8AUCM. MONDAY. NOV. 2(1. IHtili. OKKGOJt lE.NTIUli ItAUKOAD. Wo learn from Mr. Gnstnn, thu agent of the IiHHirjirirntiim nf suit) Itiiilroatl Company, tlmt the work of cRiivassing for u hcori j t i ri of stuck will inon omnrnonoa am bo energetically pushed until the whole valley ii thoroughly osnvRani'd. The Ag'-nt haa recently been in onnsultiition with the lending hnsinesa men and capitalists of Portland, and hai mooeeded in enlintijig their aotive support to the enterprise with the asauranoe that liberal subscription of took will be made, and all aid extended in poshing the great work, which it it possible for tho " emporium " to tender. We rejoice to learn of thin favorable feeling in Portland, and we are quite turo that the farmer and business men of tho interior will not lug behind any ef fort! which Portland may put forth. The mat ter ii bound to go ahead now, and the people will ttand in their own light if they do not sub aorihe liberally, in both money and lund. If half tho land along the line was given an a do nation, tho given would be the gainers in the operation, n tho Imlunco of their land would bo worth far more with the railroad than all of it wan without it. Let ui wake np, then, and be prepared to do our pnrt in aeouring the apeedy oonatruotion of tho railroad. We take the following from tho duily Herald. The Herald man baa got the name wrong : Mr. Oaaton. the agent of the Willamette, Valley Uailroad, haa been in this oity for sev trill days, consulting with the capitalists ami business men in reference to aaid enter prise, and the encouragement which he haa received more than Jiueet Ilia expectations. A meeting of those who propose to take alock in the Company will be held soon, and it is confidently expected that tho subscriptions will be liberal. A railroad over the proposed route will he worth to Portland ami the country through which it passes, the full amount which it would oust in the increase of business and the enhauoeuient of the value of property ef fected by it, if it no more than paid running expenses. Yet no one acquainted with the re svuroos of the valley can doubt that beyond this it will pay a liberal return upon tho invest ment to atnek holdera. The peculiar climate of Oregon, which, while it insurei abundant returns tn the husbandman, rendera the wagon rnada almost impassable during two-thirds of the year, makes railroada a necessity to the profitable davelopment of our agricultural re sources. The incorporators are among the most substantial and reliable in the State, and we have reaaou to believe that thia enterprise will be pushed with energy. If every property holder on the line of the road would contribute one half of his real estate tn the project, he would be none the poorer for it, for it will ad vance the value of tho property at least in that proportion. Physical Education. Mr. J. K Gill, late of VVilbrahatn, Mass., is organizing a class in light gyiiiaustios, to which we wish to call the particular attention of our readers. The system which he propoaea to uae is compara lively unknown bere.but very popular through oat tbe colleges and other schools of tbe East. It was firat discovered by Dr. Dio Lewis, of Boston, and by hitn perfected and promulgated as the best means of securing phyaical devel opment and discipline to both aexes and all ages. The instruments used ore few, simple and Imponderable, but adapted to an infinite variety of postures and gesticulations. The rings, dumb-bells, and other paraphernalia of the gymnasium are constructed of light ma terial, from necessity, as the use of the usual heavy ones would be an utter impos sibility in tin Intricate, long oontiiioed exer cises of Dr. Lewis's system. Music accompa nies tbeeiercises.and lenda an additional charm to the various posture and movements, where beauty and benefit combine, and which con duce to that suppleness of joint, elasticity of mrjscle and easy graco of movement which are always preferable to ninnive, yet un wieldy strength. But its highest praise is its adaptation to the wants of females. We re member seeing a table of statistic somewhere recently, compiled by some one who had had tbe dismal curiosity to wander through the cemeteries of the East, and peer into the my teries of mouldy grove yard records. He found that young ladies between the ages of 20 and 35 were vastly in the majority In these " si lent cities of the dead" of young men of a like age, which is strange enough, when we ennsid er the many casualties incident tn the out dunr life nf tbe latter class, and the numerous i attendant upon their greater debauchery and excess. But the fact is, in this age of ours. all plumpness is counterfeit, bloom fiutitious, and locks unreal ; and the fashionable bean y rather a triumph of art than nature ; Indeed we fear that the modern belle, however res plendent in the frills and flu mmeries of the mil liner's art, would make but a sorry Eve. But the melancholy statistician alluded to above has evolved one (sot Tram tbe maze or tigores. which we should hesitate to relinquish to the dim realm of things forgotten. We may cov er tbe traces of decay with mournful mocker ies of life, and smooth the eaily wrinkle from the brow of the frail and dying, with some ingenious device ; but none of these cac oheat the yawning grave. We may muffle the steps of tbe grisly king, bol cannot defer bis coming. t least not by tossing quack restoratives and patent restoratives in bis dreadful path. When some suitable system of physical discipline and development is adopted by the gentler sex, then, and then only, may we look among them for dimpled cheeks whose bloom can survive the vicissitudes of a passing shower, and a ro tundity that is not a sham. TherVforo, we take pleasure in endorsing the gymnattio in stitution of Mr. Dili, and recommending it to the community, by whom we hope it will be well sustained. Xiw Law Firm. Tbe recent legal com binatieo koown to the world ooder the eopho- niooa title of Willis tc Simpson, have finally got oat t full grown shingle, and are prepared tn practice. It is too common thing for yoong men. when they get cornered in the tus sle of life, to shrink into the law business as a dernier resort, with tbe item resolve to starve nnder tall bats, if starve they most. Now we distinctly repudiate all such insinuation as ap nlii-J to the new fledged firm of Willis it o; I Y..r. il..r i.ih.-r.d i heir tonne """I'" " e i " ' " desire to the legal profession, and have fitted . , . i , t ii - themselves for it by a long course of college diseinline. Office over Bell's store, Griswold's1 Block, n. it door to Smith Chance. ' NcwsPAPik Milt. BT Sr.A.-By privat ielter received from Hoa. Quincy A. Brook. Special Pootal Agent at Sa Francisce, w fVarn that ke i making an effort to hav lh printed portion of the mail that belong north of the Calipooia mountains, sent by steamer during tb winter months frost San Francisco to Portland. Wt wih Mr. Brooks success as il would prove a great benefit to the people, a il it isnpomihl to carry Ibe mail tar a durance ia spea wagons, through cvnsiaot rail without filing it wet, and tl e roads ft so snnddy thai tb Up company cannot run totur beav coaches. TlIB I'liKHIIIKNT'o I'OWKlt TO Hk.MOVE from Office. Considerable Jisousaion has ensiled of late, relative to the right of the Pres. idem to remove Irom office persons appointed "by nod with the advice and consent of the Senate." 8mne hive contended that, as the consent of tho Senate must be dually bad tn the appointment, it is also necessary to effect the removal before the end of the term. On this aulijeot, Hinton aaya, in his Thirty Yean' View : "In tho very first year of the Constitution, a construction was put upon the instrument, of curse hy those engaged in framing it which enabled (he President to create as many vacancies as ho pleased, and at any moment he pleased! This was effeoted by yielding to him the kingly prerogative of dismissing offi cers without the formality of a trial.or the con sent of tho other part of the appointing power."' The authors of, the Federaliit, (see No. 77 of that work) hud contended that as the con sent of the .Senate Hue necessary to the ap pointment nt an oilicer, so the consent ot the same body would lie equally necessary to his dismissal irom nlhoe. " Hut tins construc tion," says Kenton, in his Thirty Yean, "was overruled by the first Congress 'which sat un der the Constitution. The power of dismission Irom office wal abandoned to tho President alone." , This construction nut noon the constitution by Washington and thu first Congress, corapostd in great part by those who framed that insfa lui nt. would seem to establish hevond ones ion the right of the President to dismiss officers nt II. Hut right has been exercised by every President, from the days of Washington to the present time, wit limit any opposition ; and the conceding of that right by those who framed the Constitution, woulil seem to indicate be yond doubt that it was the intention of the Bu llion of that instrument to confer it. A. I. Call. Tup. Country is Safr ! In September an election was held in one of the districts of Tuolumne County for Supervisor. A man named Kyrno was elected hy from two to live majority. The Sonora Democrat saya he was so elnted by success, that he forwarded the following dispatch to a friend s Ciiinkhk Camp, September , 18G0. Mu. I . 1 am elected hy five majority Congress ia sustained and treason made odi ous. M. Byrnk. Thnt majority was immense in its results, It alone austuined Congress and made "trea son odious ! ' snppose three men Had voted the other way treason would nut have been odious, and Congress would have beeu over thrown. "Great God, on what a slender thread hang everlasting things !" M. Byrne nst managed to save this Nation hy a soratch ! Fortunate Byrne.1 Lucky Natiou ! 8. F. Call. Educational. Report nf the District School, Salem, for IhnQnarter ending Nov. S3. Higher Department T. II. Crawlord, Prin cipal ; Jay Stillman. Assietant. No. scholars enrolled 117 Average daily attendance 83 Primary Department Mrs. P. L. Price, Principal; Jay Stillman, Assistant. No scholars enrolled. 81 Avernge daily attendance 57 Enrolled in both departments 198 Average daily attendance 140 Mr. Stillman retire from the assistant's de partment, and Mrs. Denlinger has been en gaged tn fill tho vacancy. The next term be gin nn Monday (to-day), the 20th Inst. The opening of the two other district schools at the san e time, will, no doubt, diminish the attend ance at the oentral school, making it more comfortable to the pupils. Let parents mani fest their interest in education by more fre quently visiting the school-room. Personal. Hon. W. L. Adams, Collector of Customs for the District of Oregon, was in towu lost week. Hi many friends thronghnut the Stale will he glad tn learn that his health has been completely reetored since his trip to the Islands. Mr. Adams, as we have herein fore published, sent in his resignation lust June, to tuke effect Sept. 30th- It is not yet oer tuiuly known who hi successor will be. Ml'-sTr.MKB OUT iP Seiiv ICR. Last Tuesday evening Co. II. the last of thu 1st, Oregon Cav alry, was mustered out at Fort Vancouver. This company has done uioro service than any other in Ilia Itcginicnt, having lost mora men, and en dared mora hardships. In May ISt"4, a di-tarb mcut of the company fought the Snake Indians near Crooked river, wh-ro Lieutenant Stephen Watson, private Bennett Kennedy and James llarkinaon were killed, and overal wounded. In the spring of '0'i. the company 'Were again pilled apatnst their old enemies, where Win. I'lnllips and inms more were wounded, but again drove the Indians utT. About four months nro they once no. re met ill" Si.ikc. and one man, Win. l'liilliix. killed Thu last tight we understand, was on the '21st of Senienibi-r. Limit. (I. C. l'atloo met the Indian on Dundir and HIixnn ereek, seventy strong: with only ten men, he gallantly charged lliem, compelling the Indian to seek safely in rliplit. A this regiment is now entirely disband ed. their work will be appreciated. Although they have not had an opportunity of displaying their valor a the cavalry in the eastern stales, wa leei conhddil that they have dou their duly equally a well Iti-TI RSEO. Dr. Skiff. Wot. England, E. M Plamondon and several other'gentlemeu of this city who went on a pleasure trip to San Francisco mnrned last Thursday night. Dr. Skiff brought . i.rm addition to hi already fine stock of dental instruments; and he can now extract teeth so easily and devoid of pain that the patient would ratner nave ine operation prMrmni un uv, Lr.rT. There wa left at the Ralem Flouring Mill a large framed certificate of membership of David Caldwell, company number 13, olunteer Fir Department of ban Francisco. The owner can have the same by applying to Mr. Andrew . til 1-1. " t... Jicail'-T ai mo iiiiii. iue ceruucaio una udvh thera about four week. VT We learo that Hon. J. W. P. Hunting ton is in San Francisco, and will be at borne in a few days. AaTHMA A snumodic affection of lh Bran rhial Tubes, which are covered with a dry, tena cious nhlnrng. " Brown's Bronchia) Troche ' will, in mom cases, give immediate reuir ror Cen-h", ('olds, and Throat Disease, tbe Irocbu have proved their emcaey. 'An old lady friend having tried many reme die for Asthma, with no benefit, found great re lief from the Troches. KEV. D. LKTTa, r rank- fort, III. The people of Oregon can congratulate the mm? Wet with ht inf. in thu per ton of Got. Wmxtt. t man of honor and ftbilitr. in whom partitaiiiiirt it held in fthf JTince. to rubserte thu endt of justice ; and who, to bit m-rited title of Governor, combine the not inferior one of gentleman. A TEACHER. THK MARKETS. Tj-gnl tenders arc quoted In Sao Kraneisco stTls"l roarL.sD raoDi-rs r. Th f-lWl.s sr. the Oreirnl.a's Sortland pflcrl, KovM Wheat, for millinl, Wushel (lets. YM in I " M'1- V 100 Kl'Hir.entra j n,tr. crouur? brands. (irtnnd t'ee,t, V too- j A . j. ,, ISI 4 J.'. l ''tr fin fit I l ...t M.pl-s U""l (IU.-...r.'r. Bj y Hams. V .-v -li.Hil.tra. V S Iart). in lins Ird. in km V d Holler. f ft t'hirkena. arnns; and fall invwa. V . Hniw, V iS iris ' JfWit to 4 Kt6 in 3 iSI'ltt uo s.i.ra Kikirr. TU follnwtiig an the !Uen qwiUU-s tor Katurilar U i Wheit f lm.h-1. 6i. flat, ft haahel. Sr. F.r. jslali-el . fttl'i. f nra Mrl. f S...-.. X ddloirv i f f ii- Braa. Pa . ,li'.yf',l'':!,b"i'1 lf,1 For the Statesmen. DOUBLE Ql'KKI Where oar father slowly eeiikiiig. Walked so easy, mild, und creaking, How our wilder feet inn alreiiking. Doable Quick I Onward, by the slow and droning, " O'er the weary, bruised, and groaning, Trampling on lliu wi.uk and nioutiing, Double Quirk I Out upon the lame and dragging I Hlese the snarling, blustering, bragging Anything but sluih and lugging, Double Quick I We'll not terry to compare it, Other liiaes tnayhap will wuure it, Ours is but lo grin and bear it. Double Quick ! In the trodden trash and litter. Rest oar memniiee sweet and bitter Forward to the reHlnia that gliitur, Double Quick ! 'Tis an aire of traps and (riggers, Hashing items, farinas figures. Slavish whites and lordly niggers, Double Quick I t Waste no tears for those that need them, Hpill yoor grief upon the freeilmen Thick lipped idols bins ami breed them, Double Quick I Here sweet Clara courts caresses, With her ratnrart of tresses, And thu pranks of tilled dr-ses. Double Quick ! Vrantie Anna dons the breeches. Scolds ami hubbies, sipnills anil screeches, Fond of fuss and furious speeches, Double Quick I Diving, delving, and devising, Tireless minds and enterprising, Hidden things are still surprising, Double Quick I Pounding, smashing, grinding, jerking, Rtinnge inventions do the working, Muu is ever fond of shirking, Double Quick ! Nameless shafts ia war's deep quiver, Floating hella n lake and river, lUuis that shutter, crush, and shiver, Double Quick 1 Do not protest, do not cavil, At the snarl yoa eau't unravel, Mount the Iron Horse, and travel, Doable Quick I For the people, madlv mussing. Speed along, with all their fussing, Forward still, though erunud and cussing, 1 Double Quick 1 "A. Dickenson, Esq. IT" Rev. I. Dillon, formerly pastor of the M. E. Church here, ha just returned from a trip over tho Blue mountains. He comes back in glorious health, and pleasantly details his experience in the wild regions in ft long, racy communication to the Advocate, from which we take the following, wherein he " does" the Grande Konde valley t Thia valley, from which I have just return is a sink in tho Blue mountains, or if you please a great underground 'corral,' with high fencing of Blue inoiintiiins all around it. Here and there ia a place you may climb nut in, pro vided you have some pluuK and energy, aim It requires some at this seasou of the year, for the ttqis nf this high fencing all around, were pret'y well painted with snow ; and that, let me tell you, looked a little more refreshing at the distance nf you web foolers, titan it actu ally is to one who has just climbed to the tup uf it." McMlNNVlLLE. J. M. Johns, Esq., an old res ident of Oregon, after having traveled extensive ly over the State, settles down to the conclusion that Yamhill county ha as many attractions for those who desire pleasant homes, as any county, and so records hi impressions in a communica tion to the Oregonian. Near the center of tbe county, and in the vicinity of McMinnville, ia, he saya, the largest compact body of fertile prairie land in tho State. The farmer are industrious, enterprising, intelligent, and thrifty. The village of McMinnville is si'uated on a beautiful prairie, on the west bank of the Mouth Fork, or the main Yamhill river, two and a half miles from the junc tion nf the North Fork, and about ten miles from the Willamette river, about the geographical cen ter of thecountv. It contains a population of about 300, and b.,i all the place of business usu ally incident to a town of that size. Ithasahigh school kept in the Baptist College, though not by a Manual protessor. i ne college groumis, nuotii live acres, have been lately inclosed with a neat substantial fence and the building ha under gone considerable repairs, and been thoroughly painted on the otitsid". The average attendance winter is fiom I J" to I. Hi; soineiiiiiig i-ss in slimmer, l'rol. .1. YV. joiinaoii, a grauuaiii oi Yalo College, has been tho ,-nn-ipal for the last two years, and has given sin h general satisfac tion that lie lias li'-en placed in cnarge ol ine en- ire school and building lor a term ol nvo years. That BeoiiaH. Tim Insit issue of the " Union- it" denounced Cook the cripple at some length a an impostor, Ac. We gave him a favorable notice on his arrival hero, and now, according to the Unionist, it would seem that we were cruelly bilked." Well, perhaps we were ; hut then, af-i-rall. we would rather be "bilked" over and over again than to close our door against one true object of charity and commiseration. Distksipkrs. The recent wet weather has hatched out quits a number of bad cold and some which are infinitely worse. Our most re- speetabli- citizens go about the streets with their nose ail aulow with the friction of frequent blasts reminding one of ye ancient torch light pnicessiuus, now. alas! no more. Special Notices. Tho People's Friend, NORTH AND SOUTH. Davis' Vegetable Fain Killer, The Great Family M"dlcliie of tbo Age. Taken Internally, it caret sudden colds, fought, weak tlomach.fieneral debility, nursing tort month, ranker, liter complaint, dyspepsia, or indiKestion, cramp and pain in the stomach, bowel com plaint, pain- ter'e ctiolie. Asiatic cholera, disrrhoua and dysentery. Sold by all medicin dealers. 3? W Medical Advice -Dr. Wm. K. Doherty't -dieal andSurftcsJ Instltai It becoming sine qua nrni" to the wrlfare of i-ur Biat e tad henlth of nor eitlseiis: tad his rapid ly sprssdlnir reputation, allhnflsh It may excite surprise, Is but tht sltnal of skill, and follows s the natural tffect or such a cause. We are acquainted with frnUemen whohadsuff ared for years under chronic disease, and who had taken adraatam af evrry avtllable means that promised relief, bat withoot aoecMS, anill Ibey calM utoti Dr. BahrtT, wb, tn u lnerrlrly sltort sace of tlmr has slven eniirt rttf. Il Is rtlfiln ttsnnosnr ttiks f art, beeaase Ihe Oo tor ts a st-ntlvman who sfkt, not by nVfamstlon of others, to esiablisb his rsjpulsth.a. or to fr the stipe rstruelurt of his own upon ih ruin mi noiher's fame. The Dclr onn tjucu his Institute In swh a manvr ss most bo i;rstirrlnf In all hii ttatifuH. He eiamlnes..-! sn1 rfnmots1s with out charfi-; and the potlmt, after h-arlnr his ternu for treat mnl, can acept or rej-rt at pleasure. In no ose floes the Doctor max a chart unless h riru a cure. This he la able to do, bn-ausf ht frrls the cannlne which lnnt ts,w rksMirt has Riven, snd no doubt the consolation which a pint uins to thst conBlmie. Prans affliried with elMier acute or chronic tlits-is, nouhl do well to consult Ihe Doctor. At all eventa H rao do nn harm, as fr cnnsultotion he asks no aVi nor rin- bo Insist oa ebeninc to hts advice unites U bAUnt ntsci-j himself under hts care. Hts omcrs are on Bsv-rs.mer.ut slrett. nDtwelte tht Pacta Maliatramshlpllos. r Aears. Smtl MAR III ASM AJD tKl.lalAt TAu Ka- say of Warnin and ioMrortioa for Yonns; Men. Alan divaare and ahnaes which pro rale the vital powers. w ith sore Bteana of relict Mm ires oi cnarm w mm ed letter envelops. Addresa J hKIIXIV lint '(iHTf)S. Itrlftlt lli.ward Aaaociaton 1'hiladelphia. Pa. tiTThi Brat Rfmcalf for rstrtfyinf the Blood. Ilirentheniii( the Se:ve. Restorlnn the Lost Appe'ite, Is fkf.se 8 lusitirno tea. Il ia tha heat preaervativa aaainat almost any sicknaas. if osed lltaelr. fompoaed of herl only, it can b irivea safely to Infants. V II directiuna ill Enjrliali, French. HpnMb. and (ierman. with every sackatre. TKT IT' For aala at all the wholesale and retail drasetorea and jtnwertee. Etlll, FRKSK. Wholeile Iminiiat, rVile Agwt, 410 ftav street, ll!l ro Francisco. r.f Hot for th Afflicted Ii .eolhec pari "t tkle eaie atll i (nano Ihe a-lriTtMrmetil af lh eetebralerf In. etitatcuMleh. hf tie. t. C. Yai. tn I -oft. In thia ace nf rtecH uH .harlalanlani, H ni a ym to the eurter ' Mint net tn thm where iHey ar earn .1 nhsalntnf the Mh. ea Ine relief enre. fhoe Ihe rare uf UW M-llfnl Dnrlae, . Ihe sl'k ann IrnnhMwl eaa nlel IhemnrlrM nf their harHef. ef pain an ahame. tnf ast4e their ttnm. atnl arere h'.HI. an happtne II rna am . k ae Hi lrn4e. not hl. Ula. R' l UW anvertMMent Mid fell" the aaelee. M wa fnrt-t 'he nan.lw. n Ihe ntannee nf 4,ree1iee rar lei. te. lolsrl.f TIH!I lirrl' , asa Wahiawa airees. Snn Ijtlia NOTICE. Drugs and Medicines. HE uiideiniun d having porch hmmI ili ntire fttwlc af Druir nml Mudit-iiiei of V. K. Hilv. would r'-pectfiilly olicil a cuulinnunce uf I he favor lioreto fore xteiKieii to tho ectultlMiment ; mid hopes liy h lone Hpiilu'Htinn to the btuineu to murit slmre of ptiMic pHtrmiitKe. PliVH.ciHitV rreftoripiloiii' mid Ktiniilv Medicine carefully prepmed. W H IM II. THOMPSON. Kalein November rz, ju L. WII.I.II, f. C. ItMMOH. WILUH h SIMPSON, Attorney nt Jaw. Office over Ul-H'm tnrr, eorner Stij mid C'mnmf mal Stiff 1 8, Hiilem, Oreytm. li:Ui(f rHP! rnnnrtnernliip heretofore exiiting between Pri. McAfee & fun renter ii tliii disHolved by mntiml ennoent. All person knowing tlienmelvet in- fined tn the late Arm are reqiiemed to cull on Dr. ' it rp titer, ttt nil ome,in resilience, nearly opposite lie Coiiureuiitionul Church, who is tiiiihorued to re tain tbe Houks one mouth for it-tt lament. J. W. MeAKKK. M. D-, H.CAliPKNTElt. Rulem.OctMl, 18G5 NOTICE. COOKE. McCl'LLY & CO have sold out their en tire Stock of Merchandise to Messrs. Morgan, Scott ot Co. I liir books are now reudy for settlement. All per sons knowing tbetiieulve s iunVbtfil will please call and settle liniiiediHtelv. COOKE, MoClLl.Y fc CO. September. 28tf 5Q AfkA A VI! AH made by any one with DW.UUW $15 Sleiu-il Tools. No experience necessary. 1 be Prenlents, I arhiers, and J reasurers of 3 llatiks indorse tbe circular, r-eut free wilssani- tiles. Address tbo American Hl-m-il Tool Works. Siiringlield, Vermont. - ttmVtt -10HNKK OK BANSDMR AND HALLECK HTKKT8. Kan Francisco, Cut. KIIIEIU00l'-3OO Itooms.ull burd Hnishod, well vuntiiateu, unit tuculy f urnished. The most comfortable und liomolike hotel in tlir Stale, where every want is anticipated and cheerfully supplied. Prices to Suit the Nost Economical The AmericHii Kxcbauire Coach, with Ited Liirhta. will ulwHVH he. in reudiiie.s to ciiiivmv tuuuienieni to the hotel free of charge. iliiiisd-l French Medical Office. DU. .HjLIRN PEKHAULT. Doctor of Medicine of the Faculty of Paris. Oraduuto of the Uni versity (Queen's Colleo, mid Physician of the St John's ItHptistu Suriiitv of San Francisco. Dn. I'kiikaui.t Iihs pleasure to inform patients, and others seekintr confidential tnedieal ad v ire. that he run bo consulted dailv at his olhVe, Armory Hall Huildinff. north-east corner Montiromerv and Sacra- nieuto streets, Situ Krancisco. Koims No. 10, II, Hrst floor up stairs, entrance on either Montgomery or Sacramento street Da. Pehsault's studies have wen almost exclus ively devoted to the cure of the various forms of wvoHBiui(l I'hysieiil iJcniltty. the results oi tnptn ons habits aetpiired in youth, which usual I V terminate in Impotence and sterility, and permanently induce all the concomitants of old aire. Where a secret intinni ty exists involving the happiness of a lifo and that of diners, reuson ami ninruiiiy uieiaio mih iiwrpwuiiy m m removul tor it is a fm-t that premalui1 deciina of the vtifor of manhood, matrimonial ttuhappmess, com pulsory sinirle life, etc., have their sources in causes the ffetm of which is planted in early me, nun nie bitter fruit tasted lonu afterwurd ; nauente, luborini nnder this complaint, will com pin ii) ol one or more of the following svtiiptoms : Xociufual emissions, pains in the back and head, weakness uf memory and sight, discltaraftj frmn tht lieethm on the lot ,r inultitisf water, the intellectual faculties are weaketifd. Inns ol memory ensues ideas are rlomleI, and I her is a dis inclination to attend to business, or even tn readitiir, writinif. or the em-id v of Iriemls, etc, Ihe patient will prohablv complain of dizxiness, vertigo, and that si u I it and hearing are weakened and siren die imbed bv dreams, uielaiicholv. atulrinir . imliututious, fuiiitings, cuiilm' and slow fever t while tome hxve external rhcumutic pain, and nmnhuuss t the tiodv. -tome of the most common svinptoms are pimples in the face, and achlntr in dilierent pails of the body Patients sutierintf from this disease, should apply lm mediately to Da. Pkhkault, either m person nr by letter, as he will iruurnniean cure oi ncininai emis sions and ImiMiteiiee tb six toeiuht weeks. PalieiitssuHcrin from Venereal Disfusys in any staifa, Gmiorrlum, (ileet,Mtrictuns. Hnho I Icers.-t.u taneous Kruntioits. etc.. will be treated successful I v All Syphilitic, and Mercurial tututs entirely removed from the svstem. Da pKiittAt'l.Tt diplomas are In his ofHctt. where potieuis can see for theinselves. Wa iuvtt iiiveshua lion: cluim not to know evervthiuir, nor to cure ev eryhody, but we do ctnim that in hII canes taken tin der treatment we fullill our promises. We pHtinular ly request those who have tried this honsted doctor, and that advertised physician, lill worn out and Jis C'Miraued, In call opuii as. Iow charirft ami ouii-k cures Ladies sntleriuir tnun unv complaint incidental t their sex, can consult the doctor wtih the assurance of relief. Iinal4' .Monllily Pill.. Dn PkhraWLT is the only a'tit iu California for Dr. liioT S Female Monililv Pills. Their immense mle has esinbl tnhfd (heir repniHiion as a female rem edy, uimppniHched. and far in udvnnee of every oilier remedy br suppreMtions ami irreunlurilira. ami other obsinittiiitis m fmnales. Ou the rweipt of five dol lart, these Pillt will be sent by mail or express to any part ol the world, secure iroui curiottty or nam HUS. Persons at a distance can be cured ab home, by ad- drussinu a letter In Dr. PxaftAtrLT, corner uf tSacra nieuto and UoiilKouiery streets, rooms tuaiia ii, or box '.K'i. P. O. Hut) Kruucisco. staliiitf tbe case as ml nulely as possible, Ku.-al habits of living, occujia- liuu. etc., c'c. All wmimutilrations confidential. nol2y Mrs. STIFF'S X tlVlia'VVJV M A I' Jk. A VALUABLE REMEDY roa All the Diseases of tbe Chest, aiiisimi rsoa COUGHS AND CO-D3. The proenies of Ilia Comhiuation are Tonic, ExptTloriiitt, Koolliiiitf and IIEAL1SG. aud ara fiecaliarlv fltled for aneatinft and prevenliiiK iue icnaency w CONSUMPTION! 8o frequent and futal nr. th Pacific Coast. ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED ar L. II. THOMFSOX. DniKitist. WTwleialt and General Agent, BAl.KM, OHEOON. MARIOS COVSTY. CHARLES CALVEKT K. IIANNA CAP. UrMAM'h HAMILTON At Hunt IIAVENMOKT aV WtlLFAKU . Waconda .. lielpaaai .Hi. frills .. Fairteld ..Hi I venon . Hoblimilv T MOIlUt"- Mi KINNEY At CO.. Turner a Mills , Jefferson HEACH At CO I.1SS COVSTY. PAIIH1SII dr. CO Albany Hcio Lohauon ..EufrrneCity JOHNS HANKOLFIl i.Vfi COVSTY. A. t. McCLl HK. Merchant HKI.HHAW At CO, llrtiKKirt STbWAUT HF.STOS COVSTY. CHAS. II. FKIESHLV . rpriu(field ....Monro Wool-n 31aaiurH-tiari-M' NOTICIj. r'pHR andnraivned. Aaenta of Woolen Mill in Or t eaon. have mutually earned to aell i,ur fabrics. until further puhlle nolle, upon the following terms ""ill line aales will be on credit of sixty dues and after thai time internet will be charyed at on par eeiit per month. Fnrrhaaara for Cash will be allowed a discount of tbren per cent Fortiaud, Oct li'h, I"". J. H httlfil, Aa't W. W. Mfif Ce K JACOH. AeuesAa lO. CitvWfifCo. IV UiKM.II, An I tn!e w. Ul u. 0't S.T-1860-: A smile was on her Mp health was In hortook, treTuth was in her step, and iu her hands Planta tion if ITTBttS." A fw bottles of Plantation Hittkks , Will cure Neivons HvadacliQ. " Cold Kxtremitifrt and Kcverish Lips. " Honr Stomach and Fetid Wreath. " Flatulency and Indigestion. " Nervous AU'eciiomt. u Kxce s"ive Kut i ifiie and Short ltrcath. " Hiii ovf-r the Kyes. ' Menial Despondency " Procuration t Great Weak nesa. " bul low Complexion, Weak Bowels, ice. Which ore tbe evidences ol LIVKIt COMPLAINT AND DYSPEPSIA. Il Is entimatpd that seven-tenth of nil mliilt f.il- ments proceed from a diseased and torpid liver. The biliary secretimis of the liver overflow ina- into the stomach poisou the entire system and exhibit the above symptoms. After loiiff research, we are able to present the most remark utile care for these homo mirhlmure ins et, set, the worltl not ever produced. ithm oite vear over six hundred and frlv iliuiinmd ltertns have tu ken the Plantation Hitters, and not an itistunce of comnlaint has coaie to our know led if. 1 They are the best Hitters in the world. They make the weuk strnnt and are exhausted tiHlure's tfrcat testorer. Thev are ttmdo of pure Ht. Croix liiiiu, the celebrated Cah'sava Hark, roots and herbs, und are taken with the pleasure of a he vera we. without re ifiird to nye or lime of dav. Piirttcubirlv lucoin- mended to delicate poisons rcipirinir a uentlo stimu lant. Hold bv all Grocers, Diuuvists, Hotels, and famous. Only uonuine when the Cm k is covered bv our private U. a. Hi am p. Hewn re of counterfeits and reiillud bottles. r. n. oiiiKr: a c o., yi Park Kow, New York, Proprietors. SMITH At DAVIS. Portland, General Audits for Uretfou. Barnes's Magnolia Water. A toilet ileiiulill The Mies' trcutura and irunlle- nien s boon I I lia " swcplest ilimit " anil lamest qilHiilily. Mimnfm-lured from llie rich ftomh(.rli Mhk- homii usi-ii lor oiti limit inn ihto hiiu imstih. cu ller the skill soft end fresh, to prevent eruptions, to ierlmne nothing, ore. It nvercoines Ihe unpleHsiitit odor of porspirHliou It removes redness, ihii. hlotclies. It cures nervmu liendHclie snd ailuys IntUninnUinu. It cools, sofiens, nnd Hdds delicHcy to tlie skin. It yields H suhdued nnd hisLinx te'rftitne. It i-nres ninsiileto Idles hihI stints of ilitieuis. It contains no material injurious to the skin. It l u-ltut vai-v ludv should havo. Rold vverV' wlwia. Try ihe liuxnoliit Waler unco, and von will use no other Uoluyne, reiluiuery, or loilet n ater at- terwards. IIKIA BAKNSISI V CO., Proiw. Kxclnsiva Aireiiu, N. V. Sold by all Druggist, and Uealera on the 1'acitic coast. Over a Million Dollars Saved! (lentlcmen : " I liinl h ncuro man wonh ! 3NI, I who look cold from a hud hurt iu the leir. iinu was useless for over n vi-nr. I liml ust-n evcryimnit t could hear of without henelit, uutll 1 tllt-il Hie Mexi can Musiuuk l.iiiiuionl. It soon etlect.il a permanent cure. ' .1 I- DOWNI.NO. Moutiromerv. A n . .lime 17. IH..'.!. " 1 hike pleasure iu rei-ominendiuir the Mexican I MuelHliK l.iiiimelil us n rttliiiilile and indispeustihle ar- I Hi- e lor hnraius. rMiri-a. Si ralt-lics, or tlulls on lloraea. llur men nave llseu u lor noma, iiruiiws, rwirea, Kheiiuiulisra, Ate, ami all suv il acta like mapic. J. v. Ill," II I . Foreman for Aiuerican, Wells, Fariin'aand Hani . den'a Kxnresa. "The spriuti of mv duuliter's ankle, occasioned while skatiuir last winter, whs entirely cured in one week, alter ahe coiumenced using vonr celel.rnted .Miistnuir Liniment. Kit. SKKLV.' (iloui-eslur. Musa., Auj 1, lntu. It is an adiniiied fact that the Moxicnn Muslanx l.imiiieul lieitornia more cures in shinier Mine. tiiau and heaat. than auv urlicla ever discovered. Kamiliea. liverv men. and plMiilera .-Miold alwavahave il oil hand. Uinrk and sure i' rcrtuinlv ia. All Kenu- iue are wrapped in aleel plute eiiiiHvini. hearintf 1 the aigoature of ttVV. Vte.lt, riMik, Cliemial. and thai uricair U. 8. slump of 1)1 ma Harms At Co. over llie Ion. An ellorl haa heell made to colihleifeil it with a I c lean alone plate talwl. Limk rlutrlu! Hold hy all UniKKiats uud Deuk-re on I'acillc coast. Lyon's Eathairon. It is a moat delightful Hair Drraaius;. - It eradicate scurf and dandruff. It keeps 'he head cool and clean. Il makea the hair rich, art. and iiloaay. It prevents hair tnrniiiK irray and fallniK on. It realorea Imie onon lireuialurelv bnhl heads. This ia lust what l.von'a Kathairoti will do. It is nretlr Il Is rhean ilnruhle. It ia literally sold by Ihe car load, and vet ita uhuoet hierediblo demand la daily iiicreaeinv, until there ia hardly a country store tliat d'Ha not seep it. or a lamnv inai noea uoi um it. F..TIIOMAH l.lON, hetnist. Is. I. Hold by all l)rii(gisis and Dealer, on lh FaeiAc, LYON'S EXT. QINQER. Lroa's KxTSacr of Pua Jaaaica Oleosa for Indigeetion, Nauaea. Ilearthnril, Kir Jleudache Cholera Morbna, rlaluleney, are,, wliere a warming etimaiant ia required Ita careful nreparal on aud i lira parity snake il a cheap and reliable article for ru- hiuiry purpoaee. hold everywhere a; ernia per no.- i lie. Aak ffr-' Lvoa'" Pure Extract. Tuke no ot her. I Clt'TluK. Hee that the private I,. M atamp of IK- naa llaasis At Co ie over Ihe cork of each bottle. NiMie other is genuine. Ljon's "ln I'o'vrilcr. DrtTN vn Ft its -It Is well known thai Lyon's tannin Marneiie I'owder will periertty drrtroy evervtlitng lo th aiiaM nt neaa, llcss. lied buga, rrw-hee. Arc i Ibal il ia perfect lioiaon In lh laaet-t Iriha bat enlirelv iMemleae lo Ilia heieaa specie and domeatie aoimnle. Thegenmiw haallieairftiatnrai.fi K. Lvoa. and Ibe private atamp of lis sasllaaaKS At I Co. Anvthing ela nf Ihia kind ia an aitalliHi or I coanlarfeit Auy dmggiat will nmeara tl esjwouine, if vou insiet t-.u will have no oli.er. ki;ii;toi; & co.'s Essence of Jamaica Ginger fpHIS VALUABLE PKKPAHATIOX. containing X iu a highly concentrated form nil he properties of the Jutiiuica Giitr. hue become one of the raoet popular ilomentic retnediei for all ditctttws nf the fttoav ach and !iriiiv0 oi-KUtm. Ab a ionic it will be tmind invaluable to all perwnn recoveriiiK Irom debility, whether pro'iiieert by fever or oiliervviiie i for whilst It impart to the nyuiein all the kIow and vijfor that can ho produced by wine or brandv. It U entirely free from the reactofy eflecU that follow the nne of spirits of any kind. ,It tn alio nil excellent remedy for feu h let who enf ft'r from difficult menut rural iou ivin almost imme diate ml i.-f to the spaemi tlmt so frequently accompany that period. It anvea immediate relief to Nausea, caused by riding in a railroad car, or by tea sickness, or o'her causes It is also valuable as an external application for Gout, Khemalisui, Neuralgia. ". itr.iMtii" at, uw.. Bole Agents for the Pacific Coast. STOP THATCOUGHING COMB OF YOU CAM'T, AWD WB PITY O yiiiL You luivo trt -1 every remedy but ttie ONK dt-s'tiiHH), by lu tuiniislc mtTit, (o suporwde all nim tl.ir preimrntions. It tn not surprising you should he rt'liKtiitit to try somtaliliiR el artfr tho msnyox pcriiinMitH ynu luive mmle or traxhy compuuuds foUtcd uu thu public w a certain cure; but NEWELL'L Pulmonary Syrup Is rcnllylho VERY BEST rrmiMycvrr compounded for tint run1 of t'ouuhH, Ctildw. Horu Thnwt, Astlima, WliptiiiliiK CtiUKh,llro!icliitl.saiitl onsum.lkm. Ttunt Jti.'if tr in'uplo in ('aiiuiniiu una nrM"t have tsWH -alrtMily tx-uoiiiuxt by ttiu surj'nulng curative powers NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup snd with one accord nlvo It tholr unqimlltl(il appro bat Ion. Wii now aililri'fw ourrtclvcA to all who ore tin Bcilimliitpil will tlil, tho rcaU.'al I'aimccai.rtliB age, for tlio hcnlinir of all distw&es of tht) Throat aud Luu.i, nuuriug you that NEWELL'C Pulmonary Syrup has cured thousands and it will euro YOU If you try It, This Invnttmhle mwllelno la plfliwant to the tnntei soothing, hoiilliiH and HtrciiKlheuitig in ilt etlc-clM ; on tlroly I'ruc from all piticonuus or drlolcrioun Oiuke, aud lwrfrctly hantilcrw under all clrcumslancBii. CVrlllicntea from mnny pniniincnt uliawua of $tn Frtuciswo accompany every botllu uf NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup HF.DINGTOM k CO. Asent, Dan FrsucUoe. KEMNGTON'S FLAVORING EXTRACTS Are nuide from FltKSH Fruits. Knch bottle holds twice as much us any other brand ill the market, consequently they lire the cheapest and the best. UnG NO Of I IKK. IIKDINOTON At CO. Agents for tha l'ucilio const. if i Hit re. Ii VV. H" Tt I r;4l iti;4wi; (i Wills is a aondrrful dlacorery, and stands 1 above comparison with any other artlela tor tbe Uatr ever brought before the public. A PERFECT Hair Restorer and Hair Dresser oA combined tn am. 1st. Ta not a Dve. 'in. will not color the akin. will reatore GraT Hair te a beautiful niaek, nrovn, Auburn, or whatever might hare been Ita oriilnal color, and oauao It to asauuM Its former beauty. 4tii. Wul cura all Uumora and Disaeees of the scalp. 6rn. Will remove Dandruf) and Bcurf from the head, end keep the hair moist and ailk-lika lu lu aupmranee aa In youthful oeya. tu. Will promola a healthy arowlh. 7ra. Will praveut It from laJlliig off, and cause It lo grow on bald heads where there Is Ilia and vitality at tha roota, but where these an Kiine there ts no hope or success. Htu. The beat leeUmony that eaa be (Iran will be found buttle of each bottle. Warranted (o cTe oil r claim fur U or IA money rwtmaVxJ after wains; Sioe 6ofe. Try U and 6 conduced. Bold verywher. PRICK, 01. BIMONDS & 00., Proprietor, riTZWlLLIAll, V. H. IIKDINOTON At CO., Agents, San Francisco. Gracfenbcric UTERINE CATHOLICON, If fuillifnllv need aci-ordlng lu dii-cctious, will rim everv cuse of Diabetes, aud grcullv tnitigiite the trou blesome effects caused by a relaxation of the outlet nf the billet or the manner, u is a most surceserui rem edy for the (travel and other diseases nf the Kidneys and Nimbler, and for remain lieeue.-a Is lliiequalrd. The CiAoiroa uniformly ciirea l'ndepaiie Uteri. Whites, all lrrrguluriliea of the .ilonibly Inms, Hup nreaainn. liiooulilieitca of L'line, llhmting and Drnp- aical Hwellinga, and all Diseaaea of l'regnancy. Th specific action of this medicine ie immediate and cee tain upon ttie i.ienne ana Aiiuoniiuui nusrine anu Ligaments t eealoring theia to aa healthy a state ae Ihoee ot ihiiilhmid aud ynnlb. so that paliente who have need the Ornefenhrrg t 'einaiey'a Htmn C thohroH i-annut siiIIkI inlly express their gratitude for the relief aitoriieu. Kediugion At Co. Agents, 4 MI and 418 trout alreet, Hall Francieco. WE THINK TnKUKISNO MED Iclne so rfTlcAt lous In rrtnovlnic' humors from the blood a SCO. VII.L'8 BtUOD k LIVER 8TKIP' II , Is recommended by Phjsl clan. In all part of the coun try, Tor the cure of Scrofula, and other diseases of the Cuti cle. Pimples or Horei Indicate that the system la out of order, tnlesa lomeihln; Is done lo cleanse the blood or these lm. purltle the result mar ke a more serious disease, such at scrofula, syphilis, etc. Those who wish to And s most efllca. clou remedy, and yet hare no confidence In Patent Medicine generally, will never regret s trial or scoilir Blood and Liter Syrup. HKDIMTOM H0. I'ent. 416 snd 418 front sU Has Francisco. S4m8 GKO. B. ClTRKtr, SKTH R. llAHMRn. Attorney at Law. Notary Fulilic. . Cl'RIIET IIAMITIEII. Law and General Agency Offlce, " Up Stair. Moorea's Itrick Itlock, SALEM, ORECIOS. PARTICULAR attention lven to th parchaee and aala nf laind. and City property. Abstract of Tities furnished. Huslnee transuded with all the Departments at Washington City. Col lections promptly attended to. KtriRisciai Messrs. .1. II. & I. U. Moore, Ilralli At Dearborn, J. B. U. M. Hiranh. Salem i Crawford, Hlocnm At Co., Vancouver ; Dr. W. H. W'ntkins. Fort, land! Hon. O.N. Denny. Dalles City. May U, I m. City Property for gale. WE will sell on reasonable terms, the following city property. 14 choice and beantifnlly located resident tots in Cartwr'chl'a addition to tha City of Salem, .lust laid 0,1. ' A large, convenient and tastily furnished resilience and two lots, on Front and Division streeta. A house, two Iota, with maynillcent garden anil shade trees, on Front street. A splendid resideno and lot, cor. Liberty and Main Street. A No. 1 Dwelling House, and two lota, with Dn assortment of fruit trees, good staid, Ate, cor Main and Cottage streets. A two story dwelling house, with six room, celled and papered, together with th lot on which it stand, situated on Hummer street, between Chemekei aud Centre streeta. Four good, nest dwellings, well finished, on front ' and Court sta. Three excellent house and Iota, on I huren street, between Chemekota and Center streets. A house and lot ou Front street. House und four lots iu North Salem. House und three lota adjoining A. Bush's, on Wis north. House and lot, on cor. High and Ferry streets. One feuced lot in South Salem. Farms for Male I We will sell the following farina at bargains. Two hundred and forty acres of Land, nil fenced, cleared, except acres, bj mile snath, on road front Rnlera to Hall's Ferry Dwelling bonse and orchard. Work oxen will be taken in part payment I jvina; spring branch running through the premies. For further particulars, enqnlre of Correy at Hummer. i acres good land, i mile east of N. Salem, with good vonng orchard, garden, Are. MM acres good farming aud graiing land, ith of. chard Ate, siluntad 5 miles from Halem. !i5 acres, witli superior stock raising facilities, lo guther with a good stock of horses, cattle, sheep, and lings. Situate on Drift Creek, foot of Cuacltdii moun tains. . - - 35 acres, including part nf the town of Sublimity. I Ml ucres splendidly timbered land, two mill's from Sublimity. - i l or Sain. . ' A good one-horse buggy. For further particular! concerning any of tin above property inquire at our ofllce. -- , . CVBKEV lUnnER, Law and Agency OIHce, nnataini, Moorea Brisk lllnek, Snleiu, Oregon. i WANTED, J10 purchase two small furms. For particntsrs in 1 quire of CUliRY At HAMMKR. YANKEE DOODLE Yankee Doodle goei to town. And to doet everybody. And buy their goodi of rktTH & Waub, And don't get "stucfc"en $hoddy. BKCIAIHK SMITH & WADE Don't keep shoddy goods. TAe re not selling oal at cost. Tluir stock I nut going to be clod out In ixty davs. Quite the reverse to the contrary t on llie other side, If you please. They have settled down in Ralem for a pormanenl, legitimate business, and deal In everything yon can think of. and thousands of things no one else but them ever would think of until they needed thorn i and their busineaa ia lucrraeiug enormously vry mouth. They now offer for sale ON SIRJT FLOOIt.l a WARS-MilllI. A splendid stock -ot- An immense atoclt -of- Wagon, Buggy and Sulky Tl.riHBltsi, Iron and Hickory AXLKM, THIMBI.BS, 8KKIN8, EASTERN ASH Hickory nndi'op ler CLANK. Tbe largest stork and beat assort ment of lltUN AtSTliKL Wagon ii lutgr IRONS, Heavy " HARDWAHK I CABLE snd Log-Chaltnl hop, MAILS. Etc, Ele.. DIIY HOOPS Salem and Org'n -. . city FatloryClotlilui GUOCEIIIES, HARDWAUE, Booli ii Shoet CB0CKKRY, NOTIONS, Etc., Etc, Blacksmith, and Wagon-Makers Tools. . Plows), Wheelbarrow, jlOS.SOO Gram Cradlea, Ever offend in Balem. Hcvlhee, Hwalhs. ftHl.fUa.USl - Kakes, Koika etc. etc. that are uoi i Ane- YEW POSTS iniri.oli hand and All at Portland to arrive. i prirea and ball' that are nut ipllx- j rent per lb. fori ten, always tor . freight added. , sale. Then everybody keep it up, , And tall and tee them often. Thtyrt alwayt ready (to u Jim) Hard prieet for to "toften." They work tliemitlcei, and pay no rent; And alwayi keep a kicking; And in trading goodi fur poultry tggt You'll find they don't lay ' thicken? SMITH & WADE, Commretal Itrstt. SALEM, OREGON. DH. E. W. DAVIS Medical snd Surgical Sanatoria, hb Hacramento street (up ataure), Tlir doors below lh What Oheer llouae, oppoalt No. 4 s Kngine llouae, between Mout goioory aud Meueosc aaa., ' S.V FRANCISCO. CAL. EHTADLIHHED for the permanent core of all Spe cial and Chronic Dieeaaeo, no matter of how keaer dumlion. Particular attention paid lo the Irealanul of Diseasee of W omen and Children. ('omniuuleaiiooa aTaictLt coariDaaTiaL. Con. snltatinna by letter or otherwise, mat, in th Eng lish. Oertnaa, aud Spanish langungee. The Ootior would invite especial atlentlon to his mode of IraaUns; e those stcair visiasss, with all their attending can eequenees. In primary stage of dieeaaee, a aura, I giurameed iu a few days, in lite secondary and ter tiary stage, which arise Irom neglect and improper treatment) h givea th ascorence of a care in tho shortest pneeihle time In which a cvsesWrfe ear can aary r mmAt. Alteetione of tlia Heart, t.nnga. Liver. Kiduey. 8pleen, Rheumatism, aud Neuralgia i also, Mercurial aaiferiuga, Chilla and s'ever eneeeaarnliy treated. Per sons iu th interior desirnna of availing themselve of Ihe Iioctor'a profeeaional servieea may rely ou having lu same attention devo ed to their cstae aa If they were under hie personal ear. CMi'ns frn. Outrun modernle. ' . Omce huura from 9 . M lo s. St. All Viler moat be addressed to th attending and resident physician, K. VV. DAVIS, at. U, P. O. Bo rta. or Wells, Kargi. At Co., oclHniS San s'rulicisco. Ort7eMisTiilel, r,eat street, V MA TILL A, OKtGOtf. ' AMOS I. aOOIBA, Praprletar. Sloeear Stxt Ca.-a "Sice SI this Hetel. Beriraf I take a tha Haute, r AKK el charai-. WM