The Oregon statesman. (Oregon City, O.T. [Or.]) 1851-1866, April 02, 1866, Page 3, Image 3

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Hi.ntoN The tla-Mletnyt: Th military post
at Camp I"olk,et:ibliliud lust November, Ijy Cup
Inin Lnf'ollett, lt Oregon Infantry, ha been or'
ilerwl to be ahunilotici. dipt. Lnfullutt and Ilia
company nre to b mustered out of service as
as soon transportation from the Pout to the Dalles
din be furnished .... Several milk cows witliin
tli pint few dnya.h'ivo (iej anddi'iiljr III this city.
This mortality U supposed to l caused by sating
the wibl piustiip. or noma other poisonous herb.
....Tin) Hoard of Trustees of Kt. Mary's Collcgii
met in ihis cily on Siitiinlny last. Kov. II. F.
Jhiireh was appointed ajrnnt of tint Collie. A
Committee of three was appointed to incorporate
tho college. The following named (ranllemen
were eleclod additional trustees t Itev, K. (J. Mar
tin. Messrs. B. It. lliddle. A. Holder. A. Koberls,
and Perkins.... The President, W. A. Kinlny,
was authorized to secure ft music teacher for the
next term. Arrangements have been effected
with the Uircators uf the North Corvallis achool
district by which the public school will be taught
in the college, and a primary teacher will be em
riliivnfl for that iminoie. Tho second term will
commence on M lay, the Will day of April next,
and will continue three niontns.
LlNS Co. From the Journal, we learn the fol.
lowing, in relation tu the Linn County School
Fund : '
Ain't received from tax of lHofi, coin...
fi.anH is
" " ' delinquent tax lnt.
' " " billiard and liipior
" " " estruvs and lines, cur-
017 til
an co
903 0(1
Amount apportioned March 5, IMfi ."iejtl 4:
Hale per scholar f 1 bT:
Tho fund derived from the sale of school lands
At present in the county treasury, amounts to
about $f!4,(HI0. If this fund cun be kept at inter
est, and the interest annually applied to the
schools of this county, as the act of the late spe
cial session of t ) legislature will
more than double the amount at present received
by the schools.. ..The March term of the District
court for Linn county commences here next Moii
lar.. There are twenty-six cases on the docket
including the case of the Slate of Oregon versus
Thomas Smith, charged with the murder of his
brother and sistor-in law. The term will be one
of unusual interest.
Lakh Cu. The Slate Juuinul says: Last But
urday evening, Gen. E. L. Applec;ato addressed
a large audience at the Court House on the pnlit-
ical topics of the day. He showed in a very clear
and forcible manner, the great necessity for con
cert of action among the Union men at this time
and illustrated tho folly of resorting to tho tricks
of the demagogue and seizing upon mere meas
ures and Bide issues to distract the Union organi
zation The speech was particularly appropriate
for the occasion, and being listened to by persons
iroiu all parts of the county, will do much to con
solidate and strengthen the Union ranks.
FoliTLANn Nkws. The AdcomU says: On
Monday Inst we muds an excursion tip the Co
lumbia river to the Dulles. There is an immense
amount of travel in the direction of Eastern Ore
gon, Idaho and Montana. All are eager to reach
the rich mining regions. The men looked like
old miners who have bad experience in searching
for precious metals. Each had his blanket, and
about one half of them had ponies on which to
make the journey after leaving navigable rivers,
'this tide of emigration is continuous; the town
of the Dalles cauuot afford accommodations for
those who halt to spend a night or a day. Jlusi
nessfor the time is quite lively. Indeed. we could
discover no indication of the decline of that little
city. Every house we saw was occupied, and
rents wore higher than in Portland. Winter still
lingers in that region ; considerable quantities of
enow still lie on the ground, even down to the
water-edge, where the mountain and rocks screen
it from tho rays of the sun. The amount of rain
east of the Cascades, is small in comparison to
what falls in this vicinity; but the snows and
and chiding winds nre quite as disagreeable as
our excessive rains and interminable mists.
Mnny of the people we saw en route for liiack
foot, are old California!!, and, judging from ap-
fienrnnces, they are rather hard easterners. The
iard climate, hard fare, and bad whisky, will pre
vent many of tuein from ever returning. Who
ever fears purg.-itory,eveu in this life. should give
the mines a . wide berth belter work for a
dollar a day anil stay at borne From tho On-
tioman we learn : The sheritf of Clark county, W.
T. .yesterday left Vancouver lor ' he Cascades in ac
cordance with an order uf the Circuit court toserve
an injunction upon the building of the railrutd
there by the Washington company, as their oper
tions nre interfering with the works uf tho Orcgou
steam navigation company, established years ago.
The excavations of the Washington company
have been too closely connected with the embank
ments uf the Oiegon Company, and lend tu de
etruy the road of tho latter. ...Great excitement
is reported as having occurred at our sister
city, Vancouver, on Saturday and yesterday, on
account of having made the discovery of very
well defined gold bearing rock, Jijly feci in irurt,
wilhin fifteen miles uf the town. Tho readers of
the Urrfiomuu will recollect that we brielly allu
ded to the " cropping" of the excitement a few
days since. If gold has been discovered, as al
leged, it must redound greatly to tho prosperity
of the entire region west of the Cascade Uange,
and Vancouver especially.
V'ahco G'ot'NTY. Tho Momtuinrrr has the fol
lowing : The democratic mass meeting made the
following nomitmriona : Fur Mayor. J. M. llird ;
Recorder, J. A. Canipliell ; Treasurer, O. S. lav
age: Marshal. X U. Packard: Conncilnien. J. V.
Iliftkcny, K. P. Fitzgerald, Win. P. Miller, Win.
Moabus, A. V. Ferguson A negro charged
with enticing little girls into his shanty, and
there indecently handling them, wus committed
by the City Kecordrr to the county jail, to await
liis trial at the next term of the circuit court.
Cascade Railroads. Tho Vancouver lYrj,'is
ler learns that the Oregon Steam Navigation Co.
Lavo applied to the U. 8. District Court now iu
session there for an injunction restraining the
sheritf of Clark county, W. T., from collecting
the taxes assessed against their property at the
Cascades The Cascade Railroad Co. have sued
out a like instrument sgainst the Middle Cascade
Portage Co., restraining thein iu the completion
f their railroad, alleging that it interfered with
the rights of the former company.
Steam Tris Cone The Rnblmni departed
from this port on Saturday for San Francisco, af
ter an effort of five or six months' duration to es
tablish the tug sn the Cclnmkia bar as a perma
nent aid to the commercial inierestt f,Ore(ron
and California. Ilor owners have (riven it en.
and w ill lake the vessel where there is mors de
mand for her than there is hrc. In the mean
time, the accession to the Oregon trade of the
"Anchor Line" of steam vessels is likely to cause
quite as great a commotion in commercial circles
as ever the tug promised, and of the uuie kind,
though not affecting the same interest. (iairtu.
D'iK.LAJ Cu. Thu dem e rats of" Douglas
ouiuv have nominated (he following- ticket : For
Representatives, Hardy Kllitf. Flcm Owens, Fen.
Su'berlin. Co. Judge. Sol. i'itihugli. Co. Coal
mboioners, Samuel Moore. Johu Long. Clerk,
L It. Fetter. Treasurer. S. Hamilton. Sheriff.
J C. Hutchinson. Assessor, Ked field. School
Superintendent, D. C. De Witt.
To Be llcso The man. Sinuh, mentioned in last
issue, who was cbarved witli the mnrdvr of his broth
er and brother's wile, neir DrowDsvdle, in Lino t'o.,
was tried by tbe Circuit Conn, at Albany, last Kri
day. and found guilty ef murder In the first rWrco
On SatnrdaT, hv svas tentenced to I hue. We have
Dot learned any more nf the istrliculars the Albany
papers not having reaebed here, on account of the
Hoods svnppiust the mails. ' hope lu furuisb a full
count of I In t ial next week.
CoXVALLIK. Oregon. March 30. I"br).
F.D. STATtsiilAS As our Stale Convention is
now over, and the result knnwn. I fe-d it due to
myself and friends, to make some statements in
r..V, reuce to false rumors now in circula I m, which
1 regard as unjust to myself and those whose;
ucces in tbe Convention I most desired. It is I
stated that 1 have proposed la defeat Mr. Mai
lorv's election, by running an iudepeudent can
didal arinl him. I havn only la say that this
is a positive falsehood. I have no d-sife to defeat
Mr M illory. Hi was nominated by a majority
of tj)' Convention, and bss aright toeineci ilie
vote of every L'uieu man iu the Slate and for my
aelf I expect lo do all iu uir power to i lect liira and
very otuer man on the ticket. It is true I
h,l m nrrf-rvnee betoff tlw Convention i so bad
then: an.i ih'V lisd a right in them. Let me I
now s, ineonclusion, that we should let all our
past difference be forgotten, and go to work with
a will, to elect lh entire ticket, both in State aud
ex-unties. Our opponents have K ttepeof siiccsm
only in nor twing divided; ttieo let us be nailed,
the sake of ihat good eu for wbich so many
itobta awa nave tiveu luvli itves.
Voura. truly, BEX 8lltr01.
1 II K LAS I' Yl.TO MKSs tl. K.
Hi low we give the telegraphed report of the
President's veto message on the civil rights bill:
To the Senate of the United States: I regret
lh bill entitled " An act to protect all persons in
the United Statss in their civil rights," and fur
nish means for their vindication, contains provis
ions which 1 cannot approve conscientiously with
my sense of duty to tin- people and my obligation
to the Constitution. Jjy the first section, all per
sons b'jrn in llin United Slates, ami nut subject to
any foreign power, excluding Indians not taxed,
nre declared citizens. This provision compre
hends tho Chinese uf the Pacific States, Indians
subject to taxation, nud the race designated lis
people of color, negroes, inulnltoes. and persons
of African blood. The bill Joes not propose to
give these classes any status of citizenship in the
States, except that w hich may result from their
status as ciliz"tisnf t lie I nih il mates, ine pow
er to confer the rights of Slate citizenship is just
ns exclusively with the several States as Ihu pow
er to confer Federal citizenship is witli the Con
gress. Tho right of citizenship thus tu be con.
frrred on several excepted races is now fur the
first time proposed to be given by law. If, as is
claimed by many, nil persons burn in the United
States nre already citizens, the passage of this
bill cannot be necessary to make them such. If,
on the other hand, such persons are foreigners,
as may be assumed from the proposed legislation
to make them such, the grave question presents
itself, wheiher, when eleven of the thirty-six
States are unrepresented in Cungross, it is sound
policy to make the euliro colored population and
all other except classes mentioned, citizens? Four
millions of them have just emerged from slavery
into freedom. Can it be reasonably supposed
they possess the requisite qualifications to untitle
them to the privileges and immunities of citizen
ship? Have the people uf the United Slates ex
pressed such convictions? It may also be asked
whether it is necessary they should be declared
citizens in order that they may be secured in the
enjoyment of the civil rights proposed to be con
furred by this bill. These rights are by Federal
and State laws secured tu all domiciled aliens and
foreigners, even before nnttirnliza'ion, and it may
safely be assumed that the same enactments nre
sufficient tu give like protection to those fur whom
this bill pruvides. Besides, tho pulicy of the
Government always has been that persons who
are strangers to mid unfamiliar with our institu
tions, should pass through a curtain probation.
This bill, in erf. ct, discriminates against a large
number of intelligent and worthy foreigners, and
in favor of negroes, to whom, after long years of
bondage, the avenues of light and intelligence
have just been suddenly opened, by proyosing to
iiiuke them citizens at once. The first section
also cuntnins an enumeration of rights to be en
joyed : tu make nud enforce contracts, sue and bo
sued, give evidence in courts, purchase, lease,
sell, hold, and convey real estate nnd personal
property, and to have full and equal benefits of
all Inns the same as white citizens, and to be sub
ject to the same punishments, pains, and penal
ties in connection with white citizens and no vo
ters. This perfect equality of white mid color
ed races is attempted to be fixed by Federal laws
in every Stale, au that over the vast Held of State
jurisdiction cuvered by these enumerated rights,
in none uf them can any Stnte exercise any pow
er uf discrimination between the different races.
In the exercise of government over matters ex
clusively affecting llie people of each State, it
has frequently been thought expedient to discrim
inate between the races by the statutes of some
States, which have laws enacted, for instance,
that no white person shall marry a negro or nut
latto. Chancellor Kent says, speaking of the
blacks, "Marriage between blacks and the whites
is forbidden in some Stale where slavery does
not exist, nud prohibited ill nil tho slavehohliiig
Stales by law, and where nut absolutely contrary
to law, they are revolting, and regarded as of
fenses against public decoucy." I . do dot say this
bill repeals Slate laws on this subject, for, as 1 lie
whites arc forbidden to intermarry with tiie
blacks, the blacks can only nuke such contracts
as the whites themselves are allowed to make ;
tlierefuro they cauuut, under this bill enter into a
marriage contract with whites. 1 cite this dis
crimination, however, as an instance uf Stale
policy, and to inquire, whether, if Congress can
abrogate all state laws ot discrimination touch
ing contracts generally, Cungrcss may not repeal
Stale laws as to the marriage contract between
the races, Heretofore the uhject embraced in
he enumeration of rights conferred by the bill,
has been considered as exclusively belonging to
the States, and if Congress can repeal Stale laws
discriminating in these subjects, why may not it
repeal all Stale laws discriminating on suffrage 1
The object of the second seetiou is lo ftft'urd dis
criminaiiuu to culnred persuus, by imposing pen
allies upon members of Legislatures who may
pass such laws, mid upuu Jiuiges or officers w ho
Uiay alteuipt lo execute them. This invades llle
dominion of the States, for w iiich there is no war
rant, and for which there is necessity. I do not
apprehend such conflicting legislation as the bill
seems to contemplate as sum to occur, us to ren
der necessary to adopt a measure of such doubt
ful constitutionality.
Southern Oregon. The oditor of the
Sentiwl makes the following observations on a
recent trip from Jacksonville tu Sailor Dig
gings, near tile Stnte line :
A trip to Kirhyville becoming necessary, 2
o'clock Monday morning found us up and ready
for a start. .Soon lifter we crossed the divide
between Anplegulu and Illinois, river, Ki lit
Dollar tnouitain was visible a detached ele
ration, surinuuded (in Inn skies liy Illinois val
ley, and on another by Deer creek. T his sin
gular name was riven it by a miner who pur
chased a ptir of hunts for ciiiht dollars, put
them oh ami wore them out tn one day In Irav
tiling over tais luiniutKin. The beauty of the
scenery neii' Kirbvville, was tadly iniured by
A blinding ra n storm. On driving tip lo the
hotel, the gold hummed proprietor. Win. Liud,
welcomed us. and declared his highest enjoy
ment consisted ill providing for the wants of
travelers We tuuk him at his word, and stop
ped, Kirhyville it a small town and exhibits
the mark ol decay common tn all towns in
inin'ng. Ilitvever, it will probably present
more life till' summer, as there will lie some
building doue and among oilier things. Mr.
Sawyer iulen-ls putting into operation a lloor-
j jn(, lnj spinknig ol llonring mills brings lo
mind ait item which interests the farmers of
Josephine cm uty, particularly, aud that is by
permuting (ai d we had almost said compelling)
their iiiarchair.a t come into this and Doug as
counties for four, bacon and oats. We are
creditably iiifirmed that these Ihree articles
cause a drain of from thirty to forty thousand
dollars, every rear. - Tbeingle article of flour
wbich is inostl; furnished fioin Jackson county
is a revenue if twenty five lliuusind dollars,
which our faru er pocket witb great oonipla
oency. We had intended tn visit the new nnarll mill
it AUbouse. hut the rain moistened all calcula
turns, so on Thursday evening, when tiie stage
came along, we decided nn a trip to Waldo.
After seveirj .rules through ram, mud and
darkness, we time tn the station where the
uiglit was t tietnasw-d.
At this place llie work of thrifty farmer was
I via, I, In i,t ur, II, radliitn VTl fnikrtu.itf Km
(Inive into Wall
or Dippings
. nr. as sometime called. Sull
ith is a small iiiiiimg town at
on liny Mir
aosierius, mil now siiipiiris
atilr seeiny mi
l-rs. Ibuujrb Cbininien nisi in
great numbers
OttYHix New
a letter of on nf
I. T.. tilted Marc
" Ox jhee C"Ul
stamp, four Id st
We take the following from
mr subscribers at Kuliy City,
is now supporting two
p, one 0 sunup, iwo o-siamp,
and ons 4 stamp il
Us. in ill ten nulls, wbick liavs
each beeu surer
llv eiieaeed ill crushiiie ro- k;
hnt. to tbe
ict that the Lincoln and New
lork companies
r commenced working their
respective Iwfes
us last full, they will fsll tu
run reeultirlT bi
re surinff. As a people, we
still flatter onrse
es that our quarts lodes are
stui nilsntly rich
il omy eoiisf.ler it a rastier ot
so by actual developments-
and Oro Kino have borne
' by Col H. 11. Fogus 4. Co.,
ry results."
ti rs.o 10 proee the
as the M-irnlnir h
successful 'y tbe t1
witb most satistai
iron anii Ctii.ns Few
luiportaiK-e of cLeckiDj; a
tt CokJ" in its titst stage.
are aasre irf th
Con;h mr C'ii
That wli iti iu tii
Iietuiullij noil hi JlelU lo a
(lectml. prey upon Ilia
Bronchial Ttochr.i," or
mild re:ui .lv. il
iangs. "Brown
Cul'OlI LiJ7;KN(it
atTorit ins aut rvlu-f.
rai-eung s be'ii
Mrktimi. A ralifii-atioo
t lh SaU-in Court Jloo.
la-4 Saturday evei
if. KnpseeiDvuts nn th
paper nrc'rnttd
ftwn UtinJing. We on
lie were made by Meisra
rjerstaml lliat se
Dolph. Wads, A
lejaiB and Got. Gihbs.
1 ntnnrt j I. -in VII
tt John Mi"';:". rV
UiiKHi:mi. March 20, Irtfifl.
Ed. atateaman : Allow me n small space in
your columns iti which in not ice an individual
or two, who otherwise, if is fcnied, would never
be found in the print uf a respectable sbi-t-l.
In the Demueralir IlevUw uf the l'Jth iust.
is an article signed Ubiquity "reference,
Klem. Hill lu which ococrs the following :
"The Court" (of Douglas county) "on last
year laid the titles on a gold basis, anil would
not receive greenbacks, even at their market
value, lint fixed the price of them at fifty vents
to the dollar. Sheriff Crawford collected iu the
taxes on this baris, taking two dollars in green
backs lor one in geld. Now comes the filching.
The Sheriff is allowed three per cent, for col
lecting taxes ; tint behold he takes throe cents
on every dollar in gieunlmcks which ho collects.
thereby mulling six per cent, instead of three
for collecting. Willis is allowed a salary uf
.IKJ per year, but be pays himself nut nl the
county treasury hi greenbacks, and takes them
at fifty cents, making the sum of $1,000 which
he takes fur hi salary. Not satisfied with this,
they took what greenbacks there were remain
ing in the treasury and convened them into
coin, receiving seventy five cents in gold on
the dollar for llieui. Hut notice the stealings.
Did the county get the benefit of (lie extra
Uenlr-live cents which they gain in the trans
action ? Nut a bit of it. Willis atid his Conn-x
oil and tho Shi-rill' know where it went. In
this transaction alone they make full fifty per
cent, on all the greenback which were paid
info the treasury of Douglas county fur the
year 1SG5. The Sheriff takes six per cent, lor
collecting taxes instead of three. Willis lakes
one thousand dollars, which were worth seven
hundred and fifty dollars in coin, when lie was
only entitled to five hundred. Tlit-y llien take
the bulatice ef tho greenbacks remaining in the
treasury, which they took from the people at
fifty cents, and sell them for seventy-live ceut
oti the dollar and pocket the gains."
Now notice this veracious (!) chronicler in
regard to taxes. The Court of lust year, 1 805.
in compliance with the Inns of Oregon. laid the
taxes on a gold basis, and no greenbacks have
been received ut uuy price; but for It-ti.'i the
levy was made upou a legal tender liusis. and
coin received at iOfl per Cent, premium. This
last mentioned is doubtless what this said "om
nipresent" individual alludes to, and his vera
city nnd intelligence arc noteworthy. He says
tho Sheritf collected the taxes on this basis
(w lint bnsis?) "and now conies the filching."
Well, let us see. At the time that greenbacks
wero received, of course the Sheriff' took three
per cent, nnt of them. Hut Fleut. Mill the
prayerful Finn has reported that bo retained
mid per oeutiige in com. Let us see now
whether as groat fools as he and " Ubiquity,"
if placed in ofiioe, as they both desire, would
not prove tlitmsclvet knaves. Tn make it plain
even lo them, suppose the Sheriff wns allowed
fifty per cent, instead of three, for collecting,'
and the levy of forty two Ihoiisauil dollars fur
ISG4 had all been paid iu coin, as inoit of it
was, llie niuonut would have been twenty-one
tliiiiisuud dollnrs, just llie Sheriff's fees, if tak
en in coin. Then how would he have setlh d
the other twenty-one thousand with the Treas
urer? Is it not plain enough thai, nt any per
ceiitnge, lor every dollar in com returned by
the Sheriff', be would have fallen short with the
Treasurer one dollar in greenbacks nud that
loo in the face of the whole County Board,
Clerk nnd all I To have robbed the Treasur
er's sale, lifter paying over the money, would
have liecii quite easy compared with that. But
no one bus heard ut such defalcation except
" Uliiqnily." and his amicus jurie," Flein.
Hill. Still I nui not sure hut flint titer would
be silly enough lo fry a hand nt such a game.
As to Judge Vt I lis, he received an order on
the treasury for tJ.illO for his servio- s, and drew
his pay like any other man. J he greenbacks
iu llie treasury were never paid out to any one,
but sold lor what lln-v would lirii g. and the
county credited by the full amount.
I he only shrewdness displayed ly ' Ubiqni
ty " is his allusion to the reduction uf fees on
tiie Winchester ferry. In this case he doesn't
lie right out, Ho suys the lees wero reduced
"about the lime" n Deinoonil became the pus
sessor. Yes, n little before, while a Black"
was owner, and said Democrat purchased the
ferry and got the lees raised. As to Vnkum's
bridge, it is private properly, over which "Na
poleon and his Council " have no control. A
few years since, a "gooil Dcimieriitio " admin
istration laid a mad to (he river on each sole,
leaving Vokiiiu lo fill up the space and charge
the people what he pleased for It.
In reference lo hnviug or out having n show
for office again. "Ubiquity" very well knew
that the present Sheriff, for more than a year
past, has positively declined a rennitiiuiuioii tu
uny county office whatever, holding us he does
a Government office, w Inch engages nil the at
tention which he propos.-a lo give lo nuy ; hut,
in nny case. I would Imtn very much to ex
change my reputation in Douglas count,' for
flint of both Hill and Ubiquity. I shall notice
fin precious couple tut limber.
As lo the Douglas Democracy being "full
of Hens" so wo nil supposed, but Ihougnt it
a close) contest between Ilea and elher ver
min. Placidly, J. Jay Crawford.
Tin. Rtatisjiak t l'ermit uis, ilironi;h Tour rslnmns
to make a brief re(i irt of tlw condition of l'liliMi!
Scliools in Msrimi.cfMiuty :
No. k-ts reporu-il hihI entitli-il to draw public
lliniu-v 4'i
So. Aisle M-lioliirs I.T'i'l
" feiuulo I, til I
Total 3,:iir
Number liuniilis si-liool tiui'lit in tlia roimtv ilur-
luir mst year. .' 019
Average niiiiitirr moiillis pertlislriot 0 I -I
WIiiiIk iio. iiiiiis ill avi-niye Hlieu,laiiee A',I
Averngn aiu-iiilMii(-a Hr ilistrid !
lliifliest iivers;e atUfinlHiite lit uuy disfiel IiO
lxiust U
aui I pu'-lic mousy for ilistriuutiuo llio fur.
rent vt-ar (coiiil
t.'i.olll (HI
Ain't puhiic money for distribution tiie em
rout year (currency)
Total ,
Amount ier scbolur, (coin)
" ' Icnrreiicvl
71 a
Sd.IIII 13
. t 1 '"
. I l.tsil
T'lial. jier scholar
No. districts usiiijr H'eltster's KI. ripeller.... 2n
" Kmiiiers' " " .... H
" " Nsiional Hcliol Itenders. H
' " Sioiders " ,. U
" Wilsmi's " " .. ! Antnuieiic 17
' " Tlioiiioiis a
" f'lnifi's Kn.'lish Orannnur V5
, o i. )l.,nteitb's.Siir.(leograplir ifci
T'ic-re are s-vern! ttieirif so ireuero-ts that titer ue
some ot ejucli series, rsuue have been reported as us-llia-
tour illlh-rent Kinisot ieiidurs.aiol ollienias many
fhVreiit kinds of Antintietick. This should not lie
toecu-.. Kverv district ,Ht Ichsi .should liare a unilerin
sct iss of text leiuSN, ami as fur as possible tiie Nim
iloiiurinilv sbonhl p,nvsil tbr-iiilloill Uie eoiiiitv.aud
even lt l'e Several Districts have siuiaiued sciiools
llie euliie year.
Tiie average staifes paid teaeliers, as near as I ran
ascertaiu, is about SVl p.T niontb. rtevenil of llie
It-sciier of the bae b"en end'-avoriuif lo sus
la u a Teacl sis Itilini(e. Will not others jo;ii in and
lielpaloofr tlm worst 1'ieie is proltaoly milliom st
b'-nelii inl to lenrhers as beHi Iimlil'Iles. or meeluiss
of pmrticHl less-bers, fortniiinsl excbuttirs of view
and experieinsfson llie tariout end ofiea mrplexiinr
qiieslnms which lhe toUKl meel and de ide upon alti.'srt
coiimaiillv. hucb an Insiitiiie isio lie held at Hohlun t,
about '4K July. 1 b teai hers uiy IIUereH lilrm-
wlves in this' metier. Corns out and n,;ik it a sue-ce-s
I. J l'HWKLI,,
March 'J. 1S60. Rnp'i Cisn'Vii.wls, Manou Co.
The Timet' Wasliingtnn special dispatch,
ear that Ihe Committee no banks and our rul
er', have ttimiiimnusl)' agreed lo repirt the
joint resolution recomiiieiiiling the withdrawal
nf ibe issne of fife cent cnrreiicr. upon which
appears the vignette of a privste individual,
ami an amendment therein, that nn brad or
dcvii of any kind shall be pal nn the curren
cy . except hj express unlets f the Hecrelary
of tho Treasury.
T.he World's dispatch n)s tlmt the Flying
Squadron, which is In filled out fur cruise nn
the Uriii.h North American coast, will consist
nf seven vissols in all The ruliahiiit.r is,
that the vessels selected for this duty, will be
the Chattanooga. 1'eDssxuila. Arcails. A nsta.
Monocat-v. Oscola and the (Jaleiia. Th
above named Vessels mnnnt in I ho aggregate.
guns. At Ihe present litne. ibere are over
twenty Tessils belonging In Ihe British, in
those stirs, and they are neirly all largo
-il. crr.i'ing ainonj llY; Wnl Ii.dia I!s:iJs
ml tlivGnll of Vnko.
Mrs. N. A. Alton's World's llnir Itv
htorer and Dressing. You cannot lie buhl or grey, and
neither liiue nor sickness can lilemisli your Iluir, If
yon use thorn, fold by all Priignlsts,
Agents, llosieiier, Huiitii, i. Mean, San Francisco.
At lbs residence of W. 1). Clark, in Ynnihill comity,
on ihe '.'.'itb of March, lX'Ki. by 8 C. Adams. Mr. Jus.
S. Davis and &liss Louisa M. Jackson, all of Yamliill
Ill Marlon county, Fob 7th, Oeorganna, aged ll nios
sntl 'Jo days. Ami on tho U)i of March, Lizzie T.,
um-d 1 vsa'r II months and li dajsi youngest daugh
ters of (i (1. and M. K lilt-nu.
Special Notices.
DOWN. - Kvvry disease niiitht uixpiestloiiably lie pre
vented if nnt lire were assisled with iliat most wonder
lulof all inviaoraiorsi
When the rlsine of life wanes and quivers from es
hausliou, Hiliuiuister this fatuous resluralive. It will
once moi-e become steily and strong. In the debility
which follows violent fever ; lu diarrhoea, dyspeptic
complaints ami cnolic i ui ltie wuamiess consequent
upon tiatiiiul decay, or resulting from free living or
ever exertion, sad also iu those painful and too niiicli
u eeleil ullmellls to wlilcli l-uuies ure exclusively
nil'jecl, the Hitlers never fail tu give peruianeiil re
lief. I W. lc U'i.K. M.D. 11 l Alll'KNTKK, H.I).
Will praclice Medicine and Surgery lu partnership.
OIHce near Dr. McAfee's residence.
Dr. Ciii-ocniei's residence, near Ilia Warehouse, in
the laiildinu formerlv occupied by Uavid MeCully.
Salem, Dee. II, two. -ll.-y
Luxuriant Growth and Beauty
to the Ualr.
Mrs. 8. A. Allen's
World's Hair Restorer find Dressing.
The emit limuiuallid Preparations for
Hestorlng, Invigorating, Itcitiitirjlng,
and llretisiitz -the Hair,
Rendering it soft, silky, and glossy, and disposing it
to remain in any desired position i quicklv cleansing
the scalp, arresting the fall, and never fails to restore
grey hair to It8 natural color, and produce
a luxuriant grow III.
Km- sale bv all Dnicirlsts.
Aitetils. Hosteller, Smith At Dean, San Kl-imeiseo. fan
A Cough, Cold, or Hore Throat,
Rrol'iurs immi.duts attbstioh ako should hi:
Irrilation of the Lungs, n Porninnciit Thront
All'cclion, or an Incurable Lung Disease
1MM F.UIATE KEi.ier.
For Bronchitis, Asthma, O&tarrh, Consumptive
and Throat Diseases,
will find Trorhen wteful in clearing the voice wtinii
taken before Sinjfitiir or Speaking, and relieving the
tlmmt after an umimml exortitm uf the vocal oryam.
TIio Trocket are ic'foniniHiiiY.1 and preHcriUed by
IMivsimim, and have bad lenliiuouiats from emim-nt
men tlirimulifMH the country, Itfiiig an article of true
merit, und liimiiiff prnvul their eflirucy hy a test of
many years, enWi year lindri them iu new localities in
various fmrts of the World, and tho Trorhen are
universally prononnred better than any other articles.
Obtain only ,11kmvs'm Ukonchial TswhkV
and do not take auv of the Vorile$$ Imitation that
may be oHVred.
Sold even-where in the United Stales, and tn For-
eirn Cnitntrit'tt. hi ;T rents per box. tim4'J
rractlclng; i'hjsiclati and Kurgeon.
Olfice and reaideuw. .! WiUm'st liridk, opposite the
lien null IIuhjh;.
BKIN'tstttfriidiiatu t llie I'liynio Med mil rolltsiff.Cin
ciiimUi. Ohio. Ii wimiiOv rrfornniUu o iti hinnmc
tic.diHCui-diiiifHlikti luiiii'miiiiid vpifi'iiihli; MiiHiiiti,uiid
uniiihr Miirli nit'ilirihiiH onlyui HJt in pcifei-t liantinny
wilh iilttro iiifnicmtf lum ikibhi-hh urn earn reitntn
inoiniittiiMi tlmt it llipv do no l'ooiI, thev will ilo lut
ivjnry. He Iiiih tilto attei'fii1 ti full court !' tnirn
in the Tolaud, (Allfipnllii-) MedirHl Colieuu, Kkii Krnn
ciitcu, nnd huviiitf prHi-iired meilirhio on ihi roHfl
tiiioiit mx vi'iir. ti tully HCfiuHhited nilli the ditwuMt't
j-ff ulinr ft tli v)Kimv
Tli I'h) io- Ui'h' al Co9ltf.
Thii Inolitiition, the flrnl nf tlip kind n the world
- fonmlt-tt t.y Prof. AIv Carl In, M. I) Pfttrtitry !
C turtriil br lite leirlslMure of Utila, Min-h ninl
- nt!'lihril risclunhy in CinrliniiK, hy ncl nt Mtrrh, IMll,
1 ntitl Im Imcii iu uiifCiMful nfitrmlnti for thirty yfr, ofT-r-'
Inn- ii'ls-nu (tlliils-t fur Uir aiultinmit uf trun niiii-i
' kiinwkdfri in'l tint uri.'l hy th'iii of Biir ntlit-r In
tit worM. It w.ii clinrtffm) hy n ipeflnl et uf tiie Ctnte
( lirirttH lure, util imiJ .yn nil vhe rit(ttU, privllvitt! nJ power i
Ocl'Miyliitf to Vnirernittf,
i The itnctilet tsiivht Krv tiie ffrMt Istw of Goti, ki ott
Mrvvil in imturt; Km! In iriettcrt, bMl unn eiteiulftd
ftul Acuriite o4t;rvKli(n ol fftrla, (iro tlivt.i lo uc hi hm
live ml "Jemnitribi nt 1lire ol tiy gthur Dturl irictice.
' Iin Ifi-lliiK ii'rtrnii-i are :
11. That dlirftrir .tstmistj In nn lunliility of ttii orfntm to
proMrlv pfrfarm their nnftirl futirtl-iiii, anil henre h mill,
li'l. Tint Irrlmtioti, f-fer hhiI iniliinimti .n art- it re mil dt.
cftt'-ii. hut nhviinlrtiricHl mnl riiriiitlvu phrta of tint yitm.
31. Tint mi Rfit-iit tltntil l htj iiocil in iiifiih-Htiori, thit l"ti
nit net In iik.riin.ny with 11 e iiiturtl fmii'ti.nm. All Rrtlrli
i thnt nre hi thi-ir tmiitre rnkulml n iii v)lfr to ih
ktitlthy RlaU-, m CAttiiurl, liit ;ti, Irvrliri, rtc.. anti itll )1
oust iinrtilic, rich-. folic, iwi'l mechiiiiicul, t-lc.. Lt'iOK re
Wrt il In twio from iu rciueJ. il uitnn.
09 J. C. Rliri.TOM, M P.
Kolirv lo iy Tax I'iijois.
'E is In-reliv uivi-li to the Inx imvers of the
ritr of Sslem. tlnil the iinm-s-mit-iit roll of sh il
Cily blis been ilui-ed 111 my liHmls for collection. Ail
tnsi- ii'il piii l prior lo llie' Isi il:iy of Muy, ISIiii, will
hnve five percent ii'bleil. for cnlli-clion.
tllticeiil Udl'ovu c Wright's More, on ('omtiter
cinl Mnet. . ItAliKKH,
l'er Tuns II. Hkysulhs. Tax Collm-ior.
D. puiv Tux C -Hector.
I Ssleni, Murrll 'li, lHt'si.' S4
F. will sell our entire slock nf merchandise,
On arrnimt nf mnktti? n ehrititf in our ltiwitim. All
p:inrHlH klinu i!iL,'tlM.'tiiHirri htdi 1 it?J u n will (detwe
con i e tnrwunl uixl
Settle the Same IMMEDIATELY!
n. ?iit iiki.i. & (,
R.ilem. M.ircl, -.'it. w;.-J
New Eoot and Shoe Store.
Hl'IIK nndersijned bus just received IHIfKiT
I KIIOM TIIK K-.-T. ami oi:rs for s.le, in
fiKSXKIt'-t IIL'II.MX'I. a few doer, below
Moore's Ml l. u tarn sod Well seleeled lUtek of
t ItiMtis, Shoes. Ladies' and lients' tail-rs. Children's
nhoee of all desei iptious. which will be sold rlieap. for
rash or country iir-xtuce. Itesm. cull and exaiiiine
the If'iods b'-f.ire pnrelwsitir elsewhere
Wslem, March If. Hf-bw
iitlimiii'l I''i'i;u4ii,
"IKXKHAl, HS'i Ai.hM. fVio
I C"iinlv, Oreipm.
eases, liver ciiiplaiii'
HrL'tlcnl I'hysiciali in chrome
scc. i
ol .Miiilnw fclork
efllKHK retimio olllHiid of as,Hiaineiit o. f, lev-
1 ied Keb. 7. l-nl. on the eainial elnek nl Ibe Sn
tiam (lold and Hitver Milling Company, tbe Mlnttiutf
amouuts, to wit '
f li
ft .
i :
1 1
4 7 HetvW I) H
1 Vj,Iritiie Mari
i i '
6 l.'l
ii'il 5 11
Drowu. Ian es J'
Hauler. Siifhiiiis ''!
Co liWfcM It I -V
i in
.. rst
.V3 3 H
4; & iij
I .1 HtPrrli M
I V lU-kt H
1 HI'
I Vt -V.ip K R
I '.'l -lmN.I(stti h (
l'l? I -
4's I v
" I li
rs7 'w 4.
..;im i '.-i
:ti:i II) '.".'l
:n, i :
T:ih .;
7;r.i I v
:u I i 1 1 J
fsl! i li
Copper r
Mr A let J
4 :
4 ! MHrnl.ntl Wm
Craiidn1!!- P
llei T J
thirl, in H It I Jss
lliirhm I. P
II Hellenes H
llendee I) II
f. A t.j Tbirwr K i,
;rnt 5 111 rbeiulMT K A
X:H h )VillH(tl CI
ha i nit
VtS 6 111
TIM ll l.i
J-jfi ;) i
:w) i v
lw n v
I'tirtuiitit t l"1 "'1 ffnp!irw- wilh n ordVr
i t'iff I tour I iff Ilirntnr-, t inunv iirt nf mr it
JsHirwi ftf tl' nlHsVf tmiils itrx l mm
nrHffff thurrf tr Witt Imi oUl ut ptililic B tctiw,
t.r jftrl'i r tihuf roto, nt ii m otHtm ttl Mid i tm
imir.n iVifin, ittnn, imii Unu linv nf April .
wa-Bti'iiuf m ni Ittttr f fir ran iAlk i.
of si. l itiv ihn U,iiiq'i4it jrMtitfiii rm
mhI ut k, Un'tKet WMH tl c "( e.-trr-tni( nJ
: e nf p I'. I, n iiJ-
Summer Arrangement.
.TUB H H j
. ,K,(
C A IT J NO. WOI,KK Commander.
Will leava rOU'l'LANI) dnilv. fiiiiihivsxeopl.iI)at
6 o'clock, a m. for the (!AH('A DKH, conneot
inir witb lbs stoa r , . '
CAIT. J SO. McNUITV Comnianilsr
For Dallfs-IhroiiRh In One Day I
Oiiplttins E. V. COH. 0. KKtTCW, ,J. H. GRAT, anil
inns, nt u iu i",
Will rim iliirinir tbe season, from
t'clllo to Vmalllla, Walluln, White Bluffs,
rnloiisc and Lcwlslon.
One of the hIiovi nttinet bouts will leiivs l'BI,l
MS for r.ft lTlLU anil H AI.I.l l.A iluilv,
(Si.inlitys exroptoil.) i
IloHlswill hoilisnutrheil fur WHITK BLItPVH,
PA I.OI Nt: ami WIMTOIM us often us ttio rig.
eoseity of tbe triulo will
CAIT. J. MYUICK -...Commander,
Will run from Ol.llst HillHV.on flunk e Hlver
VOIMK I.AMII Mi. coiineililiif with
X. Du Relic 4 t'o.'i Fast Freight Lines.
- "resilient O. H. N . Co,
rrtliiml, MhivIi 9, 15'!.
UIIEIM Mil Hlliillllfi II.
sthajsi:: JiiJi,
CAIT. WM. SMITH Coniinunil.iiv
Will lenve VoHlsnd for Cascades dally, (except Sun-
days) couiieviiiiK with the aiea'iier
CAIT. FltKI). WILSON Coiiiiiiiinder.
For Diilk's-ThroiiKli la Tho Days.
Tho following is it list of ' lii-t-B cliariieil on tins line
piulie iintlintK Ibeir om-ii poiluitu Ht Cuscuut-s
Oxen and heavy eattlt,, ier lit-ad
t:i m
I w o yf hi- olds and cows,
One year old "
J llll
i llll
Horses and nniles "
Hiu-killtf valves " '
Mleep "
Mock Iioks, largest not to exceeil 11,11 in Ki't'.
.1 C.
Vorlbinil. Mnrrli Dili.
'- --. -t.,i
Mitko .no ofl e.illli. ' Uni Imw V Viu usk,
W e Hintur, 'lie nn rny hicli,
Strviii'tliKti lint hTnMACii.miil fimtHin
Tim kk, llin ui-. vmilp f li brain.
Tin Ijvkh liwjt in Hrtive pint,
Ami reintltttr, Iroitt ilnv tn ilnv.
Ki ti uruitn nitl. nn Nat lire iliui,
Itnti-c mill n tiffth tliu tuner num.
A ml liki- a WHicii llut, kvyt in rlitmo
IW riilmliitlt rnn wtlh i-nitnuit linin.
Tiif HVHhMii'ii tune nmt ktriMiuili rifiievv,
And iliuiitliy ttitr tliu tpini, itui,
"Wow," vim iiiiiiti-e, "i:iiii iltm Ih doue,
Tliii vii-loiy fi Dim'HrHi In won f"
"lloaTKt i kk'h IJn f (tits, ' wo reply.
In Umiik tiifirt? J'lulrchnit-try t"
Aa iiifuim ui rtttfi'iiiMiitiiia, liMrd'rid and rn
(Veldi-il nystffii, riiilii iiiu vwry fumtioii of tin- h.l
mil mptim, reviving Uih (icirir(i-d ppiiiii, if mo
rutiiiK Itie ciiKiiinlijii, mid ru'iiiiu)f hln. ni mnlic
uiul rt'.;iruliuii fitlci' uf tin' panl ur ilm prfMrnt time
lina I tec 11 ho luinploU'ly and hu uuivurftully micceM
lul, at,
IIosU'IUt'sC lcbrattiiKtomach Illltm.
AyHiiii-i thu viip-irn fuiil pn p iw,
TtiHt ti vnr iMidt tho Imivy Mir.
Diitik ii'ti niiiiuxfil iln uiurr JimiimI
in priilrifji, wmkIr of miii-Ntty fcruuud.
Il' HutiVntiu y loit yuu ly,
S'ltMT IOH IttHtt HMttOi' li'l'
V'r wlifii lifitunml tri'iii luutrir,
K-ir nrl'fii iai mil ulie rrii-g.
.Mi'iiicitif i irrtiid pin Mij mid intent
In Uinalfinsl vil tupn-fnin ;
And il vii'.'d ! r.'lM'vcs m fpnml
Kmrii il) tlmt rfiinh tiie uujnqutreA,
Htksatei ti-r' lttut-r 11-B fur tnno,
'Jlirjf urr ihe uwt antt-lt.
To ml id dfHmire ihu mini'iia nf nn'.rrillUy oiU,thp
Mtini o uuwIioii'MMiie w itt r.ilm vttlnvia tit i-rowdtd
wurk ntoittn. ftid fuel int, nnd ii tutiivlitl inllnfiirn
I Miii'iiiMi v ikinU'Viiiuhii, U is utilv noivMuiry tu be
ureitriucu Willi
llohU tier's irli'brated htomarh Hitters.
l'Vifps-piu iwnui, lliat Mck and ftriuU
l lie body, and ilfpruet t)m mind-
Aiui!r, 1 1. ut an lln-v :il ''hid
lt,ln lilia'niiiiimt iimrlvrdttiii
( tn.ii mid diniviif iwin.
'Ni'Htli w iiii-li t lie lining nmu'i viinr waitv
ltilioiit iofniiluiurii, tlxw tfdiohv ilia,
NVVr roii'infrril vii hy dru.ite pill ;
I'ri-iid diMiiloM, tlmt uiitii'i bo
('iirnd by ds-ninii'LiVB HMTi'iiry ;
Hlow lonwiii'itioiiHl dri'uy
TiiHt liriti(,'H diiilh tifntrT tiny liy day,
NrrvmiM pntptniiioti. iuinini h1mhii,
ltrnlltot itiuiiiM'M or tin, liiiiib :
For tbi pv, t!nti:vb itnnnil irtrati ttiua full
Mi iitm of relict Hi leant we liiiil. 4'fl iiirfKH nidiriii eiirtt.
Not to ju t cent, ulonn, but mre.
I'i dvtM'ikiti, (( er and Ht'in. Iti I ma runipUinii,
C' and iii-rvoim di lnliiy, rufiMipultoii, Ma
nick it(-M. piunii, nnd 111 mII rosoplhiiita nf iimn or wo
man, prunf dmif rruiii Ctun.ijl or i.'ttrmii wi'iiiim 01
tbr bodr. llw iui irmit rxnifil and rector live i
HosliUrr's ( clrbrated Sloaiarh Bltlpn.
In wiiiideit'ra nn a and Und,
Kmin V'oUr iut 10 Tropir imrid,
'io tmiiM'lii.dd lone in r-tiiuuN new,
And dm:Uwn 111 uu-dl tili.- -Tn
(Milctifni ! ruiop. fort and ft- td,
V1h nvfd ttvHMioi dicMtr a aiiii .
Toamifni t'ttlit.tniiM bound.
And iillfrt o wm, nmmNT trnmnd ;
To fruble wive of frmfii midd.
To yoimjf . nod middle miM. uml old.
To ibovw in lifHltii, who wMild ij'y,
M'iivsn l-t MlH'. will. nt it hIImv :
To ml thfi wtrruviblfM, w-uk and tl.
U'lio du.-p, vl know ii"t wbtu tby ail.
l.trtr'a liiltcr e prwnt.
Ai lienliti nnwt e-Hnn rlv'ivnt.
If rl'in ii any Vnlnt In public opiniiai. or anr
riii:Ul in BimH-al ltiution?, IU very brit mid tatMl
Touit, Corrective and Alleuuva uw br(vre llie
m. rid li
UoMHtrr! Olcbra'pil Stomach Dlttf tu
bold by it pftct utile druyif'Me in all part of ilia
iioi;r:v calkf,
Wkot'Htt Drmegttti,
4x( 07, Kmnl Htrrrt, I'mtland. itttm.
lnro Ci'viiiu Tn in,
And Koda, m bulk. Hiiptr.or ut lUhit or any
oibr pnl np iu "'"til wliair.
Koriulf on lb onnr ayf lie Capital Hotel,
al.d !.! uffir. wtat -trrrfl.NlI-n
MHf-li. 5. I ' lrrrtt 4 Aftkrr4rp,
HOl Ta wwK im-,arrfl IIMksK.witlifTN
A fare ao.l while tert Has mane end.
latt. Any aie aieiiog lU wowe wiU recolve the above
reward, by kaiias am who e
Were, Msrrb i ls'.-ll
Mriirfd or Molrit
IMIOH the oe.'uie of I. Ysnehe, a
1 liorea. with lUx n.soe and tail, .tar in tbe face,
aed In gmd oriler. Vi hvn lasi eeet was in eouimny
wilh three soil. A stlitslils reward will be ps-d l
any perwai ri-tarning ot giving lefomwliea of setd
hn'-lin J M HIH H
fti.t-1?, Jlarr: T 1'H-l tl
Importer mid Wliolmnfe
Drugs, and Medicines,
. I -e
, -,:n.--'l . i , t
White Lead Varnishes,
Kerosene Oil; Painters Material,
And constantly receiving, from tbs
In our line, mid offered to tbe trade In 1 j
Quantities to Hult !
Fire Proof Brick, IliO, Front Street,
mm L AK I1EUS0N,
Union Ulork, Commrrrlal Street,
lll.AI.SIII IK ' ': ,
Cooking, Parlor and Box Stoves.
' ..ASU..,.' ' ' ,.
WHOLESALE AND tETlll DEUERS ; ' . . - - . ,
Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware,
And Importuri of nil kinds of
Porrlrnin nnd Tinned trull Ketllfn,
Lead and Galvanized Iron Pipes,
It, "1111111. urn! all kimls uf ,lb wurk ilinin '
As ( heap as (nn be Done hi the State.
Miin-li III, IKtMi '
Doors, Windows & Blinds.
Jt'KT received, a liiew assortment nf pine nOrtllfl
und W I ft ISO W SI, from Kastoru llaiiutauliirisi,
anil 'or sale cheap, fur cash, at ! 1
March IU, IMi'41. 3ui3 . ! .
HAVIS iwriiianeullr liawiled III Hiilum, nninm,
I s,icli iairoiiaiiu llie tins of toy profession.
Collections, cnnvevaiices. aireneies. and all biisiiiele io
and mil of conns jwiaiuinit lo a law ollb e, prniiiptlv
lleiided lo. Ktieiids, stive uie a call. Office opnnsits
llie Ci..iial ll.del. (I. VV. LAW-SON,
Mun-h III, IKiHi. Iy3 Att'yatLsw.-
Prices of Iron Reduced,
'TMItK IKON .'ij eeuls per rsiiind.
I NUKWAI niuih. Ml Ai'r.a,n cents per poiine
All ntber sises li. propnriioii.
K.J. SOHTIITIlliP ro.,
Importers nnd Dealers In Ilnrdwnre, iron,
Sleel nnd Wntinii Timber,
w. a. AI.IIKII H. j. c. a anii.L, Joita M CKASti
KliipiiliiK, I'ommlulon, nnd l'orwardln
k OKNTrt of llie California, Hawaiian and Oreitoa
i I'acket Lines.
I,norten.of SAV OI'KNTIM ami CAIiMPIN IS
COKc'KK, KICK, and I'l'LI .
Aeenf for Provost Co 's Preserved Fmlw, Veu
eiables I'icliles aud Vlneuar. j
Dealers In Vlnur. (Ira n, Karon, Ijinl unit Fruit,
Lima, Cement, and Piaster. I
Will alleud lo the 1'iinhiiM. Sale, ne Khipmenl f
Merchandise or prMl'ict1 ill New York, Hun iVsncisco,
Honolulu or I'orilno-I
- Nns. u and V'mi, Cnlifornia, Kt.,
8un r'raliclscn.
4' HI lb Xorlh Keonl St.. I'orllalel.
i. w. sMinr." n wsmT"
roi'AI(TM'NSIIIP lnis ibis .Ine been formed
laween A, W. reunh fc It, Jl W wle.emler ihe
ttriu liuuie of
Vor the purpose nf dfnlinif In
At the eld stand of Hi.iilh V Cartwritln,
sttl.Kri, HSaOS, . .
I W here we Inlend In knop tbe hee aaHirliiirlit of
ireoeral nien-baadise the nisrket nilord , whieli we
will sell al Ibe
Lowest rrlcf, for Cah or rrodiiff.
We will have a full stock nf !KW UOOO. f,.r
ihn priinr iraibi. Please esll aivl esaiuine nor slock ,
before purrhaaina' elsewhere.
A ( ard to mj old ( nMonicn.
T T IKK till f.irwrttiniTlivtim aiv aiinwni tbanlie
1 In the public for their past liWral laitronase in H
Ui linn of li'i. iili Jr 1 ertwrut'i. and Imie ny keen
iwngtit. ana imps y see
ing goiHl gieida. al lair Klee. I aialll have the pleas
nre of dealing Willi bower, and hosts of
ue-w ones luiies and llenlWiuen, please give as a
old -and. 4.w.aU1T1,, ;
ftalem. Match 13. IH1.-W.
lllaaiilmliin ollr
TIIF. Siieinnersliip h.eelolore oaisilral tnder Ihe
aria name ,J hmiih and C'ertwnglii. ha. this ilav
beell divolved bV noilual J. W. nmllli will
attend lo Ihe wAll,nl nf Ihe boetnesa sf lbs said
,u J. W. HMI I H.
Halem, March 1, IMM Iwil
A IIKe'llllMs! ;
yANTKIl-A partner Millie
At mi. nf ibe heel points iu the eunntrv for making
lumbar, and Willi an active market for all that osn be
be aianalavtiued
A thud, bail, or interest fi,rni.lual. as
desired. Aa espenenced nill-na. Wilh Uie Seeee-
sssry eapi'el pi.lerte-l, bul a sili or astive esnuee
t or l aitb elars, addre hy letter v inquire ef
(Ull 1M.MKI. hi H XII. Halcai.llvn.
TIIK Brm of Hell A llnie n being nw dlwolved by
loelnal eonvnl of U,e tsirlie.. Ihe sndrrwened
will eoeiinoe ibe townie. al Ihe wd eland. Tiiaaking
11m publie lor U.r libwrwl palruneye atlanded lo Ibe
old Kr-ft. he k'ipe. to merit eontinitaisnn nf the saaso
bv seli og S00.U cheap tor essb.
4tar JXO C . RKl.t.
. B. I'. BUOWft
IiriU,Uv and sell llrereWka. Mining fimk
V and l'e.1. on Kaa Vnuw-iaro. and II' Korn
i Will l.aelt.4.1 llaet nr liallUa Wfflr. will
ells ksiasiswtsv.oasaaestHaee. JJU
1ST E W J'1 I KM.
HAVIXO purchased what wns known as the facto
ry store.we take pleasure in saying tn onr frisads
and th. public In Knral, lliat we will keep our stock
And sell our inds on as good terms as any house in
the city. Our stock consists of a genera! assort
ment of
Ur -Goods, and Family. Groceries,
',, Ilardwaro, Crockery,
' : ' , Hats and Caps,
' ',' fce.,ltc., fco. ' '
FOR the benellt of the located and traveling ptltillo,
V. L. WorthhiKlnn will now sell bis
Tremendous Stook of Dry-Goodi,
Immonwe Lot of Clothln(fI
i i . , i AND HII -.-:
, .; ., ,,:i; Togethsr wilh . , , i(,
All his Mmall Trap, ;
At rules which will make Portland and Han Frsnelssa
merchants weep, I am resolved to mln myself In or
der rn gratify my anraerons enstomera. If sellioir olT
at cost wilt really gratify aud saisfv them Uie oppor
tunity Is now offered to gratify, salif, and Indemnify
themselves. .,
. Big Days Monday 4c flnturday.
uorox ( UPPER.
. i -. . : TUItK AND NTirilRLE,
, V. DAIITK1.I.S fcClVH,
Minn-OS old rttund.
'fill K sriiiptntiis nf ihe diseases prevalent in our lo
X culiiy see known lo every one. if the proper
remedies' were Hppliei! in sessoit. tliev wonld save us
Si-om protrscteil illness.sevem and long eontbnieil pain
shattered constitiiiions, and Inst, hut not least., a delill
ituted purse. Tliuusands am in tiie habit, on llin ap
proach nf sensations which tliev recognise HS the foot
steps of some dreaded and well known rliu-ase, lo re
sort lo the iwtetit medicines tust nre heralded to euro
everything. This is always a doubtful and sometimes
a fninl course io pursue.
Taking this view of the mnttef we shall krpp pre
imred, by rsipisst a. wall as permission, the following
pnspat-ittions,i!ffrrfNiv prsput-ed from prescriptions of
Minis of our beat pliVNiciuns, whose indorsement isa snf.
tleieut giini-siiiy ol' their value. We think it better to
recommend these to those who dunot consider them
selves aulUolently ill to reipilre a plivsiciau's aitcnd
, mice, than any article of the vouipueithm of tvliiuli we
nro Igiiiiraut.
Wti tvisli il ilislinctly understood by the public that,
nlrliough we keep everything ii'itally found in a drug
store, we will recommend no preparation unless ap
proved by nur medical nam wlnaai (niililluathNis are
well aitesud
. Alterative and Tonic.
Koi- dyspetisiii. liver complsiol. general debility .and
all sviuptoms reuniriiig uu alterative and tonic. Price
fl Jo.
Akiip l'lMH.-Antlpcrlodlc Bittern.
' The Pills tn hreuk the chill iu ague llie llliters tn
prevent the recurrence. Price, Pillt. 70 eemsi Ult
ters,J. , .
- , , Llnluent. ,
Vor all tbs uses a liniaienl is usually applied to.
I'rit-o oil cents. , . (
, , . i , t'ounh Mlitnre. , .
Vor iiiciplenl soughs, colds and son throat, l'rloe,
$1 nil.
: . Liver Invlgoralor and Blood Furlfler.
For torpid liver, biliousness, jaundice, anil vitiated
blood., Price, $1 M.
Eje Water. i
For weak and Inflamed eyes. Price 75 cenu
' Diarrhea Mixture.
lrioel 1)1).
Er Salte.
For weak eyes and InSamsd eyelids. Price, 50
,i Ointment.
For scabies, or itch. Pries, 74 oenla.
Bheumalle Mlxtnrc. :
For rheumatism, neuralgia, sic Prloe, 1). ;
For depression of spirits, loss of appetite, debility,
and a geiwral preventive of diseasa. Price. $1 00.
Pile Mixture.
For piles, eoetlveness, ele. Price, 1 00.
('uttuipoiis Mixture and Ointment.
For chruiite ecxenia. tetter, prairia iieb, sail rhenss,
and all other rhronio and ohstinata ernptions of lbs
skin. Price, Hiitiire, tl Ointment, 7i cents.
Hair Restorative.
To rleanse the lived and prevent lb hair from fell
ing Price. II -V).
We rennertftilly submit the above remedies to the
public, wishing lo sell llieiu only as their merits may
vreate a demand.
We liave all llss new Chemicals, Field Kstraets,
and Krlertic Preratlons, and are fully prepared la
seieniillcally eomimnnd any prescription lliat may bo
sent tu us. Uesnectfiilly, i
M. U. COX Ac CO.,
Druggists and Apoiliecarivs, Mmires' Uloek,
i fi-.'tf halem, Oregon.
ii s. nn i m. c.w. saass.
o.w, aaiiBs.
Import!- and Jolilwra of
And Msnufacturers of
California Pails, Tabs,
BUOOMS. &c. ice.
Noe. tJIT and Jilt Hocramentn street, i
Uetween Vronl and Inivis,
Bowley, Thompson Si Co., Proprietor
Opposite Ibe Boun.ll House, Hlale street.
WILL keen as liwd an assortment of everyihiua;
iii Ibeir Hue vl trade as lb esarket willalford.
Illjflnsst Cnssh lrt -o
sld for
liecriatllr, Sheep, IIokh und Poultry
. Halem, Keb 'M. leW .Ini-Vi
THE nnili'ritii ri htii.ii for Iba futUiwiny tela
bntirA Maniil-vrtarvr uf PniHit t
W. F. Emmerson, Portland, Me.
Ordsrs proniptly fllle.1.
Dr. J. H, Chitwood,
OKPICK at kis reeiihinre on t'mnt St., on blot
north of buperinuiiideni Htintiugtnn's
He wisild esv io the sick who wish to he rerrd
wllhniil having iheir leelh esirected wilh ralomel, or
Ihnr eoMtituibins imi-lrrd with Hher aniicrsl not
sons, to give him a call. Haleni. Jsa. W, IHfA
Happiness or LIkcry;
ilele muted, reganllrss ol expeueej to Issue r'UKK
Iter lbs benetll of sulferlng boniaultvl fnnr of their
1111.4 fniertiotf and Instructive Lf.fTl KKS, ea
MAKillAOK. and its diaqnalir).alions i Nrrvew ls
lolity, Pieetentre Decline o( Manhiaal, linligeetloei
WiwkneaB vr Uepreesion, Lose of tCuersy Slid Vital
Power, Ihe greal Social Kvil. and those siakvlieS lhat
tvwilt flora ruatbfnl follies, eaceee of swiunty, er la
Horanee of Pbyenlogy and Nature s Laws.
These Invaluable i stores have been ike meaae of
.enlightening and saving Uiouwuds, and will be for
wanted r MKKno ,a..ipt of Tw.oi, Sr. Tents ta
postage stamps, by addewing "Sieereiary Pacifle Ma.
eeam ef Anatomy aud (tcesaeo, Pine Street, Has I'raie.
rlsco" M
t r Letter to be sent ikraaga W.Ik Fsrg,. Al Co.
rrcseck Hltsslow Cle,
STAINED OLA. and tlgnred Olsrs, tiold lef,
Bnuaiog Teals. Caan-I and fable Ualr Uin.ixe,
InaaooiS Ulass-Ceiiera, ays , e , as
V -