sea. THE OREGON STATESMAN. iveur hondat, or The Oregon Priming and Publishing Company. Trusts One year, 'J, In coin. Six numllii, C7" Remltlancca may be mude by mull ut onr rielt, ahen mailed iu the presence of the poatmnater. 1. S. Offlclal Taper for the State. Weitman's Patent Horse-Shoe, IHPIIE ntirWiifrrtfMl but imrchiified thn riirlit lo make 1 mid put on WHITMAN'S PATENT IMFUOVKD lHHiSK SllOK, hihI is now propured to nut on this new and improved shoe, without nail of any kind. Fijii-morn unit liorttemen will please cull nnd examine it, nfc tlio uliop iu tliu vour of my livery aliible iu Httlem. AMOS L. STAHKKY. Weitman's Patent Horse Shoe This new ulioo olt'nm Uie following HdvunttiKoa i Tliu iii-tit would lit. In tlio vam of tendur footed horneu, such tits huvti tint titid thin Iioo'b, mid tlione wlitme luxtftt will not admit ot tiulU heiun driven into the hoof. This ah oq btjitiff fuHtutied entirely by the me cuniciil cniit.rivHiu-o mi Llie cmuiile, will nave hII iich lioi-Hes, und make thorn renily uh uhmI'iiI ui hursei with the bent font. 2d. Should a in tin he driving on tlio nmd or travel. ttiK over lite niutuitulnii, as io tlie cune often in thin country, where ti man is hundreds oT mi lei from tt hhickriinUh, uud bin home cunt a itlioe, ho could bIioo him Htfuin with thin pat ut tthoe in two miniiLea' time, needing nothing hut tlio shoe, rap and screwdriver. 'Mi For ho rues wliowj feet are troubled with corns and BUfh di.llcii.tiea thhi Hhoe iti the very tiling, as ev ery dlioer and furrier will Bee at a ylutico. Thin Hhoe can be lined by the furrier during a curiuitrHusen, or over a cei'tuni road, or on certain rouirli irrotiiid, and then tuken olf whenever desired, without a cent of expense , or the lutut injury to the shoe or tlie horse foot. . M.H.DIMICK, Furrier and Veterinary Surgeon. Salem, Oregon, Aug. 3, lHoti. ill PICTURES, PICTURES! A CHANCE FOR EVERYBODY FOR NINETY DAYS! Cheaper than the Cheapest To wake room for alterations, the stock mnst be cleared in ninety duys, and during that time I will take Pictures cheaper than any other gallery in the State. Montgomery's Cillery, "SALEM, OREGON. :Hw3 C-M.'Parmenter, (Succeasor tu E. G. Hotter.) diui.iu m Imported and Home-made FUHisriTTJRE! N pi-ing.U' etls , . HAIR, WOOL, AND FULU MATTRESSES, it., &c. At Watt's aid Stnuil, Commerciul St. Sulem. THE EYES, THE EYES J. t Dr. E. II. P All DEE, OCULIST AND AUHIST. AFTER A PROTRACTED BLINDNESS ef more than five years, Dr. Pardee bus made himself thouruughly and scientifically acquainted with all diseases of the Eye, and is now practicing with a sue cestt not surpassed iu the United States. All operations performed, sued) as Strabismus, or cross-eye, Cataract by linear extraction, Duprettidon or Absorbtion, Pterygium, or fleshy membrane growing ovortheeye, Jteiluction of Staphyloma, or bulgiuog out of the eye, Artificial Pupil, Fistula Luchrymalis, or closing of tear piumige. and all deforuiaties of the Lids, etc., etc. Artificial Kves innflrted without the least nain. and possessing all the movement and brilliancy of the real eye. A large assortment constantly on hand for sale at reasonable prices. The Doctor's Eye Bath for the treatment and cure of all tiewous diseases is used alt over this count. Thankful to those physicians who have sent him cases for ofwrations, and hopes that Ins universal suc cess will warrant a continuation of their confidence. His celebrity a an operator h coextensive with his success i as patients are presenting themselves for treatment and operations, horn New York aud Boston almost monthly. 41 any patients can be seen at the Doctor's office dul ly, in different stages of recovery. Office : 707 CLAY. STKKfcT, (above the Phira) near Dnpont Street. Sy FLORENCE SEWING MACHINES. Copy of the Report of the Committee of A wards at the Fair of the AMERICAN INSTITUTE NEW YORK, 1N05, To the FLORENCE SEWING MAi'llINK CO. for tilt Best Fflmilf Stwirif Michine. Highest Premium Gold Medal. llCilMOItMt 1st. Itft Blmpllrlt) and preat range of work 'id. The KeveiKlbte Feed Motion. 8(1. The perfect finish and Substantia! man ner In which the machine l made. 4th. The rapidity of Its working and the quality or the work done. 5th. The Belf-adJuMIng Tension. The FLORENCE wa awarded the Ftrf and Mgheit Premium at the State I mr of tan fornia, the only Fair on the Pacific cnaet at whiuh any two double-thread Sew ing M nudities were exhibited in competition in 1&5. Tllv 1?t Altvvrv rwftiv t llie onlv nremlum awanM bv the Mcchauica Inatilute of San Kranciaco. in IWI aiid I8S6, to anv Rewind Marhim, Hewing Machine Company or Air -lit. The claim of a competitor to a meoni ia without any lonnuntion wumuvvr. brrn b rou iih t In mm petition with other Sewing .Vathines. it has always Leeu declarwl the best. It is the most simple, tlie most snbstantial. the most efficient, and its use easily learned. Eerv Machine sold is warranted in the full Minte of the word. Send for Clrculsri and Sample ef work. SAN! FL HILL, cneral Aifrnt, 111 Mnt(rninpry itreet, San FrauciiHio. X. O. PAIUUSII, Agent. 7;f SALEM, Oregon, fz G. W, H0BART, viadtlle 4 Harness Maker V"" Silverton, Oreioi'. At Roop'i old aland, baa ronatantly on hand a T.OOD VARIETY Of everything kept in bia line. 11 rill pit), in point of ektnpnnt and ynoijr, to call on Dim oentre pnmiufiiia Try it and tee ! New Work, and Repairing Done on ehort notice and all WARRANTED, . Dr. , W. BROWS, Physician, Sureeon, and Oculist, SALEM, OREGON, OFFERS bia profeseioual services lo the citisene of Salem and vicinity in the practice of Medicine, Surgery, and Obstetrics. Those suffering with Diseases of the Eye, would do well to esll at bis office, and be at once re stored. Surgical' skillfully performed on the Eyes. fVr Cataract, t ilra. Nral iwane or C rnsa Eves. Many petieuts can be seen at bia nltin daily. IO Krvanl. vn r stMol lb. ii ot iaroi Is. se I-" er eer- I son ec srntf .pro mj we. swi .1.1- w m clauiing. a L". Diu.hrt. snrf ,h-r, t-VHhrf Uirr. a.Hes. r.ckIT.v4 Mr leA. Is. Sf Prter . Xj er, sn4 pjyHI. to ih. sn4.r.trnrO, oo. for I lo. yr free, w, vtlk It i.urwi ; (' Saul. yrs frnei (ate, o. l.mrM ; sua Ike .lb" lof lW. Uiree fnn trxia s.w. ae sll s?.''!' lo eo. I eill ,T IM akovt riar aewtiiavictKM f Um l '"" s TliOstiJ W. MAT. Orarea CK7, tet. I, IMS. YOL.16---NO. 35. Valuable Farm for Sale. MTIIR tubacriher, being about to embark in other hiuineia, oilers fur tale, at a Kraut bur-Z gain, liia Kunn . pbiaauntlv situated about one mile snuthof th flonriahitiK village of Hoaebnrg, L)()U ULAr CO., ou the Suige route, andcompriaitig about One Thousand Acres of excellent, land, moat of which ia Inclined with good fencua, and under a good atale of cultivation. The ImproveuieuiB are of the moat eiilistuiitlnl char acter, consisting of a large and couiniodioue FRAME DWELLING fiOUSU, will, walled cellar, a splendid frame BARN, 110x84 feet, with iiiiineriiiia other out buildings. A lurge ORCHARD, of choice fruit. In auctesslul bearing, ia another iuiportuut appendage to thia desirable horoeateud. PersuiiB desirous of eiiRiigiuK In the farming and atoek rHialnir bnaincaa In tlie aiiliihrioua climate of the Umpijiia Valley (which atream tuna through the preunaea), will Hnd thia a rare chance to acquire a vorv deal ruble location at a very low price. 'lmtMa. Time will be (riven on part of (lie pur chase money, if deaired. For further particulars, ap ply to the anliMcribor at Itoaoburg, tlreynri. Muy 5, IHIiti. JOHN KELLY. Pay Up, Gentlemen, ALL PERSONS knowing themeelvoa Indebted to me are respectfully invited to cull and pay up aoon, aa I need the money to pay my own debt. Thankful for paat patronage, I hope to etill aee you come around to the old stand, where I can be found ready to wait on you with an increaaed atock of GOODS AT REDUCED PRICES. Salem, April HI, IHHfWif J - M. COULTER. Private Medical "Institute. . . -i ttatabliahed by - DR. J. C YQUNC , IN 1850, FOR THE CURE OF PRIVATE DIS EASES, OP WHATEVER NATURE, And all Female complaints. ConsultiiiK Office, BiHi Wueilitngrton Street, Second building below Montgomery Bt., SAN FRANCISCO, : : CALIFORNIA. RIO CUKK, KO PAY. CONSULTATION RY LETTER, OR OTHER . WISE, FKEE. . For Direction of Letters, See Below, THIS CKLEHHATKl) INSTITUTE has enjoyed on this couhI an uninterrupted success of Kourteon years, and has become one of the renowned Hospitals of the tare.' What the celebrated Lock Iltmnit ilaUio Ivomlon.and the no less renowned establishment of Kicord to fans, this Institute has become to the Pa cilic Coast. ( The thousands annually received and cured, place it in point of number of patients among the very first of the world, and the success of its treat ment ranks it second to none. PII1VATK WSKASKK IS MALES and IKKKOU LAIUTIKS IN FEMALES are the great destroyers of hoitltli. Tney insiduously attack the system ana rad- ?ially undermine and destroy it ; they 'drive the bloom rom the cheek, the lustre from the eye, the strength and vigor from the frame ; they give to the world puny and diricaxcd offspring, and poison, through suc cessive, generations the race of man. The marks can be seen iu Scrofula, Consumption, Cripples, the Idiot ic, the Paralytic, the Insane, etc. There is no more terrible scourge to the human race than those diseases arrisiug from the contamination of Veneral Poison. The mildest forms, bv rctrtiating to the blood, hold ever over the one afflicted, the sword of destruction that is liable at any moment to fall and blight to ntterly destroy alt earthly hopes. MEKCUKY, recognized as the moit fatal medical enemy to man. combining with the Veueioal. clou Men his (lungers. Those who have been treated with that lernicious mineral potion are not cured; the diseuse tas only assumed a now form. Do nut be Satisfied Willi Partial Cures, that leave the poison to crawl through the system , eat ing its way into the tissues and orgitiiB beneath the apparently smooth surface, to bnrst out iu the future with a virulence that will baffle the effects of tnedieine. WlllilV PLKFKCT CUUKScau be ohtaineu by con soiisuhiug a physician whom long practice and thoro ugh investigation into the causes of OISKASK of the URINARY ORGANS euublca lo determine at once the nature of the diseuse. In nil diwcHncs piitntsiert to Mio Doctor's care, TEH liCTSl'KLDY aud PERMANENT Cures are always Guaranteed In Syphilis and Us adjuncts: Oononwaand its tic- coinpituying diseases; all discorrier of the Bladder, Kidneys aud prostrate; Seminal Weak liens ; lix cases of the Heart and Lungs ; Iypepnia Iiidigcstion; luipolency ; incipient Cousuuiption. and all uiienw:8 if the I'rinarv organs, in eather sex, cure alwttye wiinmteil, UU PsU I'Al KhUtlUUati at tlte 1 RI VATE MeUlonl Inwtitiiit NO. 5-10 WASHINGTON STKEKT, SAN FRANCISCO, i t t t : : CALIFORNIA. Seminal Wen hit ens or Spermatorrhea Tue vonnif man who experiences ttatt ruviii weakness in his nuirHiilnr and mental nritaniution should slop to consider whence it arises. He will find in the weakness ui tlie baca , tiemuiuig ot tliu limits, disordered digestion, unaccountable failing of the powers of the oimti, distaste lor socieiy, dread of im pending I rouble, torehmlings af evil, sleeplessness, troubleil aud hiHcivious dreauis accoDiianied by grow ing deafness, loss of niusrular power, and Dtinierons other symptom of diHorganiuit ion. i lie poMtive tra ces of tlmt mit tflrribie and destructive ot ail diseas- KftiiMiut eakuess aptitiir awsv his powers. destroying his hope of life end manhood, and drawing Inui uwuu Hie nrokeu patu ol nis exisient e toward a premature grave, lo him who hud his life dribbling out iu the JiKcharge of the vital principal of existence in nocturnal and diurnal emissions, the mere cessation of the causes ut its apearauc brings no assurance of relief. Marrtaire. that bolv office, tfie safpiriiard aud hope of manhood, brings to such a one no hope of euro, -hut adds to bis misery in the knowledge that the one who looks to him for so much of her hantnness, u a victim of his evil, aud an innocent companion of hia punish ment. Jle adds to ins misery and disorder until nope leaves him. There is no rescu except in proper and skillful treatment. Consult, then, at once, a physicum whom Ion practice aud nirefnl research has made thoroughly conversant with every phase of the dis ease Those who have become the victims of solitary vices, that dreadful, fascinating, and destructive Intu it, which tills thousands of sick rooms with paralytics and consumptives, aud hundreds of untimely graves with iuj misguided van ins, stioum consult wiuiouia ntonmiit's delav one who will svmimrliize with their su fieri n gs. To such the Doctor would especially ad drenH himself, giving to each nnd all assurance of a PERFECT and Pr.KAlANfc.Nl' Ll-ttCt vtthom Aim drance trom bu$ine, change of diet, or fear of ei pomtre. vu not lorgci uie auaress. see ueiow. Inior(iuii to finnl?. When a fenmle Is in troulde orafflicted with disease. and reniiires midical or surgial assiwhince, the enquiry should he. Where is there a piiysician who is fully competent to administer relief, and whose respectable s'atiuini: iu sorieiy rwim mends him to the confidence of the community 7 1 lie uoctor, understanding How iperatively necessary these retntreinenta are, feela lied uiv.ii to interpoee, and by culling the attention of tlie ntllirted to the fact that he hat liecn a PK(). KKSSilK OF OUSTETR1CS and FEMALK DIS EASES for twenty years, and is fully quulilied toad uiiuiater in all caeca, both niedicully and surgically, not in a superficial manner, but in as thorough a man npr aa Tears of atndy and practice both in hospitals and private families can make, lo save them from the hauda of the unqttalilicd, niiscriiinliions, and dca- igning. Tlierelore, lumiues can rciy upon mm aa upon a father. All in affliction can'tind in him ens WHO Can leel anu syinpaiiusa Willi anu urincnu tiieiu in trouble one inirliosespcreev thentmoat conUdcuce can he placed. CONSf LTATloN (IIY LETTEIt OR OTHEUWISEl FREE. Sceaddr. below. THE CELEBRATED FEMALE IIEMEDIES.roin pooniiedfrom the private preecriptiona of Ult.YOUNO, nave now obtained a moat extended popularity, and are correctly viewed to be the safcal and sorest reme dies for the complaints for which Ibey are applied. The constantly accruing testimonials of their elficacy declare them lo be pre emiuently superior in their ac tion. No Ladr should be without these Renovating Ageuts. rWne genuine nnleae procured at this office. Sent bv Mail or Express, to anv part of the State. THE O If EAT FEMALK MEDICINE! PREVEN TIVE POWDERS FoRMARKIEDLADlES. New. Sufe and Infallible, laating from four to six months' Price I0. FRENCH LUNAR, OR FEMALE MONTHLY PILLS. For suppressions. After llftr T.srsnfuae these pills stand inrivalled ta eWcacy. Price per H-.x. Ta rorrfBPonilrnla. Patients residing in any part of the Male however distant, who nay desire uiadical advice on their re apective eases, and who think proper to submit a written statement of such in prelerence Iu holding a personal inverview. art assured that their comoiuuiia llons will be held most sacred. All letters mnst be addressed Is tlie corresponding phy-cu,-.!!.... .Surep I5ESJAM1X F. JOSELV M.D.. S)6 Waslitngtim Street. Hoi 735. P. O Frarisro..Cal. it. r BKOWX tlTILt uy and sell flreenbsrks, Mining Stocks aud hrafts on San Eraneiero. ami the Es.tem Siea Will bur Oold IN. or Bullion Voice w.ta Wei J Fargo sV Co., on Slate Otrct Hf SALEM, OBI SIEiUII'IMTIM fl Summer Arrangement, TUB 8TEAMKK8 NEW WOULD, CASCADE, . .OR. . WILSON Gr. IITJIVX, ! CAPT JNO. WOLFE Commander. Will leave PORTLAND diillr. (Riitidnva excepted) at 6 o'clock, a. m. for tlie CAHCAUE8, oonneot . . inn with tlie aleainer OMEOMA or IDAHO CAPT. JNO. McNULTY Commander For Dalles-Through In One Day t THR 6TEAMK1I8 VAKIITIA, WF.H.l'OOT, TKNINO, UWVIIKB, ftVV. FRKCER CHIEF, OKANAUON, Captaine E. i COK. C. KKLTON, J. II. QUAY, and THOU. STUMP, Will rim during the aeaaou, from ' Cclilo to Ilmatilla, Waltula, White Bluffs, Palousc and lewlston. One of the above named boata will leave CRI.I. I.O for UMATILLA and WAI.I.l'I.A daily, (Hi.ndiiys excepted.) lloatawill beiliapatclied for WIIITKBI.rFFH, PAI.Ol'NE and l,l!WITIN aa often aa the lie oeaaity of the trade will demand. TUB 8TEAHEH 8IIOH1IONK, CAPT. J. JIYRICK...'. Commander. Will run from OI,lH FERRY, on Snake River to HOIMK 4'ITV, OWVIIHK and SO I Til BOIdK I.ANOING, connection with THOMAS It CO.'8 STAGES, M. Du Rcllei Co.'Kast Frrlght lines. J. C. AIXSWORTH, I'reaidcut O. 8. N.Co. Portland, March 9, 18fi. Shanahan & Dufrene, Importers andOealers ln MUSICAL INSTRUMEMTS ..AND.. SHEET MUSIC. Pictures and Picture Frames, Rosewood, Gilt, and Walnut Moldings, Cor. First and Morrison Sts. (Oppoaite the Weateni Hotel,) I'ortluntl, Oregon, Agents for Wm. B. Bradbury's New Scale, ..AND.. Lindemon and Sons' patent Cycloid Fianos. Aa we import our instrument, diroet from New York, we puuranteo to supply our ruxtomera at Him Franciaco prices, tliereliy Riving tlieni Ibe advantage of selecting a good instrument. PIANOS FOR RENT, Mr. SIIANAIIAN. formerly of A. Koliler'e Minimi catHbliabitieiit, Sim Kranciaco, will attend to tuning mid repairing Piunoa, Melodeoue, und all kinds of Mnaiciil Instruments Portland, July Hi. Iy20 REAPERS! The well known and celebrated OHIO REAPER, (Called the New York Improved, or Seymour and jlorgun.) Combined Machine, with great improve ments, having a , STEEL CUTTER BAR, Can be changed from a reaper, to a mower, In ten minutes; cuts 6 und fi feel awuth, within one nrli or two feet from Ilia ground , will cut 18 to JU acn-a ier day. Can be iiwd with two or more horses, nill wurkonKIDl? 1IILUS, where other Murltintt nil not. Tber are eaaier to get tlie grain oil' than any other machine, leaving it out of the way of tlie Reap- llie GIANT ItEAPEIC Cuts a HKVK1X FOOT MWATII ucres ier day. ,i.r, will cut 311 ALSO, McCormlck's G-toot Kcapcrs and Mowers, Ball's Ohio " " Manny's; Hood's Prize Mowers, Inlon, tia) State, ki'rbcj'H, etc. Pitt'H IniroveI THRASHING MACHINES Russell's Masslllon and Sweepstake, 30 TO 38 l'll t'l L.IXDKKN. ALSO, Haines' Illinois Harvester (Header;, Wire Horse-Hakes, on Wheels, Revolving " all Sizes, Portable Power Hay Presses. With a general assortment of AGRICULTURAL COODS. Asl ow as can he purchased elsewhere. . J. D. ARTHUR &.SON, 4nS Cor. California and Duria Sts., S. V Home Manufacture. HIGGINS & CO., RF. now manufacturing a superior article of Chemical, Olive, Pale, and Brown FAMILY HOAP, Which we will sell at San Franciaco Prices, and deliv er to up river biaits free of charge. All orders sent to PORTLAND SOAP FACTORY, orto Met RAKEN, MERRILL ae CO.. Agents, will meet with prompt attention. W. L. HIOOINS & CO fc Front St., bet. Clay and Coltimhia. Portland, Oregon. 19 MrCraken, Merrill sV Co., Agents. I'OR SALK. Pioneer Housed 160 Acres Good Land Bituated 22) milca weat of Corvallls. on the Yaqulna road. This ia the best stand on the Yaqnina road, be ing about half way from Curvallia tu the month of Elk, where the steamboat lands This place is well adapted to stork sheep or cattle, or both. I have l.'iU bead of sheep whirl, 1 will sell with the place. Part pav taken iu good horses or cattle Call The alage from Horvsllia slops at tin. Ilonae Enquire of (I. W. HETHEKH, l"loueer House. equina, Ang tl, IW. 'Iwt OZO. H. CHASCZ. Nmlth V Cbauoe, Harf leal aaal Mechanical ' DENTI6T8, Oriewold a Block, comtl Commercial Jt State streets SALEM. OREGON. 17111 Our Dental Work Guaranteed.. J. 0. SHELTON, M. D. Prarllclng rhjalrlan and Surgeon, SALEM, OKEKOX. Office and residence. J Wilson's brick . oppisuie lb hVmtett H.mse. BEINUagraduMeolitie fhysia Medical enllee.Cin einnsui. Obei.tM is irtermalmo in Insersc- ilce.dlscMrdiuaa!ike aiineraiand veacubh- H,isnitsai.d sine such meds-. nee only as act in nerfert baniHinr with Nalare med.cli.ea p.ieets lit rare reeoHH meiiitaion that if they do uo g.M. they will do no takers;. He bas ai ailsm.led a full carse of leneres in the Tolaod, Alh'plbie Medical t'.HlcK,h. ynn. Cisco, and hating nracllced aieiliirl.w oa line rtmA I aoooi six yesr. a. muy acqnainiv'j wiin uss aiseasca peculiar lo ties enaiaU'. OREGON, MONDAY, OCTOKKll 20. 1800. - FOR SALE! W ofTi-r for sale our ' HXOOK AT A LIBEHAL1 DISCOUNT ,i ... . , . ; ,. San Francisco First Cost, To Merchiiiti, Iu lots to suit, at San Francises , ( tlrat coat, WITHOUT FKKIGHT, ) . ..: ... " And to the retail trade at San Francisco Cost, with strictly Freight added. We have yet on band a full and Well selected' Stock Dry-Goods, Notions, CLOTHING! IIurdwRro, Croclioi'y, GROCERIES, &C. And all articles kept generally by retail stores in 8alem. F. LEVY & CO., Opposite Uie W. W. Factory, North Salem. CAPITAL HOTEL, gorier ui stale ana uiueny siroeie, ( HAT CM, OKKGON. J. P. RCM HC, Proprietor, ' WOULD rcKftectfully inform the citizens or Salem and the traveling public that, having recent I v purchased this INTew and Splendid Hotel, He ie now prepared to accommodate all who may fa vor him with their pntrminKe, at pnert to uit. The CAPITAL HdTKL is an entirely new house, rooms hard finished, well ventilated, and well fur nished. The lioise has line suits of rooms, with con uecthifr doors, for families. The Dining ttootn is larfce andeommotlioni, and the Table will be furnished with the best the market af fords. Hoard, per Week, - - - $5,00 " " with Lodging, $T to $10 The proprietor will at all limes endeavor to nleuse his fruests, and he respectfully solicits the initrontiKe NT AGE OFFICIC. The office of the Oregon 8tae Company is at me capital Jinte). nuiKes arrive ami acpan daily. Save i our Life. TR HENLEY, the Grout Cancer Doctor. Challcn 17 gea the world on the cure of Cancers. He ex tracts them without the use of instruments every root and branch. He will be in Sulem during tlie State Fuir, and any person ulllicted with aiivtliiug of a cancerous nature win uo wen to consult nun. no churize made for advice or exuiuinulioti. He will have for aalo at the Fair one of the greateat remedies for Cougha,Colda, and Bronchial ('oinpbtiiitn ever ottered for sale to the hunuiii family, Ite etl'ect ia reully miriiculoua. Likewiee, all of his celebrated salves and ointments. Wiinmr Sulve, Hheumntic Salvo, bis Eve Sulve aud Eye Water, and Piles Salve. A great many persons in the Statu hud ample proof of those great remedies. For the last two venrs I luive placed them at the Stute Fair, ao that persona in the interior of the SltUe can huve nil opportunitv to uel some of tiieiu. DR. WM. 11 EN LEY. niirrim e. w. browits imi)K.vniD .EYE LOTION. THE GREATEST REMEDY OP TUE AOK It will remove opacity of the cornea, nnd intluni mation. ulceration, granulation, uud all tlie various diseaaea of the Kyea Manufactured by Dr. G W. Brown, Ratein, Oregon, and aold by all the principal Druggists throughout the Pacific coa'at. I'rieo, $ 1 per bottle. Dr. 0 W HROWN. Office at the County Hospital, Salem, Oregon. VKATIIKliF01tI, Hole Agent for Dr. O. W. Ilrowu a Celebrated Eye Lotion, sep3 PORTLAND, OREOOrt. Kducnlioiiiil. 11ITE Board uf Trnsiees of CHRISTIAN COL . LEO E take pleasure iu announcing lo I ho public that they will commence their lirat teriu the Ural Moil dav in October next. the College lltiilding having undergone repaiis. and the services of l'rufessor Rowluud. grndu-lle of Bethany College, Va.,und Dr.Nulliauael tlii.lsou bav ing been secured, the well-known literary and scieu titic attainments of these gentlemen, as well as llicir acknowledged proficiency as ten. hers, most secure cnnlidetice and patronage of un enlightened public Christian ColN-gc is situated ill JlHliiniuitll, l'o! county, proverbiallv the handsomest eilein the valley, is perfectly free from any local cause of disease, and of course will compare with any place in tlio rtiale for health. The Trustees, as well aa the community sur rounding the College, are determined lo spare no paii:s to make ibis lustiliilion second lo none in Or euon. Hoard can be had in private families on as rea sonable terms aa at any, other institution iu Ihe Slate. It is exierte.l all Ihe ueceassry l.uoKsau.1 sl.illouery required l-.rtbe institution will in, kept loraaie in uie villaae. Tuition as reasonable ae at other insiitutione of v..ial thoroughness. i. r. n iiiiou.-v, rree oi iioaru. A. W Leras, See'y. Aug '-'7. 1 iM'.. If Notlret. a T a term of the County Court for C. eonniv. r hel.l at t-.ii liire t'itv on the fourth dav of hYp lemlier, IHoti, Thus. Hirst, guardiaa of the infant ehil- Iron of ilham Hirst, deceased, nelitioned the Court for license to sell the real estate ur said children ; and it appearing to the Court, from such petition, that It ia ueceastiry that audi real estate ahoiihl lie m.iu : there upon, it was ordered, that Mary Ann Davis. Ihe next .1 kin, ami all oilier iwrsons nueresteu in sal a esftie, lo appear nt Newport, Hi Ihe residence of the County lodieof Coos counlv. on the twenlv-iiinlll dav of Octolier, ltili, lo show cause why a license should not be granted for the sale of a .id real estate i and thai a copy nf said order le published in the Oregon Statesman for three successive weeks. MAM I, n. MA. "Ml, Empire City, Rept 10. Mni.:i:-.j Couniy .Indue. Buckeye Reapers and Mowers! CST RECEIVED, from the ausnls in Kan Francis co. a larire stock of the abovs celebrated Ag.icul tural Implements, which weollisral San Francisco Prices and Freight riCIC'KNl A Keneerand Mow.r Combined. No 1, flarirest size) W Mower, No. 1, (largest aire) US tl " " 2. second sine lao uo Mvert' Pntentllay Elevators 14 Wl Warranted to unload the largest load ol bay and alow it awav m tlie oeak uf a bam. or ton uf a slack, in from three to livo minulea. No farmer should b without them. Send for a circnlnr lo UcCUAKK.UEUIIILL Co., Portland, A pril VB. I Heiti 9 Aasnls. Doors, Windows & Blinds, JUST received, a large assortment of pin UOOHU and WI.VDOW t, Irom Esslern Manulacioriea, and for sale chrap, for cash, at STRANG tt ANDERSON. March 19, 1'J. m3 WED FOOT TONIC! m an axcsilenl sroiuaeh eordisl. It it a tlnid extract 1 of ire Oregon grapa aud other domestic planls uf well known virtue. Il will assist digestns, uy sirengihening the stomach, .pii.lii.! Ihe nerves si.d acting ne the livar. As a la-sveniivsi of A -toe suds Ionic during and aller au attack. Il is atisurisuxl. Il is preserved with Ihe heel H-inrbon Slid put up in large b. Kile., a. id praaerilied by many of th Ueal pbyaiciana in Oregoe. J. V.. 4l.4ItK t'raclical ApoUiecary and Drt.sgiet, Helen, Hols alsa ntsetarer. IJvlray Kotlrc. TAKEK npby the andewgned. a inaa mart, bald fai-e, slesl before. Will bt f.aiad si H'ir-y'i h. ,l,lc A. A. KTAIIKEY. falcsi, Aug. 30. 1"M- talisman. CARD Of It. J. RAYMOND. Now York, Sept. 15. The following curd appcard In the 'lmri of thia morning i Horace Greelr Dear Sir t In a card pnh- llalied a few (Jtiya since yon elate certain laoti which load yim tn the ctincidsiun that president ilolinsun, at the time rclorrcil tn, did not wnnt liui.,niiiv It, Pnnns.i... Hint lu hn.l alrnnile """""""" on hi. n,ifl lt h.u.b Mllh Ih. nnrlv hull I "" " " fl union mm anil notilt fnsllioe lonsn nf nnwftr through the favor and anppnrt of iti implacable etii'ttiit's. I do not think tlie facts you mnnlion warrant the inference yon draw fretn them, ai the President Iniiy have hail other reaioni for eeuieni may nave uai, otner reason. , ir iriir th act upon ynor sttggeslloni than the dccltn you assign; lint i,r Ibis the public can judge, My oliji'Dt iu thia note ia tn statu ccrtitiu fuel. I mum, iny poraiiimi tnmvieitge w lieu icu me then, and which lead litu still tn believe that .1 I . .. .... . .. . . ...... .1 nrot gii.itu t ie vy inter me i-res ueni ( tu no nreaK wl n tins y,,iu nitriy, anil that lie naa mi tl,..sht or purpose of .eelting a fnrthcr lease nf power thr.ingh the favor and inpport nf t eneniice, ur otnerwiae. t conversed iroeir. Ihnmrh tin, fr....,l,. .rill, lb. I,.l,l., ,,,,n r , "'"" -r ho oction of the Union party in Congress i ur ingiiio w .iter, unite t never preanmeu to utge mm unduly any view, m my own. i anoe of upon the liberal .netnber. of the party fur ,.ich aolion as the good of he oounlry III I rrTi r roiiiira nnA I ..n..ii luslli ill l.tsn tliist ...e... .... . ,., ... u """""' P'-""' " imnniiiiy w.w,B union wa. tue only one mar. was praciica .io. . gm o. staoie 10 it. at option wa. lonn, e.i in ........ ..... " c,....- emtio party, In which, a. a political organization the ciiuntrr had lost confidene... Ho never failed m response to say al such apprehension. were utterly utifnundi-d, that he bad no such purpose or thought, and that ho relied Willi con fidence nti the judgment and good sense of the party which elected him and to whine principle and policy a. declared nt Hnlliinnre, he should adhere. He said during Ihe action of the Demo emtio parly a. a organisation the war had de moralized and deprived it nf public confidence. He believed I lint a gradnal prooe't of disinte gration was going nn in both partir. which wou, . i ring ingetner all patriut.o uemiasrat. be0m. ,..l.s-ref conobtslon or history. who hm by the Government Jhrnugh l ie And Iho present attempt to do away with the war and the liberal Kepnblican. who waged the judgment which ha been passed npon Da.i. " " .... w ...... now the war is over. lie alway. disclaimed any iulenliim uf going over to the Democrat.. or of using (he patronage nf the Gnvernmeiil for their benefit, saying alwari that he should ight nut In. ilillerenoe with C'ongres. within the lines of the Union pnrlv. It i. but jnit also to any that he uniformly disclaimed anv wish for a re-election, saying be should deem hnnsell lur- tuuale to get rnccessfiilly through hi. present term, and his only anxiety waa to secure the speedy nnd eflVcliinl restoration nf Ihe Union to pence and prosperity. He laid special stress, umrenri-r, on Ihe importance tn the Union party tn nringtng Ihe Nniithern States back by a liberal and friendly policy. Why, raid be mure than nnue, why can't nor frit-nds in Con gress see that Ihe Southern Hlntet will bo onr Irlciiile u we show thern that we are theirs. Now that .lavery i. abolished, be added, I. no ...Bv. .., v....rD ,, .,-,,, ,, ,r,., , ,.ini,-i,, n e can get riu oi tlmt, anu under a wise anil imlimitii. .i.,li,. b.ll ll.n'U U...A. I..... Wl I vii . anil .nt u'llli ll.u IT.. .... n., Ivh. I should we be hnstile and drive them bnck into their old tiiliutico wllh the Denioariilio parly of tue nortli. 1 his wa. the uniform tenor or lite i resilient t rtigungo In conversation wllh me throughout tlio Winter, and it tntiafied me. and I endeavored to stilisliy my friends, that he neither ueserti-d uor lutcded to break with the party which elected him, so long a. it should adhere to the Union principles upon whioh that election wn. curried, and even after llie call lur the Philadelphia Contention had been issued Iho 1'resident urged tlmt It could not fail In rx crt a hi.l.-sn ml inlluenee mum the Union puny by sliiitviiig tha'. men Irom both section. could nguiii mute on cunitiioii ground ami wotb logi tiicr mr coiiiiiioii i.t jects. ours, ciu . II. J. Kayh.ind. A Nrw.ii ai'kii is a Family. We never saw a newepnper tlmt wnt nut worth greatly more than its cost in a family. It is to a great extent true of every collodion of written matter, book or newspaper, hut more especially nf the latter fr it covers a greater variety of subject ond is it.-cessiirilr mure cundensed. It i. a well known fact that there is no royal road to learn ing. The bruin, lull of kuowb'dgo aud whore activity tends light over our daily pathway, bat nern mqiiircd ny hard and constant study. Every Inu.k and iiewspuper which the careful or caielest render .u ks up, I. Ill led tilth Hie re sult, of laborious invest igaii.m. Take tlie single issue id a daily or weekly paper, and see Its ed itoriuls, its liimuciiil articles, its nvie.t. Ill drudgery of daily facts, t't ijuilps and .(niiMities, lit philosophy nnd fun. how much care und huw much labor must have bi o i bestowed tn liiruiali it w ith all the regularity of cue's meal, It iiiaket mi pret.-iii.iona. It it furnished to every mini for a fraction of what his ice or any one of the simple luxuries uf hit househu'd costs nun, aim yet it is teeming Willi inongiiia wjiicn aro roiistaiilly influencing Ins action, and form ing the opinions uf kit t hihlri-ii lu gnvern their .n... i,.. t ,1 i ..r ,i . a... ...r. aii... ,i,rv.i,.,,,,iis. in-s.usiri come the matured nf lb. ert-aiesl tliiiik. ers and statesmen nf the old world and the uew. and at a tost cooinirtd with Ibe value uf the information autiirrd, utterly insignificant in amount. Nn man, un bead ef a family especi ally, win, would properly qualify bit child ron to past rrMicollulii'. and with sat iafuolii.n to tin iiiH-lvoa through Ihe world, should ever deny to I hem Ihe advantages uf a daily or ai ii'tisi a weekly newspaper. A PLKA8INO I.m:I1,KNT. Yesterday. ,ay. . . . .. ... . 1 1 the rew Orleans inarsol Kept, l-lli, a puor une legged Coiifederato tolilier. allll clothed with Ibe reuinaiilt nf hit wuru grty jacket, tat down rxiiauatrd ou Hie steps i.l lh Story build logs, at Ihe corner of Camp and Gravier streets. A Federal Kurguanl, patsiug at the time, looked on compiissioniilely, and alter passing on soiue diatntice, in order out to attraot attention, quiet ly returned and slipped a contribution into but hand. Delicately aud uuottejiliiliuusly aa Ibis wat dune, a handsome pair of eyet were watch ing and witnessed the little tribute of charity anu klndiii-ss. All honor to Ihe brave soldier! hitch at he can never be our enemies, and sm h acts, by challenging our adiiiimliou and et in - pathice, do more lu restore and consolidate llie olJetl 11 IToion' than all llie tr.uili,iv.i'. It... reaus. Itenonstriieti..n f 'oioinitli.e. ami II.,li.,ul leei.lal.oli Ibal nool.l lie e.,i.,le.l ion. .......... rv. When will nor .-,, l,,,.l dta'tnrt learn that kin, In.... is. .(i,r .11 ih. touchstone uf the Southern character and thai on living people more Ihuruughly exemnlifr the old amf beanliful matim that , i..el. ,.l kiiidtiesa uiaket lit world akin." . HOME KAHM.-tln 01 the llinntter rtrni of mo iern nines ta thai ol Oeueral Lrqniia. of Huenn Arret. Il it onmpottd of an unbroken body ol nine hundred sonar mile, over which coutillest iiiousanns ul liursrt, cattle and sheep are grating. Of cattle, Die farm send, over 30,000 annually In the slaughter. Th horses would supply ihe cavalry of a large army, and Imm Ihe wool nf tha theep, thin are load ed annually and ten! directly lo Europe, The building, range about two large square. Ihe opened space of which bt paved Wllh dleasrd ttunee. I he gnrdent and orchards are in kern ing with Ihe other features nf the rattle, and contain an rndlrst variety i.f horlicullur and Horal treaauret. Among other iiiiprnfrmenia it an artificial lake seventy-five rods stioare and from tweiiiy tn thirty feet deep. Hie cost nf which was f ifgi.ftgi in silver. Near Ibe main residence it a permanent entampinent uf told iert under the Grneral't immediate coti'mand. Oi.nt'Hl'ncn TbeKefnrmedDulohcbureb of Fiehhill, N. Y. eelebraied it en hundred and hftttih ainieisary rtcemly. WHOLE NO. 815. iliVV DAVIS tOIIM,I(ITY 191 TDK AHSAB- 1XATI0N, It will be reruettiborcd that iiumlter of ras call, principal stnoiig whom wan on Hanfort Umiover, nreteniltHl to Infnrmatlnn iiinwinir in complicity nf Jeff Dnvli In the aaaasslnatiiin of I'residctit Lincoln, and. niter Riving inn tneir .nH,l..,n,.n n , l, ... Ti.ilni, A,lU,rt,l,it U.K.. I....' " . T. .. . al Unit, oonressed to pt'tltirlug tlmtlUDlvci . r . n. wheretipun tlio entire oopperneail nresi let n .r ...... r - ' .. P a howl against Mr. Molt, fur procuring. Willi money, ovidenoe to oonviot Davis. Mr, Holt hits published a pamphlet In vindication of Ills oiinrae, which ihnwi that the orldenco of Con- ofw anJ , nlhr prJnr(,r, , mit .,. ,. ,.,.i,.J( i, ,..i. t. t, ,....., t Jf M w, ,u, J,.,.,, f (. ....i.tu-ftti.en ullutli'tl In i .,., ...,,,,,.. ,.r .,. ,,.(, r.ot Davis (ruin 1 1t. elurgo ol uiiiiipliuilv in llin as- tllmUn , ,,.,, ,.nl LillCl, , rain. VBll" II ,, nl(l , ,,, ,,.(,. bro hl hMli C'iM(m , at ,,,,, ,m9 d'. ori.JiteJ Hnd , rrd, nf n the onn. i..n ,.,., ,, ,,, .,1i., i,i- . " "'7 "h " - AHvooitte UiMieritl, wntthl hope In have II on- dtlim, ,1Rt lhil ,, U,,M tM,linol,, Qpm) uhich Iheolinrge i. based. Hut in fioiut , faoti jt j, ,1UI )rBlll,h , b(Mfy nf Mr the production nf the fsllmony In neiliun ,r,nnn.cnn,,ln,ffi f nffloer. of the .1 1 - .nrtt rslk n)(1 nuiiiucnu., (, tnn rtt, ,( ,,, v,.. ijrn, iu. an, an ,,ruuf which hat Hot bwJ ,( M,.ri;(, v-lm, , primnmicl.d h,. (lf r(,,.in gxlilty me oriine wbloli crowned It. Infatuou. tilt ,. since ih,. other and utiiatly reliable eri.lence , ,, pretltei, Hnil'lhu i,,ici,ry tee of llie House of Itcprrsculalires, in whose report it is sot forth, have declared, upon an eiainiiiatinn of this and the previous proofs, and excluding Irom their consideration that now dtsoredtteil that there i. probable can.e lo neiieve mat Ho (lat) was privy tn mo mcas urea which lend In the commission of the deed. tin. verdict ha. been aoocnted by the (real mai nf thoughtful and loyal men throughout the country, ami cannot but, we are assured, , M ,!, ir s,.UKi, make the Impre. ,, thll ,m jMll..n, ,,., ,,.y or )lir )v j,,,,,,,. tmwd br Cono- illd ,hll, u,tvr,o,t a clood nf doubt and unu,ftainly bl.fr9 , ,, f prolll whch re. mni, Moi,,M.achwt. must, we are- assured, be readily eoinpri'heniled.and everywhere exposed and dooonnoi d. We afllrin. as our oonolading rental It. tout ibis j ulgiiieiil. lung sinco formed it baaed in nn degree upon this testimony, which wnt nevi-r given to the Country until discredited, hut that It ha. fur II. lotindation a mass of evidence, documentary and other wise, in' the nossessinu nf the Government, which has not been controverted, lint which standing as it due, intact, point, lo Davis, as involved In llie assassination of Ihe 'resident. with 'the slow uiiinovintr finger' of a cnndem .....I,... .1.1.. i, i........ i. ........... U...I j rranlio ((f rilnr, ,nd ,;,, , oan ,n(lku or disiiiirn." . no ..,..... wr ... Springfield (Mil.. ) Republican bat the follow ing i mnte b,.,d ,,ei ,,,,, on,,,,.,..!!,,, He hat tint the temperament for Ihe leader nf noli a parly. It iiuedt mdl-enntrnlled na ture, a careful, cautlnnt man with a touch of timidity, much reverenoe for law and prec- dent and a degree of firmness In adhering to things at they are, for that place. Johnson It no audi man he It too hot, linpeluout, violent and reiklesa. He may he acting m ilnr with Ihe con. . ri, .tiv,. nu. I toinoirow wiih ibe nidi cala Inn be ran l.i-Vi f be Ihe true and liu-ted i of either. He has 1ml the mural in stinct nnd r it li f..r a ru.lii-al b a.l.r in A.n. rl can pol'iii's. In has not the ri-r.-ri l.,w nnd i-in- Hun lur a i".... r alive ; i Ins ni it,,, ele ments t ttatt inspire I'l.iin.lenee solli.-l.-nili In he truet.-d and f..l..ed el'ln-r. II" I.-' lo the same oh. a i.l p. liliiinus at and General llnllerrnde, strong, passionate na tures, wiih great force nf charao'.-r. often wielding g'eei iM.i.iibir p on r. nse.l l..r mock of the wmk nl a new ami struggling nature. the men lor revnlniiuiiarr period and rev.iio ttooary lnlo.r, y. l i v. r natu'ally and pioperly lietru.ied by the liner ii, .r,i insiinett aronud Ihein, and ran-ty safe (aide Ihrnugh penotlt nl ilealre.l rmliii and peaii ful reei.n"oelinn and piotr.-ss. John i n rbil.iit Una chi.riri.-r a. llie loyal Governor nf I,, when he aae e-fcia led with ihe ri heals, and he ia exbiMMns' tha same i. alii let hi.w a. 're.itlritt J il.e uu.ioa tod leader id II. iipo.ii... ibem liu was the simp man al Nn. hulls lo ili f I aa In Wa.liiiigton and on Ibe stump in l"ttl I'e i an nnt.-lial.le ami unsafe leader al anv tune, but lietl. r as pailH-ipaiii.g i re,.di.ll.n like that In l.-iii.i-es.e. in m l.i f...niHMe ihe roo llicting elements in nor liali-.o .1 sinfe und en- t.irce Ih niornl results ..I ..or .s"ut Yns " tnry. The iNHwervaliies ai- tl iu.,; Iiom l. ., . ... . ,",u M ,f bT I"'"'""- ' ? ") ' tyed lo organize in bit topp-.r! al l'hiladel.liia it a mnrilfyin f iilure llii..o;ti..ul H e . nl knlet. hocll l.lluie I", In. I.i.l. i.l legrrt, Our readers CMild ne er Hel at, nf coarse. Iu urge opnp the in support of sneh an nrgamt alien aa was ail-mptcd in Ihe name ol Ihe Conservative Lumn party fur wa have never been, and are never likely In he eonleiil wllh things tt they are In sttnd still ami hold on Our sympathies, ami ear laler inotl rather ev I" be Wllh Ihe paity nf s.neiil and pro I l . . .1... I... r..k . u. grese wiih th.. party Dial baa faith in Ihe steady devebip.uent nf humanity, anil woo make of all our social and political nrganlza Hons instruments fur ill advancement toch a parly at Ilia lb-publican it ever pledged lo be br the circumstance of lit ereaittui, Iht hisluiv of lit proerresa. and Ibe fact of He pot session nf Ihe greater and belter part of Ih mural instinct and culture and vilal lutellecluai force of the nation, liul there wa a manifest opportunity fin massing together Into a naimo al and Union party all ilia opposing elements. Ninth and Mouth, uf Ihe Itepuhbcan party ibe men af both teel mna who, bales r ibeir Part in the lale contliel, were ready lo ... iiy Ma retain, accept i't victor let, and toslaia the (invernnieiil nn lint basis. There wat field lor greal ase-fullnett fur inch a party. Il wuuld leave uo doultl lur Ihe lllltlgt 01 III" nasi lit wnul I coo Drill the peaee lliat aunt ad won It would br ng rebelt aud Cnpperheadt reat ' ",,h d"-''1 ua''J onnewrnce ,n,,'" n"naiiv leiaiwnt m me I lepublic; ItWouUltleadV and eo.lipact Ihe IU- puldirau parly, ami give it a dear Held lr lit I lutur inistuiii ol political prngres, !c), , prcenlenl bat deslrnyeO II ot.porla , , b. (, nm. (lM ra.t and lew ar bt .vnantat liitt.- wub und niuilogi' for tb.lence ..i .... i. n,. M...ih n..i h. .hnald bat age I oni. klv and sharply punished : be fling hiav self passionately and, tnooneidertlelr inl Ike poblteal arena, and flays ahoet him amntig hi Id liu-nds like a Niadinan. I n WMtl inttea.l id Ihe best elements id Ih Hnntk are brought into art ion and Inflaeaw and Use enanlry precipitated into a tinlenl agitation, ia which mMob ,b, ii,,, ieJ ..una uf lb qaeelioM that the riot.rfie nf ear thuald have fiaally settled are again aioased The. it it Ibal Iho n lately hopeful enntetv alive Union rty of Ibe nation becomes 1 i.vllnr. The Maine and VerrrKml election !,w the alarm nf the people. Ibeir destroH ef Jflht,in't tradersb.p and ibeir rally to refuge aruand Ihe Hepoblieaa ptrtr They flee te lhat org s.nistirsa Ibal bt bea Ih mek af tafety ! Ihe esninlry Ihreegh Ike er. It mnst hold still Irang sswrv tad radisstj alike till to uew dtag esj ie astl, aM loyal beaVu) , 1IOOK ANI JOB riUYI'.U, Of Every Descriptina, tXCCL'TKI) WITH NSATHI8I AND DIlCATChT. BATSa or ADVSSTISISO. "Iratlnssrtlnn, B per aiiuars ef ten lines l , mliiloa uaiurs. 1 fer each aubasqusnt Im.rilon, ' IW Advsrllalng bills, when not paid In advance, will h, eharaed Iwcniy-trs per sent, svlilltlensl, to cover tlx cut of flolleotton. fW A liberal di'ducllon from the share rates srlll tx cuds' In favor of these sr he silvsvthw hs (tosrter. . 1 1 mnat waive difference as to the policies- of tt construction, a. to men a. leader., a. to what ia tn come aftot order and calm ars reatorcd, ai they did during the war, and joint handa tri convince the Southern people that the power" of the Government cannot be .bared with them nntil they .how themselve. oapablo of wielding It in the interest, af peso and Jiiff tlce, nf law and order, The South most bt made to see and feel that it must organize and, icoore peace and protection to all lie citizen, at home before wo of the North can consent to divide among onr.olvei on the new and next question. In our national life. First pence, then progroa. and If peaoe can only be reach, ed by a new prngreu, ao much the better foe nation and race. . ,,,-.,. m ,, GKJT. LEE'S APPLICATION FOE PABDOK.' Hr.AnQtt's Ahmiks United Statf.8. , VVahiiindton (D C ), June 20, ISm. General It. E. L?e, Rlohmond (Va.) Gen eral i Your communication of date the 11th Imtant, Mating the step, yoq had taken after reading tha President', proclamation of the) 2Ulh ultimo, with tha view of complying with Its provision, when yon learned that, with otlu ers, yon were to be indioted for treaaon by tha Grand Jury at Norfolk ; that yon had aappnied' that ths officer, and men ol the army ot Northern Virginia were, by th term, of their1 .urrender, proteoted by tha United Slate Government from mole.tatlon, so long at they conformed to it. condition, i that yon wen ready to meet any charge that might b pre ferrrd againtt you. and did not with to avoid, trial, but that if you were eorreotHii to tlio protection granted by your parole and were net In be proaccoted, you desired to avail ynnr self ol the Preaident't amaetly proclamation,' and Inclosing an application therefor, with llitr request that in that event it be aoted on, ha, been received and forwarded to the 8eorclary of War, with the following opinion indorsed thereon: "to my opinion the officer, and men paroled, . at Appotnatoz Court house, and sluoe upon ihe .am term, given tn Lee, cannot be tried for treaaon o lung at they observe the terirai of tneir parole. 'I hi it my ondentanillngv Good faith, at well a true polioy. dictate that w snoum opsone ma oonuiltontol that enn. ventlun. Had faith on Ilia part of th Gov. ernuicnt. or a construction of tb,t convention .objecting the officers to trial fur treason, would produce a reeling of iu.eoaritr in the of all Ihe ofHoen and men. If to di.poaed, the might even regard tuoh an lufraotion nf term by the Government at an entire release from all obligation on their part. I will state fur. tber I hat thp term granted by me met nith the hearty approval of the President at the lime and of Ihe couutry generally. The ao lion nf Judge Underwood in Norfolk hat al ready bad an Injurious effect, and I would ask lliat he be ordered to quatb all indiotinent found against paroled prisoners of war, and to detiat from the further proteoution of thetu. "U. o. UKANT. Lieutenant General.' Headq'ta Armie United Stales, June 16. lrfflfl. Tbit opinion, I am informed, ia substantially the tame at that entertained by the Govern ment. ' 1 have forwarded your anolioatioD for ainrfesty and pardon to tho President, witl itb the following indorsement thereon: 1 . "Respectfully forwarded through the Secre tary of war to tha President, with the earne.t recommendation that tbia application of Gen eral It. E. Lee for amnesty and pardon may be grantod him. . The oath of allegiance re. quired I J reoent order of the Protldent due nut accompany this, lor the reason. I am in formed by Geuer il Ord, the order requiring It had uot reached ltlchmoud when tbi wa for warded. U. S. OtUNT. Lieutenant General." Ileadq'U, Annie United State. Jane 10 18C.u" Very retpectmlljv U. 8. GRANT. '' Lieutenant Genera). ' Anothkb Daily; Ovbhland Mail. Sen. elor Netintth of Gregon duet not relax In hi efforts in behalf of tu constituent, notwith standing tha near termination of bit publio career. Inttead of rushing, homeward to pro-' i note hia personal or political Interests, or In look for mean of revenging himself on hit) party adverse!", be remained at Washington after lb adjournment to advance tb interest of hi Slate and her people. How be ha too oeeded it sliown by the fact that, in view nf bit repretwnlatinni, Pottniaster General Ran ' dall baa increased Ihe mail service between Halt Lake City and Ihe Dallet tn eix time a week, m that Irom and after th firat of Ootu ber or thereabout, an ovetland ooaob will leave the respective poiuta every day in the week exoept Sunday. Iu order to make Ibe new mail r rvioe etucient. and to secare to the pen. yl of Oregon aud Wa.biugtoa Territory tb.i greatest possible facilities. Mr. Nesmlth also obtained Iro.n Ibe Department an order ma king Halt lka (,'uy a disinbuting office, so that all lettert ditigned fur Ihe North Feciflo Coast may proceed direolly via tba Dalle, ia-, stead of bring carried as heretofore to Sacra menlo City, aistrihated there and l hence tent . lo Portland. The new arrangement will save several days limo, while it give to Mr. Nee milh't ennttiloeul a direct daily overleorl mail. The Idaho mail will also be dittribil ed al Kail lake City and tent tbeno direct to llirir dratinaliun. The principal rrason why tbi distributing oflioe Wa but sooner established it Ibal the Department fonml it onnvenient to employ Mormon Postmaster al Halt Lake, notwilh-' standing il wat unwilling to Iruat the bretb rea" with the dutle perlaiuing to "dtslriba. tloo," b cause uf m prevailing ennvicttoa among "Gentiles" that the mailt were la dan ger nf being tampered with liar Ihe Internet! of "Ihe Cborel. " Mr. Itaodall ba effectually di.p-d of that dtflicnlty by appointing Na Ihtuiel Steru. a 'Genlile,' lo be Pustuiattef al Mall Lake, in place of the former Mormoa Ineemhrnt. have no retson te oppose Ibal Ibere wa any special complaint against the lata Prasiinaslrn but experience daring many yeare jnsiifi.-s the fear that no devoot Mnnuoo would consider It else than a virtue lo violate the mailt or commit any other crime, II told by Hrlgham that the act would serve the Ctiorch CVr. .v. BullUHn, Stpt. 8f. DlLAi'lKATKii Khhkiji Abnuau. Cortoara. ing note.l rebelt lo England a late Imdoo letter remark! t Geurral lireckinridge. with hie family, hat just arrived in Loudon from Caoada. The ex General and Secretary of War of the Confede racy hmkt old and ear worn, and etm to have Irol Ihe dignity which characterized him when be presided over lb Senate of th Unt ied Mate. He come la lank after tome fend which are (opposed lo hat been a rot eg ltd away by sum of tit rebel agent. I aa tliaid be will lad tba Iti rsnMiut ol iht en. , tn bean 1 m available for Ih mo of tha , lUbuimid Cabioet. II i loo lato. ). P. Ilrnjtnua now a memlier of the EoglUh bar, . wat sharp enough lo tava fr thousaad potiadt, which be elairaed at unpaid (alary. : lie gnl Ihe netney last week. What rereaio it fast gvlat upnw "lladee Haden" ush! la other parsaiis. Purer Wlglall Is here, too, aud ha kruaght all hi family with bins. Ui trraad wat Ike eanse, and bit friend at th Laegbaai ssy Ibal sms ktukt vary djsUd. aeody aasi die , appoioted. .'. litem UiAi.taa Orrfsrt kav beta re ceived ai the PptingBeld Armory, Irons the O.dnaiKe fefartnwui al WaMnagtea. for too n.anfsrior of 2J.IW0 of Allen laUly ttsV prsivrt) breeck brvder, aee) work 00 tastes will aaua bo ccrcuMneed. Panoraam a. The University ef Wstee ia w own aeerly . wetih ef . ly. Il bat ever On,(tl betidto Ik AgrMl leral Csallrf graaet. That, at 1 IS furaav. leVWIMI.