minutes Is not expected to ask the daughter to play on the piano. Tho Illinois Central maintains un excelled scrvlco from the west to the oast and south, Mnklng close connec tions with trains ot nl transcontinental lines passengors aro given choice of routes to Chicago, Louisville, Mem phis and New Orleans, and through these points to tho far east. Prospective travelers desiring In formation as to tho lpwest rates and beet routes aro invited to correspond with tho following representatives. B. U. Trumbull, Commercial Agent, 142 Third St., Portlnnd, Oro. J. O. Llndsey, Trav. Passenger Agont, 142 Third St., Portland, Oro. Paul B. Thompson, Pnssongor Agont, Col man Building Seattle, Wash. XVW:iC A WeBtern Cracker Made for Western People Ask jour Grocer for Western Crackers and Cakes Toko no other kind it you wnnt tho best y INTEREST SAVINOS BANK . OK The Title Guarantee & Trust Company YnyH t per rent on Certlflcatt'M of De posit. Pays It per cent on dally lmlnuccH of deposit accounts, Hiibject to chuck. 1 1 Banking hours tin. m. to 4 p. m. Hut unlays Da. in. to 1 ji. m. Sntimluy oNculngH. . . J p. in. to 8 p. in. DIUKCT0U8 W. M. Lntld .1. Tliorliurn Norm T. T. Burkhart Frank M. Warren Ueorgo II. 11 ill 240 WASHINGTON STREET Corner Second PORTLAND . OREGON 4 "Ultloit Hank In tho Btato of Washington." DEXTER, HORTOIN & CO. Capital noo.ooo ft A lXIfcTFOtt Burihu and umllvlilc! lIolii 17,100,000 DA11 IVIrca j.roliu, 8,000 Arcnuuti ( Nrthot l'nclllc llanka allcltd uimn turmi which will irnnt to them the inoal liberal accoininodiillnnii roii-Utcnt with thalr (alancei Hint rniponilblllllm. VNin.M, Ladd, l'rcildent; N. II. Latimer, Manager; M W, 1'elernon, Caihlor. Beaitle, Waihluglon. THE I'IRHT NATIONAL, BANK Ol PORT TOWNSEND KitablUhvd 1M2. Collodloni promptly made nnd remitted. SWIFT '& COMPANY PREMIUM HAMS, BACON And All Fresh Cuts for Hotels MAIL ORDERS THE BITULITHIC PAVEMENT BEST BY EVERY TEST For Streets, Driveways and Crosswalks. WARREN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 716 Oregonian Building, Portland, Oregon I? 71 mi C. 0. PICK TRANSFER & STORAGE COMPANY. Safes, Pianos, Furniture moved, stored or packed for shipping. Com modious brick warehouse, with separate iron rooms, Front and Clay. Express and Baggage hauled. Office Phone, 596; Stable, Black 1972 PORTLAND, OREGON I OMAHA NEBRASKA "THE ONLY WAY" Hava vnnr Racrcracro -rta-Lrl tmtn lintsl mwtA D..ii)m. ...a any railroad to any place in Unite! Omaha Transfer Co. Office 208 So. 14th St. When Coming into Omaha give your checks to our uniformed agents on trains or at depot and New cabs to all parts of city. THE TOKE POINT OYSTER CO. 29 Second St., Portland, Or. Telephone MAIN G93 Sole Growers' of the Celebrated Toke PointOysters An Kikctorn Oyster Trfttuplntitccl ami grown on our bed nt TOKELAND, WASHINGTON "UNKQUAIiKD IN n.AVOIl AND KKKSHNKfcS" Cannery at South Bend, Wash. Wholesale. Dealers in All Varieties of Native Oysters. &L ' wn-.M.f'i.' j vW Ai v OTLjCpVd.OJ13- "'"""Coroiitl"'"'" "IVMPIC. A Flour Whose Best Endorsement Is the Fact that the Number of People Who Use It Multiplies Every Year So. Omaha, Nebraska PROMPT ATTENTION ' T W W H 1 OMAHA NEBRASKA' State by receive cheapest and best service oip ELECTRICITY ELECTRIC LIGHT in your lioino Insures for you tlio comforts and conveniences of Electric Fans Electric Sewing Machines Electric Flat Irons Electric Cooking Utensils THE ELECTRIC FLAT IRON is a timc-iavcr nnd a ntrengtli saver in tliuiiotiHclrbld. ltappcals to uvery housewife aa an ECON OMY, not uu expense! REDUCED RATES for current on MKTKU basis. Send postal card for free illus trated booklet. PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. TELEPHONE EXCHANGE 13 SEVENTH nnd ALDER STS. t I ! ST. PAUL MINN, i The Bt Huta The Bt Furnishings The Bat Tmatmgnt MACNIDER SUth and Wabaiha ST. PAUL, Minn. For Men Only For Flrat-ClaM Work on Bliorl Time try thtt Oriental Laundry TUL. 393. 02-04 W. Tunth St. ST. PAUL,, MINN. Minnesota Butter &' Cheese Co. Wholoialo Doalora Poultry "Sj. ST. PAUL MINNESOTA "The Judge Demands the Best" LA TOCO Key Wt Ogar EL PATERNO Ten-Cent Leader SIGHT DRAFT King of Five-Cent Cigars W. S. Conrad Y.TV,r',M Distributor Telephone zm-JI, ItoMence Palo 63vJ2 John Grove Land S Loan Go. GENERAL UNO AGENTS flreat Northern Railroad Lands Bveu tulir acre Ulne price, with teven annual payment at 0 lr cent. Intercut, 'I hn land ol No. 1 Hard Wheat 111 tint lamuui Itoil itlvur Valley ot Minnesota MAIN OrFICK 113 E. Third Stmt, St. Paul, Minn. Ilrauch Office; Crookntju, Ada, btuptun, Warren, llalloclc, Minn. Works Biscuit Company MlMwapoUa am SI. Paul. Manufacturer of Fine Cracker and Cookie. Uted on All Dining Car and iBuffeU. . ' f ' 4 i , 31 iHtn-iT--"' HMHMMK! -'i. jt"rs" fMUr?Wtt EtnifrJi-"iP-r'!s