-I, -It - - Site (Dwgatt jftatosrcum. MONDAY MORNING. APRIL 2, 18fifl. Ihsstattsmaa has a Larger Circulation than any sthsr Paper la th Stats, and ii the Beit Mediant for Advsrtlssrs. (1 V l-Liw'ind Ksi)lntirasirspn.bllshedln ths Statesman by Authority ' " " UNION STATE TICKET. For Conrrfta, . MALLORV, of Marion Oooaty. , , For Ooraroor, 0. I WOODS, o! Wswo County. , For Sfcrrtarjr of Stale, I, I. MAY, if Jackson County. For Btatt Treasurer, 1. N. COOKE, of Marlon Count?. Tnr Slato Prlntir, A. W. McPHKKSON, 0 Linn Oonntr. KOTICE. The business demrtmut of the Statu man Offlce la nnder the rnanaKement of D. W. Caai", who la alone authorised to transact tlie bnaineaa of lbs concern. TBI 8T1TE CONTENTION. Ws) publiih in another column the proceed ings of the Union State Convention, and alio the ticket nominated. Tha proceedings are : not so folly reported as we had desired, the Mines of the new Stale Central Committee being left t, bnt these we will publish when we get oorreot copy The platform is alao poblished, and every man can make op his '"' own opinion aboot it. The contest for nomin ations was confined to the place for Congress man, and for this the canvassing was wy o tlvt. The choice of the Contention lay be tween Mr. Mallory and Dr, Biiwlby. although Mr. Baker of Union county, receiving nearly - ad the votes east of the mnnntaiia, got a lar ger number of votes than Dr. liwlby But if a second balloting had been reached, the vote for Mr. Baker, as alao a largo number of those cast for Mr. Mallory, would hare been thrown for Dr, Bowlby. , ! There was no appreciable contest Tor the , office of Governor. , Mr. .Woods never sought ' the nomination) not even thinking of it until (he day before he was nominated, Cnnsitl , ering this circumstance, and the very targe j' vote which he reoeived, it is indeed a high ': oompliment to a mnt worthy man. ., ., 11 ' For Secretary of State, the voice of the Con 'V rentioo was unaniinnus for the present in .'.'. vumbeot. Mr. May was nominated by accla l" inatioo, and the unanimity and enthusiaato displayed at bis renominalion testify beyond nil question to the ability and popularity of this faithful publio servant. ., , , For State Treasurer, the contest was close '' between the present inenmhent, E. N. Cooke, ' unci B. F. Wbitsoo, which was decided on the (irat ballot in favor uf Mr. Cooko. For State Printer, thero were several candi " dates, and a single ballot decided the issue in favor of W. A. MoPherson, of the Albany Journal. Mr. MoPherson is the editor of that . paper, and, although not a practical printer, we think the State printing will be carefully and judiciously managed in his hamls. Tax SrialiNO at CoKVauis After the Contention ,0 bad made Its nomination!, Mr, Mollnrjr, nominee fur " .('"ngrees, was called out, stid made aume appropriate ' remarks, thanking the Convention for the honor con- lerrsd, and indorsing the platform, during which and as ha left the platform he was warmly applauded. Mr. Wooda, nominee for Governor, waa then called for, and '," amid much cheering took the aland; thanked tha On i( vcndon for the honor conferred upon him, and then . made a few well-timed thrnata at the Cuppcrheails. He , . declined nuking a apeeuh at length, and waa moat heartily applauded. Secretary Hay and Mr. McPher- n were twtb called for , and responded to the call with- i . -nit making a speech, that not beliif in their line. Mr. , vouae was caiimi lur, but din rim appear, ticu. E. I i Aiiflegats wss then osllsd for, being o aecond time daring the CuavenUon, and as lie came forward be was nreived with tumultuous cat-era.. The Itinera! ii per ' frctly inlmiiabia and tlways Irresistible, and as he pro- seeded to "ratify" lbs nominations, cheera followed cheering In rapid Mtcssaion, onlll, amid loud erica to v "goon," ha refused to"goon," uutil he could get a fair chance and plenty of time. Hon. W. L. Adams, of " 1 Astoria, was then called ont, and took the atand, rank " " Ins one of the beat off band apeechea wa hare beard fur a lflg time. Late persecution having thomoghly stirred ' him up again the Copperheads, ha put In the heavy 1 bluws faat and thick, until the old Copperhead anake waa fairly acotchrd. He waa warmly and repeatedly rhrrred. Governor Gibba waa called for, and came for. want aod made Me apeei b of the evening. It waa err. ' " taiitly one of the heat tfloita we haee ever listened to. "" He raiaed bla audience to the highest pitch of oulhuai "asm. They abenlutely refnt to let him amp; and when ' he Rnally boiled from the aland, after a brilliant pero ration, the audience rul-ed en waste with cheers to rend the very heavena, awlnglug of hat, etc. It wa" an ap proval that but few men could draw from any nodiencc, and under the clrcnmMaurea a glorioua triumph J. H. lliti bell waa then called out, made k few remark' e trelteuf hia aatlfaction Willi the ticket nominated. The huuse did not applaud bini.aud their fullure to do so waa not only rminoua, but aevarely expreiuire of the aentinenti of the majority un rncnt tranaaitiuua. . Dead. The mau Saulmrn, who waa stabb ed by Hauxhurat, as notioed In our last iasue, . has since died from Ihe effects of the wound. ' A poeUniottein eiaminatinn conducted by )rs. Carpenter and Sinioutnn, by the author)- , ty nf the Corouer, revealed the faot, that the ; wound was more serious than had been ueliev d. although it was never suppneetl that Ilia man could recover. Our statciuoiil last week, that Sauhoru was recovering, was picked up m the street, and not authoriicd by Ihe Surge on io oharge. The post-mortem examinatloa revealed the fact of Very extensive iiillaiiiina linn of the abdouiinai viscera, with aoltcuing ' of the spleen, aod it was seiiutrked by Ihe . . Surgeons that it was surprising the mau had ' Uvea SO long. The opinion nf the eurgeuue la that the wonud by the knife caused the , death of Ihe man ; and this will wake another trial for murder. ,' ., Te TM CORVEKTIaM AKO Baok.A trip to . Corvsllls snd back, daring such a terrible storm at visited this valley during the paat week, la by no means a pleasure trip, even if by steamboat. The continued rain, wind, and cold, heavy weath r generally had Ihe efeet to keep everybody la the saloons of ths boat, so that bnt little could be awwsi of the country along the river. We are e-lad la observe, however, thai all the Improve ment and progress is not eeuRned to our town The little towns ef Independence aud lluena Vl.la, above here, show marks of growth and ha einosa. Kew houaea are going up, aud trade Is voueeotraUng from lbs surrouuding country, at these (late. At Oorvallis, people are thorough ly -waked apse the inporlaaea of a valley rail r.d, and the early opening up of Ihe Vsquina Bay eeuntry, and the day is not far dieunt when ( Cureallis will becoeis on of the moat lourlabiiig , Ikw as la la W illaawtt valley. Corvallis boaau gflMltlstneraiitaaM awaetel U ths east eea rn, la thai line, la Oregon t and from the hand-. i e ' mi and iadefatigable auaaar with which b , ire. IV his one hundred and fifty gaeau, w ralh L V thai his repeUtiea ie Jnsliy Merited. I tiik " knows how to keep a bouj," and Bv jw 10 vereate orvviup wiui atH, r..i '.inot Tb labile fcheo! star at - roeaeeiHe nest Honour ifco new V Vral. Pearson,, Aptknmii UOM. WILSU.V BU1VLUY. ' The proceedings of the Union State Conven tion ahow that tbia gentleman received but twen ! ty-fonr votee for the nomination to Congreaa. It la a duty which we owe to Dr. liowlby and hia frienda, we being one of them, and which impar tial justice demands, that tbia vote of the Con vention be explained, and that it be not permitted te go to the world aa the measure of hia popular ity, or the true eatimate of that Convention or the Union party of Oregon, of ono of the pureat, ablest, and beat men in the State. We were at the Convention, and know whereof we speak. It was not expected by Dr. Bowlby's frienda that he would he nominated ou the first ballot ; while Mr. Mallory's friends were satiaiicd that unless their man was choaen on the first bnllut, be could not be nominated at all. Mr. linker, of Union county, was brought forward by the dele gates east of the mountains, not with any ex pectation of nominating him, hut in order to give him a complimentary vote, and tlion on the aec ond ballot g in a body for Bowlby. Mr. Mallo ry was the Brat choice of about fifty delegates' made np of the vote of Marion county, the voto of Multnomah with one exception, the vote of Linn with two or three exceptions, the vote of Douglas, and part of the vota of Jackaon, w ith some outside scattering votes. Of these votea which would be caat in the first inatance for Mal lory, about twenty would have pulled away nod gone for Bowlby on a aecond bnllut. Thus it was plain to the friends of Mr. Mallory. aud alao those of Dr. Bowlby, that unless Mallory waa chosen on the first ballot, Bowlby would receive a ma jority of thirty or forty on the aecond ballot. Upon these circumstances the friends of Dr. Bowlby relied with conhMcncu, and awaited the result without fear, their favorite totally refusing to make any bargain or arrangement that would enlarge his vote on the first ballot. Willi Mr. Mallory's known strength, -his friends had no hope of securing hit nomination', but to increase that strength, aud, if possible, securo the victory on the first balloting, unsuspecting friends of J r Bowlby were approached and asked to cast iln-ir first vote for Mallory, as a comiilimentury vote : that " Mallory had now no expectations of a nom ination, and, therefore, as he is a good man, lot us compliment him with a handsome voto." In tins wny, votes enough were secured to swell Mallo ry's vote on the first ballot to a mnjority ; and when the ballots were counted out the strategy was visible. We will not conceal our dirnppoiiitmetit and chagrin at thi defeat of Dr Bowlby, accomplish ed in this way. We labored for his nouiiuaiioii, as the first consideration of the Convention, nt'tor the adoption of a platform of sound, vital princi ples. We have seen the man thoroughly tried, and tempted by all the inside workings of a po litical convention, and we must say that we li.ivo never found a purer, more upright, and thorough ly honorable and noble man, in all our expuri once. He Is above all price. Under a pluin ami unpretending exterior is concealed tlio jewel of incorruptibility. He ia a man that those who know him will Cglit for nguiust any aud nil odds. When lbs Union party of Oregon karn to confide their leadership to such men as Wilson Bun lhy of Washington county, they will have lenrncd to honor and respect the noble principles which made the party strong, triumphant, and honor able. KASTKIi.V HKtVN. WA8HIN0T0N, March 25. Receipts ef in. ternal revenue during the week were $3 400, 543, making sinoe the 1st ol January $ti;)7;'.(), Ofi7. Total National Bank cironlntnu is fit), 281.037 of whioh eleven hundred thousand mil iars ware Issued last week. The National Inltlligrnctr, which has cnine to be regarded as the President's nrgnn. had an editorial, yesterday, on the civil rights hill, indicating the probable points of Ihe Veto mes sage. It says thisis a bill to abolish the Stales of Ihe Union; to etfeot such object, hut Inn conditions are required : first, that doubtful Federal powers should he used ; second, that tk w4r i tf rmuirtnty rxcruicil. Chicago, March 24 Among the Senate ameudiiients to the deficiently appropriation bill, not concurred in by the Hons.- and refer red tn the committee on conference, are sever al appropriating an aggregate of about $iit),- 000 for expenses of government commissioners and engineers appointed tn survey the varimie sections of thu Pacific, railroad, and for the atlendnoe of the same at Washington Inst January, for Ihe purpose of fixing uniform standard nf railroads. Stevens contended thai the expenses should ha paid hy the companies, it being a necessary part nf Ihe cnsauuiioii expenae, before receiving Government aid Wilson of Iowa held the same opinion, hut said the original aot did mil explicitly recpiue oompanies to pay engineers, aud therefore gov eminent is bound Hi good faith In pay theiu Ilighy of California, said the companies had nothing to do with the employment of tln-so men, did nut ask their services, ami could gel along without them. Wuslihurne, uf Illinois, called attenliou in a claim for mileage of suid commissioners from San Franoisoo to Washington ami hack, II, 'Mi 50. Ho protested against voting away 1 be people's money ill that way. The llo.se al on-ooiicnrred in the Semite amemlnicut adding 11,400 to the salary nf the Trensurer of the San Francisco mint, for irvtces s as sistant Treasurer uf the United Stoles, Gen, Palmer, commanding the Department of Kentucky, has tendered his resignation, hut it is nut accepted yet. During the debate iu Congress, un the hill In proteul army officers, nguniat Vexatious suite fur damages iu Southern Stales it was suited that 3 500 suits bad hi eu commenced iu Ken tucky alone. Chicago, March 2(1. Tt Is rumored thai a misunderstanding exista helweeu the English government and the American Embassy al London, relative to the iuiptienmueut of sen--ral persons charged with Feiiinintiii, who aa. serl their claims lo he American citixcue. aud In be either liberated or brought to trial. The debate has been referred to Washington, for solid inn, aud may prove embarrassing. Senators Foete and Dunn are both belter, but an hopes are entertained of Ihe permanent recovery of either. New York, March 27 The 7Viia's Wusliiugtou special dispatch says that the Board fur the examination nl cniolid ites fur admission to the Naval Medical College are still iu session at the Navy Hospital iu New York and the naval asylum in Philadelphia aud will continue till nil vacancies are tilled. , The Senate military committee, yesterday passed upon a large iiiimlier nf npplicatioua for military prumutiou and assignim-uts uf West Poiul Cadets to the regular atmy, which will he acted upon at the ucxt executive session of the Senate. The sum nf I3S3.0O0 iu fractional currency was yesterday delivered by Ihe priuting divis ion of the Treasury Department. The following statement exhibits Ihe vacant puhlio lands in five nf Ihe Insurrectionary Slates: Alabama, 6 732.06S acres i I.ouislna, 6.2-&102 aoreej Florida, l.HU.ISi arrest M iaaisaippi, 4.74U.7G3 acres ; Arkansas. 0.2OS, 013. 1 There are no puhlio lands io the Stales of North Carolina. South Carolina, Georgia, Tfnneeeoe and Kentucky. . h i The H orWs Washington dispatch says Ihe ways and means oomiuilieu are preparing an other tat bill in which they propose In put suck articles as ought lo he placed en the free list. The only measure that the ooinmillee has ready lo report hi one putting a lax of live cents per pound on oolton. To day, however, they expect tn settle some of Ihe oilier mat ters, and next week report Ihe hill le the lloaee. , - - i - ' The Senate military committee, yesterday aulbnrieed Mr. Nssmilh Iu report a bill in fa vor u reimbursing Ike Slate ol Weelern V ir- rSna for the money rlpended In raising and i . A - I ... I. I ... i. aioant of swiw Mkw. - , Nets York. Waich 27 The raae of the Utttor. the aleged Chilean privateer, was up yesterday in tV U. S. Listric; Court, and ihe 1 ease ootjiee e egaia to dwy, 1 rilOlKEUl.VbS OK T1IK l.MOX STATE COX VEMION. The Union State Convention met, pursuant tn rail, at Corvnllis, nn Thursday, March 2!llh, IHIili. at 10 o'clock A. M . and was called tn urdi r by Hon I, K Moorea, Chairman ol the Slate Central Committee. Judge J. U. Wilson, uf Wasco cniiuly, was elected temporary Chairman, and II. W. Kcolt of Miiltuuiuaii, was chosen temporary Seure tary. A committee of five, on credentials, was ap pointed by the Chair, viz : Messrs. Gingiva, tiles, tlitiinan, Kelly and lluker. On motion, all members ef the Press, it re spective of pnliiics or rrhgion, were invited to Mats within the bar uf the Convention. The Committee ou Credentials retired, and. after a brief absence, returned and reported the follow ing named prVsous entitled to seats iu the Convention. Baker County Gem geW. Slocnin. William Corcoran. Leonard Lowe aud John Fiirman, by J. G. Wilsnn. proxy. Boiitnn J as Giugles, T. B Odenrul, J. It. Buy ley liy C. P, Blair, aud John Kelsny. Clai-liainns A. Warner, W. W. Iliick hy J. C. Barlow, W. T Mallnck, J D. Locey. Fred. Cli irinaii. W. A. Starkweather by 11. Warner, D P. Thompson. Clatsop J Taylor ami J. W. Geurlmrt. Columbia Dean Blauciinrd Cooa F. G. Lockhart by J. Kelsay. Curry J. Kelsay. Douglas John Kelly, Thomas J. Brale hr Johii Kelly, John Fullertoii, Joaae Applegate, James Cole hy Jesse Applegnlv, W. It. Willis )' Jesse Applegate, J as. Watson liy Jno. 1'ul- lertoii. Giant Fred. Adams, T. II. Brenli, M. P. Ber y. C. Gr.-gory. Jackson I, D. Applegate, Cliiiunoey Nye by Ivon D. Applogale. 11. F- Unwell. M. II. Drake liy James A. Wilsnn, W. T. Lever by W. It. I'oguc. J. D. Todd by li. F. Dowell. Josephine W. M. Evans and C. Caldwell hy IS. F. Dom ll. Lane A. MuCnrnauk, J. M. Dick, Henry Pursoua, M, J. J Scott, A. ileineuway, j. Lull'i-rly, G. i. Ward. Linn James II. Finder. N (loud. William Mu(,'nr, James Marks. (',. T. Fliilayson. W. 0. Ga'llncher. II. W Itedmaii, J. M. Elliott, Joseph Lame, W. Ii, Bishop. Marioti-I'. L. Willis. T. It Hickey. John M. Harrison. John Downing. F. Hrutcliell. L. D Hall. D Wollord, J. II. Baiighinaii by Jos. Eiigle, Sam'l Briiwn, J W. Grim, J. J, Mur pliy by Geo. A. Edes, D. M. Keeue by Sain'l Hinttii. Geo. A. Edes, iiyer llirach. Mulliiomali J. P. 0. Lownedale hy W. W. Upton. S. E. Ilarr. Geo. T. Myers, J. J. II..IT man. Win. O'lirion. Win. Young. W. W. Up ton. It. B. Kuupp, J N Dolph, P. Ilarbuugli by J Slltzi'l, A. M. Lnrjea. J. M. Stott, C. Feicheimer by J. Slilzel. Pol'i-J. L. Collins, MnMiini Doilson, V. C. Wliitsun, J. L. Ladd, P. C. Sullivan, J. A. Frnzar. Tillamook-1. W. Cillctto. U.oali 'I. Time. McCoy bv II. S. Sl.ine. II. S. Stone. W. II. Barnhai't, Jus. Waidell, Jus. Wanleli. Union-C. Abberly. M. Baker, D. McKir cher. J. M. Pyle by C. Ahlieily, Moses Olier-iiiii-h bv D. McKircher. Wasco-J. G. Wilson, ',. Donnell hy f. K Meigs, II. A. llogue by 0. N Denny. M. Kunti hy 0. N. Denny, 0. N. Denny, Janioe llallurau, J. ii. Cnuiioii. Charles Cue, C. li Knegle hi Jas. Ilnlloran. C. It. Meigs, Knli'i Mays hy Jaiin-a Halluriiii Washington Cut. T. It. Curnelius, A. Hin- innii, G. M. Hay nd. W, A. Mills hy T. It Curiielins, Hyer Jackson. YainliilUJ. i,almer II. V. V. Johnson, It. It. Lnughlin, J. A. Iticliarilsou, G. W. Burneit. 1 A cumuiitlee ol Hue ilelegalo from each coun ty was appointed hy the delegation from such county as Committee nn Ki-ioiln lions, viz : linker county, X. Baker; Benton, T. li. Oilenrul; Giant. T. II. Brents; Clsckatiias, J. Locey; Clatsop, J. W. Genrliarl; Coliiin hia, Dean liuinchiHil ; Coos and Curry. John Kels iy; Douglas, Jesse Applegate ; Jucksiui. I. D. Apph gale j Josephine, II. F. l)oi l ; Lane, A. McCormick ; Linn, W. Ii. Bishop; Tillamook. P. W. Gillette; Uni .N. Baker; Yao lull, Joel Puliiu-s, MoHmoiuiiIi, W. W. i-imrii : mnnnii. John t:ri,.. . ir jn. Slo ie; Wasliiugtuii, T. K C'nriii liiis ; Wasco, 0. N. Denny; Polk, C. P. Sullivan. The officer uf Ihe lciii uritry organization were elected t1 e peroiaueiit olliccrs of the Con-vi-in ion. and 1'. L, Willis waa elected Asaiatitnl Secretary. A coiiiuiittee of five, one from each judicial district, was appointed un order ol business, viz: A A. llciiieiinay. J. It Coinlou, J. A. Wilson, )r. Lnryra. Joliu Downing. Cnuveullnii adjourned until 2 I. M. AriKUSHilN 8K8H1IIN. The Coiiveiitinii met pursuant te adjourn- IIM'llt. The Committee on Order of Business report ed as folio s : lrt Adoption uf resolutions. 2d Nominalinn of Candida e fur Itepreaeut alire in Congress. 3d No, i illation uf I'liiiiliilutn for (lovernor. 4ih N iiiaiiou of candidate for Secretary of Stale. ,Vh Nomination of candidate for State Treasurer. lit It Nomination uf candidate for State Printer. 7ih Election of Stale Central Coininiilee On niiiln n, it was resolved to rote by ballot. A inolioii In call Ihe counlu a in alpbrlii-liual nnli-r was carried. George A Edes and It. 11. Kuapp were ap pointed lellera. The Convention then look a recess until half past six P. M. in order In nwail the report of the Committee ou liesoliilimis. KVKMMt aKMKION. At half past six o'clock Ihe Convention was called lo orders Vhtreuini Ihe Chairman ill Ihe Coiniulltoe upon Id-solutions reported the follow ing, which were unanimously adopted ; fWrr,, Th.u we have elii.tlioi ciMjtideiier in the io-lee. ii Ulovi-nre a(i 4,lrl li-m ol tlir , al ;,lc of lite I, .i'.-d Shite-; and I li.it iUvy have lie tinnne :ii.d wl-il -iii ieqtu-.au lo preserve the I'uioii llit-ir v,il..r has sn,i.uio-tl. n'c.''v.f, I'll il as o tile lie-l phtii of rt-toti'ig tlie bi'r K'V -tied Slate- t"tlie evev i-.,. of all tlirir iuocIioim in Ilia t iii-at, ar.,1 trie lsLi-t .loot lie.-SMSi v to uri-dlmpii. b.yal nirn may houestlj iblTer ; and e il' preeale lllal otiiniiuy a id piitleol lynuoti. where or Ie; wboin tls ld.iveJ.llml wiHihl give sire iglll t . the riirmles "f Hie I'liion ihn'iivti d'-cor,! mill Oivi-h-n smni: tt fiieeil. ttrwlftt, I'lmi, liolibug Itie esnlieat ulucil,ii ot oui l. vsilililt Ml Iu Is- Ml it III I III III ol ta,r-Btli goes Willi ittXulloU. Ustlt'slle a lull ireoioliou of alt i-IVll Ml il It -III I, Ml H It it, j,-. t,( lite ii.,i.OM ii of the lilies l.iiety in r,-v lt.as ss,n a c,imtiiiii.l with na tioiiat -atieiv ami lite preiertlno uf ibe loval pe.-ple in th'tse Siait s. AViocn, That llis n tine, if Un- man, or of the p.irty, ttittt Would proN.sr lo tin. Villi tn to rrtiuthnte il jii'.l pet-in Isry oltio'rttttns sliotthl It ronsiatirit to everlaat lntr Ifiluuiy. trsertif. That llis rourne and devnlion of tlt-ts wit t li;o-e ttttree aim- in tlir t .nte of llis I'ni-.i, eniole tin-in lo isir et ittiriits grliiole; and we pledur mth seln s a.tt ' it KlKtiior ihf in Ity de-ertinK tlie priticlpin or stirreiidering lite result. Tor wbit-li lliey lottght and bird AVi,tfrr.t, Ttiat we will, as we evsr htr. stirtp.rl the 8i,is UttvrrtiiBints In all their rit;ht. a lite newt c-tm-tH-tent atttniMi-tiai'trs tlteir 0,nieitc ea i-enta una tlie sunst tin twqli against aoieteiaihlit-su leiidt-n-cich; and pre-erve lite tieuerul tM tarimiii iu iu whaw con-tituii '-'al vij; r. Htf1rl, Tlml ilie d'H-lrtnj of nttllirl.-allon aeo e cesnai liritl l.y the su-csllid IVm-t. mic psrly i anus tmlaic lo the pentsitiilv of tlie rttetn.snd ih-MtuiliiT tn lite peace, uttier and pmam of ike Amtritau peoote. AVxiY-V. Tlial we plreira our-i-'Tes to Bti-tein the N'diitttal I'ltioii ttrasniXMilttn in it artli-n dt.iira In carrviua tint aod uiahilainiita? titeie prtti,lites, and In the support of the canthdsitM woinliialia bv tatat'itn vainioa, , i ( AVitti-f'i. That wa re,-aul aty ntra-iire wbicb hs f-r it, t-i.jt-,-1 Mti- tating t,r sale of initiftal land -if the TiiiM H-sIra, t-r IImI iwd l rHard or dKenumee Itie tree tt- or o,-,-iiiaat y and -peeOv itereliipmiit ,4 lite sanie.a-tdvirtnH'iita lo ibe 0l niterrsia of Um t-onnlrr and iiitttti-uiffot aitb itMittd ht,ir-ual polit y: and we re-tevtfttitv rait the attention nf cur prtseut delvgalion in t-tantrtsss I-, Ibe stitawt nt ih reanltiti.tn. T. R. I'lllIN Id.lUS. t a-inusn .if Oaiaailte. NominalHtns for Congressional Repreeenla live were now in order. Mr. F.dee named Hufos Mallory, of Marion eoenty, Colonel Cornelias named Wilsoa Rewlhy, ef Washing ton muniy. Mr. McCnrnack named Una. J. tt. D. Ilea- derstio, of Lane couti y. Mr. -ue nainrd N. Baker, f Union eonnty, The Contention prurreilcd In ballft, with the fulliieiiig ft suit i M.illttry W-Howlbv 241 Baker rj- liendefsoa t. liiiliis .Mallory liaviri ren-ned a iinijoiiiy id all the vules cast, w as dclsred duly lion .mated, and on motion the nsiiuaiioii wus declared unanimous. ( Noiniuaiioiia fur (Jfernor being in order, Mr. Edes miineii Dr. J It. Hayle). nf llelilnn. Mr. I)i one iiaiinitl lieorue L. Wooils, t I Wasco. I II. W. Corln-tl. W.lV. Back. Avery Smilh and John Kelsay went. H in iioiiiinanoii. The ballot resiiltvil k follows ; Wiiiid- 7.') Bayl.-v 20-C'urliett -Buck (1 Smilh 6 Ke'lsay 2. George L. Woods biting received a major ity uf all the voles cast ns declared duly noin iiiHti d. ami upon nomimion the vole wus made unauitniius. I Num nations for Sccftary of Slate being in order. Jesse Apph-gate! limed Samuel E May. ami, ( lotion uf Mr. (ingles, S K. Ma)' was nomniHicil by acclaioi"U lor Secretary ol Stale. - 1 Nomination fir Stall Treasurer being in order. George Edes nansl E N. Cooke, ol Marion. I Senium- F nzcr, ol Pnlk.iamed U. F. Whit aim. of Marion. ! The vote li r Slate Treasrcr was ns follows; Cooke (Kl-Whitaon 54. I E. N, Cooke having revived a majority nl all the votes, wns declared nominated, ami un million his fimiiinalinti watmuile unanimous. For Printer, W. A Mo"'ersim received 70, u ml was declared nnauiuinsly nominated. IHSTKICT NOMNATION8. NomiiiiitioiiH fur Dislriu nllioere lieing now in order, the di-legationr- fm the several Dis tricts nraceedod. with the allowing result : 1st District Fur Judge II. F. Dnwell ; fur Prosecuting Attorney, D. I. Gaiilt. 2d District Fur Projecting Attorney, J. F. Watson. ' .1.1 District For Prnsouting Attorney, ', C. Sullivan t . 4th District Pnieedotin Attorney, Marion F. Mnlkey. j 5th Distiict Prnsecntfift Attorney, C. H. Meiga. The folluwitig resjoliiliiim were unnniiuiiualy adopted ; ttfolrrtl. That this t'onvenlnn extmia tli thanlo ol' In miiiilier- tt- the Prealitleaan S-.t I, IV of C-irvillis lor the it-,- ttf ii- boutc for t'te illinnrs of the ( 'iiveie tioti; tit (In- ite.it, I of I'trvullis lor ilii ir licu'li iiosol tnliiv; t.' lb nn-r Knilihtl Hit- (orvallla II lei. fur the huiid-onie inaoufr in aiii:h lit bus oroviih-d lor tlie caul' rt of Ihe tieleu.in-t-; hoU liillier, tloit a colli-'ti"U be tfitti'ii up for lite licuelt of tic Church and rtexnot (.wiui'li wnt. iittue). It'tnlmt. Tiwl the ini-nlwrstif the f'onveiilloil ex- pre-s iheli- thiitik-t to the re-itlig ttfticer and -eereia-ries 1'ortlie suiihtfieinry iiitaitiei' iji winch they liuve d.a t liariretl their il'itiit. , On mot ion, I he Convcntiin adjourned line die. tONGIIKSSIOIAL. Wnshiitgton, March !:l In tlie Senate Mr Pooieroy olii-retl a lull S nit tlie construct n of the main brunch ol the Southern Pacifio Uailroad, which was nfi-rri-1. Mr. Antlioiiy, from tie poltli-hing commit tee, n iiorlt-il a resolutiin which was adopted I hut ihe further obsenatious nf the United Slates uaviil nstrunuiuicul expediti hi to Chile he iliscoiitiiiiied. The . Semite then restinetl the consitlernlinn nf Ihe report of the Jitlicary ooiniiiiltee nn the protest nf the Net Jersey Legislature against admitting John Stockton to a sent. An aiiieiiilmeiit tn resuulioii declaring Mr. Stockton not entitled to ha seat resulted, ayes 1 rt. noes 21. The closeutss of the vote oreat id coiisnlt raltlc excileni-nt The iiieslinu wus I hen liilun mi declariig Mr. Sti ckinn en titled. Before the vote waa declared, Mr. Stockton said that Mr. Mirnll had agreed lo pair elf with hia cnllcagi1 Mr. Wright, but bad nevetllti li-ss vnli-d Mr. Slocklon desired that the Clerk should call h (Slia;klon's)iiaiiie which waa nllutved by the Chair. The vote was tlo-ii declared ayes 23 Days 21. The Sen ale ndjuuriii'd. In the House, Mr. Slovens introduced a re nluliou which was adopted, requesting Ihe Secretary f the Interior lo report expemli lures made under his direction iu cniifuriniiy with the fifth seel ion uf the Indian Hpprnpriii lion hill of March Jllsl, lSliO; which pmvidd and paid lo i-ai-li tribe, fur what obj ct ills bnrsed. M.". Bingham, nf the en-mi nl,- mi ,,l.t,e ir.,ir i,.nt . r lion oivn paeseil. prnvi-bng lelii-f fur ulhoi-ra of voluiilceis In lie in il t-t- red into a grade fur which they held cuiniiiissiiins but could mil be mustered in, thruiigh no fault of llieir own. Tln lresiiliitiiMi w as auii'inh-d; il passed sn aa In apply In all ca es wlu-ic nllieera were killed before uiosli-red in. The hill tn reimburse die Peini ylvnniii militia i lpensea ptts-cl The ways and in aus uoiuinillee repotted back Hie loan hill with aiiieniluieiits line of a Inch pro tides that the Secretary nf ihe Treasury shall not retire inure ill. in leu 'millions nil Inn ..ix months, and then alter nut morn than four millions in nnv mnulli. The House llu-n went into Coiiiuiittee of the whole on tins subj. ul. Mr. Morrill iiilvtHialiug the bill aa ameudi-d. The hill finally was reported lo tin House, nud passed; ayes 83: noes 33. Thu House then adjourned. In Congress lust Monday a oiiinmuuicn'ion was received from Secretary Seward, inelo log a h-lti-r from Messrs. Brewer & Co relnt iug to a bill for service in bringing in tinulii lu from the Ascension islands (ii American seamen, b-ft there by ihe pirate Shenandoah. The bill ie $:..V)lt iu gold, which tin- Secreta ry thinks should he promptly paid. The following is Ihe loan lull as it passed the House : He it enacted. That Ihe act entitled an Act tn provide way ami melius lo support the Giiri-riiiiii-ut, passed March 3.1. Hti.'. shall be extended and construed In aulhoiize the Sec retary of the Treasury at Ins discretion to le ech e any treasury notes or other obligations Issued under any act uf Congress, hearing in terest or not. iu exchange fur a description nf bunds authorized by ihe act In which Ibis is an aim-iidiu.-iit ; also In dispnai nl aty descrip tion uf bunds of such act either in die United States ur eleewhcre, iu such a manner or such a rate aa be mar think lu st, for mom y nf die I'mlcd Mntea or lor treasury notes, reiiilionie, ol iudcliti'iliiess, certificates of deposit ur mil er ft pri-ai-ntalives nf Value, which hate been or which may he issued. Ihe proceeds In lie used tor retiring Ireusury notea or other uhit cations issued uiidi-r aur act--nothing herein contained ahull be construed In sutholixe tin? iuciease uf ihe public debt ; provided nf I'm led States notes not more than leu miliums nf doHera may he retired and canceled within six month alter the passage ol Hie act and tint mine titan four mil on dull. us Iu any mie month, nod pmriM that the bomb which may he disposed of risen ht-rt than In the I'oiltii Slates, may h payable, both pro ripnl and in terest, in cum or currency f the country in nlucli they lire made payable, hut shall mil le at a rate nf inlrre-l exceeding fitr per m-iil ; prneulnl further, that the Act In which title is au amendment, shall continue ill lo re in all Its provisions, except as tniulifl'd by this Act Solium 2d stale lhal Ihe .Secretary of die Treasury shall report to Congress at II e com nieiici uieiit of Ihe next session, the amount nf expi use ur money burrow, d under this Act, ami oil what terms, aud character uf indebted ness. The Secretary of War informs Cemgree in answer lo ihe resolution, lhal un Jaiiuairy Dili there were IV.' till men in ihe service, naioe Ir : regulars, 2i.jS7 while voluuteera. 57, V3; eoliKrd, (i'l.Ttill. Slaff officers i lo.. I.. 7110 The Irwip were tll-lill ult d as folio a: IO SiO hi Missoun; 4 ("it I iu Vi gimai 3 lists in N't nh Carolina. 4 4lW in Soul I, Carolina ; 20.tj.IO in Georgia i 10 214 in Mississippi ; 10.. 63 iu Alabama; I0.ts4 lit Teuessee ; 8..Vi7 inAikaoena; 0.2o3 lu l-uui-iaue and 29 '.'I1 III Tela. Onlers have been issued Im 1 far ther reduction of whites aud S.300 Colored. Pfixsa Tranmmrtatiom Co. The Del egates In llis Slale Convention are ander ub hgatien lo Ihe managers of this popular Slrauibont Company fir low fares and splen did aieal. Their stewards oudi-rslaad whal is meant by "fat of the hand." KxrLAKtTlutt. -Ahwenc at Ihe State Con-! Vcution has pn-venl d e from furuiehing eur nailer tint aesk ih the aseal vene-y. BV TKI,l.lilIU'll. WashiugluH. March 22.-Thc rollnwiiiK let ter was sent tn day by the Secretury of lh'J Treasury lo the chairman of the ways nud nieiins ciuiiinilii'e, dated Treasury Urpart 1 in 11 1 h. Miiicb 13.1 1 Sir Y ur lavor of lheS2d lias lioen receiv ed, transmitting the following rcsnliitin : UemlctJ. That the cuimuiltee ail'lress a cniiimiiiiicalioii tn the Heori-tiiry of the Trcas ury. siuiing that the e idee ba Icariied tliniilgll one nf it member that the Secrelsrj is nl opiuiun Ihut he, wilhout liirlher legi'la ti is snllk'ieiiiiy iiimed witli power to carry out tile policy aiiiiuiniued ill Ills uiilli.nl report, a .d to rt ipicst die Secretary to iiifoiiu the t-nmiiiillee wln-lln r such I his n iniiui Iu reply. I have In say that I must have fulcd to inn lie my views clear to the bnlniralile nielli hers to whom reference is made. I did not say that the Stcn-lar .without . gislallon. is anllieieutly 111 1 utili power, i-m.. hut I did int. mi tnsay. thai if il rhniild lie found lieoe saty In Miodilv 111 unV iaiporlanl parltcnlars the provisi.iiis'iil the lull reported liy the c llillti e, I should prefer that it would hut he c e a law. It will lie. in mv opinion, a na tional calamity if Congress shall fail to grim' additional powers lo Ibe Secretary, lor it will lie vciy difficult, if not impus dile. tn futul the Interest-bearing notes un er the pr tit laws But I do not think dial the cotiiniiiiee ur my sell should becoiiie responsible in any way lor the law that is likely tn lull in realizing that object. I regard it a matter of the grenleai Importance that Ihe powers of Si-cretar) 'should lint he strictly d. lined. Fur example, if the Heijrotarv should he pioliihiled Iroiu selling bunds bc'liiw pur. i' wnuld lie easy, as the mar kei. in Ihe process nf funding. iint lie llher ally supplied, lor the enemies uf tlie Govern ment to form Bi.cci-asfulconibilialioii for keep- jug die h le at such a price ns would prevent neituiiaiiuii of them. Ou the other iiaoo, 11 the iiiltliuriiy nf the Secretary in this respect ia nut Itmili'il, audi cuiiiuiuauuiia 1 nm likely he lorincd. lo my opinion the best way nf keeping the builds at a p.eiiiiuni w ill hu to leave the Secretary unrestricted iu llieir sale. In regard tn thu ntlier important features of the hill regarding Bulhorily to withdraw notes, 1 have to reply to thu remark that it is of vuet iiiiporlauce lo the business uf die country, the welfare nf the people and the credii of the na tiuii, that sucli a financial policy should lie adopted by I hie Congress as will prepare the way for spei ie payment. Whether Ihi i brought about will depend on tlie condition nl the natitmal indiistrr. The relations between die United Sliites and foreign naliuns make it desirable lli.it specie payment be rectured if it cau lie Hindu by increasing Industry, nud the proper adjustment uf trade with Europe. Tlie indicalinus are nil now in the right direction, and if they ahull he niljiiHteJ by jtnliciuii leg islation. I shall lie Impt liil that the currency ul the country limy be bruiight up lo a specie standard wiilinut a large reduction nf it. Tlie apprehension that il power be given lu the Secre.ary to retire L'nib'd Stalea uolea. the circulation nf th" country will lie ruinous y Cuiitraclil ia with nt 11lift1111l1.il luuiidatioii, II nn relinnce can lie pluced upmi Ihe di cretuui and curefulucss of die Sc nMury. tin verv cmnlitioii nf the linancee of the cnniilry will prevent such reduction ns will make either a light market or depress business. Anthnri ty tu reduce the currency will give every facili ty in prevent necessity fur reduction. The battle will be more than half fought when Ihe Government shall adopt a hi-nlihv financial policy. Hi'oit MitCUbLnliiiil. The House bill passed yesii-rday appropria ting 870.(1011 to reimburse P- mis) liauia lor the Stale troops employed ill lH(i3 lu repeal Lee's invasion. The House judiciary cuiliil.illeu agreed In repeit a cnisli llilolntl aiueniliiii-lit preventing any pt'isima tlio have ever In Id i lli c uiult-r die sn called Cmif derate Govi-ruu t limn holding oilier under Ibis (Jtni-rniiu nt It is now crtaiu dial un autioii will be Inki-n by Congress, amending Ihe h' cuiiei-rnmg Ihe iiicoine lax. in season in alr.-it die 10 xt ass. s uieiil ; dial die Coiniois.-liiin-r nf Inlernal ltt ti-uiie I its cummeuced die pr. paralioii uf hluiik insliiiclinus uu.hr ,-xlsiiog laws; ussie Kttiri null iisei'laols Will lie llll roel'd pre-par,- liiiiio-nmi, I) lor intu-esiin 111, . Ili-n'.v S Fool 1- puh ii-ln-s a caul dent 11. g mil ulluiil lp lu Selinlor Sti-wai '1 ri-M.luIn ns He says "I warmly approve of tli-m aod w-ie cnlied upon by tin author 111 regard to die probaluli ty ol Ihe Si ulli accepting llii i.i." Mr. Foole pr isc a lorlliciitiui g Ictii-r 111 support ul die n solutions. Clucigti. March 2 The Connecticut polin toil campaign all acts cousiili-ralih- inii-n et. li, th Ihe rival cniiilnlale for Goteiiior. Ilaw hy. (Ki'pulilicau) mill Euglisii. (!) -nuK-riil) have within a week, had Inli-i views with Pri si dent Johnson, each coming away perfectly sure of die l'rcsiilt nliiil suppurt. while the I'n si dent declined nnv puhlio ili-claraliun out- nay ur tl tlier. Mr. Luglisli. (I)eiuucratl 111 a Inililiflied litier says: Loyally and cordially apprute ihe President' reiiiratiiui policy. palnittiu S'.-nliiio-u's and siatt-aiunu-hke princi ples so nlily set forth io his tt-t.i of die Fieed men's Burt-iiu Bill ami coiifiriiiid iu hie spi-i uh lu Ins li-llow -oili2f 11 uti the birth-day nf Wa-ll- liigttin. t.clit-ral llaAleV.(Ki publicail.) say in lue Hurir.tr 1 1'rtu. 1iii-Ii lie edits, that tl 1, 1 . 1, it. ,.. 1 , rro.d.m'l. Hiin-AH I'll! miKM tn inv puMj-d liy a inn lliird Volo ovt r ihf Veto, mid Hint lir h'std wlh "ruftiiuid h'jtri'l Iht Uwt tl):it Si-cri" turv Wi ll t..k ulk. nud li l Hiumla .,.,. , , . . ,. p. wlit-H it i riMi.r.i.l.,-mi that tht llmilord V wn nl.ihiit.ln il lie hi i tiau twelve Vnr nt iiiul tlml tit muni n.inmilc i.riiml mid pnln - it-ill n lalituis liiitealniits esisli d liettarcn hiui sell ami loll. 1 1 a nicy. ForucJ- ttiiteslu the I'liiluilclpllia Press tmn.fi. nniLe a mile of il. lhal Hilh all Ibe cl 1 r against il, Ibe great iaue nf (he pres lit day ia upon I lie polity uf ibe l're-lilent :o restore re.reaciilalion iu I'migress lo the Stales ill Which Ilie rebellion l.ili li' , Xisletl. Kiln anl S. Cletplaiid. i'.istuiaater at llnrl fold, has Ut clund in fnvnr ui Ihe eleclioll uf Mr. Knj; ''"It. ami several other Connect lent lit-piiltliLuus uf Icsst-r note have put Ibe same nay. The National htr'liftneer i lr 2thU aays: "We are tr,iliinl lu b am lhal the prospects ol ibe election of Mr. K i j; ltlt are eneu raeinf;. U bile In le lie lias bad at terul coitlial and pleasant iiilertieas null tlie l'rcsiilt nl, silm e have inry rt-.n.ou tu hiln tu tsoul.l lie Inghli pleased In hear of hia e.iccc-si s un Ihe fitat Moinl iv nl April. The aniue (taper de lues In aiiilouni tint Seirelaty Wells has wrilieu a letter iiiiouiiviii; bis desire t.'.ai tieoertil ilnalev sltouol he elm led. ami aays Ihe soiiint and practical views nt Mr Weils are that nlil is-ues lone purai tl aar anil the ki-ri.a a Hbteli a.ia tlteir 11... a. if.10,11 ami Intl ui.il lhal n bat are called radicals, tat lata are , - - - - ----- ....... ibisi-ii cni(si; ana ii-nit iug un- reeini, rue lion nf th i'litou au,! ttiilt uauiiribtiliiie tu ih liogiH' ami nncerlainiy in luirint 1 ml. a. niie ol Il.e great tlllelisla' hate Jet .,-omstliile. iu iniur 1,1 ine ren.ti.iiliaii.ni 111 nit n ilel .liitre or the atliols.ii.n ol thnr Iteprrseiitatir, an I Senators nn IVsiuViit Jttbii. tin's plan. We bate mi il. h Kill as frmn Wall Sir,-. I. Suiir Strei l ur Thud Mreil 111 support uf ilns tie iiiaml. Wr Ilea,' iioiluog atbaietrr Irmu man iilaiiuring ami a;iU'l!nirl loan, Ins i.l Ihe West ami Nor 1 ha tt 1. h h is a inpH hrvaua Ihe ittilliinis bu lue ln 1 l. tl 111 ljnrrn.irnl secnrili s. v 4 Ser bal aafi l) nonlil e- iue In enlerpri.e, I iln-lrr. rapi'al and hnaiire gt in rail) hy in'rotliKim: eleiiit-nis lulu ihe n imiial r.uimils hm tail hunt n-siraint ihrrr, are aiilit.nl r spuusih'litj at hmue, ttimbl hate nu ml -rest almteirrt eteepl n s-eurin tlir l-aj nu nt of Ihr iuierrt at U principal ,4 Ibe Naiimial debt. N ar art. iu Ihe trrj liunl el rlai-inr ima p-.lnt. NVia ..rk. Mauh Th- steamer Ari tna has arrived tnou A-pmaall. Murc'i I jib. un Ibe V aiilorma niaila and treasure of March M. Xew Orleans Marvh CM The legislature s.lj.mrned a in.t,i.-hl. Il bsa a"tl on huuilrr.1 and Itsrnij llin-r iinport nl hills. r ...... .....il ...!. OI L it 1 . r. ' '"t .H.-IMI lrra lliinar U siiiirrlt in rums 1 he tijsicrruf lu n aim J,;r v. J. The Bi spreaj acniM ! Has. r strrrl la Ui AiUms Elnrra etahtr. and areeral haiblinga mi 34 attrvl. T Ue L ftrm Cmipanv sateJ their vaKabhs patasfea, hat rtrn lliing 'lf l. Tb total ha Kill lvat;h liAW.dUOt I'.ls s lust btiB 110,- 0110 on whit h In h oi Ion a it II 1 1 1 It is siippnscd Ihe lite li caused by an explo sloli ul gas, In pursuance of general Instructions ftuin tho head iiiarter- nl the army, nlliucr in com iiiand ul military department were esinblished oniireiitines at Siiiilht-tn poris. and suiiahh- Vessels fur guard ships lire being stutliincd along the coast aa security against the iiilru dnrtion of cholera. New York, March 21 -In the U. S. Di trict Court yi-sli-lilay Jatlge lletls preunilliced an eluborale jiiilgiui irf. in which he declares that lilt- application ol Hi. uwm-e of Ihesleiiui ship Mi-tour for bonding eVal vessel should he ri-fi I, nut id a sense id ulelignlHili lo eu I'tirue tit-iitrnltt y. It will In- remembered thai ihe Melenrwn's eciZ'd ly order of the Gov eminent nn i 11 1 ir inn t inn tiinl she v as mti nded tn be used us 11 1 hllenii privateer. Pcli llug die liual ilecisioii the nwiieia wiinled lo gite boilils for Ilie Value of the Vessel and release her from liirlher deleiilioii. New York, Mu ch 24 The Commercial Adterluer eaja ihe passage uf the Loan bill by Ih Huiiso has pnuliice I a slight fluuinatimi in the market. The adopt ion nf din clause iliillinriziug a lureigti loan look Wall street by surprise, nud die bill is regarded aa grunting the Secretary substantially all Ihe power he wanted. Tlie action of the House wnuld pro .'nee a re mnik d elf. ct were it certain the bill would pasa the Senate III its present form. There la diiuht if the Senate will not insist un curtailing die Secretary's power. Washington, March 24. Seth Williams, the well known Adjt Gen ul the Army uf die Pntmiuio. died ul the residence uf hia sister ill this city last night, uf inllaiiiiiiatinii nf the brain, Cincinnati, March 24 The Commercial gives pruitiiiii-nce lu a staleuu iil that h ading members nf Congress have agreed tu iinulinile ill session till the 4dl nf March, and will take 11 recess from time tn lime as intension may re quire, leaving a few member ou hand tu keep up the formality. Washington, ".March 24 Tito House went into the Coiiiuiittee of the Whole fur general debate. The attendance was small, ihe proceeding were not important. The President's veto uf the civil right bill will probably be sent tn tlie Senate on Monday, and it is anticipated with much interest. Vari ous speculations are afloat regarding the prob abilities of die message, nod w hile notl ing is certainly kunwn, it seeins tu he believed die President will reiterate the argument uf the other vein message against legislation fur the Smith wlille those Slates are unrepresented. He will avail hiuisell uf this uucasiun to fur ther define his policy. The President yesterday expressed his dis approbation uf Seiialur Stewart's proposition providing for universal amnesty nu cmulilion that the Slate shall grant universal sullrage. The hill increasing the number of cadets at West Point, will be reported in n few days. Washington. March 27. The Republican asserts that die ltresidcot has laid up for prose cntnm the cases uf live hundred ul the princi pal participants in thu rebellion, whom he holds fur the purpose of justice. The Su preme Court ycsti-nlay, decided that national iiank rhuri'S ure liable lo local tnxa ion, being personal property. Chief Justice Chase dis sented, and rend an opinion that this was nn indirect mode uf taxing naiioniil securities, which was lint authorized by Congress. Ill Ihe case nf Cutting. Fisk uutl other , the Cuurt held that a brok.-i is chargeable 1111 purchase nf secur ties made nu hi own ncc nut, the same as 011 his commissions when purchasing fur nlh-r. Inform iififui WiiiiImI. (YJ. K JOHN .MlM hiAV. 11 unlive f Irwland, Hired ut t'lii-iv warn When lu-i hfttt l Imin whii in or iit-Hr S.ilnii ,""( t'e yctr IVJ. Any lofonita- lliMl HM In jiif tttfllt Mflitrs'nlfHtn. or UN til wIlA' trill V Imvt Imi-iiiosj of lii'i.. h iil lo (IhuMmIIv riM-Hvril Uy lii l.ntil.r-r. K't.' T JII'K ti S. .'sir At m vii-irt l t. . NVih'Ik. iilii f to H'otil II imiif.irlni'i'i t. A I'lt tl TK tl. U'lHII. Nttlt l t lt ntl't alen.lv eiiiplitriiii-nl A pnl .', law) - j" hntpore al the Mulesiaaa orlice. WANTED! 1I (f( V K t iiml tM.tiHii mi.l T-hlltllWi In 10 lo 1W, Krmlall i Mrr Picture Uallrrpu Dnllns, Io I U County, Ou'ii. To aee mitre itiau lea tbniisand ditTd-cnt picttues, and Views of ALL NATIONS. Ami while 1 lu-ri mi hire lulifiiof li;ernm'verthat rmintil )e rxvtl 1 t'tii rtuai. 8AH E N'DALL. PfoXIililU '1HK Vmnnrtnni of the lmif wrlion N( mpftemlii, 1 at lr Kfl'ouii ii Wn-I milie lrml of Yh- tpiiim lilt thrive It H-at fi I nnt lni hi( n r tin tut n inl litwii lltr (lrt on llio Isiiy. T'n? trf'n Hint nlilir lr nt mill a if ruttiiriotiN, ihe hhu-k fir thr wharf Hnl WHiftniiiM' i Hitfihly tiiimlrl. hiuI iho wIp-Io town i iHrue. (It-tit ! rsMiiiir bthl nlfiTe hiuh water tnnilt. Ur liruniy of ritimiiim rnaiiiir Mt-nerv. Iifulih mid watrr, navimilH-ii, lielirrir. laniimif, ttltk rai injf. fruit tniwiti, uHntoinf, Vi . in icvlf unit mir rtMiti.iititfn ia rry niisrriir hoiI IihdI t Piiri,tM. A ll-iifl m ottw iHitifr lirt'iire lit rt unit rt ii'lv in armm ut-Kiilat penMiii A Itue livrry utbe in utiJr roti Mmriitti), hioI t'lher iinpiuvcnifitit m'p 'tjt,j fur ward in iliia toffii wli-t-f? oaiur ! FIOIiKK. in h'uiorol il.e notour sii-tinicr bare, owneil or lir. KttMoiri:. i 1 . , -v .'""" ! 1 of liitsuieiu, ouwii lite Ituv. att-l a' tinns and lit rts of I wnfw( 1iWpll1,lbro..1ontfl1f,(r:.m1.uhm-. 8i.k, ci.iiuo,-ri tim all fn-iui.ta wtil b uirrivil ou line Ihhii ! riii-.oltl rif TwfOtr tlm oi are 1i?mIv nynyAii t1 1 mrr will vei W ff'vrti anv. Mini a Her. rani oia j wi Ih mM i Ut tM m l(M Wnnitl. , atr (mm t'urvaili. A nn.il tnni. lint p not tu (V.r- ! v"'li wih iiotlia hr hhih con-tMnetl Uin fr.m Sain KfnntxN ir all t'-e unr WiMaiiifttt Willi v aii'l ih uniirts, w ill )u,m Intrit litre, trt ifntMli will paM frma Lerf (n the lr uiul oiiilmui'il. VVholt-fnlo unH retail iiicrcl ami ntnl iraU-rt meflu nim HNti rffein til iiifti him iiiiiinl to Iri.tf hrri. Kifii. in barrvl or I'tifWitHt ttill b kept for wle here ; ami fishing pnrur ttutl iwrtiea tt plrawire ntt im on boanl tha ttfttmrr n,i )hh iti Uirru bmira ifjiiifirfii: oyitter brd and mt-aii ti-hriiff nt the luwrr part "t I he ha r and un the Warn. The fUhinjf iwai n will bhii K on h m( anil wr tuvitt all our ir.eutU toctxiif lonur Ixran tiiiil and healihrinwn utul wr u ami all that luav be n on lliiaatl'i.tralilf luran l frMilr.hmlihy coimtrr. TillfP to hit in rioiifr w,, Im oatie na tiam at tlie pnprif tor rnu pvwtbtv obtain it i r o. KPiTaOno. Il XKWSOM. Iitnmr. Psftitnn rn. Murrh l'-ti. Tnip'rt. Ommi Stale Journal .li- iniwrt f,nr weeka, and vtisl t.,11 10 II (, Id l.tlc, ul CurvaMi-. f.r vny went. K & W. OUItFIRST.XOTICE CHANGE OF MIESSr j '- reapertfulir Inf.. no tl I ' ' ehansms oar mail n, pnblie (bat tr iliHti-rn to npn wlmlrwle .n kt acll out froiu tbia imiHirtiutf btittuwsa, our. war I Tt "nodi I JIJm --tXIUS, Clith iag, urocerles. BOOTS AND j An I nII autiele enn.llr SHOES, lit n rvtail ttor In irsa. f,'m n ' tins rut V tiVf alrelv -m 'Iru-iHl aaMurtmanl t f Albums, Laditja Satchels, XOTlj)XS, r Dross I bMltmillS t WbiHi tre veut lo?; PRICES. H. cllrsp.! asieaie "a willsrll ik,I ai ot ssairliaais, lo tshvai svx rRtxnrro Primj We take ths epthti- mpr ottr thank fuf rNane I. ihI 1? ur rmi tt ta-ar hi ihi ml that 4-tlbtr' wortn tar ihe Mtwal nairiiav ' I""""' ' IhtSMMH w.H (.. sll rls, li istiis an ts ? at,lexarMn ntiriltak H ""r ". aat-i yrt buy afttr lftii-ea)- TiurvJ uf U-a rtal attant r. ,V Co., OrtHsiiis tl-s W. W a IVtory. Sorth ale. fbntl Y V' J ti Wetfl ad kinds ef toar- tM aaarktutbai ram, 18GG. Spring Trade! BREYMAN BRO'S Are now receiving and opeuing their large stuck of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, And hervhy rtupertfiitlr nnnniinri to tlie public of ISiilum Mild vit-hiilv flint tliv liuve now the best HMMoritiictit of ifomlii in tht-iir lino "ver ollermj belli. 111 8a le 111. Tlmir Block coimialit uf DRY GOOSS, FANCY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS and SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, ltOCi:iiIKM, CROlkERY m) GLASSWAUK, Hardware, etc., . One of ths firm having been iu tlie San Francisco market for several weeks, nn pains has been spared to select the NEWEST STYLES AND FASHIONS of Ladies' Dress Goods! Fancy Goods, LADIES SILK CLOAKS & MANTILLAS Ladies Hats, Gents Furnishing Goocb! CLOTIIIN'G, ETC. Cull untl ppp n ht'fore ptirchaninff elwliero We will 'I'll nt (Iih lowest tnarktt rata, fur Cftoli or PrtHluoe. BaU-rn, April J.lMlti. 6tf WANTED, 50,000 lbs. WOOL! At RRKiniV BKOTIIEBSt. CARI'KTK, Oil-Cloths, Jlaltinir. Window Shades, at utf llltEVMAN DliO.i. NEW GOOES1 J. B. & M. IIIRSCII ! Are now reeeivinir, at their OLD HTAND, Cor Commercial and Fcrrj .Streets, both frora Sew York nnl Sun Frautlseo, a I.AIiliP.and WELL SELECTED slock nf Ladles', Gents' and Childrens' FURNISHING GOODS, Dry. and Fanej Goods, mm, boots, in shoes, HATS, CAPS, GROCERIES Sc CROCKERY . aud a Regu).ex Assortment GENERAL MERCHANDISE. I'llOniTCK TAKEN lo eachanira fur niwda. Prnnns aiishinem pnrebas trill do well to call so esaiuhie lief ire parehaaioa eiewhere. J. B.4M HIBSCH. AVOOL! WOOL! 500,000 lbs.! WOOL WANTED! For which ws will pay ths HIGHEST MARKET RATES. IX CASH! J.B.&M.HIRSCH, Mttl.C.TI, 0B0. J: A ... .