The Oregon statesman. (Oregon City, O.T. [Or.]) 1851-1866, April 30, 1866, Page 3, Image 3

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    (the Dwjon.'tatwwa.
..f Hut. Sennlnri H. llmiwK, J. 0. CKTWIIIOIIT.
IteprsitiitatlvM Jim Niusus. II. A. Wmak, W. tt. IMnait,
County JiiiIkc Jiiim U. I'kKIII.HI,
County Clerk llwm.ia A. Hints.
HtuTlir J. J. Mmii'iiy,
Treasurer fcUansi. IlKAnslcs.
Alienor 11. 1). MullSTS.
Hrfimil i.ui:rlnti-nuVnt-l,. J. Powaix.
Cu. UiillUullll'.neri J. II. IIHIIHIHS, TllnMA 0. BlliW.
Surveyor T. W. ItivKNrnsT.
Uoroner KKUhtTrs It. HaiTit.
llcirtii.mtlTe J. L. Coi.uas, MrM Ilium. , J. groiirru.
County Jutliie W. C. Whitwx.
Cnutily Clerk Tllnais raises,
filicrlir Aha Siirkvs.
Treasurer Wa. Iluws.
Alienor J. W. ilimssa.
School fjii.erinlenitent J. A. Al-FUtOiTa.
Surveyor W. T. IUliy.
Coroner N. Hudson,
Co. Cmmlsslftnort (laoaua 11. fcasas, Gxtmoa Cohioyb.
C'lindidtites for Onvoriior nf Orcein, will publicly
drcss the people nt the following timet una places,
coiiiinuiiciiiff ttt one oVloeTt, p. M. of each dtiy t
JiiclcHon villa, April 'JII.'tHi. Ilillsboro, Mitv lilth.
Kuilivvillu. Ai.iil US.
Orca-on Cilv, May 15th.
l'tu-lluml, May loth.
Dnllus City, Mny 18th.
Uttmlilln City, Mny Islst.
Ln Uruiitlu, Aluy Utth.
Auburn, Mny With.
Iinlenelideuco, Mhv 211th
Susan vi lie, Alny Hist.
Cunyuii City, Juno 2d.
KusufjurLf, April 'H.
Oakland, April M.
liiiKcne City, Altty 2d.
(.'nrvullis, lilny 4t'li.
Albany, Mtty otb.
httlt'iii, flltiy'7th.
Ilulbts, JHuv 8th.
Iiiifityettt!, Jluy lOtli.
Canditlutt'ii fur Congress, will address the people at
the following times and places s
UmutillH, April 20, 18(10. Hillshnro, Mny 14th, 1R6S.
Nwtft'a Anril iln.
I.ainjctte. Muv loth,
llulhis, Muy ITtli.
Hdlem, Muy tilth.
JcH'Twhi, Muj' '20tli.
Allinuy, Muy 21 at.
l.ii llruiide, April '23d.
Union, April '24th.
Pocahontas, April 2flth.
Auljiirn, April Mb.
Independence, May Int.
Huvanville. Mny Ik).
Canyon City, Muy fith,
ItailuH City,' Muv ilth.
Portland, Muv tilth.
t'orvallls, Muv Tli,
Kiipttie City, Mny 24lli.
Oakland, Mny Until.
ItoHebnrK, Mny 2Kth.
(Jaiiyonville, Mny 2!lth.
Oregon City, May llth.
Keriiyviiie, May Jist,
Jacksonville, Jtitio 2d.
Public Npi-iikliilf.
Hy agreement, the Polk comity riiiididutes, of bolli
parties will uihlruss the people, lit;n;ltiniiiu; ut lOo'clock,) ttt the following tniica nnd plucoB t
At Bridgeport, Mity ':id.
At K.W. Simpson 'a, Mtty 21th.
At Huenn Vintu, May 25tb.
At Mottmontli, May iititli.
' At Stone's School House, Douglas, Muy 28tU.
At Pleasant Hill, Jackson, Mtty limit.
At. Ira Townscnp's, Hull Luke, Muy :)Utb.
At llethel. May 31st.
At Kola, June lit.
At Dallas, June 2d.
J. W. Johnson, Democrntie caudiduto for 1'rnsccu
linir Allornuy, will aildieiw his fellow citizens at tlie
followitiK titiics nud phtceH.eouimenciutr at one o'clock
. m., of each duy. The oppoaing candidate is invited
to muet liiui.
Hiirrisburtr, Mny 111.
Brownsville, Aluy 12.
Albany, Muy 14.
Lohiinnu, Mtty 13,
Hcio, Mny IU.
Jell'ersott ,Mny 17.
Sublimity, Mny HI.
Uittteville, May 24.
Dayton, May 2.V
Lalayette, May U5, 7 o'clk.,
Mo.Minttville, Muy 26.
North Yttmliill, Falkner's,
Muv 311.
McAlpiu's bi-hool llonse.nulhu. Mav "'J.
. a,. ' . t i
May 19, 7 o'clock, p in. Moiiaiouth, Muy 30.
Rilverlon, Muy 21. Kola, May ill.
Warundn, Jla'y 22. rialem, June 3,7 o'clock,
Aurora, May 23. eveuintr.
What will they do f The copperheads and
' thieves thought they bad "struck something rich"
when they got hold of the San Francisco Nac$
Letter which was peddled all over Porland last
February hy a copperhead tool of A. M. Burns,
charging Collector Adams with the crime of rob
bery. The Uuion men of Oregon who had known
Mr. Adams for many years, stood by him toaa
man, during all bis darkest hours of persecution,
while the copperheads, with a few honorable ex
ceptions, joined in the " Skookum" cry of smug
glers and thieves. Now that the. robbers have
beon arrested, owned up to the robbery, and dis
gorged most of the money, what will the poor
devils of the O'Meara atripe dot We hear that a
thief down at Astoria ts now wiping his eyes with
oakum, and crying, becatiso ho beliuvoa that "Mr.
Attaint i$ robbing Lambert and McElroy of money
which tltey made hvnettly." Call a copperhead or
pizzariuctuin go lower down than thatl
SovTHKitx Okiook. From the Jacksonville pa
pers, wo learn that the road from Crescent City to
Jacksonville is now opcu Mr. Dudley, of
Phamix, has removed his saw mill to higher
ground.... A griizly bear made a desoint ou a cow
and calf near Sterling creek and killed iheui l ite
Union county couveutiou will be held on Aluy 5th.. ..
The Sentinel reports: Private John J. Muckey, of
Co. 0. 1st Oregon Cuvulry, was shot while on duty
us a seutiuol uour Harney Lake, on tbe night af Feb
ruary 4th.... February 14th, Sergeuut Phillips and
three men of the Oregon Cavalry were sent in pursuit
of Indians from Camp, in the direction of the
head of the Owyhee. Overlook thuiu and recuptured
3G heud of stoleu slock , nnd killed ouo Iiidiau. Pri
vate Miller, Co. C, was wounded untl one home killed
by att arrow. Sergeant Phillips and party joined
Captain Walker, ou the Malheur river, and were at
the killing of H Indians, destroyed a cump attd captur
ed several bead of horses. The party returned alter
a march of 200 miles. ...There have been some heavy
robberies in Josephine i-ouuiy. Mr. Crumlall, of Wal
do, had bis safe robbed of about twelve hundred dol
lars. He was not in the habit of ojieniug lint safe ev
ery day, uud is not cerUiu as to the exact time of
tbu thelt. He found bis sale locked, but the ntuuey
gone. Mr. Wm. Kvana. of Althouse, bad his store
broken open with a sledge baxuier,anduboul (.110 ta
ken out.
Gk.i. Gniirr's OriMoa or SeHAToa NrsMtTH. In a
letter received by au oUloer iu the Army statioued at
Fort Boise, front Lieutenant General Qruiil.anJ which
was ptiMitfheil In theldubo Stntemanmn Hnd the fol
lowing high tribute, jsaya the Mountaineer) paid to
Kt-nntor Nesutith, by the commanding Ueuentl of tbe
t'nitcd States :
"1 am glad to my that our representatives from the
farolf Paeilir coaa't, so fur as 1 hare observed their
course, have done nothing to give couiiori to aitlors in
rebellion. Particularly in this the case with Xusmitlt
of Oregon, with whom 1 have more personal nt-quain-tauce
thatt with the others. He haa been lite par
ticular fiiend of the urmy.liolh regular and volunteer,
attd hns, if I am not tnistuketi, sinunined every meas
ure intended looverlbrow rebellion and sustMin the lio
ieu of all the Ntutes. Orpgoiiians may congratulate
themselves on haviiigju the national eoouciis such a
Oboom Ari'LKg. Tho S. F . Call of April
Hill, says that "during the past Week 3 tJOO
boles of applea havo been received in this
market from Oregon, untl (old on the wharf
at $2 50 per box." Wo notice that the steam
ers of the P. T. Company are novr bringing
much fruit of good qnnlity from the Taller fir
shipment. The reduced rales of freight afford
oino profit tn the hipper at prrseul 'prices.
Huron in this market olier from 75 cent to f 1
25 per box, according to quality. Oregonian.
Lank County An election of Director!
for the Oregon Central Military lioad will lake
place nt Eugene on the 24lb day of Mny next.
A Uuion oluli ha been formed in Eugeoe
City, which iu addressed ou tbe evvuiug of
of the 18th inst. by Col. Kelsay of Corvallif,
and J. F. Watson of Itoseburg, iu eloquent
pt-eche. ...We are glad to learn that our
young friend W. I. Henderson, of Eugene
City, haa bee appointed 2nd Lieutenant, in 13,
Infantry. U. S. A The Into Circuit Court
of Lane County had but little holiness, eo
cordii g to the Jvurnal.
Lis Cocktt The Journal tj of the
"Albany Collegiate Iustilute." Tbe object
now is to erect a building sufficient to meet the
present want. Tbuj edifice, however, will be
but a part of a plan or system of buildings,
which, when completed, will embrace all tbe
appliances of a regular college. An eligible
file, comprising four blocks, and rained at (4,.
000, ha been donated by Mr. Tho. Mnn
teilh. The amount as yet subscribed is a lit
tle over $4,000 about half I he sum required
for tbe contemplated building A grand j
pic-nio May day party is to be held nt Lebanon
oo tbe 1st of May, by the good Templars.
How Tiiit Leva nit ti'Liu. The way tbe Prot-
ocratic editors exp
., ... ....... , i
-thetrgratiiadetotbe t mo. tot-
.No s..-Ber Ud C-bwl Hawkins
tilers la quite dittVret.
of IhHr plotr.jrra.
armed ia Uiw Sule U.u IWMy rrf cuanarntd
barking at bin with the ftmiiir of a lmre-nd the
cnu.ig, of a puppy. Wt mil ins tbi lieralit wel
come fa Hit Beat irHtt.
Washington, April 24. Tim Intotiient of
tlin publio debt for April will show n reduction
of x millions. Tho riufii of iirtnrmil revo
nno lust wi-ok were :,4ti4.IU4. There lire
1 13(1,000,000 of nvitilnhlu fumls in lliu Ircnfii-
ry. 1 ho Secretary of Iho Treasury is ntithor
zt'U to lno or tell audi murine bospilitls ns he
limy uVcm Rtlvifiiltlo, and nlrn to sell revenue
cutters if found ill Htlaptt'il In Iho service, anil
cxpt'iitl tnt proceeds in Iho ptirutmso or con
tructinn of other vessels.
Washington, April 24. Tho mml letting
to-day for tlm wetern Htuto were the largest
ever neiu, anu reaniteu in prlcei more lavor-
able tn the doparlinen than fotty years iiiro.
Moe F. Odell wn yestonlny oonliriued as
navul officer at new York. Tho l'n-titlent has
filled nil tho appointment! iu Virginia for the
internal revenue with parties who it it mid
have taken the tost oath.
The Quartermaster General haa rconnli of
the interment ol fully 100,000 Union soldiers.
1 - I ir .. i.
n titrgu uiiiiiintr iii wnora u will Do neceffarv
to remove to cemeteries. Olio million dollars
will bo required to protect them from deieora-
turn, ana it it genoially recommended that
sucli n system be adopted
Now York, April 24. It appeari to lie ta
ken fur granted jlint Soorolniy McCulloch will
oner a a per oent. loau in Paris, and the di
groo oi mi into cotinticiico in too experiment
may ue juogcu irnm tue tteauy auviinoe of na
tiotinl (ecunliet on this expectation.
Dexter, tho alleged cotton twiudlcr, hns
nrooglit suit against (ion. Woodt, command
ing the Department of Alabama, for false im
prisonment, etc., damage) laid at $500,000.
etc - The tuit will he heard in Mobile. Dev.
ter hat cngnged Ron. Duller for one of hit
counsel. Mcssrt. II. H. Shannon, Charls Clal
l. 1 u ir ,
uoruo nuu n. j. iverr. uniumissionen under
the civil riclils bill, took the oath of office on
Monday, April 16th, beforo tho Judgo of the
United Slutct Court in New Orleans. No
doubt oonmiltainner for the other Stntet will
Alto be proinptlv nppoiutcd by tho resnoctive
d tinges.
... i
Washington, April 24 In the Scnnto yet
torday, Conuess, of California, offered a reso
lution which was adopted, instructing tho com
mittee on commerce to inquire into the ox.
peJieuoy of prohibiting the importation, train-
poriAiiun or sum oi nurn-glycerine.
Wathhurtip, of Illinois, taid in the ITnu.o.
that tho committee on coinniurae, of which be
it chainuiin, would report toon ou the tnliioct
of iiitru-glyccriiiu.
Concerning the Kichmotid bank tnrcio can.
tured iu Geurgia. And now claimed by Iho
batiks, rcoent investigation thow that a few
weeks beforo the evacuation, tbu banks loaned
the Confederate Government 300.000 in gold,
of which $60,000 was drawn, leaving a bill
anco of $240,000 ou deposit. Tho Govern
ment will' therefore, assert its tide to not only
the $100,000 captured in Gooririn. but also the
$140,000 in custody of the banks.
l no tiouso jnuiuiury couituitteo yesterday,
matte a report against the modification of the
test oalli, as asked by the President, fieerotn.
ry of the Treasury and Postmaster General.
i liu report deolarct tliot neither the President
nor any of bis cabinet had any right to dis
pense with the law, that snoh au examnlo is
dangerous and not to be tolerated.
Chiongo, April, 25 Iu Ilia Tonnesneo
House ol Representatives, on the 23d. tbe ma
jority report on elections, recommending the
admissiou of tbe bolters to their seals, was re
jected by a vote of 42 to 16 and by the same
vote, me iruy report reiusing 1110 bolters
seats, was adopted.
Washington. April 24th The President
sent to the Sennte yetteriluy the following
nominations : toiont-i Samuel Wolvclvy of
Pittsburg, U. S. Marshal for Iho western dis
trict of Pennsylvania vice Alex. Murdoch, re
moved i it. btnnnker, collector of Internal
Revenue of Pennsylvania, vice Colonel Tuir.
gard, resigned; Josiuh Ilelrioli. collector of
ntcrunl Uevenue of tho lltli Pennsylvania
district, and Hubert Clark assessor for the 13th
Pennsylvania district. Tho President also ap
pointed Wndu Hampton Postmaster of Pitts
burg, Pa., rire Vnn Hiiuhurst. removed : nli-ti
Gen. Sinn. Casey collector of Internal Ueve
nue for the 2d Cinciniinli district vice Tnylnr,
retnnveili Gen. Win. Graze, collector of the
5th Indiana district, vice present incumbent,
Tho Chicago Timet Washington snecinl tlis.
patch says : The President yesterday inform
ed a prominent West Pennsylvania Congress
man, woo uau oaneu relative tn tho ch nges
being made iu Hint State, be intended to
remove every ollioer who was oppnsiug his
The Republican Congressmen from the
Slate of Indiana have had a conference rela
tive tn the plan before I he Reconstruction com-
nuiteeo wlucli proposes to reimire universal
snll'rago in Southern Stntes by 1870", and four
nut of nine members declared thoiusulves op.
poseu to it.
.Major General Daniel E. Siokles is tn be
Minister to tho Hague; vice James 8. Pike
The roward of $100,000 for the eanlure of
Jeff. Davis has been divided among the 4th
iiiicuignn LBiniry on tne snme liusia us Hie na
val priites. Col. Piitolmrd S1IKNI tbe eniitnina
each $7.)9. tlm lieulennnlsenrh $555, scrgenul
major $271, 1st sergeant, $251. other ser
geants $C08, onrpnrals $187; privates $100.
The board says the 1st Wisconsin Cavalry
rendered valuable service but are not entitled
to share.
Tho House held a protracted session last
tiiutit on Pucifio railroad mailers, when the
bill in aid of I ho Northern Pacific Railroad
was pressed to vote, but the opposition carried
an adjournment. The outside pressure lor the
passage of this bill is tremendous, and the
struggle in tho House is very earnest.
In the .Senate, Sherman, of Ohio, from iho
committee ou agriculture, reported a resolution
to print 10,000 copies of the report on the
sebjeot of the rinderpest. Sherman said the
committee had considered the subject of the
rinderpest, but hnd come to no conclusion as tn
the inodo of preventing ils spreading in this
country, la England, the I'arliuinent had or
dered the procurement and tlanehu-r of cattle
in all infested districts, but this he did not be
lieve oould be done in this country, under onr
form of government. The Senate, then took
np the Colorado question.
Doolittle, of Wisconsin, in the course of his
speech, defends his position relative tut the res
olution of the Wisconsin Legislature, askiug
him to resign.
Howe followed, conimentintr nnnn Dnnlit.
tles't remarks. After further debate, tho Sen
ate by IU against 3, reconsiders the former
vote, nnd then, by a vote nf !J against 1.1,
pasted the bill admitting Colorado.
Sumner, nf Mass., befrrn the final vote, of
fured an amendment providing ilmt Colorado
thull amend her constitution iu favor of uni
versal tulfrase as a condition precedent to ad
mission. Kejccled, aye 7, noet 27. Those
voting in tho alErinativo were Edmundi of
Vermont, poster of Conn., Grimes, of Iowa.
Howe, of Wisconsin, Morgan, of New York,
Poland, of Vermont, aud burnner, of Mnj
tarhusetli. Washington, April 25. There is a rumor
current at the Capitol, that the Reconstruc
tion committee at its meeting to-day, failed to
agree cn a report, there being tome disagree
ment among tbe leaders. An effort will, how
ever, be made to recor.cilo the conflicting
views. "
New York. April 20. The Deputy Health
Officer reporte twelve individual death from
cholera on the hospital ship, and the reception
of five new cafes.
Official ftatittins were published by Otto
Durienbender to-day, charged with the shin
men! of nitro glycerine by Wells. Fargo k Co. 'a
Lalitorma pre". . Allred .Noble, the invent-
or. wat called for the defense aud defined the
(iroperties of the oil as follows : 1st. It is a
iquid ; 2d, It Is poisonous; .1 1, if set on fire,
it does not explode; 4th, con fined aod heated
to.TiO decrees it explodes; 5th. it bat more
u'lini. it rivMT, din, uaa more
concentration of power than gunpowder. He
,i,. "We are trying the eff.ct of mixing it
with,!n!. My belief is that III- mixture
will prove re dangt-rons lltao the oil itself.
Nllro-glycrriite in But inllatritnahlr, for if fire is
n-t In it does catch like InrfW-nline or spirits,
but (net out when the match is wilhdianu.
It doet no' explode by Iho application of fire.
Its one Iu blusliiig U only possible llimogh a
paleitt fuse, ns a rhnirei' nf spmlis will not ex
plode It, The application of lire hits hern '
tried hundreds of tunes. Cnnuiisslon will not
explode it. We tried throwing it from lieijm
of II fly foot, and in Hamburg tho experiment
win tried of lying it to a rocket and its fall of
more than ouo thousand feet did not explode
it. We nfterwardi proved it by heat in con
lined fpaoo, showing it to be pure.
Sun Francisco, April 20. 9 o'clock, v. M
The Coroner' Jury found a verdict that Sum
uel Knight and other victims of tho explosion,
enmo to their death ou Monday last, by the
explosion of nilro glycerine, shipped in
a wontlcu box Irotn Now York, to W. 11. Mills,
Los Angtdes, by express. Tho snid box ar
rived in a leaky condition, and had no marks
to imlicato tho character of its contents.
That I hit tiitro-glycerine it a highly dangerous
and very explosive compound, at appeari from
tho testimony of expertt, exploding not only
from concussion nud percussion but from spon
taneous combustion. That it ii an article
which should not be shipped by sea vessels,
especially on such a voyage at that Irom New
York, and that the party shipping this particu
lar box unmarked, wns guilty of n crime equal
to inniislaiighlor. They urge the indiolnteut
and punishment of (he shipper if ho can bo
found. They exonornto the Pucifio Mail Com
pany and Wells, Fargo & Co., from blame in
this particular instance, butcomlemn the prac
tice ol express companies and other carriers
iu endangering human life by receiving without
questiou, packages tho contents of which they
havo no ktiowk-dgo. The tamo verdiott wore
returned in eaoh case.
Nituo-Glyckkinb. Mr. Nielson, of the
firm of llaudman, Nielron & Co., agents for the
nitro-glycoriue or blasting oil, returned last
evening from Dutch Flat, whither be went to
mnko some experiments in blasting on the rail
road truck. Half a dozen blasts were made,
with most satisfactory results. One blast of
twenty pounds threw out 500-tons cf rock, un
der circumstances in which, at the workman
said, 200 ponndi of powdor in several separate
blasts would have been required to dothuBiinio
amount of execution. Half a dozen other
trials produced a similar result. Tho nitroglycerine-
can lie bandied with more safely,
and can be used with less cxpenso than pow
der, because of the- smaller number of boles
or blasts used ; nud therefore, tho introduc
tion of Iho article may bo a great benefit to
California, where so much blasting is dtuio,
nnd whero miners, wages ure ett'li igli. A pub
lio trial will be made of tho uitro-glyceriue in
or near San Francitco, and due notice will be
given to thnt all interested can toe for tbem
selvci. Alia Cal.
CommiiiAD Vindication. Tho democratic AVw
York Newt culls dtepheus' testimony the re.
construction committeo " a Democratic Vindication."
We always knew that tlto Northern democrats would
havo to rely ou the rebels who look np arms, to vindi
cate them, for the plain reason that for live years past
they have boon totally nimble to vindicate themselves
among the Union men of the North. Wo would sug.
gest to J. 8. Ktulib aud other democratic stumpers,
to order Ilmt Stephens vindication by telegraph, to
that they could defend themselves in the euuipuigii in
Oregon. Send for it by nil means. It will toko but
ter with yonr rebel hoarers from Prices' army than
Johnson's speech tn the colored soldiers.
Mrs. S. A. Allen's World's Ilnir He.
ttorer aud Dressing. You cannot be bald or grey, uud
neither lime nor sickness can blemish your lluir, if
yoo use them. Sold by all Druguista.
Agents, Hoslelter, Kmith. & Demi, Hun Francisco.
Special Notices.
A WORD TO THE AOKD.-In the tlecllns of lift lite lois
of vital force ronsruent upnn ptiyilcsl decay, csn only be
safely supplied bjr some vivifyliift prepurstlou which recruits
the itrrnitth tuil spirits, without .entailing Uit exhtiuitlnn
which lislwntrf thennni elfeclof ordinary stimulants. We
tender to thu sited
As an Invltcornnt Bud rtmt'irullre, imniHIats In Its heneflclnl
aetlon Aim pi-nuAiient In Us effect, tl tones the 111)11111-11,
Improves the appetite, sell like a charm upon the splrlli.
For dysiienils, ootireislun After caiIiik, bullous vholic, wiud
chollo, iiiiiiiii of the stouiAcli.itck or nervous lieAd-aolie,
chilli nnd fever, tremens, prnitrntton, and All the cmnplAltits
peclsl to tlm teelder sei,the Hitters are sArnvitly recoin-
nien.leu uy IhiiuiAiiits who liare wittiMlid lieir superior el
QcAry In lUfh esses.
Koblbvnll Dritguisls nnd denier every whero, nnd
by HOIkih: it. CAI.Kl-', Agents, Front si., l'ortlmul.
J. W.McAKOTlI II. cAifiTiM;i;Our
Will practice Medicine and Surgery in partuerithip.
Olllee near Dr. .McAfee's residence. '
Dr. Carnetitnr's residence, near the. uarebonse, In
the bi.ihlinir formerly occupied by David Mctjully.
eaieui, i;cc. 11, iko.. ti:y
A Cough, Cold, or Sore Throat,
cHKeaan. Is Ai t.owan to costi i'k.
Irritation of the Lungs, a Permanent Throat
Allection, orun Incurable Lung Disease
is orrt.1 thk 1tr.11 LT.
ForBronchltla, latltma, Catarrh, Consumptive
and Throat Dlsaaaaa,
Titocittt Atta vain alwats with coon tvertss.
will nnd Trochee nsefnl In clearing tho voice whnn
taken before Singing or Speaking, and relieving the
tbrout after an unusual exertion of Ilia vocal organs.
The Trorkrt nre recommended and prescribed by
Pbysii-ittus.atid have had tetdtmouials from eminent
men throughout the country, til ing an article of true
merit, and Itnuing proved their efllcacy by a test of
many years, enrh yeur liitds Ibetn in new loculities in
various parts of the world, nnd the 7Vorci ate
nnivcrsully pronounced heller than any oilier articles.
Obtain only " llttnwj'a Hiionciiial Timcnrs,''
and do not lake any of the Worthleee Imitation Ihut
may be oirered.
Hold evcrvwbere In the United Suites, and In Kor.
eltrn (Vmntries. at :l:i cents per lnx. tun I'.'
Luxuriant Growth, and Beauty
to the Hair.
Mrs. 8. A. Allen's
World's Hair ttcitorcr and Dressing.
The greit nneuuallrd l'rrn.'irntlont for
KcstorlnR, InrlgoratliiB, Jf autlt) Ing,
and Dressing the Ilnlr,
Itendering It soft, silky, nnd ghsuv, and disposing It
to remain In any desired position; quickly cleansing
the sralp, arresting the fall, attd never fails to muore
grey hair to Its natural color, and produce
a luxuriant growth.
Kor sale bv alt Driuru-ista.
Airents. H-wMter. Smith Ac Dean, Hail Kntnclsco. fan
In all I'artx of the Country, for the
or TUK
Rebellion la the United States.
IT U il''k'ti-l IiiImi ftJamrfaid work, inoi-c ivoitjlo
ilntiAny IIihi lint Im h or muy m ItertMper puU
Itflird Cottiilis? in one rota I nctttvo voluais of over
HM) dHi)lt Tnhimn piufts illtira!fl with niuir
WW fit nt ft4l etvniviiiii,, rntoird pliit) nf battle
as-en prinleI in the liiuliMt Mvtrof rhr(uo Isihourai
phr in B.a rior( ud tfflr wU-xriit''d mi
mni rhti, iiidiarnmiM rt?niitM (i itwh work.
It atto n ntMitm nd eluUirnte nuirx nf enlcnta, of lK
cIium-Iv ).ntiil mfM. ht tuenua of v lurb any irot
lit ttt tvftil nf Uie rebellion rail al onr ba raivrrfHl ttr,
or Ilia rnrrrr of auy aniriiinr clfirr, r th i)ps.ra
linti of any pariicninr ct-ffimiiiMl. run b irat-cU out in
i'iT Tlm wnrk wilt In M only tliTOiili trnrtlintf
MeuU, and rxrlairrlv hy tntm ripiioti. It liaj mt
bn ciiirHisrd f-ir at all, and tlie etilin ff"M ta thtta
ohii, 0 llint early tit.i'ln-M ran liare tltrir cti'ttre nf
tnrrihiry. Kxr(' trrttory frivn,nnH hbiJ tvrnta
oHered. itn tct of $1 ly it. ml or exprrM, r will
ffrranl nuillt, with intrtv,llt"a f'irpnntn(f.
Addreaa H(AN IS lK.MJ V
Vmt ia yt) and .(J I Hcmmcntn at , Han Kranriwo
For Sale.
- " KM I'lAM). Knoiiireof
April I tw,w rt tl 1 MS.
aw notici:.
HA VIM rMrnamntly bnt In S.,lm. flrea.m,
I . licit pi.,.oc iu ihr iio f biv
Cnllretinos, convyu'0-.s. rin nu t nil t n.oo M ID
and IHII of eotins prlai.ottfl to m Inw .n,;,tv
aUMoirlo. t KrioW, give ve a rail lltOr Op,,h,
Uwt'arind H""l. U.W I.AttXiV,
Marvh I'1, I. - It I An j at !,
Gash for Wool
Will pny the highest niitrltut price, In cash, for
100,000 pounds of WOOL.
WOI.L'Krt can bo hud by applying at the
store. 7tf
4'onlriM'toi'tt. Tiikn Kotlco.
at the Office of the C'ily Kiieorder, Httletn, Oroirnn,
till II o'clock 1 M Mav 1st. IHtio. k'llll JIUILDINO
THltKK ClSTKKNSat such points as tho Coutx-il
mav ileHigtiato wilhitt Uie City of balutu.
Oisterns to be of the latest atiproved form, lined
witlt good substantial brick and cement wall, with
heavy cast-iron trnp-d or supported by a substantial
oak curb, and each to contaiu either li',tllill, MII.OOl! or
iii.OUU galloon, to be completed aud ready for ttseoii
or before tho Itrat day of August, 18iij.
Kuch bidder is requested to stalo distinctly bis bid
on each of the three tltlferetttsizes.
Bids will also be received for UK IlCIUlINGTlIlC
C1H TERN at the intersection ol Ferry uud Commer
cial Htreets.
Cutilrnclors will be required to giro bond and ap
proved securily, conditioned for the fuithfttl perform
uitca of their eoiitrucbi
Tho Council reserves the right to reject any or all
bids. .
Payment to be inude 111 coin wheu the cisterns are
ready for use.
Proposals should bo directed, ''Common Council,
City of Haleni," and indorsed, "I'roposals for Cis
terns." J. VV. SMITH,
Chairman Committee ou Cisterns."
Palem, Oregon, Apiil 11, IKtiu, 7w!l
1 t-s J
'Si 4.
is-s n
d t- jr.2
S v 8-5
u'EH s S z
a" S3
r t
Zt3 P
n 4
Practicing Physician and Surgeon,
Olllee and rosidoiire, Jos. Wilson's brick, opposite the
Bennett House.
BKlNUugraduBto of the Physio Medical college.Clu
cinnali, Ohio.he is purely rt-forwutory in his pratv
tice.discurding nliko niinei-arund vegetable poisotis.aud
using such medicines only as not In perfect harmony
with Nitturo tiieilicincs tlittt possess iho rare reeeiit.
meitdution thut if they do no good, they will do no
injury. Ho has also iittemleil a full course nf lectures
in the Tohtnd, (Allopathic) Medicul College, Han Kraii
cisco, mid having practiced medicine on this coast
about six years, ia fully ticqiiuiiited with Ihri diseases
peculiar to die climate.
WILL buy nnd sell (Ireenbiieks, Mining Slocks
and Drafts on San Francisco, nnd tbe Kiislern
Hmtes. Will buy (lold Dast or Bullion. Olllee with
Wells Fargo At Co., on R;ale Street, filltf
Piiro C'miin 1'ni'tai-,
And Sotbt, In bulk. Superior to llabbetts, or tiny
other put tip in small packages.
Kor sale on die corner opposite tho Capital Hotel,
and Post olllee, Stnte Street, Salem
J.E. CLAftK,
Jhircli,j5, Pnifrfriil and Ajnttkeearf.
Niitlitinicl rorL'iisoii,
I County, Oregon. Prnclirnl Physician in clirnuic
cases, liver com plaint, tr. 4tf
FreiK'li Window iilnss,
STAINED CLASS, and Figured fl hiss, Hold Ijcitf,
Uniinitig Tools, Cttntel anil Nahle lluir llrushes,
Diamond tilaes-Cuttors, &c... c.,at
oct! MYKKH & IIUflllES.
New Remedies. New Remedies.
C 7 KEAKNKY ST., near Com-
U I I'jcri'inl. Nn I', !iit,.l.,o M.
lllhlished in IK! I, for the treatment tfSVW
DOCTOIt (IlltltOJf bin the pleasure of hi.timmc,
iitgthat be haa to this State, Hfter an nb
setire of one year, during which lime be bits visited
all the prinrinnl hospitals of Kariqie. tiuiong Ihrtil
those of Dublin, Iiinlon, and Paris. The foilowiint
celehniteil hospitals of liinloti are among those vis
ited by the Doctor I flnv's, 1 1 lull street, lloroligh Si.
Darlholomew's, Nmithriehl ; Hi. Itike's. Old slrteli
Hi. Mary's, Catub. Place, Pad.i IM, Harrow mail-.
University, (tower street t Westminster, lfroad Sane
ttiitrvi Chnring Cross Agar street, Stmutli l.nmlon,
W liiteclnipcl road i Itovnl fc'rtw, Gray's Inn road i
Klll's Colleiie. Portugal street.
- DOCTOIt OIIIIION hiisnhn visited Doctors Ae
Ion, of l.ontlon, Parker, of Ilirmiuidium, England!
and liicnrd, of Purist who an cotitidi-rcd thu best
physicians and sti-genns in the wor'tl, und whose nit
tborily is acknowledged to bo t. highert iu the treat
men! of Seviial llincnses.
DOt Till! (llllllON bus obtained from them their
new mode nf trealini nt. which rantiol be surpassed.
DOCiHIt lllltlJO.N bits .pun-.l neither lime nor
motley in seeking oul uuw- rriucihes, auil has relumed
Willi new fiii iiitb-s lor itlleviation ..f hitiiinii sulfering.
IIwiTihlc DiM!IIM?S.
How many thnnsatuls of persons, both mule nud fe
male, are the: e, who are sutrering out a mire; able ex
istence from the ellecu of secret indiiliwnres, or from
virus absorbetl inln the srsteta. Look at I heir pallid,
einai ialed, ami ilisligoiei! fun s and their broken down
constitutions, disqualifying them for the happiness or
muniage or the i-ojot mcol ot.lile. In this horrid sit
uation thousands sutler until death closes I he scene.
Let pnreuts. gimrdwits, nnd friends attend to those
who are suHering with any of these hnrriMo, life-tie-stroving
innhnlies see thai they are cared for and
cured helore il be loo Ijile. Sttnil Iheui ioimeilialely
to Doctor (iibbou. n physician who bus uinde piivate
diseases lua esH-ciul study lor years, and who is ear
tain to euro lliu most iineieiate camis, without nieioti
ry or any injurious drills. Ii is important to tlnno
who are nUhrlc-d, or lo Ihtwo who are tntemsted in the
welfare of their friend., to ho Citrclul of lite n.nuv
pretended doctors who iurestallrilies.piihlisliiug their
kill nt curing nil dix-ases in a few dat e, imposing up
on the public by using the linnies of eminent plrvsl
nans Irotn Kumn and othtr places. He thrrefore
catelolaiid make striei iiniiirv, or von limy fall into
the bauds of thus eliiirlataus.
Sciiiinsil WeukiK'Ss:.
Ki-uiinal Kmissiotis, lite tnseiietit of self abuse
Tltis solitary vtco, or depraved sexual indulgence, is
practiced by tbe youth of both M-Xes lo au almost un
limited extent, producing, wiln unerring eertaiutv,
the following Irttiu of morbid syiuptoiua, unless etna
baled by sricnlilic uiedical meu.uiea. vn: Sallow roun
tenaniw, durk ikjis under Ilia eyes, pain iu the bead,
ringing in lies ears, nolaa like the rootling of leaves
and ratlllug of clmriota, ntieasiiiiMS about the loins,
weakness of Ibe limbs, contused vision, bbinied intel
lect, loss of confidence, diltideuce in appnaschltnr strall
aers, a dulike lo form new ticqiiaiiilatieea. a tlisposi
Inut to sltitu society, loss of meinury, boelie nnshes,
otiiles, and vhi ions eruptions about tlm face, furred
tonitttfl, betid breath, eonttlie, roosuinption. night
sweats, mnnonintiia and frequent itisatiity. If relief
be not oblnttied. the sutferer should apply immediate.
Iv, either in jwtrson or by letter, and have a cure ef
fected by bis new and scientific mods of treating this
disease, which never fails of elleclitig nfii!ek and
radiralcura. Doctor 0. will give Ouo llitudred llol
lara to any petatin who will prove sau.factoiily lo
bitn that be was rtira.1 of this complaint by either of
the Kan Krate-tsco quacks.
Ixlt'Tllk UlllWtN M mtntuiMs. sr4 all) flvetararh n.
Hem a wrtllm iii.lrumml, InD-lnaf hinmll u effect a raaksl
al araisuetit earr, sr stake ne rlnrr..
ISiiuns si a iltuoe aisy U t'tgr.l) AT IIOMg ay a.
drrMins a ktlr lu llr. I.iUm,m, itattDn easv, srmtantni,
leastb of Uin I U tliwsse hmt cnfitlaod, an4 hare m.ttrln,
promptly furaardrd, free fr.Ha dsaisKF sihI etirtoa.ty, lo atiy
trt nf it,, cuuntrr, ailh full and pUia direllnas fnr use,
tnrTra l)..Un, snl la rt, tiered letter or UrouaS Vl .lut,
sr(. t O
Mtn. hr 1. r nmrniy. sit K.srey ami, near Cum-
atercial. Sa rrsorl... fust Otict Bus So3. -CoUMlutlea
Frevnilloii tirttrr thiin Cure.
Tbe nwlrdnfcutnl PtUnt fifach Safe, a sort Prevvntl
smatt llifsin siel Prr.aii,, ..nt tjr mail. Wtct SI -
Aildrev UK. J. r. IIIUUtiN. til K'srtir .u.,l, On
avrcta., rn fraiiclscti. P't Ultlce Hux V't.
Catiliaii lo fli I ulorliiniiliu
tkaart f th San franelMNt tiiscts atid iierlvoders, alio,
HO tmr'w twnra-w ertt(lrau, aupt U. aowarjr. m.im9 f
tt. .If-ttlMl .I'iors, hi nsetM are to too found la the
4sltf aiel areklr ae.paer of Ssa Pranrioro aiel nlhrr
Flare, are tf !., arnt breaaie inn atjr o nrk at lartr
lra.tea. Snm arc IttMnOtKa. .Iwmali.n. ni a,. r r4, t .ri,
intellireneo nftVe kw(t1. eto UM.h OT.r It, Pan Freneioro
Die,ur, aS yoa out ao Snd Uwir M.dlcal loatitot, at
it. hat ,.a oill Siel ih. ir former la Kw Lnnk al
llte l.lf f-r lij rtel W.i. Tl ooljr oajr to affoat loo
ptm'inm ia lo oe loqair, n ait fot ,., owrfhinr. aod
ota, eitr. jrna t.n, rv r.t. ; l"r. ae ad. erltetoa 4i,.kiai4
to .trt.l eor oat of Irtt are tstie. there tl a-toof.l in trail,
it v an, f llteo. emttl ,"0 kaoo otto and ohot the, are. Or
fiiteWin ,lneo a-a dft-tlee r-ooto It, exh.lntteie; h.tua tHIea.
corttt'Sl, oo-eitde oai.t.le letlere. He. Il.tnr flthlwri e.ii.', ore-rie oiie wo, rati at ho) ofltreol hie attllll, lo
trol tf ia. ao-e lt-a h itroMoo lo safe IttSJt. t,1
le.tMiUe o tl !'.. tol.M. llr. fttUoto Utl lie! Ilo4 las
art. ttoeptoul tit tit. tK.toa eHsl.liBa., ) r
OI bexiwl IlliU MemiiMl liseasn. IWaKS'
Slttll as (loltoribea, (lleet. Uliclaie. Sjjl
Hvphilis in all its forms. Seminal fo5-li,.!
neaknciw, luipiileui y, rlc, Skin -v '.
Diseusea lot yeula' ttllltiliug), untlhf-;2i"i-r'4 I
L iceraleu Lgs, micceselully treat - L
Importer and Wholesale
v. in
Drugs, and Medicines,
White Lead Varnishes, .
Kerosene Oil; Painters Material,
And constantly receiving, from the
lu our line, und.oirei'ed to the trado in
QuiiutitlcM to Mutt
Fire Proof Brick, 139, Front Street,
nreh PI, I WW. :tml II
Spring Trade!
Aro now receiving anil openiug their large
stock of . v
And hereby respectfully aiitiminco In tho public of
Solent anil vicinity that Ihey have now the best
assortment of goods In their lino ever ottered
before in Snleiii. Their stock consists of
Hardware, etc., '
Ouo of the Unit having been in the 8au Francisco
market for sevt-rtil weeks, no iiuitia hits been
spared ttt select tho
Ladies' Dress Coods!
Fancy Gdods,
Ladiei Hats,
Gents Furnishing Goods!
Call nnd sen ns liefnru puritliusiiig elsewhere.
Wit will sell nt lint louetl murktl raiet.
for Curb or l'rudiiov.
Halcitl, April 'i, lMiti. - itf
50,000 lbs.
Altl'KTr), Oil Cloths, llulliug, Wimlow Klinilcs, at
ilti IIKK11IAN 111(11.1
Sugar, Colfce, Rice.
Kx Hark A. A. Kldridge. ftotn tit Hood with Islamla
.TOO K van sit'O It . ol various gratlea.
H U KOMI I tltFl i:
SOU HAU HAWAIIAN llt.' extra ar-
UrnA lly Hrl'ltAKRN, IIKKHIL1, It To.
Bewloy, Thoinpsoa& Co., roprietoi.
(pKil lisjintvll IlotiM.HlJiU tlrfit.
W'WAt irTPM frooHmi vitimsnt nf errrTltilnv
in tlwir lint or Inula u itie iimrkrt will ullord
llltflieMt Ciiwlt 1'rloe
1I fur
Beef (attlo, Sheept Hos and Poaltrj
HUmt Feb afi. H4i. 3m W
Ciuiirliir Kiito.
IS tiunMiHtin f an order nm'ln b t tho Cutuitv Court
of lite Wfltof nrrfMi for tli rtwittiy of ,kt mi
!' April lenn, IKs'sti, lite nmlrriiutvl. yiittnlinu if
WillnH K Isiiivilli. l minor tirir, wilt, un iitttiinUy,
Itie I'.Hb dnr of Muv, iNjti, i Uio court Hoiim dmir iu
Onlltt. Mid contily. boltvuou tli lmi of 1 n cliHilt a nt
nnd 4 or I It p m. of wnd duy, nm to nlilin tutls fir
rjtsih to tltc liitfl-ftt Iriddnr llm fidiowhitf dcm ril!d real
iai, to wil t Tli iindtvitlrd oim iiU liiOreit of, in,
mid to tiie wif' half of llt di'imttnti bind iIi.mii ol
Hnrr,vHi Linrillf and wift, X'siitirafitm No, 1..I, ia
T. 9 H. R. 4 W Willamrlt aimiuiii, itiiaie, l;iiiK.
and brintr In Hoik county, Oregon, ftulo loromuirioa
at ono o'rlorlt p ri. of tnid dtty. iVriMt, tiold com iu
band oa Ut djr of aalc.
April Ift, tf,wU (
Dr. J. II. Chitwood,
it i: r o it m i ir v m i : i a
OVriCK at liii rctMlfiHtoti Kr-mt 8 , on hUxk
aMilt nt Hit (wrin I cm Witt HuntiutftoVa,
llm Wfnild mjt r ths mi a whn wUN to lua fnrrd
wittMMtt liaviiitf tlwir tf!h r'tiradrtl wild rnlidirt I, or
lliir iwHitiiiuiMMia ioMirid iilt Hlift hiHt-rnl m(
..ti. to if iv boa a i-l I KiIpw, jau i h.
New Goods and New Styles,
J. B. & M. IIIRSCH !
Are now receiving, at their
O L 1 H T A N D,
Cor Commercial and Ferry Streets,
' both from
New York uti'l Un Frnnciuo,
a I.ARQK and
.stock of "," ..
Ladles', Gents' and Chlldrens'
Dry, and Fancy Goods,
" ..Hilda.
Regular Assortment
' , ':'. '.!'' ,' V, ".
., iu oxeltange for goods. , .' -
Persons wlshingto pnrchnse will do well to call and
examine before purchasing elewbere. '
500,000 lbs.!
Kor wliicli wo will pny tlie
' 1 1ST CASH! ;
u ill.
lake mire nf health, "lint how V yon irIc,
We Hiinwcr, mii cany tank,
Ktriiitfthei! the SToMAr'ti.nnd un tit ill
The Nkhvkii, theverviintiof the brain.
The Livkk kocjt iu active piny,
And npultttr, Itniii duy lo duy.
Ktu-li orHii Hid. on Ktttiiro pint.,
Ilrriri; nnd rpfrpidi I lie tuner man.
And like a whicIi tliHt'i lt(ii iu chtine
Hr coiiNiitut rnre with niilroji I timu.
The nvittcm'i tone Hint ttuviuili rtMievT,
Ami ihcrohy i litH'r thu tirtl, Uto.
"How," you iiHiiru,"vuii thin be dona, - ,
Tliis vict4ry o tir Iiwiove be won t"
"Hoirr-TTKu'e liirTKHs, ' we reply,
In Hcttltk't iprrme Prattrtio--iry'
Ana mtmiiK of rroorntlnir the tiitvtr'lered nH en
fi'flhlcH ryMfini, rtviil.i'injf viry fnmilon of the lnl
tint orHtiM, reviving the dcpreiwcd fjirln, iviuo
r ttt I it(( tli constitution, iiihI pnil.ntuin Itfo, no memo
uml p reputation either tif llm putt or (he prnonk time
I'M hvuu no completely unJ mi uiiivermllr tuooeet
fnl, n,
IIoHtctter's Cdebratcd Stomach BUtcri,
A iuirijit tho VHporn fotil pn'pnre,
Tliat fi-vei txiiit tlm ht-iivy uir.
Drink not tmnilxetl thu water fotiml
In prairi. wooita or nmrnby KrournJ.
If Miili'iiUtry toil ytm ply. '
Notnrt jfim mnt twittor fff'c
Knr wIihii ilctmrrotl friini exorcitM,
Kr artificial nut nhc rrlMl.
lleHclne'i fin. ltd ptirpttre ami intent
J tlirHtenc(l evil lopreveuti
And if vou'd be n licved or Ppnrud
Kniiu ilia tlntt criiuli lite vupnfiurrd,
H'tnintUr'ajlhUtn. line fur note,
7Vjr are ikt inrett anttdotc.
To wt at dt-flum-Q tlie niltMiiitt. of nnhcHlthy eulU.tJie
po'iM,ii of iiiiwboleeuiue waU'r.lhe elilnvis of crowded
work -rooine. end fHCloi-iei, end Ihe Imncful inN-Muiee
of fcdfiitary employ meal it ie tmly necesurjr to be
lorenruiea Willi
IloHtrtlcr't Iclrbrnlf. Stomach Bitters.
Pmpepf iu'i pHUtf, that rack mnl griuJ
The body, and dprttt the mind-
Aynei. thai a they KoindronM
lliikc bin a conitMitl marly rd,oiti t
( olifn and dynlnterli puitin,
'N"hiIi whirli Ihe UrmiK uian'e v itf or Waueii
llillotitt complaintp, th'iw' trdl'ttin ill,
Ne'er eMiiiret vet hy draialn pilU t
I'rmid diarihe, I dm cattaot bo
Cunid by dfirnriire ineri'iiry ;
Htow rotiMiluttniiHl itWay-
Tlmt ttrinfi death uiarrr d.iy by day.
NerVMit) prosttrnthni, menial (tnoiti.
ileral'lenf niadnitM or the toiitbt
Kor then, though mitieml tioetrume fail
HeaiM of rrhyf at leiut we hail,
HoriKTTaR liirtiat iwdtHne nre,
Not to prerrttt, alone, hut cure.
lu dywp-tiH, fever and ajrne. bilioiw compUinU,
cnniiMutioiittl and nrrroiu dutiililv.tontialiou,
ii knew, stiHMniit, and in all nmiiliiii of man or wo-
mnn, procrMdiii from raiiml or lnhcrnt weakiteea of
Uie oodr.the one m reiurdy and nMoruiive l
HoMtPUrrl'i'lrbrntrd Ktomarh Blttfni.
To wutidirrre ou aea and land,
Kroia I'tdar ahoru lo Tropic irand,
To Imtiiicloddp lone in rcMMM new,
AtKldwellera In tfnrnt eitiue tiso i
To tvdiir in rninn, fori uud hf Id,
Who nerd ntfMitmt diwine n ahlcld
Tniuhirri L'tiliforuiH bmind(
And lillurf of wet, innrthy round
To feeble w ivea vf finyila undd,
To young, uml middle atied, aud old,
To ibttmt in benlth, who woubl enjoy,
lleaveu'i betft icift a, without alloy j '
To all the treiiuthleM, weak jnd pil,
Wlmdrmip, vmi know not what (In ail.
Ilinlter'e liiltert wr pnnent,
Ai HoMltli'a itiovt pt'Umt element.
If rlrt-re ! any value In pahlfe nplnlnM. or mny
weitv'hl in niedimi letimnnv, Uie very let and tmftf t
Ttmir, Corrcrtive and Alleraiito now bef oo Uie
world la
HofltPtte rs OlrHmifd Rtomac h Blttf m.
KiM by rr pet-tulle drutUta in all pane of U
MWr.Hr ihnggut,
ht 9T, trtmt Stiet, I'oriUi.-l, Oick-ki
v " '. .' l'!; --"-t.wt
THANKFUL fornnst fattont, and honing to merit
a eontinnatteo of the some, would respectfully "
aniioiiiiea that they aro now roeoiviug aod opeiiiuK i
a largo assortment of , , , : .
New & Cheap Goods
Clothing, - ".'' ' 1 " i"-ird
" Dress Goods, " . : ""l '
'' ; , , DryQoods.',,
Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, &c
Uaj won
tit's H
Funcy Ooodet.
; . t' t v ' ' - ') '' .' l"'!'' 1' A ,?t(!l'tl1
Wa would cull particular ntteotiou to ourettton-'
, ,, i sive stock of . M,w i.tottdrfiJiBtl
Hardware, ' ! ,
CarprnUrt' Tnolt, .
Black t mil ht' Toolt,
Gunimilht' Tools, .
Agricultural Toolt,' .
, Iron and Stetl, .it)
Null and Holtt, , y:
".. 8friK Azlu, , i te.1t
, Carriage Future,
lS Mill Smuuttn iiid a
ll V .t.:c- tlt..i.tifi,.ll
.... :t -.; 0-i
House Furnishing' Hardware,
: I
:'l ,''..' ;t U
A-FIno Line ol -
i ; ,. ; , nidi " J.
CurtaliiN, ( --i :--"i'"l.' ' ;'
FlxtNm, .''i .'( '-
,i ,,:! ; Hull I'npor, - ' -
.; i .-! .-i . Carpets, i f . .1 !
, ,... ..; ,ij : t ..Mirrors), I'lr .mi
, i " i . ' - laltlnir. Etc.
i' ,(...; ittii i i-' ' - .'-ifi-xii') ,
' ; ;,,..-,. ;. -0..t. . n ,,(, !r.llii
' ', ... ( , t
' Faints, Oil, Lead, Putty, Glass,
; '. ' ' ) .;-:.'!
, ' -n '.i'-ti''.
Vurnlsylieti, Glasswaro, '
Snpr, Coffee, Tea nnd Tobacco 'V
Which wo will oner at prices for '
I u
casn or uountry jfroduce. . ;-s.iV
, " . ,. ,. i , : .il- :; !( A
Which cannot fall to plense everybody, . ,i -
"' ' ! ' !:.,. k
' HKATH. nBARnORtttVfcu; :.'(
, i :n) 00
7ool 7antcd.
Wa will puroluuw.
i,t - .
i ,;i;4'tl
All the Wool We Can,:::-
..j'et 'ii
For which we will paj.
i;. ill
The Highest Market Rates,
' , .. .! ' ' . t.ll
la U. 8. Gold Coin, ar, If preferred, -i -'.
. , . . , , .. u
; AT CASH BATES.; !,.', .;' ,i:.s
6tf ' llEATH, pBAUUOttNf fc ("c,
' , :. t . t.:l. -I 'lH
WE will sail our satin stock of tnsrtbuodtos,. oi J 1'
,' , ' :' ,,i ., : i.:-H
AT, COST! ". i"
. , ........ i.t ? n 01
Onacconntof making a chaitf In onr business. All , ;
come forward aud
.I...n iiisMniiiie .WI.UIOI W IU Wl jlW.OJ
-1 !tti
. -i t ol
. Settle the Same IMMEDIATELY!
8s Ism. March 3D, IMS. m3
hi n't
... ,i ,.,.,.,,...!,;, '. -i;..i -Jill tl'l
HAVING pnrchsswl what was known as the facto. u:i
rj storn.we lake pleasttra in saylntr lo onr friend .1 St
aud the publio In general, that wa will keep our stock,, ;.,o
And sell onr nimli on as prood terms as any konselrt ' '"'
the city. Our stork consist, ot a general assort 1 'M;
meat of ' ,. . .v I .'i
Drj-Goods, and Family Groceries, .T"
Iliirdwnro, Crookory, ':"',J
; ; Hatt and Caps,' ,'M,;.''.,.,r4.t"J
V., tStC., SUL . ! . . . "Mf
17HJU the Iftieflt of lit. located aud travslibu nnblio,
0. I.. WorlhliiKlon will now sell his .TJ
Tremendous Stock of Dry-Goods. ;
IinmoiiMO Lot oT Clotlilufct
ssa his , . i .,,
Toiretlier with I
All his mall raps, ' '-'
At rales which will make Portland and Han Franeiaea 1
nierchanU weep. I am resolved to ruio nifself ia or.
der to amlifjr tnjr numerous nastouMra. If wllinn olf ,
al cost will rcall gratifr .ad lltcut Ut. iippor., la now olfurad to urnlifjr, aalif, and Indautnlf J
BtK Days Moiidny tie RniursJny.
1M lit. Prohnla Ooart of folk ronntjr, tlretrnn, April
term, lHt'ii. In ths matter nf tlie unanliauihtp of tllotr, uetioanii. ttolio
is hereliT ((Ivoii (bat 1. M. II. tiler, ananhan of said
l.elre, has this one eroeon'od bis paltlion for
license to sell at public tula ilia real tslalo nolo, alati
to mid heirt. It is iberalon, ordurad that taid appli
cation be beard and determined on Monday Ih. ith
dar of May, 1X00, at the Conrt llo.tos in llalhis, iu
sadl eoutily, at which time all persons Interested in
said esiat. cu appear and Biake objections, if any os
1st. 1 II. lIUTLtU, Uuardiaa .
Mlaa.Jtprlt S, of said heirs. '
AdinlnUirMtor' Sale ofltitl EMiue.
1M pursoance of an order made in the mailer of lh.
total, of O. Ktrkpatrlrk, deceased, by lit. (?onn
ly Ciairlof lb. bial. of Oregon, for tba'coattly. f
Marion, at lb. April lerai ol to. id eottrt, lb. ttneW
sisiwd, adininistrator of tb. eotat. of t:. (. KiritptbV
rirkiileeeasrd. wlll.on TI'KSDAY the KUTtKNTU
day of MAY, IHtM, at the t'onrt Hons, iloorrn Salem,
Marlon oonniy. Orsvaa, bttweaw tb boors of V o -rloi-k
a. aa. and i o'citwk p. expos, tai pnblie amial
lo lh. bietbeat bidder for cuab, to b. wid lupoid or
silver coin, tb. fnltowinu; detA-ribetl real estata, b
IoiisIiik lo said mat, la wit t lb. aonthwest nnarter
of tb northwest iparltr of seeiion thiny.H. :tj In
town. c.i(l.t H) south, raoK oim, l) wioiol I ha Wil
lament ineriilian, and also twenty foot of ih. north,
nnl of l.ol No. fourteen in lllock No one, nnd also
ftmr H lot. in Nloek No. ten, No. 9. S, 4, and 5, in
In, town ol Bowiinur, Marlon rtanitr, Urtan Hk
to rura.oooct at one u .-Iocs p ra. vftai.lday. Kip? par
c.nLol paid at tin tint of 'sake,
and th remainder in six mumha, tli piuehawr i- '
Ins- note with approtrrd twaritr.
April 4. l6tiw,ic; JDSEPH gIPK. Aan r.
AdisHuUlrsilor's Nolirr.
ISTATK uf Uw It. t'hwror. doteaosil -Jftaieo
J J i.h.rtby (iron Ilmt llm an.ler..c.t-d ha Iwali, appoliiied by Iht C'oauty t.'ourt of Marion num.
If. Oration, athninirtramr nf Ih. Mai of Itowis
II Cleaver, aWeasotl, lata of Una swiaty, lirrawM- i
All peraont Imlttblcd losaid deroataid mil (oVae oat
tie np, and all those harm? rlaints at.mii.eA tl v.tttto
will proaatik the aann loth aadcrejitihl, at hit ith
tlt-iir sis irtilca north nf cMwttin, Martoo rttnnly, i sr.
tftou, Wtlblll eta motitlta alter tbl. tlalo.
Apttl I, loooa Ipiid W V K Ah riUU, Adm r
.th( '1 -
,i ai
.. -ill
,i -t.-t
itf. tt
. I
lit at
i tn
.:lt .US
Un) fl
( WStit
1 'Tr ;
', a'-.?
-.-- .1
. ...u
i . .