The Oregon statesman. (Oregon City, O.T. [Or.]) 1851-1866, July 09, 1866, Page 2, Image 2

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    ""sale m.m ondayTjuly 9. ism.
Ninety years ago the old Itiilcpenoe Bell at
Philadelphia proclaimed " Liberty to the Urn,
and to all the inhabitant) thereof ;" hut in a
Journey of leu than sixty years the sinister
fiend of human slavery had to well nigh suc
ceeded in itrangling tho herculean infant nf
American liberty, that thenoefnrward hit prog
ress wai disputed at every itcp. As years
dragged heavily on, thoughtful men discovered
lbs) ' irrepressible, conflict," aud set their honse
in order to meet the impending oriaia. A free
press would not always remain silent upon tho
till of a lyitom of moral and political crime,
which would not permit investigation nor brook
condemnation; and free ipeeoh railed aloud its
voice for an even race between freedom and
lavery. The principle) of Jefferson's immor
tal oonception of right, truth and justice, a)
annotated in the American Declaration of In
dependence, ejuld not be treated ai "glittering
generalise) ;" hot the right to establish them in
aplrit and In truth wai demanded for the pio
neer Territories a well aa for the Stale).
Slavery met thia demand by an appeal to
armi, to destroy the nation which had been
proclaimed on the 4th of July, 177(1. That
appeal waa carried by the American people
before the " God of batllea," and hat been de
cided. For a little while Freedom at dejected,
bemoaning and sorrowlu! among her slain son)
at Boll Ron but decently laying the slaught
ered heron in their latt retting place, ihe gird)
np her loin, oalla her armor-bearers from out
the pine foreata and wheat-field prairie) of the
North, and aoon her iword i) teen flashing in
gloriou) triumph, commemorating the auspi
eioui anniversary over lhe.battlenients of Vicks
borg. The Dagon of Slavery fell upon hi) face
nd bortt asunder and the flaming banners of
Freedom are once more waving frain every
flig-staiT in the nation. In apito of bloody
banded Ireaaon, and it) coadjutor (cowering,
ehiverlog, compromising copperlieaditm), wo
have lived to glory in a Fourth of July when
one flag baa bceu folded to the heart of every
State, and ono Conititution bind) all in an in
divisible Union.
The God of Juilice baa been in thi) matter.
With a just cause, the power or the Southern
armies never could have been broken. Hut
Omnipotence let fall his bolted wrath upon the
only black spots of oppression upon the fair
land of Colombia. There are yet somo uneasy,
shifting olouds of di)uontcut some murk'niese
and vaproaa gloom in the Southern horizon
bnt with patience, prudence, charity, and, above
11, juitioe, these exhalations of the battle lie Id
will soon disappear; and over all we shall soon
behold Freedom lifliog op the onus of our na
tional redemption to the admiring gaze of Bp
plaoding millions of freemen, In all lands.
He is but a dull student of our pant history
and present decade who does not read its les
sons for the future; and the statesman who does
not take advantage of our experience to pro
vide wise legislation lor the nation is nnworthy
of the name and undeserving his position. What
lbs reformation led by Lntber was to the Chris
tian world, the reoent rebellion in the United
8tates is to the world of politics. Old preju
dices have been broken down, old policies have
been swept away, and the institution) of a cen
tury') grewtb have been utterly destroyed.
Men have grown apaoe, the intellect is taking
in larger views of life, and civilization has wid
ened Its boundaries. Upon the grand question
of lbs integrity of the Union, a " manifest des
tiny " baa decreed that there shall ultimately
be bnt on Government and one people in
North America, and that that people will bo
freemen, and tbelr Government the perfection
of repnblioraism. Nature sets no insuperable
barriers to the expansion of a vignrons, pros
perous, Jost and humane nationality, save where
Ihe " imperial waves of old Ocean resign their
empire amid the breakers of the beach." There
may be broad and deep rivers, yet their onoon
fjoered floods become bnt the highways nf com
merce. We may have onr "Allrghenirs " and
"Sierras," with the sublimer altitude of
" Hoed " and " Shasta," yet they will become
hot resting places for Ibe American Eagle, as
be surveys the conquests of his nation .upon
either aids. It is not possible for any mortal to
prefigure or fortell the grandenr of that empire
which onr republio may achieve under the im
partial administration of joet and equal laws.
The raoes of the Occident and the Orient have
met in oar day upon the basis of an equality of
citil rights, nnder one flag, and Ihe patient
labors of lbs one. rouning through the experi
ence of forty centuries, is but made Ihe servant
and aid of Its Anglo-Saxon superior. Our
ouuntry baa already achieved among nations
. the first position in ths perfection of arts and
science, in ths glory of military prowess, in Ihe
extent of territory, in lha freedom aud excel
lence of laws, and In Ibe happiness, prosperity
and Intelligence of ths people. It is not pos
sible for Ibis glorious beniflcenoe lo Ihe human
raos lo totter and fall in disgrace. It will go
on and just Imagine the multiplied greatness
which this empire of lbs weal shall present lo
ths child of a dozen years, now befogged with
his map of thirty-six States, when ibut boy
(ball bend nnder Ibe weight of three-score and
, ten. May Ihe glory nf our fatherland increase,
may its greatness be multiplied, may its good
ess be Inestimable; may its flag be advanced
higher and higher,
Until oe Its folds tlx Man he tnuttli.lird.
IB Shall IHNIIl lo II slid ,av Wllu nrtde.
Thebes snarrl
bed ber Ibwuaudi I mm in but died lain.
Ws auruh uur millions Imm aa handled States.'
Oil. 8tbuck in Orsoon. Wt bars reliable
Information of an oil discovery in Ihe Uinpqua
Valley, mads very recently, which is veritable,
ganainc peiroleam. Ths whole matter will be
tested at an early day. It proves this; that
there iaoil In Oregon as well aa In Pennsylva
nia. While on this subject, ws may alale that
n number of enterprising citizens of Salem are
stoat organizing a company to test lbs oil aud
t aoal Indications ovsr In Polk. Ws learn that
Seme sixteen haodred aores of land have been
leased, for this purpose, lbs necessary boring
apparatus to pal down a hole several hundred
fact ban been purchased, and Ibat lbs work
will bs ooaiinenoed at aa early day. Ws bavs
examined asms of Ins evidences ef oil and ooal
a the leased land, and ws are confident that
they famish lbs best Indications of these uiln
trait ws have yet seen in Oregon. Ws wish
the maany sneseas.
UiaamnoMAa' faith. whsl Is Unit" It U
oaM Irrhsa " Mutinies. It k a grand pan
mmk (.kiais of Ike hills and vales, lb futlw ud u,t
esttef theUreea KamaM Me of Ihe Urn. Blalsdell
- ...11 ,i,.,, ti j fi.U.., ,1.1' ThMtof Ihh
atsty ned Tesed itMiajj. tastier with lbs 1. II
rlsfisf . Mjvttci sad luauuKB as are ban sat bad
a "" l I go) while, e alfhl s well all f
We have been permitted lo make u cursory
examination of the evidence nf this Company in
support nf its claim against Ihe United States,
so far as it has been taken; and from the dep
osition of Dugalil Mactavish, chief factor of the
Company, taken at Montreal, Canada, we ex
tract the fallowing items, which may ho of in
terest to our readers. Maolnvish entered the
service of this fur company in 183.1, as a book
keeper, crossed the Rocky Mountains into Or
egon in 1839, acted as bonk keeper of Ihe oom -pany
at Vanconver for many years, and was
made chief factor of the company in 1851.
For his services at this time, and since he came
to the position or chief factor, his salary has
been quite handsome, according to his own
words, "two eighty-fifths nf forty hundredth
parts of the profits nf the w hole for business of
Ihe company." He also has the tamo interest
in the claim against tho United States. His
valuation of properly in this country is quite
rose-colored ; as, for example, he eitiiuiited the
value of Ihe Vancouver establishment, as main
tained by the company, at the clever little sum
of five or six hundred thousand dultais. To
make this out, he places 1,92(1 acres at Van
couver, including the company's buildings, at
Ihe smn of two hundred and fifty dollars per
acre; 3,200 acres at Lower Plain, just below
Vancouver, at one hundred dollars per aero;
and 12.000 acres below Lower Plain at twenty
live dollars per acre ; and then lumps the "good
will" of the Indians at enough to make nut hit
sum. We are of opinion that the people ol
Clarke county would be very ghil to sell nut
to Sir Dugdale Mnctovish, mid throw in their
lire stock, houses, and nil Ihe improvements nf
fifteen years' labor, for much less than his fig
ures. To show how closely this Scotch Eng
lisliman estimates, he soys that the Vancouver
establishment comprised "pig styes and two
grape vines of great value." From this state
ment we should infer that there Vancouver
grape vines were something like those, from
which the Israelite spies took the fruit which
they bore back in triumph from the land of
Canaan. This it but a sample nf the nliannl.
ities which go to inaka up this humbug
"trumped np" claim nf this grasping monop
oly. Hut with all bia Scotch whims, Muctav.
ish gets in some truth. He states that the com
pany's buildings at Cowlitz, fur nhich they ark
some fifteen thousand dollars, tumbled into the
river, and that Ihe company had abandoned
Forts Hall, Walla Wolla and Doise before the
American) assumed control nl the country.
Ho states tho onmpany'a annual profile from
Ihe business in furs, nn this side of the Moun
tains, at $30,000 ; the profits of the Sandwich
Island) trade, 110.000, and the profile of Hie
Russian American, trade nt $10,000; so Mint
l lie company') net profits in the Oregon terri
tory amounted to about $."0,000 per nmiHin.
We think Ihis was at least a " living " business.
and that, as it turned out In be Auiericnn soil,
they bare made quite enough off their neigh
bor's land to pny lliein for Ihe trouble nf leav
ing it. The account ought to lie rquarrd with
out paying another cent.
The United Stales is not yet done hiking
testimony, and we may refer lo the subject
again. Our Government has been very for tun
ate in selecting the Hon. W. C. Johnson to at
tend lo the American interests involved, as the
energy and signal ability he has manifested in
iriiign.g out the truth from Ihit monstrous cliiiin
against the notional purse, shows him lo be cm
phatically tho right n an for the case.
Capt. Lafoi.i.ktt'h Coiu'AKr.-?-Compa
ny A. 1st Oregon Infantry, was mustered out
of the service at Fort Yamhill, on July 1st.
This company of Oregon Volunteers deserve
more than Ihe mere mention of their mutter
out." They were the first men to respond tu
Ihe call of the Slate for soldiers, ami were tho
first organized into a company. Their conduct
during the service has been must exemplary
and commendable, it is related nf lliem by
their captain and surgeon, that nhlie stntiuue
away out at Camp folk, one hundred and fifty
miles from any while face, and imprisoned in
their camp by almost impassable snows, the
Captain and Surgeon left camp for the Indian
Reservation, to be gone several days, ami left
exposed to their view ill the Captain's quarters
several boxes nf flue liquors, and several boxes
nf tobacco, not by way of temptation, but ho.
cause there was no storehouse for these things,
and that the liquor and tohnoon were not on
ly found untouched and undisturbed, although
Ihe men had used the Captain's room constant
ly, hut it was undisturbed the whole win
ter, although Ihe men were all entirely desti
tute of such articles. This it but a siuglu in
stance of Ihe noble conduct nhich these brave
hoys from Folk and Denton, have displayed
during their tiresome service in Ihe mountains.
Ws need not say that they possess the entire
confidence and affection of their commanding
officer, and thai be maintains a like hold upon
their good opinions. After they were muster-
d nut and paid off. Ihsy repaired to Ihe Cap-
Iain's quarters, demanded a parting speech,
gave him three hearty cheers, and bid him an
alTvCtionato farewell. Captain aud Company
alike are noble fellows, and Oregon niay well
he proud i f all such.
Ths Xohthibk Paciric Ktt Riitn The North
era I'aeiUc Railroad bill win dctraied not lone; aco in
he House ihrouirh lha ihtliHn,i of iht corse of Inb-
hvism. which in these tituis initkes itself powerfully
Ml hi all legislation, Slate and imlinnnl. A Kraal of
lands for ilis Northern road would t,-ad lo tl,w hcvihii-
nlislnneitt or some result, as Hi lauils mi Hint route
are in cmisitletahte purl ciiile lerlile ami vaiwble ol
suslainin a hup population iudepeudeiii ol the mines
t rere ansa.
We think the (begonia is laboring under a
misapprehension of Ihe fau's. According lo
our information the "Northern I'aeilio Railroad
Hill," which has been recent I J defeated, was a
bill pledging the credit of the government, by
means nf paying ihe interest on certain
amounts of the bouds of the Northern Com
pauy, and then trusting the company aud lis
sales of lands for reiuipursemeiit. The Dill
granting lands to Ihe Northern Company pass
ed Congress nearly two years ago, aud is still
a law,
IssArHAR "An o'er true tale" of James K.
Kellv. Jimmy O'Meara, and James I). Fay,
lbs Foundling.
Ws ars ndr obligations to Ihe Albany
Journal, for t'H'Iraled copies nf ihis most pa
th'tio tale. It is an exoellrul document to cir
culate I it will remind ootulilulinnal democrats
of their "latter tnd," which will be thai "last
ditch," II Is a tale In more than one lesprcl.
In fact, ws frar that Kelly will think it his
"o'er Irus tail.''
IlANnsnnn Dbcoratiuns. Ths business
men of Salem showed their good taste by dec-
orating and shading Ihe fronts of their business
house on Ibe Fourth of July, with evergreens.
Starr'a stove store is conspicuous in that line,
many of lb evergteetis being wnieti In
to handsome devices, Intertwined with the N'a
linnal eolors.
The celelirnlinn of the Fourth of July in Ihis
place passed off very pleasantly, with one or
two exceptions, and with much more spirit and
enthnsiiiHin than we have usually observed for
several years. Tho turn nut in Ihe procession
of citizens, Firemen. Good Templars, car
riages, etc. was very large, and the exercises
of the celebration conducted in the most ap
propriate mnnner. - Tho car load of thirty-six
little girls, each waving the start and stripes,
and elegantly decked with flowers and ever
greent, made a fine feature of the procession.
The music furnished by the Aurora Brass Band
could nut be excelled. The oration nf Dr.
Wythe was eloquent and appropriate, and re
ceived with Hie greatest enthusiasm.
A prominent feature of the day's perfurm
anco w as the ceremonies of the " Flug Ug
lies." They were about a) ludicrous a set as
we have ever beheld, but their introduction of
Boyakin and Jeff in hoops was hardly allowa
ble. The orator of the Plugs delivered an im
mense oration, covering something 'near four
hundred pages of foolscap, so closely written
you could not see the lines. He made tome
good points and did hi) part well.
We regret to have to slate in this connection
that some ' Jeff Davis Democrats," as they
called themselves, could not respect tho day
better Ihaii to give vent In their infamous trea
son on our streets, by damning the flag. One
man, who lives over tho river somewhere, de
dared that any man who would inarch after
" that flag" (pointing to the national banner
as it passed) " ought to be shot," and then af
terwards qualified that by declaring that " any
Democrat w ho would march under it ought to
he shot." His blatant treason could not be
tolerated here, and a lot of Union men took
hi in in charge and forcibly placed him over the
river. Those who took part to screen the vil
lain have sufficiently identified themselves with
the luminous sentiments he expressed to mark
them for the future, Enemies nf the Govern
ment ought lo be taught by nn illustration of
Lynch law, that the loyal men will not permit
traitors to insult Ihe (lug on the Fourth of July
If such men have no mnre regard for the peace
nf community than lo try to gut up a riot at
this national celebration, they ought In know
that peaceable nnd law abiding citizens will
have but little rega:d for their necks after the
riot is started.
The Good Tkmn.aiis. The growth ot the
Order of Good Templars in Oregon has been
rapid almost beyond precedent. But little
over one year ago Ihe first Lodge was organ
ized ut Jacksonville, under a charter from Ihe
Grand Lodge of California, and n w Ihe order
numbers forty bulges, working under th
"(Jrnnil Lodge nl Oregon." 1 hero have heen
as yet nn detailed reports of membership rent
into thu Grand Lodge, it having heen but
recently organized ; lint Prof. Pearson, the
Secretary of the Grand Lodge, and one of the
chief promoters and best workers i f the or
der, informs us that Ihe membership nf the
Order must now reach nearly three thousand,
in Ihe State. Such prosperity in a reform as
sociation w as never dreamed of for any part nf
this const. Tho work is still going nn, and ev
ery week increases the allendaiica and enthu
siasm. May we not certainly predict for this
Order more limn an ephemeral existence, nnd
the accomplishment of a great good,
' Gov. W ooiig in Town We received Ihe
pleasure of a cull last w eek from our able and
distinguished (liner nor elect, the Hon. George
L. Wool's. He looks as fresh and vigorous,
after his Ino months' campaign after Ihe reb
els, as Ihn iluy be started in after the unfortu
nate "Issaebar;" nnd be enjoys tho special
honor or In iug thu candidate upon whom was
directed the main nssuults from all the rebel
batteries in all parte of tho State. After trying
to trade off their whole ticket to defeat our
candidate for Governor, Ihey are compelled to
ooulesa that he was too much for their whole
force. We are glad to leuru that Gov. Woods
intends to remove lo Saletu. and give Ihe State
the benefit of all his time in attending to tho
duties of hit office We extend him n hearty
Itixoar nt District fViiooi,, loa ths vkah
l'(lllIKM'l0 AlO. Vl, I Nli-I . SSDIMJ Jl'LT II. IwlO TliS
school Ihis been taiilit forty-four wet-kit. Three teach
ent have tieen coiiritiinlly employed :
No. eurolhd, l-t i'r, males, principal dopnrtia't. . . . M
" " " t!lllll,-ft. " .)
" " " males, primary " nil
" ' ' leiiiiiluH, " 62
Total numlier enrolled. It quarter. 2'.'!
Averuue HtieiKlioue, lit quinter, prim-ipiil depart
ment, ih primary depaiiuient, 70 1,',4
No. enrolled '.'d ;r., mules, principal depaittn't 60
" " " lemHle. " " .... 41
" ' " in;ih'i. piiniHry " ... M
" " " teliiulert, " ... Nil
Toiul mimlier enrolled 'M quarter 2ihi
Aveniire Mlttmliim-e Vd quarter, piiiiciuil depart
maul, 73 primary depiiitmi in, ' ij Ill )
No. rniollid. 3,1 qr males, principal dipattni'l.
" " " lemales,
" ' " nile, primary
" " " females, , ' " ,
.. M
.. Si
.. .Ml
.. 24
Toial nuniUr enrolled 3d quinter Ill
Average a'leiuiaiice, Jii quarter, principal depart
ment, ,1$ primaiy department, 64 12ll
No enrolled, 4lh qr., male. priiieiial di pama'l. . . A7
" " " lellliiles, " " .... 64
" " " inalett. piimitry .... tiA
" " " lelllaleit, " .... 46
Total miailrr 4ih quarter til
Aventue Nlli-iul.u.ce 4Ui quarter, piiavipal deuiil-
llieul, Hi primaiy department, 73 l.V
Aveiaue attend nice' for the year. pnn. dep't 7 10
" " " prim.deiartni't.7U
Toll 141)1-6
rU-M bive been maintained In book-keeping and
lilitiia. betide all the looer sludiei'. II. ('. l'eanon
ha Iwd ilura ol the avhovl, and taught the prtnrial
dewriment. lira. P. 1.. I'riie bas laughl lha primary
ileparlincnt Hie tint and fourth terms, ai d Hut E. A,
llnmnlirey II, e cond and llilid teiUM. Miaa C. Wall
wi'ti il In both departmenii until nearly Ihe middle of
Ihe last term, and it It. 1'raiwa part at the bed term.
I'oaraiiT ind Lmwai-i I'aintisu We takeplra-
ure In Introducing to our readers and the frietnbi of art
neueially, Mrs. Hum-ey. who baa come lo Salem lo per
manently engage in her pro(i--iou of portrait and land
scape painting. She comes biahly recommended by
parlleslu ahum we have Ihe hl(ihest conltdeure and
re-Hi t. a a lady of ri Itiiemrnl aud (duration, and an
iitil of aupeiior abilities, and taught of lb beat teaeb-
era in Ilia Ail.iulii Hiaiea. Kurlber than this, she oltrs
her own paintings and portraits, executed in Salem, as
the best tvidriic of her claims la patronage. Her
aprvially will he the coloring and rtt, u, bli'g, In India
ink. of lane and Hue photograph ai d oilier sua pic
lore. She may bs found at the Capital Hotel.
Oatuox jtoir Woaas W. I. Iliggins A Co. adver
II their aiaaufarture of soap in thia paper, and we
here rail the ,d our reader hi Ilia advertise
ment. The mauafai'luiTra complaiu that they do nol
receive the trade whirh lhy ate entitled to from the
people of Oregon. This ahonld tio be so This la a
brau, h of home m inalai liuea thai should bs supported
to Ilia lull ralrnt of our bom conauniplioa of thi arti
cle. Why ab.aild we glva oar money lo faa Krtn, Imd
mea lo Isold up Ihrlr tow oe and Slate la prefeieare to
our own, wlwa Ihe bme made aitii le la Jim aa cheap?
If we d ,a't paironia esu b other, ws cannot proper.
Thit Is ties Ineioratd law of rooimerc.
Aivlw.iT -A Mr. tkmiatd had hit ami badly injured
by the premature diwharn uf a rsnaoa, ia Halera, rt)
'he fourth! bn H will . miulee aaipalalusa.
Oarao laoa Woaas The advert iwmenl and sola's
of tlii e-lal ll-bmenl will apei Next irrek
Richmond, .June (). There was quite a l-irge
attendance in the court room tn-day. Heed,
Hrady, and Umwn. counsel for Davis, were
present. Ilennetsy, Assistant District Attor
ney, moved Ibe postponement of the trial of
Jefferson Ivis till the first Tuesday in Octo
ber, which motion was granted by Judge Uu
dor wood. The Cnuit then adjourned to that
Among the reasons given by Hennessy for
making his motion to postpone the trial of Jeff
Duvis to day, were, Davis is not now and nev
er was in the custody of this Court, but it held
by Ihe United Ststet government at u State
prisoner ; nnd if he was in the custody ( this
court, the Attorney General could not now
come hero and try the case ; nnd Davis is in
delicate health, and it would bo a cruelly, in
this hot nnd nnhealthy reuson, to subject him
to a protracted trial.
Brady, one of the counsel for Davis, said the
reason why Davis was not 1 1 the ens'ody of
this court was that no copy of Ihe indictment
hml been served upon him, nor any list of wit
nesses, nor any other act done as required by
the statute. Still, he was anxious for a speedy
trial. If it is hot here, it is worse at Fortress
Judge Underwood said Chief Justioe Chase,
who was to preside at this tiial. had named the
first Tuesday in October when it be must con
venient for iiim, mid the Attorney Getiernl had
indicated In him that he could not now give
the case that atlentinn which its importance
demanded. The Court wnt then adjourned
until the first Monday lu October next.
False Calves and Tilting Hoops. The
Mound City correspondent of the Memphis
Ariut lays ;
Theso institutions are much in vogue in the
Mound City. Despite the sneers of the press,
and thu impudent stare of the men, the women
folks pers st in wearing them .Some duys ago
an inveterate wsg in thi) cKy di'oovered that
hit wife hud received an extensive wardrobe of
this kind: He used every effort to dissuade
her from exposing herself in extravagant rig
gory, but us the was rather good looking and
disposed to be rapid, the insist) d ou displaying
herself much in the agonizing fashion. He
met her on the street where she was railing
along with all sail spread, a high headed crult,
and producing considerable sensation. Taking
the dear little thing ill custody, he whixpcicd
to her that her hoops were disarranged, and
she stopped in a popular resort for a inumeu't,
while ho adjusted them. Taking advantage nf
his opportunity, he cut a considerable opening
in one of the artificial calves, and the sawdust
stuffing began to leak. All unconscious of the
fact that her leg was dwindling away, and that
the was leaving a stretch ut sawdust in her
track, she proudly swung along until a friend
informed her uf her accident.
-""CituiteiiKS in Walla Walla. The edit
orial correspondent of tho Portland Christian
Advocate, writing from Walla Walla, lays :
There arc three churches in town ; a Meth
nilist house, plain, cheap and in bud repair ; a
Congregational house ol better character ; and
a Uoiuish, which is more numerously attended
than either of the Protestant churches. Iicv.
Mr Chamberlain has a good congregation in
Walla W u Ha, and also preaches occasionally in
Ihe country. Iter. Mr. i-ells also Holds serv
ices occasionally. On Sunday. June 3d. Hcv
Mr. Chamberluiii narrowly escaped drowning
He had gone into the country to preach, and
in crossing Ihe Touchett, which was swollen
with recent rains, his horse got into deep water
nnd finally perished, hot llro. C. uianuged to
go to the shore olive.
Mokhon Life. Tho Hampshire (Mass.;
Efnees has the subjoined :
There baa been unite an excitement in Mon
tngue and vicinity. Six or eight boys nnd
girls, sjxteen or eighteen years of age betook
themselves lo the woods on Mount Toby, where
they lived in true Mormon style, appropriating
to themselves articles nut ttieir owu, destroying
sup luhs and puns, sugar houses and other
things. The people turned nut. scoured the
woods and arrested Ihe yotttlilul Mormons
The girls were let off Willi a reprimand, and
the buys fined by S. Goddnrd, and bound ever
tu behuve themselves in the luture.
Sis'utii.Ait Accidknt. A curious railway
accident occurred nt Clinton, Connecticut, re
cently. An Express train was approaching,
when a cow, amoved liv a small dog, dashed
on In the rails. When the I ruin passed, Ihe
cow lay with her head cut off, and the dog.
with Ins tail cut nil, rat netween I lie raits look
inc after tho retiring cars with a faco iniliea
tivo nf thu most iulenso astonishment nnd die-
Wariiino Maciiink. Itend the advertise another column, of the Economy Wash
iug Machine. It is highly recommended by
those who have tried it. and if it is as god as
it is recommended In be, the inventor deserves
the blessings of every family.
Tiik Tcir. Tlie race udveiiiwd for the 5th caaie
oir over tin, Altiany rnuiM aeeoitliug to previous ar-
oll icr Itie Altiunv conree aeronlmir lo previous or-
rtiiiceiueiit. lli'luure waa a aine ilaah. one mile
I I, e loltowiue lioraeawere eulcteil. : Lllper a Colt ear-
ried HO iHiumle ; thenikee l.u; lieu Jiu,ket,,.i, ; llore s
lioia I'-il ; Wood's Colt, I'-M. Tlie h,ues uot a good
alurl. without excileuienl. on lira! Iriul. Ued ,laekel
tiutite a bold dual) for tlie lead, which lie gained ill line
alyle before lie reai-hed half way lo the tirat quarter
murk, iiimI held Ins poeltlon ttirouiMio-tt, winning Ilia
race bv lifteen feel: lime l:fct. Ltlner's horse waa
second : Ihe others were beateu from tu 'M yards.
Tea ItivKa. The t'obinhia ia again riioidlv rising,
During tlie pa-t week it has riaen about tour feet, and
is yet coming. The water is in I'uialilla llouae, and
nhio in some litres farther np Maiaatreet.on Ihe north
aide. Tliia is is Ihe only aeaeoli eeiioa the Dalles waa
built tlmillie nier ia known to have liaen the same
summer. Monttiirrr.
7Mr. SI into, of Marion county, lliia year sheared
a buck tilU-eii nioutlie old, obtaining a tteece of eigh
teen pounds. Mr !- T lhaviilaou obtained from one
Spaiuah Merino buck, seventeen and a half pounds,
aim lrom anotner sixteen ponuui gncMrariar.
loi Cocstv Courier. Wo are informed thai Judge
ItoiH' baa xstMticd ihe rendeiiiig of hia deciaion in the
Polk county election until the laat of this week. Botb
parlies claim the victory. '
Oiuook Klkctiok. Theeditorofiho St,wkton Inde
jiendeiii iu a long leader ou ihe Oregon election aays :
Ihe Oregon vleitiou mairea tia with hope such aa'we
have nol fob for aiany monihe. It i ihe'lirat tiager
bnunl wliervoa we read the sure directions homeward
It is the new etaniog point for the party of freedom,
and every one of ihe nmjorilv returned for ua ia as
good a a tltouaand. Tl,ere have been bigger minor
ilies, but seldom greater victories.
George K. l'ugh, ex-U. S. Sruator, aud wife,
and 3,'i0 other persona, were recently confirmed
as Cnlhnlics, nt St. Xavirr Church, in Cincin
nati, and "DO others confirmed in Ihe Cathe
dral at Ihe same lime.
Voi'lili. The bMljr of Jnhe Dauertla, auppoeed to have
bn niuolrrrri at Corvallta two werka ano, waa round In lite
river near ahrrt hu hal eaa rounaua th bank UM, morning
after hla llaa,M.aranrv. Thrrr wrr evidence of violence
oa Ihe biMty, bill nolliliif waa odsucrd lo commit Ilia pnrllea
rrraled na aualcln. They wrre Ihrrriorc rv Icaacl Voar.
The pra,a,a Ihe Frallval siren 'a Albany on the
4Ul and Mb Ittat hy rYot. ties, f Neerll. The rhlhlrvB have
been umlvr hla charge mil a abort lime, yet daq.lay grrat
History of the Great Rebellion.
Hy Hon. J. T. HKAM.KT,
Author of "Napoleon and hia Maraliala." " Waahiug
Ion ami bia tlenerala." "Stored Mountains, " etc.
'IMIK Orel, rhca-al. met tnlm-atm. popular, and valua-
hie lllualratnl ll.alory of Ihe a'be!l,n Hl.lahr,l, hlrh
ai Oilly aliw:vd hy 'la enoniMaa aah-a. lwan!e of StaiXaai
eopive aM. N.ot hvlng Brat tnlroauced Into br.
eaon. This nee and ellrmvMve work iH emhracea eompV
benoive areounl or Ihe ahole eooleat, aeallv 4-iBtnl lt,
eaull'al crrar lyiw, on i,hm paper, elraantly llluairaled enh
nn,erua Site alrr! riiaravlnca. ainl bound contolvle In ONR
SI rTKS VOLI MI l over l poen. WiU be lamlahed
le awbocriaera oaring th coming auliuna.
The dHSInraatieS hla,.. nan ot K.noleea and Waahlnetoa
(J. T. HfcUa))haehralowrd lha labor or peel year en a
Malory ol lha arret a,-hrll,on. It la written la hla oral and
happtrtt manner, iraphre, hold, daahinr. and Iherefor Vary
evrtllnt.eiHomaMioi Ihe Sled aliaatua ai lb reader.
ce lort tllwervrr.
Hut haul ,lracrim,.iia have always hrf devoerrd hy Ih
mlllioa. Weliae h,m eevatae he Ada o,BS,n. and altar
Ihawi. HadeataiwlUlPrraMlfol, Coblnel, and Congrra. and
Uvnvrala. frai - a a, ( W. Chrtalian Advocate, lhicr-
A tallhlal. la1 at haao-y of IN -aeot Important even! of
th age, hy aa aathoe wh, ehaate alvl and dracrtptlve
laleni alaiol aa.-".! 1 no aaaorlaa la Anwrhra. lervvhlvnee
IB. I ) Krentng Praes. -
fir Walt for llendlrva." liel Ihe Beat.
Aevnta wanted far eneei eaaanty at thrveon. Waahtuglou,
and I una A.tama) TSAt kg BbO'S.
Juue ! 15 ecaarai Ageate, I'orllasHl erl.
Washington. July 3. The Senate dobatcd
the Indian Appropriation Hill and rejeoted an
ainenilment placing tho Indian linreau under
ihe War Department. The Freedmen's
Korean bill hna pn I hnlh Houses and is now
in the hands of the President.
Washington, July 5. Both Houses have
agreed to Ihe conference report on the army
appropriation bill, which is therefore passed.
The House debuted the bill eiplanalnry of Ihe
Pacific Railroad act, and adopted an amend
ment Ibat the act should not interfero with
any right conferred nn Central Pacific Ituil
road compnnr of California.
loi Hand. Maine, July 5 A fire ocourred
yesterday in J. U. Hruwn Ac sons' sugnr house
on Co lercial street, destroying a mile and a
half lung hy a quarter of a mile wide; half nf
the city is destroyed, and that half includes
nearly all the business portion. All batiks and
newspaper offioes, all jewelry, wholesale dry
goods stores, several churches, telegraph of
fices and a majority of the business house) are
destroyed. -
Many buildings, perhaps fifty, were blown
tip to check the flames, but the inhabitants
cnuld scarcely do mnro than flee with their
families tu tlie upper part of ihe city, saving
such guods as they Could carry. The Custom
House, being firu proof escaped, though it
was greatly damaged. The splendid city and
county building on Congress street, nearly fire
proof, was considered safe, aud was filled full
nf furniture by neighboring residents, and
then it was swept away with all its contents.
The fire is slill raging below Cumberland
street, ranging back to Westward, the wind
having changed. Captain Hennry Innns has
telegraphed for 1500 tents to accomodate
homeless families.
New York, July 5. Early this morning a
fire burst from the steamboat freight depot at
Slip, mid in a short time the wholu nf the
buildings weru destroyed with III') steamer
Jlullimnro; also two bouts loaded with freight.
Loss: quarter of a million of dollars.
Columbia. S. C. July 4. Barnwell Rhett,
a distinguished citizen of this State, was shot
yesterday while going to his plantation near
Charleston. He received two loin's from a
dotiblo barrelled shot gun. About twenty
iiiiimtes after receiving the wounds he fell
from his horse and die. I. It is not known defi
nitely who the murderer was, but it is sup
posed to he ft negro w ho had expressed strong
animosity Bgainst the family.
Tub Kochth at Hoskiim'iiu. '!. Stntnmani The
ninetieth anniversary of American independence was
duly celebrated hy t lie citizens of pine Drove, lm
burg ami vicinity. Hon. A. It. Flint acted as Creniilunt
on tile oi'ciiHion. The Ih-i'lnriitloli of Independence waa
read by Mr. J. Jav Crawford, in an Impressive manner.
Tito oration whs delivered by Hon, J. Kinly Watson,
and reflected great credit upon the aneaker. Tlie his
tory of our nation was reviewed; also the attitude of
Kuropean nations toward American Hlierly, pant and
present. At tlio conclusion, tlie company formed in
procession and marclied to the table, which was bounti
fully loaded with the good ilimga of this life.
On returning to the stand, Mr. James W. Parker wa-i
introduced to ilie audience, and made an etrcctive utid
telling speech, wherein ttuilors and treason received no
mercy. Mr. Parker bids to become a leading man Id
ttiis section.
After sitiginxand martial music, the crowd adjourned,
all feeling strengthened in tlie glorious cause of Union
and l.ilioity. Yours, with respect, Veimtas.
Itrms. Tlie Albany Dtnuterat, after a auapenalon of three
weeks, baa reauincil publication, in Aufrual, It will be taken
cliarire of l.y Meaara. 11111 At Uarnca. Mr.O'Mcaraannouncea
lliat alinrtly he will remove to Umatilla, and commence Ihe
publication of a "purely bualneaa" piiper, aetnl-weekly.
A man named Shoemaker, anld to be from Polk county, wai
lately robbed of S4.40K in gold dual, while on hla way down
from Idaho. In Oregon City, on It 4th, Trumao Hack
auatalned a aevere Injury of an arm by a falling rocket stick.
J. M. Klrkpalrlck baa been nominated for Congress by
the Union convention of Idaho Territory.
Bt'iLUKKH are requested, hy advertisement of the
School Directors in this pupcr, to make proposals for
the erection of two school bouse In thu city.
RgLSASgo Andrew McElroy, who surrendered
six thousand dollars of the money stolen from Collec
tor Adams, wag released, July bill, at Kan Krancisco,
on giving bail to the amount of only 'i00.
Walla Walla Hcrskd Oct Just before going to
press, we learned that Walla Walla has been visited by
another disastrous Are, destroying some twenty-lire
buildings, including theold Masonic Hall, and being on
the south side of the town. Tlie fire did uot include Ihe
business houses, as we are informed. Loss unknown.
Hot WgATiiKR. The llrst three days of last week
were the warmest we have ever experienced In Oregon
The thermometer stood at an average of about 100 0 in
the shade ou Commercial street.
Tiik HgscgiiiAX Sociktv or the Willamette Univer
sity will give ila sixth annual exhibition on Friday even
ing, July Uth.attt o'clock, in the rlmpel nf the new
University. The public is respectfully Invited. Atlmis
sioii free.
Hkv. V. 8. KmaUT will deliver un address before the
literary societlis of Ihe Willamette University. on Tiles
day evening. July 17th, at 8 o'clock, in the new Univer
sity. Public respectfully invittd; admission free.
As EsTAM.isiiKn Hkmi dy. " ltrown'a Bronchia! Tro
che " are with Iv known, tie tin cstshlishtd remedy for
Coughs. Colds, ilroiteiiilis, Hoarseness, and other 'trou
bles of tlio i'hrout and Lings. Tlieir go,d reputation
and extensive use bus brought out imitalions, renre
scntod to In? Ibe same. Ohtais only " Brown troa-
rmtl Trorhet.
.Mrs. 8. A. Allen's World's Ilnir He.
alorer aud Pressing. You cannot be bald or grey, aiuf
neither lime nor sickness can blcmieii your Hair, if
you use them. Sold by all Prnggieta.
Agenla, Hosteller, Smith, & Dean. San Krancisco.
" Facts aui Stcdbiuin Tihmis " It ia bceondtur
well known lliat any old apothecary knotve more of
tlte nature ami quality of meuicme, aim now lo apply
it to disease, than nine tenths of tlte professed diaMora.
Clark, tlio apotlteearv, nn Slate street, has proven it
in noniertuia cases. He makea no charge except for
the meiiriMe, aud that is sold at the toicest market
At the resilience nf N. It. Doty. Julr lt. l.y Rev. B
N. I.oiiirviirili. Mr. Win. r.iipinjM!plri. t Hnwell I'ra
iric. In Mis KmnecH W I.'miiicv. f .leflciNon.
July Alh, l,y W. Whitsot't, t'onntv Judjre, at his
reMili nrc in, imik county, sir. w. i vt lullnll u,
Mis Maria ('. Hunts, nf said county.
M nday. June iiili. hy IN v. M. A. Williams, nt Ids
resilience nn Hear cri't-k, Mr. Henry liitncan to Miss
Mary Kilzurr; all ot Jackson cnuuiy.
Near llreiton City, June 27th. hv Iter. John Flyttn,
Peter M. Hiiicarson end Mrs. Ip-ulH'lla (ireave.
At the hoiie nf ('. O. Iloynton. hv Ki v. NV. I. Cnsner.
June 'Mil. licoriir V. Morgan and l'.icbe Killin, all of
ll.irkaaias coutily.
At Hip residence of Dr. Riddle, la Lebanon. July ll.
hv Krv. P. il. Slarr, J. A. ltoland to Mis Louis, ,N,.ff.
all of Linn enmity.
tin the Hh InMint. by I,. Anilormn. J. p., c. J. Hunt
In Mi IteheiTa Holland, boih nf PiU.tiiil.
On Thurniay. July .Mh. hy Her. ,M. Ilories, Msthias
Ktxhland and Miss Kannie Marks, all of Portland.
In Kucene t'ity, on the M Inst . hv Klder O.l'alhsnn,
M. li Met'arly and Mrs (ll, urine tiuerrin
In Kite'ne l ily, nn Ibe Vlh iust .lii Kldcr (!. Callison,
. Vt. Kulnrni and Mis Phelie A. liate. All of Lane
At Ihe residence of Mr. M. Hanlcy. two mils, fpini
Jarksnnvtlle. June t'Mt, John Lie. son of Vt. R. and
Murv A. Mi Paniels. naril I year. I month and lldavs.
la Portland. July 1st. ilicliard Hoyl. Sr., in the 7Mli
year ol his aire.
Builders, Take Notice.
SKAl.KII Pltllt'OS.M.a will I received by Ihe Ih anl
ol Seliool llirrctors. until Tuisday.lhe 17th Insiaut,
st "tie n hvk . m . fur Ihe conalnn lion nf two framed
s, h,M,l h ttscs. and other necessary buildintrs, for School
I'lktrict . it (S.ilrm). Plans and sirci!i, alina can
U seen at any lime after Tne-d iy neit, at the ultlce of
J. II anil I. II. Misvrrs. -
Septtaie l.ids will I received for each. The ll'iard
reserve to themselves Ih risht n rej t any and all
bids. Karli hid must l sccompsnied with the naair of
s 'm reriniliie arty. as secunly for tlie performance
of the contract. '
Salem. July TlhltM.
" J H. MOOKK8. )
8 IH' It II IX, jDirecKra.
For Sale.
ateil on the Willamette river. In Mnrmn ro..jt
known aa IS 4 VI DstoVS) LAra DI3SJ, eomprif
ing arnint 44s nrres.
Also, a FAIfM. sitnaied short distance above, on
Ihe river, containing 340 acres, prineipally timber
Tlte above will be sold st a tatrgain, together or sep
arate, for CASH or WHEAT For particulars. ao
ply to A. It. El. FELT ft CO..
July 94:lil . 75 From si reel. Portland.
UKaolnllnn otlrr.
THK eotmrtnership lirnrlofor existing between
tlie NiKlersiinted, eoiio bustnees in Saleiu, Ore-
fiat, amler the rm aame of llewley, Thoainson 4V
Mlore. is hereby duwilved hv muliwl consent. The
bn.l. vss will I carried on by llewlev Ufora.of
Ihe late firm. F IIKWI.EV.
Julr I, I'Sfi - InilH
Special N otloea.
At a meeting of Capital F.ngiae Co., No. I, held on
Ihn evening of July Mi, IStti, it was unanimously
Rmiltttt, That the sincere lliuuki of the company
be tendered to the Hon. J. 8. Smith and J. L. I'aniah,
for the use of iheir buildings, and to tlte Ladies and
Hotels of ihe City for their very handsome and liber
al contributions lo tho Fireman s Supper, on the oven
iug of the 4tli.
8 JOSF.PH MY Kit, Secretary,
nrThe Heat Itemed y for Turtfylnif the
Illood, Strengthening the Neives, ltestnriug tlie Lost
Aupelite, is
It ia the best preservative against almost any sickness,
if used timely. Composed of herbs only, it can lie
given surely to iiilunta. F II directions in English,
French, Spituiah, and German, willi every puckuge.
For sale at all the wholesale and retail drng stores
and groceries.
EM IL FKKSIC, Wholesale Druggist, '
Sole Agent, 410 Clay street,
lylll Han Francisen.
11 A II II I A 3 K AND t K 1,1 II A V.-All l')s
aay of Warning and ittat ruction for Young Men. Also
diseases and abuses which prostrate the vital powers,
with sure means of relief. Hunt free of charge iu seal
ed letter envelops. Address .
lyrlfclR Howard Associaton 1'liiladelpliiu, Pa.
W Hops for the Afflicted -In another part of Ihis
paper will l!e round lh dverllaement ef Ilia celebrated In
stitute eatiibllalied hv Dr. J. 0. Ynang, In Is10. In tlila age
of ilecell anil .linrlalaiilain, it ia a bucm to Hie suffering to
point out to them where they are sure of obtaining the wlali
oil or relief anil cure. Under the care of the akillful Doctor,
the sick and troubled can illvcal themselves ot Ihelr burdens
of naiu and aliauie, lay aside tbelr cross, and secure health
anil happiness. If you are sick or In trouble, do not hes.
tale. Head Ihe advertisement anil follow Die advice. Uo
not foreel the number, nor 1 hp manner of directing your let
ter. CONSULTATIO.N OKKIC'E, 686 Washington street, Hon
Francisco. lylSlltl
Luxuriant Growth and Beauty
to tho Hair.
Mrs. 8. A. Allen's
World's Hair Restorer and Dressing.
The great unequalled Preparation Tor
Ucstorlng, Invigorating, Ueautlfylng,
and Dressing the Hair,
Uendering it soft, silky, and glossy, and disposing It
to retnaiu ill any desired ptieit ion i qtticklv cleansing
lie sculp, nrresling tlie fall, and never fails to restore
grey balr to Its natural color, and produce
a luxuriant growth.
For sale by all Druggists.
Agonls, Ilostetter. Smith' &. Dean, Hun Francisco. Gin
A Cough, Cold, or Sore Tlirout,
Irritation or the Lungs, a Permanent Throat
A Meet ion, or an Incurable Lung Disease
For Bronchitis, Asthma, Catarrh, Consumptive
and Throat Dlseaaea,
will find Trochet useful in clearing the voice whnn
taken before Singing or Sneaking, and relieving tlie
throat after an niiusual exertion of the vocal organ.
Tlie Trocht are recommended and prescribed by
riiVBicinng, and have bad tOHlimoniala from eminent
men throughout the country, lining an article of true
merit, and hrming proved their efficacy by a tout of
many years, each year finds them in new localities in
various purts of the world, aud tlie Trochet are
universally pronounced belter than any other articles.
Obtain only " 13 now s 'a Hronchiai, Trochks,"
and do not take any of tlie Worfhlett fmitation that
may be offered.
Sold everywhere in the United Suites, and in For
eiffii Countries, at X cents per box. timl'J
WK havo now made artiinireraetits that all soap
liemifter inantifacttircd by as shall be put up
KL'LI, WEIGHT, thus saving the consumer from leu
to twenty pounds on every lituiil eti pounds over that
manufactured hy other soap makers.
NO CHANGE IN 1'ItICE, and quality guaranteed.
T AKE NOTICE. We are the only House nn the
Pacilic coast that jfive full freight naap, of quality
that caDtiot be surpassed, and at the lowest prices.
u;cy & IIVMUS.
I sr" Airciits in Ban Franaiscn for l.ucr St llvmea'
Full Weight Soap. CASTI.K'IIKod.,
lint!) SIS Prion Street.
Amerloan rxelunife.
Kan Francisco, Cat.
FIKEPHOOF-300 Itooins, nil Imnl finished, well
v entiialctl , anil nicely Kiinnshcil.
The most comfortable und fintnolike hotel in tlie
Stale, where every want iWilicipaled und cltcerfully
supplied. v
Prices to Suit the Nost Economical
Tho Ainerionn Exchange Coach, with Hed Liuhts,
will ulivnvs lw in readiness tu eonvey paseengers to
tne ootei iree oi cuai-ge. . .lunsiif
Patented June liith, ISM, by J. M. Horner. Cal
ri""!! IS favorite Wasliing Machine has been greatly
X improved daring the last year both in ils
IOasao of Action,
Rapidity Of its ExecutionJ
Adding at least one third toils former virtues. "Ecou
otny," accompanied hy one of ibe lute improved
Wringers, makes lite neatea:, most durable, economi
cal, expeditious, compact, and perfect washing rigs ou
tlie Pacific coasi. An hour's hard work can be accom
plished with litis machine, m leu minutes; line or
roiirne articles, as "veil as large and small, are washed
with ennal facllitvXMurrunted to wash perfectly
ncaii, icuvioK no eu uiiKs in collars aim wrisiuanaa.
To be purchased in Portland, at the Intelligence
OIHce of Parrish At Howies i in Salem, of J. M. Coul
ter : in Albany of Mealy Si Co. : iu t'urvallis of Por
ter cV fjeighaian, and at sorest frove, ol Spencer &
nana. u. 11 nri.M til, (ores! I Irove,
-ml9 Proprietor for Oregon.
Home Manufacture.
KE now niaiiufucliiring a superior article of
Chemical, Ley and Brown Soaps.
That they will sell at San Francisco Prices, aud deliv
er lo up river lioals free of charge.
All orders sent In the Portland Soan Farlorv will
meet with prompt attention.
Frout St., bet. Clay and Colnmbia.
Portland, Oregon.
THE ANNUAL LIST having been placed In my hand
for collection, notice is herebr liven that I will at
tend at the fi llowinir ulaces, at the limes staled, to re
ceive faxes and issue Licences : At my efflee lu Salem,
Marion county, from 1st to loth Jnlv : at Corvallis. lien
ton einintr. l:ith and 14th Jnlv: at fiallaa. Polk count v.
'Mill and list Jnlv: Amitv, Yamb II county, 2,lh,
I lay ton 2tilli. Llfayelte iTtli. M, Mmville 1-1 h uf July.
Ten fer cent mileatte will be added when persons do not
attetitl at ibe time stated.
Salem, June ixth, Im.6,
v nr. ciiaweorii,
Hw3 Pepfy Collector Internal Itivenne.
rinal MrlllriiiriiU
In County Court, Marion County, Oreiton. KstatA of
C O. Kirk(t,itrick, dw'd.
TOKril S1PE. HdminmtrHtor of said Mtate, hav
intr Ihis dHv tiled hi hcvhiii,h in Mid Court rrav
inir a tiiml eltiemenl of (tie Mine, thprffuru. noticr ia
hrrehvtfivm to all personn tiiterested in mhI ex-Hte,
that the raid appliratton will le hmrd and detrrtnmed
at the Court llutire in JSalftn on Tm'udHV the ?th day
of AunM, IiH. JOiIX C. I'KKHLKS,
Salem. July 5, tA0tw4pdl! to. Jn-le.
.oflrr of riiml Rrillriurnl.
Iu County t our. Marion County, OfTtfMt- July term,
, I '.. KittHte nf Jnmes Coirnre, der'd.
JKKOME H. JA( KSON. HdininimrHtor of mid es
tate, hnviiiK this dy filet) his a.'C)ut in said
Court pranntf a final it lament nf the same, there
fore, tH-tice is herehv tfiveu to all pemuw interested
in said estate that t'ie said npnltcation will be heard
and detenntned at the Court House in Saletu on Tues
day the ah day of August, H-H
jutt.i u rt.Mii.w,
Salem. July 5. ..S-6wpdl! Co. Judy.
For Snle.
Rnt new dwelliutf house, with lot. situated
near the lttrtcl avbttu. itite
il lto.te. Ituiture of
J. II . MCKLIX it'O.
Uko, II t tuiitsr, Hstii II. Hammmi.
Altoitiny at Law. Noiary Pubj0
ci itiii:r & 1 1 a, ii in: it,
Lnw mid Ucncrul Aifciicj oillce,
L'p Stairs. Moorns's lli lck Illotk,
1)ARTIt'I'LAIt atteniion given to the purehaae nnd
sale nf Lniid, und t'itv pi'iiput'ty.
A list met of Titles furnished, lliisiness Iransneled
with all the Deimrlinents lit Wasliitigtoit Cily. Col
lection pi'omplly alteuileil to,
KamiKajcM! Messrs. J II. Si 1 H.Muorrs, llettib
A Dearborn, J. II. Si M. Ilii'sett, Saletu t Crawford
Slncuin ,V Co., Vancouver i Dr. W. II. Walklna l.i
lattdi Hun. O.M. Denny. Hallea Clly. My 14,'iKii;
:ily I'roiM ily for Suio.
WK will sell on reasonable terms, the followlinr
lily property.
I I clin'ica and lieaiitifnlly located resident lots In
Cnrtwright's addition to the Cily of Suom, i,rj
laid oil'
A large, convenient and tastily furnished residence
and two lots, mi Front and Division stroefs.
A hotiau, two lots, willi ntuguillceiit garden and
slutdo trees, on Front afreet.
A splendid residence and lot, cor. Liberty gird Main
A No. 1 Dwelling House, otiii two lois, with fl no
assortment of fruit trees, good stable, tVc, cor. Main
ami Collage slreets.
A two story dwelling honso, Willi six rooms, coiled
and pupered, together willi the lot on which it sinuils
shunted ou Summer street, between Clictnuketii and'
Centre st reels.
Four good, neat dwellings, well finished, on Front
and Court sis.
Three excellent houses and lots, on Church street
between Cheinekela anil Center streets. '
A house and lotou Front street.
House and four lots in North Saluui.
House and three lots uiljoiniug A. Bush's, oa the
House and lot, on cor. High nnd Furry streets.
One fenced lot in South Solum,
Farms for Sale I
We will sell the following farms at bargains,
4J acres good laud, J mile east of N. Sulcm, with
good young orcliat'd, garden, Ste.
MlD'aeres good farming and lnm, willi or
chard Air,., silunlwl 5 miles from Salem.
mil) acres good lariniug and pasture land, orchard
Sic , located four miles from Salem.
iitui acres, willi superior stia-k raising facilities, to
gellier with a good stock of hernia, cattle, sheep, and
hogs. Situate on Drift Creek, foot of Cascade ui'ona
taitts. X acres, Including part nf the town of Sublimity,
Hill acres splendidly timbered land, two miles from
For Nnle.
A good one-horse buggy.
For further tarliculurs concerning any of the above
property Inquire ut our otiice.
Law and Agency Oillce, tip stairs, Moores Brick Block,
Salem, Oregon.
TO piirchnse two small farms. For particulars, In
quire of CIlRltY cV HAMMER
Frcm Sandwich Islands, Direct.
9030 rl KliS SUGAR,
JUST received, ex buck SAMUEL MEKKLTT, and
will be sold at the lowest market rates by
MeCruken, Merrill & Co,
June 'A IM().-ml:17
Yankee Doodle goe$ to town.
And so does everybody,
And buy their goods of Smith & Wade,
And don't gel "stuck" on shoddy.
Duu't keep nlm-Jily (foods. They are not selling out
at cost. Their utock is not goin to bo closetl out iu
sixty tlnvB. Quite the reverse to the contrary; on (lie
other iiiie, if yon pletine. They have willed down in
Hul em fur n pertimnent, lifitiuiHie hiininuss, and dnl
in everything you can think of. und thousuiiilt of
tliinjfR no one else hut them ever would think of nnlil
they needed them; pud 1 heir businvwi is iucreiuiug
enormuuidy every month.
Thev now offer for sale
oa rinsr floor.
A splendid stock
IS waukiioOI.
The laruest stock
and best assort
ment of
Wagon i Bui0
Etc., Etc.,
An immeiac stock
nuv tioons
W ii ton, Biissy
anil Htiiky
tjalem and Org'n
Iron nnd lliekor?
ilickorvnnd fun
ler I'LANK.
Boot. & Shoes,
Etc., Etc.
thai are not thav
Blacksmith tnd
Wagon -Makers
Oruin Cradlea,
Scvthes, Swaths,
ldikcs. Forks
etc , etc..
Ever olfered is
toy. nn linnd and
All at Portland
to arrive.
prices an.l halli
that are not jib's,
cent per Mi. fori ten, always lor
tretnt soiled. ; sale.
Then everybody keep it up.
And call and see them often.
They're always ready (so is Jim)
Hard prices for to "soften."
They work themselves, and pay no rents,
And always keep a kicking:
And in trailing goods for Poultry eggs
You'll find tliey don't say chicken.
. Comnloicltl Strsst,
!ollc of I iimI SplllemeiH. .
Ia the Comity Court of Vatuhill rooiitv. Dreica-
the matter of the estate of W. r. Javnes. oev
AND now, on this 'Jd day of July, 1,":V
N. HraiieoB.admiui.lralnrof the estate of
Javnes. deceaseil. and lilea bis acroonl for Ue ss"
sett lement and dielrihnlioii of Ihe said decease"
tale, it is ordered tiial linal hearing of Ibe sstS se-
connts and dislrihnlion of the said eetats l Iw" 'i.1 .
Con:ilr Court of Tamhill connlv. OreKon,
I Wed
nesday, the Mill dur of Anirust, I'., and lb"1 ""
thoieof be iiiven by publication In the Oree stasss
man uevrsiutper for f.air sneeessive weeks
J. W. COW LS, Ca Mf
Ufayette, July 3. I W,
t 'olirp ...
18 herrhv rfren Ibat the nndcrsiitned has Ji1""
anpointedadminisinilorof iheesiaie of o. rssT.j
deceased, bv Ihe Coanlr Court of Hoik eoonir-
perwuis l avinst claims airainst said esiaie are ""I" -to
present thrro i the nnrtVnue.! at 'oB'Tjl
E Cooper, J P . Sprlnit Vallev, Folk emlr. Or"'-'
within six month, from this date, a I those
themselves indebted will make Immerlisie farr"
Sprias; Valley, Oreiron, July H. I"-
-lARIXS. Oil (loth.,
I I K rvr MErrKia.voesaleljy
JS.SII 11 vt