The Oregon statesman. (Oregon City, O.T. [Or.]) 1851-1866, November 05, 1866, Page 1, Image 1

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    - - J . " ;f
THE OREGON STATESMAN. - fl yV ' .- ' -SJ " d - " - , V. r A
The Oregon Priming urn) Publishing Coniponjr.
Tkhmh One vtmr. A3, hi eoin. Six morittm. J.
tT HomlLUiiwci may bo nmde by iniiil nt, our rink
wiioti mm led in the presence or the prmtmHuUir.
U. S. OlUclal Paper for the State.
Private Medical & Surgical Inntltute,
Hiieramnriln Rtreot, below Montgomery, opposite tlio
l'acitic Mnil Mtcamslilp Company's ilfflce. Private
ciurance ou i ciucsuorn street, ran efauclsco.
Established etvressly to Afford the AJjlictsd ones
McicnliRc Medical Aid, in the Treatment
ami cuve of all i'ncals and Chronic
Diseases, vases of Secrecy
and All Smal
I)n. W. K. Dohmitt returns liin sincere thanks to
Ills numerous putionm for their patrouage, nnd would
take tlit opportunity to remind them that be contin
ue!! to consult at hie Institute for Mis cure of chronic
(nanuses nl the Lungs, Liver, Kldneyl, Digestive nnd
unirn unimrv "igans, ana all private aieeasos. vie
Kyphilie In all Its forme and stages, Seminal Weak
IIHHH. Ulld all Llie hni-rhf fuinww.nniiM. nf lrul...u.
, Gonorrliuia. Gleet, Hlrlelures, Nocturnal and Diurnal
eniitaioua, rwxuai uiaamnty, Jiicaaao of the Back
ami Loins, InHauimatiuii of the Bladder and Kiduoye,
etc., and he hones that hie loop eximrinniw imd ,.
ceasful practice will continue to ensure him a share of
iiuunc iairnnu((o. Hy the practice of many yeara in
Europe and the United Ktatee, he ia enabled to apply
t.rm nin.t i.ff1niA, a.,,1 ................II . V. : . il
D. .v . auu Ditvvn.iiuil ro.iauio. oasiiiab U1B-
eiiaee of all kimla, lie uaeano niercurv. cliurim. mod
enilo, treate hit patienta In a correct and honorable
way.und high standing in aociety. All partloa consult
in him by letter or otherwlae. will receive the beat
end gentlest treatment, and implicit soerecy.
Dr. Dmiehti would call attention to tlie following
certificate from two of Ilia patienta, who having fully
recovered their health, deal to make known their
remedial agent. "' It will lie Been their statements are
fully authenticated by a Notary Public
1 no welfare of aociety imperiously demand their
puoiicny.ana tney are given more to warn the unwary
tliHu to Hound" the praiae of a I'hyaician, of whom
hundred! of like cuacacau bo cited during a practice
of more than fifteen years.
Dr. DoHBRTr Dear girt I feel my health an fullv
reatored. Ihnt in Common imttitndn. I heliflVH I ahntilil
make you aome written ackiiowleilgemeut for your
valuable aervicea-particularly ua your fee wua amall for
inu with periormeu.
I arrived ill tliia city from (be Eunt about one year
ago, ami wai men auiieniig from tin old caae or Mleet,
complicated with Stricture, lleing a atrangor in tliia
cny, nun uuiieviug llione llnctorn who gave auch poai
tive uaniimnce of auccima wore ncceaaarily the heat,
(aome of Whom Itave n. lawn mi
ed tnyaelfin their charge and continued under their
treatment until 1 Had loat nearly all hope and a con.
Biilcrahle anm of monov.
I Wia i to 8MV now fliut vnn u ra tl, .ivlt, rtiutnr f
have employed, and the only one that line ever done
mo any aerviee. . II y Gleet ia wliollv cured, the Htrict
ure la nil removed, aud my general health ia belter
ujNii ii, iihr oeen ior yunra.
Ill conclusion. I would anv to the mnnv nnfortnn.
Htca who require medical advice, jf voii have any
doubt aa to whom you may employ, uak Dr. Duherty
for my addicaa and call and aee me. (I keep atore in
tliia city.) My experience may aavo you many dollart,
I would ulao add tbat in tho early alago of my ilia
eaao I uacd a Inruu amount of tlm nrpnMrMtiona ..Im.
tiaed aa an iufullihle cure lor Qouorrhuia, Gleet, etc.,
wv iwtor uuriveu any ueneill irom lliclll.
I am, Doctor, very truly yonre, L n,
Hun Fruneiaro. June l(i. 18114.
Hubacrihed and awoni to before me, tint 31st iluy of
vuira, A.u. lout.
A. 8. Ooui.d, Notary Public.
Seminal Wrnkness A Swom-lo certificate of a
most remarkable ease of Sjiermatorrlioea.
A deeire to benefit humanity, and a feeling of grati
tude to Dr. W. K. Dolierty, alone induce me to make
this staUiment. e'or many yeara I have been alllicted
Willi that foarful diaeaae known ua "Hperraatorrhiea,"
or Hcminul YVeHknese, the reault of aelf-abuae, but till
1H55 experkuced but little trouble or Inconvenience.
In that year, however, 1 bad Seminal Weakness to
an alarming extent, which was aonn followed by the
moat alurming aymptoina, as weukucas of the back
and limbs, pain iu the lien J , dimneaa of vision, nerv
ouanesa, and general debility. My mind, too, was
alllicted to aucli an extent us to seriously Impair my
memory i my ideas were confused and spirits depress
ed. I was averse to society, had evil forebodiuga and
self distrnat, aud was entirely unfitted for any of the
duties of life. Kruiu lKu to the summer of INIi.'t, 1
employed the very best medical talent I could find,
and spent several hundred dollars, but in no instance
obtained more than temporary relief. I had about
concluded there was no relief for me in this world,
but seeing Dr. Doherly's advertisement, I thought I
would rail and aee him, as be ehargod nothing for
consultation. 1 had an interview with Dr. Doherty
at bis oltlce. iu Sacramento etrest, and his fee fo'r
treatment was so reasonable, I determined to try him,
though I did not expect much benefit from his treat
ment. On the Olli of December last I placed myself
under hla cure i in one week I found myself very
muck improved, and, now, after live weeks' treat
ment, I feel myself thoroughly cured of all my Iroub
lee and in the enjoyment ot the beat health. Hoping
that my experience uiny be of benefit to others simi
larly situated, I stibacribe myself
Jinks Johnston.
Subscribed and sworn to before we, tliia lOlh duy of
January, A. D. Wil.
l. a.) A. 0. Rakdill, Notary Public.
To I'eiunlcn.
When a female is ill troublo, or ulHirted with dis
ease as weakness of the back and limbs, pain in the
head, dimness of sight, loss of muscular power, pal
pitation of the heart, irritability, nervousness, ex
treme nrinary difficulties, deraugemout of digestive
functions, general v , vaginitis, all discuses of
the womb, hysteria, sterility, and all other diseases
peculiar to females, they should go or write at once
to the celebrated female doctor. VV. K. Dobertv. at his
Medical Institute, and consult him about their troub
les and diseuse. The ''oetor is otlecting more cures
than any other physician in the State of California.
Let no false delicacy prevent you, but apply imme
diately aud save yourself from painful sullermga and
Iireinaturv death.' All married ladies whose delicate
leultli or other circumstances prevent an increase in
their families, should write or cull at Dr. W. K. Do
herly's Medical Institute, and they will receive every
possible relief mid htlp. The Doctor's offices) are so
arranged that be coil be cousuited without feur of ob
servation. .
To Corre,oiideiits.
Patients residing In any part of Hie State, however
liauiit, who may dcaiie the opinion and advice of Dr.
Doherty on their respective rnses. and who think
proper to submit a written statement of anch, in pref
erence to holding a personal Interview, are respectfnl
ly assured that their conimiiiiiciitiona will be held
liioat Burred. Dr. Doherty takes this onportnnhy of
observing that all letters are only opened una replied
to by himself, and the latter as promptly as possible.
If the esse he fully and candidly described, person
al communication will be sorsedcd, as Instructions
for diet, regimen, and the geueral treatment of the
case, (including the remedies) will be forwarded with
out delay, and iu such a manner as to convey no pur
port of the letter or parcel so transmitted.
If Consultation at tho office, rant. Permanent
care guaranteed or no pav. Address
W.K. DOHKKTy.M.l).
Sun Kraiiciaro, Cal.
Opinions of the rrrtra.
Dr. DOIIKKTY is skillful physician and honor
nble gentlemen, any statements he makes to his pa
tients, lie is sure to fulfil. That fact is one great ruufte
ot bis eminent success in Lis profession. It is fortu
nate that among the many advertising physicians,
there is one who ran be depended on. hview.
Dr. DOIIKUTY'rt reputation as aphyieian Is a suf
ficient guarantee for the tnra of any ease he may un
dertake. It hmnielt.
Dr. DOIIKKTY hae devoted his study more partic
ularly to chronic, specific and secret practice, and us
such is now the most snrcvssful of auy physician iu
hen Francisco Free Press.
Dr. DOIIKKTY 8 rcpntntion is second to no other
phvsirisn on the coast in chronic and apecille prsctic
I)r. DOlIKItTY Few men in the medical profes
sion have succeeded in gaining the confidence of the
pnblic in their skill aud judgment as he has. Kmjal
rer. Dr. DnnKHTT" funks as one of nnr most distin
guished physicians, and also one of the most success
ful, which ic now the eritsrion by which the medical
practitioner is jndired. Kcho.
Dr. W. K. DOIIKKTY.-I'orsons going to Ban
Francisco in search of medical aid should by all means
rail on the above person, at his Institute, lie is a
gentleman of rare sholasiie and scientific entertain
ments, and is well worlhv the exfenstrc patronam be
receives from all parts ot1 the S'ate. National.
Private Medical t Surgical Institute.
Sacramento tMreet, below Moutitomry. Opposite:
lbs Pacific Mall Steamship Co s office. I'ri
vale eutnuice on LeidcsdofT rttreet,
Ran Vraneisvo itu Q
H an ureilent stomach cordial. It is a fluid eitrsxt
1 of tre Oreirnn (rapsj and oilier d'Hneatw plants of
well known s-irtne. It win sis aireKHi oy
trenirtheainr the stomach, qnielin( the twrrm and
arU'ir epnn tlie lirer. As a presenlire of Astm and a
liflHt dorinr and after n attack, it is ansnrpassed It
Is preserrrd with Iks hs Bwrhio and put np in larpn
bottles, and prssrribed by many of the best physiciaus
ia Oraroa.
Practical Apothecary and I'rneinet. Salem. Sd Man
atsctnrer. .
t71LL buy and sell Orrealiarks. Mlnins? &ocks
I f a j.l t'.-'sfts on !n Knsticisiii. and the Eastern
Si sic Will Hot ("M ln nr Hullioa Oltir. wilk
W ells Fansa at Ca . oa Sia-e awsat. VHt
NO. 3C.
Summer Arrangement.
CAPT JNO. WOI.FK Commander.
Will leave PORTLAND dully, (Hunduvs excepted) at
6 o'clock, a. m. for the CASCADK8, coiiiioot.
Ing with the steamer
CAPT. JNO. McNULTY Commander
For Dulles-Through In One Daft
Cuptuins E. V. COK. C. FKI7TON, J. H, GRAY, and
Will run during the season, from
Celllo to I'nmtlllii, Waiiulit, White Bluffs,
l'aloutte and l.i'nhtou.
One of the above named boats will lenva ITU.
I.O for UMATILLA and WAI.MXA dally,
(8i ndays excepted.)
Ilulitswill beiliapiitched fur W II I T K RLUPPlt,
PAI.Ot'ME aud l,H WIATON as often as the lie.
cos.ity of the trude will demand.
CAPT. J.MYRICK Commander.
Will run from OI,N FKKIir.oii Hnnksltiver
to HOIHR flTY, OW1IIKK and KOI Til
huink l,ANIIIV,ooiiiiecihig with
. . ASP..
M. Du Relic Co.'i Ymt Freight Lines.
. . President O.B.N. Co.
Portland, March 9, 180B.
denier in
Leather, and Shoe Findings!
Union Block, Commercial Street,
Salem, Oregon.
Una just received the largest and most complete
BIOCK rill
of the best
Philadelphia, Eastern, and California,
Ever offered in Sulem.
French and American
Calf and Zip Skins!
Santa Cruz Sole Leather, -
Hoota of tnt own miinnfariure constmntlr ou band
htkI niH-le to order, of the lie.. Freni'li leuther. and
California oak tinned, which, fur general good quali
ties cannot he excelled in I he State.
All work from the eitublttdimeiit Warranted to (five
entire ratirfiu-tion.
l ush paid fur bidos and all kinds of furs and ikius.
KhIuui, Oct 8, alluiit
Slulc SfnM't, lilt-in, Ort'tcon.
rjj In the Bill'' injt formerly occupied by Kcnyon.
Drugs, Chemicals, Paints, Oils,
Dye Stuffs, Fancy Soap, Perfumery,
HAVING luively Increu-ed the 8tmk of Helm &
H ins, wearo now prepared to snnidv the citizens
of Halcm aud the surrounding couutry with
Drugs that are Pure,
And as Cheap as cun be Buna-lit lu this Hurkot.
Also---Constantly on Hand
For Medicinal Purposes.
. Also a well selected Stock of
Faints and Oilt. Window Glau and Fully,
Varmm, rarnitn JSruihtt, cjr.
Physicians' Prescriptions properly compounded.
We solicit the patronage of the Public, feeling conH-
dent tnat we can aire general aalistarlmn.
Tba well known aud celebrated
(Called tlie New York Improved, or Seymour and
Jlorimn.) Combined Wucliine, with irreab improro-
tnetiU, having m
Can he chanfred from ft reaper, to ft mower. In ten
ntinuleHj cute 6 and CJ ft iwath, within onencli
or two feet from the round ; will cut 18 to iU arm
per da. Cnn be ttm-rf with two or morchorws. Will
worn on rsinr, llll.l, where other Altrhtc$ trttl
not. They are tuuinr to act th trmin ntf iltun tmi.w
other tnaciiiue, leaving U out of the way of the Keap-
CnU a HBTKI FOOT NWATIf will eat 30
acres per day.
XrCormlrk't 6-foot Kcspfnt and Mourn,
Ball's Ohio " M
Mannf's! Wood' frlze Moiters, I'nlon,
bjoiie, kerDri'i, eu.
Pltt'sj Iinpfovel
Russell's Masslllon and Sweepstake,
30 TO 3 IMt'H ri'LIDRIts).
Hlnr II Maoist HmrMe r (llradrr).
Wire Hore-Kak, on Wheels
RetoUIng " u 6lim,
Portable Power Dajr rresnes.
With a general assortment of
AA ow aa can be pairkaed eewhere,
4m4 Cor. Califnrniaand Daia8ta.,rJ. F.
f J. C. SLXLTON, M. D.
Prartlrln: Ph;lflaii and Rurgeoa,
FALKM, (iKKfln.f
OSes and residence. Jos. Wilson's brick, opposite the
Bennett Hons.
BKIXOajrraduaieoftha Physws Medical enhVjre.Ciii
riunaii.Ohm lie Is purely rrtKimaiiff m bwtirae-Urcduenrdiaa-alike
anurlsod testeUhle poiswiMUiid
nsina such medicines only as aot in perfect harmony
wilk Nature medicines Thai sms, the rare nirons
meiidalif that if thsy do n FA, lliey will V B
tssry. He has also aiteri.M a full course of Isvtare
in the Toland. i Allopatlnci Medical Colle. Kan r'ran
cHca. and bavina nrsctsred snedictae in Ihss mast
slmot sis years, is fully; aorfnainles) srilli the di
peculiar lu th cliaiate
Patent Medicines, '
Varnish, Putty,
Inks, Essences,
Extracts, ' Brushes,
Choice Cigars and Tobacco,
Practical Apothecary and Druggist,
Valuable Farm for Sale.
fty TUV H.iMrilwr, bwhitf aliout to cm bark lng
other biiahivw. ttlt'ers for ial, at a irmat bar
gain, Ilia Farm, pleHMittlv aituated aloiit one unto
foiith of fclie tiunrinhitiir villiive of Hinwbur, DOU
GLAS CO., on the KtHK route, aud uouipriaing about
One Thousand Acres
of excellent land, moot of which ii inchmed with good
fence, and under a good iai of cultivation.
The Improvement are of the wot tnhetantial clmr
artir, rmminliiiir of a large and ntmiiKMlious KHAMK
DWM.I.INn IIOI'SK. with Mralled crllur, a itplendid
frame HAltN, IMIxK4ffet, with tiumroiifl oilier out
butidinifH. A lare OUt'IlAltl), of choice fruit. In
inorennfiil beariiiif. In unolher i a. port an t appendage to
tliifl denim I le hometileud.
Pemom dfsirous of cnitutfitiir In the farming and
twk raisinir hiiBincw in the wiluhnous cltmaie of the
I'mpiym Valley which streum rnn throngh the
prettiiM'flj, will Itnd this a rare chance to acquire a
Verv destnible location al a very low price.
Tic it us, Time will be iriren on nart of the nnr
cliaae money, if dciired. Yor further psirtirulnra. ip
piv u me pti'HHnoer n uoeeoorg, wrin.
lotirc lo A Im lit DefriKhinf.
In the Cireuit Court of Ue late of Oregon, for the
Count of Marion.
Klizalrerh McNVil. 11 fT, vn. William McN'eit D-ft.
To William .McNeil, Defendant, lu the name of
the Stale of Oruiron, von are hereby mimmoned to be
and appear In the Circuit Court ot the Htale of Ore
gnn, lur the County of Uariou, within ten davg after
the nerv ire of thin writ njMin yon, if the mme be aerv
ed within the laid Marion county, hut if nerved in
any other comity in the Klute, ttmn within twenty
day, aud answer the complaint of the platntilT now
on file in Miid court ntrainst you, prnring a dtMHlutiuu
of the marriage contract now exinung between yon
and the aaid plaintiff, Now unle yoa appear aud
answer the ame a" above required, the cause will be
neara ana aeierminen in your atmmice.
Ity order of It P. Toine. Judge. 6w3i(pd
Bt'KIIKI.S TIMOTHY W.KU. frr whirh lbs
highest rnHrkit prir. will h fslid,
K.1AFP, Bt'HltKI.I. t'O.
A Large Stock of
OMMR PAWKKV i Hi lDliurse;
IIOKNE .KIM HI 1 1,1. K, IllKIl nil, I. SI
llllCil.K .TI IIIMKOl
Steel and Cast Flows.
hn. risn ci.' ins, piour s taffs
For sal. by KAPP, Bl HRKI.I. sV Co.,
9 Fmnl St., l'ortl,nd, Onpin.
Portland, Sept. 99, I -.'m il
C. M. Pannentcr,
(lincensur tu E. 0. Unlwr.)
vasi.ia ia
Imported and Home-Hade
Hilt, W001, 1D FCLC I mRLSSES, it., it.
At Watt's r.ld Ktaud, Cosgmercial St Ralsra.
AfsEKTl, wAvri:i.
r) RKM,. IIY Hf'B.H('HirTloX OXI.Y.thr stanil
ard and ottloial K-mtlwm llistortnf lh Wan
TUB I.OslT t AlHK,
Br A. Poi.hsd. of Vhainia. ComprWwt
a fall and anthsnlir armsjnt of lh riw and prnsrr
id in Ul fVmtltsrs Caafrdrar,. Cnmplpta ia on
Isrirs roval ortaro tidaass nl nntrlv tasi (Myss. wlk
W sitlmii id atsl nnrlraita mt distiuanisiird t .aifslsr
at Uadera. For tsr.s atd tsrrilirrr. addrsva
K K. Mlt.Ast. ttsnrral Aarat.
2b3 Xo.H Mjitaaf rj at ,Nia KraiMasro.
We oltor for Hale our
San Francisco First Cost,
To Herchuuis, la lots to suit, at San Francisco
lirsl cost,
'Anil to the retail trade at
San Francisco Coit, wilh ilritlljr Freight added,
' We have yet ou hand a fall and
Well aeleoted Stook .
..or., i
Dry-Goods, Notions,
Hardware, Crockery,
And all articles kept generally by retail toroi iu
F, LEVY & CO.,
Opposite tlie W. W. Factory, North Salem.
CBTTTfr Surtpoon DentlHt
Ofllco iu Monros' Brrck Diiililtng. Kosldenco, nuiir
corner of First and Comer streets.
NT) None but finished operations performed. 1
.J), dosita tlie patronage of such persons as wish
operations porlormeil in the most perfect nimnier.
Kaleni, Dec.'i'.M. 181'vl. t'.'tf
Orlnuiis Hotel,
front street, . . . VMA TJLLA, OREGOX.
AMOg K. R00KR9, Prnirlctor.
Pioneer fttsirr Co.'s fiftke st tills If otel. fisuusirs tskpn tn
the Home. HIKE of clisrae. Dolt
Change ot Firm !
Wholesale nnd Retail
Wood and Willow Ware,
Yniike NoiioiM,
Tobacco, Clunrx
Boots, and Shoes, &c,
Center Store, Jicw Brick Block,
At the old Stand of
BRWI, t'OX.cY Co.,
Tllil Bltlllfl-ailMlltll liuvlnd IussmIisssuuI laa sasatlH In.
terest of J. W. Ilrowit, have now on hand ami are
constantly receiving from Hau Kraucimro the
Largest and Best Selected Stock
Of gooda in their line ever offered in IliU markel,whivb
tney propone to exchange
or any Viud of
couiviiiy piionnci:.
Krerrlhi lally kept in a first class (Iroeerr and
Provision store.
GoikIs delivered Ut ALL PARTS OF THE CITY
free of rliarae. Doii't forget to come to the old stand
of llrowu. Cox ic Co. COX & HAMILTON.
8alera, Ocloher I, IIH.G. :ily
Wholksomk Law. The enaolment of the
rcootit Legislature providing fnr lite rpgislrti-
tioa of Iho prnprrty of married nororn, ia a
lory onmtncntluLle ono, we think, and will ef
factually tin ntray with those iiniucrous frautli
which have heretofore been perpetrated ij
rtifans of iliatn cnuvrjaucei, to which dishou-
est rorn have so often resorted to escape the
burden of debt. Here is the law :
An Act to provide for the rcgislrnlion of the
personal property or married women.
Whereas, llie constitution secures the prop
erty and pecuniary rights of married women
against the ilelita and contracts of their hue
bamlr; thrn-fore, fur tho better protection, M
well of inprneil women as of purchaser, nnd
creditor! of their husbands,
Boo. 1. lie it enacted hr tho Legislative As-
etnlify of the State of Oregon, 'l'hat the clerk
of each county shall keep a register in which
he shall enter a description ol the personal ei
tale. of married women, as hereinafter directed.
Sea. 2. A married woman possessed of or
0 .tiling any personal properly or pecuniary
right, may tnakn drscriplivo hit ol the same,
and make aud fuhscribe, ou the .aid liat. an
oath that the property and right, thereiu des
cribed, belonged to ber at tbe time of her nmr
riage, or that the has acquired the .ante by be
quest or iuhenlaooe, or by the gilt of mrue per
ion named other than her husband. And the
aid list and affidavit ahall be recorded in the
aid register, and (hall be prima lacie evidence
of the fact, therein stated, and property not o
registered shall be deemed prima lacie to Im
the properly of the husband ralb.r than of tbe
8eo. 3. A certified copy of the rerister shall
be original evidence equally Willi the original
list aod alhdavit, and the !ees lor recordinc and
for making and certifying copies of the register
hall be the sail e a in the cam of deeds.
Seo. 4. The act of January 4. IrJ.VJ, to
provide fur the registration of the aeparate
property of married women, and to declare the
effect thereof." ia hereby repealed.
Approved, October 21, lrjtf.
C7 The arrival of General McCook, the
new Minister Keaident at the Hawaiian court,
relieve tbe ilon. Jame, M'llride, who has rep
resented the American government during the
last three rears. Tba retinnr Minister ha-
conducted the affaira of but official station in a
highly oreditable manner, ii. has often evin
ced a most hearty attachment to the govern
ment which h represented, and shown that he
was a man of true Union sentiments, oncou
taiuioalrd wilb tbe least "eopperish raixtare."
lie has been olten ipoken of as a man of the
Lincoln type of character. lie is a native of
Tennessee, hot for many year, baa been a eiti
tea of Oregon. lie returns to but home glad
dened by a wide oircle of family friends, who
will give him a cordial welcome, while his
friends and countrymen residing on the Islands
will give bima m si cmlial "aloha," at bw de
parture. (oauf.u) Frund.
Delivered before the State Atrricultnral Bool
ety. Oct. l'Jth, 1866, by C. V. Hbatib, Esq.,
of Clackamas county.
Gentlemen of tho Oregon State Agricultural
oociety : ai trie request of your I'resident I
am here to address yon.
Among the industrial nursnita of men. airrl.
onlturo ranks first In importance. When men
assume filed habitations, the cultivation of the
oil iicoomet a necessity in order to procure aua-
teuance. And without fixed habitations, the
convenience, and comforts of life cannot be
obtained of enjoyed ; hence agrioulture makes
tbe first advnnon from barbarism lo civilization.
A. In the broad area ol civilization the number
engaged tn the cultivation nfjhe .oil fur ex
ocedi Ihe number eniraipd in nnv other nur
suit, and as agriculture is the basis of prosper
iiy to the whole, whatever tends lo promote the
interests of the farmer Ii of paramount impor
tance. I congratulate you. gentlemen, that
mis ouciciy iiaviug mat wi, ulijeot In view,
BMuraot a olmraoter of perniancnoo
It ha been found Ihnt a united effort on the
part of those engaged in any enterprise i. re
quisite to a conipleto .nocess. Thi principle
of association is not less necessary in farming
operations. The agricultural snciotioi formed
in a number of the counties of our 8tnte, I
have no doubt will serve as important auxilia
ries to this, the' State Society. I suggest the
itr-portance and utility of funning, in tlie vari
ous neighborhood., Farmers' Clubs, where
farming in detail may be taken into considera
tion. Tlieae may beoomo aids to the oonnty
societies, and thus there will he a general in
terest exoitcd to promote agriculture. There
is such diversity of soil and climaK that no
ooe rule of funning will bold good fur all local
ities. It limy ln asked, has uot Oregon, with
out these organization,, succeeded very well iu
agriculture I I answer affirmatively. And yet
the success cannot be attributed to excellence
in tin- mode of farming, but ralher to the fact
that soon after farming wn commenced here,
gold was discovered in California, which 'be
came for some years a market for the products
of Oregon at almost fithulou. price.. Now,
exoept in .i-nsoiis of drouth, the aericultural
products of California are largely in exoess of
me num. oi tier population, Subsequently
tho discovery of the precious metals on our
easlern border, and iu tho ailjaocnt territories,
orented a demand for and kept up the prico of
our products in I lie Willamette valley. Now
that demand is nearly supplied by tbe valleys
coat of the mountains, wheru fanning ha. com
tueuced in earnest. The present is somewhat
a trying period for the funning interests of the
Willamette und Umpqtm valleys.
The scale upon which.' and tlio spirit wilh
which thu manufacturing business has been
cuiniueiiccd. gives encouragement ; mid al
though it i. prnhablo that branch of business
will steadily iucrease, yet the home doinnnd
will not be nearly cquul lo the supply if the cnl
tivulinn of thu soil increases as it should. We
must then seek a foreign market, and by a ju
dicious system of fanning increase our surplus,
nulil I hero will be inducements tn mtiku the in
vestments necessary to transport our product,
to some of the populous countries of the old
world. Wilh a ready mat ltd, even at low
prioea, the farmer will ho alilu to make definite
Although the aoil of Oregon doe. not equal
in fertility some portions of Ihe Mississippi val
ley, the soil is good, nnd there has uot been
anything like a failure in the crops since funn
ing was aouimeiioed here. Good farminir re
quires not only that we raise large crops by
which tho nuhnesa of the soil may be kept np.
There is something pleasing in tlie rellection
that the larmer s Imnl is becoming richer every
yeur. 1 ho process of summer fallowing, which
has heeu so generally adopted by tho best far
mers, and which ia mi neoessnry In eradicate
fern and sorrel while the land is compiirulivelv
new. will nut, I think, be found nroliluhle if
continued long it will exhaust tho land. Wo
want some crop which will servo ns a fertilizer.
I am convinced from experiments made in tnv
county (Clackamas) that red clover will do
well. Clover will grow In-tter I eie soils af
ter the land has been tilled fur several years.
Tlleti iirstciid of coulinuiiig Ihe process ol sum
mer falluwitig, as is now done, let tlie laud be
sown to clover with a crop of spring sown
grain, and the following year turn under a crop
ol clover w hen in lilossoin. lly this process,
I have known worn-out luiula reclaimed in the
Stute of Virginia and restored to more than
llieir original fertility. In regard In pasturage,
we want some kind of eras, in addition to the
kinds in use amongst ns, which will ripen Inter, green pus'uro al a more
advanced period in the season. In this direc
tion e need tot-xpemtieiit and report progress.
in me census report ol ikuii, the statement
is made that the number of animals emiilnved
in farming operalious is greater than the num
ber of men, ilillermg in this respect from all
other countries. Hence, the great importance
attached to stock raising and Ihe necessity lif
getting the best kind of stork. - Contrast the
horses, cuttle, sheep, and hogs in Oregon in
IS.'l, when 1 first suw them, with those here
now and it will bo seen that very great im
provement has been made. Every stock raiser
should endeavor In get tho very best variety of
slock and improve Ihnt variety. Our agricul
tural interests demand untiring effort iu that
direction. The good slock already here is in
Ihe hands of the few it should be in the hands
of ihe many.
In tun advancement of agriculture we must
avail ourselves of tho lahor saving machines
which Ihe enterprise and skill of our mechan
ics have .o aliuudunlly furnished. We must
oouneot with the luuuual labor the study of
science uearmg ou our vocation. Without It
wecanuot keep puoe with the improvements
made iu other departments of labor. Let ns
connect theory with practice. Although aome
of most successful farmers never studied farm
ing .. a science, they would be more successful
if they hail done so.
1 heartily endorse what the I'resident said
in bis address a. to the importanoo and otilltr
of ssstaiuiiig an agricultural paper in our
The question arise, whether, in view of Ihe
relation which a oitixen sustains to this govern
ment, thu laboring classes have tbat share in the
legislation ol the country to which their limn
hers aud the magnitude of llieir intotest. entitle
them. A negative answer mat be given. In
stance : flic Slate of Oregon bos three retire-
seutatives in congress. Two of them are law
yers by profession j the other uot a represent
ative ol the tailoring class. Again, tho county
of Clackamas ha. four representative, in the
Slate Legislature two of litem are luwyer. by
pMicssiou. i nese instances I have given, not
wilbaur parly view or feeling that the are
nut good men and qualified lor their po.iiioo,
imh mm wuen positions ol trust ami responsi
bility are to be filled we turn instinctively lo
professional men, because of their superior
qualifications. These things ought not so to
he. And now, gentlemen farmers, I propose
tu talk plainly, as I am a farmer. We want a
proportionate share, in legislative departments
ol nien who, by vocation, are in symp ithy wilh
us. Tbe fault lie. m.uily with os, a. profe.-
sional men who are successful in their business
are not generally oflioe seekers. We plaoe Ibe
standard of education far dm low. How often
do we hear it said that all the eduoatton a lar
mer need, la lo be able tu read, write, and
reckon hr numbers so as lo nomnute Inten-sl.
The. l8 hunt the . donation is a two-fold loss.
Kirst. of the actual knowledge embraced in
a more liberal edueition I second, of the men
tal discipline which the mind acquire, in attain
ing lo that knowledge. If yon would have a
man qualified lor au honorable nation ia life
ye mast begin wilb lb. bny. ".lost as lbs
twig u bent Ibe tree's inclined." la education
among lh laboring classes, great improve
mem. may be made, a. was urged in Ihe open
ing address, uuir. allcutioo loeomtuou schools.
WHOLE NO. 816.
Again, if tbe primary education be somewhat
liberal, tho library of farmer., even tboie in
opulence, is ordinarily meagre, so that a taste
for and habit of reading, is not likely to be ac
quired by the sons of farmer.. Though If the
habit of reading be acquired in the absence of
a good library, worka of fiction are apt to sup
plant the plaoe of history ami scientific worka,
to that the mind ia not enriobed nor the heart
mado better. I know it ia urged that the bard
lahor and out door exercise of the larmer Is
unfavorable to tbe olose application and labor
ious research neoessary to erudition. ; I ask if
the farmer who hoa a liberal education and has
acquired a taste for reading and the habit of
itmly may not ordinarily have both the time
and means to gratify that taste... affirm that
emitieuce in learning and pursuit Involving
manual labor, are not Incompatible. Aa illus
trious examples, take Washington in our own
country and Cinoinulns amon. the iiiiuent Ro
mans. It may bo told we have farmers who
are qualified fur almost any position of trust
aud responsibility. I know it, and rejoice
therein ; yet we want the number audi greatly
incroosed anil their qualifications enlarged, so
that when positioiia are to be filled having a
direct bearing npon our interest., w will not
turn lo professional n, but may feel that
there are those of the same vocation aa our
aelvea, by scores and hundreds, amply qualifi
ed fnr auy honorable station. In order lo do
this wo must well Improve our time, not necea
aarily devoted lo manual labor. Common
sense alone, of which Ihe farmer has as large
a share a. any class of pml'ewional men, does
not fit ua for positions we should occupy. We
must have general intelligence in addition to
tho knowledge of our vooation. Then we
need uot fear priestly diclnlion. nor the ohi
oliBnery of demagognes. What I have until of
the larmer applies equally to all olassea of la
borers. Lot us nut think, fellow laborers, that
because onr vncations require even hard lahor,
they arc loss honorable, or that the way to nse
lul knowledge i. thereby hedged up. Having
all doe respect and isteem for what are called
the learned professions, I think the upright, In
telligent manual aborer the Inchest typ 0f
"Honor and shamo from no eondlllon rlao i 1
Aet well your part, there all the bouor lies.'1 '
Before closing I wish to make a few lemarks
in rotation to the Fair and Agricultural hooiety.
I have seen that on exhibition here which ia
instructive and entert ining. The improved
stock speaks well for the enterprise, judgment
and taste of the owners who have placed i( on
exhibition, and aro endeavoring lo bring it
within the reuoh of the itock raisers generally.
The grain, vegetables and fruit evince the fer
tility ol' our soil, us well us tho skill of the pro
duoer. . ; , 1
The Implements of husbandry aud house
wifery are uroditulile to the mechanioal depart
mout of labor In the ladies' departraeut are
many thinga ornamental and useful, exoiting
onr admiration. These are brought together
for exhibtion in connection with the annual
meeting of the Agricultural Sooiety. which
serves as a nuuleus.
The members of this Society who commen
ced nnd have oomicned tho organization to
the present are entitled to great oredit for tne
enterprise and publio spirit shown in the en
deavor to promote the industrial Interests of
our young Sluto. The enterprise ia in ita In
oipiency let the fanners who wish to come
here with their wivea, their tona and
daughters, take hold of it with a hearty good
will, and make it what itahould lie Introduc
ing what i. beneficial and excluding what la
pernicious, of which, I regret to aay, 1 have
aeen aome thinga. The glory of agrioulture la
that ita pursuit la conducive to virtue, above
that of other oooopationa.
It behoovea those to whom tho working oper
ation, of this Sooiety are committed, to guard
well nt this point and tolerate nothing which
may liavo a viuioiis or Immoral teinloney.
With hiimls inured lo toil, and skilled to lahor,
with lunula stored Klili knowledge mid disci-
K lined to habits of thought, ami with hearts
eating in iiiii-nii villi llie e amis of OikI,
we as biliiin-rs are, niidi r God, in vi ho in
tho iiiaiuteiiiitioe of our rights, social, political,
and religious.
Cal. Maiikktb. From the Circular of Mo
Craken, Merrill k Co., doted Oct 1 7 1 It. we
take thu following. No material chango has
affected the fignrea since (hen:
There is no perceptible abatement in the
demand for money, ami Hankers and ethers
are enabled to employ their available fund.
without any iJilliculM' at current rates. Dla-
cnunts in Lt ink upon class paper and other ao
Oeptlllile securities 1110 loildi ut rd cent
pur iiiiiimIi, hot no inconsiderable prnparion ef
tho business doing is in the shape of renewals.
The Savings and Loan Si cielii-s nie h-iiniug at
rtv y cent per month, with large olleriuga at
that rate.
lteceiiits of treasure from doiiieslio souroes
oontiniie up in the usual average, aud thus far
during tho current uioiiih have amnnoVil to
tl45t).(XK). A lurlher shipment of f.VKJ.OtM)
on government account was made lr ihe last
sleumi r iiiiiiiuotiug in nil to U.IMItl.fliKI sinoe
January 1st.
Bullion ia in good suppl), mid us yet there is
no espeoial inquiry for.teaoo-r purposes. Gold
bare may In-iinoted at tjHO-iirl 10 and silver is
selling at 1 li-lj cent diuuuiit lor average
Sales of mining share, since our last issue
havo taken a wider range than for sumo time
past, tho stocks of some twenty different com
panies having been dealt in. Both the Hale
6t Nor or oss and Kavagn Companies, have in
creased their dividends (IS per fool during Ihe
present month, respectively deolarlng $11)0
and 175. A healthier period in mining sUicks
aeema lo be approaohing, and we have encour
aging information from various quarters.
Tbe arrivals of Grain from the interior are
alill pressing forward with commendable rapid
ity. in view of tbe near approach of our rainy
aeason. The warehouse in the interior are for
the moat part Mid lo be full, while ell Ihe oily
atore usually devoted lo the purpose were long
sinoo filled to repletion oompvlling warehouse
men to go iulaud in pursuit of buildings suited
to that purpose. We never before bad suoh
hoouiiful supplies in granary, and this, too In
fao of a steady export trado, the like nl which
we Dover previously experienced. Aud what
is heller, Ihe hall I. alill iu motion. Wheat
buyers are scouring the country lor snppliua;
some of them afraid to buy a few week, since
at $1 fiO'o$l S3 have been forced lo purchase
needed supplies inland, paying f 1 &Vai Ki.
equal lo tl 706l 75 delivered in Ihiaeity.
Tba purchases thus far in October cannot vary
much from a quarter of a million of sacks, the
hulk of which will go abroad at an early day.
lu fact, w bave how a handsome fleet or .hip.
in our harbor, loading or under charter for the
conveyance of a dozen or muro oargoes of
Breadstuff. Tho intelligence received by Ihe
Atlantic cable and by telegram aerosa the' con
tinent, meagre as it is, appear, lo be quite fa
vorable for Iheconliiiuanoeci exports M Great
Britain and France aa well as lo American
pi.rts on the Atlantic. The news from Aus
tralia, China, etc., is. on Ibe coutrary. not so
encouraging as we had hoped for. Still, much
will go forward during the winter, as occasion
may offer. It is to be hoped that Ihe very low
prices ruling fur barley, and the great surplus
known to h In our granaries, willed out lib
eral orders from abroad.
Navai. Hi'ilcmi. There are now al Annap
olis between one and two hundred applicant,
for admiMion to Ihe Naval Academy, The
examination is conducted with great thorough
ness, and a large number will he rejected.
1'LVMotlTll. Th granite arch at Plymouth,
over lb place where Ihe l'llgriius first landed,
which is to he 2A feet high when finished, ba.
stopped al H leet, Ibe luuda beiug exhausted.
... . Of Every Descriptiea,
first Insertion, 8 per aqusrs el ten Hoes or leu, oiinlca
ftieaaars. 1 for each subseqaeat Inserttoa. . . L
tV Ailvortlalnf bills, whea sot pall In sevanse, s ill Is
ehsrired tweatjr-flve per seat, addlileaal, to oovsr the eeaf
r eollection. .
s fW A liberal dedoctlon from the sbora rates will a minis
la favor of those alio advertise by the quarter. ' ' V
;' . EASTKBJt I8W8. ,..,"'
Chicago,' Oct. 29, Seoretary Seward haV "
direoted our Consul at Toronto to prooara a oopy
of the record of the trial and conviction of Lynoh '
. and McMahan, anil also of all further trials and o-
Oonviutioneof a aimlar character, and he ha
addressed Sir Fr'd'k Bruce. Britiih Ministi r at
( Washington, notifying him that oor Govern-"
ment will take the aotion required by the high'-"'
est consideration of national dignity. Seward ul
aaya to Brooe t A It would be very gratifying .(,
to tbe Preaident if yon should ba K.e to give .
-an assurance that the execution of the acnten
cea will be impended it occasion for delay
1 should ariae. Finally, I deem it proper tn say "i
that tbe offenae. Involved In theae trial, are Iq
their nature eninently political, and it ia the,
opinion of the Government that aouod policy
ooinuidea with the beat Impulses of benevoleut-i
nature in recommending tenderness, amenity i!
and forgivuesa. Thi. suggestion ia made, wili !;
freedom and ei'oestnes. because the earn
opinion, were proposed to as in oor recent civil (
war by all Government and publio bodie. of ''
Europe, and by nono with greater frankness? v
: and kindness than by tba Government and. 'I
statesmen of Great Britan." , t
: Dispatches from Toronto say thl 'petition!
are coming in demanding that no mercy be '
shown tn th. Fenians, and that the threat made I
in New Yorlraud elsewhere to avenge the death n
of those prisoners are doing great injury. There ,
are several hundred Irish Americaui in Toron-'.
to apparently without employeeaeat, and It nt 1
believed the? are there to attempt reecv. '
Three more Fenian prisoner, at Cornwall wilt
be indicted on Monday for high treason. . -
Judge Wilson, in pronouncing the aeiitoiioo ,''
of death on Cal. Lynch last Thuriday, sai l :
"The evidence brought to bear in the cnnrt'
la clear and conclusive that yen were not in :
Canada as a newspaper reporter oo tbe-ocaa- ,
.ion charged iu the indictment, but yo i were
aroted in aome kind of manner i but evi-n if
yon were there a. a newspaper you are not 1
guiltless. Your object in that oaae, was tn en- a
oourage othera to come if these men bad been
successful or if reverses had happened. Look, j
lug at your conduct in that light, you can't be
aorpriaed that the law should ba enforced nnd
that you ahould sudor it penalty. Von co n
plain that thoso who were In command ii that
ocoasion were not allowed to testify in your be
half. If the orown had giren any anon pledge ?
of aafe oondnot a has been spoken of, it could i
not been carried out. Yoa have bad nil lh
justice you could possibly get, aa the case t-tuiids.
You might be sentenced to iiome'iate exeun-
tion, but luaemuoh aa tbat law (a ex poll facto "
aa to you, I ahall not exeroise any diaort imti I j
may have to shorten your existence ono hour,,,
more. Moreover, you have a right to bring tlio
whole oaae into Court upen an appeal, aud God
forbid I should deprive yon of that opportunity. ''-'
Tbe period ol yonr execution will therefore bV'i
delayed until the end of next term. '
The priaoner, Robert B. Lynch, ia a native, ,
of Galway, aged 48 years, and waa oonn. cted
with the Quarter-master department at Loots
villa during the war. Heolaima to have been'!-'
in Canada aa a correspondent of tho LouisnlUi ,;
Journal, and before leutenoe nf death waa,.,
pronouooed, he aaid t " I am iunooent i-f Iho '
orline oharged againet me. and of which 1 have "'
been found guilty. I pledge myself before thaf''
God in whose preeeooe I mual aome day npn
pear, that I am whollv iunooent." i ,
Washington, Oct. 20. Genoral Sherman had,
another oonfereuue with the Preaident to day,'
and it ia currently believed, though aome aa-'1
thority deny it, he will assume ibe portfolio of
War Department about the ltt Dooauilicr.rtj,
Nearly all theannoal report are ready for suli-.
mission to tbe Preaident. The Land Office re-'
port will b. qiisuublly interesting, particularly1
about mineral land, and will b aooomp.iiiicaV
by a map .bowing tho quautity of mineral land
now held by every State and Territory. -j
Generals Graul and Sberiuao have oomph
led their.reviaal of the Hat or field offioer. fur ''
th new army regiment vrhioh announ
ced lu a few day. , , ,iit'
Gen. Averill. cur new Conaul to Canada, left
for Montreal to day.
Fanny Seward, only daughter of Seo'r Sew,'
ard, died tbia morning, aged 22 year. '- -"
Tb monthly report of th AgrioultnralJIIu.'
reau of 1st October, estimates the wheal crop,
al 143,000,000 bushels, hut aaya Ihe decreased '
amount is oompensatod for by a better avi rugo"
quality. Th eaiiiuatea point to lea than 17.
000,000 buabela In eleven Southern Statue, and
to a aurplua fur export on California of nearly .,
12,000.000 bushels. But little nut ba Lent
tofore been made uf tbe California wheat crop3
is larger than ever previoualy ohronioled in Ihe '
oountry. I be yield nf oat ia extraordinary. '
The cotton orop ia estimated at 1,750,000 bales, i
Chioago, Oot. 30 Tbe Feniana all over Ihe ,
oountry appeared excited over the Toronto
trial., and iudignalion meetings are held in all
the prominent cities, with a revival of the sub '
oription and recruiting enthusiasm. A com-;
nntlee of Tammany Hall, including Gen. Mur
phy. Suprvisor Itonoh. Jodgo Hogan, tic.,'
wailed ou the Preaident yealerdar anil aubiait-
ted iho Tammany resolution. The President'
aid In had already received a copy through.!
Mayor Hoffman, aud referred tbe committee lo ,
Secretary Seward's letter rhioh he hoped would '
convince the Feniana of tbe determination of 1
Ihe Governii-eot lo proteot Ita oitixene wherever '
titer may be. .
i'he Herald's Paris correspondent tat a ;
The Empresa Carlotta le insane. During her
frequent interview with th Pop she gave'
evidence of excitedniyaticism and piety. - Her"
failure with Napoleon nnd the pending downfall,
of her throue in Mexico, added to the reverse.,
of ber family In Europe, the humiliation of'
Austria aod the death of her father, Leopold,
ba o worked upon her roied that, flying to
Kome, she threw herself at tbe feet ol Pius IX , I
implored his protection and absolutely refuardi
lo quit the Vatican. The Holy Father treated
her with kindneaa and invited foreign lad tea of
distinction to remain with her In tbst palace,'
where aha remaiued over night contrary to ml
and preoidout. ,
.The Emperor ol Austria Las ordered apeoiat ,
steamer to proceed with haste, lo Vera Cm,
but what errand I not publicly known. Il is
certain, however, that the Cable ba been lib-'
erally used to confer with Maiimtllian. , Tke
moat of tli Grenob journals give np tb taua r
of Maximilian in Mexico. .
Walla Walla Itrmb. From the Stales-'
man of tbe 2Gth alt. we collate the following t '
Notwithstanding the discouraging reporter
from Blaekfoot, several pack train, are now
loading at varion. points on the river for that;
section. Uelorning miners report the digging
a "bilk" wages only 50 per month, with a
prospect of still further decrease. ''
. Two emigrant wagon with three yoke tf
oxen, are reported to be on th Coaur d'Aleas)1
mountains, en route for Walla Walla. .
J. D. Lamon, U. 8. Inspector for tbia dUW
trict, haa been engaged for aeveral daya part
inspecting Ihe liquor stock of the oily. H re-1
ceive ten o'ts a gallon for th job tb ratt
fixed by P. I). Moore, Revenue Collector, !
House, aro in great demand. There is not
vaoant lenenieul nn Main street. '
The fall race, over ihe Walla Walla roars '
commenced on Wednesday. i- , !.
Tne (trtaiia warmly urgea ihe erection of
a woolen mill in that region. !
Ahkaiiah Lincoln as an Orator Speak-'
ing of Lincoln' Oratiua al th ooeseoratioa
nf lb. burial ground al Grttyaboig, tbe 'Veil'
mimltr Heview lor Ihe last month, ear i "It
has hot on equal in that pronounced upon
those who fell during Ihe first year of the Pel- j
oponcsiao war aud In cue respect it ia superi
or lo f hat great perch. Ilia not only mora
natural of feeling, mor touching and pathet
ic bat w know wilb absolute certainty that tt'
was really delivered. Nature here fairly takt)
prvnedence uf art, even though it be Ibe art l; -Thucydidea."