THE OREGON STATESMAN. PUBLISHED RVKRV MOHPAY, T The 0;jpii Printing pud Fubliftliing Company. ffKRMS On. year, ;l, I" 0" 8il months, 1,2. ry Remittances may be niad. ly mail Hi onr risk, whan mailed in the pretence of the postm-iter. U.p. Offlclal Paper for the State PRIVATE MEDICAL AID. DR. W. K. UOIIERTY'S n" Private Medical & Surgical Institute, Sucrumfltito Street, below- Montgomery, opposite the Pacific Mail Hti amihip Company Office. Private entrance on LeiduuluriT street, Bud Pruucisco. ? . EttaltUhed eznretnly to Afford the Afflicted one ticientife Medical Aid in the Treatment ' , and cure of all Private and Chronic Ditemti, cae of Secrecy and All bexiial VT TP r-Ii 1 ' TO THE AFFLICTED. Br. W. K. D.thirtt return hit sincere tlianlti to hli numerous patients for their patronage, und would take the opportunity to remind them that he contin ues to eentiult at bis Institute for the cure of chrome diseases of the Lungs, Liver, Kidneys, Digestive and Genito Urinary Organs, and all private diseases, vis : Syphilis - alUU tonne ana singes, eemmut wean iioss, and all the horrid consequence of eelf-iibniie, Gonori-huBU, Gleet, Strictures, Nocturnal and Diurnal m int. ions. Sexual Dlsabilitv. Dicsasee of the and Loins, InHammatiou of the Bladder and Kidneys, etc.. and he hones that his long eiperience and sue- eetwfut practice will continue to ensure him a share of public patronage, ny me practice oi many years in iMiropa turn me uimea mmes, no is aunuit.ii iu pi)iy the most eflkient and successfull remedies against dis eases of all kinds. He uses no mercury, charges mod erate, treats his patients In aiorrect and honorable way , and high standing in society. All parties consult ing him by letter or otherwise, will receive the best and gentlest treatment, and implicit scerecy. Dr. llnHRHTs wsiiii vh ntwrnttoit to tlio following cei tilWes from two of hil patients, who having fully recovered their health, desire to make known their remedial agent. It will be seen their itattatneutaare fullv uut.lmiitii'Htpd hv ft Nnttrv PnliHa. Tn welfare of society imperiously demand their pumicity.atid tuey are given more to wuru me unwary than to sound the praise of a Physician, of whom hundreds of like cases can be cited during a practice of more than Hfleen years. Dr. DoHKierr Hear Sir 1 1 feel my health so fully reHtored, that in common gratitude, I believe I should make yea some written acknowledgement for your vuluable services-particularly as your fee was small for the work performed. I arrived in this city from the East about one year ago, and was then suffering from an old case or Uieet, complicated with Stricture. Being a stranger in this city, and believing those Doctors who gave such posi tive assurance of success were necessarily the best, (some of whom have a large number of titles,) I plac ed myself in their charge and continued under their treatment uutil 1 had lost nearly all hope and a con siderable snm of money. I wish to say now that yon are the sixth Doctor I have employed, and the only one that has ever done me any service. My Gleet is wholly cured, the Strict ure is all removed, and my general health is better than it has beeu for years. In conclusion, I would say to the many unfortnn. ates who- require medical ml vice, If you have any doubt as to whom yon may employ, aslt Dr. Doherty lor mv address and call audSMme. (I keep store in this euy.) My experience may save you many dollars. I would also add that in the early stage of my dis ease I used a large amount of the preparations adver tiited as an infallible cure tor Gouorrliwa, Gleet, etc., but never derived any benefit from them. . 1 am, Doctor, very truly yours, i. L II-. Kan Francisco. J one IG. lHtU. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 21st duy of tiune, a. u. lot. .-' l. s A. 8. Gould, Notary Public. Seminal Weakness--! Sworn-to certificate of a most remarkable case of Spermatorrhoea. A desire to benefit humanity, and a feeling of grati tude to Or. W. K. Doherty, alone induce me to make this statement. For many years I lutve been alllicted with that fearful disease known as "Npermatorrhrca," or Seminal WeakneM, the result of self-abuse, but till 1HT5 experienced but little tronble or inconvenience. In that year, however, I had Seminal Weakness to an alarming extent, which was soon followed by the most alarming symptoms, as weakness of the back and limbs, pain in the head, dimness of vision, nerv ousness, and general debility. My mii.d, too, was atllictcd to sucli an extent as to seriously impair my memory ; my ideas were confused and spirits depress ed. I was averse to society, had evil forebodings and self-dist rust, and was entirely null tied for any of the duties of life. From lHoO to' the summer of !Ht3, I employed the very best medical talent I could find, and spout sovenU huudred dollars, hue in no instance obtained more than temporary relief. I had about concluded there was no relief for me hi this world, but seeing Dr. Doherty' advertisement, I thought I ..would cull and we him, as he rhsrged nothing for consultation. I bad an interview with Dr. Doherty at his office, In bacramento street, and his fee for treat meat was so reasonable, I determined to try liim, thoagh I did not expect much benefit from his' treat ment. Ou the 5th of December East I placed myself under his care j in one week I found myself very much improved, and, now, after five weeks' treat ment, I teel myself thoroughly cured of all my troub lesaud in theenjoymeul ot the best health. Hoping that my experience may be of benefit to others simi larly situated, I subscribe myself Jamks Johnston. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 10th day of January, a. d. 1MG-1, t l. . ; A G. Randall, Notary Public. To Females. . ' When a female is in trouble, or afllirted with dis ease a weakness of the back aud limbs, pain in the head, dimness of sight, Ions of muscular power, pal pitation of the heart, irritability, nervousness, ex treme urinary difficulties, derangement of digestive functions, general debt it v. vaginitis, all diseases of the womb, hysteria, sterility, and all other diseases peculiar to females, they should go or write at once to the celebrated female doctor, W. K. Doherty. at his Medical I intitule, aud consult him about their troub les and disease. The Doctor is e (Tec ting more cures than any other physician in the State of California. Lei no fiilse delicacy prevent yon. but apply itimie diatelyHud save yonrself from painful snHminir and premature death. All .married ladies whose delicate health or other cirenmstances prevent an increase in their families, should write or call at Dr. W. K. Do hertv's Medical Institute, and they will receive every possible relief and help. The Doctor's office are so arranged that be can be consulted without fear of ob seryatiou. & .. To Correspondent. Patients residing In any part of the State, however distant, who may desiie the opinion aud advice of Dr. Doherty on-their retpeciive cases, and who think proper to submit a written statement of such, in pre. i rrence to holding a personal interview. are respectful IV apsurea ion meir cuuiuiuuimuuiM win ue uciu most sacred. Dr. Doherty tuke this opportunity of observing that all letters are only opened and replied to ny n misfit, aim lue inner as promptly us puaaiuie. It the cssu be fullv and candidly described, person al communication will he superseded, as instructions for diet, regimen, and.tlie general treatment of the cae. (including the remedies) will oe lurwarueu wuu mnt delay, and iu such a manner as to convey no pur twirt nt tlwi letter or nurrel mo transmitted. t3r Consultation at the office race Permanent cure guaranteed or uo pav. Addreu VV.K. DOHKRTY, M. D. San Francisco, Cat. Opinions of the Press. Dr. DOHEKTV la a skillful physician and honor . able awitlemew. WIT tfatemeflta he make to his pa tients, he is sure to fulhl That fact isone great cause of his eminent saroea in his prof- ssiot. It is fortu nate thai among the many adveKisiiig pliysicians, i1im nne who can be deneuded ou. -Ilteview. Dr. DOll KliTV'i rei'UtUu w a phyician Is a suf ficient guarantee ft the core of any rase be may un dertake i hnnicle. " Ir. DOHKKTY has devoted his study more partic ularlv to chronic, specific and secret practice, and as nth is dow the most srtcceesful of any physician in Dr. IHUltKTV 8 repnution is second tr no other pnvitctan on tne coast in curonw and speciL4 practice. fMirror. i - br. DOlIfcUTY Few men in the medical profes sion have mcctoded in gaining Uie eonlideiiee of the public in their skill and judgment as he ta Ldqui rer. Dr. DOHKRTV ranks ae one of our moat distin tfttiabed nhvsicians. ai.d also one of the most uccm- tul, which ic now the criterion by which the medical nrMftilntner'litiB'WfH (KcHO. .1 i Dr. W. K. DOHKrrtT.-Porsons tfninff trt fian rmll on lh nbotti wwrn. M bi. Iiuiiint.. II. . of rara dinliie .ml Kimtine menu, and n wrll .orihT Ik. nfpome pitfranmire In mi.M from ul pau of th. &mt. .liuunl. SI, W. K. DORKBTT, Trlrate Medical I Surgical Institute. garrameulo Ptmrf, baluw Uoiitxouwrjr.Oppaul. 111. l'urifir MU 8etm4ilp (V. nllis. Pri. tmI. entntnrc n LeileMnfT Btreet, 8.U KmncUca 3o-3 WEB FOOT TONIC! m vllMit Mnoiarh dirdial It is . laid extract 1 of Ira Oregon gran. an. other dnawrtie pkanU of well .now. nntn. win mtm wm t rrttiiing lb. Wvsdi, quieting Ike Itmrm and acting opn tkx liter. As prevcaiiv. of Amn mli Uwk during and slW an attack . it is annrpawrn. ' It is pnervrd with ihe he Boorbon and put n n larg. prassribed by many of lbs Iwst sbyucitin la uregnn. j. r. n.iitu Practical Apothecary and lnigis4, cklem, Sol. Man- uiacmmr. t F. BBOWST TITlUi. t and sell Greenbacks. Mining Stock. V md I ts m rsui Fnsncisc.. and lb. basur. 8'ate. W Well. Tu, Quid On or Biilliv OtSc. with CIU State Bl.-rel ytf -NO. 43. CH $1111 Mlf llKi Summir Arrangement. IB BTBAMER8 NE' AVOHLD, VSCADE, WIL84N G HUNT, CAPTJNO. WOI, Commander. D dnilr. I Rnndftv. excentedl .t Will leav. PORTL A O'clock, a. m. f the CASCADES, connect ing 4th the steamer ONEONPA or IDAHO CAPT. JNO. McNtlTY.. Commands for Dalles-flroush In One Cay 1 THltaTBAMEBS ' TiKin WEILFoiT, OWVHK m PKlCIl CHIEF, Captain. E. V. COE. C.lKLTOJf , J. H. GRAY, and . . THOHkTUMP.., . 1 i Will run dnrin llie wra, front ' ' Cclllo to Umatilla, nillula, white Bluffs, , . Palouse aid lewtnton. One of (lie above nam W will leave CEI.I. I.O furl!iU4TILliAkuk WALLl'LA daily. (8t.nlayfl excepted.) IloHlewill beiii.patrlieilVr WI1ITR BI.I FFI., VAI.OlKli and I.KU HTO.M at often hs the ne centiity of the trude will dtiiaud. THE STtAHGR 8IIO8IONE, CAPT. J. MYRICK 1 Commander. Will rim from OI,DK rfRKV, on Snake River to HOINK 'ITV, OWtHKE and SOUTH BOIMB I.AIvmi,conctinif with. THOMAS & COB STAGES, ..ANni SI. Du Relic Co.'s Ftt Freight lines. C. AINSWOIITH, ruaiilnnt. O S N fin 1'ortiHiia, march , lDtix. CITT BOOT ANDtHOE STORE JOHN W. GILBERT, , dealer in BOOTS, SHOES, Leather, and,; Shot Findings ! Union Block, Commcjclal Street, Salem, Oregon. Haj )iut received the largest nil mo.t complete etock of t BOOTS AN D. SHOES, - of the best Philadelphia:, Eastern, an California, MANUPACTjrUE, Ever offered in Salei. T ALSO, A FINE STOlL OK French and American Calf and Kip Skins! . Santa Cruz Sole 1 ?ather, r SHOE FINIIINGS. BooU of mv own manufacture rinntautly on hand and made to order, of the beet S eucli leather, and California oak tanned, winch, foreeneral good quali ties cannot be excelled in the Slutl All werk from the elullilimi'iJ arranted to give entiroeiitietaction. - . I laeb paid lor ludei and all knia of fill's and skins. Salem, Oct. 8, li.-3lm;l HELM &CO., ry nlnte flr-'t, snem.urcfc'on. L fin tb. Building fornierlyoccupied byTCenyon. Drugs, Chemicals, faints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Fancy Siap, Perfumery, HAVING largely lucrcaxf tlw Stock of Helm It S n. we are now nrcimiil 10 aunply the citizen. ol Salem anu me surrounuiutouuiiy wuu Drugs that uro Pure, And ai Cheap as ran be liught in tbia Market. Also--Constartly on Hand THE IEST WINES AND BRANDIES For Mcdicinai Purpneee. Also a well seeited Stock of Pat and Oih. Wirdov Glati and Fully, Famish, Varmsk Ssrusliet, cjr. rhyeiciana' Prescriptiuns pnperly compounded. W. solicit the patronage of tt Pnblic, feeling conn dent that we can give it. terai Rnitsiarunn. A CARD I'Oi THE FAIL WIMER flOTHKG TRADE OF SA FHJMISCO. BADGER & LIN3ENBERGER, No.. 411, 413 and 4 P Battery Street, Cor. Alerchnut, ttn I rnncmco. Importers and Wli)lcsale Dealers ENTIRE NEW ANU FRESH STOCK! WE wonld call the attr,n of COUNTRY MER CHANTS to otir nnlllT larve stork of Oooda. Onr stork comprires everrsrticle in the Clothiug and Furnishing line. We hiik enn.tan'ly on baud -the largest stock and greate. vsrtety of Cassimere anil Wool HATH of anr lion, in San" Francisco, and onr f i rices for these Onod, ire less than those of any ions., as w. receive Uua dirMt from the rer's consignment. Or slock of Kali and Winter Qjiode is particulajly tractiv, and the great feature to tb. country mereliitt is the unusually low prices Lcks Than Ihi Cmt of Impnrlation ! Wealnokeep Ihe fltPI.E RTICI.F-S in the Dry flood, line, which Oiida we have urrhaed in this market under th. hMimer, and .re oTTerins; them at New lork Cost, ancless. W. publish this oed in order that w. nay make new aco,uaintanceKand induce Hiom who bar. not heretofor. purchase of V lo call and examine ou, stock. . , j - , i ' : i i t ) Good Artufes and Low Prices! Are th. great indjutinents to all who pnrchas. to sell again. Mcrrhanj" who bny of ns can make a good proht. an sell ly.siroutt'omers at a low figure. W. remain, respect!!!?, . , Your tiMient Serranti, BAOKK it LINHENBKKOKR, ' Whole. I, Cl'ithinir and Hat W.rehoose, if. 411, 413 and 413 Battery street. Ran FranciK-t Nor. 6. iar!6. '2ta M Large Stock of AGRICULTURAL COOD3, j St'CU AS HOBNF. KlWKRI.IIn inlmrie; KT4AW UTTUKSl IIOBKE HMM.K, riDCR MILLS III l ;.!! ,VA( MISKMt WB1I.X DRII.LM, X lOKM tt)l sr.ui Tsti c Ksi, uah a plws L seel ani Cast Plows. BARK Mills. POkTABI.E fRIST MILLS, MESl HI It If Ml I.I. STO.KH H'll.tlMI ClO'lllii. I' Hoof STAFFS LEATH'.KASD UtLTlu. For Ml. b) K ,1 A PP. B r H R K I. 4k C, i Kmnl Ht . Portland, Oragosj. Portland. iVpt. !S, IM-taSI WANTED, 500 nrllEU TIMOTIir RKED. for which tb. TOL.K- hbes mark Biw will he panl, Krr,sinPELir 1 SALEM, CLARK'S COLUMN SELLING OUT! yon cash : EVERYTHING IN THE DRUG LINE! PAINTS, OILS, Patent Medicines, Varnish, Putty, In ks, Essences, Extracts, Brushes, PERFUMERY, CORKS, CHIMNEYS, AND- Choice Cigars and. Tobacco, EVERYTHING OF THE BEST QUALITY AND AT THE LOWEST PRICES. OS TOE CORNER, OPPOSITE THE POST-OFFICE. J.E. CLARK; Practical Apothecary and Druggist, SALEM. UK ,r2 WM. B. COOPFH, j. t. o. uiwsaiui.t. WM. E. COOPER & CO., Cor. HIorriNOit and Scrond Sit)., POKTLAND OREGON, ' - HAVE on bund for sale, and are manufacturing of the bet Eastern Material, all kinds of Carriages, Phaetons, OPEN AND TOP BUCCIES, Conntry Carriages, EXPRESS WAGOJiS, &o. As we employ none but the most experienced work men in our establishment, and use the beet of Eastern material, we feel conlident that our work caiinot fail to give satisfaction. Aside from the fact that it is to the interest of th. community to Sustain Home .Unnufactures, It will be our endeavor to sell at such prices, FOR CASH, as will be satisfactory to all who desire good work. CV All kinds of CARRIAGE RF.PAIRINO don. on idiortnotira. WM. K. CI HH'Elt It CO. Portland, August SOlli. IWft 3nVJpil Valuable Farm for Sale. 3i THK subscriber, being about to embark in Jul other business, offers for sain, at a great har-w uain. bis Farm. nleHsantlv .itnaled ahnnt one mile south of the flourishing village of Hoseburg, DOU GLAS CO., ou th. Htag. route, and oomprisiug about One Thousand Acres of excellent land, miart of which Is inclosed with good fences, and nmler . good stale of cultivation. The improvement, ar. of llie most substantial char. acter, consisting of a large and commodious FRAME OWELUNO HOCriK. wilh walled cellar, a snlendirl fram. BARN, 110xK4 feet, wilh nomero.s other out bnildniKa. A largs OK' HAItl). of choir, fruit. I. successful bearing, is auotber iuipoilaut appendage to this desirable homestead. Persons desirous of engaging In tb. farming and stork-raisins; business in the salubrious elimal. of th. Umpqua Valley (which stream runs through tb. premises), will had this a rare chaoc to aoiuir. It verv dM,irahl. Incatinn at a very low price. Tikv Time will b. given on part of th. nnr- chas. money, if desired. For further particular., an- piv to tne subscriber at ttoseoarg, uregnn. May a, low. ' jin.-v ftr.l.t.1. NOTICE. Drags and Medicines. THE andersigned h.Tingpareh.end the entire stock of Drugs and Medicines of W. K. Itigby. would respstfullv solicit . continnance ot III. lavor nereio for. extended to the establishment ; and hopes by cloee application lo th. badness to merit a shir, ol nubile natrnnairo. ' Physicians' Prescription, and Familv Medicine, carefully prepared. I.OLIS II. IHOMPOX. halem Hovemner 17, in. iiii C. iM. Parmenter, (Snccesaor to E G. Bolter.) Iitut.a I. Imported and Home -Made FURNITURE! Hpi'l Ufll Otis. , HAIR, WOOL, 1 JD rCLC I1TTIEXSES, if., It. At Watt's old Stand, Conm.reial St. Salem. ac.ets waited. rpO REM.. BY UrnSTRIPTlOX O.NM.T.lbe stand A ard and official hern IliMory of lb. War i t 'TUB (.OUT t'Al'MK, By Rnwuan A. Por.i.A.n, of Virginia. ComprUIng . fall and anthentie armnnl of tlw rim .nd nrogreas of th. lat Southern Confederacy. . I'nmpkH. in m rnrir. roval oclavo volum. of nearly ess, pages, will, 24 splendid sle.1 pactnuu of distinguished lnfedVr at. leadera. For lertus and territorr. suitress E K bliEAU.Iincral Aaent, J9oil S M'mtmcrT m , an Francises. OREGON. MONDAY, PKCKMHKU 21, 1806. Chang ot Firm ! COX & HAMILTON, WholesalJ and Retail ; . n DEA.IEIIS IX GROCERIES 6 PROVISIONS WINES AND LIQUORS, Wood and ? Willow Ware, IlardWnre, ! f1 . ; " Yankct Notions, Toburco, eiitart MERSCHAUM PIPES, Boots, and Shoes, &c, Center Store, .cw Brick Block, At the' lid StiinS of ', ' ' ' BRownr, cox, sv Co., The nndereiimod. hnvlnf nerolwned th. entire in terest of J. W. Brown, have WW on hand nnd are constantly receiving from Sail Francisco th. Largest and Best Selected Stock Of goods lu their line ever offered in this market, which tney propose to exenuuge FOR OAS II ! or any kind of COUNTRY PKODVCE. Evervtbis nstuilly kept in a first class Grocery and frovision store, floods delivered to ALL PARTS OK THE CITV free of charge. Don't forget to come lo the old slnud of Brown, Cox Ac Lo. CUA UAMiL,iUii Sulem, October 1, 1IIC6 3ly FANNING MILLS. Doors, Windows & Blinds & CO., Would roflpeotfully Inform tlia public Hint tliey liavo , oj)eueu 5 FURNITURE STORE, South side of Mate Street Iu the first building- west of the Capital Hotel, w here thev have in store, and will continue to keep, und manufacture to oruer A tiBElT VARIBTVOP FURNITURE, BEDDING, 1 1 II II O It H , Picture Frames and Moldings. We also k(p a general assortaieut of House Furnishing Hardware, EASTERN DOORS, WINDOWS BLINDS. We are also mannfactnrinr hnm how rvmAy for , Mile a o. 1 riir.MiL u ITauuiiitf Mill, Rorfiitir improvrd and n:t lentil, to wliicli we wonld reiptt fully invite the Htif ntlttii of tltn fHnnpr nf Or fifcn. V A.I M'AOKKK Sc O. Halem, tStpt. Xtun, 1W. JUmb. French Medical Office. DH. Jt'MKV PKIIRAULT. Doctor of Medicine of ihe r'aculiv of l'arie. Oraduate of Ilia L'ni versity Qneen's Colh'ire, and Physician, of III. Hi. John s lfHitlste n.iciety or Han rrancmco. Dr. I'tiiiKui.T has nlcasnre lolnfnnn patients, and others eerkini? contidential medical advice, that be can be consulted daily at bis nhice, Armory Hall iiuiininir, nonii-ensr corner sionitfomerv nnu riacra menlo slreela, Han Francisco. Kooms Kna. II, 10 II. lirst Hour up stairs, entrance on either Montgomery or Sacramento street. Dr. Prassui.T's studies have been almost exclus velv devoted to Ihe cure nf.the various forms of Nervnnsand I'hysiral Debility, the lesnlls of injur! ons bahita acquired in youlh, which usually terminate in liuiwlence and sterility, and permanently induce all the eoncnmilanl. of old aire. Where . secret itiflrmi ty exist. iuvolviiiK the happiness of a life and thai of others, reason aim morality diclal. the necessity oi na removal tor it is a tact tliat premature ileeliti. ol tne vifrnr of oiauhiMid, matrimonial ouliappiueM, com pulsory sinifle life, Me,, have their sonrrea In cshims tlie enu of which i. plauted in early life, and the bitter fruit Usted lona afterward i iwlienla, laliorina nnder this entnplaint, will complain ot on. or more of tiie following svinploina t Noolumnl etnissions, pains In th. back and head, weakness or memory and sivht, discharge froia lb. urethra ou th. stool ur roakina water, the intellectual faculties are weakened, loss of mentor? ensues, ideas are cloudud, and there is a dis inclination to attend to business, or even to readmit. wriliiiK. or III. society of friends, els, Th. will nnihhhlv Kxunliin of diuiness. vertiuu. and thai snrhl ana bearitiK are weakened and sleep dis. turlied by dreams, melancholy, aitflun., MlpilaliiHw. faintinirs. CMiuhs' and slow fever i while soma hsve external rbeunialic pain, and numbness of lb. body. Muaie of Ui. niwt common symptoms nr. ,iiitlea In the face, aud ai-hln. ill diflcrent Mtrts of Ihe b,idy. FaiieeiasiinenutflruuitbisduaMwi, should ainily iai- ntediately to Da. I'XHnaui.T, .iih.r in wrson or by letter, as he will ituaraiitee a cure of dentinal Eiuis sious aud IiuM,teuee ib six to eiaht week.. f allents snnennif from Venereal IMseflM In any stair., Gnaorrhr.., OieM.Ririctare., HnSo l.'leers. fa tanenus Kruptiotis, etc.. will b. treated siiet-eMfully All Hvpbilitic and Mercurial uinUsnursly rvsuoved from the system. Dr. i krh t' i.t s diplomas ar. in nis omc. wner. putisnls csw see for tbesssslvafc W. invil. nTeaia tio. ; claim lint to know everything , nor to curs ev erybody, but we do claim tbat in all rase, taken .n de'r treatincsit w. lulbtl or nrosjiisea n particular ly retjiiesl IhoM who bar. trie.1 this boasted diirlor, aud Uiat advertised physiciwi, till worn out .ad dis couraged. In call unua us. Iw rharrea and nuh-k enre.. 1 Ladies sulleriUK In any complaint Incidental lo Uieir aex, eau consult tlw doctor wua im uf relief. rrmalc'.IIoallitr rillw. Da. Puin.ri.v Is only aeot In f'aliforni. for Dr. Biot s Kemale Monthly IMIs. Tlieir l.imetiss sal. hits csubl i.hed their irinitalbai as . female resx edy, fenapproacbed. .ad far ra ailvaar. af every other remedy for .wpfireasMih. ami trrswaisntie.. and sxnsr obstrnrttons in l.aaiea. odui. rermpt oi sr. oui lars, these Fill, will I sent by wail or expres. in my part of tlie world, secure from corhaiity or dam rrrnm at a distal, can b. enrsd al boss, by ad dreauuif a letter to l)a fsaavi.r, earner ..f K. r ssenb. and MoiilKOmery atrwi. tvna. ID end II, or box V, A V. U. Ra. r raaeise. .1 alter the ru. a. sal nnlely as p.sibie, xeneral habit, ol living, occupa lion, etc , etc. AH cmminieitioos confidential. nly tea A DKKAM OF TIIK HOITH WIND. Br PAUI. H. HAY ft I, O frfluli, how frnh nnd fulr, Tlirouih (lie orvNiHl iiilfe of titr. The fuiry tionth Wine) Uuututli on Itur subtle wlni of imnn i And the grn eitrtli litpped l.i bllse, To tho niHttlc of herklHH. Seeuie yearniiiK unwHrd fondly through tlie goUm- , croitujq cttim i . . ! . From the distant Trople etrntid. Where the billows hriirtit uml hland Qo creepiiitr, curl inn- runml the I'hIiiis with iweot, mint nitfiurtoiia. From the Held of pnrplfntf Howere, Hi i II wot with fraizritiit shuwers. Tha hHi)y Soiitlt Wiml liiieiitig sweeps the royal mourns oi June. A 11. ...., . .1 iivs.rii," ibui. icp ria ? On the poHume of I tor niulm, . M bleu stoitp the InmoMt spirit In tt ImiKtior rare mid Hue, Aim a ruace more pure timn nieep e, vr- unto uiiu, niiir coimeioiii iimiiff, , TtAnsports me, hilled and ili-uutuiuii, ou lt twillubt lidt's divine, Those ilri'Uins I ah me I theb)lei.dor( ho tnyntio tlt'Hr mid tmlrr, Wherewith, like tuft brntllnlitulii, tliey gird their meutihtfl; round, And tin me WHtere CHllinff, enlllnfr, With a tuuiieleM cliarui uiitliralliutf, Liko the ghot of mimic mulling on a rainbow ipnty of sound I Tonrh, touch me not, nor wake mev . Iw-nt Kroniwr thoittflits nVrtuke me, From earth rm-eilitiif family with her dreiirv dins nnd jars, Whiti vieu'leMt anna eaieas me I , Wltttt tthippitrvd voii'oif bluns me t With welcomes dropping ilew-like from the weird and wondrous stars I Alas I dim, dim, and dimmer Grows the nrrlrrnultinil 1 1 i muter Of thai trance the hoiith Wind brought nie on Iter m utile Willis of tuin. For, bulmld ! its spirit Hicili, And iu friirv innrmur divth. And the silence closing round me is a dull and soulless culm 1 MKIKillilO I'KAVKU MEKTIXU. Thf iV. Y. yew; uf N.i. Klili. mj-s , Tlie colnrrd heart uf tins eUy llirnlilieil wildly Inst flight, iu the li rrilio eipeoialinu tlmt It wits llie prrcurcur of the dnv uf jmlifiuetit. Their at tention was absorbed liytlir ilartlinif preilictinni of llie nstrnnnmpr tlint Ihe heavens wuolil re tenililp th. Iiriglit fire nf uniriTsnl niithy, and tlicj bclievt'd tlio emit nouM usher In the " era" uf elcrnilj- arid the reign uf the Kingdom uf Glnry. Hut, huipily, they were prepnred, liy a not ic. nf pinna and I'llniiirilinarr f xercisea for Ilia fuiniini'iit uf tlio ilrrod prnphecy. The hlock pnstur. In onr midst wnlked itnergrt ionlly over the wnlli uf .ion, nnd casting rntnry glnnocs at tlio heavens, they were at any time tu proclaim, in note, louder than llinso nf the born, nf Jericho, a general nlnrni lo their ex pectant flocks below, should Ihe tnrlcnn apppjr tu proclaim the end nf I lie world nnd negro lof frngp. The remark aide (i-al nf llieso lalileshep. herd, should put the whllo pastors, who were sleeping atthrir prist.. In blush ; fir ut Icmtrtimn late them In mure lenl during the next mil'eniiil night. ' Those who profess (n believe that the colored people dike no cngtiizntioe nf passing events, would di.cnvcr llu-ir mistnku had Ihry uhserted I be propnralinns ainiing the colored people from Whitehall lo llnrlt-in, to ward off difino wralh. as anlieipHli il on the predicted shower nf itnti Inst night. They fursiaik nil their farorite avo cations. Krum Iho moment alien tho astrono mer, proclaimed the terrible new. In Iho hour a hen the awful exhibition was In coiiiineiioo III. policy shops in tho Ftflh, Eighth and nlhcr wards were deserted. nnd the venders nf 'dreamt,' involving "lucky numbers,'1 failed In charm their siible pntrniia out nf a single cent. This refiirmntinn, Ihnngh the nlTspnng nf fear, serin ed In Indicate Hint tho clns. a ho speculate on their cn-itull'y wnnlil rmin become haiikrupts. and hence they also nnlched with anxious infer est for the ccfcsliit! display. 'All the porcine establishments, where enhle cuslnineri dcliA!il In pnirunize their old ancestor II tun," were also descried, and there was a general ccssntlnn of the ordinary business auj pursuits uf tiegrii-. iluni. In thin awful itatn nf thing, a council of colored pnstor. n ns held at Ihe residence of a clergy tnnn in (jrnvo street, yesterduy altrr niHin, for the nurpusp nf iiniimvnig Ihe oppnrlu nity to the salvaiiiin of all liluck souls, and the result nf their deliberation! was that they or dered a meeting. In take place liift night. The lat sexluii uf lb. colored td urch iu Dleeck r street wa. (uliseiiiriitly nl iOi-i) lo call every son ami ilntigliter ul Aluca Into Ihe edifice t and in response he rushed up alaits and vignrnusly nulled tin- bell; aud forlliMilh the ... I .1 t. -I. ... CM I ..!... ., . . . I wnoio iieigiiooriiooii was mien wuu ill. suuiliie nf alarm suflicieully tigumu. to il.iiolo amil leiininin. The peal, ciiinu " Quick, thick and heavy, lik. 1 thunder shower," and in less than an hour th. U-miiln wa. filled wilh old and young, single and ninrried people all ul Hi. bihiopian race, or onenf it. annus- tnknlile division.. The pulpit was Riled by the ahlo divines nf every denoininalinn. for the end of Ihe woi Id, which M-rnird at hand, enahlrj them to forget all minor differences, such as tin niersiun, church goveniinenl. In. imps. elo. Thepri-sidlngolereTtt an made a brief speech, which only served tu oreiiio inlensa ricileinrut and ngitalmn animig all present : My lirelhern, fall nit ynnr knrei. (Shoots nf 'Glory' aud ' O .are us.') The great ml dragnu, with seventi-e-n heads and twenty-seven h'lins. is tu rush across th. rkyfenr. uf Merer), and death on a pale burs. I. a relin' like furv after Ihe beast. (Vniois I'm ready t ssrr me Captain.') lie ye a bo ready, bieihren. (Voice ' I'se on the sloop of salvation, and I'se bound for glory.) Come at nue. t the devil U in the air. (' Lord, chain the devil.') Ilercii Ir. and Mar. ami all th gods of tb. healhrn are galhcrrd in Ihe aliHosphere lu ile.iruy us; but glnry be lo our great Makes, Hp can fight allot the in. ('Amen.) Mmd III. ficiy err pent, above your bead. ('Keep Ihpui things oil ; Aineu. ) They're worse than lb. Copper heads, fur Ihe Copperheads can't kill lh sogl.' ( Ohiry.") When III. olergrman sat dow. tlie elTeot .1 hi. remark! on Hi. aadi.uea . of a ta.iked charnoter. They were in a .fate of aproarous alarm ; they shrieked, snii. religions duties, prayed lomlly, exhorted, and exhausted all Ih. boisterous n.sges of cuhired .Methodism In a few minute.. At Irng'b. when onlVr was partially restored, a black w.i.nn, who weighed ah iot ,1VI pounds, exclaimed t ' I don't care no how if de h.veti. fall na tne, for I'm ready fur glory. It dem .tar. and detn Intt.lUliun. com. dowo) oan'l kill my juqI. The noble professor of fsllh ereate.1 th wild est 8 limits uf " Amen." " Halle. Iiijah," elo.. resounded Ihrongh th temple, amid which the pinu. speaker tat down, tbui. unghly fatigued with III. effort. 1 he presiding elerif inau then coinm.nwd the hymn t Rinner ! come right Into d. ark, Tb. devil's g,a plrg fr yon in live dark. Aod tin draguu'a crossing tb. sky! Don't let him betrb y,n if ye. .1. wiw, for the ehonliar stars will blind yrBireyea, " That yon c.n't climb .pin lb sky I The eierci'rs were cluscd .lib Ib lijinn t We re all (win. home lo glotr. And we'll ii,l. on Ihe tb-ty cars. And llie bone, dal 'II carry as Will b. Ih flying stars I tr-Th S. Y. Trlbart any. A. T. "iw.rl ka. decided not lo erect Ib. he-tup. fur th pony aa Ik lands offered by a wealthy ritiren f.r ib.t par pm. II. will biin'eif prinwme lb pfnj-ei t ceapl.iinn at an vpe.. eppre.iptitg nearer tv. million than an. milii-n. A well kavaa and ei perl .rrkilawt ha. W. aMsalll. .nd lb noble work of providing homes for lb. le.lutlri oils poor i. lo be roninenrd .1 su t.,1; day si, I prosecuted with energy. r... ... i. ii l. ... eiiv of tt wbinglot, that a TkeU Ih.a ek.,ke. fc... he.. ..1 ..i. ,L. pre-ntye.r Tber were ..reniy Sr. the,, be- fore, sy on. fee ewy r-"" !r'-',i'!'S WHOLE NO. 823. TIIK (iltKAT MASTODON DISCOVERT. Troy, Not, II. Theiolenlifioirorld ii nnlte likely to ha thoroughly aroused by the reoent discoveries In the domain of natural hiitnry at uminci, tne manufacturing vitiligo Immediately aillaoent to this oily. During the process of an excavation, some weeks' ilnccr, on the lite nf a mill to be newly erected, a mammoth jaw bone was found about one hundred feot Iron) the hnnki nf Ihe Mohawk river, Imbedded at a dist ance of lixiy-five feet below the surface nf the earth, and being taken np at once, excites, the attention of the natnralisla not only of this vi cinity, but likewise far and wide. The lenulh of the jawne thirty. two Indira, twenty inches in wiiiin, ami weighed eomenhut more than forty-six pnnnds. On Thursday last the romaini nf acnniplote acitnii in a niiga mastodon worn disoiivared eighteen feet further down in Ihe same exoar tinn, and Iho attendant nnturulisls of Yalo and Union Colleges and the Knnsselcnr I'olyteohnio fnstituto nf t liia city are fully confirmed in Ihe opinion that th. frame can be made quit per feot. The remains have been carefully gath ered together In the mill of Hie Harmony Cmnn any, denned and oiled, and it it expected that tnuy will lie viewed and prnnnnnoed opnn dur ing the coming week by FrnfuMor Inu!s Aefti ix, the learned naturalist and savant of Har vard University. The Jaw of the nms'ioilnn. is luiir tret tune luetic. In length fnmi Ihe month to Iho cranium, tu which a nor lion nf tho brink- honu and Jaw are Hill cunoeoteil. The cranium rise, very liko that of an elephant. Thn two finks each measure right fret in length, and their Irn position ii well niitked on the upper Jaw. The hip bona Ii Br. fat lung and weighs one hundred jiiKiuils, while the shoulder blade, measure ten feet nine Indies, and weigh about nity nnuuiis eacn. Tlio under Jaw already a I lulled lo as having been fnnnd levernl weeki moo, precisely fits the upper law now exhumed. ami tne run are found to be lour feet and a-lialf ii length, and, at before slated, tho fotsilists are, nf tho opinion that Iho completed frame will iiirin a mint essential nnd grave contribution to thn tciencu of natural history. The measurement shnwi that the animal mmt have stood at least liftoen feet iu bight, and have been little onwards nf twenty in length, independent of the tusks already stilled to be each eight feet in length.' I'ruressor Marsh of tin-Ynlo College Buirntiflo School gives it at nit hi m grouniicti opinion mm tlio retniiini die corvred uro those nf a great North American mnsimion. comparing In all ita parts fullv will) the description uf Ihe aniinnl given in Ihe soivnlilio works at follow, i " The animal hat the vaulted and cellular iknll of (be elephant, with large tuskt In tho upper law, and beavv form. From Ihe character uf thu natal bonei aud the lliorliiest nf the head and neck, it baa been concluded Hint It had a trunk." Whenever similar remain, have been dis covered on the continent Hi. fact hat never fail ed tu awaken the deepest iulcroct, nut only In mis couuiry uui iu curnpe. rragiueuit were first discovered at early at the year 1705, and in iwu tne nr t comparatively complete tkele tun uf a mastodon trat found sunu'wucro in Or. ange county, I am tuld. and liuinediiiudy (rani pulled tn London, relcrnrd and kept on exhihi Hon in rhiladvlphla fur tome years. Dr. War rt-u. of Harvard College, ia .aid to Ire iu notte. sion of a Inrgu part uf another frame, and in 194.) it Is tiated that a Urge and valuable col lection uf mastiHlon bones were found un the banks nf the Mississippi river, and having been wired together were exhibited throughout the country mid in Londuu a. the great Misrosuri nm. Harvard t'nivurtity it alio iu nhatcsiion ul a iiinsloil,.ii skeleton, belonging tn Dr, War- ri ll, ann ii u ain.a.a im, emrtlnirw, Ihe on mcval species have been found in several of the -Hiuics. but ia no iiutauce anrtbiog like at per fect at the on. how developed at Cuhoea, Boi eulilio iuvestigalimii upon Ihit'cnnlrovcrtcd tub- jeel have been widely extended and marked by gri-ni inuufiry, anil a. inn great event t inwt. lin y lint a been characlerixed by much siicoes. aim iruiuininrs.. i . .. . . Tho author turs i " The fiaid of llie matto- dou was entirely vegetable, as is proved hy the remain, ni iwigs ot coiiiieroiis If lis, and oilier vegetable mailer (on ml between Ihe rib. t and Ihe animal wa. doiihllrs. fund nf resurling to marsh)' or boggy planes in scan h nf succulent pi.uls, where it wo. nlten miied in tne very places its rrinnini have brrn rxirtcted ilunug in. nineieuiim caninry. Anniiier writer re mark. : " Tho geulogieal nmitiun nf Ilia re main, of this sueciet (itiasliHlon) ho. long been ami Willi is a suljecl ul di.pule amung geulognti! in a few instance. Ihry arc raid lo hale been lound below Iho dilfl. In Ihe pliocene, and even iu Iho iiibweiH-t but I hey liar, generally h. en uuiainni irom the post Jili'iciie or alluvial fur HiRliimt at a ilrplh of lite In Irn fret, in Incus tral depn. I. b,,gs and brds nf Inlu nrial rarlli Hninc iiave thnughl that Ih. maslodoiis became extinct .nice tb. advent f man on th. etrlh. Ao.urdtfig tu I.irll, Iho period of their dcslruo- Ihiii. thtugh geolngieally luoderu, must hare been many thousand years ago. Thn same cause, probably acted In their extinction aa in the case uf Ih. fwsil eh phanl, perhaps partly climatic chiugrs, nr, n oru piohalily. some gn at Oonvu'sion mi Ihe surfnoo uf Ih. globe at an ppnch anietmr In man. A ui.iingni-hril nal oral hislorian sars t " One nf the nrinripnl de posila of uia.ln.bril bones psrrt In have been Hi. llig IIihip l.utk. in Ihe imrili part of Ken larky, near th (Hno, hence Ihe niaslialon hat been railed ' Ihe animal id the Ohio.' N'nne nl Hip rrmaius have the appearanoenf having been rolled, bill spent lo have been onmoted since Ihe death of the animal i and it Is worthy uf r maik thai lloe which wrre lound at Ik. river if the Ureal Osage, .Inch run. into tb. Vie snarl a little above It. confluence with the Mis siseippl, were In vprttcal pn.iilai. a. If Ih annual bad ant Hoged nf burn 4 too la tail I'.rkinsnn. in hi. " Oiganio Ii, mains." add. "The enonlry in nhlrb Ihe. remains (maslo doiis) are (ihimI. ts like aa laneiis .lei. knr .red na etrry side by mountains, tlo di(ging Into Ih mulusr) a her. Ilirs bones ar loauit. Ih. followiiif strata ar generally foand t One or IW fat M peal, ore or I wo feet nf yelluW marl, with vegetable Mnaius, about t. fat of gray marl, with Vrge'ahl remain. aUut a fat ol grey mall. I ke ..brs, finally a bed shell mail. In Ih gray marl Ih boar ar generally band " The ridl In which th. diseavrry of Cidiar. a.. boind .in.ers I'.ikinwia' de'cnpim to th abnr. rjootalinnt exactly. II Ifi.s sppests that a great and permanent entiiiHiiia at abnel to Ih, and. trrr. .ad Ih.l in Ih bnsmn nt Ih Utaf. of Xe Vask hat beea f.Hind lb mnst dimvriy fad. nig la elacl.l alinsl btsanty smJ a saanr, many V. IhrmU. 1 ITK t KlirRCB IT Tlllt MMI- itio ar lis irs ti i heuio. The enroriMl.nvs rnealw a ilk Ik lal m.rdef oi A.g.M Nk.nt neve a .add ka4i aes .rtsass aa I rnak. I.w.11. aapan)WI ia ta bitary sd erusuaal tttins. Tkef a, ifopieua tW Ittlaa aearllees aWw. Ilw eenld lhr b f Tli wastir-f ataa a Ih print 'I aunly it M atw .evsgkl by b".. lalwrl pratM. lur kisoeeli Bad family Ii lb .act af law), and had k-a-Mily cansH aat bw tamisaa .f la th asarr af his deaik. Taraagk ika kia-lne ml iKejvy Htsni Cb. a at. rak!e4 la tar WIm awr reader. a fall .ard tmaareaeas alpaaeat af lb aaardi isass afTair. An- hana(af Ibe dre.4 I 1.1 rtia. a elsrtew aa ks. amasaa aHk tWU knnwWalg. 4 ia taaia Lets, aat l la aa-1 a bee a aaik'.g Arnvmg at Ik kass af Ih br.eber sd Ik. 0Miatel tn.a, b Ikat . ta4 aa WMafWI Ik mim sd Ik IsM.'t i bbs saantar, asai basis) kas swetatsMs, attsta I 1 ;t la Maaasrd aa at s-db a.: mm'T ,VTrJ"' Ml fhalt ttH TT"4 th kfa af j tt'e kef ba.baed aat eflb. Bay fa la J !ej S, W'.Ttff fe J"e W,1", ssaaaaa. ) ' I ISOOK AND JO It I'KEX 1 1;, . flf Kvery Description, rXXCITHI) WITH nkatnk AND DISPATCH. I . avKs or AnvssTisiso. ' First Iniflrllon, IS pur squsrs of ten lines or If1., rnlnioa meainrt, l tor each snibacqnent Iniertlon. f tW A.lverhsiriK hills, when nut paid In advance, will h. W charisil ls.iity.Hvs per crnl, til'lltlunal, lo eovcr llie cetl m of dolleclioa. P A liberal deduction from the sbors rnles w'll b. mad. ' In fsvoiof lho,e who arlnrtlH hv Ihs uuarter. ' O muscular man, and a cool, calculating vil-. mm, lavureu tue project, ana navmg an eye to the pottcsiion of Mn. Shulx, toon trlectcd the roeaui that of killing fihulz aomotime when lie wat pasting from bit own bonto to that of , t lilt brother, and between which that of Walk er It iltuated. The tint intimaor between Walker aud Mn. Slinlts ocoorred about two 1 monlht ago. The partial lived about half ft ' " mile apart, in the buili, of! the Pontiao road, a Mn. Shalt wat in the habit of going to Walk- ,, er't tor tvater, and while on the errand became '. acioaltited. From thit tprnng a criminal In- ' tiraaoy, whiob hat resulted in the commistioo of a horrid crime, tho main facta of which are :, already known. It wat nrnjeoted about five ' ' eekt ago that Shulz ihonld be murdered, and , Mrt. Hiioix left nor home on a visit to her" friend. In Bedford wilh the uodentanding tbat' tho bloody deed tlinuld be aconmnlithed before . . he returned. The negro Walker wat to per- . petrate th. murder, bnt when the opportunity'"' ..tV I Ll- I . S-1I...I L!. I . . ' ouereu ms uears iuiicu uiiu, niioiz wa. arawa 1 Into hil trap, bat when the fool act wa rip-.j for accomplishment Walker waa too ninch,,, frightened to ttrike Ihe fatal blow. Thit patted, and Mrt. Nltnli retnrncd to End thar" her heart't detire had not been eonmplished."' Bbe then upbraided Walker for oowardioe, and- Jt under the ttiug bo committed the horrid deed. Ko Saturday night, while Sliuli was patting frnin bit own huuto tn that of bis brother, he wna met in the garden patch hy Piney and : Walker, and there brutally ahot down and tt beaten to death by the hell-hearted rufEant. The thnt from thu musket took elfect in the back of Sit head, but did not Immediately kill !" him. Walker clubbed ihe weapon and com-:'" tiU'.ed the bloody work hy nearly beating hit , it iiraint out while lying intentihle from the ef-, , feett of the thnt. Thit occurred iu Iho path.' Immediately below Walkor't houte, and about' i0 half way between 8hulx't hnoto and that of ,f hitbrutlier. Mrt. Slinlz had vitited Walker In Ihe morning and told him to prepare for the:,., mnrdcr. In the evening Shulx, in the iann-, ovneo of hit heart, told her (lint he wat going over to hit brother'! fur money, but wailed whde the went for a pail of water to Walker'. t That interval wat fatal to him ; fur during tbat ' it the scheme for hit murder wot Well laid, and , how well It wat carried out the public already . know, From a pertonal interview onr report-'"' or learnt that between Walker and Mrt. Sholl there had been a criminal intimacy of teveraL . muni In duration, and that it wat fur the pur pose of marrying ench other and going into the grocery butiiicst in Cauada that tho horrible m detd wat perpetrated. Piney, the aetooiate,"' ttatet tbat on Saturday moruing be eavr thai oi fiair together klstior ami otherwito indulging ,,, n love dalliance. He wat of oourte disgattcd, but said nothing. ' "When Rnniz wat thot by Walker, and then ' : lieate to death by the pair, bit body waa r. ornthed into a barrel and allowed to remain a , their house nntll a late hour in the night, when , it wat taken out and placed in a wagon and' taken down the tldo road onto the Ponlito road, nearly two toilet distant, and thrown into the ditoh where it wat found. The barrel tit , then burned, nnd. with it the ttnek of the mat-,, kot with which tho dreadful crime waa com-' . pleted. The gun barrel wat then thrown into o adjoining bath, but hu not yet been dkty " eovorud." . , ' . , Walker, Piney, and the thadowy female , with whom the former wat tleeping when ar retted, are all In Jail, hut in different apart- ' monti. Walker it reticent, bnt promises a ii lull ooufetiion on the day of hit trial. Piney, .,: wbota handt are leu Imbrued with tho blood t of Ihe viotim, tellt all he knuwi, bnt, of course, layt all the blam. W.lker. Mrs. Blmll U- also qoiet, but ackoow ledge t hor orlmiual lotl- a macy wilh Walker, and ttatet that be first in- ft duoed Jier to agree to the murder. ,,, Taken altogether, the murder ia the mott bearllcw on record. There wat neither mal- ' . We nor avarice In gain In itt accomplishment, 1 and nothing bnt lliedeepettdyed villainy could ,t bare tuggetled itt perpetratiun. - .lo rr When the great Richellca died.hlt head wat arparated from hit body and preserved. ii After several nmntli. of research the bead baa (j at length been discovered in the potsctsion'of , nn ancient family in Mretagne, and forthwith ' tent to Ihe Minister de I'lnstroolinn pobliqne. Tbiw. alio were present at the opening of lb ' box diaeribe the head at in a wonderful atat ! nf pretervatiun. The eyobrnwt, wliikers, im- - , perial aud mou'taohn are of a reddith colur, nd quit, perfect on. eyelid wat closed, the nlh.r open. Tho fleth uf oourte waa black. ' It bore soinaibing (he appearance of a maik, V but not at all nnplratant. .. .. AnntT Obm. A good story is tnld ' nf Ih. Int. Father Mullen nf New Orleans. -a Ren. Duller ono sent fur him to bury an Irish -Roman Catholic then In Yankee uniform. Hit alacrity in coming surprised Butler, who expeot ed ennlumaciousness. 8o he tnldt " How Itf ' It, Faiher Mnllen, yon com. to bury a dead, n Yankee I" " Tbat tieueral. it a rite I will per-,. form for yon all with tilrasuro." 'V 17 Ou Inquiry at lira Navy Ueparlin.nt, it i a aaceriained Uml no lloiutors bava been .old to) anv foreign government, nor havo any foreign gnvernm.nlaofticiallv Ir.liuiated a desire to make ' 1 socb investment.. It it true, however, that prt- t vat. psrtlra, all nf them American eilisans, hare offered propositions, wiibnut stating for whom '' Ihey wished la purchaie, but Ih. baa ia! decided not lo sell any of lhal rlaaa nf .hip., whelh.r tl.ey were built In th. Navy Yards by (Jovernmeul eoutrarlort or ouiaiuo by private :! . parllet. .... ilrcominClviLIKD " I have Men Indian ever tine. 1 entered Novada," aayt a lelterwrilar, w "at most all kinds of manual labor in th. Held a inrmwlng Ih. train, digging potatoes, and taw. : lug wood i lb f.snalss wasbipg rhilhe. r .oa Ihgla enlinary sprraiionst lb. boys engaged in . taking eat. uf ll,. Hock, herding and feeding th raitl., horses, etc, uniil 1 hav. brcom. perfectly nil ennvlnretl, ant only that Indians will work, but,., Ih.l Ihey do work, and I bar. fnnnd .1 least on. In.iane when they bar. worked steadily and regularly for years." , - II nil tar... Heenan and tforrt.tey, ih. great 1 Ji.gilisla, hav keeoros friend., and klorrissey of I i. ert I. bet ('O -lhal lies nan can whip any , ia Ihe world. Il It probable that lleennn will glvt him a chanct to do to. Moiriaauy bat "" sars infomaliiH, thai llaanaa was dragged ia hi. m la.l tight in England by hit seconds, who war bribed tgaiasl hint. (Jar. T Revival. Tb. paopl of Atlanta, Oa., ar enjoyiag a revival n( an .xtraordinary anag aitnde. h.ihing bk. ll ka. ever been known there All boMOe. was saspeaded on. weak day, and lb. mire mmmunily went to prayer meat lags. .lbli.l. I'resbvtMian, and llaptiat vharrket bar. ark their hsr of converts. MTMiMT Th Meibadisl. never do thing. " I by halt. Tki. (valanarr year af Methodise, .t Ihey rewired lo raiM a Isrg. sura two-millions af were s.ggeaied by lb (leneral Confer- ' ear. (of carrvlng on lb operations nf ihechnrrdl. The.awant already pledned cannot b. fa. thaa ,1 aiilli. .kd a half of dollar., tiT A pasjipany t ecJare. .migrant, sailed for I.iWi. ffa, New York, lee, fiih, tn found eu lMnl, a b named l.inroln. la hon.M- of tha lal Ire.i4el. Tb. .apeaso. f Ih. vovnge and s. sv-nib, (wotl.k. tan by lbPeaa-i tylvtaia twared IT" Tk.Ckarbr.lua M.frary, after a sa-R-aiaaef aeara year, kas Utely reatnd nouocv lra. ll edejitt. Ih.l Ib. war annihilated la right mt sssiasiiH,. and will dam llaelf kamfteir la Ik development of Ik. autrrial inlrrtatref tk . 8aik. f.i.i rurr Oa (V iuh.r ?ih there wore at It.rTahh K.w Yark. a Heel mt tfl e.K.l tss:-..., aailint U ga Mat lknih Ih. Krie ranal. 1 ni .wrsaisj. teat, ."vying Hpaatii. nf (uK',! , battel, af train, W, aba male through !b etnal , ia a tJagki day. t O' l'h ! irra shouM not ht allowed I. aa. a' fewcil, gaily eofaej. Arat-riie and lead are a..d I'li ,J a t