SALE M, M ON PAY. AUG. 20, Irifid. "MmiK TO IIIK ACFMUTKO." 811 any wo. It, is liigli limn Unit mine ntilico was given to tlio uiilormiiiitf) nfliicteil. lu fact, We nilhiT Ihiiilt that It Ik a pmispwnrtliy under taking to put tlio " uillicteil " on their guard. It in (fi'ttiiip interesting, ni those Ang days wear Iwuvily al nig, iili the thermometer at 105 in t lie shade. Something must Iih stirred up to licop the liliwd from drying up or frying out, nuil it seems an if the doctors had furnished tho jirevcn'ivo. Bless their disinterested souls for llieir coniia8iou on the pulilio pulse! .Thoy Imve not heen feeling it in vain fur these many yours. Lost spring tlio "regtila, " dootoii lormcd ft society and hung nut a regular "shingle," and iiitiinateil quite strongly that they were the fel Itiwi vrlinau combined wisdom was ready for iinythiiig, from gout to fits, snrgcry, eto. From the inner saiiotum of their society they excluded the "steamers," the cnld-waler hoys, the Eclec tics, nnd the untitled allopaths who were "pik ing in" on their own hank. This move provoked opposition, and as opposition in the life of trade, wo are promised lively timeB Biiiong the knights nf the pill lings. Alter carefully surveying the enemy In his fortified and entrenched cninp, tlio Euleetics rallied and charged into the Pro. lessors nf tlio Medicul Society with the rinaio Mcdical Journal. Tho war waxes wrathful!' fierce, mid thu linttlo deepens. Tho sick nre languishing on beds of sickness, while " fever nml ngur" walks abroad at noonday, with very little (except quinine, arsenic, ngne-enre, and oilier harmless cnufcctioiinries) to molest him or make him afraid. At this juncturo of affairs the irrepressible Clutk, at tho corner of Slate nnd Liberty streets, fires a broadside point blank at tho Combination Society," who won't patronize four drug stores. (Clark, that is un kind ; one drug store harbors dealh enough to lull 08 all ; don't insist that four thai! be sus tained.) Moreover, Clink is tho proprietor of tho "Welifoot Tonic." which is a good article us hundreds cun testify, especially if made of good whisky. Now wo reach n "crisis" in the medical buttle. Things have to he regulnted nnd settled. G reat events always produce great minds. In medicine, just as in the rise ai d lull of kingdoms, tho events of tho hour will produce tho master minds to guide and direct tho helm of public opinion, so that the safety of the "dear peeps" shall not be wrecked upon either " Squilla " or Chaiybdis. Tho French Revolution produced Napoleon, who subdued half tho world and established bis lame as the greatest warrior and general of modern times. So now, in Suletr, t tie quiet City of Peace, tlio revolutionary elements in the medical profes sion have finally produced tlio leading mind tho Napoleon of tho profession. Hero is his proclamation, No. I : j'- Ilewuie of those impudent Quarks of Sulcm, Ore . Koll for tlu-y only lilt your system up Willi puisouoim ' druirs. nnd leave you in a fur worse stale limn wlien lliey found you. " Ami notice further, the necessity of a law to irtnird illMiost iiaukery ; that, lite politic docs demand n Invr of this kind ; tlitil no person shall pructire or deal out medicine without lie is fully competent to do so and authorized tiy a Medical College of at least ten years' slHiidine;, nnd llmi he shall have a Diploma froin the same. And it is hoped tlmt this present Legislature will notice this carefully, nnd uot i'nil to emu sucli a law. All persons ouiit to be friends to such a hie., because it does not conflict with the feelings of a reg ular tfrudiiittc of medicine nor the public. U is for'lhe safety of the public as well as llio secular profession.'' We most heartily unito our huiuhlo voice with yours. Dr. Drown, in beseeching " the Afflicted" to "beware of those impudent Quack of Salem." Howard beware!! They will not only " till you up with poisonous drugs," ami make your last estate ten fold worse than the Grst, like (be unfortunate mm who was filled with devils, but they will filch the last dollar from your purse. Yes, Doctor, any of "the af flicted " who will foolishly patronize "those tin pudent Quacks of Salem," will find the sad ex perience of hiiu who said, on a dying bed ' I was well i I waiiied to be better I took medicine. And here I um" verified in their cuses. We go with you further we indorse the whole of your notice to tho afflicted." It is good ; it is sensible ; aud you are at once a enee. philosopher and pulilio benefactor. No one thing, no dozen publications, containing tithe of the truth which your card does, has reached the light of day for many a year. " Tho pablio does demand a law " of the kind which you suggest. The doctors and druggists nlike ought In bo licensed by sntno responsible medical college, or college of pharmacy. Tlmt Itiud of o law would "nip" a good many of "those iniptidenl quacks of Snlem." Wnuldn'tthey. nf ter the passage of such a law, like Othello, bud their " occupation gone !" Ha ! you bet ! The medical college should have a standing a good standing but, Doctor, Is uot "ten years' stand in" a little loo severe 1 How could we ever have a medical college in Oregon under your rule T The concern must have some commence ment, aud if has to run ten years before it is allowed to grant diplomas. It there not danger .. . . ;,i . i ' nr ri.n.nn t II At we will never iibvh niu, souc (in-wkich. by tho way, we should bo happy to ' seo you occupy tho chair of occult science), ' ' Tho Oregon Medical College." Dut ) ieldiug to your better judgment, and granting that the college ought to have "at least ten years' stand ing," would it not be well to insist that the Legislature, which charters tho college. ali ought to havo some standing? We would sug gest this is an amendment to your proposed law. The Oregon legislators, may be toiue ht "fractious" on this point, but with a lib eral sopply nf Webfoot Tonic." it it more than likely that they .would ree.the ui-ceseity of having a "standing" before they start in on the inipudout Quacks of Salem " very " brash." In conclusion, permit us to express the hope that our seventeen doctors will not weary in well doing. We heartily wish all of you sqo- ress ; and, although we again see the truth of the old maxim, " How doctors will differ." il lustrated in our town, yet we have not the slightest doubt hut that yoor differences result from yoor mntaal desire to discover the best remedies for ' all the ills nf which flesh is heir to." Nor L,tr. The Lafayette CoNriVrii informed that the Statu-.: bat not lost the " ft lake " of tlx printing ufth. laws of toot rest, for near three jrenrs past Ilia Stotnmam has enjoyed the favor, and some weeks tinea we were noiilk-d that Ibe laws would still be published la our paper. Th Inst Ailronle Mate tlmt It but ben informed thai " Prof 8. C Simpson, of Saleai. it loterceed Sir J UntloD as editor of Ibe btatetmom." Tin Alcorn, bit been misinformed. Prof Stnieon it not llie editor of tbit paper. Returned. During tbe week we had the pleasure of shaking the hand of Lirat. Sluplov, who hat just relumed from Fort Yamhill, lie y. as retained in the U. 8. service after hit com pany had heen niusterrd ont. to lake) charge and dispose of tntne (internment property, which he delivered al Fort Vancouver, whirr he was mastered nut of service va Ibe f:h jul. CorraUis Gazette. PK0BAI1I.E IUIU0AD KOITKSTO ORKuOX. YtlNt'AI.I.A, Aug. 1(1, IHflfl, I'n, Statesman : I take the following extracts from liit! Orrgnnltm of the I ltd : ; j " Nut long npo a grant of Iiiiuls won niailo by Cnngress fur llio construction of a railroad from Salt Lake to tho Columbia river. Though there is prnbiibly little actual utility In legislation of tins sort for projected railroad lilies over tlio great ilrsi-rls of tlio interior, it umyvserve to kcup pub lic intention fixed upon tlm subject and provoke itiij niry as to the best routes by which the Pacific ocean cnu ha reached by rnilrond from the middle of the continent," Ami, after descuiiUng on tho beauties of the routu to Salt Lalto, adds : " Another routo for branch road to Oregon, which mny ho worth sonic consideration, has been proposed, viz : To tap tho Central I'acilie Rail road nt tho most accessible point in tho Slate of Nevada, any somewhero on tlio Humboldt river, proceeding thence by tho most available route through south eastern Oregon, crossing the Cnt endo mountains through the pass formed by the Middle Fork of the Willamette, and continuing from Eugene City down tho Willamette Valley to I'nrtland. It is about IIUO inihm from Eugenie City to tlio lino of tho Central Pacific In tho ili rcclion indicated. A considerable portion of tlio country iu that quarter is very fertile ami well adapted every way for a largo population. Thero are no natural obstacles in tbe way till the Cas cade mountains aro reached, and on the further slope of this range the acclivity is so inconsider able as to bo almost inappreciable. On this side of the mounlnius the steepest grado to be encoun tered would not exceed seventy foot per mile, aud this only for a short distance. In a short time Portland cnu bo put iu railroad communication with tho East by this route by tho construction of 4(10 miles of road, and wealiould also in this way real that nlhur long desired object, a railroad through the Willamette Valluy" , No where in its nrliclo does the Oregon'tun in any way refer tu the Oregon nnd California enter prise, nor any other for the benefit of Southern Oregon. Southern Oregou is simply left out in all the Portland calculations. For one, I have no objections to a rnilrond f,oui rorilaiici to Hnlt Luke, or via the Middle Fork and Oooso Lake, as I suppose the more money spent In railroads tho better for tho farmers ; but I insist that our potato pntch down here shall not be forgotten. From observation, I know something of the operations of railroads in thu Wostern Statos, and my opin ion is that no Salt Lake branch would ever pay running expenses, talk about the trade of the Indies going over audi a branch, after passing through the bands of your 0. 8. N. Co. I Non sense. Again : this branch would be but a feeder or subsidiary to tho Central Pacific, and would have to make a connection with that great mo nopoly on tho terms imposed by tho big company. Tho San Francisco capitalists control it, and don't everybody know that thoy would imposo such terms as would drive all the China trade to San Francisco, and thus make your Salt Lake branch of no account. But again: if you commenco your Salt Lake branch at Umatilla or Wallula, what good will that do Orcc-on I Don t every body know that tlio cheap Mormon labor, using the railroad, would lay down tor sale at Umatilla the produce needed, for less money than the 0. 8. N. Company charges to carry the Willamette uenns and tineoii to tho same point, to say no thing of thu Idaho ttnilo. Tlio Salt Lako branch, being a more dependency of the through road tho Cen I i'n 1 Pacific would lie of no account to any one but the Mormons, or the Kansas fanners, iu supplying the mines in Idaho. Look at the sncond routo proposed by Portland vin Eugene City and tho Middle Fork of tho Willamette. It is open to all the objections as the Salt Lake idea, and even worse, because it does not approach the, Idnho mines. Iiut Port- laud need uot liavit made so lunch trouble to avoid us in Southern Oretron If you want to tap the Central Pacific on the Humboldt, it can be belter douo via the Cmpqiia and Kuguo Itiver valleys, and "Dead Indian" Prniric, on the routo first ex plored by Hon. .lesan Applegato, nnd on a line recommended liy Mr. Judnli, rho thief hwrineer of the Central Pacific. lint nono of these routes nro as practicable, or will furnish as much trade, as tlm Oregou and California route direct ;. and all llio opposition to it is a narrow minded, t'oulish, selfish jealousy on llio part of tho town-lot speculators and ship owners in Portland. Nature indicates this road, and it will be tho first rnilrond iu Oregou, and it will furnish the Willamette valley road, so great ly desired. Why does 1'orllnnd object to this road T If built, Portland could nut be more un der the thumb of tSau Fruueisoo than she Is now. Portlsnd buys ail its nierclinndisR in San Fran cisco, and trnuspor'a it on San Francisco ships, and Is simply a feeder to tho big city, as Sacra mento or Stockton. Would Portland be any more so, with n railroad commoting the two Stales iu cheap, ready, and fiimitiiir intercourse T If Portland W'as engaged in the importing trade with tliiiin or the Indies, 1 would not wonder the should bt. ambitious to cot rid of dependence un Snn Frnueisco; but when it is remembered that she already depends on Sn Francisco for every thing, not evou btiviug American goods nt Kew York, and that no tliip or steamer ciigngiiig in the China trade could ever get within fifteen miles of Portland, it looks as it her opposition to tlio Or egon aud California ltailrond is superlatively foolish and short siglileu. unuol.AS, X. E. COXFEUEXCK APPOISTMEMS. Tbe follow iliK list of nppoinltneats of Ibe Orvi;nii Annual ('olifc trnre of ibe St. K. Church, which closed itsri"i! a' Albany on Tuesday hist, in fnmished ns by Kev. .1 II. Willnir. from memory. There rimy he some sliclit inacroraeiee, but It will subsiatitially agree Willi tlie olticinl list s I'lTtl! wit.i i:ttk district u. IIIKtl, p. . . Mill Creek. I. I,. Spautdi if. Albany. CO. Helk nap. Dallas'. II f. .Tonkins. Corviillis, Jidin .hnuett. Monroe. H. II -Maun. Lclinnni d Hi io. ,1. B. Calloway. Ilrowusvil e, P. M Starr. j jiircno City, L. T Woodward. Spencer's Ibitle, K. A. Jlldkius. Wilbur,,). W. Miller. Hosebnrg. J. T. Wolfe. Jacksonville. 1. W. Hoork. WIM.AMITTK DISTBICT I J. btVoaK, P. X. Portland, f. ('. Stniilon. Knsi oribiiid. N. A. Starr. Ilillsbom J. Kliini (irevon t'iiv, I 1. Driver. Clear t'leek. ('. Aldersou. Heck Creek, W I. Cosper. Muleio, Dr. J. H. Wvtlie. . Lafayette. (irO!e Greer. Dnloii, X. Clark. Vuiuliill, J. S OotighiM. PDUIT SOL'ND lllHTaiCT H. I. II I SIS, T. K. Olvmpia 10 be supplied. L . slomid Prairie, .!. '1 urlier. Henlile and While ltiver, . Smith. r-'ludiiv's Island, Todd. Moiitici-llo, J. it I) H.ijul. Vaucouver, (t. V.. Itoc. Astoria, W.J. Franklin. 1VIH1 WALL DISTBICT I. DII.LOS. P. It. Walla Walla. J O Dierdortr. I'uiHlitln and Birch Creek,. Iteaser. Dalles. Tindiill. Vnkiuia Indian Mission District, J. H . Wilbur. " Dr. J. II. Wythe. Willamette University. N. Iloane, Centenary Aireul. Win. Ilnval. Trait Aireul. T. V. Uoyal, Piioeil aud Aeu4 of the L'aiptjiui AmHemv. Dr. Ilcuson, Kditnr (.'kriitim Adramir. Omrlif Uasrttr. HiioiiYtifM. Since the anoesiranoe of Crtv fen't book, the Copperhead papers are making distressingly pittifiil months in relation lo the sutTtriii;s of the traitor Davis, trim is living no limn and eggs and ntsler stews at Fortress Monroe, l'oor Sir. LUtis ! how he duet suf fer, in comparison trilh the fat and plethoric 1 ankec prisoners vrlio were to liospitaniy en tertained I17 his order st Andt-rtonrille and Salisiiurv! lint, nro not these chivalrous edi tors making their head chief appear like a great Inr, blibix-rinr buohv? la it anile nun- ly to have tlie President of llie t'onlederate Slater of America whininr like a Mind nnnpT alien the just Terilict nf. eitilisej gotcrtinn uU anohl denjr him tbe right lo livo another hour, and when paralried skeletons of his own sav age cruelly aro dragging their lifolcas limbs shout the country I Let the blond stained traitor Ihauk a geoeroot Gorermnent, a better, Cirihtaiion ard a merciful Ood, that his trnnk. less head is not stack on a puis in front of Hi National Capitol, to bt) stoned In the tec lb by the widows and orphans of those whom be eintrdto be starred to death and dracgrd. liked drad dopt, from the hell holes of bit nelt Flag. Travkl Soi tM A Virginia paper fr. "It it a noticahle fajt in the Irarel otrr tbr railroadt at this lim thai there are many mrre people going North than South. Thn tra ntare generally lihl from the North ahilo Ihot from ibe S"th frvflnenlly bear tcry ft leads." KOKRHiS MEWS. London, Ang, III. !. Tho armistice be tween Italy andAiislria, which expired Satur day last, has been renewed fur four weeks. The olliuial Berlin paper oppiMes the claim of France for an extension of frontier. The Czar of Itutsii lint visited the United States squadron at Crnnstailt. Florence, Aug, 8 Tlio term of the suspen sion of hostilities has been prolonged. Tho peace negotiations between Austria and Italy will take plaen nt Prague. Count Hurinl and Gen. Moiinlu will be tho Italian plenipoten tiaries thero. There was a severe storm in the Adriulio yesterday, by which many vessels of thu Italian fleet were damaged. The Italian ram AiTomlatnro was sank in the port of An oona; thu crew was saved. Paris, Aug. 10. Tbe Emprcsi of Mexico ariivedntSt. Nazicr today, on an Imperial steamer. Now York, Aug. 14. The morning papon have the following dispatches via tho Atlantic Cable: . St. Petersburg, Aug. 12 The United States nuvnl oflicert niado their official entry into the cily yesterday, (Saturday), August I Ith, and bad a grund reception. Fifty thous and people turned out to witness their en trance. They were welcomed by a insgniH ceiit'ovnlion, with music, cheers, display of flags, and thousands of handkerchiefs waving iu all directions. The greatest enthusiasm prevailed. Hon. C. M. Clay, our Minister to the Court of St. Petersburg, gnve a brilliant entertainment at his hotel to the diplomatic corps, tho heads of departments, and distin guished citizens, iu houor of nurnavnl oflicert. A hall and supper were given by the Yacht Club, which was attended by tho beauty nnd grace of tho city. All tho public buildings were dressed in Union onlnrs and brilliantly il luminated, which, with tho fireworks, tended fo produce a very lively sensation, Altogether tbe ull'oir was a splendid tribute to America. Berlin, Prussia, August 12. Prussia has in formed Austria that she (Prussia) will w tain the right or Italy to Veuctiu. l'ho same oflicial orgun, thu Zeitung, says that Napo leon's absurd demand has raised hopes in Franca which it is impossible for Germuny to fulfill. The ideas of tho revolution mutt have taken tho place of the ujual course of policy of France. Tlio chaugea which have taken place iu Germuny aro of a tmlionnl German, not nf an international oliarnutur, and convey no menace or danger to France. Vienna, August 1 1. The Austrian Minister of Finance bus resigned. Brussels, B.'lgiinu, August l'i News re ceived in this city from Vienna. Buys that great exuiteineut exists thero. Four hundred ami eighty-two men nre to he tried on churget of higli treason. Crowds nf people in the streets have hailed tho Emperor Francis Joseph with shunts of "abdicate! abdicate!" Florence, Italy. August 12 Au armistice between Austria and Italy of four weeks' du ration has heen signed. It will continue in foroo after tho expiration of that time unless) uot ice of its cessation it duly given by either power to tho other. A line of demurkation be tween Austria and Ilnlv has been agreed up on and the Venetians who havo been compelled to emigrate from Venetia as part of tho Aus trian Umpire, can now roturn tu Veuetiu. , HKMATOItlAli t'DNTKST IN OREGON'. Under the above head, we notice the following compliment to the late oditor of the Statciuum, iu tbe California Couniit, and transfer it to our col umns, not to make him a candidate for the office named, but ns simple justice to aaitliful adve cate of the Union party : ' Tho uoliticians of our neicliborinir Stale, Or egon, are now busily engaged in discussing the Senatorial question They get, however, lest ex cited over tlio matter than Californians do on sim ilar occasions. We hear of no 'short hairs' and Iiiul' hairs,' but, wilh discretion, the Union par ty, so far as we can loam, is determined to servo tho public intercut, rather than the interests of any aspiring politician, and ns thero is a Union majority In the Legislature, of course the Union party will elect the next Senator. Judging from the lone of tlio Uregon press, and published cor respondence to papers iu this State, it seems that tin re is no ' lending' man for tbe place,' although Gov. Uibbs and Mr. Mitchell of, Portland seem to be the most talked about, Quite a number of gen tlemen havo been tiamod in connection with the place, but at yet llio public mind baa nut faatoMat upon any one mail as the must available for the party and the interests of tho State. Feeling a , neigliborly interest in ine question, we woinu venture to suggest to the Oregonians, that nir old friend J Oaston, formerly of Jacksonville, and now of Salem, would ho our choice, had wo a volo to givo. Ho is one of tbe working men nf the country, aud not a-mere talker, and will never disgrace any position which b may bo called to till, a line lawyur, and ouoof Nature's noblemen. He took an active pnrt in the late campaign, speaking at all the principal points, and from llio fact that one of his speeches was the only local speech published during the canvass, we infer .that itwastie speech of the campaign! and in fact it probably wna, as it was oneof tho ablest speech es we havo read in a long time. If his name should prove a compromise between hit more prominent (but nut more able) rivals, as was that of Cornelius ColoatS icraniento hut winter, we are well satis lied that the cause of the Union would be served by a man who never wavers 111 devotion to principle, and hit State would receive the services of a well informed aud energetic advocate of its local in terests." ' AltltEbTED. Wo lenrn that on Saturday week a man named George Su'.ing came to tbe Grand Iiondu Reservation wilh lujuur nn his person, contrary to law. when he was arrested by the Agent there, Mr. Ilnrvey, a ball and chain attached to hit leg, kept until Monday morning, when ho was brought to Dallas and bound uver lo appear at (he. Circuit Cnu it for For the Fiki.ii. Lieut-CI. O'Hcirne't Coiiipuiiy of llie 14th U. S. Infantry arrived at the Uullef. nil Wcunt-tilay evening, en route to Malm tn form a part of the command now operating agniust thu Inilians in lhat section. Tbe company is mounted In order lo supply Ibe want o cavalry now lelt in tint uepan ment and that it may ho able to operate more rflVvtilnlly against tho "nublo red man" Col. O'Beiriie will march In Kort Hotse via tanyon City and will scout the ennntry at he pastes through it. Wo limit sincerely hope that tlie forces toon to operate against "Lo" will finish nn thu aork that lias cost the government years of time and thousand nf dollars, without any apparent good being none so lar as cnas tising llie lodinns. Mountaineer. F.ILATIOrt Of TUB FrKBUMBN. Tlie best people of the South nre awaking to' the neocs titv of educating the Ireedinen. Keceully a contention of llio most prominent citizeut nf Reny county, Alabama, met in convention for the purpose' ol devising means to educate Ihe freeilmen, and a circular ha been issued by the penp'e nf Oxford, Mies., in which they nf firm that it It the duly cf the people of Ibe Sooth tn provide means fur the education of Ihe onlored man. IIi'dsom BayCo'b Claims Hon. W. C. Johnson, Commissioner on the part of the Uni ted States for taking the deposition of witneinee at to the value f Ihe property formerly held by the Hudson's llaj Co. in Ibis vicinii;. ar rived in town Friday, attended by Ihe attor ney and fnie claimants of the late II. II. Co's interests, and has taken Ih deposition of several of the earlier totlhrs in Ibis neighbor hood. The business hero will be completed in a dny or two more. Astoria Gazette. A SutTBHi. Mr. Oaylord's new steam thresher, which we ootioed recently, com menced operations on Thnrtday last, in a wheal field near the city. It wurkt admirably, and our farmers will lie without Monte fur Iraving Ihetr grtlu standing in the shock till U.e laH rains com. CorWis Vazette. The Orerimicra of Wednesday saysi ''Mr. Kinchlue and parly, detailed tn survey the en trances Is Tillamook, left Astoria yetterilay morning, well lilted for Ihe eipe dilhtn." Dmi'l yna think they might bo prevailed upon to glance at Ibe "entrance of Yaqoina." also? Capl. Winant informed as that he cunversej ith Mr. Kinchloe and lhat he it "authorised to survey the rnlraoeart nf Yaqoina. ll"W are yos. M r. Ureuman. (lattttt. Fire away, gentlemen. Let the fan go for the bear fit of llie tett of as. Fhom WaiiL Walla We olip the fol lowing items from tho Slateman of the 10th i The meeting of the Agricultural Society, held on the 4th of August, adopted regula tions for 'lie government of the Fair. The Society teem determined to push forward and make an effort lo got up a creditable display of our stock, mechanism, ice., nml surely wn will not let the opportunity past without mnking a Inudiihle ellnrt to show in the world what we can prnduco flora our excellent toil. Wheat hits started of in this market at the low figure of sixty cents per bnshel. This it tbe lowest figure that wheat has ever rated at hero, and the farmers all say, luwer than it onn he raited for. So fur as we have heard any expression upon the subject, those farmers who are not compelled to sell, will hold on lo their grain for high prices, nnd ninny are al ready making preparations to build granaries fur this purpose. Small parties nf disappointed miners contin ue to arrive here every dny from lllnckfoot, Their reports agree that tho mines aro good so fur at they extend, but they aro not hall ex tensive eonugh to furnish employment for the miners now there. No new discoveries of any extent havo been made this season, though hundreds of men have been continuully pros pecting. Wages for farm hands and the prices of grain seem In he wofully out of proportion In Ibis valley this year. Three dollars per dny is the ruling price fur harvest hands. The thrashers, too, it appears, have "struck for higher wages," and propose to chnrgo eight and tun cents for thrashing. Lath Portal Instructions. Postmatter Deer hat just received instructions as follows i "From and after tho 1st dny of July, 1800, prepaid and fren letters shall bo forwarded, at tho requestor parly addressed, from one pnstof lice to another without additional postage Charire" nun rotnrnon iloail lorlers slin restored to llie writers thereof Ireo of postage. It It alto required of postmasters to urea the endorsement of requests for tho return to llie writers of unclaimed letters, so as to renuoc Hie number of dead letters. If letter-writers would take this precaution, it would save the department a vast deal nf labor, and tliem solvci some mortification and anxiety. To Bcsinks Mrs, asd Otiisss. Arrangements htvt bren made In the SttitemaH Olllee whereby sll kinds ot CsrU and Pitney Printing can be done on the sliortrsl nodes, snd it prices which cannot fell lo suit our patrons. The Jobbing Department Is under Ibe clmrg-e ef sn exiierlenced snd com petent printer, at nur work for mors thsn a yesr ptst will tesllty, nml those requiring hrlcrs, pamphlets, checks, bill heads, business, sildress, or weddl ng ctjds, prngrammri, hstl circulars, mining companies' eertlflcntst tint receipts, Jus tices' blanks, tnd lu fsct tvery descrlp'tun of plain snd fsn ey printing, csn have the work well and promptly done. We keep t complete tssnrliaent of bill-lies.), teller, suit oth er psper, suitable for Job printing: together with plain and fancy esrds, etc. We Invite those desiring te hsre any its script Inn if printing done, to call snd examine samples and prices, at d satisfy Ihrnuelves lhat as guod work ran be dune snd as good bargains made as at any other nulce In Oregon. TUB MARKETS. Legal tenders are quoted In Sail Frsnrlseo tl 7lla?l J roKTi.Aan rnonucif harkkt. The telluwlsg sre the Oregonlan's Portland prices, Ang 18: Wheat, for inillinir, it bushel 711 Oats, " " " OOlii.lill Corn Heal, y lll lb 3 Oil I'liiur.exua uu r'loiir, eonotry brands. 4 Ground feed, 1' toll IW 1.0 A pplut, ft oil 1 1 Mill ! OO Apples, dried !"tfll Itaroti, 'fi fh IK Hams. lh 1 H Shoulders, III D Lnril, in Una Lord, in teas lWtla Kifua, ft dux..... Holler. HV 2Vt'l' Chickens, spring and full grown, jjiloz.. 4 Oor.cti 50 neans, ft urn n, , o ou(ii oo tletatl prices Coffee, Or.-Kon ground, 00c pr Hi.; tlreen C R 1SV: drrai Jars, HI". Knitsr, emalied, ISr; p.ilserlse.1 HI; grannlste.1, IIh; Yel CSV rf. 14c; Islands I0.1IM ; cyrii.. E 11, 10; Heavy llolilvn, no. Tea, Vnung iiyitnn. el.oo; uiii UU; Japun, 1011; lllnek, ISill.oo. Clicrse, UTiaSlU. SAI.KU VIAI.KKT. The following are the Silein quotations for Sulurdny last : Wheal . 'ft biedi'd . MicCil HO. . I ul,'.'. 1 r hair, f iwirn-i. ei .'iiniutu. t'oru Mini, V InO II. M. Mid Ihnirs. f. t-n. -'.). Bran. tf. 11... ,-ii..h... v aUuaililer. 10e. tiiilea. iHtk l.ird, f lb. Ill tins. 2Uc. inegs Inc. -li'ilter tresii, U-lc. rtiee(e--f'alifriiia, ft lt,.3:i; Oregon. none. V d c:i, Ik. Thickens, fi d .atii, (1 00. Apples, llix. 5oc; dried, J It,, r,60K: Oiiiuiia, ft lb 4c. rash. Potatoes, ft bushel, PICTURES, PICTURES! A. CHANCE FOR EVERYBODY FOlt NINETY DAYS! Cheaper than the Cheapest To make noia for alteration. I he Hock mint lie cleiirt'd m ninety d.iy. und dimnii lhat time I will lake Picture! clieaier than any other gallery lu tins tattle. Montgopiery's Gallery, SAI.EM. OKEUOX :tt3 HiprlsT'a fnlc. 1 Y virtue of an eiecnlion and order ol sale on fore 1 Jclistoreol ui..HtfHin. iseoed out of the Circuit Court of tlie Stale of Ohh;oii fttrllieeonnly of Mnrioti.and lo sue directed, wtiereia J, din X ftniitlt and Mary Hitiith are plaiumTe, and R U Keitor and MaryHeiior and (I tl. Arnold are defendanie, roinmmwlinx me lo make sate of llie proriy rl -sFrined in Hie rterree snd fore rloeaira wlierefnre, I have levied iim all Ihe rlalil, ti,lut,a IiiImmbI nf a,.l M I! Kpistir nttd tlafV Kl'itlir. wldrii tliev how liave or have had at anv lime sinre llie I'-lli day of f li-iotier, and tn the mil estate desrribed ill said uVrrre as follows, to-wlli ' Huiniie in Mnrion eoiintr, Htote of Orea-on 1 Nntilh-stion Nn. :tl'J. ferlitlmte Nn. Iltrj. and the Imrliniialll. W. one fonrth of Hie H. K ie-fnorth of aertion II in T. 7 8., U 3 W. of the n illainelle uieriilMii,nlainliiK aand l:t toll hi-its t and Ih fiartional N- one half of tre- lion 14, T. 7 8.. II. 3 W , rontaioioa- 1 1? and U7 no a. rea 1 and rivet li Nn. I. In ercimn 1.1, 1.7 n., It 1W. roiitaiohiir 40 and a 100 acres mas hut In all till and 34 IIS) arret U .aether wilh tUoantortelnuiree Ihereaoto helonaioiri and will pros-red le sell llie Mineal bnhlie anctioii. at tli Cmrt House door in Kalrin. in said rouniv aud Hleie. on Mmiday, the imh Imv of Remember. Hie houroi one o cta-k o in or an mm-h thereof as will he necessary lo satisfy Ihe nlaintilta demand, ainountinir to ala ftenuml and etifloy three and twenty live one hundredths dollars IfivCI !ii I, and inlrreet 1 hereon at tlie rateot twelve H-r rent. r annom fniu ih duy of June, tHoo, tnuullicr Willi r'.. . ti, 1 v 01 at 1 ... a. Sll. in i , oiienn i eieniin vtnmj-Sah-Ol, Auoel II. IMHi. 'Jtwt Kolls'O of i'ltinl m-tlleiumil. In Conuiy Court. Marion County, Oreson. Angus! mi. IWiA. relate of Nathan K. II011I. dee d. T A it 1W 111 M . BdniinislrHtor of said noaie. havllia el this dav Qleil his areonnls in said Court, prayinir a final selileroent 01 tlie aaine, 11 is inererore ordered hr iheConrt Uiat 1 oeaoay. in tin day 01 nrptemiHrr, ImM be aei aiwrt for the bearina of said aDollralion, t the Cooil lloue 10 r-alrln. at whlrb lime sad plare all persons lulereeled may appear and Die llielr olijee Hoot le In ssune. 11 ny iney sass. Kateni, Ana-oat 1 . I'1- Vtwlpd JiHIM I'. l' C. Jnd- Msilirei of t'itHl N-tiluiriil. In Coanlv I'Hlrt. fnlk t nonly. Mate of t lrun. An spitl Trim. IX"'.. Kl"l uf John t' Jarks.10, det d. C, C. ( KAN. admionHratsir of said eiatale, havine this day Sled hie areiteou tn said Court praylns; a filial seltleaient nt Ihe seme, therefore, antha la i..i., li.n in ell eerentM inlereeled tn ei'ideetat. thai ihe said spplieatinn will b heard and rtnrmlnevl al tlie Court lloose In IKllat, 00 Toeaday the 4th day of hV ptemoer, A. U. I ""I. . ' V. f. WIIITMOX, C. Jndire. Aoilsl B. IWti !tw4 Loat $10 Reward. KK Vi il.V Kit -ei-ooter , N i. mi 14 : rod at it tnumie wa-n. and tlie errew that l .nt" U ew k on I e hair ". The ai.rre reward will he pais) f.irthe tttora of I!. pi"tol to me. or at tn ' nffl.-e. is."-eale-a. An U. M Tan Dollars Reward. OTOl.KX fr"t Ih suWrltier. nn vr aboal Ih JOth O ssv J"'r. tlliL.ll it WAdON, with willow bit. black Inp. I will siv lli above caw ard lot lb reriitery or any bifnnemii'di of Mid waima al'H,Ai 1,t -I'f INCOKPOIUTKI) JAN. 11:h, IHiiO OltKGON IRON WORKS, Corner of Korrltoa snd Bevenlo Sts., Portland. ritJUH Company have hilely oulai'Ked tholr works, X and by thu introduction of the most improved Ma chinery and Tools, are fullv able to eoiiumlu with auv Iron Works on the eoast, both In character of work and their facilities for executing enntruets and orders promptly for any kind of Machinery reipiirud, em bmetoa M A It IN K. KTATIONAKV nod l'OUTAlll.K B- (IINKS n 101 11(111, Klt.S; HA TTKUIKS of anv n-qulred Welvbt 1 WHKKLKIt & KANDAI.Itt KOCNTAIX. and HI KIRKS IIKINDKKSand AMALIUMATOHSi lluiiKorford's C'ONl KMlt A ltlUS, bll()K8 and IUKK: 'LOlII(INraiul8AWltMsW0ltK I'OHTAHI.K HTKAM SAWMILLS, Ix.Hel&Mver'AMKItICANI)OUHLKTUUIlINE WATKIt WllHKLSi filiiifiinil ami 1'iillevs 1 Iron Fronts, Doors and Shut- tors, and . .. All Kinds of Machinery and Castings. Korlheooin-enieiicu of parlies ordurlug Muchinerv of us, we furnish, at tbe lowest, market prices, ltaltery Horeoiis, Copper Plates, Leather and Itnbber lloltiiiu, . A. C. GIHUS, I'res'l. K. 8. MonoA.v, Ree'y. ' S4if JOHKJ.tHAW. . UKIIItOg r. ItOLMAg, ' Notitry I'nblio. 8HAW V HOLMAN, Alturncy tit Eiiiw. Suli'iii, Uroxou. Offlee la llie Court llonee. lj-20 AUENT8 WiNTKDi qiO RKLL, HY HUDSt'ltllTION ONLV.Iheslnnd A ard and otHclal Hoiuhern History of the Wan "TUB I. ONT CAITMK," . By K11WABD A. I'ul.i.Aitn, of Vlrglnhi. t'oinprlsluii a full and authentic account of lbs rise and pi-oares of the lulo Houlhorn Confedoracy, Cotnplote In one targe roval octavo volume of nearly Hull phkos, with lM snleiiilid steel portraits of distinguished t'onfodor ato leuders. For tortus and territory, address E E ttllKAIt.Oeiieial Auent, '2013 No 8 Montgomery si , Kan t'rniiciseo. sesiasxsl.t'TIOI. VTOTICE Is berebv trlvon that thn rojiartiierslilp ll herolofin-o existliia lliolor H10 flrtn tiije of " Oar diner Mill tlompany," it tbit day dissolved by mill mil consent. The undersigned will' continue the business at the saint place, and will assuniu and sell le all claims for and auuiusl the concern. ' DAVID M01I1CY. Onrditior City, July iff. IHfid. alw I Weitman's Patent Horse-Shoe I r1IIK midcrfti'tu'tl Imh iuiwIihrciI Iho H if lit to mttke I andiMiinn WEITMAN'S PATKNT NPHOVKU IIDHSK SI (OK, uml is now iirfiHred to imioii (hit new Hiul imtrve(t ation. without nail of any kind. Ft..' 1 ne in and hoi-noinn will plciirte cull ami exHniine it, nt tlm iliop lu ilia roar of mv Hvrv HHblo in bulom. AMOS' L. HTAKKKY. Weitman's Patent Horse Shoe Thin iww ilrnu i-fltfi-H llie followiiia Milvtinluiioa : The llret would liu hi tlio mm of lender Tootm) tiorne, ftiirh hi Iihvb HhI mut tliin tioa mid llitiutt w!mh lionM will in a Htliuit ut iihiU bffiiiir driven into the lutof. Thin nhivt lin fHMiiel entirely by the me (uiiifrtl conliiviiiM'e on llie oiitniilo, will eeve all im-h liuriH'i, nml lotike litem nHlly hi itneful Hi hortet witli the Ufit tfet, 2d. Should h 111 h 11 lie driviui on the rond or travcl Inu; over the iiMHinitiiiiH, hm it the rnne often in ihtt country, where h mnii U htmdredti nf mi lei from n ldia-knm.ili, mid hi hormj mat it ilioe, he could ihoe him fii" wilh Idle ptitem ihoe In two niimitei time, ncedinj iiothiiiffT but the ihix. iiisp end prrow driver, :tdi Kor linrm n wltone feet nro irmiMed with eorM nnd iitrti dittli'iiliiot iliimhite is the very tliitiy, mv ery ilincr mid tui iier will hvu at h tlnulo. Tliin ihoe vtut he iiMid by llio Iwrtiur ilnriiiir it cerliiiu H-Hsiou, or over 11 certain ruud.ur on certuiu ronih if round, nnd then Inki-n off wheiiovor duiiirud, without n cent nf exjifiiM, 01- the lent injury to thu ihoe or the horee'e loot. ni ji. ui3iu;i, Knriiirtind Veterltmry Surgeon. 8ttlem,()re)."in, Auk- :. IS iva'ivs j33ruii putt .(juwiiiiidy ibjiubj,! Silvio "a-r aiiujuisoj mix aiis'iujo 'iinvaoj mi o '833iad 183M01 .UI1Y.ll) ISlia Hill JO OXIIIIAMAa -(ISV- 'Siawiiiino 'syaoo isUJA 'sanjoipaw lawj 'H1IO I3NH onaa :h.l m f).viiiiAH:iAa IIIMV.O HOjI IinO 0NI113S Boors, Windows & Blinds. TI.'KT reeeh j. a lenre aaerKiexntl if pin J and I,. '. tr,M raleia Maiinlarlon, aod fur sal rbeap, lor rash, al STRANG b ANDER80N. Marrk l!, ! d Notice to the Sick. ADVH K rRKK AT li.ARK H KKI'O HTDRK. opgioMte lit PoatUalc. Me etlra thartj for saeiHriiM, Afire rrn.n K'R . .v a r w,tr.RArr.n. t)go. It, Cosaar, (Urn U li tis kk, I Atlornoy at las. Notary Foblie. i !tiu,v a nxnniAt, Lmv and (icncrnl Afjcncy Olllee, l'p Mlalrs. Hoorea'a Itrlt-k Hlook, .. HAI.FJI, OHRiKiS. IJAUTIl 'l'LAU attention given v, the porohase and solo nf Land, and tllly proporty. Abstract of Titles ftirnlslwl. Husln.,, tt,iaietd wilh nil ihn Denarlinaiita at WiuhliiKloa city. Uol luciimta prompllv aiieiidod to. ' , Hi:riiuiscti Messrs. , I II. cV I. It Moor,Heaih . Koiiihorn. J. II. at. M. lllimb, Kulemi I'rai, MU.euiii Co., Viincoiivori llr. W. U. W.Mkins, Kit landi Hon. O.N. Denny, llnllesClly. Muy 14, City I'routiriy for PhIc I1TK will wll nn rrHnmnblo termn, hfl following V cily roierty. II clinice end lienntlftillr lontted reildent Itttn In ('BttwrlKht'i ttddlilon to tho City of Helen,, Jmt InidotTI A Ure, convenient mid tnitlly fliriiMi'w nwidf not and two lotrt. on r'ronl und Iiiiim itroelt. ' " . - A huiisio.two lulu, with mitiililceiiC giti-den iiiti liHile M'fui, on Front itreet. A Hplendid ruiiileiice huH tot, tor. Lihorty und Mnln Street. A So, 1 Dwelling Hduie.Hiid iwo IoU, with line ntwnrtincnt of fruit ticed, good ituhle, ht, cot. Mittti tnd l ottHjjo streutii. A twit itory dwelling hmtnu, with tlx roomt, wiled Hint mfwred, totfethur with the lot on which it iIhihIi, littwted on Summer tfratl, betweeu Cliomekftft limi Centre iirwie, KonrKootl, ncHt dwelling, welt UuUbuioit Front and Court M, Three excellent Iioumr and lota, on tliurcli ilreet, between Chemekefa and Center atroeta. A lionM and lot nn r rem I Mreet. , ? , . ., ?- , Home and four loin In lWlh 8iJetii. t ' HouNtmul throe lota H''ioiniiiic A. Jltmli'i, on the north. Ilonm mid lot, on cor. HIk-i nucl terry itreets. One ff lined I'U iu Month Hiiletu. , :, . 1 Farnia for Snle I We will tell the rollowinK "irtna nt barirnhw. ' i 4i aorea tzood Imid, I mile taut of N. Ralem, with good yountf on lmrii, nrdott, eVu. :uo ncrei ftonu mrntinn aim Krn.niK mini, nun w chnrd iVi'., liiuatod fl milui from Hnlent. !ki gcree uood tnrmiuK ami immure moo, orvimru , tuirttpsi fimr mllen frmn Rjitfin. titVi m rp. with eunerint- utm-k rulntni wclntlen, to tfrttirt n If h a kj oittrlr nf horftea, cattle, iherp, aud hofr. Sitnate on Drift L'rct'k, tvut of Caetnife nmun- laim. Vi aero, liiclndiuir nnrt of the town of HuMiuiiiv. ItUI acrei enlciidiilly timbered land, two milei from HuUitnity. For lo. A wad one-horie Unyfiy. - r - - For further iwrticuliiri coiicerniuii any of (lie abore prnerty Inquire at our ofllre. i THICrY ft IIAIrllflKK, Iaw and Agency OlHce.uoitaira, Moorei Uiick Dltx-k, WAiMEH, rpO piiridiase two small farms. For particulars, ill X itiire 01 t UH1IY & ItAMMFJl. YANKEE DOODLE Yankee Doodle geei lo town, A nd to doei everybody, . " And liuy Ihtir goodi of HMITII & WadK, And don't gel " tfucfc" on shoddy.: Bf.t'AI'RK SMITH & WADE - hi-, I '1 keep ahodilr iroo.U. JV are not aelllnir out at coet. Thnr sua k is uot koiiik lu lie cloemi oni iu siatv dnvs. Cj'iile the reverae lo llie coulraryi on ill other side, if you ploaso. They havo settled down in Halrm for a permanent, lealtiniat business, and deal iu everyihiuat yon ran think of. and llinnsnnds of iliiuns iio utio elan but ihoin ever would think of until ihey needed llioiiii and their business is iiicreasinn enormously every mouth. They now offer for tele OK MUST VLOOH. A splendid ttlak DBV tJttODS IT ITAlltS. An immeiis stork -ol- WllSOII.I Bufsy ami Bulky 11. nil i! un. Iroiinnil llh kory AXl.KH, . Till l BI.K III WIUHKOl'SI. Til larast slock mid heat assort ua-nt of IKllN AvSTKKL WigM t Bnfgy 8olein and Org'v tily FncloryClulhlug 1HOISS, Heavy , I1ARUW1BKI CAIII.K and Lo:-thalii! HOPK, OIIOl'KliIKH, 1IARDWARK, KASTEItN ASH llii-kiirvitoil Frit,- BOOU 1 SIlOfl.h'rl'bASK. CUOCKV.ItY, NOTIONS), Kl.. Kte, itOO.CrtMt ttaekimith aad u. lf-U.r.T ""a i' , Tools. Plow., !all.. I ll hedbnrrowi, Etc., Kle., flniln C'rwllt, Bver offered In Haleai. j ate, 0k.. I hut Hrl Hot farIt. 1 YEW POSTS f HaTI. (Ill hanitaiid All al Portland lo arrive. prices and hall lhat aro not iplln rent per n Tor1 'era, always lor lrei(ht a-hlcd. , sal. 77tett ereruhodii keep it y, And rail and tet Ihem often. They-rt always ready (so ts Jim) Hard prices for to "sojlen." They vork themselres, and pay no rents, And alvays keep a kirhngi And i trading goods for poultry eggs You'll find they don't say 1 thicken.' BMT.TII "VVADI5, CeatssitUI Itrtot, SALEM, UREUOX cv G. W. HOBART, tV V ' Saddle t Ilarnc s Maker v 5 Niiyrrtoa, Omuoh. Al Koop's old stand, bat rooelaiitly on baud a ' UOOD VAHIBTY Of tverythiiiK kept In bit Una. mill poo. in awial of ekropmett " yso'f y, U sail uu hisn twfor piircbaaiiis; eleewber. Try It and see ! Now Work, and Repairing bouwshoiAioiieaiid aHWARttAKTCD. AitK'rtonn l'ixfhanjfo. C)KMKU OK HASiMK AUD HAU-K , HTK.KTa. Haa Fraaclc, t ab riKEPKOOP-tWSJ Knomt.ull kard ielslied, well Ventilated, and t'oniitlii'd. Th.moet eranfOrtalde and bomelik. hotel In the (Hale, where .very waul luUt-d 4cht.rfally impltfl ' Prlcei to 8olt ih Noat ECuaomlcaL Th Aaurwan HsrlmMe toaeo. wittl Bed Iahla, the h.H.I Irs- "nr. arrnrk WMaw lt, STAINf l' I.AIH. l Ddred tllas", ' '. Vrllaioe Toole, fsl ana Bahl m Ulisabe. UaaduUcaU, --M fc HInn AF. AA M. aV l.l Utit K h.1MsllsrimlartMial. aA , Ihe srl e4 l'l ' LZh n,e,a,,l,t-de"-'l "'i'l'L'ta'w!, p II , r,S-r t M-l UK""1. WASHING MACHINE. fc l'ateuted Jillit lAth, IHC3, by J. M. Horner, Cal. , " THIS f.murtte Waahine: Machine bas been reatly (.improved duriiiK lb mat year both in ita ; Katue orAotloiit , : ' : 1 ' ' ..A0.. , Rapidity Of Its Exeoutiony Adding at least out third tolls former rlrtoes '"BetwJ'",'' oioy," accoioimniod by one of the late improves! ''! W lingers, mnkesthe neatest, most dnmbte, eoonouif",- VHt.nxpcditloui. compact, and perfect watiiiofi risrt am lha 1'acillu ooaal. Aii.liour't hard work ean' he aooom a plialm) wii!, tliin mncliiiie, in ten minutes f rlue o",,, eoarae articles, as well at lurire and small, are washed '! wilh e.o faeitity. Warranted wiull perfeotiy ;ij eleankleavlar no streaks ill tollars and wristbands. as 00 ! To be purchased In Poll land, at tbe fntrtlljraDe Olllee of Parrisb . ll.iwlesi In Salem, of i. M. Cools lor 1 In Albany of tlealy st do. 1 In (Jortsllis of For- 1: ter Lolulinian, and at forest Grove, ot rjpsmee s Blank. , i r 0. H. HrENCKU.Ii'oreslOrovti, Huilll Proprietor for OroHon. ' j AGENTS WANTED POa , ' i- , IIEADLET'S History of the Great Rebclll:i THE CIVIL WAR IN AMEItfCA. ; By Hon. J. T. I1KADI.EY. ' ' '' " THIS NEW AND ATTRACTIVE WOKK wlU embraca A romprehentire soeonnt of the whowr " ooolcst, neatlv printed from beautiful and dear typo, ' " mi .md pae, elegantly Illustrated with naoMfoat) .0 nn tteel tuaraTiiias. and bound complete iu one stf Jicrli volume of over twelve hnndred paaet. Will bt) iiriiiihed to tubicrlbort ctnrlnsr. the coming antonin. , ". TESTIMONIALS. " " Mr. Ilcudley has lrlven an Impartial, truthful seal I reliable History of the War. The work it an elt one, and fullv meelt our eniieointions In every r- speet." ori'S(er (iV. Y.) Advertinr. , , 'It It written In Headley't best style, and he Is ahoul. tho host delineator of battle scenes thai ther la amona American aollmrt. Hertoat pnrehaainc tsMsa 'S work will K.-t a valnatde and enleruiuina History ef ,t the War.' Oregon tinlrm State tman, July a, 1866. ," Of the nianv histories of Hie war, " The CJremi , lirbrlllan. or a 'Hiilnrf of Iks Civil War in Ike Vni- ' r,i Slnlr; by J. T. Ileadley, author of 'Napoleoe. ' and hit Marshall,' etc., It undoubtedly the moat eantM ' and imptrlial, aa well at the moat hiterestinej, whieh "I hut lieen issiiel from the American press. A a do- a, ripiivu wrner, tlr. rieaoiey lias uo superior in America." W Herald Portland, Oregon), Julf 1 ir, iwiti. ....c! " It Is Ihe best history yet olrbreil. Wo oommend It to all who desire a falr'and impartial history." Otts tcrotit Keritw (Siics, Oregon), Jnnt'lolk. ,;,, BT. It No other History ol the War enntalna the 1 OCI'lliAI. UKPDUT8 Or GENKUaL GttAMT ( AND HHKUMAN. , ,, , f Walt for Hearllcy't. Get the Beat. , , K. II Anents wanted for "Hiatory of all Kll. elmit," Pirtorutl Cliartt, etc. Hold only by lobseria- " fion. Address, TllAVrVI BlfO'S, IWtf ' Ooneral Aeenls, Portland, Orotroa. "ia Marion County Medical Society, ROOM NO. I8. ' , Moorea' Brick Block, Salem.; IV i"''1 Qi'ahtiklv alBTisus UslTuetdajt In Janoary, April, July aud October. . UptoiAL MitKTiaot For Jitcusslon.tvtry alternate J Tuoailay evening. v ' Ct.istrtt. aan Disrtastav Paacrtcs, Ever 11 Wednesday and hatnrday, from I to 3, r ' Pntlnntt fromlheelty or eooniry wuhing for eotv i tollatlon mlkont inenate of execute, oan avail tbstx. selves of Ihoaeopportunilie. Mombertof the Sorjetyj resident In the cily, and astoelaled together for Die potisary l'ractlc, will pay panioniar aiienvion ra aepartineui couooeieu wisu sueir ii,a.u , , II. CAHPEHtRH, at. ft;" Operailns; 8nr-eon. K.K. F1HKB.M. 0.. Physical slirns.and treatment of OrsanU) - I). PEYTON, M. . i Practical Aiucathetla, and diseaaet of Ibe NeryeaS , . , . Syttani. . .. , ,, J.IW. McAFKE. M. D., , ' v p Cbtniieal teste of liecreiioot.and dittatti of the Bloo and Kkln. ' j.nomvELii,M. to., " ' " ' " !( 1 ': ; General Diaaooeis aud HyKleut. ' "'! J. H. WYTHE, M. D., t tlleroMopleal examinations. Diieattt of the Eya ; ... and Ear. il at im vBtcBti eewts nSHeaiSI 1 1 Importer and Maaulaclurer ol BOOTS AND SHOES . ! and dealer la .1 Leather, Shoemaiteri Tools, and . FINI)lisrG8. . ' u -til Inlon Block, Commercial Street ... . r (Snlem, Oregon. .-.) i ' . ' ii'i'f Has on baud a full attorlmmit of evtry earWiy ot , lioott and Khoe now in Ibe market. , j IlavluK mad rrau(enientt to recelv my stock ' DlBBTT BBORI AlB"CTrBB, 1 I can furnish goodt for bet thaa ' : t AJIT OTHER HOUSE IS TBI WAT. - All work or aiy own tnaoofactort it stada of . TUB VKRV BKSJT MATBBIAt, - ' And put to((ether by good workmen and earanl! ( lo aiv saliafactlon. ""a" C. M. Parmenter, ; (Huceessor lo E. (I. Bolter ! '1 a MttLta is ImpoiUd andHome-Eadt FURNITURE! ' BprlntfTJed HllR, trOOL, AUD PCLU imKK3, le., It. ;;; At Watt's old Btand, Conmerelal gt ratWta. MOSBMAirS HOTEIt. " , Comioerclal &t., otipoll Hi Bteatiboal Undiafr j Salem,' Owgoa. SINGLE AND DOl'BLK per week "V;".'j;.l f? S , Hoard ''"TVXtfXS.., Bnckeye Reapers ssd Co-era I ll'HT RKCE1VEI). frnet lb stents la Ban . -t en. a ksrsie stock of Ui above eekbrated Agrtcai. J toral laipb-aieute, whicb w otftral San Franclioo Priow and Fnlsfct PRICIIl A KeaptTaod HowrCoaUod,No.l, Htvijeal fXVsH Mower, Nn. I. llariieat ais " , tMOUdlll.. .... t?a .... 100 IM 4LtO Myers' PaUutllay Kleyatort........J...... M W Warrauted to onload list larueat load ol bay ana mow Il away in lb peak of a barn, or top of a tuck, to from tbrea le v. ill- nar should k wltboulUiem. Head for a etrejlai ; HcCKAKEN, tttKItllX A Co.. Portland, April , lltb.- Afsawa, H. CORNELL, Dealer la iTMerlti rrotfiloBi, n4 Cwftetltiar?, tiraU' aid ort Beeli aad Ikeea LAD ECS' AND BSSSZS' SZ3t Crockery, Glaaaware, If AILS, HOCM, BAKES, tken Cheap, for Cash or Country Produea, Good delivered to all parts of tbe City ftes at , tharae. , , ' Utor. Hlale Street, four doors east Poet Ralest.JoDelU. ItokUUsf It. CUKNfcU WEB FOOT TONIO! . It M B BWS mww dotttsal pauxe " A- diessiinn by ef Ir ellbwi reoatbeaio. lb atoeweb, oHiM rV? rtina up. Um liver. As a praraatire ef Aim aaaa "fi'E"". "ISZ Is W eaayav-4 W "Served with ,1 b- -''; b.aile.aad erettrilied by stauyef Ike aet -c Praetkal Aeotkenwy l OnMfili-, Bah-sj. Baas, J rr 1 -in