8AI.KM. MON IU Y . IV LV 0. !; .Iol lM-lntlnuf. Til llrmmcM Mas, ahi Otii h. A rrn nnrn I liv bran tni'lii tri On Nttthnntiit Oltlet ehfrtaiy all kltiiU of Cnnl ami Pitney I'rlnllliK run I' 'I'm nn (l "'mrti'll nullue, Slut si prlras which omiiuil foil In suit our ialruiis. Tin Juicing lpinrtiiirt Is unilcr lh charms nf an exiierltmcefl nml cnm-,t.ti-nt printer, up nur arorlc for more than a year past will Ir.llfy, awl llmas rniulrlns. brief), pninpliliK, clirrki, Mil. hi-aila, hmlncH, sil'lri-ea, ur weililius cuili, programm.,, , clrcutare, mlntiit coinpantiV crrtlflcNtn mil rreelpi , Jul. Ifcci' blinlii, "nil In fact every il.icrlp'lon of plain ami fan cy printing, can have the work well anil promptly done. We keep a onmplete assortment of hlll-lieail, letter, ami otic er i'tper, aiiltalile fur Job prlntlnii; Uiitetlier with plain anil fancy cards, ete. We Invite tlioae linking to havs any tie ecrlpllnn of printing; dime, to call and examine aamplea and prleea, at d enllafy tlieniaelrea that at foml work enn be dune and sa good barKalna made aa at any other nhVa In Oregon. How to AiivKiiTim;. Tim wliolo accrnt of ad vcrllsinR I" I" tlia point of ccurino; And holding public attention. Tliera an) numberless wayt to do that, but tho tame pi nil will nnt work a tecoiiil time in tlm anmo place. Novelty In ml vcrtUinp; U the (jrent point, where but a limited aum it np. prnpriatod to litis Invoatinont. Tho Now York Leilgr.r, mi many other anlerprlsos, have tociiroil linmonao results from advertising, and alwuyi re. lied npott whole columns of repeated tines. The ability to advertiao judiciously la the very best capital. A man who has the ability to prepare a good advertisement, will generally succeed in his business. Take, for Instance, the man who writes the " ads" for Smith &, Wade, tf wo were run ning a dry-goods shop, or a green grocery, wo would charter him, for he Is bound to make the business " go." Statp. iTBMa.J-The members of the first Uni tarian Society of Portland have elected the following-named trustees: R. li, Thompson, Ira Gnndnougrli, E, D. Hlmltiick, Thomas Frattar, (!. W. Uurrnce, ltirhard White, J. W. Cook, J. M. Oilman, W.F.Wilcox Edward Ilnrnes, a saloon keeper at Oregon City, died suddenly on last Tuesday afternoon. On tho night of 24th June, the Indians stole seven horses front Washington Ranch, J'owdor Kivor Valley. A short limn previous, they stole tho same number from Miller's Kancli, In tho same vicinity. Last year they stole nne hundred within a circle of ten miles around Auburn. The Onod Templars hava Instituted A new lodge at Eugene City, with about 'iO members. Spencer Unite Lodge No. 0 (Eugene City) 1. 0. O.K. his elected the following named ofBrera : E. L. Bristow.NO.t U.K. Foley, V.O.! Joel Waro, It. Sic.; C. II. Sweet, Troas. In Hringa salute on the 4th, In Portland, a man named Franklin had his right hand and arm so badly shattered by a prematura discharge of the cannon, that amputation was nccossary. The Ur egonian is informed that the persons in charge of the gun were intoxicated at lite time of the acci dent. 8nnin soldiers of tho 1J. S. Artillery after ward tonkchargo of the gun, and completed lite salute of the day. A larger shipment of treasure than ordinary fur t liia season, arrived by Wells, Fargo & C'o.'a Ex press from the upper country last night. Mr. Page, the messenger, had in charge about l!Mi,(MMI. In addition to this, about igOOO from Montana, and '.'0,WIO from Auburn, Oregon, arrived in pri vate bands. Orrjronian, (if. The firm of Waitc cV Scliwalka, in tho publica tion of the Agriculturist, haa been diasolved. The paner hereafter will be published by Mr. A. C. rjcliwatka. Tho Orrgminn says A change of schedule has been made on the until route from Portland to Olytnpia. Heretofore tho mails have boon oblig ed to lay over two days at Moulicello. Under the change authorised, the mails will leava Portland on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, connect ing at Monticello, and going through without delay- Wasco Coi'NTV. The Mountaineer contains tho following : On Saturday and 8unday last a band of abnnt 500 head of cattle crossed the Columbia at Dalles for the Yakima country. The parties who own the ealtlo intend taking up claims in tho Yakima Valley fur the purpose of slock railing. Dallea City is improving rapidly since the steps taken to commence the erection of the Mint at that point. The capital stock of the woolen company at that place is to be W,UO, shares ft UN) each. The building is to he erected np'Mill Crrt-k, and to be of sliiuo. At last accounts tM.VVO had been subscribed. The Mountaineer strongly advocates the ron. struction of a good wagon road to Portland or some other point in this valley. The body of the little child of Mr. John Ki pinger, recently drowned at the Dallus, has been recovered. On the 3d Inst., ilia thermometer indicated 09 deg. in the shade at the Dalles. Jo Teal shot a craxy nian, In the night, while trying bis kitchen door, supposing bun lo be a burglar A bad wound in the shoulder. During the firing of the salute at tho Dallas on the 4th, a man named Wni Watson was severely Injured by the premature discharge of Ilia piece He will lose tho right arm to the elbow, and prob ably the left. It is feared ha has received bodily injuries which may prove fatal, ilo was an em ployee of IhoO. H. Y Company. (OEBEITIO.X. Air editorial in the Httitte suggests that there is A misunderstanding of the natnre of the medical testimony in the late trial for murder in this place. The uudersigncd were summoned, not as wit. ncasea, but aa experts, 10 give a professional opt ion based on the post-mortem appearances, as tes tified to. That post-mortem examination ahowed that the deceased did not die of nervous shock, of hemorrhage, of inflammation proceeding from effusion into the peritoneal cavity, of uremia or blood poisoning, or of any other disorganisation proceeding immediately from the cot, but that he did die of peritoneal inflammation excited And kept np by a fold of omentum being caught in, and growing fast to the external wonnd which wai sewed up. Although such wounds as deceas ed received are ordinarily considered mortal, the testimony convinced lis that the mortality of this one was caused by the Accidental complication. J. II. Wttmk.M P. E. II Fikkk, M.D. Kimouold ClTf A new city haa been laid onl on the Columbia, some distance below Whit Muffs, on the route to Montana. It is claimed lo be the best location for a town, and much nearer oniackfoot, Pen d Oreille, etc., than the illoS City. St. 0'LAiKKVii.i.r., (.Into A Urge portion of this celebrated old town was recently destroyed by lira ; the loss reaching about .M0,0"0, and leaving some persons withont A home or any property. Oot.D Yirxo or 0rio The shipments of gold from Portland through Wells, Fargo & Co., for the 6rst five months of the prevent year, hare been $'2,515,150. This amount doe not inrlnde . shipments direct to New York, nor sums that have gone forward in private hands.. . DR. C.pkaY This noted individual, lata of Sun Francisco, who has been acting as Commie sinner of the t'niled rWalee at tho International Exhibition in Prnasia, has been appointed by Preidmt Johnson a Consul General lo the Dan ohian Principalities. Labor Cattlc -Tbomas Cma. Esn.. of this county, has fifty head of fnur-year aid Iteert of his own raising, which will avrrar aver sme thousand pounds weight, each. Til Fair Oroi xiw -The Board of Mansgtr , ,. .li . hare ordered a Be track !o 1st mad., In.iJt the one ased for trial of -word, for pleasure ridinr and training About twenty new stables are to bnill on the grounds. Fast TtwK The, P. T. Co. steamer Alert, p.an.ls of Urg ripo rarranta farnca It to say Capt. Danghman. mailt the rat frwrn Portland to that Pr.5 Pearana ra, urates tbt bu-hes, as every Oregon Cilr. tk eMail of lbs) 4th. ia sjtM 'hrf trawtM to beralt.vaied hoar and eight sainntesand a lh retura trip ia j Tt8ringr5eld (Mass ) RrvaWiraa tayt that fifty t minutet. Tbit it lie fastest tier tvtf fa aada and thoasandt f the ntost iataiHigent mad betweea Ihe Iwa points. I t, fl , ir,B, ,n 6 tin,j agree with Ik 7" -D T S" art aett artr. : Cabii el ia Ik tnpfort of Presideat Jekasoo " Statu Tkaciiku'h InhtiYutb We are liifiirined hy Prnf, E, Curtwrillit, Correspond liiB Htorctiiry nf t lio Intpl it u t -.ii nt the tereinn of the Institute coinitii ndi g nt Oregon City on the !)lst of July promises In ho one of the most Interesting and beneficial over held in the fllntc Tli leading talent in the State, in the Tcni'lii'rs' l'rnffsslnn, are responding and mov ing In the mntlir, delcnriired In get up the ripht kind nf a spirit in their profession. The 0. 8, N. Co., nml the V, T. Co., have agreed to past teachers attending the Instltuto nt half price, full particulars of which will ho given next week. I'rof. Cartwright Is laboring most fisaid. tiously in collecting statistics hearing upon the condition nf popular education in Oregon, ant wo linpo to liu able In furnish (hem at an early day. Cattwo Trap. The groat cistern hole now being excavated at tho intersection nf Com mcroinl rind State streets, proved quite a cattle trap nne ilny last week, as In driving a drove of cattle hurriedly through tlio streets four beeves tvero Jumped into the pit Ity the no miinagenhlo drove, and could not lie got out ngnin nnlil an Incline nm excavated nt one corner. Political Contest is Polk From a private letter, we learn that the Union party is gaining by the contest In the Polk county eleclinn oases ; and the prospects were that the whole Union ticket would lie eletcd. SouTMBiw Ohkoon From the Sentinel wo lenrn that the California merchant! residing at Yreka are shipping freight from San Francisco via Crescent City and Jacksonville, Professor Wood, the author nf Wood's llntuny ."passed through Jacksonville last week. Ho stopped two ilnri and examined the natirp flora. Ocr flowers, treci and shrubs are en-J tirely different frnm those of the Atlantic .Stales, and more numerous in proportion to the extent nf ennntry explored. Prof. Wood says that his lintnny for the Atlantic, Slates describes twenty-eight hundred plants, exclusive nf the moss es, while in the .Stale nf California he hits found li flee n hundred varieties. Prof. Wood is the first botanist who has explored our coast, with a view of compiling a work descriptive of the plant on the Pacifio const. This he intends doing as soon aa he g.-ts through this Slate, which will ha in September. There is a brisk trade At Hoseburg, caused by buying and telling wool. This article ir worth, ready tacked, from 18 to 20 cents per pound. It la shipped from there tn Oregon City. Douglas enmity haa no small revenue from wool ; and for the life nf lis we don't tee why the farmers and stock growers of Jackson county don't go into the wnnl growing business. It has been only a few years since Douglas ennnty was deeply In debt; a great majority of the farms were mortgaged, and the whole county nnt owned by lliree or four men. Now they are nut of debt, and making money haml over fist.' The cause of this it that they have introduced sheep and gone into wool growing extensively. I here will bo n meoling of the 1 enuhert of Duuglai county, nt Hoseburg. July 7th, for the purpose of organizing a County Teacher's As sociation. The animal examination nf the Uiniinna Academy will tnko place on the 11th, 12th and I -it It ol July, closing ou tho evening of the Mill with au exhibition. The town of Jacksonville it improving (hit summer, beverul new uuildiugt are to be erected. Cant. McCall. who arrived in Jacksonville nn Thursday last, says all the cavalry stationed at Fort Klamath, consisting nf Co't A and C, nrn nn thuir way tu Full Vancouver, to be mut tered nut of the tervice. It it thought that Cu. I. infantry, will be mustered out within a iiinntli At r o.t Klumnlli. Cant. Sprague writes that be bat been or dered In send a detachment ft "in Co. I. infant ry, nod Co- C, cavalry, under Lieut. McGuire, and take post at Camp C. F. Smith, on the Cbivn ronte, and ration it until the l.'iih July. Capt. Spraguu tayt that theru arc thousands Irnvcling Unit route tins summer. Asthma Nks Krnmihc Gazelle we learn ihut .Messrs. F. Ferrill & Co. have commenced the construction nf.very important improve ments in the immediate vicinity of Astoria. I'tte works are tn bo a lumber manufacturing. Irereing and finishing establishment, cnml'ting if A saw. mill proper, will) machinery for dress lug lor liiilahmg III J lumlier into doors, such, moulding and ornamental work generally, for cabinet work, etc, etc. Machinery for making shingles, staves, headings, pails, etc , and oth er work generally will be added. Tho works. when completed, will employ Irntn hliy to one hundred men. The kitchen and lodging house, twenty by tixty feet, it now np. Tho first ttrocture if the mill will be forty by nne hun dred feet. Next w ill follow au L of the some dimensions. The O. S. N. Company have the contract far carrying the mails on the route from A no li tu Portland and way nflices, fur the ensuing term of four years. A passenger coach it now running between the Sumner House, on Clatsop Plains, and Sktpauon Landing, for the accommodation of visitors tn the tea shore. Capt. E. O. Adamt delivered the Fourth of July oration at Astoria. Attoria it reported to be improving. A new Maouio hall bat just been finished. The Uazeltt relate the following, as illus trating one nf the advantage of the telegraph. A sprig of YoonaT America ran away from the parental roof at Portland, some tea diyt ago, and slipped off tu Victoria on the steamer t'i deleter, lielnre the steamer had left the Co In m bia river, the authorities at Victoria were notified by telegraph of the circumstance, and hen the steamer arrived at V ictoria the young man loand the Sheriff ready In give hint Abo pliable reception. In the meantime hit father bad battened to Victoria overland, and cap lured the way ward yalh, and alto the I'l.tHMJ which the bi.y had stolen (ruin bit father, who it a wealthy and well known citizen of Port land. YiaaiLL Ccnf . from Mw OmrUr wa Uke Ike fell" tat Item : ttdn t's will huM a sperlal I ena M taut at Luarrl. far the trial of two scawaera la jail, chars with the crimes rMprellvetv 4 htraniv ana lareffir. e-v wnciiif a Mtlar Jalr tih. Was. fbtalres, contrartor for carrying th wail frnm Lafaretls ! Tillamook ami rc Inrn. otter a stork, started oa bla trt Irln aa lh a I Inrl There la now a Irt.weofcljr wall from Lafarrila lo SSirtlawt, Mr. fleets eostrartor The 04 ooarttrlr mrall-if of the M A Chorea Snolh. Ifa;tt. elrroll, orfsw-iirH lael tUl mntmf as Cwihahm Taller. A R. Aeora, 1 1 X-. Junes k-Wr vill nrrorii m Lolavrtlo on Ik Intro tabboih ol rarn aaonlh. al II .m. Week Wfoeo wot. Rev. L. V. McCorlj w m orraicnoa o-lore-o rnareh IrlWoal on achargvof crim inal Intimacy with a tcmaw of Mppnord nay vlriac. Central Baptist Asimm-iatw. Mr A. J Hunsaker, Clerk, has left on onr table the annates of the ninth annual sessioa of the Central Ilap tiat Association of (h-egon, from which wt learn that the Association embrace Ifi churches, 16 or dained ministers, 7 licentiates, and 741 communi cants. The Association resolved that it mem bers as all booorabla mean to prevent lb nse of intoiiraling drinks at a bevi rage t that their church organisation have nothing to do with pol itico s that a sninaionary board of thro members be created for the Association; that their eolpor- tear, A. M Cornelius, be encouraged I that polit- , i-1 Ad'Jrefee, Irieatncal eibibinons. Ae., bt pro- j bibited wiibin the balls of McMinnrlll, College t memnors ni ina i liurrh b eoconr ' agod to engage ia Sabbath rVhcml labor The tniiintet eleion by saving that Bretwithaianding f""! 1,",,",n hi rT" Association foe cieaion. yet Christian for bears nrv aod ( krolfcf ,. or, bj rh,ri,ried every delegate, i - 1 "' Cr!T.-rrof. I'earsoa haa left at I Ibis office a branch of a currant bash abml at i ihirk as ranr foronnref- which beara about tow GRAIN rbWKlTS. The Oregon crop of wheat, barley and oats, nniler the warm run of the past ten days, it rapidly maturing. From a liule excurrion over in'n Ptdk county, we are tuttelied the crop will nnt be as heavy at anticipate' J. Although we noticed fine pieces of wheat nn the farms of Messrs, Starling and Chnpinan. and tome oilier fields, yet we think there is but little doulit that in lliu majority of licks the bends are shorter and the rtulkt thinner on the ground Ihun here tofore. The impression hat prevailed hereto fore, and we cnufcsi llmt we shared in it, that wheat must gn down to a low retire; but from the Bent and the development! of the Inst three weeks, wo are inclined to believe that hreadttufr mast go up from the present figure considerably. Our reasont fur (hit are found in the now inevitable gigantic European war, which in n't draw largely on the United Statet for bread and provisions: and also in the fact that the wheat crop has failed greatly in the gteat gruin growing Stales of (bo West. Ou the lutter point we ask tho attention of the turmers the farmer to the following extract from a communication nf E. D. Mauslield, the ttuticiuii of Ohio, published in a late number of the Cincinnati Uazclle t Unking allowance fur much exafrgerntion, we think the w-lieiit crop of Ohio for lt-titl cannot tie accounted sliove half uu nverujte crop. IndiHiia is nt very differ ent in its condition. lltinoUia belter, but will fait much below a full crop. Kentucky, from all account, is ulmiri the eatnu as Olii'i. H Is probable Unit the more northern States are In better condition; but, on the oth er baud, they do not pi'"duce so much. On the whole, we iniiHt iHk for a liinio falling off. In two or three Stales ws can make a tolerably accurate estimate. Twenty-litres milleiiHOt luisbels may be considered a fair Hveriifre product of wheat in this State. If so. and we have but half tlie nveniirc crop, we have loet more than eleven millions of tmrdiela, equivalent to two millions two huudied anil fifty thoitsimd barrels of Hour. In this eclimnte the prupnrti'ill ol luilf a crop Is aa aunied, and each one will, of course, judge fur lifninelf aliout Hint. Huppiwliifi that the fnllinir off In Illinois mid Ken tucky ia one third, ami Indiana one-hall', we have a loss in there States C eighteen millions nf bimheli. The whole product of wheat in I Mill was i;:i.H4 IH'O hti-lielrt. of which the four State nlsive enumerated pro il'ieed li.1,11110,000 buidick H is not too much to count the losa in the other Wenfern State" nt H.IHIII.IIOO; and . tbua the central Wet will have a dellcieucy in all of 4ll.lliia.IHiu bushels eipinl to S.onn.tlMI brrela nf Hour and liiU.MKi.tHin. We would not exonerate llw ease, but nee no way, from the toiiinouy of competent ob servers, to climate the loaa at much leas. At the same time tills la to be said on the other band: The Agricul tural department eslintatea the cro of wheat in 1m:: at llil .1)00.000 bushels, which ia nn Incrense on of 12 percent. ir this Iw correct, the ordinary erii "f iNtltl would be 21'2,ti(in,tiim. A deduction or 4O.O0fl.OIH) would lie a dellcieucy or 'ill ner cent on whnt the crop should be. but only 111.111111,000 btu-hela lesa than Hie crop of Ikiki. If tliexe estimate are correct, there will lie an ample supply of wheat for Ilia countiy, but a small surplus lo expml. We fear, however, that our estimate of the loaa in the central Klntes ia two small. On May 5th, wheat was telling at Chicago, lliu great grain depot nf the West, 'at $1 SO per bushel, and corn at 48 cents. From MuCraken, Merrill it Co.'t last circu lar we take the following : - The California crops, an u crcut whole, arc pmirresa inR Hne!y towaid maturity, and we repeat what we have before published. The wheat yield will be immot'se. 01 barley, nnta. etc., we will Imve an abundance, while of Imy much liaa been Injured by the lute mitts, ct wo will linve more limn an average yield. The muxlm-il crop aloiio is a failure. The vine crop will be napreee denlly great. Fruit of every kind, in ita aea&oa, will be nulto aiifllclent to supply our every want. Tlie gtaiti harvest will lie at least two week later this tearlhati last. It lad-'ubtfnl if we have nay new wheat In quantities nil sale, in this market, before the ,1th of J ul v. In l-Oo the II ret new wheal appeared in this city Juiie llilti. THE HAliKETS. S.in Francisco quotations of July fit li i The Hour market is quiet. Prices range from .") to aVi.jV per barrel. Oats. l.:i5 to I. CO per 100 lbs. San Francisco Legal Tender rates, 70a7le. Wool.. McCrnken, Merrill dr. Co.'s circular says tho wool clip is far leas than was anticipated in tho early spring. Our local buyers and manu facturers have bought up all ihe choice hits for the Mills, leaving the present stock more or loss burry. The sales aggregate about 2dO,0OU lbs., within the range of Ifa'J-'cfur fleece; burry rules from 10 to I'Ju Shipments for the East are, for the most part, on growers' account. roim.ini raoni'ca HaaaKT. The Mlualsg arelheOreitonlan'e I'ortlaml prices, July Till Wheat, for milling, V I'"""'! lata, (Wu III 4 IHI ii no 4 M :tn no II inta l imi IMJIU , !7r VI IMf-l' H SMflft 4 0011 .10 3 50x l IMI '..ni ll.ul. HKJ lb-.- KI'Hir. extra , Klour, country brands. , i.mmid Ke-il, ton. ... Apples, V bu Apples, dried Ibieoli. (1 tli Hams. J Pt Mioulders. W lb , ! Lied, in tilts l-rtl. in keas t-uu. t ! Itiitlor. ?! n I biekeiis. sprimr and fiilt-grown, V do llcana. V 1'KI lt. R-lall iirlees Coffee, Orem.n rnund, Me pr Hi.; Oreen 0 H : Ureen Java, Hto. Busar, eruiheil, HOe; piilverlseil it; sraioilale,!, la.; Vel r, f V ref IV; l.l.icl. ItlaWM; Syrup, K It. t; Heavy UnMen, aa. Tea, Vnnn llyaon. tlal; OUI l.tl; Jn, I n Blsck, Jial lu. Cheeao, USaoilo. salkx atakorr. The following are the Dalein qouti"na lor Saturday hut: Wheat. V btiohel, S0 nj1'. llala, fl Iniolisl. IV.'e. Kbair, p lairrd. tinlH Oil. t orn Heal, V'" 'I- Uid'lbnv. r ton. t-.'.'i. Bran. J0. IU- hi -II, on, V : Sluaildcrs.lUc.i Sides. lc. I. trd. lt in tuia. We i in kea I lie. Hitler frn.li. 2.1c. Chee-e California, ft lb. 3::); Oregon, none. K'go. V dozen, tw. Cub ken-. f d ,sen, $ 1 00. Aiple. fi box, !t; dried . )' lb, luU'Jc. I liilona, y 4c. rash. Potatoes, V bii.hel.6lh-. Notice to the Sick. A DVIi'E KREK AT I'l.AI.K S HKL'll STnltK. il. opposite the Post Office. No extra cbartre for meniriun. Afll'K t'l'KKI) KOR .' AXI WARRANTED. Warranted, a 8or Car or no pay. LEIBEb'S ARGENTINE PILLS! Par the Aanr. and all liilioiis lliaeases. J. K. Clark, Druggist, only Agent for Salem rRK'R, t M PER BOX. This is lo certify Ibst I hate tried I-ibeK's Ariren tine pills, after r ttiar various remedies, to no ctloet, when one box of Leibru's pills produced a permanent cure J. I). SMITH. Salem, May IS, I "Co. Late Prop r Capital Hotel. I have tried Leibea's Aane Pills, prornred of J. L. Clark, fialrm. and loand ibern a sure cure. STKI'IIKX POSTKK.' Ma-m," rVilem. C. M. Parmcnter (rtnecemor Ui K O. Bolter.) naai.sa it Imported andHome-Hade F TJ It NIT U HE! HprliiK IIsmIh, D1IR, WOOL, AD Pl'lU 11TTBCSSES, le., 4t. At Watt's old Stand, Covaraerrial Hi. Habrin. AmaroAisis.nl .oli't. N'llTICK ia lierel.r iitren llmt a a mertiuf of lb Iheortors of tbr SNiitiara (rold and Silver Minina! Comraany. held at their olllcal "at ibe M day of Jntw, ISSai. nn nonr.oenwnt, So, 7, of mi dollor ier share was levHril on tlie eaptlHl stork of said Company, pay able at their office, in irld or silver coin, on or beba-e l be '.h day of July. Isfi. The N-rielary waa dirervcl lo adrerliae for sale all stork on which there shall remain due anr aoseoametil on Mi, ah of Jnlr. P I.. WILLI 3, Holen, tliea-iKi. Jane 31. IHrtmiH' eee'v. laherirr Mais.' BT virtue of an execution from Ilia Circuit Coart of tlie tMnte nf (IreicHi f.ir the eoiiniy of t'nioit, anl to aie dirertrd by the t'U-rk of snid ronrt, in favor nf llrren Arnold and aamnet H C K-'I'ir and 4 II. Mar. tin, tor want of viwaial property. I bare levied npon one will expma forMNi to Uie snitbenl Indthrr for eaoli ia hor4 ol Ihe ronrt b" d.n.r ia Salea. Maraai roonlr. (Irrai. on MTI'KIIAV, the 'JHih nay or Jl'LV. limn the boar of oneo'elork p ai.alltlie nuln. into nnd inlcrrei nf Ihe anbl P. V Krinir of, in, aod lo the Mlowine oVrenbol real estate, to wu i ' Souo'e in Marina montr, Hiaie of Oreiron, NiMifl ratoai So. 4W. Omfimio' No I lr'. and ihe fractional It W of iha M K of He II, in T I K 3 W. of the W Ulnmctioareridion voaiaioins' S ami I ' I'"1 acree; aaltbo fractionol S (f-w 14. T 7 H , K t Y, eon. Inmina Hi mm ,' Hal nreos mnl riror ha Kn one. ia Hrr. . T 7 n. H 1 W . e-o.i.imna 40 and J H aeroo; ankin in nil Wl an M m or re-., lirotner with U,o aprnrt'-nnnea tboreaitlo bolonanna I lo bo sold to sal stly aaid eieialcn, r ota. Iuie.ru end amain eoala. NAM IIKAHbK K. a-honST ulrsa. Jneir'!',. Iww4-I Marina t'onnlv tIR ,IOW K Mia luronk.. hf JDIIN (' BF.M. 1ST 30 J" I II M . HAVINd purcltiiacd what was,ltnnwti as ths furto rv stoec.we talis pleasure in suviuir lo our fiieuils nnd the public in jfeneral, that we will keep our stock WELL ASSOItTED, And sell our ioods on as irood forms ns anv house in the citv. Our slock conaiets ot a general assort meat uf Dry-Goods, and Family Groceries, Hiirtlwnrc, Crockery, hoots a rs' i hhoioh: Hats and Caps, IRON AND NAILS, FACTOllY OOODHI etc., ace, fee. NICKLIN & CO. PURE LIQUORS ! OTARD BRANDY.tinlagemi; APPLE BRANDY, OLD BOURBON WHISKY. HOLLAND GIN, OLD HARMONY SHERRY, PURK CALIFORNIA SHERRY. OLD PORT WINE. ANGELICA WINE. PURE SHERR Y.fnr lacramental purposes. Hostetter't Bitten, Drake's Hitters, Snnsevnin's Wine Bitters, Richardson's Hitters, Hoofland't Hitters, Medicated Wiiib nnd Brandy, Wolf's Soheidaiti Sohnappt, All Warranted Pure & Unadulterated Fur sole by W. K..RIGBY, Druggist ami Apolhetnry, Coimuercial street, Union Block, Ritlein, OreKuii. fiV 6, W. HOBART, Saddle & Harness Maker Sllverton, Ure.o At Konp'a old sland, has constantly on bund a GOO IS VARIETY Of everything kept in bia line. It mil pay, in point of chenpnci and quality, to cull oil him before purcliHaiuy elsewhere. Try it and see ! New Work, and Repairing Done on short notice and all WAWUANTlil). Auction and Commission House, TMIK midernitfiii'd, a licenueil Auctioneer, will fll ull .ii lulu tif nieirlmmlitte, real etnt, lioiineliiilil fitrnittire, and eturk uf till kind, on reuHoiiuMo lei-tnn, Atictidii litKiiim in OuBtter'a bniltlin, one doui north of Finliur St Hdii'b Onck 'i'V Store, Coinitieicitil nlit'et, A libeml ftivHtivewill bo made ou rmmitriiinonU, Heunhir hb diiyn on SHtniduy ot eHeh week. N. li. KhIp id tho connlry promptly Httended lo, and 8Miiifaciiiti Kimninteed. S b. flAINE. Sleiu, June IS, AiulioiuiT. H. CORNELL, Dealer In Grorrrieit Frov Tivions, nnd Confectionery, Gents nnd Boys Hoots and Shoes LADIES' AND HISSES' SHOES! Crockery, Glassware, NAILS, IIOES.IIAKrs, VcM Ac., ( heap, for ChpIi or Country Produce. Goods delivered to ull (mitti of tlie City free ot chaise. Store, Si ute Si reft, four doont ent l'ott ollice. SuIlmu, June Si. ISiii 11)1 f U. Ct)KNKI.t. Marion County Medical Society, 110O3I NO. 1. Moores' Brick Block, Salem. Qcakteki.y Mki.tixus Last Tuestlays in January, April, July and October. Sphcui. Mkktinob htr discussion, every alternate Tuesday evening. Ci.i.iicai. and pMt'KSSAar PincTirK, Kvery Wednesday and Satiinlay, from I to '4. I' M Patients from the city or connlry wishing for con sultutioii iritkoHt iiwrrtif of r,ri)CHr, can avail them selves of theseoppoiiunilies. Memlwisof ihe Society rcsitlent in ilie t-iiy, and UMuwiated logifiberfor lis iemury Practice, will pay particular attention to the department connected with iheir individual names. 11. CAltPKXTr.il, M. I).. Operaiing Surgeon. E.lt KlSKK. M. !.. Physical signs. and treatment of Organic discuses. ).PKYTO...M !).. Practical Auifvlbesia, and diM-am'S uf the Nervous System. J W. M:AFKK. M. I) , Chemical tests of Secret ions, and diseuiats of the Blood and hkiu. J. BOSWEM.. M. ., General IMagtntsis and Ilvgietio. f J. II. WVTIIE. M. MicrotK'Opical exuiuiua lions. Discuses uf I lie Eve and Ear. rdHrtifioii.il. 'I 'HE Ornton Rlsle tvlumlloiml AmocIhHihi an') Ti'SchriV I liist;iiil will h(t Hi sixth annmilifiil.iii In Ureitnn City. fnintiieiictnx mi tlif lal Tulsy tn July, IA6, to continue thrw ilyf. Thv vlllSfns of Orf Kim City Uv very )(fnr ouiily i-mfffrH frin irtcrtatninrni to the tncnilstri tn stin. sure. Aa eariicil KniwBl Is lusiltr t" ftll tfHchcri, school- i UK-en, ui irivnui ol wjucaUimi in urcsnn to m ttee. D. C. PKAHiMJN, Kef. tc, Bkm, June4. 1M. 1A7 liOOTS & SHOES AT IN60 PRItKS, JOHN W. GILBERT, Importer and .Hauulucturrr ol BOOTS AND SHOES, ami detili'r in Leather, Shoemakers Tools, and FINDINGS. Inlon Block, Commercial Street, Mnleni, Orotfon. Has on hand a rail asanrlaient of errrr rarlcly ol Utaits atid Sliors now in tlia markat. Iluvina; nia.le arranaenieuis lo rertlre mjr stock DIHKi'T VRO.tl illAXrrat'TrRKRSt, I can fnnilsli yoods for leas titan ANT OTHER DOCSK IX TUB STATE. AU work of my own tnannfartnre is made nf TIIK IKKV BKftT TIATKRIAI., And put loetbr by good irorkinuu and guaranteed to give saiinscimn. omi MO MAN'S HOTEL. Commercial A , ninnite tlie Rt earn boat Laindiny. Salem, Oregon. SING LK AND 1)01 BLK ROOMS. ftnuril per el U.mrt and Mpn. I. If $.110 $ii tsi to $7 tat 1. V.sl(IHSMAN.I'ro(ir. WATFD. GKHANII'M ASI I.AVKNDKR I.KAVKH, llimor Hnrklra. snit all kinds of Pratf-ranl r'low era and barbs for diMiilinsj Perfumrrr. at J k. I LAliK i Apoiiiorarr ami liruaaist. Hnloin. t'rriK'h Window C.lusa. STAIXKU (il.Ars". mil KiKnred lllass, tlnld lraf, (Iroiiiina T.aila. Camel and FWilila Hair Drnaliea, ItianHHid flUaa t'ullors, sVe , e , at win MYkltH at rtllKIH llouar for Mult! In Hulrm. ) TUP. llnrSK sM TWO Urra knowa as u ab.ri A tmtih prnPortr, snolh of lha arnlre, nltl nt ail-l ol a horain. Trrm. one half , anil the rmsln'W In toe motalmnmi. no nm.. Knqnira nf I. I. aKMI.I.V, Albonr, OT a MiaitM. mmtm. lono list l'urn Cri'HNi Tnrtnr, And Hiala, In bulk. tnr m Halihetia, or any vlber out op ia small parkapea. Korsnl ii tlie r-inn-r oppiartie lha Capital Hotal, and I' m ufat, Mai Hi reel, Silrra J. K C'UltK. Mnrell, 'i. I' DrKtgitl m,i AimlierMrt. (aalSt n Ire sole, l. .f.lllN I IIM.I. TO THE AFFLICTED, Tho American Cholagogue. ACCKTAIN UKMKDY for AGl'K ami KEVKIl, Mini all other ltilioui diioiiM. Il Pltiki al tbe rooOof (Imchk by ruuiovinx the cainw; Mi ailion ii prompt and healthy, clianinr and purifying the blood, aroiminir the torpid livur to a benlthy action, riMioVHiintr nnd Invigorating all nf the vital power. It hi adHpted etpmlly to the aed ai:d the Intant, the in uhp ulttr mini hih! the delicate female i t Is thorough, ly etlieieut, though perlectly mild and hum i lew. It cuittuiai no mwnic ur other dcleteriomdruKS. Rhodes' Celebrated Ague Remedy, or Nature's infallible ipecifio. Peraoni who dh the medicine are wife from attack at any nnd all seutioni and in any climate. Jacobs' riioltrn, Dysentery, und Diarrhoea Cordlul; Admirably adapted to the many rternliHi' maladies of females, a sovereign rvinedy for all bowels aU'eetiinm, cholera, dysentery, diarrlMea, cholera morbus, cholie, iiiHamuimiuii of the bowels, weakness of stomavli and bowels, indict ton ur dyHepsia, etc., etc, eto Kllxlr or Peruvian Bark, With Protoxide of Iron. H is pleasant and ruieftd to the taKte, 1 1 u v i 1 1 if none of tho inky flavor peculiar to iron remedies In low siatas of tlie system it will be found to be particularly cllicaeious. lis nne is in dicated in dy pepsin, loss of Hppetite, diarrhoea, boils, headache, carbuncles, etc., etc., ete. NcwelPs Pulmonary Syrup i One of the best remedies ever known for Ihe enre of rot i y lis, Collin, fonsnniption.Hftthma.hronfhitis, whoop-intf-conli. and all discuses of the thnwt and limits. Put up with urent care and with the very best material - Wright's Indian Vegetable Syrup, For Chitdivn. This delightful article has been In use in the large cities for t ha last twelve years, with the greatest success. Being prepared from the same ma terial as Wright' Pills, it posMHseBalltheirp-Uraordi-nary virtnes, while it is made to agreeable to the taste that children are induced to take it without dif ficulty. In all complaints of children, whether pre monitory or critical, tite svrnp will be found of the highest value lived for dysentery, diarrhma whoop ing cntiirh. measles, en) io, fevers (if all kinds, and fur everything that the Pills are recommended for. Dr. Hunter's Celebrated Erndlcator, Warranted tol the best remedy in the world for gonorrhea and all private disease, and ill leas time than. ever donn hy any other medicine. It la recom mended by all of Ibe most noted physicians in the f astern ciiicp. Watts' Nervous Antidote, and Physical restorative. The Medical Wonder of the Age. The most powerful und wonderful medi cine ever discoverd-f guaranteed to care every nerv ous or spasmodic diwnse. It is a nervine nf such mi raculutirt power that it is unimportaul how long the disease has existod, if it a rites directly or indirectly troui a uervoiis utiucuon. Cruger'ft Concentrated Cure, or llcndacho lleuiedy, for general or local debility, nervous weaknesses, etc., etc.. etc. In ottering this medicine to the public, we do it with the utmost con fidence in its superior medicinal virtues. It has been over ten years since if was flrst introduced to the pub lic, during which period it has given euiiro sat i fac tion. By constantly keeping a bottle of ihe Concen trated Cure in tho house, hundreds of dollars can be saved. Prepared, wholesale-, hy K.Cruger, New York. Woods' Hair Restorative, Warranted to rpstoro urny hair to its natural color and beauty. The most perFi-efc remedy ever discov ered. This valuable iiieiairation excites the scalp to a new and healthy action, cluances it from scurf und dandiiitf, and cures those eruptive disease which of ten appear upon the hewd- li given the Imir a rich uid beautiful annpumnce, and it is uuenuuled by anvlliing ever o tie red tn the public. Uugles Hair Dressing. The most ncrtccl drosiuir now In ui-a. This nlcMs- nut, aureuable, and vulualde prepaiatii ti isaiiindis peiifable article tor the Imlut. It will cleauae the skin, ami not slain ihe Uncut linen, hut tlt hair will assume a darker apisearai.ce. It Is easilv applied. I.adies and gentlemen, hv usiuir this ln-nuMfnl preparation, will tiud that it dUp'if-e the harshest and coarsest Imir to stay In any portion they nmy preler. and at once ren tiers it sort ami gives it a unit appearance, its supo riorilv ovor all others has been acknowledged by all whn have lined it. All of these preparations are for sale by V. Hi KIGDV, Druggist and pulhccury, I Itf ('omiiicrciiil s;., Union Hloek, Kalem. JOHN C. BELL Una Just 11 pit bed mid Is Now Opening a Wry Hue Muck of Spring Goods! DIKM'T I' It OH ny FIIAXISKO, CilNHISTIXQ (IF EVERY VARIETY of UliLSS and F.1NCY ARTICLES Aninli.' wliit-li are SILK l'OI'MNS. of vnrieil sljlet, Lnilles Li Hilts mill Lulls, Jiiciimls iimiI ltnri'gi's, Drown Unmnsks, Swiss Mull nml Cliiiuilirns, SltiC MM KI.KVATOHN, Imlia rulilii-r Pages, Gilt Cm il nml bullet' Forms, Xew St) lc SprliiKd; Summer BONN ETS Silk Girilli-s, liuglo Tfiiniiiings. Krtrlli- Sltnnls, l.niiia 1'lniil Shu Is, I.iiiei) Cults. LatliiV hiui'ii Co Ittrs (eyvil) Kniliruiili ri'il llauilkercliii-fs, UDIKB AXIS .IllsmliSI' IIATN, Fliiniici tl llrtiiil nml Di-rliy Hals, IVrlal-litaiil N'nrnmn lints, Clmllies. Jlnlitiir Dress Gi'ihIs, Fancy Lawns. Hiiltil lllauk Law ii. Itrimilwny nml Dnplex Skirls), M usi tiles Ciiunteipaiira anil bed Quiits. qi Ml.l DKI.AJttS),' 'every variety and aljle," Mozati ltiiiii'S, Illuck ami Wltlte l)u Cltevrw, Aliarrcas. Urguuilies, Cliitz. Merinos. White and Kaiirv-Oilnreil BALMORALS. SprHftte, I'liiliji Allen & Mi-rrintao I'KINT.S bnglisli ami rrenun 4-4 fancy rrinis, I'ms. fjiillonn, J)eniiiit ami riiltnnnile, . 1 ami 4 4 llrnwn Cottons, I Drilliiict anil Kina I0 4 8HEETIXO. Together with a general asaortiueni of Gents and Youths' Goods, of every variety. Also a se i.ssdiu aaaoaTMSKT nf Gents Boots and Shoes, A rii isaoaTtir.sT of Ladles and Clilltlrcn'N Shoes An ia eitetitivt stock of HAItDWAttK! qittl.HW.IHK, ami CJ It O OK It I IS H: -All of whi.li will be HOLD LOW, fur Cash, Wool or Country Produce JOIIl I'. RKI.fi. hAI.KM. April lO, I KM. f Buckeye Reapers and Mowers! JL'ST HK' KIVKI. from Ilie aa-eiits in San Irraneta en. a Inraa k of Ilia ahnve eelebraleil Ajiirul turul luipleineuu, whn h wa offer at San Francisco Price, and Freight FHirKm A Deanerand Mower Comliilied.Xo I, ftarueat 1 sis.! t) WW HO Mower, No. I . (laraest site) 175 00 " i, nerond site l.'sO 00 tl.so, Hvers' Patent Uj Kle.oti.ra .... U 00 M'arraultd to anl.nol ll laraeat l aid ol bay and alow it away in Iti peak of a bam, or iiap of a Mack, in fnna tlirea tu llva niinutea. No fanner aboald be wilb'iut tliem. Hi.iid lur a eirenlar to Mi ( KAKKN. HKIIKU.L 4. Co. p.Mtlan1, Afiil , lin. a Anis 18(5G. Spring Trade! BREYMAN BRO'S Are now rcoeivitij anil opening their large stock ol SPRING AND SUMMER GOODH, And hereby respectfully annoiims to the public of Salem and vicinity that they hare now the best assortment of goods in their line ever ottered before in Salem. Their stock consists of DRY GOODS. FANCY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS and SHOES, . HATS AND CAPS, OHOCICTIIKH, CKOCkEltf M) GLASSWARE, Hardware, etc., On of ill" Arm liavinv tietn in tlia 8an Franciavo uiarket lor several weeks, nu iaiua lias tieen siared lo select the NEWEST STYLES AND FASHIONS or Ladies' Dress Goods! Fancy Goods, LADIES SILK CLOAKS & MANTILLAS Ladies Hats, Gents Furnishing Goods! CL0TUIM1, KTC. Call an.l tee ot licfiiro pnrulinting clsesthero We will tell nt tlio (otrcit market rata. fur Cash or Frmlooo. ealtin. April 2, lwill. M I- WANTED, 50,000 lbs. WOOL! At HKRVnAKf BHOTHRRa. Just Received, SOU I. Bit. HKW t'AL. VKATIIEHN, 0 WO.. BICOHPRIIVnsl, K,.i i.liliK.. Ill BRKVJI4N HIIOM. New Goods and New Styles, J. B. & M. HIltSCH ! Ant now receiving, nt tlieir L 1 H T AM), Cor Comnierciul and Ferry Streets, bulb fruui Nrw York un I Sun Francisco, a LA till Kami WELL SELECTED atwk uf Ladles', Gents' and Childrens FURNISHING GOODS, Dry, and Fancy Goods v AMI klUULiI IIATB, CAPS, GROCERIES c CROCKERY . and a Regular Assortment ..nr.. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. lUODITC1: XAlilOX in eacbnnge for gooiU. Persons wlshluitto purchase will do well lo sail and eiauiiiie before uurcbasint slswhore. J. U. at M HIKSC'll, WOOL! WOOL! 800,000 lbs.! WOOL WANTED .' for which we will par ibe HIGHEST MARKET RATES. IT OAB1I! J. B.&M.HIRSCH, ALR,t. OBrtOKI. (IIIEHIII STE.I1I KHIC 111 ((I, Sumiher Arrangement TUB BTEAMKItH NEW VOItLI, CASCADE, , .mi.. , WILHON a. HUNT, , CAPTJNO. WOI.KE Coiatnander. Will leave PORTLAND Hnllr. ltiiiiidnvsiiaoesied) at 6 o'elock, a m fur tlia CASCADES, cuunect . ItiK Willi Ibe steamer ONKONTA or IDAHO CAHT. JNO. McSULTY Couimauder For Dallea-Through In One liny I TIIK 8TBAMKIIH VAKinA. HUH.KIIIT, ' OWVHKK, OKAKAGON, Oapluins E. K COK. 0. VEI.TOK, J, H. GRAY, tad Will run during tba season, from k tclllo to I'mstllla, Wallala, White Blifk, rajouse ana Lewisios. One of ilie above named boata will leave CRM. LO for FJ.TIATILLA anil WAl.l.l'I.A dailv, (Ki ndays excepted.) iioais win iieiiisiateiieu tiirnniraBijuera, PAI.Ol'Mtt and LKWIsJTOrif aa often at tbt at- eeafity uf Ibe irade will demand. TIIK STKAMKR W II OH HO IV K, . ('APT. J. MYltICK Commander. Will run from OI.DH' FRRRY, on Snake Hlver to HOISlK CITY, OWVIIKK tnd atOlTTM BOnj LAWBIKO, (ju.inerliuif with THOMAS k OO.'H BTA0E8, I M. Da Belle ilo.'i'rVat Freight Llnei. i. C. AINHWOUTII, . 1'reaideiit 0. 8. N .to. Portland. Marvb, IWI. HUTH, DURBQRH & CO. THANKFUL for pnsl favom, and bofiiux to aieril a coiiiiunance of tba same, would resiwelliitlr annoiiuca tbat llievaronow recelvint; and opeulua a lare asaortinent iif New & Cheap Goods Clothing, renc Goods, Dry Goods. 1 Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, &c ' Fancy Gootlti. We would rail particular nitnniion to onr exlea- sive stonk of j Hardicare, Iron and Sltel, . Carpenters' Tools. Nuts and Bolls, Blacksmiths' Tools, .Spring Axles, . Uunsmiths' Tools, Carriage Fixlvtfts, Agricultural Tools, Mill Savs, House Furnishing Hardware. " ..ALSO.. A Flusj Line of CurtaliiN, . rixlurra, H nil Pnprr, Cnrprtej, Mir ro ra Itlniilnt;, Clc. Faints, Oil, Lead, Putty, Glass, QUEENSWARE, Viirnitsliost, Cilnassswui-e, CROCKTjGIIY. Sugar, Coffee, Tea and Tobacco! Which wt will offer at prices for Cash or Country Produce. ' Which cannot fail to please ertrfMy. flif HKATH, I'KAHBOMM aV Co. 7ool C7antod. Wu will puirliaM All the Wool We Can, Kur which wa will pay The Highest Market Rates, iu V. 8. Gold Coin, sr, If preferred, NEW GOODS, AT CASII1 RATKS. Uf I11JAT1I, DEAKHtlUN tV Co, FII.1IU GROCEHIES I Cau always be had for For Cibli, or Country Produce. And be delivered, free of charge, to all parts of Ilia citv, ALL KINDS Of COOPER WARE Kent on baud and made to older on good tcresa. ..ALSO.. Clothes Wringers of Different Xlida. Baskets. Brooms. Washlubs, Buckets, Caamt, ot. Candles, Coal Oil, Matktrtl, Salmon, Herring: Codfish, 6'ar dines.Ouslers. Clams. Sugar .Noil, Syrup, Ckeesi, Cr'atktrt, IEIHM1, ASlT OTHER FiuS, Tobacco, Oigart, Batches, Fancy istl Toilrt Sonpi, Conibs, Iruhn, It, Past favors (ratcfullv rememlwred, and fulnre pat rmiaK reaiecllallv solicited. ,T. M. COULTER (Four Doors aorlli of Mimroa' Hrirk MlockJ 8alem, Oregon. PAINTS. " MIXKI) PAINTH, for rmliillna Watona ana) far rlaiies, all kinds of oolors, iu oil and waler, for ItiMioe f'aiiitilih'.at omit mykiw mona Tirniahta ! NOBLK k. Hoar's Knaliah. Amrrban Coach, Ct pal, Hensln, Damar, and Hbellae Varnkdies, at neib MVHia m, NlliOrt a. r. m a. m. - tAl.r.M UOUUIt No t i.hlsllantalasoaiwl. oatlon. no Mm aocond anal lowlk frMsjra la eak ainath aroibianlk .hI .landtna si. In.lti to jtfi n t. p H Mere., s.. tin I HoH, w H. UIHH: WtB,JSl