The Oregon statesman. (Oregon City, O.T. [Or.]) 1851-1866, July 02, 1866, Page 1, Image 1

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HJII.IStffcl) tVSUV MUNUilf, 01
The Orogon Printing unci TubliBhing Company.
I. w. CU-1IG, Business IH:uiui,'ir.
Tkrms One your, in coin. Six months, $2.
liciuituuicea nmy be uimlu by niuii at our risk,
when mailed in the presence of the postmaster.
U. OIBolal Paper for the State.
Wholesale anl Retail
Dealers in all kinds of
Groceries, Paints and Oils, .
Brushes, Putty, Alcohol. -
Crockeiy, Glassware,
Lamps, Pocket and Table
Wood and willow ware,
Tobacco and. Cigars, Ba
con, Lard, Butter, Eggs,
Oats, Potatoes, &c. &c.
Store under the Legisla
tive Hall, Ilolman's block,
oo!) " SALEM. 32m0
Bsaer kale w oh
Copy of the Report of the Committee of Awards
at the Fair of tlio
HEW YORK, 1805,
Best Family Sewing Machine.
Highest Premium Gold Medal,
' RcnHons:
1st. Its Simplicity and great range of work
'id. The Reversible Food Motion.
8d. The perfect finish and Substantial man
ner In which the machine In made.
4th. The rapidity of Its working and the
quality of the work done.
5th. The Self-adjusting Tension.
The FLORENCE was awarded the First and
Highest Premium at the State Fnir of Cali
fornia, tlio only Fair on the Pacific coatt
at which any two double-thread Sew
ing Machines were exhibited in
competition in 18G5.
Tub Fi.obenci received the only premium awarded
by the Mechanic's Institute of Han Francisco, in 18414
and 18(15, to any Sewing Machine, Hewing Machine
Company or Agjnt. The claim of a competitor to a
medal is without any foiwdHtiou whntevor.
Wherever the Flokknck lias been brought in cora-
Cetition with other Sewing Machines, it hue always
eon declared the. beet. It is the most Bimple, the most
substantial, the most efficient, and its use is easily
learned. Every Machine sold is warranted in the full
sense of the word.
Band for Circulars and Samples ef Work.
SAMUEL HILL, Gononil Agent,
111 Montgomery street, San Francisco.
N. O. FAKKIS1I, Airent,
7:y SALEM, Oregon.
S. T.-1860-X.
The rapidity with which
. Have become a TIOUSF.HOLD NECESSITY through
out civilised nations, is without a par
allel in the historv of
the world.
iriirn Mtiiinv- nvo m'tinnon ipirniieivn
inv piuuiuit, Via uuiiviilu uiuioii.iu
Were Sold In TWELVE Months.
The Demand is Daily Increasing!
Ladles, Physicians and Clergymen
I t
IteirivoH Drooping; MplritM,
Lends STRENGTH lo the System
Vigor to the Hind,
' : ' : and is . ,
Exhausted Nature's Great
- - Irs effect, in eases of
Lots of Appetite, Weakness, Excess
ive FiiflKiie, Nour!itomacli,ltleii
tal Jespoiidency, Ac.
It Is composed of the rhnieeet roots and herbs, the
the celebrated CAUSAYA li.VKK, etc, all pre
erred in pure ST. CitiilX RUM. As a gentle Appe
tiser, and healthy, agreeable tfliniulaut, it lias do
It is solk by all respectable dealere. In every Town,
Parish, Village and Huuilet, throughout North and
South America, Europe, and the Islands of the
fa None can be genuine onlesa bearing the pri
vate United States Stamp over the cork, with Signa
ture on steel plate label of
71 Front street, Portland, Oregon.
and the Territories.
Sent- S5, IB6S 30
Dr. E. II. PA It DEE,
than five years, Dr. l'srdea hae aiwie himself
thonronghly and scientifically acquainted with all
diseases of the Kye, and is now practicing with a suc
cess not surpassed in the I'm led Mates.
All operations performed, such as Strahismns, or
cross eye. Cataract by linear extraction, IVpreeeion or
Absorbtion, Pterygium or flashy membrance growing
over the eve, K'-onrtion uf ,Siaihvloma, or bulgtiics
out of the'et. ArtiOrial Pupil. Fistula Laehrymslis,
or rawing of tear pasaure. and all deloruiaties of the
Lids, etc., etc.
Aniarial Ryes inserted withont the least pain, and
possessing all the movements and briliianer of the real
aye. A large assortment eonstantly on band for sale
at reasonable prices. The DorWs Eve Hath for the
treatment and cure of all nervous diseases is need aU
over this roast.
Thankful to those phviHrlane who bave sent him
eases for operations, ani b.-pea that his universal soc
eees will wanaat a eoatiuuaiioa of their eantidenn,.
His celebrity as an operator is en extensive with his
sorcess : aa ptenu are pnwntitig Ui-muelvM for
treatment and operations, treat Mew York and IWlou
almost saomhly.
Manv patiesiu ran be seea at the Doctor's odea dal
ly. In dinerent stages of recover,-.
Office t 7n7 ( LA Y STREET, (above the Plata) near
Dupont Street. y
Hope Tnr llosin,
IIATEST Axle Or-. Lard Oil, Nut Oil. Pobu
IM. tild.. I Mi, Law QU. UUta Oil, Uaaeed
Oil, Coal thi, sum ltei,l
net , - MYERS k RIUOS
VOL. 1G-NO. 18.
Valuable- Farm for Sale.
i Til R subscriber, boing about to embark in
aL other business, offers for sale, at a great bttr-?
gain, li is Kami, plensuntlv situated about one mile
south of the flourishing villHgo of Uoseburg, Df)U-
ULAfi CO., oti the Stage route, ami comprising aoout
One Thousand Acres
of excellent hind, most'of which Is Inclosed with good
fence!, aud under a-goon sihio 01 cuitiration.
The liuiirovements are of Ihe most substantia! char
nrter, consisting of a large and couiuiixfious FRAME
DVYKLL1NO HOUSE, with wullcd cellar, a splendid
frame RAItN, 110x84 feet, with numerous other ont
buildings. A lurge ORDllAltl), of choice fruit, iti
successful bearing, is another importaut apeuduge to
this desirable homestead.
Persons desirous of engaging in the fuming and
stock-raising business in the salubrious clinr:' of the
Umpqua Valley (which stream ruin though the
premises), will 'find this a ruro chance t, acquire a
vorv ucairatiie lucation at a very low puce.
Tenuis. Time will bo given on part of the pur
chase money, if desired. For further particulars, up
plv to the subscriber at Rosebtirg, Oregon.
Pay Up, Gentlemen,
ALL PERSONS knowing themselves Indebted to
me are resnei-tftillv invited to call and-smv un
soon, as 1 need lite money to puy my own oeiits.
I haiikful for pint patronage, 1 hope to still see you
come arouud to the old stand, where I can be found
ready to wait on you with an iticreused stock or
Salem, April 10, 180Mtf. J M. COULTER.
Private Medical Institute.
Established by . .
And all Female complaints.
Consulting Office,
C30 "Wnshlnffton (Street,
Second building below Montgomery St.,
wo cum., ft VAW 4
For Direction of Letters, See Below.
on thin coast mi uuinlerrunlud Huccetw ot Kum teen
years, und Inik Uecouie ono of the miowncd llottpiiuls
of the ge. What the oululintled JUm k lioKpituIti is to
ijonuon, mm il no ieee renowned etttuUlittlinient ot
Riflord to Purifl, thin Institute Inm become to the Vh
cifio C'oiiKt. The thousands mumullv received Hiid
cured, place it in point of tiumherof ptilimitu umoitg,
1 ne very nrot or ine worm, unu uie buccobb-oi its trout
ment rHiiku it necond to none.
LAIUTIES IN FEMALES are the reut dcBtroven of
neai ui. niey intmiuouijiy atlactf tiienvBUmiaiid rud
tially iiiiilerinine and dent my it; they 'drive the bloom
from the cheek, the liuure from the eye, tlio stretutn
and vigor from the frame ; lliey ive to the world
puny und d incased oit'ripriiw, und poison, thrumli sue
cewive, pTnerutions the race of man. The mark, can
be seen iu (Scrofula, Coiiritnnptiou, CrtppleB, the Idiot
ic, the Paralytic, the Limine, etc.
Tiiore is no more terrible BcourtHo the liiiman race
than those disease arriain from the contaminution ot
Veneral Poitton. The luildeHt forms, by retreating to
the blood, bold ever over the one afflicted, the nword
of dcBtructton that is liable at any moment to full and
blintlit to utterly destroy all earthly hopes.
MERCURY, recognized at the mott fatal medical
enemy to man, combining will) the Veneieal, doubles
his dangers. 'Those who have been treated with that
fiernicious mineral potion are notcured ; the dieuso
ins only assumed a new form.
Do not be Satisfied with Partial Cures,
that leave the poison to crawl through the system, eat
ingits way into the tissues aud organs beueuth the
apparently smooth suifnce, to btu-Bt out in the future
with a virulence that will Imflle theeltectsof mediuine.
WIIKN PERFECT CUHKScau be obtaineu by con
sonsidting h physician whom long practice and thoro
ugh investigation into the causes ot I)ISK;,SE of the
URINARY ItUGANS etiableB to determine ut once
the uattire of tlio disease.
In nil ctUpiincn entniBts'd to tbp Doctor's care, PKll
Cures are always Guaranteed
In Byphilis and its itdjunclfl; Oouorruja aud Its sc
couipititying diwus; all discnrtlcrs of the Hladdur,
Kidneys and prostrate; Seniinal Weiirinohs; ltis-euiM-s
of the Heart and l.uiign; Dyspepsia Indigestion;
Iuipotency ; Incipient Consumption, aud all discuses
of t lie Uiiaarv organs, in cutlter sex, euro alwnvs
wsmnted, Oft NO PAY IIKQUIKKD ut the Pl.I
VATB Mc1ionl IiiHtituto.
Seminal Wcnkness or Spcrmatorrtitra.
Tne young man who experiences that growing
wenkness in his muscular and mental oruauiattou
slum Id stop to consider whence it arises. He will llud
iu.1110 weaKness . ine oacK, ireuinmig ot ttie limns,
disordered digestion, nmtceonutubie failing of the
powers of the mind, dittaste for society, dread of im
pending trouble, forebodings uf evil, sleeplessness,
troubled aud lascivious dreams accompanied by grow
ing deafness, loss of muscular power, and numerous
other symptoms of disorganization. The positive tru
ces nf that most terrible and destructive ot all diseas
es, Senium I Weakness Wasting away his powers,
uoetroyiug ins nope ui iiieanu roanuoou, nun oiiiggmg
hi in along the broken path of his existence toward a
premature gruve. To liim who finds his life drihblimr
out iu the discharge of the vitul principal of existence
in nocturnal and diurnal emissions, the mere cessation
of the causes ot its appearance brings uo assurance ot
Marriage, that holy office, the safeguard and hope of
manhood, brings to such a oue lib hope of cure, but
adds to his misery in the knowledge that the oue who
looks to him for so much of her happiness, is a victim
of bis evil, und an innocent companion of his punish
nieut. He adds to bis misery aud disorder until hope
leaves him. There is no rcscn except in proper und
skillful treatment. Consult, then, at once, a physician
whom long pructice und careful research has made
thoroughly conversant with every phase of the dis
ease Those who have become the victims of solitary
vices, that dreadful, fascinating, und destructive hab
it, which tills thousands of sick rooms with paralytics
and consumptives, and hundreds of untimely graves
with its misguided victims, should consult without a
moment's delay, one who will sympathize with their
snll'uring. To such the Doctor would especially ltd
dress himself, giving to each nnd all awn ranee of a
PERFECT und PhUMANLNT CURE without hin
dr'anceirom buMtite, csonge of diet, or fraraf ex
pom re.
Uo not forget the address, bee below.
Important to IVmnh'S.
When a female is in trouble ora (Dieted with disease.
and rronires midical or surgictl assittance, the enquiry
should be, Where is there a pbysiciau who is fully
com je tent to administer relief, and whose rcspectuhle
standing in society recommend bim to the cunlidunce
of the community f The iMwUtr, understanding how
imperatively neouasary these requirements are, feels
called upon to interpose, and by calling the alientton
ot the athirted lo tne ian mat ne tuu been a 1'ICO
EASES ftir twenty years, and is fully qualified to ad
minister in all case, both uedicully and surgically,
not in a snnerlicutl manner, but ia aa Uioromh m niau-
a. f years of study aud practice both in hospitals
anu private iaiuilies can make, to save them from
me nii.n 01 uie awiuuiiitMi, uuwrupuiuoua, una ues
igniug. Theretore, tkmiliMi can rely upou him us
upon a father. All iu affliction fan tin d in bim one
who can feel and sympathiM with and befriend them
in trouble one inwhosetcreev I bent most confidence
OR OTHERWISE) FKEE. Hee a-idrt-ns brlow.
pounded from the private prescriptions of iH. YOUXO,
nave now obtained a most extended poptiiurity, and
are correctly viewed to be the safest and surest rente
diet for the complaints for which they are applied.
The constantly accruing testimonial of tiieir etnoacy
declare ibcm to be pre eminently superior in their ac
tion. No Ladr should be without these Renovating
Agents. Kone gmriine unit- procured at tins oHic.
rnt br Mail or Express, to anr part of the Wat?.
Me and InfulliMe, Insfing fmrn root to six tnonths
MONTHLY PILLS. For snpprepsions. Aft fifty
ymrs of nse three pills stand anrivalled iu efficacy.
Price $j per box.
To Corr'poiilrniH,
Patients residing in any part of the KUie however
JUtant, who may dwire madical ad tip on tbirre
sjiective Mr, and who think pmper to snbmit a
written statement of such in preiyirne to holding
pt-nK-nal interview, are awureil that thrirrommunic
tlons will le held most .wird.
All h lteriniust be addressed to the corresponding
physician, thns :
1 Hump
. 5Ji Washington btrwt,
Bol 735. P. O Vm Frnmritm, CM.
UT1LL t.iy and sll Greeubaivls, Mining Hiecks
and I'riifia un Ntti FmacUMtt. sttd tin Kaslcrb
SmtrM Will I hit U...t Dual or H'iumhi JlU wit
Weils Ksrgu At Co . oa ipate tMreef, .VHf
WE rospoctfnlly Inform the public tliut ws design
chunging1 our rstsil tmile to open a wholowle
importing business, ne will begin to sell out from this
day, our
Dry-Goods, Clothing, Groceries,
And nil articles generally kept in a retail store in
this city.
We hiive already Imported direct from France, a
spleudid assortment of t ,
Albums, Ladies' Satchels,
notions, .
And especially the latest styles of
Dress Trimmings!
Which we will oiler at
We call especial attention of merchants, to whom
we will sell wholesale at
We take this opportunity to express our thanks for
the libera patronage we bave received, and heg our
ftieuds and the public in general to bear iu mind that
this notice is not to sell a few dollars' worth more
goods, but invito all to come and examine our stock,
to price onr goods, and only to buy after being con
vi need .of the real advantages we offer.
IT. LEVY Sc Co.,
Opposite the W . Woolen Factory, North Salem,
P. 8.-We will take In exchange nil kinds of mer
chantable produce at the highest marketable rates.
Salem, April 3, lSoU 3m5
Practicing Physician nnd Surgeon,
Office and residence, Jos. Wilson's brick, opposite the
Dennett House.
BEIXU a graduate of the Physio-Medical college.Cin
cinnuti, Oliio,he Is pnrey reformatory iu his prnc
tice, discarding alike mincmranav ego table poisoiis.aud
using such uiuilicinoH only as njt iu perfect harmony
with Nature medicines tliut possess the rare recom
mendation that if they do no good, they will do no
injnry. He has also attended a full course of lectures
in the Tolaud. (Allopathic) Medical College. San Fran
cisco, nnd having practiced medicine un this count
alout six years, is fully ucmuiinted with the diseases
peculiar to the climate.
Doors, Windows & Blinds.
a . i
JUST received, a large assortment of pine DOORS)
und WINDOWS), from Eastern llunnluctories,
and tor sale cheap, for cash, Rt
March ID, 18fi0. 3m3
New Firm, New Store, New Goods
Wiiiot unl LitinorH,
Wood and Willow Ware, Hardware,
Tobnrco, Cigars), Ac. Ac.
Center Store, New Brick Block,
We bave now on IibiiiI, and uro now re- ETTil
roivin,;, the I.AKUKST and HKST SK- f :-j jK 1
l.Kt'TKI) KTtiCK OK (1001)8 In our .,144
line ever offered
Which we propose to exchange at LOW RATES for
Uuuer, Eggs, lluoon, Oats, Wheat, nnd Produce in
general ; aud, ruthct than keep bonks, we will NOT
Please Call and Examiue our Stock of
Ten & Grindstones,
Coffee & Nails,
Sugur & Axes,
Syrup ic liluo Vitriol,
Salerato & Wash'
Cronra Tartar St
Pocket Knives Sc
Soups Sc I Inner,
Clothes HaskeU St
Ropo St Tamarinds, ,
Coal Oil St Honey,
llnstettor's Hitters Sc
Out meal.
Tobacco & Clieoso,
Cigars & Corn Baskcls. Dye Stuffs Sc Farina,
Shovels & Nntmcgs, iMeeroehaum Pipes Sc
Citron Sc Waeh 1'ulit, I Spades,
Raisins Sc Mouse Trap Wood Pipes Sc Shot,
Rice 4: Saltpeter. .Onfccf inncry Sc
Snlmnn St Woodun! Clntlict-Pins,
Bowls, 'Mackerel & Powder,
In fart, everything usually kept in a
First-Class Crorcrr and Provision Store !
To all parts nf the city, FREE OF CHARGE.
Don't Forget the Plarc:
Oct. 5. IRKi. IlKOWff, COX, k CO.
The well known and celebrated
(Called the New York Improved, or Feymour and
Uorvun.) Combined Machine, with great improve
menu, having a
Can be changed from a reaper, to a mower, In ten
minutes; cuts 6 and GJ feet swath, within one nrh
or two feet from the ground ; will cut IH lo jl) acres
per day. Can be used with two or mure horses. Mill
wnrkon.SIItK HILLS, where otkrr M'icktttes rtlt
no. Tber are easier loget I lie grain ofT than any
other niHciiiun, Ifaviug it uut of the way of the Reap
er. The
Cula a KiiVfcii FOOT WA 1 ll will cut U)
acres per duy.
Xrl'ormirk'i 6-fuot Reapers and Mohitk,
BalPi Ohio M
Hanny's Wood's PrUe Movers, I'nlon,
UayState, kcrbej's, etc.
ritt'ss Improved
RasscH'8 Massliion and Rvrocpstakc,
30 TO 36 IM II I'l LIIDtHS.
Haines' Illinois Harrester (Header.1,
Wire Horse-Bakes, on M heels,
ReyolTliif? " all tilses,
Portable Power Rar Presses.
Vilh a getieral assortment of
AsJ ow Menabe purchased elsewLere.
J. D. 4RTHUR &S0N,
Cor. California and Uavl. Sts ,H. V
nAVIJifl prruisueully Inralnl In, f lregi,
I a.lH-ll imtrouniie m, i, f m1 ,(,!.
llluvns,e,itiveyiuicc.,uiipn ies and ill d1ims ia
and of eonn. -riinlug i B lw oiii.e, prn,,ilT
Sllcn.lil to. Krwods. givr sir t nil. I (tti
t'aiHtal ll.arl. o. IV. I.AH noN.
Mai. al'', l-e-i lrt Ati y at l.iw
, LoMirtl.t.oW, Lai r .Tlie following i Henry W.
Longfellow's -contribution to the May number of the
AtUnllo Uunthlyi ,
'Tis late Rt night, and in the realm of sleep
My little lambs are folded like the llncks i '
From room Ui room I hear the wakeful clocks
Chullonge the pussing hour, like guards that keep '
Their solitary watch on tower and sleep in .
Fur oil' I hear the crowing of the eocks, ,
And through tlie opening door that timo unlocks ,
Feel the fresh breathing of to morrow creep.
To-uiorrow t the mysterious, unknown guest,
Who cries aloud i " Remember Carmcridu,
And tremble to be happy with Hie rest I"
And I make answer! "1 urn satisfied i
I dure not uski I know not whut is best i
Ud liiitu alreaily sum wnat sliall butide
stnrtling incideul occurrod day before yesterday,
at the afternoon delivery of Dr. Benton's lecture
on mesmerism, psychology, etc., at Piatt's Hull.
It was nrrunired that this performance should be
for ladies only, and but afuw privileged males at
tended. Everything was going on swimniinclv.
and the Doctor was becoming more eloquent and
amusing as he watched the fair facos of his audi
ence light up at his jokes, when a rending crash
was heard from the direction of the ceiling, and a
shower of plaster suddenly descended upon the
frightened and ratoniahod faces that wero up
turned to diseovw the cause of this peculiar plio
nninetion. At first enrthquako suggested itself,
but then it was well masoned by the more cool
among the ladies that earthquakes generally be
gin lit the bottom, and this affair evidently camo
from the top. Hut stay! Why, there is some
thing sticking out of tlio ceiling. Look! It seems
liko surely it can't bo Indeed it must be it U 1
a woman's leg ! And so it was, and a very pretty
one, too; ns all the ladies agreed, criticising its
contour through their glasses, while some of tlio
men ran up stairs to sue if there wnt not a body
belonging to it. The leg did not seem to enjoy its
position, but wriggled and twisted as if it would
like to gut out, though the only apparent effect
of its exertions was to force it further down
through the ceiling, and it hud got so far by this
time that it was well the audience was composed
of ladies. On going un, the men found an nnfur-
tutiato damsol, sum enough, on the upper side of
uie ceiling, anu alter some trouote llioy extricat
ed her. It soemi that she was curious, after the
manner of her sex, to see what the doctor was do
ing, and in trying to roach the skylight to look
down, had inadvertently stepped on one of the
ventilators, nnd thin introduced a featuro inlo
tlio performance which Dr. Bent in would novor
have dreamed of, ovon nndor the influence of mes
merism. Son Francisco Examiner, June Htk.
Dallks City. A woolen manufactory is pro
jected at this placo, subscriptions to which reach
near (40,000, Tlio company will bo orgnuizod
immediately On Inst Monday, as a small boy
and girl of Mr. John Epninger were playing on
the wreck of an old building lying in the river,
both accidentally fell into the water. The girl
was rescued by a Chinaman, hut the boy was
drowned before assistance could reach him
Judge M'Hrido, of Idaho, arrived at Dalles City
on the L3d nit., on business connected with the
tillo to the lands for the llrauch Mint. A corres
pondent of the Oregonian says the pooplo there
are very jubilant over tho flattering prospects
which Judge M Hride holds out to them. The
mint question being settlod in favor of Dalles
City, has had a tendency to give a iiowiinipetus
to business and improvements.
Corvai.iju. A glance at our quiot city at the
foot of the hills, will convince the most skeptical
flint wo aro progressing, nnd that Corvallis la not
behind our sister cities in stonily, healthy growth.
The neat and tasty residences ol onr citizens are
sursoiinded with beautiful slinde trues, and well
arranged (lower gardens. Without esteiital ion or
display, every appuiiitmoiit and appliance sue in
designed for ease and comfort. New fences,
whitewash, paint, etc., have also added much to
the comeliness of tlio place. Willi good wnter,
Euro atmosphere, a lovely site, Yaqnina at our
aek door, I lie Willaraetta iu front, and industry
and enterprise ill our citizens, what is I hero to
prevent the rapid and permanent growth of Cor
vallis? (iazctte.
Dkmociiatio Row at BoisR CfTV. We lenrn
from a gentleman just down from Idaho, that the
democracy of that Territory had a pretty general
row in thoir convention on tlio IHtli of Juno, at
Uoisc City a sort of knock-down and drag out
arrangement. The row culminated iu a shooting
sproe, in which most of tho coppery magnates
took a lively interest. Theodore Hiirtncatcr and
D. William Dontliil, old Orcgoniiuis, look sbnrcs
In It, and the latter, iu a playful mood, fired' a re
volver point-blank at Street, the editor of the
H'orM, who was only snved from a trip to the
other world, by the intervention of a pocket-book
in his breast pocket. Street at the same lime
gave vent to his hilarity and good feeling by firing
a shot at Doiithit,. which, howover, overshot the
mark and lodged in tho ceiling. Hulbrook was
renominated for delegate to Congress. Orrgoniun,
Sinoi'lar Dkatii. Wo learn that Joseph Ilu.
rns, of Now Jefferson. Green county, Iowa, lost a
little child last week, from tho cll'ecls of chewing
pieces uf a paper Mar. It is supposed that the
enamel on tbo collar contained puison, which
caused the deuth.iof the child ill less than two
hours. The bodyjtnrncd purple immediately af
ter death, aud remained so until they were nbout
to bury it, wheu it changed to its natural color,
and became warm. This is a strange case, and
should bo a warning to those who use paper col
lara, to keop them out of the reach of children.
hau Fart Dodgr) NorthueH.
Scan. Mac-Cairo, May Uo.-A shocking case
of scan. mag. occurred In-day at Metropolis, III.
Mrs. Fred. 1, of Mound City, rail away
with John Crowell. The husband pursued the
parties, and found them at Metropolis. Mnyden
was talking to his wife, and while so doing Crow
ell rushed uut of aoom and shot him with a
shot gun, the discliargo taking effect iu lliiydon's
right breast. At 4 p. m. he was slill alive, but
bleeding Internally, and there are but lillln hope,
of Ins recovery. Crowell was not arrested at tbo
latest accounts.
iWJ. orfF.N .1 ltr,,....l l.ll-U.I -
dispatch from St. Petersburg of the a;id March
announcing the abolition of slavery iu Tuahken',
enpitnl of the new Russian province of Toorkis
Uhi, at the request of the Emperor Alexander II.
All the slaves, mostly Persians by birth, have
J. "", anu tun now power of the Csar
in those roinnt A.;. tin .,..,;....,. I... .1 I
...... .w p....,VwD ,nn HIUI UWII
inaugurated with the blessings of liborty.
From IrMim.-The H'orld of June Ifith reports
the arrival of a parly from California, who left
Chiro on the fill, ut tv ,! . :.
in IM days traveling via Humboldt and Queen's
t uoy ieii tineo witn rw Head of rattle.
When three miles this side of the buwuiit Springs
tho Indiana made a ttiirht mi,l n,.n ,!.. ....i
drove off 15 head. Thuy saw from (HI to IOO ,1c,!
Chinamen lying along Ilia road, they had
been slaughtered by tho Indians.
Nbw Ft;ix. The New Orleans papers men
tion the formalion iu that city of a company for
manufacturing; the petroleum vapor stoves.. The
immense saving nf lime, money, labor, and dirt
insured by the use of this stern will no doubt
bring it into general household use iu tha cilies
and towns of tho country.
The silk worms housed in the Pavilion at
8acramonto, are at work, and may be seen in all
their stages of growth and development. Several
ladies have volunteered to aid L. lVvost, with
the view of lisfning the business. Provost
thinks be has a million of worms at work.
-The report of Gen". Rprsgue, Chief of the
I-reed men's Bureau for the Stale of Arkansas,
shows that during the month of March last near
ly 6,000 of th. whit inhabitants of that Stato,
aud about IjOO freedmcn, were fed by the Govern
ment. The yew trees of Surrey, F.ngland, stood ia
the days of Julius Cn-aar. There is an apple tree
in Hartford, Conn., WW years old. A live oak iu
Louisiana il years old. A cedar on Mount
Li baiioii a.lliU years old. A sycamore in lb llos
phoros 4J.KSJ years old.
John P. Gray, a lad about Vi years r.f age, re
siding with his parents in Prnvidenes, IC. I., was
to much exciled by the passing of a mensgrris
aud eirens, that be went up into tha a tlio and
banged biuiseif. II was dead wheu discovered.
Fn (fiRR Throat Dissolve nnsntlty of
salerato. ia strong vinegar: heat, and inhale the
fumes through a funnel. It will euro aur throat
at dipth- n So say those who have tried it.
- rl
oui;jiOi sTATi; law rio,.
(official,) ,
1 1
9 &
3 S
r ?
It will he recollected that a short time ngn
secretary moCuiidsM, whilst un a visit In Fort
ress Monroe, had an inlorview with Jeff Davis,
and llmt the heorelary discovered from obser
vation, ami the information lie derived from
the surgeon in nttetiilnnco at. the Fort, that
Davis wus in feeble henlth. Since tho report
nf that fact lliero have been various statements
to the contrarv coming from newspaper corn-
pondents, who professed tn have obtained their
inloi'iiialinn from the nllioers anil visitors at tho
Fort. The President deemed it proper, upon
ine suggest inn oi several prominent men, tu ill
rect an oftipial report to he made by the sur
genu wlio has churgo of the prisoner. The ex
uiiiiiiation wn mnile nccnnlingly, and the fol
lowing is a copy nf the surgeon's statement :
FoimtKss Monroe (Va.) MnyfJ, 18GG.
Adjutant General United Stales Army, Wush
inglon, I). C.t
Sir: In compliance) wild directions from the
President i,f tin. United Slates to me, given
iiirmigli I lie nlltce ol tlio Adjutant tjcticriil, I
have made u special examination of Ilia Statu
prisoner, Jcflcrsoii Davis, now in conlincim-tit
at this post, nnd report the full wing lo lie tlie
result of said cum. million ; Ho is uoiisidernlily
emuciuted, llio fully tissuts having nlmort dis
appeared, leaving his skin much shriveled. His
muscles are small, IlicciJ and very soft, and
bo hits but litlle muscular strength. He is quite
weuk und debilitated. Ciineiieiitl', Ilia guil
is becoming uneven and irregular. His dige.
tivo organs nt present are in cninparnlively
good ciiiidilioii, hut become quickly deranged
under anything hut tho most carefully prepared
loud. Yt lib u slit t disagreeing Willi linn, ill's
peptio symptoms promptly iniiku their appear
ance, soim followed liy vertigo, severe facial
and oruinal neuralgia, and eryrlpeliitntis in
(lamination nf Ihe posterior sculp and right side
of nose, which quickly affects the right eye
llio only sound ono he now has, and extends
tliioiigli the nasal duct into the iiusii. His ner
vous system is grenlly deranged, be being much
priistrnleil and eso sstn-ly irritable. Slight
noises, which are scarcely perceptible tun innn
iu robust Ix-nllli, cuihc. him much ptiin, the tlu
soriplinn of the sensation being as of one flnyed
aud having every sentient nerve exposed to the
waves of sound. Waul of sleep has been a
great nniV almost tho principal uausu of his ner
vous exoitnbility. Tliis bus been produced by
the I rump of ihe creaking mils of the sentinels
on post round the prison ronm, and the relievnl
of the guard at the expiration of every two
nours. hiiicii almost invuriuhiy awakens linn.
Prisoner Davis rtulcs that be ha. scarcely en-
joyed over two hniirs' sleep unbroken nt one
nine stnea ins coiiiiuemeiit. Menus liavu been
taken, by placing mntlinir on Ihn Hihiis lor the
sentinel lo walk nn, to allevialn this source of
distuibaiioe, hut with only partial success. His
vital condition is low, and lie bus lint little re
ouperalive force. Should he he attacked by
any nf the severe forms of disease to which the
tidewater ripion nf Virginia is subject, I, with
reason, fear for llio result. A copy of this ro
port I have Irruishcd to the heiuliuarters of
inu IWlliliiry District id f ortress .Monroe, in
compliance with orders frotu tho Mnjnr Gen
crul cnmiiinniliiig.
Kespocllully. your obedient servant,
Gko. K. Coot-Kit, Surgeon. U. 8. A.
IIkbbi.s and Statu Riuhth. The Chicago
Republican has the following :
The Richmond Ernmiurr replies to some re
cent observations of ours by declaring flint the
rebels louglit in defeiico of the Invaded liber
ties of Ihe citizeu and tho vinluled soVerviL'iilv
of the State "against the violence of those who
assumed to he the United Slates." In llmt
war, we am told, llio per feci inn of baseness
wus reached by those who deserted their States
mid joined their enemies." After this, what
docs Ihe Examiner think ot John C Hrecliiu
ridge, Samuel Cooper, Humphrey Marshall,
Itraillcy Jolinson, Jnlin (J. Pembertim. Marli'i
L. Smith ami other Confederate Generals who
deserted their Suites mid Joined the enemies of
the same I I hut paper adds Hint mi decent
man ever did it or ever w ill. hut perhaps ii'inny
revise this opinion upou couriiluration of its
One of these days the inhabitants of the
South will attain lo a wider aud less provincial
conception of political duties, and will under
stand that allegiance is due not to the town
ship, the county or the State, hut lo tho nation.
1 here Itavo been signal illustrations of genuine
loyalty during the war, as, for lust nice, in the
case of Unit noblest of Virginians, (jeurgu H.
Thomas, the hero of Mill Spring, Cliieknniau
ga and Nashville. That is (ho sort of loyalty
allien is to lie clictislii-d Willi pride In tlio Vir
ginia that is to he.
Gkn. Grant's Vihitto Richmond. Gen.
Oram's visit tn Richmond was marked with
many pleasing incidents and gratifying; results.
People Hooked to sea bim in large numbers,
from curiosity, nu doubt; but during his stny he
was oalled upon respectfully by such persons
as Robert Ottld, ex rebel Commissi ,ncr for Kf
chauge of Prisnoersi (Jen. Joseph Anderson,
ol (he 'lrwirgar Iron Work-) Jluyor Mayo;
Generals Wickhnin and Heniugsnn; Judges
Lyons and Meredith; Hill Carter, Walter Har
rison, and many other influential ciliiens,
The ladies also called upon Mrs. Grant freely,
and every oue who came maiiilrstvd beconiing
feelings and senltinenfs. Tha railroad com
pany placed a special car at his disposal, the
Spottswood Hotel assigned him a large suite of
rooms, Ihe Dullard Hiiuso offered to do the
same, aud every ono vied to oontribntu to his
comfort and pleasure. He dined one with
General Turner, temporarily coniinapdiug;
visited Fort Harrison and other point of in
terest, and returned well pleased Willi hi visit.
A "revivalist in Kentucky enennntorad a large
sited negro, and asked him, "Mr good friend,
hare you found the Lord!" To which Sambo re
plied, in asurprised manner, "(jolly, maaial Is de
Lord lost!''
Tt 1'nuMM.i r-l. ..-l. i. i.,-. -..!..- i.
bars in California. During th last year there
were 111 eoiiliriiialion in the Diocese.
Ilni-ini. ll ttiAHlk nf Mav 1 1.-
WimiImii Mill. m.tttif.tnrMt iMrM.ilw.r..,. . I. ...... ...I
............ ...... ... . tj .uwH.auu
yards of wuolan goods, ready for market.
Co. K, Oregon Infantry, ('apt. Ingram, was
mustered ont and nsiJ nfT at V. nn ,l..
koth June.
TlinO Ft N. (' n. I.... i.i.i. .....
their road at the Casead-s a new locomotive the
n l Ke,
II liMqf?1Pfp!!!P
h "::f:'H:.,:?':::f:::i::
-jr ' -'
; 1 '
WHOLE NO. 708. !
New York, May 25. Tlio Lewlslon (Maine)
Journal gives the report of an hour's conver
sation betweeu tho editor und General G runt,
in Hicti. if tho report Is oorreclly given, tlie
General appears tu have spoken out more free
ly than he commonly due. Ho Is reported lo
have said there wore some pari nf the oounlry
where our armies hud never trud, particularly
In Texas, which needed to feel the blighting
effects nf wnr tn bring their people' to a real
ising sense of the enormity of the crime and
the necessity f a thorough Tepentlug.o He
found that those purls nf lb South which have
not felt the war, and particularly those which
have, been within our lines, and have itinrefnre
escaped the rebel conscription, are much less
disposed now to bring themselves to the proper
frame of mind than they were one year since.
A year ago, said he, they were willing to do
anything ; now llioy regard themselves as mas
ters of the situation. Some of tf.o rebel Gen
erals, he Rddcd, arc behaving nobly, and doing
all tliey can tn Induou the peoplo to throw aside
their old prejudices nnd oonform their course
to tho ohnugod oonditien of thing). . Johnston
and Dick Taylor, particularly, are exercising
a good Influence ;. liut. he added, Leo is behav
ing badly. IIu is coudticliug himself very dif
ferent from what ho had reason, from what he
snid at tlio time of surrender, tu soppose bo
would, No man at the South is capable of ex
oroising a tenth part of the influence for good
thut he is but Instead ol such, he Is setting an
example nf forced acquiescence so grudging
and pernicious iu its cll'ecls as to be hardly re
alined. Tlio men w ho were in Ihe rebel armies, said
Grunt, acquiesce iu Ihe result much better
than thoeo who stayed at lioine. Tho women
arc particularly bitter against the Union and
Union men,' of course. He added, there is
soma bitterness of feeling among all classes,
lint I am satisfied it would soon die nut, if the
lending men hnd not romeliow got the idea that
treiisnii, after all .was not very bad, and tliut
the Southern cause, as they phrasu it. will yet
triumph not in war, but iu politics.
In my judgment, said Grant, the tone of cer
tain men nnd certain papers In the North is
such as to do Incalculable mischief in making
tlie into rebels believe that they are just as
much entitled to vote ns ever ; that if they will
only stand by what they aro pleased to call
llisir right, (hey will have help liuiu llio North.
This, significantly added Grunt is only playing
over again tkn Incipient singes nf the rebellion,
Ilo was confident that the large majority nf the
Southern ppopln would smother their resent,
inputs anil become gooj oitiitens, if these tnis-cliief-miikers
at the North, tho Copperheads,
would only let them clone. For bimse'.f. if he
had Ihe power, the first thing bo would do
would be lo seize the New York iVeu-s and kin
dred sheets, which are moving the South so
dangerously with an idea nf their own position
and right.
Troops, said General Grnnt, must he kepi In
all the principal points in the Sonth for some
time to come. This will be necessary In re
press tbo turbulence of a class of tbo South
very dangerous lo nil well disposed persons,
and also to pruteot the right nf the freedmcn,
who are looked 0mn with deep hatred by a
very largo proportion of tho people.
. , . . turnout,.)
7 ".
to" t
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otasagrv, I V. i 7 $ ?, ! O Mtara
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u?.T,Zl'llr,il?,'iiZlt Fosler.
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ntisud. ;
Cling- t
man. ! 5
t S i 5 S t '4 Tl ' 5 i
llighe-,1 t-Ul votr, I I'.n.
I certifv tluil tb alsive h full snd Im sUt.m-nt
nf llw V',u .,lr, it an s4erleM held In I. bis e-nioty,
J'iii,- 4tb, ls.4, lr ll? rsrl'Kj. i.fnres st iMntrd. Kill...! ,n,nl; I Ink.
TIn. iHine sof Ul ar In tt'Hiisn Mlrr. IVm-
'tfrsu t Itnlir
HOOK AHO JOIt I'Kl rix;,
Of Kvery Demrlptlea,
rxKcurr.D with naATNRfis anb yiist'ATOif..
first Insertion, 3 per .lUro of tm lines or b... minion
ni.Hmir.. $1 tor ssh sstwiisntlriMirllvn,
tW A'lv.rtl.lng bills, alum nt paid In adrsiiee, will ot
elisriisd iwrniy.nvt per oenl. addltlunsl, to cor.r Ui.cMt
of eoll.all,m. . -, j
, A liberal d.ductlon from til. tljov. rales will b niul,
n favor of thnso who advents, ay Hi. qaartev, ' i "
The Idaho Index furnishes the following
Items in relation to the Indian outrages in tho
vioinily oi Ihe Owyhee mines, and then com
placently adds, that there are" several oilier
item nf Indian depredation in the vicinity,
hut not being well anthcnlioatod, they are not
published. We should think the following list
would make it sufficiently lutoresting for ana
week: " ' ' ' ' " ' - ' -- ' "
'" ImnAFf ArrACK.-On Monday" bight1, tha
11th instant, Ihe evening before the Indians
killed Uossott, Messrs. Webster and King were
stopping id a tent near the base of Seuth
Mountain. After they bad gono to bed, their
dog commenced bnrking and growling, whlob
caused them to get up and prepare themselves.
Thuy, however, remained in tlio tout nulil lha
Indians, who had approached within a few feet,
fired Into tho hut onco or twice, when, thinking
discretion the better part nf valor, thuy left it,
hearing the Indian bursting cups at them or
the tent. Whilo they were getting away as
fast ns possible, tho Indians continued firing
nt the lent, and yelling tremendously at eaou
fire. This was kept op nnill King and Web.
stcr got nut of hearing. , i
Iniiian Raid and Murder. On the morn
ing of the 10th Inst,, about eight miles from
ibis place, tbo Indians made an attack; on the
camp of Columbus Gosiett, situated in Flint
district, and nbout one mile from tlie new town
of Oro, It appears that Mr. Oossctt was
alone, and no doubt' asleep, He was shot
through the arm and iu the body, his bead
split open with an axe, am from appearances
they used a long handled shovel, beating his
bend and arm a he no douht endeavored to
ward the blows. On Tuesday morning when
bis body wus found, ll was vet warm. It ia
supposed there wero fifty or sixty Indians, from
Ihe great number nf tracks and (be large dis
trict l hey traveled over gathering np stock.
Ther took about sixty head of burses and some
ciiltfo, but during tlio day. Tuesday, the cat
thi uiiiue back and some of the horses. About
10 o'clock on Tuesday, and within six hoars
after tbo killing of Gossett. fifteen armed and
well mounted men started in pursuit.
Humor It Is reported that several days
after the Indians made their onslaught on the
Chinamen ucar Summit Spring, and killed and
robbed ninny, a traveler coming op the road
noticed a sack nf rioe. Picking It op and
emptying out -the contents, be discovered a
package containing nine hundred dollars in
coin. If Mr. Jmlitui had nipped that, he nev
er would lot np nu the Chinamen, for It is but
seldom such a pile is found on a white man.
' Overmler Ac Miller's saddle train to Flint,
consisting of five horses and one male, to
gether with all their rigging, was taken by tha
Indians on the ui. lit of the 12th. , ,
Indian Concentration. Wo bave been
under the impression that the Indians a
geueral thing, concentrated on the Upper
Owyhee, and united together for the pnrposeof
stealing and killing with greater saooesa.
This is continued not only by their frequent
raids in this neighborhood in large bands, bat
by the expeditions of Capt. Collins Sod Col.
St. Clair in the John Day, Malheur and Stein's
Mountain oounlry; without ftodmg any Id that
region. , , ; ,, ,- ., ,,,,., ,.,
IIoiibks Stouss. On the 8ih lust, near
South Mountain, about twenty miles front
Silver. Mr. 11. II. Drown with three other per
rons were enoamped near tha ranch of Mr.
lirown. They bad three horses tiod in camp,
and alter sunrise they wore let loose to graae.
In about half an hour they missed the hones,
nnd Immediately started In porstiit. After go
ing about two hundred yard they discovered
where th Indian had eaught them. - (tap-
fiours that three or four Indians with three
torres had reoonnoitered the camp, and con
cealing thonisolve behind a mound, lay ia
wait until the horses fed near them, when they
caught them and made off In the direction of
the Forks of the Owyhee. ,
We are informed that very recently, a eom
nany of soldier passed np Unrnt Kivcr to tha
head ol John Days river, from there tn tha
lioul of llio Malheur, thence down to Snake
river, and was not able to find one Indian or
any lute sign. We also Irani that Col. St.
Clair, ho.ouly V few day since left Camp
Curry, uenr Hnriuy Lake, traversed all tha
country of (he Upper Malheur, tbenoe to tha
Owyhee and down to Snake, and nut finding
nn Indian. This goes lo explain the desperate
raids they are making in lha upper Owyhee)
country, and why MaJ. Marshall found such
large number of theiu together ouly forty miles
Iroin here. Thore is no quesllnn Dal they are
concentrating for great mischief. Fire boo
drau well armed Indians to make an attack on
this town would aku ap tho most uf the old
Ingeu killers.
enrrently reported that tho Snake aud Piutei
cusses have made an attack on the Ilrtinns, lo
cated on a river of the sauie name, it U sta
led that the cause sssigued 1. th Kruno, a
short tune since, msde a treaty with the white,
through our late Governor. Lyon of Lyonsdale,
to which the Snakes nnd Piute object.
. DiBi-BANCHiHiNU Tit Hkbrl8. The Leg
islature nf having passed an aot
more completely disfranchising rebels, a meet
ing nf Union members was held on the evening
nf Ihe 3d Inst., lo exchange congratulation
thereupon ; at which Gov. llrownlow spok as
follows t
lint a short time since, I was visited by
Tennessee officer in sn Arkansas rrgiuieuLwho
told me that the rebels bad no right lo com
plain nf the franchise hilt; that he lebmitted
cheerfully, nnd it was within his personal
knowledge I bat, if tho Confederates achieved
Iheir independence, was thnil perpoa In dis
franchise every Union nian in Ihe South. It
Is idle lo talk about ihe act disfranchising reb
el being a radical measure, inaugurated by
8uinner and Steven al Washington.' It la
Ui tunc honored doctrine aud practloa ol
the fathers cf (he revolution, who, at lha clo
nf that eventful struggle, disfranchised tbo lo
ries of thai day, who answer to the rebel of
tier dav. Lead cheering My reeolieelion
of the kistiiry if thus hm ia that hath signed
bills disfrauuliistng Tories. . The mum , waa
done, if mistake not, by Ihe Legislature; nf
Virginia and N, rib Caiolina, aud eren Sooth
Carolina.' , , -, . , ,, ..
"Upon Ibis platform, however, for tho first
lime since lb rehrllinu Wa begun, have all
f;ot together radicals, win rvalues, oopper
leads, wrak kneed union men, and rebels.
W radicals are all for lbs franchise law t Ihe
other elaseee named are all for Johnean. It It
not In be preiutnod that any wrold be tor John
sou who are not (or his doctrine, uud w kaor
Hist be Inaugurated the dootrine in Tennessee
ef dlsfrachiting rebels. Among his hut utter
ance before be left here, eoeaa thirleeo snoot h
ago. he dec In red that, if tber were 3.0U0 loy
al men in Tennessee, they should eootrol lha
Slate; and all the lime I hat Ihi niraaoie baa
been pending, he kss been represented, be
tho who have hsd freqm-nt interview wild
bim, as wanting th legialalure to harry ap lb
franchise law. We are, therefore, upon hie
platform, and hope lo present, not only 5,000
but ten tune 5,f 00 loyal men to govern lb
"11 a. Iben. one aad all keep ear stand on
llie President's platform, of governing the
Stall with loyal meti, making treason sslioaa,
and punishing traitor. Upon this platform I
look my stand hmg sine, and here will stand
and spun thi I will fight it out, imt ealy all
summer, but if it lake Ihe remainder 4 my
natural life. In this I am encouraged, knott
ing that all gd and Hue iik ii al bun,,' tund
by hi, and all good ami I rue men aim a4, m
t'lndllig two su4 laleutej. pallMsn, atet loyal
Cnuguts wbhbsler ssaenjblrd iu Washlugtis.