The Oregon statesman. (Oregon City, O.T. [Or.]) 1851-1866, July 30, 1866, Page 1, Image 1

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The Oregon Printing and Publishing Company.
I). W. :UAKi, KiisIih'mi Itlamii-i
Tkkhs Oiw year, ft, ill coin. Six months,
tf Itumiuaiices may hi made by until at our risk
when mulled in the prcsonco of the postmaster,
U. B. Official Paper for the State.
Wholesale and Retail
Dealers in all kinds of
Groceries,' Puinti nnd Oils,
Brushes, Putty, Alcohol,
Crockery, Glassware, .
Lamps, Pocket and Table
Wood and willow ware,
Tobacco and Cigars, Ba
con, Lard, 'Butter, Eggs,
Oats, Potatoes, tfec. ifcc.
Store under the Legisla
tive Hall, Holnian's block,
ocO SALEM. 32m0
Copy of the Report of the Committee of Award
at the Fair of the
Best Family Sewing Machine.
Highest Premium Gold Medal.
1st. Its Simplicity and Rrcut range of work
'2d. The ltttvci-Klule Feed Motion.
3d. The perfect finish and Substantial man
ner In which the machine Is made.
4th. The rapidity of Its working and the
Quality of the work done.
5th. The Self-adjusting Tension.
The FLORENCE wna awarded the Fint and
Highett Premium at the State Fair of Call
fornia, the only Fair on tlto Pacific coast
at which any two double-thread Sew
ing Machine! wore exhibited iu
competition iu I8G5.
Tub Pi.oiienci received the only premium awarded
by the Mechanic's Institute of Rail Krancisco, in IBM
anil lMlio, to any Sowing Machine, Hewing Machine
Company or Air-nt. The claim of a competitor to a
metal is without any foundation whatever.
Wherever the Ki.ohf.nck has been brought in com-
Iiotition with other Sewing Machines, it haslnlwuyi
een declared the best. It is the most simple, tlie most
substantial, the most ellicient, and its use is easily
learned. Every Machine sold is warranted in the full
sense of the word.
Bend for Ciroulari and Samples ef Work.
SAMUEL HILL. General Agent,
111 Montgomery street, San Fruuoisoo.
W. . PAItltlSH, Atfent.
7:y . SALEM, Oregon.
S. T.-1860-X.
The rapidity with which
Ilavo become a IIOtlSEHOtiD NECESSITY through
out civilixcd nations, is witliout a par
allel in the historr of
tire world.
Were Sold In TWELVE Months.
The Demand is Onily Increasing 1
Ladles, Physicians and Clergymen
ltovlycs Drooping Spirit ,
Lends STKEXGTII tolhe System
Vigor to the mind,
Exhausted Nature's Great
lis efloct, in cases of
Loss of Appetite, AVenknes. Excess
ive Fnttgiii', Moiir Moiiini'h, Men
tal Despondency, Ac.
It is composed of the choicest roots and herbs, the
the celebrated OA LIS A Y A HARK, etc. all pre
served in pure ST. t'Kl'IX HUM. As a gentle Ap
titer, and healthy, airrceablo ritimulant, it lias no
It is solk by all respectable dealers, iu every Town,
Parish, Village and Hamlet, throughout North and
South America, Europe, and the Islands of the
ty None can be genuine unless bearing the pri
vate United Slates Sump over the cork, with Sigua
lure on steel plate label of
P. A. DRAKE, it CO.
71 Front Sreei, Portland, Oregon.
and the Territories.
Sept. 25. 1 MS 30
A. than five rears, Ir Pardee has mails himself
thuuroughlv ami scieotilically acquainted Willi all
diseases of the Kve. and is now practicing with a suc
cess not surpassed iu the United Stales.
All operations perlormeil, sncn as EMrsnismns, or
cross eye. Calumet by linear extraction, lieprcssiou or
Altsorbtion, Pteryiriu'in or H.-sliy meuibrance growiug
over the eye, Uedortiun of MtaphyloMa. or bnhrirtee
ont of the'ete, Artiticia.1 Pupil, Fistula tsiehrymslis,
orclosinrof tear paswge. and all uetoruiaiies of the
Lids, etc., etc.
Artilirial Kyes Inserted without the least pain, and
possessing all' the movements and brilliancy of the real
eye. A lanrs assortment eniislanlly on hand for sale
i reasonable knees. Tin !) Eys Hath for the
treatment sad curs of ail nervous diseases is used ail
over this mart.
Thankful lothoes pbvsicians who bave sent him
cases fr epeialhins. and" hopes that his universal soe
ress will warrant a eonuiiiuuiou of ibeir confidence.
His celebrity as an operator is n extensive Willi his
success ; as pal ienu are presenting themselves for
treatment and operations, f-orn New York and llosloa
aitaoet moutulv.
Manv paiienis can Ik seen a' the Doctor office dal
ly, in different slairea of recovery.
Onlee: TbTCl-AV STKEKT.Iabove Uis Plasainear
Dnpout Street.
Ho po Tnr ICo.l n,
I1ATKXT Ails Urease. Lard Oil. Nut Oil Polat
Oil, NeatsfiMi Oil. Castor Oil, Olive Oil, Linseed
Oii.tiUii, sud Uviiiioe, A
Ja MYEltS It kitios.
VOL. 16-NO. 22.
Valuable Farm for Sale.
J THR subscriber, being about to ouiburk In jfg
JLiL other business, odor for sale, at a great bar-tuE.
gnin, bis Farm, pictisiuitlv sitaatod itbont one mile
south of the tloniiNliing village of Uosohnrg, DOU
GLAS CO., on the Htugo route, and comprising about
One Thousand Acres ,
of excellent hmd, most of which is inclosed with good
Icnces, una minor a goon siaie 01 cultivation,
Tho linprovemonts are of tho most substantial chin-.
nctcr, consisting of a largo and commodious KUAMK
uwr.iamiNDUNIi, with walled collar, a spleudid
frame 11 AHN, 110x14 feet, with numerous other out
buildings. A largo 01ti;lIAIll), of choice fruit, iu
successful bearing, is unother important appendage to
una ucBiruuiu nuuiesieuu.
Persona desirous of entuglng iu the farming ami
stock-raising business In the salubrious climate of the
Uuipnim Valley (which stream runs thrunuli tin.
promises), will Und this a rare chaiioo to acquire a
Iekms. Time will be given on port of the pur
chase money, if desired. For further particulars, ap
ply to tho subscriber ut Hoscburg, Oregon.
May 5, 180(1. JOHN KELLY.
Fay Up, Gentlemen.
ALL PERSONS knowing thomsolves Indebted to
mo are respectfully Invited to call and nav un
soon, as I need the money to pay my own debts.
Thankful for past patronage, I htipe to still see you
cotno around to the old stand, where I can be found
ready to wait on you with an luca-used stock of
Sulem, April 10, IWiMif J. M. COULTEll.
Private Medical Institute.
Established by
IN 1N50,
And all Female oomplainta.
Coiiflultiiig Olfice,
53fl Wnwliinton Htreet,
Second tmiMing below Moiitfromory ut,,
WO CUltti, NO PAV,
For Direction of Letters, See Below.
on tlits coust uu uninterrupted micceiw of Fotitten
yours, und lutu liecuum one of the renowned HoniiLnln
nf the ne. Wliat the celebi-Hted Lin k HoHpiUils is to
ijoiiuoii, nun iLe no ens renowned of
Uicord to Purin. this Institute lius lieconte in die Pa
cific Const. The thousands annually received und
cured, place It in point of number of patients hiiioii
mo very in at 01 me world, ui.u uie suucubb ul uh treat
ment rankt it Bcroud to none.
LAKITIKS IN FEMALES are the reut destroyers of
hen I Hi. Tncy iiisitliiounly attack the tfyHtcin auu grad
ually midcrmine and destroy it; thuy drive the bloom
from the clieek. the lustre IVom the eve. the atnimih
and viurfrmn the triune ; tliev irive to the world
puny and disused Hpriu, and poison, through, sue
censive.i'nenitinnB the race of inun. The marks rati
be Keen in Scrofula, Consumption, Cripples, the Idiot
ic, the Paralytic, the Insane, etc.
There is no more terrible sconrpe to the human rnco
than tlioBe diseases arrisitiL' from the con tatui nation ol
Veneral PoiBon. The mildest forms, hv rotreatitiK to
the blood, hold ever over theonoalliictod.tho sword
of destruction that is liable at uny moment to fall and
blight to utterly destroy all earthly hopes.
MEKCUKY, recognized a the most fatal medical
enemy to man, combining with the Veueieul, riniibleu
his dangers. Those who have been treated with that
pernicious mineral poinon are not cured ; the disease
lias only assumed a new form.
Do not bo Batisflcd with Partial Cures
that leave the poison to crawl through the system, ent
hitf its way into the tissues and orpins bmiuath the
apparently smooth surfaeo. to burst out in tlie future
wnti a virulence that will Imtllo theeltects of inedimue.
WHEN PERFECT CUItEScau be obtaineu bv con-
soutmlthiff a physician whom lon practice and ihoro-
uun investiKtition into tlie causes ot DIhlsAhh. of the
L' HI NARY (iROANS uuables to detenuinuut once
the uature of the disease.
In all diseases entrusted to the Doctor's care, PER
Cures are always Guaranteed
In Bvpliilis and Iu adjuncts: Oouomua nnd its ho-
pomitanyintf diseases; all discoi-ders of tlie Rladder,
Kidneys ami prostrate j fccminnl Weakness j Dis
eases of the Heart and Luutf ; tystepsia IndieHtinn;
ImpoU'ticy i Incipient Consumption, and alt dixeases
of the Urinrv organs, in eutber sex, care alwavs
waranted, Oil NO PAY UKOUIREU it the PUI
VATE Mecliojil IiiKtitnio.
Seminal Weakness or Spermatorrhea.
Tue young man who experiences tlmt (frown 114
weakness in his muscular and mental oruauiatioii
should stop to consider whence it arises. He will find
in the weakness of the back, trembling of the limbs,
disordered digestion, unaccountable- failing of the
powers of the mind, flntaste for society, dread ot im
pending trouble, forebodings af evil, sleeplessness,
troubled and lascivious dreams accompanied by grow
ing deafness, loss of muscular power, and numerous
oilier symptoms of disorganisation. Tlie positive tra
ces of tlmt inottt terrible and destructive uf all d incus
es, Seuiiuiil Weakness Wasting away his powers,
destroying his hope of life and man bond, and dragging
him along the broken path of his existeuco toward u
premature grave. To him who finds his life dribbling
out tu the discharge of the vital principal of existence
in nocturnal and diurnal emissions, the mere cessation
of the causes ot its appearance brings nnnssurauceol
Marriage, that holy office, tlie safeguard and hope of
manhood, briuus to such a oue no hone of euro, but
adds to his misery in the knovvlcdire that the one who
looks to him for so much of her happiness, is a victim
of his evil, xnd an innocent companion of his punish
mem. jlu amis w ma unserr mm u isomer iinill nope
leaves him. There is no rosea except in proper and
skillful treatment. Consult, then, at once, a pliyniciHii
whom long practice und careful research has made
thoroughly conversant with every phase of the dis
ease Those who have become tlie victims of solitary
vices, that dreadful, fascinating, und destructive hub
it, which fill thousands of sick rooms with paralytics
and coiiBnmptives, and hundreds of untimely graves
with its mifguided victims, should consult without a
moment's delay, one who will sympathize with their
sutieriugs. To such the Doctor 'would especially ad
dress himself, giving to each and all uk 11 ranee of a
drance irom business, chanpe of diet, or fear 0 ej.
pot h re.
!u not forget the address. See below.
Iiniorrant to FoinalrN.
When a female is in trouble oratflicted with disease,
and renniiTS midical or assistance, the enquiry
should be, Where is there a physician who is fully
competent to administer relief, and whose reMrtuh.e
standing in society recommends him to the confidence
of the community 7 The Doctor, understanding how
imperatively necessary these requirements are, feels
ailled nnon to interpose, and by calling the attention
nf the atfiicted to the fact that he hat been a PRO
EAHKS for twenty years. and is fully quahlied In nd
minister in all ensfsj both medirtilly and suiwalW,
uot in a superficial manner, but iu as thorough a inn. li
ner as years of study nud practice both in hospitals
and private families can make, to save them from
the hand of the unquulilicd, unscrupuluons, and des
igning. Therefore, tutu i lies can rely upim him as
upon a father. Ail in Hlniclum can Hud in him oue
who can feel and sympaiiiixe with and befriend them
in trouble one inwhnsesecrorv the utmost conn dm re
UH oinr.lin ''l.l r ii i-v n'lMn -s "n" w .
pounded from the pi-ivale premriptions of DIO OL'NU,
have now ohtaiuetl a most extcrnied poruianiy, aim
are correctly viewed to be the safest ami surest reme
dies for the complaints' for which tliev are applied.
The con-tMtitlv Hf-fniiiii testimonials ot their eflirnrv
Hwlare then to be pre eminently superior in their ac-
XO Lttdv sluMlM la. !.,. tl. Vi.r.owiir,.,
Agents. 4one gennine unless procured at tins oltice.
Nnit by Mad or Express, to anv part of the State
Nifeand lutallibie. lasting four to six monthr
Pric $10. FRENCH Ll'NAR. (K FKMAl.E
MONTHLY PILLH. For suppreswione. Aner titty
vearsofuse these pi III stand unrivalled tu efficacy.
Pries $j per box.
To Corn'fcpoiidriila.
Patients residing in any part ot 1 li wate bowfver
distant, wlio tnay desire nuubeal advice 00 their rs
spertive cases, and who think proper to submit a
written staienmit of sorbin to Mdiiitf a
personal interview, are assured that their tomuiuitic
Uotis will be held m.n sacred.
' All letters must be addressed to the corresouling
Wasliitign Street,
Box TVk P. O -Nan Francitat. Cal.
it. r. BKO.VX
UTILL boy and sell Oreenbaeks, Mining Rtnfk.
snd Itrafta on Han Fraoei-eo. snd the EaMem
Htaie. Will bnv II.. 1,1 llii.l or llullioa Ottiw with
1 W ells f argw at Cw.. va easts ottwt JH(
Summer Arrangement
p ,it, ,
CA1T JNO. WOLFE Commander.
Will leave PORTLAND dally, (Holidays excepted) at
6 o'clock, a. m. for the CASCADES, oolinuct
lug with the steamer
CAPT. JNO. McNULTY Commander
For Dalles Ihroiislt In Ono Day I
Cuptaim E. I'. COK. C.l'KLTON, J. II. OKAY, and
Will run during the season, from
Cclllo to linntllln, Wnllnla, White BIuiTr,
l'nlousc and Lewlnton.
One of the above named boats will leave CKI.I
I.O for UMATILLA and WAM.Iil.A daily,
(Hi.ndavs excepted.)
Itnatswill bodisputched for tVHITK IIMJFPN,
PAI.OI MK and Mi WIM l ON as often as tho no
ssesity of tho trade will demand.
CAIT. J. MYUICK Commander.
Will run from OI,lN FKIIKY, on Snake Hiver
IIUI.HIi I,ANilft0,comiecting with
M. Ilu Relied Co.'s Fast Freight Llnca.
President O. B. N. Co.
Portland. March 9, ll.
The well known nud celebrated
(Called the Now York Improved, or Seymour and
Morgan,) Combined Machine, with grcut improve
ments, having a
Cnn be changed from a reaper, to n mower, In ten
minutes i cuts (i and 6) feet swath, within one nch
or two feet from the ground ; will cut 18 to 20 iu itb
perduy. Can bo used with two or more linrscs. V. ill
work on SIDE HILLS, where other Mmhuir, will
not. Tlioy are easier to get tho inula on ilmn ui.v
other macliiue, leaving It out of the way of the It oh o'
er. The 1
Cuts a NKVBN FOOT SWATH, will cut 3(1
acres per day.
McCornilck's 6-fbot Reapers and Mowers,
Ball's Ohio "
Maiinj'is Wood's Prize .Mowers, Union,
liaj State, Kerbey's, etc.
Pltt'M Iniirovcl
KiisscU'8 Masslllon and Sweepstake,
Unities' Illinois Harvester (Header;,
Wire Home-Bakes, on Wheels,
Revolving " all Sizes,
Portable Power Hay Presses.
With a general assortment of
Anl ow as can be purchased elsewhere.
-IniS Cor. California nnd Davis Sis., rf. K.
Warranted, a Sure Cure or no Pay.
For the Ague, and all llilioas Discuses.
J. E, Clark, Druggist, only Agent for Salem
PRICK, fe'J SO I' Kit BOX.
This Is to crtify that I have Irierl Iibcg's Argen
tine pills, alter 'rving vnrhms remi'dics. to no etloet,
when oue box of )ibcg's pills proiluccd a iwnnuneut
cure. J. II. SMITH.
twlcni, May 15, l.HI'.IL Ijilo I'rop'r Capital Hotel.
I have tried Lcibeg's Ai;ue Pills, prwua-d of J. K.
Clark, Hiilcm. nnd luiind ilieoi it sure cure.
STEPHEN POSTKK, "Mason." Salem.
IS an excellent stomach conlinl. It is a fluid extract
of tre Oregon gmpo and oilier domestie plants of
strengthening tho stontHch, qnieliiur the nres and
acting upon the liver. As a preventive of Aunt and a
tonic duriittf and after an uiluck. it is iinsiir passed. It
is preserved with the best Mi mrbou itud put up iu large
bottles, and prescribed by many of the best physicians
iu isruaoii.
J. E. f LAKK,
Practical Apothecary ami Druggist, Sulvoi, Solo Man
illacl urer.
ItlMfksinilhsi, Alli'iitionl
DESIltOL'S ot going out of the Imn trade, wo
now otter our entire stock of Iruu Axles, Spin
dles, etc., at cost and charge..
HAH IKO,.1 cents.
HIIOK SIIIAPK, !l rents.
Other Kinds in Proportion.
Also, all kinds of Wagon findings and lllarkamith's
tools, at San Francisco pri-es ami charges
As this is no humbug, we desire parties wanting
Iron to cull npon us.
Fractlclns Thyslclan and Surgeon,
Olllce and residence. ,!os. Wilson's brick, opposite tho
ltenoett Hooss.
BKIN'ti a graduate nftbc Medical college. Cin
cinnati, Ohio. he is purely rrfurmnlory in bis prac
tice.discarding alike mineral and vegeislitp pidsons jilid
using such medicines only as act in perfect harmony
with Nature medicines that posses, the rare recolu
metiilHtion that If they do no ptiod, they will do no
injury. He has also attended a full course of leetnres
iu the Toland. IAlhipalliii'1 Aledica) College, Sun Kran.
ctsrn. sod hnvtog pno-liced meihrilie mi Ibis pourt
about six years. Is fully srqmiinted with the dismses
peculiar to the climate.
Iteffrron' Snip,
BY virtue of an onl-r nf the Circuit f'onrl nf the
Stale of Oregnn. fia llm eonntv of Marlon, made
and entered at the June term, A. 11. Jia, thereof, to
us directed and dclivereit. we sliall proceed to sell at
public auction, to the higliest bidder, on the 1 1th day
of August. IHiWi, st the cimrt house door. In Sulem, in
said county, the lollowtng desenlsl real estMle. Is9.
longing to tbs estate of John ll. II'miii. iteeesis"d, to
wit : I'nrt of ha No. I'll two. iu lllm-k .No. l ib ) for
ty six, commencing at the south ens' comer nf said ha
on Commercial street. in said city, running thence north
along said strset tl) forty-one feet i Ibsnee wsst.psr.
allel with the soulb line of said ha, to tlie western
extremity of said lot; thenco south ill) dirty one feet
sbuig the alley to a slake at the smith west roruer sf
said ha i Ibeitce east to the pbtee of beirliining.
Also, the North third part, or twenty life fnt Mors
or less, frout. by one butnlred nnd slxtV-Rvs feet deep,
olf the north side uf bit No. (:t, three,' llbe-li No. (tb,
forty six. I ' said city of Salem, ss dcM-tine.t on tbs
pl.t of said citv, being the pari of ha purchased bv
the said John 1. Ibsiu, in his lifs liras, of JamesjT.
Wortlcy and wite. And also t' st certain raher
tract nf land, Imutided ' i the Wrst by Fourth
street, on the north by lloon street, on the snnth hv
the anrlh fork of Mill rreek. sitosled nil what Is
known as IUmhi's Islsnd. in said city nf Sateen. One
third uf tlv purchase lunmy to lis isid down in gold
coin, one third lo be paid in 'one rear, snd oue llnrd in
years. In gold coin, with h'terest si the rate of
one prr cent ).r month, and with serqrity lo lie ap
proved by Itie Uelerees.
..... J 11 MOOUKS.
bsletn.July IJ,IH.s-,w sMerses.
Hmlth Ac CIiiiiicp,
Nargicnl mat Hechasiient
Oritwold's Block, eornn Cmnmrreisl it tisis strset.
UT All Our UtaUl Work tiuraiiUfd.i
& to.
THANKFUL for pint favors, and ;ioplng to merit
a conilnimucs of the siiiini, would resiaiclfiillv
aiiiiiiimce that they aro now rocelvlng and opening
a large assortment of
Ncw& Cheap Goods
7resc Goods,
Dry Goods.
Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, &c,
JTnnCy Goods..
Wo would will iurtlonlar atlenllon to our exteif
sivo stock of
Hardware, Iron and Steel,
Carpenten' Touti, Xul$ and Both,
Blacktmitlts' Tuol$, Kprinf Axlet,
Uunimitht' Tonh, Carriage I'ixlurct,
Agricultural Tooli, Mill Saw,
House Furnishing Hardware.
. . ALSO. .
A FIiio Lino i
Willi Pnpir,
JlIitUiiiK, Kle.
Faints, Oil, Lead, Futty, Glass,
Sugar, Coffee, Tea and Tobacco!
Which we will ofleral price, for
Cash or Country Produce.
Which cannot fidl to plouso crcrylimly.
7ool Vanted.
We will purchase
All the Wool We Can,
For which we will pay
The Highest Market Rates,
in U. 8. (1..M Coin, er, if prrferml,
!stir or riniil Kclftemritl.
In the fount y Court of Yamhill cotitttv, Ort-iroii. In
the mnttor of the estate nf W. T. Javnes. dee'd.
AND now, on thi Vd day of July, IKM, eoini's I
N. Itraiisou. uthniniMrutoruf tho estate of W.T
Javties, dereawd. nud tiles his nreonnt for the ittnil
sell lenient and distrihnlion of the said diTeasesl's es
tale. H is ordered that Hi ml hearinir of tho said ac
counts and distiiloitioii of the Niidesiitle be bad in ihr
t'ointy (,'oiirt of Yii'Mhill rotuity. Oregon, on Wed
in-win y. the H(i duy nf Auttist, lilt. and thai noiiie
thsiTM'f be given by pMblirnlion In the Oregon Hlatea
man newspaiwr lor hmr surressive weeKs.
.1. W. COWIsS, Vn. .Indue
Ufuyette, July 3, l'd. 1w:i(k
IS beridiy givpii that I be untlurvign! hnt Irn d'dy
sppninied admtnistniior of the estni uf ll, hodi-u.
deceased, by the Comity Cmirt of I'olk ronnly. All
persons having claims airainst said est am nro reininl
In pnsi-nt them lo Ihv nodersigned at I lie otlire uf K
K fooper, J I , Kpring Vallrv, lk roanty, Orevon,
witliiu six moot In fmin this ditto, and tltm him wing
llirni selves indebted will make Immediate pavmenL,
fpHng Valley, Orifon, July J. wl-ll!t
' Final trliimii'iiK
In Comity Court, Marion fonuiy, Oreon. Kstate of
C O. hitkiiatritk, der'd.
JOSKI'II HU'K. admiinsiraUir of said estate, hat
ing this diir filed his account in said Court pray
in if n final settlement nf the seme. lhertfro. notice Is
herebv ihvmi to all oeraoni line real rd in SHaleslHte.
Ilia' lii said application will Ihj lizard and deierniiutMl
at the Court House In 8alem mi Tuodav tbe7ihday
of Aunst. Ktii. JOtlN C. J'KKCI.KS.
Kalfin, July 5, IW-fiw4w!t ( n. Jti.tgn. of Flnnl ffcftli'iueiif.
Iu Count v Court, Marion f oontv.Ornou. July lerm,
lH't KtHle nf Jnnire Cosif ruve, drr d.
JKUOME It. JA KMl.V.ndmimsirNlor nf snM m.
(ate, having Ibis duv filrd his arcotiuta in said
( onrt praying a final settlement of the Mine, ibore
fore, not (re is hereby given lo all iMnwns interested
in sntd eeUtte that tlivsnM applvaiinn will It hnrd
and determined at tlw Court H'-uss In Hal em isb Tim-
day the Tib ihty of August, I"'-'
foil.1! i'r.r.niir.3.
Knlem. July 5. lH'wI-ll'l Co. Jitdira.
Ailmliitsiralor Roller.
OTIf'K is hereby given thai the minVrsiirned has
1 1 been nppoi'itrd adminltinilnr on the estnie of
(human Morse, deerasf-d. by llw Hon fonnty Court
of the Stale of Oregon, in ami for Uie Ciaiuly of Cims
All persons having eleinui against said eeinie arv brre
by tvn,iifted to ire-inl the Mine to the nndiriirtH,d
ut Ids residence In Km pi re City. In Said county. wb
the necessary voachm. within si months frnta tlw
dati hereof. !AVl! MOKKK. Hs. A dm
Ku.pireCily.Coos Cm . Ogll.Jalv 7, t'A. V
fpiIK tarltnrltip beri'tolore sxisiinv Iwtween J. M
1 ( nailer, J. L Kinktule, it A. W. Wrigiit. in lh
wood business, is tbw day dissolved by mmiihU wo
srnt All debts due swid firm, are pavabiefoj M
('niter; II drills agaiust said Hrnt an svhl by
aid J.M.Uulur. J. il mi l,, hit,
fklnm, JttiwLjlsl. W..-ot)4
Ivoliilioti lir.
TIIK copartnership herstororn existing lelwwn
the wt'mirnd, doing busnsis in haleia, I tre
fim. uuder tb linn iwu of llewley, Tlwmifwai A
stttore. is hereby riswtred lit Unit on I mnsriil. The
buMM M will becamad on by lie lev sY, of
Ue lain firm. HKU I.KY.
Jaly I. N.-lml'J
KfYhlonfbold ndhilieVMInrnfi ompalir
N'it'VU'K is hatfhy given thai at a meet in of the
Irustrea uf I be said t'ompany, held na Jnlr
H. I' asMwment of thiny time mils pershsre
was l vied upon i he raptlal stink of raid r iptnt.
parable in t. ft gld and siUareniu, at the of
tlie Hrrretart in KmI. m
Anv stwli npon wblcfc said asniewi ehalt mania
s, ptti'd wa Ibe tub dav of A'igual. MjA .UI he ibn
l deliiHpwot,aol Will b dnir ailvvrtieMl tr Mr SX
piiblic aarlioii. ity order of the lltartf nf TraM.
J T HAMILTd.H.rWy"ti.l 4'J0
DisaoItlUdil of ro-Iiirlurn.ilp,
'PHK cwimrtttersbtp herrUfnra tiisiiiig Un
1 tirff aieh-rsiivti'-! aonVr lie linn nsnw nf H
Uitrb-ll kiwi Co , ha- ibis dttt ben d''lte-l by
noitnal ronwiit Mr. M Merer is to rllrt
all the debti and arwiats u mu4 una. and pay all
the debts and liahiiiiea of the aaate.
Saksm. Orsfnn. July 1 1 , I,
Mr. U. Msytr will conlina the basirwss at ibt aid
h( (Orci0tt f talesman.
Ed. Slaletmun i The Dimiooraoy nf this
con nly. llirtiUKh ' linn," awnru tltor would cm
tett. nml Imvp the balance of the iiluooa Coun
ly Juilije. Tron.urpr, oto. They did cnntttl,
anil the result was the inort'itRlii of our Treas
urer', majority' by one vote. Tlioy bad a meot
itifr hern to-ilay, tho nbiect nf whluh I du tint
Itiiow, and Hoiilinm said he did nut know i hoi
jiul(lii(( from tlii spuunlie., we supposo tho ob
ject was tn satisfy the Deuiocmtio ran It nnd file
thnt they fniled in tht1 contest liccuuso nf official
anil judicial corruption, 11 Hon '' appealed
several points from Judy Boise's dooision to
the hifrll Deiunoratio tribune nf this onunty,
and, we presume, with a fair prospect nf suo
ocss. Tlio Judge', decision upon the onsc of
one l'rovn, who Tided the Union ticket, and
who wn challenged u not being a legal rotor,
on the ground, as lliov claimed, that ltd was a
luilf hruvil tho Judge holding tho ovitlonoe
tlmt he wit. a half- brood iiisuflioient tn prove it,
and thnt his vote should stand socined In an
noy " Hen " and Ilonhaiu moro than anylliitiK
elsu. Ilotiliatn siiid tint ''great preponderance
uf the weight nf tlir testimony taken in tho cnn
tost proved beyond a ilonlit that I'rnvo wns a
whole half-breed." Kvery ono wlm heard the
witnesses testify upon this question knows Hon
hnin'i itntonioiit to he fnlse. Hen forgets' tlmt
sonic yours ago I'rnvo voted tho Deiiioornlic
ticket, at tho earnest solicilittinn of a good Dem
ocrat hnrihehtt dictu !).
Hen' and Hun' looked upon tho provisions ot
tho Civil Iiiglit hill n. bring perfectly awful.
Hon, carried away by the exciting reflections
of tho moment, planted one foot (tin1 ono that
has the moccasin nn it) on tho Constitution,
and tho other (thnt has the boot tin it) on the
Cincinnati I'lm f.:r;;i. clenched one linnd llrtuly
in the wool nn lliu nigger'i head, und the other
upon the "long mil ot the Chitinmnn," and said
" This is a while mini', government !" Bon'
nienllnned It nlon true thnt the Civil Kiglit. bill
would enable ucgrn children in lit in tlie school
among white; children. Such a prospect must
he dreadful tn llieso Demncrala, who nestled
in the bopiims of negro wenches anil fattened
on their milk. Hon' condemned I he C. K. hill,
which secure, the negro in his earnings, and
then said, "the Government should my lo the
negro, 'Knot pig or die," and allow agrentblg,
Di-iimorntic. sassafras-colored, mangy hog to
stand by and ent the roots, alter tlio pig had
rooted the in op. Hon' is a statesiimn ; bully
for Hon'l
Hut Ben' gave the ring of the true ropptr,
when he tom bed upon the proposed Constitu
tional Amendments. Said Hen'i " The people
in the Siii'lh lire subject tn million changes ;
and now. when they hoist the stars nnd stripe,
there is nn reason or justice in denying any til
them any rights nr privileges or Immunities en
joyed by uny American citizens, hy conslitti
linuiil amendment or otherwise." That's it.
Any traitor may fold the stnra and stripe
around him and hold olliee or vote Ibe Demo
cratic ticket ! Ilully (or Ben'.' Hen' went into
the corruption iincnveiliig process lo such an
extent that he wns well nigh in-nt breeches
when ho got through. There nn a slim turn
out. The (Nips hnvo mil turned nut well here
incr Cariboo diett. Yours as ever. I am,
Ovmi in 1'oi.k.
Dallas, Oregon. July 21. Irttifi.
The following es-ny nn written by Miss
It. N. Hell, and read at the lutu session of tho
Linn C 'uuty Teacher.' lusl'tutu.
Hooks aro greut blessing. They aro none
tlio less blessings because they meet our eyes
un every ride, nnd are lound on every shell.
There are souio things llmt are increased in
tnliiu because I hey are universal. Doe. lint
the author derive greater pleasure from the idea
Ihut thousand v. ill follow the train of his
thoughts than if only one could do so I Them
was a time when Inaiks were only fun ml in
mntittslories. nr ill the libraries id I be woulllu .
Hut Ibe art id pruning opened up the (oiiutnliia
nf knowledge, mid at present its dcliglitlu!
stream, ruack alike the onllnge of the lowly
and the palaces nf the rich.
One may take fiom his ntlrnu'ive library Ibn
wink of a favorite author, " bound in gold,"
and another mny, hy tho glimmering light uf
Ills cottage fire.' read A cheap .-till mil nf the
suine, yet not one panicle ol tlio beauty the
aullior treiiled is ileuird him. In unilse Insm py
is niu'liu IhoioiI.
Hooks tire great travelers, poets and histori
ans. II you enjoy descriptions uf foreign scenes
nud people, nud some book nf tiavt ls. If a
lover nf tho sublime and beautiful, go Willi
llnyard Taylor up Ibe Isr fopieil Nile, usiidur
will, him by ininjii light hkiiiI r.nnuiilic rum, or
fnrntiny in tlie dn-ary wastes f uni-ivihxed
Africa. If you mo n person nf plainer tastes,
r.uil " Livingstone's liesearclies," I rnco hnn
through his journeying aiming tribe. Inuiidly
ami unliieniliy, when sick and discoiitnged.
and when you ohwo the volutin, you will pro
nounce bun a hem. If you aro Inud nf pta-lry.
you eau lind Niiuelhiug In ph ase your laiicy.
Every age has Us piH'ls. Milton anil Shaka
peru are enlngized by every i-.savist. You
ued nut go to I be nl.l wiulil In lind pools, fur
at borne we liavo llryant. Wtnltier and other,
whose pro.luc'iiuis air ehnrin ng and lull nf
lienuiy. V lint a host of poets w can lind, and
yet in none of llieir works do w find that sweet
thrilling palhos. that suhliino imageiy that ex
ist iu lliu mm try uf the lliblo. alillon appears
comiiiou plaiw wiieu couipaied with the sweet
I'salinivt uf Israel.
What thall we say nf the light literature of
the day, with which the country is flooded, and
Ibe demand fur it appear, equal to the supply.
Although many works of Dclion expose eiisiuur
evil, in societr. aro moral iu I heir tendency
and may be read Willi pndiU yet tlie gieut mas
ul them are written lo onler. and by inlse glare
and glisteu. Ibrilliiig incidents and over w tought
biclurea. priHjure readers, whuaa taste, soon
Lecoins ruiatrd. Ibeir minds poisoned and ren
dered mcapablo of higher aspirations.
Ilcside ail our l)o..k. wa have newspaper
of every variety and description, both religious,
political and literal), and iu tlieiu we have ev
ery variety uf stile and seiitiiiienl. They are
own broailcast over the laud. Yno find llivin
iu oity pa loo,-, in Ilia cal.iu amid His foiesta
ul the Far West, and lliey wind llieir way far
up into lb ratines ol wild and iiclurrHue
liMaiolalli. Iu cheer the Weary lliiuer as bu ells
by bis camp fire. Weekly lin y go forth, laden
anli uewa (ruin ever) Inud. They make us
familiar with the eastorns, occupations and men
of every nation, lsle. eouniy and loan. Koine
"uld fugy" might pusibly drelaiiu agaiust Ibeir
wide-spread liilluenos, but what npioioti would
yim hate uf a man's gmeral liilorinmUin who
iKiier lead nrwHrt
Wa can judge much uf another character
and mind by the paper, and b sik they read.
We should be carelul, Ibru. In eullitale a cor
rent taste j l will aid as m futumig a gmal and
brsolilul character. Wa should select our
hwdt as wa would oar companions, auk an
eje Iu the influence they will exert apou nor
live, and upon our characters.
it. N. Hull.
DiaucaTKM. The Hi. Iraui Dtmnerat .ayi:
Th Ci.prrbeai paper, arw Intensely di.
gn.ted with Heward'. spwh. and don't like
Wanton', any heller. The coupling lie Hew
ant nf the l)em.ratra party with Ilia rebels.
hi the rruniiiscenee he gats tarried the Dema
pratic stmoack.
The religmn. eiciteineiii at Springfield. HI,
is without abatement. Tlie i.tav. r and other
meeting, are daily and nightly crowded, and
I he irres.ioii loth elmrt i liieiiihership con
tinues at the ram ut abunt two bandied per
WHOLE NO. 802.
Washington, July 21, The Senate, after
some debate, passed tho resolution admitting
Tennesse, amended so ni tn read n follow:
Wherons, In the year 1881, tho government
nf the Staio nf Tenneneo wa elzed upon nnd
tnken popmion nf by pernn. In hostility tn
tho United Slate, nnd the Inhabitant, of said
Statu in pursuanco nf an act of Congress, were
declared in he in a tato uf Intnrreotion agnlnat
the United States, and ' '
Wheren. said State gmernnieni. can only
he restored tn It former relation in the Unlou
hy tho onnsent nf the Inw making power of the
United States, and
Wheren the people of the United States in
that State, did, on the 22d nf February 18SS.
by a largo popular vote, adopt and ratify k con
tittitiou and government republican ,n form
nna not Inconsistent with the Constitution nud
law of the United State, whereby .Invery I.
abolished and the ordinance nnd law of se
cession and the debt contracted nndcr the
same were declared void, and '
Wheren, the State government has ratified
tlio amendment In I he Constitution nf the Uni
ted State, abolishing lnverv and nln tho
amendment proposed by Iho thirtv-niulh Con-
gru, and
Whereas, tho body of tho people, of Ten
nescu have by a proper spirit of obedience
hown to tho satisfactmn of Congress the re
turn of said Statu to It allegiance, therefore
ho it ,
Ketnlved, by tho Senate and House of Rep.
resentntive nf tho United State of America
in Cmigre assembled, That the State of Ten-
neee shall be restored tn her former proper,
practical relation tu the Union and he nirmii
entitled to be represented in Congress.
liooxntew, nf i'eiinsylvnuia, Krnwn, ol
Missouri, McDoiignl, of California, and Stun
ner, alone, voted in the negative. The fcsolii
tlnn now return tn the House, and will he con
curred in immediately. "
'L,T '
l or the Statesman. '
Porhap. yon may be half Inclined to laugh nt
my text, but really there I one peculiarity about
Oregonian. by which I um greatly alHicUd.
Vicf will Kill their butter wit coane tall.- Whether
it 1 a fault of tho climate which produces this
phenomenon, I Nm minlilo to decide, rcrhnp
the rainy season Is so long, and it diimpnoii ao
universally pormuatlng, as to ton.l to dissolve all
soluble things, aftor which a process of crystal!.-
tion necessarily follow, during the drying heals
of summer. It is a gratifying fact that tlie ladies
bavo long since boen proved Insoluble, and a., ac
cording to lliu maxim, they nro neither .tignr nor
salt, weneod have no fears that they will undergo
the prdeu of erystnliioitlon and come out awr.
It would certainly bo more plcnannt If tho dairy
men would mix enough butter with the coarso
rock salt which thuy sell u. at ttirg high prices, to
grease our throat well, se that the rough, aharo
aiiL'les would be swallowed with more eaau, but
probably they cannot afford ll. We sometime
foartlial all Oregnn I tending gradually ton kind
of cnnrse-snll formation, not particularly tho
crystalizcd, but the coaru. Wo aro inclined to
uso our millennia without duly grinding and pre
paring them ( to get th'im oft the easiest and
cheapest way i lu let nature do about a. she pleas
es, and never lake the trouhlo to improve her Im
perfections. That tills la a vory common fault in
all new countries, cennot be dunlcd, but it is not
at present a necessary ono in Oregon. W. have
a great ahuudaiico of good malarial bore, and we
have sufficient liins lo make it up in tlie very bast
manner, and wo certainly have thoso who know
Aoieto make it up well) then, too, we Imvono
lack of those who can appreciate the best things
we cnn produce, nud why may we not have the
best t 'There Is no Important want that we are
aware of but want of Inclination. In the earlier
days of this country llm settler wns obliged lo ha
content with what ho could gel, nnd perhaps
many then learned to do without tho comfort,
and embellishment of life, until tho liner tastes
wore in n mensuro blunted, or tho memory of bet
ter things obliterated. Houses wero then goner
ally left in an iinl'mUhid and uiiornat ited con
dition from necessity, and now It has become a
fashion to live in unlinislicd hoiisus all through
Iho country. Of course our largest towns furnish
many eieeptimia to this rule, but the stntomout Is
nevertheless pretty correct Thon bill compara
tively lilllo liiiio has been given to assist Kalura
in beautifying our bourns In ibis, nna of her most
lovely valleya. Tho long joiiriroy over thu wild
nud sterile plains, or over III. ocean waves, hroko
in upon the old homo associations aud liuuui hab
its, until ii was hard fur the penplu to work
again, aa In Ibe old times, and where there wns
o murk lo las done, it was discouraging lo make a
enmmcneoment. Many p.'nplo caoio lo Oregon
for the very purposo of living k illiout so much
hard work, and upon arriving bur found so iwa
lo be done, and such a nan! of iho ornamental,
that they became content lu settle down slid do a.
well aa ibeir ui-i(ibors. W would bo glad if we
could see a spirit of emulation awakened here
which would lead our reoplo to do themselves
and their children Justice lo crown our beauti
fully wooded slopes with neat and comfortable
homes, not built for show but fur comfort, and
surround thoiu wild tasteful cardum. adorned bv
Nature's beautifying linger, allied lo ths Im
provements oj Arl, insk ad of living, as we know
men of ampin means to do, in awkward and un
finished hoot's, whose only entrance la through
Ilia iisrn yaid or "corral.
The taste of the young and rising geosrallou UK
now being funned, and maiijr are lb. children
w bos. only ideas of beauty or lasto in ornamental
gardening ars derived from a single row of pink,
along a slraighi walk, or a bunch of hollyhock,
beside lh folic; who,, idea, of architecture are
modrh d after a ruiigh barn-lika structure, wilh no
bsanty. or symmetry, or comfort about it Thia,
too, wliil the uuu July it U Ul loath thoso
children their own duties lo Ibeir future families
and th. world. I. Well able lu fiirniah a pleasant
and Usleful home, but prefer lo invost his money
where ll will s. belter. W call nasiire such a
on, that he would loss nothing iu the nd by cul
tivating Ilia mure nfined Insle uf hi, children,
doing all iu bis power to uiako them npial luib.
most elevated in ll community, aud striving lo
aiak. Ilwir koine sa oponenl of tho bsl tatrs
and the warmest lure nf a parent', heart,
ll i. true that we cannot ,pet Oregon lo rie
at once to I lis high culture aud finished appear
ance of either New or Old KnglanJ i but wo do
think there la need of mora ran, more Industry,
and mure ihwuuglinsas, especially among ksr far
mers. Thersj ars many fanner' h sines thai are
pleasant and attractive, but hy far the lirger por
Hen a great want of neatness, and care
ful atleiition lu anything but that which will
I'tlug in I ey. N, ll is a well authenticated
fart that nswerf aud Imffinu are mil alwsy. de
pendent npon mosey but a few day., ahea fame
work was n pressing, might prodar. a rick har
vest ef both, I Iks site and children of lb. fame
r. The roars sail mifht t groond ap In lb
rainy dsys of winter, without half at stuck wear
to taste, la or Ibe pallenes as i, hum causes, and
..Id iiiu. h lo ths comfort and plaiabUns ef the
food w hick it aeasoitf.
Now, 1 bops ilutl those wau d set km eoaraa
.all will rvfrain frer spproprialing this asiicla to
Ihemselvpa, and leave ll far tho who do.
IlkiMiKstl'l., July il. H. i w Ti.l.t
Of Every Description,
rirst Insertion, $!l ier su.unre of ten lines or less, rolnioa
messnre. $1 for each ittnseuuent Insertion. '
' t'V AdvsrtlsliiK bills, wlien not uud In ailvsiioe, sill s
rhsrircil tscniy-Uvs pur cent, atl.llUonal, lo cover tl.o,.t
of ooltuctlon. ' i
KW A liberal dcriucttuii trem the.abovrsteswlllbsBinde
In favor of those who nitvsrtlK lij ths quarter. , , .,r
Davis' first remarkable appearance) before
tho reader is In the character of a resistant.
On tho22d of May. the third day of hli Im
prisonment, he underwent being put in iron
"a trial severer," nye Dr. Craven, "than
has ever been inflicted upon any one who has
enjoyed ute.h eminence." Cnptain Titlow, of
the Third Pennsylvania Artillery, wa. sent to
sco It performed. , , . . , j . ( -
"Well?" enid Diivi. tu tlioy entered, .'light
ly raising Ilia head. ' ' I
"I havn an unpleasant doty to perform, tHr,''
raid Captain Titlow; and at he spoke ' the
senior blacksmith took the shackles from hit
-aitnnt. " " '' W'-t '" '"
n Dnvie leaped instantly from hit rscumbeot
attitude, a (lush passing over liia fnoe lora mo
ment, nnd then his countennuoe growing livid
and rigid nidcaiu. ,
' Ho gasped for bienthi' olntcbing hfi throat
with the thin linger nf hi right hand, and
then recovering himself (lowly, while his WU
ted figure towered op tu it full bight oaf
uppeuring tn swell wilh indignation and then
to shrink with terror, aa he glanced rrotri the
Captain' fnoe to the ahaoklcs he mid lowly
nud with a laborios1 Abnut, . I , . .... ..I-
"My God ! you cannot have beeu lent to
Iron inc." , '
; "Such are my orders, sir," replied the offi
cer, beckoning the blacksmith tn approach,
who stepped forward, unlocking the padlock and
preparing the fetter to du llieir offioo. Theae
fetters weto of heavy iron1, probably five
eighth nf nn inch hi tiredness, nnd oonnoctcd
together hy a chain of liku weight. 1 believe
they are now in the possession of Major Gen
eral Mile, and will form an interesting rclio.
"Thia is tno wondrous," groaned tho priso
ner, glaring hurriedly rnnnd the room, a if fur
some weapon nr mean nf self-dettroetiott.
"I demand, Captain, that yon let me tee
the oommnuiling oflioer. Cnn he pretend that
such shu' kle aro reiUircd tn Beouro the afe
onatmly of a weak old man, so guarded and hi
such a fort a iliis 1" ii t . ,i . . i n i.
"It could serve no purpose," replied Captain
Titlow i -hi uider re (ruin Washington,., M
mine aro from him." -''
" "But he oan telegraph," IntWpoaed Davis,
eagerly; "there mutt lit, -omo iniitako. No
uch out rug o as you threaten me with i on
record in tho history nf nations. Beg blin to
teleprnph, and delay mil il lie answers."
"My order, are peremptory," aaid the offl
eor, "anil admit of nn delay. Kor yonr own
sake, let mo ndriae you to submit with patience.
A a soldier, Davis, you know I inuat execute
order." .
"These are not order for a soldier," shouted
the prisoner, losing all control of himself.
"They are order fur a Jailer for a hangman,
which nn soldier wearing a sword should ac
cept ! I tell yon the world will ring with, this)
disgrace. The war I overs the Sooth it eon-
V I. I.... . . .
.iuvivu, i onto un lunger any 'country uat
America, aud it i fur the hnnnt of America,
aa for my own honor anil life, that I plead
against this degradation. Kill me! kill me !"
he cried pnlnnntoly. throning his nrma wide
open and exposing his breast, "rather than In
flict nn me, and on my people through me.
Iliis Insult worse than death-" , ,
"Dn roar iinty, hlaoksinith," anid the offi
cer, wnlking toward the embrasure as if not
earing to wilnet the performance. 'It only
give increased pain nn all idc. to protract the
interview." . ,, , . - . .,,.
At these words tho blacksmith advanced
with the abeckle. and eooing that the priaener
lind one fuot upon tho chair near tlie bedside,
hi right hand resting on the back of it, the
brawny mechanic made an attempt tn tlip one
of tho shackles over the nuklo to rniaedj but
as if with tho vehotnenoe nnd strength which
frenzy can iuinart, even to the weakest invalid,
Davis acddeiify seixed Ills assailant and, burled
him half way across thu room.
On this Cnptnln Titlow turned, nud seeing
that Dai la hud backed against the wall for
further resistance, began tn renmojtratv, point
ing ont lit brief, clear language, that thit
ennrso wits madness, nnd that orders -moat be
enforced at any cost. "Why compel me." said
ho. "to add further indignity nf personal vln.
lenoe tu the necessity nf your being Ironed 7"
"Inula prisoner nl war." fiercely retorted
Davis; "I hnvo been a suldier hi the nrmie of
America and know hntr tn din. Only kill me,
and my last hronlh shall ha a blessing on your
head. Hut while bave life and strength to
resist, for myself and my people, thia thing
shall not he done." ' 1 .
. Hereupon Captain Titlow called In n Ser
geant and file of aoldiera from the next room,
ano Iho Sergeant advanced to seifti the pris
oner. Immediately Davis flew nt him, reixed
hi innskot aud attempted to tench It from
hi grap. -,:,
' 01 course such a scene ooold have bnt one
issue. There wns a short, passionate scuflle.
In a moment Davis was flung upon hi bed,
and lfure hi four powerful assailants removed
their hands from him. the blacksmith and hit
assistant had done their work one .coating
the rivet uu the right ankle, and the other
turned iho key in the padlock on tho left.
- This done. Davis lay fur a moment a If In
a stupor. Then slowly raising himself and
turning round, he dropped hi shackled feet to
the lliNir. Tho harsh clank of the striking
chain seemed first tu have recalled him to but
situation, and dropping hit face into hi. hand
he burst Into a passionate flood of fobbing,
rocking to and fro. and muttering at briel in
terval: "Oh. Iho shame ! Iheshsmo1" '
On the 24th, the Doctor found hi patient
leverisb and eninoidntod. (altering from great
irritation of mind mid body, and aehrooiu neu
ralgia, which had destroyed the sight of hit
right rye. Ton wenk tn hear hat .hackle,
they were taken nil' in four ur five day by the
ndvioe ef his physioiiui. . :
A Hum. lib.i Akkaih Amid all the ridi
cule which I heaped upon the Fenian cause,
it i. refreshing to find something which will
pity off lb British iucull to thu Union Army
during the rebellion. Accounts ol the Fenian
battle at Limestone Uridgu state that when, the
British commenced to retreat all nf the log
chain, ever wrought by Old Vulcan could not
have kept thu "Queeu' Own" couluscd matt
together. Kvery until took to hi heels, aoJ
the "bloody dirils" of Keninns Inkn the hind
most. Some look tu the Quid., smuu kept to
the railroad track, while large numbers deemed
thu w ibkIi the palb uf safety each face being
turned lor 1'url I nUorne, tlie point wheuo
they emerged, a proud and coiiQdcnt army but
a few hour previous. ,,,
Large number reached tlits train, which Was
wailing at soiiiu dialauuu iu thu direutiuu of
I'ort Cnllairue. while iioile a uuuiher trial their
weary way fool-sure, hungry, thirsty, and
bowid down with shame, grief and , Woe.
Tlisy columned tu arrive at Port Colborue un
lit three nr lour o'clock uu Sunday morning,
nnd several were picked up by the train on tlie
same morning, while proceeding to Kldgeway
loaded down with over one ilioosand uieu
lor a second allaok. which wa expected.
I need uot desorihe to you the appearance
id these men alien liny reached I'ort Col borne.
In many insiauev ibeir besi friend, failed to
reoogtiue them hatlee. e aliens, shoeless,
aud, iu many instances, almost utni tulutlt.
Kalstair bi.iotio army would bo counted fx.
Hrutuiuella and I'nuoe Georges, in wmipuriron
With them.
And this is a day' history ul th "Qeeeo't
Owu." mad up uf the net children ul Cana
dian arl.tocrauy. 1 need hardly say tu you
Ihut the paltry iiiitlicicncy to usu uu harsher
term uf the Queen' Own, excites the deep
est mollification and sorrow among the Cana
dian people. They adn it their total defeat by
ail lulciiur force, and lu discipline a mere
' 1 y
-' t'nl rg W. Ewing, one of the w' I
est and hum! noted uf Nuitb Westerns -4
ilisd at r oll Wayne, ludiaua, uu n!"?