The Oregon statesman. (Oregon City, O.T. [Or.]) 1851-1866, August 20, 1866, Page 1, Image 1

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The Oregon Printing and Publishing Company.
I). W. C It 4 1 CI, Ituilncss Itlnii:ifr,
Tkhms Ouo your, t:, In eoln. 81 months,
tf Itetulttnnces tnuy be made by lnnil at our rink,
when mulled in I lie presence of (lie postmaster.
U. H. Offlolal Paper for the State.
Copy of the Report of the Committee of Awards
i at tho Fnir of tho
NEW YORK, 1805,
Bent Family Sewing Machine.
Highest Premium Gold Medal,
1st. Its Simplicity and great range of work
'id. The Reversible Feed Motion.
8d. The perfect HnlHh and Substantial man
ner In which the machine Is made.
4th. The rapidity or Its working and the
quality of the work done.
5th. The Self-adjusting Tension.
The FLORENCE was awarded the Fint and
Highest Premium at the State Fair of Cali
fornia, tho only Fair on the Paoifio coast
at which any two double-thread Sow
ing Machines were exhibited in
competition in 1865.
Tub Fi.ohknce received the only premium awarded
by tiie Mechanic's Institute of Run Francisco, ill IHIH
and 18ii5, to any Sewing Machine, Hewing Machine
Company or Ag.'iit. The cluim of a competitor to a
mfidiil is without uny foundation whatever.
Wherever the FMimcNO" 1ms been brought in com
petition with other Hewing Machines, it hnB.'nlwnys
been declared the best. It is the most simple, the must
substantial, the most ellicient, and its use is easily
learned. Every Machine sold is warranted in the full
sense of tho word.
fiend for Ciroulari and Samples ef Work.
SAMUEL, IIIIX, General .4 trout,
11 1 Montgomery street, 8an Franoisoo,
IV. O. PAUUISI1, Atfiiiit.
7:y SALEM, Oregon.
"Wholesale and Retail
Dealers in all kinds of
Groceries, Paints and Oils,
Brushes, Putty, Alcohol,
Crockery-) Glassware,
Lamps, Pocket and Table
Wood and willow ware,
Tobacco and Cigars, Ba
'con, Lard, Butter, Eggs,
Oats, Potatoes, &c. cfec.
Store under the Legisla
tive Hall, Holman's block,
oc9 SALEM. 32mG
T3RA.KE'8 '
S. T.-1860-X.
The rapidity with which
Have become a HOUSEHOLD NECESSITY through
out civilized nations, is without a par
allel in the history of
the world.
Were Sold in TWELVE Months.
The Demand In Daily Increasing!
ltlCH mid POOlt, OLD mid YOUNG
Ladles, Physicians and Clergymen
Revives Drooping Spirits,
Lends STHEKGTIItollie System
Vigor to the Hind,
Exhausted Nature's Great
Its effect, in cases of
.o of A pprtittN Weakness, Excess
ive Fatigue, Sour Stomnrli, Men
ial Despondency, Ac.
It is composed of the choicest roots and herbs, the
the celebrated CAMSAYA HARK, etc, sll pre
served in pure ST. CROIX RUM. As a gentle Apie
liner, and healthy, agreeable Stimulant, it has no
equal. , ,
It is solk bv all respectable dealers, lu every Town,
Parish, Village and Hamlet, throughont North and
Booth America, Europe, and the Islands of the
Ocean. ,
If None can be genuine unless beating the pri
vate United Slaies Siamp over the cork, with Sign
tureou.teelplalH.lof p A DRAKE, & CO.
71 Front 8ree Portland, Orefron
and the Territories.
Rpt. 25, 1HA5 30
A than five veara. Dr. Pardee has made himself
thonrMug-btv and scientifically acquainted with all
diseases of 'the K ve, and is now practicing with a sue
nmhmI in the United States.
All .nsrihfuiB mrinrmed. such as Stralusmns, or
cross eve. Calumet by linear extraction, Depression or
Abeorbtion, Plervginin or Heshy nwrobrmwee growing
onrtle) Reduction of Staphvloma. or balirines
out of the eve, Artificial Pupil, Fistula Laehrymslis,
or closing of tear pniage. and all deform atiea of the
Lifts, etc.. ele.
Artitirial Kyea inserted without the least pain, and
possessing all the movement and brilliancy of the real
eye. A Isnre assortment constantly on hand for sale
at reasonable prices. The Doctor's Eye Butb for the
Ireaimeiit and cure of all nervous diseases is used all
ovft ibis roftut
Thankful to those phvstctsos who have sent him
aises fr operations, and hopes that hie aniversal sue
rN will warratit a continomion of their conndence.
His celebrity as an operator is to extensive with hia
smct'se , as paiients are erasenting themselrea for
treatment and operations, from New York and Boston
almost monthly.
Manr patients can be seen at the Doctor's office dat
It. in different pteires of recovery.
Office i 767 CLAY STREET, (above the Pbiu) bear
Dupont Htreet. JT
Ko M T r-Hot! n,
PATEST Alt Urease. Urd Oil. Not Oil. Polal
Oil. Keaufoo, Oil. Castor Oil, Olivsj Oil, Linseed
OiL t'osd Oil, aud Heniiua, si
VOL. 1G-NO. 25.
Valuable farm for Sale.
fl THII subscriber, being about to embark in(H
lilother business, oilers for sale, at a great bar-.
gain, his Farm, plunsaiitlr situated about one mile
south of the flourishing village of Uoseburg, DOU
GLAS CO., on the Stage route, and comprising about
One Thousand Acres
of excellent land, most qf which is inclosed with good
fences, aud under a good stale of cultivation.
Tho Improvements are of tho most substantial char
acter, consisting of a hirgo nud commodious FRAME
DWELLING HOUSE, villi walled cellar, a splendid
frame li AHN, 1 IDxHl feet, with numerous other out
buildings. A large OKOIIAliO, of choice fruit, iu
successful bearing,, is (mother important appendage to
this desirable homestead.
Persons desirous of engaging iu the farming and
stock-raising business in the salubrious climule of the
Umpqua Valley (which strewn runs through the
premises), will llnd this a rare chauce to acquire n
very desirable location at a very low price.
Tkkms. -Time will be given on part of Ihe pur
chase money, if desired. For further particulars, ap
ply to tho subscriber at LloBeburg, Oregon, '
May 5, IHlid, JOHN KELLY.
Pay Up, Gentlemen,
ALL PERSONS knowing themselves indebted to
me are respectfully invited to call and pay up
soon, as I need the money to pay my own dctils.
Thankful for past patronage, I hope to still see yon
come around to the old stand, where I can be found
ready to wait on you with an increased stock of ,
Salem, April 111, 18uo-7if J. If. COULTER;
Private Medical 'Institute.
Established by . .
IIST lH.-iO,
And all Female complaints.
Consulting Office,
fSJJO Washington otveet,
Second building below Montgomery St.,
For Direction of Letters, See Below,
on unintoi-rnpteilBiicceHiof Foiirteeu
yours, and Iiuh liccome one of (lie renowned Honpitule
or tho tige, W imt ( he coleiirmcd IahH li oupitala t to
Loudon, und the no Jena renowned cBtubliBliment of
Uicord to I'tiriB, tbin Institute litis Irecomein the Pa
cilio Coast. The thousands nnuimlly received and
cured, place it in point of number of patients among
the vei-y nrut of the world, and the euccees of its treat
ment rank a it aocond to none.
LARITIrM IN FEMALES are the Kraut deal ru vera ((f
health, Tnuy iimidnonely uttnek the 8yi;.um and grad
ually nnderin'ino and destroy It ; they drive the bloom
from the cheek, the lnatre from the eye, the strength
and vigor from the frame; they give to tlio world
puny uud dieastl ofliipriiig, and poison, through sue'
ceatjive, generHtiona the race of num. The marks ran
be seen in Scrofula, Consumption, Cripples, the Idiot
ic, the Paralytic, the Innmio, etc.
There is no more terrible scourge to the human race
than thone diaeitaua Hrrising from the contamination of
Veneral Poinon. The mildest forma, by retreating to
the blood, hold ever over the one Htli'u'ted.the sword
of destruction that is liable at any moment to fall and
blight to utterly destroy nil earthly bonus.
MERCURY, recognized a a the mont fatal medical
enemy toman, combining with the Veneieal, doublet
his dangers. Those who have been treated with that
pernicious mineral pot son are not eurod t the disease
has only assumed a new form.
Do not bo Satisfied with rnrtlal Cures,
that leave the poison to crawl through the system, eat
ing its way into me tissues and organs ucneiitn the
apparently smooth surtiice, to bui-Bt out in tho future
with h virulence that will Imtlle thoell'ects of medisine.
WHEN PERFECT CUKES can be obtained by con
Bonsulting a physician whom long practice and thoro
ugh investigation into the causes of DISEASE of the
L t)UiA enables to determine at once
the uature of the diseuuo.
lu all diseases entrusted to Ihe Doctor's care, PER
Cures are always Guaranteed
Tn Svnhilis and its udinncts : flonorraa and its ac
companying diseases) all disconlers of the Bladder,
KidueyB and prostrutei Reminul Weakness Dia- I
ctisea of the Heart and J.ungB; i'yspepBia itmigesuoni
Iinpotencvt Incipient Conmimptitiu, aud all diseuses
of the Urinary orgaiiR, in eather sex, cure alwnvs
wnrunted, OR NO PAY RKtUIREl) at the PUl-
Moaleol Instituto,
Seminal Weakness or Spermatorrhea.
Tun vnntiir man who exoerleueea that urowmif
weakneKS in his muscular and mental oriianizalion
shonld slop to consider whence it arises. He will lind
in the weakness 01 tue uaca, ireinomig 01 uie iiiudu,
disordered digestion, unaccountable failing of tho
powers of the mind, distaste lor society, menu 01 tin
Riidinir trouble, tnrebudtutrs af evil, sleenlesntiew,
troubled and lascivtous dreaius accompanied by grow
ing deafness, Iusb ofmuM-ulur power, nud numerous
other symptoms of disorganization. The positive tm
ces of that most terrible aud destructive of all diHeiB-
ea. Seminal Weakness Witstinir awav his powers,
destroying his hope of life and manhood, and dragging
him along the broken path of Ins existence (owuid a
premature grave. To hiai who tiuds his life dribbling
out iu tho discharge of the vital principal of existence
in nocturnal and diurnal emissions, the mere cessation
of the causes of its appearance brings no assurance of
Marriage, that holy ofllce, the safeguard and hope of
manhood, brings to such a one no hope of cure, but
adds to his misery in the knowledge that the one who
looks to turn lor so rotten or tier nupjuuePB, is a vie win
nf bin evil, mid an innocent companion of his punish
ment. He adds to his misery and disorder until hope
leaves him. There ia no rem n except iu proper and
akiUl'iil treatment. Consult, then, at once, a nhvakian
whom long practice and careful research has made
lOOrUUKIIiy s.Ullt3irxns nun eicij "'"
.!, ThoHS who have become the victims of solitary
vices, that dreadful, fascinating, and destructive hab
it, which fills tliouaitndB of sick rooms with t-aralytica
and consumptives, and hundreds of untimely graves
with itK mistinided victims, should consult without a
moment's delay, one who will sympathise with their
sufferings. To such the Doctor would especially ad
drtHs4iimself, giving to each and all assurance of a
drantt irom busine$t tkangt of diet, or frar of ex
pot u re.
Dw not forget Ihe address. See below.
Innoitiiiit to Frmnlris.
When a feluule is in truublo ora tilicted will) disease,
end rcouires midicul or suruial aseishiiK'e.tbe enouiry
should be, Whero is there a physician who is fully
competent to administer relief, and whose respectable
standing in society recnmuiend. him lo the cunlidt-nce
nf the rnmniunitv t The Doctor, nndersluudiiiK bow
imperatively necessary incse rcn,uiremeuls ai-e, lecis
,AA itnnn tn internose. and bv calliuif tho attention
of t ie a iticteu l tne ihci huh nw urn I'eeu a i'iuf-
FESSOK OF lIBMhTKilS anil rr.HAl.h ms
EASES for twenty years. and Is fully qualified to ad
minister in all cases, both medically and surgically
n.,t ; . .,wu.rnciul manner, but in as thorough a mnn
ner as vears of study and practice both in hospitals
and private families-ran make. In save them Irom
the hands of the unqualified, uniHtrupuluous, and des
igning. Jheretore, lumuies can resv upwii niiii n.
upon a father. All in allticlion can lind in kim one
who can icel ana ympuiui wm, .. '"
in trouble one inwhoeesectrcv thonimtist conlulenie
can be placeil. t'ONSlXTATKiN (lir LI-TI'EU
UK t I t tl r.KYt Ir.l riir.r,. r-c .,, ut-i..-.
pounded from the private prescript ions of llll.YOCNd,
have now obtained a most eau-mk-d popularity, and
are correctly viewed to be the safest aud surest reme
dies for the cnmplainis for which they are applied.
The coiutanlly accruing testimonials of their efficacy
declare them lo ba pre eminently superior in Iheir ac
tion. No Lady should he without these Kenovuiing
Agents. Kone genuine unless procured at tide office.
rVnt bv Mail or Kxnrvss. lo anv part of the rtate.
Safe and Infallible. Insting fmm four lo six months-
MDNTIILV PILLS. For stippraaions. After fifty
veare of one these pills stand unrivalled in elHcary.
t'nee per noa.
'1 O vssrrfrsipossat-ssm.
Patients reniditu in any part of Hie Mate however
distant, who mav desire magical advice on their re
spective rases, and who thiuk proper to submit a
written statement of such in prelerence to holding a
personal interview, are awn red that their coramuniea
tlons will ba held roosl sacred.
All letters must be addressed to the corresponding
physician,!!.: pj
536 Washington Street,
Knx 735, P. O ,''" Frnnrisro, Cal.
WILL buy and sell flreet.Wke, Mining Siwks
and Urufla on Hau FranciMi. and the Eaern
liiate.. Will huv (I" 1,1 Dust or Ilnlliun
OBice with
Wells rargo sV Cv., on Hiaie btreet.
ill il UIU lllVl
Summer Arrangement,
' ! ..OH..
CAPT JNO. WOLFE, Commander.
Will leave PORTLAND daily, (Sundnvs excepted) at
i o'clock, a. m. for the CASCADES, connect
ing with the steamer
CAPT. JNO. McNULTY Coninmnder
For Dulles-Through In One Bay t
. TKNINO, . . ' i
Captains E. P. COE, 0. FULTON", J, H. GRAY, and
Will run during the season, from
Celllo to I'matllla, Wallnla, White Bluffs,
Palo use and Lcwlston.
One of the above named boats will leave CEI.I.
I.O for VnATlLU and WAI.Ll l.A daily,
(Hi.ndnys exceptod.)
Hosts will be dispatched farWIIITKHMir I'M,
PAI.MI MIC and I.KWINTON as oftou us the ne.
oesbity of the trade will demand,...,, - ... .,-
CAPT. J.MYRICK ....Commander.
Will run from OI,IH FKKRV, on Snake River
BOIMU LANUIIva, connecliug witi
M. Ba Hello & Co.'s Fast Freight Lines.
President 0. 8, N.C'o.
Portland, March B, lHliH.
The well knowu uud celebrated
(Called the New York Improved, or Seymour and
Morgan,) Combined Machine, with great improve
meuts, having a
Can bo chunked from a reaper, to a mower, In Ion
minutes; cms 6 and 0) feet snalli, within onoiich
or two feet from the pi ound ; will cut 18 to ID aires
per day. Cun he used with two or more horses. Will
workonSlDH HILLS, where othtr Mnrhinet will
not. They are eusier to (jut the grain oil' Hum anv
other machine, leaving it out of the way of the Reap
er. The -
acres per day. -.
will out ii'i
McCormlck's 0-foot Reapers and Mowers,
Ball's Ohio "
Manny's; Wood's Prlzo Mowers, I'nlon,
Uii) State, Kernel's, etc.
Pitt's Improves.!
Russell's MiiSslllon and Sweepstake,
Haines' Illinois Harvester (Header!,
Wire llorsc-Kakett, on Wheels,
Revolving " all Sizes,
Portable rower Hay Presses,
With a Koneiu! uw.h..i
Asl ow hs can be purchased elsewhere.
4iu8 Cor. ruliforniu and Davis Sts., S. V.
Shanahan & Dufrene,
jlmporters and Dealers inj
Pictures and Picture Frames,
Riijtwooil, Gilt, nud Walnut Moldings,
Cor. First and Morrison Sts.
(Opposite the Western Hotel,)
PortliiiMl, Oregon,
Agents for
Wm. B, Bradbury's New Scale,
Lindrniflii anil Sons' potent Cytloid Pianos.
As wo import our instruments direct f'om Nnv
York, we guHrantKQ to supply onr custom'.rs hI Sun
Francisco prices, thereby giving them il advatilagu
of selecting a good instrument.
Mr. SHANAHAN. formerly of A. Kobler's Musiral
establish ineut, sSnu Francisco, will a lieu d to timing
and repair in Pianos, slolodeous, and all kinds ol
Aiusirai iiisiruuicnis
Portland, July 10. ly'-H)
Home Manufacture.
UE now matiufdcturing a uterior article of
Chemical, Olivo, Fate, aud Browu
Which we will sell al Han Frunc Prices, and deliv
er to up rirer boats free of charge.
All mders aeiit to PORTLAND SOAP PAfrTOItY.
orlo Hct'KAKKN, MKKIIILL& CO.. Agcnls, will
meet with prompt attenUoa.
. Ij. tflt.wiiin at .u ,
Front St., bet. Clay and Columbia.
Portland, Oregon.
19 MeCraken, Merrill Ic Co., Agents.
J. 0. SHELTON, M. D.
Practiclni; 1'lijslclan and Surgeon,
Olllcesnd residence, Jos. Wilson's brick, opp,ln the
Itennett House.
BEINDa graduate of the Physio Mediral college.Cin
cinaali, Ohio, lie ia purely irformaUiry in hi. prac
tice .diM-nrdina alike mineral and veielable poiMriisand
usina mirh medicines only as aet in perfect harmony
with Nature medicines that pnwsa the rare recom
mendation that if tliey du ao good, l hey will do no
taarg. He lias also attended a full course of Unurea
in the Tolaud, lAllorNiihir) Meliral Collcae. Kan Fran
cisco, and having practiced medicine on lids enesl
aliont six years, is fully acquainted with tue a
peculiar to me climate.
Itlnrkamilha, AKt'nllont
fESlROl'S ot going oat of Ihe Iron Irade, we
1 now offer our innra stock ol Iran Axwt, aplu
dl, ete,. at cist and ciiargea.
niK iiton,.',)cri,i
ISMOti II A P It, f cent..
Ast r BTIiKI,. W cents
Other Kinds in Proporttoa.
Also, nil kind. nTU'.unn Fiitdimr. and Hlarksmilh's
tools, at Hmu Fraaciseo prices and charges.
As ibis i no aair, we d.ire puriics warning
Iron in rail opoa as.
H.IUIIH. oo M.CM.Sta.
Mmlth Ac Clianco,
Hsirgiwil nnd MncksiklcDl
Oriswold's Block. eonw-, Cmme,eUI Sm Htstastreeta
If All Oar Dental Work brnlccil.j
THANKFUL for past favors, and hoping to merit
ft ountiuiianos of the sume, would ruspcclfully
announce thut Uiey aro liow receiving and opening
a large assortment of .
New & Cheap Gootls
, . . , , ,
Clothing, i
.f.MK Goods, '
Dry Goods.
Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps,, &c,
; Fancy Gootlm. ' '
Wa would call parllcnlar ultention to ourexten
.! ,)ve stock of
Hardware, . , 4,
Curpentert' Tool: ,
Blaclttmilht' Toolt,
Iron and fleet, ,,
JS'uls and Bolts,
Spring Aries,
Carriage Fixtures,
Mill Haws,
Gunsmiths' fools,.
Agricultural Tools,
Kouso Furnishing Hardware.
A Fluo Liuo of
Ciii'tuiii, "'
Wnll I'mtor,
' 1 CHIiM'IH,
. Mirrors,
. filituhiK, I'-iv.
Paints, Oil, Lead, Putty, Glaus,
Sugar, Coffee, Tea and Tobacco !
Which we will offer at prices for
Cash or Country Produce, .
Which cannot fail to please everybody.
VTool T7anted.
' We" will purebnso
All the Wool We Can,
For which wo will pay
The Highest Market Rates,
In U. 8. Gold Coin, r, if preferred,
Ctf HEATH, PKArtllOUN & Co,
Franklin Bock Store,
103 I' It O NT (ST., POKTI.ASIr,
IS prepared ic pnv ti e litubest rash price f'.r voihI,'
clean UAOS, lll.l) B'iOKS, NEWSl'AI'Klls.elo ,
nr exi-huiufe fr
School Jlool-s, Stationery, Blank Books. A'.u
tic Books, Miscellaneous Books, Toys,
Fancy Ouods,
or any other article iu his cxieusive .lin k,
('mi! rv merchants, furmers nnd olhcrs will do well
to keep tfiu above furls iu mind, ns n dollar rcif i
etii)I to KM dollars enritril; ann fruital Imn.owivM
can nun-lmse all the Kclmol Umiks required in their
fumilii-B during each year, by simply saving the rag.
that ben-lnlore bavo beell thrown awuv.
Iti-mrmher, when you come to I'nrtlund, be sure nnd
bring all Ihe Ittnr vo,l run procure, to
H J MrCllli.MIrK kr.nklill I look Kliire.
10j Front sliect, Fortlauil.
Ounrdinir Knl.
N pnrsunnca "f nn ncier of Ihe t'muily Court of
Ihe State of Oregon for Polk eounly, mad" at Ihe
IMnv Icrm thereof, A D. IKHii. the umlcrnlirnod, liimr
inn of Peter L and llutler H l).-lahmiilt. minor Imlia
f Amanda Dehi.hmutt, deceased, will sell at pnblie
aucllon, at Uie courl-houiui ilnor. at iMiiim. in ni
county, Oreirou, nn Kutiinhiy. the 1st Hv nf Hepiem-
her A. II KtOi. between the hours ot n n clm-K a 111
and 4 o'clock p. m. of said day, to ihe highest ImMar,
ir goiu eniti. in naun. ou lite nay "i niwow
lint ileM-nliml premises, tn-itili I lie uiiuivmeu one nurl. hploniritiLr to .Ml-h of said Wards. I,f till
south half of ihe dnulin Inml i lainl of .lohn K. Me-
k.hmnlt. Nil. "III." liolilicutlni, No."r.l.ll,' In 1. It n
W.of the Wi nuietie meridian, beinir tueiuy-six
and Iwo llurd acn-i. lo each of wiri minor neim.
.1. K. UELAMIIMUiT.UuuiUmii.
J. T.. COLLI NH, Solicitor.
Dallas, JulvW. !i!lwKl
Warranted, lure Cur or Fay.
For tho Ague, and all Bilious Diseases.
J. E. Hark, DrngglKl, only Agent forBalf m
rnit ll, ss so PKR BOX
This is lo certify lhal I have tried Leilieg Anien
tine pills, after irving varions remedies, to no etlert
when oue box of Uibeg'e pills produced a permanent
cure. " ,
balem, Hay l , "' rrnp uipnai iioiui.
I Imve tiled LeiWs Aaoe Pills, procured of J. K.
Clark, Hiilem. and lound ibem a iiure core.
Kl P.rlir.fl rosir.s, "Siason, rm,rm,
Pioneer & 100 Acres Good Land
Kiliialcd .'( mili-s wert of CnrvallW. on th Yuouiiie
nmn. llns is Ilie oesi wann on voe lafpiow . -
ing .Ik, m hull way Irom l orvalli. lu the niouiu
Kit. the sli-unilxml lands. This place is w
M.UniMi to .lock sheen or cattle, or bnih. I have I
IM-MA Ol SIlCfD Klliro 1 .III PU WHO ,MW. n. .
i.ev taken in xnoil hone or rattle.. Cull ns. Ti
suae Irom llortalll. slops al this Hoom.
Enquire or . " IIEIIIKI15, Pioneer noma.
Yigiiioa, Aog i.
Comer 01 fsate ana i.iiwny streeis,
StAI.RIt, oKtoen,
J. P. DRSt'KC, ProprMor,
170t'LI re.eclfully inform ilia eiliseus of Salew
V and ihe traveling public that, having rseanily
purebMMl Una
rscvv unit Hplendlsl Hotel.
It Is now prepared lo arrow mo, U i all who amy fa
vor loin won loeir paimoarfe, a. p,.rr. re .u.
Ilie CAPITAL HOTEL is sn entirely new hon
mo.M hard DuMie.1. well .,ililul,-d. and wll fur
tiabed. The knise bn. Dim anna of rooms, wiia eim-
nertiug d,rs, for launliea
Tl lliiiiou Room is Uras and commodious, and U
Table will be lunn.hed with the best tbe aiarket al
'"llwirsl, per Week,. H
.. wlihLodgiag,7tolo
Tl,. uroorbHnr will al all Uioea endeavor U firi
his gods, and be respectlully s.dicits the esironaga
of li e panne. np"' '
htar orritR.
Tlie office of Ike Oregoo Blae CraipanV la
tbe Cs'.tal Ib.tcl Biaje. aulva aud derail di!..
eg hot
Fnr iho Ort'Ruii HtHlcaiiMU.
llright aro the bhds of tho early Spring,
FlUting about hi the sunny, air,
Mellow and sweet, are the songs they sing,
(irurnfal aud liht the forms they hear) .
Mvriuds glance with glistening wing,
l)ccking ihe tree tops every where,
Suniiner comes, and the birds sit still,
Cooling themselves in the quiut shade,
Only at twilight their voicos thrill
Wandering lovers ado wit tho ghide, '
Or tho early morning pours they fill
With the overflow of their serenade,
Brighter than birds of Spring e'er scon,
When in their gayest colors dressed t '
Sihml, as birds iu bowers of green,
Taking Iheir summer noon lido rest
Flying In nninhorless flocks, I wren,
Are the birds I Bee from my window nest. '
They are birds of Autumn, rich,'' not " rare,"
Clad in the robes the ;'rost king weaves t
Borrowing wings from the gusty nir i ;
Out from the maples 'neuth the eaves,
They're souring, darting every where i
Tiione gorgeous birds, the Autumn leopea.
Whirling down from the trembling true,
Circling up from the wind swept ground, ' '
Flattering by in a lightsome glee, ! '
Rustling (roups, my birds abound t
And a song of the punt thev sing to me.
Which my heart drinks m, though it is not sound.
? Viola.
Salkm, November, !Hfi5.
Eil, Statesman I Will full ku so kind ns lo
itipcft llio fulltuvitiK Hems in ynur wult'ly-circu
Ijiiud p.p.r, nt ia .direul lulls, eld., for ni-rsnns
gniug tn iiiu iii(iiina, tliid t.tisnu, mi leiteurc
tups, nun lur lislnng mid fotllmg there.
Ilitving liet-n lliero for six mnntlis pnst. nntl
nctpiiring ft pretty liirgn Ncqnaintniion with the
guild it-nile llii'ilt, mm thu country nnd mails
In t lint new district, I limy. erhitis, glvn emtio
inrurnialiiin nt uro tn itiiiny, As to lishing, I
would ilitiu ihnt die Salmon hnd imt licgtiu In
run insitlt' ilm bar when I left, nine daya agu,
lint It is likely tlu-rc will ho plenty Ihi rt' liy llio
lflih nr 20th inslniit. Tim cndflsli wi-rc plenty
nil' tho linrlmr aitico July 24lli. Klnunders and
bnss wero ruiher icarcn nud inferinr when 1
left. Bitrdini a worn very nutm-rous there, but
no wny iif pulling them up. Cupt. Ilillyer &
t'n. nte riitining it hugo net nnd preparing tu
put up n huge itiiRiiliiy nf fish this senson, nn
the lower hnihnr. Messrs. 8eet, I'i'iilte &
tlnililleslnii nre prepnred lo run n lnrgi niton
llui South Rendi nud put ijiiiiiiliiicB ni llsh this
sensnn. llnrrels nud suit urn ecniee llieio now,
nnd persons (.'tiliig tu the Inty to llsh wntild do
well to take with them lili-lmtii'ls nnd stilt.
1'islt can lie hnd nt Intv rules id Iho companies
there engaged in netting, nr they can lie caught
liy persons going there if they are properly pro
pnred for tailing them.
1 would state t lint Ihe roads leading from the
Vnhey lo Yiiquii.a, via King's Ynlley nnd
Hlodnct's Valley, nru very good now, for ft
iiiminltiiii n ml. The loll is 75 cents on a Iwo.
Imrru wiignn nud ils lond. On arriving within
four miles uf tide thu road, lurks, nnd the left
crosses n new hrtilgo over the Y million river,
nud lends nfer Kilt inoiiiiliiin nnd li-rmiuntes nt
Ynqiiinn Ciiy, nr mouth of Elk, 41) miles Irom
Uorvnllis. Hero nrc livery slnliles nnd tnverns,
and n fleet of sn all hunts, nt short notice
tn convey passengers mid baggage ilnw it Uie
liny to t ho linrlmr, nt very rensonnhle rates, nr
the boats cnu lie hired nt one dollar a uny each.
Steamers nnd oilier bouts can run nt nil tides
Itom yniUtiiit Lily to I lie ocean. 1 lie oilier
fork of H e road lends to Ihe right, nnd crosses
i ho Ynqiil n nt a good lord, nnd llieiice to no
neer City. There persons cun have theh' linr
see plnccd ill pastures nt one dollar per week
or kept in the lively slnlde. Bmiill (male wil
no in readiness lltere for pnsstiigeia mid tag
gngo ilntvn to the menu, or the Hcntncrs will
convey such persons, etc.. to the harbor In-low
when the tide will mlniit, hut nt much higher
rates than t n small bonis. The nld rnnd to
I'inueer is iiow.iu lolenililv irmul repair. Wng
ons are li lt at lieail nl lule, as there nru no
ronds running ilntvn Ihe t.ny.
I'ermns going in should hike f Ik Ir tents nnd
griih. Thete are client sites for tenting nu
Ihe Finn li bench, oil Ihe liliols ol my esteemed
frieniU. Knrel, I'enhc X Ilmlillesloii. Ill t lit
lie produce is raised un Ihe liar llii. season
l'ersous, therefor . going tin re on falling ex
cnrsiims or iiilicrwirc should laku along tints,
Hour, tiinntliv rei n. In, tier, i-l'l's, laril, lincon
ru n anil green fruit, lieiius. nmons, liiolory
utiis, snit, vliues noil lioots, lor wlucli 1 1 n V
ill receive n very fnir price, iu tisli or cash,
Irom the nshlug coiuiuiiiics I here. I ho enter
rising linn nl tiiiint (c t o., ul which Cant
Dodge Is acting purlin r. is npening, or lins
npeiieil, a Inrge wholesale store nt YniHinia
I'y, lorme t nlley iimiu. nml no iliinin will
'0eivesill kinils of coiinirr produce nn safe or
lor shipping, ns lin y have iheir own sen Vessels
1 be ronil Irom I'nrvn Ills In Ysiiillna inei-ts
he rotid from Salem nl lihuhict's alley. If 1
ere tn spenk ol Mtne rontls just ns ihey nre.
infill cull iIokii nn my bend some severe
ncli.res. aii sjK ii k id lite imjliina ImV nnd
irhnr millet In Ihe ncenn, n nnlurnl route for
rnilrond nuross the summit vnd dow n to the
ay. nud of the inilhons nf fish there, nnd tl:e
lealih. climate, soil. v. tiler, mid tienruess tu
an Francisco fiotu C'nrvulhs, souienf my rend
ers tn.'iv tul idfense nt nte, nnd the editor
might plnce me n nil ihe " linle ecnlilih rs."
Hut, in conclusion, I would sny to nil, if von
not to spend ten sir twenty dots in n must
ngnenlde wny, litis season, then take a trip to
ntliift liar, noil land lit Ihe ncenn cither lit
Sum'l Cuse'e Ocean House," lit New poit, nu
liorlli hem h, nr en thu smith bench, opposite.
II you until lo purchnse good and ihenp lifli.
go In my esteemed fl lends, Cnpt. Ilillyer, tin
noun liencli, ami to renke, H fleet cc lleildles-
on, south bench And if yon want In tnke the
most charming enrringe rule which you ever
lind, then procure such conveyance and go to
nea I llnlio, ' ten mile sunt!:, along the bench
nwnrds Air en llnr, where you oau look nut on
Old Ocean nnd see lis ever-rolling waver nnd
breaker., nml witness tho daring feats of the
tnlinns In their eniim-s, passing In and mil over
tho liar tn tho coil lishertes. hen shells yen
onn procure on the north bench, round the
pnmt ol roclis nml towards Cnp" rnniwenllier,
Near Balem, Aug. 7. IritUI.
Indian Johnhun (,'omvkntihn. Indian
nnolis, July Will. 1 lie Johnson Naliunal
I fiiH.ii Cunveiiliiiii ill this city to-day was very
thinly attended, the actual r, nnber ol delegate
not exceeding one liunuriu ana iweniy-iire
t hree Ciniiressiaiial IJlstricls t nrenresenleU
Noue of the speaker invited from abroad were
present. Only these who supported Lioejiln
and JmIhison iu Intil, and noue wins would not
support Johnson's leslorallon policy, weta al
limed to nnriiciiinic.
tteneral Hoi. Meredith presided. Delegnle
to the Philadelphia Convention weta appoint
ed. A series of resolutions adopted I
I. Expresses ardent attachment tn the
Union ol I ho States under the Constitution
denies Ilie right of secession i hold all al
tempt null and Void I declares all Stale now
Stale of tins Union as before the rebellion
denies the power of lb Oeneral Oovernment
tu exclude any mate Irom lh Luum or govern
it a a I erritory.
!2. CiniAdeuce In 1'rrsl ent Johnson en
iliiinniiliedi appiove lb general policy ul
bis Administrations indorses hi restoration
pnlioy as wise, patruilio and oonsliluiinoal in
liarniooy wilh the b) l sentiment, the porpose
of the people in Hie aeppression oi uie renei
inn. wiib the platform oil which lie was flea
ted, and with the declared policy nf the lute
J. Under the Consliliilion the right lepra.
scribe the iiuliliuallnt nl eleclor Is len rve
to tbe Slate, and it would Iw subversive ol tli
principle uf our I '.over niiinit lor Cnngres lo
lorce universal sunragn upon any pari ol mi
outiiitty in opposition to the Willie uf the eili
tens tbereol.
4. Alt Slate are enlilb d by the Constilo
lion to rcpftitot.itiiiii. and all l"Jl u einbet
..WHOLE NO. 805.
duly elected should ha admitted to Congress
without unnecessary delay, each liotieo Judg
ing nf llio qualifications oflts metnhoiB.
6. The paytni i.: of tho ntillnnal doht, onr
snored obligation, shall novor ho repadiuted,
and no debt, whatever, inonrred in aid of trea
son and rebellion, shall ever bo paid,
o. l no nation owes n lusting dent of gratl
tndo to the soldiers anil sailors. Tho fainiliti
of the fallen lieroei shoald bo oared for by the
Government f Indorses tho President's deter
mination to give offices to soldiers. ' !
7. The delegntea to the Philadelphia Con
vention are expected to co-operate cnlr with
loyal Union men. r .. '.. . ' .,,.-
This Aeioclnlion held ils fourth session at
Stiblimily, cnmniencing Aug. 7th, and contin
uing two nml one-half dnys.
Twenty II vo tenohorx from tho county were
present, nud it lias been the most prosperous
nnd profitable session over held in the county.
The younger olnss ol onr teacher, wn well
represented, showing a oominendublo interest
in tho right direction. ,
The following nru the officers for tho ensning
yenrt President, L. J. Powell ; Vice Presi
dent, C. II. Mnttnnn s Secretary, T. H. Craw
ford Treasurer, Mrs. P. L, Price j Executive
Committee, J. Iluut C. II. Maltomv T. Ii.
Crnwford. , .. ,. ., , : ;
The siibjcots usually dlrensned bv nchnnole-
lies were presented a lectnro by liev, W,
West, essay Hr-Mmer. I- Heiidersoo and
flllltic. '
The generosity extended tn Ihe teachers hr
the people nf Sublimity and vicinity is worthy
proiai leimtrK, ana j the members
the ,Y '0 II I in our; wall tlum , la
their various fields of labor grateful rcinem
ranee of tho hospitably shown them on this
oocnsian. 1
The semi nnniinl session will convene lit Sit"
vetton on Wednesiltit', Doc. SOth. 1300.
Let every school district in the eonntr be
there represeuteil. ! i ij -j oi ,,n-:
, 1. H, UIIAWFOmt, BeC'f.
i K ii HESOLUTIONS. ! ot i! -M-llvmlecd.
That we cheerfullv reenniinend the svuleni
of ohjeH tracking to Ihe favorable consideration of
cuctiers, nun nu oiners luicrtsicil in the adoption of
uprovou tuctliods of toaclnni.
iiceccd. That vvn reeouuuend to the attention ol
tciicltcrs and luuiils tho Hnencurjmi svstein of nuiunim
ship, a:id Ihe uictlind of leaching if, 'by concert black-
poaiu exercises, williont Ilie aid of copies. 1
Kt'totrfit. Unit we lender our siluiei-e Ibauks to thu
oilisens of Sublimity nud vicinity, for Ilie corillnl wel
come and liberal eiitiutuhtincnt which they have ex
tended lo Ihe members of this Association during its
present session t u ril nlru to Prof. Powell, for his uen
llcniauly and courteous deporltimiit as prt siding ofllcor
Of HlO AsSOCillllOll. : r, i
Jlcuilceil, That the Hecrclnrv furnUh our cotinlv
pneers wilh ail llbslriict of ihe minutes of lbs Assocl
in ion mid ils resolutions, with it request to publish Ihe
sumo. - W. T IUmsay,
II. Y .Thompson,'
W. Simpson,' " .''.'
Com. ou Itesohitiuus, .
i For Ihe Statesman. '
- COMMON 8KS8B PAPBK8. ' " 1
I hnvo nrrived at the conclusion. Mint Ilia Wil-
liunetto valley is a poor plnco for milling opera
tions. Hero I have been prospecting now a
whole woek for mi item which might prove to be
nn indication," but my most vigorous washings
hnvo not even "n.iscd Ihe color." Nnggett of
common sense do not seem tu abound in Iho se
cluded retreat in which I pass my leisure hours,
though I go nrouud in my overy-dny path like
nil illustrious predecessor earnestly "seeking
whom I mny devour''! waiting, llko Micawber,
for "something to turn up": hoping that loino
fortttnnlo streak of " lock'1 will cxposo to my
piercing ryo same bright particle of rich thought
h IiIcIi will lend mc to a vein Ihnt will prove inex
haustible. My smirch proves unsuccessful, Gail
Hamilton seems lo think it " no troubln for sous
tn shinn." Would 1 wero n sun : imie.i., I...I...1,
it be Ihe fain of suns tn be burned by tho extreme
heat of Iheir own atmosphere ! I presume I shall
have tn content myself with merely shining as a
tnllow nindle, or nuiy-ho a rush light, that would
bo niom rustic. 1 may, perlmps, nt soma future
lime nrrivo at the excellence of ft sfur-cnndla
Imt, nlna ! if I should t 1 would be in eonslnnt
fear, if I gnvu too murk light, Unit some ouo would
slip up nud put uie out, for run. lies nro no doubt
tuu much occupied with tho business uf shilling,
lo see by their own light. This fact may illus
trate Ihu reason why tho world does imt griw
bettor much morn rapidly Ihnn it dnoa. Thu
teachorsof Iho vtuild llioso ho know best what
is right nml true are nil the time sn much occu
pied in telling oilier folks whnl they ought to du,
Ihnt I bey never have lime to follow the direction
of their own thenriefl. Those u ho preach troiuir
ueu enriy, generally sn up nn niter midnight
wriio their sermons. Those who tench Ilm ex
travagant use of poisonous drugs, nru t roverhial-
ly clear ol Inking llieir uwn ined lei lies. Those
bo drench Hour patients wnh water fill the col
or is nearly all soakud nut uf them, seldom use
heir nun " douche. 1 ho world is overrun wilh
heorisis who erect most buaiiiiful airy structures
lint will scnrculy bear their own weight, and otter
them to tho practical public as improved temples
u which Ihe soul may dwell lurever on this onrth
ho will but enter, tin, ye wise fouls! "ye build
yo build, but ye enter not in!" - '
It is eooipiniilivi ly easy lo liuilij llieorlus, but
hard, hard lo build tip one eilh ft soul of practice
u it. We nre all tou apt lu vnluo ourselves nl
in worth of our ideal standard. XI wo hnvo until
once piimis of right and u long, and good inteu-
ons and iiioIivch, wo are nntilu lo givo ourselves
he saiiin credit for them Unit we give for good
actions iu others I consequently wo think belter
of ourselves than we can of llioso wilh whnsu
motives and ideals we nro unneqiinlilted. W
prixeonr must intimate friend, heeiiusa wo know
something of ihuir idenl life, Ihe lite which they
ive in Iho rcnlms of thought, of winch wa cnlcb
only occasional glimpses through doed which
lln-y generally have need tu Interpret to ns be
fore we ran npprc.Uo them nt Ilia value they pos
ses to Iheir performers.
It is a nuestiun II wo nre, niter an. any oetter
than Ilia oiilsidu world I tli ilka ns In be Is there
an real nmrknlabla value lu llioso Una Ideals.
ho.0 pcrlccl lucorio, mono generous motives
even, mat uo not accoiuuusn prneunai rusniis,
tbnt nt lint preelpiiaieit in crystal ol action
which define uumislnkablr our real clinrnit.-r
I worth f Klml wo ever be juilgcd, either in
this worlJ or Iho neat, by ih. nt nnr
Ibeorivs or lh Innocence of our motives f W ill
it not ever be according to onr " nWs" t !
I ir,, I. Indeed twu fold.'1 The oiirllv and
correctness uf the inner Ufa, that iifu whick pro.
i!ni.. tin, " wish tn do nnd the meant to do.
possess a great power for good, over Ilia real
llfeut aotHgt nil! ll I. in n wring aiway. uio
ease. Msuy mora nre wno aoow wen nn
right and just, far belter Ibsil llmso nliun deeds j
of lile are nun-h nearer their atnndsnl than aro'
their own, and yet whose knowledge is not one
lenlll what Ihuir ia. AnJ theso persons consider
ib.iii.nlvea lb better for their clear perceptions
of right, while they are indued just so much wiarae
than are th Ignuraiil a no live uvea prouiieuve
of no more good deeds than are Iheir own. 1 ben
Ibero are pel sons wnu possess a ainu ui negative
eoodnrss alio know how to do much gimd, yet
du it not t who do not consider Ibomselves mrj
wicked, yol leave midline much Hint migu bless
Uio world. '
Standing upon some hill-top or sitting i Mine
quiet lituJo, ll i pleasant to gaae apon in
crowd of toiler in Its busy Hreela.and seea ler
Ib wi.dom which is wrapped ia ""J l"
vent Our power of reproduction -dull,
and fall to glvn ns much s receive, nc.
cording as our mood is livel " ttiooghlfnl. yet if
thnr were no varieties ineommo ,, -
never be suit.d lo th wls f tb world i there
fore, we may please ldy Wlii-ro we were ..mi
ll resting yesterday I or fa" W day, yet be sue
ccasful tu-uiorro. .,...,
linooKslliK, August io. ir. ,
A correspono'ent of the lluetnii Congrega
tiunati,!. woling from the Sooth, say. Iher.
are stmi'K obstacle to the establishment nl
f,mgfegatinolwin in the Booth. Southern
Christian iuspicitM el It. "
The value of butter Imported into British
Columbia lor lh h't lf r T"r f,u,
California, Oregon and Washington Territory,
aii.ouiii lo t'fi WW. '
Of Evsry Desoriplloa,' . ,. t
SATKS OS AnVKKtlSlSO. 4 '-I- '
first Insertion, S per square of en lines or less, minion
mcssnrt. l for each subsequent Inurtlon.
W Advertising bills, whtn not paid In advance, lll be '
ehortiod tsrsnty-flvs pr oenl, additional, te cover lbs cut
ef eoticetion. . , . ..
W A liberal itenuetlon from the shevs rsles will be auulf
In fsvor of those who MtsrUsf by ths quarter. :
Oregon State EthicatlnnHl Aisoclittlnn and
: Xcaehcri' Institute, , u ,u j
: . ' .,i BIXTB ANNUAI, BES8I0H. .... , ,,
' Ths t sixth annual resslon of tlio Oregon
Htnto Edacntional Association and Teaelsor
; Institiilo was held at Oregon City, oommoncir -J
July dlst and eontinued three duys. Thofliw
item of importance that claimed tho attention.
of the Institute wni tho election of ollicer to
ervo the preent session and ensuing year. -The
result wa as follows: President, 0. H. t
, Atkinson t Vice Presidents, Bishop Scott, Kef., i
J. Q. Denrdorff and Mr. E. Cartwrightt Be-
cording Secretary, 0, 8. Prambeis . Corre.
pntiding Soorotory, D. C, Pearson ; Treasurer, ,a
1). Cornelius. Committee wore appointed en ,,
tho various subjects oouueotcd with the Insti- '.
tuto. ' ;., . . . , . -'ir',. , , ,,,.,',' '
The vnriou ttutlie of tlio school room re-'"
oeived the consideration of the Institute be- '..
ing presented iu the form of lectures by
teachers appointed to present them. A.' dii- '.'
enssion generally followed each lecture, which
cava ample opportunity fur an interchange of '
iiletvs and comparison of view respecting the
dilfcrent methods of teaching" tlio ever'
branches nf study taught in oar common1'
schools. With a few exceptions the topic"
yrcro well presented, and generally met the ap v
provnl of tho Institute. ' -' " i "
i Tho committee on "Itelijious Inslrnotion
tti Pehlio Schools," made a report whioh con
tuineil sentiments that did Dot meet the view f
a nuiulier of the members, and after a loug aud i
milirntcd (lisuufsiim, the report was finally r. 'i
. jeoted. , ;. .,.:,.,. .,n a
The committee on School Law wa more iq
tncuessful. After a good deal of labor they ,
preeenled tt school law which reoeived the j
nnauiiiiuii annruval of the Inslituto. and will ,
bo luhinitted to the coming Legislature for ..t
llieir approval or rejection. It Is the opinion,,'
of the cuminittec that drafted said school law, . ,,
that it contain ull the essential element to ,
ii.ahe it thorough and efficient iu it operation.
Some of tho leading feature of it are the fo- a
lowing : . , ,, , . ' . '
i First. It provide for a State Hoard af Ed
Uoalion cuiiipiised of tho Governor, Superin- ,
tendant of Puhlio liistiuotiiiii, and one mem- '
tier from each Judicial dietrlot each of the '
ahuvo named nlliuera to bold fur a term Of four ''.
years, but part to be chosen every two year. (
The duty of this State Board will he to adopt
a ounrsc of study and rales and regulation for '"
all public schools In tho State, provided suoh "'
rules nnd regulatiuni shall nut lie enforced In"'1
confiiut with special rale and regulation
adopted by tho Donril of Education of any city "
or nny city- and enonty;to recommend rule ana
list of boohs suitable for district school libra X
ries ; to grant tcnoheri lift) diploma to pro
vide regulations fur the examination of tenoh- "
... i... u,ni.. i n.. nH ri,.... I1......I r v .t i
Inn oy n,i,iT-, vi,y 01 jiu,y uuniu i jj.awi-
nation t to adopt a uniform State series of text .it
bunks to be used iu all public sohoolsj and a
much other busineis a properly belong touoh
a body. Tho last named item, oonoerninc 4i
text bunk, n, subject that perhap can be i
reached in uo other way than by a State Board ,,;
of Education. ,
. Secondly. Said icbool law provide for
State Board of Examination composed of tb
Statu Superintendent and tho County Supcrln-j
teudent of the several ooontie in the State.,,,;
The Stttto Superintendents together with two ,
nr more practical teacher whom the State ,
Superintendent shall seli'ot, shall have power ,
to examine teacher and grant State certificate u,
of two, fuor or six year. , , , ( , . ' ' "
Thirdly. Said law provides for a Superin-1 ,
tcndeiit of Puhlio Instruction, elected by the ,
people, whose duly is lo travel throughout the)
Slate nnd hold Teachers' Inttitute and loo-
turn upon the subject of eduoation and to labor
iu connection with the Connty Superintendent '"'
iu suoh wny nt ihnll best advance tbe great
subject of common school education. ' He will '
lie ihe executive officer of the Stato Board of '
fidtitmliim. . ' v 1 ' ' ' -"'
Decided iiiiprovements, opon the present
Inw, are ninilu in tho organisation of district t
whereby much of tlio present trouble and in-
conveiiienco will lie avoiileil. The duties and
powers of district nliicer are defined more ex-
Illicitly and in every inttauoe whero the pre i
ent law htile to meet the waul of the different ws
ciiiiiinunities, an elfort bo been made to rem-. ii '
dy iho defect. Snuli are some uf tbe feature
nf Iho sclioul law adopted by the Institute, and ,
wiiicii uwail thu aetiuu of tho Legislative A- a
embly. , . . ,. r,.,4
Thu evening lectures, tbe first by Judg
Tlioriitun, ui Female Eduaatiou," tbe second it
by Professor Wmid, on Botany," and the,,.,
third by Dr. Wythe on Iho "Kecent disco verie
in pliysicul science," wero full of instruction
ami well reoeived by large and intelligent an
il enoes. Several young Indie read essay thai
were pronounced lo be fine production and
oettinnly they deserved the praise bestowed I
upon Ibem. The txrrciees were intermiuglod j
from tho first tu Inst with uinsiu liy tbe Oregon
City Oleo Club, whl.h received tho hearty"'"'
thniiks of the Assuciatinn for it tuusio. The '
Assi'iuiftlinii was hnunred with the proseno ef
several gentlemrii not iitiiuediately identified ,i
with tho Inlior of the sohoolrooiu, but who are
desirous to help lorwnrd the great subject of
coinmoii school educatiun. Their ooonselt "I
' and deliberation lidded much to the intern i
and sucuess uf the Institute. , Prof. ' Wood
endeared himself by bis lecture and several
nddreeso to the lenchers of Oregon, and will
be kindly remembered by thorn lung after hi
depnriuru from Ibis State. Such il brief eel n
line uf a very interi sting icssiuu of three day, jj
spent in ixchaugiiig Ulcus upon a very IP poll
ant subject. 0. 8. FRAMBES, Seo"y. ' "
Porilaud, Aug. 13, 1806.- ' iUi
t si ll
Ohkoon Wool A wool firm in San Fran-:.
Cisco hnvo taken sume pain to collate tbe re .
eeipt of wool l,ir ihe pst five or six year, 1
have furnialied the Bulletin w:th tb followinr
figure, allowing the estimated amount received i
in Snn Frauiiisco from California and Oregon ,t
sniee I8.'il. The figores are in pounds. No
do date nf Oregon wool Wat Kept lor 1901 1
Clifi"it. Urrgm.
WA ,.4,iW0,tluU.
mi... 5,Si;i,MI
lwi: ,.Vi,KHft
tool ..r,w,oM
inns... ,'...6,4U,Mil
4,lrWl.on i
4I0.9IMI 5,753,731
iUJ.BMO : li,!Srj,B& 1
4JU.2IXJ r,li,7l4 ,
7!ll,0IK) 7,6,870 '
Since January I, 1800, and op to July 1st, tbe '''
receipt ol Calllnruift loot up 4,4.r,)0 16, M
from Oregon ahuut 283,000 lb. The fall clip ;
of California this year is cei limited at 200,000. ,
Iu comparing the wool of Ibis ooat with that
of other eotious, the Bulletin say I . ' ""
One great drawback to California wool la
the large per Ocnlsge uf ahrinkage which ha i
to bo ullowed. On the medium grade ef wool ,
this is 55 P oent.. and ou the liner grade 65
71) V cent. On Oregon medium there is lee
limn 40 f cent, shrinkage. Tbe following to '
hie, prepared hy II. D. Telkampf, who io e. .
neoted with one of tbe largest wool firm in 1
this eouutry, will show the Y cent of shrinkage
iu other Slntel t . -
' . Per tft. i
Virginia. ,,.,.
Pennsvlvaiiia -
lino, i
W'iacousiu., ,.... .......,. ..-,
New York
49 I
, 49
Ueorgia '
Compared wilh llii table, Oregon wool hi
only equaled by tho wool of Virginia, while)
California shows 5 f oenl, greater shrinkage !
than any nf thme named above. Thhj, f
course, i due in part to onr long, dry and dnetf ii
oason. and to a neglect to wash th wool on , j
the heep back, lu th earlier part of U .
year, the wool receipt in thi oily were MU-
mated by ome to go higher than unal, -TH-
present indioatious are that they will fall below
7,000,000 lb." -h-,4
A Pari paper y that red 1 going rf n
ityl. and tW prevaUing and ougbt for ooter ,
now i yellow. ; , . -r