PAliMTMONI)AV, DEC. 10, IH(i(. Wlll'.N THE LKAVKS AltK TI ItMXM IIKOWJf. Never is mv lu-urt so KU.V In the ImiUliiiit inoiiili "I "".v, Neve r does it lieiil t itite riulf sweet in hlnnniitur June, Navel knows mh'Ii liHtiiaa A Ml '! Ii u ihiv us this, W!ien October dons lifil- r.rown, llie loaves Bra tiirn'mfj brown. Brealho, sweet children, soft morels For llin vanished violets; Hinir. you lovers, the lrl ijufli tt 01' iho Koldeu summer niglilsi Nov-ec Iti the siiiMiiisr hours ' , On my wuy su-jli riuliunco showers, As from heaven full softly flown When the leaves me tiirnhiK brown ! Druid your pii-dlea, fi'esh and (ray, Children, in the lilnomof Muyi Twist your chuplei in yoiiui; Juno, Maidens limy will fude full soon i Twine ripe rimed, July-red, Lovers, for tliu dear olio's head ; I will wohvb mv richer crown Wheu tlie leaven in turning brown I Mrt, Vanl Akrrs. TKLKCiltAPlIIC! INKWH. New York, Nov. 2rt. Tim Warld'i Hew Orleans special ! Dispatches received from Fluke's Bnlli.'tin. ut Galveston, nnnnuncoi that General Sedgwick Imd crossed lie Hio Grande nn Thursday, Nov, 22. with a lirigaile of U. S. troops, and occupied Matamorao, assuming that he did so In proiect llie intorrati of Aim-r'ican residents in that town. Tint niovetnent crea ted great excitement, as it is not known v heth er the government sanctions it. The World's Washington special says tlie President received a special dispatch from General Sheridan, announcing that Sedgwick had crossed the Kin Grande, and now occupies Mexican Territory with United States, troops. It it understood this movement hut heen made without the knowledge of the President. New York, Nov. 20. Tho Tribune.! Dub lin correspondent suys: Political exuiteiiient hns run to an alarming hight in Ireland. It says that every city, town and village has its fall quota of inilitiii. and guntioals are scatter ed all over the Irish cmt. These nieiimirea plainly hespetik an reprehension nf the fulfill- cent of Slepliena' pr i es. His last speech in America lias tiocu published in several Irish jnnrnals.and linn caused quite apolitical furore. The Irish people acetn to have implicit confi dence, in llie eiticerily. Among nil classes the conviction grows anil sprends that we nro nn the eve of startling and terriblo events. The Fenian organization throughout the country is in a high statu of activity. Its committees are terribly in earnest, nml their plans uro shaped for a fierce and bloody struggle. The recent news from Ireland has caused great excitement at the heudiiuarlem of dames Stephens in New York, and the offices; lire now thronged from morning till midnight. Steph ens disappeared several days since, and is not expected to ebow himself here again. It ii claimed that money, arms and iimiuouitinn are flowing in, nml that the Calif' ruia Fenians bave pledged $1(I(UH)0. The World's (Jiicciistown correspondent, writing November I7lli. says: I send you an inkling of the most iniportunt news which litis ciune from Ireland for many a long day. The blow is nhont tn he struck at the power of Great Britain. Wilhin a month yon will hear of a rising nf the Irish people from one end of this unfortunate island to the other. Tho train bni long heen laid, arms nro here, men are ready, ollice rn nro appointed, and tlie organi sation is pet Icclcd. 'l lie movement on Cana da was really ft feint, fur all the nlnle tho ob ject was steadily kept in mind to create an out "brenk upon the. old soil of Ireland. New York, Nov. 28. At a hue hour lust night, the World's extra appeared 11111111 the Ircets, with exciting news from Ireland. The effect npnn the street was uneiiiuled since the news of the great victories of the rebellion rinccs of amusement were thinned out by pen pie anxious to bear the news. Fenians rush ed In the meeting places of circles, hoping to get additional information. Forty-one tele grams wero sent to distant cities, and instantly enthusiastic responses wero received. Stephens chief organizer, was invisible, nml it ia confi dently believed he reached Ireland, It is snid that the treasury of (ho Fenians was never in belter condition than now. The Irish of the city were excited to fever hent, and kept tip a constant call for fresh dispatchet over tho cnhle, Chicago, Dee. 1. A Washington telegram mys that the. statement which is being gener ally published, purporting to be nn abstract nf tho report or the Secretary of the Treasury mt lip mainly from ellicial statements hereto ore published, and so far it is correct. Other portions of the statement, however, are mere speculations, and tire generally incorrect. The estimated receipts for the next I'ncnl year, in stead of being t)lilHI.(MIII.IHal, as stated, are re ally less than $ .5U.(MH).(MK). The Secretary Will tint recommend the issue ol live percent bonds, as stated, nml will iudieuto the lime nt which, in his judgment, tho resumption nf spe cie payments can be safely ell'ecled. It is his opinion, that this limy bo 1I01111 in eighteen luoiiths, but bo hopes tho country will be such as to warrant tlHi resumption at an earlier dale. Chicago, Deo. 1. The conduct of llie Ad ministration in its 1 Herts to hurry Napoleon nut of Mexioo, when he reully seems currying out his pledge as tjiiitkly 111 possible, is looked upon in diplomatic citcles as uncalled for, ami as most ceitHiu In force the French into a war if iersttled in. The Johnson men are losing faith in their ability In create a discussion nut of lite Mexi can question. Inuian'Fiuht. The Alia hns the following: One of the most brilliant little Indian lights that hns been made on this coast occurred at Lake Albert, Oregon, nil the 2(ith of Sepoember. A detachment of twenty-live men from Fort Khimath, mid the sumo number Irniu Cuinp Biilwell, all under the command nf First Lieut. J. F. Small, 1st, IJ. S. Cavalry, attacked a camp of about one hundred Sunkea near the Lake. After a battle which lusted three hoi rs, the Ind ana fled, leaving behind fourteen dead and seven prisoners. In their camp were found Imrses, nhVe, and a large quantity of provisions. The attack was so skilllully made that only one nian(nf Co. A, 1st Cav.)wns wounded, although the ground was very unfavorable for the troops, and llie result fully sustains the reputation tins jming nflirer hns gninrd in the East, nn one nf the best and hardest lighters in bis regiment. Home Manufacture. HICCINS & CO., now manufacturing a superior article of Chemical, Olive, Pale, find Brown l'AMIlW NOAl Which we will wll at Nan Pram-Ism Trices, ind di-liv. tr to up river bonis Ire of charge. All enter, sent lo POHTI.AND SOAP KACTOKY, ortoMii'KAKKN', MI.KIUM.& CO., Agents, will meet with prompt attention. W, I IlItlfllNS & CO., Front St., bet. (.'lay and Colnnibi. Fori laud, Orciroii. IV Mcrrakcn, Merrill & Co., Audits. CALEM FOUNDRY tan MACIIIINK MHOl. Snleiit, Orciroii, DItAKK & MOOKE. l!um.fnci,in.r. of STKAM ;.(7A.'.iul liml.UkS.ISun Hills. (Irlsl Mills, Keepers, Thrashers, I'uinpa. ami and all kinds and style, of machinery. Itacbiuery repaired al short Mothe, Pottern Making done in all'it. various forms, and all kind ot IllUtii and lUOhi ( AM INOS fur nished at short notice. H. P !U KK, VMI J. II. HO IKK Island Sngar, and Molasses. 2 500 KKS ,sus" 8l(1AH ' 130 IIIIIA ISLAND Jlt)I.AS8i:s, .Met'HAKK.NMIKIIItILL jt CO. I'liriluii.l.lM. i".' -ImSI HUSI.M'.SW ('AUI)S. j.ii.mitchki.l. ' jus. i. noi.rii, Notary Public. MITCHELL & DOLPH, Attortiuys and Counselors at. Law, Holicitors In Chancery, Htid Proctors in Admiralty. Ollleo over Post Olllre.'Kront trout, Pnrl hind. ftWlf WILLIAMS & MALLOKY, Attorneys at Law. Ollice In tlie Court ilmiw, Hulem, Or- ertn. Juno. 8, 18). Iltf nl!MAHON&.(IKLL,AtlorneysHt Law, Dalles, Wasco county, Oregon. ilHtf ITXEiOTLEWTsT Importun-aiid Whole XVsnledealors In Groceries, Dry Goods, ClotbiiiK, and Hoots und Hhoes. Also, solicit consignment nl Onuton produce, for the Hun Francisco market ,un which liberal ad vunces will lie made Persons shipping goods from the KiisternHtatosto niircare.cnn rely upon their receiving prompt atten lion, at moderate charges, Ollice in Sun Francisco, IK'.lrtunsnme street. 4Ktf CHESTER N.TEKKY, Attorney and Cmm solor at Luw, Huleui, Oregon, Commissioner of Deeds, and to takotnstiinouy, acknowledgements,, for Iowa, Indiana, Missouri, Michigan, California and Washington Territory. letters of Attorney, fid all otber instruments of writing, drawn on short notice. Particular attention paid to taking Depositions, Col lection of Notes, Accounts. Ate. 3tf JC. I'O WEI,L, Attorney at law, Alhanv. Linn Co., Oregon Ollice in Monteith's Duildiiiii. Will practice in all the courts in Oriunn,aud promptly at tend to all business entrusted to his care. Particular attention paid to collections from Portland, San Kniii cisno and elsewhere, in all parts of Oregon. Tliobest of reference iftven If desired. 4iitf I. AW NOTIti;. HAVING permanently located In Salem, Oregon, 1 solicit patronage ill the line of my profusion. Collection., conveyances, agencies, and all business in and out of conrts pertaining to a law ottii-e, promptly attended to. Friends, give me a call. Ollice opposite the Capital Hotel. O. W. LAWHON, March I!', ll. ly3 An y at Law. P. c7RiLLlVAX 4 J. A. API'IKGATK, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, DAU,AH, POLK COUNTY, OKKOON. Sr. JT. H, Chitwood, . KlIFOIUI I'll YNIOIAIV. Ok'h'KiK at Ins reshloiico 011 Front hit., one block north of 8uperintemlent Huntington'. He would say to the sick who wish to be enrrd without having their teeth extracted with calomel, or their constitutions impaired will) other mineral poi. sons, to give him a cull. Hiileui, .fun. yy, IHiiii. JUIIK J. SHAW. OKOIIOI! P. IIOI.NAN Notary Public. SHAW & HOLMAN, Alloriieys at Luw. Snl'inf Oivoti. Ollice in the ConrtJT'MiHfl. ly'J0 J. II. UNDKIIVVOOI), UKO. ll. UOHKIi, Notary public. Underwood & Dorris. ATTOHNKYHhihI Ciuwormit LHW,mnlS(iliritnrii in CliHiim-v, Enuutio. Oii'ion, will nnirline in all Llm court 11 of tfiiii Sttiiu. Oihj uf tho firm will iilwtiVR b in ut t'ourtd in tlie Sct;otni Jmlu'iit Dm tricti. Particular uttcntion jmid to collenttnin from DTt.I.B. SKIFF Ollice ia MnoriV Hrit-k Huililin. llnniiencet nuur corner of Y int nml tenmr atmutR. T T None but IIiumIum! oiwmtioiiH nerfttrmod. iiv.ll denhetlie pH)roiuiK nf fuch periJiiKimwinh ope m nut m puriormcfi hi me mum periect uiHtiupr. Kiilmn. leo.!Wil, IHtilJ. O J A0 Are you tick, Iih-Mc, umI mm Hln(t,il,,rf ii ..n with )uur R)tcm (kijiiiftt:, nt A VOlir ftfifhrit lii.i'.iitnort Yllt'MI n inpitmin RIP IrllVIl tho prolific t HTioiiH iiiiiffn. Home lit of ititkiitwi in crt'CiiiiR iipoti uutnnil ftlinuld be n.rrlitl ly k ttitu-ly uki? ot Hie riftlil rt im tlv 'Juki-Avr I'lllN.aitd dcNiiM-mit tho tllfoiilcrcfl liimifiin nnr !v tliu blfxxl, mid let the Hul'U iimvi on unol)ftriirl(l fn iicaIHi nutilti 'I I icv piiiinilHtu the fiiiicllniii ut' f iCtt E- "-7'Ttliu bodv nl vicoroui net v tv V .ftk. i bit UCIWU WlllCll llllll.U (llft'UKO -'---A cttld W'ttlL'n hoiih'M hero in ilia bmly, and otwtmcli Iti imtural liinclioiis. Thccp, 11' utit teliwi'd, nnct uiwii tlieniMj.vt'ii and llie Mirntiimlitttf oriraim, pro1uciig cfiiurnl MKruvitiiott, Milli'iinv, aiu UiM-umi n Idle Hi tli in cotiililmn, utiiirt'ops d bv tl.u dr muirt'nH'htt. tike Avar's I'illf, ami ft-e how dln'i'tlv thev rtMore tlie nalurid acliou vf tbv imfcm, nml Hiiti It tlie lihivnitt tt-vliiiK of bi'Hlth avain. "Wluil i true und to ij'iittt'iit fu tliii trivial ittid ruin t not) cuiniilBiiit, fx nlmi tru in lunnv ol tlx) tict'it-MftU'd anu nnimuruiiH (jiiiL'iiiit.rii ilw cnirM! pitr(iillvv t rli ct i'Xn!i them. (.'ttUM-d In nm- ilnr (iltriictMiiiH and durniiui'iiifiitii ol tne iiaiiuul lime- tiium of I tie bt-dy. Ilwy am rniidly. and nmnv ut llu in finely, ciiM-d by'thi1 winie im-uns. ISoiio tvliu'kuow the vlrtiii'n of tliow rill. Hill iif-lfct to ctnploy llitm vtlivii iiiiH'iinji inim inu uicoruern utey cure. Muti tiu-uta horn letidlnti idivHuatm in mimparilip itrfu- clival ei licit, and Irom oilier wt'll-kuowu publio k'Ioiid; Fmm n Forwaniinff Merchant nf fit. Louis, h'el i. Wt. 1H. Aykh: Your are tho tiuruuroii ut' ull Unit la pttut Hi iinnilcitie. Tin y linre curt-d my littla ilunnlitcr 01 Hirerou Bonn upon ncr iihikim unit n et iitui nun jittm-u nr ran, hit muiiier nun ih-'U hi hit irru'vmimv nhlit:lvd Mill, hlotcbft and itimplin uti tier nkin umI In lu-r niiii. a hit our ciniti wna cuuutni uifo in.-ti tnui-1 in nun uicy uuvacurau uur. JiuitV iauui. As a Family Pliyalo. Fmm t)r. F.. If. farttcriuht, Aew Orleattt. Your I'llla are the piinro nf purm. Tln lr txtiIItit flituliiHfi mrpus anv cuilmrlk i poMt-Mt. 'lwy hip tmld, iit!prv cpriaiiiamiptiprnini in im-ir urtiomm tiu im cfp, which innkira thein imaluuble to u tu llie dnily lipnlntfiit Ol II Heart art Mirk llrailnrhri Foul Ntetiinrh.. From fir. Ettirant How !la!tkutrf. Dkab It ho, Avkk: 1 Csiiiiiiit tn,MvT mf what com pluinis 1 bate enrrtt with your I'lllt bvitcr Ihtin It tn 'tttt Ih tt ir ervr imit wifh d punatir' htrilirin, " (iliiptf prt'iit ib'pi'iiib'iirii en thnt illicilinl citthitrtio'fu liiv.ilnilv' uitilmt uiih dU'aie, and bWlpviutf, n rd(,llint unr l'ilfn uilord ua the btft we Imvo, I iiIi'oiiim! ahiu,ilu'iiUiif:ty Pirrnnr'no, Itf. MnyJ; 'IK1. Du. J. T. Avpk. filr: I linte'lHi'iirrfM-ablv 1 of 1hn Mort hi nitirhitu u Itmlv rati lmvi by rtthri nr mi of jmir l'llln. It Mi-nn tuwiiice trim M ' b til Moinui-li, Utticli tlii-v cli'iiii-y-wt itiiri-? Voura ttithi-nt iwpoct, v nriVr. i'ltl'IM..'. w . . i'trrl; yf St? V ur ' V.iri H Dlliona UiiortIrra l.irrr yt)i:ii(N I'rtm hr. th. f , ;;,. Nut only nrv vour Til in ailntiintN tw",PV(rl ii iht ir pur pnro hn an bwrjVjit, but I lliid'tluir It i.i lit t Hi it- uj on ii.i i.itiTvcry nmrkt'ii inUui iict U'i iiliiti d inure rllivtuttl tortlu' i'iiut'itf -.'i'. i in 111;, t I tin tt liny imv n-ini-ilv can nii-niiwi " I MiirnrU n;";i'i Mutt we bate nt hut; ill n puriiin nhirli U ,.mili the cmiUUt-ucu ot l hit piuu -i-iim ntnitiv p -ouv. lKPAuVrsT iiptiij: ITn;iiit, I WnrvliiKv'ioii, Ul h I ' t-. InV: I Slit: I baveunpd your I'ilM'hi mv frmgiiii uiul ho-piiitl irnt'ik'i iviTiiii;e nit iiunlw ihpm,ninf luni'ni lu Mtiiti hi my I Imv arc IhP U-xt cntlinrtip.wc tmphii Ihtir uu loiii'ii at I In n en the lltrr l iiiit'k'tini fttcitUil. n ittt iitlv ti.iy air an adiuiriiblo ii'iitpilvtinr ilvfriM itb nf lh;t oif;ail IihIihiI, I bate M-Ulmit ' luiind a I'Ro ol U'imis tlhnttr m oWlinatu Unit It did itul Vn'ililv Mrjl o Itu in l iatcinally )oui-, AI.O.N.O t.M.,l' ) , VhisimiH vf At M irine .' id. v lynx,ntrrr Dlnrrha-at Rrlax, W orunj. From hr. J. ii. i.'rrrM, 'hicaitn. ' . . Your Villa tune bad a long liivl'iii mv piatkr, attd'l hi d tlit-m in rlwni an one ot llm .vt ai'i-rivntN I bae tirr liMind. Their allvraiur cHi-pt upon llie Ibrr mnken tluu an vxri'llvnt rt'inrdv, nht n ptivpn in xnall doea lor MhoH ilttfrnttrft ini iiiirixm. '1 Iwir fiinfroHting itmkM tl ip m i very acc-ptable anil conveiiii'iit tor the uhi ot noitieii and cluiiireii. Iyprpla, Imparity ef lh 111 ami, Fmm tf(r. J. I. mic. lttirvf AtU-rtu C!iHrcht Hton hit. AVKK! I btne umiI our Mil with pMiituidinnry fiii' -i-f in inr Itnmly and niitoiiK ttioM I am nulled lo ri-ft in iIMii-ni. To rrdulati'tliuttriiNiiaof ditriliiiii and pnrilv llie b oMl, tiny aie the vrrv lnmt n nHnly 1 haw ever known, and 1 cau coniidcully Hftmimeiul ilain to my I ik' rnJ.. Youns J. V. IIIMr-S. Waiuaw, Wyominn Co X. Y .tVt. "I, KVi. Pi ah Mir: I aui u-ii our (albartic Villain mv piac tltf.and Und tlivtii au -pllptit piiicathc tocliainu the vitviu and pur itu thi buiiMm if the ttimnt. JOHN O MK AC 11 AM, 31. n CMitlrinllan, CoMtlrrttrwi, Mnitftn'wton. Ilhrat- i:ttttifin, iut Meuruluint sUruiny, luiul)Hi Frmf)r,J, P. Vaughn, Motttrmf, Ctimiifa. Tno nmrli cnni:ol In ruid id' loi.r Villa tor th cure of (v.ifi.vMi(iii. Ii itbp4tt our Ir'slprnitv batplound tbrm nrtl rarloti' I lne. ttiev pboiihl )Wti nip in pntc'ami ii n d, the Unt tit of the Hitiltdudin who Miller lioin ll.ut cotiiplnint, whit-b, tth hituU bad ciionli In it-clt, la Hip iojniitr ef nlliem tiat lire omi I Iwhcve r' iiiv m m tu oriniiiBip in the II pr, but your Vllh alb-i't that or'un ''d cure Hip uiMue, rn fri. F. Stmrtt Vhfirhn nttft MhIic, Vinton. I hi d one er two Is rye iIommi ol your l'iilr, takpn ai lb pn-H r lime, are exet'lWnt piomotivn nt' the ifim' (i-iK'i tttfii wholly or pniliaMv nppivMp, and a)o - y (iT'pctHal tu rVtruw tlte mark and rrftrt trormt. i l.t'v aie io murh tlie Vt phne ,.c liaia tliat 1 iom imtd i.o vtlwr loiny Mitiui. rVrin th Ktt. . iirivt, vf tk .V-lWif 'i. f rK hi'LAMKl iltM fK. Sntnni nh. ta . sb.ii. tt. K'-H. Iliiiui M: I liould U inicratelij for tlie tvltef m-ir .!.! bKi ttonght iito tf I did ttot U'nt hn rae to (en. A ro'd r4tivd in mv II mU and bn'tivht on rxorit pln'iiK HrHtific fKitttt, wldrli endrl In rronH rhen Mfii'i'M Nnih.iitioluta I had (Ih t I ul phipiaiia ltp i'Rw nvvf wmi end noii, itntt! r iIip ad tire of wmr rirrlli'i'l rtBimt in lUliimoie, Dr. tourt.r::.W I Irkd jour I'lJIr. 'liipti ((f't't- Mire ilow, bid nrp. n'r H'ei(ii)i in the mv of th nt, I am i.ow rnliipiy wtll. bt NATr Cham in n. l'ion I tog.-, I.b.MW ,va .Nvn I tae tivn pitiiro'v rimtl, bv imr Itlla, o( i,hm painful Utntt nt hipHl..-Ml iim ter.Mur. ViM'KNT M.IHKI.L. r7M -t nft!erut In n.aiM entalti rfprrtirT.wbirti ulii on :b n la'nati'e trnmtt tu Miril laiiil,in dinrrrmia in a pub'le pl't. Oom ttie drrndinl roi p)Bpi,pm thnl fr ptrntiy l low tFvo'HMi iim. 1'Ih .nlaiB Uv luer cury or imuri-al .nbniat.te v L.U'vvr. lrh, 83 ca it t por Txt or 5 Soxai for $1. rreparad bj Dr. J. C. ATU & Cn., Lowrll, Mam. B.MIlil PA VIS. rortlan.l. Yholcaa(i Afnu. IMm Ac 8nn, H. W. liibr. Vox & Co , J. E. CUrk. Sam. U2!) . A r r A -M V1V' AT,KM l.onnK Nn i hnldMarcriiUrrr.t,nitfil reiloiwoa U aecenil and Inarlh frHl in c4t WMiih. Hrirtti In gutl itiinnliit are Invllrtt lo allrnd. U H Wimrar.lVr'y. Mil H f. liltuM N, W. al. r' t v!t Sa v!iKniv; Shanahan & Dufrene, .J: .Vl MUSICAL INSTRUMEMTS Pictures ai d Ficture Frames, Rosewood, Gilt, and Walnut Moldings, Cor, First a d M r lson Sts. (Opposite the Woileru Hotel,) Portliiinl, Orojfon, Agents for Wm. B, Bradbury's New Scale, ..AND.. Lldeiiian and Sons' patent Cycloid Fianos. Am we liu port our fiiNtrtimenti direct from New York, we iruimtntoe to supply our cnntoinera ut Hun Fruni'iriro priuus, thereby nvn$ them the udvunliie of seliicthtK h Kood instrument. PIANOS FOR RENT, Mi'.HIIANAIIAN. formerlyof A. Kohler's Musical stMlilisliiiient, Sun Francisco, will attend to tuning and ri'iiniriiiK Pianos, Melodeotis, and ull kinds of Al i -1 Itislriltnenta. M Portland, duly Hi. Iy2fl Private Medical Institute. (established by vH. ' 0 DR. J. C. TOUN Gj,o FOR THE CUKE OF TKIVATE (DIS EASES, OF WHATEYEK J r And all Female c6omplaints. O f". - Consiiltiii!,', Ollice, r S:i WiiHlilntrtoii Htrevl, Kecoud building below Moiifjrmuery St., SAN FHANCISCO, : VCALl FOUXIA. ivo .'irfcu,nio' vav. CONSULTATION fY I.KTTKIt, Olt OTIIKK- WI.SK, FK KKE.-, For Direction of Letters, See Below, rPIIlH CKLKI1UATK1) INSTITUTIO Imn eniovi-d J. on tbiMioiiril an iiniiitei'i'iipted kiicchhk of Kourluui) ytmrH,iui(l Iiiin bfuonm one of the renowned HoHpiluIti nf llm nfo. Whul llio colt'linilcfl'ljoi-k HonpiUiIri u London, mid tl.e no jphu renowned eHiublifliiio'iit ol Hi cord to 1'aria. tlii Institute tuia bcroti'f! tn tho l'n- vilic Count. The thoinmmU BtiimaHy .rTived und cured. tliipe it in point of number of pit'iunta ummin tne very iiihi nr tne world, w.u inu auccua.1 oi iib treat ment nnikH it mto!hI I" none. -PHIVATK IHSKASKH IN MALKH and IRRI-OU- Xst HITIES IN KKMAMvS are the Kitiiijleidroveriiof hetiltii. Iiicy iiiDidiioiinly attai'k tlie Hyuieni mid md imlly uudpriiiine und dttroy it ; ttiedrive llie bioom from the clifjpk, the liintre from tlie eyeJ'tlieBtrffftptli und viof from tiio frame; the v wive to tlie world puny und dinpMHed otl'riiriiiK. hikI puimm, through uc-reiiHive.'-iii-nitioiia the rape of niun. 1'lTb iiiiirlfftrnn be Hct'ii in Mcrofiilii, ColiKUinptioii, Crippled ,thu Miotr ic, the Pimilytiu, the Iiihiiiio, etc. There ia noaiuiro terrible Hconro to the hnpjun.riice than thone dine tine a arHtdnu from the eotitaniinnthni ot Veucrul 1'oinon. The milifeat fomiH, by retruutiiiK to the blood, hold ever over the one iifllietud, the nword of dpHtriKtion tliut ia liable at any moment to fall und blijht to utterly deidiov all earthly bonea. WKKCl'KY, recognized a the mott fatal medical enemy toman, conihininy will) the Veneical, doiibleti bia diin(!rt. Tlione who have been treated with that Iieniicioiia mineral potrvn are not cured ; the dieeaae ma only aMimeil a new form. Do not bo Hatlslled with l'lirtlal Cures, that leave the oinon tn rniwl thrnittfh the avatem, eat inp; its way into tho tinmifa and oruana benetitli the apparently amooth aiirfure, lo burst out in the future with viruleure that will bntHetheetleetanf meditdne. WHIMS' VKUKKCT ClMEKHcan be obiuineo by con aoiiHiiltintf a pliveician whom long practice and thoro ugh iiivprttiuatioii into the cauaea ot P1KKASK of the (IUINAHY nlU.ANH eiiahlua to determine ut once the uature of the diHeitne. In all dint'iiHi'fl eiiiriiHied to the Oortor'a euro, PKIt K10( THl'KKUV and VKKMANKNT Cures are always Guarantee d In Hvntiilia untl ita adjunct ; flonornpa and tta hp- compaiiyiutf diiearU'a; ull diaconlera nf the Bladder, Kidneys and proatralei KiMniual Weakiuna ; li tiwa ol no ilemt und i.uul'r ; iivaneiiiua luiiiiention; 1 ipotiMicv : Incipient Contumptioii. and all dirteunca ot the I'rinnrv orgaiiw, in ealher aex, cure nlwavii wanntcd, oti NO VAY KIL'IUKl) ut the Viil VATK HO. .')M WAHMISOTON BTKKKT, 8ANFKANCISCO, t t t t i t CALIFOHNIA. So in ill ill WrakiiviiB or Hpermatorrutra. Tne young niun who experiences that growing weakiicxa in bia muscular and menial oruiugrntiou should Hlop to cmisiiler whence it arista. lie will Itnd in the Weaken nf the hack, trembliuir of the liml't, ditu.rdurcd diLrstion, nnnccouniiilde Wling of llie now em of the uiiml, diritii-te for nodetvr duud ol'lu pending tnnible, tnreboiliiigawat evil, ald'plcanuws Inndded and hiM-ivioiirelreauia accouipanit d by grnw iinf "t'HfueiMi, loss of mnwiilarrsnvpr. and tinuieroua otlipAyuiptoms of diriorujiiiixation. Tbo onitiv tra ct'rtoltlini uft'-t toriibhind deiiiutivc ol ull dfsens v iSciuuiu riiknewi Wamiuir nwtir hii powen. ".h-ritrovHiK Ins liou ul lite and nmnbiHMl and drncvin him iiloiiu- the bri'krn pulli of hia.cxiiMnco townrd u pretiwlnrc truivu. To btin who liudn bin life diibblinif out in the liici Imrire of the vital principal of existence iji uoptuniiil nml iliuinal emituion, the mere cunfntion of the citiii-eH ot its up)eaiiiuce biinun no nsnrnncool ti lief. Miirrliu". 'but holy ofllce, the Mifpiiiiurd and hope of tuii:diool, btiiiL't to riich note m hope of cure, hill mid (, hi uiifoi y in tin' knnwb'dLie I hut the one who 1'M'k to i.mii for mo much of her happim-wi, is ti victim o bin evil, rnd nn innocent coiup.inion of his puuiidi uii nt. ii'l'tf t !ir uii-x-ry and dinoiiU-r tuilil iioip lt afH Iititi. Tiit-ro it no ivcii except iu proper and nkllltill tli iltUH ii!. CcIi-m!, llicli, til omv, a pityficiail whom li'iiLf pi. u tile and c;it tnl ipfennh hut iimde thorouv'ltly coiivt-itant with every phtice of the ibfl CiiHp Tiio-o lut have become the victims of military vict'tt, li iii lirt-iidiiil, I;im iimtiii'j. und diminu tive tuili- it, which liil.i ilhHieiiiHi! of i-ick rooms with paralytica and cniiMiitiphvi'S, and liuudreds of uuiiini'lv craves with iih mi.-L:uidi'd vietimti, Hhotild comoilt without a nhnitcnfrt del. iv one who will svmpalliiKe with their Mitleiiin.'r. T.i siicb the Doctor would espreiallv ad dreni hniiHf, uiviin: to each and nil axtui'ntice of n l'Kin Kl Tuiol (TKK without h,n iiowrr ii-ijwi tniMinrtt, chunre of tlit t, or J'tiir of ei hII Hl f. IK not lorgei tne address Aee ihmow. V iuiioii(int to riiiiitr, I Yieu iVblnalo is (n trouble orulllit ted with difCJine, andVemiircs initllciil or sitrgi:i anitance, the etiunit-v -l..'.l.l'lu. n i,.u I. tlisin. l,l.v-.. i,. m-I. V..1U. ouiii'tiiiClo'udininisler rrllrt.Mnd whom rciHMiiahp maiiumu iirMK'iciy' uiui o imp comou'iice of the ciinniMiiiitysf riie;lot-lor, imderptaiidiiiif how iuiitenilivety tieceasarv-llicse ;n'(niteinnita arc, tVcU called iittiiui imerpoae,'ttibl-b tjilling Jie atleniton of the altlicied to tlie fact llnil ho bill been a VUih FKSSiili iV OlKrKTKlySin.b KL.MA A. HIS P. ASK for twenty years, and is fully dalitied to ml miuUier in all rases, both ntcdicdllr.aud surgiuilK, not in a siiteillt ial ufUuuer, but in us thorough u man iter aa yearn of study and prariicv InttiMii hopitals and private families can make1, to sttvrVibcui -from the Iihu.Is of llie uiupuiliHed, uuxTUtiluous,and des igniag There lore, families ran rely upon . hiiu'n upon a fatlier. All in alllictioii rail find in hi in jiu' who ran feel uiul syuipMlliixe with and befriend tlieia in trouble one in whom-arrive v thet jiwt rinHdcnp cm be placed. CON'ITAlloN liv LKITKU OH OTHKKWHKl KKKK. See nd.f-ean Ub.w. THK Cl.LKHK ATKD F K M A L K I ( K M K I I K S . eotn fioaudedtnim the private piescriptiona of ll'NU, nave now obi tuned a uiort extcudetl poiMilarity, and are corn'ctty viewed to be the safest anu surest renin die for the complaints for which thev nrv applied. The fnnMtautly ccmtn testimonials oi their etllcacy declare them to bo pre eminently superior in their an lion. No Idv should be without theso Uettovulini Aiieiiia. None getmiiie unless pntenred ut thia office. Sent bv Mail or Kxprrns, lo anv imrt of the Stnie. TMK OUKAT KKMALK MK.DICINK! I'KKVKN Tl t IMY1KKS FoUMAKUlhl) LADIKli. New, Safe and tiitalhble. (anting from four to six moullia I'riit isv KKKNCII Ll'NAH, OK KK.MAI.K MONTHLY TILL. For suppremions. After tidy vearsol usa these pills Uud innvalled In efficacy. Vricv -i er box. To CoriTMMUMlriit, rtttifnta retiiliiii in any tnrt of the State however diittanl, who tuny desiie mndicul udviceon their r speclive cases, and who think proper to submit a will (en Mai fluent of such iu preference lo holdinar a personal interview, are assured that their eouiniumca UottH will tie held most sacred. All letters imiat bs uddresned lo lbs correspOtidiii physieiau.lhus t Huutp BENJAMIN F. JOSELYN. M.D.. Wti Wushiugton Mreet, Hot 7:lV V. O Son IVanrMm, Cat. Doors. Windows & Blinds. JUST rrvi, Urrr of rin. IX.OKK mi WO uonil, tn Ks.lern Uanuti.'Um.s, nod fur Ml rh,w, tur nun, l STMKO March l', is., ;li3 & AKDERSON. FLORENCE SEWING MACHINES. Copy of the Ilepnrt ol 'J10 Committee of Awards nt the Fair of tho AMERICAN INSTITUTE NUW VOItK, 1H05, To the FLORENCE SEWIS'l MACHINE I'D. for llie Bent Family Krwing IHnr hine. Highest Premium Gld Medal, ItCIlMOIIMS 1st. Hn Simplicity nml (treat rangf if work id. The Kevcrnllilo Feed Motion. lid. The porfect fltilnh and Ktihsliinllal num. ner In which the miichliio Is niiulc. 4th. The rapidity or Its working and tho tiniillly or the work done. Sth. The ticir-adjutlng Tension, Tho FLORENCE was awarded the Firit, and , Highest rremium at the Htnte f'nir oijuaii- fornia, the only Fair nn the Pncilit. coast,,., at which any two donhle-thrcjd Sew- 0 ing Maohiims wero exliiliited in "' 00infltitlonJnJ8fi5fl,. . ' Thk Ft.oRKNri received tio only nreiuiiini awarded by the Mechanics lTistltnto of Sun Francisco, in S(i andJUlii, to iiny-SifwIntr. Miirliiue, ScwiiiK Macliine t'ouiiiinyof Att'iitATbe cbiim of a competitor to a nicdiiviswitlh,tit any foundation wliiili-vt-r. Wherever the- Flohkm;k has been brought in com- nciitioii with other Hewimf Macliiucs. it lias aui avs lici-ii declared tho best, It is the most simple, the most snl'Stanlial,- the most clllcii-iit. and ils use ' easily learned. Kvery Miu liine sold is wurraiited 111 tho lull sense of tin, word. Bead for Circulars and Samples of Work. A?II HILL. UcihtuI Ant, HI Mniiifjniin'i'v Btreet, Situ Frtuicinco. . O. I'AECUIMl, Auciil, 7:y SALEM, Oregon. Weitman's Patent Horse-Shoe I rPlIK itiideni'm-d Iiuh nmelniRcd the ri trlit to make 1 and put on WHITMAN'S l'ATKNT IMPKOVKO II 1SK SHOE, and in now prepared tn put on thin new und improved urine, wihnut itailn or any kind. Kartiiera and liomMiicn will pletiBe call ami examino it, at the kliop in 1 hu rear of mv liverv fttible in Kalfin. AMOS L. STAUKKY. Weitman's Patent Horse Shoe ThiH new bIiog olleirj tliu fo) lowing advantage". The ttrnt would hu in tho nine of tender footed home, such iih Imvo llal und ihiti boo n und tlione whone lioofn will not admit nt units heinif driven into the hoof. This rdioo beiiitf findened entirely by the mo fuuicul contrivance on tliu cmtmde, will nave all audi hort-ea, and make (hem really hh iw;ful ua horaea with the bent feet. d. Should a mini he drivh on the mad or travel itafoverlhe mouataiiiM, as it the cuho often in this country, where a man is liiiudredn of mi lea from u hluckmith, and hi home caat a elioe, he could aline him uain with tills patent ahoe in two miimlea' time, needitiy iinihiiijf but the ahoe, ruep and ccrew driver. IJd: For horca whoue feet are troubled with coma und Hiirli dillic nllicB thin hIhio in the very thiuv, ua ev ery tilioer and t'linicr will hoo at a gliinco. Tiiia ahue can be iiKed by the furrier during a certain (waaon, or over u ciii-tuiii road, or on cot tain ronh ground, and rhon taki'ti oil whenever deniiecl, without u cent of exHiii'.or the leust injury to the ilioe or tho horae'a foot. M.II.iUMICK, 1 . Farrier and Veterinary Surgeon. Salem, Oregon, Aug. '1, IHt'ti. 4-I3 CAPITAL HOTEL, r,a. Corner of State and Liberty utreete, MM-' .11, OltlON. J. I. DDM llll, Proprietor, WOCLU reniecl fully inform the citizens of Salem ran6l tlie traveling pnlilto that, having recently pnrchaaed thia Iov nml Splendid Ilotol, Ho la now prepared to arco in module all who may fa vor him with their imirnimire, ut pricen to tuit. The CAPITA.. IlnTL ih nn entirely new hoime, rnoma hard liuiidicd, well veutihited. imd well fur tiiidied. The houite liua lino suits of rooms, with coii upctiiii d""r, for faniiliea. 1 lie Uniing Koouj is Uie und commodious, and the Table will bo fnrninlicd with the bunt ilia umrkel at- fnrdf lionrd, per Heck. - $5,(0 with Lodgine. $7tolO The ttronrict'tr will tit u!l times endenvor to nleuse his I'uesis. Hud he refnrtfully solicits tlie putmnHe Lof tne public April i, IHiij." 6 flTA K oiiki:, The office of tho Oregon Sluyo (V.mpunv is Ht the Cnpitnl Hotel. Stupes urrtve und depurt dfnily. I;1iiiiliii;il. rVK rtonrd of Tniatecs of CIIUISTIAN COL I I jKIS K tuke plcaxnrp in itnnnimciiifl tn the puhlir tint! liiev will ciuiiuionce their tirst term the tlrst-Mou-duv in Uctober iifXI. i io I'ollcire IfiiiliHinr Imvinir iinderifnne rcpnirs. i.lA tiw services of I'rofcHsnr Kowluud, uniduuto of fifth uny t'olicjje, Vu., und Dr. X.-iihiiuiud Hudson huv lu hecu treenail, llui well kiotwn litem ry mid scien tllic iitfninments nf these uoiitleuicn. hs well us their Iit-Lietwlrudfjod pioticiiMicy hn tu hern, iutot secure cmirtiNiite) und pniroiuie nf nn i-nlililciied politic Cuialmii C'olli-L'c is sittuiti-d iu Monmouth, Poll: etmrtv, proverMnlly ti e hHioUomcni ttitein the viilley, is pci tetlty free froin uny IkuI ctiiue ol disciiHe, und ot course will compare with any place iu the Suite hu hrnliii Tho I'iiimIi-ch. ii well us llie cotninoniiy sur rounding the ('idlcc, tiro dcteruiiued lo spnre no pin a to out k i' i din ii7tiiiiiioii secuud to none in Or i-L'on Itfaid tan lie htid in pHviitc tuniilirs on rin rett-B-ui JpIc trnii" u- nl nuv m her inmit'iiiiui iu the Suite. Ii I? expected alt the necessiirr hook f und i-tutronery n'tiniri-d f-r the lii,.iiintioti w ill he kcit fur wile in the riilat' Tuilion an rcaixmutdu us ut oilier iiicmiiliotut nl I'liltlll llhtrtiii.'l'lir-'f' It V WMITSOX. Pre A -f Il.iiid. A. W l.ri Ay.Sc'y. Ann. "JT. W. tf nr. v. i;hou , riiyskhin, SuririMm, ami ()iuilstf SAl.l'.M. OKKGOX, OTI-'KliS his pridcfuiiinu! service( to the citizens of Salem und vicinity iu llie print in ot Medicine, Surgery, mid Ohsicirii'M. Thoao siiU' riu with Diseases of the Eye, would do well to cull ut his ollice, ami he Ht once re- Mored. So i wind npcnitiiMi skillfully performed on li e Kvet, lor Caianicl, l- iltu, StiHoicinus or ('mm Kyca. Mutiy puliculs cnti In seen ut Ins olhcc daily. DlirTllR G. W. BROWN'S CEICBRATEO EYE LOTION. rpilK nKKVTK-ir liKMKIY (P TIIK AOK. 1 It will reiimve upticity of the rorticn. nml inthiuv nmiinn. u!ii'ntii", niimlutitti, mid nil tho viirioiis di-i ni'i'S if the Kyc Miinnt.iclurcd liy Or. O W. Itrown. Kalcm, Oretf.n, and told hy ull I hi' principal PruuiHs tlirotiifhout (he Piicilic con-t. Ptice. il per bottle. Pr.O.W KUOWX. Ollice ttt the County Hospitnl, Sitlcui, Oregon. A K.VT 1 1 U l0 1 I , Sole A:cnt f.-rPr. ll.W. Hrown's IVlchnited Kye l-otiou, srp3 IMKTI.,lll OKKJOX. W.. Al HUH II. J C MkHKtl.l, JOHN X'CKAKttS 'W'CRAKEN, MERRILL &Co. KhiiiltiK," oiiimivvioii, und 1'orv. urilliig , MERCHANTS. 4 OKN'TS or 'lhe'dl'.ilortiia, HawuiiHii and Oregon i ravket LiiSJs. .- b Iniiwl of gW'lifkNTlN nml ('AKVEN IS l.ASl SALT. KANOV-irit I.SI.ANI SI OAKS, I'OFKKK, KU'K.mul I'l l.l Airrnts for IVvit & t'o 'l'ifrpd F"'t4. Vfg cUbiee I'icktes and Ym'prar. : IVaWrs Iu Or n, Karon, MRi iud "Krnit Ijm. IVroenl. and IMaslrr. Will attend lo the. l'tin-hai. H-ile. nr Shipment of MpirhaudiM. or prodiKT in New York, HQ Krancisro, HihivIiiIm vr IVrtlsn I AI.HKIt-11, MKKUIt.1.4 CO.. N,. .114 and 1tJ, t alifomi. St., Sin Kntm-isco. M nUKKX.MKKKIl.t.dt CO, 4'.Hf Iti .North Knnl Si., Portland. SlIIIIIII.IIK IKiflr ivnl Krvmue Manip cannled Charlrs Hanson et '. ) Pavid Morcv. Oaidnrr Chism, John Kruse, and) (leo. Ilaner, nan , ft c. In ilw I'lrmil Court of Ormi for Ih fount of l,iirU. Arti.,n tu rvrover noaier. 'IV) UAKHNKK I'HISM h-Yoa nr hrrab mm. I ssiiwt to he and apprar in the arr-ntilW r,Mri and fmnm. and nnswr the rontplninl of lias rlaintirl na, avaitiM von in the (h-rk's ..fllrenf KHiuUa conior. lrr.w, nn the reraid Mondnr in Mar, a D IKU.iKs Hn! dav nf ll.s nl lerrn of snid Court i and Ton are a.tirlr,l that ton so appear and answer. II pUmnH. will take' indaiaenl agrnil..t von for tlir son. ,. fonrteet, th,maiMl ai,d ainn 1 liai ,1,. Iters, with intrmt fmm the I -In JhIt r. I't. In coin, and liis rii and dishanenHrnta in thia art ,.-a llv enlsrof ( Uradvioberiem n Iw. 1, MtiMIIKH. Oct. '., iMiwii ai au j vm. "THE" BOOK STORE I PARRISinr KEELER, DBAMCKS IN MAKING this their sole business, would roHpect fully invite their iiumurous friends to call and ei ainitie their stock of Books, Stationery and Varieties. Kneel on liiiml tin "nrv best Hrtides In tliuir line, lo tie fiiiiiiil in Hiiy lluuk Bture in llie Suite. Amunx wliicli nmy lie found 1'IIOTOOIlAl'll ALIIUMH, with prims to suit. FAMILY WUUC8 ANU TEHTAMKNTS, llnely 1)01111(1. flIKT IIO0K8, auitulilo for the lioliduys. FINK POCKET KNIVES, I'KNCHA OOLI) PENS, l'OUTMONlES, DIAUIES. NOTE anil I.ETTEU PAI'KIt; every variety. ENVELOPS, Vc, 4c. In tliu line of reuiling mutter, we keep on liund, and ai-e The staiiiliiril works on ' ' '' ' lli-lory. --n ' ' 'Iinvcls, eoolry it ii (1 Iovolsi. and works on SCIENCE AND ART. IIuviiiKui'dcred u lnrfo supply of NCTIIRIHS AM) POPULAR BIAGAZLNES. fromtlio Enst, snliw-ritiors here and in the iidjoiiiinir towns and counties chii soenru at publishers' rules, in ruin, nosiiine free, ut their respective ollict-s, all the periodicals without rik. Kniicy nrtich's too numerous to iiiention.allof which will be 'shown I'lieerl'llliv. with a fair lil-oslicct. Also. a rich variety of photographs and steel eiirnvinirs of tliLMicneritls milt duet actors ol tlie lireat Kcoellion Also. Al'ciiIs for the Florence Sew inu Mai'liinu. rliilem,,liin. 1, IWil). -4-ty I a jj :l i: :n's LUNG BALSAM! TMK HKMKDV FOH CI' II I NO Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Asthma. ( !((( J, IISI;asi;s of the THROAT, Bronchitis, Pains and Oppression of the Chest or Lungs Difficult Breath ing and all the Diseases of the Pulmonary Organs. TTS nrl.inn is exneetonuit. ultemlive. Rinlorilic. m& 1 live, dinphoretie, mid diuretic, which lenders it one of the most vtilimhle retnedies khown for vtirin oU eiiHtiH of the hums. It excitim cxpuctorittioii, him! cmiBi'H the liuis to throw nil' the phli'um or iiuhuh; CllASUES THE XFAUtlCTlONS AM) VU IllFIKS THE ItLOOP; lienls the ii ritatud parts ; gives Hlivnyth tn the diLjcHtive organs; lirins tho liver to ils proper net ion, und imparls strength to tho whole system, rneli is the imniediiitu uwi witihl'm-tory ef fect, that it is wntmnted to breult up the most dis trefhint; foti'li in ti lew hours' time, il not of too loii standi ntf. It is WHrnt tiled to h'ivq entire Hntinfuctioii, even in the inoMt confirmed cact of contnmption .' It is wnrrnnled not to produce costiveiess (wliicli is llie ruse with most ruinedies) or ntl'eet the hem), us it contniits no Opium in anv form It is wurraiited to he PEiiFECTLY HARMLESS to the most delicate child, ulthoiitrli it is uetive and powerful remedy for restoring the system. There is no real necoHsilv for so tunny deal Iih hy consumption, when AIXftN'B LUNG ItALBAM will prevuut it, if only taken in time. Hold hy till Drntsts. Price if I per bottle. SMITH & DAVIS, Portland UreKon, Hept. itf. lHt.i. (ieiiHral Auents for the Slate. WAGON TIMBER. rpllK UXUEHSIGNKI) WOULD KSl'KCIALLY 1 culUhe ttttention of ull WACON MAKE Its to the superior stink of WAOOX Tl.UHEU, now Iu store, which is ottered to tlie trade on liberal terms. OAK, ASH, AMD HICKORY I'l.A.NK, OAK AM) IIICKOKY SI'UKES, OAK AND KI.M HI IIS, IIICKOKY ANU ASH IU.1IS, HCOOY ot ICXI'HISS SHAFTS, l'OI.KS, & HOWS, Hickory Axles, Oak and Hickory Scantling, biiHCtl I'l'lloes, Honed Tongues, Klnglc Trees, Neek Yokes, Long and Kliort Hounds, l'ltiw lleams and Han dles, Heals, Spindles, Ac. Ac. The uhove stock n-as carefully selected in tlie East ern Stoics, expressly to meet the demands nf this trade. Orders lor unv of the uhove arliclcB, inclildinir WAfiON SKElS'S. IIIIXES, Sl'Iil.NGS, tec, will he promptly utteuded tu. It. 11. LAW. Si Front Street. PORTLAND, 2.ilf Upiosite O S.N. Co.'a Wharf. IXCOItl'tlUATKD JAN. 18th, IHtiC. OUKOOX IRON WORK S, Corner of MorrUon and Seventh Stt.i Fortland. rIHI f'oinpnliy have lately enlurycd their works, 1 und hy the introduction of the most improved Ma rl, inerv and Toots, are fullv ul.te to coniticle with anv Iron Works on the roast. Iiotli in chiiincter of work and their fociliiies for oxet-utinir eotitrucis und orders prompilv for nny kind of llurliiiiery reiinred, em orucitnr MAIilXK. KTATIOSAKY nml l'OUTABI.E EN-t;iXI-:Sun. ItOILEliS; II 'l'l'l-:ltlES of unv renlliri d weiiht ; VIIKl-:i.l-;il A- ItANIiAl.LS Ftil N'TMN. und MlllIKi: liltlXhl WSnnd AMAl.tlA.MATUilS llniii;erlV,id s t OXl EM'llA I OKS, r-UOES und I'll-S; Kl.ntMMVfi mil AV MILL WnllK; I'nliTAI'.l.i; STEAM SAW SIII.I.X: lil.i.V AJIEUILV.X DOL'llLETflUIIXE WATIilt WHEELS i Sliiittitiji and 1'iilU-ys; Iron Fronts. Doors und Shut t,-is. mid All Klads of Hachinery and Castings. Kit the eotiwnit'nre of parties onh-rin Mnrhinery of us. we ths I" we?! market prices. Buttery Screens, Copper I'lates, Ijealhcr nml kiildr lliltiii. A. t (SI HDS, I'res'i. E. M. MnttiiAX.Scc'y. '-'Itf WASHING MACHINE. "EdOBJOEIY." Patetiteil .June D'-th, IStSI, hy J. M. Ilonur, Cut 'PUIS fuvorite Wnshiuir Muchine 'has Im'cii greatly J. improved durinif the lust year hnth in its Iiiho of Atiou, ..AM).. Rapidity Of its Execution, Adding at It ust one third toils fnrmer virtues. "Kcon oinv," lu-i-oinpunifd iy onu of tho late improved Winders, nuifcrs lite neater, inoiit dunihle. evotiouii ral. expfdiiniiis. cmnpaii, tind (M'rfert wnshinit rij;s on the l':it ilie eotittl. An hour's hard work can Im uconi pliHied with iIuh machine, in ten mui.tes: Hue or coarse in tides, its well as iaiu and hiiiuII, uro washed wiih eipml liutlitv. Uetiianied lo wash perfectly clean, leaving no streaks in collars and vristuunds. imuci: m) To Im pnrehviwd in Ilirtlnnd. at the Intflliiciice (I Hire of I'nrri'li Howies: in Salem, of .1 M. Coul ter : in AHmny of Mi-nlv V Co.: iu Corvntlis of Por ter Ai Lcigliuian. and at r'.'tet Orove.ol Spencer Ac Wank. 0. H. Sl'KNCEli.tWst Grove, iiuilll I'roprjetur lr Dn-on. Ia Creole Academy, Utl.l.l. POI.K roi rv, ukk;iii, KIT V I. XlCIim s I'riiKipnl MILS. MAUV K. TIIOMI'SUN I'rwpln-.s. nml . Tt'iu-lisr or' 1 'mwiiiir MISS I'lltllK W A I.t .1 NO . A witl nut . untl TVatWr .... . 'uf Music. . '- 0 ' 0"9 O . e' -1 VMii.Mriiie Inriuiir urr,.rl in im. insniiuum ri lull sl of ils.ui s Stjiisil and Ksmilr (, Mlliin f:,,, mid l'lul. sophicd A,Mmlus. Armuirrinpniii are Itriuir tnit,le for pr ctimiK a full rt ,f iiirmiral A.traUf and C'tienii mls. by lh flrst of Orihr. R.TK OK TI ITIOS. Primary. rr trm 4 HO ( omiiivn Knulwli tl IH) Hmlwt Kiik1i.Ii IHi (Itwk, ljiun or Frrnrh f Intra 3 00 lii.lrmrntal Music 1(1 1X1 I'm of instriiinrnt 11 (s.1 Draw in- 3 00 lily rirmsr in oral music I'rr of rhanrc. So rlmnrra nis.le for Icsa Ihaa a half lrm. hnl no r.ils will Ur a.lmiited at any time 'ind rhariftd frutn Iha time of enlomiK totlte cliwe of the tens.. .Va JrJ-rtton. n4t fr aseanr, ei-erpt ia enttt of prWraWr4 sirftarsf. ' D IlAVDKS. Sect Iknl. IiUlas, Kag. fi, IMA -ii. OBU .CSCS Hntllli Ac CiHiee, Unrftriil d Merhaalcal DENTISTS, 1 !u,.kl s Huh fc, f.-rtu t I -iiit!i,-tt(t,t 4 6,le struU 8 ALUM. OREGOX VT ill Our Denial S ork buarnnkf d. ju Books, Books, Books CALL AT "TH till BOOK STORE," AND examino our Hooks and Stationery. We have jmt added to our stock a large bill of goods from the j:nHterii SIiirKot, And expect constant snpplies from that source Wo cull attention to our KXTUNW1VI! (STOCK OK SCHOOL ntul COIiLKOE TEXT HOOKS, of ev- ery grade. IILANK I100KS, 8TATIONEIIY, UL'SINKSS ACCOUNT HOOKS, of all kinds, I'MOTOOK AIM! AI.HC.MS, a large iissorlinent, OOLD and BTKKL T1CNS, &c, &o, - ':' ; We have also all the etanilard English- ntul American Poets, Which, tog'liig'wl'ili.a grout variety of works on ' II IH ' V, KIOUKAIMIVV . .- AJKICl'l?TI'KE, 'i.l'ICTIO, mill goncnil - Miscellaneous Reading' Majtter, r We oiler for sulo nt the very lowest "cash prices, j liliertil discount, iiiudu to tlie ti-ndo. iieti State Street, Sulciu, Sept. & cd.v-. !.rith, lMi.lm'.ll TO THE UNFORTUNATE. ',0 New Remedies. New Remedies. I)r. (aiHION'S DISI'ENSAUY, (in KKAHNKY ST., ror. Coin- y :J Ull) nierciul. San Franeiaeo, es lublisliedin HOI, for llie ti-ciituii-nt Up0i- oi nexuill aim neiniuni i,im-iim-s, JT .Tg y-.v . V such us Gonorr hen. (licet.. Stricture. ', 5.' .-.'t. Nvpllllis in Weuklieas, Diseuses Ulceiiited Ijem eJ. DOCTOR GIHHON has tlio idoitsitru of hiiuoiuu!- iiiKthuthe It.iR rehiiiied to thitt State, uficr an ah sence of one year, during whicti time lie hns visited all the principal hospitals of Knnie. liiuoui; them those of Dublin, London, and i'lirim, Tho following celebrated hospitals of Loiiihm are itmon ihone vis ited liy the Pwtor: tiny s. 1 1 iru Mtrect, imronii; nt. Hart ho!iiiicv'. Sinithtifld ; Si. Luke's. Old street; Kt. Mury's, Ciunh. I'lace, I'ad.; Lock, Harrow road; University, flower street ; Westmiimtpr, Hroiul Sane tnurv; ('haring Cross, Afjar Htreet, Strand; London, Wlntecliiipel ruud: Itoyul Free, Amy's Inn roud ; Kinir's College, Portugal street. ')()(. "10 U (illHM)N InisalHo veiled Doctors Ae toh, of London, Pnrkur, of llinniimliiiin, KiiL'liind; and Kicord, of Paris; who are cuiifidcrcd the best physicians und surgeons in the world, and wIiorb au thority is acknowledged to be the highest in the trout ment of Hex ual Disciises. DOCTOR OIDHON lias obtained from them their new mode of treatment, which cannot bo surpusaed. DOCTOR (JiBltON has spurcd ueithcr time nor money iu seeking out new remedies, mid bus returned with new facilities for ulleviulion hf human sult'eriti. Iloniblc liiscuscs. How many tboiiHtinds of persons, botli mule und fe male, are the:e, who uro Buttering out u mine ruble ex istence from the ellccls of secret indulgences, or Irom virus absorbed into the system. Look ut. their pallid, emuviated, und i injured faces and their broken down constitutions, digital ifyinif them for the hunpitiess of marriue or the enjovmeiit of life. In this liorrid sit uation thousands miller until death closes the scene. Let parents, guardians, und trie ui la tittcnd to those who Hre sufleritiK with nny of thcae horrible, life-de-stroyitiK nmliidics flee that iliey uro cared for und cured before it bo too lute. Hoi id tliftn iinmediiitely to Doctor Oibboii, it physician who has made, private diffuses bis especial study for yearn, and who is cer tain to cure the most inveterate fuses, without mercu ry or any injurinuH di-iut. It is important to thoso who are'allltcted, or to those who are interested iu the welfare of their fricudn, to be careful of the many pretended doctors who infest ull cities, publishing their skill iu curing nil dieums iu a few days, iuipotunif up on the public by lining the names of eminent pliysi c in to frutii Eurcpo and other places. He therefore careful and make strict inquiry, or you nmy full into the bands of I hone cliarlutuns. Seminal WrakntM. Seminal Kminiions, the cousiMjtieiit of pelfalmye. This solitary vice, or depraved sexual indulgence, is nrucliced by tho youth ot both sext-s to an almost- un ion lied extent, producing, wilii unerring certuiuty, the followinjir train of morbid symptoms, n ulcus com bated by scientific medical meiiMires. vu: Sallow conn tenunce, dark spots uudn- the eves, puiu in tlio heud, riuin iu the ems, uoiso like the nimlintf of Icuves und milling of iliiiiiots, uiieasiiies!! about the loins, wc'ikticts of the limbs, contused vision, I diluted intel lect, lors of C'inlidi'nce.diilideuee iu iippionrlting stran iters, u dislike to form new uciiiaiiiiaiici'S. u disposi lion to ahun society, loos of uietiniry, hectic Hushes, pimples, and vuiioiis eruptiotwuliout Iho two, furred toiiKue, ftttid b i h, con u Iib, consutiiptio'i, nijiht sweats, niniionmiiin und freipienl Ififauiiy. If relief lie not obtained, tho sutterer should apply immediule Iv, either iu iieisi-ii or bv letter, and huvu u euro ef- tected by bis new and scientific mode of treat in if this dtsL-ase, winch ncvi-r iiiiI.h ul clkTlnm a ipuck and rudical cure. Doctor O. will irive line Hundred lol tins to tiny peismi who will prove sulMactorily to him that he wu cured of tins nuupUiul by cither ot the Sun Krnncist o ijuiicks. UOiri'ult tilllllON rr?p'jiisilU'. nml will plvetoeftch jn. 1 1 ulit h written niiliumtut. tdiuliu,,' liilimill to ellcct s rtnllcil nml ptriiiHiiviit curi', vi n.akf m c!i ir.'. iVrsuus at u Uistnucv tuny ba CLithl) AT HOME hy sd drvtni:n Idler to Dr. t.iMitui, kuuiik ensv. symptoma, length tif titui the illicise hits coiitliiucil, rikI Imve medicines priiiptly ftirtriinkil, irt-c iroin unninut nml curimiiy, to any pun ii iiit- citumry, miu inu ami imui oirt-riumi tor tine, forTtn I Ihm.ii-nt In rei stcrwl ktivr or thr-iuf;!) WvUs, t'avii" A C.t. A-ltlrrt- Pit. J. F. UtlllHtN, Cl" Keiirny ntnel, oeir Com mercial, tan frnnrhcu. I'uat UUicc Boa Conaultatloa Fit KB. l.(.Vrn(ioai lMtr lh;tii C'uro, The nrwlyiiirfiiti?t Pslent Ft elicit ta(t ssure Preventive ni:iitist bno".ai'i im I frivniiiioy, scat liy inn 1 1, l'rice t'i. Al'ln-!t IH. J. r, tiUIUUN, tin h amy iircct, nvur Uum iticrclsl, tiati Frnni'lfco. fust Utlicc lux UW. CaiiM!ii t Hio l iiroi'liiiiafo. Beware vi lln tiui Frntictscn quacks mid pre tend its, who, Willi b"(ius nwiTli'li cernni'iitvs, tiiiie tin- imwriry. Some nf the t lf-aiyk'il (iociorn, wh.ise iiiiitii'S nn- to be found in tlie daily am! wrtkly iH'niipiipvra ot fun Francisco and oilier places, nrc iruuesiuvu, sua ticcniiie ion lazy iu worn tneir trailin. Stinie sre iininiltlis- i)iorni:ikrm, ui-wxpnm-rcnrriers, ttilelDiicucr otlk'e k epers, .ta. Look over ttn-Snu FnwciBca Directory, nml fou will nut Und llielr Mi-dirnl Institutes In il, but you will Itnd their turner (jccuiulinns Iti il. Look St the Iki-ectory fur iN.i rail ISit. The only way lo a void im' imaition Is to uiitke inquiry it will com yiu muhitiff, mid may sve you niiuiy regrets; for, silvertisiiiK physicians iu tljiiu cnnei out ol len are ooun, tln-re it no salt ly in Iruii I sff any of them until you know who 4inl what they are. Dr. liiblmii dees ii"t deceive iwoiile by cxliibllitiL' bov'ua titles. certificate. wetelideit patlculs teltert, rlc. Doctor Gibbon will Hat' ;fy persona who tuny call at Uis ullice of his ability to treat (Harases unit n- propuscs to cure. Cftiisullations FIIKK. flyl O'atlents will pkaar In form Dr. (iihboti that they read Ids, auvertiscuieiit in tne urcgon statesiiiHii.) C.W. AHXr.S. O.W. A KM KB. ARMES & DALLAM, Importer uud Jobbers of W0011 AND WILLOW WARE, BRUSHES, TWINES, CORDAGE, ice. And Manufacturers of California Fails, Tubs, BROOMS.'&c.. ic, ' Nos :tit anil sfliOWraiasiilu street, , o ij Ilct A-,e'n V'nilil and Davis," san rRANCiscb;,., 1 B Warranted, a Sort Cars or bo Pty. LEIBIVS AlU.KMINi; PILLS! For the Atue. uud all Hilious Diseases. i. E. ( lurk, DruRuM, onljr Agent Tur Salem PKH E, t'4 30 PKR BO. This is lo certify that I have Iried I-iIh-k's Ariren tine pills, alter 'rvtuir various remedies, to uo etlect, when oue box of lilieg's pills produced a permanent cum. rmlelu, May lb, u J. I. KMITH, Iile Prop'r t'apital Hotel. I have tried I-ltieii's Aiiue Pills, proenri of J. E. Clark, Kaletn. sod tonn.l fhem a sure cure. r-TKI'IIKN t'OMKU, "Mason," Salem. - Take Care of your Health. IV I'm? yir. STIPP S THORACIC BALSAM, The most valnahle remedy for all DISEASES OF THE CHEST, Arising from COfOIIH and COI.DS. Sold by all Drug-gist. Nov. l?:y ull its tonus. fceiiimalfJ;y.v.jf--;(A . lmpotenrv, etc., Skin f ?.$3x?i (of veins' Bluiiilini;), uiiilrTitvii'-.fc.J I s, Biicccssliilly troul-'..'-tt.XvJi. TO INVALIDS ' -yilOSE SIJF.veih huvo bueu protructfil from hidden cuinp, m rjiiil trouliiiBiit, und wlio require prompt relief to render existence desirable. Dlt. J. FEKRAl'LT, CBADUaTE OK THE UNIVKHSITY OP QUEEN g COLLEGE, bom to inform patients and oMj. ers sefkinx medical advice that lie may be consulted poraoimlly or hy - letter in all cases of Nervous mid Physical DEl)ILlTY,aiid tho various disorders Brining from ' 8HDKNTAUY HA1IITS, EXCE88, ACCI DENT, or CLIMATE, from 9 a. m. tn ll! H., anil from 3 to 8 r. M., nt his offlce, Armory llnihliiiK, nortlienst corner llonlgomery and Hiicrumento sts., Dooms Nos. 9, 10, and 11 llrst Hoor up stuirs. Enlrance on either Mont gnmory or Siicraliicnto street. NO APOLOGY SEEMS KEQUISITE for on'oring lo the pnhllo mi advertisement of this. kind, for It is universally acknowledKed that tho treat mi-iitof these pHrticulur disnnsps ooiistitutei u hmnk of medicine which hns NEV1SH HKKN Sllkk-i C1HNTLY CULTIVATEI), I;. consequence of fl,." fiislidioiisni'Bsof th. protisaion, who have iilmniloned these sw. '.nines to , care of llNQUAI.lKII-il l'UACTITIONKHS. There exists here no pWel. . repress the impudence and erli-onterv of men who are toinllv incompetent to perform the duties of their so culled medical practice, tliendiy liiflictinvr misurios to ii ucKrvc itiiiitruiieiiuu iu nny oilier class or tinman !e unjiuritnuiiei in any oilier cluss of liiimHn is. l lie only way to remedy this evil is to call Minn of the iiulilic to a VVKI.L-IN.'(I(MKI Hit of tho JlKDICAL I'HOKKssIOn' IK V fill A 1.1 VH'll .....I ...l. . I.:. 'V.' the nM'-ntioti , M I : M I I : I OALI.Y ()UALIFIKU, and who devote, liisexchlC i,u UVI.TP1H..1, ,iDL-iiniini,iiniiiK ii imii llie lllinilll HXcite- iiient..of tlio freuerutive orttniis, together with those in cidciilal siiiKua of uente ilisnrder which, when ncir. lectcil, tcruiinujo iu the liurrihly-WHstinv form of co",. hi it nl iiinitl ilisiiiwiiiijition, lilt. 1'KUIlAlliyr HAH 1'AII) TI1H MOST ANXIOUH and irNTIltimi rUNTION, KOIt THE LAST KIOHT YMaim IW.A KI'ECIAL JIUANCII OF STUDY, und uioije ot iimciico, suuircHteil and improved hv exiu..,. cuce, und experiments iiuide through the niedinm of lliemocroscope, enuhlcs him to detect the presence of Bcincnjn tlie urine. We wish to impress those who have- Tailed of relief elsewhere, that they niav dt-rivivhcnj-lit from examination of the uriiiu iii case's of Hciniiiiif Emissions nud linpotency as well ns in cases ot'Gravel, Diseases of the Dimmer mid Kidneys and wi- cnti titvuice ascertain the cuubo of the patient's complaint, so hh to prepare the proper remedies for eut-li pitrluiuliir dieoi-deruiid according toeaclicase. 1'utR'iiiffiiitvriiig irom veiioreul Disonses in any sti,'o l'liitis intlicv-JIrnics, Itheiimatism, or from the ellucls ol Meruui-iul Poisoning, who can visit us per. sonullv. will receive, in aildiiion to our usual treat lucut.'MEDlCATEI) VAl'.OU BATIKS, witlioiit fur. titer chariies. 'I'liis llnfliilina uutrly siuierseiica all oilier treiitnieut in Europe. (Hetrouce will be friven lo suverul who Imve bmiii cured by this treutaiuat, af ter huviiut failed with others.' "'".- a iVrsiins of uotli sexes who have impaired their health and destroyed the. filter of their minds by their own misconduct, and thus deprived themselves of the pleasures ot lilo, lire liotiBeil tluu, on coiiBiiltiri DR. PIOKIIAI'LT they will Und a friend and a Plivsieian who hits cured luitnv in everv part of the States, who applied broken down in health, hut are now rejoicing; in ull that makes life deslrnhlo snd num liuppy. Kef. ereiices can ho kvcu, when reijuired, in ulnluutvery ptiitoi i lie oi.,,,.. ii oiii inn lien win. Know Ol CUHeS cur ed hy Dlt. HCltKAUl.T, after in vain trylusuvoral phvsiciiins. J ' ilis iliiilomna are in his ollice, whero alt nersons can sco for themselves that they tiro under tlio euro iif a renuliirly-qnulillcd practitioner. We have the latest und mii feet reiiiedien, and such mode of cure s can he tuiii -d ill no other ollice of this cuuet, in Sviliilu, (li)u orr .icn, Gleet, Strictures, Oruvel, Mtune in -the iilaU der, Enluriteiiifnt of the Testicles, Ulcernlf-d Throat, Hones, and Nose, Cutaneous Eruptions, Ulcers, Ab scess, and other diseases depending on impurities of the blood. , . Dli. 1'KIIUAULT slill retains the otuvaiuiencv ia Culifornhtof , i nr. Ili iot's Ft-iiiule MoiKhly Plll. Their immense eule hns established their reputation as u fciuulu rcmedv nnupproaehed and far in advance of every other medicine for Suppressions und Irregulari ties mid other obstructions iu teuiutes. On the receipt of I'ivo Dollure, these Pills will he Sent, by mail or press, tn part of tlio world, (?ciirc from curiosity ol dlltllilL'C. ' Persons at a distance can herured at home hy ad. diewini! ii letter lo DR. J. 1'EIIKAlTLTj corner Sacra mento and AiotitK'n.crv streets, Rooms Nos. u, lu,unil 1 1 . or Hex H7:). Post Ollice, San Kntiicisco, stntiim the case us minutely us possible, neneral hubits of liviun, orciipulion.ctc., etc. All cases taken under treatment warranted. p.o cliurco lor advice, wo pois-'iis or liursli tnedicinee lo iltinro the coiuititutiun'; no making sick lo make well. YVu are honest in oar dealings, trunk in our opinions, and unr cliurjres will be far less than dcmiiniled liy other physiciiine. Wif jnvite in vesttualioii, cluim not to know everything nor to cure everybody, hut we do lay claim to' reason and com niun sense, nud to cure ehlit out of ten pronounced incurable. We particularly request those who have tried this Doctor and that sricmilic Physician, boasted . .mil advertised, till worn out uuu uiecouriiKcu, to euii(., upon us. It will cost iiotlnnii, us consiiliat ions are l-lee. octillly 1: lp FAMILY GR0CEB1ES 1 Can always be hud for For Cash, or Country Produce. Ami lie delivered, freo of charge, to all pitrti of the city. ALL KINDS OF COOPER WARE Kept on hand and made to order on good Icrms. Clothes Wringers of Different Kinds, liwilrrli. Brooms, Washlubs, Buckets, Churns, linpt. Candles, Coal Oil. Markercl, Salmon, Herrings. Codfish, Sur dities, Oysters, Clams.Sufltir Salt, S'jruv, Cheese, Cracker. Tobacco, Cigars, Hatches, Fancy and Toilet Sonpi, Combs, Broslici, tr, Pint favors irnitefnlly remembered, and fntnre pat ronanc respectfully solicited. ,T. COULTER (Konr Doors north of Sloorcs' Brick llluck.) Salem, Oregon. THE E YESTHE EYES Dr. 1 . II. PA It DEE, , OCULIST ASP Al'RIST. AK1KH A VKOTUAITKIJ IJLISDSE'S rf more timnhve venrs, Dr Pardee has made himiw t llumroiifhlv lind sciciitilically arquiiinicd with wtj diseases of the Kve. and is now pracliciiuf wit" ". cess not surpiteaed in the I'liiled States. All openitions perloriiiwl, such as SirnoiswuS. or cross eve. I'utiirnct hy linear extraction, l'cpression or a Ahsorlilion. rtei vciu'in or fleshy niemhraiiceirrowins'. over the eve. Keduction of Klnjihvlonm, r hulirines out nf the'ee, Artilicinl lVoil. Kistnla Jjichry malts, or closiuit of tear piis'ai:e.i.nd all tfclorioaties.of.lus Lids, etc. .etc. "'.'-.. . Arlilicial Kvcs inserled wl.hont Ihe least mm. pom'ssiuir ull the niovemsnls and brilliancy ohe rear eve. A lurire nssorlmcnlcnualantly 'onJisnd for ut reusoimblo prices. '1'he JJm-tor's Ert Hsib ft"1 treaiuient und cure of all nervous diseases is nseii sii (TvPrJIiiac.inst. .t...w-.i ....l 'i.'i-r-:-. hv trw n UisesVor iiml hope, that his universal tm Press will warrant ift onlinnaiioii of Iheir HisceliJiritv'sBm.neraioris coextensive tnccrsai ss'pntieiils'sre nreseiitinir '"'"'.fV.. Irestment anil operations, from Sew lorkainl almost moiitblv. . -,,1.. Manv ratieiiis can be seen at the Poelor s otllce ui Iv. in ditlerent stnircs nf recovery. n. It ' I f Dr I'AKDEE has associated with I"" V- OIHce i 7t.7 CLAY 8TKEKT. (above ths Plassl J Dniiont Street. M ARBLE WORK. A. J. MONRUE. Tvrilfp In I'alifomia. Vermont, sad Italian I) TIABBI.KSI, loiinuKoU, ObfliAi, BcaJ ntl Foot Slonts oit rf Also, Maulles and Ksrnitiir. "" '""JS? order. ' KoUce to the Sick. 4 DVII K KRF.R AT CLARK'S OHI O KWRE. AiJWCCkED roR V 50 AND WARBASTED.