totfswan. 8AUCM, MONDAY, AU(J. 13, IHfiO. tOl'XIY IXUltMAItlKS. Tli in it a mutter which ought In Imro lliu attention of the Cimimirsioiiers in ench county, anil also nt the Legislature Tlie duly of tuk in; proper oaro til tlio ngcil nml infirm, who are thrown upon tho charities of (lie world, it niio that dioulil In! provicli d for in such a way ns liecomea I lie character of I ho American poo pie as Iibernl anil hamnno Christnltis. It it a duly that should not lio left to lh voliintnry ohnriliet of the few, nor yet to llio temporary OJtpcdientt of a iciinty "poor fund," or the mer cenary motive! of thnsu who would weigh (lie chancet of life, health and comfort against tho poss'ilile profltt to b squeezed out of the county treasury. The present system of niaiutaluing tho poor and infirm, who become a clinrge upon tho pulilio, is the tamo that has prevailed at first iu all cow countries, and will doubtless al ways prevail iu nuw and sparsely populated settlements. It is the snmo tystcra that lias always prevailed in the administration of State and Territorial olitiritiea, in their first settle ment, and yet it is essentially very defective. The defects do not result from a want of inter est in the wellnro of tho poor, or any absence of the feelings of haiuaiiily ; for, on the contra ry, wo 'believe that the settlers of new countries lire always more humane, charitable, and rich in tho "milk of human kindness," than in the older States at least this has been tho result of our observations. Bal the defects of oar present "poor laws" result from the unsettled, miirititured condition existing in all new coun tries. So fur as we know, and wo believe it is the truth, tho county commissioners do the most possible good under the present system, and no fault can justly allacli to them; and it is also doubtless true that persons ho undertake the euro and euliitcncu of tho poor do tho best they can tinder tho circumstances. Hut any body can tee that, where the residence and cir oumstanccB of anypublio charity is constantly liable to change where the guardian of the charity may bo changed or removed at any time, and where, there is not a settled plan, nor permanent, reliable means of taking oaro of tho poor from year to year that, under snch cir cumstances, the expense to the county must necessarily be greatly enhanced, and the care and comforts afforded to the unfortunate poor must be greatly decreased. This was the ex perience of the State with the insane patients; and after trying a few years of this kind of ex perience, tbe Legislature wisely provided a permanent homo for tho insane, with ample medical care and attendance, and all the enm- ' forts of a home. And so it lias been in all other States and countries. Each county ought by this time to liaro learned that tho present system was expensive, troublesome and annoy ii'g to both the officers and their charge, njiilo it was productive of but little comfort to the poor. We think that most of the counties west of tho Cascades, and some east of tho moun tains, in this State, would now find it greatly, advantageous to tbe county purse, and more pleasant and agreeable to all concerned, to enter opon some fixed plan of establishing "infirmaries" for those who become a ohaigc upon the public While land is now compar atively cheap, a furm of two or three hundred acres could be secured, and improvements in the way of fruit trees and live stock at once commenced. It will doubtless require some legislation to enable tbe county authorities to commenco tuch a work, but that oan readily be secured at the ensuing session of the Legisla ture. In the older States, tbe County Infirm ary is always an ornament and an honor to the county. We are more conversant with the system adopted in Ohio, and we know that where the established Infirmary bus been fried, tbe people would not go back to the old system (now prevailing here) for any consideration. There the Infirmary buildings become the per manent borne; the Infirmary farm is stocked with ita borscs, cattle, slioeo, swine, poultry, bees, etc.; and there is the ",argo vegetable gar den, the orchard, tho flowers and shrubbery all of which furnish healthful employment to those who are able to d' tome work, and still unable to go out hau battle with the world. The establishment is looked after hy tho Hoard of Infirmary Directors, elected by the people of tbe county, who meet at the Infirmary quar terly and as much oftener as they deem neces sary, to inspect the management and give di rections, and who appoint the Superintendent with his wife for Matron. It has been found by experience that such an establishment payi its owu way, in that country, after it bus been once established, and we doubt not it would do 13 here, if located uear any town, where some market for small products would be afforded. We offer the above merely ns suggestions, and hope that tho judineut and experience of others may itidicate the best plan lor the pen- - pie and the ui fortunate poor. Fishing and Hunting. Fishing, banting, and rusticating in the mountains, is now all the rage. On Monday. J. II. McClung and wife. Judge Walton and wife, and Win. Par sons and wife, left here to spend a few days in the mountain!, near Mount I'isgnli. On Thurs day, II. C. Owen. Latter Day Saint," or the " Lone Star " of my policy," followed by his favorite band of houuds, "Cowan," " Doolit tle," etc, in company with a number or gen tlemen from Salem, started up the MuKenzio on a hunting expedition. They were accom panted by Messrs. P. W. Johnson, A. W. Stowcll. J. B. Underwood, J. G. Gray, K. W. Lewis, A. S. Patterson, Saiu'l Christian and Friendly. Fi'h and venison will bo a drug in this market when they return. Eugene Watt Journal. To the above party Salem furnished Sam. Headriok, Walt. Smith, Dick Williams and Milt. Cox. Siooo they left Eugene we have hear J from them. They started (ruin Engeue with five gallons of whisky, and laid in three gallons mure at Springfield. On the second day after leaving the settlements, Jasoo Owen reports that the two most respectable hounds returned, and the presou ption is that the whole party got so intensely " demoralized " that the hounds became disgusted and left. Whether it was ' Cowan " and ' Doolittle " which re turned, we aru not yrt informed. If that party should remain out lung, it is to be feared they .' will fiu.l untimely graves in Lake Majesty, or in the Philadelphia Convention. Trial Of Jtrr. Davh The Piitshnrir LtaJer is heartily sick of contemplating the horizonlesi sea of drivel that ebbs and flows about tbe question of trying Jeff. Davis. It tars : "Stop this wretched humbug; this trifling with the pubiio's convictions in lh prineiph-a of right ana wrong, w e appeal to Mr. John son lo organize a military commission, with or ders to bring iu a verdict of guilty, and there upon tiring Davis within iwenly-lonr hours af terward. nr pardon him at once and M him go free. There is no middle ground ; and they who twaddle btlderilatb of any other, simply palter with the public judgment and travesti Hie plainest dictates ol public policy. WUXTf OTNTV CONTESTED KLKCTIOJT. A trial of the quest ions Iu dinpiito In rela tion to the Grant County election, ni recent ly held before Judge Wilson, between the candidates for Sberill'. The following are the findings" of tho Judge, deciding tho case in favor of the.elcotion of the Dcnioorate. No question heiiiff nuideaslo the legitlitr o( Hie votes can in tlio precincts of Granite, Olive, Elk John Dny and Union, it is pre sumed, then, llmt every perron voting there bad fell right so to do ; nor is it questioned that proper poll books had been furnished those precincts, mid that ( tie same books were returned to tlio Cleik. Iho point claimed lij defendant ii that tho poll-books wore not cer tifieil to as required hy law to luuko them legal evidence, except as to Olivo precinct, and the question there is that the poll-book was not property seaieu up. Though I hesitate in fully concurring with tho decision of tho Supremo Court of Oregon Territory, and have doubts as to the correct nos of the broad rulo of law, as laid down hy that Court in lliu enso of Day vs Kent, Vol. I Ogn. Hep. p. 129, I cannot hat bo bound by that decision until some caso shall occner so marked a would impel me to decide adversely to their ruling. In that case there had been no poll books sent to Cow Creek precinot, and certain Judges and Clerks returned merely a itatement that a certain number of votes were cast for certain candidates, without showing tbe list of voters, or tho numbers .f them, or for whom they voted, or that there were anv voters properly in that precinct. The Court in that case holds that even if no return had been made, yet in a contest for au ollico, before a court, the contestant could prove by parol or otlierwiso that certain votes had been cast for him and sustain his rights to the office, "for hit rights would not depend on the acts or omissions of judges and clerks, but upon the votes of the people," and the Court propounds this inquiry: "Is Day (tho con testant) worso off with an imperfect return than he would he with no return at all 7 Apply tins rulo to the caso in hand: Both parties admit the votes lo be legal ; that tho voters had a full rielit to role, and the votimr had been dune regularjy, without fraud t but tunc omissions or judges and clerks vitiated tlio whole election. I need not make further remark ou tbls point tliuu to make the clear statement. The rulo laid down in Day vs Kent is, that statutes prescribing tho manner in which a publio oflicer shall perform an act are generally regarded as directory, and ad mitting the oflicer to have power, his disregard of snch statutes in doing the act, will tint de stroy the rights of an innocent person. - p. 128 ib. The officers here had power; they at tempted in oiio instance, at least, tn do every thing required, and inability alone prevented them. No fraud is alleged, no withholding of hooks or lists, merely an imperfect not in cer tifying to poll hooks. Surely on this point the oasc is very far within tho rulo iu Day vs Kent. Again, on page 130, ll.' Court says: "Cit izeus, when they vote, acquire a right to havo their votes regarded and the person to whom they oro giveu acquires a right to have them estimated in his favor, and it would be nnjnst, not to say absurd, tn bold that all tlieso rights are destroyed by tho mistakes of all petty of ficers, who have to ileal with tbe ovidenco of election." 'Courts aro not bound by tho acts or decisions of canvassing officers, but are to hear parol or other competent evidence, and then give the office to him who appears to have a majority of legal votes for it." In this case, the want of an envelope af fects Olive preoiuot. In the others, the cor tilicates are more or less informal or defective. No one can mistake ns lo who tho voters were or as to how they voted. The footings of the columns ns to each office are fully made up and tbe number of votes cast for each candi date are set opposite, or rather under his uame, aim then llie judges unci clerks certify that the bonks aro correct. If the Supreme Court could decide tho case of Day vs Kent upon the cvi- uence mere, l cannot hesitate here when the proofs are so abundant. As no evidence waa offered to Ibo legality of any particular voter or vote, and no evidence offered on tlio subject of Voting done by sol diers, I shall not enter nt all upon those ques tions, or upon any alleged irregularity in ltnck Creek precinct, since uiiini the other points I am ennstmined to decide that contestant hav ing received 705 votes, and defendant having received 518 voles for the office ol Sheriff of Grant County, Howard has a right tu the of flee, 'tnd that a certificate should issue to h i in. J. G. Wilson. July 21st, ISGfi. Judge. Benton Countv. Wc extract tho follow ing from the Corvnllis Gazelle: It is rumored t lint an opposition hack line been or is about to be started to Yaqnitm. A correspondent writing from there. August 2d, says : The salmon are b?giimiug lo show them selves iu the hay. and preparations u'ro being made tn secure them for (lie market. Now is the time for Invert of angling to visit this part of tlio coast and indulge in the favorite pas time. Case Ac Bayley set a good table, and are hurrying the work on their new hotel. A correspondent of the Uaztttc gives n flat tering account of the growth and prospects of the new town of Philomath, ou Mory't river. Tbe new college building at that place it pro gressing rapidly. Mount Hood lie v. II. K. llines and three oilier gentlemen recently iniulo a trip to the top of Mount Hood, and have given a glowing description of it iu a letter to iho Hegitter. Lins Countv. Tim Albany Journal says that fivo thousand dollars linvo been subscribed toward tbe college building at Albany, and two thousand more ore wanted before the con struction of the building will be commenced. It is reported that a Miss Bopgs was drowned in a slough near Harrisburg, Linn county, last Thursday. Though the particular! havo not been received, it ia believed that the report is true. The Linn County Agricultural Fair will be gin at the Society'! grounds, near Albany, Oct. 2d. and continue till the 5th. inclusive. The price of season ticket! hai been fixed at $1 50. The best laeihliei for camping on the grounds during the fair will be furnished. Tbe princi pal attraction, as advertised, will be the racing matches. Some specimen! of wheat grown by Ander son Deckard, of this county, excel anything of me muu we nave ever teeu. i Here were three varieties tho Yellow Holland, the White Swedish and the Side Oats. The length of the heads ranged from fifteen to twenty-live inches. Mr. Deckard also sent us tome head of timo thy, several of which measured as high as 13 inchet in length. Cascades Railroad. Tbe Oregon Steam Navigation. Company is rapidly pushing the construction of a uew railroad over the Cas cades, determined to make their liue of trans portation just aa perfect and secure at the con dition and ciroumstanoes of tbe country will permit. If tint Company make money, it also spends It freely in the construction ol im portant publio works, and therefore earnt a claim for patronage) and prosperity. General News. Gov. Woods and family relornrd to Oregon last Thursday and stopped a few diys at Astoria Prof. Woods it down there hooting op the hrat.tira of the floral world A Mi Boggtwas drowned at Har- rishurg; she had gone into a slough to tare a bttle brother from drowning; the boy was laved, but she perished M. II. Abbot, ye man with a record, hat started in with the broken down D'Alema Democrat A corret- pondi-ot inform! the Oregonian that the Cop perheads of Boena Vista Precinct deli gated aa escaped rebel from Price's army to cast their vote in the Polk County Convention. That it consistent, if it it rebellious. FOREIGN NK1VS. New York, August 0 Advices by tho stcutnt r Gennaiiin contain paragraphs confirm ing the m-wa briefly announced by I lie (aide. A great reform ilcninnstrntioii was In III in Hyde Park, Gunrdt were called uut Nutliing terious occurred. Austria lias accepted the prelimiuaties of peace submitted, in principle, the peace pre liminaries proposed by tho dissolution or llie former German bund and to permit the organ ization of a new confederation from which Aus tria is tn bo excluded. Austria aggrees to this settlement, north Germany to form a union under Prussia's direction, an nexation of the Duchies to Prussia, excepting the Dttiiish-Schleswig, part payment by Aus tria of tho war expenses, the maintenance cf Austria'! integrity excepting Venctia. Prus sia intends annexing territory containing 3, 000,000, of people. - - - The truce in Germany expired on the 27th of July, but was prolonged to Aug. 2d, and a four week armistice, commencing at the ltttUr date, was concluded. It is announced llmt pence preliminaries hud been signed and reached Vienna for ratification by the Emperor of Austria. The minor German Stutei were not included in the armistice, and hostilities between them anil Prussia continue. Tbe Bavarians were defeated by tho Prussians near Wirzebnrg. Tbe suspension of hostilities be tween Auslria and Italy oointnen.'ed July 21)th. Prussia has positively declined the nronosal of Russia for a Congress ol tho nowers which signed the treaty of Vienna. llie Colorado. Admiral Go dsboroueh's flnir- ship, from Lisbon, arrived at Plymoth and sail ed for Cherbourg. Jiertin, Ang. (j Tho II rat sitting or tho Chamber! was held to-ilar. Tho numbers ar- roso and saluted tbe King and the Prussian victories. Count Htulherg, win elected Presi dent of tho Upper House. Pestli, Aug. 6. Several political arrest! have been made bv the military hero to-ilav. Similawirrests have taken place in other parts oi Hungary. Florence, Aug. 0. Tlio Italian and Aus trian Generals meet at Coinorn in Austria to negotiate. France takes no part iu the pen ding armistice and Austria and Italy if it can be arranged will hold a separate conference with tbe concurrence of France, and it will probably meet at Paris. Vienna, Aug. 6. It is expected ibat a defi nite treaty of peuoc will soon be signed by Auslria and Prussian plenipnteutitries. Italy is not included. If the difficulty relative to the armistice with Italy is not arranged within a few days hostilities will he renewed. Dresden, Aug. 7. Special peaoo negotia tions nro about to be opened between Prussia and Saxony. St. Petersburg. Aug. 7. There is great en thusiasm here in reference to the visit of the American squadron,- The Russian fleet have gone to Helsingfors lo meet it. Efforts aro being made to obtain the media tion of Russia witli Prussia in In-half of the South German States. The Czar has entered into no arrangement relutive tn the question as yet. Liverpool, Aug. 7 Evening. Cotton tnlei 7000 bales, maiket dull. New York, August 7. Tho following is ad ditional hy the steamer Boston: Tho Prussian Government has madu a demand upon Ibo English Government for tho treasure packed I up and carried off by the King of Hunnver and deposited hy uim with the Hank of Eng land, nsserling that she will seize and retain the Hanoverian domain if it is not given up. Tho amount of coin it 125,000 thalers. Tho Patrie announces that, a Mexican ormv of 50,000, recruited by Ibo Mexicans anil of ncered ny Europeans will take the plnce ot the French army and will maintain Maximilian on the throne. Oukoox Stage Company. The Oregon Stage Company, currying the overland mails' and express between Sacrametito, California, and I'oitlnnd, Oregon, is now owned by nod has passed into tho possession ami control of II. VV. Corhett of Portland. It is now entire ly on Oregou institution, and eminently deserv ing tho patronage and support of Oregoniaos. Mr. Corhett has supplied new coaches, and fresh well broken horses, and has made tho lino in every respect first class, so that now a trip to California nr anywhere on tbe line, is made one of pleasure. The proprietor has al so greatly "duoed tho fare ou Ins couches. From lr e to Portland it is now but five do. Inrs, ir .ead of seven ns formerly, and to Al bany, but three dollars instead of six, and lo Corvnllis but fivo instead of nine ; and so ou in propnrtien over tho whole line. In going to California on this line, there is no danger of being sent to the bottom of the sea in some old coffin hi'ting a suuken rock, or being blown up with uitro glycerine. To be sure it is not every steamer that suffers the fate of tbe "Brother Jonathan" and Northerner," ytt in going aboard a steamer you tuke about one chance in a thousand for such a fate, and who is there that wants to take Ihnt thrusundth tiekt t. Not us, for one, and we will go on Cnrbett's fust coaches, and go safe. What was Settled. The Slaleiman says: "The n,neslinns settled is, llmt the loynl men of this nation whipped the disloyal, in a light where the Iraitora ecle-rled theii- own position, took their own time, mid stole nil the (l,verni:u-nf arms to commence the light with. Albany Juvenal. That is not exaotly a fuir statement. Tbe Stalctman said that " one of the questions sil lied is," eta. By chopping the sentence off at the wrong place, and leaving out the qualifying adjective, the Journal would mnko ui occupy the ridiculous position assumed by Tone) of the Renew, tu wit : I hat all we bad gained by the war was the land in the South. The mis take was doubtless unintentional. Will Iho Journal make the correction. Tub Tostn Stone Man. A. J. Monroe did not go hack 'o the Slate at announced some time ago in the Slaleeman. He got as far at San Francisco and struck a great bargain in boo Italian marble, and immediately took it in, brnoght tho marble tn this city, wbero be it now making it into gravestones, &o., on jvrylow prices. KtMxn. A man hy the nsms of Garret Maopcn was Killed last week nn the road be tween Oakland and Kcoltsburg, by a wagon np setting and tumbling a tack of wool, weighing 000 pounds, upon him. The M. . Conference It now in session at Albany, and the attendance it said tn be quite large. Dr. Uensnn of the Adtoealt was cho sen Moderator. I'EltaoNAL Gov. Uibbt and Judge Strat um, have our thanks for a call during the past week. Tu BF. 8ni.u. Tbe Forte and other publio property at Forts Yamhill, Hoskins, 8iletr block-house, and Cascades, fee advertisement. Mr. Gaylord. of Benton county, commenced work with a steam thresher on Thursday last. A Convention of the Southern Unionist! baa been called to meet at Philadelphia. Hornoe Greeley finished the last page of hit Record ami concluding volume of his llialory of tbe American Coo II let at sundown on the eve preceding the "Glorioot Fourth." II bad still about three or four weeks' labor en it. preparing the appendiiafter which he will go off fishing somewhere for a few months. At Salt Lake the Gentile ladies rrcngoirt only thetirtt wife of a Mormon. All the oth er! are regarded aa contraband of virtue and in a condition of concubinage, - Pious Despots In looking over tho man iff tine of the new belligerent sovereigns, wo aro impressed with the vein of piety that pervades Hum. I heir niuiuul reliance ou the Inendly intervention of Providence appears to be Int. illicit, insomuch llmt wo infer nil are ou llie test of terms with the Court of Heaven. We fenr, however, that it is only when menaced by threatening ormiei and when their thrones bo gin to totter, these royal Christians prar with so much faith and unction. Austria waa not near so pious and tender when Hungary ap pealed for mercy and Ireedom ; nor was Prus sia 10 supplicatory when the beroio Polauders remonstrated against tho cruel partition of their country. nag. Tub Old Sinner ! Fir ! Prentice seems to grow wickeder and wickeder every day. Just look at his scandalous style of ohampion- ing those "tilting hoops" which operate so as to make petticoat! a mero lorm and conven tionality. "They havo their uiei," tayi llie abomiuublo wretch, "for then enable common folks to ice a good deal more of good tociety man tliey ever taw oejore ! Horrid muu ,' Accident. Mr Win. Reed, a carpenter of this plnoe, had his leg broken on Inst Friday. He was working on a building, when tho senf foldin? trnve-wnv and he was nrecinitnled to o o - j - - r I the ground, a dislunce of twelve favl. -Alba ny Journal. , , New crop wheat is bciug reoeived nt Al bany. To Ilu-wcus time, and Otsiss Arrangement! hsve been made in the Statesman Ottlti whereby all ktnila of Cord and Fancy Printing oan bs done nn the shortest notice, ami at prloea which caunot-fal! to suit our patrons. The Jobbing Depnrtment Ii under Iho charge of an experienced snd com- Lpetent printer, at our work for mora than ft year pail will testify, and thole requiring briefs, pamphlets, checks, hilt heailf, buelneM, ft'lilrett. or wrf.llne rajflii, pewainmol. ball clrculara, mining ootDpanlva' oertlflcatea end reoelpte, Jui tlcea' btanka, and in faet every doacrlpdon of plain and fan- oy printing, can have the work well and promptly done. We keep a complete asaortinent of blll-henil, letter, and oili er paper, tultnWe for Job printing; together Willi plain and fancy cards, vlo. We Invite those deairlng to have any de scription of priming done, to call and examine eamplea and prices, ai d eullafjr themselves that ai good work can be done and as good bargains made as at any other ofltce In Oregon. Ficturks.I'icti'uks. Moutjf inery advert pies a (rlaiid closing out of intFci t nock. Ill eider to nvike alterations and additions to his Cutlery. It l uow a good leiiio to tt a large plintne,tnpb for a tiille; and liy geitlng the srtlft, 11 1 a. ltuni'rjr, lo pniut It iu oil, or lelouili it i , India Ink, you will have a portrait which, n rbensly.tin- lidi'Htid triilliftiliici, cannot l ecxccllrd. Montgomery doires the public to rail and examine- a picture of & deceased soldier, retonehed In India Ink, and compnic the sitmu with the original plioio(riidi, in order t see llie excellence of Mrs. It.'s work on such pictures. , Ko. Statssmak: Ik there no hhv of preveuthitt ti e '.iiitt'lipr on Stale ti'eot from making a Klnnlit, r-litt:ee i ,1' the pide-wHlkn ill front ol their phopnf The tallies ' mtadaiu ol it, tiot only u n nuisance, but an injury, ai their drec.-! Ireiiuently show. A Citizks. i We mppose the City Marshal is the propel person to qipb' to for the ti'iiitdy, Iu care there is any violation i if a city ordinance. TUK JIAKKKTS. Legal tenders are quoted in Sao Francisco st 7l)a71 roRTLAKO PnoDUCB MARKET. The following are the Orcgonlan'a Purtland prices, Aug 10: Wheat, for niilliiur, V hnshcl 70 .lata, ' " ' (KWjGO I'orllMeitl.fHOOIr, a III! l-'lour.cxtra II Oil Moor, country brands 4 (ironod Feed, l toll till ltd Apples, ( tin (I Wr:l oo Applet, dried Vll Uncoil, It, IK Hams, if It, IK Shoulders, f) lb ! Lard, in this ...v 30 l,nrd, in kei-a 1S.I Knua, dot ii'.' Duller, tp Iti 'JMJ I.1) ChickutiK, opring and t'ult-itrowu, l do.. OUri,1) Ml lleaus, tltUO lb 3 Mil I M) Relall prlcce ColTee, Oregon ground, 60- pr lb.; Oreen C It xoV: Oreen Java, SKc. Buxar, enulied, IHe; ptiln-rliied ill; itrannlateil, IU,; YilCSFref 14c; Iilanda lOaHtf ; Syrup. K II. 71); Heavy,, lid. Tea, YnStig llvaon. tl.AS j Old 1.15; Japan, 1 .(Ml; llluck, 7.tI.H. Clieeie, IDaUOo. SALKM llAhKIT. The following are llie 8.tlcin injotatiotis for Kattirday luat : VVhont. ) I.iu-IkI. Clk-ftf.O. liili, $i on-hid. II'.V. I'loiir, V barrel, f ', oWctd. Com Meal, fcMIII) lt fl. Middling, ton.'.'.1). Ilrun, I'-'O. Il.u- ,n thou, fi tb, 13c; Shoulders, lUc; Sides, ISc. I.trd. Ib. in tin, 20c; in kegs toe. Batter fiwb. lie. Clice-te r.diloiid.i. It,, X; Oregon, nono. V.W. V d Hen, las. Chii ki-n". V d .sett, ( I 01). Apple, fileix, JOe; dried, fl It), Mfclle. O.iluii'. lh 4e. ca-h. I'ntatoeH. hiwflet, 7.c. - JUUItlKD. Al Ix-tiunon, Aiil'iihi .'ilh. hv Sunmel II Cluuifhicr, -I-1'.. Mr. 8 II. Kilter lo Mm Amanda Jane 8inirt, all of Linn eoniitv. At Heorlle, V. t.. m the l.ith tn-laiit. bv Iter. Paulel lliny. H'V. Aa Kl.itn Mercer. r Heinle, tu Mi-s Annie K . Stephens, of Hnttilnorf, Mirylnod. At tho residence of l ho hride'a r.iilier. In Yamhill county. July 'i'.'d. 1 (HI, by D C. ftewarl. J. P., Mr. .1. I). Cupp. of ( lin-kaniis county, to Mi Naney IjoiIi Yamhill rnimty. In AI'm'iv, nt the reddnnro of tbe bride's tnilier. on the Mb idt., Mr. Ilowaid Hansflcld to Miss Annie inn. In I. inn county. July lilh. bv John Miller. Jr.,- Jos. J. Miller to Mi's Marie IrMMllnw. In l.ion county. .Inly V f It . by John Miller, Jr., R. ('. Baker to Mla I.izxle (iowll iw. In Linn county, on the ftHiHinit, bv Itev. K It.tlra ry. Mr. Xitnr-d V. Payne lo Mi. ItofiriH Culver. la Cnrv.lllH. n llie loth Inslunt, bv K. Holsale. J. P., Mr. 1it'ier Kin,' and Mim Caroline I jidd, allot llentou county, Oregon. DIED. Departed t!il lire, in MeMlnville, OrCRnn, July Jtili. mi;i'i .1. I'riiell. of eoiHiimnilmi; am-d Id yew. lie., with hia family, ci-okm d the l'1-iina in '47, iu seim-lt of henlrll. and llndinjr bn-c a sahihrioiiH ctlinntc, lie willed iinAtnrm.piriiii,!aqiiiet:ind h.ippylife: iwing known as a devoted hnchaiid, sti uuVrlionatc fattier and a re ,Hcted i-ilixon, bv all win, knew him. He hnd lontr Ikn-ii a lerit In the Haptit Church, and ls,re hie pro tracted ait-knew with Chti-lian pnlienee and tcaiuoa Jinn; n,:d lein fully ttppri'rd "f approaching d ulll. lie made every arraiiVeniriit'ror (tie coififmi ,if 1,1 lani- ily. pave iliri-etloiH coiit't-rninc; his and fiineinl. i-ooe Ui minister, and then calmly fell asleep in the arnia f Jeeoa. (Miswairi jajrs please copy. w. II. K. In l.ion (vionty, July Nth. nf heart ditlse, ArnmhiU. iliuchteriif Msrr and l.ovill Kui'lden: a iitd V) mo t and a d ,ys. lit Comllia, Aiim-t 1st, Edward, Infuni ton of Col. John and Cornelia Krl-iiy; ajn-d 3 weeks. ro Tne feoplk. I hereby Infonu one ai.d sll that 1 have refused to ay the Docturs for their influence, In sending pnBacrip. liona or in any way infliiencinK trade lo my Dnif Store. This it why ime of the members of the Com'iluati m Soviely of Helcm practice decoding my rrKidar custom ers and others, who wisb .preaetipllotM comHundcd Into the tnre of their mora favored Druggist. I think the people ire aa competent to ehoow tlieir drocglst as to rhonee tlieir physician. Oar laws protect its from llie malpractice of Unigrlsta as well aa maliractce of DiKtora. and neither are upheld iu deceit and extortion When the H. D a write tlieir preKripiioin and stop "rapping" for certsin Prug Stores, to ths Injury of nibera, tnd let the people choose their own Drupman, I will let tlieia rest; liut so long aa they clalu that lite aWxlnreM. P. gives sufficient knowledge tn I matter f snrgerj, medicine, obstetrics, snd Deco llate, aurl-U. deiitlda. rhemlru. apolhecarira and drug gits, I will give Ihem a chance to prote or ditprorr out head cninietrnl to run a small drug shop lo galene I challenge an) practicing physician in Haletn to dls. coaa In pul llr sny branch of science belonging to the prufeaelon of a tfraggiet and Apdhecjiry. Now, come nt, yon profeascra of "Kurgerji and Ckrmical " and sbnw llai wmmunlly jow many pruleeslcnt can be covered by one hat, or in future atop humtaigglng one or the other or I am, irrepreaslbly, ever ynura, :wl 1. K. IM.AltK Prorliimaltoti, bjr llie tUovernor. IITIIKIIKA a vamocy haa ocrnrred In the otllre V of Member of the hnoale of the Kuueof lire- won. In the connty of l'lk, Theretore, I, AIMHWlN (!. OIIIHS, (lovernornf the Mtaie of tlmrnn. ny virtue or the nntlmrl'r trrfesl in me by the Oontilnifon and lwt of thia niate, do hcri-by rcinire and direct, that a special eleclion Iw held on Monday. Ilia 'AMi day of Angnat neal, in I'olk eonniy: fia- tin porpnee nf nlllair each ras-aaev. In wlloeaa wrliererf I have beretniln eet my (u 1 nSnnmt at tbe Kiecnlive nltlre, in Halem, this lllhnav nr .'alt, A I' l-sai. Ily the OovenuH'. AlllllHlIX C. (IIMIIH Hinist E. Mat, Sccrelary of Htate. Notice to the Sick. 1 DVIt KrlHK AT ('I.Alt K 8 PIII O RTORK, J oppsMit the Hussi (lltlre. Ko eiua charge for meHlcotf. AOl U U'HKI KitK fi W AXD WAKKAXTbU JOHN J. Ml AAV. ogllHOS r. IIOI.NAN Notary Public, SHAW & HOLMAN, Attorneys at I.uw, Kiilrm, OroKoii. Ofllce In the Court Ilouan. IvSO III K NOTIC'K la hereby vlven In all those in debted to the euiv-iuill llriu of J. It. Nil K I.I N A Co., sillier by onto or account, must, wo sny MU.-tT, yea, ITIIitrr, come to the Funtory Miore and tetllo'the nine, for we are compelled to past Ihem into tho bands of a competent collector thia week. J. 11. N fc CO. Ru'em, Anv. t, IRti6. '.: AGENTS WANTED. rpo REM,. HY HUIISI ltll'TION ONI.Y.the aland L nrd and nlllclal Southern History of the War i "'IR I, OUT CAtSUV Hy Knwtiio A. I'oi.t.atio, of Virginia. ComprlshiK a foil Hint authentic Account ot tho riso and progress of tile late Honthcrn Confederacy. Complete to one hirire royal octavo yolnuio of nearly Hot! pua-ee, with 4 aplcodid steel portraits nf distiii;ulelied Confeder ate leudei-s. fr'ur lemie nod territory, addreas K K. KHKAK, rieiiernl Aueot, Jni3 No H Moniitomet-y st., San Kranrisco. ' tOll BALK. Pioneer House it 160 Acres Goof Land Sitnutcri 22 mi I ft, weit of Corvalli. on the Yamiinn roHti. Tlii tn tho btsul iliuid on the YHu'iiiiii ruml. lie- imr Hbmit lin.f-way from Corvulli to tho mouili of r-lk, wheru the fteambttu). lumle. linn Ihco i well udni'tod toituck nlieenorciittle.or both. I have l0 In-Hit of dtitM'p wtiiuli'I will sell with the iiliiuo. J'urt pay liikrii In yood horeua of entile, 'Jul I noon. The BtHe from l.i'i'vullin Klnpn tit thin Hon no. Kiiqitiro nf (I. W. liKTIIKl., Pionrer limine. H4uim1, An. 'J, .Urn. V:w4 DIMMOI.UTIO'V. NOTICE Is hereby given Unit the copnrinemliip lierutofoi-e oxintmu umli-r the Krut li'le of " Gar diner Mill CompHiiy," la lhi dny disnolve-l by mi it mil eminent. The umlujsiucd will' continue the huoiimM nt tho flame plnce, mid will Hteuinotmd tteltle hIIcIiihiib lor Hnd uguimt the fonoeiu. ' PAVID MOI.KY. Oiirdiuur Cllr, JhIv 27, lU. U'Aw i Weitman's Patent Horse-Shoe I '"PHIi. tinderilKticd fiti ywehtiHod rite rllit tn mkfl 1 mid put on WEITAIAN'S 1'A'l KNT lil IM(OVKI) UOKBKBIIOK. anil ii now prupHi-et. to put on thin new mid Improved hoe, trithoul wiiU ot any kind. Km merit and horn; men will pleimo call mid examine it, Ht tho liop in the roar of my livnrv stable In Sulem. AMOS L. BTAHKKY. Weitman's Patent Horse Shoe Tills new p!me on- tho following Rdvantngevi Tlie Hist would he in the ciinf of tender footod hornei, snrli h have Hut. mtd thin lion ttnd thoiw wliow lmof nill not Hdimt ot inula lie in if driven Into the liiiof. Tliii bIkkj buing fuateued ontiruly hy the me c ttniciil CHtitiiviuu'e ou the onuido, will wivo all eiicli hoirU'K, nml muku thum really hi umiful iw borvee Willi the bent fci't. Ud, Should u muu bo drivL.g 011 tbe road or travel ing ovur the nnniniHiim, hh is tho cace often in thin count ry, wlicro u uiiiu la humlredN of miles from a blacksmith, and hi liornu cast u shoe, ho could shoe In in huh in with (his patent bIiiw iu two Jiiiiiiiies' time, iieedinir noluiiiit bin the shoe. ruu una itcrew driver. 'Mt For horpi-s whose fuel aiv troubled with corns ami suHi dittkulties ibis shoe is tbe very tliiiitf, as ev ery slmer and farrier will eee at a (.lance. This shoe can be lined by the farrier during a certain seasou, r over a certain road, or ou cert am roiuh grouud, and I hen taken oil' wlmuever desired, without a rent of expel.?, or the Ivust injury lo tho shoe or the horse' foot. M il. IMIICK, - Fan Icr and Veterinary burgeon. Hut em, Oregon, Aug. -I. IHiMi. IC Ik ')s3Sn.i(i puu sfjtfjjqiudv"" ivjipvjj a.iijjoisoj am ansojao 'mm am ko saoiud isaMon 'AHA. XV UXV ALi'ivUs;i!i :uii ,40 r)KinxK4A:i ooouqoj, pnB skSiq 9010143 -axv- 'SAaMEHHO 'BHHOO 'AU3wnja3d (nnj iSujoa t-rno 'SXMIVd i3Nn onda - 3 ILL Kl OKIirXAUA'J :iiMvr iioji uno orjmas N:irxirioo b.:xhvmo CAPITAL HOTEL, -JsV Corner of Klale and Liberty Mreela, '''ill ' OHKUON. i. P. or.XI Hi:, Proprlrlor, Ol'MI reapertfully inftirm the ritiaena of Hatem and ihe traveling pnblie llial, having recently pnrctiaaed tide INsr nnd Hplentllsl IIolol, He is now prepared lo aecmnmodale all who may fa vor him wilh tle-ir pnlrswiaee, at pnm tm awrl. The CAl'ITAL HilTM. ia an entirely new hnaea. rsM,ma hard ftolalie!, well venlilalfd. and well fur niabed, 'Ihe lewis- has fine soils of'rwoms, with con necting dnnya, f,rr faaiiliea. 1'he llining KiHvm la largst and cssmmoilinua, and tlie Table will be fumialwd with Ihe beet tlie market af fords. Hoard, per Week, - ",,00 " wllk, lodging, 7u,l Tlie pmprietn? will al all limee endeavor Is pUsaae kit gm-ata, and Iw respeelfally enlictta the palnmage f llie public. April il. laiK. TA4.B rriiit. Tlie ofltce of Ihe Orrgow Faagw (V.mnv le al the Capital II ail t,ti;-i,t auiie and d-; ,ni iL '.v lir.n, II. Cnaaar, Hktsi It, llAHMtn.. Attoriiny at Uvy. Notary fablie., l ltltF.Y A lIAHITItvU, ' law and General Kwmy OHlcc, , l'p Alain. MiHiieVallih-k Illucli, , HA1.KM, OllrUIOS. IJAUTU t f.AH iilientlon given to ihe purchate and sale nf lnd, and City properly. Abstract of Titles fnniiKlieil. Ilnslnesa Iriouncliul Mil I, nil h. Iln,iu,,ni,,ls ill. WMsliillitilll lei-liona priiitiplly iiltelwlnd to. KurtiiKtessi Measra. .1 I. It. Moorea, Heath tV. lli'iirliiiiu. J. 11 At M. llirach, Knlein i Crawford, KIociiiii &l Co.. Viiocouveri lie. W. II. Walkioa, I'orl- laodi llou. O N. llciiny. Hallo I lly, tiny 14, 11 Hi, CHy ProiM-rty fir Sl. w K will sell on reusoiinblo terms, the iollowlo- V city psoporly. 14 clinics and tienntlfiillv located resident lots In Cnrtwr'ht uddiiloii to tlie City of balsin. Just laid oil ) A larire. eonveolent and laatlly furnished residenet and two lota, on k'ronl und tllvialon streets. A hoiiNj, two Iota, with uiiiguificeiil garden and aliade treea, ou Front at rei.r. A'si, reaiduncu and lot. cur. Liberty mid Main Street. A No. 1 Dwcllum Houso. and two lot, will) lino nsaortnient of fruit trcca, good stable, Ate, cor. Main and C'otlagn slrcert. .'- A two atorv dwelling bonne, Willi six rooms, ceiled Hod pupured, together wilh llie lot on which ll stands, aiiuati-d ou Summer si rent, between Cheuieketa and Centre streets, l-'onr unod. neal dwelllous. well llnlahed, on trout and (joint sis. .... Ihisio excellent lioness and loin, on ( linrcill timet, between CliemeketJt and Center slreots. , A liouae and lot on Front aired. . Ilonae and four lota in Nnnh Maleni. Iluuae and three lota adjoining A. Bush's, on tbe north. i Ilonae and lot, on ror. High and ferry all eel a One fenced lot in South Siilem. I'aims for Halo I We will sell ths following farms at bargains. it l,M 0AA.I tuna 1 ,,.llu .us, nf V. fLI.ttl. good young orchard, guiilcn, ore. mm aorea gooa inruilug anil grastug laiio, wim or cbnnl AiC, situated & inline from fauna. tttillacrea good farniing and paaiure land, orchard dec., located lour miles from Halciu, 'si acres, wiiti aupvrior stuck raising racinncs, to golbor with a good stuck of hursua, out io, aheep, and lioga. (Simula on Drift Creek, foul of Caacude moun tains. & acres, including purl nf thu town of Sablludlv. Ilill acl.a BtilealHidlv timlMrMd Imii,I. ttt'u intlea from Siiblimity. , For Nalo. A good one-horse boggy. . For furl her particulars coucorniiig anv of tlie above properly Inquire ill our ollico. taw und Agency OlhVe.npataira, Mounts Drick Ulock, ruleui, Ulegoll. TO pnrcbiiso two smalt farms. For particulars, In quire of CUItttY 6l HAMMKIt YANKEE DOODL.I2 Yankee Doodle goee to town. And to doei everybody, And buy tlieir goods of HMIT1I 4c WaiiH, ' i4o; don't get "ttuek" on thoddy. IIKt'At'MK SMITH & WADE Don't keep ahuddv goods. 7'Are are ant selling out nt coat, i aeir elock ia not gutng lo 1)6 eliasesl out m sixty dnrs. (uile the reverse lo the conlraryi on Ihe ntbe'r ni.l, If yon pleaae. Tliey have settled down In naielll lor a ierwailBllk, iraoiuiair duiiuts., mm usai in overvlhilig you call think of. and Ihouaaoda of Ibinga iio one else but llieui ever would think of sisal il lliey liecilcd them; nnd Ihelr business Is Increasing iio'raioiialy every mouth. Ther now otter for sale- ux nuT ruooii, Ita waxa iiutisg. A kplendid slock UHV SiOOON l An Immcnao stuck J Tlie largest atock -of- jaod M1 aaeoit Hneon. Bujm! '',"'r and Hulky IIKoNsVRTKKI, Salcui nnd Org'n 1 iiml:R, Coy Irouand Hickory: HHOD ft BUfgjr Fuelnryriotliiit? AAI,,'..-S, IltONH, lleavr IIARDHARII CAIII.K aod Los-t'halnit NurK, Tlll.qBI.Ksi, (IKOCKIIIKS, HARDWARE, bKI'.INS, EASTKIIN ASH llirkurv ami Pun Icrl'l.ANK. . BooU k Shorn,' CIlilCKICUY, NOTIONS!, Ktc.'Kltv , 300,000 Blacksmith and Wagon -Bakers' auwia- l'loivss, Hhtflliarrowi, NAII.M, Kle.. Kir., rlH.l.. sM..ll... K.-VII,,. Mu-il.l. Kver offered In St II I TIG I. HI Ilnkee. Fmka nioera. 1" etc. etc.. ....... n that are liol sine, i it 11 lUolS ), n hand 'ml' All nt Portland: lo arrive. j prices and hall that are ui!auf. ceol per lb. fort tert, always lr Ireiglil added. aalu. Then everybody keep it up. And cull and see Ihem often. They're alway ready (so it Jim) I lard prieei for tn "loften." TJiey tcork themitleei. and pay no rentt. And atrayt keep a kick'ngt And in trading gimdi for poultry tggl You'll find they don't lay ' thicken.' SMITH & WADE, Commettttl llmt. SALEM, VKEOON. 6, W, HOBART, tA SRdtlle IliritCHM Makerv lilverton, Oreio Al'e old stand, haa roisstaullj ou baud a IIOOD VAHIRTV Of everything ked In bis line. ( will . aial nf rWeaMS W yalilj, lo call on mm ventre pnrcuasnia eusewnere. Try il and ee I New Work, and Repairing Hone on ehnrt notice and all W AHIIAXI K!. Aitis'rissiin 10xo)iiiuf. CKlUNKIt Of HAXMOMK AND HAt.LKCK ttTKrritt. Una 1'raariaro, fnl. riltKI,H'K,F1M0 llnnmt.all batd inisloMj, well Veniilnted. and nieehr lamiaked. The mnet and kmBelike hntet hi ItVe glalc. when ever want Is eulKinsUed and ehevrfully snpplied. Prlcei to Suit tbe Host Economical Tlie American Ktrhaage Coach, wilh Med Ugbis. Will nlwara be Ml readiocaa to convey aaengec lo lite hntel tree of ehanra. "' r'rr-nrh Wltttlaw fdlaaa, STAINKI (II.AMM. and Fignrrd DUsa, lltdd t, (training Toole, Camel and Habit Hair Hraehee, Utam.aKl Otavaa Caltera, fee., cat , MY KM h Kl(lltsl A r. A M sjfy HUM tOIMH 4 IndslelUfeeelariaiamaaS, VealinMM Use aaeaat and Istena S,Wa,B la tftsi, ansslb. HrHkf en la tstest Maadaif ers- la"sl la allvasl, li ii ii .ih r-. . sin a r m'i. sr M AGENTS WANTED TOXl ni.yiiM:r'H History of tho Great Rebellion. , THE CIVIL WAR W AMERICA, Ily Hon. J.T. IIICADI.KY. THIS NKW AMI ATTItACTIVK WORK will emhraca a rouiinhaiislve account of the whole eoiilust, licully printed from henulirul and clear type, on good pafwr, elegantly Illustrated with uiime'ront linn ateid angravioga, and bonnd complete In one an. perb rolume of over twelve hnodred pages. Will bis luriilaliud to aubaorlbers during tlie cowing aV".0u. TESTIMONIALS. " Mr. Hcndley haa given nn Impartial, trulbful and vellahla lllslory of the War. The wm k is an ehjganl one, ami fully moela onr exiieeintlont In every re-SWcl."-iocAe.fcr (Af, Y.) Mmrtittr. " Il Is written In Ileadley's best stylo, and he It nbotil tlie heat delineator of buttle acenea that there ia among American authors. "Voreona purchasing this work will get a valuable and entertaining Miauiry of the War." Oregon rtakm) Ktattima,Jul)'t,(tM. " Of tht many lilstortet of the war, 11 The 17, fat Hrlitllion, or a Hillary af tht Cieil War in till Unt ied Hlulei,' by J. T. Haadley, anibor of 'Napoleoa and his Marahals,' olfl-. Is nndoiilitedly the moat candid and Impartial, aa well ns llie moat interes'lng. which bus brim leaned from the American praaa. As a de. serlplive wriiar, Mr. Heiidloy lias no superior iu America." Uwl Herald I'ortlund, Oregon). Jnlm 17, Hi;i). ' " ll is Ihe hnat lilatnry yet offered. Wt eommend l to all who dealrn a fair and impartltl history," Dm ocrtlk Heuiea (tinlm, Oregon), June !. K. II So other History of the War contains th OFI-ItiAl, IIK1I)UT Olf OENEKAL GBASI AND HIIKIt.M AN, . i . , i r Walt for Hcadley't. attbBmt. N. ll.-Agenla wanteil fcr "Ilislnry nf all Rell giona,'' l'ictui-iul Cbarta, etc. Hold nnlv by subeerip lion Addrtwe, TIIAVKIt'IlU0'8, 'Atf fleneral Agenia, Portland, Oregon, WASHING HACnniE. "noonoLiir." Talerted Juno Hkli, 1803, by J. M. Horner, Cat -rPIUHfavortto Waablug Machine (liaa been greally X improved during tlie laal year both in its , IOiimo or Aotlon, . ..ash.. ' ' ' , Rdpldity Of its Execution, ; ' Adding at leuat one third lolls former vlrtuea "Keon otny,'' accuioiHiniud by one of the lule improve4 Wriiigera, umaea tlie neatest, most durnlilo, ecououl inl, expeditious, voianuct, aud perfect washing rlga oa the I'acilio oaset. An hmir's bard work can be aceom pliahed Willi this machine, Iu ten minuteei nue oe cimrao iirllclca, us well aa large aod small, are waahett wilh equal facility. Warranted to wash perfectly clean, leaving no streaks in collars and wristbands, " rmoK, - tstavs oo To bo pnreliated Iu Hortland, at the lutelligenee Olnce of l'arrlsli At lloivles i in Salem, of .1. M. Coul ter i In Albany of Monlv At Co. i in l.'orvallia of l'tr ler & Leighntuti, aud at' Forest Grove, of Hneueer de llliitik. O. H.BHKNtiKlt.KorealOrove, - . Hm III Proprietor for Oregon. - Marion County Medical Society,' llOOM NO. ltt. MooreV Brick Block, Salem. Qranrxiti.v M sktisos Ust Tuesdays Iu Jauoary, April, July and Ociuber. ' ".' Rrscut. Mkktisos For discussion, averv aliernalav Tueaduy evening. Cmsicsl Ann Disrsxaaar Paaericg, Every Wediirtday and Balurday.frum i u 3, rn . Palliate from the city or country wlablng for earn, suliatlnii wiikont increateof esntHu, can avail Ihem aelvea of tbeae olttortuuiliiia. Members of the Kucietyi resident In Hi city, and aeeflclated together for Dls ' peaaary Praetlcnwill pay particular alteollon In tb lejiarimeul rouuecied wuu llielr individual I II. CAltPFNTKIt, M. D., . 0enillng Hurgeoa. li. K. FIMKK.J1. 1) . i'hyalcat aigop.aml trealmeiil of Organic i I). I'EVTON. M. 0., l'ritctlcnl Anawlhesia, tnd dleeatea of the. Kervoua System. - J.IW. McAKKE. M D , Chemical teals of Heereiinnt.and diteaaet of Ihe Blood , and Hkin. J. IIOHWKI,!., M. D., Genaral Uiagnoeit aud Hygiene. J. II. WYTHE, M. D, Microtcoploal eiamlnailnua. Uieeaaea of tlie Eya and Eur. BOOTS & SHOES AT I KM raiCB. JOHH 7iOILBEET, Importer add Maaalactarer ol BOOTS AND SHOES, and dealer Id Leather, Shoemakers Tools, and FINDINGS, liilou Block, Commercial Street Hulem, Oregon. Hat nn hand a full aaaortment of every variety ol UtMria nod Kliuea ubw In the market. llathig mad nmuigemenu lo receive my ttoek dirk't vmmn MANwacTCSiBsie, I earn furnish gooda for laaa thaa MT OTIItg nolISE II TOE STATE. All work of eiy owa manufacture la mad of - . THIt VKUV KT MATBBIA1. a And pnt iinretber by good workmen and guaranteed In givo satufaetiuu. Itnll C. M. Parmentcr. (KkKceseor tu E. O. Boiler ) muLia g Imported andHome-IIade FIJ II NIT TIRE J Hprlnif IJed D AIR, WOOL, UDPILD I1TTEESSES, lei. At Watt'a old Stand, Coaawrrlal HL Salem. MOSSMAITS HOTEL. ComnMrrial Fa., nppuaite Iho Steamboat tsudlnf. Salem, Oregon. SINGLE kd DOUBLE BOCXS. Rtaird per week ti IW Hoard aad Ludaing tl)uifN I'M a. v. nu.Mstta. freer. Buckeye Reapers aad Cetera I J t'HT HKCKIVKD. fmal live aaeaM ia so. a large alork of Ihe above eeWbraltd AjfrlcaJ tural Implenwule, which wo Oder ai Son Francisco Prices and FniAt PHirttui A tteapw and Mower CoaiUned.Ho. I, (krgeet trj oo 171 m iJMIW Mower, Nss, t, tkargeel a ad... - - H,i llteia' Patent Has Kletalnte 14 OS Warranted In unhaid the sargeel kaad ol hay and alow h away in Ihe rak ef a bstm. ar lost ef a atawk, la frtan lhr-v to are aoasacst Ko fcimer ahosttsl ko ilhoat Ihena. SVwt n a elmilar in Met itAHKN. MtHRIUi 4 Co . Portland, April V4, 1 A genu. H. CORNELL, DeeJer la troftrlri. rnTfilHt, ss4 Csartttlsacrj, " Seals' a leys leeU Iheee LADIES' AND EXSSSS' ! Crockery, Ola ware, MAILN, llor(,HAKKMf, tm ( beop, for Ceek or (Wiry Prwdaeex (Inside aMivorest M all pacta af ibo t'tiy free of clalrgo. Ktnn. hi ale Pared, four cWa eeel real aM,. HakHo, Jaae ii. IM4 Imf II. ClIkhaLI WEB TOOT TONIC! I) tn oirvileot atosstash esardial ll It a Hi id eitraet of Ire Ursjajsaa gsaee aad obor dnmeelio flmmlm ml wrlltiMMva virlae. ll WIN aaewt Oifaliao by rsHMrtfcswun Iho sumarh. s)sM Ihe waevsit aad arllug npsan Uh Aa a ofeyeatiye af Aes MM a ihsm duna atvd afl.r aa aiaswk , il ie anssarrsaswd ll la emery .d with ia beaalfasetboanad asatn wlano kniiHai, and preecneed by msioy sflW beat pbyticiMat Tractkml ApMWsr; mI Itrnn-eV, Mrtl.k Haft