1 mBnratt&&&vr".?x&z- Zt (Dwjou .ftatcsmau. SAI.KM, MONDAY. OCT. 29, lWXi. , FOOTSTEPS OX THE OIHtlt HIDE. , Aud when he lilm, lie passed by ou the oilier aids. Luke x. 31, How many weary pilgrims Iju And Wlttl-llilltf wnit, and Waiting Sigh, tfur slcps that never wmulor nigh, ' ;', , ilut puss upon the other aide I Fur h1.h tliut trnuiplod heart mid braiu, And Eiittdu their lives it lingering pain, ' And pursed mul never came again Lost footsteps on the other Hide. ITow muny walk with blending fcot, Hocking the loved and IohI to meet, While the denr visions flit end fleet, And vanish on the other Ride I t While life's fresh love and youth' swoct trust,. TlioHe Eden lilunma in eurt.lily dust, Lie limited mid broken, stained and onnthed, 'Neath footatepii on the other aide. . And bo we watch, and watching sigh, While youth and truth and hopo io by, While lite and lore and gladness die, With fontsteris on the other aide i Aed an ne wait, with ear and eyo, l For one dear echo Hooting by A Brief, a woe, a wandering sigh A lootatep on the other aide. " O, heavy hearts, that ache and break I i " heavy eyea, that droop and sleep 1 Why uitist ye ever wait and weep At footsteps on the other aide I , " : Why must yo ever lie forlorn, And ache and wake and weep ao long, JJecauae one footstep baa gone wrong Aud paused apou the other aide ? ... . . . Jtound Table. Recipe roit Scarlet Fever One Krnin foxglove, oiio grain of rulpliate ef zino, pulver ized together, with a very littlo white sugar i then milled four ounces of water. Dose for mi adult, (ono tlilrd tlie quantity fur a child,) one tuhle apjonfal every half hour until the disease iiaa vanished. By the fourth dose the patient will be quite warm, the nioiat. and every symptom very favorable, aa medical men .have it when tho disenie ia mastered. .Any volatile liniment will roiuove all soreness of l he throat. Napoleon. If we believe the Paris letter writer, Napoleon II hag the inflaniatory rheu matism, diabetes, dyspepsia, Hright'i uisenne, Smith'! disease, scintio gout, aurora boreuli. Integral calculus, and several other things ; he was almost poisoned at Vichy i but hu man ages to survive, all, even Bisinarok's dose of l'ru.'sio acid. Major General Sheridan has received author ' ity from the War Department to raise ouo re giment of eolored cavalry and one of infantry, within the lnui',- r; i,; Department, Accord ing to the provisions of thu new urniv lull, the inlantry will Ik enlisted for three aud the cav . airy lor live years. ... , Postmaster Noah W. liny t, of New Canaan, (,'t., has uddrem d a blackguard letter to tho l'oalinnsler General, in which ho culls the Philadelphia Convention, "the Wilkes linnth cunveiilion." These effort for cheap notorie- ty aro, tlisg itit'g.-&jTinfirld KepuUictrni ty Idleness la assuredly the root of all evil when not otherwise engag', a man ia pretty apt to go to the devil just for pasa-tiuio. -"tats? PJLT,R. At4 jmhi Kick, i . in.il com Willi your ivMeiu tisjim mill jnnr l.fMiiui UiKniinintl ttk-r Them nyiiiniutnn nic ollvu (t.o cry.: on unot-ftrtM-Iitl hi Iti nllh Hghln Tliv rtiuiulitu (lie iiurtlmi tit i'n. 'If tViiV .Ijl tho lnjiiy iutu tiiiumu. twiivfly, i.i-i 5'.'' vY 1"""' tiw )'rtl'm ,rm" t ' - Ki,'-TA'-i'', vlriict jot. wlikli inuku dint-i. r--" A cnlil Mttlt' riimi'ivliirt in Ilia bnity, anil otatructi Its natii th! iniiotiuii. 'I Iicm tf not wlii'veiJ, react iimiii theniMlrt' ami tlie HiiruuiJliK oraiiii, prix!iiciii RPiicml umnfUUmt inilltTliitf, biiJ diwuim Will If In thin i-oiiiliiiitn, ofiitrrMrd bv I lie tie rmifri'iuftit, (nk Ayr'n 1'itln, mul it Imw tlirvctly tlu-jr rtnr Mm ntnuml iriioii of lite yntcm, 111(1 with It tlie buoy nut .ruling of lnnltli frnlii. Wliut in trtm anil m iinnt In Uiin trivial atiilriininioii oomiilaliit, In nlno it at in many of tlio dpi p-centiHi And riniiKermi diifiiitiora. The mv.ift tuyn!ivft ffli-ct ejtppla tbcin. Caitwl by cim liar ofrt rimi idiiR mid di-rfliiRfiuf iiln ol (lie natural limo tioui oi I lie owil, tlivjr are raiiiljr. and ttiany of tliew aurcly, ciiitd Ly 'tlnj twin tnaiia, NoiiuhIiu know tli vlrtiw of tliff J'il'n, HI tirrrlvct to eittjiluy Uivru hva HTfrinjr fioui liipiliaflrderitlicy curt. btttliMin'iiiM ititiii k'lnliiiK liynirmia In anmo of (lie jirlll eijtaj citii-ti, md fium olUer wll-kuowii jmblio irioiti ; From a FwarUny Mtrckant St. louU, . 4, 1W6. itL Aykr: Yrnu- l'llla are tliu j nrayoii of all tlmt la great hi tiiriMcine. lliry hatourt inv little daiiRlitnr of ulciToimmrtttupon tier liitmlaam) IWtt'tliat litid jnovid liirnrabiaibr yt'iir. Urr mul Iter haa U vu liui (rit-vouily iHictt-d v. it t IiIiiiMipv and jiiiiijilifi on lioi ckin and In Uvr hair, Aiwr4mrcl1l.il Wkacumltalic aim liud our l'LJa feud tlu-y buvecurtd Iwr. AHA ilOKUItllOK. Aa Family Physio. ; trim Dr. Jt. W. Otrtwritikt, A' Orient. Yonr I'illi are the prlm-u of urjt. Tln-ir fxocllrnt fpialitifi bi-)m nnv railiartlo we uoji ii. 'Wvtv are mild, but very certain mill riroctital in tltelr fu-iluiimi ilwlHiwela, whirh rnxkit 1 1 Ki a iuvaluabl to ua in Hit daily luaimtBt Of die. llemdacra, Nlrk Umdm br, Fout Mtomaab. , - . i . f nm ,., Edward htrt, ftattimor. Dear IIku. Avkh: 1 cannot nnnwi-r )ou ichat com plaiulal Uavt cured with your I'IIIh twttiT tlian to cay ull thtU in 0i'tf ri, miA if vurntu mrtlirine. I Iac prv-at duciidvtico on that rllictual calliartlo In my daily cotittft with (lit smi, and beliuviiiv, a 1 do. Unit your 1 ilia feilord ut ilia Uit w lute, 1 of oouraa valiw them highly IlTntBfRo, l'a . Mnv 1, lfiWi. rR, ,T, O. Avt;R. Plr: I Imve Ihcii rciaUtlly cured Of the wont Afi'(ic)tf anybody can baro by adoMi or two of v'mr I'ult. li Mfuii'tu aiUo fruiu ft luul aluuiacb, Which th'-v clfnnrv at ouco VouraMiiUgrtatnupeot, KD. W-VltKMI E. Clerk ttf'Steamtr (Yiit ion Billon TMnordrra lirrr (onipIninla rVont hr, Thtottnrt Rflf,tf.rw lorL-Citu, Not only areynur lUiit alii)liub!y ulnNd to tlirlr nl Pom aa an afHTlfiit, but I Hud llirif bt-nciirlal rth-flu iiHn the Livurri-ry ttiarki'd iin(?J. lliry burr in im piacliua irovtil mora elUvtual for tliecnrp of hiliuM &njl-iitti tlian any out rvntvdr 1 can mention 1 Rfuccrrlv rrjolee that we I mm at Ittiitffli a (turKutitg nl.Uh ia tvo'rthy Ilia Ooutidcuu of tut yrolvMiou aud llva vou!v. m m IHtrAHTMR.VTorTlllt iKTIUtlim, I tailing 1 I) 1',, ill, ri b , WW. I Bin: Ilnvtttwd your lillain mv ifi iii r.il and huh.tal rimctice evi-rnnrt yim mude thnt, and vhuiimI hoitatt o py tln'V are tin btft milmrtln weeiiiinv. I lit-ir latinit action ou the liver h ipilrk and dcridid, rmi-e-itQMitly thiy are an ailmirabla reuuily tor dwruni ini titn of thui kikhii. Imiml, I have at'ldum leui.ri a crm' of bilious rtitw poohrtiiiate tliut it did nut nniliH vifld to tamo. Kraitruailyyuara, AUlN ItAI.L, M il, Dyarntrry, Uinrrbarn, Hrlnx, lVraaa front Itr.J. li. fifVfH.fyf'Airtjyo. Your I'lll hate had a loi.g ttial in mr joactice, and I hold iltt'iii in tftfet'iii aa oiie ol' the lwl aiH-rti-nii I liae t .ir iouitd.. I hi'tr aitermiv 1 .tf?t wumt the liter makva tlicM an exu-llt'iil n-nifiU, wlitn iiitti iu tinall dt fur tnlwfu dittrhttrtt uhi I'ittnftau. ll.un Mi-in-ciuitiiiK nmki ilicui verr accvoti b!o aud cuim-iiK-nt tor the ut ol women and child 11. UyapeaMlii. Impurity of the nUMMl fYrm far. J. V. Hmt, faatartf Adnt ( hun'h, f:ttnn Va. AVKit: I !:(( in i lotirriita ith r 1 1 iinutii crv lucn-4 in iiiv luiittly ttl.-l aiituHK tin I am t.i'n t,i . -it In d!lrrM, Toutiii.Atu llivorKm vt Uiiriiuu kiu til bowl. I Ik. 1 tt Uatt tfl U-l UIIIV14. i Umv cur ktion(aiid 1 cau coititiifiiilr irtKUiutrnd lluiu to my likuda, . ' ...uih, J. V IhMl.A. WAfinaw. Wyoming Co , N. Y .Oct. 24, lrV DvAn Sitt : I mti luiutf utir t at hart io 1'iilt in iti tAiv lire, and tli d tl.i m an i xnlntt ixiiati.e to vUaue Hit aMMlll aud MUtyt) 04 JXmHiaiita y ( biowl. JOHN O ilKAUIAM, M D. CmtallfiHtlon, Cwtlrf nr, Plnpnifwlon, flKrn--- lnli-m, drains lt(. Urwpyt Pnnalyain, k its, rt . 'row I)r. J. P. Vnuphn Montrwt VnnmH, , Too iniirli r:ii;t,ut bt Mid of yonr I'hU !or tlvtj cure of Crtfirfrr If -(.'m ot our frtrriift lia.efWund tlura aet.,raWoiii a I hnvt, tt ev tmtild jnfn rth in iMnehiiBi anar K tt n Imretit of ttw analtltiidta wlio ptirPr from tout eomi 'and, wbh'h, althouvb bad enouialii Harlf, la Hie pu4iui'r of othvr that rre wont I IIhv r tutofit luufiiiime la the tliei, but ) our l iiUatluct tlial oifiau and cure tlw di.-nu-a. , frvm Mr. E. Stwrt, tjiirian mnd .IA.hvC. IU1o. 1 u d v"v 01 Uo lfliv doMM of yuiu 1 ii Io, iiilrn ai llif prii' t tin-it, aro fiorlli'iit ituintiiirv of the uni cnlvn Ahtii flinty or tin daily Mi))rriMd, and aUo xf t-'Th-iiul to r,--'r-' In lf"il'A pud r mrma, Thrv ate 0 inufh thn bt phvaia ivo hart that 1 rvconv aveud ao otiwr to tar atlruta. frrm Mf IrVft. fhnrkm, tV fit MHtTfyii Itarrh. tvi latct Ut mait, Nvatipah, U , Juh it, 1 !!nni.n. t,n. .(...uUl U migrmriul l. r the rtlitf yo'irMl! I. i hrotipltt me If I did tint report my ca to ynit. A ft'iij fH'i-tj In mx llmln ami buiitfht vn exent reetfoV nmtoh xi'mi, whhli rtidH in Mwr rhm mitim iVniivitiiptai'ding I had II hM ol pinttcian, lit ilt-m low wm ad wor-t. ami. .-r theadWre of yntirrT.v.!!t'M Mfiil In llrttlmoif, .r, mimenrte. I lmJ yoir 1iHr ett were alow, lut mre. Hr r aarerittff in thr bmo Uh-iw, I am nowentirrlv wail! ' fATCHAisTnra, haton ttunre, lji.,Aleo., W - Tn. Avia: I cltr! cjrra. bv wmr 1'ilta, of Jiivmiv i Miitful di'teovti 41 baaii'iirtitl m lor.Mi. , Vait.Sf hUUXU !? Mtt nf ft f1!t In Win rtfttatn drrrnry, w hirh pit irf rh a n'tiaMi- n-itofh iu Mki'tvi intai, u dnniroroua hi n J' it ! fill. rron l'' drMottu' (,iufiitifn(H ilnd fro qiHMitir trtib'U Uhi'iotTt a. 1 tattt bo mar CUr ot fl'inf rt r.ib!ftro w hr teer ' 1 "rfco, Cea it 1 fet Tr, tt fl Pcti for Jt !' Prroartd ty Dr. J. C AYLU 6 Ta, Lowoll, Mui SMITH PA VIA. Porflnntl. WhoWU Asju in ic ?on, n. vr. ittyj, vi at Co , J. E. Clark, Sttlriu. j29 !j "lt. ' prelum la serious niliesa. Hmm 7 " W(( f arS "t of skkiiess Is orrci.iuic iiiiiii I )" should be aiciied l a L i ..'WiiJ' I """''y me 1,1 '"e njrlil rcincly. 3v'! i j Tuke Aiar'a I'llls.aiidclcsiieeuiil l disoidoied fnunnra-purify fiOWi.' B il the Waaat, anil lot the fluids mors La Creole Academy, I4M,A4, POf.K OI NTY, OKKCJOIT. UKV. W. D. NirilOI.H Principal MUM. MAUY K THOMPSON l'rwceptroBB, und Tftiidiarof Pruwinn MIHS PHKKK WALLING. ..AsoiHtttiit. and Tfaohur of Muaio. AMONG tlie fiiclllflri ofTercd in iliin Inatitmion art a full net of Wjlnon'i Hcliool and Family CmirU, Muttiaon'i Aftrnnomical Miii, uh'l a Pliiloanjjhiciil ApiianiMiti. Arrant'"!"'.'" are heiiifr mndo fcir pro ciiriiiir n nill set of Cheininil A))iinaus und Che mi ni In, by tlie flmt of October. RATES OF TUITION. Primary, pr term $ 4 M ('ommon KiikIihIi.. W HiKlier KiNhIi 8 IK) firuuk, LhIiii or French $:)extru 3 (Kl Iiiatniientul Mimio 10 Oil Hue of instrument , 2 UO Draw n 3 (HI Imtly exerclioi in voch! mumc free or charge, No rliarirei made for lean than a half term, but pa- plli will he admitted at any time and charged from the time of en tori 11 k to the cloae of the term. No deduction made for ahience, except in cam of protracted ttckne$. u. ijaiumn, mci. uoarn. Da) Inn, Aiiff. 1 - '-''V INCOUPOKATKD JAN. 18th, 1H0. OUKGON IRON WORKS, Corner of Morrtion nd Seventh Bts,. Finland. rpiIIH Compntiy liKve iHttljr enlarged their wnrka, X aim uy me liitrouiiMiuiiiii me musi improved inn chinerr mid Tools, are fully ublo to enmpotfl with nny Iron Works on the couat.'biith in thiirafter of work and theif farilitiea for executing conlnirta hii,1 ordera promptly for any kind of Mucliiiiery required, em. MAKINR, HTATIONAKV and POHTAIl,E UN GINKS and IIOJLKUM, HA'I TKKllCSof hiiv reqniird wniifliti WHKKLKK k HANDAM.'H FOUNTAIN, and MOOltE H (IHINI)KKSnnd AMALOAMATOUSi lliiiiierford'a CONCEMUATOK8, BIIOK8 and DIKSi' PMHTKINO and SAW-MILL WOlIKi HOUTAIILK BTKA SAW MILLS; Iyllel i Mvura' A JIlilllCAN UOU1ILU TUUDINE WATKH WllHKLHi Shall and fulleya t Iron Fronts, Doors and Blint tera, und All Kinds of machinery and Castings. For the convenience of parlies orilorinir Machinery of na, we furnish, hi the lowest market prices, Haitery Screens, l oiipur Hutce, Lent her mid llnhhcr Helling. A. C. 01II1W, Pri s t. E.8. MonoAS.Rcc'y. iiltf WASHING MA HIKE. "ECONOMY." Patented June 1'lh, isa, Uy J. M, Ilurner, Cul. f PH 18 favorite Wuali'iiitf Mai-liine (lHt hon grijutly X ftiiiiiroi'ud duriiiK tliu hint ymv both in its Rapidity Of its Execution, Aiiiii),' al Ii'imt (mo third toil 11 former virtuca. "Kuon omy," HiTMinhiiiiH'iJ hy one of the Into improved U'linyciH, miiM'H the iicitN;'. 111 int dunildn. i;ronoini ml. fXiL'ilitioiia, C'riiipjii'tj mid Hfr(cct waahitiK riun on thu I'itt-iliu cotiHl. An hoiir'a liatdwurk can be accum piifluiil with lliii loachiiie, hi (en iiiiiiiilim ; line or coin fti! arlii'lifa, aa well ua laine and atnall, are wauled with fijiml laiilitv. H ai'iaiiieil to wand puituutly i-h'aii, IfavitiK no atreaka in collara and wriatbanda. P1CXCK, - w:t; 00 Tube miri'liiiKi'd in l'urtlaml. at the Inltdlienee Olllce of Vairinh & Itowli'H ; in Halt-111, of J. M. Cnul tor : In Alhany of Mealy & Co. ; in t 'orvulli of l'or tir tV LaiMlimuitf and at Koipst drove, of Spnncer At Blank. (i. II KI'KNVKK. For.-Kt drove, Ilmll Propriclor for Oregon. AGENTS WANTED FOR HFADMIVS History of the Great Rebellion, THE CIVIL WAR IN AMERICA. liy lion. J. T. H15ADLKY. TJII8 NEW ANI ATTKACTIVK WORK will etnbrare a emprplnMiivo ncronnt of the whole RontuMt, nt'iilly printed from hennliful and clear type, on pood paHir. liRttiitlv illiieimti'd with iHiineroiin lint) ntvl enin iiiK", and bound cimiidutt in one su perb volume of over twelve hundred paues. Will be fur 11 itdied to milcriber during the coming anlumn. TESTIMONIALS. " Mr. Hnndley han given an Impartial, truthful and reliable Illnlnry of the Wur. The work in an eh'Kant one, and fully meets our extiiteiatioiia in every re peel." Jiocheiler (A. Y) Advert iter. " It is written Iu Ileadlev's best style, und he is about tlie bent delineator nf battle scenes that there is amoftx American authors, l'etnons purclmniitg this work wilt get a valuable mid entertaining History of the Vuv.''(rrgon Salem) 8tatcnmanJul'i,iHffl. " Of the many histories of the wur. The (J mil Rebellion, or a Hittory of the Civil Var in the Uni ted &ttiteihy J. T. Headier, author of 'Napoleon and his Marshals,' etc., is undoubtedly the moot candid and impartial, as well as the most interesting, which has bmn innm-d from tho Ameriran press. As a de cripiive writer, Mr. I lend ley bus no sujwrior in Ainerii H." Daily Herald Portland, Oregon), July 17, IHliti. ' tt is lbs host history yet offered. We commend it to all who desire a fair and impartial hinlory." Drm oeratie iievitie (.Surw, Oregon), June "sioth. N. H No other History nt the War contain thr Omi'fAI, kKPOUTH OK UKNEKAL UK A NT ANO HIIKUMAN. IV Wnit for llcndUyfl. iU the UcnU N. M Aui iiIr wanted for ' History of all Hell giont," lletorml fharte, etc. Sold only hr subscrip tion Address, TIIAVEIl HJiOS, ii'.'tf Oencmt Atfentfl, Portland, Oregon. SAVE YOUR RAGS. H. .T. MoCOKMlGK, Franklin Book Store, rRONT MTM I'OHTI.AD, TS prefiafeil Ut nay the hiubi'st enh price for irond, 1 i-iwtt HAMH.OM IttlUKS, Nfc.WhlAl'i;iiS,ele., or eMnantfe m School Jiotfkst Stationery Blank Booki, Xu ic Books Mitcetlaneoui Books Toys Fancy llomls or any other article hi his extensive stock. Country uieruhuntii. fanners mul others will do well to keep te above lads in mind, as a dollar sitrW is eqiml to two diithirs earned; aim fruuul housewives itin pureluiHe all the School Hkus rcijnin'd in their luuuiiis (iiiriug each year, iy snupiy saving the nigs that beretnlore liavelteeti thrown awitv. Ueincmher, when you cotue lo INirthind, be sure and bring all the Itau von run procure, t f. J. MiAOK.MK K, Waiuklm lUaik Store, lw4 1M6 Front street, Torllaiid. W. . ALIllttrtl, 9. C M Itait.l., JOHN M'CKAKKN W'CRAKEN, MERRILL &Co. Miippiiill, I uinnussiuu, anil forwarding MERCHANTS. I 4 (iKNTS of tli (.'ulilorum, Ilaniiimu Rinl UmiP'O I . I'ot'kvt 11110. l,,i..,Hrf 8N yi'KNTlV mtri CAKUKV IS I l.A.xIl --AI.H r.AMMl'll INLAND bltlAlt.H, jrut'KKK, KICK, and I't l.U. I A.-iii- l-,r l'r,v,MM Al Co 'a Fr,,rvi Kriitta, Veg ii;i'ii-r, nR'ea nun Yingnr Iialera in Pltmr. Uih n, linvou, Lrd auU iuit. Liut. t ani.nl, and rlusi.r. Will attaud Io ilia I'lirrlisw. M. or Khipinmt of Men.,Hnitis or prtHiiira in New York, Han r'runoiwo. MoiHulu or rorilHii'1. Al.KKICII, MKHUII.I, CO . No. '.tH and '.tH, I nliloinia, St, Shu KrHiiciaco. .M'CIIAKKN, lIKUIill.l, It CO , l'.lf Hi .North KrtMit St., Porllaml. . H. CORNELL, Denier ill Crortriri FrovMoni, nnd ruiifrtlloncry, a UfiU'and Bojrs Bonis and Khon LADIES' AND BUSSES' SHOES! Crockery, Glassware, VUI.S, llor.M,U4Ki:4, Arn Ac, I'hmn, for Caah or Country Pevdnc. flooila drlirfrrd In alt farts of tha Cil fm of ennra. Rtnrs. 8tat. Rtraet. finir donra Prwt onW Pnlrro, Jiiim 'J6, MI H. L'UUNKI.L Notice to the Sick. PVICK VHV.K AT CUHK'H HMI'0 KTOIIK. J npnoaiia h Poat Offlca. No extra char)ra fur aafHlirn. AUI K Cl'UEO FOB .' M AND WAKHAKTKD. MARBLE WORK. A. J. MOSItOE. D KALKR la Califomia. V.rtnenl, and Ilslianl tnasisis.iiai. lonnmrnti, Obrlliki, ttrnJ iml Foot Slonri, SALEM. AUn, UanllM aad fcuruiuia AiarbU fuii .iied to i rd.r. Auy. l, IWif 1 mate IIOSTKTTEIt'S ii mnrnc HKA D AWO KKPLKCT, Make sure of health. "Hut how 7" you ask, We answer, 'tis an easy task, Ht lengthen the Stomach, and sttstain The NKKVKH.the servants of the brain. , The Livkii keep in active play, And retruate, trnm day to day. Knelt organ aid. on Nature's plan, J J race and refresh tlie inner man. And like a waiuh that's kept in ohinie Hy coimiunt care with railroad time, Tne systetn's tone and strength re now, And thereby cheer the tpirU, too. "How," you Inrjiiiro, "can this be done, This victory o'er I) incase be '.von 1" "HosTKTTKii's HiTTKas," we reply, Is Health's sirprrme Protection try " As a means of reifeneratiuu' the disordered and en feebled system, regulating every function of til e ti t mil organs, reviving the depressed spirits, ivigo rating the coustilntioit, and prolonging life, no medic inal preparation either of the past or the present time has been so completely und so universally success ful, as, IIOHtcttcr'8 Okbratcd Stomach Hitters. Auainst the vapors foul prepare, That fever taint the heavy air. Irink not unmixed the water found In prairies, woods or marshy ground. If kedentary toil yon ply, Nntnre you mmt a$ulror die For when debarred from exercise, For artificial aid she cries. Medicine's grand purpose and intent Js threatened evil Lo prevent; And if vu'd be relieved or spared From ills that crmdi the unprepared, Ifnsietter'sllitters ue for note, They arc the in rent antidote. To set at defiance the miasma of unhealthy soils.the poison of unwholesome water, the elHuvia of crowded work-riKiins. end factories, und the baneful ItiHueiice of sedentary employments, it is only necessary to be toreuruieil with HoHtelter's Celebrated Stomach Bitters. ' Dyspepsia's ptmuH, that ruck and grind The body, and depress the mind Ajuert, tliut as they go and come 11 itlte life a conslaut martyrdom j Colics and dysinterie pains, 'Nenili which the strong man's vigor wanes t Jtilious couipluiiits, those tedious ills, Ne'er cnnignered vet hy dnislie pills ; I tread diarrhea, tfiHt cannot be Cured by destructive mercury ; Hlow constitutional decay Tlmt brings death nearer day hy day, Nervous prostration, mental gloom, Heralds of uiaducM or llie tomb : For these, thoiiali mineral nostrums fail Means of relief at leant we hail, llosi KTTKit's JliTTitJts medicine sure, Not to prevent, alone, but cure. Iu dyspepsia, fever and ague, bilious complaint, cniiMjiunuiirii ami nervous ueoiiny, constipation, sea' sickness, spasms, and iu all complaints of man or wo man, pr.ii eedtiig from casual vr inherent weakness of the Uoitv, tlie one great remedy und reslorulive is Hosteller's Celebrated Htomach Bitters. To wanderers ou sou aud laud, From l'olar shore to Tropic strand, To households lone iu regions new, And dwellers ill great cities too : To soldiers in camp, fort and Held, Who need against disease u shield i To miners California bound, And tillers of wet, marshy ground ; To fi-eble wives of fragile mold. To you hk, und middle aifed, and old. To those in health, who would enjoy, Heaven's bent pills, without alloy ; To all the streuuthless, weak and pale. Who droop, vei know not what they ail, llonletler's liitters we present, As Health's most potent element. If rhere is any value In public opinion, or any weight in medical testimony, the very best and safest Tonic, Coiructive and Alterative uuw before the world is HoHtettor's Celebrated Stomach Bitters. bold by respeuLuble druggists iu all parts of the world. HODGK, CAtKF Ac Co., Wliotffute Vruffffiati, 4tf 07, Kmnl Kirot, rorlhuul, Oiviton. New Firm, New Store, New Goods BROWN, COX & CO. yllOI.ESAl.t AND RETAIL DKALEIiS IN GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, AVllM'M aixl TI1II1'H, Wood and Willow Ware, Hardware, VAMil'X NOTIONS, Ttilmrrii, I'iiiarn, &v. Ac. Center Store, New Brick Block, nai.em, oui:;o. We have now on luind, and aro now re ceiving, the I.AKIIKxT nml IIKST KB LKCTKI) STOCK OK UOUDS in our line ever otlcred THIS SIDE OF SAX FRAXCISCO ! Which we proposo to cxc'iimge at LOW KATKS for But.er, Kggs, Itticon, Oats, Wheat, and Produce in general ; and, rather than keep Imolis, we will NOT UKFl'SE GOLD AM) SII.VKU. I'leass ( nil and i:timiuo our Stork or Tm Sc GrinilaloiH's, l'mket Knives Sc Cntft'e ii Nails, Slnrch, Supiir iV Ates. Sonps & Ilnney. Syrup it Blue Vitriol, jC'lotlu-a liuski'tn Si Sitleralns dt Wnsh- j Plfkles, Hoards, Iiopo Si Tiiimirinds, Cri-iini Tartnr ft Coal Oil Si llnncy, llrivoms, llnsti tter's Hitters Si Tiilmcrn Si Clteesf, Onllllcnl, Cigars Ar Corn Hnl'ls, ny,' Slnll's & Farina, Shovels Ac NnlnieKS. iMwrschaum I'ipps Jt Citrnn iV Wnsh Tnhs, I Spailif, linisina iV Mouse Traps Wimil l'ipes Sc Shut, Uive Si Snltpeler. Cnnfecliuiiory Si Sulinun Si WooJflt! Clnthm-l'ina. Howls, 'Mackerel it l'uwder, I!.tV OI VJTI'S IX I t I.Lt l:t taut, evsi-ylhintf usually kept in a Flrst-( l;iM (irocrrr and Provision hlore I oooiis dki.ivki:i:u To all parte of the city, FKKE OF CHARGE. Don I I'orKcl the I'hirci Oct. 4. HllltH N, COX, A l . SI II HI! k WUM. Inlon Block, lonimcrflal Strrel, LIIAl.klll IN Cookinf, Parlor and Box Stove. ..AM). J WIIOEollE m RETAIL DEUtSS Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Vare, And ItniKtrtert of nil Itimti of KITCHEN FURNITURE, Purrlrain und Tinnrd Fruit Efltlfi. F01U K, LIFT and UYDKU LIC l'l MI'S Lead and Galvanized Iron Pipes, Roofing, and all kinds of Job work dona As Cheap si Tin ke Done In the Slate. TRAU a ADt:n0. A V jT IntX'S 4 tioMsllarraularcemasanl. SrMlloiiat ta am, mt lowth SckU,, la ewk BSoi,tll. Hlvli,rii lb SwuUslAtutiua ,k n,,ilr,l t allrn.l. U II Mvanv.Sw'r. Bill I t BKOWH. W II. HI SIMS CAISOS. W. I'. .MillSBOK, f. o. M'l I(HINMI it JIdCOWN. Atliirniiya unit I'minsi-I-ins nl Ijiw, Oi-i'ijciii Citv, Ori'Kon- Will mli-nil l nil liusiiii-M vnlrilsli'il to llair care. I.oIIm'IIoiis union mul ,roinilly rniilli:il. 1 v-" J. H. MITC'NKI.L. IMll.HH, Notnry rulilir. MITCHELL As UOLPIl. Attorm-ys nml Connsiiicira ut lw.Holioitora in Cham-cry, und Proctors in Adiniraltv. Oilite ovor l'oat Olllce. r rout street, Hon hind. ,ll,;"l WILLIAMS it MALLOKYi Aiuirn.'js ut l,air. OWto in tun I ouil House, Salani, Or- jiiua. a, J ' in Ht:"M AS(Nl jOiTl.nTAtnTiiiKyawt Luw.Riillea, Wilson county, (.)i-eyou. lJ,ENrLTcWir.'liiipnrt'rfiiilViitil snledoaltirs in (lrocries,Iry Oooils. ClothinK, und Hoots nml Hhoes. Also, solicit conijniiiciil.s ot Oro)fon proilucn, for the Sun Krnnnsio nmiket.on whieli libeml nilvmiccs will lo niiuli- l'orsous sliititiinit uooils from tlio I'-Hsiornntutesio our euro, run roly upon their receiving prompt iitten tiou, nl moderate churgea. Office iu Hun Fruneiaco, inn Munsoine sireei . ' MUSTEK N.TERKY, Attorney and Conn aolor nt Law. Salem. Oreiion. Commissioner of Deads, and to tiikotnstiinonT.ueknowleiVeiociitsAe. for Iowa, Indiana, Miaaonrf, Michigan, California und Waahimrton Territorv. Lettera of Attorney, and all other instruments of writing, drawn on hurt notice. Hartleiilar iitleution paid to tuning ueposiiinns, col lection of Notes, Areonnts. dto. H'-Hf JC. VilWKLL. Attomev atlnw, Alhuny. Linn ' o., . Oregon Otliea in Moiaeith'a Uiiiliiiug. Will practice in nil the courta in Oregon, and promptly at tend to all business entrusted to his care. Particular attention paid to collections from Portland, Kan Knin ciscounilolsewliere.iiittllpartsof Oregon. The hest of reference given if deaired. 41,11 LAW NOTICE HAVINO permanently located in Salem, Oregon, I solicit patronage in tlie line of my profession. Collections, conveyances, agenciea. and all business in and out of courta pertaining to a Ihw olllce, promptly attended to. Friends, give me a call. Olllce opposite the Capital Hotel. O. W. LAWSON, , Miircli I!'. Miiti.ly3 Att'y at l-aw "r. C. Ht'I LIVAN & J. A. APFLKO ATE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, DALLAS, l'OLK COUNTY, OltKOOX. Ur. John Uoawnll rilKNDKUS hia profeasionul services to the citisieiis 1 of Hiilem and vicinity. Ilcing u medical grHiliiHt" and having had over thirty years' experience in tlie practice of medicine, be cherishes a hone that he will lie ahle to give general satisfaction to those who may fiivor him with their patronage. Olllce in Moores' brick , No. 1, nn stuira. Uesiileuce nuur tlie loner end ol Coininerf iftl street, Kulem. Iu-4.l J.W. McAi ! k7M D. H.'CAItl'ENTKK. M.D. Will practice Medicine anil Surgery in partnership Olllce near Dr. McAlee's residence. Dr. Carpenter's residence, neur the Warol o, in the building formerly occupied by Duvid MeCully. Sulein, Dec. II, I WW. 4:j Dr. J. H, Chitwood, IC F. V O It III V II V S I C I A N. OKFK'K nt his residence on Front St., one block north of Superintendent Huntington's. He woulil say to the sick who wish to he rrrd without having their teeth extracted witli culomel, or their constitutions impairod witli other mineral pui aous, lo give him u cull. Suleul, Jan. ,', IKIiti. JOHN J. SHAW. OKOIIUK P. Mill, MAS, Notary Public. SHAW & HOLM AN, Atlorii)i at Law, Ksilfin, Oregon, Olllce in the Court Ilouse ly!ffl " j. B. tisnnawooti, tieo. b. uiikkis. Notary public. Underwood At Dorris. ATTDIINUVSithd Consellnrs at Law, nnd Solicitors iu Cliimcerv, Eugene, Oregon, will prnciice in all the courts of this State. One of tlie linn will nlwuva be in iitlenilauce at courts iu the Second Judicial His trict. Purticuuir aiteution paid to collections from uhroiid. December IM, IRIi.1!. m. tit r tj air rutii AS I V. J, d. DJVJ.1' J.' u-- -a ... ... Olllce in Moores' Urick Ituilding. Tlesidence, near forner of First und Center streets. NT) None but linished operationa performed. I desiie the piilronnge oi such persona us wish operations perlormed in the most perfect tnnnuer. Siilein.Dce.'AM. K(i). 4.'tf Ol'lt'liiis llolcl. Front strest, - VilATlI.LA, OltEGON. AMOS R. RUUKRS Pmiirlctor. Pioneer PtnircCo.'seniee at tills lintel. Bas-gage tnken to tlie llmuc, ntKK ef charge. Wit TO THE UNFORTUNATE. New Remedies. New Remedies. Dr. -'l BBON'S UlSPi;SAICVf ( 1 7 KEAKXKV ST., mur Vmi- J I i ineri'iiil. San I rHiiciwo, tHlliilit'(i in IH.it, for iIih irtiitiiu tit of Sexual mid Huminul Pimmi'S, nucli MnOonurrliea, (Jleet. Htrit liiie, Hvpliilis in nil it fnrmi. ISeiniiml n (tukiitM, ItnnoicnPV, etc., hki liri(MUw (of years' rmuirtiiig), unit, 1'li-s.mli.ii I jifH. tics'i'tuiiiillv (ri'llt- : v IKtCTOK niHUON Inuthe pl?iiniiro of hihioiiiic inirlliat lie Iiaa rulumed In this Ktnte, a ft or an iil Rfticv of mil year, dnriiiK which time lie liun visited all llie ritiriiial liitKpitala of Kumpe, anions tliciu Ilium) of iMiliIni, Itmlon, and Paris. Tlie l'oltowiuix tH'Irtitiih'il hn5iiitilB nf Ijoiidmi are anions; tlione Yin iifd liy the liHlor t Onv'n, utrei-t, Bornutili ; Si. HiirllmlmtifW'M. SmithliL'ld ; 8t. Liike'n, Old Ptrcct; St, MnrvV Cainh. Hlare. Pad.; Lock, Harrow mud; ITnivercity, (lower street ; Wenlniinnter, Hrond Sanc tuary; n.ariiitf Croiw. jtjrar utreet, Strand; Ijondon, WIihitIiiiiu'I road: Uoynl Free, 0 ray's Inn road;' Kmia Cullf., Portugal Btrtet, DOCTlHi G1HMO.V hasalno visitnl IWtors Ao tun, of laotiilon, Parker, of HirmiiiKtiam, Ktinlnnil; and Kiconl, of Parin; who are ronxideretl the bt'nt pliyioi'iaiiN and vurifcone in the world, and whose an tlmriiy tH arknowlvdtfi'it to Iw the higheul in the trval uu'iit of Sxniil I Mfifiiws. ()( Tt Mi t.DUtoN has obtained from tliem ll.rir iwvc in"tlc of lrt-ntini'fit, wtiith citnimt hi miq.nww?d. lu(T'iilt (.lltltON hiis rnari'd m-ither time nor money in woktiitf out new reuivdies, uud has iv turned with new tut iliiies l -r alleviation of human sulluriuK. llorrihlfi Dlsi'iiM'K. How many thoiiwnds of ieroi(s. both male and fe male, are tlitrr, who are eiiHtTinjf out a nnnerable ex if l cure from the rtlVrln nf secret iniliilmnci'H, or troiu virus hIhmiI-IhhI into the svsteui. LiMik at (heir pallul, emactHted, and diliiftiHHl faces and their hroki'ii tluwn roiotitiiiioiiii. diiuiialilyiuK them fur the liHpintii of ittarriiiKO or the enjovtueut of life. Iu this liornd sit imtii'ii tlioiirtaiidn miller until death clones the mne. Let parents. tut nil uns, and fruruds atti'iid to tlume who arc siilli-Hn with iiuv of these humble, life tie st roy in if tun Indies nhs that they are cured fur and cured bofure it bv too lute. Scud theui iintnedialely to Hoctor (iibboii. a pbynirinn who has made privale dttwases his especial uluilv for years, and who is cer tain to rut the uiost tnvuterate cases, without mercu ry or liny injurious dnms. It is important lo thowj who are ufilicted, or In those who are interested in the welfare of their friends, to be careful of the tunny pretended dor tins who inlest all cities, publisliititr tdtir rkul in curinir all diseases iu a few days, tin pi in if tip ou the public by uwiik the names of eminent nliyni cianslriiiu Km ope aud other places, lie thorelore careful and make strict iiHUiry ur you amy fall Into the hands of those cuarlataus. StMiiiiiu! MrakiioH, Seiuiimt Kiuissions, the ronseueut of self Hbiin. This solitary vice, or depruved sexual indulueuce, Is n met iced by the youth of both sexes to au almost mi limited extent, producing, witu unerring tvrtainty, the IuIIo-a uiif initu of morbid s uiplouis, unless cum Imted by scientific medical measures, vis: Sallow enim teuaiice, itark sHits under the eyes, win in the head, riuitiutf in the ears, noise like the rustling of leaves and -mttlioir of rlMriols, uiieanineiis abuut the loiua, weakness of the limits, contused vhmou, tdunteil intel leel. Iiwot ctMitiileiu-e.diltideuce In appiiacliii:,f stmn uers, a dislike to lomi new aciuaintuucrs. a ilinpttsi tion to shun sviety, loss of memory, heiiic Hushes, pimples, and vupous emplions about llie, fine, furred lonuue, fii'tid bre.il h, coutrhs, etHismnption, 11 1 if la sweais, monouiama and frequent iiuauiiy. If relief be not obtained, the sunerrr should apply itumedmte. ly, fit her in person or by letter, aud have a cure ef fected by his new and scientific mtxle of treutiiiif this disease, which never fails ol effect in a qifick and radical cure. Doctor U. will give One lluitdn-tl lol lars lo any peism who will prove sutisftntoiily to him that be was cured of this couipluiut by either ot the Sun Francis'-n nnacks. DOCTOR UIIUIUN ! rrfpttnilhte. nnd will lrst-Wh pf ttrut A vrillrn liitliutnertl, hliiillnsj KimteU to cOVct a rsillcsJ ami prninrtit cure, or tnkp no rhrre. ISrnnsslsritinreiiir be 11 KH AT HOMR br dreMliif a kttrr lo Dr. Uibhon, stalint ease, t)tnitiRw, ssjtifth t lime Iht tiersjr h conllnurtt, and hate mettlcliife proiii4y rorMrJt-t). frrf from t)arut? ami curiiisily, lo any psrl of Mir countrjr, alih lull ami liu dtrecliuns dr nw, fr Tm D. IUri.tcut Iu ngisiereil Inter or through Writs, Psriri A To. Atl-lrex UR J. t titBHON. Sit Krsrnv street. Bear CW irrrul. In rrsectrsx rVsj UAce Bos ConsalisUoa KKK. rrrrniinn hrftrr Itimi Turo. The tn-wly-lnvmlp-l relent rieneh Hate, a surt PrfntlTt kt tihtl Disease snrt KrsaTnsru-v, sent by mail. Prtce A.l.lr.-M UH. J r. tUHlluN. Hf Kearny street, near CuW aiercial, franc 1st . rust Utnct Bv i.i. huOoii ia ihf I ittoriiiMiiir. sVwarv of the Han Pranriteo uscks ami pretenders, who, wild torus soortvlo eenincalea, dupe the anwarr. P.me f Ihcsrll-suled Jcnrt, attos nmr$ are lo te Cvunil Is Iht ilsilr aait weekly aeap.rrs el San rraaelBeo ai4 other HcrS, r IratlrSKa, sih! brcanM Uxt lasy to work il th-rtr lrs.tr. sVaae see IIusmhiUm, shsiemftkers, arpr rarntFrs, Intslhirmee o(fc- krrjrv tie. Look ovr the hii PrsiKieee Direrlify, and fm will not Ai4 thetr Mrlteal Instil ulrt ia 11, but au etM Ami 1 Mr furm otvapaUoaa In II. took ai the Di iry l! rrtd The only way lo stuW lot position ts to aisks Inquiry N ltl eMl ya ftHhtn. snd est ssre yo-a taany retrrts lee, as alrefilslnf phrsielsns la rMrht eases mh of tea are aofws. there Is mm Mfrtr ia trust Int say 4 lha eat!! roe know Hm a4 ha U-j are. IN". U.N mi. dote aa4 ifHi neot hy ttriib-tutjr besas titles, serlllh-stM, psuaae pauenu' Ittlsrs, rto. Ihn UT UibDna will mm ill pt-mms who aiay tsU his etace of hie slilii to trat siiswaw-s thai hr prop-tiae Km eure, CtnsaHailon rtisX I; I fnunis m ii ,,,h,rm Ttt. G hhan that ihej rrJ Uts adTertHtsawal la IM Ortfoa Mawsataa.) pi WACOM TUVIBER, rpilK I'NDFKNKINIOI) WdlU.I) KKI'WTALLY I cull tho niti'iition of all YVAOON MA II Kits to the superior stock of WAOON TIM IIKU. now In Hun,, winch la ollercd to the trade ou liberal terms. OAK, AMI, AM) HICKORY PLANK, OAK AND HICKORY NI'OKCN, OAK AND ELM HIIIIS, HICKORY AND ASH KIMS, DUdUY St KXl'ltlWS SHAFTS, POLKS, fc HOWS, Hickory AxIch, Oak and Hickory Scantling, Sawed Frillies, Hewed Tongues, Hindu. Trees, Meek Yokes, Long and Short Hounds, l'luw Benin and Han dles, Scats, Bnlnilles, Ac. ic Tlie nhove atock was carefully aclocted in the East ern Suites, expressly tu meet Hie demands of this trade. Orders lor any "of the above articles, including WAOON SKKIS'S, IlllXIiS, SI'KINOS, oto., will be promptly attended to. II. II. LAW, 25 Front Street. PORTLAND, 2!itf Opposite O H.N. Co.'s Wharf. "THE" BOOK STOHEI FAMISH & KEELER, . DEALKR8 IN Si! MAKING this their lole business, would respect fully invite their unuiuroiis friends to cull and ex amine tlieir stock of Hooks, Stationery and Varieties. Keml cnnslanllv on hand the very Wat nrliclea in their line, lo be found in any book bloro in the Scute. Aiiiiin wliieli limy be fuunil PIlOTOOIiAl'II ALBUMS, witli pncus to suit, KAMlbY MULES AND TEBTAMKNT.4, iiuely lioiiml. OIKT IIOOKH, auitulile for tlie hnliduys. FINE I'OCKIiT KNIVES, PKNCIL8. ' OOLU PK.VS, 1-OUTM0N1K8.DIAKIE8. NOTE und LETTER I'Al'Elti every variety. EN VELOPS, Jtcdto. - In the line of reading matter, we keep on hand, and are Coiisstuiitly lteeeivlntr, The atawlHrd works on History, Travels, Poetry and Novels. and works on SCIENCE AND ART. IIitviiiKordcrcd a tare aup)ly of ; PICTUKIALS AND POPULAR MAGAZINES. from the Kast, stihscribers here and in the adjoining towns and comities run secure at piiblisliers' rates, iu coin, posture free, at their roupective olllues, all the periodiruls without risk. Knnc tirticles too numerous to mention.allof which will be shown cheerfully, with a fair prospect. Also a rich variety of photographs and steel enrriviiiKS of tlie weiieiHirt aim cinci Ht iors 01 tne urt'iti neoeiuon Also, Ayi.nte for the Florence Sewing Macliine. Sjiletn, Jan. 1, IHlili, 4-lyl A C AIIO ion TUB Bill k FAIL MB TRADE OF HXH r!A.tlCO. BADGER & LINDENBERGER, Tio. 411, 413 nnd 41S linttery Street, Cor. Slerchaiit, Sun Frnnciaco. Importers nnd Wholesale Dealers. ENTIRE NEW AND FRESH STOCK ! 1TE would call the attenlinti of COUNTRY MER IT CHANTS) to our usually lure stock of Goods. Our aloek comprises every article iu (he Clothing and Knrnialiinir line. We have constantly on hand the lurjfeat aloi k ami irreutest variety ol Cassimere and Wool HAT'rlof nnv house in Sun Francisco, und our ni-icea for these Ooods ure less than those of any Iioiise, as we receive them direct from the manufactu rer's consirttmenl. Our atock of Summer and Kali HihhIs ia puriiculurlv attractive, and the great feature to tlie country inercliunt ia the utiiisuully low prices lm Than the Cost of Importation I We ulso keep the STAPLE AltTICIiKS in the Dry (JimmIb line, which Gooda we have nurrlmsed iu line market under the bummer, and are ottering them ut New York Coat, and lesa. We publish this card in order that we may make new ui-iiiuiuliiucua. and induce those who have not heretofore purchased of ua, to call and examine our stock. Good Articles and Low Prices! Are the irront indticeinetita to nil who uurchase to sc again. Mcrchuuls who buy of us cun make a jrond protlt. and sell to iheir customers at a low figure. We remain, resectnillv, Your Obedient Servantn. UAIiUEIi & I.lM-EN'HKKOEIt, Wllolesnle Clolhiuir uud Hill Warcliouae. Nns. 411, -li:i und 415 llaltcry street. Kan Francisco. April. .10. ISiHi. .lin lO NEW BELVIDERE SALOON, AT THE OLD STAND ! IITHEHE will alwava In found the FINEST 1 1 uiiA.Min ur MttrOK8 AD CKJAHS tlmt the Market afforda. Also, a Hue 111 I.I.I A KD Id'OM. containing three Tables, one of which took the premium al llie lust Mechanics' Institute Fuir in Culiliirillll I'LA.MO.MIU. At U1I1-.I..1. Snlcm, Oct. 3, IHI'A :ilif mm GROCE .IESI Cun always be had for For Cash, or Country Troduee. And he delivered, free of charge, to all parts of tlie city. ALL KINDS OP COOPER WARE Kept on hand uud made to order on good terms. Clothes Wringers of Different Kinds, liattrrlt. Brooms, WaiUtult. Buckets, Churns, Hope, Candles, Coal Oil, Mackerel, Salmon. Herrings, Codfish, Sar dines, Oysters, Clams.Sugar Salt, Syrup, Cheese, Cracktv. mm, ,0 OTHER 1'II'ES, Tobacco, Cigars, matches, Fnnrr nnd Toilrl Soap, Combs, Brushri, if, Pust fnvora crntrfiilly remembered, and fntiire pat-rouaa-e mpevltully acliciled. ,T. M. COTJLTKH (Four Doora north f Moorea' Brick lliKk,) Salem, Oregon. N B. DALLAM. C.W. ARMIES. a.W. ARM KB. ARMES & DALLAM, Importer ftnd Jobber of WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, BKU8HE8. TWINES, COKDAGE, Sec. And Manufacturers of California Pails, Tubs, nnooMs. ice. Sic. Na. SI? and 2IU Sncramentoalreet, Between Front and IHvia, SAN FRANCISCO. Warranted, a tart Car or bo Fay, LUlilVS AltdtNTlNE PILLS t For Uie Attn, mud mil Htlioai Diwiwihi, J. E. (lark, Dru-xxUt, onlj Agent forSali ni PRM E, $9 M PRR VIOX Tlii In to certify tlmt I bT triwl tiUit'ii Anfii tin pillf, after rvlni? vrini rvm4dip, to nn vrfect, when om box of tjtile' iIU pnniucfs. a prnimuat cure . J. U. hMITH. tmhm. May 15, l6tl Lata Prop r Uj.iu1 HotaL I hmx W 9 Aim IMU. pmrurvd of J. K riara, talent, anil tmtml thra a wir rnn. bTKI'HKN KtT:K,,MlJn;, Wm. 1Ioiim fr Wnle Iu Halnn. 0 TUB HOVn tHt TWO tOTS known a U RnbH " pf'twMjr. r.uUi ( U Bit-rig, aill W Kkl.l al a bi lrtm tttt halt . iM tk rtnain.tpf m t 1 HstVM:n .tl f i.r ' ..t k,..,L,.em -I J K BrMI IV l!l:.. " CONSTITUTION WATER." Tin: xt.y uiau:iy For Dif)cane of tho BLADDER, KIDNEYS, tiruvel, UropHlcal BwelllngN, GENITAL DEBILITY, Etc. riniu autoimiiixj hi'''i:mbi which L lias aiiomleil thia IN VALUA1ILE Medirine r,n dera it llie must vulimble one ever discovered. No liium,i cini colivev nil itilKiiniite iiii-il of the llilliifdi Hte null illmost tiiinti'iihiiis cIhuiko which it occiisi'ina the i i:h ilHled and aliiitterfd avstem. In Tnct,li atands unrivalled ua n remedy for the iwrnuiient cure of the maladies above mentioned, uud also DIABETES, IMI'OTKSCy. LOSS OK MUSCULAH ENKHOY, PHYSICAL PH08TIUT10N, INDKIESI'IO.V, SEMINAL WEAKNESS GLEICI', FLUOlt ALU US, Ami in averv disease nnv wuv l!iillllucU!il will) l lie dis orders or ifeniy of thn PftOCltEATlVE KUNC HONS, msuns Hiioui, 10 liinrry, II conscious 01 liny weiikutss, should take llie CONSTITUTION WATER. Whether hrokim down hy excess, wcuk hy nntiiro, or imimired hv sickness, the'iiiiKtriinur mid rt'litxutl oririm iKiuion Unt once rohnccd, ruyived, ami built up. V ell inav tins culeUi uLed uiuiiiciiie ue cu nt-u uie Medical Wonder. Tho stnnniinr. tremhliiiif victim nf dunroKslon nnd dobility becomes a new nmti; he stunds erect, he uiovus with a linn step: his miitd, which whs previ ously sunk inloom of an almoHt illicit ic apathy, bo conies bright and nctive i ami lie (:oe forth reiieene- rtiteil, conscious of now viiir, I he modicine l-uaciies CONSTITUTION itsell, and ruiUirui it tolls nimiml condition. Irritation oj the Seek of the Bladder, Inflammation of the Kidnepa, and Catarrh of the IHadderf Stranifuary and Burning, or Painful Urin, atitifr, Cxtlcnlun, (Jravcl, Brick Dmt Dcpotit, and Mttcout or Milky Dis charge After Urinating, For these diseases it is truly a sovereiiru remedy. and too much cannot be said in its pmise. A single dose has been known to relieve the most urgent symp toms. TKV IT In th ewe cuuus, and yon will ever give your pmiuu to CONSTITUTION WATER! - . 1 ' MnlcH'or ITomnlow, Are von troubled with tlmt dislrnssinir nuln In the stun)! of the back, and lhrouli your hipa 1 ('ON8TI- 1 1 liua vv a tun win relieve you iiko mapic. ur. w. ii. Hitr.tlit, Proprietor. MOKOANAj ALLEN, Uetierul Ageuts, New York. UOsTKTTKB, SI tl IT II Sc DRAW, Agents for the I'licilie Couat, 401 and 403 Battery Street, Corner Cluy, Sun Fmncisco, uud IIODOE, CALEP ic CO., SMITH k DAVW, W. WEATIIEUb'OUD, !)lf Portland. TO INVALIDS HOSE S U F I FltlXO have been protmcted from hidden caiiues and mul trculiuent, und who require prompt relief to render exigence dcsimble. DK. J. PIUtKAULT, GRADUATE OF THE UNIVEIISITY OP QUEENS COLLEOE, begs to inform patients and oth ers Booking in edici.1 advice that lie muy be con bii Hp d personally or by letter In nil ninea of Nervous and Physical DEltILITVt&nd the various disorders nrisinp from 8KDENTARY HABITS, EXCESS, ACCI DENT, or CLIMATE, from 9 A. M. to 12 m., and from 2 to 8 p.m., at bis office, Armory Building, nortbeast ami or Moutgoiiivry and Sacramento stsM Hooms Noi. 9, 10, und II, first floor up stairs. Entrance on cither Mont gomery or Sncrnmento utreet. NO APOLOGY SIX MS REQUISITE for offering to the public an advertisement of this kind, for It in nnivemillv acknowledupd tlmt tlio treat Rient of tliet particular dim'HNPn roiiKtitnics a bninrli of nipdicine which has NKVEIt Ur,KN hl'KH C1ENTLY CLLTlVAi Et), iu coum-iiiiuiK-e or the fanlidioudneHs of thu prnfetftoun. who ltavt tiliiiinlnUfd thpHO stwiitliii-s lo the vntv of UNQUAIJ KIKD J'KAI'M I ItJiN r.Kr. There cxtsta hero no iiower to repress the iuiMiipnre anil cirrontorv of men who are tolallv incompetent to pfrt'nnn the tint ien of their ho culliil mediral pruetico. thereby ihtlictiiijLr iuieiieB to a Octree unptiraiieiien in any oiiifr -:iit8 ol iiuuian dittunluis. '1 he onlv wav to rumeitv this evil in to full the intention nf the pul-lic to a WKLL-IXKOItMKl) .MLMlihlt of the -MhlMCAL l'H(JhhNM(J., Lti OALLY OUALIFIEU, mid who devotes hits exclus ive at lent ion to dif eases umitij; from the undue excite- in ei it of the ireiierative oririms, toucttior with thone in eitU iital suitfes of acute di-innler which, when nt'K- lected, terminate in the horriMv-wiiHiimf form of eon slitutioniil -iipoiu.uii.iitinn. )(, PKltiCAl'LT HAS FA1I THE MOST ANXtOt'S Hiid UNI'llilNU ATOMION, ro THE LAST KIOHT YKA U. TO A SPECIAL lilt ANt II t)F STUDY, and his mode of nruclice, suuueHted and improved bv exueri- ence, and experiment uititle through the locdiiuu of the microscope, euahh him to detect the presence of semen in the urine. We wish to impress those who Have taileu ot relief el) where, that they mav derive heuelit from exumlimtiou of the urine in eases of iSeiinna hnnsnions anti InumfiMirv nn well us in cases of tiruvel, Iliseases of the Uhidder and Kidneys, and we cun at once ascertain the muse of the patient's complaint, so as to prepare the proper remedies for earl) particular disorder ami uccohlnir to euiii case. l'utieuu suH'eriuc from Vrneretil Uiseasi-s in, any stnue 1'atnn iu the Hones, Klieuuiiitinni, r from the etlects ol Mercurial routomnir, who cun visit us per sonally, witl receive, in addition to our iihiiuI treut ment, 'MEDICATED VAroli BATHS, without far ther cli h ryes. This Hulli has ueurty superseded all other troatmeut in Euroe. Keference will be tfiven lo several who nave iM'en cureu uy tins treatment, ar ter havintr fuiled with otiiers I'emaii of both sexes who have impainnl their health and destroyed the vior ol their mintls hy their own mincoudttrt, and thus deprived them selves of the plensares of lift , are notified that on commit ir.ir DR. l'LKKAL LT tliev will tind a friend and h 1'hraicinn who has cured uiduy ia every part of the Mutes, who applied broken down in health, but ure now rejoii-ititf in all that makes life denimble aud mun happy. Ref erences cun be iven, when required, in almost every port of the St ite. from parties who know of cases cur ed by I ) U. PERRAL1.T, uttor ill vain tryii'K several povHiemiig. llis diploma are In bis office, where ull nursotis can see for tfiemselves that thev are under the rare of a regularly qualified practitioner, ne have the latest ami safest remedies, and such mode of cure can be tuitied at no other olllce of this count, in Svphitis, (Jou orrhcR. flleet, Strictures, Oravel, Stone In the Iliad der, Eiilaryetneiit of the Testicles, Ulcerated Throat, Bones, and Noae, Cutaneous Eruptions, Ulcers, Ab- scei?s. and other diseases depending oa impuriliea of WIS DIOOU. Pit I'KltltAULT still retains tlie only agency (D Dr. RrjolS IVmalo Monthly Pills. Their immense sale has established their reuutution as a female remedy an approached and fur in advance of vary oilier meoicine lor upprnwions anu lrreirutan -ties and other obstnictinns in lemulea. On tbe receipt of Five Dollar, these Pills will bo stmt, hy mail or press, io auy pari ol llie woiiu, s-et-urtt trout curiusity ot duiuaue. iVrwais at a distance can he cured at home hr ad dresslmaletterto DR. J. l'KHRAUIXmruer Sacra mento and Motittromerv streets. Rooms Not, U, lllnd II, or x itia'l. Post OtNce, San Francisco, stHlinifthe case as minutely as ixmnhle, in-neral liatnts of livitur. orrnpation, etc., etc. All cases tuken under treatment warranted. No charm for advice. No poisons or bnrsh medic hie to injure the constitution no makiun sick lo make well, tieare honest in our deahnifSi frank in our opinions, and ourcharirea will be far lew than demanded bt other phvsirtana. We Invite in vestivaiion. claim not to know averythinir nor to cart every body, but we do lay claim to rvason and com mou sense, and to eure eitfht out often pronounced incurable. We particnlarly request those who have tried this Doctor and that srientttic Phynician, boasted aud advertiseil. till worn out and discouraired. to call unouns. U will cost uothiug, as consultations are' rtee. oct.ioyi:4p SALEM FOUNDRY MAciiiNi-: tsiioi, Siih'in, Orvion. nli.VKK it IKKHIK. Miinnfartnnra of STEAM A.V(7.;.v. al ROII.KKS.Ilnm Villa, (.trial Uilla, HeuiYl-a, Tliraatier. I'luii. a.nl and all kin,la untl styles ,,f nmcliit.vtr. ilHt hiupry t'.'irvt at short Nnttcp, Potlprn Mt,sMiif,l"lu i all it. vnnnn. forma, and all kin.la , HKA.S- and 1UOX CAM INK f. aialird at tdmrt uiHin. II. K DIIAKK, IMf J. II MonKK AdminiMraior's Koitre. T)TiK ta l,anltr vivpn thai th nnHrrsmntd has 1 1 brn a'.i-h,tnl atlministnilitr io ttw vatala nf n-vrr i:. v. Italian, nrmiaait, uy u loam voon of t-ulkt (.'unniy. tinrmm. All r,. having ,-laima aaainal aai.l ralau are her. ny tnuvalr,l Iu prr-spitt tha tMUta to lha m(krMnd al bia rT.,tm- in tllttntal, tn aaid ronnlv, vrllh thr nsciaaary Tuocliers, withia sta nonths frvai Iht uair tietp,,t. fll-i,.!,!, Pl fiBtv.fr. An A tV lf"'. Vtol ' a'. M. (.UiXl.Na. Adai r. rlS ,T. II. HAAS. Oommarclaiatroct, Salem, Dealsrln COLD AND SILVER WATCHES, JEWELRY, Solid SUrrr nnd IMatrd Wan FINE CLOCKS, Spectacles, Fine Cutlery, 40. All rfouiliauld by me ara WAItllANTED to b. .. repreaenled. ' Iti!tnirliir, AM. WORK WARRANTED. Balera.OreKon, Nov. , 1801. iyK CONSTITUTIOlT" Ij IF 35 SYRUP, CUMI'OtiKD OK IODIDE POTASSIUM. Willi the Cnmpntinil Cntiroiilmlad Kliiiii Rxtmrt rj r,iniKwnrt Aiistnro Hol, Al.sre. R,)t K Root, tanrnr Knot, t'arar Uiiot. ChmIia. ...., . ua sumption Plant, (Imvcl (travail 1'lunt, I,if8 'uZ' liiverwnrt, Nervino Knot, Pleurisy Hoot, Sasssiw. not, iMiurvy tirasa Hoot, Swifula Plant, Rattles, k. Root, Squaw Root, W n a lioe l), k, Winteri,"! l, whole seieniilli ally prepared, and coniainina lmt ii virtue of all tlie iiKretlieiil united in un eleiam sir up, tliut poasessoa a wonderful power iu Hi, our. HiHMiissa. 01 diseusea. CONSTlTtmOJf LIFE SIUUP. A positive and snecifle remedy for all diseases orl inntliiK from an IM PURE STAtK QV THE BLoofi uud for nil llinrediturvl UISEASE8 Iratismilted from PARENT TO CHILLI. Paralysis. Hemiplegia, Paresis, Purapletria, Pitmlyaia, AKitans. DyipcpslH. Indixeslion. Liver Comjilaint, Constipation, WIk1i at Htnmaeli, Uilioueueas, Want of Appetite, Flutuleucs Uud Ureuth. ' Scrofula. Struma, Oliinditlur fiwellinirs, Ulceration. Kinir'a Evil, Eryaipelua, Halt Rlieum. 8 KlicumatUm. (Arthrilia) NeurulKia, Oout, Lambago, Sciatic. Ti. Doloureux. ' ScrvousncNS. Nervoua Debility, Confusion of Thoughts, Epilepsr Loss of Power, Slntltored Kervea, St. Vitus' Dance. Mercurial Diseases. ftlllivHlinn 1,Vti,, nt Wa,.lnnaa T)nin..'nr 11 Uud Complexion, Aches in Uonea . Depressed Spirits. . ('.....ii!,,,;.... i ;r .i. ' .. . .. . v.-....u.,.. .,u. jt3. iv BTBiem euureir of ull the evil ellects of Mercury, removinj the Bad Hrentli , and curing the Weak Joiiita and Kliounmlio Ptiiua which the use of Calomel ia sure to produce. It hardens Hpougy Ouuis aud secures the teeth as firmly us ever. Constitution Life Syrup Kmillrntes. root aud bruucli, all Eruptive Diseases of tlie Kkiu lik;e I leers, I'linplcs, Blotches, And all other difficulties of the kind, which ao much disfigure tile out word appcumiuw of both males and lemulea, nnd often iiiHking them a disgusting object to themselves uud their friends. , Constitution Life Syrup CURES AlAj SWELLING OP THE GLANDS, either of the Face, Neck, or Female Breast. HTAi a general Blood Purifying Agent, the Life Syrup atunda unrivalled by any preparation in tha world. Constitution Life Syrup Is the Poor Man's friend and the Rich Man's bless ing. Buy it, uke it, aud be cured. It is universal ia iteell'ecle. Witl. II. GIIEGO. If. D. Sole Proprietor, New York LalHintlorv, Brooklyn, L. I. Pillt'E 'l per Bottle j Mix Bottles for So. L'?"Sent by Kxprcss lo all parts of the country. Hold Ly HODGE, C'ALEF He Co., S1IITII & DAVIS, W. HEATH EHEOUD niliHf Portland. Oreaon. thoracic: balsam. A VALUABLE REMEDY rou All the Diseases of the Chest, A HI 91 KO PROM COUGHS AND COLDS. The properties of the Combination ar Tonic, ExiMM'toriitit, Soothing aud IlEALIXO, and are peculiarly fitted for arresting and preventing the tendency to CONSUMPTION! So frequent and filial on the Pacific Coaat. TESTIMONIALS. Ssi.r., Onrooia, Oct IRth, IMS. Prom the good ellecta that I have seen end known of Mr Stipp'a Thoracic Bulaam, I can safely recom mend it to the public. Jas. 1). McCvnof, M D. ' Rii.r. March 8th, IWVS. t herehv certify that I have been using lira. Slipp'a Thoracic Balaam in my family, with tlie very beat of rt'sulta, and am happy in stating thut the medicine is all that it ia recommended to be by Ua proprietor. L. Wkstacott. Mahios CoI'kti, ORsnna,8ept.ii7, 1 Hi A The nnili rsiirned. resident of Marion county, Or eL'nn, takes pleasure in slating for the benetil of the nlllirtvd, l hat. in the winter of lrlli.M, I was Buffering from an atteeiioii of thelungaand kidneya, reaulling from a violent cold. I seemed to be going into rapid Consumption, and hnd begun lo believe my death w as not very far distant, and all who auw uie were impressed with the stiuie conviction, After trying various remedies without any sneceee, I waa induced to try Aire. Mipp's Thorncio 'Balaam, aud to it 1 am fullv persuaded thut I owe my life aud present good health. Under these circumstances, I feel that I am but performing a dutr to humanity when 1 recom mend all similarly alllirted to try this excellent medi cine. William Tati.ob. Mahiox Codntt, Oaioos, Sept. 28, I. Itnving received great benelll from Iheuseof "Mrs. Slipp'a Thoracic Balaam," aud being convinced that ila use would be beneficial to thousands of peraous sutleriug without hope of relief, it ia with pleasure that I make the following statement! In the fall of IKiU. I took a severe cold, whirh aettled in my luturs and luroat, causing a dry, backing cough, fever, bawd ache, and piain in the breast and under llie shoulder, in severity, until my life eeemed lo be in realdartger. About six weeks ago, 1 commenced taking MrsKtipp a Thoracis Balsam, and in Ibis short apace of time I have regained almost my nannl health and strength. Imve a awd appetite, and am free In-ai nyr couch and all ita attending miseries, M.S. Forward. ttT Agencies will he eat blished at all the prinrf. pid trading points in Oregon, for llie sale of Mis tisUv ahle Medirine. .Urs. L. A. STIrr, Oct Ml. IKovlpd ifotffitrtnrer. W. K UlOllV, Ornmilat, Salem, Oeneral Ajrent ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM! thb tnDT for ctiaisa Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, CROt P, DISEASES of the THROAT, Bronchitis, Pains and Oppression of tht Chest or Lungs, Difficult Breath- ' ing, and' all tht Ihseases of the Pulmonary ' Organs. , r'S action is expectorant, alterative, sndriB. se4 lire, diaplmrrtir. and dinreiic, which renderrH on of the most VHinahle reinediee khown for canoaT tarn of the lungs. Il eirilea espectoration, nc caniM-s the lungs lo throw otf the phlegm or nm.' CHAMit.S THE HEVRETIOSS ASlf FL IIFIES THE HUHJIh heals Ihs irriual pa gives alrenath U tlie diireslive oraans: bring" nr . t its pr.er action, andimpans alrenglb wihe fc . vsiem. fnchislbe Immealiute and satisfactory r feci. thai il la warranted lo break ns inwiug cough in a few hoors' uaae, if n of K ataii'iiiig. Il ia warranted lo gie entire , even In ill s.o.1 vanara' Msea """"V ta It is warranted not lo prndnra emlivepesa I1" JJ Ihe rasa with moat remedies.) or anrrl tlx Bead, as " owtains no I .piuin in anv f,wm ll is warmniea soj lEhUCTl.Y HARMLESS to the -sort delKsa child, althonah It la active and powerful remeuv n be.AU.S: 1.1'NU BALSAM will preteut II, il ""1 lime , , Sold by all Pnigtiats. Me. f I per Mil. SMITH PA VI-. PortUnal ""1" Sept w, I. -a j. Oeneral