" 8 ALE mTmO N DAY. JULY 2. IBM. BKMOt'RATIC UvTlIzAIIOX. The folliiwliig it from thn Idaho World, of the 10th alt.: We learn From a gentleman Just down fmtn Ida'io on tbe fat line, that tbe " barmoutmi Oemncracy" nf Idaho had tprettr general mw in ihelrTerritorlalCnn rentioD it Bla 'City, on the IBth tort of knock down and drag-nut arraagtment. The roar Anally cul ilnaied in a alnaiting iiree, In which mot nf the cop parr rnaitiMlt-i took a lively Interest- Burmeater and 1. Wig Uouthitt. formerly old Oregiiniaiia, U'k almrva in It, and Ida latter In playful mood fired a revolver point-blank at Street, tlie editor or the World, who waa ' onlv wived from a trip to t lie next world by tiio inter vention of a pockei-book In hia vent jaickct. Street at the aame time gave vent to bin liihimy and good feel ing by Bring a ehot a' our D, Wm., which, however, uverauot the mark and lodged in the celling. The row wenton plcatiitly and gaily for aome time, but tit ' laat accounte all waa quiet on the border. Ilulbronk waa uominaled fur Delegate to Cougreat. (That wai a very gufortuoatt) hot of Street" at D. William.) Th civilization of anr Statr. party or etinimn nlty may fljr be paid tn crop out. or manifett itatlf. at the political meeting and convention of thf dotuinaot party. If a community ia enn trolltd, governed and roled in it pulilio opin ion by inber. intelligent, Jnt and reatniiablo men, luch men will control iti political conven tion!, dictate ita Domination, and give a mural and rcapr-etable iniprteeiiin npon inclety. But, on the other hand, if the dissipated, oVhaneheil, rockleM. ignorant and corrupt eh-menta nf an. cirtyoveraHe the good and eilenca the jut, inch elementa will tnnsl forcibly and plainly wauifeit thcim-elvo at the politico! cnnveiilinn nf the dominant parly ilictutt- ita uoininutimia and forct'i hem. upon the ieup!e u iili iIih -. Milri r ami bhiitgi'oii. Tin wa illm-uiili-il nj. the D'-iiiocrntiu ('Miiventinii nt l'ritliinil. ,J H Sniitli wa a cumlnl-ite for tin- noiiiiiintioii fur G'ornjreioj; a very reapiTlahle griilletiinii. cur. 'tonue ami pi, li, lied in hie minim re n ml ennver nulioil. II member nf lilt li,fl,ii'iilinl church. Hint aiiiior1nl by fit- nimh-rate uud n epce'iililo lurmlierant hi pnrly, J, I). Fnj Hn. In t i hI ; iiiri;iiificiiui. ill iiinniii rtil. viiiur mill luw. tin d in hi liinmier mill vtnrae ill Ilia i'imvern tioii, a liliickgiinril iiinl a rntlian, he defeated Kmilli and aeenred the Humiliation. bi iiuai hi l.iml it a 0'ijoriiy of ibe Di-iiiiii-rulic pnrly, and ootiliol it and dictate in hmiiiiiaiiuu. A furiber oYiiletiti' nf tin ia the fact I lint Mr. Smith un 0, j',tileil tn :n I hi Cnnventiiiii bi-rai.fe nf ln O'mrcli menibi rrliipi and we mioYratnud nln ' that 'the miiie nlj. cl.on waa rniaoil In certain men in the Liun Comity Deiiinerntio Cniiren tion, and wna alike effectual there In aeenre I ho defeat nf Iliu uhiinxinii church nieinhera. Itnt it baa been reserved In I.lnlio (amce the murder In cnhl lilnod of Union aolilii r nt Fort Pillow, ami the inhiiinnn alanine; nf oilier al 1 Amleraiinvilh-.) In illualraie the heaiilie and tenuVnole nf Coppeihead Denmcrney. lilnhit " it ttriinglr Deiniicrnlic. and the above report of . their prowedinga in Ibeir own convention ia quite ooiiclnaive of the tle and character of men ho' control tlie modern Dcnmornc)'. and who, to the iliagrace of the cntiutr. are per- ! milled to ait-Id Ihe political power and mould t Ibt dealiniea of I he inchoate Blale of Iiluhu. Defeated at Ihe Charlcrliiii Colivenlion, the el enienla nf riilfianl'Ui which bad ooiiimlleil the Deninra'iu party In Ilia rjontli receded from the Convention, refnae I tn liten tn ihe major ity, and being tin lunger able tn rule in party council, reenlred tn ruin. Defeated at Ihe ballot-box. the Democracy nf Ihe 8oolh flew tn arm, and waged war npon the flag aliicli bod hroored aud protected them, and npon the Government which had tecured all their right and made them rich and prnaperon. Hu too, the ohitalrlc data in Malm, being defeated in their party, reanrt to tlie bludgenii and revolver hi wreak eeiigeanoe Inappeaae iliaappoinliiient, If the right kind ul men controlled the Di ioikj rac of Oregon, auth uhnpa aa little Fny would have In lake a back aeat ; and if the ryht kind of men ruled the Democracy nf Idaho, audi men aa Doutbilt would never aee Ihe maiila of a political oon vent ion. Willi how much nf Ihla will not amih men na J. K. Kelly and J. 8. 8i.iiih rendily agn-e f . Or are they I ke lnchnr nf old. Milling to con tinue to lie I lie atroiig ul if (lie )-ioim r.u-v, "CMiiihing diiwn bi'itti eii liMilniiil. il-." ignn. larve and crime f II. i nol I tn- n Hi m l nt lnli il j mi Demoiiiiila liii'tT enough I Dn jmi Ivnlly b il like g.iiiijr inio' Hi-uiln r t u i'iiixu Willi aii"lh.-r I'.iv in the In-nd of the tm lvii! Are m. lint mn. lb d itli tin- tnflo t il.Mil:t Jn f I'M oa. I Ik- h a'h-r of ilo- c---li i-h im-nt of jii-:r mil ! Or .In Jon ruiby deni' In innke cioniiii.il enure Hh evi-rv il i-r nl-', 1. ully and ii.niih ri r in the cnun'iv, m Ihe vinn hope llml ancli men Hill ftiiullv lii-coine an un lit rou Ihnt tbi-y llii-v eiiii i nt voto (lit- pi-nee. a Me. n rninni nt and Ian -abiding citina nf the fountry I Theae anggeal ion tire addreaatd to auch men aa J. S. Smith, in the Democrat io parly not in tlie heat nf a politic. il ounvaaa, but after that ia nvt-r, wiib Ihn Impv llml your " ruber around Ih-mght" will caiiN-yun In look . nnt nnie way nf eaoane frmn Ihla Innly nf death ami ciirru, lion," t-alh-d thn Deium-ratio party, bt fure the next election, PBElim Bltl'XDiKIKS. During the pant week we learu that there baa been almul liaif a doaen mrn-jing pariiea lo the field. over 1 1 Plk." running nut Ilia precinct line, in nrJ-r tn determine in what precinct certain volera lired. and whether they therefore voted at their proper precinot. It ia a Biatter nf great annoyance In the public, and Certainly one nf grvat innrliUcat inn In every boneet enter, In find nut, alter lie ha depoeil d hi ballut at a oertain polling place, in good fallb. that he bat roled out nf hit proper pre eieot. and that hi rote for that cante nint he thrown not It la inipneailde. in a new oonntry like thi, la ee that de'Antteneea in deecribiug Biunlcipal bnoodarie Ih t oan be applied in oliler State, and which ought In be oaed in ' every oaeej yet there i but little doubt hot that if more time and care waa made ate nf ia filing and preeerihlng ihe bnendariee nf pre eiaot. there would be lee troohle on thia aenre. Fmnj hill-top to hill top, and fmtn valley to valley, ie not tufficlenlly definite. When yna erne te pat a tarvernr'a onmpate on 'he " di vide " betweea tho farm nf John Doe and -Kkhard Rue, aad then run a precinct line from thence to " Smith' Gap," a diatance nf five or eil tailee, yet find that the line paaeee veiy oloa le Ihe reeidenee of aeveral " Joneaet," tome of Ihe "Motor" aud nveral nf the " SlevcDae," and that eev.-ial of each nf I lift popoUr aeeerelgn may be taken in nr U-ft out of a precinct, by moving ynor atarting point a (aw roJf ei her way. It would aeeiu to lie giaal policy fur the Coonty Co-tin to ovrihaul tl.i-te prt oinol bnuudariea prior Ui the nett eb-viioii, and aeei if they cannot l-e mini more oraio j and then e wnuld think that It wna a matter r.f Important to piibliab. with the prnclnmntion 'nf Iwtl.ma, be eaih WierilT. the houli latier of the 'ti ciiie'i uf the count c, an tl at hi reeid uu, Well at new ovtut-r. ojigLl eaaily kuuw wlieru llicir voting place it. 1'oniri-iiug lec tiiiDt fur line t-auae it very trouhleaoiue, expen tire, and ture to get up neighborhood iliaturl) atrSee and ill feeling wlieru none noght to exiat. for in nine caaea out ol ten men Vho vote nut of their proper precinct du to in ignorance ol the fact, and nol from any improper motive. But, after all, there it nothing which will cure tliit and many other defect uf the pretetit tj t- teni to effectually a an eflicieut reglttry law. Grant Cou.ntt. Have our democratic f. it-rule heard from Grant oouuty lately J Have they learned that "Grunt" never turrendera to rebel I Have they heard that Grant ' fighte itootonlhi line if it takea nil rumuii-r ?" Have they heard that Grant comity tend three Union men to tbe legialutnre, inatead of three copperhead, and that Grunt goea for the Un ion, and that Wooda't majurity it 37. and Mallory't over 510! Have they heard that Grant ha taken Richmond 1 Mistaken.- The Lafayette Courier, atate that the-editor uf the Stuteiman waa mice a mi'iuher of the Order ol Good Templar, in I Ins place. The Courier i mieiiilormed. We have never been n member of the QinhI Tew plan at anyplace. But ue think ita moi worthy ond benefieeut iiiniiliilinii. nnil heartily recniiiuieiiil the Courier m ill tu join it mill turn nnay from hi iuii-xii-ntni tup. The Copperlienil .h i - ur conatnntlt ora'uined with prni'e ol Ji If. ' Dim. Thei never Henry of onlling him a grnit hero. hiiiI tiiti'inHii, ii Cliiitiiiii nnil a pui not. Tin -j have forgntleti that he wna a r.ln I, n iniinl. ri i nnil a i, mud. Tin- I'nlloniii" linli- Im ..f ,ih mil relatite to hi i-Hpiun- hit piolnilily In Ji il h .mi ilioir on- rii-p.- -'li' it t:uol.t ho u ii4 i-niiri-lv riit,-li,H , in i large ti it, j h- ubun scutum rl nk. belimgiug lo Ilia 11 lie. ulili-ll t.ll lo III In-el. Illi'l Mil lint I ii p In hi- in eh in Inun, I -living it homl apri-inl ou r til nol' fell h it an n nlingi'llier lo 'i-nncenl III' lace. In external iiiii ariiticf Ihi I h)oie niAile him aei'in lo In- n uooniii, mill ' thai it un uiiiin'il in I In- linpe iliut In- niijilii j iliu ecnif. there enii lie im iUi'tioii. Tin Ig'irmeiit cnpiiiriil uith linu i miIo, nnd will In ipioilociil whenever it may lie iie:enrv in , pr.te Hit- en t-uiii'iiiiiC'- ol In capture." ! Tun Kahukiih m Amkiiica TIui I'hiln ! ih Iphia Prens tnyr: J'lie ci-neua rt-i iirnw r 1800, In giving the occupation nf 8.287.0-13 of hr ieoph-of the I'll 1 1 i-il Slati-. enumerate a farmer. 2 42.1. dilj, and u farm luhorera 71)5 G7i) Tlu ae Lelali-ttua iiiilicale t int only a little mure than one llnril n( Hit- Horlling population of our I'liuiiirv firoiliiced tile eiiiiriuona crop of ih-.t tenr. which included the folloning: Wln-at, I7.-1 KM H hualiel.; rl e. 21. lil.ijrjO liuah. h; I it.lt it corn. e.'irOlt.'.r iO liohei; ml, I7J. ()-l;l li'i bn.ln-1 i-; rice, I7.1li7.fl- piuiinh; toliaeco. 4.')4,2ll!l 4lil poiuol.; gioin-d uottoli, 5;fd7.0."2 loile. ol 4IMI (Minnil .H(. ; nh y . lame. 1 1 1 Utf dli? Iiiii-Ij awi-i't potaloe. 42.OU5.UJt lilirhel, Tilt- giva iii-oi-aaity ul our country, m view of the ene uhtuli it com paralivelv eimill poriioii of ,t tiihaliitiiiii can iipply nil the ngticiiliiiriil proiluci It inn con tinue nr proliiahly expnri, i in liitnali iieilul emplnynii-iil to the reiiiiiiiiing luii tliinl of ita working people. Tlienliviiiiia llnan of doing llii it in enciitiragi- domeiiu mnniifiiutiirea ami to inurea'c incentive for iliu-Mlt iug imluiril ptirauila. There ia im uiln r ant in Hhich the power of our Goteriiim-nl tun exi-rl an lime lii-ial nil iiiUnelice upon tin- pio-p riiv ol the whole p oph-. Il can n-nil. r iiitalmiliii- nnl in nui oinpli-lin g tin- iniporlniii t-ml of -n I i r 1 1 -ling and din-clitig tin-i-m rgn-a ol our coumrt aa to iniiiii-aaitriilily im ri iie tin it pr-iiluciita' nea. It nil our worjior .-ere larun r. lla-v Could do liltln miiri- than ailpply tin- I on. I miiV country uniitomo. and a Isltle llml might In exported nue-lhird their nuihlnr can In- eipially effi-cltve. for "eiiongh i na g I na n feiiat." When Ihe n-ti iimmg two tlunl Are buaily engaged in micbaniual. commi-ruinl ami iiiauiifHctiiriiig puteiiii. iln- liiriin-r pm-pi-r picaiiae they have u home iniirk-t Wh-ii i lit-1 r wnrkliopa. laclorita ami fiininti ur uloaed ly riiinon fun ign comp. in. on. ihe fur mora' fnteigu mark I I mil eon llily iucn iii'i il, and hi Inline market I in mini) ili.-inct ih atnijeil. ami uf uotire nor alulh il iinliiirv ci a aea lo inuienae the iiallooal Wtallli It j- It illiglliy C..Uiriliutloua. Grn. Guaxt In Favoh of Kkkpinci TltU'iPS IN TIIK SntlTH. The l'r.-i.(l.-ll. II few du ngu iriiiiaiiiitli il in die Hon,- of n p reeetit ttiven it a iiHinmuiiiealioii Irmn I, tin teuniit Gein ril Omul, in whu h lu- n l.-r in Hit- iief.nv tin mihliiiv prulii.tinii In 'ia loin t-iiiiiimit iiinl ill, i- It. 1 1 ,-t-it il l mill river mid tin- I'.ieifii! (lei-nii; nlc.i, iln eohtniii, il iniiaHiy fi.r In- fr.-mu t a mill in) Im o in nil III.- Si Hi hiii'tiil.iii. in iv lli'llloll. lo give II f-lllllg o ritiiiili pi oi!t-. in.il j-ny: AH cl.le .Ili-pi,, ll to nil,) iln lu it of tin l-.e Hill "ill li'i-Mll alike. ' To mini ..In 01- ,1- r iln- toitiinii, nt In ho. II l-Mlopi Tt il In I. nil M'l:lnl.i r. AH llle while Mi null i"( II. Im emiii- llKi' lli-lii il. mill thilill lll.lt till' coll nilrt Willi tin iii ha lii I'll M'.liili il Ii v rilniiiiiig ' tlii-ni nl'ii-r the war wra ovi-r. Uy' reaaoii ol . 'liFiiiiiln('iino iln-y are no Imigi r f ue, ami j I here u.ight a well lie tlinhnigiil nl oici i ll ry inn- noiv remaining in n i-i iio. Tin in lined tnluoliTr ha tipi.il rij:ht lotliim In- iliM'iinrgi-, hoi na j i-l In-1 a hi. i .hoii' en, 1H long will ixulllig Inn iiiitlmnzi- I In- rrteiiiioii ; of mi force, evi-u if tlmy are cotiti-iit tu re ! main. j A THtvr.i.i.iso Villain We lire iiifnrmnl by ! Mi'Mia. l'ae ami Swain, ol Krench Prairie. that a on i lain i'aul lUiiiliick, with Imlf a doien uli:in-a, la per- amhuwiiig lliei'oiuity.iMilliug' 1 ive powder," which, upon exaniiiiHiion by Mr. t'lark, the ilrimyiiiat. prove lo be K eompoailioii nl Morplii ie ami Cuillliiiriilea tf a-ifli be ihe raeia, ami Mr, Paul lleailih k, who it about five frat einbt lin-hea tall.ilnik hair, freckled face, and hollow ehrekt w illi i online.) coal, and cb.lh travelling mn k, ami proteaalug in be a gi-ioluaie of a ,Mitiiiii MHical colleue, euu be cantilit, a ci at of ta and feather otilil doulaleat do him od. Ciaretr Cover " raooinivui Fiom the pro 'wdioi of tl.a Circuit I unit, hull fir tliit nanny iln tin 1 1 In patt week w e make the following iiii-iuoranila e the divorce aud criminal burine, Ihe civil caaec being tell out, by reqiieet. Juilge. Uoiati'a rliarge in ll Haiuhnrrt rate will be tumid In amaher place. Kcberca So ill wai divorred from John Amiuan. lie raillj. Oeer wat divorced from Cynthia A Geer Nelaon llaiiihnrtl waaaeul lo the x-iiilrntlrv for ten yeara, for niauelaii'hler hi killing Wui. Naitborn Clni.liau lleiuaii waa aeiit to ll lYiiitenliar) for thiee )eart fur treating Ituali a lioret-a. Ml Kil.Lmi.Tbv OnFokhm rtt-oid Ihe eirriiiii eiancoa of the killing of John It. Williaiui, by one Mward Mnclull The dilttenlty eaviueil to be eluiut a woman uaaied Kliut J. McMahoii. I'oilland ia get ting to be very iiaiiglity place. TV lion. tlr. Howlbv will deliver an Oration near lb resilience i.( wm. Kllioit, on the rondug Knilrili of Jnlv. A braat band will lie In attendance. All are Invited lo attend. Btvcaain-Geo. P. lnmi., Eaq. lately grada aling at Ih Albany (N f tw 8,-ho.d. hat relunn d to Iii home In Halem.and wiil permanently (iigag in the prartioe of hit pmteeaioit her. I'nor. 8. C. Smrtoa -Tliit genileman bat been te Its-lpl lo deliier tlie Kunith of July Oration, at A banv. Uoi aD roa Oatuox A rentil letter from (lover. not shannon, of Kanta, lla'et that tlxleea fauiilkja had left Ilia viclniiv nf Ijiwihoik, bound fin- Oiegon. If Mr. II. U . orMii, ul t'oi l loud, aatiimea px - prWIoialilp of the OiTgou and ('uhlornia taaeline, today. ' j The Srntiiirl ) a : "A drove nf, nhonl in e liuiiilrij Norte pa-aid thrnugh dun on Sal j ttrilav j-t. Tiny rlartid fnun Unite cmin T, Cali'ninia. and expect lu atop at luillamJ or ' the Dallcl." ' TiOmt. 11 Al'lUC IN KWH., Waehiiigtiin, June 22 In conaennence nl the reprt'tentittion uf linlwc II of Calilornia Ihe Secrelarj of the Interior bat revoked the or- ler withdrawing trnm the market the fetro li iiiii Land in California The Army Aliinoprlntiim hill contain the folltwing Senate amendment offered by Con nie: 'The Onartennaater'a department ehall ad- vertite in San Franciacn and Portland for bid and ahall give the preference to article pro duced on the Pacific Conal, the quality being eqnul and the price no greater than if pur chaaed on the Atlantic aide, with the coat of iri.niji.irtatinn to the Pncifio added thereto." Washington. June 22 The Senate pnaaeil a I i I profiling for the anle of marine boapilal in which only twenty patient per dn-iii are re ceived; mill it lo paraed a bill granting lainl-. to aid the Kauaua uud Neorho Valley Hail load. The Hoiite laid on the table a bill providing for tlie impmveiiif nt of a wagon mad frmn N'e liiio-ka to Virginia Cny. .Montniia. The Iliiiie iniil a hill iippropriiiting a half million dollar fur cnurtrucliiig an Amih. ry nt Kin-li lalaml. 111. ' liingliam, ul Ohio, from the penion com inillee. reported HUi t peiiaioiiing the n do ra of the war ol which he aaiil wi.ulil lnoif mi annual nullity of I()UKI.' (Ill A lllellgi- WH ri-Ci-IM'il Iron till- l'reillellt. anting the j tni rcaobnioii prnpotiug un nun nil mi'iit tu the cnnalttiitioii waa on me it) it oltii'inlly coiiiniiinicaled by the Secret .ry ol Stale to the (ioteiiinr ol llle vnrioii .Sinter; hut tin act waa it eri-ly miiii'ierial itml not to he i.-iiiiti m il a involving Ihe ewiaeiit of ihe I'XeeiillVK In the prnpond iimeinlmeii. lie ioliiptli.il of which h) Congri in Ihe iiIim-iicc I llie r.'pie! 1 1 1 t 1 1 v i ol flevi-ii Sniie he re gnr.l a iiiilortiniaii-. ami hint nl ilimht ol Ijle li'Cllllllili ) of Mil- prnc Illif. Til" l'll'i Ii III 0 l-i I I t n n Vi' dueling ti-f. lit eor ii -pi.o.l. i i .. onh Minl-n-i Ihui-loit ill Pun, in in iignril to tin- wiiliiliawnl ol the Fri lull tioiipi. Iiniii M . x ii i". I proiiniince thericeiil ii.in.f.iiiiiii with tin- French Miniier of Fo eign Alfuir on Ih' ""' j- ct atiffactnry. Tin- Ci iiiuiiii-r of Agriculture i in ro Ci tit nl aeveral etiperuir eiliuple of cotloii grown in Caliliiruin. Wuehiiii;loii. June 24 The Senate coin nleli-il IHi-iilV three mlilliioiial page nl tin- 1 1, x lull, mnkiuif inn- hliiolnd ami lilleeu of tile two hiiinlr, il uud foriv liaui-a. Tin- lloiie paeil'ihe army bill by aye 74. lima. 41. with mi nun nilitu nl niuirii.g that in all cae wh.-re mliiiiieer uffiui-r lire appointed in tin- regular arjny to the mine ratik orgnnle held by lln-iii ill tin- volunteer aervice. they liall in nk na if for aervice fr neb dale. Cbicego. June. 26. A Washington letter any that owing to 111" repreaeiiliillnn nt inpi J. Ho Krowiie, ngeiitof the California fruit grower, the Senate decided to tnke off llle nix ol a per tent, pergniinn on uniivo in, and to impute a tax nl 50 cent per gallon on Inri'ign wine ol liittrmr grnnea. Gi iii-rnl Ottega who claimed to be Ihe On aliliilioiial Prei-lilelil uf Mexico. Im an agent in New York, ihroiigh wh be Im iihiuitted it iroioiiioii In Mi'. Hank, Chniriiuiu of Ihe C illlie iii p'ideial Hi'lalioii. lonklltg lor an alliaiiee wilji Ihe I'nil d Suite. The Semite paed Ihe iirinj' npproprialinn bill, lidding theri t.i Ihe llmiae lull aiprii rial ng aeven' mil ion of ilnllur for FreedmenV linri'iiii a an aiiu-uilinelit. Mr. GwuMd'' bill creating a Depnrtiiient uf Giiiicntioii, which wet rejected lat week, came up lu day in Tie Hoiim' on the reconal ruction ipiealion and wa patred without debate. It proviili d for a Ciiiiiuii-tioner of Editcatb n with $4 001) per nut alary, und four clerk. Tin- ilnltea ol (lit- department urn aiuiply to ti.lln-t eilucaliiiinil ami oiln-r iippioprinlioua. The hill goe In lue S. ii.ile hir coiieiii relief. The c a t'le pri-i iiinl iln- in j rity report nt he n com-tftii t lomiuiili e. iln-uu nml ulilniiC'- ol wl, oh i n follow: lu tin I j'lilciiiont. to lar Ii It- In tug n pri ll le an lrictiou. II I a vital ipieall II tin- cuuiieo lion of Stalea u not illinrlnil by lhee Slule when they t-nli red the reli.'llloii in Vio l.llmn nl the Coii'lltiilion. which wnaemuigh to.liu.nl') Ihe ileiiiol of lliilr rihl giaoled un il. r Ihe (iil t limn. The llon-e took up the army lull uud pn" id it. Hie iii hale lo-giin liiiltnl to llvi-iiimute o-l cho. Mi M-iiiiu-li i-xphii Ilbnt Ihe lull propo io-i an anuV ! 4.111011 no n. capable ul ex i, n-l.'li In 700IHI lie aim elan d ih-it tin re would In- Ii 1) mfulim regiment "f Ie" c paine iiieh. The bill pnmile luriln r. Ihai .here "hall ho one General, une Ln-ut Gen i ral five Mi'j Geiietal'i and leii Hngadler. t'hii'.igo. .1 nt..- v!tl - Want rolling null wa Inirnid ln-1 Ighl; luaa $:(( IHH) 'I lie )e Miniif lb puiilienii Cimgreioiial Coin, iiiiou, on ill,- H'H iith bull. I. iioiiiinati-il Mnj Gem ml Ihiilije. iniiflM unit i leal t Xcltf ifi'i.f. Wnehii u'nii. .1 'i' ' -Tim Si'imle paaeetl l hi lloil-e l l I i .ii Olio li tin- Fieeiloo ii'" ho ii no I it i 1 1 in o nli .in r.il aim inlineot which -.ml- il i". .nk to iln- ll-ii-e for i-.oii-inii iue. I'lii- ,s. II .ie oho lellieiil by nt ' 1 7 lllnl lioe III. in l ;.,i- up ihe Ni ig.iiii ship Canal hill. .'. h i h iln-l o i a nl the mailer Im iln Se-i-ion I he Si-ioile iai il IIiiiim- hill mi nting the . Iliee nl Survey nr gun-iitl lot lilalni Ti rillor , in. I aleii patred llouee hill M.ikjng the Legi br.it e Seeeioii in Waahiuglnu Terrtlory In, lineal I iiicreutiug Ihe cmnpf mtalion ul ll o.eii.hi-rt. Tin- Confer! nee Coimnill m the joint rea- i l'iiiim fot Ihe teln f ul Goiulrich nml Corning tm eairriii; mail Inuu llnie City to lilalni Cnv. ii a-le a r. port r. tlni-iog Iln- aiiuuiut from Jt.O IK tl lo $10.1X10. which wu agreed In Thi- t'iiiili-teiice l iiimnitiee on the bill for Ihe iritueportntioii uf hiliii gljceriue. ri ported uu uiuemlmelil exleiuliug provialuiit tu llltrolo urn. or bliialing. or mlruleml. or powder mixed with enili ml or aubiitance. changing the pen ally lion, .'i(K) tn Mil lea tlliiti (5.000 nor mute than $10,000, and requiring the tub- auce lo be fiirroiiinl d with platter of paria or other material that will he noiiexplneive wln-u aaiuraled with audi nil ur euhttauce. Aineiidmeiit ngreed to and bill paed. New York. June 24 The ii amcr Ja naiun hi aimed with date m the I2ih. A commiiiiicaiioli Inuu the Emperor ul Finiict-lu tin-t'nrp Legllnlil, aiter detailing In i Hurl to pievnit a cmillict. aa)': Hud the coufi relict-nari-iiilileil, my Uoveruiueiil would linie declared that France ri pudiated any idea ol li-rrtti rial iiggrnuliifiuciii a long a the F.iiropenii i qiiiiiliriuiii remained uud eiurbed. France could only think uf the exteueiuit ol her frontier, in the event of the map ul Europe In-mg altered lo benefit Ibe great pow er. We thou Id have detired fur the German Confedi rnton a pnitmu more worthy of it importance; for Praaria, better geographical l.oiiiiilariea, lor A H I tin, the maintenance uf Her great pnelll-MI In Kumpr alii r llle celoo o Vi-nilni, aud lor Itul) , an i-xchatige of tern tonal cooipeiinluiii I he ooiil.-ronoe baa tail e. Will ihe French be h d tn raw ihetwordf l'i.e French Gun rnim-ut lliiuk nut. What ever may lie the n-eull uf the war, which i like y lu break nut, at i ff. ul nt, will he wilted without the content uf Fiance The Aaetrian Inaip evacuated Holtteiu. iiiarclnhg Inward llauiliurg. . Tbe I'rueiaii Inaip eutuied Alton on the U'lh. A Vienna diapatch tay Gen. Goblenii bad origimtb) it'Cvitnl older In maiiitaiu hi pn- limi Hi all liai.itdt hut ll appealing that the I'luelnu C'liiinii an rix liuiea einnigi r than be wa, a d rcelelainc Inmg urelea, he hlnaleil . Kkiianm. Weiegrettolvariithal Mr. J O. Ourd ih r. Wanlt-n uf the Uregou I'eulteiutary, bi.l reaign ed hi p ilion wiib the liilenllou of ooo leaving lor Ilia Kntu.ru Slam He bat been n ardeu vf tlie Pel. iurniiary for alwul ftnir yeare, and baa proved hinieell a very elHi htnt and woitby ufttver. Tbe Male ought u.. to gite up, w illiuely, men nf tried enparieui-e ai.d Heal iitihiliwaa.il our public inetilntieua, like Mi. II i, ilia r. It will la- ImiiIIo till bl place nim aa good hu ottnvr He ia the inieoior, met I n jutt ret-eived a p neat, for a new "liai-l.lv,'' w bicii for abiipliciiy aiid utility 1 au Invviititai wtiivh vacuo! be ditenetd with n heiever tiled Ii ill nitn K applaol I lie eld hall and thai, i tli.ieat, tMuoiae H I- a aivai tuVai.a'er, etiiar and leim eonveuwiic ttnd wui uouvuiilvUer autkv a Ka Wu f Ur. Uaniuvr. IUK itOKlLUl Or LIKK l.hl Itt.Uh. Thia wh the tuhji-cl of diacourru deliver il laat evening by liev. Dr. lie tiilrickum, at llle Firtt Unptiat church in tliit city. He choae for hia text tlie following wonla : If any pro vide not for bit own. and eapecially for thoee ol hia own hiiU'c, he hath denied Ihe htilh and i whuee than an infidel." Tl reVen n I gentle man commenced by raying that nur citizen have nf Into had their attentioti culled tn Ihe anhject of Life Inturnuce, and na oppnaile opinion are entertained by many, aoiiio of which are of a religion character, he bud been requeated to deliver a dicnnm oii'tbo nhecl. viewed in the light of iimrnl nnd Chrt'tinii iirincipba. At. the lirt hliifh of the iilij' ct. lie aaid, tome may thmk that it. cninea mil within Ihe proiiiu e nf the ,nlpit. nnd there la a aort uf ile-eeinlion nf place nml linu- in i eh mentioning it ; Inn I I, , ,, i Mint nil Iniinan ini-li lillloli. publico!, tolliini li nil. eoellll. iliumelli and t-ilill'Hi i-ninl. rel upon a umial lm. ; ihe) are either right nr wrong; then fun-, tin) an rut no ri li qui riiima f,,r ihe in nil philnauplu i or clirt-l inn iiiie-iiiiin. hut lot the ch'ii-liao pri-iichi-r Thi view nf the ue Her i auppurt ed by the iililhiim coure nf the Scripintei. when Ireaiiiig uf what belong to the foumla mn ol I ii in it it niciity Solartrniii heiug en lined In thing apiriiiinl. Hie) are largeli in d up uf thinu ten purnl tu a moral and r, lif.i m aapi ct. Ami the reuaoii i III-' m rlpniie to laie lo mini in all In uaiit. burden. !) In III it orrow. diilier, r lati.ui and deritny. While I hey pre eiuiiieiitly treat of -tlie. llle Ihal i tu come, they un- iib-ii iiiimliul of tin- lif" llml now I-,' Ahove nil We have the example nf lue S.ninr of men The treat ih uii nl hi mi noil wu in ave the lort 'mil prepare man lor life in In eletnal Kingd in. let bow much id III llliliii-ln Wa detoled III the prerl lit t llipll nil wi Hare hi the ami and d-inght'-i of want and ull'i nog. In fact the litrent pi I ol hi ili-llie Mi llllllllp were lnPil "I hi" Wolk ol I eui'Viili- lie wriillght ill Ill-hull of eiillerillii ll'l inanitt." Alter tlinw nig an pie M.iipiure uu Ihurtiy for Ibe h githnncy' of iich a Mih j, cl ii the one une ilm er couaiilernimu being reali'il in llie pulpit, he went uu to coualder. Iirt, -What i Life luauranue." It ia mil. he aaid. n guiiraulee uf llle omiliiimtuou of life fur n ilay ur uii.hnur. Nothing ia to uncertain a Ihe uoiitiunance of a tingle life fur a day ur an hour. Nothing i to in certain at the cou liniitince nf an individual life, mulling that to eoiiipletely acta at naught all calculation. And let. atruuge at it may appear, nut a few object lu Life liii-urnuue tiuib-r tin) iiiiuretpimi llml It i .'eigtied to guarantee a cerium duration uf human lite, uud iliu it ia a'- war with the pre-rugiitivi- uf Pruviileiice. Such ia not ita du aign. Such illume fully it nut chargeable tn the founder ur manager uf llu-ae inatiiuttuti. The objection un thia ground ia a grn iiiimip prebeiiioii, ainl elnnilil not be eutertuiucd by anyperun of mdiuary intelligi-ncc. The aecuud dtviiun nf the diuourau wat de voted to Ihe con ideratinn uf Life luaurance not being nt variance with llie euientilio princi ple uf commerce and trade. Trade and com merce ar- governed by natural law a ture and invariable a tbe law nf aatmnuuiy and iiii'leruliigy. and- all natural luwe aie the law uf God. It I faith in the nnifnrililly uf thcee low that auppurt all the cmuiiieiue uf the w or hi. ami aupplie the want ami iuiiutci tn to tlie coiiilor uf million of the hniiiuu race in every nje ; nml yet theae law at time grind like a many mill linie. pulverizing the lar ge! etablihmt ul. ami leducing lu liankriipt cy and beggarly iiiiihiiiiilea dependeul upon Ihi'in. Ami yet the occueiuiial reveraeii that occur in the mercantile world do nut deter men Irotii engaging in trade ; they are willing to ruu the ril lor Ihe alike nf the prnbilitiee nf etio ce. Chriatian men du tin, ami veryjuetly view it a their duly tu du an. They are dili gent in liil-lue, feiteiit in anil it. aervmg the Lord Thei mail Ihi'iii'i Ilea nl lln e la nl Gin llml He ) mn) pr- onle lor lheo'eie ami illeir luiiilhi', nml bine llle iiienn uf doing gi u I lu llle world, lu their cnouerii In pniv hie lor Uu- iieei aiie and luiuforl uf life. Hie) In I. ol lll.-lrilrl I'lovtilelice. 1111- the) du a Ghii"tiau uu li. nnd enjoy n gimd c"iieb lice in mi ih, lug. U hut In- clni'oeil f"r life iiKiiiniice ii a iiiiiiieiid nml Iiiiiiihiu- lulitulhm. wa nut - ul I hut ll iiii hiirunior with Ihe cii'iiiiliu I Mii-iplo i f t ii o no roe nml Inule. hot thai ll i file lllgln l llllll lhot pellect lll-t l I'lpllli'llt ol iIiiim- priueiph'. Il i liaeil upon the nvt-ragi-i! in ii I inn ui human life. X llnfig l .ii niiii-i-lam u 'lie duration nf unr imlu ulual life; im one can buart ol In nun row . Lilt-i vapor ; like u ehaihiw llml paelli nwny. Xoi-nlcula iiiiioii i-nie n l -iilely upon it. Hat Hu- avi r nue of hiiiiinu I ti-, upoii llie ulher hai;d. I nut ol the mul ci rtiiiu of thing, ll I a ac'eu nil ! certainty ih'iliiieil froiu Ihe iiiicliaiigeahb lav of uinrliilily. Take urn- htimlri'il ihou anil or one milium uf lite, ami by the law ol inoriahil Hu- duration id lino-olive can he ea t a lil i-In il wiihiu the diiiiiiii.il of uu hour. The probable llilllllloll ul lift- frunl HOV given nge nml the aci-iiiiiulaiioii uf ii,t-ii-r ugion nmmt riinanlule Iln- i l.iuem nl tin- life niiriiiiei-; j ami lhee. logether Willi tin- experience I itaov year form u reliuh e I a-i upon which In j rlut'h-h the pieiiniiui- lor III.- iiiiirauce, ami r. ml, r llle pulley a rule r-ruurce w lo ll dentil occur. Siiiniti a a in -tier nl Iiiiiiii . ilo--igiii il tn prut iti i- fur tliiwe nhn. plainer ur later, an- ure lu be deprived id Iheir luttnnil proleu t r. iln re i nothing llml can be cuiuparrd with it; lor. while in all other buine llrere it a learliil niicertiiiuty, there i iu thi ahanlute oerlaiuty ; and thi oertninty i bated uu the natural law of Uud. Tbe third view uf the tabj ct taken by the Speaker wa that "Life lii-urniice wa nut nt i annuel with the pruviili-uljnl gnierinneiit nl God." He c.oneiili reil the view nf tome Cl,ritinn men who objected to life iuriiranee a being ai ta iiiice with UimI' providenlinl g.neriiiiieiit.wholly gruoiidlea. While he ad mired and eoiiiiiieuded Ihe apirit that made meu jealoiia ol Goil'a ho , he cnnideled ita duty wliiili di-voVi-d upon men tu provide fur Iheir lainilii h) life innirnnee ; ami aked : ' Dnea a chrtttian parent Hy in the face of Prni -iceuce, when be alia in a duvtur to relieve a tick aud dying child ( No; be would be a niot niichriatian parent, who wnuld leave the child tu auffer and die, under the plea that ho waain the hand uf Prnvidence.audtliat it would be wrong to interfere with the lavnget oi'ilit eae." The reverend geiilleiiiau pnajeeded In peak at length uu llie "Duty uf Life lnur rauoe," ami chwed with a enmprelieutlve view uf It advantage. Storktn Indrpextlent. TIIK TALl'K Of THK MTIOSH CKKDIT. The following article frmn Ihe Coitiinerclal ooluiiiu uf the Daily Flag, forcibly thow the aiiperionty of our national ytteiu uf fj nance, bitidct giving nine idea bearing diteolly tin the local inlerett nl California and Oregon. We commend Ihe whole article tn Ihe ecriout Liini-ideraiioii of i low who are wedded tu an exclueivi-ly liietabvcurreuc : The p.eaeiit exeileinent In financial circlet in Europe, preat-ula a atnkiug illtietrntmu nl the tuperiorily of our National financial ami banking avail in. mer ihe nld. lime houori-tl )leiii- ul Enroit-aii Government. Tin n- la uu ulher nation in Ibe nrhl that could i-XHiri aa much bullion a the United Stale limp dime during Hie iiat mouth, wiili ait anlf.-ring i conipletr pi net ration of il comuieicial end inaniilai luring -titalny. Then- mul be a t-nue and Hint nmt powi-rliil. which ennlih our ciiuulry tu export fiby iiiilli.ui- iu bull itillnu lew wol k. wiiliuul vkiggi g M tnu-ini-n-e nr mnniiinctnre. lieu a tmhl. il ilr i aud lor btaa than twenty five uiilhim in England. Created the iiioel iiiieuae- hoaiiulnl diatler that baa happened in lhal couiiiry lor) ear. A diter an gem rl an giga. Hu that the govrr ent of that, Ihe nmet Wrnllhy nation in t it- wnrlil, wna ctmiit-lled In mnul tn llie eXiiaordmnry att p nf ru-H-inliug II lia ioiial liauk eharter, ill order lit prevent Mm veiaal rum. Tin r- ia on man i-hpahh- nf tra ining a thought wlui cau fail lo reuoguiie in ihe Naii.'ii.il Currency and X annual hank, the taut- why our country t rxempl froiu ihe toUM-iueiice which a-e i-ouvuleiiig Euniuf. Mich tVeuia aa are a.iW Ir-ii.piiing. thimlj liave Mini" liifliieuop in removing Ihe loo lung rein in d di ItitNiB lhal piweraei t ). pmplf ol tin Sl.ne. that Gold and Silur i-tily aremlap lid lu tbe putpuer u( Curreuuy fnra counuer- tin i or iiiiiiiuhieluriiig people; nr that paper niuiiey. atriclly baaed on a tpecie reterve. i equal to Ihe paper bated mi the credit of a penple tnch a compute tbete United Slate. What wonld be the condition nf New York, the great Empire State nf the Union to-day. had itaci'izeni determined on maintaining a ineliillic Currency, which they had at much light and renr-on to do a we uf Calilornia? Tho draining ul il Gold, tu inpjdy the for eign demand, wnuld hitvo cnued every de partment of liutinea there tu be nt itagiiunt and npnllielic a it ia nmnng u. While Ibe Stale ih t adopted the Naiiunal paper Cur rency, could tell their Gnld aud Silver, nnd gain Ihe ndviiulagu uf it iucreae of value withoui aiitfering any incniiveiiieuce in their buaiiie, Ihe penple uf thi Stale by rejecting ihe National Currency have forfeited all the iiilvaiilngi I e Slnte Iliut lime ml. pled il aie impiig from iliu condition nf alfair in Eur pe. M Chevalier, the great Fn in It ilall-iiebin. I n -how n Irmn return nf Ihe trade nf France nnd England lhal the penple whn i-xpori mure gold i linu the) import good, ricelte miibiiig in i it in n lot ihe exeea. cmi-i quiiill) . the pen pie whn produce gold uud hne q'iniilille- uf other c ..inline whiih they expnri. derive no In ll. lit finni iln- xpurt uf llie luetul. The ntinneiil roll of ibi Stale bear cmi cbi'ive lettlinimv tn the corncliie id llle gnat Fiemhinau'a theory Fur liny aim that while llie i xp'.tt uf Itiillioti. Grain, Flour. Die. linie and Win, I hate iucreiiaeil lu arl) lilty per tent within the pat twn )ear. the liil-'rt nae 111 the value ol pmperly ul every tie ten pi nii in Iln- Slule fur Hu- eiinu- period h.t lint been mer live per cent. O r expnri ex ci i d in table nur Import by $V.O 000 000 pel milium, mid the State, beiuim impovi iihed In the extent nf the difference Till lo an grent nnd clearly defined, i ch-uily llacenl le In Ihe hint that na fall III recogl i,e lllllt llie Natinual uledi' ia heller adapted In, llie trim Hi liiiii uf unr biiiiea than gold ur eilvt-r One uf Ihe ileliieiiiua Hint i tn-t being ublile rnteil iu lhee ditya, i that au iuoreaae nf gold i au lucreate nf capital tu a natinn. The proof that credit it tho real capital of o natinn waa never an clearly demuuttraled aa now. England'a financial ayatuiu it baaed un gold aa capital, and the world tec it tottering tu ruin, becatiae ila capitnl ia nut competent fur the trniieuoliun uf it hneinc, whife I tie Unitid Suite wlui-e Jinancial ay tein i baaed un cred it, are teen tu iuo from a war, mure onttly and gigiintio than any nf modern time, vigor on a a young giant warmed by rough exer cise; able and willing tn fill the exhnuated enf brs of thuae Conntriee that retain the fallacy that Gold i cnpilnl a Inline)' a untenable in the light uf progreta at the divine right of king. TIih U tilled state nave tnitglit llie crow tied head nf Eurupe muny talutury lea on in uiiliticul economy, but mine that will be u beneficial to the interval uf mankind a the expuaure uf the fallacy that an iuoreaae of guh i an incrcate ul natmnul capital by dciimn alrating that the credit uf a free penple i mure fitted fur the conduct nf their iioaiue thay Gold that the one can be expanded tn the ru qoireinent nf an age nf prugreaa, while the ulher i uncalled tu the conduct uf a cunineroo which einhrace the product uf a world nnd employ Ihe lightning aud ateaiu tu collect them. COST Of JilffSPAPERS. Tip ro ia nu ciunlry in the wurld. tay the St. Limit Hrpub'ican. where Ihe newapaper it an otiiveraally a necettity at our own. I u ev erybody it ia a indiapenaable a hia daily fond; yet few are awate ul the labor und expt-tie in volved in the preparation nf the constantly re curring meal. The Philadelphia Ledger late ly announced that ihv bit un ita circulation Hiimniited tu ne hundred thuuaiiml dnilar in twilte inmiih. which will aecm a aturibiig Hlaii uieiit. nml linn he rect-ivt d w ih tiiure ur b'a men ilolll) by lh'ie lint encaged ill the Innon. -, iiinl ihen-lore unacqu limed with Ih ml -ti rn uf iii-wapnper publi-hnig The I'l :Iiiii tplii'i Telegraph hat tnme remark- up mi Hie aiilj. ci. witch the initiate- overt where know lu be Hue. It declare lliat iln It- i in, I now a ainglo daily paper printed in tin coiiutiv uf tvhicli the cut to tb" piibliber I mil gr, ml. tu t xcea ul the price f .r wlnt-li u ft Uf. The qili aliun IIIIIV be Inllnrnll) Heked. 1 1 . . w lu u-piipi r. then, are upp,irii d! The ai.wer i. Hull llie piibli-hi r i only anted fimn rum by Ihe uiheiliiug ource of iuc me. , N i lllo r Hu- eiiliurilitr who Ink- Hit- pnper mil) lu road it, nor tin- nilverli-i-r whn u-e II a a proliiulib' iiienn nf tumiuiiiiicnii' u with ii render, .epar.it. I) eu-Uiin ll. ISoth con j -iiii-d lire in ce-mry In that end; und while coiuplaiti thai Hie price uf tlm paper i tun high, and the ulher lhal be 1 clmrged Imi il. in lllor hi a-lveiliat-mriit. the piililllii-r I i'iiiiliiuily etruggliug tu mljuet Hie jut cini a uf each. Ill nl her word, he i g.iVelin-. h) Hu- aame principle which govern men iu mlier klluU of hoallli'. He ia Iimi wiat- to Impure price uu the public which tlit-y Wniibl nut long piy if (..lllnl tn lie i-xul bllnul; and nuiipelll..li iu Ihi. aa in evciy other rurt uf liin-lne . wnuld ihiii t-xpuat nml cnrn-cl any audi i xur hilauce. All Ihing cimtidi-red. tho puliliu are getting the bent lit uf the dully In wepaper pre at a very cheap price, ami pulilihera reahae a profit quite inadequate tu the aervice they render ami the bilmr and care they incur. Sun Peaiil.8. Montgomery ia alwny up to all Ihe new Improvement in the art of taking picture. Ilia laat production ia a picture ttylcd "the Stm Pearl," which differ Irmn nil ita pre deoeaanr. and i a much tiiperiur to Ihe Pho tograph na the Photograph I itiperior In the uld Daguerreotype: It great beauty contiat iu the delicacy aud fint-net ol fiuith and ex- prexiiin ; Hut tu appreciate it you mutt go anil ee it. ' In addition to the " Sun Pearl." Montcom- ery ha juat brought out the fine new picture called the "Enameled Card ;" and in addition to both ol I bete, be expect In tunn have the aaaittanoe uf a firat cla artiat to color and re lunch tho phutugrapltf, and all other kind uf picture, in the higheat ttyle of the art. M tmiiiL roRTiu KocaTU. The folluwing named gentlemen will act a Marbal,iiilhecelehration of llie Piairth at S..lem : J. C. Bell, ('hie! Mindial; I. It. MiMitea. B. F. lln.wn. Chatlra Carlwrlghl and 1 ie! Clink, Avi-laiil Man-halt. OoV. Wooot We hear a rumor that Gov. Wood will deliver the Oration here oo the Fourth. We hop that it may he eoju we wonld be favored an eloquent nnd able enort, but we are not rertaiu that be ill be the Orator. JaAKKlKD. In Sjlt-ra, June 111, by J. 1'. Pee. lie, I'ouniy Judge. Mr. Til -ma Krniau.ol l.ion i-nunty, in Mim buisin L C.al.iii.ia Xtuil-u c, ui t-. Oieou. 1CD. In Rt-iliel preciia't. Poik c-ainiy. -hi the I'.'d of June 1mi Uaiy wile "I Wm. V B n e. A-fd 1. teai. 1 m in ii- a..d ii ilax. Mi h ll a lni-lt -it mid live cliil divn and many ineiuh. who roiairn ih r bw. T Je-na I brl4 I anuglil for ml; ' He latde lue ca ti roam. And Ity I- r refuge lo hie bm.il, Au-l ne d vnducl me buiue. (Weriuu, Mn,. l,itr pleeae .p) ) Tolhc I'niflii Tien ofMttrlon C'ouii ly. Jrri liii'x. ryilR c'pperbniili tay tla if iher are den-a e-l in 1 Hie r-uile!, m Holk.lbev will lighl. .nw. ll en tire, hi the tiaiue of liiuuatiilv. nu ar rt'ierllullt imi'eil iii until an enwi ten y, in eiHitt i.eer iu laiue l.i mlier. tt iili a Itg ol Irnt v. and bury our dead biid let. and liert-of tail not. tm.lfr r-n,ihv'. maw 1 1 ri2::.s. ov m p..i. For Sale. o; NEneal new dwelling b.uiae, with ba. ritnaied .r ti.a llittricl School lloo lunmra ,,f l od J ll NU 'KLIN Ai CO WAITED, nO pnrchnu two amall farm K a- rteticnl'tta ln 1 t, ,mj.f Ci kKY r H A H M K K MKRIAII AD tKI.INtt l-Au Ee tay uf Wanting and iiMtm-tioa for Ymng Men. Aim din-- aud abiiae w hii-h en''ra'e Ihe vital powtr, will, tare meat) of relit f ncul Iteouf charge in erel ed lellereuvehtiie. Ad-ln- J. -KILLIN H At(',HTOJf, li rltlS Howard AtTuti.-n Peila.Wlr-hia. Pa. - m CWKT. Oil l lha, Mattint-. Win-low a t DKKTMAN nKOrj. LINT Of btTIEKfi lli'tnniuiug III Hie Ullleent H.ilein. July I, lMII) i Allen W 11 Andrew Mater John ll.iiid Mil 13 linker II N llpiaru Wat llriiok Win W I'lllli-Oll It'll ui Cttlin Kiedeili k Cook J W llnlliv Jatne A Mellonald John 8 Melnl,li Win Old A A3 Owen I'eler Olda t'yinC 1 Piper Witt 'i Pane J II Power W W Unwell J'llni M ltnvi'e M H liiila-iianii Wui Ib.liertHiii W H Buckle Andrew Knoll Mintlrenville U 4 Itoa Or H W Koblilu Mr Ilcrlnda Khuw (I VY Hcli,.l'r Siiiniiel Kauudcr Win IV Kebliit-el A Shilev Mi Km lice L HlngerJ tV Cnuver Mr Liura i Cnnlcy Mr licpuy .lumea IIiivi H in mn ii v DownaUinaC liHiiliuiu Aim l)nnul"ii W M linger 1) II (Irinwold Wv lli nuie r reu Helner J llHiliunii A I) Ihirncyll H Htreela J.lnl 1 1 it ml in John or Kntltieiial Htoke Jnrvia 11 ix, ii Jili-a Periuclia Htrodo IHIIilld llotiMia 1 1 Hilly llotle J" epll .la-inlh ill (iei,nt J.'Iuiniiii Saiauel H ti .l.'hnnii Ml KHr.iiU.-tU -I -nli , Mi K N i King Tim K i) ill iiiu Lane Mr. lieor.'e VI",, n Mi-M lil'la P l ler A K nml M June M 1011 Jo .11 lit-t- Ur; Atnuela Miller Mi niali U M i nit J i-ejilt C M itlierlt ItJ M rri-! .Mi- Aeni M.'Nell Mi- KI.KiiUclli S Mot line. I li-i W, I'lniu Mit M ir-.-an i Ktoup William Hlei'le Kdwln O Holliielierg M V eiinith John W Winiili Jnlin P Sniitli Jiwepli 11 Trillium Kicliitrd V tm KIWI, a W h.iril Oien Warn a IIP Wiuini'i J 'iiti-t W.dicli 11 A u inin I' d J ick-.ni Wi IiiiiI lliimn A Weight lieiiige Wai rl'iiti'ie.t II 3 Win ilaiilei. .Iiienli Wu elet A',tliny D Woell-IIM tV- oilw ml .1 YANKEE DOODLE Yankee Doodle goes lo town. And lo duet everybody, And buy Ihiir goods of HMITH & WaiiB, And don't get "stuck" on shoddy. BKI ACHE SMITH & WADE Don't keep iIiihIiIv goods. Tin) are not telling out ul coat. J'heir ttiwk it nut going to be cloaed out In ixtv dav. (juite tlie reverae to the conirurv; on llie oilier aide, if you plena. Tliey have fettled down In Saieiu for a permanent, legitimate bntiiiea, and deal in everything you can think of, and thuiitanda of thioua no one e'lae but them ever wimld think of until they needed them i and iheir buiinene ia iiicreaiiug euoruioutiy every Diomo. They now offer for tale or riaar rLooa. A tplendid ttock -oi-DKV OODS ur iTiiiu). ia wtim-Houir Tho targeat itock and beat aaeort menl of UtnN &STKKL Wagon & Buggy IltOS, Ileuvy 1IAKDVTABEI C'ABI.K and Log-Chalnit Animiuei'teiitnck -of- n'a?on, Bansy uud Hulky II .TIB Kill. Iron und llickury AXLKS, 'rm.TiBi.KM, SKK1XS, Salem and Org'u City Facloryriotliiu? OUOCEUIKS, HIRDIVARE, Irastehn Atili , lliuk'trv hikI I'ni) Bunt k Shorn, ler I'LANK CK'ICKKRY, NOT I OKA, Etc. Etc. 300.000 nil I a lite lull -no liol $hitt ittirt.mi baud anil in arrive. . Btackimlth and Wagon -Mtktn' loon. 11 o wtt, Whcrlbiirrowi. Grain Cnnlli-a. St-vlbea, Srt-atli. etc . etc.. til al Portlaiiil HOPE, NAII.H, Etc.. Etc , Ever ottered hi ttulem. VEW POSTS orieea au-l Lid (tint arenot'pitt rut tier ill. fin i trrm, nluiiie tur , irelui ii'lilfil. snle. Then everybody keep it vp. And call and see lliem often. They're always reaily Ito is Jim) Hard prices fur to "snfien " They Kork themtelces. and pay no rtnfi And ultrays keep a kick-rig; And in trading goods for poultry fggs You'll find they don t say chicken. SMITH & WADE, Commeiclil Street SALEM, OREGOX It riMTKD HTATEft TAX MOTIt'K. THR ANNUAL l.lT liavim lieen nlacrd in mv hand a. I'Tconerinin. Qi-ni-e ia ocreay given ttiat I arm ai ttnd at the f. ,,wiiig plaie-.at Hie time Mated, to re ceive faxe and i-aue l.iceii-te t At my office in Salem. Marion county, from 11 tn loth Jnlv: at ttnrvalll. Hen Ion county, liih and Uih July; at I'lulli. Piilkcounir, Juth and SM July; Amiir, Yamhill county, Jilh, Dayton 'iiilli. Lvrnyelte ?7ih. M. Mn.ville -J-lhnf July Ten per cent mileage will be added when peraontdo net attend at the time elated, falcru, June 2Jh, Ix'.tl. n c. niAWFortn. I83 tV4'r t'ollector Inlemil llrvemw. Notice to the Sick. APVIrE FREE AT CLARK 8 TtRl'O STORE, oppoaii the Poet Office. No extra charge for tnt-dirine. AOt'K rt'RED FOR fj M AND WARRAXTBD. Hhcrirr a nl. BT virtue of an execution i railed nut of the limit Conn of ihe Stale of Oregon for tbe manly of Polk, and to me directed, bv Ihe Clerk nf aaid t'oart in favor of J II. Kohb and iuainat P P Hunker, for want of penxnal iteopecv to alif the aame. I have levied npon and will offer fur tale to the hinbett b ri der for rath in hand, al Ihe ( unit II. tone door in Ihtl laa. in aid conntv. on SATURDAY, Hie 4lh dar of ACOltsT. a. o. iaS. between Ihe hour of ten o' rlnrk a m. and four o'clock p m nf aaid dav, all Ihe rinln. liile. and liitrreal of raid Hiaiker of in and to tlie f.-lbia iua deaenbed prenuaee. to win All thai cer ain nact nf land annate in the mnnty nf Polk and tiaie nt Oiegnn. nnd known and draivnaled on ihe plal and aiirrere of the United Klate a Nniinratinn So M9, Claim No. 47, T M K 4 W. vVillamrit meridian and more panienlarlr dt-arribad aa begin ning -14 .' rha E and 'JU nu rha 8. of the N W cornet He, ln S T 8 H K 4 W . mailing ihence 8 an utl eha. ihrnceE in ne e',. I he nee N 1'UU rha. ihence W AO im cba tn Ibe place of beginning, containing 2r.1) acre, more ne lee. lb aame being th ktnd told by ' tdiert Ouibrie to J II. Kuliband wife; alaonneoth. re Intel aiinaie in ihe cnnniv and State afineaaid. and known and deMgnaled on Ike plala and tnrveve of the t'l.ited Siale aa Claim No t, ...i"riion N'n. j.W Wing In Seeiiin 3. 4. . 8. , and 10. T IM. K 4 V., etmiahihigtilu arrre, m.-re i,r r ; alto one mber IntH aiinaie ie a 'id rnnnly and Stale, and known and lc-iiiated on IS pi Ie 'and enrtrvia i f die C-il-e-l Siatea aa a pan uf I im Xn W. in T I of P. W. and N.,B n.,n n '.W. and nana paniriilaile He crilil a beaiiuiiiig-.'Ui Oi ha S of the 8 W. runrr of t'laitn Xn. :1 the aame lieiua I'i eba Ji.an.lliM ! cba W of i he S . comer ul Ibe E quartet uf W inn one ii i in tain tuwnainp. rnnmng llieore r.. : cba. i hence S '.DlKliln. ihrni-e W uiJ cht. Ihenr 8, 'J0 1 o .-ham tlie rdaie of winiiintf. eaiiaiiiina t crv. ihe rani Intel Jteiug the S hair "f ihe land dil j by M V (lilham i Jolm Nicluda and wife ; aUt one ntner tran ueet- iihmi a loii.-we. In wu i vu inuae e-r tain ptenuaee aiinaie in aaid ciuitt'V and 8ai. and de crilied panirularlv time i Claim So. 4 fWiiim :tl . T 7 8 K I W. and t laiat o It. nertitw tl. T H K 4 W nf ibe Will, aj'tte aie-lilian. Iicgiiiiting at a a al J4 AO eh E and i. ti cba N oi the H W etmnr ol Mn M T 7 H K 4 W, ilience KUlU cba, ihence g 71 ii rht, llience W 44.11 eha. ihence N 71 I Jchainelotbaptarw of beganing, cmnainlng .til I -J- K"l acre. Bore ne h-ae. being the land conveved lo tbe hetm of Cvrne C. Hanker, .hrenead. a en forth la Canileal "Ho. M. .Notlt.aiion lie ito l mid le eattefv mk aiennjeB, en aeeetttntr erata j rlLll-EK. Uniiaaidaaa iti, lOanriiU btesul iSat Oo. (u. II. CuniiKr, Htm It .m, - Attornuy at Liiwr. Noiai-y I'ubllo CI'ltHKV A IIAtniDIt, Law and General Agency oillcc, Lp Htulra. Minim' llrlck lllork, SAI.KM, OllKfJUN. pAKTl' ITjAlt allenliim given to tlie pnrclwaeU Ai.-i-uni ..r 'riii r Li...a it'..i.in . ... . ... ...... ...i-DiDm irnnaacleil Willi all the Department at Waahiugtnn flly, Uu, u...u, .p...Lllu..H .1 ll l l it tt Miii'iiin Sl Co., Vancouver i Ur. W. H. Watkint ',,,'.;, i i. ii.... iw nu...... ii. .n. . . 1 "n- lanui ii-.u. w .t. t.Fi.nj, cftiini, t.ity, niuwid lur.: Clly rrnpcity for n,t,., K will M'll on rraaouable ti-nut, llie followim, city property. " vv 14 choice ami beautifully locnted rnaiilni 1 t'Hrtwright'e addition lo the City of rialeui. J,,., Iniil oil' J A large, convenient nnd tnatilv fiirnlabed en.i.i und twu Iota, on Fiuiil and iJivialun atreult. A liouae, two una, with uiuginflceut imnbm ...j hade tree, on Front timet. A auli'lidid ruaiileiice aud lot, cor. Llbui-ui ami u..i.. Slieet. ' A No. I Dwelling llinine, and two lota w in. a... natiirliiient uf ft'iiit treet, goud ttuble, Aio, cor. Main ami Cottage tlreelt. A two alory dwelling bonae, with tlx rnoum, ceiled nml papered, together with the lot un which h arauda Itualed on hummer lrel, between Cltumekuia anil' weiure pireeia. hour good, neat dwelllnga, well fiuialied, on Front iliul Court at, 'llnee. eMcellent honi'ea mid lott.on I hurch alrAi bei iieen ('lieuiekeia aud Ceiiier airee . ' A liouae and ha on Front afreet. liouae iiinl four hit In North tiuleui. liouae aud three Iota a' Joining A. Iliiab'a. on tl,. Hurt li. Ilniiai- and lot on eor. High nnd Ferry atreeta. ' One fenced lul in South Haleill. l'tirnia lor Kale I We will sell the follow lug htriua al bargain. 41 acrea good laud, i mile eatt of Inlum. u-ni. good y.amg orcimi'd. uurileu. Vu Mi neiea goiul fiiruiiiig and grr.ing fluid, will, cliiird Vc.,ailtialMl 4 niilea fruiii Haleai, .ibUaiiroa good Inrinltig and paalure Ihiki, orchard etc , lueuled roar mile from Salem. l!lwi neie, Willi auiairiur aliaik raialllir faeilirU. . geiber Willi a good atimk of horaoa, cattle, aheep Imd lioga. Mituale on Drift Croek, fool of Caacade uiniiu. taina. Hi arret, Inrludlng part of Ihe town of Snbllmlrr liill acre apleudidly timbered laud, two mil.. r',,', - Sublimity. For Hale. A good one-home buggy. For further pariiculara concerning any of the abort properly Impure at oar office. CUKKEY A IIAItlltlEK, Law and Agency OIHco.upatalra, Mooroa llrick Block Salem, Oregon, ' SUGAR AND PULTJ. From Sandwich Islands, Direct. 3036 Pt'KON 81'OAR. 4M4 BAI.KM VVi.t. JUST received, ex bark SAMUEL MERRITT.uil will be told at llie loweat mnrkel rates by McCraken, Merrill & Co, June 2T, IKIJi-nilil? DiaHolulion or C'o-Piirliiership. rpllK iiiideraigned have thi day dlatnlved partntr 1 thip in llie tannery and carrying biiaiueiai, and hereby give notice, to all purliet indebted to them te niake'inunediate payment of the taaie, or their nnu will be left with llie proper officer, for collection. Our bookt und acconult are in llie hand of A. L. llnck ingliaui.iii (ieauer'a building Commercial timet, who ia authorized to collect and receipt for u. Com flp aud tettle in time and aave rosta. CI-AKKK ie. IIOLMAN. Saloiu. Ogu. June SI, lHiki. Iiwl7 Warraattd, a Sura Car or no Pay. LEIBEu'S ARGENTINE PILLS I For the Ague, and all Bilious Dieeaaes. ' J. E. Clark, Druggist, only Agent for Sales PKICE, $'J 30 PER BOX. Tliit la to certify lhal I have tried fjeibeg't Argen line pilla, afier rying various remediea, to no ellert. when one box of leilwg'a pilla pnaluced a permanent cunt. it. !' Ban i ii, Salem, May 14, lSGfi. Late Prop r Capital llutel. I have tried Lelbeg't Ague Pillt, procured of J. E. ( lurk, Salem, and hinnd them n sure cure. Me.rtlt.x r I i.Mr.lt. aianon. oaien. AM-iin-iil Nolhw. TflTICK ia hen-hr given thai al a meeting of the L llirecinra nf the" Snutiam Oohl and Silver MinUig Conipanv, held al iheir utlice og the -v-'l day of June, teaai, au anvment, No. 7. of one (b-liar per share waa levied on ihe capital atm-k of wsinjiimtiany. pay able ul their ollice, ill g.dd or silver coin, on or befurt Ibe Uiiih day of July. IXoH. Tlie eiieiary wna direcied lo advert kte fir sale all atm-k on u I. icb there ahull remain due aitv nmieNtiueol on m,l -Jlilli of Jnlv. P I.. IN'll.hH, Daleiu, Oiegnn, Jane . I8l'jw4:l7 eee'y. KhrrifT Snle. BY virtue uf au execuiiiui from ibe Circuit Court nf ibe Stale nt Oregon for the county uf I'liimi, and l.i me directed hy the Clerk uf aaid timrl, le favor of llreeii Aiiiidd and agaiu-t P. C- Keixur mid ,1. II. Mar tin, lor waul of pt-rooul pmierly I have levieil npuB uliu will expoM; for uk-lo ll.e higbeel bidder fur nub ill hand at the ciiurl Imu'e ilo.ir ill nlem. Mnoa i-iiuuiv.On-uon. on SATCUDAY, ihe 'JXth ilavu' .ILLY. I'iiti.at ibe hour of one o'elock p. in, all die rigltt. liile and intercut uf lheaid P. C. Keimriif, ia, and In the following ib-.eribed real ealale. to will " Siniale in Mariiili riiimty. Slate uf Ot-einni. Niail cmi inn No :lta I'enilintieNo 1IIW, and the fraciinnal 8 W i of ihe 8 K. of See. 11, in T 7 s. R .3 W- of the Willamette lueriiliun enniaiiiing 5nnd ItLinUaens; aud Ihe fractional N jot Sec 14. T. 7 8 . It. 3 VY. we iniiiiug 117 nod '.h Mm acrem and river lot No. one. I tier. lo. T. 7 S. It tl V . coniaining 40 and 'J lutlacmi making in all lii't and 3HMIKI acres, logetber with lb appurtetialirea lliereuillu belonging ; lo be told 10 sat isfy aaid executioll, ctela, iuleretl. and ilccniingcnsll. SAM IIKALIUK'K. ShenlT Hubtin. June '2i, Ibitiw4:l7 Marion Cmmly. C. M. Parmentcr. (Soccettor lo E. 0. Holler.) It ILK I Imported and Homo-Made FIT II N.ITUREI Hpt-lnic liotlat, nilR, WOOL, 1D Fl'LD I1TTRESSES, It., it. At Watt' nld Stand, Commercial St. Salem. Blnck8iiiitlis Attention 1 DESIKOI'8 of going ont of lb Iron trade, w now oder our emir stock of Iron Axle, opi dlea. etc., al coal and charge. ' BAH IR01..'ilcelilt. at II OK nHAPK.uceni. CAST HTKIil., M cent Other Kind ia Proportion. Also, all kindaof Wagon Finding and Blvksmlta'l tools, al San Franciaeo prices and chargee. At Ihi it no humbug, w desire purliet wuutf Iron lo call upon aa. 1 4if HKATH. PKAItltORXir C0 An Active Agent Wanted. N ctlv bik genl wanted, lo canvaat (V rut nf the C?aai-ade. and Idaho, for Itnt poiilr honk 9 KILUAKDSUN S fcCKt. I MK . .. .it. . .it .ir a. ui UU i.l,lr.-. wlltVTiiy A HLKtt. I4:w-1 Care of ft'X II. Salem, Ore". Marion County Medical Society, hoom iso. ia. Moorea' Brick Block, Salem. Qi-aariaLt Mnrriao last Towy!"1 Aptil, July and October. Sracui MiTiaot Kordltcaioo,vrJhn1 Tuesday evening. Ctiaicti. tas thtrtatiar Paaenci,-tf Wednenlay and Nit unlay, from I to 1. f Patient fmm the citr or country wishing f, tnltatipn ri'inef inrmiw nf rwa. can M7"J selves of thee opportoniliee. Umb.reof ll"r' reaidenl in tbe city, and aseociaietl logetnev 1 li.-,.-. ..,1 ... Mriimlar alleeUe I department connected with Iheir Individual U CARPF.STKR, M. Onerating Snrgeon. E K HSKF..II l. . .. Phyeieal sign. and ireatmenl of OrgaoK 11. PKYTOV. M D., Practical Amestbeaia. and dia- of tb i"" St weal Jvt. JlrAFKE. M D, .. Chemical teals ol Set reih.ns.aiid ditease of UH) . and r-kin. J ll(H KI,l M O . (leneml IHagwwe and Hyg' J II WYTIIB. M jrt Microacopical examinaibai IMeeaaw e and Kar. r1irallN)- mmirM IMUOremalllale Hacalliwal "- fllieeM I loMllnU til a-U ll am Mina.1 -- T, l-t owiii a Ihe aus Teear la i'J- " Mirreaart TtweaieeeaetOr Car ' 1--ewslf eneVta fee. eawnalaetwi I - Jl'rSiS! Ialei,l..et1- "