MONDAY MORNING. APRIL 16. 18fifl. Tatatauemaa hat a brgar ClrenUtlon than tnj tarFPr li tkt SUM, and li th But Medlar for Adwtiaert. " V ILawt ud Bttolntlon ar piblilhia la th. SwmniMbyAnthorlty """llMON STATE TICKKT. Far OonrreM, B. HALLO RY, ( Manoa Cannlj. ... For Govern, 0. L WOUDI, M Oountr. For BscrsUrr of StaU, 1. I. MAT, of Jacksen Oouat. For Put Treasurer, 1. H. COOKE, o( Marlon Oounljr. For tut Printer, A. W. MoPHKKBON, of Una Oeoaly. NOTICE Tha boaineaa department of tha Htatei m OBe la andar tha management of D. W. Ckaio, ' who la alooa antboriied to tranaact tb batlnet of tha eooeenj. . TO JOHNSON iritlON UK. ' Stand firm to joot principle aod loyal ta yrar President. II i of bat little moment ' What CooT6M doei agaioat the PreiiJent, ao ' leaf m be tdherei iromofablr to the principle kt owe In hi menage. He ii right, the I people will aoiUin him, and he will triumph in the end. It U not to the preeent Coagre that 1 Ue people will look to the perfect and loreaet- tlenent of the qnettlon before the country. ' The people he not yet voted npon the qnei . . Imjm which now teparat the majority In Cno- ' freee from the Preaident and Cabinet. Wbt,n ' tbey do vote, the Preaident'f policy will be in, tained. The member of the prcaent Cnngret i were eleoted daring the excitement of the war, nd to proiecute the war. The membera of tlio Mil Cougreat will lie eleoted after the war hat ' aabaided, aod to proeecute peace. We are not . tarpriaad that diffvrvncea tliould bonritly occur between loyal men. Onr platform recognize! thia ttate of affair in the at-oond resolution, ' which ay t Aa ta tha bent plan or rcUrlng tin late revolted '. Stale to tba nerds, of all their fiinrtimin In the Union, ana tba lexislatiuri necessary In relation to freedracn, loyal man ma booaolly difliir. t Ulrica men do differ, and they differ lioneitly nd eootoienliooily ; and the man that I not willing t admit thi much I mnoh more of a partiean than a patriot. We think thi'e differ ence of opinion will be aettled in the pirit of patrlotlam, Imide of the Union organiration. ', That if onr deilre, and we ate nre It i the - wieh of all thoae Union men who thluk with ni. Bat If it iboold erer heoome neceriary to form 1 any new party to npport the Executive arm , nf the Government, It ie only men of onqtira . tiened loyalty men who were trne aa Johnan wa trae, when the battle raged fierceat that - can originate or Irad inch a party. The Moun taineer aptly pot it in tbeae word t It doaa ant follow, became cnnM'lentiuii man cannot ' enetalo thuae who. contrary to all their pretlou prnfe ilona, aow aaaert thai there are eleven male out of tlila Uaioa, that wa mint put in power thoae who did all iatbair power to btlp them out, merely because they now aay Ibat the are in. ' ' Whatever change 1 la tha orianiaatloo of partlee the future may bring pmpoailton may be laid down with certainty, . that while thla generation last no political oombhiath n cm be funned which will rebuilt In the deration i place of thoae who bad wen iiotoriuumy unraitnini in tua tn- trrame hour of tha country 'a peril For the foundation tnwi thai on which that proportion reel wa March no further aa tne oommon ten, oi ine great niasa 01 ine ueuma. II They will never be ao abort-sighted a to place me . in power who but a year ao lacked onlr tha courage or Ibe aieaaa to become their mortal formica. Aa a natu ml conaeqnenoe of the great crli Ihruunh which the country naa passed, peraonal considerations hereafter will eouatituta a moat Important feature in all our polit ical contest. Venemoua Copperhead will never re reive a loyal vote, no matter what aide they may aa- We admit that tbia term or reproeru naa am alwaea been need with diacrtmlnallon. Hen have been called Copperhead limply because they did not Indorse everything that waa dune Irom the beginning tt the end ' of the war. Who tba venemoua Copperhead were ev . erybody knowa, and can point tliem nut. They were thoae who mourned over every Union victory, rejoiced 1 at every rebel aucceaa, and aided plainly and emphali 1 eelly with the rebellion and against the Union. Their ' piaitton la that of tha Turlea during the Devolution. : Tbey bar made their own bed and will have to lie hereon. If tbey ihould reaolve to atone for their pat Ireaaon by pursuing a loyal course, it will lie regarded In the light of amendment, and that l all. Their place . ta la the rear, ia penitential altitude, Mriving with all Uialri ugnt to maae up lor tneir maniioia eiiisauu iran gnwone. There la no cbauce lor leaderabip for them, ao long aa the pretent generation retain their aetiea-. Tbere I na Dolling at mm pot wnicn can onug inem to Ih Ion. It will be lor tbem ao long aa Ilia contmuea, todiecbarge their duty, ahould they ao retwlve, to tbeir country, In alienee and without bop of reward or pre ferment. The O'Meara and Faya can never lead loyal men netr. They are the natural ene raiea f loyal men. All tbeir lympathiei, hab it and thought are againal the men who bare battled for the Union ( and they are more bit tar at heart again! President Johnfon than any ether man in the nation. In lime of great eieitement lik the pretent, It often happen that men are of qnite aa much oooeqoenoe a platform and, a if in coneonance with tliia view, wa have been frequently Inquired of a t the view of our candidate. We have re plied, at we reply here, that we think onr chief (iMdard-bearrn are all right. It will doubt let become the duly of Oregon' Congreeeinab ta veto apon tome, if not all, of Ibe queiiinnt new agitating the country) and we believe thai oar aominee will vote to auit Union men. We tjoeervly believe that. If we did not, we would at eay to. Hi antecedent inapire thi belief, aajd when be takee the atuinp he will pt-rtmlly ealitfy the people on that point. Our advioe to Jehaton men, then, la, atick to Iht Union Stat ticket Don't be humbugged by Copperhead! profeeting ta be friendly lo Jnbnton, becaaa tkef are not. 8laol hv the Preeideut and the whole State ticket, and don't be diaooeraged or drive off by the eonree of any Union paper Which eaooeo to denoaoo the Preaident and kit friend. Aaaert yoor right in the Union party that kt tha place to Mill the queatlon. Prtetdent Jokneoo did a moch to form the ' Uatow party at any ruaa in the naliou, aud he aw faithfally adhere to it platform and prin ciple. Yon do the name, and do not fail to Bak year pretence knowa ia yoor County . Ctaveelioa and en the county ticket. Oar ticket it la the Beld . and hv the delegated author Mr of the Union party ef Ibe Bute. Hut what la the teat aad aaly eta euuree for Union aa to pureuel Oar ticket kt la the aeld.eod what to better, will be ill by aa avarwhelmlaf morlly. Tba aretvawa aaka what It the Ire eoorae tnr Uaioa an to puraue. Wavy, anpport the ticket; Inula the anlty ant ateaaftk af tha party. Do not deaounoa oae raaa be- asae a balleva vrlth Cnngraai, or another maa be- aaaia ha faron tb PreaJdant. The Orrgeaiaa aeema wtopaaad, not aaly la lla edllorlalt, but more ia It at- looted trtklea, U try to drive every man. who think lb PraaMet! kt rlgbl. out of tb Uoioa party. That paper Btiaeea aa afiporw<y to mUrapreaeol aad rid leu I lb fwlaaat, k Bowing at tb tarn lint that tba I'aloa party am Wane several tbouaand aa good aad true I'aloa Baaa a ever breathed, w believe that lb Praetdeal h Data m and a patriot, tried and true, aad that he awaaAaar will dreert the caoaa ef the Uaioa Wa heee Ik Org mmn win Uk tbia nattar lato (tea tied raaaonaol caawtdaraUoa, aad eadaavor Ie taaewrt ear Slat plaUaeta ia Iraik aad ia the right aatrit, Ta Civil Bioarea Hai Tb wil aaa ktta paaaad beta a lew aver lb l'rtll'i veto. W are act auft ckatly ktferaied aa to the datalla ef the bill ta know etkMbar w aaa entirely approve H. Tba VreeMetna riaetaal abjaetioa to M was the poltry of Vattelatlni lev aectiaa ef lb l oluei not npreaanted la Cwngreea. CyrTWl eee Dwarx H4h R. Haat. ' car. ef Koore'e Block, bu been tppointed CXeaUser ef Deed for the Slate of Call TUE "JONES FAMILY." The people of Oregon will now learn all about that ieceaion, Oregon, rebellion org mi i cation, known a the "June Family." A Inigi- number of docuBieut have been (eenred, aud mnoh evidence laid away, to (how that lb O'Fay and O'Meara Democracy have, during the paat four year, eonetantly held aud niuiu talued the bop that toinetliing would turn up that uould enable them to rite up here in Ore gon with arm In their band, raiae the flag of Jeff. Da via, aud commence war upon Uoinn men, and involve the State in all the borrora of civil war! The Oregonian ny : The following ia a time copy of a letter which we haveeeeo. The origiual wa picked up on the etriet here two or three day aince, and ia etill preserved. The writer of the letter ia well known here and through out the Htate, aa one of the HOutidt-Mt of our Coiilederute Drmocrata. We know nothing about llie ijrr.on towhuni the epietle ia addreawd, lurther than that be iHalt'eu tiouately called " Dear Mac," whoever that may he : Rohkbi'KO. March III, IM',11. Dear Mae. i Being aulijugated "am," I have, of courne, nothing to do with politic, but 1 have a aiiKgee tlon to make that may be of urn to ua. 1 want Chadwick to go to Congrem, Of crnnw he 1 not my atyle that yon know but he will nutain John, on and help u to Ret buck into the Union. 1 cannot in a nhort note, tell you all the reaeona, but 1 will aug nut a few, let. He la the moat available candidate. He hue not been itrongl) identified with any party, and therefore haa no enemiea. Hu ha not neen Jone. lie ia pot a IJnod Templar, but keep hiuiHrll decently wiher. 2d. W cannot elect one of our kind, and the On greeaman from Oregon dou't amount to a hill of beuna anvwav: and 3d. Aa a corrollary to tliea proponltion. If we can get Hfflion-pwre for uovernor, and an avaiiatie cantu date for CongreM. we can aecure the Htate, and that we do moHt aincerely dehiie. 1 auppoae that you hold the Mine poeltlon that you alwuy held, and 1 oiler theee auggeelion in conlldence. Page " won't do," , Key la fx, inucn mind, and the outhern part of theWate ought to have the CongreM man once. Thete Idea are liartllr put together, but you under- Hand the point that I am trying to rhow you. rnanKingyou for your Kiinine to me anne in ron- auu, i rvruaiD your oueureut errvaot, It. ff . aiueilKH. Thi letter eitabliahe teveral point) firet, that the Democrat havo a aecret ontli linnnd nciety, called the " Jone Family j" teennd that Moiher (ann fn-lnw of Jo. Lane mid brother-in-law of one of the candidate on the Democratic ticket) ia a tnemhrr nf the " Jnne Family;" third, that Chadwick ami hi wing (the Jo. Smith wing) are not fronted in the camp nf the " Joncaei " the lanctum mnrln rum of Oregon Demncraoy i fourth, that n-liel of thi 8tate were prepared to give away the Congreaeman, in order to win, nnd get a linwn fUre a member nf the " Jone Family "for Governor of Oregon. Why wa lliia eimon pure " June " Mneher ro atixiou to teoure the Governor f That the Democracy might ie- cure the State." Union men of Oregon, law and order-loving men of Oregon, tliero ie great deal in thoae three word, " tecum the State." They are but the urfuoe indication the outcropping, the teoret tnlianinn nf Gov ernor' vetoee, hi commnnd nf the n ilitin. hie dlapnaal nf the puhlio arm, hi appointment of the militia ufliorr. hi direction of the niilitury fuuda, and, if Deed be, the arming nf every rebel " Jnne," every rebel from Price' army, and thn "aecure the State" by menace, bul lying, threatened "Jnne" guerrilla warfare, that would drive Union men from the State, and make thi the homo and undiapuled para dire of the rebel huahwhackera of Miernnri Union men of Oregon, if you ever worked for candidate, now i your time to work for George L. Wood, Union nominee for Govern or. Kelly may be a " nmon pure June "at leaat, Union men cannot afford to take any chance on him. In point of attteiinaiiehin, Wood i in every reapect the tuperinr of Kel He ia a Union man to the cure, uud line got the backbone to tnud np to Ilia oouviotioni of right, and to the Union party, if it take hie tcalp off. Kelly, if not a eimon pure Jnne," i at leaat in the hand of audi men a Mcxhcr Fay and O'Meara, and ought to be overwhelm ingly defeated. " Tkam)H Oniore.' ' Preaident Jnhnetw drwrvca let tare patent for bia plan of making treatou day or two elnce, A. H. Kiepiren. the reliel Vice I'rci dent, appeared at Waehinulmi, anil on hie arrival Immediately cloaelcd Willi " Moaea ' Jlinoii,and mailr the epecial gnet of tlie tnle lt,ai.e ai d llie ctii,lbli-n tial advier ol Jidineon. It ia mppoeed that loyul men are now, almnat without ri' eiti,m, denied the biuh privilege or conferring with hie haerllrncy.'an.l tlini men of the Hleplieua etautp are alone eoneulted by him aitoul mattera oi ntete. 1 reaeon le made odioit liy hon oring iraitora and negiectiug the couiim-1 ol .,yul men iregoman. We cannot fmhear In remark agninat the tyla of politic embraced in the above. Ste phen gnet to Waahiiigtuti. ecure an inter view with the Preaident, juit aa any ot her man doe. Fred. Douglne wa there not long eince, had a long interview, and waa honored wilh the publication nf the eon venal ion between him elf and the Preaident. Ji linrnn ia the Preai dent of a rrpnhlic, and not the King nf a priv lleged few. It It hi duty In Helen tn the tatrment. complaint and nggrtlinn nf men of all olaaaea and teotlon. How rite ia be tn know anything about the people ? The Ore foNiaa, in lite etatemeiit a hove, a In rveiy atatenient abnot the Preaident, draw on ite imagination, and " euppotee " a great ninny had thing nf the Preaident which havo no Inundation in fact. If it would he a little more patrinlio and lea partiean, indulge a little char ity and restrain a great deal i f vindictive feel ing, it would aerve the oauae of peace and Union much better. A temporary triumph ore the Preaident, tecored by tuch uncalled for tnlarepreteutalinn, will avail nothing. The " Truth it niigbty and will prevail." If Iheae men, who are now o anxinu lo aheJ the blnod of a fallen loe, bad gon In the front and barn their breaet to Ibe alorni, a did Andrew John on. when wa on hit feel, defiant nnd burling deatruclinn upon the Union artnie they could be lialrned to now wilh more pa tience. V hen we rerlvct that neither Grant Sherman, Sheridan, Cox, Logan; or any nf lli gallant toldiert who rikd their live againet rebel bullet to maintain the Union, now favor the war npon Iheir fvllnw-tnldier, Andrew Jnbnton, w matt conclude that it i not all patriotitm that eerk to put down the Preai dent. Wa arne' ly deeire loe Jeff. Do tit and the chief eontpiralora brought to trial and pnnithed for their great crime; but to take oonnael of vengeance only, and refuee lo bear any man front the Southern Stale, i nol llie way Ie reitnr peace, i not tha way to eel ah lith loyalty, it not the tplrit of Chrieiiamiy, and no patriot af any courage, and much lee any ChrMtian, would ad via tuch vindicliv conrtr. III! CLAIMI.-A delegate to lb pet bead Slate Convention at Portland, hailing Irom touihtro Oregon, while ea hit way to the Con vention fell in oompany with a delegate to the Union State Convention, and nuitix.k him for brother copperhead. He detoantrd freely on the relative merit and tnundnea of the vrl out copperhead atpiranlt. Fay, Chadwick. etc., and anally wound ap by aeaertiug kit damn for eometbing, bated oa Ibe grnand that he had lain aal ia lb aaanin fur the artv I had foigkl and eaaAirAarvUa! fur lb lrniocrtiio party bad Been la the rebel army at the hat tie of Pea Kidge." and be deBed any uf them to baw 11 belter DeiDfleralM record than that,' Ue tbonld b Bomiuated fear Congreaa; vety liitiuu pui copperhead In Prrgnn wnnld vat for bim. " Of each ate tha kingdom of eoppiheade.n Eug ene Journal. ElONtMY IX riBLIO KIPE.VDITlltES. . li ,.., ihe i,llre Hlnle ol Oreitoli. when In llie llMOil- if Hie liemocraiic inv. under (iovernor W'lilleiiker. nt lel twenty ibniiaud d"llr lew per annum to run the entire m.ii hniery of tie tiiverrinuut then itd;e tlie city of Portland to edminlHter it mouiniihilnlltiirH, now thid It in in tlie lunula of the dominant party. Vaily Herald. That ii juat aa good an indication of " Pike ciiuiitv'' Democratic pmgreiun at it needed. Can thii new light in Portland tell rnit the Stale of Oregon did under tlio admiiiirtrntinn of Whitenker f How muoli aid did the State render tn tlie United Statet in protecting nur hardy pinm era from the tculping kiiile of the mercilett tnvage ? Huw much did the State petid in taking care of the unfortunate in tone? How much did it expend for State building orgrnnnd for the State Penitentiary Under the plea uf economy, the Dciiincrntic nnrtv altvav et the hlnte every State or town it hat ever ruled down in the "tliiugh of dcmind," and there it " tot," until kiiiio more progrettive party took it out aud gave it a decent pueh on (lie road to honor and proa perily. The Democracy have nlwayt nppoaed internal improvement!, and wnrte yet, nppoaed pnblio tclionl fur the poor. If the Herald had tieen in Portland lunt year, it would have np (lined filling np the mud linlee in the Etupoti ntn, limply liecnn-e enim-hndy would hare to par fix bita or tn, taien. That it hit kind of Democracy ; and if it wa allowed in rule, Portland would he a mud hole forever. He gnet on the principal that n farmer ought tn build a hrueh fence, or do without a fence an watch the " crapt" wilh llie dogt, inttead nf building a decent and tiilittnntiul rail fence. imply liecaute the rail might cunt mmt'thing, and inmebmly would have tn work a little to put thetn np. When the cholera comet along thin next dimmer, he will nppnee c caning the ttreett of Portland, hccntite, in the end, tnxee mint he collected to pay the expenae. The Democratic 1 :ea nf a Government coutitU in office holder only, while the people uf a State are never tn nee their power tn govern, to pro mote ediicnlinn, lienovnlctice. or Hie develop ment of llie niBleriul rerun rcet uf their coun try. TbV people have learned better than thiit, and believe that tliey have the right to um their State nr municipal pmveri tn promote their jit tered. Tub Woi.p ami Skunk. We hare read a fable in tome of the old hook which run ntioiit at follow : A wolf caught a tkinik nml wa ubont In tiny him, when the ekiink tniil. "Don't hill me ; I'm n wolf." " You a wolf! Let me hear yon linrk." " I can't barb right. Iiecauee I have o bail cold." " Hut your clothe don't look like a wnlf'i." "Oh. mine were atnlen; thete are my big cnueinV " But yon bat en'l wolf ear." " Iiecauee my ear were trimmed." The wolf, half convinced, un about to leave, when ho tuddenly Hopped muffed Ihe air, and exclaimed : "You may hark like a wolf, wear Ihe clnthea of a wolf, and ahuw the eara nf a wolf, lint no wolf ever hud uch a bail mull about him at you ;" and in Ihe poor akunk naa killed. In reading over Ihe platform and proceed inga of llie lute Democrat ic Convention at Port laud, together Willi (ho ticket uninitiated, He were forcibly reminded of the allure fable. The Convention haa endeavored to create the im pteeriuu that it i a Union organization, and in favor of Preeideut Johnaon' policy; and al though it may e.xcue it " hark " (tho ling uf the Iron metal), by feigning a had cold, and iredit it ttoien clothe to itt big coueiii, and confeit ihut it fart have been cropped for patt crime, yet the ticket nomiiiiiled give the v, hole conceru tuch a terribly bod imell that nobody will believe ihut there it a particle of Uuiouiatu, Juhiitouiain, or any other virtue in and to the thing will huve lu he killed na a lying tkunk.'' Unfaiu. The Democratic candidate for Congre hit taken a very dieuniirtrnu and nn- fnir cure toward Mr. Mullury, in the iiiutler of nppoiiitiui'iit. After Mr. Mallorr tva iium- mated. Mr. Fay met him at Albany . then on hi (r'uv'e) way to llie Dcumctatiu Convention at l'urllaiid. and aiked Mr. M. how h inlend ed hi conduct the iuii ae. He wn told that the Union candidate would tint commence the cuiivuea until after the Democratic iioiiiinntioii. and then it (fa expected Ihut joint meeting would he agreed n im. Mr. Fay. .! know ing thi uiiderataiiilitig uud eipeatittion, and being hinuelf llie D.-iiincnilio candidate, he goea tn work ami arrange ull the appointment lo anil hiiiim-lf, without llie lenrt notice to Mr. Mullury of hi intention and movement, Common piditene, and a dlup- ritioli lo have a lair and ihoruugh canvae. would hate prompt ed an invitation to the Union candidate to join in arruugiug tlie appointment. llHIIMlt: l rt ll Win. J llerrcn haa been ap iointeil C'oiiiiuiiouer lo aiiperiuiend the letting out and bail. ling of two bridge on (lie road lead ing from Norili Mnlciu lu Howell Prairie, by way of Kiiglieh'a mill tyGiil, the llieane ninn nhu waa around here lately, ha been taken up in Portland, and aeul to the I inn no Anylutn. Til K I'MON AX II Til K DKNOCKATIC PABTI, Ed. Stttfmnni I nee it elated in cettain OeiU'H'ret ic paper that there I a division in Ihe rank of the iiotileel party In the Uiil-ui je. that tha Union parly U divnled. fan thi be an! Thia parly haa been the nieane of eavlng our (invernmenl. Ii holde to the doc trine of Wrietiiuirloi,, JpffeeMon. Monroe andjackftna. It ha Jin-t tieen the niian of iirertliniwiiig the g-eal-eet care that Imh ever afflicted America. It hlil to tea d.H-trliie our luutticnd Pie-idem, lo.w to heaven Tin party etmttl lahMitl. while Ihe Mcalled " Itemo vratu- paitt " tnilel to do ,. rtin tt he divided? No, tievr I Tb 1'lii.ili fiarly in et-ll undivided. Wlileb wirtv etood hy the tioverumeot in ite treile.t dinner! Which i,u-e,l the liovernment and eBo- giM-U lor tieaMiu? Whtih culleil a Ivrunt, a traitor, a tbiel and a! N hich curMd our noble-t men for oppoitiiia the wr for cmeluug mil the retiel h -iif Wl.ii li did all ih men in armed reUlle-n I. lpa to? Wkiii Ii had pympaihiire. aitb In-aum for It leadina mrn! Wtmh party wan it that. while pretend Ing to lie Ihe Ji fit ioiin Mrt. wrnl ill duet I aniag' ui-in to JinVrw'ii' nll-elveiy view a l.aind in hi own writing' Wtiiih pait.t then, otigbl wa to Inut? live one lli.t -l""d by the llotemnirnl whcnttmool net-drd aid. or Ihe one that ati-rd it in lla gretc!. "irucgleT lliat which gave herty Mipp.irl lo wir t'iii.ti defender, eT Ibat wlticli rlirWd tlie war and called i a liilnref- Hie luie which eie led the mirivr Lincoln ti ttie i'rreiilett, y, or llie one wbii h haiied ihe m4 ctiweiiily and IvitValtiee iqi hi boooivd head? vihich parlt.'lheu.iHiKbt we lo itti.l?trirou thai d MiHincen Irt-nwiii. or the one ttiat anhiuiard l.iril? Let u ramemlier. tlie lcmcicintic petty Haa in tt all who rej"ivd at Lincolu'e a.h,aiin. Hi Union liaily ! made up of nu n who have withdrawn from all par tlee which held not to tha piim iple nf Ibe founder of our nation, and f-e thi veaoa lethe parry lht we oubt to Int". Waetiingtoo, JetTereim, Monroe and Jackvin would lielout t tbi pari v It they were living; In fact, they ie the author of the pr-n---iple of th t'nkia arty Tha I'm. parly will not e-e divWed. for Ibiaeounlrr wa never heller g verned than iiiraua iter I'ui'.n rule; in tact, th t'tiioa iariy ba g.,venied th nwnlry much l-eller lhaa it wa ever governed b !"; and im one can watch the ccir ol Ih Unloa pane iwrelully withiotl -vorr or biter rrivieg at Iba cwciuelon that It ie th near nany. Now. tberefoi. we Union men aill am let ntr ptHy be dviratrd bv getting II divided into facte aa; for the time will nerrr come when llie great party eball I plil ap, wile, (like th lemi ra, y ha (tope) M laa- it newnl pnu Ipiee, or aianie ita cvunlry, for N I the paity llial we ought to tntt. Aiil 0 Uai, a il; ireal, Kl-t bow thy el ir"a Ihe heae Our nicraw liaiigm w a thy fate, Our l-'V apna thy vichirie. . t'.-r Uiv Bbnawi tu 11,4 we prav, Atat aek thai lie marel eav r fail( Rut ee k daik and rt'-rmy dav Ht no lituui uaul o r e.u !. l)MBL B Traair. Shin, April It), lotai. 11 Y TKLbUBAI'll. The I'reenlent tent a meaaage to Congre tn-dny recnminenditig a niodiliciition ol the Teal Oulh. Secretary McCullnch and Pottmatter Gen onil l)enniiin alao aent a coiniliUlilunlliiu tu the Senate ntkuig tuch mndincalton a will enable llie in tn appoint pereon in the Soiilli I hey tay teveral perton are now aoung un- - er nppnliitiiient who cnntiot time tne ouiii. uud therefi re no alnriet are paid lu thetn. Secretary McCullnch. in a letter accompa nying the Pretident' metange recommending a mollification uf the tett oath. tay. when the tinniutiiif nt were made it wat dilhciilt to hud competent niTiccri in liiatiT nf tlie Southern retuliitlnnary iltrtrictt whocoiilil tUKenie onin.. Iiut to important did it teem tn li e Pretident and Cabinet for llie pnrpote nf equalizing the public burden, that Ihe revenue ehonld lie ee tnbliahed throughout Ihe lute rehelliou Statet wilh aa little ilelny a poeatble, and that llie uuplcnaiit tin y uf collecliug luxe from an i-xnaiKled and rcludliou people alioulil lie performed by their own citizen ; Unit the Secretary of the Treaaury did not lienlale In recnlll iieiid for ii poiiitmeiit, pertona nf wlioae ponoiuiliiy there wa no qnenlon, hilt who might eilher willingly or unwillingly during llie pingrett of Ihe ri bellinn have been tu connect ed with the iiimritente or the Confederate Gov eminent at to he unable to take the oath of oflice. No one could have regretted more than the Pretident uud Cabinet the necettily which exieted for tlij onurte, but there teem to he no alternative and it wa confidently hoped that under the circninetancei nf the ciwe, it wnii !il he approved by Cmigrpet. The Ptwtiiinater Genernl any the tet nath hu been the grenleet lilinlrunce to lli dillie. and eii.geet ilnf Aord vxiluulnrily lie iiieeiti-il in the oulh. Tlll wniihl enlarge the clue ol perwm who could qualify and would lie in hiirmiiuy w ith ihe general prntieiun ami pur potet nf tin- oath. He ay it may be iutere. ting to kiinu that uf H:i')'J until runti t in nperiilion in the dieloyal State at the break ing nut of Ihe rehelliou.' only 7r7 have been rehired, anil out of $01 pimtnllicc in thete Klule. only 204 appniiitiiieiit of piiiiuatcr hnve bei'ii'iiiuile ; uf llie whole 177 nnly have been (I'lHlihVor office being male, and 4:tl) lii'iug leinale. The coiumitiee nn Way ami Mean will re pin t nn Ilitermil Kevemie lull next week, un the hui of reducing taxation $5li,UIHI.(l(l(l In making reduction Ihe coiumiltee haven in net a pneaible made exemption nl raw ma terial, eiiii-riiig iiitu general couenmpluiti. Cliicugo. April 7. The United Stale hen ate yeterday puaaeil the hill In tupply the de ncieiioy ol In nil graitteu to ine Mule m um- gun. to oiil t lie coueiruuiioii ot tne .xiutnry Koad froui Eugene City tu the eaalern liuitu- darv of tlie Suite. liiilfaln. April 7 Ditpatchet from nnatou. Philadi'lpliin aud oilier eitiet repurl the firing uf enlutea hy the Republican in honor of tlie pitatagu ol llie, Civil Kigltta bill hy the Sen ate. St. L-nuii April 7. The tteamer Major. EfTie Demi, Nevada, Fannie Ogdett and Frank Bate were huriied at the levee tin illuming. Lim $2"5.(VK) nu the lioitt; aud $:j(KI (M'l) on the cargoe. The boat lii-longi-ii to the Northwestern Fur Company, ami were heavily In. en with mppliet for trailing putt. Wnlin gton. April 7. Knpliael Si mine ol pirate Alabama untimely, wu releaeeil let terdny liy order of the Preeii'eut on Ii ie iingiual parole, under Ihe Sheriuiiii Juhnelou airaugi'itieiit. W eliingtnii, April 7. The Pretident liy a circulur. iiietructa tile head uf department tu give (in ference tu ditcharged tnlilier ill all clerical appointment or proiiiution. Chicago, April v. .Mitch nillering nml (Ie alitutioii tire reported in Georgia and Alabama. Gov. Jc-iikiu hat ieaued a proclaiiiiitinn call ing upon cnpitalitta to cuine forward or the people will tiarve. I he llui teville Aluiiaiiia Independent ayt evernl caeet uf actual tlurvnliiiu have oc curred in that country and pulililie a ttate- incut or the 1'robale Judge ol Mureliall coun ty, that n careful ueti'iia allow 2.ISD pereuu. white nnd black. nhiMilntely helple from nge. eickui' and infirmity, and laiuilie r,-pr. m h ling 2.INN) perton' are di peliilei t upon lln ir litiug in work, hut are nualile to earn a living ott' the reeiiloe of the people ill Marehiill conn ty. 1 here were not more than V) with in-aii more than udeqiinte for their want. The W lei-iineiii Senate, laet Satunlay, in tructed llie coiiiiiiitt-e nn Federal Itelntinu to report n retolutiun requieting .Senator Don little to reeign. Nnthv'ille. April 8 The Tenni'ttee Legi lalnro neuible to uinrrow, with a radical nnij'irity of 6 meinlier. being 4 more lliun a working quorum. The Kadical caiicu voted lo refer all creden nmi tul in it only tliiKe elected at new u em bet and excluded bullet re-elected, on the ground that Ihe littler come hack under a pledge- to holt again, and nre tl erefnre in re- billion agniuet the state government, tx citing iiueation will llin ebiiin llie i..,ini ih.ite atti'tilioii of the linnet Mr. M-iynnrd. wln-u litely atiiinp'iig Con necticiit, raid I eiimoee ttoiihl give negro uflriige lielore Cnuiiecticut, and protpeult are ill favor of it lii'iug dune. Chicago. April 0. Gor Oglehy hut ittned hi priH'laiualion for thenb-ervauci' of tlie 15th uf April, being tin- aiiuiverenry of Preeidciil Lincoln' death, a a day of fueling nml limy er. The anniversary full on Sunday. Iiul it it a precedent fur It annual oheervauce in llliuoi hereafter. New York. April 9 The Tnltunt'e Wellington pei-inl dinpalch nay, it i trenentlly expeeteit that the I'reeiileiit will, in a few day, release Je-tT. I)avi and C. i Clay on parole. Six white men. chrirued wilh iuatiifHting llie ileum riot ut AlexHiiibiu. Va., have been convicted uud neiilenceil hi n luililary eoniiiiipion. When Ihe criui iuala lett Ak'XHiidria for the AUmny ieiiilenliHry, female eyuuniiliuera in a large crowd amwnihled ami cliem-eil them oil'. Mi. Louie. Aiuil 0 The total lo of tba eteainer and cargo hv lire, Tiinl b'riilay, aiiiouu'a to ahoat half a million dollar. Tlie ineurance ie at t I'lNI.IHrU. New York, April M. Tlie tteamer New Y'ork haa arrived from Anpittwall wilh Cahfoniia mailt and treasure. Killeen neitnie attempted an insurrection at Pan nrn on the 'i-hh ot March, and were surrounded by Ilia troop nud shia down like sheep. t lower coniriuuievl oy colored women ware to- dav plncedonthe deeas of Ihe J-t benulora who sup potle.l the Civil Kighis bill, with a curd allurhrdi ' We exercise Ihe civil ritrht lo expresa our gratitude with it nuwt emphatic topography." Tlie .Yaioeo riircaivr olciiinly warn the pc.ple thnt at a vary tarly dav the country will lie stMitb-il wilii a sudden mlvnce step in pnurreea of a revulutiuunrv clieiufi. utile the Iraitora ha iu tlie nieaiiiime diMiinraged by proper demonstration or coiielituiiolml loyally. Newurk. N J , April ID Tlie toivu.liip election In Kiwea county. ye.tenby, reeuilvd ill Luioll aiicce Tlie Itenus'inli carriel oulv three ton-tie The Uiand of Free-holder, which laet yeur waaa tie, has uuw 10 Keptthheau niMp.ritv. hicaao. Apnl Hi Tht eight hour bill which wat befora the tiluo lgielatare, tailed lo becoma a law, by lha negligence of tha Mouse to concur iu some trttliiig auivlidnieiita niada by tht Senate). Tlie Legis lature has now adj.uimed. New York,' April I" A saint of 100 gone wu fin d at Union Snuarei thia morning ia honor of lha pwuMge of the t ml Itighta Hill. Chief Justice Chaaa lael evening, iu a speech at lb Methodist meetiiisrat St. I'ani'e Chnrvh.alludeilto th paeeaae ot lb Civil Kiglil Hill aa a great iri umpb i he said tlia welt step would b to give aniver ul sulfeiaxre. Th ItrraWt Fortreaa Monro ai'ial dispatch avi humor iticeeaee that Jert lavi wilt be tnken tu Kichniond im a writ of kabrat eerpa. His heaiili ia gniwiug wore. New York. April 10 The Trilnnt tinnaliiea its tweiity-tlnh auuiveraary by appearing iu a new nnd aularged form. Chicago, April 1 1 Tba fleniocmtte cttale Conven ttoo of Iowa i called for Jon tab. Cmieervativ Uevublioau who support Ilia Preeident, ar invited to join. At the city elect ioa ia Spilugflelil, Illinois, vester day. the vle caet waa Ilia large erer pulled. A trnmieralie Mayor w elected by Uf mitjvirtly. At th Alhally, N Y . elerlleu, veslertiiij. (I. H TtiNtclir tlieiuocratl wa alectavl Alayor by' 7iJ uia jowy aver Kulwrt H I'myn. Al the Treaion. N. J . ci'ly election, yeaterday, the Democrats had J majority. Th wuuh-iil election iu at Paul, Uinniaota, yee eervtMy. gave lb Isewucrala l.&HI niaioeuy. Th Orel sun ai.Jer Hi Civil Niahi lull waa In aiiiuted at Lafawtiv, Indiana, yeetenbiy. a ueuro clainiiiig tt.eulorc a coittrcl under tl. while the de lelidalil rlaiuie th lietwtit of tb rltate i oiiatituti.ui laixl etarb law Judge tlet, of lb Sists Cirruil t ooit. ha the cms smdee mtviaaneenl. wild will amb ahlv eand ill tie Stat Baptwan Court, ao lu ana atotv lipatcliea from EAstimrt, Maine, lepreeenl that tlit ie la Ul'llh exrtlc.lie,, w, the horde OW'Oe to the preevaee ol a Nrir heme of tet-MiM wnat lb tear uf bonilme. In pee Urn nil war abipa ar ea In lookiiiil. Iliegnriismi at (.'aieiliell labind haa linen liicri-naed, riinhworkt liave been ilirown up and vigi luill preiiaralion liave been mude to prevent a runt. Washington, April 1 1, The Port Olllo I'.'puit ninnt lata given a a com rant tu Holiday to ran anoth er overland mail lo California, via llie Smoky Hill route and Denver ; nervice to he commenced oa the 15th inat. .. The Seimte bo confirmed lha nnniltiatioiia or liuvin W. liHllanl, of Dregon, for Governor of Ida io i Mellaril C, .McC'orinack lor Oovciuor of An.oua ; Jil'.uea .lames L. Carior. of Tennoeaee, for Secroiary of Amnion Muae llulleit. Chief .liiatica of Itahi I) llolloway, Jlaihal anil Krauk llally, Secretary or Colorado. Hecreturv M'Cidlongli ha laineil a circular declar ing pelmle'uni. Iiennine. elc. explosive biirniiig tluid uudor point of ihe atuinp art of Augint 'M, IWiS.and requiring ull Meain vessel carrying passenger to procure aperial permit before taking audi article on boiird. The President in conversation with Hen Howard suvs i The peace proclamation hus oulv such trope wilh relH-eiii-e to the state named therein oa hie prnchimati if lust Auuwt had 'villi reference to Tenuetisee. It doe initsiiapuud the opeiutionol Mill tarv law in any of the Sla:es. and llie Kreedlnau Hu'reau will eonliuue to exei-ciae it uecus lined fano lion The nfllcer will reiiiuinon duly anil in ageuta aiidjnslicu will coniiniio lo lie adaiinietureil Imi weeu freedmeii and wliitc by llie existing eiui miliiary courts till the various Suites give tile former llie right to lie heard in their civil conns in 'he sunie manner hi Hie hitler. Tlie scope of tha ii-ocluinalioii. with re aped lo trial by court martial or coiiiinission, doe Iiul teem to tie well undeisliiod even hv olllcer high in authority, here and elaevi here. Tlio department commimiouei of Ueoigiu and Alabama have , 'elc graphed for information on the subject, and it ia uu deraliKid t e mailer wu brought before Ihe lo-day . Ihe ueiion taken is not known, but there ie guud reason lor believing tlie w ar department will noon isaiw a circulur of ia-l ruction. Prominent ti-ieiols of llie Pieident any he will en force Hie Civil lfitflit hill in auod faith, quoting the reiimi-k llial he, liuviiig exeiciaeil his coiisiiianonal pierogulive in vetoing llie bill and Congress having exercised it preriiunlive ill passing it. lie should feel hoiuio hy limn- aelion, Tlieo'e geiitleineti also express the nelii'f, linn, liiiviiut seen Hiu po.ver of Cmigru. uud with ivlinl iinuliiioil.v it is "i-lained by Hie pen pie. be will now endeavor lii conl'inni bis n'-'ion so tbut Hiei-o may he liariuonv lii-lweeu lliem. Howard ill miller vurhal iiisirucliooefnuii the I'l-es- idelil, issue u circular to bis subordinates, apprising ili. ,.f il,u ,.r il,u I'k-il UibiK bill, and iu- ti uciing in iiiioriu Hie fi'tediiicu ol n provision uud tu sssist in muiuiiiiiiing tbi'iu. ihe House passed a bill this P M . for coining new lire emit pieces, composed of copper and nickel, a Iritlu larger than the It cent piece issued Insl veur New York, April II llie Trilnuie't Washington special dispute!) suv t "Tlie Senate j esleiilay luiled tn ci.iilirto Louis li. Campbell of Ohio u Minuter to Mex co. Cmisiilei-Hble excitement wa caused by tho deaili of it woinnii lust Monday, th 9th. of Asiatic cholera Tlie Sanitarv Snperinteiidelll ot tlie Hoard of Health declare Ihut llie cane wns not cholera, hut tlie Coro ner declare it wa, ami liter i much oxcileineiil Hiioiigbout the city. (ONtiKKSSlON.U. 'iishhitou, April It The House unllerie were crowded lo the fullest capacilv lo-dny ul tpiarler past one o'clock P. M llie Civil llight llill was taken up for aelion , Wu.liiniii April In Hie II e during the morn ing hour, Uuvia' resol' lion oflereJ .laniiaiy HHh. ex prussiiiK conHdeiice in the President, came ap u uu (iaislled husiues. Uavtnond of New York being en tilled to tlie Hour, then' moved to postpone Hie further consideration ol llie resolution for two week; agreed Doutwell. under tha call of Stale, offered resolu tion to Hie ell'ecl, that whereas, Jelf llavis, C. C. Clay and oilier were charged in the President pmc lum'aiiuii of Muv 1. 1X115, npon evidence in tlie bu reau of militurv'jintice, wilh complicity in the murder nf Piesident Lincoln, therefore, inelructing the Ju dicium Committee to inquire if there is prob able cause for tlie charge, and farther, if there is any probability of their being tried, wilh power to aend for person's ami papers The Civil Itiglna llill and the Veto Message were taken up, and it wu u quarter past !i P M. when the reading wa completed. Wilson of Iowa, utter tt few remarks, demanded the previous question. Kldii.liie ol Wisconsin, moved a cull of the Iloue. w hu ll wu declared not to be ill oilier. Le llb.nd of ninn. moved to lay the bill on the In Me 'Nagaiiveil. uvea, Xlt nuyt. I'JI. Khtrldge and If inch made molione to adjourn, which were voted down. Khlrige then announced Hie secession of indignant members, sHving they had left the House on seeing n deteriniiiuiio'u in pus's Hie hill over the veto, by the operation of llie uag rule. - ilie previous question linving been ordered, the vote was taken and resulted as follows) Aye, V.iU; Niea, 18. Tlie Speaker declared the hill hud become a law, when lieiueiidoas and long continued uppluuse bro e forlh followed by hisses. Amid lliisexclteiuent the Houeu Hiljoili'iied. Ilnlilax, April 9 The teamer England, from Livernool. March itrl via Oneeiwtovvn. March , ar rived here llii ruilur, with l.'JI'U piiHengers, of whom torly had died ol cholera. Wushiutitoii April The Senate passed the Loan Hill tvilboiil uiueiidiuelit. by ayea 3i to ma- 7 Hie laller lienor Messrs. Cliundler. liowot'd. Howe. Nor ton, Itnuisel. .lolllisoll and Wuile. liming llie brief delnile, Mr'sberuiau said the bill conlerieil greuter power lliuu ever tietore uiven lo uuy Secrelary ol tlie IVeariirv. and he did not see the uecepsily. Mr. pVsseioleli said Hie only objection lie bud lo the bill was ils vveuku ss, and uut it slieiiulb. It gave too little power. Tlie oulv consequence attached lo the lull was it recognized lie principle ol the contrac tion of the Federal ilehl. Sherman presented u lull to regulate ihe occupation of mineral luiuls. ami extending llie right uf pre eiiiptiiiu thereto. The 1st section recognize and leualize Ihe exploration aud la-cupullon of niinerat lands subject to the existing mining regnlutions. so that placer or giilcli miniim will thenceforth reinuiu iu tbeir present looting, hut ill regard to quurix loin ing the investment of citpilul a d permanent si rue lures, iiieuu is Hih.idcd lo secure pateals lor claims actually occupied .mil improved, subject In pu iiienl intolbu Treasury of live itoiiais per acre ami five per cent ol Ihe net pioccud ot llieviebl. Ureal lulliiude i given Ibe neciet.iry ul tlie l.iici-mr in ad jnsllliu public- surveys lo sllcll pceiiipl lolls of tinning vialius, Mild vurii'us 'provisions ore milled to scpitrilte aurlcultiiml luiuls vv itiiiu niiiiuig ili-lucl ulot open lliem to iH.-, up.illoli uicier tin- pee emption noil tonne sli ud u I.-, llie Oill was relelievl lu lou coluliullcc uu luoit-s and iniiitog i luiui-i. ine Ili.U'-e kd-iptid a rc-'.iili"U "Deled hy 1'oail. Steve, . reqiuaiing Ine Se.-r. la'V of tlie iieisury l wiltdi dd ipoii iii.-tribiitiuu the prz . in, lit the imeHiion is sealed bv tin- Sunmue Ciitt. whether un der tne net ot the lull ol July. im1, the uie h-,V! g i ecu tne propetty ol lusui-gciil. d-a's u-l belong t" the Coiled Mr. Knyiiioud voted uguiuat the .Civil Itight Hill lo-duv. Uniahaili of Ohio, who voted against its original tassnue, was iuired oil'. Itie only other lurinbera elecivU u ltepulilicun who votedwith Ibe lleiuo cia. uauiust the hill were Lulhaiu uud Willy of VWtt Virginia. Phillip uf Marvluiot. Uouseau ami Sluitli nt Keuiucky, and Nell of Missouri. Thure wa a luiuiuiir ol applause wlieu Davi nml Hale "f New Yuik.alut Ileluuool Ohio, Conservative lieretolore uctmg null Mr. rtayiuiaid. responded aye. Mr. lleuiiliK, from llie Military Comiiiuee, iearted a lull reviving .lie grmle ol licourui lu Hie ui tiiy. Tne- Uauki-upt lull came up lo reconsider Uis. vole by wnicn it w,t rej-.-clrd u week iuce. ami the re t uusideratluii was curneil by M.1 ayes to .V tun-. Tne hnui vote uu the passage ut llie bill resulted u fui lows: uvea iU, uoca ii. So toe hill waa attain re jecteil t'oul ritt'torw, Take Kulu'e. SKA1.KL) PUOPdsALS WILL BE KKCKIVED at the Ulhce of the City rtel-ol-der. Sulem. lrei;i'n, iiil;lrb.,k P M Maylrt. IStk. KuK UI'ILUINU illKKK CI.-vTEUNSal sticu points a the Council aiav designate within the City of Salem. Cisterue to be ot the latest approved form, lined witii g.KHt Miibstauiial brick ami ceiuent wall, with heavy cast-iron trap d or eupfiorted by a euhsianiiai oak curb, and each to coutaiil elllier I'i.InJU, 'JU.Uoo ur y.i.irti galh'ti. to lie completed and ready for useou or before the first day ol August. ISti. Each bidden requested lo state distinctly hi bid ou each ot lb three dlltereul eixe. Iti.l iU ! b- received lor KK-liriLIIINUTHE CIstEKN al the iineieeciiou ol Ferry and lounuer vlal Sirvt-U. Coutrai tor will h required to viva bond uud ap proved security, cotiiiiiiuiied lor in laithlitl trlorw auce ol itieir coutinct The Council reserve th right to reject any or all bid. Payment lo he made iu coiu wlieu th eitertu are ready fur ue. Pivpoeula huuld ba directed, '-t'uiumou Coiiuci), ClIV of Nilem," aud IliUolse-d, Proposals for LIS lerua" J. W. SMITH, ChairtuNti Coiumitiee ou Citeru." Salem, Oregon, Apiil 11, IStai. iwJ ISOXXCK. Orrict ur Csitr (Ji'taTiaattraa, liai'iaiatar r th CuLimait Kurt Vauruuvvr. W. Aunl atu, lvit JIH'SIKK T ri'KCIIASK KUK TIIK tMV U KY SKi.Vl K u.MS IIL'.MXtl.U A.SU TWEN IV rlYK IHiKSLS. H'rr lur ilii rVrvira mil of Dark Color. Souiu! in all mrticulr, aril brukrti, Iruiu tlnn ly lo iatevu (ltt IihiiiIs liiti, Intra tiva tt) Itiua (l1) year ulU, artii ll arluptail m cvary y tu t'avalry aarvw. Henuu dfiirnii uf Sri I ran Hurm uf tliia dracrip U"U, ar rtiirll lu prasrul llrrui fur rusruuu lu tba au.larsiHiw a. Ull fN4 IIK.XKY V. HnlK.ES. UitvvI l.iaillrtiHUt . uluiiel, Uil t lira! tjnarlrr iUMrr, 7 mi liairtunrut ul III luluiubi. AVOOL AVANTJiD. 1 will par Ilia IIIUIIavHT MaKKIvT rilll t b.r WtiWI.. W.C. BHOWX. DALLAS. f..ik naimv, Apnl li. Im 7ml JiM Kcrrlrcd, 30 I BS. .HW ( Al.. ...ATIUVK). aHI UU lil.UM'HI ". 'ur aai rbaap, at MMavVaA SattiV. "A Good Man Provideth aa Inher- ltanCG, '--Sorlptur. THE ttFAT WAY TO IHI THAT, IH TO INSURE YOUR LIFE --run th it Benefit of Your Wife and Children! The Best ronipany to Inxun your Life In, U, the NEW YOUK 3IUTUAL Life Insurance Company. FOU THE KEARON-St Int. It istlieoMeHt ConipHiiy in tlie United StatM, beiiiR fimiiiM in IMtii. Siil. It ptKfHi it lamer Capital tlian any othur Coinnitnv. tteiiit Fifteen Million Dollar", with an Annual Inoome of I OUT fllllllOll aJOlIliri, nun n wp vm ii ww Iutereit aloue of Five Million Dollar m, exci.uivici.t cah, nml btiviun a larter rHpiinl than all the nther coinpHDien nf New York Stale put tu- 'M. It in the cnt fimimyeH OoniittnT. 4ili. It in n MuMiiil CtmiiHiiv. Hinl every one who iiiiurtm in llie t-oitipuny in a liorkhohltr thnrein, and not only hhcihuh -o miich lo liin fiimilv when he diet, hut a I hi'' di-uwi hiu pro ram Hhiii-e ot rite profile fxli. Tl ilividcixls ai'u lut'in-r lliun in an oilier coinpiiiiv, the laet ilividn d ht-iiiK uecenty prr rent.. (iili. It in the HAKK.HT (,'oiiintinv hit ie ehcuniTT if the piiniiiioiint coniik'mtioit, ii folio wu tlitii no I ite Iimniaiu-B t oiiipany if worthy of rouHtlenre utilfctt It cxhi'Ik micli iHtoitol prciiiiiiin h will prove iilllt-ifiil uiuler llin ni'tHi .nViivnmhlH citvinitntHOM'-t likely lo occur, to meet the i-liiiniM hh the Policies full due. Beware of MUMP Compaiili I Nu HiK'HntuL'c in taken ol a Poliey Holder whnliy iiiixfn.iimi itt iinHhif to coiitinuu din tltimml pxyiiit'iiiii, Inn u 1j-'Ik v will le inmie'i forlhwitti for the hunt-lit of lux hfirK tlt'lHl- llfHlh. Uivldende are declared on the Ut of February in ew'h yeur. The followiiiji deitcHptiniii of Polirifn hiu iwued hy linn I'liiiii'iiny. lli1 r)i't'NiHt,iK ii wliicli iiihv te puitl yuaily, halt farly, id- tiitrt urly , Hi (lie npiion ol ibe iiHi lv JifMin (I : lit. I.irx hiLiLiKH Tliriv are iM-iFii fnr tlie whole Irrm of lile, pBynlilH. t.Kttl.M Willi tlif? llrltlelil ldillimi, nnr llie (Unlit nf lha itjr Htmirt'il, tu Ilia pennli clililltrd to rv ctht Iht imiii). K'l. EKIHIWMRNr AMUHANCK I'OLICIKI). Thflf r IfHUCll 10 i uvrauiii iininmi f uunu (troviaiun lor mlviici1 life, or my itha?r puriHiKft nii'i are rn,vnlilf, I'lyttier with arcrutl i tlivlili'iiiti iii HHitji't i tlx' niiuifil iri un aittiinlriK a cit- j tain Hgi , my 4t). 45, AO, 6&, fill, ur AO, ur, Iti cmo of Im death bt'fnrr arnvltiK al dial hui. Iu hli heln or iiitlflii. N. It. FtrtK'uUr aitnitlon la rruviM to the arlvantari alT-'nleil hy ihe (ntyinftit of the- iireiiilmin, on both Lira ami KnD"WMK!t aaaurHiire pnllclea, In Tkn Awnifal Ikstai.mikti. Tar raiva nf inch prtit.tunia charitnl hy tlili Company luwrr, lii If I lu dlvlilfii'li are firrater. than in any other life Cimipiuiy lii the UniU'il Ptulca. Thla plan or pnylna: Int a policy hy a ilefltiite numbrr of an huh I Imtaliiienti niut com men 1 1 liiflf tn ererv ihtiuuhlful man, ami It ubvlaua nn of the jtrt"il rjhjectlciia to life limurmice, namely, the uncer tainly of belay able to continue Ihe ruitoumry paymeulaof prfiiiluma i nrini lh htrr yt-ara f life. 9 1. Kndowmkkt I'ulicikh foh t'litU'iotH. TIip are paya ble when a chlhl allHlu the Htt o! IS. '21, nr 'ib yeara, or uu want, either with ur Wilboul the return nf the lolal premium pahl. In caae the purty aiiured tluei nut ailaln the specified ape 4ih. BL'nvivnnitiiip Annuitt I'omciku. Rutea af premium an- now Klren by which nn insurer may secure tu a nurvlvlnR nominee, wliplher wife, parent, rlilkt, or friend, the enjuy meat of hferttiin definite and permanent income, free alike from the angers ami expenses of inveslitii money, and from dependence upon persons who may, perhaps, prove In judicious or adversely interested, liy Hits plan a husband, for Instance, may secure lo his widow the payment (In annu al, of, If preferred. In semi-annual ormiarterly Instalments, without ertra charue) of an annuity sufhcleiit to maintain her In comfort and Independence during Hie remalnoer nf her lile. All premiums pnia may be mane returnable in case ihe nominee, or person for whom the annuity Ii Intended, should die first. N. B.- The Com pint will Issue policies on a single lib to Ihe extent nf $i't),iMKl A 1'noriTiBLa Invksthknt. Life Assurance Is beplnnlnf to attract euiisnlrrahle atle'itlnn merely In the Uitlit of p rent able investment of funds. Hhrewii huiiliiesa men. who have examined Its merits, are comlnjt to regard t one of the best investments of funds which can possibly be mane. As one of them says : "Dei re, plml, and cnutrlre is we mar, to those who come after us. we And nothing o sure as a Mfe Aiiurniice policy to do It." They are satisfied that Ihe mo ney paid as a premium upon Life Amu ranee In a company conducted on right principles, will yield a better pecuniary return, consider Inir both I lie rate of Interest and the certain ty of a payment, than if put into almost any regular busi ness whatsoever. An Example, Showing the Working of a Policy of Life Insurance in ine Mutual Life Co. or New York. Mr B. ot Pan Francisco. Policy No. 28.271, are 40, taken out Feb. 1, lStiO, from that lime until Feb. I, ltW, paid lo the Company annually, ftlT.JHj: total, 1.'I,1HI. His divi dend or share of pndita hi the Co. during; thai time was Mw V'i, benijr iH,i& more than he laid lo itie Coinnam heuiK iiImhiI 2J per cent per month Interest an the amount paid. If he had died al that time, Ins family would have received Tha Amount of Policy, 10.IMHj,00 Dividend Additions tu sunt, MW.ifli $ll,4U6.'2a ir the full oil paiii annum y n Ibis case had been in veiled otherwise, payliitt ay Ik per cent, per month Inter est, ! the end ol three years II he had died, tils family would have received as the result of llie investmuu. only th nriiiL'tnal and nnii nn ihe mi i i.e. tl.if94I,'t4. instead of llie ul the Life lusuruuce I'ulicy, II. 495,8 I, MM Di (Terence in favor of Life Insurance, lu.21t),6ft Lxample. of Polirirs Fuitl by lliis fompany. Ortnlnal Ain't Policy. Dividvml A-Ullllous. T-t:il Am'l Paid tiuooo. . n.uou. ..7!..4it. o.'JTft) l,UNi. tVfi,l(tf UP1" l.reenlmcks 'Jakcu at Pur Objet tluns to LiTe liiHuraiice Answered OsjkCTios I .-annul nlT -r-l l iiisur- my l.fe. AsrtWKa. Furlt Hve Ceiita a Hi-.k will Insure tlOtai uu the hie imoi aKfl 81 ! the tilliinile rate nl yiur wife an l aitiily a mailer ul aut-n p rleii IndiOereiu'e tn yu aa imt tti call for a aorlnYr nuiouiiliuy lo evm hit than liaif a ddhr a wet-.? And if, with nur raeiil i(it-ime, yu are unaMe In mu.,e m-h orovisi 'ii ler ihrin. hw a ill thi- brar the duiiMe lie- rciivi'iii. iit wlieu bit without ym and witli-ml your lucnitirf iihj I can maae a wiier invtsitni-nt for I lie hem-tli of ilt; atnl fn-ndy. Asa Then is no w ty In hch a sninll Hum oi inoiif-y ran nr s. prtitiinniy ana aenirely invested. fur such a iarp"s,-. sn a pt.h. y on ymir life ; heeauae the psyinv-.t ol a thjle prrmium m-nires, and al once, a Vrry iiiut-h larger sum ill in tlie tiiVcslinent 1 ihe same amount ci'Uid poM.bly d lu the irdinary trialiiia nr t a-te. be' sitUs. aecurinc a sum in this way dun lint, in the least. Inter fere a nh your endtavors lo accumulate In any oilier way you may umrt. Oru I haveatnm-irnl already, anil do not nerd It. Ayr ThuiiaiB of others have llmufthl similarly, ami yet, firms:, have It-ft their familiri In waul. Expert, net has pruvetl' that Iht- stab, illy r loriune is aa uncertain aa Ine iluraiiun of lile. A P-iicv ol Insurance will secure your wire anl family against Ihe n-sults of eltlu-r In yeur particular Instance. Who Ought to Insure their Lives? Krery person whose duty, interest, er pleasure It ia to pro vide for the necessities or cmlnrl of others. Certainly, every man wlm hu a wife or children to provide fr. hukIii to secure samethniK lur lliem In Out way, as his Hie and labors lor thetn are very uncertain. I Lift liuurnnre Coinpany ii SlIViliSK lilli.k. a well-rcgulaird Tie nu'lersiunptl is Hifriit fur tb aHive Comimny. ami alu for Ih fulluwiiur uauird t'onipuuies, lur tlie WillHiiiette vallvr i I'NIVKKNAL LIKE INSCKAN'C'K COMPANY uf New York. bsi'Rt, I.riKEn Livtt And WIDOWS (It ORi'lUNs- LI KB IVsl'RANTK CO uf New Yurk. UtrniHtn A.isciTits (Ihantid. Call, or nend lur a pMniplilet. anil inresiiale I lis mailer. The Aarnt will visit all Ilia luwu in llie Yallev. and explain the mirer to ail wlio desire loin, nre. J. C1ANTOW, AKenr, Sulem MrAraa & Carpiktih. Mriliral Kxaminer. iif .i -e ;-a a h ilisTis-. S . s a a s rj a. . S : 1 las UU S i I - 1 telif lis . J: . .-1 r '5 j et S a-e : D P C 5 l-"5 2 - X E S aa' It lit ki C B B v -c -o e. Pay Up, Gentlemen. tne nr rvcpfvtfiiltv inviicil In rtill ami pur np mu. m t ul tlie UMtiiey lo puT hit own tlclitn.' Tbunkriil fr pna pittn'miufi-, "I tiop to tlili $et Ton fonH- nroiiinl tn the nld tmil. -re I can It foiind rr titty tu wnii on Vi-ti w it la an turrvMnetl W.rclt uf (UMIM AT It KI' li ED PKICEH. Stilrni. Anril It. ISiWrtf J y roi'TER. Cash for Wool COOKE, M'CULLY & CO., Will ay tlie 1 iglirsl tttarket urlre, in casli, fur 100,000 poundta of WOOL W41I.I. BA( KM can W had ljr s'Iuiik at ihe Mora. Tif r.ti; ir, UT lla rl-riiri"d. lirinu Ihree aiile and a half n.,rili eal of H irrishtirn la runntv. nna ha niv 1'ir. H" nr tar uld Un JSt.rimr. a!Mii fMimera lai.l bitrh. vri'h a star in tiie lurrliead Ni ..Irier i or l.:it. . ricniiuit. ii. ALi OKI) 1 alatca li, Is-?: FLORENCE SEWING MACHINES. Copy of tht Kcport of tin Committee of Award nt tho Fair nf Mm AMERICAN INSTITUTE ffHW YORK. 1H0.1, To ihe FLOREME NCWISO MV m CO. for th Best Family Nnving Nui'lilne, Higheet Premium Gold Med ah 1kllHllMl Ui, Simplicity and Krciit range of work 'in, ine ucvrrNiiH recti nuiiun. 3d. The perfect fliilHh nnd Substantial man ner In which the machine Ik mnde, 4th. The ritpltlltv of Iti working and the finality of the work done, 5th. The bclf-nujutitliig lenHloii. Tht- FLORENCK wm nwnxiM tin? Firit and Hi fih eat IVniitiin itt Ihe Slut Fair of Call forma. Hit only F iir ou tin I'.u-itit roan at wliicli utiv twa iloitlili thrfn.l Sw ing Miichiiit'H were exhiliitetl in uoiiipriiiioii itt I&5. Tntt Fr.ofutvc receivHl tli only pretnlmn awtinlrd Ii v i lit Mfcli.nm-'f unit inir of Smi Kmiifincn, in iHtiJ ai'iil lHii."i, ro uuy HkwIiil' Miirliitie, -cwhikf .lHfliiiie. (Ininpiuiv or Am nt. Tim clitini of li Foiiipetilor to u mcliil ia'wiiliiiiii unv t'oMioliition wlmnwer. WltereviM' Uia Ki.u.knlk liiif liwtt bniiitit in nun iifliiion w iili nlliiT St'W'ini Marliiiifrt it lutaiilwavv lieeii ilerliirHl tlie vi. h ia ilits uioal niniplu, lha int sulMitiiiiiiil, tlie niMfi ctlifii'tit. iiuo Mh use la mcilv Iviirned. Kvury tui:liitt noli! U .VHi'riintotl iti itsu full : imiiMC nf tin witrd . Send for Ciroulart and Sample of Work. SAKMrci, MILL Oeticral Aifonr, JJI Moiitcnnitrv ftict't. .rtii Friiiie.M!i. 7:y sALlm, uri'gtm. OIUGINAL 1'OETIIY. Beipeo .fully Dodioated to tb PEOPLE OF OREGON. If anvtliinp: you fliiinee to need, And tliink it !ard to finil, Just Htep in to Smith & Wade's l ou li get 1L anu ine kiiiu. If in tlie Hardware line it is, Tliev liave it. nice nnd new, And will it uuful cheap for cash WIIKAT. OATH, ixi.orit, UA4 ON. DAKD, III ITKR, CIIICKMR, HKAt, DKIRI PKI'ITra, POftK, when yua kill jrorjr bogt, And throw the screws iu too. Their Dry Goods, too, were bought for i cash, And that Bince cotton fell ; It'll pny you biff to trade with them; anil everything in tho world can bo found there, in tho line of Dry Comix, rioiliine, BuoU anil Short, lints ami Tups, Fioiiims, tte , etc., tte.. And they're luavy on the sell. And this secret which we've learned, We'll give to all to kern : . Their great cuceess in catching trout, shooting game, etc., is not so much owinir to then-skill, or shape of head, ns to tho verv sii'verior kind of (.utmlnz and Fishing Tackle they use. And have for sale, so cheap. Remember now, iniiko no mistake, The name is SMITH 4 WADE, And you will find before six months, that, in II ry lii oils, Oolliiiif. GrctrriM. IliiriUvurf, 1 1 uu and Steel. Wagon and Busgy Timbrre and Irani, Etc., Elf., It is tht place to trade. 7if All the VTool IN THE STATE WANTED, - FOR CASH, HY SMITH & WADE. C.iiaidiiiii'ti !. IS pnimann of an onler made b Ilia Connljr Coarl uf the Siateof Oreiron fur llie eounijr of Pol, M Ihe April term, li, the inideniiitned, gnardian of Willanl W. Lineilla. t niiimr heir, will, on Satunlay. the I'.Hh dav of Mav, l"ot'i. at Ihe conrt house duor ra I Valise, laid coonrr hetween the hoore of o'clock a" n.l I l,k am uf id dr. a!"" public sale lor rush to the hiiihert biilder Ihe fi.llovriliK deaeribed real eMale to wit : The undivided one sixth inleretl of, It, and to llie wife- half of Ihe donation land elaira of Harrison Linville and wife. NutiHraiion No. loud. T. I W Willamelir meridian, titnnie, Iria. and bein in Hoik connlr. Oreiron. Male lo commence nl one o'clock p m uf said dar. Terms, Uold eoia iaj hand on the day of aale. HAKHISOX LINVILLE, April I". l"Uwt:7 flnanlian. iiininioiiu In tha Circu;l Conrt of the 8tat of Oregon for t County nf Coot. In Equity. Sallr Aun Trapp, plaiulitf. ) " . 8ait for Diaoit. Jacob Trapp. defendant. ) t 'l'O JAf'iH THAl'l. defendant i In tha nam I the Ule of tlrciron. yon ara hereby nolifled ant) required to appear ill the' Circuit Coarl of the Sa" id iireiron for ihe county of Ci, wnhia lea day from the service of litis summons npoa too If ""J in thi o.nntr. and if acrved iu any other eonnty J hi Mate, within twen'y daj frora tuch scrtcf. atnarer ihe complaini in' the ahore mil Bled, an ran fail lo make tuch iin.wer, r-lninlilf will apply Ihe Conrt for lha relief therein prayeA ft. aitfl takejndirnieiit air'iim von forcoiand disharscriien H order nf R. E. t'rii"n. prestdina Jnda of i Curt T I) WIM IIE-rfcK. Knipire Cllv. AHI IB. I l'linlin"a S iiiainoii. In the Cin nit Conrt of Ih rUme nf Oreiron for tb County nf Co. In Equity. Airiiet L A tender nlaiutirT, ) . v.. 1 V Hull for Dirofte. Charles W. Allrnder. defcndanl ) , T CIIAHLEi W ALLKXIiKU. defemlanti I I l',e name ol tl, S ate of ... ;w h'" j, n.aiHe.1 and required to apt-ear in H e t irruii I HieKi.tei.f Omvoii for ihe comity f C' ' ia d. Irom ti e --rvice of I' i amaitivn n,'m' L, if servcl iu t I. connlr. and if served in any nm.ity of ll a Hiai. twenty .' "T. ser. and atssw. r Ihe cmplaini in I he ""''", Blrd.aiH if ton fail lo mak. taeh ''.!1,e4 will ..p.l, u. Ih, .,, f. U- relief the'" r-"J for. and will lake ju,lfinnt ain yo for dl'liurseniellt. Hv ,,e of H,.n K E Siratton, Jnne - 1 Coort. thi lh cU of April. I"0 Atv 1 A. A