The Oregon statesman. (Oregon City, O.T. [Or.]) 1851-1866, March 12, 1866, Page 3, Image 3

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    iEhf '(Drfjott Statesman.
Tin' voli-m of Urn severnl counties of Oregon wlin
Tin vn been ami in'" ' ,'"v"r "' 'inintiiiiuturlhe an
piotniu-v "I III' Union. I'm Constitution nml the laws
of llie United Hliili H. MKiiillBt hII opposition, are re
spect fully 111 vitrei In ll'ilil conventions ufrnrillng tn tin,
HHiml riislnm. fur tin' cloi'lioll if I 'i'Ii K'tte l' II I'lli'ill
Millie IJimvellli I" l In-"' HI Curvallis, on the -Jill li
day "f HhitIi. ""''i' I'"' tmrjMiMi uf iiiiiiiinntiuu'
ciiiidblatos fur (Inventor. Member uf Cnnurr.s. Sere
renrv of Smie, Main Trcnsiiri'i-, nml Nunc I'riiiinr
We reiqirctmlly rei-iiiiuncnd the holding of County
Cimvciiiinns lliriiiilii'ilt lite Mate mi 8nl nrilny, lhi'
llliiliiy of March, IHnii, at which time Dcli-initi'o to
tho Slate Cnnvcntiiin rim Ira mien ml. Ami that the
Precinct nici-liliita he hold mi Kiilurdny llm llllli day of
March. Deleuaies to the Stnie Convention frnin each
Judicial histm-l, assembled in the time of holding said
nnnvi-ntiou. will noiniiinle candidates for Julian and
I'rnscciitiuu Attorney, where vneitiicica exist.
The several rotiniies are entitled tu send Delegates
to tlieMtnle t-.onvuuiiiui us Inllows i
Maker ...
4 Lnne 7
lleufllll ....
I 'Inckuinua.
CUlSiip ....
('olilitiliiH ..
JiirkiHin ... .
4 Linn 10
7 Marion 14
'.' Miiliiiouiuh 13
I Hulk
, 1 Tillamook I
, 1 Unuiiillit A
, , 7 Union H
& WuHliinuton 8
Wasco II
li Vtimtiirt !
I li, MODliHS,
Cliuinimn Stale Central Committee.
Wiiitkiin. Sei-'v-
The Union County Cniivcnliou uf yiiiulilll county,
Oreirnii, will lie lield'ul Lafayette, on the l?tli inst., tit
12 o'clock, tn. for tin iui'io.e of election llvi leleirta
to the Siaio convention to lie lielil at Ctirviilliii, oil the
VJtb if March
(I'M. II. TKV'AI!I) Union Co. Committee,
From (lie Sentinel we learn :
A fair Intly in Juukstm ouiinir tljrre times
A widow mitl four time a wire, Inn very tin.
fiiirly giilililrd up iiiwttier Unncilict right un
der the niwi-i uf our clinrniiugr iwarriagenlile
young ladies. Change vur tactic, gtrlt.
Last Rntiiriloy, the 3d, as two of out citizen
tirre (ruing op to the links of Jackson creek,
a couple of Cunt-pails confronteil theiu hud lie
itiHiided their lilnse change in the mint artistic
nuinnrr. The proposed victims were tmiti)ick
fur them drawing their pistols Iimt and lurn
itig I he tuliki completely oil the would he roll
Iters. The person win) were attacked any
that Ihi-y recognized the fellows hot ileuline lo
complain of tliein. .
Col WV G. T Vault returned honiu itti
Wednemlity lust, in good heitltli and Hue pir
im. Owyliee niiim hare agreed with him.
"He it nut dead !" Uu the way hinni', at .Sa
lem he purchitneil the prem. type and niateriulii
uf the Oregon Arena iifliue front C. li Iifllm
ger and Hulinn E. Hickii. We have nut learn
d whether III" Col will Hurt a campaign pa
per at Portland or the Dullea, or tuke the ma
terial lo the Owyhee, I. T.
The Colonel howed in enongh of Owyhee
diamond to liny the 'Reporter OHice.'
Our nt'iglihnrt in Douglna county have dia
covered a very et rung oil or uf pelroletitn in
their comity, and are very rangniiie of atriking
the article itnelf in the Spring. We hope
their fondeat expectation may lie realized and
ended in rooielhiug more tangible llntn mere
amella" of the artiele denired.
8. F. Clnidtvick, Worthipful Mailer, of the
Griind Lodge, ot Oregon, during tliia week
virited Kelt Lodge, at Kerliyville and Wurren
Lodge, at Jackxinville. Ho inforiiii uu both
lodges are doing good work and in a proiper
ou condition.
Speaking of aome quart)! specimen! from
Jackson county, the llcporttr says :
Specimens of each of the'kinds mentioned
have been tnthmitti d to the common priicens of
blistering, and every piece uf rock yet sub
jected to this test has shown sitinll globules uf
silver all over its surface. Thee globules
have been examined liy Mr. Houck, the jewel
er, and pronounced largely charged with sil
ver ; iu fact, he declared some of theiu to be
as pure silver as he ever put graving tool into.
C'mtVAI.I.IM M.ircli 3, 18fi0.
htiitor Stainnian : We have had a grout exeite
ninnt in polities here since the reception of the
news of President Johnson's veto. The Union
men endorse the President, and the Democrats
are nonplussed at this move. Thy Imped that
Union men w ould divide, and fall to utilising rm-li
other, and that in that way the Undicsls would mi
wittingly play into their hands. The Union par
ty here were not to be caught in that way, and no
amount of Copperhead " hurrah" tor the Presi
dent would induce or drive any Union man from
the President. All we have to do in order to se
cure a glorious victory and bury Coppeth'";4isiii
forever at the next June election, is to n'eadil v
support the President. A very large number of
the moderate D moerats, men who voted with us
in Juneand for Mel'lellan in November, will now
vote with n if we adhere firmly to the snfe policy
inaugurated by Lincoln, and w hii h is now being
carried out by Johnson and Seward.
The prospeeta of our part of the country are
looking up The Vamiimi Hay hav
ing been opened to the commerce of the world,
and the laud in that region thrown open to settle
ment, hundreds of claiini are being taken up,
C'orvnllis is brought within lorty-two miles of
ocean steamer landing, and everything bids fair
to give us a season of great prosperity next year.
1 am pleased to see that Congress i about lo du
something tangiblo for the railroad interests of
Oregon tSoiue parties are agitnting tlm project
of a railroad tn Aiiiina Bay; and although this
may not be practicable at present, it will be at no
distant day iu the history of Oregon. Senator
Nuftnithlms introduced a bill in Congress grant
ing three sections of land per mile to the Yniiiiua
Bsv Wagon Koad, which, if passed into a law,
will insure ibe speedy and substantial construc
tion of this niueb-netded road.
Yours, i A. C.
LibHH PsmiseT. The Union voters of Ijiliinh
PruviHeC met si Ww-oitdu M. red loth. Katnael Uruwu
was elerleii chairman sod K. P. llenilenxiu sH-rvtury.
A committee on resulntiiaM whs MiMiuited, consist ini;
of Josnph Kiiffle, 8. W. U. .tones, ami 1.. II. Honjaile.
who suhuiilled the following rewilutiiais, wliieli were
utoitiiiuoufly adopted :
Whereas,' We lielieve ill the luitinletuilli'e of llie Un
inn of these Si ales Slid the principles ellilliriated ill llie
' lleclarntkm of lmleiendenre ; anil, -whereas, we te
lieve this ran only he utlailied by ttie pcqsitliity of tbe
Cliion party; theivfure.
Keeolved. TIkii we are opmsed to raising niinnr is
sue that will have a teudenry to divide tl Union
llesi'lveri. That we Indorse tlte- policy eiuniriuted by
President Jolmmin w hen he declared ihttt tressmi
hall be nwde odions and tniilors punished,1 and his
dccUrati'iti that " the abolition of slavery shall he
made tiiisl, and llie rihts of freeiituell reaierled."
KeiMilved. That w are ill favor of a strict sillier
ence to the t'ouifressinual test oath; and are iu favor
of IheHiutes turuwrly in nbellimi letng represented
in Congress as soon as they send loyal men who can
take tlieoslh prescribed by couirress.
Kt solved.' That we are hi favor of bsiiair reore
sentaliou on tlieartual voliuir popolntioa ot the t' tilled
8tateHand if Congress sh ill snb;utt such an amend
msnt to tlis C'ouataiition ad ptioa by the seveml
bustes. thai we am in favor of 111 Legislature of Or
egon adopting the sans.
11. i:. ihivi.. B'mk. II P Jackson, and
Abraluun tilacktikini were ele-td delegates lo the
Conoty C aiveiuwa K. H Hemtaraon was sosni
aondy raeummsiMled tor deUfjoito u. tbs tiusie Ceil
vsuuou. Aliiqus precinrt sends Wra. K. Easthaia. Kiephen
Porter, and Jacob H. Hsnghn.att M d-.'l'-jrslca to Ids
Union County Convention. Toe resofuuous will be
published next week.
How THE STAKDS. Tbe Union press of
this State stands as follows uu the Vela: The
Suit Jaarsaf, Qrtftm NstnW, Jfowafeister, CstssW
lit Ctirllt, and hW Ongon Siatrtmm endorsing tbe
President; while the Albany Jmtrut and tie Or
efowiea endorse the position of Congress. Tbe
Astoria te:ru is somew nere tn tne - twiwixt ana
betweens': wkile the Ortfonmn is the only paper
professing the Union cause whicu has denounced
the President as a Copprhead traitor. In that
act it achieved a " bad eminence." which Beeds lo
be opeuly repented of. We publish in another
column extracts from the Chios) papers which en
dorse the PresiJenl, g'ving the "reasons for the
fsiih within them," and we kopo the Oifonwa
will not denvonce these exiracu as another of onr
" tjntbbles."
Pi atio baorril Bishop nsf will nVllvsr a Ictore
in !M. Haul's church, fsslem at hall s4 seven . I a .
Aliis en eing. 8uU)e,t" Tbe Hnle .nf faith This i
one of tbe lecture in respn Ui the le1urs of the
4 sth..k Priest Bacbard, and whkb -uses: so smck in
leaest in HonUad.
Tixs SoTn t. Hitusa." rrnai this exireswtosi.
o Aglets isirjcrrf aoo.'inrjcii we reeaai ami. ei
bad reference to the II jil rM'rl I'arksr. lite great
sssasar uf ties iSsaorraey ia lee Wiliaawtlt Valley.
Vamiiim. Ctil'NTV Fro u tlm Lnfnyetto Cou
rier we lake the following; Items i In niitsciiieure
of having tn attend llm V 8. Court at Portland,
Mr. W, I.. Unaton, llie Fngiueer imiployed to lo
cate the Lafayette Water Ditch, could not como
Inst week as lie had intended to do. 1 1 n sends
won! that he will bo on hand now us snou as the
weather is sutliciently settled to permit Iho work
lo go on... .The Lafayette Lyceum is attracting
considerable nttoutioii just now in llml hurg, and
is one of the features of the place. The ipinaiimi
for discussion at the next meeting la, Kesolvi d,
Thvt pride and ambition have wrought moro evil
than ignorance and superstition.... Mr. Ken
worthy has arrived at Lal'ayetlu, and is making
active preparations to start his Diewery. We
regret to see the (Juurirr man hid the enterprise
such groat, success. We indulged high hopes
that he would sign that temperance pledge, hut
alas, for the vanity of human expectations ! lie
is wedded to his Idol. ...The linn of Upton &
HoWMiiui, In the publication uf the t'ourirr, is dis
solved, Upton continuing the publication.
Ilr.MTON C'nitKTtf. The 7xeir contains a long
letter front David Nowsom, in relation to Yaiiiina
Hay. lis publication la requested In several pa
pers, ours among others, and as soon as wo can
find room we will put it in. The principal points
In the letter are, 1st, The Ysquiim bay and hnr
bur are a reality, anil navigable for largo ecenn
steamers lor twenty-live miles; lid, The oyster
beds iu the Day am about twu niiloa and a hall
long and lour tu eight hundred yards widei lid,
The laud about the liny ia very rich, although
bruken ; 4ih, A 40 horso-powcr steam saw mill is
to be in operation by May 1st; full, The climate
is superior no drouths being suffered in that re
gion! liili, A large numbor of sulllurs havo al
ready located on the Day, and liev, N, Chirk, uf
C'orvnllis, has preached the tirst sormou ever
heard in that country.
LlMN County. The Journal lays that at a
meeting of the shareholders in the Linn comity
Agricultural Association, held March 1st, the fol
lowing named persons were elected directors
A. llacklcinan, J. II. Doutbit. M. Lnper, John
Harrows, J. M. Mc.Couuel, B. Montgomery, and
Jesse Parrish. The Hist meeting of the directors
was to he held on last Wi dncsday.... A public
examination of the district school in Albany, un
dercharge of L. Flino, took place last Fridny.
....The lhmirat learns from U. C. Qoolcy, mcr
ichaot of Brownsville, that the towns of old and
new Brownsville are steadily advancing ill busi
ness, improvements, and industrial enterprises.
Lane County. The Journal the popu
lation of Kiigone City at 7i2l number of legal
voters, I HO John Miller, a sollinr of Co. K ,
Oregon Infantry, returned to his home in Lnne
county a few (lays ago, having served out the
time lor which he enlisted, and been honorably
discharged On the night of Feb. !!-lh. the
boi, se of Mr. Diiticnn, on Camas Hnnle, in Lane
county, was burned to the ground, with all of
the household furniture... . C. Widmer, of Kngene
City, has uinniifnctured about 'iM gallons of the
best quality of peach brandy.... A A Skinner is
announced as a candidate fur Clerk, and V. II.
Haley as a candidate for re-election to the ollice
nf WierilF of Lane county : subject to the decis
ion of the Union County Convention.
IscoiiMATliiN WANTKI).-Mr. J W.P. Hunting-
ton has handed us for publication a letter, of
which the following is a copy, which helms lately
received. The letter is dated San Francisco. Feb.
'Jflih, I Will : " Sir : From a recent lotlor from the
States I learu Mint 1 have a relative by the name
nf Sylvester Wilcox, who i now (or was) resid
ing on the Indian K ' vntion on the borders nf
California or Oreoy. an agricultural instruct
or, or something ,t .no kind. His relatives in
Ohio are very anxious lo b arn his address, as
they have not hem J directly front him for a limn
berof years. 1 have made a thorough enquiry
here in California, and now write to yon hoping
to meet with better success. I will now proceed
to give you something of a description of him:
He is rather a singular loukitig man (an said to lie)
ia about 45 or &U years of age, carries his head oil
one sido ns though his neck was stilf, and is fru-
nuently called 'Siitf-necked Wilcox': hits rather
light hair, blue eyes, and black whiskers; has
been a iiieniber of the State Legislature twice;
speaks II tn ii t Iv lb" Knglish. lialmn, French,
Spanish, and alt the Indian iiincrs ; is said to be tho
greatest linguist iu that section ; occupies a lnrire
tract of land called the ' Wilcox Kaiich.' Uu
spectfully, Ktl.l'll L. WllMiliT."
Mi'.mr.vL OiitiANi.ATioN. An enter pi iso has
been undertaken in Salem recently, iu which the
public have a deep inlereet. We allude to the
organization of a Medical Society, to have it
central organization hern, and to ineludo such
physicians residing in all parts of tho State as
choose to become members. The medical pro
fession is ouo in which we all have vital interest,
and it is at (he same time one of uhieli cuiniiiun
people are little qti.-tlitied to judge. Ib-nce we nre
always liable to imposition by quackery and ig
norance. A society like that now foruiing w ill be
useful in stripping llifl mask from impudent
quacks, and it will also be still more iiselul in cul
tivating a spirit of emulation and investigation
among the faculty. Nothing contributes mure to
sharpen llie faculties of the mind lluiii the mtnlal
altrttitiM which is on, of the features of Medical
organization. We hope the profession through
out the State will lake bold of liie mailer with
zeal, and aseist in carrying nut the objects of llie
association, namely, the ili'Tiision uf d ue medical
science, and the el. v.i'.iou uf the character of llie
profession. Iu doing ibis, they will bench! theiu
selves, at tho sutno time Iimt Ihey improve llie
health and protect the livca nf the cnmniuuit;.
I'mtTLANi) Items. From the !ia;ala of the
Oreronian we glenu the billowing : The
.Steamer Montana, on lite first Itip, out i-aiied
the folloning :
Wells. Fiitgu & Co.'f express, about one
hundred passengers, and a larger freight tlm
any ship that has left the cur the past lew
n'tinths. The following ia a copy of the caige.
as appearing on the manifest i 5 4111 bmes nf
(nut ; 4. cues of merchandise; barrels id
syrup, li!' barrels of merchandise; SJ4 socks
Iiiicoh ; 1104 green ami dry hides s 114 socks
unions ; bales wool ; 7(i barrels rider ; &'
boxes eggs; -III sack peas ; III rolls leather; i
packages hard ware. ...We learn by pri
vate letter from New V-rk. dated January
a.'ilh. ISCti, llml Hon Outgo V.. Cole had just
rlleclcd a third sale uf feet in the ledges uf
Idaho, l.i (he amount uf $100.0110. He has
thus far been very siicvessful iu inducing Ens
leru capitalists to must. ... A(ur liie close of
the lecture this evening, nt the M. E. ( hutch,
the Trustees will meet fur tbe purpose nf de
riding upon a plan lor the new church edifice
In be erected by that congrcgnlion Hie Cuming
season. .. . Ilcnjamiu C. C'oiiiiiughaiii. youth
of near twelve years nf age. sun of Mr. Jo
eph CniiiiiiigliaiE uf St. Helens, was drowned
at lhat place a lew days emce by tailing intu
the Columbia riter near the wharf. He wns a
good swimmer, hut a he fell some lourtrco
feet, and was supplied tn have been hurt in
lull, he was ilruwneil. llie body waa recov
ered about three fourths uf an hour after tbe
accident.... Leopold W'ulf, a Portland Law
yer, carelessly shot away part of bia bund
while handling a Hint gun lew diys ago.
Oooe Nsv rsoa lisrua, Tht "Urettai Cecapsnr" ess
at Issl Hnick the "Whit tall" lodr la knuwui a nat
lover In lbs monnUia Uisn n bss jtx bses Mr ace. Tee lead
Is hrtltr tut wels, shosltif twe strata 4 In Is4sit ore;
on dark klw ort. and the sshsr Ui. rs rotund
quarts. Tills I on ot th. aasl ImprlSDI Hew fl ittsrlofd
aiMMit Ih4 ki ii,.., tt nisia,.hM is ..4iic- eeruoa
douM,,. arnitr kW. TlteW'l t hell" Svius laiS
opes Sit tn ilaTrreet taro. for a ilMlk'rt 4 Sol m
mil, slni, nthl Un. tt npsux UnfttllMt uit,.sti a
s -list ll of gran,- sh sf w.etilj W. t rt eracUns lb
hsla, aaib 1 ihoemoa eoluipj I So es.
Hoiisja'sCinn Tne public he heard a great deal
a'sait " Owsn's cider" id bte. Owta knows h.w Is
advert!. . From bobw outer -ppiss" ia nrtsis qiuners tu opinion that .c Ih.ld. rather leys
II ..serllweu OS Ol eidT hul i,.
ibservi-d any cvHtcnn w luis lev.t ai4 m editor s
a ui lam.
I ...... .V V.. ...a, tt'- 1 . !
.u..-n m n.v rrira e Irller
from s very J otiresHi loem snsu. aurtMtinc that, la
sWw of lh present Hale of pa. lie frrhog. It w,aild ba
Well fia the fob! party tn defer e.sinlr anainaiino
aunt aticr the Mute C sst j iirnu. W coeei, ta in
sagesUoe. laa wootd not adsiso that Uiis wnqid i tne
li--N-r plan Pi all the enuaties. Ttie Otilml Oimmii
leesin toe van at csiiities. aad tit lustily C avveTileiej
to risel dnirgaies tn the Kuue C.aiveiiii..a. will be able
to decide the poiot ia the manner best for each cuonty.
" eonct" Fesrinj that tbe nvxUit thrust nf tht
Ortfoun. or the general raid isi AMy Johnson,
Mid give as Uadrle, our frisid Mill. Cx sent
rvawd a supply ef the - K.4.s " pat ap at M. R. Cot
4 i.Vi tm rtnrw. Th. Uhel eVrlsres tht the erln-le
t : jd tr - ant-H. ,4 the jnnis a-d 1 ot app.
h eaVvcial aed l e II. sr.
aie Viai atitl r-r ther.cor.nn.1 sn lh'h an
4nen.IM kiuI k. . -.1. ...... u.
asnlticiaoi. ' '
wanco coi.m.
The Mountaineer cutitititis the following no
count of a horrible outrage mid iniirilir lit I'm a
tilln ui nnty :
Fur somo diiyi past ruinori have been circu
lated nf the execution of a Citizen of 1,'inaiilla
county, by a band uf midnight assassins, hut
fur waul uf particulars, or uf certainly in the
tittements, we have postponed any account nf
the nlfuir until the truth could he measurably
arrived at, It appears liiut a farmer named
Sloughliiti, liit lives near the Twelve Mile
House, which is on the road from Uuiulillu In
llnise, hud been accused of attempting to poi
son his brother in law, who is a lunatio, or pe
riodically insane. Sloiighton, however, was a
man of excellent character, and no police was
taken i f the chaige. whiuli probably win never
believed by any person w hatever. One night
oiiielhitig over a week ago a party nf a dozen
men uu horseback ennui tn his house and ar
rested him, on Ihe pretence uf having a w ar
rant for him. Sloiighton and his wife hail gone
to bed at the time the men rude up to Ihe house,
and ho wns a'suied that if he would go the
Twelve Mile House, ami find security for hii
appearance the next day, he would be allowed
to return hiime. The parly then took him, and
proueeditig a short distance from tho house,
erected a tripod with three mils and hung him
up to it. Here he win found the next morning
with hi feet nearly touching the ground. The
news spreading abroad of this terrible outrage,
tbe authorities have gone energetically tu work
to bring the perpetrators lo justice. Thi'teen
person had been arrested at last accounts, unit
it ii probable that the gallows will yet revenge
the atrocious murder id Stuugliton. There may
he some truth in the charge of attempted poi
soning, but it is not believed in lhat sect ion nf
the country; and whether true or false, the
crime of those who hu. g him is minder of the
bluckes kind.
The Mr. Sloiighton refer red In has a brother
ear this oity. i
Smokolor, nr " llig talk on four mountains,"
nil assistant "dreamer" of Qiiepemali. and a
great rogue and murderer, was killed near
Priest's Hnpids by the Yakima Indiana, about
the 15th nf February. Sinnkuler was a Snake,
and his death is very good news for prospect,
nra anil travelers up the Columbia river.
Sixteen hundred feet of the quartz ledge
known as ' the Lawrer." situated two miles
from Phicerville, in the Hoise mines, has been
fold in New York lor $: 0110.
The Mountaineer iiy We hear it rumored
on the streets yesterday that parlies are now
" engineering '' the iihiiiiiloumcut of Ft. Dulles
as a military post, and endeavoring tn have tho
troops moved to Wnlbt Walla, or some other
point where they can be nf the least service
when needed to operate til" hostile Indians In
southeastern Oregon. The Indians have again
inaile their appearand' un the CiniTuii City
road. On the i2'.M lilt., n band ol ,'jli horses
were driven olf from Muddy, 24 of which be
longed tu the Canyon City Singe Company.
It is generally supposed that there were some
white men coiine -teil n it h the Miming off nf
the stuck, as hunt tracks were seen iu the neigh
borhood. AarouiA News. From the Aitoria tla
ette we take the following : ,
On Friday ereiiiug Inst, the two eldest
daughter of ltev. Lewis 'l', on Chit
sop Pluiis, wilh a little brother, of the nge of.
ten ii r, eleven years, were trying the experi
ment nf nnvigatiuu, in a small cauue, a ponJ.
or creek, npou the premises ; when by some
mismanagement, llie ennoe was upset turning
bottom upwards. 'Hie eldest girl did nut lose
her hold un the canoe, lint the oilier wns more
alarmed, and letting go uf the canoe had noth
ing to buoy Inr up. The ilipih of water win
about eight leet. The little hoy could swim a
little, and bud Ihe presence of iiiiuil, tn assist
bis sister to get bold mi the canoe, telling her
by no menus tu let go her hold, ami niadu his
nay to the shore, nml gave the alarm. Mr.
Thompson was in his field plowing over one
fourth of n mile from Ibe creek, nml neigh
bor (Mr. Davis) was crossing the same creek,
between a qunrter and and hall mile distant;
both beard ihe cries uf the boy, and ran with
ull their strength, to ihe r-scue; bulb arrived
at the same moment at the margin uf the
water, nud found ihe girls, slill clinging tu Ihe
canoe, but Ihe younger, (Mary) was about to
relinquish her hold, and must Inevitably have
gone down iu less than one halt minute. Mr.
Davis, although greatly exhausted from run
ning such II dislnnce, plunged into the creek,
and succeeded in gelling then all to the shore,
(which was all he was able to do) tn the un-
spcaKitiiie joy ol liie latner. who primal iy.
would not have been able to have relieved
them, and might have Ion ml a watery grave,
wilh both bis daughters; but kind provi
dence interposed, and saved theiu all.
Schooner "A. Cnisliy." ("apt. Ket-hnin.
cleared Inr Victoria lu-t Saturday, baring
about 81) tons of Oiegmi produo1 fur cargo
and three passengers This vessel has been
"lying up" Ihe List three mouths, during the
severe winter weather nml storms.
Task it lUan. Tlie OrrqonwH seems lo lie sntTer
iug U ttibiy Irutu ttH' i-a-tiitatinli sdiuinlstered to it by
tlie last Issue er the stitttman. It retorts to the ex
tent of ..lie entire " sihk'iillt" In the eoMre nf which
the Hi'tietmon is den.Hiiiccd a "tlie shoddy paper,"
" the Federal oryan."' "the lioTcruiiient oriran," etc.
That Is celling pretty rough, to tie sure, and we shnll
auM-t in in rial t-i se the Otriinnia deiioiue a
as as a " Lincoln" 1 lie Orfeomn Uses Cop
Iterhcid epithet, it.-w like a little jey learning to swear.
Isit If It kets on. so, h hud buwuajie Will cine to It
quite ii4ttir..ily
l(unMrOM's B-ait The Imalsaenl. Mr I'aldwill,
lis l-eea tutal.le t' prm-nre tipphr of this lesik in
iputttilies .iifTf.-ti'iil to,ity all deminds Me has
it-mc tli best liOMOle. Au siupk stlii!y will srnvr iu
a lev davs.
(iiixrvsti an. Tii lr.l tender n. ies ire (. iiiir up
sod B"ld is i-oauni: down It don't ii4r Ulill tbe Veto
i d.iuui:iiig tlie nut- msl rrvd.t very m ub.
Wu A - Hi's!.!.. This ce'iitriniu has re.-ently sr.
rived in tin-, ny Iran New Y'ok. un a iiiissnn to -elite
up llie e-ia'e ot h. brother, ihe la'e Itrisud.-er l!niat
itiis-il who lell aoli'y t-itliti fi-r the t'ni in. in on of
li Moody IsMlle- in the !lienud.-ah Valley.
Paicisi-r Pii.aonas Tl. I'uioa Preeiuet meet
ines have rlerted ttvlintslea a f.dtnw t
'.tr1 Sttrm Y Kndlh, M Ilirn-li.J L. Powell. J.
J II Aitaias, tl. Prmiile, J.J. Miaw. Charles Can
Saul, Snlrm J 8 Zeilier. Jno. VI Pok'll, T II.
lleiul.eliel. W. Taylor. John Keirur.
tnn We resect lo team thai N C Hayhew. I).
0 M of the Oraud Ix-ls of I II O K of Ori!oii.dd
at Dalle City, on the 7ih Inst., after a brief Illness
Me was buried b lip Order, nf which ha was a nse.
fill and dirtibxaiaiisd member.
A Tlaainl I Taininr We undsrsumd lhat a tela
grnm has been received In thi eliv statins; that Hid
nev Atniih. near llrowosville. in Linn eonmy, had kit
ed bis wil. and Ihen eommilted suieiile W bar not
lieen al.le to Irani soy olher pamrnlars nf the lerrthl
V. S Sines lbs almv was In vp. learn thai
Ibe Nteeitem were esiainitled I'V Til s) Mnllh, I krolbsf
of lb nanSersd sum, who ss aosr ia jail
) At a preeinet ineenns held In Willamette pre.
cinei th followinr asr-ambl and resnlailona wr
anaainotisiy passed 1
Wbereaa, All sr ssemlsvr nf Ihe t'nim porte who
are for ibe CoiilntKe, and In taw of the United
Stale against all fne. siseeisa and dorneetie, and
tbouh the ntemiier nf 1 tie party may diivr on taes
linn nf rulnor import oe. ei. ever bavina WliH-e
them lbs beet iBlerest of llie e-Kintry.lbey. therefore,
ia Willaiactte pretmrt, Vambih eouoly, iwalo of llr
eg". jfrore, t-i Ihmw aside alt differrness of np'.ntop,
and work as one msu the pnKl'te itivew im by
; ihe faihernf li pally atKi eovasr ol in i-snairy,
I AUeabsm Ijarola
I ... . . .i . .
cVsWrr"!, 1 tial wi,oe w ,ni or use ptawona
Iy in lail. we erekse Ihe a'liaioi.,n.iHHi ol ARJrew
J.taHI Preeideat nt llie Timed Mates
Ircseree. llial know eir ensinie in whatever
ewrb. nt nnder whsteTer name ihr enaie aeione a,
lanl wiiil thee prelend to inrprM lite admtineliall'ai
testir asiipme m to gmm vniee, aisl llie t are at tajau
oppoessl i the inMtw-s of hnwsoity.
Ktlti. Thai a enp, nf lh reenlatioRS b vnt
o the Oreo ntuetm-m lor
HrvitewJt. Thai t.aj,v to resolutions ! sent
wilklbe detenaiM ctedemiale to the l oi.aj Connly
tensenuon HK.U II T. i b a
"TAi Nirrict ' mmmi (.una A an Dkah
Kaix By Ibe printed cop, .a )rN) ,nai.(e
la sent ta the Rtfuitt lit iia I'alilsg I'rintet.
I He eee tkal Ihe la Inke, ,rl,4 "Ir.Hn and af-
I l,r (i nassace.'
I gillie ly j f facfr-IDit Jon (
w Vaw'sva tu gil 'iiwJ.''
Tlm following statement, lor which we are under ulill.
gallons to Hie 'Hliite Treasurer, K . N.Cnoke, exhibits
tbe receipts and disbursement! uf tho Stuie Treasury
from the H.ih nf rli-pteuibor, IHU4, to the 'Jlilh day or
February, btilli f
liereivou i.eiirnn rnou, ineiuuing mmini'O
bi-oneht forward.
23S,ii.M 4A
Insane Asylum Fund.
70'4 M
U,'. .Ulill H
4.014 12
1J.SI7 72
Military Tax Fund...
University Fund
Kseheat Fund
K 'hool Fund
Paid out, on warrant drawn on
fteueral e tint ,,,
lneide11i.1l Fund
Kxeeuilve Fund
Judicial Fund
Legislative Fund, lGt
t'.uiviit ,
Iniiiie and Idiotic
Military . .
Ksclieut (refunded)
I'linilentiary ,,
Penitentiary building
Legislative, extra session
Soldiers' Heller Fund
Soldiers' Bounty Fund.-n. . .
School Fund, loaned
Uilsuce In Treasury .
n.ilaiii-os of the sevsml funds in the Treasury, this 2'Jlli
day of FehrimiT--
'leliel-al Fund till) .711(1 (111
Military Tux Fund 1,1120 00
Miliiury Tax Fund, placed lo the Penitentia
ry r- ai ml rrom and alter the (lint day of
January, ISIUI
ln.fViM 5.1
University Fund . Fund
11,12(1 II
2.047 tl.
School Fund 6.315 72
;HI,I39 02
liKNBasL Laws or Ohkoon Tlie Secretary of Stale
has now received, for sale and distribution, tbe "Gen
eral Laws or Oregon," bound up in a tiniile volume.
This bug looked for volume, and about which the pa
pers have had so much to say, Is worthy of more than
a passing notice. In pursuance of nil act of the last
regular session nf the l.ei-lalurr, tlie Code Commis
si iner has compiled all the general Iswa nf Oregon in
the " order anil method of a . le.'' A Code is intended
to represent a perfect system of laws that Is, ai per
fret as legislatures are nt present able to make such a
system. The table of content shows tlie work tn Is
admirably arranwd anil llie vsrv larir index will en-
al.le no one to llml any matter witl I a moment's da-
t 21,744 111
4,144 IS
ti.ll.'.ll 117
lo.ll71 45
li .2HII UU
1:1.1114 tm
C 7. ,'.!! IIS
111. 'ill'. IM
'Z.wlU K7
17.11111 AH
0,0 It! 2,i
. A .mm 4:1
l.lhH 111
410 2;,
Wl tm
IIU7.14I 111
uu. 1111. 02
I iy. The volume not nnty contnins the lleclaration i.flaVom protruded illness severe ami long continued pain
independence, Nithrhnl Constitution, tsws relating toTehuitered constitutions, and last, lint not least, a debil
natiiralixaliou. treaty of boundaries with llreat Hriiain R'ateil purse. Thousands are in the luibit. on Ihe up
ine iiregou rrovisiounl tf'.verillliclll. tlie Territoriaroflt
Iloveriimeut, Ordinance ot l7a7.a'-tsof ConuresH mint
ing to nubile lauds, of Own. mlmlsslon
to the Union, and general laws of the Slate, but It con
tains also very lull foot notes, referriux to the history
nml legal ailiidicutioti of the mutters contained hi Ihe
text. Altogether, the bonk Is a very Interesting and
useful one, not only to lawyers and oillcers. but. also to
every farmer, mechanic and merchant In the State. No
library Is complete without this work. The binding Is
aiili-Mntial and the . clear, hut nut enough mar
gin to niuke the bo .k look well.
Public Speakers and Singers will llnd "Iirma t
Rronrhitd Troche" henelii-hd ill elcarmg Ibe vuice
before speiikiuv or singing, and relieving the throat
afleranv nnilsunl exertion oflhe vmul organs, having
a peculiar ailapiiilion to all'eriions which disturb the
nrgnli. of speech. For Cough and Colds the Trochee
are ellei'lual.
Mrs. S. A. Allen's World's Hair Re.
storer and Dressing. . You cannot be bald or grey, and
neither lime nor sickness can blemish your Hair, If
you use them. S .Id by all Druggist.
Agents, llotletier. Smith, Si. Dean, San Kruneirco.
Iu Salem. March 4ih. IKCal. hy Rey. A.F.Waller,
Miss Mary E. Allen and Thomas R lllaekerhy, all of
Iu Polk county. March a, laiiii, at the residence of
the bride's father liy J. H llawler. J P., James Mc
lionald nml Miss Klir.a I-'. Toniieejill of Heiliel prcrlnet
At silvernm, Jan. 14. by W C. Holmes, J 1'.. Will
iam Woolen and Miss Marv CiHiiair. hoili of Marion.
In Silver Creek precinct, Feb. y-.'d. nt Hie bouse of
tne nrnie s lulher. I.v w. (.;. Holmes. J 1' . De Im Fay
cite Ri'iniuginn and Helen K Welch, hoili of .Morion
At Ibe residence of ihe biide's mother, in Polk Co ,
March Int. Itilsl by Isiuic Slants, .1 I' , Mr. A. Noltuer,
of Suleiu. ami Miss Mani a N. Williams, nf Polk co.
Special Notices.
.1. W. lc FI.E, M.I). 11. CAItl'I.N I'lllt, M l).
Will pmelice Medieiue and Surgery in partnership.
4rtli-ej near Dr. McAlee'a resid.-nee.
Dr 'arM"iier's resilience: near the WtireloHise, in
tlie building I'nrmerlv iH.-iiiled hy David AlcOlllv.
Salem, Dec. II, iSiL'i. 4i:r
Praitlial Apttlliernry and Druggist,
Comer Siate ami UWrty alt., opiosile Capilal Hotel.
Particular aiieiiiniu given, ia perton, to eouipouud
iug and disposing
Family Medicinos,
is a
al, Ateuralp, and tipcdltlom Manser.
The public are aured that I eau pat up auy
It'ielttlllUtO l'l'OMUl'iptluU
Thai any physieinn nil write in Saleio, with ngood
tticlicine ami at a
Amity lrti Iicmih in Onruu.
Mty li 'ittv p it up nt tlt So 1 'if On nif'it lif.
Coal Oil, Neat's Tool Oil.
Lard Oil, L1iiftN1 Oil, Flsb OII,(aMor Oil,
1' V llie ksatllw or KHll"t)l
A POT II i: C A U I i: ' 11.4 hU
OlitHVltV HDW llill,nitt (Im l'mlulHrn.
.1. K (JlsAHK. hruifumt.
lnra ;r?nm 'J'nrlnr,
And Smla, In lulls. Knierior in IliMietu, or any
talier put up Iu unit tat'knKi.
For sul on Ihe enrli'r opHiilo llie Cspilal HiSi-l,
and Post oltli-e. Stale Stloel. .Salem
Slarrb. i, lie'i'i. I r mi's ill and Ayolhtcurp
Fresh llmsa, Ktrapa, Tlnrlure.
f'AiMiftis. '!. ihli, Perfumeri,
And veryihina iiaually kpt In a lima Store.
On the comer oppsite the pnsiiirnre. ami ihe new
llmel. J K CLAHK. i!;"'""!
I VIM. liar and v"! flrrrnlmi-li. Minintf Ht.a-k
, 1 -and lirHft on Han PrNiiW.en. and llie Kastern
Kiiile Will Im, liuUI Dust nr llallmn Olhie wilh
Wells Farifn II Co , on (lale flieel. .'e"tf
Power PLEDGED Equal
Dot OvcMiot WIiitI In Exlslcnre.
Awrrlfii 6oble Tarblne niter-WUfel!
Is) now mannfaciared by the Oinrud Iron Work. In
the I II el I'isnlHid jsnd order li lhe anie ren be
filled immediaielv. have a email eepply of lias
d fferent sise,fnan lfl incite to 4 inches in diameter.
Thai we nav know tbe proper riled wheel ynej require
eem.ore soar water in tl P,IIiiwiii- way i Take the
width of the .irram. the sverage oah, end Ihe da
lance it w la a mtnme
All tie. wheels n-iw In ner eive. anlveneil sail. fa.
Moth llie ro.-lrnctioe of the wl,e-l and it per
eTr"-ii'nd H I" tl-el-lier iudnment of all
eii'Kt capable of npprerllin- llie hia-heel detel'ip-
aaeot of nn.nahlCNl cHielne-tlon Therefure It has
en,red the re, rinleut n,pi,liott.
Tine wheel mesperieilv lspCd In mining purpneea.
Il f llrl't. and Can be eeeile perked lieln Ihe mooa
teltl Wl-eel weiibinv Irsm IJ tn 3nD po'lhds will
ti-td fmes III in 4H h..r- power, im'ler a head ol ' of
in feH Tlwy sic the rheew I wla-elio eet np known
aa Ore- are m ar-aos-'d ea to produce lis, gieaiesl
pnerer ssmable ln.m llie waier need
t'nm eneej of these wheel hace now been red ii red
In ihe abihir of all. luaw and see lliera, ar send lor
a circular lo
i.rrrri.i. vst-aia.
At the Oregna Iras M orks,
pirtleed I reetr.
Oregon State Boe&s Bought,
H. F. BMOW5.
ri it
A preparation cuitiutf
Wilh nil the reeotrnized Tonic, Laxative and Antl-llil-ioua
Prutective Propertiea.
Prevents Fever and Airne and rlillioua Kemittout
Fever, Invigorates the tlriraus of Unrest ion and the
Howels Steadies the Nerves and tends to Proloug
Remedial Properties.
Cures Uysiiepsia Liver Complaint General De-
bility, Depression nf Spirits (Consumption llller.
mitient Fevers and all complaints arising from bodily
weukness. As an Appetizer,
And all Oillious Disorders,
Hoststter's Stomach Bitters
aland pre-eminent as the
Great out Medical Discovery or the Age,
and as an
they are prescribed and reroiidMtided by all Physi
ciuos wherever they have been iroduced.
The extraordinnr'v and Increasing demand for these
UITTFltts Is unparalleled
and can be had everywhere thrniiirhnnt the elvillied
world whare newspapers are circulated or read. '
Alninnnca or Pamphlets,
with testimony of their success from the Farmer and
the Sailor from tho Merchant and tlie Physician
and from the Levislative Halls of
may be obtained F11F.E of all Dealers everywhere.
97 Front Street.
Sole Agents for the State.
l'otm.iNli, July 14th, 1865.
Mksshs. Honux & Calev:
iientlenun 1 Iu answer to vour letter of even.
dale, referrine 10 the Licknib Law atTeeiiutfe'tiOS
TKTTKR8 1IITTERS." I hare to sav I hat no License
is required, ruining ns Ihev do, under the head of
Proprietary Preparations. Thisdeeision isanuoiinced
hv the Commissioner of Internal Revenue at Wash
ington. TIKIS r'KAZAR,
LT. 8. Assessor Internal Revenue.
Portland, Oreiton.
THK symptoms of Ihe diseases prevalent in our lo
cality ere known to every one. If the proper
sx'ineilie were nimlied in season, they would save us
Mlt'pH of ftmiie (.milled und well kiiiiwn dimmite, to re-
- iiHCIl 01 sensaiions wiiirn iney reeogniise as 11m 1001
litrL t tn piUfiH. infiiie)iien iimt nro nernmeu in euro
Hverythinu. Tl' ih Im iiIwuvp a doubtful mul lometimei
h tattil ctmrfe fo pnrniie.
Tukintf till view nt' the mutter we dim 11 Itfep pre
pared, by n'qiiit hh well un iHriniwilnn, the MIowIiik
pI'MpHmtMlllH.tJU'f'''', pi-BpHrwu irt'iu premjiiniiuiin hi
ptiiiiie ot ourt'tm piivnicjitim.wiinM piniMhrmenrjui im-
lirieiit trimnintv ot their value, He thniK it iwtter lo
recommend tliww to thntH who do not rniiwider them-Hr-lveit
miilicii'iiily ill to wpiire a pliynifiaii'n Hitend
mice. 1 1 iuii h n y tirlklu of tbe riniipooitiuii of which we
urt iKtirnnt.
Wu wUh It (linllnrtly nnderMnnd hy the puhlir that,
nlthotiirh we kp everythitiv mhiihIIv fniind in u dnttf
tor, wu will rm'oinmtM.d m prepMraiioti anlowi np-
prnvvd hy imr iiiriiiciil men winne cjuuiiiioHtioiiR are
well Httenled '
Alterative and Tonic.
For dvupepMn. liver cotnpUitit, general dfhility Jind
all HvnipLoiim retiuiriitK hii oltemtive aim tunic rrh-e
' Ague nilH.-Anllpcplodlc Bittern.
The Kill" tn tit-Hik lh fliill in nine the Hitters tn
prrvf-til the wuriviicu. rnce, rill. 7j ireiui; Uit
ten, $i.
li n i menu
For hIUIip iiewi a liitiinent ii unimlly applied to.
rt ICU alU t-enu.
Cough Mixture
For iiicipirnt cuiiichi, cubls and wire throat. Price,
$1 mi.
liver lnvlgorutor and Blood Turlflcr.
For torpid liver, hilioimiepit, jmuidice, and vitiated
blood. Price, $1 .W
Kyc Water.
For weak and intbiined eyi. "Price IU renti,
Dtarrliea Mixture,
lye fralvo.
For weak eyci und inHatned eyelid. Priee, M
For iwabiM, or itch. Price. 7h rente.
Hheumatlc lUlxtnre.
For rliciimuiiiiii, neuraluia, etc. Price,
For depreMhai of PplHf hwa of appetite, debility,
and a eiiural preventive o diwHH. Price. l W.
Pile Mixture.
For pile, rntivciiee,etc. Price, $1 1.
CutaneouM Mixture and Ointment.
For chrniiic ecxenm. tiftter, pmirie ttch, khIi rhetim,
ami all other I'lm-nic and ohfiinitte eruption of the
skin. PHee, Mixture, $1. tliiitment, cent.
Ilalr Kefttoratlve.
To rlfaniwlhe head and prevent the hair from full
ititf Price, II
We reHrcirullr eulnnit ,.MiV reinedie to the
public, w lab 1 1 to veil theiu only a their merit uiuy
cr-Hio a demuiid.
Wu Iihvh all tht) new Clieinipiilp, Fluid ExtrartB,
and Kc'ctic Prupamuotia, and am fully prprMl to
h'ntifitnlly ciMiii'tiiiinl any pawriptiou tlui amy be
wot tu li. JtepfHfClhlllv,
M. It. COX t CO.,
PmikkI"1 hii,I Apotliecariei, Moor Hlock,
tfltf HhIkiii, Oregon.
Bewley, Thompson Ik Co,, Proprietcs.
Opinmite ill llftniclt Ilmiie, Stutu Btrfcl.
UjWAt IttwiiiM irMK hm HMnrtiiifia of every thini
hi llifir line ol LiimIu mm tliu tuitrkel will Hlfsinl
imid fur
Bccrfultlc, Sheep, Hokh anil Poaltry
holem, Fell 'Jo, I V, ' 3loM
Mll.'lllf Mllll'.
HY virtue of an exeeiitton Issued out of the Cirenit
eoiirt of ihe Htale of OrcKOO, fur Ihe cooliiv nf
Pnlk. mid 'o me dues-led liy the rlerk of said c -lirl. Ill
lavwr ol J. II V. Ililtler, and Strains! J W. Ilowner
tor Want uf personal proeitv to siitisty tho
moie, I hsve levii-il iiiiu, and will proceed
l.i sell, lo Ilia hiirheet bidder, for caslt in hand,
at the eonrl hiaise ilinr. In Oallas, Polk rouuty,
HI Nnlilnlii. the '.'till day of March, A II. IHIsi. lie
I ween the hour of lell o'rloek.a m., and fiair o'elm-k .
p m ot said da, nil Hie riirlit, ti-le and iuleret of, in
ami lo Ihe tnHuMina ileer-nla! real estate, liewii t it
unled In said coanty end StuteaforeMidjiiid inure par.
ticolurly dvsrritied'aiiitdeeigliatedoii ihe town plal of
Kola as
No. Ixai No. block. No. Lit. No Illovk
3 and I II and !i-
4 :i 7 and ) N
.i.u.lli I" 7 1'.'
CI 1. 3, :i and 4 I'i
1.8, a. anil4...uiarked A 3 mid 4 IH
:i !iO , 7 ainl 8 S4
1,3 t.iaiHHi '-'.
'.'.4. Hand III 'J7
7.N.U, HI, II, 17 and IH vii
!l. 4 and n ,
l.!i.3,4. 3.6 and 7.
I. II, a and H
1,3.3. I.iaudt...
3, 4, 7 and 8.
I, a. 7 and a
1.3. 4. fiend 7 ....
3. 4, li, 7 nud V 6 -)
l..a. 1 and .. ..ill
4.4. , and a :
;.H. . III. II and I J . i
I. 3. 7 and a :I7
J. 4. J. and a :.!
l..10.'.l.lll.ll.i;i U.I7,M 41
I. tl. 6 and IH 4.1
Also, the fnllnwine; tract. In wil i cnninmiirhm 73
feet of the w comer of lllnrk No. lit In III town
nf Kola.inidrtMiiitr.thiireoiillier!v in a direct lme
wnh the w seleof Blnrk No HM' the' center of iha La
cee.4e riven thence down said riter In .in h place aa a
line niuuinir souih in a direct line with the east i,l of
B'os-k No. fl will rne Held nreri Ihetice north with
enid leal aienli'sied line in a point wiihln I'i varib of
these corner of Hlnck No. II: thence weat Ui tlie
place of beifinoinir i also one other tract, desrrihed aa
ffdlow,to-wit : a portion uf the diaiaiion land claim of
Jisshna ehaw and wife. Ulna In section twenty ftve
and thirty sil. in t 7 s of ranre 4 w of the Willainelte
aierHlmn'.and beins: all the land in llie enet half of said
claim and ssailh of llie Lnercole riter, and boamled as
follows i cHt,eiM-iiiir nt ihe se comer of Mid land
claim, runtime Uienie w al'iii the noddle of ei-iinn
Jh. 411 chain i thence north tq the middle of the La Hiver Ihenre down saal nver Lo Ihe east line
-mid cans. . Ikenc s-miiU lu tli plaee ot heiiiaini,
coiHiiinu W acre, muce or Ire. : to be wld lu sansly
SMJU esrre.r-O, ei . mn e- r...e ,
I M III' I Ll.H. Hherilf Plk Cn
Itallaa. Pnlk (,'' . nn . Fell li, w-.VJwl
stiH a e.sats. Noury I'uhlic. o. ,. natch.
Real Eitit Brokers, General Inlillljcnce
ma lonrcimit a.i hii.
BsriBiacist Meeere d II k I K Moore. Heath
k Hearborn. J II eV
I Hl.umm 41 Ce.. Vane.
fl- lllrsrh, Helen, i Crawlord.
aneesaeeri Lot. tl B. I nrrs. Fori
VaneseaTeri llr W II. Walhim, PnHlandt II m O H.
Iteeine. lllel'lT Nj.e H7, tarsal l
Abstract of Titles,
rt'H E endarstaned baa a etanpUtn abstract ef till-
1 tec t'lty pnipeety. anl la reedy to accauimelMie
ll,.je wko WMdi relrtrmiwn reeiiineT to the waeiA
OCre In Moore II". llhe-k.
Still K.UANsr.r.X'Sinral'ti
11. W. AltMKS.
Imppi tvr miti .loliTtitrti of
And Mannfaetnrers nf
California Pails, Tubs,
BROOMS. &c Sec.
K01. -17 and SI'.' Sacramento street,
Between Kront and Davis, (
ANTED A partner In the ,''.,,
At one of the best points In the country for making
lumber, and with an active market for all that can bo
be manufactured.
A third, half, or enntrolllng Interest furnished, y
desired. An experienced mill-man, with the neces
sary capital preferred, but a silent or active partner
. Fur particulars, address bv letter nr inquire of
.Wlf IJANIF.LHTRANQ, Saltan, Ou11.
THE Hrm of Bell & l.rowii being now dinnlvatl by
mutual run cn t of the part in, the unrie reigned
will rotitiimt) ttiebiimiieMattlie old etand. Tliankinw
the Public for their liberal itatronaue extended to the
old ilrin, be lifmett to merit a continuation of the name
by idlmtr good clump fur ohh.
HAVING purchased what waa known as the facto
ry store, we take pleasure in saving to our friends
and tlie pnblic in penenil, thnt we will keep onr stock
And sell onr enode on as food terms aa anv hnttse In
the cltv. Onr slock consists ot a general assort
mentof , t
Dry-Goods, and Family Groceries,
Hardware, Crockery,
Bats and Cap.,
&.o.,dtc, 4ic.
FOK the lienolll of the locitierl and traveling pujilie,
C. I.- Worlhintrton will now sell his
Tremendous Stock of Dry-Goods,
Imini'tiao Lot of Clothing:!
'Together with
All hi Mmall Traps,
At rate winch will make Portland und San Kranciaeo
niorclianls wesp. I am resolved tn rniu invsolf in or
dor to arniify nv iitiinerniis rnshiniers. If sellinir olT
at etui will really itrnlify and saisfy Ihem the oppor
tunity Is now offered to gratify, satif, aud indemnify
themselves. , '
nitt Days Itlondny ft Snturday.
MiHires old Hlnlid
Notice lo LiimlM'r JTIon.
SlEALED I'UOI'OSAI.K will lie received at Iho of
) lice of J II. Hoores, In Salem, until I o'clock p.m.
on FRIDAY, MARCH Hi, Will, for the furalsliiiiK
of I lie lollowiuK iniilorials upon the ttronnrti selected
for Penitentiary purposes, visi
S1, 0(1(1 fi-iil mill drvased touuueil and kdiKived floorlnu,
I hy oiiu-hee when dressed)
2,300 fl. mill dressed tmiKued nml grooved flooring,
I I Ity ti Inches when dressed)
ill Plank, mill dresaeil. Will sides, 1) by Uf) inches
when dressed, 'AI ft. loop;, clear white flri .
IW.fKXI ft of lumber, II by ;4 inches;
7..riilli p. of huulier, 1 hy tl inches, ft Ioiif;
411 pieces. $ hy 8 inches, ' 'M fl. Iiuui
W pieces, hy fi iut-hes, tfll tl. lonvt
iMi piei-es, 11 by li inches, Id ft. loniri
$1 piei'iis, tl by 4 inches nt one end, and 2 hy 6 Inches
at the other. SM ft. lontr:
13 pieces, U lie 4 inrliea, -II ft.
4M.IHHI ft , 9 by R inches. IH II. Inlikfi .
IH .(Mill It, by 8 iuclies. IX ft. Imuo
I ID pieces, 4 by b' inches, 1 1 feet lontf;
3:10 pieces, 3 by ti inches, Hi feet limit!
MIH) pieces, 3 hy 4 inches, 17 feet limit;
fttn pieces, V. hy 4 inches, 17 feet liniLti
Pjll pieces, 9 liy 4 inches, SO feet Ions:;
3-JI) pieces, 2 by 4 inches, 14 feel louai
4 sills, III by III Inches uare, 411 feet lonyt
tf sills, lllbr III inches sipiare, 3ti feel lolit
3o,0IKI aiaal cedar shinicles.
All of the above lumber lo be iiood sound red or
vellow llr.
Hid. lor any part or portion of the above will he
Tlie bidder will stale distinctly in lila hid the sort
and uiiaiiiiiv. as well as the nrii-u nor thousand, of llie
lumhur for which he bida, except the tills, which will
lie li'-r rntiiiitiir feet.
All die sills to be delivered on the gronnd by lbs
I "in day ol lluy next. ,
The I'liiiilinr ti. be delivered as required at least one,
fourth hvtlie KUti dav of llav neat, and the balance
hi. aurocd upon tMHwotm tlmt timer und the V5th day of
June iiiiinwuia.
The .Imiales tn bo delivered oil the ground by the
'.Vith day ol ilune next.
All contractors will be required to trive bond, with
approved security, eouditioueil lor tlie laitiilul per
lorniaiii'S of their contracts.
The i 'niuiniMiouer reserve the right In reject any
or till mils.
Pavineni to he mnde in coin.
l'roiial should bo direeled. " Peililenliarv Coin
wiseiiineis," and iudurssd " Pruiuieiils for Liiiuber."
A. U. It. Ml aw.
Chairman Pen. Com.
halem. Feh. III. Iritili.
' .'ilw4
Kolistn lo WtsoU Mvu.
CiICALKD PHDI'llfsALH will lie received lit the of-
O M'airrs, lu Saleiu, until I o'clia-k am
on FRIDAY, MA IH II I n. INih. lor furnishiiiH un.iii
ihe around cleclcd for Penileuiiarv piirposee. 300
I (lUDri OK Until) WOOII. four fe.t long .'Si
cord lo lis delivered by the IIKb day ef May, IISI
coids more Pi be delivered by Ihe 1st dHy of July,
and the remaluintr cords lo be delivered by Ibe
1 jib dav of Auanst next.
liids for anv leas quantity lluiii the above will he
Hidden should slate quality nf wtnai, etui time of
Contractors will lie reonlred tn live bond and ap
proved security conditioned for the ierformatice uf
e infract.
The I'ommisiinners n-scrra the right to reject any
or nil bids.
Payment to be made In coin.
Proaial lionld be directod " Peuiisniiary fiui
missiiaieis," aud indorsed ' Proposals for Wood."
A C. R. HH AW, Ch'n Pen Cora.
etslsm. PehMI'Jwit -IIW4
ollrii in llardvviirts Uenlrrsj.
SK l.KU I'UOI'dMAW Wlllberewi.eilattlie of
fle nt J. II M'Kire., in Salem, nntil 1 o clock p as.
on FRIDAY, MARCH III. IMtio, for furuisiitng npon
Ibe iinainil eelecled lor Penileiitlarv pa p"-s-, Ihe
fidluwiiig deMMbed quaolily uf goml, merchaiilalile
NAILe), vis i
30 keaa 40 penny cut naihs
3j kens in penny cut neils;
dsns IB penny wronghl nailsi
3 kegs a penuy cut nailsi
1 see. 6 penny em nailer
2 ki, 4 penuy tut nallai
1 k"t K loch eat apikei.
Bids for any leea qimntiir than the whole will be
coti.ideied. bidder eiaunir sise and qnality.
All to be delivered on lh grrmnd by lias lOth day ef
Mas neii.
t'oiiinu-toi will lie raiced to give bund and ap
proved escurliy for the faithful perturniauea of eoa
traci. 'I'll ('uaimusMonera reserve the riglii to rejeet any
or ull hid
Payment to he made iu coin.
Priqeswl hiuW he direeled " Penitentiary Coat-
nnd Innoraed "Pcopneal for ails
A. C
R HIIAW, Ch n Pen. Com.
Halem, Krh III. NI
Solicit lo Ilulldrr.
QKAI.KII pruiosal will he received ai the of Br ef
l J j. n, Mis-rcs, in naisni, until t usioca, p.m., en
day, March Ih.lsasi.fortumKhiiigtluiBiaorislsandeon
siructmir a kuildinir upon ttie ermind aeleeied for
peuneiiiiary rmrpoees. Plan of bnildlna- and siecill
cniionamav lie seen bv applying loJ. II. Moor, at
his nlnrs 'lluihliug to be tmnpleiod by lbs loth 'lay
nf May next.
Counselors will be required lo aire bond aud ap
proved security, eondiiioasd for Ibe faithful pertotis
nitre ef etHilract. tn be made In emn.
Tl eommlMloncrs reserve tin rtgUlej lejeet ey
or all bid
Pr.ip.nnln ehonld b directed i " Penitential- eaai
aUaioners," and euitorwd "Prwponnla ks, HeaUsaa."
, A C. B.BIUW,
, AW, let. VJ, Wui IA a PV.naiki Cbav
ll.H. I1AI.1.AM.
Prices of Iron Reduced.
rplUE IRON .'ij wns per pound.
1 NOltWAY JSHOK tllUm, Sj eenis per muni
All other sines lo proportion.
Importers and Dealer lit Hardware, Iron,
. Steel and Waitou Timber,
W. A. LI)IIICH, J. 11. M.KKII.I . JOHN 'CaA.
NaipplaK, Commtaaioa, and FuSUardlaK
A0KNTS nf the California, Hawaiian -rA Oregam
I'arket Lines.
Importers of gAN QITENTI5? aud CAUMKX IS
COmtt, KICK, and VVLK.
Aneiit for Provost k Co.', Preserveil Frnits, Vejj
etahles I'lekles and Vinegar. 1
' Dealers In Flonr. Gran, tlaeon, Lanl and frnlt,
Lime, Cement, and Plaster.
Will attend lo the Pnrohase, Sals, or Shipment of
Merchandise or produce In New York, San Francisco,
Honolnlu vr Portland.
.' ; i Noa. 204 uud!W, California, St.!
San Vranclsea. .
4i)tf Iri North Front St.. Portland.
Willamette Steam IJavls:ti:a
Company, v
Jams Rrassa. i . , Vaster, . .
Leaves PORTLAND every uiornln at 7 o'clock for
ORKUUN CITY, eonneetlnir with the steamer AO
TIVK Will leave ORKOON CITY everv day ftr PORT
LAND, at I o'clock r. ., or on the arrival f th
ACTIVE from CorvaUis. Fraiaht and Passage at
Beduoed Rateil
Apply on hoard " : . -J
. The Willamette Sloam Navinatiira Co.'s Steamer
.1 T AsrKR.ns. , . e-i MasAnr.
Will leave Canemah every MONDAY and THCR.
UAY at HI o'clock a. a., for HALKM, ALBANY,
Portland, .Ian. 15, tIV.. Prei t W. 8.N. Cn. -
THE undersigned are agenia for the following cels
brnlcd manufacturers of Planus i , (
W. P. Emmerson, Portland, Me. '
Oiilera promptly lllletl. , ! . h
, -"Dr. tf. H. Ohitwood,
OFFICE at his residence on Front St.. one bloel,
north of Superintendent llinnilitrloii'i.
He would say to the sick who wish tn Im cereal
without having their teeth extracted with calomel, nr
their constitutions iuiwlrcd with other niinenil pol
sons, to ifl re him a call , Halem. .Ian. IBnB.
, FOR : . '. i
BY i
Notice. i
THERE will be a meeting of the Stockholders af
Ihe New York Uold and Silver tlluing Co.. at -'
Iheir office, in Salem, at I o'clock, p m.. on Monday,
March I'i. Ifttsl, for the pnrpoae of electing 0 HI cere. A
full attendance Is requested. '.
By order of ihe Incorpornlnra.
HETH R HAMMER, Becrelary.
"'Henisleiit Lolsvl .
I HAVE snrveved one Imndreil and savenly-elgbt
ton-n lots adjoining ihe City of Salem on the Month,
heini qnlie near the basiners portion of the eily, and
lo the steanibout lauding. Tlteae Inia eonforni lo the
eitv surveys, and are made by an exteuaiira of Coni
mercial and Liberty streets A part of them have
been lu cultivation In orchard for years. The balance
have a beanllful young growth ef llr and oak shade
trees. All ere convenient and deairaulo for resident
lots. A part of lliem will be offered al private sale on
favorable terms to the purchaser. I also offer for sala
block No. 40 .(adjoining my residence), In Iota nr In
whole, to suit lite parties, pnrcliasluir. Inquire of tlie
undersigned, or ( t Hammer t Hatch, Brokers and
Agents, MimresBi!tk,Baleiu,Oretoii. ;A
i CiEO. H. JONEil.
Fehrttaryjfhh, IHtift-3m5lpd ' r ' ..
- - . s-ntif.;. '
OTICE lakereliy given that at a msetiag of tbe
nieecMr of the Heulisoi Bold and Silver Mining
Companv. held al their office on the 7lh day ol belt
ruary, lAlili. un assessment, No. a, of two dollars!)!?)
n. .hue ore levied on each and averv share of tne
slock ol said eneipuuy, parable in (old erailver eoin,
atthaoflice of tin eumpanv. within thirty-ave days.
And an order was made to advertiee for sale all etoek
on which said assrsanieut or any part thereof aball
remain due at Ihe expiration of said thirty live days,
P. L. WILLI. See y.
Salem, Oregon. Feb. 7. 18iM, S
And Good Will to all Ilaiikizi
WONDERFUL dlseoverj' In the Vegetable King
dom. Lone: nnd Liver Bsleaoi, a sere raaiedy,
cariiiif Cn isnmpiion, Conxhs, Colds, Asthma, Cronp,
Kisensesof the Tliroal. and enlargement ol the Ton
sils, Chronic Rlieiimantlsin, Sore Uvea, Scrofula, Keu
raluia. Illeediug Raw, or Blind Uile. and all impnri.
lies of tbe Blood. Alsn.fleneral Debility aud Feina.e
Debiliiy, so pirvulent hi this damp climate. I retnra
lav sincere thanks to the hundred of persims in Ore
gon. Wsshingion Territory and the PaeiBo Coast for
llieir liberal iiiilronau-e. Hi-orea uf eerlilleales 10 be
seen in my nflios in Corvullis
All person wishiiiK lo nrncore this valuable medi
cinncan have It sent tn llieir address by express or
mnil on receipt nf price i fl Uu per bottle i six bottles
lor nil. or fin per dosen. VVritlen'direcliousaud
ini'dtcul ailvicn atwniipanving each packaae.
Beware of Couiitcrfi lis. None Igrniiiua unless It
bests my signature on the laliel und wrapierof each
buttle. Don't forget the address. " -t '
time at J. W. Murray s Drug Mora. ,
Main Si.. Corvallia. Crenon.
Kuroka! Kiirolto! KurltaT
1)ROF. O. 8. MURRAY'S renowned Manic Ull, one
of ihcKreale.t diiroreries of tlie aire 1 It la not
ono of thee cure all noetrnins, but what I auy it will
cure, rest assured it will cure. For RheoiUeiism. Nee
raliria, Toothache, Hum or Scnld, Kanulie, Cramp
Colic, Klin, Sore Throat. Piptheria. Hpmins, Chil
blains, Cuts, Sores, and Bruises, aud that very troub
lesome thing. Corns.
It will Im wen that, unlike must Paiesy Medietnea,
li docs ma profess to cure all the discuss vr Inch man
kind is heir lo, l"i- what il does proles to cure, we
ran show hundred, of rertilicates from Ihe moat
prominent citixeu ol lhi country to prove It done.
Beware of Couiiierfeiis, lor Ihsre are several bad,
very laid, counterfeits of this valuable medicine So-Inu-
alunii tin country .therefore do not bay of auy one
nnlesa iheycnn show written authority friim no. Th
nrieinal ia niaiiulsrtnred only by Dr. J. W. k. 41. S. Hie llnia- More of J. W. Murray 4k Co,,
Ciirrallia, Oregon, where il ran be had in quantities
In anil, forwarded to any address, by express or oth
erwise as requested Price, small else, Is) cents per
bolile, or three bottles for INI, or 4 U0 per dooen.
I Jirae sise. 1 Oil per bottle, or six hollies bar UU.
Dmi'l torgct the address,
DR. J. W. Mt'RRAT h CO., " ; "
rbvmiottiiiHl lnifrif.ui, ,;
aotf llnin trt, CiriUli, Ortffou.
Happiness or liizztj ;
dele mined, regardless of expense, lo ieseo VMilt
(lor tba uetieut uf aulfering biiusiiilv Irmr of tiest,
nioet Interemng and ineimctive LtCTLRES, ae)
MARRIAGE, and lie dlaqnalittrallons i Nervous De
hllny. Premature Dec hue of Manhood, Inditeetka.
Wssiknesa or DprceHii, Lose of Kaervry and Vltei
pjsver, the gret Social Kvll, and tboee eiUyllea thM
reau't fnim yiaitlifiil folliea, exeees of aisl amy, or ig
norance of Phvaoloiry and Nsinre's Law
These invalaable Lectures base hose the avenns of
nnlia-bteuitiu- and anving tlewraanda, and will be for
warded FREE oa receipt nf Twenty Ire Cento la
piMuge siatupa, by eddreesiag '-fteeretary PaeiSe Mn,
srnm of Anatomy aud Science, Plan Street, baa Prau
eutco" Mv
( jy-Leuer in la. saui tlironelli Wells. Fariro fc C f
A4ntlallra.lor Bale. '
OX llie :ilt day ol March, ls(t. pursnsal to law. t
will sell at piiblis antioai ihe eoart bouse door,
in Kelem. Wsiloo cnunly. tlgn .lhe uilerastof the e
laia of William II Willaon, late deneawd. In the fi'l
kiwlng real propeny. In aaM tainnly. lest ave. In
Hhsk No. eevonly kwo, ia tin eily ot caOrasi also
snip of land commencing rat tin entith tide nf Mill,
Crook, on Ihe west sid of Block Nn. fnrlvlive,
nii.iiier thence between eatd bbsrk foriv Hve. fihatka
p,nv hair and tuny llireo, and the Wilfaaietie river,
oiiihwnrdly exrepl Ibe email piece thereoua sold hn
he Willauielle I'niverMty, wrel of Ilhaik Ivrty live,
Hy order of Ihe County Court ol ntd ciainir. fernis,
tasla J II. WILSON,
Jan. 31, lKI'si -4wl Administrator el Kaut
AsMjaiiaMiri Notlfr.
OTICE la hereby given Iha there Is that nWr tev
il led aa assessment of aflveentsoaeetli nudevevT
share ol lh espnal susnk eV tbs Nalem Held ami nil.
ver mining coaipauy, payame lo tn necretarv m eei.l
or silver pdu, ou , befi rc the eTsl.dey of biy neat,
sktee leh. IT.UtmmUt 1 fl lllliL e.