THE OREGON STATESMAN. fUHUSUKIl KVKHY MON 11 AT, HY The Orogon Printing and Publishing Company. D. ( ICAIi;, Ituiiii'Mtt .llaiiUKt-r. Tkbsu One ycur. $-1, in coin. Six month., J-J. ITf KemitiKiiccs way b uiikIm by nmil Hi our rink, when untiled in tin; presence of tin postmaster. U. Ofllolal Paper for tht Btata. New Firm, New Store, New Goods BROWN, COX & CO. yyniUKAi.E and hktail dkalkhs in GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Wines and. L1iuoih, Wood and Willow Ware, Hardware, VAMiKK NOTIONS, TobiK-co, I'iuam, c. Ac. Center Store, New Brick Block, rUI.E.U, ORECON. ' ' We have now on hand, and urn now re ceiving, the LAHOKST and HKST UK LKIJTKII STOCK OK 0001)8 in uur ifrtaetl line ever ottered ' THIS SIDE OF SAN FRANCISCO! Which we propose to exoliaime at LOW liATICS for Duller, Kurs, Hacon, Oats, Wheat, anil Produce in general ; and, rullier thun k i? j i books, we will NOT HliFUSIi GOLl) AND SILVER. I'leusu Call and Examine our Stock of Ten & Grindstones, Coffee & Nuila. Sugar & Axes, Syrup it Blue Vitriol, Saleratue 4c Wash- Boards. Creiitu Tartur ic Brooms, Pocket Knivee 4c Starch, Soaps 4c Honey. Clnthc Basket it Pickles. iRnpe Ac Tamarinds, iCiial Oil Ac Honey, illoHti'ttcr'i Bitters Ac Oatmeal. Tobacco & Cheese, Cigara Ac Corn Baskets, :Dye Stuffs Ac Farina. Shovels A: Nutmegs, iMBersehaum Pipes Ac Citron & Wash Tnha, Spades, Kaieiua & Mouse Traps, Wood Pipi'B Ac Shot. Hioe 4: Saltpeter. jConfectionery it Salmon & . Wooden Clnthct-Pine, Bowls, 'Mackerel & Powder, ItllNEKS' OUTFITS I. FlTLLl In fuct, everyttiinjr usually k.'pl in a Flrst-CluKg Grocery and Provision Store 1 (1001)8 DKLIVEKKD To all parts of the city, FREE OF CHARGE. Don't Forget the Pint-el Oct. 2, 1 "CI. BIIOWN, C OX, & CO. NEW DRUG STORE Union Block, Salem, Oregon. W. X. KIGBY, ITrOULl) respect fully aniiounre to the citizens of V v BHlem and vicinity that lie lias openoneii a Wholesale and Retail Drug Store, where Ite lmpcs to morit Hie iiutroiuiffo of tlioae who mav fnvtir him with a full. ite oilers to the public, in quuntitien to suit, lit low rates, a iteiierii! Httcurtiiient of CHEMICALS, DRUGS, DYE STUFFS. PA TENT MEDICINES Ayer's Airue Cni'O, Coil Liver Oil, Cherrv Pectoral. Sditmok'n Svrnn. " SHrrnjmrilla, Kwtiiiit'H Paimcfft. Miirtttuitf Liniinent. Perry Iaviu's Pain Killer, Piiker'R Pin PaiiHrea, Kennedy 'ft Medical Uicnv- . " mis, Jay tie's Expectorant " Alterative, " Vermifuiie, " Carminative Baleam, erv. haiiative nil, Ointment GraefenbergX'atlmlieon. " Otntmeut for " KarnapHrilla, fait Hhuitm & PHm, " . UilHii-H, RuprIh Halve. " Chilili'eir Mr Vinlow'B Soothing Panacea Green Syrup. Mountain Ointm't, Kimtmii'n Tizeues, " Pyneuterv Svrup, Hry Mii'f Wafern, Uetnbulil's Siirnaparilla, Devitiu Lozenge, " Extract Bucliu, Mt'liane't lioxenes. " Hwe Vanli. " Pilli. Balaam vf VVili XfweiJ'n miih Symp. i'herrv, Tl ul l Lnnff llalmini, Hcmriand'rj Hitters, JiotliitB " PilU, Sandford's Inviorator, Mrs Mipps inorucic Hal- Mi tn. WattV Nervous Antidote, (iioiit.'ei'' Headache Item ed y, Toothache Anodyne. 1'itU French Patent Medicines, JjicoV pTsentery Cordial, Dmken, Hoatetter's Snnnc Towngemi s Samattarilla, vain's. and Kit-lmrdon i Ktnd' llitteni. Hulls Halls Scovill's Hlood it Liver Kvrnp, Winchentor'nSympof ly phonpliate Lime Ac Soda, Klioden' Atfue Cure, India Choluogiie, American " Hamburg Tea, Sozodnut, an elegant tooth watth . All kindi of preparations lor the iiuir, Teetli Bundles, Iluirllrnsll es. Comhe. All kinds of 1'er uiik-s mid Toilet artirles. Trimses. Shoulder Unices, letter rajwr. hnvelope.,' Pens, Ink, etc., etc. naer, Brown's Hronchial Troches A nd such fancy articles us are nsually kept in a first class drug store, l'lease call and examine for your selves. I'livsicians' Prescriptions compounded by a compe tent Apotliecarv. . Salem, Oct., IKT..V Bftily F.ui niiiiiiii hie OF S.4..M FIt.l.tltO. BADGER & LINDENBERGER, No. 411, 413 and 415 Battery Street, Cor. Merchant, Mm Francisco. Importers and Wholesale Dealers. ENTIRE NEW A XL) FRESH STOCK ! f. IfB would mil the attention of COfNTKY MEK IT CHANTS lo our usually lare.tiH-k nffiooilB. Our stiKik cnnipriiiea every article in the Clothing and FnrnishinK line. We IrnVo con.tantly on hand the larKeKt stock and xreatest variety "I (.'aseiuiere and Wool HATS of anv house ill Sun Fnuicisro, and our tirices for theiw (imids are less than tliow of any ioiik. as we receive them direct from the niamil'aclu rer's eoiisiijnment. Onr slock of Fall mid W inter (loreta is p irticnlsrlv atimelive. and the irreut fealure to the country nierebant is the uniisiially low price. Lmi Thun the font of Importation ! We also keep the STAPLE AHTH'LKS in the I7 v'toodn Hue, which Ooodii we have pnrrliawd in this m.rkct under tho liamuier.and are ofleriuar them at New York Cost, and less. We publish this curd in order that we may make new aciiinii!imirrs. and induce those who have not heretofore purchased of us, to call and examine uur stock. Good Articles and Low Prices! Are the ifreal inducements lo all who purchase to sell amiu. Merchant, who buy of u. can make a ii""d profit, and sell l itieir customers ut a low liiture. N e reuaiii, respertfttllv, Your llliPilient Servants, ItM'OKK LINI'EVBKKfiKR. Wholesale (lothimriin l Hat Warelionse, N"s. til, 4i:i and 4 IS H ittery street. Sau Franriwo, Jan.A'i. INsi. Sm Smmiloim. In Cireait Court of the Male of I Irei-oii. for the Com Iv of Polk. Aoril term. lVi. Cornelia R'a-iioii, Plaintitr. versa. Zephyr Itochon, lereliduut. Suit in Ktpiiiy fur Divorce, IT the name of the Stale ot Oreifnn. to Zephyr Ro choli. Ileteiidant i Yon are herein- required to be and appear in the court aforesaid. Willi in ten days tmm the; service of this summon. Uem yon, if served in Polk couniy.aiid if in any other rouiuv in said Slate, wiiliin twenty dav. from service hereof, and answer the romplaini'of said plaintitr now on tile aminat you in the othce of liie clerk of Mid enmity, askina for a dissolution of the mamaee ronlnicl now misIiiiic ls tween said partie.. And you will take nonce that, if Too fall to answer as above required, plaintitf will ap ply loth, court Tor the reliel pmvea ior.miiers.iu coinplaiut. By order of it F l..isc. Judjo of said conrt. SI LI.1VAN ft API'I.hHAlb. , Miu-ch 12,1'; i.w.'iid Plaint in Ait y. Itviislenl 1IIAYK .nrveved one hundred and .eventy-eiifhl town lots adj-'imnif tlte ( itvof Salem on the South, beinif quite near the husincrs fiorlion of the city, and to the steamboat landing. These int. cinfcrai to the citv surveys, and are made by an extension of Cor, ntercial atid l.ilwrty .treets. A part of them have iteen ill cultivation in oreliard for years. The balance have a beam if ul younir itrowth of brand oak shade tree. All are convenient and ilesirable for resident 1,,,. . nsrt of them will be ottered at nrival sale nit favorable terms to the purchaser i also offer for sale block No. 40 ia.l)oiuina my resi.lencei, la lot. or ill whole, to ."it the panic, pun hasioir. Inquire of tlie onderiuVned, or ot Hammer Hatch, Itioker. and AjteoU. U- l.k-ck.em.Ure.,. h Vebruary l!hk. l-lmjlr-l Varnlshe! rOISLE t Hoar s En-ilisb. Aawrtean Caark, Co i.N twl. UeiU LB. Usmar, and Sillae V-wt.e. at VtT' MYEKS It IH.OHr. H II tl . XT WW n j H El IJ II II a 13 .. I I! IH II El W T M H Tl II . Bl ll . 1 1 f a . !W VOL.10-NO. (I. THE BOOK STORE. PARRISH & KEELER, UEALKII8 IN I B ST T1QHERY I MAKING Ibis their sole business, would respect fully invite t heir uuniuruiis friend to vail and ex amine tlietr stock of Books, Stationery and Varieties. Keed constantly on hand the very bent articles in their line, to he tmuid in any Houk rjtore in the Scute. Aimniv which may be found FIIOTOOItAlMt ALBUMS, with piicei to suit. 1 FAMILY BIBLES AND TESTAMENTS, finely bound. GIFT BOOKS, aultable for the holidays. FINE I'OCKET KNIVES, l'KN(!ILH. OOLD PENS, FORTM0N1UB. DIAKIES. NOTE and LETTER l'AI'EU: every vnriety. ENVELOPS, &c, &o. . " In the line of reuding matter, we keep on hand, and are Constantly TtoHlvliijj', Tlio standard works oa : ' History, . Travel, . , 1'ootiy a aid Novels. and works on SCIENCE AND ART. HavliiKordered a lare supply of PICTORIALS AND POPULAR MAGAZINES. from the Kant, enhscribuni here and in the adjoining towns and comities can secure at publishers' rates, in coin, portage free, at their respective olllces.fttl the periodicals without rick. Fancy articles too numerous to mention ,a 1 1 of which will be shown cheerfully, with a fair pronpeet. Also, a rich variety of photographs and steel engravings of the General.' and chief adorn of the Great Rebellion. Also, Aienlw for the 1? lorunco Be wing Machine. Kalein, Jan. 1, IHtHi. Ilyl M YERS & HUGHES, AVholesale and llctail Dealers in all kinds of Groceries, Paints and Oils, Brushes, Putty, Alcohol, Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, Pocket and Table Cutlery, "Wood and willow ware, Dye-Stidls, Tobacco and Cigars, Ia con, Lard, Uutter, 'gg, Oats, Potatoes, tfce. tfce. Store under the Legisla tive Hall, IIol man's block, oc9 SALEM. 3CinO PLANTATION BITTLRS. S. T.-1860--X. Thempitlilv with which mm iiiniiii bittehs Have become ii HOUSEHOLD NECESSITY ihrongli out civilied nutioiiK, is witliout it par allot in the historv of the world. OVEK TWO MILLION, ONB lll'.NURED TI101SAND Were Sold in TWELVE Months. The Demand la Daily Incrensiiix t Kit II ami I'OOK.OI.Daiid VOl'I(.' Ladles, Phjslrlnntt and (lersjnien , ' Finn TAT IT ltevlvei- l)i-ooi)iujf (Spirit m, L'iidKTICr.;Tlltollie .Systs-in Vigor to the Hind, i.U IS Exhausted Nature's Great RESTORE J i. Its effect, in cafes of DYSPEPSIA, l.o.sof AM'tit-, VI!iliiiPH, Erti, ivn FiitisfiK. r.oiirliiiarli. Jlfii ml Dt'SixuKleiiry, Ar. IS MOST EXTHAOKDINAHY. It is composed of the ehoieest roots and herbs, the the celebrated CAMSAY4 UAItK. etc. all pre srved in pure ST. CltnIX HUM. As a iietille Appe tiser, and healthy, agreeable Stimulant, it ha. uo equal. it is solk by all respectable dealers, in every Town, Parish, VilluVe ar.d Hamlet, throughout North and South America, Europe, and the lslnnde of the Ocean. f" None can be ncmitu nnless bearinithe pri vate United State. Stamp over the cork, with Siltna lure on steel plut label of P A. DRAKE. St CO. HMIXII Ac DAVIS 71 Front Sreei, Portland, Oreuon. KOI, B ASlK-tTst foil OKKUOft, and the Territories. 8cpt.a5,tf-a 3n Still" of Itliiliiitf Wk, rlHEHE retuains unpaid of asseMuieut, lev 1 ied Keh. 7. Isi. nil tlie capilal slock ol the San tiam Onld and Silver Uitiin-r Company, lb. following; atnounta. to wit i Z Z 3 i i 4 tllendeeHII fi"3 ;) I "Ji ' M4 i 111 1 '.'i lleudee t! I '.'II !rj 3 li) Itrovrn. .tame, "in Hauiev, Susanna il fox Ii W 4c M It 1-V.s ' ll o ha ' rt4 lt: " 1.7 I '.I Hirseh Sol 47'Jilli I V Haskell H "' 1 J I 1 SI -M I ti( 1 yi; 4 "J I i I '.'I .leMup S R .ViT U 4.i I '.'i.l.nies Hec.lftCn;H4 I It 1 V) -.1 hi lory K iHS III Cooper F i Crandall f P Ih-nui. T J ) 3 K) McAIV. J W 71 J V II 4 V 4 Marshall Wt r.1 'Ji ".il racv K W 3 -.Nt I VM 7.CI I a 1 1 j lsS7 i ll fii f j -.-:i in '.VI Purhin 8 ft t El'on das Hurbe. L P llitchoak II Ileodee D II 3 3 LiThMcberS I. t" 5 1 1 I I batcher K A 7 . H -4 41 :l i 111 William. D am 3 i:i wim.d t V ' n HI ?la 6 :i ;-.i a ; nv I a tkkS ii 3H " i, r' 4 Hi' to bw, ,ad t. ei.mplisnre with an order ol lha lkr4 ol Dii-ar.. ti mans .bare, of earn. parcal ol w ah ve aaavd st k a. vay be aece.iu.ry uVreto. will b. sold al public an', ti. for not.! of li Jin, ai the flW nf aa d l orn ran, at Sakw th..., en the .i.h dav of April, U'rninwsa 3 konr of eleven o'eba-k a s .f Mid day. w hi t).. del.nqaent ..--inent on idk.twMarwittilhecit.of adverti.iuir and uhrMnlsilf P. U. WILLI', jkm. Hank St. I Wf wi Bimiary. .1 SALEM, OUll FIRST NOTICE CHANGE OF BUSINESS. WE renpoclfiilly infirm the public that we denin clminintf otn' retail trade to open a wholesale imporlin); hu.incm, we will begiu to sell out from this day. our .' . : , Dry-Goods, Clothing, Groceries, BOOTS AND SHOES, And all articlos generally kept in a retail store In this city. We have already 'imported direct from France, a Hpletnlid assort omul of Albums, Ladies' Satchels, NOTIONS, And e.pecially the latest styles of I)r Trimmings ! CSS Which we will offer at VERY LOW PRICES. We call c'Hnecial attention of merchants, to whom we will sell wholesale at S.VN FRANCISCO Prices ! We take this opportunity to express our thanks for the liberal patroiiaire wo have received, and ben our f. lends and I he public in general to bear in mind that, this notice is not to sell u few dollars' worth more goods, but invite all to come and examine our stock. to price our gooilH, ami only to buy alter being con vinced of the real advantages we oiler 1 LKVY V Co., Opposite the W. Woolen Factory, North Snletn. P. 8. Wo will tako in exeliaime all kinds of mer chantable produce at the highest marketable rules. halern, April inni. ,ftrt. i I'uton llloi'k, Cunimcrclal Street, DKAt.ieits is Cooking, Parlor and Box Stoves. ..AND.. WHOLESALE AMI RETAIL UE iLCCS , ..IN.. Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware, A nd Importers of all k inds of KITCHEN FURNITURE, rortlmin mill Tinnril Fruit Kettles. FORCE, LIFT und HYDRAULIC PIMPS Lead and Galvanized Iron Pipes, Hoofing, and all kinds of Job work done Ah Cheap as Can bo Done In the State. NTIMMi A- ANDCRMON. Miireb l!l, lStifi 3in3 Doors, Windows & Blinds. JL'ST received, a hiriro nssortnienl of pine nOISItSt and WIMIOtVM, tmiu Eastern .Miiliuluctories, and for sale cheap, for cusli, at STRANG & ANDERSON, March IS, Isr.fl.3m3 W. A. il.OKK II. J. V. XKKKtl.l., Jolia M'f'HAKKM M'CRAKEN, MERRILL & Co. Shipping, nininis'ion, and I'orwiirtlliiK MERCHANTS. AGENTS of the California, Hawaiian and Oregon I'.tckel Linus. Iiiiporters of SAN QI EXTIX and CARMEN' IS LAM! SALT. SANDWICH ISLAND SUtlAKS, t'OKKEK, ItlCE.and Fl'I.U. At'ents for Provost & f 'o 's Preserved Emits, Ve(t etabies l'ickies ami Vinegar. Dealer, ill Klonr. Ont n, Hacon, Ijird and Fruit, Lime, Content, and Plaster, Will mrmdto lite Purchase, Sale, or Shipment of Merchandise or product- in New York, hail Francisco, Honolulu or Portland. AI.DIMCIt, Ml liltlLLcV CO. Nos. -.Hi and ."hi. t'ulifonna, St , Sun Kruiiiisco. JI'CIIAKEN, MERRILL Sl W , 4'.if lb North Krout St.. Portland. CIRCULAR. TIIK aymptnins of tlie diiMHrWs prnvnlcnf in imr l rttliiy an known to everyone. If tlie prover reiaeiies were applied in senium, they would aitvuiis trom protracted illnew. severe autl long continued pain ilmttfifil c.n"titnti"tifi. and lnt, hut nr let-t. a dliil iiated porm-. Tiinnwindu are in the uii ihttup proarli of Miisation whirh they rociuuie as the loot kteps of ome dreaiied and well known di-M ine, to re wirt in the im't'iit infilicineH tout are heralded to vnrn nvervtlitiitr. This in ulvvuvs a doubtful and sometimes u lalul rourw to pnrsne. Taking I his view of the matter we shall keep pre pared, by re () Hint a well us peruiiuiliih, the fulhiwing prt.'pantioim,crfrr' prepare"! from prescriptions of ptixnf of otirbent pliV'irijiitn.whoM in'toneotenl lis cuf ficieiit guaranty of their value. We think it lustier to rerontiuend tbene lo those wliA do not ronsiiter theui rives siitlicit-utly ill to rtfjuire a phystciHn's MUrud anre, than any Hrticle of the romponitiun of which we ore ignorant. We with il diptinctlv understood by the public tlmt, aliboiiK- we keep everythiutf nsually found in a drag store, we will reeoti'iiieud no propitiation itulesn Hp proc1 by nor niediral men w bote rjiiutifieHtionii are well attested Alterative and Tonic. Vnr dvtepsia.livi-r romplaint. avneml rfehilitv and all rrtDplums requiring an aherative end tonte. I'Hi-e 1 1 T'A. Ague Pills. Antlprrlodlc Bitten. The I'itli lo break the chill in syne the Hitters to prevent tl.e rernrreiM-e. rnce, rills. o ceius; JJtt : l-ra, $J- Lin I mint. Kor aU the uses a liniment is usually applied to. ' Price i" cents. Couch Mlilnrc. Ynr incipient roinrlis. cold and sure throat. Price, 1 1 ai. LlTfr Invleorator and Blood Purifler. Knrtnrrtid liver, biliousness, jaundiee, and viitsJed blood. M E)e Water. For wmk eud innwud eyes. Price 75 cetiH. Diarrhea SlUture. Price $t 0:). Fe Salve. K'T weitk eyea and iotUmrd eyelids. Prire, 'J ccniK- Olntment. Ffr fvnbiea. or itch Prw. 7 j rente. Rheumatle Mlxlnre. Kor rtifnnwiitnii neoraiifta. etc. Pnc, Holare. i Knr flepreMMa. of tpinis, los of ai'i-etii. debility, i and a geueml preventive f diae. Price. l W. I rtlr ItUtttrr. j Kor pile., ctit. ' .Mi. etc. Price. ! an t ulinrnns. Mliturr anil Ointment. I V7'.. clmmic cntettia. letter, pratna neh, sj.ll, 'andall other c'lnanc and oltsiiu.t. eruption, of th skin. Price, .Mitture, Ii tiiniuteul, 7.' cents. Hair Kcnlorallvr To rlewnilu. ItHid and orvvent "the hair troia fall- , Inr Price. II .'ill. n I W rtet(oly aabnih th alv. reined, to the I tssblir, wiMtn. i wll ibeai only aa their aierils n.ay j r-jt , . . bar. H llie new CS.oiin.1.. KlmH Fi'rarts. and Eeleeiie I'rei.ran.asi, and are Inllv rrep-reo in I seMsntineaHr miin4 any piMrnplnMS Uiat ssay bt , m U. aa Ar ";'l-r,!".;j - . .U. If. V C j Dniro'iUii d Ajothrcams, Mn..T' Itloca, tfaseiB, Urtyoa. OREGON, MONDAY, APRIL 9..1SGG. TIIK lll'TI OK THE NOltTll TO THE M01T1I. The Mtlhndiil Quarterly Hevitui, ncknowl- ed'etl to Ii. lha eciitnil organ of the Mcthnitist Episonpiil C'li n roll . onntuitis the futto wiiig ad vice to Niirthuni MetlioJists, which we onny from tlie Pacific Chriitian Advocate of Deovm. ht-r Ifith ! 1. Loss rctenticiu by onr earnest nnti-slavory men nf a belligerent fc-linp, after the object uf hostility lius (jotisetl existence., r nr what did we fmht the Ions' Ritti-slavery battln I To in jure our Southern fellow countrymen T Kn; lint to deliver liotn iNortn ami snntn troin the crushing despotism Of the slave power. That deliverance is accomplished. Mitai we now protract the fight npimst the very South thus emancipated from the common despot T They mav not vet appreciate our benefaction; hut the logic of events anil the right spirit npon our part iiihv in time teacit onr Southern lellnw Christiana and brother Methodists who aro their truest friends. At least let the full experiment 110 trieil. , . A due apnrecintiou of the wounded spirit of a iirond hut self supposed " subjugated " people. A sensitive, high spirited, gnlhint rare have been struck down, after the most heroic combat, lir superior Ionic They lie. broken hearted and 1. ceiling. Jiund the ruins ol their projects, the hitnkiuptcy of their institutions. mill the ilesnlatlon of their linnies. I hey lima up into the face of I heir conqueror nnd recug uize a sneer at the very idea of " magnaniini ty." Can wo wonder if wo find, amid their sighs autl sorrows, some sharp tunes nf " bitter ness ?M Is it not to be expected that they will now nnd then put themselves into a position of fierce nnd desperate, self-defense J Should we accept a oomiiiercd position with a less ri'pug mint temper f Anil might we not to (lent with such fuots in a spirit of linn, patient, indulgent magnanimity f 3. Avoiilnnc ' of inquisitorial tents of lovaltv. Dr. M perrin, lor Instance, ri torus to .Nash ville, lakes til l oatli of allegiance, and every. where renouncing the claim of the right to se cede, declares his purpose of being hereafter a true nnd tot al citizen of an indivisible nation. But. Dr. M'Keiron, do you acknowledge that it wits with a wicked purpose that yon rebelled, and do you re mice in the nvcrlhmw nf the ecu fetleracv 7 Surely no generous mind wt.uld put sucb iiuestiiins. And bis declining to answer tli i-1 is would to 08 prove, not that be is uislinu est nnd disloyal, but lioih honest and loyal ; ton honest to make a fulso profession, and too true lo break the pruti'ssion nfloriil'T he nukes Surely the i ulli mid profession of a man of high mural standing, that he accepts the indivisible nation, ought, in spite nf exceptionable errors past, to be sufficient. To require confessions of conscious villainy ia to cotiline our favors lo villains ulniie. 4. A "iniigiianiinitv" in victory. YVhoshonld he forbearing; who should make tlie tiilruiices ol courtesy and fraternity; who shout I ven ture the tentative right hand of fi llmvship; who should endure occasional petulances mill an Indulgent equanimity, if not the conqueror? Our iluep impression, derived from a. study of our Southern Methodist periodicals, mistaken though It may he. la that lor socli a "uiiigua uiinity" they (with someexceptiona) were look mi! ; and that but for tho errors on nor part which we have specified, generous utterances would have awakened a wide response. 5. No substitution of the spirit of ninhitinus ecclesiustlcisiu for the spirit of the religion of Jesns. Assuming too nearly that mir Church Soutb hud no religion, was not Christum, and una no Church, forgetting how much our nwn superior purity wita the result of latitude, aione cf as Lava npproxiiiiuled too nearly ton pur)fisf tit rjtpung' ing the Church Soutb, ami Inking absolute oc cupancy of the blniilt spot remaining. Hero ieally coiiteiiiptiiinis of vulgar arithmetic, some Northern brethren do not slop to cypher how much of men and mimey and labor such a sec ond " subjugation " would cost us. And when we remember that all our objections ngaiust tlie Church South arose from a now defunct and nop. existent cause, would it not be far cheaper a well as wiser, if not more Christian, to nail with an economical " masterly inactivity " fur lime and brotherly kimlnuss, and direful fair dealing, and generous nids'to convert the solid Southern Church to quite nsgood a Methodism as we could ever hope to substitute in her place ? Ill our repented adtoeacv for never:,! yeata past iu onr Quarterly of a reunion of the vari ous bodies of Northern Methodism, we have never purposed to go into a discussion of the past. Were such a discussion uecessaiy. we should indeed go into it with all the impartiali ty of history. We would nut spend nor Hour irli of our pen to prove either side right or wrong. The present and the immediate future re all we can n iiiiuge. And so to these Siiulh eru bishops we would say, venerable brethren, let tl. net h'lit over a dead past. I, care H44 to bistort' and lo tjod. In the grave of slavery we can afford lo bury uur belligoiit noli aboli tionism. We purpose not reunion, but the res tointion of Metbmli.liu and church!)' rrcogni tion and fraternity. Into ynttr rei-ngniied seat among the brunches of (he great family of cath olic Methodism, Irolti uliicll a stern past has so long exiled you. we would invi e your return. I here lire some niii-u rmcstlotis of the present which, if tie discuss it, shall he no fault of ours if tlie discussion is not most fraternal In spirit ami result. Fiinillv, toy other course than this on tlie part of N"H tu rn Methodism will tend to drive Southern Methodism and Southern I'riitestaut Christianity into alliance with the worst and nio-t dangerous classes of Hie North and the Nation. I lie Sniitln iii slavvocritey. we know long inniutaineil itself hy a combination with tin- Northern innhncrary. It was the union of the Southern oligarclt with the Northern sub - li rrnneaii j it wns the partnership of John C Calhoun with Mike Walsh it Cn. It Was that Itiatiee which finally culminated in I he rebel linn. The Southern aiisliKirucy strangely hiiast ed of being the conservative element, the lly wheel, the regulator nganist Northern Jacobin, ism. But it was ever the precise reverse, lie sides its own turbulent policy nf nullification Stnte sofereieigiity, filihu.leriug, infringement ot compromises, repudiations, anneiaiioin, the Mexican war. Cult, purchase, etc.. e'e, it was always compacted with the spirit nf Northern tiestructitisin. tl that all audi policies were Imevrr past ! At any rate, the emancipated 1'rotestatitism nf the South might not to be furced by us lira anv further felln ship with thn Irishry, the popery, the rummery, the sub. tprraneisin. and (lie copperhead is in of the north. Surely all tlie aflinitiel of ita high, refined and noble nature revolt al thai base fellowship. All it natural, high born sympathies are with Northern religion, .education, Protestantism, ami true republicanism. Let na beware how we bring about any further false positions. I,et o beware how we bring admit anv further lalse positions. Let u. patiently anil firmly ulf. r to them a free, equal, brotherly alliance, and su to take I first step to a renovated Union, a re generated nation. TtlK Al'ROMA IblRF.AI.Ir) KxPI.AINI.ll. An editor in Illinois thus describe, the origin nf tins celestial pbeiionieiioli ; " When umlulygis lie temperature of the hoiir.on ia such as tit calncKiie the iinporieiit indentation of the hem ispheric analogy, the cohesion nl the liorat cur In.tii. become, .urchaigcd with infinitesimals, wkicil are thereby deprived uf their fiisural disquisitions. I bis rflrcttiL. a rapid chinge i. produced ia the thoraiiibiirntrl of the grasttra Im palerioni. which tiusi. a (.unvotculor in the beaagoiial antipathies uf Ih. terrestnura aqua v.roell I b" clouds tlitn tieumi-e n mass nf de'stlnrnmilcd rpetultf of crrimKiii'ie light, which can only be Iceo when it Ia visible." Till! MT BKI.W Jkpi'khson. Oon., April i!d, IritiG. Ed. Sttitctma t Over a year biio 1 took a stroll across the Const niiiniilains and down tlie Ynqiiiim hay to the bench. Soinu time after niv return, I nrocured the publicatiou of nn article in the columns nf your paper, entitled "A Nut tu Craok. ' giving, as tar as 1 was able, in y opinions and observations conuemitig the proceedings nf individuals then personally interested in the une and profits of the hay. aa well na other important mutter. I he result wan a sharp criticism open my onmniuuioation by some one nf the interested parties v after which tlie Corvalli Cat tile continued the dis cussion in several well-limed articles, all nf which had tho desired effect, viz : calling pub lic attention to the magnitude and importance of a commercial thoroughfare from tlie niara timn highway nf the world through the Va quina bay In the Willamette Valley. I i A short time acn I again took a nasty trip down the bay. aa before, and find the nut it being cracked ami beginning to germinate, and that at no very distant period it will spring up into an important and iiiagniliuent commercial tree. From where the Company' road start into the mountains down to the beach, and along the beach toward the ocean, land claims am taken, houses nre being built, the soil i hrnkcu and vegetables are planted. Handles aro enclosed, and general anxiety, industry and hope are manifested by all lor tho speedy de velopment of the resources uf tlie Hay. Towns are being started, two at the head of naviga tiou and one at the mouth of the harbor, for government purpose. In abort, the onward movement and genera! buzz nnd hustle n il compare favorably with that of a new and pop ular nulling district. Hut there are great and vital subjects still remaining open to inquiry anil public discus sum, intimately connected with the resources ami deep development of the Yuquina Bay. First! nil will udinit that the greater part of lite Willunietto Valley is anil nlwnyg has been subject to heavy mill almost ineullerable coin mereial tribute ; that the expense of transpur ttttinu on the Williiinette and Columbia rivers has alu lira been eiiuul to the value nf the ar tide produced, nnd the samu ia true of many articles imported, all ol which must ultimately be paid out of the products of the country ; nud again, the exorbitant rates ol fare imposed on the travelling com iiiiinity must lint be lurgotten Thosu aro soinu uf the facta Hint give rise lo (he magnificent project uf tin- California and Orouou Railroad, the cmirtrnctinu nf which would Icq il ire an expenditure of nhoui thirty millions ol dollars. Now, if the internal com nierce ami travel will justilr tho outlay of ro vast a aunt, it proves clearly that this country ia one of great resources. But iigiini, il this road wits completed mid ill operation, costing such uii rtiormoUH sum, would it be reasonable to suppose fur a -moment that tho rates of trans portation could be niiiti riiillv r.ilceed bulnw present prices I All these considerations cum- bine to show an almost hopeles prospect for the uonmieice and mspcrity of our great and lertile valley. In the second place, the question arises! ia there any pussinle remedy I I unhesitatingly answer, there is. the inqiiiiinii liny oilers more natural cniniiieruial facilities any other or all other hats on onr coast. A rail road forty iniloa in length, costing probably two millions nf dollars, will connect it with the Williiinette river near Ihe center of Ihengii cultural portion of the valley, and we may hope for an ultimate extension ol this railroad across Ibis valley, and perhaps the Cascade range, lo meet the I'auiliu liaihoad commerce from the Atlantic States. A complete eleiini navigation mill thus ho opened to nny distant point where uur exporte and import enn bo made prohtnhle. lly thus opening up tho laquiut.a liny, the price nf freight and travel to and from Ann KiiniciscO wijbld not exce.d one-half the present rntea, nnd that for nil t ine to come. even if the California and Oregon Itailroad wus also built and in nperutiuii. 1 here I now a wagon mad m prooes of construction, which, during the dry season, will lie nl great utility lor present purposes; lint w hether it can be made to accoinoiialu the vast travel and Ireight that must shortly come upon it, especially during the wet season, is a quo, lion now before tho public autl soon must be tboroiighlv tested, lint even if there should be built a good macadamized road, that Woubl stand the freighting during the wet season (which is doubtful), the cost of transportation would still he more than dounle that ol the rnilroad. I view of this. I think, important subject. I would hopelullv nek y nil to give the mailer at least a caretul Inverliitatiuu. Air ensiles mast in nil cases bo reared heloro tho real one is unmmeuccd. Emiuhant. Tub Vakwi-vkb Minkh The Register gives the follow ing description of the qnnrlz ledges recently discovered near Vancouver! The liuinlier nf ledges thu. far dlscuvereil is three ar four. The one nearest the foot of I he iiioniitaio, which has been naiiied Cobinibia lodge, where it crosses a nu ine is perhaps lifty feet ill ttlillh. and can he tinned iu a Westerly direction for half or tine Imirlhs of a mile. thnngh eastwaii'ly it semi goes under tho ur- luco nl Ihe rnlge. 1 lie rial'. Irani this ledge la very led and nf a most tingular appenraiice, though giving many uuliciilimia uf being gold bearing. Next above that, and probably (orty or filly rods distant, another Initio cms.,-. lh ravine, running parallel to the lirst. seven ar eight leet in width, of a grayish color, and tilled with par ticles of quart, and giving a very fuvt.rable prospect tor gold. Three or lour rods up Ihe ravine another nnd wider ledge of a .omen hat inure bluish color, with ahot t the same quart! indication as the other. Some fif teen or twenty rods up the ravine another broad ledgu crosses, differing somen lint iu col or from any of the other. Some specimens from this ledge bate been tested and clearly disclose gold. Same f Hie rock from Colombia ledge lias been tried bulb lir assay und crushing and amalgamation, 'ihe assay was returned aa some :! to the Inn, the crushed as )I8 fill. H nether these testa are reliable or not, we eaunot certainly tell, They aie certainly auf. fluently favurulil to Juitily a thorough proa peeling. Wr.aTr.nt Mii.iTAHV Dkpartmknt. The Secretary of War laid belore Congress an im purtaiit report nf tienernl I'npe' nn the enu dllioil and necessities of hi. Military Depart incut. - lie says Ihe protection nf traveler crossing the plains is a question uf absorbing interest, and argues to show the necessity for the speedy completion o the i'nclhu Ilnilrnitd which will ilu more than any other sinitle cause to overcome ami prevent Indian dilliciiltie.. A luflioleiit number nf troop should be sta tioned alone the males In protect emigration and seenre surveying and working partie of Ihe Kailrnad. ami also, when nrco.enrv. lo render aid iu lla construction. It would be false economy to lullcr the construction of the loads to be delayed or embarrassed lor want of a few IriHip and Ihe expense they would occasion, flencrnl I'npe then enters Into a long disfiinmn of the varino. route In Mnn tao via Colorado, New .Mexico, elo, and pro iHrtca that the Government .honld restrict it self io one route for Inrtheriiig that rout.. He v the preM-nt Indian management is mw me wnrse daily, and submit, an estimate ol the lioinher nf troop that will be required to preserve order, lie sprcifie hfty seven points nt enh of winch there should lie a small car rimn. The agtrr gale I twelve regiment of I n fan try of n Ihnoaand efficient men and six re.inienti nl cavalry, nl three llioo.atid ef Relent men, and that line third mure of each arm of the service should tie added for coiitin "Cltcirl. WHOLE NO. 780.' BY TKLKblUl'll. Trenton, N. .1.. March lifJ.The Kenittnrial question begin to be exciting. ' Th House to-day passed a rewli.lion lor holding a Joint convention next Wednesday, to elect a Sena- tnr, but the resolution was lost in the Senate. Ave, 8i noea, 10. ' I'reaident Scovill, (Rad ical) laying he wuuted first to know who the man would be.,;... -t i ; r,v,-v. rhiliidclpliia. March IK). I'he dispatches about the action of tho New Jersey, Senate, refusing to go into joint convention te elect a United Mate nenator. Is explained is lollow : 1 lie senate had agreed to a rule requiring majority of the whole number, viz ; uleveo Senator, to adopt inch a resolution. , The President, (Scovill,) Uenithlican, voted with the Democrat when Ihe resolution came from the House, Ten Senator voti d aye and eight uo, and the roeolutluu "as not agreed.1 The ten ayea were the whnlo number ol Union Senators, except Scovill, whoso action wa re markahla when it ia remembered that he hold the balance ol power in Ihe Senate, and nsed it successfully at Ihe organization of the Leg islature, to secure his owu election aa I'reai dent, Scovill U a remarkable Unionist. Pn lihly he proposea to he United Statea Sen'.lnr himself. The situation is, therefore, somewhat interesting- Washington, Mnroh 30. The House I net in sessiou, having atliourued till M.udav. 1 uere la much Interest lilt here in the aeleu tuiii of a successor to Senator Stookt.n. Most ot the New derscv anliuuians have been culled hmpe, nnd it is undei stood that an ex citing contest is going on about Trenton. The prospect trom tins stand point t not luvorablo to the eleotion of an nut anil out Union man. Tlie friend nf Stocktou say that they have purchased a Kepuhlicau member of the New Jersey Semite, iu which body the Unionist have hut bite majority, and have thus prevent ed the election of a Uepubliosln Senator from tuut suite A new line of steamships has been put on thu mute between here and Venezuela, touch- lug at Luguuryra, Porto Cabcllo, und St, Thoina. ' ' According lo a Cork paper, four thousand persuna It-It Ireland duiitig the first week nf the present uioutti lor tlie Uutted States, via yuceiisUiwn. 1 wu thoaaund ol them belong ed to the middle or laboring Fift-en huudicd puBseiigursnre now waiting in Queens town lo go to the United States. o A Havre letter : "The number of emigrant ' froth Germany arriving to take passage for America ha lately increased to an extraordinary degree. ' .Not lea than nu thousand usand einigtunts are lodging in the quar I nf St. Fraucia waiting vessels." tcra nf St. Fraucia waiting A Bruinon letter any : "Thn emigration tu America i daily assuming greater - propor tions. The emigrants mo nearly all North timer and Protestants." Chicago. March 30. Tne Supreme Conrt of Wisconsin hare unanimously decided that catered iiieti are entitled tu vote in that State, on the following ground ; . In 184U au amend ment tu Ihe Constitution ilriking out the word "while" from the article on suffrage received 3,ati5 vote, against 4,075. There being a to tal uf ;il,7oi) votes cast at the; same gonrul election,, thu ciinrasseri declared that the aiiieiiuiueui was not raltlird. Inr the reaaou that It did tint receive a majority uf all the vote cast. - The Supreme Court now decide upou a teat ouo luhiiiilled, that the oanvae vis hud nu right to make such a decision, and tliat the cnustitutiuual reiiuireinent of a ma jorlty of ull the votes' cast nt such olection meaiit only a uiajnrity of nil tlie vote cast ou tht particular tiiestion 1 therefore tlie aiiieudiuent exteudiug the sullruge was adopted leveuleeu year , ago, , and ., rriusl hereafter be regarded us in fulfforne. Justice Downer announced thn above ds euiou of the Court, lo wh eh Chief Jnattr. Dixon added a aupleuietitary opinion, tu the fbVot that other amendment to the Constitu tion might k adopted by a majority nf the votes cast for or against the iatno al a ineclal election ; that the actiua of thu Legislature only requited the suffrage amendment to he submitted at a general election, and did nut intend that the vote at the same election op en other subjects ,hoUJ be connected with cither, fur or against extending the right of sutiiago; that anv other Construction would be contrary to the American idea; that the will ul the majority voting iipuuauy sulqeot should prevail. Dixon further declared, that the ao quiescense of the subsequent l.egiilatnres and people in the decision of tit oanvasser in ISt.f, R, aiili.eniieiit attempts on two ocua soul tu adopt tho same Imvnilmeut, (In not invalida e the ratification, which the Court uow let-lure fully occurred in It)4!l. The colored men who have lived une yuitr iu thu Statu will vote nt thu local elections next I uesdnv , A bill making eight hoars a legal day' work, passed Hie W tscoitsin House ol llepre.enla tives on U ednesdar, Murcl; 2rlh, by .VI against yd. Next day lite vote fas reconsid eretl. and the bill postponed till tlie till nf July, or 04 against VI. thu killing the meaaure, ho Wisconsin llonsuiu Hepreselitatlvea also looted n resiilulion, subutittliig to the people Ihe question ul culling a Lonslitutional (Jon vention. Chicago, March :)(). Bensberg' brewery. nl Sl. Paul. Minnesota, the largest in the oily. was burned on 1 tiesdiiy mil lit, .'III lust Loss, $7.'i,INgl. The brewery has been in Ihe hands of the Government fur defrauding the revenue, und It is supposed In liavu been tt ou lire. The I.oui.ville Courier of March 28th. de nied the report uf Ihe resignation nf (lenernl John M. Piiliner. It anv the General never tendered lit resignation, ami don't know how Ihe rutnnr got afloat. - : . 1 :! Ihe Sl. I.ouis Democrat of Maruli 27th says: Within tlie next two Week two thou sand passengers, chiefly miners, and three thousand Inn of freight will leave that port on steamboat for Montana and Idaho. . The Supreme Court of the United Slate decided, tu the case appealed from Masachu setts, that a license lo tell liquor under tlie Internal lievi nu. Act. dn -t not give Federal authority ng.iuit Ihe enforcement of State prohibitory laws. There are some 1 .200 uii settled case ill Massachusetts, involving pell allies estimated at over .'00.1100, which have heeu awaiting Ihe above iftcislnn. A mrni g lobby nl the Liquor Dealer' AuoeintiaN He now at Washington urging the amendment nf I Ihe In ernal Kevenne Act so a to give pmu-u- , lion In alt who pay license. 1 o l, . . , New Vurk, March i'IO. Advioe frmii tlie' seat of war on the Parana river, a'ate that nn ! January "1st, a Paraguayan forte of 3,000 j men ctossed to tlie southern hank, nnd hud a . bailie Willi the allied vanguard. TliM force ! destroyed a large quantity of limber which tlie allies bad collected fur the pnrpiwe nf making L rafts, when they retired io good order. Thn llranlian fb-et remained al C.rrienle ' anaitiog the arrival the Admiral, when; operations would immediately be eninmenced. I Ii is helteved, however, that obstruction in ! the river aro so oomplete that the!. will ' Dot be ante to dp minih. !, j The tuestioii of abolishing slavrrv iu Brajil will be bmtiglit belure au adjourued session uf j Ihe Imperial Assembly. ' The Navy Department i Mi-ding a wined- j rim to the U.hlug natiKs ol Aew roniiinaiiu, io protect Ainencaii iiitereils. No trouble is ap prehended, but it Is thought desirable tu have a force nn band. Late London ailviwi Indicate that the Brit ish government will not insist en driving American fisherman from those . waters, though there may be nm delay in establish in ineir right after Ihe abrogation nf there tqinsriiy treaty. Wa.hingt'iii, March 30. The tnleUigenrir say. General Terry has warned the negrtar nl liiihnud not lo attempt so iniproilonl a ixmrso a their ptd.oicil cclthralloa uf till fall AND JOB i'IOVUM;, . Of Kvory Description, ' , lU WITH NKATNKBI ANIl fjISI'ATOH. a.TKSoriiirsiiTisisu. Imertl'in, periqiisr. nt ten Unci ur ls.s, mini. tiisasnri. 1 fee Mch HibaU.iii HiwrtloN. ;- l ! i. PT Arivrrtl.tna- bill., whm aot paid In sdT.noe, will be clnr(Ml Wsnly-Ove per .ml. .ddlllMist, la cover th. Mt of ciillsell.ii. .:i ' ' i "ii. I'.- A ItiMr.l dsderiftitt from ttie.bor. no, will h. ni.a. In tMor of IIism wlm.dverllM lit Ih. quarter, r . J nf Richmond on the ,'ld of April, but it ap para the mover are still engaged in per fecting arrangements, It ia needle to a tlutt no demonstration will he permitted by the Government, and measures have hern taken to prevent it. ,. .,. ., Washington. Mntch 31, The lintementof tho public debt, which will be published next week, will not show any reduction of the debt, nu new Issue or conversions having tieen mad. incc the last itatetneut, bnt will show a larft inoreaau in tb. fond, e.i t ,i e,, . It Is expotcd thatth Civil Kigkla bill U1 be taken op in tb. .Senate in Mendwy, wheal Mr. Trumbull will make a speech, ravi.WsDf the President' objecttmiir, and-nther Senator may also speak. There I much active apeoo latioo about two or three doubtful Seoaton, and itti ugly rutnnr i afloat concerning on. nut hitherto considered doubtful. , '. Nevv York. March 33.'-Thl,' IWtiiW'i apeciul despatch tayi that urden haver beea, issued to muster out all lb colored troop 4a the 1st of May,. ,- ,..,,, . ., .,...( ...( ,,n . Washington, Maroh 31. The prominent Republican candidate fur the New Jersey Setiatorahip are A. G. Cotell and Jama M. Scovill, ii ,! i ! ..,i-.vij ,;,.-. -nil ,('t bun The following deapntch : was received , by; Scovill during his speech in the New 'Jeroer Senate yesterday, dated Washington,' March "iltht "To Hon, James M. Scnvillei By all mean hurry op th election, t Git.: o. p Conservative. A radical like i youroelf., r nothing. . A Copperhead i better than a twid dler. (Signed) Thau. Stivrni,"' The rumor circulating here that Scovill had sold out to the Democrat were not be lieved, bnt, on Ihe other hand, that he will in. stst on the election of a Iiadtcnl, or nobody. Chicago, March 31. The Wisconsin Sen ale passed tho Home Resolution submitting to the people tho qnestlon of calling a Conititn tiunul Convention. . ... .: .ti ,i.(,jn! ' Tun Piiksh on tub Last Veto. New York, March 28. The following 1 the ton ef the morning paperi ou the vetoi , ' - ic-v The Herald aayi that the vein exhibit till bill aa the most flagrant device or overturn, lug thu reserved rights of the Statea ih their legislative and judiciul tribunals, ever attempt ed in Ctnig'res. It appear to he a tboaeand times tuore olijeciiuimlilc . than lha frecdinen' inn, aim tlie vetu nun Its the tmpossihle barrier between the President anil ihe ruling radical of Congress. Henceforth, there can bo no parly indoraeinent of Cougres nu)l4 tvilh prufeiwioii of, adlterenue to tlie. Administration. The Tribune say i Let us not think that he vetoes the bill he might have phrased dif leritntly, hut lie ha ohosen In let OS know' that nut tin particular bill, hot anv measure Whara ly Cougrea hail attempt to prutt- till blaoki uguiust white ubuse, mutt eiiouaiiter hil, de termined deadly' opposition. ""I" ' The Times any the logic of the Vet " Ik 10 kevu nnd aeurcbing, and to obaiatteristie, that w are of lb opinion that th. atreugett advo cates of the measure will see how very .import ant it It that the veto power should exist. ' The World taya the veto la conclusive that the oonlliot between the Pretidvnl -Congress admit of uo oomprotuiM. :,;,. ,( B '" A RRHeL'a Tkhtimonv:. The' Heoontt'ruo tioti oumtnittee have reported th teMitaeaf eoncerniug - Virginia aid : North and toalh Candina, which include ihe testimony of Gen. Hubert E. Lee. He represent nothing like a sentiment of hostility to the U. S. Gnvirn nicut existing tu Virginia; that titer are) ao oollisioui or couspiracca with Ihateud in View t that the people of the Sooth are, disappointed by I lie result of the war; that they Yield sab- ; tDissivvIr, and are only working now for their material rotert, ana inal ta"pnl mean of roenuciliug the, people t th. Wov crnnient, aud making them ll cordial support ers, It to extend lo them equal political, rig hut With the people In" other Stale. As to th negfoe, be expressed the belief wblohl h says he baa always euUrtaiued, that the State would he much heller without thatu. and, be repudiate Ihe idea that crneltie wer pur posely inflicted on Federal prisoner of way. --l ,;!.'- t ' I SOMKTHINU 'UH ATlgUARIAN8. A lttr from a gentleman in Dayton tu a friend ia thi oity, relate the discovery of sum peouliar' fo it in that vioiotty. Workmen, while making exoavntiutu for a mil! raoe at that plaoe, oame across a bar of round iron six feet lung and ix Incite in diameter, together with twn teeth, weighing respectively eleven aod twenty-tw pound eaeh. The finding nf teeth and Mhr liissil remain of huge monster long tin ex tinct, have become o oomtnoo that they ar divested uf wonder ; but when it come to a bar nf iruti of the above dimension, we d' not know what to lay or think. It may be that ages ago ame raoe a powerful aud ingenioo as nurselve ooonpled thi country, and by nm convulsion nf nature were from il face, leaving bat few trace ol their existence. Thi bar uf iron is something lhat we cannot explain from any known stand-point nf resuming, a those who disanvered It are satisfied that It had lain in the position in which it waa found for ages. We mnst bant) thi matter over a a nut for the enthicnrlana to crack. Daily Herald. Wasco County. Tb Mountaineer give tlie following iuforniation for tb benefit of trav elers : " Fur the Information ef same partie who do net appear to know it, we would atat that Ih While Bluff route advertised fa an other oolunin be entirely on the worth lid of the Columbia river. , Patties intending tit go that way In the mine should cros the river here and ferry it again at White Bluff. Sev eral train have already gone lhat way. 1 On aconnt ol tb hill nearly all having a th em exposure. Ihe giaa will b earlier aa that route than mi any other.".. ....The Demo crat of lite Dalle are terribly disealieGed with their local politics. After Uominnling a straight DriiHKirntie ticket, and aompellin; Unine aiea Hi do lb eaine thing, they und Uteiielr al he wrong end of lb (tick, and aboat I be badly beaten...... The Mountaineer received a letter from Canyon City, wkiih say that, oa th 23J Instant, tw men, named Ce Barr Smith and John Grobb had a dlpl .and quarrel there, in which wrd. blow and final, ly pistol were used by both parlie i that they clinched, and Grnbb wa shot In the groin whll In th Best nf gouging sail Smith' eye.' Grab died in about at hour afterward. Smith a arretted, examined aud acquitted, the bomioid being considered justifiable. . F.isqf enra or Akdhbw JoBao.-Tb following truly elaqeent pesg ia frin, a speech addressed by Andrew Johosno in April, It(I4. to a m meeting of th people ef Kax. villi and viclaity. W cemmead 11 te Ik eareful onslderlin ef radical ppirhaa . ah ar eitdetseriDg to tuak lb aoontry b bev that Johnten i f their Ump t "My countrymen my heart yearn toward vimi i and I am one ef vol. I have ellraWi yooder ntminUlns, raek-ribbed and gWwief la sunsliioe. in whM goi. in whoa caverns, your n, bunted Ilk beaatl, have fallea t rw na more. I do net apeak of lhe thing t draw your tar. It I not lb tiro, (of Iran, but for blow. 1 speak f the that y. may fit year arm for unoomioerabl fight. And I speak l them beeaue lb aaaa lain -ni to talk I ni. My boose I asaeag ih moanuin, and thogb il it not far away. I cannot go to it. It i Ih plae where 1 niet and loved her wb te) tb mother of ny chil dren. Do 1 nl lav ih monuiaio I Aad if ItUrty ii to etplr. If th Union I t W diwolved. and freedom destroyed, if my coon try in all iu leegth and beeadln. I t treinbl beneath th oppressor' tread, let Ih. War spangled banner, tb dear old flag, tar hut flag, li planted n yonder height, and apua II let ther b thi Inwriplion t "Here I th end of all that t dear to the heart and laered to Ihe luemury of van."