) jjjONnAYTMAY 14. 1800. A 1CIW TIIOBT COMCKKKIBIfl THK AUTHOR , . , gHirorHHAKKSPKAKK. '"A St. Lwito correspondent wrltei: i ln dixmal dm of no office on Chentont irret hu Nathaniel Holmes, Esq.. now Jodge td the 8oprm Coirt of thia mate, for (lie put fifteen year been itadjing and preparing a book to prove tbnt the playi of Shakoapvare wire written bjr Lord Bacon. Judge Holmei bM.ia his possession oortaiu lettera nafer be fere pobliihed, which are calculated to throw considerable . probability in liii favor. Tliw fbllnwing intereating pieoe et history, not gen CpUr known, beara upon the point. When Lord Baeoo wm Solicitor General, prior to Ilia appointment aa Attorney General, he waa re quested by hla Majeity to prefer ohargea gainitLord Eaaex. Among other alteration there waa one deolaring 'that he waa the au thor of certain seditions play entitled Hich rd, calculated to excite discontent and riot among good and loyal subjcoti.' Bacon de clined proseoutiog the charges, using the fol lowing signiBoant language: -Whereas, it bath been bruited about that I myself am the an Oior of said play of Blchard, it would there fere be exceedingly unseemly In me to proso ate him for that which la charged upon me;' to that even in Bacon's day the theory was prevalent. I understand the work will be is tued by the Riverside press in the course of a tooth or so." I . '! forriciAL. LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES, . fAMlDATTHI ..! SuotU Session of A Thirty-Eighth Congress. .. . i . . RESOLUTIONS. Joint Ictolnllon t imtnd Ih Joint Rriolntlon fntlllrd "Jdnt ReeelBtlon In relation t PuMM Prlnllnpr," Bp- Knved June twenty third, eighteen hundred and elsty. Itreielved bjr the tenet nd Houm ef Representative, ef tin Unlled atalee of America, In Oonsreee Bi.embM, That lh superintendent of publlj prlntlnn slitll bo, and ha It bank;, uihorluMl to parcheae Ilia paper required for Ilia MMIe arlntlnr, by icoepllng the taalad propoaala of tha low at bidder or bidden for any .pacific portion or portlona of tha vnola amount of paper raqolred. for either three month, all Bontha, or one rear, the minimum portion to be eper.in.rd by the euperlntcndent In h e advertlaementi for propoiale. aad to be aa low aa will, In hla Judgment, nmlt Inaraaee com petHloa, and ka moat edvsnleteoua to the Unlled aulea. la 41 other reepeeta the pronoeale sod oontracta ahall be rib leet to the eondltlona and reqolrenienle of the Million lav I and amy eoolraetor felllul to comply with the lernie of his eonlracl, under tbla reaolutlon, ahall be liable to the aaine jaleol, and In the aame manner, aa prrlded In the Ilka ease, la the Joint reeolutloa hereby amended and It aliall be Hie laty of tha auperlntendenl to report full; In retard to all at oaotala and oontracta for paper, In hla annual report to t rontreei.end alao In retard to all propaaala and conlraela far lllhoaraphlns and eniraTlng. Approved, Maroh S, 1M6. A Reaolollon directing. Innolry Into the condition of the Ind ian Irlbea, and their treatment by the Oil and Military Aathorlllec. Jie it resolved by tha Senile and tloaae of Rrpretentatlvea iff Ike United llalea af America, In OwitTeos aaaembled That there be ralaed a Joint committee, to cnnilat of three loemhere, to ha appointed by the Preeldenl of the 8etiale,anil four mtaibere of the prraent Houae, le be appointed by the ftpealir of the Houae of Kepreaentatlraa, to Inquire Into the meant condition of tne Indian trlbee, and cepeclallr Inlo the manner In which they are treated by the mllllury aelhor lUeeef the United atalaa, with power to all durlns Hie meet of Oonpata; to eend forperaona and paperai to employ a rlerk to euorxena af compel the atlendanae of ltnaaa-a ; le hear Ik eomplalnla of Indian ohlefl, and eiamlne fully lata the eoduot of Indian atrnla and Buperlntendciila, and lao Into the manatcment of the Bureau of Indian Affaire la the Department af the Interior; ond U report at the neat eealan of eontreee auch lealilallon at may be neoeaaary for Ihe belter adralnlatrallon of Indian affaire ; and that there ho and la hereby .appropriated out of any money In the treat ury not otherwlae ar proprlaled, the aum of ortaen thouaaud dellara, to defray the exiienaee of lha aame. Apprms, March 1,1- A Reaoltlon to eitend the time for comtruetlnt the Burllnt loa and Mleeourt Rlrar Railroad, In Iowa, and Sling a Map of Relocation. ReeolTed by tha tentle and Houae of Kcpreeenlallrei of Ihe United Stalee of America, In Conireea aaaembled, That nit time allowed by the elthlb ttrtlon of tha act enll lied "aa ad making a (rant of landa to the But of Iowa, In Iteraale aacllona, to aid In the contlrucllen of oeruln rail, feeda In aald State,1 approred May orteenth, etihteen hun dred and afly all," for Ihe eenetretlou annually of aacllona f Ihe Burllntton and Mlaaouri Rlrer railroad, be and Ihe aame la hereby, attended one year, and Ihe provlelona of the tecend aeeUon of Ihe act approved aaoond Jdly, eighteen hundred and alaly four, entitled "An act lo regulate Ihe com liedtallan of realeaera and t reelf era of tha laud oatoera la lha Mteral Itatee and terrlk rtea In the location of landa by tha Slalea and cororallon under granla by Oontreaaa," which requlree that a map of the chauge of location aliall be filed with lha eommlaeloner of the general land onto within an year, aa, and the aame la hereby repealed. Approved, March 1, 1906. - A reaolollon traneferlng Mane and other Doenmenta relating la the Survey af Ihe Pacta Railroad, lo lha Department of the Interior. Reaolved by tha lenat and Bout ef Repreeenlatlvei of Ihe United SUtre f America, In Oongreaa aaaembled That all mane, profiler, and other drawlne,, tntelher with malar and roportt cynneeled with eiploratlona and surveys fa lha railroad, made under lha authority of the government, and all other Informalloa upon the aubjeot of aald road la Iho posteaolen of department of Ihe government be tranaferred to the department of the Interior I and that Ihe Secretary of the interior b aulhorlaed to turnleh ooplee of Uie aaata fraa af charge, to the Unlet Pacific Railroad romfianf, aa far aa they may be nteful m tiding aald compa ny In determining the proper route for aald road, Approred.MeroiMWfi.. , t A letolullon reapectlng the Puhlleallon of Iht Paper of Jamtt Madlaon. Whtreit the Joint eommltfrt of Ihe two houeea af Cnngrrea on Ihe library were aulhorlaed by an act approved Auguel Hlh. ISM, aud amamled June UtiUi, 1K0, to U cauee lobe pobliihed one annua and capiat el the papere of Jameo Ma.ll I HI and whereaa the aum appropriated for auch urioae ha bjtea found Inaufflclent: Therefore, . Ittotvad by tha Senate and Unuta of lenrtaentatlvra of 1'ia United Rlatea of America, In Oongreaa aaaembled, That That lha aald Tolnl library committee are heby aulhorlaed la oonliaat for Mm puWIihlnt af are hundred capita of aald uapoia In Hew of Ihe ana lliouaaud eoplet heretofore author lead, aarl for lha aame aum. Approved, Mtrck S, w. A Reeolullon la Purchaee Mall pouchra, or Bniea of Marahall Smlla'a patent lor Ida Poetal aervlec, and for other purpa t. . Ra II raeovled by Ike Senile and Houae of Rrpreaenlallvea of lha United Melee of America In I'ougreea aeeemblrd, Thai That Ihe Poalmaaler Ueheral be, and ha la hereby, aulhorlaed ta nurchaae of Marahall Hmlth auch nnmber of Mall Pourhea or lafata (eoatouctlan on Ike arlarrie of letura patent tawed Apr! Went alghl, eighteen hundred and elaty foar, la eaM rimltli,) aa ha niav deem proper to fully leil Uielr ullllly and value la lha poetal eervloe I and alao to leal a new mode of faatealog mall baga, Invented by Solomon Andrewe, and la eeeure a patent for the eaine, and that Ilia aapetiee lliercif ahall h aald out of any appreprratlnn heretofore made ar hereatlar lo ba maila to tha p it oTAee departmtiil. Apprtvetl, Merck t, 1M. .... f TREAT! KM. Oonvenllon between the United Mete of America end Iht Rtpublla of Kquador Uoneluded at tluayauutl, November 5, lorn ; Ratified by the Preeldenl of Ihe Untied Hlatea, Pah. raary IS, IMS Haltaoallona eirhanged al Quito, July I, IStti Proolalinad by tha Preeldenl of the United vlalee, Hep (ember a, loot, tv tub Ktmiaiurrof tus cmitiii trim or amiiica. , A PKOOLAMAT10N. Whereaa, a ftanvanttob between the United atatea of Amer ica and Ilia republle of (Ecuador, for Ira mutual adluatment af elalmt,waa coneluped and algned by Ihelr rrawlive plea Ipotenllerlce al Ihe clly nuyaqull, on Uie tweuty-Bftk day of Mnrember, In lha year of our l.erd on thouaand eight hun dred tnd maty twa, whler convenlhm, betng In Ike Kngllak ad Spannlah latigutgrt, It word for word, aa tollewo : The United ftlalee of America and the Republic ol RVoednr drelrlui topvljuet Ihe clelma of tlitaene of Ptelee atalnit Ecuador, and of ettlecoj of Rcualior agalnet Iht United Plalea hare, for that purpoee, appointed and conferred full powere reepeellvely, lo-wlt : lite Preeldenl of Ihe United fllalea on frederlot Haeeaurek, Minuter realdenl of Ike United raelr la leuador, and Ihe Preeldenl of Icuader on Juan Jaee PM rea, Ueneral-la-Ohlef of lha armlea of the Republic, who, af ter eachanglng Ihelr full yowere, whlrh wrre found In good and peeper tone, have agreed oa Ihe following arlleleti s . . , Amcta I. AN alalma oe tht part af torporatlona, comtioalea or Individ note, cltraene ol Urt United Ptelee, upna the ttoveenmeol of Ravuador, or of corporation, eompeuko or Individuate, elll aui of K uadur, upun the guvrntntrnt nt the United Ptalea, ahall bo referred lo a board of eommlielonera, ronilitlng of too membere, one of whom ahall be appointed by Ihe United Rule, and ana by the govemmenl af kenador. la caae of t talk, pktenca, reelialUe ar laeaclly ol ellkee eommu aloaee, or la in event af either eommkelleaer eaaHIIng ar aeaalag ta act, the governawnl ef Ihe Untied 0talea, or lhal af louadoe, raaiwetlvely.ar Ike M'alatev ol Ike United autre la Keaader, la Ike name of kie govern awn t, ahall farthoitk proceed la BU ke vacancy Ihna aeeaaloaed. The eooamle tloaere ao named ahall meet at Uuayaqull.olthta nlnrty day freat Ihe eaohanga of the ratmeailona of tle eonvaatlon,and be are praaeidtng la kualaaea ikall make eatema aalk that tkey will earefnlly aamine end lmiarltally decide aeeord haf tojuttk. aud la tompllanot with tha provauana of tbla teavealMHt, all clauna lhal ahall k aubmitied u ihrmi tod aark oath ahall ka enured aa Hit record ef aU their pro teedlaga. Tke cimmliiliaira than Ikaa proceed la aara an aekttra tor ar umpire, la decide apoa aay eaeee aonaarnlng wkiek wklck I bay aaay ktleagree, or upea any petal af diaereuee wklak may artee la Ike ooare of Ikelr proeeedlngt. And If Ikey cannot agrr In th eeieetlo, the umpire ehall ka ap pointed hy her Brltunle Majcoty.e Oliarge d'Aaairee, ar (ea eentlng Ike Mlnleter Realdeat e Ike United Rtolee,) by any rJkee atpietaetit egeM al tallo, whom tke iwokigk eaameV kv partiet thall lavlu la mate eaob appulnlaeot, , r-.-j-; unut'i .-.''. The arbttrator or umpire briar, appointed, in eoaanlaBlen tn the a, wltknat delay, praceedt eiamlne tke alalma wkkn ejay be peeecnted lo them by either ef Ike two governmenla and tkey eha'l kear, If required, ana perean la kekalf ol aock gaveramenl en ovary oepareU claim. Rae government thall faealak, anoa req tat af ell her eommlaetoner, tack pa. Kra ha Ma pottaaaajt at may be deemed laipertaal I lha Joel lermlalk ef any claim or elalma. Irteawawhr tkey area la award an Mentally, the tkall delermlae tke aaminl I be paid, la eaaea la wbkk aald camntaeloaeia eaaaoi ageae, Ikt potato af diferene ahaH be rofrrr d U Uie implre,before whom each af Ike eeaa mtaaiyeeta tkall ka keard, a4 tad abaa dun lea akaU ba naae, - anvtun. Tke eonuralaalcoma tkall taaaa cartiAeelet ef Ike earn to ka paid to the dalmtnta rvapectlvely, whether by virtue et Ik award agreed to kelwtea Ir. ram I ret or at thaae made ky toe aanalr and Ihe agtregaU tmoaal af all earn deereed ky tnt m uilatliiiira, and of all tuan arctatog nam awanta made by Ike umpire, uadrr Ihe authority conferred ky lha ank article, ahall be pant M Ike gaterameat to wlnek the ra tpeetla elalmatitt bntang. Pat meeea a aald ana aktU aa made In enoal annual Hutalmrate, to be completed wilkla aine yean tram tha nale of Ike termlnat-a-i of the labaea of the aommweton, Ikt Slat payment to ka mala all man the af trr the ttae To meet thoao anew, am hntk ewvaen mi all pledge in reveaaee at Umr roapeeUve aaiiona. Aatwutv, Tk rammuwaa aktll lanainttt He la bora la twelt axolha from tke dale f He ergaalealle. Tkey tkall keep a retard of tholr proceeding, and may appoint a Secretary verted In Ihe knowledge of Ihe KnirJIah and fjpaulah language!. AHTIft.B v. Tht proctedlnga of Uila cnmuilaaloB aliall be final and con ctualvt with raepcot to nil pandlng clalma, Cleltne which ahall net lie preeented to the oomlnlailon within twelve mnntha It remain! In eilalence, will be dliregardeil by holh govern menu, and oonalderod Invelld, In Ilia event that, upon the termination of the laltort of laid coinmlaalon, any cava or eaaea ihould bo pending before Uie umpire, and awaiting hie decldon or award In auch caae orcaica.and hla certlflcaU thereof In each caae, tranamllled lo each or the two govern menu, ahall be held lo be binding tnd conclualvt I provided however, that hla declalon ahall be given wllhln Ihlrly dayt Irom the leruilnallyii ef the lebon ol the eommlaalon, It tin Urmlnutloo of which Ihlrly dayt hit power and authority ahtll ceaat, mini vi. Each government thall pay lu twn coinmtoiloner j but the umpire, tt well tt the Ineldenul axpeniee of Ihe oommlaalon ahall be paid, one half by lha United Hlatea and Iht other half by Ecuador. . iBTICLB VII. The preaent convention thill be ratified tnd tht ratlRtd tnd Ihe ratification! eichanged In the city of Quito. In faith whereof, we, thereapeotlve plenlpoteiillarlea, have fgned thla eonveutlon and hereunto affiled our aeala, In the city of Uueyaqull, thla twenty-fifth day of November, In the year tf our Lord, ilghttto hundred and ilxty-two. juan josk vwim, I.. 1.1 !. HAWAUUKK, h. I And whtrttt Iht laid convention tin been duly rallflid en both peru, and tlit reepecllrt ratlBcallene or tlie tenia ware eiohant;ed In tht clly of Qulu, on tlie tweuly-tevtoth day of July Iaat. flow, therefore, be It known, that I, ABRAHAM LINCOLN Prealdant of tha United MtaUa of Ainarlea, hare cauaed Ihe aald Convention to be madt publlb, to tht tnd that tht aamt And tvtry tltuae and article thereof, may bo obeerved and fulfilled with good faiih by lha United Billet acd the eltlitnt thireof. tn hrltneM whereof I have hereunto let my hand, and earned the teal af the United Statea to be affltea. Done at Iht Oily of Wtahlngten, thla eighth dey of Beptem ber, one thouaaud, eight hundred and alxty four, and L.S. of the Independence of tha Uolted Htalct of Amer ica tna mgniy mom. AU.IA1IAH LINCOLN. Dy Iht Preeldenl : r. w. ntwAtp, ociing necreiary or male. CIRCULAR. THE aymptoma of Ihe dlitiHM prevnlent tn our lo cality are known to every one. If the proper reuiwliei were anpneu in toatoii. iney wuuiu tuve tu fnjm prutrneter illtieu.wvere and Ioiik continued pain iliutlertd eonttltntiona, and IhbI, bnt not Itaat, a debil limed pur. Thonaaiidt are hi the habit, on the ap proach of wntationt which they recoxniie hi th foot ttept of some dreaded and well knnwn dianaae, to re aort to the patent medicines tnat are heralded to cure everything. Tbis it alwayt a doiihlfnl and tomctluiot a Inlal courae 10 panne. TnkliiK thla view of the matter we thrill keep pre pared, bv ren neat at well aa nerniiaalon, the followitiK preparutiont,coircn- prepnrud from preaoriptlont of tome of ottrlieBtphyaifiaiit.whote Indoraoinnnt laaauf- flcient ftoaranty of their value. We think It toiler to recommend Iheae to those who do not conaidor them aelvei tulHciently ill to refpiire a pliyaiciHii't attend ance, than any article of the conipoaition of which w ura linorfttti. We with it dialinctltr nndorttood by ih public that, althouKh we keep everytliinpr naunlly found in a drug; atore, we will reoommemi no propHriiuoit titiica ap proved by our modioli inou wnoee qitulillculious urt well attetted. Alterative and Tonic. For dvinemia. liver complaint, uenentl debilitv.Httd all avmploms reiitiriiiK an alterative and tonic. J'riie 1 Ague riiis. AnupiTiouic uiiicn. The Fill lo brenk the chill hi amie the Hitter lo prevent the recurrence, l'rlcc, Pills, 75 cents) Hit ters,. ... Liniint'iii. For alt the uaet a liniment I utualljr applied to. Price SO cent. f i'ough Mixture. For incipient eoiiifht.eoldt and tore throat. Price, Liver invigorator ina uiooa runner. For torpid liver, biliottaneM, jauiidlce, and vitiated blood. Price, $1 M. Kye Water. For weak and InHnmed eyea. Price 75 ceutk Diarrhea Mixture. Price $1 00. Eye Halve. For weak eyet and lullumed eyellda. Price, DO cent. Ointment. For scabies, or itch. Price, 75 oenla. Bbeumatlc Hlxtnre. For rheumatitm, neiiraluia, etc. Price, Bolaee. For depreaaion of aitirif. Iota of appetite, debility, and a general preventive nt dlaeaae. Price, 1 1 00. rue Mixture. For pile, eoallvciipaa, etc Price, l 0". (utaneoua Mixture and Ointment. For chronic enema, letter, nrairle Itch, ault rhenm. and all other chronio and obaliimle ernplioni of the tkin. Price, Miittire, II. linl iiu-iit, 70 octita. lair KrBlorame. To rleanae lha head and prevent the hair from fall ing. Price, tl .'ill. We rapectfitlly inhmit the ahoy remrdiet lo the public, wialiiiiK lo tell Uieu only a their uierilt may create a demand. We bava ail th new Cliemicula. Fluid Kitrncl, and Kcleclie Prepantlinna, and ar fully prepared to eicntilioally couiponnd any preacription lout ma be tent to ua. Jii-apectlollv, M. 11. COX afc CO., Dragnet aud Apolhecariet, aloorea' lllork, OVtf Sulem. (IreKon. STRANG i A N D E RSO N, fnloa Blofk, lommrrflal Blrret, Cooking, Parlor and Box Stoves. "' ' ..AND.. WnOlEMLK AND RETAIL DEALERS ..IN.. Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware, A lit) Ioiimrtera at all kiliil of KITCHEN FURNITURE, Portlroli and Tinntd Fruit Irlllti. fORCE, LIFT and HYDRAULIC l'l.MPS Lead and Galvanized Iron Pipes, ItouflnaT, and all k in.lt of J,4 work dotM At t hrap m t an be Done lit I he Stale. MTHaNI. tV JtreOKKIOra. atan-h 111, Irltltl 3m3 NEW DRUG STORE Union Block, Salem, Oregon. W Ot'lD rvspertfully annonnrlo the c it liens of flaWut and vicinity that he has opruenvd a Wholesale and Retail DruK Store, trhrr It hnn to merit III mtrtHiair of Ihoa who ajar favor luia with a call. lie otter to Ih nul, lie. In qimtililM lo tail, al low mln. a treueral aaaortBMUl nt CHEMICALS, DKUdS. DYE STVFFS. PA TENTMEDICiyES ImUtuliit, luelUvwOil, u ( herrv IWtnntl, rVhenrk a Hvniu, " Hanainanlla, Kwaiin a I'auamt, ' l'illa. Mnetana; l.hiimenl. JaTn'aKperlmiint, l"i-rr Ihtvlt t 1 'am Killer, " Altarativn, tmaer a iw i-aiiarwn, M Varraifuii, Keiiue.lv e alndical Ulttor. " CaminMivailalaaai, "V. rWnalive t'llle, " liniment, Omefenberae t'atholirotl. " Ointment fur Haraauarilla, fValt Klwura tV 1'ile. " Itinera, Kitaala Sale. " Childrea't Mr Wlnalow't Ruollilna Fanare llreen Kvnip, MiHinlaia Otnln't, Kenlm a ltrnire, ' Ityaenterv Rvrtip, llrvan a Wafera, llwmboM'l Nnnanarilla, Itevin lwntrr, Kitrart llacba, alt'Iim't Uitettir, UoanWaari. " I'llla. Wlalar't IMaara of Wild Xewell'a "iivh Rrntra. I'lierrv, Mr Hlipp Thorarir Hat, Itali a I.nn llalaam, earn, ll,H,Aand a Hitter, Wall a Nervrme Anildnia, aii,rral t " (Innucr't llendarh He- - P.IU, adv, ftnndfnrd'a Invliriirntor, Tott,nel Anrwlvno. Hille, Prwm-k fatenl Mr.ln-li. Jarob'l Pvtenlarv ronllal. Drake, Hnalettvr't Hanee)- Tovrnaeml l snraapanlla, vain a, and Kletmrdeua'i Ki.la' " Uillern, Hull " ' tWdont, aa lcat tootli II. li e ' waah. omvill t Blond at Llvtr All kind of piwrwirntwM ttrrap, lor u nntr. U'iiu-klM'aavmnnf Hv. Tewttt Hrnahen. Hair Hrwatl phoerdiawUMti8udn, en, I'naaha, RkooW A an Can. All kmd of I'er nnwa and India :kH4ntritrvr, T.ulet art tola, Aatartran Tniene. NimilHer Brnrw, Hamharf Tea, Itlet Pa raw, Knvveopea, " Planer, , Pent, lak,r-,r. Rrnwe'i tlrmtrhial Troth And aurh feirr artlrle aa ar aanallt kefd III a Iral v tine, tl.aee call nna examio fur 7 war wlvna. Ptivaieiana' Preaarlptlon mpMnded kj a (oaipa- wm MfioinwmrT Sahn. tXl '186) Jit lIOSTIiTTEIfa CELEBRATED HHI BITTERS. IIKAO A.HD KKKjLKCT, Mult mire of health. "Hut how f" 70a 11k, Wo Hiinwor, 'tip H mny tttnk t Hlraiipftheii Uie HToMACH.And imtttin Tlie Nkkvri, ihe HervtuiU of tlie brain. The Liven knen In u-tiv play. And rtruiatt, from dny to duy. KhcIi oruii Hid. 011 NitLurtj'i Imii. ilrare ft 'id n.-fieuli the inner man. And like watch tlmt'i kept in chime If v conslHiit enre with ntilron I time. Tfie VBtcin'i tono Htid runtfih renew, And tlieruhy cheer the tjrint, too. "How." you inquire, "am this be done, Thin fie lory oVr l)nvHt) bo won V "HoUTKTTKIl'i lilTTKBH," W roply, Ih lleaitk'i tuprrme Protection try I" Ann nmane of rHtuimmtliiK the diaor'lerod nud en foe hied nyitUiii, reKulHtintf ovry fimriioii of th e lul nul orpiuii. reviving the dtipreised njtiriti, Ivltfo ntiiiK the ofMietilntioii, mid ptuhmumn hffl, 110 me tlie inul propHrtitloii either of the puet or the preeunt time hu huu iu coin pletvly und no uniTeriutly iuccet ful, 08, llontetterB Celebrated Stomach Bitters. Alfflliiiit the VHpon foul prepuro, Timt fever tniut the heuvy nir. Drink not unmixed the water fonnd In (mipfl'ieii, wuode or nmrnhy ground. If wdeiitury toil yon ply, Stitnre you mutt aitor die Kor when dehitrred from exerciw, For artificial aid ihe f vm. Medicine'e rnnd pur pone Hiid intent Ik thnuitetifd evil to prevent; And if you'd be relieved or pared From ill" tlmt crunh the uupreparrd, llnptelter'iHittera nnn fr noto, 'J'ftey are the ure$t antidote. To u'L itt dulliince (he miiimim of unhealtliv loili.the poiton of uuwholeHoute WHtur.tlie etlluviti of crowded work rooum. fiid factories., and the buneful inrluence of wduinry eniployuiunu. it is only uecewary to be roreitruied wmi Hof)tctterft Celebrated (Stomach Bittern. Iyippiu'i pHtiid, tli lit rack and htUiS The bodv. and dpreM the uiind AtimN, tlmt an they yo find come Mttku life 11 couHtiuil iiiurtyrdom j Colim and dyntnlorie pnins, 'NcHth which the atroiiK niun'g vipfor wanei 1 Jtilioui coiiiplnintj, tliueu tvdiom illn, Ne'er rouquercd vol by dm olio pilli ; liread diarrhea, lhal cuiinot lio Cured hy deittructive mercury j Hlow routilitulioniil decay Tlmt briiiK dculh mmrer duy hy duy, Nervous pruntmliou, mental tthmm, IleraldN of iimdnvPR or (ho tomb t For tiiM), thoiiuh miucnil oi,tr u m fait Mcune of reliuf at luunt wo hail, IIiihtrttkh's HiTTKHi uifilitiiie sure, Not to prevent, uloue, but cure. In dyjM.'pnin, fever And mkh, hilioun comptululi. coniluuiiouui ana ncrvoim ueoiiiiy, vouipHuou, i-n ii kiiemi. oimim. and iu all conutluiuli at tnuu or wo man, proceeding from chuuhI or inherent weukueae of the bodr, the one htum remedy auu reiioruuve n l0Ktcttera Celebrated Stomach Bitters. To wamlfreri on wa and hind, From i'oiur ehore to Troj.ic eirHnil, To hoiimdifddi lone in rcpfioua new, Aud dwellers in Krmt ctliee too: To ettldti-ni iu rump, f'trt und lluhl, Who ued Huuinitl diiwaM a ehield 1 Tomitmra California biind, And tillers of wot, uumhy Kround i To feeble wives of fruuili mold. To young, and middle axod, and old, To tlioM iu health, who would enjoy, 1 1 n ven's beet gilU, without alloy j Ti all the strt'iuithli'M, weuk and pule, Who droop, vet know not whut they ail, llonleLUrr's itilters we prvxent, As Health's most potent element. If rhere is anr vuhte hi public opinion, or any we i I lit in uieilical kutiinony, the very beet and Mfvut Tonic, Corrective and Alterative now before the world is UoHteIters Celebrated Stomach Bitter, 80M by nspertuble druHK'"1 in til p-rti of worm. iioim;i:.v calkk, Wkoittalt Druggittt hf 07, Front Ktrevt, roHland. Ori-iinn. Cooke, McCully & Co,, arb tow nrtaiaa tx ialbk thb Largest and Best Selected Stock ..nr.. CLOTHIHG, DRY - GOODS, ..mo.. GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Kver Imiuxht lo I lie Willamette viiHi-r. and will diaHiaeiur lliommeat llio trory lAJVi r.Sl ritn n liulfin. June a, inu. ltl HELM & JKKSON, Matf SlitM-l, Salfiii.Ori'KOH. I In Ilia tluilding foruirrly occupied by Kenyon. Drugs, ( heiulruls 1'alnts, Oils Dye Stuffs, Fancy Soap, Perfumery, II AVISO largely Inorvu.cd the Stiak or Helm It 1 H ne, wear now prriaarrd 10 aupplv lite cltitett of rinleni and ilia aurrouu.hiig country wttb Drug that are Pure, And aa Cheap aa ran ha Ikmgltl In lliie Market Also Constantly on Band tub nrar WINES AND BRANDIES, Kor Medicinal Purpiee. Alao a writ ardrt-trd Slock of Painli ami Oil: inow Ulan ami Putty, 1'itrniih, I'urnith, Brutha, ,r. Phyalrtati' Prcecrlption pntieily Cirnipouiidrd. V eollrit th palronage of ihe Puhlie, fewling eonll dealt that w ran (It grnoral ealwfarlion. MARBLE WORK. A.J. MOMtOK. DRM.KK In Califoraln. V.nnotil, nnd Italia Mist HI.), lannmrnl, OtxIiaVt. Ilriii mil Ftwl Slonti, 8AI.KV, OIIKllOS. Alan, Mantle and Kiirtiitur Marble fumialied lo order Ifciniiipd SALEM FOUNDRY t MACII1NK HII01, Stili'iii. Orrgoti. IKAKR (V MOOItR. Matiiifartnrer of STEAM I 'KSUIXtH. and HOI It. K S, Saw Mill, Uriel Mill, He per, Thraaher, Pttnipa. aud and all kind and tv lo of uwlunery. it nrlnnery repaired at thort N,ai,ei, Potte-rn Making don in all iit variotta fonas, and all kindeof IIKASn nnd IKON CAM INUS fur- Dialled al ehort aotrr. II P DK AKK, IKf J. II. Ml H IKK li . CHtBI'S. Nmllli tk Chnnoc, Haiglcal and Merkanlral DENTI8T8, Ortewold'a rllork. comer Oenmerrlal A 8tt ttrtt HALEV. VKEUOX. tr All Oar Bratal Work tiaarilrl..J I'r sh Driit, 8) ripa, Tlartirfa, CCNUINC PATENT MEDICINE HOW, tf tS. I I.AHfi, Aptfrmri Coal Oil, Neat's root Oil, Lard 911, llaafrd Oil. rial Oil, Taalvr Oil. Hv to hellle f gallon, nl APOTIir.C AIIILN HALL, OpfnniV Ik new tl, and Ik PiXofnr. J K CI.AKH. DrmwaH. Xulltiinlrl rrrti4sn. GENTRAL t ti.l.t.iTINtl ADEKT. (, tJm Cnnty, Oregon. Pnartiral llittKina la tknwi ltvr cvwpieini. at ttf IHISIM'.SS CAKUS. W. I'. .lollNHON. f. I). M'C.'UWN. JOIINMIN &. McCOWX, Attornayt onil Couitael ) mailt Itw, Oreumi Cily, Orpxoli. Will ntloud In all ImaliiKaa entrualKil to llicir care. Collection mmle tnl irouiptly reiuittiMl. ty:i7 J. II. MITCHKLIj. Jll. ft. UOI. Notary Public. MITCHELL oi DOLPII, Atttiriit.ya and Coniiaoliira at Imw, Solicitor! In Chancery, and Prnctora In Ailuilmllv. OIIIcb over l'oil (JUIcei. Kroul alrnot, Porl hinil. BfilHf WILLIAMS f3c MALLOUY, Attorneys at l.avr. OIBue Iu Ilia Court lloato, Hulein, Or- K"", June, n, iw,.i. tltf II II M A SON it '6m.hU, Atforneysat Law , Ditllci Wnaco county, Oreifonj nl' ALLEN & LEWIS, Importnrsoiid Whole mtlei doulort In (Irocorlet, Ury Oooilt, Clothing;, anil lioota null Hliocn. Alao, toliclt cinieiKiinieiila nt Oregon produce, for tha Hun k ranciaco niurket.uu which liooral udvuncea will lie uiudo Pcraotit ahiiiniiiir irooda from the EatternHtuteato our CHre, cHn roly upon their receivlnf prompt alien lion,nt ninilorute clmrges. Olllce in Han Fmnciico, l',ir)uniolliatret, i"" CTfEWEN."TEIlKY, Attorney and Coun aelor nt Law. Hulem. Oregon. Corntniaaioner of Deiula.aiul to tuketnatimony,acknowleilKernenta,oVo. for Iowa, Indluna, Minourl, Michigan, CulifomiH mid Waililntftoti Territory. Irftten of Attornoy.Knd all other inatrumentaof writing, drawn onehort notice. I'urticulur uttoution paid to taking Depotitiona, Col lection of Ntitot, Accountt. eVc. 3'Jt.f Ju. nmaii, Attorney lit law, Aiuany, uiiiti .a., OreaTon Olllce in Monteith'i lluildinx. Will practice in all the court a iu Oregon, and promptly at tend to all bttainoaa animated to hie cure. Particular attention paid to collections from Portland, Sun Fran oiaco and elsewhere, In all parti of Oregon , The licit of reference given 11 1I1 itired. diitf P. C. SILUVAN t J. A. AFPLEGATK, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, DALLAS, lOI,K COUNTY, OKROON. Dr. John Hoawnll rpENDKRH hia prnleaaional wrvket to tha citixena 1 of Halem aud vicinity. Hcinn a medical ttntduat, aud having hud over thirty yeurt' eperlence In the C met ice of medicine, he clieriahoi a hope that he will e able to give general latialaction to those who nuiy favor hint with their patronuge. Olllce in Moorei' brick , No. I , tin atairt. Ueaidence near the lower ond ol Coniniercial itreel, Salem. 15-43 ,1. W. MoAKKB, M L). H. CAKPENTKK, M.I). Will practice Medicine and Surgery in partnership. Olllce near Dr. McAtee't retidence. Dr. (Carpenter's retidence, near tha Warehouae, In the building formerly occupied by David McCully. Salem, Dec. II, l. dl.y Dr. J. H. Chltwood, KEroiUI I'll VSICIAIV. 0KKICE at hia retidence on Front St., one block north of Superintendent ituntinglon'a. He would aay to the tick who wlrh to lie ami without having their teeth extracted with calomel, or their cnnatitulioua impaired with other mineral poi totit, to give him a cull. Salem, Jan. !W, 18'ili. 7nf.TX)liri7lTNotnry PublirjTDitl I ns , Pol k counly, Oregon. Particular attention given to deeda, mortgage, acknowledgment, depoaitione, etc. 15-4J JlVr!Hill, Attorney and Counnelor-nt Uw and Solicitor in Chancery, Dallua, Polk county Oregon. All Iniailieaa promptly attended to. Ifi-'KI J. B. UNDKRWOOU, OKO. B. DOKRII. Notary public. Underwood & Dorr Is. ATTOIlNEYSand Cooaellortat Law, and Solicitor in Clmncerv, Kugene, Oregon, will practice in nil the cnurta of ifiia Stale. One of the linn will alwayt be in attendance at courti in the Second Juilicial Dis trict, i'ltrliciilar intention puid to colleclioni from abroad. December IH. IRIifi. DJt.L.S.SKIFF Hui'ifooii Denliaat. Olllce in Mnorea' llrick Building. ReHidence, near comer of Kirat and Center ttrool. NT) None bnt llnithcd operationi performed. I . I), deaiiethepiilroiiageofauoli peraont aa with otieratioiia pnrtormed in the moil perfect maimer. Halem. Hec.iWd. IHI51. ('.tf Orleuiiai Hotel, rront atreet, UMATILLA, OHE001T. AMOS E. BOH RI19, Proprietor. Pinneer fttat;. C'o.'l onlce at thla Hole), the Houae, FIIKK uf charge. Baggage taken to TO THE UNFORTUNATE. New Remedies. New Remediea. Dr. (illlHON'H DlNPUNSAUYt UI f tnert'iiil, Hun Kmiu-iwo, lultliiihfd in 1H.'iI, for I ho IreHtmenl of HcxuhI nnd LSi'mtiml IHWHe, urh hh U(morrbeft, Dleet, Hi rirtute. Hrphilii in nil Im fortiiB. Hem inul WeiiktieM, itnpoieiirr, etc., isnm OIm iim' (of yi'um' miifliii), and I,..,- a,,.. ..Inllvr lr..yl. il 5 DOCTOR (1IBHON 1ms tlie pleatiire of aimmmo iiiK that lie Inu relttnied t lliii Ktutc, after an ab wticff of one year, dnriti which time lie hai viaited all the itrtncii'itl litwiiiiHli of Knrope. anion if thtim tliiN-o of Inhliii, Iduiidnn, and Pari. The follow. hk reMiratrd hnvpiinli f Loudon are autonK those visV itrd hv the Doctor t Ony', ilib rtreot, ItonHitfb; HI. Hurtlmlnmenr', HmUhtltdd ; St. linlte'a. Old street; Si. Marv'H, Camh. IMace, Pud.; Ixn-k, lltirrow road. Intventitv, (iower street: etiuuutur, HroadHanc- timrv; Charinii Cross. Aiur street, St rami ; London, W biicrlmin-l road ; Koyiil rrve, Gray's Inn road; Kins C'ollrtre, I'niinifnl street. DOCTOR (lIltmiN hasali.n vUlted Dortors Ac ton. nf London, Parker, of Jiirmiiiffhttui, LiikIhiiu; and Kifurd, of Paris; wh are considered the best pliVBiriHiis ami snrKiMms in the world, aiil whose au thurit v is ai-knowlrdKed to be the highest hi the treat- mi' nt of KfXUHl IlirWHIteft, IMX TOU tilHllON has obtained fnin them their new ttiotlr of irfHiinetit, which canuot be surpassed. DOCTOR UlUI ON has siwml neither lime uor money in sft'kinir out new reinedivs, aud hus returned with new facilities lor alleviaiion of humuu sullering. Horrible DImmisosu How many thoiiauds of ersdiis. both male and fe male, are thete, who are suilcriiiB out a Diiserahle ex iitletiee from the e Herts of secret itidnlKciices, or Irom rims ftlHHirbed into the srsteut. Look hl their pallid. emaciHled, and difiifiirtJ fares and their broken down cnnslitulious, disqimliryina' them for the happiness nf mai-fiNK or ibe eiijovmeul of lite. In thia horrid sit uation thousands sutler nnlil death rlosee theweue. lAtt parents, guardians, and friends attend to those who are sutlerinff with anr of these horrible, life de- stroyititf inalmlies eee that they nre cared for and cured before it be too late. Head them immediately Jo Duet or (libbun. a physician who has made private diMnsea his especial study for years, and who is cer ium to cure Ihe most inveterate canes, without mercu ry or any injurious drns. It Is important to those who are afflicted, or to those who are interested in the welfare of their friends, to be rareful of the many pretended doctors who infest all cities, pubhsliiuif their skill in curing sll diseases in a few days, imposiuir up on the publicity usina Ihe names of eminent phvst riaus Irom Kitr-', aud other places, lie th err lore rareful and uiake strut iniuiry, or you may fait into the hands of those charlatans. Srmftuul Wrukiicttft. Seminal Fjitiwioiis. the consequent of self abuse. Thia sditury vice, or depraved sexual indulgence, U rirmrltred by the youth ol both sexrs to an aliuotl nn imitrd extent, produrinx. with unerring certainty, the Mlowin train of morbid sraiploms, unless eom haled by sneutilU metliral measures, vis: Sallow coun Irnattee, dark stots under the eyes, -ain in the head, nuuut in the etiis, muse like the rnstltu of leaves and raithuirof chariots, uneasiness about the loins, weakness of the hn.be, eoulnard Tisia, blunted intel lect, toes ol eiiiitideiHe, ditttJeuce in app roach itisf slran vers, a dwliks lo fonn new aruaiiiiures, a disposi Iiod to shuu society, Uss of uivmory, bet tie flushes, pimplee, and vaiious erupthHis about the fare, furred Uhistuo, ftetid brvtjth, coualis, consumption, nitrht swfMiie, tuniuHnaiius and freittcnl iueitimY. If relief be o ohtaiued, the sntlerer should apply immediate ly, either iu pemn or by letter, aud have a care ef fected by his new and srtentiHc ibnU of tree ti lift this disease, wbtck never fails of elfeclitiH a quick and mdicwl rare. !hclor It. will yive One Hundred iKil lara to any prison i0 W)t prove aatisfaciorily lo him that be was cored of thia complaint by sillier of the San Kraiicitr-t n narks. IKMTIR tUHHiiN W rntiM. aa lU ttve to tech na Ihxti a eritia-a Insiiemeai, btotitas himtM-lf le effvet a rawttcal ai1 vraiSBffnl curt or mss tie chtrre. PvtnHHis sl s tntUhiHe Bu ts Ct ttkU AT II0MR ky sl tJrTeaa Wtlrf le lr. Utbtwa, statin, case, syinptoivj, lenata af Um ttw 4mm km etMiUaaet( aoi ttsvf iwUicltie eetiswplly rrrTjf4, tree ttom Uswoe and ee-.usltf, le ear Mrt ( th CMolry, eiife full end puia t tree t loos for u, tnr Tru lh lUrt,Mat ta reiksltnd Wic er tkrousk WtUs, rars a IV Addre. Dtt J. r OtBIM'M, tt Reamv stmt, aetr Coa awretal. S hrrir. Sa UBce stoa AM. CeswalUttsa rHkIL I'rrvrniiAti brttrr Ihntii Cnre. TW tely-iin .- r.lrttt rivaea eaie, a sure rrtmUri artM4 D vaf .u-t VrmWy hj ssatt. IV ks fl. AMrfsj I'k J. r. IsIHb.N. lf Kreray MfsrwUw Mrctsl. Vs rrtv-Kbc. r-t 0W kx tCO. 4'nuiioii to ih I nrorUiiittir. ItWesr ! Ih fee Prancwco eitcAs SBt prtMflrrs, ah, e'tfc ecTM ira-t rttiSri, iip Uie anwsry. ktM f Itv. ajrlt-Mtknl aKrtv, Ka)a ura) tVTV m t) tvr.4 ItM Jnvsl? aa4 wrkf seaBtB.f Stva rraTrtore stxi HKer ft1 f ""''"St sn4 St-rf. wa bMf t wtk st Ittsrsr rsjaie. tS-si srv UsMillie, hsMB,t7es, Mrr4irrarvsers, lnlaHIirvvv keftrs rte. Lk mt th)atitmtiem fere?.;, in) . o( tos ttwlf M-4icsi Insttlnlte ta M. fcsjl J ml Ir! UVrtr fa anrcraBa.leuS ta it. Uol B tike t-wt4ry hf 1"aST re-s la9t Th snly a t Sr.ial lwlaMi si to nftav. tT)airT--- iH sM-t frm asthiag. mm4 my saw pm y refrrts : fer, ss advriMirHr 4.;ftktaiw ta eiM easts sal ( ie are Ws, ttmr la ao ssfrt; la trasi lr snj tal liWei will fvm sae mUm aed aksl ihry are. tr. H WfS a4 tWrt, sets sr eibit-ttiM twajrvM HIe, cetlaSVaa-i, fim4M i-atmitt' itMers, rse. Doctor Ititvswa vitt sttry m stsf csU at bis eslce ef Ka shtlttx le tf 4 Umi tw rrseiteit to ear. tVmntUoM rtiKl. tr, I INatisu w-H 4mm tofWw Dr. atMwsi that OWf read kis MiMiMisiial la tke Orr tlip,rii,. iuro Cronni Turtitr, Aa4 Foda, ta balk, Hpere-r t IUitvtu, or any ether pal ap m small aarckasrea. rtfetV ttV rm-r p-i'e t Capita! Hn4, and INst otice, Mat Street, Nilesa J. K CLAKR. Wank, y IKn iiffil asf 4re4rrwry mm) A. C. BRADFORD, Importer and Jobber In i'IHES AND LIQUORS, Front Street, Portland. Oregon. BUANDVSS HISOITIT, mmOUCHE, & Co, )tKii,i,Kiiin, IIKNNKKHY. I'IDKT, CASTII.LION, 0V.C0., HONNIOT. A Co., MAliyUliT. Old Jamnlrn Itmn, New Engliind Rum. SCHIEDAM (UN. OLD TOM. FINK OLD WHISKIES. J. II. Cutler, Old Itoiirboii, Old Vii'Kiiilii, Eureka, Kye, A PURE WINES: Oporto Port, Burgundy Port D. O. S( Co. Sherry, Anchor Sherry, Sauterne, Angelica, and California White Wines CHOICE CLARETS: LAFITTK. MEOVIM.E, I'OIIARD, ClIAIUIlEKTiaj, IM I I, ON PANIM.AC, I.A ROME, t'ANTANAC. CHAMPAGNE: CIIAS. HE1DSAICK, CABINET, GREEN SEAL and JACdlATAS. ..ALSO.. Abttluthc, Curaeon, Vermarth, Bitter, Syrups, Jnniiiicu Ginger, Eg. Deuce Peppermint, Trunin'- Ale ii nd Porter. Maurice, Cox, & Co's Ale and Porter. And all oilier Cat Good, pertaining to tlie trade. Merchant and dealers are particularly invited to examine my stock before purchaaintr elaevrhere. WAGONTIMBER. mHE UNDERSIGNED WOULD ESPECIALLY 1 call the attention of all WAGON MAKERS to the superior stuck of WAGON TIM HER, now ill store, which is ottered to the trade on liberal terms. OAK, ASH, AND HICKORY PLANK, OAK AND HICKORY SPOKES, OAK AND ELIU HUBS, HICKORY AND ASH RIMS, BUGGY At EXPRESS SHAFTS, POLES, ii. BOW8, Hickory Axles, Oak and Hickory Scantling, Siiwed Felloes, Hewed Tongues, Single Tree, Neck Yokes, Long and Nhort Hounds, I'low lleams and Han dles, Seats, Spindles, Ac. Ac. The above stock was carefully selected in the East ern Slates, expreanly to meet Ihe deniatula of this trade. Order tor any of the above articles, including WAGON SKEINS, BOXES, SPKINGS, cVc, will be promptly attended to. It. II. LAW, 25 Front Rtreet. PORTLAND, 2itf Opposite O.S.N. Co.'s Wharf. CAPITALBAKE11Y. I TAKE tliti tnelliml of Informing tlie public tlmt I have ucldeii to my other buninem ft bakery wbere I Hutter niywlf I can (vt've nmiafuction to all who may favor me with their patronKe. And where a goul aeortmeut of FAMILY GROCERIES Can alwayt be had for For Cash, or Country Produce. And ha delivered, free of clmrirp. to all nnrta of Ihe city. ALL KINDS OF COOPER WARE Kept on baud and niade to order on good terms. Clothes Wringers of Different Kinds. Battels, Broomt, Washlubs. Buckets, Churns, Hope, Candles, Coal Oil. Mackerel, Salmon, Herrings, Codfish, Sar dines.Oyiters, Clams.Sugar Salt, Syrup, Cheese, Crackeri . DID ill. JLJ Tobacco, Cigars, matches, Fancr and Toilet Soap, Combs, Bmsliei, it, Past favor gralefnlly reineuibered, and future pat ronage ree,ectlully aolicited. J. M. COULTER (Four Door north of Moore' Brick ltlock,) Salem, Oregon. BELVIDEREALOON, AT THE OLD STAND! WHERE will nlwava he r,niud lha FINEST HKANDS OF I.IQl'OK AI CIGARS that the Market aflVinla. Alao. a flue DILI I.MtD itOOM , cnutaiiiiag tlire Table, one of wKch took the premium at th iaat Mevhanica' Iuetitnte Fair in Caliruruia. l'LAMO.NUON et CiHKKN. catlrm, Oct. 3, WA. Ulif THE BOOK STORE. PARRISII & KEELER, I1F.ALBR8 IN SI iy TAKING Ihia their eole buni net, would re, pec t 111 fully invite their niimnront friend to call and ex amine their slock of Books, Stationorj and Varieties. Keed rnnatantlvan hand the very beat arlirlrtin heir line. In be found in anr Book more in the Scat. Among which may be found PIIOTOOII AP1I ALIICUS. wilh price to suit. FAMILV MULES AND TESTAMENTS, finely Umnd. OIFT HOOKA, ntiuthl fir th holidays. FINE PlK KET KNIVES, PENCILS. (10LII PENS, I'OliTMONlKS. DIARIES. NOTE and LETTER PAPER; every variety. ENVELOPS, itc, 4c. In Ih liu of reading matter, w keep on hand, aud are CuuMtitntly ltfi-flvlnir, Tli aiandarj workt ou HlMory, Trnvrla, Porirjr und Novrls. aud work on SCIENCE AND ART. Ilavingordetrd a larg tripply uf riCTQRHLS 1ND PUPILIR XAGIZINES. froea th Erwt. tnlwcriber ber aud in lb tuljoining Iowa aad cimntic ran aernr at pnbliehert' rate, in coin, rawra free, at Iheir rewrtiv olllce, all th pertlirla without riak. Fcy article loo nmnrmna lo menlion jill of which will t ah,, cheerfully. Willi a fair proper!. AIo. a rich variety ol photograph and Heel engraving f th Uenrral and chief actor of Ih limit Rebellion. Al, Agvwu h th Fkireur Sewing Marbin. rV.ler,dl Ua etvt K It VIC MtlWKRI ami RKAfKllt laIUDr.falr.lir JOHN C. BKI.L Confidential Medical Advice. DR. LFMEIiT, Mrmbrr of tht Rattil dilate of Hiirrcom of Eng land i Linnlidll of thr linyal Collrfir oJ'I'ku dam of Edinburgh i M. D. of Iht Uni versity of Erlaiiftrn i Licentiate of Royal Society of A polk, ecariti, London be. CUHES RECUKT MHEAHER WITHOUT COPA IDA or MKItCUKV. He alao treats ancccaafiilly UTUirvrmikH. fll.lOICT. HKMINAL WEAKNKS8, CUTANEOUH D1SHASICS. uud Mints who milter from NKKVOUH DKIHLli I , or the l,ubi i "v- KISS (IK MANIKJOO will no well to consult mm. Ilia DIPLOMAS ninv be teen at hi Houae nnd Olllce. n I. ?M Pllf wlhlma it tn lie perfectly miller- stood that every caae is CONFIDENTIAL. He hai geparate Hatting room for each patient, and com puundt all bit own medicines, so that in delicate caaes uatienla have notliiux to fear. Omra llovas From 9 A. M. till 2 P. M. and from 5 till U P. M. Sundays, from 8 A. M. till 'i P. M. only. HOUSE AND OFFICES, At the corner of Third and C itreel: The entrance to C ttreel on Front, it opposite the Ocian Steamship Wharf, and Ur. La'Mert'l House and (iflicet are in a direct line three blocks west, Jy31 PORTLAND, OREGON. &iyl OHEGOX IRON WORKS. A. C. OIBBS, H. UT.OOMFIEl.il. X. S. MORGAN A. 0. GIBBS & CO., Manufacturers of Steam Engines, Boilers, AND ALL KINDS OF MILLS HoiMing lUai'.lilucs, Horse Powers Iteupci'g und mowers, tnnrlz mills, Amalframiitiiig Puns, and SKPABATOIIH of the moat approved kind; COOKINCx 1UNGES, PUMPS, etc. Pattern Milking, in nil Us forms, connected with this Establishment. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS for Mills and all kinds of machinery furnished to order, by an ex perienoed draughtsman. A. C. GIBBS it, CO., Successors to E. L. Jones St Co. Portland, Dec. 5, 18IU. Hit " CONSTITUTION WATER," THE ONLY REMEDY For Diseases of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, Gravel, Dropsical Swellings, GENITAL DEBILITY, Etc. milE ASTONISHING HIU'C'KNN WHICH X has attended this INVALUABLE Medicine ren ders it the most valuuble one ever discovered. No lauKuaire can convey an adequate idea of the immedi ate and almost miruculous change which it occasions in the debilitated and shattered syatem. In fact, it stands unrivalled as a remedy for the permanent oure of tlie malauics above mentioned, ana ulso DIABF.TES, IMPOTKNCV, LOSS OF MUSCULAR ENERGY, PHYSICAL PROSTRATION, INDIGESTION, SEMINAL WEAKNESS GLEET, FLUOR ALB US, And in every discane nny way connected wilh the dis orders or decay of the PROCREATIVE FUNC TION3. PertotiB about to marry, if conscious of any weuitness, snouid taae tne CONSTITUTION WATER. Whether broken down by exccus, weak by nature, or impaired by BickuenB, the unstrung and relaxed orjfun izatiou iaat ouee rchraced, revived, und built up. wen dihv mis ceiuuraieu meaiciue ue cunea me Medical Wonder. The stooping, trembling victim of deprettoion and debility become a new man; he etuiids erect, he moves with a lirui step ; his mind, which was previ ously sunk in gloom of an almost idiotic apathy, be comes bright und active ; and he oes forth renegene rated.coiiftcious of new vigor. Tlie medicine reaches CONSTITUTION itself, aud restores it to its normal condition. Irritation of the Keck of the Bladder t Inflammation of the hidnepa, and Catarrh of the Bladder Stranguary and Burning, or Painful Urin. ating, CatculuM, Gravel, Brick Duit Vepotit, and Mncou or Milky l)i$ char net After Urinating. For these diseases It is trulv a sovereign remedy, and too much cannot be said in its pmie. A single dose ban been known to relieve tho most urirent symp toms. TRY IT in these cases, and yon will ever give your praise to CONSTITUTION WATER! MnloH or Females, Are you troublsd with that distressing pain in the small of the back, aud through your hips T CONSTI TUTION WATER will relieve yi like matfe. Ur. V. II. GREGG, Proprietor. MORGAN &. ALLEN, General Agents, New York. IIOajTKTTKII, MTIITII 6c DEAN, Agents for th Pacific Coast, 401 and 403 Battery Street, Comer Clay, San Francisco, and HODGE dr. CALEF, SMITH dr. DAVIS, W. WEATIERFORD, lf Portland. WATER WHEELS. Power FLEDGED Equal Best Overshot Wheel In Existence. O a 0) PJ at a o LEFFELS American Doable Turbine Wnter-WheeU IS uow manufactured by the Oregon Iron Works, in the City of I'ortland.rtnd orders for the same can be lillrd immediately. We have a small supply of the (lihVrent sizes, from 10 inches to 4H iucties iu diumeter. That we may know the proper sized wheel von require measure your water in tlie following way i Take the width of ihe stream, the average depth, and the die- iiinrr ii imwn in a aiuitiie. All the wheels now in use irive nniverwil nattfiu. llou. ltoth the construction of the wheel and its oer- formauce, commend it to tlie better iudmnent of nil minds capable of appreciating the highest develop ment of me (tallica! construction. Therefore it has conquered the most violent oppwtion. This wIipkI iiepitprinllvttiliintpd tn mtmnir mirnMM II is light, and can be easily parked into the motin U'ms. Wheels weighing from UK) to 3tMl pounds will vipiu irom i" to w norse power, under a head of or 30 feet. Ther are the cheapest wheel to set nn known ai they are so arrunged a to produce the greatest p" n xwnie inmi ine waier nneu. The rrirej of these wheels have now been reduced to lint ability of all. Come and see them, or send for a circular to I.KIFRIil. A' MY Kit A, At the Oregon Iron Worka, M m6 Portland Oregon, J.E. CLARK, Fractlfil Apothecary and Druggist, Corner gut and l-ibcrtv ale., opotil Capital Hotel. particular attention given, ta person, to compound ing and ditpenainp; Family Medicinos, rt, Accurate, and Kipctlltious Manner. Th putilic ar araured Ihat I can put up any Legitimate lrcsaoription Tiat any physician can writ in Baletn, wilh a good uieoiciuv auu at aa REASONABLE RATES As any Droit boos in Oregon. Medicine put up at all boor of th niirlit Itf. PACIFIC MARKET. Bewley, Thompson &0 o., roprletos. Opposit th llennelt Houae, Ktata street. WILL keep a goo.1 an aaeorttueut of erervthing in their una of trad' a th market will alfurd. Illtfhosst Cnah Price paid for Beef rattle, Sheep, lions and roultrj Salem, Fob '., IHiaH. fa-fi u ii m CONSTITUTION L.IF13 SYRUP, COMPOSED OF IODIDE POTASSIUM. Willi the Compound Concentrated Fluid Kxtrart of Lungwort AiiKeature Root, Alisceaa Rn()t, U0()(i Root. Cancer Koot, Fever Koot, Canker Wen,! . sumption Plant, Clrnvol (Jntvel Plant, Life Root Liverwort, Nervine Root, Pleurisy Root, Saaaafr..' Root, Scurvy Grana Hunt, ScrotulH Plant, Itiittleenaka Root, Squaw Root, W a n hoe Hark, VYintergreen th whole scientifically prepared, and containing tha' full virtue of all the ingrcdienta united in an elegant 8vr up, that iHieaestet a wonderful power in the - . a i CONSTITUTIOX LIKE STttlP. A positive and specific remedy for all diaeiiNn. .i.. inatitiK from au IMl'UKK STATE OFTIIK HLOtiiT aud for all Iheredilary) D1SKASES transmitted fr,!' PARENT TO CHILD. Paralysis. Hemiplegia, Puresit, Paraplegia, l'arulyaia, Agitant. Dyspepsia. Iudigestion. Liver Coniiilalnt, Cousthiatiiin. W'ii.i at Stomach, Biliousness, W ant of Appotite, Flatulence Bad Breath. Scrofuln. StrninB, Glandular Swellings, Ulceration. Kin'. Evil, Erysipelas, Salt Hheuui. "'ngs Rheumatism. (Arthritis) Ncuralirla, Gout, Lumhairo. rVUii. v.. Doloureux. ' " Nervousness. Nervous Debility. Confusion of Thoutrlita. Knllun.. Loss of Power, shattered Nerves, St. Vitus' hui, Mercurial Diseases. Balivution. Feelinir of Weariness, Itottinir of Rr,nu. Bad Complexion, Aches in liones , Depressed Spirit ' Conelitulion Life Syrup purges the system entirely of all the evil ell'ects of Mercury, removing the Bad iireatu, anu cnriug tne vveua quints ana Ulieumutio Pains which the use of Calomel is sure to produce. It hardens Spongy Guuis and secures the teeth as firmly as ever. Constitution Life Syrup Eradicates, root and brunch, all Eruptive Diseases of the Skin like Ulcers, rimples, Blotches, A nd all other difficulties of tlie kind, which so much disfigure the outward appearance of both males and females, and often making them a disgusting object to themselves aud their friends. Constitution Life Syrup CURES ALL SWELLINO OF THE GLANDS, either of the Face, Neck, or Female Uieust. rp"A a general Blond Purifying Agent, the Life Syrup stands unrivalled by any preparation in th world. Constitution Life Syrup Is the Poor Nan's friend and the Rich Man's bless ing. Buy it, take it, and be cured. It is universal in its effect. WM. II. r.REGO. in. D. Sole Proprietor, New York Laboratory, Brooklyn, L. I. PRICK S'l per Bottle t tiix Bottles for $5. irSeiit hy Express to nil parts of the country. Sold Ly HODGE V CAI.EF, SJI1TII & DAVIS, W. WEATIIEUFOKD mliSntf Portland. Oregon. J. Ii. HAAS, OommercialStreet .Salem, Dealerln GOLD AND SILVER WATCnES, JEWELRY, Solid Silver nnd Plated M arc, FINE CLOCKS, Spectacles, Fine Cutlery, &c. All goodstold by me are WARRANTED to be st represented. Itf pairing. Particulartltentlun paid to repairing 0ne Watchea, docks, Jewelry, Ac. ALL WORK WARRANTED. Salem, Oregon, Nov.9, 1853. ly8S THORACIC BALSAM. A VALUABLE REMEDY FOR AH the Diseases of the Chest, ahisino rauH COUGHS AND COLDS. The properties of the Combination are Tonic, Expectorant, Soothing and HEALiyQ, and are peculiarly Kited for arreting and preventing the tendency to CONSUMPTION! So frequent and fntui on the Pacific Coast. TESTIMONIALS. Sai.cm, OukcioN, Oct. ltlth, ISGi From the good ellects that I have seen nnd known . of Mrs. Stipp's Thoracic Balaam, I can safely reennv mend it to the public. J as. D. JIcC'ukdt', Ml). Sai.iM, March 8th, 1W5. I hereby certify that 1 have been using Mrs. Stipp's Thoracic tlaltam iu my family, with the very heal of resultt, and am happy'in stating that the mediciuc is all that it is recommended to be by its proprietor. L. Wsstacott. MAttioa Couktt, ORno,Sept.27, 1B65. The nndersigncd, resident of Marion county, Or egon, takes pleasure in staling fur tlie benelit of the atllicted, that, in the winter of I8i'kM, I wits snflering from an affection of the lungs nnd kidneys, resulting from a violent cold. I seemed to be going into rapid Consumption, and had begun to believe my death was not very far distant, and all who saw m were impressed wilh the same conviction, After 'rytng various remedies without any success, I was induced to try Mi. Stipp's Thoracic Balsam, and to it I sm fully persuaded that I owe my life and present good health. Under these circnmslances, I feel that I sat but performing a duty to humanity when I recom mend'nil similarly alllicted to try this excellent medi cine. William Tatlos. Mariox County, Oiiioom, Sept. its, 1S6J. Havimi received great benelit from the us of ''airs. Slipp Thoracic Balsam," and being convinced that it use would be beneficial to thousands of penwot Buffering withont hope of relief, it is with pleaeor that I make the following statement : In Ibe fall " twa, I look a aevere cold, which settled in my bun's and throat, causing a dry, hacking cough, fever,beaa. ache, and pain in the breast and under Ihe ahoolifer, in severity, until my life seemed to be in real dsnsw. About six weeks ago, I commenced taking MraStipps Thoracic Kalsam.and in this short space of tune ' hare regained almost my usual health aud alretigto. have a good nppetite, arid am free Irom my cough sm all its attending miaeries. M.S t oawaan. tJT Ageuciet will be est bllshed nt all the prinet pal trading points in Oregon, for the sale of thia valu able Medicine. lira. L. A. 8TIP", Oct. 31). Iv!pd Mannfaetnrt. W. K. HlflliY, Druiririat. Salem, GetierulAgenl ALLE N'S m . LUNG BALSAM! Tax RaatanY roa crjRmo Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, CROUP, DISEASES of the THROAT, Bronchitis, Pains and Oppression of w CAI or Lungs, Difficult Breath ing, and all the Diseases of the Pulmonary Organs. ITS action la expectorant, alterative, "A'nne.'" live, diaphoretic, and diuretic, which tenders ii"" of the mott ralualile remedies khown for caring ' eaaea of th lung. It excites expectoration. rauaea the lungs lo throw off the phlegm " "p?;" C HA N( I Eli THE HECKETlOXtl AXPJ" h'IFIES THE BLOOD; heals th 'rrttaieajia give Mrengih to the digealiv organ! bring tn u to it pruper aciioti, and iroparta alrength to the w svstem. (inch is the immediate and saiiafactory feet, that it is wai ranted lo break up th . tnwing cough in a few hours' lime, if not ?Z aundiug. It is warranted lo give entire aaitsian eveo in th m,t confirmed eases of """""rj,' u It k, warranted not to produce eoativepeaa (wnrr th nun wilh most remedies! or affect lb beau, contains no Opium in any form It is "arranteo PEKFECTLr HARMLESS to the sb"HM cb child, ahliough It iaactiv and powerful na!tfM rettoring Ih avtlem. Thr it no real I'yjjWg to many deallie by rotitniuplioa. wha j. LINU BAWAM will prevent it, if only Uti tirn. , (Mid by all llniagiete. I'ri.e l r la, IJS SMITH eV DAVIS. Portland Sem V, lt.i Cetieml Agents for ins "-