Ut (Oregon gtotmm. SALEM, MONDAY, JULY 2, IBM, ..Tol. Print Injar. To IHmmimk M. x Otbbm. ArrBninmiwiti him betn m-vle In the Sttittmtan O(llo wherrby ill kltiiU of Cnnl nl Fancy Printline can br don on the ihorttal notice, And tt prlciwlitrhrmiii"lfllo wilt nur pat row. The Jobbing D'inrlmctt In under the mnrgw si an t-xtiemiicei. ana cum pHnnt print rr mt wnrlc fnr mnr than ft year pail -II1 teatiry, nrt tnM rniuirliiR brief.,, (iamplilt(i, ohfcki, bill- licmUi nuilna, mliireii, or wed il Inn ciudi, prnarHmmw, bull circular!, mining oatnfifinlv certitloiiM mid rrrelU, Jm tier' blanks , nH In Net mry .ItacrlpMm of plain and fan cy print iiiir, can hurt the work w!l and promptly rlnne. We kt fp ft coinplelv ataorlment of blll-heail, letter, and olh' er piper, luiuble for Job printliifc; lojuvtlu-r with plain and fmicycardi, ete. Wt Invite tliuie dvilrlriR to have any itc crlptloti (if printing done, to call and xiunlne aninplea and price! , ard mtlfy ttieniielfCi that a gooA work can be dime and u icood bartialm made ai at any other offlc In Oregfin, TUG TlilAl OF NKLSON HAlIlllltST. Tlie rin tir lliiiiAhurnt wan put on trial lust Thurs dv, f'ir the killl nr nf one Rttihurn, aa related in Hie paper list winter. The irincial delta set np was thit the decrcd did nit rile f the wound liifliclMt Willi tin- kut 'e. bit "f tin- bad aurnliail treatment slillh tin! wiiin.l rreeived. Tliu charita of Jndite B 'I-e wl 1 l.inw soino llglit on tint question, llu ixhur-t wa fiiiud (rutliy of miinliiiiKliter. and sentenced t) ten jnirt in Hi" ieiiltenliary. Jniin'o B , clinrged tlic ( irv a f"ll : (Iritllimcmf thrJiiryh is by no menna desirable to be e.illed up hi tii try ii pursuit fur u lii.uli crime: ami HierlHlly wnullllie pennity inrnmi crime I ileum; lint Ihe exeeiiiiiiii of tlie laws which are to preserve tlie neuce or Hmietv, and tu shield the iiiiiiieent from tlie uin-reasiinia tif diaotderlv and wicked iernini unml devolve nil Willie member, uf tlie Cfilililiilliltyjiini ai jiiilicinl tribunal are constituted fur the iiurpuse of ' bniiuiiti.' the guilty tn piiui.hiiient, and hIioiiIiI sland :m a autea-uni-il to protect me peimns anu property 01 citi zens, it lieeotnes tlie Cmirt and the J ury , in the exercise of liie important trail devolved upon them, to din clinru-e thealuty considerately, aud impartially seek ing neitlier to excuse nor aggravate the uneases tliey arc called on lu investigate. In the investigation of nu ll a case lu tliia, where tlie mini of the cimiiiunity lum Ihtii exeltrd lir tlie iittiniiwi'iti of a homicide, whiili ulwiiyn ahiK k tlie tmblic iK rvrH, it in to he extieotud that tutii'h will have leeu raid, and many rumor 150 abroad, preteudiiiK to dilinea the tniiuarlion. There hoiild lie milieeded. (,'nunael. ill the ardnr of iiriifewimiitl zeal, mnv be- mine ileeily Intereited and ex'-iti d, and betray I bin 2cai 10 tlie ennrr, unit jury. 1 ihh ih iiuiiirai aim mi ue . expected. Dot It ii the July of the court and tlio Jury to view the cane with cool and dHiiteri'Hled indu- mmit, and try m far nmv he tn a'ertdin tlie laeta Irnm tue wuueieieH, anu nnpnniatiy "ppiy me iaw w thiin. And, without further preliminary olmervulioin, I will proeet'd to eall your atteiilion to thi4 quentioim you will be called on to riumiiler In thi eae. lit: It In axraed thit deleiidant indicted the wound upon the deeeimed of which the wltneiweH testify; and one point made liy the dei'cndaut i tlint he indicted tlie wound in tell detenu. Yon have heard tlie evidence on thin point, and If yon lielleve from tlie evidence that at the time del'eiidiint Indicted the wound, he Iind good reaaon to believe Umt decetwri wan about to take Ilia life or do him itreat bodily harm, and that defendant did eo believe, and inflirted tlie wiaind in deienne of bin own perann, deeniinjr it iifcemoiry to defend tiimsett from ffrent iaidily harm . then defendant is exi-tiHuble vd: It la liiHintVd by deieudant thai deceaeed did not die of the natural cniiarquencea nf tlie wound. There Hvema to lie no ciiutrnvemy In the tealiinony of tlie em inent medical witneaeH who A ivc teatilied in tlie caae a to the nature and extent of tlie wound. I'eceaaed waa cut witli a knite whiuh cut thmiiKh Hie aide of de ceuted. penetnited tliroiiKh the apleell and inio tlie left kidney, no wiiiindinit the lurt orKan aa to ciiuse blood from the wound to paaa oft" through the bladder. I am lima particular In dem'ribiiiK the wound to more lolly explain the inatructimi I am abmii to five. In atandanl work on medical juriaprudenre. wouuda are clsxaed lat, wonnda ordinarily mortal ; 'id. iboe ddiiureroua. It la laid down by lr. Meek, in hia Medical luriprudence, that "wounda'ol the urinary pauiea, kidneya, etc., .ire all ordinarily mortal." If a peraon ta wounded in tlieae oriaua by their iannff aeverely cut and teiielrated, and aucii ieraiin so wounded iuiijtuiah and die within a few diya, with'iut other appureut caiiae.the deuth la to be attributed to the wound. In tliia cae, il you believe thit dece-t-ed waa atablnd by defend nit thrniiKh the apleen aud bia kidney ieue truted, untl bu died willihi twelve daya without other apparent uauae, t.ien a prima facia ciiae U made out forllie preveutliin; and if it ie alleged by the defend ant tiiut decea4- J ed of anine ether cauae thuii tlie eifect of the wuuil, the burden of proof i on the de fenae to pitive It. and clearly eetubhah tlie defenoe. You have Heard the leflinvniy 011 thia aubjeel, and if you believe that duccuacd did not die from I lie elfect of the wound , but from aome tiler cituae, and that deceiiMed would have recovered but liom the bad treatment e( the wound, then defe'ndiiit ianot jeuiliy of niurder. On the euiijecl ot malice aud'premed.tition t Malice la an evil diapiaitioii and intent to commit crime. 1st, when deadly wenp n la u.ed, ex 'ept in aeb defenae, malice la prea'umed: and h m.in ia preaumed to intetid the iiaiural c n-eqneucea of hia own art. 'id, Delil.era timi in' ana coii-iderution of the matter, and require me lime for relic, lion; hut the time need not I Imujr, but then mo-t ue w me oib Hun tjr .b r lef.eitioi wneie the eiideiice linwa the tnteiilion to kill on or aleoit the tune of the kiliillir. Hut if the evidence ah t that (bene waa former ill blial mi the part 01' tlie fell ndaiit aiaillt deceaeil. and that he m ole threat, th it i evide ,ce Irom which the jury may bod teliU'r.i ti winch ia 1 e eaaary to la; m 1111I to convict ot murilir In the lirM de ec. I i: To tinil na h irie I in the in itlcltliei.t )ou iuut tii d dtliM-nitlmi and li.alice. 2d: If y-11 do not Hud a chara-ed in the h dictiiiciit. Out y iu tl'i ll-d Biuhce without pnineilitiitiou, you enn Hnd lor n.irdir in the aecond decree. Mil: It yi11 do iiotliud eitoer pieuie biaiuui ur mulice. aud Iind thiit delciid.mt niilawiullv killed decea-ed. you will Ifnd him itnilty of m nt-lana-Wr. 4th: If yai do n Iind that deteudant kiilrd deceased. but ah tu.d Hnd that defendant a-aaulted d'neaM4Hl without ioletit t kill him, then you wiil liiid him tr ulty of an aaaanlt with intent to mnfder or kill. 4Ui: if vihi Hnd t h it tlie ciittiint of the deceaed by de fendant' waa a lawful aeli-deleuie, then you will tlud de leiidant uut guilty Haso Yniu Banners on tiik Outer WalL6. The Fourth dny uf July, the aiinl verary of Aiuericati IiulcpenJcDce, conic" on ly oooe a year and it ought to be raitalily ol terTei by all. Id Jacksonville tlie baiioeri meo have agreed to clone up 00 that dny. and we prtfume that tucb nill he the cue here and eleewhere. Ketuemlier patriuta nf aevenly-tix and give io one day in the year to a aincere Hnd hearty commemoration of their patriotism and valor. - Wilson Shannon, Esq We were moat agreeably iurp;-!sed the other da) by a call from the above named gentleman. an old time friend who ia Dow traveling thrnngb thit State, exam ing it ioduoemenU Tor a permanent ettlement. He) ie a toa of the dialingaithed ex Governor Shannon of Oiii.o aud one of the leading roembera of the legal prnfeeiinn in Kanaaa We beapeak for him a hearty welcome among the people of Oregon, and hope he may find it .agreeable to permanently locale in our ruidt. IlEADLKT'g History. Mr. Fraxer.the Gen eral Agent for the butory of the rebellion, hai left a copy of the eompleU d work upon our ta ble. A omewhat hattjr examination of it lead U to think that it ie valuable wnrk. It ii wrrttru in Headier' brat style?, and he It aboot the bent delineator uf battle aoenet that there ia among our Auu rioan aulhnra. I'emona pur chaeiug thia aotk "ill get a valuable and en (eruiuiog hutury uf the war. Saw Mill Kkbuilt. Some time ago e oatioed the bnrniiig nf the paw-mill known aa Greer' mill, rome five ntilet from town. .The null belong to lb Salem Lumber Coitipanr. nd the mill ia again in operation, turning out Bret clae lumber at low rale fur caali. The lumber jard of the enmpany I up 00 piety Hill. where Mr. Smith, the ageut, may be aero. Siida Water. The i'(alfaii office i un der iibligationa to the Irreprreethle Clark for a d.ien buttle nf mhI water. niAiiiiFaotured ly hiicarlf, ahivh being tried by all band, wa priinuuoced niort exorllrnt. From Clrrv Colnty. R. I'endergan. Eq . Sheriff Carry county, ha oar thank lor call. He lepnri great activity in tlie enpier mining inlerru in that tectiow, and tbu th future proeprcto f that country are bri, biroing. AaoTnia Mt aniaia Hhenf berry of Grant evanty, arrived Monalay Uat, from ewt f th MoaiHaua, witk McLewia, rnaviciwl of earderie hi partner ia a ahM at Olive Cnek.a fiw aioaih tiao. Th proe wa nalMOid to the eeaitantiary tn lb raiair e ai aaliral tarn of lift. GOOD TE. TIP LABS ABE Maad to Mel at tMriUatealte Feata, leW,-B Pohti.anii Itkms. The recent annual me ago of Maj or Fuiling, nf I'm timid, enntnin the following itetin," which tuny be of interoet to the genernl render. The city will pend over one hundred tbomnnd ilnllnr for city improve ment. The river improvement and ordinary expenses ainnunt tn near fifty tliunasml dollar. Tlie Mayor ay : The entire amount nf tnxnlile property, real anil personal. ithin the nriiiriitf liinll. ru ing li nn t Ii 11 1 $3 7IMHXH), the Hilinilnt of naai-aa-inent onlli'cli'il during , one year ia hut a frac tion lea than three per 0 'tit nf the enlirn tax able property of the city. The aim t of i: ensnietit given above tine not inclmle the en tile ont nf the work, a onntrai t fur grading anil hiying ridnwalk have in oine caae been let tn owner nf uiljftoerit property tit a nominal price, nor are the large expenditure vnlnutariy made by property owner in grading and cm tructing aide and crua walk in other locali tie included, a hloh are equal at lenat to the amount aaacaaed by the city. Tliia would make the aiinmiit lor afreet itnproveiiietit only, for twelve nionilia, eix per ci nluin of the aaaewed value of all the reul and peramial property within the corporal inn. or twelve lime the emu usually levied in any one year by the city lor general purposes, The win It nf improving the Willitinelli- river waa cnuiHiiUid by I lie Council In the stun, ling ooiiimillee 011 river iinproteitieiil, and they have bet n lull)' Hiilhnrixeil lu contract fur the luiililitig of all iiecessury apparatiia, hire ul lulmr, and lo do everyth ng that may be tiecc sury to complete the work. Fur I In purpose all t lie money raised by tax atmn fur the improvement uf the navigation uf the rivi r ha been appropriated, aud the bal ance of Hie nppropriutiin reinainiiig Unexpend ed i $4.08(3 till. , The dredger ennstrnoted lust year did not fully auewer the purpose, and the Committee hnve contract lor additional apparatus, con tract for the construction uf which are now un file,, a follows : Oni;on Iron Worka, machinery ... $,!ihO 00 T. ,lHulcr,dred)ier bonta ' 3,47.5 On Kxtimnted coat uf additional boat 1,'iiH) 00 $IO.h7.i 011 A. S. Mbrckh. Thia gentlotnan, made somewhat notorious by hi connection with the femulu emigration scheme, recently delivered au address at Olympia, of which the Washing ton Standard has the following : After much reflection, we have rummed the whole mnrfcT up: 1st, Mr. Mercer it entitled tn credit for hi disinterested efforts in behalf of the Territory ; lid, Mr.'M. is unquestiona bly a very unlucky man : 3d, nolwily can hnd fault witli his plans so long aa they are not car ried into elfect at their expense. All can, therefore, bid him "God speed !" We believe. on the whole, hi addres produced a good etlecr. anu removed tnucn of lite prejudice which has heretofore attached to his scheme. HOW TO H11TTLE ClIKKKIKH. We llOtioe the following recipe going the round uf the press, and give it for what it ia worth : Tr everv nonnd of fruit add aiv nnneea nf powdered lump Uigur. Fill the Jar wilh fruit. etiake the sugar over, and tie each jar down with two madder, a there i danger of one bursting duritnr the bniline.. I'hiee the iar in n boiler of cold water, and alter the water ha boiled let Ihem remain three hours: take Ihem out, iind when cool put Ihem in a dry place, witere iney will keep over a year. Coal Monopoly. The Puget Sound Week ll nf the 18th says : An important negotiation, it is reported, has taken place, embracing a salo of the entire property uf the IJcllinghnm H11V On I Company in tin letnturr. anil the Hlnck Dinmnnd Coal Company of Mount Di ablo. California. The purchaser consist uf a Dumber uf San Francisco capitalist. 8okr Tuiioat t'ouuu. ( iiLii. and similar tronlilea. if aufTered to prntrea retilt in serioua pulmonary itffcc tiona, ofleuliinea iucuiuble. "Jiroicn Uroncltil Tea cktt'1 reach directly the seat irf the dieae, and give almost inatani relief Tliey h.ive been thorouuhly teat ed. and mainbiin the good reputation they have jtitly actpiin-d. A$ thtre art imitation, b litre to obtain ttm ittnmne. ... Gone East. We regret to part wilh our friend, A.J. Monroe, who started for hi old Inline in Imta 011 hut Wednesday. He is an active, energetic man uf the slrictetl integrity, mid baa won the esteem nf all whose n(iiiaiiit ance he has inmle. We w ish htm success w her ever he may go. Hailroahs California ha now eleven Railiuad companies iu active op ration, work ing nearly three hundred mile of Ruilroad, coaling urarly twelve million dollar. Cholera, Thia dread scourge ha broken out iu the Cily nf New York, and several death have incurred. It ha also broken out ficih in England, and many are dying. Ur. S. A. Allen's World' Ilair Re torer and Dressing. Yon cannot be bald or yrey, and neither time nor sickness can blemish your Ilair, if yon use them. Sold by all Drmrtfiata. Aitenia, Hosteller. Rniith. tt llean, 8nn Francisco. THE MARKETS. The Pan Francisco market n reported by tele graph on th 211 as follow : F r-Snoerfine hlf ska 1.1.1. 5t5 2.1. Or. 5 i'. n 5 oil. Kxtra blf ski, o ii.. 1 5 M. (jr sks, $0 AC Wheat Tho market coiitiunea easy under free re ceipts, sales 800 sks new, in two lots, at ft on, aud I o5, the inside price for inferior, and 113 ka good milling at (I t H ma. Harlev hale or ifuaaa cnoice nrewinir. lor ex port, at 'JOc, aud 4i0 ak of feed at 7oH0c 4 hundred pounds. lorn eu sk wiuie, n f 1 wi v iuv iu., a low price. Ileana Market I looking np a little.fur all varieties excent small white. uutter ales ul Mi saa at o ana im,i aiuea of Davos, at - '-'5. fotatne New Miasioo an quoted at 78 a Sic 100 ba. Private disnalchea have been received. qtiotluv e-ohl on the tilth ai the close, at I5hi aud steiliua- xcbanire at 107, with bonds iroing forward. On he '.liih gold was quoted at lav: sixty days banker's exchange, at InHf; These are-the latest gold dispatches that hare been received, up to J p.m.. Markets for exchanm and Hnllion for Satnrday's Riramer open ratlnrr quiettv. Coin drafts on Atlantic cilie ouote at 'J per cent., and eurreney dntnaal43 per cent prenunm 011 rom, au advance 01 tiiree cants fro last Meatuers quotaiiona. lu teleitniph-franslera, there ia leothlnv doins;. Th local money market enntinuee easv at I per cent. Hro ker quote letfal lendera at 7le7ij selliuir. Jobbing traile for interior .pnrticnlarlv for OreitiHi. shows some improvemement. Beyond that, the market is quiet. roaruian raonccs misxit. Ttw r oUawls art la OraamUan'a PoriUml pride. J km at Wheal, for milling, y IniaM 7i 1 lata. ' " ' 6.V;e7ll torn Meal, y 1W ft too rioor.cxti a ai Kloiir. eonnlry brands. .................. 4 fill finmod Keed, V KHl 40 11 limn, f1 to Mi l.llniiri. V ' 311 or"? " Ml Apple. Vb il ltst1 m Aiiplea.dried 1I1 hV-on.Vth Is Hams, ii lb Id MMHildera. f tt " Laird, in tins S4! Urd. iu heaa l!"fc'J" jras, dot J.'i Bullae. J. ft I'.fi l7 Chicken prim and full -rB. Vdn.. I WKittt ,W Polatoea. . ho.'rl ., " 411 (Iiii.ow lun ft j unrtU li Heana. f ll ft 3 jni III tXall lee !. Orrroa (rnand, Mv pr n ; Oreee C K " : W. tte ia. v. sunr.eiaw.ai - himuIH. -ra,.ail,l, la ; VrtC t rf Ift, ; liUno -itH 1 Stmul a r. wi. llearf u..sm. "I T-a, loanf Tan. l 60 ; Old aataa makxkt. Th Mlow uig art tlie cUlem quutatioai for Haturdat lat: - Wheat. V bu-ls-l. Mi ((. I l.l, f iai.hl.t.Jr. r'l- r. V barrel. WrM On. CornMMl. (iltlUft U. M idJI o. m tJi. Bran. t.O. Hac j-H.i. ft. IV ; KWovra. 10c.; fcidw.lac. L.rd. V ft in t'w, c -. la kegs lite. B illn Im. lie l'hrv California, y ft, V; Orefcsj. nor-, E-. a i .tea. Mc. Cbirkena. V d a. I) 00. Applea. yinf. Jocj drwl. 1 ft, Kjc. O uoaa, ft ic cash, rutatnw. j (nahal, 40c Trad very ti'.'i, and ppacu for rrexr enp vary gonsl 0aa Francisco lstX Teodet ratt,71.r3. Spec! at N ot 1c e s . V Hop for th Afflicted In amnlwr irt of this paiwr will i.r found tlio aitverllarmenl si His celtrlrali-d In. mute esuldlalo-d liy Dr. J. C. Y.iuuir, In KM). In llils ase of deceit and .iiarlataiil.in, It Is a boon lo the BiirT.-rtns to point nut to them where thrjr are aurv of ohtalnliiff the wlah ed Tor relief and cure. L'llder the ear of the skillful Pot-lor, Hit alok and troubled can dlveet Iheniielvca or thvlr hunlens of nsln and ahame, Ur aalde their croaa, and secure health ami happluesi. lr you are sick or In trouble, do not heal fate. HaO the adverliaenirnt and follow the s.lvice. Do not forst-t the immhrr, nor the msnner of dlrrctln your let ter. t'ONSLLTATION OWCE, tm Waihlnton ilrret. San Vranclsco. lylfiitU Luxuriant Uronth and Beauty to the Hair. Mrs. 8. A. Allen' World' Hair Kestorer and Dressing. The great unequalled Preparation for Restoring, Invigorating, Bcnutirjlng, and Dressing the Ilair, Rendering It loft, ,ikr, and xlosay, and disposal- it to remain iu any desired position : quickly clcaiiiinii the scalp, urrestina; the full, and uever fails to restore grey balr to Hi natural color, and produce a luxuriant growth. . For sale by all Urtuntiat. Aireute, Hosteller, fihuith dr. Deau, eiau Franclaco. Cm A Cough, Cold, or Bore Throat, UtqUlKIS IMHKIIIATI ATTXNTIOS AND SHOULD SB CHKCKXD. Ir AI LOWKD TO CONTI VX, Irrttaliou of ihe l.niiKa, a Permanent Throat Alleciluu, or au lucniable Lung Disease IS urTXK TIIK BUL'LT. BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES HAVINO A DII1ICT IKri.VXDliX TO THE P.U1TI, UIVX lajimiUTl lULir.r. For Bronohltla, athma, Catarrh, Conaumptiv and Throat Dlaaaaaa, THOCHKS Alii UIIU ALWAYS WITH COOl) SUCCESS. SINGF.RS AND' PUBLIC SPEAKERS wilt And Troche nseful In clearing- tho voice whuu taken before Sinuin; or Hpeakinit, and relieving the throat after au unusual exertion uf the vocal or-nns. Tlie Trochr are recommended and prescribed by I'hysicians, and have had testliuouials from eminent men throtiithnnt the country. Being an article of true merit, and (mains; proved their efficacy by a test uf many yean, each year Rude Ihem in new localities la various parts of the world, and th Troche are universally pronounced belter than any oilier articles. Obtain only " Baows' Hkoscuul Tbochki,'' and do not take any of the Worlhla Imitation that may be otfered. Sold everywhere in t)ie United States, and in For elirn Countries, at. Xi cents per box. fimtil- Celebration of the Niiiclirth Anniversary- of American lndrpendcnce. ' Orator of the Day Header of the Ueila.ialion Cliapliiiti , ,, CJrand Marshal . John C. llelL PROfiRAMMF., Sunrise Salute by Hulem Light Battery, and rioitlnj of City bell. National K ihite at inerldi.ui, by Salem Light Battery. ' Sunset Salute, by 8 ib tn Light Buttery. I'rocessioii will lie hirmed at IU o'clock a. u . on Wll- or Avenue: right resting on Sunnier street, in the fol lowing timer: tiriiud Marshal and Hid: Aurora Bra lUnd: N'a. tlonnl Flag: Marion Kifle: Oratorof the Pay; Render ol the lieclaration and Chaplain; tllee 1'litli; ITuion Car, containing thirty-six jnung girl, wilh lianners, representing tlie ditrerent tsiulcs in the Union; S"lder ot the war of 1112; Soldiers in the war with Mexico; K ddiera in the lute war; Oregon Volunteers. Sbcond Division AMtanl Mareliull with aids; Mrs Bind: National Flag; Order or 11 h, Templars; Selem r'ire Departinrnt; Capital Kngine C'onipmv.No. 1- Alert Hook mid ladder Company, No. 1; other or gi.iziitious; Citizens, on f,a,t,n veliicleo.nn horatdiack; and will march aa loll-wa: Down Court street to High; High In State: Wale to Commercial thence to the grounds selected lor the exerci-es, which will be as follows. lltfM.f.ir l,w tl,a lt.,n.l. a:;..i..M l.u fiL. nl..l.. .......... ... ..(,lf,,,,K ,,j , lire v iiiOa I n,ci by Chaplain; Singing by tiler Club; Ri-ading Declara tion of Independence: HhiI Columbia, by Band; Or, lion; Kinging by Glee Club; Benediction. Organizations and Societies nut mentioned in the foregoing will lie ai'iied t-i places upon reporting to the tiriiud Marshal, which tliey will do by H o'clock a.m. A grnenil invitniion Is xivnded to ail lo I present and participate iu the exercl. ' - GRAND HALL! CAPITAL ENCINE CO., NO. . To 19 Kivi-ii by the Conisvy. At J. S. Smith's Bulidlng, Salem, Oregon, Un the evening of the ; Fourth ol". I itly, 1MOU. CflMMITTKE OK AltlUXUEMKNTS. V. M Bill. B. Stbo. J. U. Has. '1 uoa. Taylor, ' J.J. AUMSTBOVO. IIDNORAItr COUMITTKK. . The Hon. 51 avor and Comin in Council of the city nf Salem. Chief and Aaaiatant Engineer of the Fire Dcpamnent of Salem. A. J. IIkowk. nf Alert II. sV L C . No. 1. llKCEI'TIO.X CO.MMITTKK. J. G. Whioiit, C. M. Caiitwuiimit, SI. R. Cox I'LOiil! MANACLKg. B STatNO, S. IIkaphii'k, D. II. Miaruv. Tlie C'ompanv hnve secured the scnices of the AC ItOUA BltASS BAND, and extend a general invitation to tlie pui.lie tn lie present on that ne.a-i in. Tickets, Including Supper, It. ir von ihsirk vot it i.irK, sKLitrT TIIK BUST COHPATY. THE NEW YORK MUTUAL III TIIK BKHT, for tho reawn. It Is the Oldest- has the Largest Capital, IS TIIK SAFEST ASD CHEAPEST, Of any Life Intvranee Company in the United Statu. r' HAKE'S UltGKR ntVIIEVD8 (tan ny other eimi'inv, tunniiMe it N fmjely mutiwl. anl everv in urer w plnVed tm tin eqtuiliiy . and no mn uf tlie rnfl.a K' the "ft 2 iiia I HH.kltlif rn tu my tlieai tnttrent ou ttivir i-npitHs. M-Atd it artfully pdyn iln (livWend. f'r pr'fr of wli.rli rt If n-m e can be made to Mouni. D. V. HHOWN and 1). II. UL'Ul'HY.Kf thia city, whu are nw dnnriiu dividendsTon their p-ilii-ie. Il doa iMwinewi exclustTely on tli etth hui, take (rreitla ki ai p4t, and la ui to be compaml ki any note C'ltnttatiy, the hair the.aMeia of whub are rum-pn-ed f the lmie notfA of T"m. DUk and Uarrr. wit Kh are relly Hernriiy at all. a any bunitw iiui-i will nee with a linsle re flet tion, in timet nf c holer or pevlilrnt-e tl'Ml luifrht mmw uirry ' IT livea en ufh to exha'iM tlw half ra-h. leu vi tin tvMliiiitf but notr$ tu ce enrv the atMm e 'f the a.imtd. N'te-lnMinince ('"tn ptnien are like tnerchantH who d buineM no rrt-dit--qiieti"ttalilv wie in inMieriMia tinMM. but aure to $o to the wall It) ihe Lin itiiic. jrOet a pttmphlet and examiua the whole mitter fur Tnrelf. rThe 44 and rrh.thte NKW YORK MUTUAL Inn leu Jtivnaitgiihon and dcfltH rinari-fm. Applicmtl'imidiuuld i mad-t) J. OARTO.V, Aitetit tr the Willamette Valley. McAPER A CARPKNTKK. M.dir-1 Examiner. 17 HEADrEV'ft History of the Great Rebellion. THE CIVIL WAR IS AMERICA. liy Hon. J T. I1KADLEY. . Anther nf ' Napoleon and hi MrirahaU," " Wuhlng- Mm aud hia(JtirMW." ''Sacred MotmUina,'' etc. 9yt tv-tt. h4?tpl. mott lni?rrlnr, ivtpolnr. aitd vataa 1 M tllucirl-d Hrjr of I he- K blli-ti iiiujlet4, whtra to full aimttrd by tt cn.fwM Ml-. V r.lt nf SuO.'tut) fHf alrrMlr i1. Now hclutT trni HiiriHtoefd tnlo )r f"Q. T)ii nw aitd aiira'tl work will vmbrarva eompr 4,jn acenant of the whole critrl, ntUt priabul trm bvault'ul rmr lyp?. ea ton pprr, tktfantl tlliMtraM wtih nmrinfl fln trl ft)rrltir, nd laiKt rnmpti la ONE Pt PriB TULl'MK f nwr IM fM. WlH b fiuaUlM.1 to eubacrtbrra iurtnf ih tomn$ auiana. The 1w)nnirBhH hitrtan ft Nipnon aiwl Wihinrta (J. T- llrvlh ( hit ltMt)tit Uif Utetrf nf at fvr tm a htttry nf the $mt Rrfcrllmn. Ii ta wr.tlrti In ate rt an4 hft4rt aiaaavr. fntitic, ant-l, auh.n, ai4 tbeVfrfwrv rry ftrtinr,f(raM.n( ht Bint kllMitioa wl th rwlfr SfW V-rrk Hrrrr. Hit batihp .rrif4it have alvaft lWw dtvMarfd hj ttv milltftf). Wr like him lirasM Hp ie op atni. nfxt altrt ttnm. Ilrttrtslf with Pf"Unl. Oil-lttrl. ami V-ntfrrm. t4 ifrtwrnit. tVriljr-lf. W. ChrittUB Atvocat. thlcMa'' a U it hi Irath.al lnu y f ih .mt mpMXmni fwii nf th . N aa aaibor wH-m chutr ttyl ant its-icripti u let it Mtjn4 wnnj tn no htftoriaa la Awt lea. Pi loVwct (tt I Kvrate trm. VT Walt for llmdlrr't. t Ue 11 Arfitt wanir4 for carh eoanijr nf Hftrn, ithlntw, amt liiAin. A-l'Ire-M THAKHKuf. , 4 lb 0eal AfrtiU. r-rtUna r Hakai. w rr nW la Kalem. ti - H(M' TWO Km knawa tlw mi PmH pepir. Mia m th ferxir. wilt a 44 it a aarram. T'f, hW a, Mr im r-matrv1rr tw ! "LVZl? ',r M KUTUT. IN.r, er i. B MOOSW, SutXe. a jof f R eric rtk yiowraa and cars its B ru iuei:i.h, evils u HKLU G. U. HOfiART, isk Saddle & Hliniess Maker V4 sjtlverton, Urejo At Rooi's old stand, has coniiantlr on hind a HOOD TAHIKTY Of everything kept ia bis lin. It wilt pay, in point of cheapimt and quality, to call un him hefor nurclmsnig elaewlivr. Try II and sea I Mew Work, and Repairing; Doles en short nolle and all YVAUKAN I'KU. Auction and Commission House, 'IM1K undersigned, a licensed Auctioneer, will sell 1 all kinds of merehandiae. real estate, houaebold furniture, and slm-lc nf all kinds, ou reasonable terina. Auction Kooms in flesner's huilding, on door north of Kialier dt Don' Crock ry Nior, C'oiuiiiercial alreat. A liberal alVHiu e will be made on conalvniiKtil. Heutilar rdle dnvs on Hntiirday ot each week. N B Sales In lit eonntry pnni.pl I v ai'endod to, and satisfaction guaranteed, 8 a. Il UNK-I, baleni, June 18, I Hot). Aiictionter. C1EHANIUM AND LAVKNDKR LEAVK8, T Honey Suckles, and all kinds of Fragrant Klow er aud herha for distilliiig Perfumery, at J fc I LAHK J Apntherary and Dmggiat, ttalem. PURE LIQUORS ! OTARD BRANDY,rhtagem; APPLE BRANDY, OLD BOURBON WHISKY. HOLLAND OIX OLD HARMONY SHERRY, PURE CALIFORNIA SHERRY. OLD PORT WINE. ANGELICA WINE. PURE SHERR Y.for lacramtnlal purfuttt, Hosteller's Hitter, Drake' Kilters. Sansevain's Wine Bitter, Jiiohartlsmr Bitter, IliHiflatitl's Hitlers, Medicated Wine and Brandy, Wolf's Schetdatu Suhnnii. All Warranted Pure & Unadulterated For wle by W. K. RIG BY, !lru;?lsl nnd Apolhffnry, Commercial street, Union Block, Salem, Oregon. H. CORNELL, Dealer in Grorcricii ProrWon, and roiifreiionery, Gents' and Bs Boots and Shoe LADIES' AND HISSES' SHOES I Crockery, Glassware, NAILS, 1IOES, HAKES, Ac, Ac, Cheap, for Cash or Country Produce. Ooods delivered to all parts of the Cily free of charge. Store, State Street, four doors east post office. Salem, June ii. IHIid-IOif II. CHUNK!,!,. MOBSMAN'S HOTEL. Commercial St., opposite th Steamboat latiiding, Salem, Oregon. SINGLE AND DOUBLE ROOMS. Board per week .' (10 Board aud Lodgiug IU Wl to 17 I 1. V. HOSSfAN, Prop'r. U latr BOOTS, & SHOES AT 1S6 Pltltl:. JOHN W. GILBERT, Importer and Manufacturer of BOOTS AND 8H0E8. aud dealer in Leather, Shoemakers Tools, and FINDINGS. Union Block, Commercial Street, iilotti, Oregr-on. Has oa hand a full assortment nf overy variety of toot and Shoes uow in the market. Having made arrangement to receive my stock DlltkCT FROTI ItiAKIFAfTrHKHft, I can furnish goods for leas lliau ANT OTHER HOI SB IX THE STATE. Alt work of n i y awii uiHUurmauro U omde of TIIK VICR1 BttfIT Ami put trifrfthvr liy gnod work men md J (Uf' PHIirlflVIMl. silMI-l FAMILY GROCEBIES I Can always he had for For Cash, or Conntrjr Produce. And be delivered, free of vliarge.'tn all part uf the cily. ALL KINDS Of COOPER WARE Kept on band and made tn order on good term. ..ALSO.. Clothes Wringers of Different Kinds. BiU'ets. Broom. Wathlull. Burltrti. Churn. Rope. Candle. Coal OU. Mackerel, Salmon, Herring. CWii. Siir dinet.Oijtteri. Garni. Sugar Salt, Syrup, Cheat, Cr'acktri. MFFRfmni ivToTHFR PIPFS UllililltU.IVllll .llIU VIIIUII I II Kill Tobacco, Cigars, Hatches, Faney and Toilri Soipi, Corabi, Irnibrt, lr, Put favor gratefully remembered, and futara pat ronage respoetlully Boiieiled. ,T. M. COIJLTKR (Pour Door north ,of Hooras' Briek block,) Salem, OrejjDn (Nhrrirr Hni. T vlrtae nf a reisa ml tnreiSan Hi rfl-iHr. asel r. i aaalMai mmt laf m a, Iha C-rrk M Uw Oirna O, .ft lurtn enanijr r Poll, ana u ass dtrratnl, la favar at Was. A, Kuasrll atel Wna. W. frveaian, aaminunralara at IK m. lata ol D A. luaaell. aVa'd, aa itilM NMhsnaH Torn na UkMs roM. I Deer Urn atajr tevlaal as aa eiU aalat lor sale ia Ike blshm Milse (ur raasi a kan. al Uw anrl aMt W In Dallas la sals) exaljr, M Mn4af Uw txk day of Jail. It. Wlarrt, Ike kae ul I a. in. and 4 J elncl a. a. ol said day, all ike rlikl, ml., aiel kilana) at axxsjaais ai, is, aaa w im lolkwiM aatnM ml eauie, la ail ; Unualed la k raanty nt f u and IMato af Uragot,. ami known an the jdals and aareera ( thrXinUwn Ulra si "Clam" Wa. "J." .ili," gn. "In" ea- aaiwiHi Iht . wrur M saidclaaaHi wllaa M. T t a ol a a ., iasna n. w enaiaa. lax a. sow rkalM, Mieoee I rkallia, lloca I chelae. Ikraao It tu rkalua. ,wM I II rhalos, laoaea aa rhaina. ihw, Br as chiaa Ie we puce of aeainniii. eeaiaiala ST4 arrtsaf laDd. mors e We, lo he a,,M to salaifff said eirrallon, ssmis, and ao trains . I si. ai'Tl.ra, Mien I" -II Cn. Vallaa, M eo.. Oregnn, daer , .mm. 4.1 FiMnl Ne-ltrcMrul. OTICK la har-tiv ginea that Juaeehine H. Ilovle. adunni'imini of ll.a wall ol J. W. liotto. i-eaaMi. i.aa praviiieo ner aeronnts In th Cirnnlv C.airt nf Manon eonnly, prarllie a atlllemenl of tlw aama. Il la therefor ordersl, that mud appliralHsa be beanl and dleraoivl at th Conrt 1 1, man. in sWiu-ni in aud ouaurty, on Mondaf , Ih 'Jd day t Jnlv, 11 and thai ssdieai of tlx penleney uf Una applirsuaai be given by iMililn-atio) in the I lreg,m Kiaiesxaaii, fur l,jeirr.jari,llr weeka JDII.M C. PKKHI.K-. May H, ixai-taelal ( j .ot, Hotlce r riNnl Se-lllMen(. ta la C'-only Oort ef Tafnkin eoaalr, OWfoaj. la IA taauor of ta. Eeutu of Oandler Conner, aVr'4 AKD wn akM au, a.j ot Jan. It, n, A i frf, adaiaairaioT nl Ika amaio ol OiandUr Onarr, der.aa en, and Ilea a la aoconta me loo leal SftUaesrot d'atMna. Ilea of IM said daroanns'a apaw i M ardors ikal (no! , M n of mm aa lainaans an awribrooa of fo said a Ula W Sad Wlho CXaa Own of Yaca.ll tMsrav. O.aoo. 'o tMu-eiay to ka of iifm. IM, oaji rf at a4 tiarr. , f so soa kg n ne - a ru Israajna S'leo., a Boavf le bwar naetar mm a, J. W. Cuata, I Urvini,tfAW.lI HJtHfi. JOHN C. BELL Hat Just Rerelted and Ii Nov Opening a Verj Fine block of Spring Goods! DIRBCT VBOn APt FBANCKCO, CON8I8TINO OP EVERY VARIETY of DRESS and PASCI ARTICLES Anion which ar SILK POPLINS, of varied style, Ladle Collar anil Cans, Jaconets and Bareges, Brown Damasks, Swiss Mull aud Cliombras, DUES) ELEVATORS, India roliher Page, Otlt Cord and Ladles' Forms, New Style Spring Summer BONNETS Silk Girdle, Bugle Trimmings, tstellu Miawls. Lama riniil SIiumIs, Linen Cuffs. Lndie' Liueii'Cn'lar (ered) Etnliruidvred IlutitlkcrehiiTs, LADIES) AND IrtlsJHKH' I1ATS), Flounced Braid and Derlir Hals, Pedal-hiaid Norman Hat, Challie. Mohnir Dress Goods, Fancy Lawns, . , ' . , Solid Black Lawn, Broadway and Duplex Skirls, Maiscilli-s Counterpane and bed Qulits. .tll'stMN DEI, AIVESJ, ''every variety and style," Miiiainliiqnef, Bluck ami While De Chrtres, Alpaocas, Organdies, ChiU. Merinos. White and Kancy-Ciilnred BALMORALS, Sprngtie, Philip Allen V Mi-rriinno PltlNTS Ktiglish and French 4-4 Fancy Priut, Pros. Galloon. Denims and Cnttnnadc, I, anil 4 4 Brown Cottons, a Drilling ntul Fine 10 4 SHEETING. Together with a general iMsurluieut of Gents and Youths' Goods, of every variety. Also a ki'I.knuid AssoiiTiir.ST of Gents Boots and Shoes, A ma iswiKTar sr of Ladles and Children's Shoes, An an extensive stock of HARDWARE! 4 II E K N I U' .1 R K , and G ROOERIES: All of which will be MOLD LOW, tor Cash, Wool or Country' Produce J OH C. ELL. SALKM, April V3, IHfio. tf Trfiirli Window alam. STAINKI) (H.A-S. and Kynred (llnse, (told Leaf, Orainiua! Tools. Camel and Child Hair Urnahei, Diamond Ulnae Cntlers, Ace., Ve., at oein siYK.ita . itinna TO THE AFFLICTED, The American Cholagogue. ACKItTAIN HI-MKDY for AUHK ami KKVKR, and all other llilioua diaeaaea. Il striken al the riMd of dim-ase by reiuoviiia1 Ihe eausn ; iia eeiiou is ironiil and henlihy. ehanainif and piiriiyint; Ihe idiiod, arooaiittf the torpid liver to a heahh'y aelion, nmovHtiu- mid invliforatinff all of the vital Miwnra. It is adapted equally to ih aael aud the infant, the museitlMr man mid the delieale female i t is thnroiifh ly ellii ienl. llimifh perlectly mild and harinlea. Il eeutain no at senic or other deleterious drnn. Rbirdra't Cf Irkrattd Agie KoneHy, or Natura's infallible soertrie. I'eraona who nna iha medirine are ante from altar k at any and all seasons ami many euiuaie. Jarohi' I'hnlrru. Dyunlrry. nod Dlarrhora Cordial: A.hnirahly adapted to Ihe many neruliar mahuliea of letnaies, a verntfn remedy ,,r all liowela arlerlioiia, eholern. dyaenlery.diarrhosa, cholera imtrlnii. eholie. Iiitlannnailon of Ihe hooele, weaknea of aloimwh and bowels, indite Ion or dysieMid, efe., ete , etc Kllxlr or Pfrnrlan Bark, With Protoaideof Iron. It ia pleaaaist and itralrful 10 the Uaio. havinir none of the inky Savor peculiar lo iron remelies In low alatos of tho avaleni it will ls found lo be panirnlariy etttracion. Its naa ia in diealed in dy ieoia. loaa of apilil, diarrhoM, boil, headache, earhnnelea, ete., ete , io, Kewrtl'i Palmonary Syrapi On ef lb heat remedies ever known for th ear nf rotiirn. ronia. enntinjlinu,ai ma.hrnnerilui. whoop, inif-rootih. and ail diseases of th throat and lnn-a I'm up with tfreat rare aud with ll. very beat material. Wrlght'i Indian Vrgotable Ryrua, for riiildr.n. Tliia dellahtful aitirle haa Iseau Inns inlhelararitieforlhe laattwelv yeara with lha Ifrealest snreeaa. Keinil p rein, red from tint Sams ran ierl.1 as Wrijilit's Tills, il poasesaeoallthHreilraordl nary virtna s, whll it la auado an au-reeal I to th taei that children are induced lo ink it witlnnit dif ficulty, tn all fomplainla of children, whether pre monitory or critical, the srrnp will Ins fonud nf th liiKle value Caod for dvsentery, diarrhosa whoop inK cooah sneaalea, eolif, fever of all kind, and fur everrihwit i hut th Pills are rarniusaended for. Dr. Niater'i Ctirbratrd Eradlrator, Warranted Ui he lha best ramodr In Ih world for ironorriioM and all privat diaeaaea, and lo leaa litre limn ever done bv an olher medicine. Il la rerom nended by all of Ih moat ttutcd phyalriana In Ihe raaiara roioo. Watts' Nervous Antidote, and rhy.lrnt llaaloraliv. Th Medical Wonder nf Ui Ax. Th moot puwarful and wonderful medi cin eve diaonvered auaraaleed In car every norv ona or armamodie dionaaa. Il Is a saorvirai of snrh aii racalona power that It la anmportant how loon; th diaraae haa eaistoo, it tl anew diractly or indiroolli from a aervona affectioa. Craier'a Conttalratfd farf, r lleadarha Kamady. fur (enoral or loral dMIHv. sorrno weaknannvai. ate , mo , ate In offosWur Utw k dlrlne In the pohlir w do ft with th mmnai rem Ideue ia iu so pa nor medicinal elnne. Il ha kawa over Sea yonra tinea It waa am inirodncanl to Ihe pah lie. dunn which poriod u haa (iron stnlr aatiafao IHn. liy eonataully kooplnif a tesllleof II Coaren traled Curs In th bona, hamlmtla nf dollar can his laved. Prepared, wholesale, by K I rnaw. New fork Woods' Hair Restorative, Warranted ! Centura irray hair to It nainral aolnr and bennty. Tb moat pan-feet ramdy over dioror ered This valuable rope ration acitea lie aealp o a no w and healthy anion, ehauiae h from ararf and dalnlniff. and enm tltoa rupliv dnin ss whloft of. lr apar apo lis, naaad It tflroa Iho hair neli ind uonnlifnl appamrauea. and It is aneqiatied by anylkiag er vflered to ih pnbtie. ogle's Balr Breulac Tin most peril el dreaain- now in ace. Thi !. aiil.aereaml.te, and ealaalii prepnmtha ia an India penealile arttcss lor lb lM. Il will rleans lite aaia, and ' stain l he Soool hnea, bat the hair will aoaam a itorkor nppanrai.e l lanuily alpliooj. l,kooa4 avulloawn. by ualutf thia beaunlul prounrnlXHi, will tnd thai It dlspaasa lha barshenl anal atmraeal hair tu stay In any poolies I hey nay pealar. aaJ at one ran Vra at m.ti and fivoo M a ni appearanr. Ill sups rh-niy stvar all utiwrs Im bona acanowloda-Kl by all wbo hav vjaed ft. All ef th nevpanillmal are fnf nale by w. s. Miusti, Irnet and stntaleorary, Htf CoaaaMnini at , Lnl.,n Hkn-k. rtabm. Reapers and Thrashers. 117 E hao , hand f of tho Inlaasl and annaa an. I V roved tteaeora ami Thraober. whiek ..a.. an ia LOWEST RATES. oils, a apy al PLOWS, Call afid s tbata al -ft New Goods and New Styles, J. B, & M. IIIRSCH ! i . Are now receivinr, t their OLD H T A IV 1 . Cor Commercial and Ferry Streets, both from Ktw York an I Sal FrantUeo, a LARGE and WELL SELECTED lock of ' , ' . Ladies', Gents' and Chtldrens' FURNISHING GOODS, Dry, and Fancy Goods, ,IUl UUUIU) illlU UUVUill ITATsS.OAPS, GROCERIES 6 CROCKERY . and a. Regular Assortment . ..or.. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. miODUCK TAKEN in exelian( fnr goods. Persons wiahinito pnreha will do well to call and examine before purchasing elwher. - ; J I) All IIIRSCH. WOOL! WOOL! 500,000 lbs. ! WOOL WANTED I For which will pay tb HIGHEST MARKET RATES. IN.OASHf J.B.t&sM.HIRSCH, Mi.vn. RKao.r. 1866. . Spring Trado! BREYMAN BRO'G Are nnw receitins; ami npeoinf tbeir large toes of SPRING AND SULinER OOODH, And hsrehy reefascffntly annonm to liar nubile nf halem and vicinity lhal tliey have now in best assort otent of arood in their line evr offensl bofore In fcah-ra. Their stock eouaisu of DRY GOODS, FANCT GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS and SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, OUOCKIUUN, (ROCkERY HD GLASSWARE, Hardware, etc On of th tm bavin born iu tb 8n FrainNero market for errors I weeks, mi pain haa oven sarrd to select th NEWEST STYLES AND FASHIONS Ladies' Dress Goods! Fancy Goods, LADIES SILK CLOAKS fc HANTILLA8 Ladles Hata, Gents Furnishing Ooods! CLOTIIXe, ITC. Call aa.l a hefnr parnhainf lwber, Wa Hill ell at lha fovesf rnartst tin. ff Cask ar Prrjdoc. Balem, April 1. W. la WANTED, 50,000 lbs WOOL! At Jast RcfelTcd, I.B. HW f AL. PATUSKJ, BCaraiiMa. rrkstrwar. at BBCTIAf UW$. NKW FIRM.' HAVINI) purchased what waaown a the fact ry stora.w take nleasor In aayin teonr friends and th public in general, that w will keep onr stork ivEtt aikorteb; n And sell onr (roods on as oo.I term is any house ia (he city. Our stock cuusiil t a gsueral Maori uvintnr i ' i. ' ; , . i' Dr "floods, and Family Groceries, r Ilardvrnrc, Crockery, HOOTH AND SHOKS! Hati and Qi, , IRON, AND NAILS.. rAOTOHT GOODMi NlCKLin & CO.; jiEC(iniEiMraH;;m ' Summer Ananfement. - :r..r.tS i TfiasTBAMaaa ' i .:.. . " ' i--" NKW- WOULD, i ; h i CASCADE, WILHON O. HUNT, .' CAPTJNO. WOLFE,.:.. ComwiiadM. Will leavs PORTLAND dally, (Sundae, eseepfeat) al & o'clock, a. in. for th ('ASCAI)KH, oiBoect Ing with th steamer " , .. i f ONEONTA oi IDAHO ' CAPT. JNO. McNL'LTr.........,.,..Comrnaod, For Dalles-Ibroaca la Oae Bail '. TttR ATEAMEBa ' ;!l' ; wt:R.rT, -' '''' ' I ., TttNIWO, ,' i i ,.; ,-i.t I. l on i nrn, 4 NKZ fKHCKf cam, KANAaON, Capliln R. V COE. 0. FELTOSt, J H OBAY. aai THUS STUM F, J Wllf mn duriint th neaooo, from -.: t felllo to I'matllla, Wallola, White Haft, Paloaie and Lewlitaa. i On nf th above named boat will teava Cttlafe I.O for UMATILLA and WAIt,Uf.A dally, (8i nday aeented.) ' -,; " 1 ' '' ' lloatswlll ! dispatched for WHITSt UWWPn, PAI.ornit.nnd I.KVt'lNTON a ufta a th ne eeasiiy of Ih trad will demand. , . ' ' , ' ; '' ' 'Tn BtMMRk '.l-M- l"n ; ' SHOSHONK,1', 'I CAPT. i.UYBICK.....l...-.,,,Coinmanirr. Willrnn from Of. DM' FRRSIVtnrt Snake Hirer tn BOIHK ITV, OWVISKat and MVTI OlstK l,Aras.l va,conclinH with ;in THOMAe k 00 RTA0E8, ' . M. Da Eelle A Co.' 'ri rrelial Llnea. s', , ., i, , J. C. AINSWOItTII. President 0.8. ii .to. Portland. Marrh 9, IBO". HUTH, DE1RBQRM & CO. , . .. . - .. i i.-ii -I . ii ..)., . ' ' .-...-i .' '. 7 7 .'- 7, i.. .. .v.,,f . TH ANKFDL for past favors, and hootrur to -mil a'enniinnane of tb stun, woala rawpeetfnlly anuoatio that they vo no rr! flag aaa,oBin a lary awwrtment of , , . , ., ( ,., -. ' " ,i'-- : 7j.. !. t , i;;-v.' . IP "i'-cii - New&phep Goodg .Clothing, "1 ':-MIi iff !tv Oooda, ' Dry Goodie Boots, Shoes, Eats, Caps, ta, "Fn noy Goods.' ' V ; ;'t;;'- ( . - -.1 la ' W would call partieular attention W oar -sir Mock of Hardware, Carpenter' Tooi, Blaekmitht' Toole, Guntmithe' TooU. Agricultural Toole,' rem end Steel, Nut and Bolt, Spring Arte, Carriage Fiztvrte, Mill Save, Houa f amUhlng Hardwara. A Fin Lino of CBrtalna, Fislnrr, , Wall PBr, Carps?!, Mirrors naittBV.Etc FaiaU,OU, Lead, Putty, Glaaa, QUEKNSWARC, Vnrnlsih, Glaeawarei CROCKERY.' j 8nKar. toffee, Tea and TotaMt Which w will off.r at price fa . ' .... - '. L l.-1' Cash or Country Product, ; Which eaaaot hit to pVsaa serrjtW!' ctf hkatii, tKARBoas a Co, . ' ' , . - I ... , T7ool XJohtziL W will pareha All the Wcol 7e Can, Ker wkiek w win pay Tbt Xaghaat Harkat lUtaa, InC. aOold Cola, or. h preferrti,; j .NEW GOODS," i AT raatt BAT!. ...! ttf IIEATIt, DKARBOlrt It Co, Buckeye Essrs tii Crri! JCBT KKf'KIVKD. from lb aawat la Ynmni. to, a Iar st nek of lb abev eetebrateal Ayrleni. toral Iiapknieo. whiek w uffor at 8aa Franc Ik Priea aai Trci. ., . raiCBai I Raarasraod MowwCoiUod,Ko 1, fftrngeM, , Kiel Hi H Mower, X.1. 1. (lre atsa, .........o...i ,17 M " . weotslsisa (yrja 1 lf, - Mean' Paint Hay K valor M M Warranted to anhatd I ho rnrt load el bay and Mow II away in th peak nf a bwni.or leaa of a start, hi front three to five niinnte. Na farmer shovei a wKhnatl thria fWnd fnr r rirenlar in i HiCKAKKN. HKRHILL ft Co,' fnrtland. April W,att AyeW. PAINTS. MIXED PAINTS, paOnUo W'sm aaat Car. rloe, all kind of aurora, lu oil aud water, far Uxm Painting, at MYRRH 4 BlOOt ' Varnlahea! 7: N ORLK Ik Hoar's Esutlksk. AiMrirtui Crate., C pal. Haissla, Vmrnuu, not en.n iinisai. at ih MVRHM ft KllA. a r. a a. m. BAUCM UWOa UUl lei ta.aJir caanMet, asiiaiiie Iks iwial sad tenh friaur la .Ma a a. V.Sastf. Oaf Bl.tWnieli W.lS,