THE OREGON STATESMAN. rum. unto ivmir nundat, dt The Oregon Priming and Publishing Company. Tmti One year, In coin. Six month, $2. 17 Uomlluincua may be made by mull at our rink, when mullud in the presence of the iioslinaater. 0 ' I'. 8. OllUlal Taper for the State. Weitman's Patent Horse-Shoe I 'pHK nnilerilinien' hn puidiiiKprl the riirht to nmke I aixlputon VYKITMAN'8 PATENT IMI'UOVEU IIOHHH NIIOK, Hint in now prepared to nut on this now unil improved Kline, n'tal nailt of any kind. Farmers mid hurwjiueti will pleaae call and examine it, at the ahop in the ri'ur of my livery stable in AMOli L, BTAUKKY. Weitman's Patent Horse Shoe t This new shoe offers the following advantages : The lint would he In Hie case of tender footed hones, such in have tint und thin lion b and I hone whose hoofs will not admit ot nails baini driven into the hoof. Tim ehoe belnu: fastened entirely by the me cnuir-al contrivance on Ihe outside, will save nil siu-h horses, and nmke tlmm really as useful as horses with llie beat 1'ect. 5!d. Hhrnild a man he dilviuu on the road or travel ing over the mountains, aa is the ease often in thia country, where a man ia hundreds of miles from a blacksmith, and his horse' cast a shoe, lie could ehoe li in HKiiin with thia patent shoe in two minutes' time, neeiliuu- nothing- hut the shoe, rasp and screw-driver. xii ror nnrees whose tret are troubled with corns and ma h dillli-ultiee thia shoe ia the very Ihlnir, as ev ery sheer und farrier will see at a glance. This shoe eau he used liy the farrier duiinir a certain season, or over a certain road, or oa certain roinrh immiid. and then taken oil' whenever desired, without a cent of expense, or the least Injury to the shoe or the horse's 'ooi. m. ii. DiMiuK, farrier and Veterinary burgeon, Kalem, Oregon, Aug. 3, 1806. 23 PICTURES, PICTURES! A CHANCE FOR EVERYBODY FOR NINETY DAYS! Cheaper than the Cheapest To make room for alterations, the stock mint be cleared in ninety days, aud during that time I will take Pictures cheaper than any other gallery iu the SlHle Montgomery's Gallery, SALEM, OREGON. Jl3 CM. Parmenter. (Huecossor to E. G. Butter. DKAt.KH IN Imported and Home-Made FU'RNITUEE! H prlngli oris) , HAIR, WOOL, AND PlILU MATTRESSES, It., 4c. At Watt's old Stand, Commercial St. Salem. - THE EYESTHE EYES Dr. E. II. PARDEE) OCULIST AND AUHIST. AFTKR A PROTRACTED WJNDNES8 of more tliuii flr yearn, Dr. l'ardee hits nuuie hi nine If thouriHililv unl fcieiitiRcnllr ncqiminred with nil diMMws of the Eye, and in uuw (irttvLicing with a sue cm not rarpMseil in the United btaie. All operation perform., Mich hi Slmlifnitm, or crow eve, ChihtocI by linear extraction, lfeprenn.on or Ahaorhtinn, Pteryifium or t.fiihy nu-nilinince rowinff over I lie eye, Id;l union of HtHphvltuim, or oulirinen out of the eve. Artiliciul I'it).l, FiululH LmrhrvinnliB, or cloning of tear pitu)fe, ami all delonimtius of Ihe Li tin, mc, etc. Artillrial Kyos hmerteil without the leant pain, miH all the mnveinmitv and hrillmttey of the nml eye. A luiire aMH)rttnent cmmtantlr on timid for tHle at mumiiahle pricei. The Dwior't Eye liiith for the treatment and enre of all nerve mid diveaHee te urad all over ill in roHwt. Tlmnkful to those plivnic'iHiie who have sent him caiwe fir ofwrattoint, autf hoies that his uiiivernitl fnc cm will warrant a foniinuatioii of their contitieme. Hit eclfhrity tie an operator ia co extensive with his ticreiw ; an pHtientu are predentin tluMiieelveM fur treatment and nporatioun, uoio Mew York aud Homuii HlmiHit monthly. Many patienie can be eeen at the Doctor' ollice dni Iv, in (litlemtt ftaifeo of rwnverv. ' OlhVe t Ttu CLAY blliKKT, (above the l'lazu) near Dupui.t Street. Hv FLORENCE SEWING MACHINES, Copy of the Kopnrt of thi Cnnimittre of AwarJj at the Fair f Ihe AMERICAN INSTITUTE HKVi VUKK, IHOi, Ta Ihe FLORENCE SLWINfl I.1'III.VE TO. for Ihe Best Family Nrvin; Marhinr. Highest Premium Gold Medal. "' IiOHMOIlM! M. II Klmpllrltr and rrrnlrnnRt orwork 1i. The KevtrHlblP (red Moilun. Jd. Ihe perfect Bnlh and Subxiantlal nan nrr In which Ihe machine Is maof. 4th. The rnpldll) of lt working and the quality of the work done. 5th. The Self-adjusting Tension. The FLORENCE tn Btwdotl Ibe F-rit urn MghfMt Premium at the Stale Fnir of Cali fiiruia. the only Fair on the Pacific coast at which but two doable-thread Sew ing Machines were exhibited ia competition in ltMia. Tut Fl.orvc rsosirni lbs onlr preminm awarded br lh lleclunic's Institute u( Sail Krencisco. in IBM and IHik'i, in anr Hewiinc Mnrhiiw, rwinir Maclnne Company or Ajr nt. Tl t laim of a eoioptitor to a nnial is with'. Hi snr fomiduiion srlmtrvpr. Wbewri-r lha VLnaaai-a has lnn brought in com petition wilb otbsr Sewinir Maclnnrs. it basal ways bmn dwlarrd lbs twH. It Is llw nmst simil, n nnM nMsniial. tl mnsi ttlkieiit, and its ose is easily Iramed. Kr.ry Marbiue t-.U is warranted in the full rase of iIm worI lead for Ctrealari aaa lamplei ( Work. runm. mix. fiicri Agent. Ill MnnHonH-ry alreet. San i raooisco. y. O. PAKHISli, Atcent, 7:y SALEM. Oregon. G. W, HOBART. PA Saddle ! Harnens Maker V Rilrerloa, Oreo. At Roop s old (land, haa constantly on hand a OOD TABIKTY Of varythiDK kept ia bis line. it wilt t r1 ff rt'T"" P"lilf- 0,11 csii faitn before pnrrbasintf elsewhere. Trr it and see I New Work, and Repairing tWoo short male, ami all WABRAXTED. Dr. O. W. UKOWN. rbjsklan. Sartreon, and Oculist, BALEM. OREOOX, AFKEUH k' profrsskmsJ srrrirw lo llw riliiens of PMSsisi awl TsriuiiT m " pnmni w, 8-iravry, and Obstetrics. Tbnee safrrinK with Diieaies of ffae Eye, wnntd da well IA rail at bis otflre. and b at once re sm.t. ttvrairai ufeniunu' klllfully performed on ! Eye. f. Caiann, rilia. Mml.isiuns or I rosj t.rn. Hmy paiieots ran U seen at bis oliire daily. Itrwanl. M.hHs.ariif immi Isjs. sosse persAaerser- HMknt. a l; a. MSm, art., shim i ttr hmw, Mck sunM lr J 1-sW. r-ue a . set sM rMe t uMMial. ens Inf f I. " frsr tra as!,,! ! ser seel, letortsl f IdSt, Iwnyesrt M me imml : ! IW tMO. Min J"l s V nm. I w ll p 0 TIIONAf W. MAX. SIeKe 0 fT t fie tuia " V0L.1G-N0. 34. Valuable Farm for Sale. f! T" K siilwrilier, heinu; about to emlwrk in trg Jfct other husliiess. ollera for sule, at a great liar IE ?ain. Ilia Farm, nleiiauutlv situated about one mile smith of the flonrisliinir village of ltoseburg, DOU GLAS CO., on the Sluge route, und comprising abuut One Thousand Acres of excellent hind, moat of which ia inclosed with good feme., aud under a good stale of cultivation. Tile Improveuieiita ure of the most substantial char acter, cuusistiug of a large and commodious FKAMK DV. KLL1N0 I10USK, with walled cellar, a splendid frame 11AIIN, llflx, feet, with nuuwroua other out buildings. A large OKCIIAHI), ot choice fruit, in successful bearing, ia unotbei- important appendage to this desirable homestead. I'ersons desirous of engaging in the farming and stocli-mislng busmess in the salubrious climalu of the Umpiiua Valley (which stremn runs through the premises , will Hud thia a. raro clianco to acquire a very desirable location at a very low price. liitHs. Time will be given on part of the pur chase money, if desired. For further particulars, ap ply to the subscriber at Roseburg, Oregon. May 5, IHWi, JOHN KELLY. Pay Up, Gentlemen, ALL PhltHONH hnowinsT themsslvm indebted to me are respertfully invited to cnll iin.l pay up aorni, as I need tlie niimey to pay my own debts. 1 Imnkl'iil for pant patronapa, I liu'pe to still see von corns around to the old stand, where I can be found ready to wait on yon with an increased stock of GOODS AT HEMJCED PHICES. Sitlem, April Hi, lli(i.7if J. M. COULTER. Private Medical Institute. ' " ' Cstabllatieil by . DR. J. C. YOUNC. " 1 ITS 1H.-.0. FOR THE CUKE OF PRIVATE DIS- , EASES, OF WHATEVER NATURE. , And all Female complaints. Coimnltintr Office, IVat-tliineton Street, Second building below Montgomery St., SAN FRANCISCO, : i CALIFORNIA NO CVKC, NO PAY. CONSULTATION By LKTTEK, Olt OTHER WISE, t'KEE. For Direction of Letters, See Below, THIS CELEI1RATED INSTITUTE has enjoyed on this coast an uninterrupted auccesa of Fourteen years, and haa become one of the renowned Hoapitale Of the flue. WIlHi llm f-nlf,lin,lMH t.,,,.1, M...-.lalH !B Ixindon, and the no leas renowned establishment of nimrii to fans, tlun Institute hua becoine to the I'a ciiic Coast. The tliouaiinils iinnuully received aud riired, plm-e it in poiut of number of puticnts among w.o Mini, ui me wunu , auu me succeas oi hb treat ment ranks it set-end to none. PRIVATE DISKASI'.S 1 1T M AT.T!K J llinpntT. LAIUTIKH IN FEMALES are the (treat destroyers of iii-ami. j noy insiuiiously uttai K tbe avstem and (frad nally iiiiilermine and destroy it ; they drive the bloom rum ine ciieea,ine lustre Irom the eye, the strength and vigor from the liiiuie ; tliey give to tlie world puny and disunscil offiipriiiK, und poiaon, through auc (ossive, generations the race of man. . The umrka can be seen in Scrofula, Consumption, Cripple, the Idiot ic, the 1'iiralvlic, tlie Insane, etc. There is no more terrihlf si-nm-fm tn ilm l,m.m n,M than those diaciues nrrisinsr from the contamination of Veneral Poison. The milrlest. ftti'fna tiv ratsiiiiHti tn the blood, liold ever over tlieonealilirted.the sword of dt-Btruetion tlmt i liable at auy moment to full aud uuum HF iiiivnv ut'ri iov nil eurt ii v honpi. . liKliViHXtravirnised at the. ttiont fulnl mliml . -a. ,y v , H , ituiuu, i ii fig wiiii me veiificai, aniuuey bin duiiKern. Thuse who have been trtatfld with that peruiciouR mineral poison are nut cured ; the diseime ban only HHBUiiied a new form. Do not bo Satisfied with Partial Cures. tlmt leave the pofoon to crawl through the nyotem, eat iii(T it way into the tisauea aud orpuis beneath the apparently Hinootli Rinfflre, to biiVnt out in the future with a virulence that will bafftbtheeflertnof medinine. WHKX PKHKKCT CUltEScim lie obtained hv emu soiiMiltitiK a pliynieian whom long prtivtice aud'tlmm- iim niviiiKUMciH nun me attBeHol iHftbAhK otthe I'KINAKV OltGANS enublea to deKiritnue at unea tbe nut uro of tlie ditteime. In all diHOuiti'B BiitniMind tn lli Tlnntur'it cure, PKU FlifT Hl'tKUY aud PEliM ANKINT Cures are always Guaranteed In Syphilid and its adi-.iiu-ts; (lOiiornBa and itd ac- conipuiiyiiifsT diiwitHen all dixvorilerg of the Hludder, Kidueys and prontrute : Neininul Weakuew,; I'U eaitesoftbe Heart mid Lmit; ltyHpopnii. Indifeptinn; Iuipoteni-y : Incipient Coiibuniptiou, aud all difeaees of the Vrinwrv nrin, iu father wx, euro uIwhvb wniHuted, Ofi NO PAY RKQUIHKI) ut the PI(I VATK 3Iclieul IiiMtitulo, tit. MO WASHINGTON 8TKKKT, SAN FKAXCISCO, : : i t i : CAUFOKXIA. Seminal Weakness or Spermatorrhea. Tne votinir tmm wlio extierluticea that ltowmii weukueMii in hid njunrnlar and nn'iital orianization hIiouUI titop to cunKhler w hem-pit risen. He will lind in the weiikiiPHK of the bark, trembling of the limbs, ditiordert'd dieftitm, uuaenintable failing of tbe powf ra ul tliu mi ml, dmtuJle lor wh.uty, dread ot im pending I rouble, Un-ebodtnrJ af evil blw pleHiiieas, troubled aud liiHcivious dreams auoounmnied bv irruw- in dHt'nen8, Ions (f muBfulur power. hihI ni'imeroiiB fllherfyinptonisofdiHorfatnzatton. The positive tra cee of that mot terrible and destructive of all dinem n, He initial U'eakuciw Wastiinr away his powers, dnatroymir bis lioe of I i found manhood, and draiiifr him ul'iiij; tbe hriiken path of his e.xir(.iicit towaid a premature ift-uve. To him who tiiids his life dribbling out hi tbe duM'ImriTf of the vital pntieipal of existence hi nocturnal and diurnal etnistdonu, tbe mere eemuitiun of the causes ot its appearance brings uo assurance of re I i of. Marriage, t bat holy office, tbe safeguard and hope of manhood, brinx" to such a one no hope of cure, but add to bin misery in the knowledge that the one who looks to him for so inneh of her happiness, is a rietim of bin evil, and an innoeeut companion of bis punish ment. He ailtls (o bis iniHery aud disorder until hope leaven him. There in no resrn except in proper and skillfnl treatment. Consult, then, at once, a pliVBiciau whom lonfi practice and careful research lias nnule thoroughly conversant with every phase of tbe dis ease Those who have become Ihe victims of solitary vicec. that dreadful, fuKchmtiuif. and destructive hab t, which fills thousands of sick rooms with paralytics and consumptives, aud hundreds of unt niely graves with Hb misuiJed vietiniH, should consult without a moment's delay, one who will sympathize with their surteriiiffs. To such the Doctor would especially ad drew himself , jrlvinit to each and all assurance cf a PKKFKCTand Pl'.KMAXKXT CL'KE without km iranct irom Imrine, change of diett or fear of pom re. )o not forget the address. Soe below. Important to Frinult. When a femuic is in trouble orahHicted with disease, and requires midical or utn ifial assishmce, the enquiry shooldoe, Where is there a physician who is fully competent to administer relief, and whose respectable itandinjf in society recommend him to the c mtideiice of Ihe community I The Doctor, u tide ra la tiding how imperatively necessary these requirements are, feels called apoa to intenmse, and by calling tbe attention of tbe afflicted m the faet that he hat been a PRO FKSSOftt OK OBVTETKICS and FEMALti IHS KA8E.S for twenty years, and is fully qualified to ad minister in all cases, both niedicttlly and surgically, not in a superficial manner, bnt in as thorough a man ner u years of study and practice both in boKpitals and private fniuiliew an make, to save them from llie bauds of tlie unqualified, unscrnpuluons, and ds iirniutf. Theretore. fuiuilli-i can rely upon him as UMin ft father. All in alllictiou ran find in him one who can feel and sympathize with and befriend them in trouble1 one inwheferrery the ntni'st confidence can be placed. CONMTTATlUX (BV LhTTEtt OK OTHKKWlSKi FHKE. Sceaddrew below. THE IKLKItKATLL) F KM A Lit H K Ul KS. eian ponndedfrom the private piescrtpiions of iH. YOL'NO, nave now outlined it most exiemled popularity, and are correctly viewed to be tbe safest and surest reme dies for the complaints for which they are applied, llie constantly actruiuff testimonials of their ettkacy declare them to be pre eminently superior iu their ac tion. No Ladv should be without these Renovating Ajients. N'one genuine unlets procured at this oifr. it m by Mail or Kunrfoii, to anv part of the State. THKtiHKAT FKflALK MKIUCIXE! PREVEN TIVE POWUKliS FuH MAKklKIt LAlilKN. New. ptiafeand IufHllible. lastinir from four to six montns- fnce flu. tKh.Mii LL a AH, OU FEMALE MONTHLY PILLS. For mppreMimi. After fity vearsofoite these pills staisi unnvaiied iu efficacy. Price rr bo. To CorrcfrpondrMt. Patients residing iu any part of the Mate however distant, who may dire aiailical advice on tbir re ipertive rases, and who think proper to so hunt a written statement of taenia preference t holding a personal uitcrview, are assnreu mat ttieircomoiuuica lbn will be held moet sawd. All letters hiuette tMlilreteud to the eorrepodiug pbyaiciau.thus: 1 sump BENJAMIN F. JOSELYS. M b.. r , 5.1G WashihgU.n Htreet, floi 7:15, P. 0 Fynnrinm, Cat. b. r. - TIIX hnv ansl sell fln-fnbacks, Vlninf Btecks tf mm lrfls on fvn rninctseo. and 1" Eastern HiatM. Wilt Mr tl..M Du-l or ll'iUhm OflV with VV elU v$o h Co . oa Scate btreeU U SALEM, Summer Arrangement. r ,,!. ,i . THE STEAMKR8 ' NEW WOULD, CASCADE, ' ..OK.. ' WILSON O. HUNT, CAPT JNO. WOLFE Commander. Will Ishv6 PORTLAND ilnilv. fHiindiivs exrniteil) at 6 o'clock, a. in. fur the CASCADES, conned inir with the steamer ONKONTA or IDAHO CAPT. JNO. McXITLTY Communder For Dullo-Tbrough In One Day! THE STEAMERS FOOT, TRMMI, -!,!., OWVIIKR, NRZ PRHCRR CHIEF, Cuptalns E. P. COE. C. FELTON, J. H. GRAY, and THOS.KTUMP, Will run dtirinu: the seuaon, from iVJlo to I matllla, Mallula, White Muffs, Pnlouse and l.ewlston. One of the strove named hcmla will lenve CRI.I. I.O for I tl ATlLLA and WAI.I.l'I.A daily, (Si tulays exiHited.) Boalswill IwdUpatched for WniTK RI.ITFFM, P A I.O t H K and l,KWNT(M often as tlie ne cessity of the wide will demand. . THE 8TEAMKK SIIOSIIONK, CAPT. J.MYHICK Commander. Will run from OI,I)M FKRIIV.on Snnks lflvcr to HOI MR CITY, OH'VIIKK Slid MO IT II BOIMB I.ANOINa.conneclinKwitli THOMAS i. CO.'S STAGES, M. Du Belle k Co.'s Fast Freight lines. . J. C AINSWORTII, ' ' ' " President 0. 8. N. Co. Portland, Mnreli 9, lHfifi. Shanahan & Dufrene, Importers andOealers la MUSICAL INSTRUMEMIS SHEET MTJ8IC. Pictures and Picture Frames, Rosewood,' Gilt, and Walnut Moldings, Cor. First and Morrison Sts. (Opposite the Wejtern Hotel,) Portluntl, Oregou, Agents fur Wm. B, Bradbury's New Scale, .AND.. llndeman and -Sons' patent Cycloid Pianos. As we iiu nor t our iiiRtriimentji dimet fenm a York, ( we guarantee to suppljr our ciuMomere at San Fmn cisco priuea, tlierubv iivini tbein tbe udvautiiia of Be lee ting a good iiiBtruiueiit. PIANOS FOR RENT , Mr. KHANAHAX. fonnerlv of A. Kohler's Miisitu! establish inent, Sim Francisco, will attend to ttininu: and retmirinx Piauus, Melodeous, and all kinds of musical iiiaiiiimeiiis. Portland, July 1 6. Iy20 REAPERS! The well known and celebrated OHIO REAPER, Called the New York Improved, or .eymouv and .Morgan,) Cnnitiiuctl Mncliine, with creu't if.nrove nients, Imvin u STEEL CUTTER BAR, Can be changed from a reaper, tn a mower, In ten uiinntesi cuts ti and GJ feet swnth, within onencli nr two feet from the ground ; will cut 18 to 'JO acres vr day. Can he used with two or more horses. Will work on HIDE llll.l.S, where other Mnrhinn rill ititt. Thev are eHi,iir to pet the irmin nir thun ni.v other machine, leaviue it out of the way of the ifenp er. The GIAIVT IIKAPK1C Cuts a MRVKN I'OO I' ATlll will cut 30 acres per day. ALSO. MfCormlrk's 0-foot Reapers and Mowers, Ball's Ohio " " Manny's) Wood's Prize Mowers, 1 11 Ion, ba) btale, Kcrbrj's, etc. Pitt's Iinprovel THRASHING MACHINES Russell's MassIIIon and Sweepstake, 30 TO 30 liM'll t'VM.'VDEKII. ALSO, llaines' Illinois Harvcslrr (neader . Wire llorse-Kakes, on Wheels, Revolving ' " all Sizes, Portable Power liar Presses. With a Keneral assortment of AGRICULTURAL COODS. Al ow an can be purchased elsewhere. J. D. ARTHUR &.SON, ImS Cor. California aud Davis Sts., S. K.- Home Manufacture. HICCINS & CO., Ki!. Dow DiauufactuniiK a anperior article of Chemical, Olive, Fale, and Brown FAMILY SOAP, Which we will sell at San Kranciaro Prices, and deliv. tr to up-nver boats tree or charge. All orders sent to PORTLAND SilAP FACTORY. or to Mci.'KAKKN, MKKKlLLsY CO.. Agents, will meet wan proaipl attention. w u iniiiiiNH ac t;u, Front St., b'-t. (,'lny nd ColnmWa. Portland, Oregon. 19 MrCraken, Merrill At Co., Aaents. FOR SAtR. Pioneer House 1 160 Aires Good Land Situated .' roils weal of Curvsllis. on tha Ysniitna road, tins is the nest stand on trie xaquina man, t. ilia; aboQ, half-way from Corrallis tu the month of Elk, wheat tlie steamboat lands This place is well adapted to stock elieen orcallle.or both. I hare l.'al head ot atieep wincli I will sell with the place, rart par taken in irood horses or cattle. Call soon. The staae from Itorrallis amiia st tliis llonse. hn.iiir. of (i. W. KLTIIKltd, 1'ioiieer Hons. a.uiiia, AnK W, ISt . lw4 , oao si.chasci. Hmlth Jk. Cluince, Kargicnl and Mechnnlcal DENTISTS, Griswold't Block, cornel Commercial At Slat streets SALEM. UREUON. . mil Our UcdUI Work buaranteed.j J. C. SHELTON, M. D. Practicing Fnjslcian and Surgeon, 8ALKM. OHE00N. OtBca and rwidvue. J. Wilmn's brick, opposite tlie llemiett House. BKIN'(;Xrsdui ul ihe I'liysio Uedical collrire.CiB is biirelr trfnrmatttr ill his lirao. Uccdiscardinii alike oiuienilauii seaelahlr poison .and asini swli luwlKinrs wily as a. t iu ar.t haiosoiiy wild Natore-medicines llutt posanss Ihe rare recin BHiHbUi(m Uiat if Uier aa ao viMid. il ,ii a.. lHS'if. He has ah-v Kl'ti 'l"! a full nmnm n irrtnna id lbs Tut!. (AN'Sjalhiel Hhrt CMke,Man Fran Cisco, and basiosr ptactKed sueihrln oft thai eoai ab.ait an years, is folly acijtiainiH wilb theshseasea pajcaluu to Uses clinuW.' OREGON, MONDAY, OCTOHER 22. 18CC. FOR SALE! . Wa otter for sale our , ENTIUE STOCK AT A LIBERAL' DISCOUNT San Francisco First Cost, To Merchants, in lots lo suit, at San Francisco ' first cost, WITHOUT FREIfSHT, , And to the retail trade at San Francisco Cost, wlih strictly Freight added. We have yet on band a full and Well (elected Stock i . ' ' . ..or.. Dry-Goods, Notions, CLOTHING! Hardware! Crocltery, GROCERIES, fitC. And all articles kepi generally by retail stores In Saleui. F. LEVY & CO., Opposite the W. W. Factory, North Snlem. CAPITAL HOTEL. ioi'iiur 01 otuie auu i.ioeny streets,, OKICUON. J. P. Di:UHC. Prorielor, WOULD respeclfiilly Inform the eitizena of Biilem and the traveliii)f'publie that, having recently pnrchused this 3Vow and Hplciidlil Hotel, He Ik now prepared to ucconiniodate nil who uiuy fa vor him with their pHtrnunKe, at price to unit. The CAPITAL HtlTKL ia tin entirely new bouse, rooms hard finished, well velitiluted. aud well fur nished. The house lias Rue suits of rooms, with con necting doorB, fur families. t Tlie Dining Hooni ia lurte and connnoilious.and the Table will be lumiilied wilb tire best the market af fords. Hoard, per Week, ... ,,oo " " with Lodging, 7 to 1 The proprietor will at u!l times endeavor lo please his guests, and he respectfully solicits the patronage of tlie public. April Al, ltHiu. MTAE OI-Fieii. The ottice of the Oregon Stage Ccmpanv is at ie Capital Hotel. Stages arrive anil depart ihiilv. the Save i our Life, DTI HKXLKY, the Great Cancer Doctor, Chulln ue the world on the cure of Camera. lie ex- tnicta them without the ime of hiRtriimeiitit every root Htul branuh. He will be in Kalem dtirlny llt ritHte Kair, and any jifiruun alllioted with aiivtlmifr of a ch ii co rot in nature will do well to consult (tiin. No charge maile for advice or examination. He will have for tule at the Fair one of the trreatest remedies for Cotiglm.Cotili, und Hronclniil (Nmiplttimp ever offered for Hale lo the human family. It effect is really miraculous. Likewise, all of Ins celebrated salves aid ointments. Wintwtr bnOve, Klietimatic S"lve, his Kve Salve and Kve Water, and Tiles Salve. A rcat iiiauy persons in tu State had uiiiole proof of those great remedies. For the lasl two years I have placed t hen, at the State Fair, bu that persons in the interior of the htate cau have an oppirimiilv to net some of them. DK. W M. HKNLLV. DOCTOR G. W. BROWVK rr.LEUHATlil) EYE LOTION. THE GKKATEST KKMEDY OF THE AOK. it will remove opacity of tbe cornea, and inflam mation, ulceration, ffrannlatkn, and all the varmns dineases of the Ryes Manufactured liy Dr. 0. W. Brown, Salem, Orotf-m, and sold by all the principal DrnmistH throughout llie IV i fie coast, sfrice, $1 per bottle. Dr. G W.BROWN. Office at the County Honpital, Halem, Oivon. AVKATIIIOllFOlin, Sole Agent for Dr. G. W. Brown's Celebrated Eye Lotion, ep3 PORTLAND, ORKOOW. rdiicntioiml. milB Bonrd of Trustee of CIIUI8TIAN COf l LKtiti take pleasure in annotinriinf to the pnblic that they will commence tbeir first term the first Mon day iu October next. fhe College Building having uudergonn repairs, and the services of I'rofetsor Mowlam), irradnaie of Hctlmny College, Va.,and Dr. NHthiirmel HimIfou Imv ing been secured, the wull-known literary aud scien tific attainments of these gentlemen, as well as their acknowledged proficiency as leathers, must secure confidence and patronage of an enlightened pnbliu. Christian College is Minuted in Monmouth, Hol coauiy, proverbially tie handsomest site in ihe valley, is H!ffeitly free frmn any loi'ul cnnne ol ilneMMe, and of course will co i" fa re with ntiy place in the Htate for health. Tlie Trucieus, aa well as tlie community sur rounding tbe College, are determined lo spare no paii s to imtke this Itintitution second to none in Or egon. It nurd can bo bad in private rami lies on tv rea sonable term as ai any other jiiiiiniion in the Stale. It is expected alt the necessary book sand stutioupry reouired f- the ltiHtilntioii will be kept forsale hi the village. Tuition as reasonable us at ot her institutions of eipiul thoroughness. R V. WH1TSOV, Prw'l of llo,,,-,!. A.W LvfAfi, See'y. Aug .'J7, IKlHi. if AT a term of the County Court for Coos county, held tit Kmptre City on Utt fourth day ot s-p tember, l', Thos. Hirst, guardian of tbe Infant chil dren of William Hirst, deceased, petitioned ihe Court for license lo sell llie real estate of said children i and it appearing to the Court, from sucb Htition Utyt it is necessary that such real eHhte sin wild te sdd ; there iiun. it was ordered, thai Alary Ann Iavis. llie next of kin, and all other persona interested In said estate, do appear at Newport, at the resident of the Couuty Judge of Coot eouniy, on lha twenty ninth day of October, IHi'Ai, to show cuiie why a licence shonld not )e grunted for the sale of s.'id real estate j and that a copy ot said order be ptiblifthed iu the Oregon Statesman fur three successive weeks. 6 HA-M'L M. MANN, Km pi re City, Sept. 10, )tht:iM Comity Judge. Buckeye Reapers and Mowers! JUST KBI'KIVKI). from lb agents in Sail Francis, ro, a birae slock of lha above celebrated Affrical- lural Implements, which wa olfer at San Francisco Pricei and Freight PKICEl A Keaperand MowerCombined.No.l, (largest nu-l .'Ml 00 Mower, No. I. flaws! site) fib Hi " II. second site I ;SI 1)0 At.Sft, WretV Patent liar KleraUira 14 Cm Warranted to anhsid the largeat l'iad ot hay and stow it away m the peak u( a hsn. or lop si a suu k, iu Imra thre, to five minutes. No farmer should ba witbovt tbata. ttend for a cirentar lo kkCIUKKN. MKkHII.L Co . Portland, April'fi. lahrt Aaents. Doors, Windows & Blinds. JUST reclved, a larir assortment of pine DOOR'S and WMMWK, troea tastern Uanulaebina, and for sale cheap, for raab, at STRANG ft. ANDERSON. March 10, liiii.-3ni3 WEB FOOT TONIC' 18 an irrilciil stoMach cordial. It is a fluid itrmel of tr (Iregftn gip and ottwr toiMtio plants of well knovn virtue. It Will imiU digestion by strettgtheninff 'he stofnarh, fjuieimg tbe mrve and ai-ttiig npofi tl liver. As a prerentive of A true aud a l'ir dunog and after an sitsck. it ia nnsurs.srd. It is prrsertrd with fa bci li4iarloi and plitnp in Urge bottles, and prescribed by amity of tbe best physmans in Oregoo. k - 1. 1:. IUKK Prartlral Apot'ioary and lrngisi, Salem, Sola Naav alaclnrer. Ktirajr Police TAKK.N npliy lha a rn snsrai. haM Is, sk sl belnre. Will ba fnd si s Mahle. A. A HTAIlKtV. baism, As,-.50,lto Articles or Inrorporutldii of tint Oregon ('f nt rut It uilro."') 'o in puny. The rtillowlug art- the urttcles of incorpora tion ol tho "Oregon tcntrul Kuilroad Com pany" t Know nil mon liy these rrerouts, that we, the umlcrslgtirii t'itizi'iis of Oregon, do hereby ssotiiate tnirsi lvM ttigt thi-r as n privnto Inoor ntiriitlnii, under and liv vlrtao nf the nrovii Ions nt the General Incorpnraliim Lawi of tutu Btllll), 1st. The corporation liereliy created shall tie Known aa tlie "Oregon Ontrnl Kailroad Coinnany," and duration unliiulteil. 2d. The object and liiisincei of the Incorpo ration shall he to construct anil operate a rail mad from the city of Portland llironcti the Willamette Valley to Ibe southern boundary of ine state; tiniier llie lima ol Uregnti and the lawa of Cotifrress recently pasted, granting mini unit u iu tor sticil ptirpnse. 3d. The corpnfatioii shall buvo its prlnol pal ellice in the city of Portland. 4th. The capital stock of the corporation shall he five million dollara, divided into gen c nil n nil referred interest hearing stock. In such proportions as incorporators, or Hoard nf uirecwrs, may ueein proper. 5th. The amount nf each share t,f the capi tul stock shall ba one hundred dollara. titli. The tertniui of the railroad proposed tn be constructed by said company, shall he, for the uortheru end, tho city ul Portland, and for the southern end, at some point tin or near the Southern boundary of tho Slate as may be herealler determined by aolual survey. In witness hereof we have hereunto set our uatiili and seal, this day of September, A.D, IdtiO. J. 8. Smith, I. R. Moonus. J. II. MlTCIIKM,. K. 1). SlIATTUCK, Jr.HSK Al'l'I.EUATK, V. A. ClIKNBWETH. JtlKL Pal Jl Kit. . W. CtHtltBTT, 8. Eu,swt)itTii, E. It. Geaky. TKnwiu.B AucttiKNT in Paiud. The Na pnlennio tie in Paris on the l.ltli of August was kept as a strict hnltdar, but was saddened by a dreadful disaster. At the conclusion of the display of tlreworki on the Poot de Inva lided, the rrnwd, which had been standing wniciini;' t iii-iii nn mini aides ni me Heine, be gan to bretik np. A large number of persons who Were on Ibe left bank of the river made their way lo the Pont de la Concorde, in or der to cross to llm right bunk, at the moment n hi'ti an eittally large unmliernl persons were ubout tn puss in Ihe opposite direction. 'J'he two crowds met m the middle nf the bridge and, despite the i Units nf tlierergeitta-de-ville, it soon became impossible tn prevent n com plete stoppage nf nil circulation either way. Every moment fresh arrivals kept pouring in, ignoiantof what had taken placi'. until at last the pressure became so uverwlieltning that men, women and children were forced down and trampled upon, some being killed and a large number severely Injured. Per a short time the scene is said to have been one of vvilil confusion and terror. One woman climb ed over the parapet und rnn along as if in a kind nf frenzy which blinded her In the dan ger she was incurring. When lite bridge, be came somewhat clear it was found tn bestrewn with fragments of olnthiug, which hud been literally torn off the backs of the wearera in the desperate struggle that had taken place. The wounded were at nnce conveyed tn Ihe Place of Ihe Corps Legislntif, closo at hand, and Ihe dead ttikcn tu the Morgue. Theninn her of the former is slated tn he very large, hut nn accurate information nn the subject has been published. With regard tn Ihe latter, Ihe Avenir Nittionul says that an eye-witness counted next day at Ihe More lie the bin lies nf, eight women and one young mail who had been lufj'utaled in I lie crowd "While we write." adds llie same paper, "Ihniiaaiids nf persons controlled by the police agents form a line at the doors ol the .Morn no. and are waiting heir turn tnspeuoirnle into Ihe interior and ascer tain whether Ihe relative or friend nf whom they are in scurch is mining tho number of (he victims." 'I Im Temp meuiious a rumor, ac cording to which the disorder that led in this terrible tragedy was ucetisioned. or lit all events increased, by a gang id" pickpockets, who profiled by il tu' rille llie crowd in all di rections, umt who were, arrested in largo num bers. An inquiry has been In.titutod-br the Gov ernment, and the Moniteur contains the fol lowing particulars I ."Eight persona were picked np; some were nlreudy suffocated, and the rest soon suconmbed. Another waa sort nnsly wounded, und others more or less seri ooelr, llioiich without danger. Tho Minister ol Ihe interior immediately repaired to llie spot; tlie Prefect of Police also arrived. The victims had already been taken away and eon veyeil lo Ihe inner court of the C'orpt l.cgisla tif, or lo a ncijjlilinnng cheiniiit'a t others hail been admitted into Ihe little canteen attached to lite works in the angle of the quay. The Mini-ter of Ihe Interior remained until two o'clock in the. morning at the scuuo nf llm dis arter; law that ihe ncoessitry utleiilioti was given In the injured, and himself d.-liiboted assislciice iu llie iiaiue nf their Mujeelies. An hour afterwards 'tho majority nf ihe persons who had been attended tu were able In reach their homes on font ; the others were imniedi ately conveyed in rarriages or on litter tn their own dwellings, nr tu thu nearest hospital. An inquiry has been ordered respecting Ihe the cause and the oircniiisiiiucess nf thia mel ancholy event, and in aenrdance with llm wish of the Empress. Ihe Prefect nf Police has ah realty been eugaged In uhiuinmg Ihe names of the victiuis, and luformalinn with regard lo the position nf their families, so as to relievo their misfortunes. . . . A Tnnnr cirl of Indinnanolis. helonrlins in - " " ' "'e"'ei one nf the most aristucratio families, having become uircndad ai an elder sister, dissolved a slick of nilrute of silver iu the wash pitcher of titu inner, l tie young lady waa hornhed, aiion after performing her morning ahlutious, to discover that her face and hands had as sumeil hue that would entitle her to the fos tering care of the Kr linen's Iluroaa. The damsel is rcuortcd ill and does not sen visitor. at the present. Important Dy new regulation! of the R . m 1 1 ill. Iltumrtiiiun. . ,1 1, ., : When ased. must lie elTanMt hr Ilia LiittftL nf Ihe person aflmng. and the Hate upon which ioe same is aiisyuvu to llm Uocutnenl. etc. The pennlty for not giving date In the oblitera tion is fiftr dollars. Caneellatlon mar liwniail by Imprinting, if the dnte and Initials of the person using me stamp appear in numerating marks. Great Diiiuob Kntf.rfriss;. A railroad bridge is about lootie cniislrucled across Ihe flhiti at f .nni.vitl... Ifv.. ml a imuI .,rl,j.l al . 5K).00n, which will lie a great advantage to the iiionoiiaiiip ni ma. region. u is colllpn VO that in the slig'eltcm of freighetwren Lou isville and New York, the gam to shippers will ba fnltv it nir rent The l.rht,... ta illt.M with mil a draw anil sa al..aiu.l I.B. . f m..m class can easily pass under il when the river is at It in j nest stage. The Atltntic cable, from Ilia point where it leaves Valentin Island tn the apnt where II at landed al Heart's Content, ia precisely IrKKl milea in length. It's a queer omocidroce that it should have been oeih-cled thia year. The shipment of Oregon salmon In Eastern Atlantic ports is uecotiimqnite a feature ol ihe eipoil Ir de there. A single firm on the Col umbia liiver. it uj tald, ship on an average M) barrels annually lo the New York markets. AnBAiiAV Lincoln, when ayontb. wanted t marry Mix Woods, of Gentry ilia. Ind., but she declined nn art-mint his of hit being "to awk ward, laiy. and over found of a bnnk.n The rleamera of the ( H ,N. Co.. are now making daily trip helwtea Wallula andC'elllo. WHOLE NO. 814. LLtiisL4Tiiiti: or oki;(.on. Tuesday. Oct. 0. ' HOUSE. Evening Stmion.Mr. ilea dershott moved to adjourn. ' ' Mr, Olney tnggested that there was a good ueai 01 business irom Ihe Semite, nn the tnble, and other business which should he attended to. The I loose refuted to adjourn 20 yeai tn fin . o nays. 1 , Mr. 1 1 n mason moved to tako up tho Polk oonnty case. Mr. Olney tnltl he understood the ohjeot of me i-voiiing tessinn in ne to dispose nt mo nusl nest on tho tnhlo at far at possible, and get tome of the business not nf ilmiiandt of Ihe va rious committees. ' Tim House had lint been al. hie to get through wiih thu ngular otdi-r ef unsmess. - ... i Mr. Iltimiison't titotion wus Inri 19 ii-e to 52 nays. ' Mr. tiehr innveil In adjourn. Losi IS ares to 21 liaya, Mr. Olney offered a resolution Instructing the Penitentiary Committee In Investigate Ihe re portt of cruel prisoner. Mr. Helm moved lo lay it uti the tuhle. Lott 19 ayet to 22 nayt. Mr. Avery tnoveil to adjourn'. Lost 14 aret to27naya. - ' Mr. Henilershoit moved a onlt of tho Honso. Metsrt. Uinglet. Lncey, Mockhart and Withera were absent, but toon entered, and the cnll dis pensed with. Mr. Ilomasnn tnid Ihe House waa In temper to transact business, and moved to adjourn. Refused. Mr. Garlick' moved the previous question. Mr. Oliioys"! resolution was adopted -10 ayet In 4 iniys. Mr. ilendershntt mnved to adjourn. I.nat .17 ayes tu 27 nay. ' Mr. Cox moved lo tike no the Polk cminlr case. Ruled nut nf nrdcr at having been once Ufl'IIICU. ' Mr. Hetldershott offered a resolution tnad- joiirn tine Jit nn next Saturday. air. iieiin urgeii mat iioihing had been done and nothing oan be done during the setsion, and he farmed the resolution. The pulk county case would require forty dayt to try it and cost the Slate ennrmotislv. " ' ' Mr. Cox tlmnght tho opposite tide nf Ihe House hud manifested a disposition tn block np all legislation by bringing tip Ihe Pulk county case. He was iii favor of the resolution. The Speaker ruled Ihe resolution nut nf order. To adjourn line Jie would require a Joint reso lution. ' . Mr. Uplo't. from the Select Committee to whom was referred the resolution in relation to the Oregitii ami California railroad, reported re-oomii.i-udiiig its udopttou.' .. .. Mr. Helm mnved tn Iny nn the table. ' Re. fused id to aa. Mr. Whiteuker asked fur Information on the subject. Ity invitation Hon. II. W. Ccrlietf. V. S. Ladd. Esq , Guv. Woods and Hon. I. It. Moore t addressed Ihe House in favor of ihe enterprise. Tlie resolution waa adopted 44 ayet to I nay. Mr. Ilendershntt. I have a resnlntlon tn of fer which I will tend op. The Clerk read: " I would tay tn the majority nf this Honso that 'l ever they will lay down the tomahawk I will meet them half way, but tn long a they avoid conciliation I am on the war path." f Boit temns laughter Mr. Hen lerahntt. Oh. Ihtt't a mistake It'a the wrong paper that Wat my argument. nere it my resolution. The Clerk read a Joint resolution, which pro posed to adjourn tt'ne die at R o'clock P. m., on Saturday next, and that members should receive no pay for services during the session. Mr. Food ray mored to adluorn. Refuted. 21 to 27. Mr. Henderthott mnved to adopt hit retain- timi. Mr. Avery ndincatcd it He eriiti-uiled that nothing had n done, ami no-should re ceive pay. ' Mr. Helm iimnMeed lo auiemi hxnii ihe lime at ten ii eha-k Iii-iiiui m. Id-lilted in fuior of the rnf iiimii ihat it wa' iiuimssible to du anything the .hmi lime remaining, Air. iim-is lion. i to niueinl lv hiiiiir Ihe lime mm . l int miton and that of Mi . Helm's was ruled out id order uu Ilia grounds ul nn practicability, aa the Senate would have to aot on tbe reeoliituiii. , Mr. Witheis adtocaled ihe le.uluriou. Mr. Cox said that h h- ho waa in favor of adjoorniiig tine Jit tmiu he shnubl epe.e the resnliitiiiu on the giounds nf iia iiuunusutuliuu- ality. I lias Cutisiitutiou of Wirgnu tayt the members shall ii-ikhi- pay. and bore tho rcso lution prnnnses In violate n I.nillhlirl I aiiiagiiui etitaVr for the l'-.ii.itini..i, ..I the Llillrii Mutes. Hie Cuusliloliuii ni Una Male nr any olli. r (.'in istilutloii. Ituic.ted laughter.) 1 would he in fin or i f exeu-in; sm h nieiiibrri at do not think liny deserle It In.'ll I vq for. oed In take pay. .Mr. Avery. ill ihe gentleiuuii allow me I I do Cell. in, Ii tltntk lliit no nnu who 1. 1 1.1 tit coolly oa I have ..r dav al i r n.iv ami listen lo all tblt imusilise, allrillilttlrs. w !4ll,,ilii,;, gab- hlmg ami- Mr. CS. I think It is li or th mine i lino three dnllurs a d.iy In Iiu t'nllipeiii-ii In elitf I In- pain of l liduiiog ull (laojln. r. waul my pay tor il. t Mr. linird. I am sick mill tins ech'nl Imrt' gabble. I nn leirtaiid llial we i'.nt ii lit here to do business Int il Msi.i.lnit here eur liiui' hat been squandered in trying In mam failure po lilcal cnpital or eit some littls advaiitune of tome kind. And when we attrmpt lu-ro tint evening Iu clear up some nf the busim ss which baa accumulated uo the table, the lir.t lliuif was a motion tu adjourn aud then a constant attempt to prevent the transaction of liuaiiiess. Men will gel up here and go ou aud tay we hare done mithiiiK. and ret thev are the verr men who have pruvetitrd anything Irom being doue. and we Have uceu couttaiilly trying lo make polm cat capital out of eventing that comet up. It ia now late in Ihe teesiuu. hut there It lime enough It-fl If we w ill improve it instead of whin ing about it. I hope gentlemen will uuw oume to their M-ntea and try to do something fur the ooanlry. I move lo adjourn till to-morrow uioruiug, rn that we may du something. I lie motion waa amended or oiinc tbe hour al 9 a. K. and carried, 31 to 13. al U f. tt. WcDKaatiAT. Oct. 10. SENATE. Mr, Walton. CheitmaD of Com mittee on t.latms, in whom waa rrlorwd H. H. No. 19 For Ibe relief ol Mary J. Hart repor ted the tame back with an amendment lo pro vide lor llie payment of the appropriation OH) tu two annual installments, which waa a dnpted. One or two other tiainateral amend- menu were alto reported aud adopted. .11 r. r oi a ureaenled a meinortal lo congrese asking for Ihe removal of the Indiana Irom Ihe I matilla Kewervatloo. The memorial tela forth that Ihe Cay uses, Uioalillae and Joha Day't Indiana am now ua the Keeervalroa, hut nave expressed a willingness tn he removed the Cay uses to Ihe Net Pereet Keservatii. Ihe Umalillaa lo the Yakama Keservatbni. and Ibe John Dnv's to Ihe arm Springs Mr rainier Inlnalneeil n. H. li: JlHup. pleosrulad lo the act providing for loealioD ef public grnondt aud boildings. Thst providet lor liuihliiig one wing of tbe penitentiary and a wall eneiiMiirei lo bring in water hum Mill creek for as,- in penlteuliary and eiylemi ap pmpriatea SHMI IMN. Asm, B. II. So. Si ! aot hoi lie enclinure and impiuvemeul l Ihe eapti-il groouds in Wa- lein. Ibe bill appropriates lor that purpnen 1 1. la'! Mr. I son Inirodueed H. 0 No. 33 To uoead the aa governing th levy and oulleotlou id taiet. Mr. Crawford Introduced 8. U. Nn. IM-lK,. eating certain railroad UshI id the Willamette Valley and Ceseado ujoaatain wagisa road tstia- paoy . I bo bill wat read Sret and seenral limea aud urdeivd lo Ut'td teadupg lu-tnotrow. IIOOI4 AID J0H I'ItITI.G. Of Every lleseriplina, X0UTrD WITH NKATNKtfl AND UISrAftJlt. '' : asTBs or lavsartsiso. i Vlrat tnssrtlon, 18 par aaaara isl tea Itnss or lass, ulntfte, : anatart. tor stnh aobtiKjuent lasartloa. , , , ., , ,..,!, tV AilvsrtlalnK bllla, whan aot paid la advsnoe, lll at t t n eharaad twaatj-Avs per ami. additional, la tovsr Ilis tsst t ' of enllectloa. , , - - , ,t 17 A Uhtral dvductlon from His shovs rstatwillkrsil to la fsvur uf th'His who ailvartlM liy tt.s quarter. . . l j j j Mr. Jeffrict Ititrodooed S. B. No. 33rTo J6, regulate the taking np and disposal of etlrays, . , Mr. Cartwright introduced 8. B. No. U(( ,'. , Ta amend the charter of tho city of 8ul.'m. 't " Rend first and sroond times. .. i 8. B. No. 1 To tax and protect Chinamen , .., mining In Oregon. Passed yeaa, 10 nayr, 4, HOUSE Mr. Loring atked that the portion nf th Jnnrnal relating to the proceeding! in th 1 cnte of Motsrt. Dndson and De'mpsey, bt cor-" ' rected. He raid that when th Tot wat taker nn the retnlution to declare Mr. Demptey aot a-i entitled to bit teat, he (Mr. Loring.) had voted nay hut thejoornaldoei not show that he toted H at all. This wat an oinistion for which hu did-Di u mat think the olerk oentnrable, at there much eoofatioa at th time. He detired tn ' , have hit tote recorded. 1 ; ''. '-'" i It 1 Mr. Dodge stated that he had ootloed lite tr- i ror before ailjoornlng last evening t th atten-" ui tlnoof the House wat called to it, and ilwat j.ri with th underttanding that thu adjoommeat ' b wat made. '. ' , '. i-.;.t .mi-Mo- w b ' Mr. Olney reminded the Hoosenf the elronm ' ttancet under which th rcittake had hcerr"t mado. After the vote had been taken, anm' -r one tnggested that there wat a miitake and '. called for the reading of th Hit of voter at ' ' " i tiow recorded. No ohjeetlon wa made all teemed tn he satisfied that It wa eorreot amt : " the Speaker announced the adoption of thu rot nlntion. The voto wat then taken oa the ret ' " olution, declaring Mr. Dodton entitled to the " teat, and the vote stood as before 22 ayet to - 21 naya. Ill adoption wat announced, aiid Mr. -J! Dntlson waa twnrn In and look hit teat. He ; voted subsequently on prnpotltion without oh- - Jectiou being made. Now. it see, nil th it on vote on eauh of the resolutions before referred to, waa, liy tome misunderstanding left nnre ' corded. The gentleman who oast the rote had t an (tppertnuity tn correct it, but negleoted lo do to. Il should be reotilied, and there are but '7 two wayt of doing it by onanimont cousenl. 'i nr by retnlution. Ha tuggetled that the latter method he adopted. . rn,i! A lengthy discussion at to the proper oiethol ", " ofcorrectitig the Journal lollowed. 'i- ii Mr. Hull ataletl that on th tot to d"fhire r.i Mr. Dodton entitled to the teat, bit namo had not been called and he detired It recorded now. Mr. Gingles slated that he bad agreed in pair -oft with Mr. Htitnatnn, and bad to announced u to the House while Mr. Hum won wa tin won waa pr tent. ' l of Wediiotdar Mr. Soon after the adlniirment riuinaaon voluntarily released hnn Irom the elw 1 ' -ligation annonnoed to the House. This wa doue in the presence of two or three me.ubert " of Ihe House, but at uo opportunity had li en ' afforded nf anuounoing th faot to the Ilontsi, n n wliil Mr.- Humarnn wat present, be ( Mr; a n Giuglet) considered himself under obligntous ' tn observe the original agreement made. Under. '. inch ot-ouiostaiice he had last night voted a' blank, and he ro desired to rot to-day unlit - b compelled to do ntheraite, ia which tto ho '' would resign and go home, i i ' ' i j ant ' tt wna finally decided that the roll rhouhl b called, and each member thould des Ignite ihe '" way In which he voted lasteveulng. This Har dline, and nn further objcotlnnt being mad , tbi- Journal stood approved, with the ondertttinling ' that the olerk hi instructed tn erase all the pro--' oeedingt Inenntittent with th change. " This change make lb rot for the resolution i'" to expel Mr. Demptey lie 82 ayet to 22 nay '"' aud It therefore loat. So Mr. Demptey retain bit teat: - - - J '- 1 Satubdat, Oot. VI' ' :" 8ENATE Mr. Johnson, from the n ice " " committee to whom wa referred the petition jf ' Boio Lmlge No. 13. I. 0. 0. T. for an aniend-' ' !4 meat to tho lioonte law, reported by bill 8. B."'; No. 43 To aniend the aot regulating tho "' jmnliiig of license to tell ipiritout llqaors. '"' Mr. Bay ley, from the Committee on Cotpori J'u atlont l whom wa referred 8. B. No. 27 To ' " authoriie towns, oltiet and eonntie to aid pub - 1 f lio Improvements reported th tarn back ai;ti '' ' an amendment, which wat adopted. - -- Mr. Bayley alto reported back 8. B. No. 27 ''' T amend Hi act providing for private in- . corporations, without amendment, and 'return mending lie pastage. .' ' '" Mr. Walton, from the Committee on Claim ' reported back 8. B, No. 30 For tbe relief nf"'';' Baker county with amendment, which Wcrd '' J adopted. it Mr. Jeffrie from the telect oommittrn to ' a whom at referred 8. R. No. 22 To establish 1 th Oregon Medical College reported a tal"ti. "l tote which wa read Drtt time. j A messase uat received from th Hons, ao-' ' '' ooinpaiiitd by II. J. R. No. 15 Concerning the want ol a revenue colter and ateamer at th 1 tuootb of th Columbia river instructing oor ' I 8rnatora and requesting our Representative in ' Congress to lay th matter before the StcreUrr 11 ef ibe Treasury. The Senate oonoarred by an ' ' 1 unanimous vole. ' 1 Mr. Jeffries offered a Joint retnlution din ct- ' '' Ing tho Secretary of Slate to draw bit wannl ' "I for llie payment of per diem and mileage to J. A. Dribblestlay, oouteitant for the teat frutu Grant county. Tbe President said that in hit mind then wa ' torn do-tlit whether toch appropriation would ' 1 not require a bill. ' Mr.Jeffrietwiththeauderttandinglkatatiill " ' for the purpose would be Introduced, withdrew "1 hit resolution. ':- Saturday. Oct. 13. HOUSE. Mr. Giuglet reported back lilts road hill, which wat adopted. ...... Mr. Lptuii. from tho commllte to whom bud been referred the bill In consolidate StatoUxe and relinquish the poll tax lo th eoontie. to ported a tohilitiite, which wo adnptbed. i .1 Mr. Henderthott, chairman of tbe committee i on engrossed lolls, reported several bill ear- - redly entrusted. , . - t is i Mr. Upton, Irmn Ihe Ihe onmniitte on way t and means, reported on th bill to feollilat l ; eollevliou uf utet, rroouimeudiug that It do no i- i oaw- v,i.Ul Mr. Giuglet. from the joint comrniltet tovitil, Ihe Insane Asylum, reported having found the " I...I il h i m !m . . i : ...j . i. . l.ia m rivn-i,iB vniinnnn., anu mat kill. onntraolisrt had follilled th obligation Of tho contract. The report waa received, and tbd Kiniiiiittee discharged. Mr. Giuglet. I desire to tar that w barn limply reported what we taw during th short nine w were mere, roe proprietor of too Asylum of coarse knew that We Wert coming. " and w do not pretend to tay that th ioetit-' ' lion I alway in o giaid a condition, or that ' "'. th e it the average ttale f affair. ' -'"''' Mr. Wilbera introduoed bill to annad Iktt. thiHil law. , - , - ,, Mr. Cox introdoovd a bill to regulat lha iq manner of taking lesiimony by depasllioti. , . ( Mr. Whit nirered bill lo am red lb a ta i . regulat th Treasory Department. Referred ) Ui a commitu- consisting of Ussr. WbtM, , i Dodge aud Withers. . . , ,, ; Mr. Heiidsi.boU ititroduoed a bill in relalisjti.:.. lo discipline of oootictt iu th pauilentiary. ! on Mr. Upton introtiuoed a bill to pay lb expea- of lb eostimntee ia visit th Insane Aeylaaa appropriating $I.U fur the par pus 10 tt s'i racb member, and t7i to . Darbla. . Th ! rule were suspended, awl Ihe bill read a Monad . . aoo third lime. . . ' Mr Olney Introduced a bCI to pay mllean and per diem of oonlettant Stanley, Barak. Collin. Dodton aud DribbVetby.' " Mr. Oluey said he wa requested by lb Qt)t-' rrmsr In uiform lb House thai be bad rwtjitwt) ' aleiterlrumUen.SlMhstotoiriH;tthaitbrjt) i liileprelers bad been cbuen aud aa officer bad been appointed in mutter them into Ihe serves In urgaoiie tudiaa tooat la operate lb) 1 ' InmUer. The autenc of th Oorersair prevea- A led bun ftom 'oosnmunicatiiig tlii luforoaltou , In penoB. . . Th bill to define Hit coet fur divorce and tn regulate prnceeing In toill therefor Cain ap oo li second reading. Vatkrat antenditienU ' " r rirnpnaed and dtsttd. and n mat In f 1 Mr. Whiir, ib kill and aiDeodnsents wrm laid . tlpon the table. ' A grefmany bill wera read a r olad .''-jw ' 'I s