lit (Ovcjjou statesman. SALEM, MONDAY, REI'T. 3. 1800. Hl'MUAY MAILS. We clip tha following ti'risililo artioto from the Ki'd Bluff Observer. We nndprstantl the Orrgon Stage Compnny are now running their slngi-i every ppoin doily includes Sun duy, lo fulfill thuir onntmut with llm govern ment, ullhougli, rnm where the omitiftot com. mrnoe at Lincoln, there are niitpriilialily more tlinn nne or two Irtlrr leaving on 8nndiiy. It liioki like fully that thin ooinpnny should lie compelled to run from a point on every Snn day where there nre ho mail or iiitssetigprs to leave, tliero being no railroad or tteambuat ennnuctinn. It U true. It perhapi costs the Oregon Stage Company no more to run (hit lino every duy lu the week. But we claim Ihero la something dno to thoae employed man and beaut. They should have one day In even. Wo have no douht that they would do more service in aix' dnyi work by making qitiokertime in tlio week days, than tbey now perform In aeven. They now lay over one night at Jacksonville and one night atYreka. Instead of laying over two nighta ancocssively, ono of tlieeo lay over places could be omitted and. Instead, lay over on Sunday along the whole line, wliidi would not only give rot to the employed and horses, bat to the traveler. and the latter wonld arrive at Ilia placeof de tinnllnn jtixt aa anon, if not aoonor. Wo fully agree with the Observer, and believe the Post Olliiie Department should ao modlly their rule if it la not ao already, aa to consider aix da) a in the week aa daily aervice, and not do violence to the feelinge of a Christian com munity through every place where the line passes. The following la the article referred to : Sunday Mail. TIio railroad companies having decided nut to run I lie ears on Sunday, the mail and passengers which leave San Francisco on Ihe Futiinlny evening steamer ami arrive at Sacramento between two and three o'clock next morning, remain id Sacra mento until Monday morning. The coachea of the Oregon Stage Company only run to Ornville, while their mail conlraut extends to Lincoln. A since culled the "Over land Lino" runs between Marysville and Sac ramento daily ; but it has no mail cnutraot.and to carry the mail on Sunday demands $50 a reasonable charge, perhaps, for Sunday work. If the Oregon Stagu Company has contracted to carry a daily mail between Lincoln and Portland, and daily is interpreted to include Snnilny as well aa week days, then the Com pany must rnn their coaches from Ornville to Lincoln on Sunday the enra not running or forfeit their contract. Suppose they do run a coach to Lincoln, there being no connection with Sdorimeuto, of ennrsn there will bu no mail to bring north. Allowing they run through to Sacramento, and bring whatever mail nmy belong on tbi) route, what material advantage will he derived from it by the peo ple, the government, the contractor f At present, the .Oregon Company runs a tage from Lincoln to Marysville on Sunday, and thence the cars connect with Oroville in the nfternoon. All goods shipped to point along the Sacra mento river, and north and east of Ued Muff leave San Franoiscn on Fridny evening, and bill, shipping, reoeiptsand onrree pnndenoe re lating thereto, are tent by the same boat, and leave Sacramento on Saturday moruing. Pas sengers, also, who design to travel this route by water, start frnm San Francisco on Friday evening, and in ninety-nine cases nut of every hundred, those who prefer lo travel by cur and coach eould atari at the same time. There fore the mass of business with the northern counties is not incommoded, nor in any way affected by the Sunday arrangement of the railroad companies. The San Francisco daily newspapers of Sat n relay are delaiued in Sacramento 24 hours j but I heir circulation in tliu northern counties is comparatively small, and we dnulit if there are balf a dozen individual) in this towu who care fig whether tbey receive those papers on Monday or Tuesday. The leading daily news paper of the State ami the one having hr fur the Inrgest circulation along the route of the Oregon Stage Company, is issued early on Sat urday morning, and sent to the various points of distribution beyond the rnilroada on that accompanied by ita weekly edition. The San Francisco weeklies are usually printed and sent north on Thursday or Friday evening. Stcaniliouta do not ply hetweiu Sacratneuto and San Francisco on Sundays. Thus we are .that in reality little or no incon venienoe la experiemed in consequence of the curia remaining idle on Sunday. Merchandise, business correspondence, uuns and passenger travel, are not perceptibly alTected at h ast tin y can acco nmodaie themselves to the pres ent order of tilings without loss. Let ns take another view of the case. The United Slates, and every State in the Union. r coguites the Christian Sabliath, or Suuduyx as n tiny of test, and nearly all government business is suspended for the day. and olliuers ami employers are relieved from duty. Why not iuelude tin- post mister and mini carrier as well as the judge and legislator I It is am Tersally admitted that one day in aeven is hoe es try for rest and recreation, and all men leel that they need the day for something hesidea their usual avocations. Shall we deny to the railroad employees, the postmasters. Ihe singe agents, singe drivers, hostlers, and others con nected with the long mail route from Sacra - inento to Portland, and ila branches, ihe rest liich we demand for ourselves and know Is absolutely necessary for our well being. Just ice and common sense say give them rest ?'' But we take still higher ground, and contend that every individual, every nation, and espe cially this nation, is bound by the command of God to respect one day iu aeTen Joa aacred to bit aervice, wherein no work, except that of necessity or mercy is to be performed. Can that law of tlio Sabbath be disregarded with iinpunitv ? We appeal lo all aeusiblu men Jew am) Gentile, embolic and Proteataiit, re ligious and irreligious. We hold that on every unil route throughout the United States, offi ce should be closed, and strainers, oarsi and tares re:aain silent, and all persona connected therewith lie allowed to rest a other people do on the Sahhiilli day. The ocean auJ great lake steamert would of course be eiospted from this rule. But after all the neoessary ex ceptions are recorded there-would be a great number of lirht hearts and suiilioir faces more than now, an I a nation wonld he obeying luu whereas now it ii defying his law. Business doe not require the seventh day mail ; it i not a work ot necessity, it ia not work of mercy ; it ia unmeroiful to the men and stock employed i il Is a flagrant violation of the law of Oud, and contrary to Ihe princi ple in which this government is founded. Ho inanity demands that it be dispensed with, and the moral and religious influence of every com munity should be exerted to hav it discoutiii Bed. THE FBESI9E5T 0 THE IEXXESSEE qtksTlow. Wo desire to call the especial attention of our reader lo Ibe President message on Ihe admission of Tennessee, published elsewhere io our column to-day, a it seems to os lo give Xrry fair statement of the ojnestiiiiis now in dispute kiween Cungres and the President It shorn conclusively that the obstacle which have for so long lime, hindered the Work of reconstruction, bare not arisen from Ibe an willingness or "obstinacy"' of Ihe execaiive a Hedged by (he Radical Presa. While lb President is not disposed lo abandon any part of bis opiuious on Ihe great questions now lo isue before the American people, yet, wishing must f all for the restoration of lb Union and '.rovstly desiring to remote evert cose for further delay, whether real or imaginary," ho ie willing to give his assent to umj measure proposed by Congress, looking to the speedy admission of loynl representation from the Southern States, even if it should not he io perfect aooord with his own policy. The joint Resolution which calls forlh thia measago from the President is an "auomnly" in legislation and is in reality nothing hut un expression of opinion on tlio part of Congress, (alter a suf ficient number of "wherascs") that "Ten nessee is entitled to representation" a propo sition certainly that no one but Cougrirdo has ever denied. So far as its force as a legisla tire enactment it concerned it ia a meru null! ty, having nut the least tendency to settle the questions iu controverts. Besidea the point made by the message, we we would ask the attention of our readers to the fact that Congress iu tlio preamble to this resolution takes it upon itself to muke the ratification of the lately proposed Amend ment a "condition precedent" to the admis sion of Tennessee ; although that amendment is aa yet, no purt, of the Constitution, not hav lull been adopted by the requisite number of States. In faot, thia measure is nothing but n political stratagem, intended to entrap the President into a veto, and to roaku it appear that the majority in Congress is really desirous of res toring the Union aa toon aa it can be done snfely. This resolution ia intended to be. and, probably, will be used us an electioneering document in the fall elections, though it may be that this meseage will disconcert Ihe plan somewhat. If this admission of Tennessee is not a demagogical trick, why was it delayed till the cluso of the session! There bus been no recent material change in the position of affairs in Tennessee and that State is not a whit more loyal now than she has been for mnu' lis past, even if wo take the Radical standard of loyalty. In truth it was not in tended that any of the Southern States should be admitted prior to the adoption of uegro suffrage, and Tennessee would still have been compelled to atay nnt if it had not been for the pressure of public opinion in favor of im mediate union. It roinains to be seen, howev- er. how the people will appreciate this "Art-J ful Dudgor" atylo of legislation. Escape of Convicts from tub Pbnitf.s- tiahy. A wooden wall or fenoe has lieen constructed arnnnd the prison grounds, enclos ing fame fourteen or fifteen acres. Within this the brick kiln, blacksmith shop, tempora ry prison. &o., ore situated. The fence baa nut been finished aa yet to ita full height on the north aide and portions of t ho east and west ends, In the afternoon of Monday last, Bledsoe, one of the convicts and a notorious desperado. called upon Mr. Allurd. thn Warden, for some medicine. The Warden, on entering the of fice to obtain it, was aiiddenly seized by Bled soe ; wrenching himself loose, be sprang for the door, where ho was met and aeized by four or five others of the convicts, who had armed themselves with knives from the kitchen. About the same time, Mr. Shaw, tho Superin tendent, was seized by two of the convicts at the blacksmith shop and forced to go quietly nlong with them, nssnring him that no harm should he done if be did so. On turning rouud, Mr. Shaw saw tlio Wnrden being forced to ing forced toward him, bleeding at the mouth. At this juncture, Bledsoe, leaving the Warden, came In Mr. Shaw, and, being armed with a hutuliev linifv, Ihruntolied lillll Willi death It he made any distu:bhnce ; to which the Superin tendent replied that he should do his duty at any peril. Here Mr. Allien, foreman of the brick-yard, was brought np, ho having also been captured, and the whole party were foro cd long toward the eust end of the new build ing, when- there w as un opening in the fence, Wben they had pursed the end of the building Messrs. liirry mid Hurley, two guards who were stationed on the platform of the fence, came opposite to them and withia thirty or for ty feet. The Superintendent ordered the guards to nre. nut they, seeing the Uanger nl the officers, did not comply. Tho party soon reached the opening in the fence, w here sev eral guards were stationed. As the temporary fence Has readied. Mr. hli.nv clinched Ilia arm nmuiid one of the piecea of which it was com posed, oiuring n halt among those who held him. Allurd ,nd Ahlen were forced on through the passage, when the convicts, noticing their exposed situation, began a r, treat, while Bled soe and Wright fled lor the brush. The guards opened fire, and Wright was brought down, while Uledsoe escaped will) (lis is supposed) a wonnd in the lelt shoulder. 1 he main body retreated within the enclosure, and soon made another rush for the fence, w hen eight more escaped, while several wero turned back even after they were beyond the fence. The name of those who succeeded in getting away nre as follows :. Mat. Bledsoe, Julian Ladrew, James A. Lambert, Tho. Daniels, Frank Williams. George Douglas. Nelson Hauxhurst, and F.J. While. TELEG1UPIIIC NEWH. Chicago, Angnst 28. The call for soldiers national convention, to meet at Pittsburg, Sep tember 25, i issued addressed to all who be lieve that treason should be made odins and iraitnr punished ; who are opposed lo the res toration of rem-1 to power, and ottering a pre mium to lreaon and treachery; in favor of the proposed constitutional amendment, and of continuing Congress as the lawmaking body of the Government. A committee has lieen ap pointed at Pittsburg. Gen. Jas. S. Negh-y, chairman, to make preparation for the omi- ventton. Philadelphia, Ang. 2D. The Presidential oirtv arrived, via Jersey City, at a little past one o'clock tbi afternoon, and were received by Mayor Hoflman, the memhi rs or the Com mon Council and the city military. The May or made a brief speech of welcome, which was briefly responded lo. The procession then moved lo the City Hall, where ma reception took look plao. and subsequently there was a review of the military or President joiinsnn when the Immense procession moved Inrongl Broadway to Delinouico't where at six o.elock there will be a grand banquet. Broadway and all the nublio and private residences and all the foreign and domestic shipping are gaily deoorated with flags and streamers. A larger crowd of people are in the street than on Ihe arrival of ihe remain of the late rresnieni Lincoln. Thn far all has gone on smoothly. Ihe weather being propitious. To-night ihe President will lie serenaded at ten o in front of Delmonico', and if not too weary will make an addres. Mayor Huffman in his welcome la ihe President at the City Hall saiil. "the City of New York, whieh now greets you has never fullered in its devotion to ibe Union and ibeConsiitntimi, and never will. Il is the Metropolis of Ihe country and wheu it speaks it doe not speak in whisper or ot ter uncertain sounds. Il speak to day. and I trust this great demonstration in which capital aud labor have both united will cheer your heart and strengthen your bands in Ihe great wink of pear and restoration io which yoa are engaged- I will detain yoa no lngr. The people re impatieut to greet Jon. Their ac lions will speak more eloquently than mere words. 1 beg yonr acceptance of this engross ed copy of the resolution of the Common Conned, and with them extend lo yoa lh hospiiahtie of the city." The Pr video', ia a voice evidently affected by emotion, said : "To muke n reply to what yon have just given utterance to, under the cirsumstanites, would lie more than I could un der! ike, I nm overwhelmed at the reception you hare accorded me. (Applause.) Lao. ?;nage is inadequate lo give expression lo my eeling. I accepted your invitation, nud now beg yoo will in return accept my most sincere and heartfelt thanks. Sueh au mutation from this great metropolis ought In encourage, nud it does encourage me in the faithful discharge' of my duty. (Cheers.) It is peculiarly no oepluhlc at this time, fresh as we are from tlio battle field, but there is still a greater battle before us. (Cheers.) Iu referenoo to what I have done, and il is for you to determine witat my conduct baa been. (Applause.) In con clusion, let silence speak for me what I ought In say and what I intend to do, (Cheers.) In accepting these resolutions, accompanied by the sentiments so gracefully uttered, 1 "gain return you my sincere thanks." At Ihe conclusion of ihe President's remarks he was greeted with three times three cheers. Loud calls were then male for Seoretnry Sew ard, who in response, said ; "l feel that I am at home, and thank yoa for the welcome you have extended. (Cheers.) I feel more than that, for I have brought with mo to your and my Inline the President of the United Slates, (Cheers ) United by the arms of our heroes, by the virtuo of our citiltena. and by tho wis dom and energy of our Chief Magistrate, if any things is wunting, it is the uertifiuale which we look for at the coming polls, to bear ns out in our opinions that the United Sutca should consist of HO Instead of 25 States. (Great applause.) In the oily and State of New York the people should be faithful, first to their wives, then to their children then to the city and State, and then to ihe oouiilry at largo. To these duties I adhere, and if per sons were to interfere with me in faithfully cur rying out these principles I could overbalance hem and still bo faithful to the country." Great cheering. 1 After tho address, the Mayor presented the city oflicials ami citizens, which ceremony con tinued for about an hnur. The procession of the purl' up Broadway was a magnificent ova tiiin. Every available space wus occupied by the assembled Ihuusands. Bouquets were showered down by hundreds. The cheers which greeted General Grant nnd Admiral Forra-ut were especially noticeable. On ibeir arrival at Deluiuuicoe, the party reviewed the divisiou of troops. The President was called to speak, but declined to make a speech, say ing that none was needed ufter the demonstra tion which had been made to day, "I leave the Constitution and Union iu your hands." Delmonico, by a few privileged citizens, which mo inny was auerwarus euienaineii ni wus uoiiiiuneti until a luie nour oi ine mgill. The party leaves at an early hour for West Point, raiding through Central Park and taking a special steamer at Manhatlaiiville. St. Louis. August 29. Tho cemeteries re port 92 cholera interments yesterday a de crease of 13 from tho day before. Albany, August 19. in the State Senate be ing extra aession for Ihe trial of Judge Smith, of Utiua. Mr. Law offered a resolution on be half of the people of the State :if New York welcoming the President, Gen. Grunt and Ad miral Fiuragut. Gen. Thomas Murphv moved In insert the name of Win. II. Seward, which was lost. ft" The city fathers -of Portland hnvo re cently enacted an ordinance divorcing women and whisky long joined in happy, fruitful wedlock there. ' I he movement has penetrated the Oregonian editor' bowels of compassion, aud from the dismal recesses of that region where drinks do congregate has fished up a "still, small voice" iu its favor. And Beriuh Deriah, the irrepressible what has it done fur Deriali f Truly the copper fastenings have been wrenched asunder, and we have a glimpse of a sunt not all polluted, nor lost to hope. It is plain enough that Beriah ia demoralized, or he woold never have been delivered of that tender, torching romance which we reud with subdued, sympathetic " pheelinka." This is as t rlimilu lie; Portland has liecome tlio El Do railo of loose women and tight men. Ah. Sod om was free and ensv. and Gomorrah was wondrous rough, hut 'twere more tolerable for one ol tlieso than Portland when Scott con demns and Beriah blushes for her iniquities! II had Out. The sonorous expounder of fa natical faith at Portland has read Judge Wil son out of the Union parly for desiring Ihe re t lection of Nesmiih. Did you ever f Xo, you never, we never, nor any of our grand mothers ever saw such a specimen of the " devil's own impudence" as that. Bead Wil son out of the parly ! Lord, help ns ! You will he turning Grant and Sheridan nut to grass next, won't yon ? The fact is, such a crushing lump of presnuiplion nud sublime toughness of cheek rather challenge our re spect. No nne can pnssildy heat Hint ; yoo have climbed lo the highest story of slur jos tling luntluthi nnd kicked the stairs from under. W " The rouibat thickens" between the belligerent sou of yEsoulapins. " When thieves quarrel, honest men get their own" when doctors disagree, sick men have a chance In get well. It is to be hoped they will Com promise, however, by an agreement to take each other's pills. The graveyard will answer 'or the result. (7 The mucb-nhnsed Boyiikin is, after nil, a true philanthropist. He started all he cnulJ on the way In the better kingdom, and now lias generously agreed fo pilot those who had a preference for the other route. ClliCL'8. The Cosmopolitan Circus will be in Salem on Monday and Tuesday, Sept. lOih aud 11th. To Bvsisase Dm, ass Omits. Arrangements havt ton ns,le In the St,iUman Office wlierrhy sit klroU or Card son Fine? PrintiDS eao be ,lous on lot shortest oollce, sntl st price, which eonnot toll lo suit our patrons. The Jobbing Department is amti-r the chsrire of sn experienced Slid com. petent prlnlee, so our work for more than year peel wll testify, and those reqolrinf hrlrfs, pantalets, checks, tillt- hrkili, builnees, address, or wedding cajdi, prt remittee, ball circulars, mining companies certi8citei and receipts, Jus tice!' blinks, and in ract every rireerip'ion of plain and tan- er priotio, csu hare the work well and prompt!) done We keep a complete assortment ot bill-head, letter, and oth er paper, soluble tor Job prlnllnsi Ingrlhrr with plain and finer cards, ete. We Invite those oeeirlng to nave anv de scription of printing done, t call and examine simples and prices, ard sane! ihcmecUea that a good work can be dene and as good bargains made at at aor other offlce In Orrg-jR. How to Catch thr Convicts Let Ihe coming Legislature give au appropriation for nne Ihnnsand bear traps, and bait them with Weh-Foot Tonio Clark says " it ia powerful." Everybody want it. . MABKIED. At Ihe rewlcttre nf Wm. f. Rliawlev.ln Yamhill enea IV. by t.l.ler 8. C. A'i in,., !r. Jo:l Hsvrl nl feu J--aui'i eo.fnl .to Mi F.liubkth 0. 8iiWLr.l Yam hill en , OrK'i, Admiuilralorft Police. N'nTICE ie herehe riren t hut (lie m.dttirfned ha been appmnled adminittrator on te eniitta ol Henrr (,'. UtrHnuu, dreMd, hy (lie Count Court of Polk Comitf, Oreifou. Allperwtnn hainKfiaimeetfintt iaideeatear here by rtqtteafed to present the Mine tw the andemirned ml hi rrrufrm- in Kliendnle, in Mid mint, with the DFcinry voachera, wiUiiu ri aioniha frout Uie dule here'!. KlleiiduU, Polk conuty, Ortmn, Aug 9, A I 1H. ft. M.t OtsLINH.Adm'r. NoUce to the Sick. ADVICE FRKfc AT CLAUK 8 UUVG 8Tn(K. oppoeiia tha Ft OHIro. i9 tklra ehanre fr nielictiie. Aia k ci KKP nm $: r and wankaxtf.d. Varnishes! XTOIIIJ It Hoar't tnyheli, Amerfeiin Cmeh, C' il pad. Met i line, IKtuwu-. and Ulifllne Varniehee, a rxlM MYFHA Rt) Aa:TS WASTED. qv) HI'.l.t,. IIV StTHSClttl'TfON ONLY, Ihe timid 1 aid and ollli iid rioiitlieru llislory ot llio War i "rim i. our t'Ai'siit," Itv Kowtiin A. Pom. sun, of Virginia, f omrrisltijf u full and aiitlientic lu'eotint nf the riiui and proirrM nf tlio Into hoolliei-ll Coiifeilcrary. t'onipletei III one lure roval ik-ihvo volume of nesrly Kntl pag-ee, Willi tiilendid steel portraits of iiimitioiiiHiH. Coufviler llle leaders, e'or lories Slid territory, H'tili-ess K K riilKAU, Uenorul Aueul, 'Mm!) No K Alontoitiery st ,Huu Fntoclseo. lsM'l Kl-V. NOTICK is hertliy given that the eopartusrsliip heretofore exittinu muter the liriti thiol of "llur diner .Mill t'otoimuy,'' is litis day dtsmilveH Ity mill mil consent. Tlio undersigned will e.,111 iiioes llie'litisiiiesa nl the aume place, und eiill oeeuuie and eulllv Mllciuitns for and auainet Ihe concern. DAVID MONEY. OiirdltirCliy,.liily!27. IHtM. s:iir4 Weitman's Patent Horse-Shoal fpilE iitiderdgned Ihs ptitrltiited Hie rieltt to make I nnd ion on WHITMAN'S l'ATENT IMPItOVKI) HOUSE SHOE, mid is now prepared to put an this new und improved shoe, trithont nniln of any kind. Kin-mere and liorHemell will please call and eXHiiiiiie it. nl the tliop in Ihe rear of mv livery stable In Siilom. AMOS L. bTAIikhV. Weitman's Patent Horse Shoe Thin new 1ue offer tlio follow. iitf HlvuulH(r: The tlrst would he in (lie cat of lender footed hurrien, tfiu-li hi Imve Hut and thin hoot nnd thou wlnwe hoofn will ixt udiiiil ot tmilt bitivr drivim into the hfKif. This eliou Wini funic i it- I entirely by (lie me rmiirttl cmittivmice on the out ni tie, will khvo nil inch luii'fCB, and muke theni rt-nlly in uad'ul hi hoi with the I iet. feet. 2d. Should a man ho riiivi, k on the rm or Inivel iiif over the tiimuitaiiit, im u the ciiku often in thin country, where h ttmn in Imiidrtdn of mil?t from MnuliHiiiiili, und his honw cunt a ihoe, he could tdioe him HtfHiii Wiih thin pate itt ffhoe in two mi mil en' time, uecdiuif nothing but the ihue, nip und tu-ruw driver. illt For htnputt whoio feet nro tronhlud with corm ind Riirh dirtl t'ti I lien hit shoe iit the very thinir. un ev ery (timer and I'm riur will nt n thin'ce. Thin vhne tint he UMvd hy iIih tumor ilntinu h teriaiii neiiumi, or over u ceMnin mud, or on vet-turn run if h ground, und lhn liikuii iH wheiim-fr riudr.'d, withuut a rmit ti( XK iiHi',or tliu iViitti injury iilif.liue or iho hot-' fool. M U. IIMU'K Kitriierand Velerinurv (Surgeon. Salem, Oretyon, Any. 'A, IWKi. " :f.i IXCOKl'OUATKI) JAN. IHih. JHiie. OltKOOIV IRON WORKS, Corner of Morrison tni Seventh Sts,, Portland. rpiIH Company have lately enlutvrd liielr works, 1 anil liy the iitii-oiliieiion of tha meet impiovetl Ma rl. iuurv and Tools, are. fully aide lo eoinpeitt wiih any Iron Works on the toast, both in rlmnuler of work and llieir I'at-ilitios for-exueiuiuj eottlruela and orders iirotnpily fr any kind of Machinery, required, uiu britfiutr MAKINK, KVATIONAIIV und I'OUTAIiLK K. t)l. V1CS and III II I. EltS, II VTTKItlKSnf hut required welirlil i Wlli:i;i,i:i( & UANHAUS r-WNTAIX. und MOOKK'S UltlNUKKSanil AMAI.OASIATOIISi IliiiifcerritrJ's I'OSt KMitA'HIltS, MiOlCsl mid IllirS: FI.OI'KIN'fl and SAW MlfX WOlIKi l'OHTAHI.r: HTK T SAW MILLS, UIH-I& Myers' AMKIIICANDUl'ULBTUKUINE WATlitt WllKKLSi Shaltiug mid 1'nllcvei Iron Krouls, Doors and Si, ut ters, nnd All Kinds of Machinery and Castings. For ilie cnnvenieiK-e of parties ordi rlinr Mueliioery of ns, weftlrnts!i.H! the lowest n;ark,.-l prices. Hailer) Sereuus, t.'upper I'lates, lnilier mid Kuhher lleltmf. A. C. OlUUti, Pies'l. E. S. lottOA!l, Het-'y. litlf John j. iiuw. OKOIIOK P. UOI.UAN, Nftary I'nlille. suau , uni nn a sj AUorne) s ul Law. Stili ui, Oregon, Office in tlio Court Home. ly'JO PICTURES, PICTURES! A CHANCE FOR EVERYBODY FOU MKETY VAYX! Cheaper than the Cheapest To nitiko room for iiliemtimm. tho etnrk must W rtctiri'it in nini'iy duy. nnd during (hut lime I will lake rictuiCB ehejiuei- than any other gulleiv lit Ihe .sn. i e. Montgomerys Gallery, HA ft EM. OR EG OS. :iiw3 MiM-irrf ftai, BY virtue of mi excrntion nnd order ot mile on fore . lomtreot m-rtKHt.'e.iitiuid out of ibv Cimtil t'mirt of the StHte of ftioii for II f roimly of Muri'm.nnd to me dirrrifd, whrfiii .lohn X S'diiti nnd Nnry hmith itrc nUitititt. and 1. C Kfiznr und Alury Kfinr and 0. 1. Arnold ure dcfendum. r'luiiniiudtntr nie to muke title of the rMeriy d -m-rihed iu the ihn t-e und Tore thmurewhertforc, I hnvn h If 1 upon uH llm rtjlit, Itduiiud intervHt of mu V (' Kfixur und Mtiry Koirur, which they now Itnve or huve Imd at any time Hitr? !he i",th day ol Ottober, mid to I hi) mil frlHie tffsrribii in miid dMne hi folhin', tu-w it Sitimle in Marion mmitv. piiut" of Oregon: NoiiHruttoii No. III., ('enitlcttTe S'o. lW. and lh Irnr.ionul ? W imo fourth of heS K . ne fourth of htHimii M iti T 7 H U. V, W. of the Wilhuiifttp iitfti'liu routHininh' anml Kl I IN) Hrrcn ; nnd thn fitii-hnmtl N. old luilf of ft'f lion l . T. 7 b . It :t , contHintiiK H; und 1)7 m Hf'fR; aud rivfrlot No. , in rt4-iiim l.i, T. 7 8.. It. :iV., fsMiiiiiititifar Hi and IfH-ltHI urrt'S nmkiutf in nil Uii and W Mh'iuren 4 ifthnr with ihe iiifurieuiim-i'i iheri-onto licloiilliif ; uud Wilt inHced (o n il the (nine at pnhlic iiuiintu, at he Court 1 1 once dour in Ksth'tn, iu ptiiil i-ouMfv Mud Siw'e. on Monduy. the I'lli liar of S?Hr tii.r, IHiaii.ut the hour of ou is'thkii pm , or iiait-h thr-rcof h will be neiMry toMiirly ihe plHtntiffit' deumnd, nmnnniiuy lo px hundred ai d eiL'h'V three ami twenty live one hundredth! doHnr' $i '.), Hint intereot thereon ill the rule of twelve pi r rent ner uuntnn from the Viith duy ot June, IHi'ti. neither with rot J J HiriU'HY, KherifTof Marion fumtv. Fair in. Aujfiirt II. IH'M. tflw4 Dr. ii. y BU', riiyslcian. Surgeon, und Oculist 8ALKM, OKKOON, OKKKliS hiit proffceiouiil B-rvin- lo the tliiren of 8nleiu und vicinity fn the prai iif ul Medicine, Surgery, and UWUMntn. Tlnne euile ring with Diseases of the Eye, would do well to cull at hti cnVe. und he at once re tored. Huryii-ul opi'Miton ktllfullv ierformed on the hven, lor Calumet, rihu, htruiuviuua or yroa Kyea. ' Alany patient ran be weu al hug dtily. 41 tie oflrilllll ftrillotuflil. Iu Comity Court, II nr hn Comity, Oregon. A'ljfurt term, lrfi. ruie of Nuihuii H. Ilitutedcr d. JAMr II ('.NT. adiuiniiiralor of mid eite. IinvIuk lltm ditv. filed hie accminu in euid Court, pntviua Hual aelifeuient of the Mine, it M therefore orrit-red he the Court I hut Tuesday, tha 4th duy of fiepieaier. iKtati, be eet HHrt Utt the hettriiiK of tuud appiiiHtHsii, at the Court IIouhi iu raletn, at winch lime uud pUce all pereoiMa iuterwiied may apx-ar and file their otjue lifatiM to the mine, if aov tliey Imia. HHleia. A'iKUfti. I. yiw4pd JtHI.V V. PKKHLKR. Co.Jndjff, oll(T of Muni HImriil. In County Court, l'"tk t oumy. Htaie .H UreKWi An iruat Tenn. I Hi. Kale of Jtthn l! Jurkatra, oVe'd. CI C CHAM, iidti'tmvtrtitnr nf euid eefme, ImUnf thi fliiy filed hit urconntB tti td Court pmyiuir a liiml eetilement of the mme, ihvrvfirre, tvrtice hi hereltv iveu lo nil pervmi imereeted in aid estate, thn' tfie mid Hpphmimn will be beurd and delemiined at the Court Hoiim in Dnllaa, on Tueettay Ihe 4th day of fteirienji-er. A. lUTMON, tV-Wire, Anu4 f IHt-6. liWI . Loit $10 Reward. COLT f, llKVOLVKK-nti 4i wter, No. Joill: end uf ue n.iaatle W"ru. and tlie acrew Unit Itoldi Ihe c-mk un t r ke half IT- Tue rrid will le hud for the return ol the pistol to lac, or mt the Nttrnam ofli-e. - W.ll.ANIiKMhOJi. he'U. Anf '11. l , 'iWlrd Ten Dollars Reward. STOlsKN fnrta Ihe mlwriber. on r about (he 'Jib day ol July, a tlHLIi i WAdO-S, with wilh.w ba. black lop i "(il Kite li abovt rewnrd fur Ibe recovery or anjr infrinUuM of a id watr. Hnletn. An . 13, Ittfifi. - lUtf I Doors, Windows & Blinds. i JI'KT rreeireel. bnr aaeort ",et,l of rii BOOKS nvl a . Imhw I'ewesi Maanlart'ws, uid sal ehewp. for ewalt, nl STRANG Ii ANDERSON. iei.iiwi o x o Essence of Jamaica Ginger rillfl.H VAUtAHLi; IMiKI AUATI'-N, contaiulna J in a Inuhl.V foiiriiiiriiii-d fnm all the propertien of ihn fitmuit'ii (iiiiKr, hui he'tiio one of the inott populur doiiieftir rcmetliei lor alt din'm-en of thenlytu acn and diifniivc ormtim. Ai a louii' It will hn touuil itiviiliuthle to till pernnnt retHtveriinf Irom debility. wlnl1ier produced by lever or otht'i'W ine t ft.r whiUt It flit tni-l to Ihe kvm.uiii till Ihe filiiw and vitmr ihnt run lie produced by wine or briii dv. il ie entirely free from tho reuctiotiiiry eH'ecii that follow the nne of r-piritu of uuv kind. It, ia nlim mi oxcellcut remedy or femnlet who mlfer from dihVull mmintt-uniltott. (living Hlmnrt im nirwlitito rs-di.-f (s t, ttn.tai ().,(! to lre'jttently hc com pit uy thnl period, m ' v wvan imuii-uiaiereiii'r in n unpen, rumiea oy riding In a niili oud eur.or hy (, nickueiiM, or oilier cnuren. It in ulfto vnhiahlu u un external iipplicaliou for Ootit. KlifuiHlimn, Nciii'icfiii. ele. . iu;i)irv(; roN k c o.f Kola Afti'iite tor the I'aciHe Coaat. STOP THATG0UGHIN6 SOME OF YOU CAN'T, AND WB PITT you. You have trM every remedy but the ONK dcetined, by lu Imrinulo merit, to auperMde all rim. ilar ptrparationa, It U not urprUibg yiw abould be iwlucuuit to try MinelliluR elao after tho numy perlmeou ymi hnve made of tnuby compound! folited on the public u a certain curej but NEWELL'L Pulmonary Syrup Ii rcnlly tho VKHY nFKTirmvvlyeTereompmtnded for tlio cure nf Count., Colda, Hon Thrtmt, Anthina, WhnopiiiKt'miKli.Urunrhillfiand Connumpilou. Thuu BinlH of piilo In tJullfornla and Urom have been Hltvady bouuliued by ibe mrprlulug curallvu powurt NEWBLL'S Pulmonary Syrup lid wllh nne acconl glvr It their unqtmllflM appro. Iwtluo. We now iu1ilnM oiimelvea to all wlm are un acquainted with tliM, ihe grcaieet I'auiwca nf the m fur tho In'ttliui: nf all diauaici of Urn Throat aue Isuugt, aaauiiutf you that NEWELL'C Pulmonary Syrup hu cured ihntiauide and tt will cur YOU If yon try it, Tble Invnlimble modlclno Is plcaunt to the tattei aootblDg, hoolinj and strvngihonlng In Itaenri-U; eo ilrvly free from all potanuuua or UnletertouM lru aud perfectly lunnloM under all clrcumttMucei. Certlflcatea from many prominent iliuuua at Baa Frauclico accginpiu.y every buttle of NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup BtDINOTOM 6 CO. Ajenta, Baa Fnuclaw, ROIXfiTOX'S FLAVORING EXTRACT8 Art. iiinile from t'ltUSIf Kmits. Karlt 1.. .111f Iml'lrf tw in tie Hindi it Ht.v ttllier Itrtiti'l ill llm tlliirkel, t'iitieet,ielillv they 1.1. ' l I'liertl'tvt hihI litu IhjmI. L'B .Ml Mil Kit. l:KIIXi!T0 fc I'd. Atteiils lite I'lit-ilie voile'. I :i:i;!ni: V. . . . a A . a . TlllB Is ft wonderful dlaeotery, and stands above eotnparleon with auy oUier artlok ar tha Uatr em brottlht befoea tba pubUa. Hair Restorer and Hair Dresser JlofA eontMnwet l an. lsf. lanotaDys. So. Will wil eolor tha skin. Do. Will restore Uray Hair U beaotlnd Blark, Brown, Auliurn,or wltaterer a.'fht haes been Its orlttlual eotor. and eause U lo aamms Its former buauty. 4t. WIU curs all Humors and Diseases of the scalp. 6th. Will remove Dandruff and Scurf frees Ihe bead, and keep the hair molrt aud allk-Uke In Ita appearanr a as In youthful days. lira. Vi lli promote a heellhy srowlh. 7tH. Will ptevenl It from Lilies, off, and eauae II lo row on bald heads where there Is Ills and vitality al Ihe roou. but where Ihess are Kooe there Is no hope of eurewei. 9th. The beet lasUiuooy lliai can be fin WU1 be found liulds of sacb bottle. ITawavtfeel (a sf fl ere efniwa ftr U or A snonev rrfum4M aflmr um See todies. Try it sisal cwHwIncesl. Sold sverywher. PRICE, s)l. BIU0ND8 4 CO., Propristort, riTzmtxiAJt, h. u. (iracfoiibcri? UTERIN2 CATHOLICON, If faithfully n-kt-d arrordinar lu Hirrrlboi, will ear rry rnM of lliuhotni, mimI ureiHlr mi'tipirt Iht trtm hlMonie rlftTi mnpa hy u it-InxmImmi of tho nntki of lit onilrt il tha blnltr. It i u imI tM-.-m-ful rtnu rilf f'T the (Jmvfl hiiH itihrr iliMura uf lh? Riihipya and ItlaMoVr, ui'il fur Kenmlo iwHMa ia iuapialv4 Tl' Vnfk"hmn iintfiirmly rurr 'rlHtMi t'lrri. While, all Inviriihiriiir f tl, Alntithlv Turin. Hup prtHMHi, lurtHsiinauia f L'tiu. ilttiiiif and Dmp iral Snrlht.)ti. aint all l)iruj of 1'rrKimnry. Tht rH:ifn atthm if itiia uinlirini i ItniniHtHie and rvr laio upon tha I'liriiw and Abdnmiiml ,Mnar)M and Isitfammtj. : rvatont-if Ihtriu to a Imalihy a atala m thiNM fit t.l.lllh)'rd and Jtith. t ihnt anritii who hav im-4 tba (irarfrhbirft Company' $ t'trrmt V" thtdtevn mnnrft nliicieutly oaprrtt tht-ir KMlituiie lor tha rltff allot iM. ht?siiiiton it Co. Affatita, 410 and 418 Kroul ami. Ha" KraiiritM-o. WE THINK THERE ID KD. lelar ao ftHrirlnm In rrmotlnjc haaior from Ihe blood it RCO. TILL'S BLOOD A LIVER BtKl P. It I rfrommindrd bj Ptajnl clan In all parti of Ihe roun Irr, for Ibe rare or lierorula,' BHd olhrr dlsrasei of lite (all. rlr. Tlmpliaor Korra Indlrale I but Ibe ijalrm out ofordrr. ttilfs onirlblnK I done to cleanx Ibe blood r I brut In. parities tbe rraalt mar be a more acrloit disease, airb a brrofula, rSjphllla, tit. Thnie who wlab to And noil rllra. elon renrdr, and )ct bare n ronlltlrnre In Talent Medlrlne Kenerallr, will nrtrr rrgrrl trial of SrerlU't Blood and Liter Hirnp. KKDIXtitOX k CJ. iKenla, 4l and II Front it., Han rnnrlaro. 84m6 ftirii It Hammkh. woiHry ftimic. rititr.v a iiinni'ii. Law nnd Ucnerai Amoncy OUIce, Stsirs.'s lli l. V tlluvk, SAI.KM DtKOitS.. f , .f ,t 1.l(TllTI.AK HttPttitt'ii Hiv.-n t" lite ,iirtlise suil wile nf Uii.l, Mint t'ily irierly. Alistriutiif Titles fnrnielieil llnelnsas ImnaueteiJ Willi nil llie l)eirltimiil lit Wun)iiiixti,ii t:iiy. L'ol liniitttis ii'Ottl,tlv lllltttiiteil In. IlKKiiKsceir Mwssrs. II. I U. Mwres. Ueuili It iMii'liniii,,!. II St M. Ilimli. Siilem i t.'raietwJi, SliM-iim sWC'u., VHiifi.uwi-r i Dr. W. II. Wutkius, I'mv Imirft llim. tl.S.Oi'iiiiy. Iinllesl'ity. lltty 1 1, IHM. 'Hy Froperty for Bulc. , , Wi: will sell mi rfH.oiiuWo tsrins, s lit following ritv irowrlv. II I'lt'iiiii hihI lii'tinllfiillv IcfitlSd rt'siilent liils III Ctirtwi'lirlil'i udtlilioit lu tlio Ciiy uf fetaloui, . .Itiel liilrloNI A Uris, oolivoliient unil tiisl Iv fiirnUlieil rualilvlHr mid two lls, tin suul utid Diviaiuit s( rents. A Iiuimo. twit Iota, Willi untimiruTiit irurneii hud sltHil trees, mi Kttilil sli-eel. A suloiuliil re.icltiiue and lot, cor. I.llisriy ami Mum 8ln-et. A So. 1 House, sittl two lols, wlllt Una nsaortineul nl fruit Irons, giMxl stultls, fco. cor. Wain hikI t'"itK slrt-els. , A two siiiry dwollinir lmnti, with six ronins, celled Htid srii"l, toiretln's Willi ills lot im wliidi It sluiids, ' sllUHlctJ oil Mtintiiflr sireot, uiaii uneiiteKai anu Ci-nlrti sireeis. Knur iriiol, neul ttwelliiiirs, well tlntelisit, on rrant Mint Otturt els. llireoexrellent hnnees and lols, on 1 harsh street, between Clienifkelil Hltd Center slrwflts. A house and In! on Front slreet llonsB timl four Iota in NorllietHloiii. ' 1 llotiHsnnd three lots wljoiiiiiiK A. Hush's, on lit titirth. lluii.e and lot mi cor. Iliirh suil Kerry stresl. One feneed lot in eUiitllt Siiluni. . Fnrma for Rule I V will sell tits f.illnwiiiK furms M Imrnalns. 4) acres iioml luiid. inlln eiutt of N. ShIoiii, with f(iMiil yonnit ort'liHrtl. KHnlen, eVe ' : ftdirHrrns ttood fni'iniiix slid iirtixltiK land, with or (dmrd .e.,silUHUd . miles front Kniniti. mill aerea noil liirnilnK and pasiura biiid.nrehitrd its , liM'tilfil fonr tniie Iroiit Hnh-mj Vtw Heres, villi iifNffi,ir etoek mletllj' fat liilies. to iffilter wiilt a pood iivk of liorses, mule, utitl h"K. tumult) on Drift t ieek. fmit of Cnsrutlo mt, tin tHitta. t ai-rcs, iiicltitlinir port nf the town of Siihltniitv. Hill nert'a ,li iidi.lly timliered Innd, two miles from Hnbliiuiiy. I'ur Mule, A jfood one liorso Imiriy. Fur fiirllier imrticnUrs tnieortiitiji nny of the bov protrty llHpitre Ht our nlfh-e. ciuRRv ft mnnrn, Uw and AKenry OlIl.e.tiDehili. Moores Hriek Block , httiain, iireiion, want no. rr0 piikIiss two sitmll tHrms. For fwrtlrnUra. In- 1 quire of I I! lilt Y 4t 1 1 A. Mil Kit YANKEE DOODLE Yankee Doodle goei lo fulfil. And io doet everybody. And buy thiir f,oud of Smith k Waub, And don't get -ilurk" on ihoddy. HM'AVKK SMITH & WADE Don't iris. 7'' nro not selllitf out at cul. J'krir sun k Is not itoliiir lo U I'loned out In alxiv Aits, ljuile the mvrra in lh e.ntlrary, on the oilnir shie. If on please. They Itnve eeiiled down in SmIciii rrnwruiauoiit,levitiiiiaiobn,iuess, and deal in sivrrvlliinK vmt run iliink of. and iliuuaaniui uf ihinus im one els hut litem over would think of until i hoy needed llietiti nnd I heir business is liirntnsiiiK eiit.riuoiudy every mouth. , Thov ntitv t.lfer for rule- on Slll.r II.1M1H I ts etsllts. IIS WAHKIIoCS A enlcndid aloi'kl All illlllK'l' d'u-k.The InrifrHl shHk intut heel nsanit uuv uooon Wason Mil) I nnd rtnlky Uleul of Sol..,,, and Or,,' 1 1HKIIW, IIMNsVKTKtL ' Inmtiutl llh-lior) Uw 4 Busty IllONH, llenvy HABIIWABKl CAIII K sod Patloryriolhinn' TiiiriHi.rtM. Oltlll'liKIKS. J KKHIS. IIABDWARt:, KAS1F.RN Atl lli..t utul I'tllt Buhls It ShO(,llrl UNK. ; ClttlfKKItY, lKMk,,i,,.,;"'i W-Chalnit I I Wagon -ktaksrs KOTIOMSI, 109" K,. Fie. I J'low, HOPK, NAII.ia, El.. Elr I U'lirrlburrosri, j .lOO.OfMI j rinin Ontdlea. I .. . I Hcrihe.,,.., fcrsr ofT-rod In MIMMJI,t M Hakes. Fo.ks I tWI"1- ,i, eirttJ i YEW POSTS t'wjji.on luititiititir All nt Portlnttd' oartlru. jprh't's nud hull thai tiro nol ywi- I .-tit M'r lh. for1'"", nlwn)s Ij'r frolKhl ud.led. ! aula. Thru trtrifbody keep it tip. And tall nnd ere ibrm nflen. They're alwayt ready (s is Jim) llard prices fur to "snfle " They work ihemsetees. and pay no rents, And always keep a kick'ng: And in trading gmids fur poultry eggs You'll find they don't say ' shieken.' SMITH & WADK, Commsisisl Itrsal. SALEM. OREGON. in G. W, HOBART, & V- Saddle Ilarncsit Make r Sr Kllverlon.Ore.o Al help's old stand, has rona,itly sn hand soon TAmiBTY Of evert IhlnK kept In bis litis. il rt ny. in point of rnf'tpftt nm.1 mois, Iu enll oil hint bvforo pttrrhaalntf staewluite. Try II ami ere I New Work, and Repairing lltms on short ndie asvl ill YYAUKAX I kl. Aineric'iiii lOxt-luinifs'. Ullt.SKK (IF 8AXSPIMK AN II IIAIXKLK HThtTet litis Pranctaco, nl- FlltKl'IIIIOI'- llmnns.nll he'd dnlelied, vssll Veutiluied.snd nlr. ly Foi''l, ' Th oel rimifonahla nnd nomehko hotel in lh f)tie. wlwte every waul UaiKiiied nd rbewrfnliy se)iplied. Prlcei to 8nlt tbe Nost EconomlcaL Tlte Awerirao KscUwia ( ,ch.wilh Rrd IJhle, wiM always ho to readineea lu tonvey saerirs lu Ihe hotel ftew of rharnt. frviirh Window Jilaiash OTAtSKI' OLAnrt, and k inured lllasa, OMd tanf, O Urwiam r,la. Camel nnd (Wbl Hair Hraabau, llmtevad lliaaa C ullete, fcc, eV r . al "27 InVKH fcBIOOfl a. r, vV Sl.m UltHII Ke k.ldsllereealareeaaMt ffeaunasa Ita eeaeed and beer rrMaye In task UIM-Ii. Snttuea in seed.UndJaa ' Invtled a atleu. I II N, ,. . l I r pais, w al liKn. 11. f unntv, Attul-ltey at Imvt. WASHING MACHIHR Puicr.led June Hklt, ISfJ, by J. H. Homer, Cat. fplllH fttvorlto U'aaliinK Matiliine (hna boen ((really 1 imiroeed dnrluif the last year both In its , IOhwo ofAcllou, ..USD.. t Rapidity Of lt Exeoutioa, , r Adding at leust ono third lolls formsr virtues. Kooit nmy, ' iicrotiioimu'd uy oits ,f tit lato improved Wrlnsers,nthltus tha neates'., met ditrnhle. eouoMt. val, expeditions, wtupuel, titut perfect waehinu' riva on tliu fttcilie roasi. An hour's hard vure, etnt bo nocou. pltslted with this mwliin, in ten iuW.r.lzz; e cnurtw unifies, as wull as lsrK feud sinall, nro washed . Willi et(iit ftwllity. Wrrauld to wush perfeetlw cleuu, IcuvIiik ii streaks In eollnrs mid wriidnuids. . PltlOIJ, - - oo, To he piirrliseed In l'orihmtl, nt tho ltitcltlarenra Ollh'O of VuiTisli tt. Ilnwles i in Snlem. nf ,1 H. t ool, a lor i in AH'Hii.V tif Mealy It Uo. t in I'orvnllie of For. tor it Leiuhinuu, nud al Finest Orore. of Kpeiicer ak ., llhlllk. , , ., O. II. nl'KNCEK, Forest Orov. , ' Utullt ' . Proprietor for Oroyon. 1 AGENTS WANTED FOR j "k ' IIEADLEY'S : History of the Great Rebellica. ' TUB CIVIL WAR IN AMERICA. Hy H0.1.J.T. BRADLEY. ' rplUS KEW AND ATTRACTIVE WORK will " I enthraffl conprehenslv aootnmi of lh whohs cnniest, itrnlly printed from Inmniifnl and elsar lypn, 1,11 vnod piir, elKiititly llliistmtd with nninem lino sisal iiitrHvitiMs, ami hound compiela in onn an prrh voliims of over twelve hundred pairos. Will a hiriiislied to snheei llr dnrloK the coming anluwn. ' TESTIMONIALS. :. I " Mr. tfendle v bus ittven an imruirbiHl, tmthfnl mi relisbl llktory of Ihe War.. Tit work is an eleirant ', one, nnd fullv uioels nnr oxiieotntiorm in evsry rs ' fmi."-Rotheilrr N.Y) Ailvcrtiter. "H Is written In Ilniidli'y's best style, mid he t''!' nhuiil tliu Iwst ilelinrntor of Imltle sroues Ihnt llier I 1 ' union n Ainertouu ntittinrs. I'eranna purehmtinp: this vrork will 111 n vnlnuhle snd eiiicrlaliiiiinr lltnl.vrv of His Ar,"Oregon Snlem) Hlaletman,July3.i96& Ot lh mnnv histories of thn war, " Tie Grtni RMHo or a nory of the Citil War in Ike Uni ted Mnlet,' ir .1. T. Ileudlov, author of 'Napoleon and his MHreliula,' etc., is tindotihifdly tho most candid . , unil itnptrlinl. ns well ns Ihe mnet litterestinir. whiob hue lieen issuetl from Ihs Ainerit'itn press. As de n'ili'lve wrlier, Mr. Ilendley hus no siiurlnr In 1 ' Ainerle i " bail 11 Herald Portland, Oregon), July ,1 ir, im. . ,j " It Is ill lieal history yst otfured. We eommend H to nil who deelrn u lair nhd impnrtisl history .''Peas . 7 oeralie Review Salem, Oregon), June ll&A. N. II N'n oilier llitory o tho War cuntkln lh ., OFFICIAL HKI'OltTS (F OENEUAl, UUANT , AND 8IIHKMAV. .' 1 tjr Walt for lleBdlcy'n. fiet Ihe Best. ! K. H Auenla wsiuod t r tllstnf of nil Roll. '' ions." Pit lorinl Churls, tw. Hohl only hy anbssri- ' lion Addros. TilAVKU Hlo ct, , !Wlf 0nerl Aaellls, I'orlland, Oreiton. i Marion County Medical Society, ' UOOM NO. 1. Mooroa' Brick Block, Salem. Qt AttTKiti.v Mkstikoi Ust Tuesdays In January, ' April, July nnd October. 'I KriciAi, MKmvos For discussion, vr aliorunt Tuesday evening. C'iikicsl sn Ditrsssjur Practics, Evry Wednesday nnd 8Hlunluy,froui I lo J, r M Pulletils from the city or ronntry wtahinir for con-, -stiltulion vithoHt inereme 0 extiente, enn nvnil thm-' selvtsi of theauoppnriuuilioa. oleinhfrsuf thn Hociniw reeiiifiil in thn city, nnd sesocinied loKethsrfur Dis . laniMiry I'wiico. Kill pay particular atlenlion lo lb drpHrliueul cotineiled Willi their Individual nnma. II. CAItPENTEK, II. D., .' 0erstiiiv 8nr(fon. 11 . K.I1 K1SKK, at. II., " Ptiyslcul siicns.nnd trestioenl of ( lrfanlc dlsensen. ;i D. PEYTON, M D., ' '1 Pntolirnl AiiMtltcsIa, and diaenaea otli Ncrvon , Syslen. , . 3 j J.W. McAFEE. M.D., . i f 'lieiuirul lai of secretions. and distM of lh Blood und rikin. j.imswELf., m. n.,' " . "' ' Oeiieml lHsitnosis nnd Hvfrien. J. II WYTHE, M. D., i l UieroscopHWl xnmiiiailons. Uiteusos of lh Ey 1:: , nud Knr. .;, ' AT 160 PRICK. JOHN WroiLBERT, Inporler nnd Manulaolarerol BOOTS AND SHOES, and dealer in Leather, Shoemakers Tools, and FINDINGS. I nlon Block, Commcre lal Street, Halom, Oreifon. Hns on hand si full sirtnient of every rltw ed , Uoote and Khocs now iu lb uiarkel. lluvinii arrnnnonieuu to rerelv nj stoek . Dirkit rain niAimrACTtiiitu, I rnn fumlib (nods for Ire than 'm OTHER BOISE IU THE ST1TE. All wok of iiijr owu nmtiofHrltir1 Is mada of Tflir VFRY RRHT WATKBlAii Audputtntffthtsr by oful worltomo Und Ktinmnt4 lu (iva MitiafiM'liitii. $m4 , C. MT Par m enter. . r ' (Suwaseor to E. 0. Duller ) PUI.SU. IM , . Imported andHome-Mafla F IT It NIT URE! HprlnirDo d, . Illt.iroOL, ADPIL0 mBE8SES,ic.,tc. Al Watt's old Sisiul, Commercial Ht. Snlem. MOSPMAWS HOTEL. " C'oujmerciMl rtt., ,.pple Ihe ftteamboal Lsindln. Salem, Oregon. hlNGI-i: AND DOt BL' BOOMS. Hoard Hoard I. If per week SI M nnd Ludifina: U to 7 tt I. v. sitlMMAfl. frop r. Buckeye Reapers and Mowers! JOT KKl'EIVKD. Irom lh annuls in Baa Francis, eo, a Ur slock of Ihe nhov eelehraletl Agtknl tural Implements, winch wo otter at San Francisco Prices and Freight rmiEii A ItMtMwnnJ llonrnt ComLinad Jf o.l. Lameei sis.) iSU M . Mower, No. I. (IntKeet site) 16 .. MP,l,t.l.n. IW us, .. ., u nun sivsra rnirm nay r.ievamra w " " Warranted lu anhaid Ihe Isrireet hmd ol bay nnd Mow k away w Uie peak of a Win, or top of a stuck, In Irom ihrwo lu Ure minutes. Na fanner should b wilboul theoi. pWnd for netrcnlnr lo Mct'UAKK.N, MtKKlLli fc Co., Portlnn.1, April W, li -l AKnt. . h", CORNELL, Ittuler in firoccrita PnTtiioii. aid CsiftetitMrt. (ientt aad Bor Boeli and Skoea LADIX8' AND BUSSES' 8203! avawv.( .. ..ail, iioi:m.uaukm,c., c, I Imp, fr t'sh or Country Produoe. (Inode dellrurrd l sll parte of In City fran of shanr. u.l Ui a I J. u.t llt .MIa meearv i.ieBBiearH mtW. Tvl' rsrnn, I'"1V uaavurnj fva r vrsaw vlir-a-. Knura, Jnaw ... 14 Ittlf U. tuUKELU WED FOOT TONIO' I, an eaewllMit etouuub cordial. Il Is a luid witness of Ira Orwirou (rape aud other itotaesu plains nf well-krown vlnae. It will naasst diiraation by strenartheninat Ihe slossaca, ajnietuial tha awrvee and neimii Bkhi the liver. Aa a prevenuve nl Anne and a limie dnrloa nnd after sn stwek . It hi unonrpaw.l. It Is preserved with Uie heat Bourbon and put p lu tarw bolt lea. nnd prweerihed by many il the beet uti) Mew JDMAHU jNrHr?r.