' ' ' ' ' ' If jf ... :ff'. mwff Vac THE OREGON STATESMAN. i .1.1 J, . -J- . . , PUIII.IHHi KVHIV HONUtr, 11 . Th Oregon Printing tnd Publishing Company. D. W. C'HAIO, IliisiiicsH HiuiUKtr. Tkiimii One yeur. P, In coin. Hix months, fJT Uenilllnncei limy Ira uiade by mull lit our risk, vheu mulled In tlie presence of tho postmaster. U. OrBolal Paper for the State. New Firm, New Store, New Goods BROWN, COX & CO. yllOLEHAI.B AND It IOTA I L. DKAl.EItS IN GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, WIiicm iind TlquorM, Wood and Willow Ware, Hardware, YAMtfclv NOTIONS, Tobacco, CI it lira, tXr. Ac. Center Store. New Brick Block. 6i NALCM, ORISON. We have now on hand, and arn now re- Fwwh iust sk- 1 lu our viioi4 eelvlug, the LAllOKST unit UK LKCTKI' riTtll'K lib HUU1JS line ever offered THIS SIDE OF SAX FRASC1SCO! Which we propose to exchange al LOW RATES for llutier, Eggs, Itucon, Oats, Wheat, und Produce hi guueral ; iliiiI, rutlier tlmn keep books, we will NOT UEFU8E OOLD AMD S1LVEB. Plcuso Cnll and Examine our Block of Ten & Grllldstoues, Coffee & Nuili. Sugar & Axes, Syrup St Blue Vitriol, Salvrato St WukIi- Board. Cream Tartar It Brooms, Pocket Knives St Starch, Sonp St Honey, . Clothe Basket! St . Pickles. ' Hope St Tamarinds, Cnul Oil St Honey, Hosteller's Bitter & Tobacco Sc Cheese, Oatmeal, Cigar & Corn Itaskets.'Dye StufTn St Farina, Shovel Ac Nutmeg, (Meerschaum Pipe Si Citnin Si Wash Tubs, i Spades, liaisiu &.Muuso Trap Wood Pipe St Shot, Jiico St Saltpeter. Confectionery St Sal null) St Wooden Clnlht'ii-Pin, Howls, 'Mackerel St Powder, irmr.uv oi tiits i. fixli In fact, everything usually kept iu a Flrsl-t'Iass Grocery and Provlnlon Store t OOODH DKMVEKICD To all purl, of the dry, FREE OF CltA,R(JE, Don't Forget the IMncei Pet. 2, IKW, HUOWK, COX, & CO. NEW DRUC STORE Union Block, Salem, Oregon. w. x. tFigby, ITrOCM) nHM'(fully iiunoitnce to tlie ctlizenii of f f nitlHiu mid vicinity that he hut opeimned a Wholesale and Retail Drugstore, whore lie liopei to merit tlie juitmnae of tliose wlio dihv fnvor lii fa with phII. lit) otfcni to the jml'lic, in quantified to ult, at low rule, a Keiiernl iineortmeut of CHEMICALS. DRUGS. . . DYE STUFFS. PATENT MEDICINES Aytr't Aiine Cure, Cod LiverOi, " Cherrv Pectoml, Si-lieiirk'p Syrup, " SHiHparilla, Kwaini I'lmiicett. I'illi. Mu-vtHim Liitiiucnt. Jayne'KKxctorniit, iVrry Dhvu Pain Killer, AlifHiiive, Haker Piiin PatmrpH, Verniilinre, Kemietly'i Medical Uineov " CflrniiiiativoBitlnuin, err. Hutiative Pilln, " Oliitment, Onipfeiiberg'n f'atholirnn. " Ointment for " Hitrwi'Hrillu, Pa It Hlieiim & Piles, " Hit urn. RiimIh Salre, ' Children'! Mrs Wiimluw't Sootliinfr PnnHi"en flreen Krrnp. MoimtHin Ointm't, K'Htiiiu'n lfxeneii, 11 lynei.tiry Svrtip, Mryttu U'lifr-m, Ileinhold's Sumipiirillit, iVvine jtw.ri)ui, " Kx tract llnchii. ili-Lane't IKt-neH. Kue Wanh. PilU. Vptr p Hnlmin of Wild Nfwdl'n 'Jmnrii Kvrnp. 4 'her nr. Aire Kttpp'i Thoracic Bal- HhM'i Lnnir Halnam, tiun, Hinfi()d'i Bit (erf, Watt'i Nervmi Antidote. Mottat'a " Gruiieri IK'udtii'lie Hem 44 PilU, edy. Pandfonl'p ltiviirorator, Tooilmrhe AuodTne. Pill. French Putent .Medicinen, Jaeb'e Dvnenlery Cardial, lnilcof, llnttetter's Sanse Towneend's Siimaparilla, vnin, and Kii'hardun' Send" " Uilter. Hull a ' SozodMiu, an elegant toc'li Ilall't- " wah, iScrtviir HI ood Jt Liter All kindti of preparations Krrnp, for the hair. i Wiiicheoter'nRympof Hy- Teih Hnmliee, HairBruidi-, phni)haUaLimel.Hoda. en. Comb. Rhode' AuueCtire, All kinds of Per'ntnei and India CholafrOKiie, 1tilet art ic leu. American " TrnwM. Sit mi I dor Itrttcea, I luiii burg Tea, letter Pajier, KnvelojMie, Pimter, Pene. Ink, etc., etc. i)rnwn'n llronchial T rochet And sucb fancy arttrlrs aa are uimally kept in a first clanadriif; store. Pletuw rail and examine for your aeWes. Phvsicians' Prescriptions compounded by a couipe lent Apothecary Salm,0r.IH(M. .TV:lv mi nffiraTiiifuiiiDE OF SAX FKAXtlM O. BADGER & LINDENBERGER, -Nos. 411, 413 and -I IS nailery Street, tor. .Mcrcbaut, San i'rancisco. Importers and Wholesale Dealers. ENTIRE NEW AXI) FRESH STOCK ! VK would oi'l the aiieniinn nf COCNTRY MER f T ('It A NTS to our usually Ilirire Mork of Moods. Our stock enmprjsM every article in the Clothing and I'uniishinir line. We have constantly nn hand the lartfest strrk and greaoset variety of ('assinier ami Wind HAT"of anr Imuse hi San Ennuiscti. and our tn-ieee f,r thee (iiats an less than those of any nunse. as we receive them direct from the tnannfHcui reVs eonsiiittnient. Our at.wk nf Ksll and Winter Oools ip paelirnUrlr atlrartive, and the gmit feature to the eountry merchani ia tlie unusually low prices Lrrs Than the Hint of Impnrlalioo ! We also keep the t-TAPI.E AllTIt'LEfi in the Pry Oonds line, which fiuMls we have piirchnwd in this market aioler the hammer, and are olferitig them at New York i'.ea.andtese. We poblish thisnard in order that we way make new acquaintances, and induce those who have ma heretnfore parchased of ns, to call and examimi our Mock. Oood ArticlM and Low Prices I Are the irreat Inducements to all who purchase to sell eurain. Merchants who buy of ns ran make a god petit, and sell to their customers at a low ngare. We remain, respectfullr. Your 'he,l;ent Servants. IIAIKiKU at LINHEVIIEHCER. Wbutesale Chuhinv aud list Warehouse. N.ie. til. m and Hi Uiltcrv urM. San Fmneisco. .In . I n, IU Asfminiofrulor'si Mile OX tha tlla day nf March. I-, pursuant to law. I will sell al public atmioa al ihe curt house dor, in Salem Marion nmniy. iippi.. the Inte.est of the es Ut of William H M illeon. late demuant. In the lot h.wlna- real property, iu said csuity. Lsi, live, m Hlnrk No seventy two. in the city o Snh-ui ; ,n a einp nf land etmmrnring no the ennth elder f Hit Creek, on the west H.le of H'ork No fortT-llve, rm.iiina thence Wtsreen said hhuk fortr five f)l'Mks fny fiuir and f"rty Hires, anrf Ihe Wiltanieite river, eneir-werdty exceil live stnail piece themmt sold to the Wthaaieite Cuiveesiiv. west nf Hlock f.rv 4ve. By order of the CunuttO urt ot said cmniv ferms, cash. J II W lt.HIIN, Jaa II. !VII Iwl Arfnininlnrn. ttf.l. Filial KrlllfHirnt. In Probate eoart f Polk t'oejmv. Oregon. March t-m. Oateef A J Wilev. dscased OTICKia bereby aivea that A I) Italrork. ad 11 miuistrator ef said estate, has this dav presented bn anoanl. asks tbat the sn hint be ailowsd fur a 601 settiesaesH. It therefore ordered, that said ap rsiraliwa be beard and nVtvneined, u )londv. the M day f A,smI. A 1) Isssi. at winch tin all persons talerested ia said estate esav appear in and rrl aad saaSe oojectMsn to said aellleaienl if anr thev have . , . t-'HAS fc UlK)k. wd l aasilv Jadire. iiotscv. CMatasfC O Kirkpalnrk.-ln Probate Coartol Ha nnsi ( neatv. March lern., I'aili. OTtCE ia bewhy (ivao.tsal Juset,a sap. Admin 11 karatnr of said esiaee. has l!,i Jr smsrs bis Mitioa nvnif rx a order to sefl the ret. I es- of said fssreeVit. ft u ll.erein,e i-rVre tliat aasd aHeatinn be beard and detemmnt on Tue4a-, be third dar of Aarti. I.. at II.. Cn,H Hnnsr. in rWoea, at s hs all ftona laterested tn said a w any arpaar, and siak n.,i,,i. ,f nr einx. .. . - JoHMfti'EKBLi:, fta, lUrci j, iau. ii Co. adg. mm VOL.16-NO. 4. THE BOOK STORE, PARRISH & KEELER, DKALKlta IN S AND SI MAKINf this their lole business, wonld respect fully invite their tiumiirmif friends to cull and ex amine Mr etiwk of , ,( , ,-,,, , Books, Stationery and Varieties. Keod constantly on liuud the verv bent nrtirleein 'heir line, to he found in any Hook NLore in the Scale. Amouir which uiiiy be found l'llOTOGIUl'll ALIIUMS. with prices to suit. FAMILY lilltliES AND TESTAMENTS, finely hound. (i I FT HOOKS, tultahle for the holiday!. KINE POCKET KNIVES, PENCILS. GOLD PENS, P0UTMON1ES. DIAKIES. NOTE and LETTEU PAPEUi every variety. ENVELOPS, etc., e. In the line of reading mutter, we keep on hand, nnd are CoiiHtantly Itocivinf, The itanilard Worki ou HiMoiy, TiavcN, Pootry and Novels. and works on SCIENCE AND ART. HuviiiK ordered a lure supply of . PICTORIALS AND PttrULAR MAGAZINES. from the Ein.1, subscribers here and in the unjoining towns unu routines can secure at punnsiiers rules, in coin, postage free, ut their respective oflicis, all the periodicals without risk. - . Kuncy articles too numerous to iiiention.ull of which will he shown cheerfully, with a fair prospect. Also, a rich variety of photographs and steel eunruvinus of the fleneruls uml chief actors of the (treat Rebellion. Also. Aveule for tho Florence HmvillK Muchine. Salem, Jau. 1, 1W. 41 vl MYERS & HUGHES, ; Wholesale and Retail Dealers in all kinds of Groceries, Paints and Oils, Brushes, Putty, Alcohol, Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, Pocket and Table Cutlery, Wood and willow ware, Dye-Stuffs, Tobacco and Cigars, Ba con, Lard, Butter, Eggs, Oats, Pottitoes, tfce. Ac. Store under the Legisla tive Hall, Iloltnan's block, oc'J SALEM. .' 32uj0 DRAKE'S PlatiTlTION BITTERS. S. T.-1860-X. The rapidity wit! which NUKE'S PlMfflll HUH! lluve become a llOl'SEIIOLU NECERSITV through out civiiixcu iiiuioiiH, is wiiiioiii a par allel in tlie hiptorv of the world. 0VEH TWO JIILIM, O.NE Ill'SURED TIIOl'SAXD Were Sold In TWELVE Months The Deinnnd ia Diiily Increasing 1 KICII and POOK, OLD mid YOl J Laillcn, Phjslrlans and Clergmen risn t.'t if lie vivos Druupiiiic HpirilM, Loiids M i:tGTII lo the S) Klein Vigor to the Hind, A3D Is Exhausted Nature's Great RESTORER. Ilserl'ert, in cases of DYSPEPSIA, LoorApprlit Wrnkiii-ns Exrpw. Ire Fntipiip, Monr Monint'h, .lleii Inl Ip.piid-iiry, Ac. IS JIUST EXTRAORDINARY. It is enmpnsed nf the choicest roots and herhs. the the relehraietl ( W.ISAYA H IKK, etc. all pre served in pure ST. ClmlX HUM. As a gentle Appe tiser, nnd healthy, agreeable Stimulant, it has no eoal. It is solk hy nil respectable dealers, in every Town, Parish. Villain and flatntet. Ihrninlinot North and f Si nth America, r".;-. od the Islands of the Ocean. C?" Vone cau lie uenuino unless hearing the pri vate ttiited Stales Slump over the cork, with Signa lure on steel plate lalwl of P A. DRAKE. At CO. NMITII At DAVIS, Tl Front Srec, Portland, Oregon. ItOt.K AOatKTM WOH OREOH, and the Territories. SepL w. 30 KMIIIIIIOIKt. Ill Circuit Conrt of the hlr of trron, fur the Conn ty of P'dk. April term. Cornelia Rochoo. I'Utnnrl. renoie Zephyr Ibwhon, Dvfmidant. tiitil In tqaity for iivorre IX the name of the H'nie ot tlrVf-n, tn Z-phvr Ro rhon, lefendant : Vi mr hervby renrej to be and aptar in the conti afocewud. within ten dys trom Um svrTiett of this snuimot. anon too. if served in Polk rtmmy.and if in any other county in said .State, t wiltiiii twenty dtivs frintt srvie hereof, and answer i tlie eompimitt of said phcinttff now on Ale mriinti yon in the otic of the clerk of sm4 annnty. aakuijr for a diMoluUnn of the uMrrtatt CAHttrart now vxiMsiun twti said parties. And yon will uke iioiire tl at. if ton Nil toaiMwerwaWvrmred. plartitilT will ap ply lo i be ronrt forth, relief pmved for. tn her said cutnpUitit. By order of K P lU.tm. .Inlt of said otmrv ht'LLlVAX k APPLK(UT. Mttreh 13. lVW)Wjpd PimntiH s A-t tp. AdtnfulHlriilor4 ftnle BY order of Um ( unit Court of Marion Conntv, KKV ouvle at the Marrb trm, l-tberr. , Jfn. se phi ae P itylf Admimstnitrix of thnribbite of J. W. Biyle. drerd wdl ffr for sate, at puMte anrtion, to ih bnrbcat bidder, at the mart boaw dmr. ia Ha leta ia sa id roanty.oa Tnevlay. Apnl l(kh, 1HG6, bo wen the bon r of I o'clock and 4 o'cloi k.p tn.. of said day. the f nl lo wins devrhhed real etate, to wit : hituaie ta hah?m. f'onatv of Maritn, hute of Ore mat. eotnifieitr feH wet of Ut s c truer nf It 4. ia Uturtt So. U3, rauatot; them IS'orUt till ftj llsnrf w & frvi. ihure s feel, thence e Hi feet tn s Urpiaceof beivinninir Terme of sale, cash in band, in C. 0 jroid and vr ein JtH'HI.VC l IfrVlsK. AdiJiu.ftnun of said fatc VrefctlA.4w4 Varnishei.' VOBt.E At Hoar's Entli.li. American Coach. Co- s nai, Uaciu. Uamnr, and S SMIae Vsrni.nes. at Mti.ka a. UUslit. SALEM, Latest New3 by Steamer. WE take pleasure in announcing to our old patrons and the public in general, that we have JITHT 11KC1'JIVK1, Direct from tlie East and Sail Francisco, The Largest and Best Assortment, or ,. FALL & WINTER GOODS, consisting of the following articles .'. Gents' and Boys' Clothing, , of the II EST and LATEST STYLUS; J Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Boot9 and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, &c, that lias ever been bronuht to this city, and also thut we are ottering the same . . . Cheaper than the Cheapest. Call early and satisfy yourself. , All kinds of PRODUCE taken in exchange for which we will pay the highest market price. S. MITCH ELI. & CO. Salem, Sept. II. ISia. sftitf J. E. CLARK, Practical Apothecary and Druggist, Corner State and Liberty sis., opposite Capital Hotel. Particular ultentiou given, iu person, to compound iug and dispensing . Family Medicines, IN A Xcat, Accnratp, and Expeditious Manner. The public are ussurcd that I cuu put up any Lojjit imute Prescription That any physician ran write in Siilnu, with as good medicines and at. as REASONABLE RATES As any Drug bonee iu Orejjuu. Medicines put up ut all hour of the nk'litUf. I HAVE surveyed one hundred ntid seventy-eMit town lota lj--ituiiy the City of Salem on the South, beiiifc quite neur the luirtitmrn portion ot the city, nnd to the KteauihoHt liintliii)f. Thette lots coiitortn to ilit city surveya, and are made by nn extension of Corn nierrial hi id Liliertv streets. A part of them have been in cultivation in orchard for years. The hulnure have a hcHuiilul ymmif trrowili of lirmtd onk nlmde trees. All ore convenient nnd dcimble for resident lots. A part of them will be ottered Ht privnte sale on favorable terms to the purchaer. I also otter for fale block No. 40 ladjoinitiif my renitleiice), in lota or iu whole, to suit the parties puicliafiuii. Inquire of the underiifrnedt or ot Hammer & llultli, Brokers and Agents, Moores Block , hale in, Oreuou. (-EO. II. JONKS. Kebnwry 19ib( ISIO 3m5lpd ' VVATER WHEELS Power PLEDGED Equal TO TIIK Best Overshot Wheel in Exlstenee. 0 CD d o pi LK FFKL'S American Double Turbine Water-Wheel! IS now mannfitcinrfil by the Oreon Iron Works, in the City of I'ortltnnl.und oidero lor the tame ran he tilled inniiedintfly. Wu have a ftn;,!! supply itf the Hi Iff rent sizes, tVtim II) incliet to 4K ihcIich in dmtnertr. That we intiy know the proper Hixed wheel von require lueinxtre your water iu thu following way : Take the wiiiih of' the stream, the average depth, and the (lis tui ice it flows in n minute. All the wheel now in u.e five nni versa! satinfac tion. It'Hh the eonstnictioii of the wheel hih! its per fortiianctt, commend it to the better jiidiuuiil tf all minds capable of appret iutin the hiKlietit develop ment of nir.i-iiHuiciil eoiihtiuctioli. Therefore it hus conquered the most violent nppwition. 'i'iiin wheel iseiput'iaily adapted to ininiiif: pnr pones. It is lixht.aud caubeejwilv pin ked into the muun tain. WherU Wfiylnii'.' Iron. U0 (o ;tti() pniuidn will vield front ID to ID horne power. niider a head of ii5 or lilt feet. They are the clietivect wheel to set up known as they arts so arntned a Ui prmiuve the yieateiit pnuer ponttible t.uiu the water uw-il. The pricey of these wheels have now been reduced lo the ability of all. Come and see them, or seud for a eircnlar to At the Orirgou Iron W ork Portland Oregon. VEArr o caiitii And Good Will to all Mankind, D. J. W. MURRAY'S VlfONOERKL'L disrovnry in the VeKetb!e Kinif ll dom. ljtiiitf and hirer linlfiini, a rare ren.eny, rnriuv Co twimptiou, C'ouri, t'ohls, Ahtlima, t'ro ip, lipeneii rf thi Tlirnat. and n!ureineiit ot tlieTm sils, Chronic UheiMimutinm. Knre Kvus, herofula, IS'eit ralyia. Hleediutf Kum. or It.ind IMmh. aud all impuri ties of the Mood. Alio, General Dehility aud Kemae Oebility, so prevalent in thin damp clmmie. I return my sincere tlmnkn tn the bundredH of persons in Ore if on. Wiuhinitoii Territory and the Pari fie Coast fr their liberal natronaife. Seore uf curtilttatea to be eeti at my oHb' iu C'jrvallis. All peniVtui winhiiif to procure tins valuahle tnedi elite ran have it sent tothfir addrew hy ezprew or mail nn receipt of price t $1 M per bottle; six Itoltles fur W. or 10p;r dexen. Written directions and medical advice accompanying fach melinite. Beware of Cimuterf. its None (fetiuino unless it bears inv iirtiutnre on the Inlwl and wrapper nf each bottle. JMi'i turret the Nddtw DR. J. W. MURRAY, lhi- Ht J. v . iluriHV Oiiitf iire. Main St , f'orvallin, Creoti (iLORl l OLOKV! dLOltY! PROP. O.i MCltlt A Y'H renowned MairieOi), one of the ifrentepf dieovrie of I be aje I H ia nH on of thrae cure all iiotrtimt, but what 1 nay it will cur. ret Hwurvd it will cute, t or Riieuumlltui. Xeu raltfia, Toothuer1, Burn or Scald, frsarache. Cramp Colic, Fitix, Sore Tliroat. I)iptheria. Sprains, t'lul hlains. Cms. Koree. and Bniiaes, and that very trouh Itsome thiiiK. Corns. It will h men that, unlike ntoM Patent Medicines, It d'es not pi-ideM to cure all the dienv w Inch mau kind in heir to. bn what it do pro fen to ruia, we can show hnndreds of eeiiitieatei from the Sdoat proraiunt riiiieti of thu ooontry to prove it doei, Bewar nf Countetieits. lor there are several bad, very bad, counterfeit of titi valuable me-iirin fliMt Ititr aHnt this eountry .therefore do not buy of any on unlnas thermit show written authority from ua. The onmnal ia mauutacturrd only by Or J. W. dt t), h, Murray, at the I nif .More of. I. W Uunity Ac Co., Corvailiit, Oreuon, n hern it ran le had iu quantities to toil, forwarded to a y addr. by upresa or olh rwi a raitieted Prir. small sme,a ocnla per boill. or tbr bottle for $1 00, or $4 UU per Hoaen. Ijirtre ttw, $1 0U jsrr IxitiU. or six bottle for $0 UU. Uou't furjfi the a-hlr-n. DR. J.W. JUt RRAY CO, Clivoiisuand lrntruite, XsUtf Mm in turret, Cirvallii, treiroii. Fluiil ftrtl lenient. State of Oreifon, (onn'r of Marion. I-i Probate Court. hUteof J D !Jo.m, dec d. JOHN L D'KIN, Adnmimrat'M'. and Martha J. Bon. Adaiiuitni(ria of tuvd estat. bavtupr thai day filed their accoauu in said rourt, pray i an a iual settle men t uf tht mine, it is therefor ordered by the enort Uwt Mid uppifPMtiii be heant nnd detrrmined a' the rourt 1 1., tine mi ,leia. on Tftenday. Ut M dav of April, aud tlwt Sot ie of lit pefwtrncy of thin aplH-atKHi b Kivm by publicalnm in U Ortft ofdiiiiN for four conibQcttiir wtks J. V. PKKHLK.Co.Jadji. fUtem. Miirrw 11 . 4w J Toke-ii p, IT lbs subscriber living lee miles sonih nf Hilr.r. t,0, Mari-.n coni.iv. on bhub ami while Stled aseer.Acw si I years old. and nrnrbed wilt, asiuoolh ero, ofl tij left ear. Can;, tn mr piemiM iU.ii no. Tear ago, Apfnutd by VV. Cra!"".o, J P.aif". i l itmiiAku JUtws las .3 OREGON, MONDAY, MARCH 26, 18GG. TUG VOICE OF POLK tOl.Ml. Ed. Statesman! John Vanburon, in a speech recently uitultt id IScw York, after Itiglilr ex lolling tlie Deiliooralio pnrty, in his coiicluiliii(t reinnrKs emu, mat ini- ui'inovrntie pnrty had rtilt'd tne yovcmmeiii ;nr iiiiv nve cms.' lie ilinultl have conliiiued and mid. lhat lliat party alti-mnlcJ to destroy the Gnveruineiit in tli siity-siilh eur, liecanse it onnld rule it no longer. That some party 11 ait il I howling In Urvgon nliout onooiistitnlional acts.' nhoh lion rulo, high tales, enormous war drlit, elo., wIh-u, if that party liiitl acted iu aueiinluncc with tho principles upon w liicli our Govi-riiinsiil is luutiik'tl. there would Have been nn occiuinn fur any tif theio thtnpn. lint wo should hare been tree from debt, and eur future prospect! lor national weaitn ana Honor linglit iu the ex treme. The want of ollice, and all tho monied einol'itneuta appertalniue thereto, ia tho great mount- cause ot all liteir aclions. Hive lliein nflioe. (five thorn power, give Ihem the key to the national tremiiry, and the uovernuieut may go to tlie tli'vii lor all illey care, jnow, an eleu lion is at baud, anil to gain their finis In the coming campaign, thero is no Icllinp to what mean, they will resort to accomplish their pur poses. To judge the future hy the past, they :tl ..... V I. u ...:...!.! I i - uui uut lie sin-it asiiinn iiuiiueu miu iioiior able men would a; p'iv'. In litis county the wires are lielnfr stretched, the traps set and baitrd, ready to oalch the tinsiispeclliig victim, who, by tlm flattering tongue of the dema (ogur, muy he allured from the path uf duty to taste tho tempting morsel, Let till Union men lie on I he alert. Let them " watch at well aa pray " waloh tn avoid the snares made ready for Ihem, ami pray that thine who have been iu sympathy will) the enemies nf our Government muy nut succeed to power, nnd Miiis have annlher opportunity to destroy the best Government upon which the sun nl hea ven ever abed its rays. What good effect, can result from a Democratic, victory. Tho Dem ocratic) party will not nndertuhu tn deny that, if they had been inccessfiil in the last'l'resi dontial eloctiuu, or nt any timo during the war, recession tvnnlil now be accomplished fact. Uut the Union has bceu preserved in spite of I lie Democratic party. Whut is the real statement nf that party 7 If their spealtera wonld lapse into an interval of truth, they would declare it thus: If our party bad aucoceded in the pre vious elections, the Union would now be dis solved ; the Conlrilcracv triumphant and iiun lent; the Nor ill humbled, prostrate, and Id soldier, disgraced ; the country was saved Iron Una liy nnr defeat; therefore we ask you in elect us now; yes, elect ns. the iiinoii pure Democrats; yes, elect us. who denounced I lie patriot Lincoln ai a tyrant; elect ns. who cm lit senice conceal I lie triumphant smile ol joy ut In, tragical Ueaih; elect ua. Who styled Hie iialrml soldiers nf the Union Lincoln hirelings," fit only to meet death ut the hands nf a slavery proud aristocracy ; elect ns, and though the hearena full and nations crumble into ruins, we will bundle I he public money as becomes Dem ocrats who hart "fought, bled and died'' lu stay the march of ' Liucoln'i hirelings" iu the ni ill to honor and victory- Uiiinn men, we have louglit the battle of the Union an fur successfully, and won the Held. and why should we now yield I There i no earthly necessity for it. Let us press steadily onward. Our principles so far have triumphed, let ns see tn it that those principles shall hp maintained, nnd he the guiding star of every patriotic heart. If there ever was a timo when a Union party should he organized, tins is cer tninly nut the lime to suffer ils dissolution; nnd though Democrats niny say it ia " doomed," it the lulure prove, in lull realization. Ill fact that it. ihn Union party. t doomed, dimmed tn preserve the Union, anil consign modern Democracy to the similes of oblivion. M'HHHKN fTAAT8. . LETTER FKOM CAMP POLK. Camp Polk, Oregon, Feb. 28, Km. E1. Statesman : Through tho months of Novem ber, December, nnd January, tho weather here was rather " hefty," but the past month hat been beautiful, warm o' days and cold o' nights. The snow baa not been at any time more than a foot deep, and the ground has been almost bare for the past mouth. The beef rattle and two mules i charge of Capt. Lafollett, A. C. 8., are standing the winter vory well. They live on tlie rushes in the creek bottomland bunch grn.s.on the hill- sines, uccr are very plenty, and in tolerably good order. We havu killed over a hundred, some weighings much as three hundred pounds grn.e. We bavo not seen any Suaka Indians. The weather permitting, Cpt. I,afollett, with a detachment of men, will sturt in a few days nn an expedition up Crooked IJiver, after Miinkes and glory. We have had no sickness n. all. We were two months at onetime without hearing a word from tho outsiJe world. One who has never been so situated eau little ronlize how hard it is to kill timo, without hooks, unpen, or news. If wo were not a jolly set of fellow wo would have died with ennui. Vie hop to be discharged before tho June elec tion, so that we can veto the Union ticket. Wu would, every one, do so with a hearty pood will. A word to our Union friends "over in I'olk." do to work in earnest. Allow no outside issue tn divide you. You have the same wily foe lo con tend with Tloiyara baudntl together like a gang of thieves, (rather harsh, but too true,) and will resort to nil kinds of trickery and lying, lie member they sre the sume now as when tboy hur rahed for Jeff Duvii, cut the halliards tn prevent i ho Htara and ISiripes frum beimr raised, tore the Hug from school houses, imported voters into I'olk county, rejoiced when the rebels (their friends) gained a victory, and were downcast at tho suc cess of the Union arms. And ther strike hniids with their rebel friends hoi from tho Held of but tle, with their arms red to the elbows with the blood of our brother soldiers. The guerrilla! that went prowling around, shooting Union men wher ever found, burning houses, and stealing proper ty, receive a liesuy welcome from them. The uien that starved our poor comrades at Anderson ville aud other places, with hellish and liemlish delicti!, are taken into their fords. The assassins nf President Lineolu, lha soldiers friei;d. would have been incorporated with delight into their party. Was there ever a party made no of luch wicked material 1 It cannot be possible that any o.n whu loves hi, eountry, who loves truth, rifht, and the good nf mankind, will vote their ticket. Leteveiy Union man do his duty, and victory is certain. Let harmony and concert ol action prevail. W would feel defeat more keen ly lhan yen. The "democrats" opposed Ilia ll.oi nly Iliil, and hiiv dune all they could lo de preciate tho value of our bounties, and would re pud mi them if successful in lha election. Every friend of the soldier will vol, the Union ticket. The "democrats" called ns "Lincoln's hirelings." They laks every opportunity to insult us. As we passed through the Valley last fall, are could tell the Union men and "democrala ' a par1 by t lie manner in which they treated ns. We know our friends. W ork together Uke a band of brothers I "siuk the partissu in the patriot;'' and go to the polls in one solid phalanx, and the result will give joy to every lover of bis country. C A . polk conn tsiex co.wotio.v. Hatlkkat. March 17. I8tl. On motion of J, L. Collins, the Convention came tn order, Hon. Isaac .Smith was elected Chairman jirt ttm., and Thomas Pearce, Sec retary. Ou motion of Mr. Collins, a oninmitte of five taa appointed by tbe Chair on credentials and order ol business. Committee on Credentials and Order of liui Inesa reported the name of gentlemen entitled to seal, in Ihe Conventions, and vked further time to report ou order uf busiueea. The report was adopted and the time asked by the Committee granted. On motion of Mr. Dodson. a committee of ten vt appointed on resolutions. Ou motion, adjourned till L.jt) p. M. ArTKHK'XiM 8&IO!. The Convention met pursuant lo adjourn ment. Tie Cutiiiiu oo Order of E&siueti iub- mitted Iheir report, which was adopted. Hon. Isaso Smith was elected permanent Chairman 'of the Convention, and Meser,. J. L Collins anil II. Ilnlman, Secretaries. On motion nf Mr. Whitson, the tiva voce sys tem nf voting was adopted.' On motion, it was ordered that the members from any preoinot should oast the vote of any member from their precinct who might be ab sent. ' ,Th Committee on Keiolutiona reported the following !',': I ... ' .'.,! ., .? , ;i ' j. ., Ketolved, Thst we will ever support the Sluta Oov. eminent- in all their oiisiitiuiiinnl rights, as the must lompeient ..iminl-trutors or their dometio concerns, Slid the surent hulwsrki air.linst mill rt.,ohliciin tpmUn. lies, and preserve the (lenerHl (iovernmrnt in its whole constitutional vigor, as the slieet-anchor of our ieac, at home und i-atety ahiianl. Rnalrei, That the C.rnersl Government should exert iti utmost enemy to defend the Constitution, execute the laws, picnerve the Union, und promote the peace m.t.-.ei ii, ,,i mr iimiuii, Rtsohcd, Thst the S'ates receutlv In rebellion should lie repre-ouU'd hy loyal men In both branches ot Con ltres. aa soon as the same may be compatible with the peace, prosperity ayd geuersl interests or the nation. Resolved, That we pledge ourselvtj to support the iiniionees iu mis convention , hi. a also or the stole Lou volition. On motion, the resolutions were adopted. The following gentlemen were elected a dt I egaiea to the State Convention i J. L. Collin,. J. A. Friizer. McM. Dodson. W. C. Whitson, J. L. Ludd and P. C-Hullivan. . The following county ticket was nominated ; Knr liepresentnlivea j; L. Collins. MoM. Dodson and J. StnulTcr. County Jndtre, W. C. Whitson. County Clerk. Thcinias Pearoe. Sheriff, Asa Shreve. Treasurer, Vm. Howe. Assessor, J. W. Downer. School Superinten dent. .1. A. Applegate. County Surveyor. W. T. Haley. Coroner. N. Hudson. County Com missioner!, Geo, H, Eilers and Gen. Commy- On motion, Ihe delegates tn the State Con vention were instructed for P. C. Sullivan for Prosecuting Attorney. , ,, On motion, the Chair appointed tho following gentlemen on the County Committee : W. C, Whitson, Jnn.Nichols. T. Znmwnlt. E Gmnnd, A. W. Lucas, Thus. Pearce, W. C. Warriner, Geo. Commygce, A. D. Bahcook. J. Stotffer. On motion, the Convention adjnnrned. . I. Smith, Chairman. J. h. Collins nnd H. Hoi.man. Sec'ys. CLACKAMAS COlJiTV IMOX C0NTBNTI0N. Thu delegate elected, pursuant to call of the ('utility Committee, met at the Court House in Oregon City, on Saturday, the J7 II tiny uf Mnruh, 180(5. at II o'clock A.M.; nnd were called to order by Hon. W. W. Buck. Chair man of the County Committee; whereupon. Ihe deleeales elect burin! uresellteil their ere- deiitiiils, the following persons were found en uuea to meir seats : Oregon City Precinct W. W. Buck, J. L. Barlow, Henry Warren, Kred. Cliarman. F, Barclay. Wm. Whitlock, K. 11. Kelley. W..P, Burns. Geo. A, Pease, Thomas Rowley. Ar thur Warner. ; Union Preoinot M. Miller, J. H. Ulacker, .1. liarlow. Yoiing'a Precinct J. D. Garret, Palma- teer, B. F, Sniiflin. Linn City Precinct F. Ford, C. W. Bry ant, George Wal ing. Hock Creek Precinct F. Tulberf. E. Pede. gn. J. T. ChitHiiod. Cttiicmiih Precinct J. P. Uliinchurd. J. Wormian and proxv for Capt. D. .Miller, Wm. Mullins. . . u.- Springwiiler Precinct L. A. Lncy, James McCord, Harding'! PreciuotC. K. Tracv, W. D. King. Murqnam't Precinct J. M. Drake. William Elliott, Alfred lilarqiiam. Lower Molnlla Precinct J. Wagoner, C. 0. Boynlon, F. Hirseh, li. fconuce. 1 MilwaiiltiK Precinct W. T. Matlock. W. A.Starkwenlher; J. II. Lambert, Dr. Thessing. 1 iiulitui Precinct A. Lumbert. J. Kuuff man. l'leasant Hill Precinct C. Leslie. Nelson McDonnell. Upper Manilla Precinct Georce ltce. Asa Sanders, Horace L. Dibble. Beaver Creek Precinct Jos. Walton, Wm. Mnrfit, J. T. Wingfield. "The Couveiitioii tin n proceeded to organize by electing W. W. Buck. Chairmiin. Fred. Cliarman. Secretary, and Wm. Whillnck, A- sistunt .Secretary. A. Murquttiu, W. A. Starkweather and Geo. Ueese, were nppointed a committee on the or der of business. Convention then tidjouriied lilteell liiinutcs for dinner. Convention called to order. A motion was made lo proceed to ballot for candidates E. B. Kelley and C. Leslie weru appointed tellers. Upon liullotinj,' for candidates, the re sult was as liillnws : For Ki'presentntives W. A. Starkweather, .L D. Locey mi. J. D. Garret; County Judge. W. T. Matliaikt County Coiiiniission'era, Asa Sunders and John Krnse; Sheriff, Wm. P. Burns Clerk, John M. Bacon; Treasurer. J. E. Harford ; Assessor, C 0. Boyntoii ; School Superintendent. N. W. liamlallt Surveyor, E. T. T. Fuller; t oroner. Dr. L. A. Lae'vt del egitlts to the Slate Convention. A. Warner, W.W. Buck. W. T. Mallovk, J D. Loco v. Fred. Charman. W. A. Starkweather, 1). P. Thompson; County Comtuillee for two years ensuing, A. Warner. Charuiau, W. A. Slarkweulher, D. D. Tompkins. W. T. Mat luck nnd George li. ese. The following resolutions were rend anil unanimously adopted t Williams, The lp.um pei.dii'ir before the Aineiicsn people are of vital uop.irUlire. soil we are still culled lu rexiot the ucroarhiueuts of w.iry. treacheri'us f.s... Hiekinir lo do by intrigue ami MiMrriupe wbal tl ov have utterly failed to au'uuipliidi in tlie Isle tebeitiuu; aud tt'UKBBAS, The Cnlo i iarty. under (!od, has Iseu the moiuis o! ine-ei viiig our usiionul unitv, Iwaring the hiir.k-n and heal of the day tlmuiith terrible vears ol civil war. until vietorv cn.wurd Ihe .loirrs ot the lit-loililii-, iu their conilht with treason and rebcllioa: therelore, be it Remterd. Thut tn the fnlon piirtv we still look Tor that pjiieut. manly li.lu.iiie. ol paliiotisin ahich hall innke the coi.piet or Trulli and ll'ulit aioui,lne tn ihe liehl ,4 iutilie opinion si It lln len ou ihe Iti l.l or ImIiIc Rewired Tint the example of roiir.ice and devotion set by our Union soldiers on luud and .aa are a niva all pnn-e: and while their mi-morv is Ire-ll in our heatts wc will not by net or vote put In peii! the heritage their vh Ins mi aloiioiH.lv w.ai. ItetotTrd, Tliat we are not in favor nf men tor laar m.ker who have so re.-wnily trficn eugairefl in a deadly etturl to overthrow all law; and wllh the It-oiin m tlie pa-t ta-fore us. we are opposed In the adinixsion of men uilo I'oiikm'M who have heeit guilty l perliily and Ireaidivry, by derertlug their country's (lag slid waging a l"ti. tierce aar lor the dctrtli'ti.'li uf the lolli a.. Regtleed. Tliat. lait lor purN,Hsi ot revenge, lait r.ir a solemn w.iruiug In the future, we desire, with 1'n-sj. dent J-.lirisnn. lhat ticam nuy be tnude udlou. hy the P'.ot.hmeiit of trsilnvi. Keiolted, That the v."d Taltb or our nation Is pledged to me p i) ine.it ir Mir nniioiinl ,.M Rn.J we sit, a. we always hsvs Iwau, optsMed to repudiatton. Res'iltfd. Tna we are lorrverop(i.ised U, ttie assunip-tloii.eitlMirdln-ctly or Indirectly, by our tiovernmeut. or suy iisrt ot Ihe rebel debt , Rrtolted, That we are n'a In tnvnr nf unjust discrlm ioaii -ii, but think representation la Congraw slwuld be tmd uiHin the popular viae elmi. Resoltrd. That ws are sot in fsvnr of men for places of prorti r Iru-t win were on tin wrong side in the cri.i thnugh which w base passed. Ian are l..rlhe line and tried men who -I..! a. pillars lu tlie sut, dor lug theciH.ulry'adsrkest ddys. On motion. It was ordered that tlu, pna-eedings or thi nieciiiig, with copies nf the revolution, tie torward- ed 0. Hie ( bi.hi parao( ihe Htal. with a miueat to publish tlie -an.e. W. W. lll t'K, Pre-ideut. rasn. i ntaai.,, nee y. , Thb Vote in tht, Hrnatr. The following is the vole in the United 8taef Senate on the resolution declaring against the admission of Southern members of Cmigreae till their State, shall be declared restored, aa printad by the Bulletin and Alia of the 5th inst.i Ar-s Anthony, Itrowii, ( lark, Chandier. f'nnns. t'raain. I rs-weli. Femmlen. Yirtn, linmcs, liam a, ri.rw., a.u . urn .a iniiisna.Murnll, Nyt. Poland, I'. meroy. Itamsey Hlierinin.Tniiauull.Williains.Wade. W.lley, Vt lUiia, Vau Vl. iVasv-B'tclnleej. Cowan. tl.vL. fn Tm.lt.iU liuthns. lirndrieks, dohotsm, Lane of Kansas. Mol(. o gall. U 'tfun. .Senuith, X..rion. ladiil,stewrt,Hvk ton, ha!4srrj,Va.iwi,;k ed . j A.jhU i,t, li'Wiulll.d HiJ. i HOLE NO. DOMKSTIC ITEMS. ' Yamhill County. The Conner advocates an agricultural fair for Yamhill county, and also ftirniihes the following Items: " .", We u ere ihown at Dayton, a few dayi lince. by General Palmer, a horti of much nf much greater lize than any produced on any animal of which modem liistury, at least, give, any account, While excavating a bank near Ihe General ! mill, this extraordinary horn wasdii envered and unearthed, at a (letith of about fifteen feet below the mrface of the ground, immediately upon Ike top of what ii termed hard pan nr bed rock. In respect to taper, curve and general outline, except as to size, it resembles many that we have aeen worn hy the ordinary ox. It is near five inches in di ameter at Ihe butt. Ami is supposed tn have been seven feet long, though the exact length could not be ascertained, us much of it wai taken nut iu small fragment! prior to the onri osity of those engnged in excavating the hunk was excited. This horn it iu a tolerable stale of preservation, parti of it seemingly petrified. A Post Office, called " West Chehalem," hai lately been established (n West Chehalem, in thi county, and laaao lingers has received the appointment of postmaster fur the same. A bridge of no inooushleiable proportions ii being constructed over the hollow aud ravine 'nne mile and a half north of Lafayette, on the IV t f'l,..l,.l ....i ' ,. o, lyl,CIItlCIII III.Ul ' t !.-.! 1 Lane County. Tho Eugene Jotonel tm tains the following : Mrs. Henderson,, wife of our Cniigremiiaii, returned homo tin the 3d initant. Mrs. II. went East with her husband a little more lhan a year ago. uud has lince been sojourning with friends and relative! in Missouri, Pennsylvania and oilier parti of the ouuntry, and residing at Washington.. ....A pair of flue horses, belonging tn Wm. Skein, were drowned in the Long Tom on the 3d init. The hones became frightened, ran into Ihe ferry boat and plunged uff intti tho river. Mr. Skein escaped from the wagon just in time to keep from going overboard. . . . . .J. J. Musscr, a aoldier nf Co. G. Oregon Cavalry, raturned home to this county during the week, having served nut hia time, three yeara. . A inn of J. V. Gazley, of Douglas oouuty, got home a few days ago. having served out his time. We tako Ihe following from the Journal of the 17th : S. B. Cathoait, H, Cnnn, H. S. Conn, nnd Wm. F. Colvin, soldiers of Co. A, Oregon Cavalry, in command of Capt. MoCall. at Fort Klamath, passed through here during the week, on their way to Vancouver to be mustered out, having served out their term nf one year. They will return to their hnmei in Douglas county in a few days A new copperhead paper has been started at Engene Ciiy, calltd the Eugene City Acu'i. designed to run until the June election. It ii a regular, out and out old-line, unturritied leoesher. ' The Albany Journal lays that it is run hy n aeoesli school master. The best thing that he can du forth Democracy ia to advocate tho public school,. From the A'cvi we take the following item : We learn that several of our citizens bad their chillies-hues robbed, a few night, ago, of a quantity ol clothing. During the pait two weeki quite n number of valuable dngi have been' poisoned in town. Possibly thi, petty thief had a clothes-line raid in contemplation and poisoned the dogi tn prevent deleolinn. If the fellow should inadvertently swallow one of hia own baits, those who have suffered hy hii cowardly crime would not be inconsolable for llil III!. I : I, I . ; ,1 :. Ml . Linn Cot'STY.Tlte Albany Journal con tains the following : Gen. Sleeie, commanding ollicer of this department, has been on a riiit up (he Willamette Volley fur ai Albanr, where hia old college tutor, Her. Mr. Monteitu, resides K. A.'Freeland, clerk uf the school district coiinjiriiing the town of Albany, has completed the annual census of Ihe dis trict. The total number of juveniles over four and under twenty one jean nf age is 311 boys 175 ami girls lfti. . . . . .Through Ihe kind ness of Mr. J. II. Donthit. we were recently permitted to examine a model for again plow. invented by himself. He ha, forwarded it to Munn St Co., of tho Srientijic American, and designs applying through the'tn, aa hi, agents. mr n patent, it ia a most complete piece of mechanism, nnd we have no dnnbt it will be accepted by agriculturist! everywhere ai a de cided improvement. It unmet two plow, abreast, behind a pair of wheels, aud li in ar ranged that Ihe driver, whose seat 1, over the axle, van set his plows deep or shallow, to init nis groiinu, or lie can, It lie nestres, raise them entirely out of Ihe ground, by simply turning a crank at hi, right bniu!. The whole con struction is simple hnt substantial. Mr, Don Ihit thinks they cuu be made complete for eighty dollars. The Kcntinel furnishes the following items i From Mr. Kelly, Heoelvir at the Land Office in Hnseliiirg. we It am that the authorities at Washington have rescinded ihe order to that ollice requiring an oath of allegiance from i. . nation land claimants, llerealler the filing of the rmth. preliminary tn the issue of the final certificate, will be dispensed with. By a letter from Captain Sprngoe. dated at Camp Alvnrd, Fi h.tllh.we learn that hia com mand ia well. The weather is very revere, fornge scarce, and their cavalry animals were on quarter ration, of barley and halt-rations of liny. They hail a skirmish with a bund of In diaiison Christinas, who attempted to rim off Ihe horses and mules. - In Ihe action one hone Wai killed and nn Indian wounded. " The lav age threw away their arms nd clothing and ttnik In the mountains. The clothing was burned and the arm, taken tn camp. 1 - ' The bridge nnd ferry on Klamath river were earned away by bith water on the morning of the 7th instant. Thii may impede the carry ing of the daily mulls for n'tnie time. The Mountaineer contain! the following In foi iiiation in rdatiuu lo the Slougblon murder: Eight of the turn acuused nf the murder War bound over in tbe sum of $5,000 for their p iiearuuue at thu Circuit Court, but being umt hle lo give the hail, were confined in the coun ty jail. The leader id thu party, a Dr. Alder man, wa committed, the evidence beiug so clear against bun that he wa refused bail. Dutitig the examination. Mr. Dugnn, of Walla i V alia, Mho had keen employed lo prosecute the nase. received a letter from the vigilantes of Walla Walla, telliug bim to return to his home and not prosecute Ihe case, as it would he much belter lor him. The Sheriff of Uma tilla county received a similar letter. Cautioning him against being so euergetio in th prosecu tion. It is to he hoped that, if these men are guilty of th atrueiou murder with which they are charged that the gillow, will yet avenge the foul detd. . . Starvation of Phikonkk Th following resolution wai introduced iu tbe Senate on the 3d of February, by Judge William, eflhii. State t Resolved, That upon 111 evidence before this nation f the slaivalion and butcherv of Iti sol diers a prisoner of war in Ihe hand of lb late in culled Confederate Government, and of other violations nf th bnmane usage nf na- liom to that behair. with tlio presumed oooolv ance nf the Executive head af tbat Govern ment and the commander in chief of itrmie lo tbe field, It bai brooms the duty of the Pres ident of th United State to order th trial ef those pretended functlonarie. and all ether oflicer of that Government, oivil or military, who ar believed to hart either authorized r been coiisenllog thereto, before a military com mission, for a violation of the law of war; and in c. ' of the conviction nf any of ihem, lo exeunte th seateno of tacb tribunal by la. dieting inch punishment a may he adjudged by them appropriate le lb offense, ' A man who had been married twice lo la dle both named Cathariiiu, atlvutrrj hi fllrud njninrt riktiej Brf.!! Kntei. ' ' ' ' BOOK ANT . a.'l ritlTIU, '' IfJfUry leserlptinn, - v ixzcrifD wiT'vrAilrs.i and msi-atci ft.riuior vaiiio. n FlrUlnwrilon, Jr. aer ljp sf Its Hues or l, ailnl., Ulemair,. $1 for h salaam llllti-llou, I . . ' ., tT Ailvrrtlilii, SHIT, wlion s.l ia sdaoc, slliii. li.rir1 tweiily-nve r atl.iliUnal, to corer tl.. t of eultpctlon. ' ' ' 1 ' ' ' u j W A liberal diUucllon trom th.sliin. racrt will l.f iTn.i lb favor or Min,s wf.s ailverllw sy the iinsrtn-. 1 THB TITO limes." ' 'K-'i .pHtMIUKNT' JOHNSON'S ONRCTIOKt Ttlli ., ,, - .' FSEBDMBH'8 BILL. "' To tilt Stnale of tht United States ( I Lave examined with oare tbe bill which originated in Ihe Senate, ami ha been passed iy bulb house of Congress, to arusad au act entitled " an act lo eitablish a boraua for the rrlict . freedineu aud refugee, and for other put poies." ,; Having with niOoli regret cone tu tlie oooclusian that it would not be consistent with the publio welfare to give mr. approval la Ihe : measure, I return th bill to the Senate with uiy objection to it becoming a law, .,.,, -, I might call to miud, in idvanoe of time otv jeotiou that there U no immediate oeceuily for the measure. . The at to establish a boreaa. for the relief of freedmen and refugees, whict wai approved in the month of March last, haa not yet expired.,, It wa thought stringent and extensive enough for the purpose in yiw. Be for it oease lo hate effect, further experience may assist to goide ni to a wise conuliinp aj to the pnlloy to be adopted iq llpie nf peace,' , I have, with Congren. the itrongeit deilr ' to secure to freed men the full enjuymeut of . their freedom and their property, and their til tire independence and equality In making eoa tiaoii for their tabor. But tba bill before trie cnntaiui provision, which, in my opinio,, i Dot warranted by the Conitltatioo. cJ a t , ,t well suited tn aocomnluk the end In view. ' , , The bill propose establish, by .',aet I; - "j of Cnngress. military Jurisdiction over all part nf the United State containing refugee and freedmeii. It would, by it very natare. apply with most force to those part of the Unjlcd State in which the freed men mint aboubd; and it expressly extendi th existing temporary I. risdiotinn of tbe Freedmen' Bureau, with greatly enlarged power, over those States In which the ordinary course nf judical proceed ings hai been interrupted by the rebellion, ' Thu sou roe from which thi military jurisdic tion Ii to emenate is none other than the Pres ident of thn United State, acting through the War Deportment and the Commissioner ef tbe Freedmen' Bureau. The agent to carry nut thi military jurisdiction are to he selected eith er from Ihe army or from civil life. The coun try is tu ha divided lot district and sob dis tricts, and the number of islatied agent! to be employed may lie equal tn ihe number of coon tie or parishes iu all the United State where freedmen and refugee are to be found. The ubjeot over which thi military Jorii diction is to extend in every part of the United States, include protection lo all employee,, agents aud officer of thi bureau, in the exer cise uf tho dutie imposed upon them hy the bill iu eleven State; It I further to extend over all case affecting freedmen and rcfogeyt discriminated against hy local law. custom or prejudice, in those eleven Statu.. The hill tub Jeoti any person who may be charged with de priving freed mcu of uny civil right or iiuinr). nilie belonging to white person, tn imprison ment or line, or both, without, however, defin ing the civil right and Imniunilio which are thu to he secured tu freedineu by military law. , . Thi military jurisdiction also extendi to ill question, that may arise respecting contract. The agent who is thu to exuratse the office of a military judge may be a '(ranger, entirely ignorant of thn laws of the place and exposed to the error of judgment to which all men are liable. , The exercise of power over wliioh llicre ii no legal supervision, by to, vast a number bf agent, a i coutrinplulcd by the bill., muat. by the very nature nf man, be attended by actepf caprice, injuatioe aad paaaion.. . , , f , ... The trial baring their origin under Ihii bill are to take place without Intervention ol a jury, nnd without a' y fixed rule of law or evidence. The rule on which offense, are ta be beard and determined . by the numerous agent, are : seek rule and regulation M the president, through the War Depariuiert, (hall preiorihe. No prcvloii presentment i required, nor aqy Indictment charging tbe oooimissioo of a crime ngaiuit tho law, br.t the trial must proceed pn charge and apeoiflcatiunt. The punishment will not be as the law declare, but iuub a a court martial may think proper ; and from theae irbitrary tribunal there lie no appeal no writ of error lo any of the court lo winch the Con stitution of the United Stiles Test exclusively Ihe judicial power of the country, while lie territory and Ihe olas of aotiou and offime that are made subject to thi measure are o extensive, the hill itself, ihniild it become a law, will hare no limitation in point uf time, but will form a pari of the permanent legisla tion of the country. , ' . ',, ' ' I cannot reconcile a system of military jurat diction of Ibis kind with the word of the Cun stiiutinn, whiuh declare that "do penon shall he held to answer for a capital or otherwise in famous crime, unlets on a presentment or, in dictment of a grand jury, exo-pt in cases arise ing in the land or naral force, nr iu the militia wheu in active service in lime of war or publio danger;" and lhat in all criminal prosecution the accused shall enjoy the right lo a ipeedy and publio trial, by tn impartial Jury of the Slate nr district wherein the crime tball bay been committed. , " The salegnard which the wisdom and expe rience of age taught our father tn eitablish a securilie for the protection of tbe innocent, the jienishuiuiit nf the guilty, and tbe equal ad ministration of jnsiiie, are lo be let elide; and fur the sake of more vigorou interpeiitioa in behalf of justice, w are to lake the risk of the many acls uf injustice that wnuld of necesiity follow from almost counties uunihersafigeut. established in every parish or county iu nearly a thi'd of tbe State in the Union, over abase decision there i to be nn uperviionary con trol by the federal courts. The power tbat would be tlm planed in the baud of tbe I' res ilient iu such a lime of peace certainly ought never to be entrusted to anyone man. if it be asked wli-ther ihe creation of sucb a tribu nal wilbin a Stale i warranted a a ineatnr) of war. Ihe question Immediately present it self whether we ar still engaged in war . Let us cot anneoeisarily diltraot th ooai merer, oredit and industry ol Jie eountry try deolaring lo the American people and the world that the United State are Hill In a eru dition of civil war. At present there i not, a pari of our country iu which tbe authority of the United Slate I disputed., OfT'ncei tfiat may be commuted br individual should work a forfeiture of right of the community. The country ba ruu tcd or i returning (o a statu ol peace an! iuilustry. and rcbelliuu bt In fact at an end. Th measure therefore le,un to be ua inconsistent with the actual condition uf the country as it is It variance with the Con titutiou uf th United Stale. If, iu pasting from general eoniidentiobi. w examine the bill lo detail. It It open ta weighty objection, tn time uf war il I emi nently proper that we should provide for tbuee who re passing itiddiuly from a condition of boudage In a slate of freedom; but Vlii bill prowec in make Ibe Freedmen' Bureau, t lahluhtd hy tbe act of I8C5, a en of the nuey great and extraordinary military aicarareaMw uppres a formidable rebellion, permanent branch of the aduiioiitratioo, with it powir greatly enlarged. . , , 1 bav no reason to inpnose, an J ( do pot understand it lo be alleged, tbat tbe act of March, 105. bn proved deficient for th pur pose for which it wu passed, altbougk at t.a! time, and (or a considerable period there f'tr, Ihe Government of the United 8tal r,oi,d unacknowledged In moat nf the 8lle whose inhabitant had been Invulved In Ihe rrhell,.in. The Institution of slavery, for ihe military destruction of which tba freedom' Btr-aa was called into existence a an auxiliary, aa been already efTeetuillj and -Sally abn..'-'ed lliroughont ihe whole coeutrj by n aueud tnent af lb Constitution of Ibe United ''. and praalioally it ,r,dtctkio hat reylv, I ; asaetit and eoncurreoee of moot ef IL a f in which at aay lime it bad tinted. 1 1 t hrrfute l ' lo Wn Is t'1 r W.r'g to Jnef r8ei,Jea ftst ti e f- - - rc - LOU