The Oregon statesman. (Oregon City, O.T. [Or.]) 1851-1866, September 10, 1866, Page 2, Image 2

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Brownlow, Hutu. Theodore Tillon, Fred.
Duuglast & Co. Iinve at last published their
manifesto to Hie world, and wo ui o constrained
to confest that it U nmstorpiccu of the Tul
leyrantl vtyle of ilinloutaoy. True to their
cowardly instincts, tbeso men lotk at ttsuul to
bide their fell purpose under the mantle of pa
triotism and philanthropy I too duttatdly to
avow the villaltiuUt designs which they aro yet
wioked enough to enlorlain. The resolution!
are apparently a mere succession of sweet
nunds signifying nothing, yet it Is easy to dis
cover, through the interstices of the silver veil,
the flood-like features of tho dread Mokamia.
The smooth double entendre utterances do not
qoilo suffice to conceal the horrible purpose
which animates tho fanatical inulcontenis who
composed this Convention, as may bo seen from
the following resolutions :
Resolved, That we aro unalterably in favor
of the Union of the- States, and .earnestly uV.
lire tho legal and speedy rostnralion-nf nil the
States to their proper places in tho Union and
the establishment in each of the influences of
patriotism and justice by which tho whole na
tiou shall be combined to carry forward tri
umphantly the principles of freedom and prog
ress until all men of all races shall everywhere
beneath tho flag of our country have accorded
to them freely all that their virtues, industry
and intelligence may entitle them to.
Resolved, That we are in favor of universul
libeity the world overaud feel tho deepest sym
pathy with the oppressed people of all ooun-'
tries in their strnesle for Ireedom und tho in.
Merited rights of all men to decide mid control
for themselves tho character of the government
under which they live.
These resolutions, taken in couuectiou Willi
the circumstances which attended tho opening
essions of the Convention, havo a deep signif
icance and endorse negro sclTrugo distinctly
and emphatically enough to satisfy even Win.
Lloyd Garrison; When wo remember thnt
Theodore Tilton and Fred. Douglass entering
the Convention arm in arm wero greeted willi
loud cheers, as illustrating the " perfect equal
ity," which is a principle feature of the ltudi
cal programme, and when, also, we remember
that resolutions openly indorsing negro suflYugo
were received with enthusiastic nppluuso by a
largo majority of the Convention, und weru
sunt to the Committee on Kesolutiunt in spito
i f the strenuous opposition of the border .Slates'
I'plegations, we can havo no difliuulty in con
struing the declarations quoted above.
Thus, the policy. of the Kudiouls is complet
ed at last, and we are able to understand what
is meant by tho " fruits of victory," Bbnut
which so much has been said. The lute war,
with all its horrors, was waged not to muintnin
the Union; not to "secure the blessings of lib
erty to ourselves and our posterity," but to ele
vate the Inferior races to a position of political
und social equality with us. Qod and nature
drew a lino of eternal demarcation between the
white aud black races, but now it is oluimcd
that that lino of severance has been washed
not with blood and thoso races nre to bo wed
ded at last before altars heaped with Anglo
Saxon victims ! Surely liberty's obeeks will
be mantled with tho blush of shamo as she sees
this unnatural union consummated In her holy
lomple and under cover of her authority. Un
ion men ! white men ! will you not forbid the
banrs ? Speak ! and speak note, or you must
" forover hold your poaoe."
As for ourselves we object to this disgraceful
cot ; wo object to granting the negro a patent
i'f nubility written and signed with the bust
blood of the Caucasian raoe; we object to al
lowing the loyal whito men of tho South to
land shivering without the Temple of Liberty
whilo the negro.walks in "unchallenged at the
gate ;" we object in the name of ihoso gallant
men who plunged into the seething vortex of
revolution to save the ' w hite mini's govern
ment," and who " fought it out on that line."
We are willing, nay, anxious that the liberties
and rights qf all men, without regard to race
or color, should be protected by our Govern
ment, but we oonleud that history and all ex
perience have shown that those rights will be
best protected wheu the Government is ailiuiu
islered exclusively by white men.
The mutation of human affairs has ever beeu
the theme of dejeoled prose and disuousolato
song. Mother Nature shifts her dress witli the
reckless easo of a ball room belle, daily pro
tecting soinu uovelty that duxzles us smno
larlbog oombiuatiou thut bewilders thought.
Changes too numerous to chronicle sweep above
as like the drift ing rlomls of a wintry sky.
The philosopher gives birth to a dogma to d iy
which he will solemnly disowu to morrow, "mi
it is nut strange withal that mini has yi nrued
for a belter sphere of life, beyond the niioer
- tain lies of time aud the frailties of mortality.
But let the weary pilgrim sigh no longer i a
haven for his tossing soul it found, and that too
nearer than eternity. Behold tltr liudicul par
ty ! Founded on truth and builded on justice,'
it leans like a granite wall against tho restless
urge of change enduring forever ! Come,
rover of the sea, there's rest aud coin fort here;
n anchoring place for your wandering bark.
It Is sorely a pleasant thin; to contemplate such
marvel of oouslsteucy, and wo will do so,
taking as a type one of its proudest and loud
est exponents, W. 0. Brownlow, the great Mo
ul of Radicalism. It seems he would not con
tent to preside bodily over the Anti N'tttiooal
Couventioo ou the 3X iust., kuowiug full Well
that whoever graced (or disgraced), the chair,
At would spiritually rule tho revels of the hour
and give to every action of that Interesting
body the ugly stamps of bis paternity. Let u,
take up tbe golden threads of Ibis mau's life.
In the year 165$, at the city or 1'hlladelphia,
Parson Brownlow entered into a debate Willi
ens Abram Prrue of MoGrawvlllo, ou the sub
ject" Ought Amuricau slavery to bj perpetu
ated tH Browulow taking the aflirmativg and
supporting it with all the venom and bitterness
f his nature. And here we propose to give a'
few savory morsels from Browulow't pait lu
that discission, beginning, at he begun, with
this tribute to the great ehampion of Plate rights:
" These were amoug the last words of the great
and lowering intellect, and llio tried patriot,
John C. Calhoun, who literally died in South
trn karnesn, battling for the right of tbe South
nder the Constitution. A man of unblem
ished private oboracter, a emtsislcut member
of tht) elm roll, and a firm believer in tlio truths
of the Bible. 1 hope, nay I ltelir he hat
found a calm and welcome retreat from the
caree ami ausielies nf political life, in the par
adise of God, where Ilia lunik epithets and
rode insults of unprincipled freedom shrit ker
and false hearted Abolitlnnleti will never fait
upon hit I for that class of men, after death,
never travel in the dmction of (J oil's hnliiti
tinn "
Speaking: uf AbolitiuiiUtt be saidt "A)
churches at tho South, no cunnot a dilute with
men who fight under tho dark ami piratical
flag of Abolitionism, and liose infernal altars
smoke with tli incense of Northern fanati
cism!" And here It something peculiarly fit
ted tn himsclt and other Srulliern delegates
who come to the Convention blatant for blood
and distended with hale: " Wo have scores
of these men in the South, in disguise de
signing men ; some filling our pulpits, some
selling goods, some retuiling pills, and some
following ooo calling and somo nnother, w ho,
though among us, are not of, ns, but aro lu
many canoe our worst enemies." On tho " pe
culiar institution nf the South " tho canting
Parson discourses thus: "American slavery
it not only not linful, but especially command
ed by Ood,t through Monet, and approved
through the apostles by Christ."
His opponent, Pry no, having intimated a
forcible destruction of slavery, bo thus retorts t
" But wo must sleep, in tho Sou III. with pistols
under our pillows ! Yes, this is the spirit and
these ure the purposes of that class ol Aboli
tionists of which this gentleman has assumed
to bo a leader. If ever our blood is shed in
the South it will be by our negroes, whroe
Southern raising and instincts huve imparted
to them tho chivalry of tho South. If none
Unt blue bellied Ynnkees coinu down upon us,
We shall sleep with nothing more terrific under
our pillows than spike-gimlets .'"
, We have the speeches of both these contest
ants before us, in abound volume, but huve
not space to review them further. Suflieii it to
add thut tho selections wo bnvo mudu are but
Inmo samples of Browlow't plea for the .' per
petuation of cij;" iIIU now
reasoning, candid men, we usk you to tuliu bis
recent speech at l'liilailclphiit and rend it by
tho light of things gone by. Hut eight years
ago this same man, or monster, stood up lu the
same place as the High Priest uf the South to
preach the divinity of slavery, claiming for that
detested system the blessings of Heaven and
tho sanction of Deity ! Shouting the praise of
Calhoun, and hurling his fiery anathemas
oguinst the Abolitionists of the North and their
impious intermeddling with Southern institu
tions. Ponder tin-so things, yc who are nest
ling under tho shadow of tins saintly Parson
as u protecting ecgis. Ponder them ye who art-
low at his foot-stool. Ponder lliein ye who
snatch every utterance that falls from his pol
luted lips, mid hug it to your hearts ns u pro
Clous und comforting gospel. Ponder them,
and say if I hero is a cell in the region of the
damned that would not shrjnk from tho contact
of a soul so black with nameless villainy ! Say
if there is a blighting curse yet withheld us too
suvore for man, thnt it should not now be loos
ened with the assurance of n deserving victim.
Aye, this it the petted champion of the Con
gress party. This is the hoary bypnurito who
tickled the liadicalt with that insolent tele
gram, " Give my compliments to the dend dog
at the Whito House."
In what is Brownlow better than Davis! They
were teachers of (bosom? school and preached
the same doctrine ! but there the parallel mini
end. Davis had the manhood to stand by his
faith, disastrous as it was, when the trial came,
while Browulow skulked awny from the confla
gration he had helped to kindle, and is now
rampant and furious for nnother crusade among
the desolated hornet uf a people he betrayed,
with sword to slay and torch to burn, Wliiliuir,
he and W. L. Garrison were at seeming nnlip
odet ; they are together now, and It is fitting
enough, God knows. As they wero always
yoked in treason and treachery, and side by side
should go down at last to a oonunon infamy.
" Keith, fnnnttc Fuftli once weihh-d fast
To some dear falsehood, hntts it to the lust "
lint it is marvelous to conceive how men will
still kneel in admiration tu this blood thirnty
I'arson and political prostitute. As a states
man, he has neither judgment nor justice, fore
sight nor prudence. A politician without poll
cy or principle. At a divine, bo has covered
his sacred robes with shame, dishonored his
calling end repudiated every "blessed command-
menl given by bis God. And ns a man, what
is be but a curse tu hit race, an enemy to Wi
kind I
The accomplishment of llio irri'ut woik of eniaii
cipation in the United States direct our minds to
Ilia duty of some lit public recognition of tint ninn
who must in nil fuluro lime bu Hoarded as its
visible leader.!1 m
William Llovd Garrison, then in llio twenty
sixth year of bis age, established The i.ihrmtnr
nowspnper Illicit; and I henceforward devoted
ids abilities and Ids earner to the promotion of
" immediate nod iiiicotiilttiotml eimim-ip ttioit."
After tho lapso ef IB yenrs of tbe most exacting la
bor, of controversy, peril, and niUcoticerilioii, In;
bus been permitted to see tile object frutticl to
which he at first, almost hloiio, consecrated bis
life. Tlio generation w-liU-h iiiiuicilinlcy pioeod
el ours regarded him only as a wild enthusiast,
a f .-malic, or a public enemy. The unseat l-.m
eration sees in him the bold and hone-it reformer,
tin, man uf original, self poi-.-d. hemic will, in
spire.! hy a vision of universal justice, made net
mil ill the praetiec of nations ; w ho, daring to at
taek without reserve the worst and most power
ful oppression of bis eminlry and his lime, linsont
liveil llit (iiant Woik he assailed, nod has Hi
umplied over lliu sophistries by which it was
lu this ditnYull and perilous work, bis labors
have been as exclusively directed lo the single
aim of llio overthrow uf Aincrirnii Slavery, and
so absorbing and severe. Unit, with ahilill-ie rap
ablu of winning fortune as well ns reputation he
M now, in respect to worldly, honors and eiiioln-
ments, as he was at the eooonuneeaii-iit of his
We ask simply to arrest tho alU-niion of the people to tho uliligaiiuus they uwu to
this American.
Allhouult he rontmidei for the rights uf human
naiore and thus, In a degree., niacin mankind bis
ciutilucncy yet heru was the Held of hit enter-
prise, and ours was too laud lo bo Iiiiiiu-Uiutcly
11a was tho advocate of no private interest, he
was the representative nf no seel or party I with
no hope worldly prelitlu lie reaped from the meas
ure and principles he urged, he was the coinpie
Uoils, tin) acknowledged, the public leader of lliu
movement ill behalf el tho Ameriean Stave now
consummated by tho Edict of Email
cipalinn. It ranunl mar I lie dignity or his position as a
roan of honest, intellectual, mid moral hidonend-
cm u. to receive a substantial testimonial of the
good-will and gratolul respet nf his fi lends and
,"u,j,, uor trail 11 tie mum 11111 nu iiooutre
ble recognition on the prat of llio uncounted mill
titmice of all parties and sections w ho must con
f, tt themselves to have become bis debtors to
give lo him such a testimonial, aud lo make it
Wa. tht undersigned, ilu therefore Invite all
pooplo who rcjoict in the doil ruction at Slavery,
In the reeslnlilismriit of the t'uion on baais of
Universal Freedom, who appreciate his past ser-
ice in the cause of Liberty, and the dignity aud
tht judgment with lit line aeceplrd and Inter
prtl.d the more recent events ufpnhlic history,
to uoito with us In presenting a national tcstiiuo
bil of not less Ihan i't 7'w U'urs, to uur
counli vman I.i.iivii (i.Miai.-na.
April 'A imso.
Ales II llullmk. It II Anthony, Thaddeiu Ste
vens, William t'lnrlin, Frniicia 0 Harlow, Wm v
Kellny, Ooorge T Hlglow, Win t! Hiyaiil, John
W Forney, Henry Wilson, Jaek'u 8 cihultse, Jo
seph Harrison, and about seventy other names, in
cluding that of Uko. II William.
JV. V. J riis,Jltt, iNili.
Aud so Ui jig Is np at lust, and tbe tiddler
about to be paid. Tho natiuu it called upon
for filly tbouraud dollars at a testimonial In
Wm. I,lnr,l Garrison! l,K,k. l"Val men of
Oregua ! there it uno name to this document
lint unknown In ymi. Aye, there it is. nl the
close of the list, the Inst link of tho jeweled
chain. Head it out. Ucorgn II. Williams.
Dou't still t, reader ; It is vulgar to be surpris
ed at nuylhing, and, besides, will only betray
that you are years and yenrs behind tbu ad
vancement of tho times.
Williams was elected to the Sennto by orn
tentative men. .Suppose he did declare him
self grnteful for services of friends, aud say he
" would write these Incurs upon his memory,
and read them as the rosary of eternnl friend
ship." What of that ? Perhaps ho lint lost
tltc rotary ; and surely rosaries and bibles are
but useless incumbrances to one who it mount
ing the ladder of greatness. Nesmitli't record
is blotched with infamy, but his is pure and
white ns an ungel's. No ghost of murdered
consistency or outraged truth will ever rise in
his pathway tn reproach or upbraid him. lie
has never denounced Wm. Lloyd Garrison ns
inimical to the safety of the country, nor
branded him with opprobrious epithets. Do
you say ho has 7 Certainly, then, he lias for
gotten it, und you might as well. Bciueinbcr,
Williams is on the swelling ware uf prospeiity
now, and its noisy surges confuse him somo
wlitit, perhaps, anil drown tho voices of the
past. It is well.
But who is this " bold reformer" tn whom
the people arc culled upon for a testimonial ?
Wo had thought that every one knew his his.
tory well enough, but fear that some, l:lt our
unblo Senator, nro inclined to forgive, if not
forget it. Thitly-fivo years ago, Win. Lloyd
Gairisou begun in Boston the publication nf a
paper whose avowed purpose was the ilestruc--f
Anivnn imvery ac tiny ami all hazards.
Fluttering at the must head, as the molto of
that pestilential sheet, was the damiiublo dec
laration : "The Constitution a League with
Hell and a Covenant with' Death." And,
strange to say, for thirty yeurs, as from some
foul, envenomed tumor, such deadly doctrine as
the above was allowed to stream forth into the
bosom of tlio nation, searching every vein und
distilling poison through every current of its
life. And then, even at tho outset, loyal, earn
est men everywhere, with that prophetic im
pulse which so rarely errs, rose up to denounce
him aud bis treason, lunming that, though
slavery was wrong, he was no lest rt traitor
who preached ill abolishment at tho expense
of union noil national existence. His was the
loudest voice aiming tliosj whose discord marr
ed iho huimnny of tho sisterhood. It was lie
whoso ungovernable, frenzied nppenh) swept
over the laud like a scorching simoom, blight
ing nil that is lovely and good with its curse.
It was ho, abuve nil others, whose lawless hand
seuttered the seed thnt blossomed witli crimson
slaughter mid bora rt harvest uf dentil, lie
ward him f Verily, bo has his reward, lie
has heard it in the groans that have gone np
from nnniliubered hearth stones darkened nml
miulo desolate by war, und can rend it mi that
wilderness of tomb stones where tho loyal (lend
are rleeping. Aye, let tho fiddler bo paid, for
a goodly dance we've bad, whr 'ing through
the gorge of battle, and balancing mi the giddy
verge of destruction. Let him bo enriched,
forsooth, from tho earnings nf a grateful people.
A reward for ruin ! A price for sharpc .'
We wish it understood here, nnco fur all, the
Statesman is not the advocate of individual in
terests, nor trammeled by personal claims, but
is in truth what it purports to be, a public jour
nal i uvoled to public good. As a bold and in
dependent journalist, it. may, in tho course of
things, become necessary tuevpose tlio currup
lions uud defections of one high initiation;
und, in that event, rest assured, llio robes of
ollicitil dignity shall bo no shield against either
our stint my or cond'.-ninalion. A.niu, our
duty to the people may riiiiiro llio advocacy
of particular interests; is so, it shall be done;
nnd neither lunula i ir sueers will nvuil lo
frighten ns from the performance of that obli
gation, however unpalatable lo tho hopes and
aspirations of unscrupulous ambition. In this
particular instance, we have espoused the cause
of Senator Nesinilh, from no sordid motive or
unworthy expectation, but simply because we
recognize in tbu abuse he has encountered nn
attack upon one who, irreproachable in private
life, has himself worthily in that exallod
station In which (ho choice of his people called
him. At an early day. uud Willi indecent haste,
thu OreRtmian and its submissive pnlB through,
out the Stale began the attempt to lirenlt down
this gentleman's character, uud from then till
how tho atmosphere about them bus been dark
cued and vitiated by the missiles nf their en
venomed slimo. Why is this? Has tho Or
rgmiian an " tuc tu grind" f snino burning
anxious hope that cannot rest I Indeed, its
course gives n footing for something more tan
gible than mere suspicion, nnd Ibis generous
outpouring of insult uud contumely must spring
liom nothing less than a desire lu fuilher the
interests of some hopcfnl sou panting f r w,-d
lock with senatorial honors. Nesinith, with his
goodly record nnd achievements for the Stale,
was a loriniditblo obsluclu in the pathway of
this delectubiu purpose, and so it beenmo ne
cessary to nuiiiliilnto him entire by bold on
slaught or wily stratagem. They linvo given
us n inixlnro of both. In thu first place, they
were ingenious enough to lake advantage of
that sensitiveness liulurally existent mining a
peoplo w hose (lag hud been endangered, and
and so disloyally w us tho chord whoso vibra
tions would chime concordant nifti tile jealous
ies mill suspicions of tlio popular heart, ami
they have stiickvii it loudly and lung. As fur
that, Grant, Sheridan, aud Unmet have spok
en, aud we have nothing to add.
A word here in regard to the ttregonimi's
plea against " Army influence in Statu puli
lies." When a ninii'i- loyally Is called iuiiucs
tion, we want tbe best evidence in the case, do
wo not ! Certainly. Well, where shnn'd we
semen for that evidence; Aiming those who
slept in security while the storm was raging,
and those oilier pendent individuals w ho stood
up in peaceful assemblies to roar their gor
geous bilalntin about the "Star Spangled Iiau
uer"; or those other heroic toult, who drew
their swords when tho night was deepening,
and followed that banner through every dan
ger nml difficulty to a final triumph I Most
assuredly tbe latter. And it is In them we
have appealed men who had won thu right lo
au opinion about " loyally," and, being famil
iar with the whole course of uur distinguished
Senator, knew whereof the spoke.
lu regard In the insinuations ngain.-t Mr.
Nesmilh for hit action iu the Bright ciute, aud
hit opposition to the Kinsncipaltuii Proclama
tion, wo have tint to say. The expulsion of
Seimlor Blight involved qiiesllout of venstilu
tioual law, on which leading lv'pulilionus Wen
fir frjiu agreeing tome ruling with Mr. Net
mills against that measure wholly nn legal
grounds. At for the Emancipation Prwlamt
lion, duel not every one know that il encoun
tered no little opposition, at the lime of itt
promulgation, even among the ttrongrst und
must uiicuuipi utilising suppurU-tt of the Gov-
cininciit. Loyal men held caiulid dill'erenees
as lo tbe expediency nf thu measure then, nor
have tin y yet resigned Ibctii.
There w as scarcely a man iu the Senntc who
gave more substantial aid in prosecuting the
war thn James W. Nesuiitli of Oregon. Km
iiieully competent and practical, he was the
author nf many un idlictciit mtasuru of incal
culable, benefit to tlio country in restoring or
der and discipline to uu army which was, ut
una time, no less than, as he himself chnnin
terzed it, "a wild, disordered tnnb." And,
coining nearer home, whu shall estimate what
he has done for bis own Slate, iu the way of
legislation for mail routes, military roads, pro
tection of emigrants on the overland routo to
this coast ? nml countless other advantages
which, instead uf insuring the gratitude, have
called forth tho animosity uf those who aro
blessed by them.
Finally, wo do not wish to dictate to the
hnnorablo Legislature of Oregon as to tho per
son they shall semi to tho Senate, but aro only
desirous that tlio record of Senator Nest lith, if
that geiitloiiiiiu should merit their notice,
should go before them as he hut made it
stainless nnd undeliled.
Philadelphia, Sept. 3. Pursuant to a cull is
sued from Washington, the following members
of the National Kepublicon Committe utteuded
to-doy : Gov. Marcus L. Ward, N. J.; Sam'l
A. Purviance, Pa.; N. B. Southern. Del.; II.
W. Hotl'innn. Md.; Senator J. 8. Fowler,
Tcnn.; J. D. Jeffrees, I ml.; H- C. Cook, 111.,
M.J. Kddings, Mich.; S. J. Dudd. Wis.; S.
li. Tubbs, Iowa; T. Simpson. Minn.; A. W.
Campbell, West Va.; II. II. Starkweather,
Cutin ; H. U. Cowan, Ohio; A. H. Gardiner,
Vt.j Gov. Edmunds, Dacntah ; W, J. Cowing,
Va. Tho Committee temporarily organized
u i.,,ici tinuiiiimn, and unani
mously adopted A resolution declaring II. J.
Ibiyniond, of New York, and George 1. Sen
ior! of Ohio, no longer members of the Com
mittee, nml N. S. Sperry, of Conn., no longer
its Secretary, for their abandonment, of the
principles of thu parly, and their h Hi illation
w ith its enemies. Gov. Wind wus then chosen
permanent Chairman vice Hnyinond.
New York, Sept. I). Under Knymnnd's cnll,
the following members of tho National Hi puli
lical Committee attended at the Astor House
to duy : II. J. Hnyinond. N- Y.; Win. C. ClafT
lin, MiBS.; Thus. G. Turner, U I.; J. B. Clark,
N. II.; C. Bullitt, La.; and N. D. Sperry.
Conn. Secretary Clitllin suggested tho impro
priety of taking any notion in the absence of
so inaiiy members. Sperry suid if the session
was illegnl on account of the want of a quo
rum, n previous ones hud been Illegnl for the
same ronton. At tbu last meeting there were
only twelve members present, liayinund said
he In lioved it would bo best to adjourn to a
fixed duy. Sperry oppos d ibis, und Hnyinond
said ho would retain custody of tlio papers un
til relieved of his position. Some of tho mem
bers would probably meet at Philadelphia and
take some action, it was finally agreed lu ad
journ In a day to bu fixed by the Executive
Hiiniiibal Hamlin, Collector of the PosUnt
Boston, tendered his resignation to the Presi
dent, in li letter dated Aug. 28th. in which he
says : " I tin not fail to ohserre the movements
and efforts which been, nml are now being
made, to organize u party consisting of those
engaged in I he Into rebellion nnd their allies
who sought tn cripple and embarrass the Gov
ernment. These classes of persons, w ith small
fractions of others, constitute tho party. It
proposes tn overthrow tho Union Kepublican
porty, mid to restore to power, withoot guaran
tees lor the future, men who have been disloy
al those whu sought to destroy tho Govern
ment. I gavo all the influence I possessed to
uphold tbe Hepublicnn parly during the wnr,
w ithout the niil of w hich the Government would
havo been destroyed and tlio rebellion n suc
cess. With such a party as that now inaugu
rated I have no sympathy, and I therefore ten
der my resignation, to take cflcct at the time
my successor shall be appointed and qualified."
Tbu President made a speech from the bal
cony of tho Kcniiurd House, Cleveland, Inst
night, dining tho t'eliverance of which a re
mnrkiible scene took place. The crowd was
evidently largely composed of radicals, who in
terrupted the l'resident by hooting mid shout
ing, und in ono instance, by calling llio Presi
dent n traitor. Tho friends of tho President
in tho crowd, replied to the numerous hisses
w ith cheers and applause, and w hen ho had
finished his speech, lu was salu'ed wiihlond
and continued dlamlits. The President ar
rived at Toledo, Ohio, at one o'clock Ibis Iter
noon, and bad aresp'clfol welcome.
Montpelier. Vt.. Sept. 4. The annual elec
tion for Governor, Lieutenant Governor,
Treasurer and members of tho Legidaltire,
and also for members of Congress, look place
today. The Hupublicans voted for Paul Dil
hughuiii. uf Wnterbiiry, for Governor, nml the
Demouttt't for Charles N. Davenport, ol Whit
iughain. We have secured this evening re
turns liom about thirty towns, comprising ubout
ono-eigbth of the vote of the State. The vote
suinds thus fur us follows: Dillinghnm, 5.111);
Davenport, 1.8!),). The same towns last year
gavn Dillingham 5,fJS0, and Dnviiipoit. l.S.'dl.
This vote indicates a gain to lliu Hepiihlicau
majority in the Stuto over thnt of last year of
about 5 0110 The towns heard bom on the
Gun rnor't voto ull report Hepnbliean member
ol the Legislature but two. Tho Senate will
as usual be liep'iblieiin. In the 5ih Congres
sional Distriut. where a haul light has been go
ing ou between rival Hepublicui candidates for
Congress, there is no choich nfaras heard
from. The two Hepublicatis, Baxter uud Un
hurt, are about even. In the other two dis
trict, tho Kepubbcnii nominees nre i-bcted by
handsome majorities.
New Yonk. Sept. 4. The schism of the Na
tioual Heptiiilicau Coininitleo continues to at
tract attention. It is understood that the chair
man nf the Committee has ulinnt If iO.OOO in
his builds, which he proposes to surrender when
relieved iu a regular valid manner.
Chicago, Sept. 5. The President nrrived n
Detroit Inst evening, where General Grant
joined tho party, which will he at Chicago this
evening. Tin President and Secretary Sew
ard have spoken nt every stiilion nlong the
route from Washington except Oherlin. Ohio,
and tlio snmeiHse of the Pritideiit's every-wln-ro
eonliilm tho Constitution. I'nioii nnd
flag tn thu keeping of the as'embled people
renders the omission lo do so ill Oberliu more
noticeable. At several points along the route
between Cleveland and IMruityctterduy there
was iitntked dissatisfaction that (en. Grant
wus not present, and pretty strong murmurs of
disapproval of the President.
Gen. Oglesbv decline! tn attend the Chifttfo
celebration, saying in a speech nt Springfield
yesterday, that he could not meet nml welcome
a man who had prostituted a pilgrimage tu the
tomb of Douglas into a tour fur must selfish and
uiiservpoliitis ends. He would never Welcome
Mr. Johnson to Chicago, Springfield, or any
other place in the State. Gov. Morton also
niiriiouced that he will not Welcome the Presi
dent n't Indianapolis because llio l'resident has
accepted the invitation of the Deinocrulb Cell
tut! ('oiiimillec who will make tlio visit u purely
partisan affair. Tim eonrsu of Oglesby and
Mutton finds further justification because at
Albany and various pluctt in New York Sew
ard had spoken coutemptously of G v. Ken
ton's welcome to the President, which was ad
dressed lo him as Chief Magistrate and not a
imliiuiic, faithful F.xccutive of the nation.
F.very tll'ort linn been made nt Chicago to di
vest the reception of the Douglas monument
ci rentoiiies I' any partisan character, but in
view of tho speeches and demonstrations all
along the route, the committee here considered
themselves sold. The board of tradu having
in iginalfy tendered their hall, have been large
ly inclined to revoke the oiler, and have held
some exciting meetings on the subject, but w irer
counsels huve prevailed. It teems- prububle,
however, if the PresiJenl and Mr, Seward use
the hall for a political harangue, the board wi'l
allerwards adopt resolutions plainly telling
bat they think about il.
Detroit, Sept. 3. The Michigan Democrat
ic Convention yesterday nominated General A.
S. Wiliivns for Governor, General J. F. I'ark-
liurst lor i.iut. Guvciuur, uud adopted nsoiu t
lions cndoi-Mug the Philadelphia philluriii.
Cincinnati, Sept. S. The Democrats mid
Johnson men iiomtnateil Geo. II. Pendleton
for Congress ill lite I t District, and Theodore
Cork in the lid. Pendleton, in uueepnug the
lioinimtlion, approved tho act of thu I'biladel-pbia-Johtisiiu
Convention, and said the result
of thu war had decided the question of seces
sion, uud Southern people, by the menus of
their State Cnnstitutinns mid by the unanimous
declarations of their delegates ut Philadelphia,
have abandoned it as a rule of political organi
zation. The institution of slavery was also in
volved in thu conflict of linns, ami it too, under
tho action of the Southern States bud passed
away forever. He udvuciitvd thu ubsuliite rei
teration of the Union upon no other conditions
than those prescribed by thu Constitution and
tlio immediate admission of thu Southern Mates
to representation.
The mortiility hero during At:gust was 1,817
of which 1,1 ;M deaths wero from cholera. One
half the victims were til foreign birth. .
Philadelphia, Sept 5. The Southern Union
Convention was called to order, Gen. Speed iu
1 liu chair. Numerous resolutions weru tillered
by delegate! in favor of negro suffrngc. Other
resolutions weru introduced opposed to inter
ference with the policy of Congress.
Moss, of Virginia, addressed the Convention
iu favor of adopting measures to insist that
Congress shall provide for enfranchisement of
blacks. Moss offered a resolution instructing
the Comtnitteu on resolutions to favor tho con
ferring suffrage on ull citizen! without regard
to color. Motions were made lo lay the mat
ter on tho table and adjourn, which wero lost.
Filially n cull was made for the previous ques
tion. Great excitement prevailed during the
debute. Thomas, of Maryland, said that if
the resolutions were adopted he woulJ bo in
favor of enfranchising every rebel in Mary
land. This wilt received with hisses and fol
lowed by much confusion. A delegate an
nounced that he nnderstond the Couimitteo on
resoiuiiuue uud auuress woulu not, no pit-pnicu
-until to morrow morning and moved to ui'journ
tu ten a. M.
Thomas, of Maryland, made n personal ex
planation as to his remark nn negro suffrage
which had been misunderstood. So fur at vot
ing to enfranchise the rebels was concerned ho
could not do it. so help him God.
Sinithers, of Deluwure, chairman of the Com
mittee uf reception, announced that arrange
ments hud been made for a meeting to-night nt
the Union Lenguo House for the Northern und
Southern delegations. The Convention ad
journed to 1 o'clock P. M. to-morrow.
Milwiiukio, Sept. 5. The Republican! of
the 1st district noniinnteti Gen. II. E. Puino
for Congress to-day. Hesolulions were passed
approving his courso iu thu present Congress,
expressing sympathy with the loyal Southern
ers now iu Convention at Philadelphia, nnd ex
pressing sympathy with Ireland and all other
tuitions struggling for freedom.
Lu Crosse. Sept. 5. The Republicans of the
3d district nominated Gen. C. C. Wnshbiirne
for Congress to-day.
St. Louis, Sept. 5. Tho cemeteries report
seventy cholera interments yesterday against
fifty-six tltc day before."
Chicago, Sept. 0. Tho President arrived at
a lute hour last night, but the streets were
crowded and there was a cordial welcome, mu
sic, fireworks, etc. Mayor Hicu welcomed the
President in thu uamu of the city as the Chief
Magistrate of tho United States, uud he was
received with all the respect due his high office.
Ha made a brief speech from thu balcony of thu
hotel. Altcrwards the croud cheered Grant
und Admiral Farragut, mid showed tome dis
respect to Secretary Seward, Welles aud Hun
dull. Thu Douglas mnnuninnt ceremonies to-day
uru progressing with great eclat, and while I lie
town participates in public honors to the distin
guished party of visitors nnd to the occasion
that brought lliein here, it is hoped thnt tho
President will not bu tempted to make politi
cal speeches. There is every chance to avoid
showing him the disrespect which his speeches
this side of Albany have provoked. The eel
ebrnliuu and demonstration on Monday night
causes deep regret throughout tho country
that tho crowd should havo iusulted the Presi
dent, ami that thu l'resident should have de
graded his high position to bandy epithets with
irresponsible men iu the crowd.
Chicago, Sept. (i. The Republican Conven
tion ut Syracuse, yesteuday, nominated Gov.
Feiilon unanimously, und adopted resolutions'
indorsing Congress and declaring the Presi
dent's policy lulsu uud pernicious.
The Kansas Convention, nt Leavenworth,
re-iioiiiiuated Guv. Cruwfmd snd Henry Clark
for Congress, nud adopted radical resolutions.
Union ou Hbi-ublican, Wuicil is it?
We would call the especial attention of our
renders to n dispatch in onolhor column dated
"Detroit Aug 31st. Tho heading us taken
from thu Oregonian is: "Union State Con
vention in Michigan" while the language of
the dispatch itself is:. "Thu Republican
Stuto Convention to-day nominated Governor
Crupo" &o. From the ninth Resolution of
thn hcrinapliroilite Convention wu quoto the
following: "We scout und scorn ns unworthy of
freemen that political blasphemy which says
tlii i is n whito nun's government. It is not n
white man's government nor a bluck man's
government. It is God's government made
for man and all men who aro loyal to it, of
wliaterer race, color or condition shall have
under its triumphant and glorious flag all thoso
inaliemiole rights winch lielotig tn num. )
rou understand that Anglo-Saxons I "Can
yo not rend it ? Is it not fairly writ" ?
This dispatch proves conclusively two pro
positions that we have for soinu time held; 1st
that the Hepnbliean party is revived mid hat
resumed its old name, und, Ud, that the only
iinporlntit plunk iu its platform it Universal
Suffrage, or ns the New York Tribune has it,
"L'nieersal Amnesty and Impartial Suffrage.'
Head thnt dispatch, Conservative uiou.
Tbendoro Tilton nnd Fred Douglass walked
arm in arm, nt w inch there was great applause,
Theru it is gentlemen, in black nud while
a gushing spectacle surely ! Tho Hadieals had
no tears to shed when the Carolina nnd Mussa
chtitetts delegation waited side hy side; per
haps they uru prepared lo shed them now
, About the only attribute of whito men left In
-Tilton ti Co. is their complexion, nml if (ho
Radical party ruoceed their children won't
have even that.
Ou Saturday last a pio nic was held by the
.Methodist nnd Congregational Sabbath Schools
in the grove South of the bridge. The day
was somewhat warm, but the affair passed off
pleasantly to all concerned.
' t"S"The Capita! it swarming with the pride
nud talent of tho State. Governors, Judges,
Lawyers, members of tho Legislature, dele
gates to Hie Grand Lodge uf Guod Templars,
nnd several disinti red aspirants for Senatorial
t ?"Lco & Iiyland'i celebrated circus troupe
" pitched their wandering tent" in town this
morning. They come heralded by a well-won
fame. Go nud see them.
Thanks. Mr. Wm. Smith baa the thnnks
nf this office for a present of sundry and divert
plums which were feelingly discussed and duly
I to Ui- Mil lo.l , nl Ihs
fW W Itev. V. V. Mruiion, V. L Will's aud Mim 1.
il. Su.'iium, nil of litis city.
Ompliineiiln teceivvd.
l ilw 5th irtct.. N. Trrrr. J P ,
Mr S.mnpl U. l!ntmti"ml ijml M'tn. Lite A W'vnA.
In, titii l-v Krr. , H. Atkinson, Mr.
lift. 17 lotitiKcr u ml Mim fc. A. llamttirvy.
At Orrirou ( itv, .VuntM TTth.of iTphwl fever, Kr.
.kV, r .Mm... -11, j -i Itvpa. '
Kki.ioious. Theru will lo- a n Unions ilim-imiou to
coun.ieneu in Hcio, I.hiu County, on Tuesday, at It)
o'clock, a.m. '.'oili day of Nepieudier.h.v llev. ,J. II. Oil
own v. of the Mdlioilisl l'niscoinl I'loueli, and t-'ldor
J. M. Harris, of the ('lo iciiiiu Clnircli. The pnoplu in
general are Invited, l nuy nail ijniicr couie prepared lo
tattt, cure of llieinselvea, us Itiuell as iossihlu, us we
expect a lal'tn liUendanee.
Special Noticed.
.11 A It It I AUK AM) l:l,lll tl'V.-An Kb-
say of WarniiiK und iuairoclioii for Young Men. Also
diseases ami abuses which prostrate I In, vital powers,
with sure iiieiiusol inliot. Munlli-euol eliaruu lu smil
ed letter envelops. Address
,1, MVLI.lJl.Y lioiiuiiiwn,
1 vi-lliilH Howard Asnocintoli Philadelphia, I'll.
(tT Tho Heat Itemed y lor 1'urllyinn the
Blood, SlieliKlliciiiiig the Nu.ves, Jlcstiirlng tho Lost
ApMilito, Is
It Is the best. iiruBorviiliveuKiiiiist almost any sick miss.
If used timely. Composed of liurlis only, It run be
iriven safely lo infants. . II directions in Kiixlfah,
French, Rpaiiisli, alii. German, witli every package.
for sale at all the wholosalnaiul mtnil urtiir stores
and Krocoie s.
li SI lb KKKSK. Wholesale 1 0-llKtflnt,
ISolu Atruttt, 410 I 'lay si reel,
lyltl Kan Kriittcisiio.
fW Wnnn tnr thu AfHintHti in miotliur imrt of tlili
pilr will lit- fitiHul lh a(vi-rtlpM'tii(Milf lliu cckbrHictl In
Blllutc enUMlBlifd by Dr. J. (J. Y'tufiK. In KK In W
of deceit ami JmrlHtanlmii, It ii a iMion tn the itiirorUiK to
liohitimt to In em uliere tlicy ttrv lure at olilaiiiluir tin.' vvImIi
fur relief nml cure, VwUr lliu oure nHIm nkillfiil Duulor,
the nick anil troubk'it enn HI vent iliciniti'lvmi of tlifir liunlcnt
of jmln anil hatn, lity ankle tlifir cruM, nml ifcure health
and hiiiiitfM. If you artt nick or lo irouMe, do tint hvul
tute. Itenl lliu ftiivertiSftiiitmL and Mlow ad vine. Do
not fnrtfi't tin! mmilifr, rmr the nmnticr of directing your I flirt-.
CONSULTATION OfFIC'K, BUO Wniliiiiglon ilrect, 81111 lyllUO
MOO 1 toward.
ON or about the l)lh of Ant)nt hit, 101110 puraon or per
son or vvriiiiiH broke opt o my Iiuuhu, nnd (ttolt a lot nf
diithhiff, a U. H. musket, and ottVr arf lutes, toprtitliur with
three imtea, ench executed May lOlh, IsCU, by IVter 8. No
er, nnd pnyHble to lliu undendjfm'd, w fr $l!iO, nne year
fniiu dnte. 110 Inlereil ; ami the other for 100. three years
frntn dull, no Intercut -fill pnynble hi cm, 11. I will pny the
above reward upon oonvlctloii of the Iblrf nnd return of tho
property. THOMAS, W. MAY.
urefinn Ulty, Sept. S, 18G0. 8Stt
Oolit e to Trui'licr.
-pltOlMtMLS to tertoha Puhlls School will he reoelveri by
J. the Trunleceof Huhlimlty Unlltm-. on the fourth Hahir
duy of fi-pi ember, IS'iO. Any perioii wnntliijr the ultiinilon
win pifHue isKe none e. a person qtinniicfi to teach Music
would lie preferred, ly order ol thu Board.
Dept. iu, utHMvtf a. J. imvik, secretary.
COOKE, McCUM.Y & CO. liave sold out llmir en
tire Htock uf Merchandise tu llussrs. Morgan,
Scott & Co. '
- Our books arc uow ready for sattletiisnt.. - Alt per
sons kttowititr themselves hulclitcd will please call and
settle Immediately. COOKli, MrCL'LLV & CO.
Bepteuilior7. Wit
Cor. Morrison nnd Seroiid Sis.,
TTAVE on hand Tor sale, and are manufacturing of
1.1 tne ucsi r.asvcrn manual, uu sinus ol
. Carriages, Phaetons,
Conntry Carriages,
As we employ none but tho most experienced work
men in uur establishment, mid use the best of Eastern
niaiei-ial, wo feel coaudciit that our work vuiiuol fail
to give ratislaction.
Asule from the tuct that it is to the interest of the
community lo
Sustain Home iUunufncturea,
It will bo otir endeavor to sell at such prices, KOR
CASH, us will bu satisfactory, to ttMwho desire Kood
W All kinds of CAHIM AOR KEIMIRINn done
on short noiica. M E. COOI'KIt & CO.
Portland, August 20th, !. ;iuiid
Wc nflVr for wile our
San Francisco First Cost,
To Merchants, iu lots to sn'u.ut Sun k'nutiW-o
first coi-t,
And to the retell trade nt
San Francisco Cost, villi itriclly Flight adJrJ,
We have yet on hum u full unit
Well selected Stock
Dry-Goods, Notions,
llni'tlwurc, Croolicry,
Anil all iirtirlca kepi grenernir) by rutuil alorva iit
F. LEVY & CO.,
Opimsite tho W. W. s'sclory, North Salem.
liKK A UYI.ANh ....
Tliirt Mmn moth K'taidi-htnont will give a grattd
and lllli.lM-li.
MESSRS. I.I'E ItYl AND havenmrh pWure In
aiiiiotinciaff Hint they Imve wared (ty pvrinifion ol
T. MaRiiiir, E-q.), the services uf
The eclibrated Clown nud Mituie, who will nCHr as
Shaksjicrlan JcsJcr and Clown.
And pivc hi, wonderful imiiatinns, iwrH-raonfttton
or taeliw.irr l-reiicn Uuly, trumpet 'K,t.
The tire-s Imve itronnntti-cd bho a f Itow of infinite
IcNt MiidpxcpllpiH-v. A tol. a iwlltle hit.
'" Harry Jncon ninKes an i-ichbih i inn, iwnu
wiiiv willinot vnliTNrttv.aml clever in the ccnenil ac-
cepUmeof the lenn.' ISsc. lice.
A new httsre iu ine cntrnaiunnni wus me sp
e.ilaiicpof Harry Jnekon, llie Colnaiedisu.Mi, I'bwn.
IVe ttw.inlJsckson the credit ol Ir-iriw n iiiiiumiaI frreb
JeMer, witli a -""l t' k of ftorl"... nitl'clsm. a i)a,H
inuons au I" j-H,rr. iui,.ai,,,a w, ncea,
Kaiidiasii aad Eoiri-at. were ,-, and ainu--,iiiii. ac
ktioarlviled by lite ptiblii- lo ho the m"t Miccei,tiil son
,U Muic since ll.c d.iys of the tar laiurd Wallet."
(S,c. I 10,11.
Tbe I'dnliion .is entiivly new. Htlnl it), with all tht
modern iiiii,vvriiitiilaul a r lli.-il' LLAfsS LIKCl'rt.
A.lmkiou It on
nililo-n iu
linuni oia-n at 7 o'cbick; ierf,rtMiM,ice to rm,iicuc
aid. tiKtl. W. i ill. E.
A sent.
County AMrorw Molirr.
VTOTtt'E l hereby irivi n Hint on Ihe flr-t Moe.kiy In
iN ll-.tober the A-MMMr )! attend, al Ihe oRi e of
the I'ouaty C'-rk "I Man at C aotir. linirHi. Iw three
days, ami with tb ai-loce ol lb 1'iaioly I lerk will
liu'dii Iy rxamiu tli AwinelH Hells, and nmeel til
errors In Valuation, or lb- ."iptew or lailile ef Unit,
bi-,,ur "thrr inc,ly All per,ti iulere-led, or who
kiww they leave property IbiUt lo l tam d, io Mtrion
liailily. are reiiie.d to l present. a no rorrecli-ina
or tltcraliiHii will be mJile In Ihe R-lls al'er that day.
It l MiH ST,
Awir, Marios Co.
8ltr,!V'i.3. 1t. .
iroii OAHII!
Patent Medicines,
Varnlsli, Putty,
t '
Inks, Essences,
Extracts, Brushes,
- ; AND
Choice Cigars and Tobacco.
Practical Apothccarjr aud DrDggltt,
La Creole Academy.
RKV. W. U.NICIKH S Principal
UUH. MAKY H TIIOMl'Stl.V lVeepiress. anJ
Teneher of I lrawili(.
MISS 1'llKIIK WALMNO...Asristiuit.tn4 Teacher
ef Uaiie.
Mneie, Drawing anil French.
MONO Ihe facilities olTereil in this instilatlon art
full eel of Wilson's Srlioot and Kionily Charts,
Maliison's Asironoinicul )la, and a Fbilosophical
Apparalne. Arrangement are behiir made for pro
eorinir u full set of Chemical Apparatus and Cheuil
eals, by the lirst of Octolier.
Primary, per term 9 4 UU
Common Kniflish .....'......'.......... ...... 6 U"
lliaher Knuli.l 8 Ull
OrtH.-k, Latin or French flail in.. 3 !X
InslniH'iitill Musis 10 Ml
lrse of iiistruinelit "J INI
Draw SK 2 Ut
I'aily exerelM-s ill riN-al tumie free of clmrjre.
No rbarjfea maile for lees than a half term, bal pu
pils will be Admitted al any thne and sitiirged from Ilia
time of eiilerilti.' to the rlose of Illy lriii.
A'o itrrf.trttoHM made for tttmrrtrt, txerpi la sntn of
prolratltd stfknn.
Dallas, Ainr. I, WA , i'jy
tt will remove opacity or the eornn. and inltMat
uialion. ateenitioa. ifraaabitlcn, aud all tha vartooa
tiM-ases of ibe Kyea.
Manufactured by Ih. 0. W. Bmwo. Halem, Oreifnll,
anil .oht by all the principal I'ruuifiet IhnmtttMll lb
Pacific eorn-t. l'rice, it per bolile.
Office at the County Hospital, Halem, Orcirou-
AV KATHKltt'0 1 1 1,
Holt Ainuit for Dr. 0. W. Drown s Celebrated Eya
Wood and Sand.
3000 LOADS Of
I.L of which can bo lud on Rood terms, dclltere-l
1. to any latrt of the city, by applyin to
. J. m. lin
i ooiuierciol at., Salem.
Take Warning.
All persons art liereby niUilled no In late toy jawf
,H-iimlr lf my laud, without a written I""""'
tne. af er M l,',te. J. 11. L'Ol LTF.K.
pl. 1st, ls. .
For the Atlantic States.
rpllK nndereiiraed will leave for Washinittott City.
1 and Ibe Western Klales, about Um la4 of leu
ber, l"iW, to tw atisent four or Bee monies, and will
attend to any bounce entrusted lo hl ears
Kilrm, Annual iff, fiat.
r, n. " " -" "
CO C(f VKAR made by any one with
O.UUtl il."-itencil T-e-la. .No eapeneaea
nen-irv. Tlie I're. ideiits. t a-h-ers, ana l rea-i"-
..S !l lldtik iiL.-u l. ip.ttar Knt fre With fatl
pies. A,l,lref Ihe Aneriraa SleBtll Tool Works.
SerioirMd. Vermont
So, J
Academy of the Sacred Heart,
B.ti.tnt, onmov.
The rourtb Aiiuaal Sei,H of this kmittlioa will
rtanHM-nea vu
Honda?, IBP 3d Dai or 6rptrmlirr.
llnl n,aMiters will be adoiiiled on M,aday, li e tel.
It is de.iroble thai all pupils who design'
school be present al the opening el ttte sei", 1"
cililMle retfulor cla.iOcalo. n. .
rwh-m. Aoch.i !".
"marble work.
DKAl.KIt in lalifomta. Veerooot, aad !'
,ntuai.s. a
Joaninf hU, Obtliikt. DciiJ mi Fool Mow,
SALEM. , k ,
Aleo. Namleemid t arultare Mrt ''T7
Ltrar .'Not tor.
qiAKKM up by lb. aadrr-ltiwd ! "J";
1 .tJ be(.re. Wilibe .f.,r.''
Sble. A.AS1AKM...
KiktB. Aoj!. M. 1.