The Oregon statesman. (Oregon City, O.T. [Or.]) 1851-1866, October 22, 1866, Page 2, Image 2

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    nil unli ri'd enginest-d lur it tlisrU rending.
Mr. FumJray 'a liill tu license nnd protect for
eigner ruining in Oregon, was laid no the table,
Mr. Ginglet' hill tn prultiliit niDalgnmntion nf
of race was read third time and passed X!
7i to 4 uay.
The lull to amend the ot in relation to lieeu
Mi, aa read, and after torn discussion, refer
red to a enmmittee consisting of Messrs. White,
Helm and Olner.
The bill for tlie relief of Richard Prndcrgnst.
wai pat upon in parage and lost liy 19 ayes to
14 uayt, a ntnjority of all the member being
Mr. Well' bill, proponing to clinnpo the time
of assessing properly, was rend a third time,
and after mine ditcnssmn, was referred tn a
enmmittee consisting of Messrs. Oluey, Weill,
nd Gingiva.
The bill tn repeal tho militia law, wan. after
toma discnstion, referred to a coinhiittec con
dating of Messrs.. Nickliti, Helm and Stark
weather. - ... j Tuesday. Oct. 16.
HOUSE Mr. Olney.frnni the judiciary cnni
nittee tn whom mil referred the II. H N".
to amend title 3 nf chapter ci nf the Code rela
ting In the competency of nitni'Kes, piicmil Oct.
II. 18G2, reported the mine luck to the Home
without reomnmetiilaiinn. Also, II. I). No. 19,
to extend the remedy by attachment and nhnlil)
Imprisonment for debt ; reported the mine ; Hat
divided inln lulls winch on motion r.eie receiv
ed at tulistilnli'S and read a f rot. time.
Mr Henden-bolt, from the coiiimiltee on en-grossi-d
lulls, retried that II. It. No. 15. (iO,
77, 62. 48. 71 31, 5(5 nnd 50, had beeneuiiroed.
Mr. Uiiimti-ou, Irom the ei lcct crnnmillee tn
bom Man referred II, B. No, 20. In fix the
oonipnnnHlion of Assessors, reported a iiibitiliitc
Which wus adopted, and rend a first tiinii.
Mr. White, from the select commit lee to whom
was referred 11.13. No. 42,tn amend Hie several
aott for licenairiff the suletff aniiitiimis liomira ;
referred the fame back with amendment, sink
ing out tbe word "gallon" iustrrtiiig tho won!
i' quart," aud alter turno disenmion vat order
ed engrossed, and read a tliird time to-morrow.
Mr.- While, Irom the select committee to
VI horn whs referred II. 13. No. !)4. to pieveut
the killing of game, between certain monllis, re
ported the hm me buck In the House. All the
comities were struck out but Multnomah and
Wasco. Aleu as Chairman of the select com
mittee to bom was referred n bill tn amend
the charier of the city of Portland, relating to
the repairs of streets and the building nf soften
reported the same back to the House, and lifter
bet Dg discussed by Messrs. Upton uuil While,
in IsTor, and Messrs. Homasuti. Oluey nod
others againat its passage, an amendment w as
adopted, excepting the gulch, unil the bill read
second time and ordered engrossed, and read
third lime to-morrow. Also. Mr. White, (rum
the tame ouinuiiilee, reported buck lothe House
H. B. No. 52, tn amend the charter of the cily
of Portland relulivo to the manner of the elec
tion of certaiu officers, which was read a third
time to morrow. ;,
H. 13. No. 93, to amend the code nf civil pro
cedure relative In the admission of Attorneys
read, amended, ordered engrossed and read a
third time to-morrow.
Mr. Hindershott offered a resolution that the
Page of I he House be allowed to receivo a per
diem of $3 ; adopted. .
Mr, Starkweather offered a resolution request
ing our Senators and Representatives iu Con
gress to use their efforts to hnve the surveys of
government lands extended Adopted. ,
Mr. ilende rtliutt offered a resolution to allow
additional pay lo the several clerks of tho House
asked that the same lie over until to morrow.
H. 13. No. 74, tn tax IjuiL'd Stales houda
was read a second time, aod on motion indefi
nitely postponed. , H. B. No. 79, to provido for
the registration and recording of the soldier's
bounty and relief fund, and provide a fund lo
pay the expense thereof, read a snennd lime
nd engrossed. II. It. No. 30, to amend Title
chap. 8; relating to the competency of witnes
ses, wai read a second time, and nn motion of
Mr. Olney laid on the table. II. 13. Nn. 73, to
provide for the payment nf expenses incurred
in lb) fall i f 18(11. in raising volunteers for ter
vioe in the armies of tlie United tSlHtcs, upnn
the requisition of Col. G. Wright, commander
of the Oth Infantry, was r ail a second time and
considered engrossed. II It. No. 75, lo amend
the act nf Jauuuiy 27lh. Id.Vl. relating tu the
assessment and collection of taxes, was read
second lime. ;
Mr. Ilemlersholt offered H. J. R. No. that
the House resolve itself into a Ladiet Hewing
Mr.. Hurrnso!) offered a resolution tu allow
Hon. M. P. Deady ihe use of the journal of the
Constitutions Convention. Adopted.
H. B. No. 21, In tlispetiro Willi Ihe oath of
allegiance required during the n hellion, pushed
by yeas 29. nays 14. H. II. No. M. to define
Ihe powers and limits of Origoo Cnv. read a
third lime and passed. U.K. Nu. 27, 'lo amend
an act entitled an act r luting tu pti'l lux of ne
groes, Cliiuuiueu, Kanaka mid M u Itttoes, ap
proved Out. 15, lfftj, road a third time and
pasted, yeas 35, nays 3. U. 11. Nu. 14, to l
uilitato ibu colU'Vtlon of taxes in certain cases,
read a third lime unci pissed. II. It. No. 58,
to prohibit hogs from running nt huge in Union
county, I, 'ml n thud lime and paswil. 11. 13.
No. 72. upprupriutibg ll,()0ll to defray' Ihe i x
peine nf tMlut'ssca in the eoule.-'t citse Iroui I'ollt
county, reud u third time and passed. II. li.
No. 50, lo amend Ihe law relating to primler
corporations, reud a third time and passed. H.
B. No. 61, to fix Ihe lime of holding Ihe ooiioiy .
Comiuiftieuers' Court in Linn county, read a
third lime mid passed. 11. 11. No. ill, fixing
the sultry of the Supreme Judges, read a tliird
time aud lost by yeas 8, nays 27. 11. II. No.
59, to amend the aut relative to roads and high
ways, read a third timv and parsed. II. II. No.
10, to incorpuiale Dulles City was read the lliird
Una and passed.
' -
Tha Call says it hat been notified hr the
Agent of the Eastern Associated Press lu'Snn
Frnnciscu, that the arrangements by which
that combination allowed the newt to be re
ceived by onlv three papers in (hit Hlnle Iho
L'nt'osj, Bulletin, aud Alia will terminate on
the 1st proximo, and thenceforward. Ihe ills-
I niches will be open lo all nentpapere in Cnli
oruia who have the spice and the coin lo lake
Noble Sentiments. Condemn no man,
tyi John Wesley, lor not thinking at yuo
think. Let every una enjoy tho fulleud free
liberty of . thinking for himself. Let every
man use his owu judgment, since every mau
uiust give an account of himself lo Oml.
Abhor f very approach hi any kind of degreo
to the spirit ul petseculion. If jou cannot
reason or uertuudu a uiui into the liulh, nev.
tr attempt to force it into bun. If love will
not compel him tovmne, leave him to Uod, Ihe
Judge of all.
Tha Oakland Cotlnn Mill. California, work
log thirty-two looms, with oilier machinery in
proportion, it run by forty-horse ttenm en
gine, em ploy t twenty-five bands, mostly wum
tn of experience from the coon try, and is turn
ing kit tome 1.1(10 yards per day. Although
the mill baa been In operation hnt a short
Sim, and running at in full rapacity, a ready
al it sound for all Ihe goods at fast at I hey
eaa b mannfaoiared.
AMBITIot . tugent City It blessed with a lit
tit dingy sheet in tat semblance of a newspaper,'
which Chrismtn of that county very appropriate
ly aryles the "Pig Skin." It is "edited" by one
kinkyhrad, who tppttrt exceedingly ambitious of
aotict from Hit Startmta. He It wonderfully
aitreiaed about tbt rireulatioa of (bit psper. To
.3!S!2tJita tvli't Inform him that tht
fttitMcotf.'Jrlwen;ih'nsaiid tubterinen and
till dart clrculttlon"fuf. greater than
that of Ihe Pig Sim.
CT The annual election of fficertfh,,,",
Afrioultarsl8oclely was held on the sseanly
Of the Fair, and resulted In the riml.. ..I tV.1-
Doalhilt for President, Waile Scbwatka Serrjl
lam s, and J. II. Moon
. " . ,pri, nag
ho interest manifested In (lie election, only about
iwtatj' -Bvovetetteiiig polled. , : .
ty If 'thieving tin uld become rctpirlahhva '
fftrintV tMb ;u.mI ,tn.j Mrfvub
aatwr lota ul meanness.
xju:ii:ciicAi'iiitj in v h.
Washington, October 14. The following Is
a transcript of a letter to Maximilian, the orig
inal of which is in the possession of Ihe Suite
department. The writer, Feloin, is a Hclghm
who possesses the confidence of Maximilian
and his wife, and it one nf Ihe must hiflueiiliul
trusted advttert nf the Emperor. Ho holds
the office of counsellor of Siale to Maximilian,
and it now on a mission tn Europe.
Brussels, September Iflih. Since Ihe article
in tlin French Aoi'f(r appeared, denying thai
two French geueruls have permission to assume
tho departments of War ami Finance, proves
that from Ibis time Maximilian is shamefully
thrown asidu.
The mission of General Cnstelneau, aid do
camp and confidential servunt of Ihe Emperor
although secret, can have nu oilier object, in
my judgment, than to provoke a solution as
soon as possihle.wilh a view tu explain its con
duct, of which mission hisliey must he the
judge. The French government wishes that an
allocation should precede Ihe return ol Hie
army, and that thus it may proceed uloue lo
recognize a new order nf affairs capable ul se
curing its own interests and those of the sub-
jec.t. I have a firm conviction Hint Your MnJ
esly will not give sutislnclion to a policy wliuli
must sooner or Inter answer lor Ihe odious char
acter of these acts and lor Ihe fulul conseqiieu-
ues w hich must follow them.
The speech and toast of Seward at Iiotne.
shows ihe attitude of ihn President and Ihe
cowardice of Ihe French Cabinet, ami tin
grave facts designed lo increase the dillicullies
and discnurnge the biuvest. Nevertheless, I
have a linn belief (hut the abaiidoiimeiit of the
cause heforo the return of the French army
would be interpreted as an nut of weakness.
As thu emperor holds bis authority by popului is tn the Mexican people, deed fioni
thu pressure of foreign intervention, that lie
should uitikca new appeal, aud it is Irom llieiu
ho should demand thu military anil financial
support iudispensulile to I tin existence and in
creased geeatness of Ihe empire. If this tip
peal ko not heard, then tour Majesty Having
accomplished your nolile mission, will return lo
iMirnpe with ail the prestige winch nccmnpaii.
ied jou nn your departure, and in Ihe miilst of
the important cironuiHiancea which cuuimt full
tn arise, you will be uhlc lo play Ihe role which
helongs to you. .Selling nut lor Nor.iiiiari the
fourth of this mouth, will) Ihe intention of em
barking at St. Nusorea, Havana, 1 received
orders from her Mnjeaty the Empress, and was
obliged tn defer my departure again. It need
ed this high influence lit change a departure
w hich my ui'Vimiin urged upon ma as iiccnm
ulishiticiiuf duly. I was greatly ilisappiiiuted
on learning that my numerous letters of Ihe
ii orulit ot June nnd July did nut rencli your
Majesty at the proper time. I scut tlieui nn
der cover to llambillia, long letters to that de
voted friend In bo communicated to your Muj
esty. 1 was far from fore eeing bis departure
from Mexico. They have lost lo day all inter
est which they borrowed from unexpected
events which have followed tn recently. I es
pecially regret this unlucky incident. II this
shook for an instant your Majesty's confidence
nf rny incessant desire In faithfully pniforin my
duty in crossing Austriu. 1 was uhlu lu observe
the general discontent which reigns. Nothing
is yet done. The emperor is dbcouriigcd
Peuple demand Ilia abiiicatiun. Sy mpathy for
your Majesty ostensibly extends nil over Ihe
Empire. In Vienna a party is anxious tu have
its former party restored, but when the govern
ment arranges Iho elections under a rule of
universal lunrnga, Iu accordance Willi the
last orders of your Majesty, I send this by mail
and telegram in cypher, lo warn your Majesty
nf the arrival of (Jen. Casteuieau, .and ol a
disavowal given tn Osmond, and 1 have learn
ed by thut doubtful aliunde taken at Paris by
the Almonte Maximilian ministry since display
ed. This has become uucb day more public.
For some time past be has loaded with favors
and money young Snlvalnre, who himsell
knuws tiqthing of ibis change. I think it nec
essary to dike the young man buck near me,
unlit ihe end nf bis taualion.
The health of Emperor Napoleon has seri
nusly distutbed all Europe. His depurlure lor
Hiurilz has neen ludeliuilely peslpoued, cuusol
II is said by a severe ailuck of diabetes and
inlliimmaliou of the bladder, from winch he is
As for majesty Empress Charlotte, in tho
midst nf her flowers which make Miraumr nu
enchanting garden, she shines iu ull the luster
of perfect health. I have thu honor to be. nro.
eic, elo. (Sig I) Fr.LuM.
TIONS. The New York papers comment oil ihe re
sult of the election. The 7'inirfsnys the ver
diet prouiiiineed by the pie of four Sillies
is only a fulfillment of the expieiuiiou
entertained bv every mail who has
watched honestly Ibu purposes ol
the country. One great result which
has b. en reached is the ratification bv the
people o the position assumed bv Congrcr in
relation to the President and the Smith. This
has loi n a lest In which evi ry ciiniliihue lilol
every platform lias been solji cled, and Ibe
answer leaves room ueiiln r eqiiivotation nor
doubt. It is overwhelmingly aguinsl the Lis;
and clearly uod unmtsliikah'y in Invor ol Con
gress and its policy. I'lio jenple have been
lie aid from and from Iheir decision our form
of Government provides n.) appeal. The
South, if wise, will hearken and comply, ami
the president, if politic, will not refuse to lis
tell to a verdict which especially concerns linn
Tho Herald snyt the results of the la'i
election are positively snhliine. Tin y reaffirm
'he high intelligence which pervaibt the
Northern States, and their immoveuhle pur
po'c to ettahl sh Ihe Union on solid fonnila
tlon. They demonstrate the corn ctnesa of
nor estimates nf the moral significance nnd
pressure of the Maine election, and the inevi
table solution of the vital question. They re
vcnl a prevailing intensity of feeling in the
Northern public- mind which is without pre
cedent. In the results of these October elec
tions we read the verdict nf all the Northern
States in Ihe case of the Presidents vs. Con
grest. We demand Ihe policy nf Cong rest
The President has made bis appeal he lias
bis verdict, and we are sure that as a man nf
the people be will act accordingly.
The Tribune makea nn edilotiul remarks.
The World reloset lu believe thu figunt
nnd says, the Democrats, though perhaps hent
en, have shown a vital strength Millmeot lo
carry Ihe November election. It say si "Uod
Ideas the old Demecrntiu party. Willi all the
contumely and abnse which has been showered
upon it, it cornet out of ibe contest worsted
for Ihe time, but with itt Hying, lit hon
or outnrnithed, ill numbers increased, and itt
courage higher than ever. A party that can
stand where it baa ttood for tix years past it
indestructible. It it wrilleu iu Ihe book nf
desliuy that in future will be nt glorious as us
past ; to it will yet be oumuilttcd the lark of
retiming tno Union. i
The DuiVy Asirs says i As the people have
decided In renew the least of power lio.t held
by tht radicals, there is no disputing with their
fiat aud wtoan only hope lhat the (ears which
Ibe lauguage aud conduct of many of their
leaden have excited will prove lo have been
groundless, and that liny will prove tbeni
telvet worthy ol the trust commuted lu their
The jVtruv urges now the eb olinn nf Iloff
man to circumscribe the radical triumph, and
tn impose check upon its rash aud headstrong
leudeuuiet aod bind It to a course ol modera
tion. Indianapolis, Oct. ! A time tornado
passed over Ibe lowu uf Frnukhii. Johnson
count)', Ibis about lour o'clock, de
molisbing tllleen limiset muiudiug the tuilrintd
depot. A boy wai killed.
Arrivals at Button, New York, anil Fortress
Monroe, report navy di-asters on Ihe mean
.Neiuucr Evening Star, from New York In New
iwiirin, luunucicu iou nines easi oi t surma
ill iou passengers anu an crew. 4 are lw.
k.. .1 ... L.. .... I. . I..., ...l . ,,i
, w v wrs itwi, sua n" mrr 4u per-
' f more bluiwy In he aaveil. , lirlllsll alraou-r
I ""'. V .,... I.......I.....I .11 ......1
Piii:hiiiknt? Siniin days ago the Herald
published a dispatch from Wellington intioiu
ting that Jeff. Davis would he speedily relented
nu parole or on bail. That jmirriul lias a1 oili
er special Washington dispatch concerning the
case of thu ex rebel President, which sets
forth with great minutcunsi Ihe cireuiiisluuces
mi which the report it founded. The corres
pondent says s
I received my information from a high offio
inl, who possesses excellent facilities lor learn
ing ihe President's; views and iuie'itinni nn
such siihlicts. Tho unnoiiiiccnient created
quite a duller mining Ihe poliiiciuns, ami sev
eral very mlluentiHl ones, Invornmo lo me
President's restoration policy, ventured tn cull
nn him tu ascertain if the announcement were
well founded. They Hrged tho President lo
defer any action in Ibe muter until after the
full elections, reminding him that be was ul-n-nily
accused of wilb rebels and
abusing ihe pardoning power, and assuring
Is till that Ihe release ol (lie Until reliel nt tills
nine would be handled by Ihe radicals in the
present cumoiiign with powerlul ellect and
greatly Impair llu chances uf tho party now
lulioring to elect to nllice ineu Htm would sup
port his (Johnson's) policy. Tina I have on
undoubted authority. The President replied.
that many distinguished n ml loyal gentlemen
Irion bolli Ihe Nor ill and South had appealed
tu h i in for the release uf Davis, and presented
sever. I considerations, which ooiile a fnvornhle
impression ijji bis iiiiinl. why Duns should not
be held longer its ciiiifiiieuu nt, and Unit In
bud said lo 1 Ik-mi lliul if, from any fault of ihe
court or the proper nffiuert nf the Ooveruiueiit,
Davis i-hoiild not lie liroiiglit to lnal lu Ui to
ller, be should nut. irom any reasons then
know li lo him, deem it his duly lo hold Ihe
piisom rlor another term ; but Ihnt iu giving
ibe friends of Davis this assurance be bad not
nirticipitcd the action of ihe court, and had
not iippoiiiled liny lime for Davis's release in
t lie event of his not being tried, lie deulnred,
that lie had from Ibe first desired to have Da
vis tried for treason, mid bad useif such inllu-
once ami authority as be possessed to liave lln
lnal take pi ce nt nn curly day; hut Unit il
there should be nu further ilcluy in bringing on
Ibe trial, he believed that neither the interests
ol the country nor his duly ib mnuiled l lint he
keep the prisoner longer lu custody. He also
sluled I lull he was tillable In perceive that the
release of Dav is on parole or I ail would fur
nish the Kailical with il va uable weapon, bill
i but he believed the musses, if' there should be
further iinueco-sury d lay iu hr ugiug him lo
tr nl, would approve uf bit being conditionally
Il is well understood in the best informed
nfllciul circlet that Davis will not be tried at
I lie October term, so that his release may be
looked for soon after, hut not till after that
On dit, Ihnt Mr. Heed, one nf Davit' coun
sel had been authorized by the At'orney 0. li
eral lo say lo hit client that Ibe Goveriimetil
would direct his iniiiii dnile re lee so nn condit
iou of his leaving the country never tn return,
and Hint Dims indignantly rejected the oiler.
The Uf publicans huvo curried ull before them
in I lie elections just behl ill Pennsylvania. Ohio
and Indiana. I heir majorities are to large
that it makes li 1 1 lu difference bow large liny
are. The next Congress will be more decided
ly Iti jiulilicoii limn the last. No one is sur
prised at ibis. Nu one supposes, however,
that these thousands uf people who voted the
ltuiliciil ticket without winking an- in favor of
Hie policy ol Ihe ltadiualsol Ihe lust Congress
The fact is, it was u choice bel ween Iwoevils,
They bud to vote the liaibcal ticket or the
Democratic. Now, there may be many ex
celleut Union men in the Democratic parly.
but as a party iis recoid is not sound on the
Ltiloii quest ion. It has been controlled liy
pro-slavery, noli-war sccessiunielt, and the
Norili knows it. The North won't trust it be
cause tome good L'niou men are to be Ion ml
iu ils ranks. It lain such bud odor thai, lei
Ihe liml cals propose what Hie) will, il cannot
add materiii'ly to the vote by which MuCh-l
Inn was deieuteil. Il is a great thing lo know
when lo ,.ie. The Whig parly bit Ihe lime
exaeily. The most gruci-lol nut the Know
Nothing pHV ever coininlllid was in aban
doning its organization when success heuigoe
hopeless. The Democrats were alway s hard
10 bum nnd we expect they will insist np-u
losing two or lliree more campaigns belore tiiey
will allow themselves m he put under ground.
11 is quite ei nli iit thu Kaibcals can whip them
as olieii us there is occasion In light Era.
CoHMKltcl-M.- The following extracts are
from McCrakeii, Merrill ii Co.'s Market He
port, San Frnuuisuo, Out. 9lh i
"In preseiili ig our third Quarterly Hi view
fur Ihe passing year, we remark nt Ihe ontest.
iu general terms, that the commerce of Ibis
Cny mid Si lite, as Well as of the Const, has
bern steadily progressive nrnl it prosperous.
thir r.xport anil Import I nidi shows eousiile.
ruble iiiigineulrition Our Agricultural idler
sts have In eu lur.ely and profitably develop
ed. The enips ol Cereals more a'.nndaii
than ever belore iu our history. Our Mines
haw yielded liberally. Cud nod Whale Fish
em s liave been reiiiuiuerative. Kailnind and
ol lu r internal improv ements show a mutked
increase of enterprise in Iheir development.
Steam coiiiiiiiinicnlion up and down Ihe coast
has been greatly extended, as the result of II
hcullhlul ciiiiipelitinii. '
Faih Giioi-vu i.ii X Kilt T Tims If a person wished
l gel u slight idea of paiideiRimimu, he should Imvt
visited ilia Fair (Irounds in the night. All the differ
ent iiiiagiuulde culild bo heard hmse Immls,
S,-u-li iiildlss nnd violins, the Minstrel iuiiiaiing iIhi
mocking liinl, the hark driver yelling " Allal'uard for
KhIi'id,'1 niixi-d with ' step this way aeulleiiien ami set
the aaullsst woumii in the win Id;' the yells of tht
drunken youiht, of aires frma I J lo 'JO. iu crowds, wlio
were atMirgeHug uruund siugiiig Imwiiy tiuigt tht
clink uf tht glasses at the dirfertot booths, diseasing
cider, lager and some of llieru, something stritager
enougli lu make one form an npiuion that tht rules of
the soi-ieiy were nut striugeut auuugb to kp good
Till lUi.tooM. There dm lo have been a siring
nf remarkably bad luck attending the llallnou. On
Wmbiesilay II was adveriisril to ascend from Smiley's
race track, but it was postponed until Thursday on ar
count ef Ihe weather, anil on Thunalay for tlie samr
reason. On M il unlay It wasUi ttsreod from tht Kail
ground, hut the day was even worse than the two pit
feeding. At ten o'clock yesterday morning the IUI
loon weal up in Ibe air about a mile, and the Profess .r
IK-rlurmeil some of his perilous leals while guing up,
such as hanging by one foul, one luiud, or slaiidiug
upright Willi lidded arms, ihi iht Um-i bar Hllera h-H
below Ilia balliMin. II" ramt down in halt an hour
about I loss hundred rants from the starting nutut,
HscArtcmn. Yesienlay morning Mr flro. C
Kuiirk, uf .lai knin rimiity, bnaigbt in ou iht sluga
Nelson llauxhorst, who escaped trout the peuiiriiliary
at llis lale st,uoH-tle. Ilaiuhiirsl was rapliiwl at
Karl Klaieaili, and the panirulaia ara at Inlb-wa
Aliarilirptlsouera reachel ihehruih. which wasalaml
3,'itl yanis fhnu Hie feiire.hs left lheresl anil siruik off
up .Mill ent-k, and eoutinui-d in that diierliou reossiog
the l utu-aile tnoutitaint .4 lliettontiaui region he thru
strrieil 'e ('oliforoiitL taking in Kurt Klamath ou bis
mule; at ihia place IoVwas t' guUe.!, and rnptii-,1
as ah.ive stuti-il. He said dint for Iwrnly right davs
lie did not see a buuian being, and had a Migh liiu.
of it.
tVWe have received Ihe second number of
Ihe I'hyiio-Medical Joarnuf, edited by Dr. J,
C. Sin linn, w Inch rootains the asual number ol
able and well digested ailicb t. nn rubjeit tint,
able In the character of the Work. This j.,nrnal
is most ably cmducled. and should he patron
lied by eveiy tme who appreciaiet hrabh. and
dn ads di,-ao. The Journal prinii-d at Ihe
Miilrimaa Rook and J oh Office, Irom which
softie ol the handsomest book wotk tn the Slate
has been turned nut.
tTTha 1,'tritit will lirirafter ba pnblUhrd by
Messrs Noliuer A Eerre, auj be under tks edito
rial control of Mr. II C, lluslon.
Cf What It ibe dit1,.rsac. between a " fast"
wnnin and a l.-ni-bert Tho em kills lo dr?t,
whils tho other lo kill.
. ..Mis il s i .. a i i li h t ai t. e -,in I lone
ourlalnly ruulil nut luiva laiim uny gioumls for rem
iiluimsoii Hie seme of aiiiiii-oii-Hi at tin) lust Fair
Kor there was & Itv land's eireus, wlilili wasgoiul
fur this country i llis puifui-uninca ef the 1-sis fundi)'
would puss at any cily uh aood, usueciully Llis gymum
lie poiilon ilu-y p,-ifoniu-d feats that were really as
Nexi ciinie the Apollo Minttels, wli" tiKii very gmul
houses, pBiforndiig six limes a day lliey smtteded In
keeping the crowd in ua uproar of laughter.
John Alexander lunlatlile show, consisting of a Mi
lls woman, 30 Inches high, and years olil, along will'
a snappish Curiajou, eluinied to have boon caplareil
hi tlie lllue mountains,
I'rof. Vincent hail a California Mon, with which he
ptrloruied some during feats ; ai tlia saine pliii s exliili-
iisil tlie I.eiuueil I'ig, (not D'Meam's,) by Mr. W 'inn.
M. I). Jloi-giin's ( (inuraiiia, cousislliig ul sesnut In
Knropeunil Amei ira of ball las anil tlm most nond
cities, bad an Interested crowd of inocora.
(In Shi in iluy night lln, Hwlss Hell Itiniriu s, In con
jiilieilon wllli thu Apiillu Mius'rsla and Ismi'iieil l'ig,
gave a peuelil to Messrs. Hlai.ilell uuil Tylur, at tins.
wold's Theater. They were not us well piitroiimuil as
thev deserved. Mttlo Clara, of the IMI lting"i , I" an
exeulleut "perfonniir, and gives evidence of peculiar
talent fur Hie rlamishsiathe life of that company. Mrs
illahlell. tlie hurpest, arnnilted lietaelf with credit.
showing thai she was proficient with ihe harp. They
atari I'm P inland lu-duy, and we v. lull llinii success
wherever liiuv !.
Htt.KN. For Ihe Inst six weeks this city has been hi
a stale ol tuuliuueil excitement, caused hy tlie lCgis
lilt in,- and Ihe Fair: but litis morning it again assumes
lis usual quiet routine, itml t hereby is mom natural.
Yesterday ihe slreeis were full of learns going home
from Ihe Fair, and Hie stngea were loaded with ineiii
hers of ihe legislature Uiking their departure. We
lerslaud Hint Ihe steamboat hud a large number of
passengers yesterday.
A clergyman. (Rev, R. J. McMttrray.) writing
front Halifax. N 8 ,uys: "Having snll'i red sev-
nil years wi.h Hiroal arl'eelioii lo which clergy
men are especially suhji ct and having used va
rious remiilies, I hav - pl.-in.ure in giving my tea
limooy us lo Hie relief I have had iu the dis
charge of my Hablmih labors from Hit uso of
'Brow n's liroiiehial Trocbus." They have been
a great comtort. (Iiln ia to whom I have reebm
on ui led lln in, have u-i-d tin m with advantage."
For Coughs and Colds, tho Troches nro equally
IT' Children are suinutiiiici brought uiwith
the bottle, but men areufien brought duiea with il,
r&" We uiuleritaiid tliul Mr. Win. Collins, died in
this cily lust night. 1
In rnitlaiid. Oct 10, by lti v. 0 II. Alkhiaon, Chat.
E. Culel and I uniet A.'CuinpU-ll.
On Mill creek. Oct IU, Marion Alven. snn nf W. A
and Ntiiiey I Kosier, aged ii inonths and H days.
nn last 'Monday uiglii, Oet. 15th at the residence
of her father near Ndem, Miss Zuletle Zieher, aged
lti years.
Special Notlcea.
tl err) Davis' Vegi lahle l'.iln Killer bus won
for it eh a r nl iti n un-urpamd la ll,e lii t-ry nf
medii-al preparali'iii1'. It is ua well known in the tru
dlug p-irts of Indi.i iimH'lili a a in Xew Ymk and
I'hicinriutl ; and ils rni.rjtmully ini-reu-ing demand.
where it has hceu longest kn-iwn, is one of its sfra g-
est reel nnnendaiii'iis. Il is not iiiifretpienlly said of
it "We i- il a- iiji ii ihii kof Wing without flour lu
theli'iuH us w Ih- nt Pain Kd'er.' Il givi-s bumedisle
relief in rsa ol cu'd dysentery, or ntlu-r similar af-freli-ms
ol tin b wel-; ai d h-ing ruiirely a vegelahle
prepiirail u I' I- as -. te aa it is reliable.
tW Medic ll Advice Dr. W'm. K. Dnhsriy't Mnheal
ami eurgk-sl liistluile It brcumlna M line qua nun" lo the
wi-lhireiit our Hmts sml hcsllh of our cllltrns: and Ills rapid
ly sprsadlng rspulntlna, alihoush It may excite surprlsr, la
liul Iht signal of ikill, suit lolloart sa Ihe oatural effect of
ui-h a esusv. Weare acnisluted wllb arntleoiea thohnd tulf.
erril for yrars maler rlironle disrate, and who hail taken
advantage of every arsilnt.le oieana that promised relief,
hut ar.lhiuit aucerss. until they calli-il upon Dr. D.iherly,
arhn, li, nt liu-r. tllnly iliort space uf lime liss given entire
ri-ll.'t. It Is srslltyllig liialinonnre IMS rael.bersuse la,-
lur la a vnilleinsu aim seeks, mil liy ilelainalmn uf i,lht-re.
O, eIHl.lli,h I, is re.,ilnlli,. r Ut rear Ihe suM-r,lruelure ol
Ids own iin-in IIih ruin of aimttier's fsins. Ti," Ou Oireun-
l. ! loStltnO' III PIKK n n,H,v u.uM hm mlllvliig t
sit Ills iinOeuis. lie essiionesiilelset nnu recniina, tula wtil,
uul rttMree ; niiiI lite pall, III. all- hearing III, terms tr rrcsl
iiient. i'nii Nt-repi ur r.J--l Ml pli-seure. In nu rse ,l, i llie
D-ielio- make a ehsrx,. unh-M he i-ffi-rls a rure. Tina he Is
side lo ilu, Ivt'suee lie lerls the eiittle(u'e aliirh lng exw
rleutfe Iihs aisen, sml uu tliuiOt Ihe i-iiiisuUlliiii vlUeh s,H-r-Isms
ti, llntl riii.fhleure. Persons slllii-teil with eiilu-r scule
or elirotitv iIisisiiii-i, wihiIU do well lo cumuli Ihe Doetur. AI
all events II ran ilu m, liaim, aa fur euiieullsllon hesski no
fee ; our ,l,ies he lnnll nn nleillenee tn hie ailvlee utiles
tl e pslieiil ,lsees hliiiertr omler his rare. H i ufllers are nn
bserNitieiili, etreel, oiipi-alle the Pnvinc Muiteii-aioslilpiiftlct.
-S F. A elts. DiiiaH
.tl tllKIAUR A1) r l.lHAt V-Au Ks
say of Wuruiug and iustrnelion fi,r Young Men. Also
lisoaei-a and iihiiiu's which prostrate Iho vital powers.
Willi sure meioisof relief Sent frt-eof clnoge iu seal
ed teller envelops. Addrees
J. KIILIN lli(i:liri)N'.
lyrlthlH Howard Atiaocialuli I'hdadelptna, i'u.
fir The Heat Itemed y for PurilyiiiK the
llliHid, Hlrengthening the Ne.vea, Ilesloriug the Lost
Apiwiile. is
(t is rii best preservative uguinei nhaost any aickneaa.
if used limetv. t'oinpoM-d of berlm only, it can lie
given safety lo iulanls. F II directions in Knglish.
Krriirh. Spanish, and Qermaii, wilb every paikage.
l-'or sale al all tht wlioh-saiennd retail drug start
uuu groceries.
KUll, FIIKSK. Whole.le finiggisi.
hole Agent. 410 ('lav street.
lvl!l San KraneiM-o.
t tT" Hopt for tht ArBioled In annlher part nf Ihla
,NM'r Wilt Ih fuuilil IIih ,-rli-iueiil ul III. eelrbrHleil III
mule eat ,l,h,h,-,l hy Or. J. C. Y uiis. In IsV) In HO, ave
,,f tteeell -Old IlirtHl oilii, II la a In tlie tutTi-rlng In
M,lnt .,ul In then, where Ihey aee sore nf ..hulnlnv llir wolv
nl fr rt Iter sod enre. Under ihe csrenf Ihe ek'Uful DH;lnr,
Ihe sick and ImuLleil can diveal theiuelvei l Ihetr Imhlena
nf pmn and sliaine, Ixy aside Ihetr rons. ami serore heallh
ami hnpnloess. II ynu are aiek ne tn iruoi.le, ,lo o.,t nisi.
Isle. Ka i Ins ailverluM-atenl aisl f,ll.,w Ihe nlvlee. D,i
not fnrarl Ihp nienlirr. nor the wanner of directing vnur 'e.
ler. I'ONflLXTATION Ut rlCC. MM Wsilimglon street. fn
Fennel,.-.. ivin'i,,
AH prMHi f warned miniit pnrrhnitinff nt
f.ats fittta lliittflrftl ilailtursa nniwn ni im-hi'II a nilir. Ill
fHvnrnf Krl'Hnl Woltunl, mid Iwiirinif df of St-i-imn
Iivr 9.Mh. 1$ Hmrl itnt Imrinjf bwn pty
itirnt themin lippd.
' pntt iiin tfitin
W. W. 1IE.K II.
JeDerson, Oct. SOtli, M6 I w.
rpllKKE willheameeling of tha Stis-k holders of
I the I toiHi tlolit anil Mlver .tloioitf t nnipuuv at
tbirorli,-e in Malsm. tlrfgnn. on Tuesday, IVt. :hHh.
IMiil, f,o7 the eledian of directors for the etieuint vewr.
K L. WILLI-, her y.
Kalem. On 13, IHr.ft, Sw:tl
Island Sugar, and Molasses.
' 130 Itm.i ISLAND MOLA-SES,
Now landing ei Hark Khlrhlge, and for tale be
r..rtlai.d.tVl. W-lmSt
A tn t v I o u n K x li it n if c
Saw Ftanciaco, Cal.
KlUKl'll'i'lf WOO Kioma.all hard Rnithed. will
Ventilated, and nivvly Knrnialictl.
The mh4 enaifortabar aud hourliko hotel ia Ihi
iai. w lesre tverv want it anticipated tnd cheerfully
etipplied i
Prices to Suit the Nost Economical.
The Aaietiesn Klrhang Coach, with Bid Lights,
Mill always he in readtoeaa to rouvey pasneogers tu
lies hotel free of charge. 3mio.u)
I'HK et rlarsl.i, herelufm el no lug easier lb
Htm I.hoh t.f II,(,m.i A. f-.. I. tl... J..
a,,l-r,l by moinal caisenl , j. W Hrown retiring freitn
in mm i . ii v os ami j llaiaillnn will sell Is al
dvmaudt, and rtreive all duet,
T H i US
Saleai. Oregon. Sept S4, lK;.-3it3l .
tpririiirihlp illif.
U E luivt Ihis dsv pne. haar4 ihe iiitc-Tst of Mr. J.
U' M,,,t, in il a- ..r 1,-.... r.... s. r-..
and mil rtaonoie Ihe hnsiurea at h l, laml Inno
iiiriie aim name itt tut a
All n.u.. h........ , L , 1 . j . ., -
.... ,- .....n...a , .,r.w. minro'ev tv inw
late area at nrqneeled lot-all and pa v itwiramainl at.
Ihe Luna, as l iht uM ttoi aiuot tieeellM imio4.
vl). T II tttX.
Nitoea. Onf at, Kepi. SI, 1WJ:I
Woolen IiiiniliK-ltH'a'i'H
'IMIK luideraigiied. Agents of Wtailen Mills In Oi
I i giin. have iniilimllv ugreed In sell our fubrirt,
until Inrllii'i' pithlie notiio, upon Hie following tonus
onlv i , , ,
All time salsa will he nn a eriul't of alxty daya ami
alter thai lime internal will lit charged ut one par
rent, pot month.
Fiirchuacra for Cash will he allowed a discount ol
thret, pi.' I'l-nl .
l'orilund, (let. IHth.
I.H MMITII. Ag'tW.'W Ufa- Co.
K. JACOII. Aeiitig Ag t l. Citv MfgCo., IIIII.SCII, Ag'l Eagle W. Mfgt'n.
Oil. 'ii ItuW
From New York for Portland
Llght Draught Bark,
1 TONS lICU'l'IlliN, will ba dispatched
1 jVUu from New York for Portland ubout
The lOUi of INovcmbt r,
Tims orruilng a fine opportunity for direct shipments
Orti bur 15, IHlitl. 3wl.
Ull. M . K, DdllFltTl'lt
Private Medical & Surgical Institute,
8a(THit)Hhln Street, below Montgomery. nppotitH tlie
Pticilli! Mitil Suiunnliip Conipttiiy'ii (Xllce. Privuie
entrance on Luidt'udurif utreet, Irun Fruiiciuco.
Etihfihrd ejrprexly to Afford Ihe AJftirfnd one$
Hviefitific Mult ml Aiil, in tht Treatment
. and vure of all Private nnd Chronic
Uheann, cane of Secrecy
and All Sexual
Dk. W. K. ),iikkty rctiirtii hii niitcere tlmnki tn
liifl niiiiit'rnnit piilimiic for llii'ir nathniif, itud wotild
take tliw oppoHimity to reiiiind tliem Ilmt he rontin
ncn to mum i If at It im Iimljlule for lliu nire of flinmir
(Itneanen of tlie Iittyn, Liver, Kiiliievti. Iitfenlive hiii)
OtMilio 1'rinnrv crffHiii. timl all privt viz:
Kypliilin in till it form iind nlnt'B, Semiiial VVeHrt
lii', hh1 hII ih' horrid I'miH-qiience of flt tiltiiHC,
(Imiori-liU'iL Oltft. Sirirmri'. Ncctuiiial and DinrtiHt
cinif-flctiH, Sex mil PisfitMlity. IHi'fHHfti of the Hack
and Loiim, Intiaiiunniion of 'i tie Hiwidrr and Kidney,
tc , and lie liniu ttait lii lotijf experit-m t and mc
CfUHful practice will coiitiiutf to Hinmi-ei him u Hluire of
Imblif pHtroiaiire. Hv the practice of tnativ yearn In
'.nropf and the lTniifd Hal he it etmMt-d to apply
the iiiiiht t'lllcifnt and miccfs'Stiill re'iiedic HtfaiiiHt din
euwn of all kindit He imen no mercury, cIihikh mod
erate, t renin hi patient in a correct' Mini' lioinmilde
"way. anil liili iandinf in iL'iety, All part if commit'
hir liiiri hy letleror on erwine. will mttive the lat
and KiMitleitt trfatmeiit, and implicit Hcerecy.
I)k. I'oHKKtr would cull Httention to the following
CertitlnilcH from two of hi pailfittii, who having fnliy
rct'ovcted tluir health denite to make known their
rained iu I ukmiI. It will be eeu tla-ir i-iatuueutsure
fully Hitihfiiiiraied hy a Notary Puldio.
1 no wellaru of sitcifty imperiounly demand their
publicity, and tliev are given more to warn the unwary
than to Maim) the praiite of a l'liVKician, of wlmtn
hundreditof like ruwi can be cited during a pactice
uf more than fifteen year
In. DoHMn f Dear Sir 1 1 feel my health no full v
rent nred, that in conn it on irratltiide, I Iwlinve I ttlimild
make you Home written iicknowleiljfftneiit for vour
vulimhleervti'eir- aiticului ly a your tee waaniiiall lur
the work iierloniit'il
1 arrived intliicilv from llie Kant about one year
ago, and wan tlieti miltfriiitf from an old cum of Gleet,
t'oniplinited with Hi-irtuie Being a tf in cr iu lliii
city, and hidiuviiitf lliowj Dia-lorti who gave tsucli iidhi
live HKfiiniuce of miccemt were nececarilv Ihe Ik-hT ,
(wiine ol whom have larife nmnlierof liilen.) I nlac
ed m v wd I in their charge and continued under their
t rent metit until 1 liud loit nearly all Iiom$ unu a con
eiderahlf tniniof mtuiev,
I wittli to av now thut von are the ixih Doctor I
have employed, nnd the only one that Iiuh overdone
Die Hity M-iviie. My Gleet i ulndlv curvd.lheSivict
aie ii nil removed and niy genenj henllti is belter
tlniu il ha htwu for year.
lu coiiclitMoii, I would wiy lo the niaitv iiufortun'
a ten who require uiethcitl advice, if rou have any
douhl a lo wlioin von mav emplov.ahk L). Dtdicrtv
for mv iMlilrem ..nd v and nee me. (I keep tore hi
in if cny ) mv exiM'neiiee may nave you maiiv noiiarg
I wnild alfoiuid that in (lie earlv vltiiro of mv d in
eu ne I lined a I n me amount of ihe preparation adver-
lir-eu an uu ii:!iii!H'!e ture lor (ionoirliceu. Uleet.ele.,
bni nevfi derived any Ihftii Ht troiu tlieui.
J mil l"iior, very tntly oiim, L II
Nnu Kram inco, June fi, lst.
aSuhneiiln-il and awoin lo before me, thl 21 t day uf
J'Uie. a. d l"u4
l-A 8 floii-n, Notary Public.
Sr.iiiM.1 Wiiikncsv-A $m-io fcrtificnit of n
mosl rrmnrkuble ensc of Hi rriu;iturrhorn.
A ''echo to bene lit liiunaiiily, and a ffHinv of lthiI.
Ifi'h itt if. W. K. Pi'hcrly, aloue iiiducu me to nmke
! Jf ntaietnent. Kor many yearn J Imve heea ullhcted
v illi thai tenilti) ihpeiine knuwii ii".Hpertnatnrjliiea,"
or Seiiiinal WeakiieM. the rennli tif oell hIiiu, hut till
IH.." ep"iteucttl bui little trouble or iio'nuvenieiicH.
In ihal year. Iit-wevi-i, 1 hud Seminal Weak new to
atiiilaiinmiu extent, winch wa wmiii followed by the
iioml ularmiiuf M-uptom, an neakuen of the'liack
aud limbs, pain in the head, diuuit'n of viaion, uerv
onniiesii, and tfeneral dvbililjr. Aly niii.ii, loo, whs
uttln ud lo uch uu extuiil uh to n; inipuir my
iiicii.nry , my hli-a were rt.nfns. il aud npii itn dvire
cd 1 tttHvem! lo wHKiy, had evil furvbtaliiiu aud
wl I distil iim, und wim entiielv anliiied IVirauy of lln?
dohettol hi", fr'rom lHj:, lo ,lu Wimni(.r tlt:
euiiih'Ved Ihe very bent ii,(..lil,il iMta.m I I ...!
and 9 1 -flit kV'Vcrul Inmdred dtdlar. hut in nu iiiniiiuce
nbtaiufd mote than leiiiHrHry rciivf. I hail about
mm-mii ninereua no iviiel tor me in thin world,
but vceing Ur liobtfrtv' adveriinfaietit, I t turn it lit I
would call und we him, iK he clunged iiuttiiug lor
ronnultattoii. 1 hud uu interview with tr UnlieHv
ut In olhce. in ."acijiineiito trt;et, und hi fee for
treatment watt o reuMinublf. I deterinined to (rv liini.
thoiiuti I tint iht uxiKM-t much hem-tit Irom In Heat
tneiil. On llie tit It ol December lam I placed myelf
uinier ni care ; in one wecK I toitud iuydl very
uiucn iniprovcu, ano, now, alter iivp weetts Ireul
nii-ul. J lej mvMll thurouutily cured of ull mv Iroub
le and iu llie enjoyment ol the het lieu 1 1 !i. Moping mi tisj-riinitD mill tram iflti, l IJLM'B) BHD)
larly iiluatttl. I sulwnbe mymrlf
JlMK .!otlVslTiif.
Hnlwrilifd ami nworu to before me, thia llli day of
IMIOMIT, t. U. liWI,
ia ) A i Kj.dll, Xutury lubjo.
To tYiuitlfs.
When a female I tn trouble, or afflicted with dig
eaeun wfjikuennf the but It and limit, putn in llie
lit-ad, dimncM of vtk'lit, lot- of muM'tilur power, pul
piiAiiou uf the heart, irritability. HervitiinneM, ex
Heine uriiiioy dithi nhim, diniinreinent of dicettiive
lillK'llouv, general UelMllv, VaL'Uillin. Mil dlneHiw ot
the wumb, bytiieitu, tteniily, and all other dineaae
peculiar lo U-umleii, they vhould go or write at otice
to the celcbruied female dt.ctor, t . K. hi
Medical Iiifiuuie, and coumili liini hImh.i their tntuh.
le ami iiiih-hw) The KiH i.-r U elfectintf more cure
than uuy other phyniciati m the Suite uf ,'alifornia.
let no lalne dt licm-jr prevent yon. but apply iianie
dirtiely and ave youivelf from iminfiil niieiiugi and
1 1 renin mm deulh. All man ied Iwliea w hone itelirale
. Iiealili or other vimiinviuuren pieveut ait iui reime iu
their tiiinilic. should write or call hi lr. W. K. Dte
heriy ltdiral lnMilute, and thev will receive vtrv
IMimihle rebel and help The loci4r'g olliceii are
urfaniied thai lie cult be couulted without fear of ub
To rorrrsomlrnt.
ratieni renidintf tn any pari of Ihe Slate, however
cini.iin, woo may uemie the opinton-Hud advice ol Or
Ihiherty ou their rerpeclive cm v., ami wlm think
ir-i-sr lit h wmieii Mauua ia of neli, ill pit-t
en nee lo honuiig u Hronal interview, ure renieviftil
ly uniireil tbnt their conimuuirHiloii will U (.(
iiionl pwnil. Dr. Ihiheiiy takes thie iipHiHitiiitv i1
ohtjervmif i ton all teller are onlv oiuineil ain.l h.i,Ii...I
to hy htutwlr mat the hitter ft promptly an powible.
Il Ihv r aa be fully und candidly iIcm ribetl. ar mi
ni romii.nioe.itioii will be m-urW-ttil, hm iuniriH-iMin
lor m ei. uiiimeo, and the uenerM) Urauuetil of the
ru e. (in. ihe reiuetHe) will h forwahled wiilt
out d- Ihv, and iu uch a tmnitier an to cnvy nu pur
pttrt o iir U-arr or pone I Mi iruivmitteil.
liT CwtMiliNiion mi the otth- raiit. Permunenf
in re giiaiuiitccd ur no pur A lib
8un KraiM'tfco, Cat.
Opinio:.) ir Iho Prr
Or ItOlll hTY i nk.llli.l pliiMtiMii andhonnr
able g ml. uh'm, ativ taieuieut lie nmain lo Ui pa
lie. Ik, hv in nuie lo fulfil '1 hat tart iMie ni emmv
ol I inemnient mi venn in hit pnittmu li n lortu
tm'e I 'ai umhoiu il-r inHiiy ailva rtiiiir phvim wo,
II rt l o i Who (hii ! ilepeiiiifU oil lievie ,
In I'OliKli TV r (.mitin.u tu a phy inuu in a ut
Mcieni fcu-nmitef (! die carv ol any ee it limy mi
ileiltike p hrMiirle
lr ltii;, I V hudrote! hl ntu ly more M rt to
ntu'lv . iliroiuc, n pen he and Htvl pructit-e. and aa
m It in now the n.nt niiccrniful of any plivniviuu iu
Han Ktaiiciti--tree Vtrm.
Ih ltllt.H Ti S reputation ia ntoioI to tv other
phttmaii ou the citul iu chronic and ievilic practice
I'r hoHMiTY rVw men in the MHNfiral pmft.
ion ,v tumti-d m irainiuit Ihe mH.ieiic of ihe
pnl.ltc in iWtr ekill und jndgimiit he i aa Kii.iui-
fr D 'HKMTV rtttk m one of our mot -ftMin-ituinl't-tt
phvMrina. and aleooneof the raont mTeM
lul, which h' tiow the Ciiimhi by w hich the tuetbral
ttpravtititMier in judteil IKcm.i
it. n. iv. iHMir.KI Y.-lorn iftung tn Rati
f r.itcir iu nrarrh nt umhcaluil nhonM hy all mcao
ml' m the ahore rnnn.t hi Jumiiute. Me i a or rare hnlaiif and M-winitie ewtertaiu
en, ami l well worth r the exfrnmve pitronaiie he
twite fitHtt ull part of the Rale Natkmul.
rrluie Medical & Surgical InstUate.
meranieuif MreH, below MmtirowHry.lHpii.h
tit iVirtc Mali Stwm.l.ip ('.. uffii. PH
vale eninuti-e wu ltmuitlutf Mrtl, .
tn tV'raDeotxtt aka O
l ux I'nyi is oi itl.iiMii oiiikv.
MOTH'K Irilmi'idiy Kivetillnit I will meet (lie lux
IV paver of M.iitm iihiiih , I lit'L'nu. ai llifir re
(lectivn p neen ot' votitiL', tor the ihii purm nf cuileciini
t' e StittH, foitniv, Scl I itiul nll ruxe, lor l ie eui
Ui:il .1 - 11 1 I . ' '
mi nio niiii'wrip our. io-n il,
ruirlield, .nomluv, Ocioher!'
I lillllipoeu Tuedity. October III).
Huitevillc, WeilnendiiV, October 31.
IlelpiiMHl, Tliiirmiay, November 1.
I.u Kinh, h'riilny, XovomlH'r '4.
Kant Suletn, Hiiiurduy, Nnveinbei' .1.
North nlem. Momhi'v, November 5.
Howell I'rnii'ie, Tuenibiv, No "ember G
Ahi(iia, WednendHy, N'ovamlair 7.
Hilverloti, Tlnirniliiy, November S.
Siibliuiiiy. Kriduy," November V.
.In Ho won, Hninribiv. Novoniher Ifl.
Kuletu, Monday, Kovemher 1'2.
I will hu at llie above place, ut. the Tnmr of 10
o'clock u lu., and reuiuiu until -I o'eloi k, p in. of uid
dtiye. J.J. M l,KWIY,
lax tnllei'tor, Mtuioti tinuily.
Rulem, Oct. 10, lftiti 3w3J
ALL PERSONS are hereby cautioned Hgalnut
minting mv wife., Ameiicu Perry, und liar child
ren, ua be luif) I -it my bed mid board without eumui or
provocHtion. und I will pay no debt of iier or their
coniriietiug. VM li. VIXUIY.
I'oik county, Oct. IU, lH(.r..;,vv:i:tpd
Iotir to Absent IH'fV'iHluiir.
Iu the Circuit Court of the tnto of Oiegon, for the
uonnrv oi .UHt-ion.
KlizHlietli McNeil. Hl'tr. v. Williuiu MoNeil Drt.
To Williuiu Mi-Neil. IJelciulunt. In the name of
tho State of Oregon, you are hereby niiimoiied lo be
and uppear in the Circuit Court ot Ihe t-itute of Ore
gon, tor the County of Marion, wiibiti ten dav utter
the uervice of tin writ, unoii the name be nerv
ed within the said Marioii county, but. if nerved in
any other county in tlie state, then w n Inn twenty
duy. mid aiiHwer the complaint of the phiinlilf now
on tile iu Niid oourt against yon, praying u liinHolution
ut the marriage-con'ruet now exintiug between you
und the auid plaiutill, Now unlenn you appear and
anwtr the name as above retpiired, tlie cuuae will be
heard and determined iu your absence.
jmjIa Aiiivni mcauuj. riainiiit.
Uy ordur of It. I. A'oio. Judge. liwtlifpd
dealer in
Leather, and Shoe . Findings !
Union Block, Commercial Street,
IS it 1 o nt , Oregron.
Has just received tlie InrifcKt and moat comiilete
StUl:k uf
of tlie beat
Philaikl)hlD, Eastern, and I'nllfornin,
Kver offered in Kalem.
French and Ameiican
Calf and Kip Skins!
Santa Cruz Sole Leather,
Itootnof mv own umiiiifiicture cmtntHtillv nn hand
Hiid nmde lo order, nf tin; bent French Itmtlier, and
California oak tanned, which, for ifeuerul good iimli
tie cannot he excelled in llie Slate.
All werk from the enttiuliehinenl Wurmnted to give
enure NttnuHctiou
1 hcIi iiiid tor hides nnd hII hindii of furs and nit ins
Suleiu, Oct. 8. l8lHi.-;thn.l
ATlin 1ICSIIKI.H TIMOTII V SKKO. for which the
lfJJ highest nuirkfl pnc. will he paid,
Hv KM tl'P, lit ItltKM, A-'.
A Large Stock of
6t:tll A8
nORftK POH KBI, I to III horee;
HTII i W (I IT hit It
IORME CIIAIX .1111. I.H, l llltll llll.l.N
tall I Mi I. K .1IA4 III.MNt
IJIUI.X Dltll.l.K,
ox vokkh n Rotvi
nrultl! IIIIIKSi UAXa Pl.OWaj
Steel and Cast Flows,
For aide b) K AI'I',BI It It K 1. 1. eV t'o.,
Kniiil St., Purllund,Oreirou.
Portland, Sept. i!9, IHtiii. Uiu'tt
Chaiige ot Firm !
Wholesale and Retail
Wood and Willow Ware,
Yankee .ollouv
Tobacco, Cigars
Boots, and Shoes, &c,
Center Store, New . Brick Block,
At the old Stand of
The nnilersitflied. Imvlliir len baaed tbe entlra In.
tetvBt of J. V. Itrown. Imve now ou ji.nnl and are
sunslanltjr rveelving from Suu Kraiuitro tht
Largest and Best Selected Stock
Of (jooda lu their line evernlTcred in tliia murket,wbii b
they propuat tu eacbaliKt
or any kind of
Kvervlhit nanally kept in a Drat dtas Oroeery and
H.nI il,livred lo AM. PARTS OK THE ITY
Iree nf rhary,,. Ilon't forget lo pome lo llie i,l aland
or llmwu. I ,x & I n. I'tlX li.WlLlU.
S.ilcm. tlil..t,..r I. IllitC niv
Stale Stm-l, i:iliii,Oi(goii.
rt ln tht (tuildiiifi fornieriv occupied by Konyon.
Druss, ( htmlcnls, Paints, Oils,
Dye Stalft, Fancy Soap, Perfumery,
n AVISO larvrlv inemt-ml the Kiork of Helm t
.H na, weare now nrviianal in aiinolv tbt cititeua
of alenl and the aorronndiiiK eounlry with
Drugs that are Pure,
And ts Cheap as ran bt Uougbt Iu tbit Market.
Alsa- -Constantly on Hand
' For Medicinal Purposes. ' '
. Also a well selected Slock of
rainU ami Oils, irindme Oltit and Puffy.
Vtrnitk, Varnish Brushes, r.
Pbrsirlalit' Pretcripliont prnptrly rompouDd!.
We tllrH Ilia patrw,Htft nf tht Pnldie. fat,ltns eawlt.
SMI tut n eaa ttrt trtwnu taiwrtctioti
I. MIT, & M,
Knccemori tt
Eeath, Dearborn & Co.,
C:oke, McCully & Co,
HA VINO pnrrliHstil tht onrl of the above ntmea
old (..taUtahud Hrnis.miil united tlie storks in IL.
sl.ii-o formerly wnpifif bv Heavra' JIKATH ntriu
IIOIIN tt l'f We'aolioit'H cmlnnatnii of '.be ' '
rOtlllLfft tfOlll tlltt rilutriliittfu nt I....I. l... 1 . .. Knl"
una Ti,. " "'
V'e Imve located onraelves in Salein
And will keep at all titnea g
M ell Assorted Stock.
Suited to the '
nnd by n fair. straiulttforwHrd course of dfalinir w.
trnat that we almll i-etain tbe eonlidence of the ifutilia
and tlit custom of Iht old friends of both the late
Vit will be in receipt of a NICE VARIETY of
In a short, time, which, added to tha tr.
etoie wil give us
Most Varied Assortment of Goods
In tbe place.
Stair Building-.
ANnnmterinla furnished, of the beat quality vii:
lllark tt alnnt, Mahogany or t'nerrv, and Maple
Kaila. Newell IJnia and Bulitati,pN. miIimv ..I ,,a,;u&
or foreiKii iiinreriiil.
Alt work executed in the beat manner possible, and
rvnri'iiuted to uhe aiiliatai'tioii or no pay.
A Iho. 11uiib anil KiiHciHi'iitiititM nf L,' l,ti,,.M h.wk.
tip to order. H. McDONALD.
Snlem, Oun . Sept. 17, ISfifi 29m6
Books, Books, Books.
AND examine our Books and Stationery. We have?
just added lo our stock a large bill of goods fraror
Entatern Market,
And expect constant supplies front that aod ret.
We call attention to our
SOIItlOl, and COLLEGE TEXT B00K3, of ST-
ery tirade
I'lIOTOGliAPH ALBUMS, a large assortment,
GOLD and STKEL PENS, c, &o ,
We hnve nlao ull tbe standard
English and American Poets,
Which, together with a great variety of works on
( aud general
miscellaneous Reading Hatter,
We olfer for rale at Ihe very lowest cash prices. A
liberal discount Blade to the trade.
State Street, Saiero, rpl. SUih, lifl. 3m'il
Fo' Sandwich Islands.
The 1 1 Fust Sailing Bark,"
A. A.. 12 tiblllDGE,
IS dailr expected, and her freight bein engaifjd,
will have i)uiek dispatch for tbe lalanda.
C9" Vor I'aaaage, (having Superior Aceonnuodsv
tionn), apply to
Porllund. Oregon, Oct. ti, IKiai.
Notice of Co-partnership,
TIIK undenigned have ibis duy formed a partner
ship, under the title of
(or tbe purpose of carrying on a
General Merchandise and
at the old stand of Beach & Sipe,
where our friends are invited to call before purchas
ing elsewhere. ,
All Kinds of Produce
IV All hnaineaa with llie late firm of Beach fc
Sipe milM bcartlled with W. W. Ketch.
Jefferson. Oet. 1, 18(16. W. V. RINEH tRT.
Medical tnd Surgical Sanatorium,
515 Sacramento street (up stairs),
Three doors below the What Ohetr House, oppotit
m No. i t Kughit llouae, between tlont
goinerv and Sanianue stt.,
ESTAMLMIKU for tbe permanent cure of ill Spf
cidl ami Chronic Disease!, no matter nf how long
duration raitiiiilur attention paid to the treatment
of DipeaM'a of Women und ('hii.litn.
('imniuiiic:iiina fTRitirr cotmnssTiat- Ct
siiltutiona bv letter or othertvise, rasf. inthe bug
liab, Gi-rinaa. and Spaiualt biiiguagea. The Doctor
wonhi invite especial attention lo hie mode of trentme;
thoaearCRST lUMASia, with all their attending eon
sequences, lu primary slaves of diseases, a cure It
giiaranierd in a lew oavt, in tht secondary ana ter
tiary stages, which ari Irom neglect and improper
treHtniuul i bt givet tht uiwiranca of a tura ia tot
aliorieat oaible lime iu which a tvmplet care e
tnfrlit be made. ,
Atfecunnt of tbt Heart. Lungs, Llvtr. Kidneya,
Spleen, Klienmalisin, and Neuralgia i eleo, Mercnnal
enlferinira. I'liilU and Kever sitceaatfiilly trotted rtr
aona in Ihe interior rfirue-of availing themselves ot
tbe Doctor's pcofeaaional services may rely on having
llie same attentiot, Hev ed to their case at If tty
were under hi personal cart. C'eaiefttitM '" "
Cknrge moderate. .
Olliit bonra from A. tt tn t. All letters mo
bt addressed to the attending and realdent pliyslciao.
K. W. DAVIS. H. 1 1. ,
P. O. Boa 16. ot Wtllt, i'argo Co..
oclHmJ Ban Kraneiae
For the Atlantic States.
TIIK rnideniimed will leave for Washington Cityj
and tht Wrtltni Sialea, about tbt Ual of
h.c. IdiA ia lw aosrul fnar or nvt monlbs, ant) wiu
attend tu any intimat tiilnialed to yjl S'Lrjo,
Salem. Aoa1 IS "T1